V-8 News - Early ford V8 club of NSW


V-8 News - Early ford V8 club of NSW
V-8 News
Southern Ontario Regional Group #149
Early Ford V-8 Club
Volume 19 –Issue 5 – 1932-54 FORD, METEOR, MERCURY, MONARCH, LINCOLN –FLATHEAD V8 MAY 2015
A meeting with RG #109 members with Gord and Fran Harsall in Victoria, BC
L to R: Katie Kaye, Vic Nordstrom, Alice Nordstrom, Fran Harsell, Gary Clarke, Tony Cond, Jack
Stidson, Bob Mortimer, Gord Harsell, Fraser Kaye, Dave Wallace, Dennis Fea who attended “the
Photographer: Chris Chown
Club Executive
Vice President
Past Pres.
John Narraway 905-831-5747
George McDonald 519-940-4684
Paul Denter
Lloyd Harris
Mike McLean
Ian Hackett
Directors: Glenn Broad
Ray Cook
Vern Kipp
Ernie Sheriff
Sid Stevens
Doug Torrell
Paul Varty
Stan Walker
Editor / Publisher
Lloyd Harris 905-683-4296 or 705-454-8784 or light139@rogers.com
416-281-6780 michelle_glenn1@sympatico.ca
905-478-8121 dougtorrell@rogers.com
905-853-1724 ppvarty@rogers.com
705-721-1448 s.walker 4@sympatico.ca
Club Mailing Address –
Southern Ontario RG #149
11 Love Crescent.
Ajax, On, L1S 4T3
Coming Events 2015
May 2/3 - Lindsay Automotive Flea Market
May 9 – Safety Meet at Houston Ford, Stouffville. Fellow members it is important that we
demonstrate to the Provincial Government that we do police our cars by having a Safety Meet and therefore it is
important that you bring your vehicle to the Safety Meet for an Inspection. See you all there at 9 a.m.
May 19 – Meeting – topic unknown at print time – Glenn Broad will have samples of T- Shirts to be sold at this
meeting. Tech talks for sure!
June 16 – Outdoor meeting – Car Paint Rep to make a presentation.
June 20 - All Ford gathering at the Country Heritage Park. Milton
July 12 – Annual Picnic Goodwood Park, Goodwood, Ontario 10: a.m. and bring a trunk full of car parts etc. to
sell. Food is being ordered as we put this issue together. See you there!
July 21 – George McDonald to continue his presentation on towing trailers.
August 18 - Meeting
Sept. 12 – Members make a note in your busy schedule to bring your old vehicle to the Salvation Army Men’s
Camp Jackson’s Point Conference Centre for the Camp members to enjoy and also enjoy a nice lunch put on by
the Salvation Army. More details to follow. Let Mike McLean know if you plan on attending.
Sept.26 – Fall Tour – this is a tentative date, more details to follow as the date/tour is firmed up.
Oct – Overnight Tour is being worked on and date/details to follow from Barry Moore.
If you would like a Coming Event posted, send details to Lloyd
Stan Walker is once again in charge of collecting any and all activities pictures that members may take during 2015 and
he will make a presentation on the events of the club for all of 2015 at the January 2016 meeting. Only send pictures by
email please with details to Stan @ s.walker4@sympatico.ca
Fellow Members
We need articles for the V8 News on your current vehicle(s) or on a vehicle you once owned. We would like to read
about the interesting times you had with your vehicles in your younger days. Or you may have a story of someone such
as a neighbour or brother or sister or parent or relative who had a Ford experience. I have been receiving very good
information for the V8 News and want it to continue. If you would like to discuss a possible article call me at 905-6834296 or email me at light139@rogers.com. Cottage number 705-454-8784, is where I will be there the majority of the
time this summer/fall. Lloyd Harris
Archive Items . If you have any pictures please send those by email as I have difficulty with my pc working
with hard copy pictures. (I need a computer with more hardware including desktop publishing and that is expensive).
Any questions contact Lloyd
May 19, 2015
7:30 p.m.
Location: 59 Lawson Road, West Hill at the Tony Stacey Building, Royal Canadian Legion
Enter front door and use the password #1976. Turn left and go to elevator and take it to the floor one down.
Do not use the stairs.
Each year we spend time talking about getting our cars out and on the road and putting on our annual safety meet. With
government regulations changing the safety meet is becoming more important to the hobby and our club if it is to
continue in years to come as we know it now. The safety meet is not set up to find fault but to help insure your car is
safe. If a fault is found members are there to help or give advice on how to correct the issue .But here is the best part
“IT IS FREE”. Hope to see you there. yours in the hobby John Narraway
Minutes: April 20th, 2015
Paul Denter, Recording Secretary
Attendance: 20
Quests: 0
In the Chair –John Narraway, called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.
Treasurer: In Lloyd’s absence John reports – “We have money.”
Membership Report: On Ian’s behalf John reports we have 121 paid members.
New Member: New member Jack Goodwin attended the meeting. Jack is the proud owner of a 1939 Standard Ford
station wagon and a 1947 Ford Sportsman convertible. Welcome Jack!
Clothing: Glenn Broad brought samples of the Club T-shirts, which will be available at $16 each.
Board Meeting: John reported that the Board had a very successful and productive meeting.
Saturday’s Tour (April 25th) George McDonald reports that we’ll gather at the Tim Horton’s in Erin at 9:30am. The
tour will include a visit to Boothill Restorations and lunch at the In the Corner restaurant in Schomberg as well as a
visit to John Look’s collection. George distributed a pertinent map.
Inspection Tour: It was mentioned that thought the Region has 121 members only about a dozen participate in the
inspection. Members are asked to encourage fellow members to attend the inspection. Following the inspection at
Houston Ford, Stouffville, the group will visit Longfields in Pefferlaw with Hagerty’s providing light refreshments.
Region Brochure: The committee submitted a final draught to the Board, which was accepted. Copies should be
available for members to pick up at the next regular meeting in May.
2015 Meetings: June we’ll have a representative of Sherwin Williams discuss paints with Chris Willans of SVAO
(Specialty Vehicle Assoc. of Ontario) up-dating the membership of recent government initiatives that will affect our
cars/trucks. Note that June and July meetings will be held outdoors in the parking lot with our cars/trucks.
Fall Tour: Barry reports that initial planning is well underway. The members will be accommodated at the
Beachwood Inn. The dates and times will be announced at a future meeting.
New Business
Lindsay Flea Market: Vern passed around a sign-up sheet for volunteers to staff the Region’s booth at the market.
"2014 Year In Review" DVDs: Stan Walker has a supply of these DVDs that cover the fascinating year for the
Region that was 2014. These are available from Stan at a cost of $7.50 plus shipping.
Traffic ticket? Ian Hackett brought to our attention the trail balloon that the provincial government appears to be
floating re the stream-lining of handling traffic tickets. Rather than appearing before a Justice of the Peace the plan
may be to have the accused appear before a municipal employee for adjudication of the charge. We’ll await further
Presentation: Barry Moore and George McDonald led a discussion of what should be looked at and attended to when
first getting the car/truck out of storage after a long. Among the items discussed were wipers and wiper motors, rad
hoses and fan belts, as well as checking the air cleaner.
50/50 Draw: $30.00 Winner: Bob ______
Adjourned at: 9:10 pm
Next Meeting: Scheduled for May 19th, 2015
A Winter Interlude
Like many Ontarians, by February we had had our fill of snow and cold. When our granddaughter in
Vancouver sent us pictures of flowers out in her garden and cherry blossoms, we decided it was time to visit. At the
same time we would carry out Fran’s long-time wish to see the B.C. Sunshine Coast and I, of course, hoped that a
chance to see some old car action would occur. Our plans worked out really well and we had a marvelous trip!!
A highlight was a visit to the home of Vic and Alice Nordstrom on the Saanich Peninsula north of Victoria.
Prior to the trip I had contacted Vic who is President of RG #109, Victoria, BC to see if he could tell me of any old car
events in the area during our timeframe – since nothing was coming up Vic kindly went the second mile and created an
event for us! We arrived at the Nordstrom’s as invited just after noon on Sunday, March 22 nd, to find a dozen or so
club members and wives, a lineup of beautiful old cars and trucks on his front lawn (see picture below), his shop (p.3)
all set up with tables and chairs and the barbecue going with hamburgers and hot dogs and all the accompanying
goodies. We had a great time getting acquainted, admiring Vic’s vehicles – a 46 Ford coach, a 48 Ford sedan, a 1941
Ford tractor all with a history – and lots of bench talk, trading stories as we chowed down. (Fran was especially
impressed when Alice assured her that Vic had organized this feast on his own!) We felt so welcomed and at home
there – there were some “small world” moments such as discovering one member Tony Cond is a long-time friend of
our Barry Moore. We proceeded out to the yard to admire all the other vehicles and take pictures, ended with a long
chat with Vic and Alice and reluctantly took our leave, feeling that we had made some great new friends. Many thanks
to Vic and Alice and everyone involved!
The Sunshine Coast is part of the B.C. mainland but can only be accessed by ferry. We went by way of
Vancouver Island north from Nanaimo to Comox, then across by ferry to Powell River and south along the Sunshine
Coast highway.
I remarked to Fran that our son Rob would have loved hot lapping his race car along all the twists and turns. Then a
short ferry ride through awesome scenery of mountains and forest takes you to the Lower Coast where we settled in a
cottage in Sechelt for two weeks. Still beautiful weather for daily walks along the ocean – we saw lots of convertibles
and often noticed a 1953 Pontiac coupe around town. Lots of paddle boarding and I even saw one young couple in
swimming. We actually saw people cutting their grass!
Our granddaughter was joining us for a few days, coming north from Vancouver to the ferry terminal near the
town of Gibsons. So we started her visit with lunch at Molly’s Reach, the site of that long-running TV series “The
Beachcombers”. It’s still very much a shrine with lots of pictures of the cast and the old “Persephone” in a place of
honour beside the restaurant and many sail boats in the marina down below.
We saw an ad for a fundraiser “Afternoon Tea at Downton Abbey” and, being fans of the series, we bought
tickets, although it meant checking the local thrift shops for a fancy hat. Arriving at the tearoom which was in the
grounds of the Sunshine Coast Botanical Gardens, we found on display a model A Ford series 50 with a rumble seat.
So while I really enjoyed the scones with clotted cream and the tea, I must admit I missed much of the fashion show
which followed, while I stayed outside and chatted with Dave Tyler, owner of the Ford (pictured below), about it and
his other cars.
I had spotted a group of old cars parked alongside the beach: a lovely 1951 Pontiac 4 door, a 1953 Chev 2-door
hard top and a 1956 Ford Victoria. Of course I had to have a conversation with the owners, partly because in 1953 I
worked at General Motors on the hard top seat cushion line and had probably built the front seat of that car. The owner
had lived in Oshawa some years ago. I ended up with an invitation to their meeting the following night. They were
making plans for a car show at Qualicum Beach on the Island for this summer, planning a good outlay of funds to go
into it – it should be a first class event and I wish I could take one of my convertibles to it. I ran into Dave Tyler again
at the Coasters Car Club meeting. Another instance of it being a small world came up at the meeting: I was told that
one of their members, Bill Scotland, has a 1941 black Ford convertible which I have since confirmed that this car was
sold to him by my friend and a former club member Ray McCracken of Port Hope. Ray bought the car from our
member Al Webster.
Our final day was spent at the opening day of the 95th Annual Vancouver International Autoshow. Among the
excitement of all the latest models, an unexpected highlight was a 1963 Lincoln advertised as a “one-of-a-kind concept
build dream car” shown by “360 Fabrication”, an Abbotsford B.C. company which “has been involved in modifying,
restoring or building over 1,000 vehicles”. It has a $100,000 sound system and the expectation is “that it will appraise
for $1.2 million when we’re done.” A 1920 and a 2015 Ford side by side helped the show mark its 95 th year.
(continued on page 10)
Ford Motor Company
A special event is planned for July17th in Dearborn, Michigan at the Product Development facility. The
purpose of this event is to show the current staff of the Product Planning and Development Office the great variety and
diversity of the cars and trucks built by Lincoln and Mercury. Lincoln will be represented from 1921 and Mercury
from 1939. The Company has done a grand job of locating a little over two hundred cars and trucks for this
presentation. Where they’re having difficulty is in the area of the post war Mercury 114s and Monarchs as well as
The cars/trucks will be on display from early morning ‘till late afternoon at the Development building. Across
the street is The Henry Ford museum where you can pass the day, or part of it, visiting the vast collection of the
museum and wandering the streets of Greenfield Village.
Participating in this event will require a hotel stay on Thursday evening. The Company has arranged for a
special price at a hotel in the immediate area. More specific information about the event and the hotel may be secured
by contacting Dave Glickman at dglickm1@ford.com Let him know the make and year of your car/truck.
Following this presentation, the Ford & Mercury Restorers Club is holding their meet in Chelsea Community
Fairgrounds (I-94 at Exit 159). They generally host more than one thousand cars at this meet. See their website for
Know that Glenn Broad will be taking his ’51 Merc-0-Matic equipped Mercury Sport Sedan and I’ll be taking
my ’51 Lincoln Cosmopolitan Sport Sedan.
The Mercury-Lincoln presentation is important. Though Mercury is no longer produced the Company is
looking to give the product planning people a taste of what made both Mercury and Lincoln important in the past.
What made them desirable to the original purchasers. What makes them attractive as collector-cars. P.5
It’s up to us to show the variety of Canadian Mercury’s, Monarchs and Meteors. Please give consideration to
participating in this event.
If you know someone with an early Canadian Mercury, Monarch or Meteor who doesn’t have email please let
him know about this event. It’s up to us to ensure that the Canadian products have good representation at this event.
Paul Denter, Secretary, Early Ford V8 Club - Region 149
P.S. We’re looking for contact with the owner of a blue and white ’61 Mercury Econoline station bus located in
Burlington. We only have his first name. If you can help, let me know. 416-509-8154 or kingsclearing@yahoo.ca
Well still working hard in the shop this winter pulling the motor out of a 1936 Ford, owner said it was running
good but burning a little oil out of the exhaust pipe. Maybe we could get away with new rings and a valve job. The
owner knows it had some work done on it some 40 years ago but he thought it was only valve work, so we pulled the
motor and got busy taking it all apart to see what we had.
Started with the intake and yes the valves had been done once, found adjustable lifters and a hole drilled in each
lifter hole, an old racer's trick to make it easier to adjust the valves. Next off was the heads, found the bores in great
shape, a small ridge at the top, now the valves always a fun job but not too bad most came out, only fired a few across
the shop. No one hurt just another dent in the wall from a flathead valve. Well looking at the valves we found four
burnt ones and some of the seats were not that great, most of the valve guides were worn over the stock size.
Now time to take out the pistons, removed the oil pan found an up-graded oil pump a newer one that moves
more oil, another old racer's trick. We went through all the main bearings and the rod bearings and found very little
wear in them, then found the crank had been turned down already. Moving on to the pistons, removed the ridge on the
cylinder and started to remove the pistons finding they were 20 over but in good shape and the bores had very little
wear in them so it is good for new rings and valves. Now time to clean everything, sent the block out to be checked and
honing of the cylinder and cleaning. Ordered the parts from our fellow member Keith Lee of Jitney Auto Parts,
Saskatoon and we will get the good parts not the off-shore stuff and everything fit great. A few weeks of just cleaning
parts for putting it back together, got the block back and it checked out Ok and ready to go.
First put new frost plugs back in bottom of the water jacket, then on to putting the crank in the block, had to put a
new main bearing in and set the end play for the crank, that took a few hours. Then started putting the rings on the
pistons and started to put them back in the block checking each ring to make sure they are all in spec and recheck all
the bearings. Finally got them all in, now the valves, reground all the seats and valves to make sure they were right,
new stainless valves and guides and springs. All the valves are in and the cam, now the timing gears, setting the gears
and the timing marks, make sure you get this right one tooth out and it will not run right, isn't that right Art? Long
story. Next set the valves, boy those holes in the lifter bore work good, next put in the oil pump, and don’t forget to
pack the pump so it will get its oil faster on the first start up. Then put the pan on and the fly wheel and clutch, ready to
go back in the car.
Car out and ready, put rebuilt trans in first then the motor goes in, now the exhaust, this 1936 has an exhaust
heater on the passenger side, solid cast iron and it is big and heavy, have to glue the gaskets on because there is no way
to get this in after, this thing is so big. Six hours later we got the exhaust in, the heater better work all summer for all
that work. Rad is next, another fun job, the rads not bad, it's the hoses! New hoses, boy were they stiff, needed to heat
them up, whatever you do don't put them in a microwave to heat them, don't ask how I know! The new hoses will be
here soon.
Well the day has come, we are ready to fire it up for the first time, sucks up fuel to the carb, all levels are
rechecked, and put a fully charged battery in and check for spark, Ok. Hit the starter, it kicked on the first flip, then it
started to run not too bad, a few adjustments, run it at a high idle for a while to seat in the rings. We were all smiles!
Good to see another flathead back running and on the road.
May 28, 1935, Ford pays a dividend of 50 cents a share, The company will 79,844 units this year more than double the
total in 1935.
September 1940, tens of thousands flock to Toronto to see the new models at the National Automobile Show, held at
the Automotive Building on the grounds of the CNE. Most of Fords exhibit is made up of the 10 different types of
army vehicles the company is building for the Canadian and Empire governments. Officials for Ford note they have
orders for 50,000 war machines and are turning out 400 units a day at the Windsor plant.
1957 Ford Wheels 14 inch x 5.5 inches or 6 inches George McDonald (266) 979 - 2614
1946-48 Monarch -need Lion head for hood, a pair of hood hinges for same and a horn ring. Conrad 613-332-3071
1932-34 Ford parts, speedo, gauges
David 905-925-4881
1951 Ford Convertible stainless steel mouldings for the interior front door panels about 14 inches long.
Book called “The V8 60” by Richard Willim
Dick Patterson 519 7568354
1932 Ford Frame & 1947 Ford front shock mounts for tube shocks Ian Hackett 905 - 723 - 4386
1969 Ford power steering box for F100 -350
Ray Brown 807-577-7149
1986-93 Ford T5 transmission
Tom 416-449-3990
Ford of Canada Master Repair Manuals set of 26 or individual copies (beige coloured) issued around 1949-54- I will
accept individual copies; 1952 & 1952-53 Monarch Script gold in colour &’53 Monarch fender script gold lettering.
Barry 416-698-4378
Stuart Warner (block letter logo) "FUEL LEVEL" gauge 12 volts from 50's,60's,70's era etc. John 905-263-2737
1949 Mercury need- front door drivers’ side key cover & the chrome strip inside centre front windshield.
Tool chest by Motomaster size 26
Wx18Dx 18H
Lloyd 905-683-4296 light139@rogers.com
Ring & Pinion set N.O.S. 4:10 ratio
$ 75.00
George McDonald
(266) 979 - 2614
Four bias ply B.F.Goodrich Silvertown 6.70 - 15 4 ply tires - good tread and sidewalls, WWW $10.00 each. 1935-36
Ford complete steering assembly, with banjo steering wheel, ignition lock with key and steering gearbox - $750.00
1938 Ford complete steering assembly with banjo steering wheel, ignition lock with key and steering gearbox - $750.00
1937 Ford radio control head in very good condition complete with wiring, cables and knobs - $235.00
Jim 905-262-5234 jrfisher@cogeco.ca
Motor’s Garage Manuals full North American Auto coverage 1949-79, 1952-70 trucks, $10 each. Chilton’s Garage
Manuals as new condition 1966-88 $10 each. 1940-48 Ford/Merc clutch brake pedal assembly $45; 1939 Ford/ Merc
$75 clutch brake pedal assembly (use this set to convert 1935-38 to hydraulics Vern 416-266-1628
Two Atlas weather guard MKI-G78-15 white wall snow tires bias four ply-$30 each; 4 firestone deluxe champion 81515 black wall summer tires bias four ply-$20 each 1-Ford pickup rim 15x5 1/2 bolt on with 3/4" centre hole-$25; 4Ford hub caps stainless steel will fit 47-48 car or 48-56 pickup, new $90 for the four; 1- Ooga horn 12 volt, brand new
still in box-$30 1-set of two stainless steel electric air horn sound 18" long 12volt, new-$75 1-complete dash with all
gauges, lights, speedometer, ignition switch with keys for a 67-69 ford pickup. $175.
Austin 705-458-0391
Set of NEW Lake Pipes 60 inches long, $100.
Dennis 705-758-6741
1955-56 Mercury-Monarch original style front brake parts, 2 drums, backing plates and wheel cylinders; master
cylinders one new, never installed, one slightly used, all for $350.00. 1951 Mercury fender Skirts good solid steel with
all mounting hardware, look great on 49-51 Mercs and Monarchs. No rust. $350.00. Baylift. Lifts one end of vehicle
at a time. Air operated on wheels, works great. $350.00 o.b.o. Pics on request Jack at 705-799-1389 or email mercmanjack@yahoo.com. Lindsay, ON.
1940 Ford Coupe seat assembly complete $350
Ian 905-723-4386
Four piece 51 Ford rims with older tires, sand blasted & painted & a 51 Ford radiator that looks okay, all $175
Paul 905-717-2633
All 1946-48: Monarch hub caps (4) like new $300; 10 more not quite as flawless $200 set of 4; Grille complete good
condition $400; stainless chrome front fender $50 each; sedan stainless $15 and up; Sedan rear doors (2) as new $65
each; Ford/Merc/Monarch new steering worm shaft $25; Wonderbar radio $100; Ford/Merc -several speedometers &
clocks $30/$40 each; Pair of Merc/Monarch 114 headlight rings $50 and parking lights $10-$20 each; Many more
Monarch/Merc parts too numerous to list.
Conrad 613-332-3071 or cell 613-332-8379
1949-50 NOS overdrive switch wire $5.; ’49-50 Ford NOS transmission main shaft $135.; 51 Ford engine- block has
been magna fluxed, includes crank, pistons $400; 1949 Mercury engine block magna fluxed one head needs planning
and good to go –includes crank and pistons only 34,000 miles on this engine $750. 1949-51 Ford/Meteor front fender
$100 and inner fender $50 both passenger side; 49/56 Ford/Meteor front of rear spring bolt & bushing 2 for $10.; ’41
Mercury rear lamp case $10.; NOS 49-51 Ford/Meteor right side upper door hinge $15.; 1932/48 Ford clutch release
bearing spring $4.; Exterior chrome trim for ‘53 & ‘54 Meteor $50..; Ford car & truck used water pumps not sure of
year $10 each. Beauty rings 15 inch 6 for $75; pair of reconditioned Stromberg carbs $400. Various 1940’s car/truck
carbs $20 each. Flathead 49/51 starter used $20 and generator used $20.
Lloyd 905-683-4296 or 705-454-8784
1953 Ford Customline V/8 with automatic transmission, power steering, scarce short type sun-visor and coronado
cover. Asking $ 8500.00
Wayne evenings. (905) 431 - 2810
Vern days (416) 266 - 1628
1939 Ford Coupe, body off restoration 12,000 miles ago, dual exhaust, original flathead, all options, black exterior,
68,000 miles, starts, runs, drives great. Looks fabulous- $43,500 Bill 519-442-1143
1985 K Car Convertible not winter driven good runner $6,500 obo. Dennis 705-758-6741
1973 Gran Torino –sedan- blue metallic ext., 56,000 miles, American car, 302 CID, works & looks great; $6,500.
Conrad 613-332-3071 or cell 613-332-8379
1951 Mercury 2 dr. coupe. Very solid project needing finishing. GM sub frame, 396 V8, auto. Front disc brakes, rear
drum all installed. Many parts restored ready to install. $8500.00. No room to complete the job. May consider trades.
1951 Mercury Model M74 4 door sedan- completely rebuilt to stock condition of a rust free original. Frame off nut and
bolt restoration. Rebuilt flathead V8, 3 speed & O.D. New original style wiring. Interior broadcloth Lebaron-Bonney.
Exterior Sheffield Green. All new tinted, glass. Electric 6V wipers. WWW radials, skirts, dual Smitty’s exhaust. Priced
far lower than restoration cost. $28,500.00. (Go figure.) Pictures on request. 1954 Mercury Monterey Tudor hard top.
Calif. Black plate car with very minimal rust. Solid floors, trunk. Original 256 cu.in. V8, Mercomatic. Great restoration
or rod project. $5,500.00 OBO.
Jack at 705-799-1389 or Email: mercmanjack@yahoo.com.
1949 Mercury Sport Sedan, 34,000 miles, recent overhauled motor, overdrive, original paint, new brakes & tires. List
of work done too long to record, western car, $15,000; 1951 Ford Convertible, motor overhauled, overdrive, tires
excellent, new brakes & rad & gas tank, good driver $35,000. Lloyd 905-683-4296 or 705-454-8784
January 8, 1941 the Ford dealership is opened in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island by S.R. Johnson. On December
22, 1942 it is closed when Johnson joins the Royal Canadian Army. After serving King and Country with honour,
Johnson returns to reopen the dealership on May 28,1946.
2014 Year in Review
The DVD V8 RG #149 Year in Review is now available. This programme was presented to the membership in
attendance at the January Meeting and was received with most of those present committing to a purchase when they
were finalized. Some technical difficulties have slowed down the production, however they are now available.
Cost of the DVD that includes over 300 pictorial items of our 2014 activities is $7.50 plus mailing of $2.50 for those
who would like it mailed out.
Send for a copy along with payment to: Stan Walker
5 Duval Drive
Barrie, Ontario, L4M 6V2
Cell: 705 733 4883
Stan Walker has been asked to create another Year in Review for the year 2015 and has begun a collection pictorial
records of all activities. It has been suggested that those members who cannot make it out to our activities would like
to share a picture of their car and owner. This is a great idea and forwarding a picture with you and your car to
s.walker4@sympatico.ca will ensure that it is included in the 2015 DVD.
Our Don Gibson of Burlington Ontario would have been impressed with the 51 Ford HT on display. A checker taxi
was also displayed.
The Checker Cab
Gord with the 1963 Lincoln.
the 51 Ford HT
Gord in his Glory amongst old cars and parts and talking old cars!
We arrived home and there was snow on the ground. Gord & Fran Harsell
p. 10