ann Nov 8 2015pdf


ann Nov 8 2015pdf
November 8, 2015
WELCOME TO TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH! Please join us between services for fellowship
with coffee and refreshments.
Consecration Sunday
We welcome you to worship today as we celebrate the good gifts of our
most gracious God. Thank you for your faithful giving that we may continue
to fulfill Trinity’s mission. Our 10 am worship will be followed by reception
and dedication in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us!
ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the Glory of God by Ralph & Elaine Hogstrom in celebration of
their 43rd wedding anniversary.
MISSION POSSIBLE for November: ELCA World Hunger— This month’s Mission Possible is the
ELCA World Hunger, our faith community’s comprehensive approach to addressing the impact and
the root causes of hunger and poverty around the world. Their four-pronged approach provides
relief in times of immediate crisis, funds and promotes development, provides education and advocates for change. ELCA World Hunger responds to Christ’s call to “Go and do likewise” (Luke
10:37), serving with compassion people who are most vulnerable, paying focused attention to the
full participation of women and needs of children. To donate, use the white envelopes provided in
the pews or write your check to Trinity, with “Mission Possible” noted on the memo line.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY WORK DAY this Sat., Nov. 14 in Waukegan. Sign up today at the See
Sign Serve table or contact Charlie Swartzfager: or 847-624-1465(cell).
MEMBER DEATH — Norman Borgeson passed away on Oct. 30. We wish to extend our sympathy to his wife, Joan, children and grandchildren, friends and family. The funeral was held at Trinity
on Friday, Nov. 6, with interment at Memorial Park Cemetery. Norm & Joan faithfully worked
behind the scenes for over 20 years assisting the financial secretary with counting the weekly offering. The family requests memorial donations be made to Trinity.
SHOP AT JEWEL? Jewel gift card flash sale! We have a limited number of gift cards available: $100
Jewel gift cards that when you purchase, $6 will go directly to Hi-League; $100 LL Bean cards
generate $19 for Hi-League. SCRIPS GIFT CARDS are great for holiday giving —Purchase gift cards
at face value and our youth receive a percentage of the cost. You may place your order at using the enrollment code: 766AC67923861 Or, fill out a form — forms
available on the See Sign Serve Table. Contact, Laurie Sherman
( or call the office: 847-673-8564. Thanks for your support!
SUPPORT OUR YOUTH: HI-LEAGUE WREATH SALE—Orders are now being taken for
your holiday greenery! Order by Mon., Nov. 16. Local grower Anton’s Nursery will
deliver on Sat., Nov. 21. Anton “dollars” are also available if you prefer to do your
own shopping! Christmas trees, wreaths, garland available. Thanks for your support of
our youth! Order forms on the See Sign Serve Table.
Link to online pledge form:
PREPARING FOR NEXT WEEK’S WORSHIP— Prepare for worship on Nov. 15 by reading and
meditating on the lessons for the day sometime during the week:
Daniel 12:1-3
Psalm 16
Hebrews 10:11-25
Mark 13:1-8
NOVEMBER SERVING GROUP is “RED”—Please sign up at the See Sign Serve Table to assist with
bulletins, deliver altar flowers, or serve coffee in November. Your names appear on the bottom of
the next page. Contact Serving Group Chair Gail Slamar : or via phone
at 847-724-8086. Thank you for serving!
DIAPER DRIVE FOR INFANT WELFARE SOCIETY — We are collecting disposable diapers to lend
support to the women with children at the Infant Welfare Society. We hope you will reconsider
assisting this organization as we extend the collection for another two weeks. Thank you!
3RD QUARTER 2015 GIVING STATEMENTS have been sent out. Households with a valid e-mail
address on file in the office should have received their statement by e-mail. All others will receive
a copy by regular mail. Please review your statement for any discrepancies. If you made a taxdeductible contribution during 2015 and did not receive a statement, please contact the church
office at 847-673-8564, or send an e-mail to Judi McKiernan, Financial Secretary: In Christ —Judi McKiernan.
WOMEN’S BOOK CHAT meets Wed. Nov. 18, 7 pm—Join our discussion of the latest book by
two-time Pulitzer Prize winner David McCullough — The Wright Brothers. If you have questions
about the book chat group, contact either Thea Halvorson ( or Rebecca Mestelle ( We meet in the Trinity library at 7 p.m. All are welcome!
OASIS NOON LUNCHEON Thurs. Nov. 19—Our program: Peter Oyloe to perform classic and
new folk melodies. This catered luncheon brings together members who are retired or over 55 in
service, fellowship & fun. Please bring a non-perishable food item for Elijah’s pantry, and a $10
donation for lunch. Friends are always welcome! Please sign up at the See Sign Serve Table. If
you can’t join us for lunch, you welcome to COME TO THE CONCERT at 1:30! Join us!
WOW! This Wed., Nov. 11—A New opportunity to dive deeper into the Word! Join us in our
new education space in Fellowship Hall on Wed. evenings from 7-8pm for Word On Wednesdays. We’ll be discussing all of the Bible texts to be used in worship that following Sunday with a
depth and thoroughness that will bring new meaning to the scriptures. We’ll learn from each other as we think about the intersection of God’s Word with our lives, even as we strive to look at
the Word in its original context. Absolutely no experience necessary. All you need is a Bible ...
and a life! Join us! Questions? Contact Pastor Brown. 847-673-8564
Please note: WOW! Will NOT MEET Nov. 18 or 24.
THE NEXT SPIRIT ENSEMBLE REHEARSAL will take place on Fri., Nov. 20 at the Wilson/Parry
residence (8230 Karlov, Skokie; 847-933-1340). We will begin with a 6:30 pm potluck. Please
bring bread, salad, fruit or a dessert to share. The main dish--hearty soups--and beverages will be
provided. The rehearsal will begin at 7:45 and we will be rehearsing music for the 11:00 am service on Nov. 20 and the Lessons and Carols services on Dec. 6. All are welcome!
Worship Assistants
November 8
10:00 am
Mike & Nancy Sims, Nancy Schmidt
Treva O’Banion, Earl Rachowicz, Tom Ross, Holly Ruch-Ross, Ingrid Stafford, Cathi White
Ingrid Stafford
Holly Ruch-Ross
Charlie Slamar
Hank Fjallberg, Jack Lipscomb
Lorraine Brueckert
Christa Cannon
Carol Cyrus
Arline Kingwill
Gisele Morris (Alden Estates Northmoor, 5831 N. Northwest
Hwy, Chicago, 60631)
Piper Phillips (pneumonia)
Alyssa Sherman (daughter of Matt & Laurie)
Arlene Sigle
Will Sigle
Denise Sullivan
Debbie Swartzfager
Dave Yandell
Maggie Louise Uttech was born Nov. 4 to Joe & Kate Uttech
Randy Aubert (brother of Sandie Schlauch)
Karrie Barrera-Larsen (friend of Christa Cannon, cancer)
Kim Bornhoeft (sister-in-law of Thea Halvorson)
Elizabeth Burns (niece of Susan Hilkevitch, surgery)
John Cannon (cousin of Douglas Cannon, cancer)
Edwin Carerro (friend of Jim & Paula Kiefer, throat cancer)
Shannon DeChaine (family of Christa Cannon, breast cancer)
James Feger (friend of Carol Wilson, renal failure)
Dale Fox (friend of Judi McKiernan, cancer)
Evelyn Dardano-Kleary (battling liver cancer)
Meling Galvez (cousin of Phos, cirrhosis of the liver)
John Hethcoat (friend of Carol & Steve Collins, cancer)
Linda Hoedt (cousin of Lori Brown)
Hoffmann Family (friend of Kiefers, loss of daughter)
Ione (friend of Matt & Laurie Sherman, cancer)
Gwen James (friend of Doug & Christa Cannon)
Amy Kramer (niece of Mark Allee, breast cancer surgery)
Gustav Lee (Peg Lee’s step-son, Kate’s brother, Parkinson’s disease)
Caleb Leopoldo (young friend of Sherman family, leukemia)
Victor Margolin (friend of Morna Roberts, spinal surgery/paralysis)
Aurora Miller (sister of Phos Rivera, hospitalized after heart attack)
Phillip Oakes (father of Joyce Oakes, open heart surgery on 10/6)
Eldor Panning (Steve Panning’s father)
Whitney Parry (Brian Parry’s sister-in-law, liver failure)
Frank Robbins (friend of Kiefers, heart issues)
Michelle Ruddick (friend of Kiefers,rheumatoid arthritis)
Anneliese Skorotad (niece of Christa Cannon)
Nancy Taylor & family on the death of her sister Diane (Nancy is a
friend of Walescka Broch)
Sheryl Thompson (friend of Charlie Slamar, breast cancer)
Matthew Tobias (brother of Julie Stepniewski, motorcycle accident)
Katie Tucker (friend of Lauren & Becca, breast cancer)
Trudy Wynd (niece of Sandie Schlauch, cancer)
RED Serving Group serves in NOVEMBER
Please sign up at the See Sign Serve
Table to serve coffee, deliver altar
flowers, or assemble bulletins.
Chair: Gail Slamar
Beckman, John & Janine
Broch, Randi & Roar
Broch, Christopher & Waleska
Busey, Lauren & Amy Lillibridge
Dosick, Sandy
Hromadka, Joan
Hunt, Kate & Pat
Kingwill, Arlene
Lee Fester, Kate
Lee, Peg
Lickerman, Carol & Fred
Lindman, Paul & Rebecca Mestelle
Lonning, Ingunn
Lorenz, Gina & Scott
McKiernan, Judi
Murgas, Aranka
Panning, Stephen
Payne, Paula & Robert
Rody, Shawn & Brigitte
Russo, Sabine
Slamar, Gail & Charlie
Sternstein, Beverly
Treff, Phyllis
Vragel, Jodee & Paul
Wagner, Scott & Tanja
Nov 8-15, 2015
Nov 8
Nov 9
7:00 pm
Nov 10
9:30 am
7:00 pm
Nov 11
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Nov 12
7:00 am
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
Nov 13
Home Educators—FH
Staff Meeting
Church Council—CH
FH = Fellowship Hall
GS = Gathering Space
CH = Chapel
LR = Living Room
LIB = Library
WOW—Word on Wednesdays—New Classroom—FH
Men’s Breakfast Bible Study
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal —Choir Rm
Nov 14
8:00 am
Habitat Work Day —meet at Trinity to carpool to Waukegan
Nov 15
8:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
11:30 am
4:00 pm
10:00 am Single Worship Service
followed by reception and dedication in the Fellowship Hall
Hi-League lunch gathering
New members will be welcomed at both services.
Coffee Hour between services
New members will be introduced at coffee hour
Adult Ed—CH, Sunday School
Korean Church—CH
New Member Gathering at the parsonage
WOW! Wednesdays
NO meeting Nov. 18 or Nov 25
Men’s 7 am Bible Study NO meeting Nov. 19 or 26
Nov 18
Hi-League Greenery/Wreath orders due
Nov 19
OASIS Noon Luncheon & Program—Peter Oyloe, folk music
Nov 20 Spirit Ensemble Rehearsal; Wilson/Parry res, 8230 Karlov, Skokie; 847-933-1340, 6:30 pm
Nov 25 Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 1509 Ridge Ave. Evanston, 7 pm
Dec 6
Service of Lessons & Carols; Soup Kitchen at St. Paul’s, 1 pm
Holy Family gifts due
Dec 12
Sancta Lucia, 7 pm
Dec 13
Handbell Choir Service 8:30 & 11; Caroling to Shut-Ins, 2:30 pm
If you have a pastoral emergency, you may contact Pastor Brown at 616-460-8660, or email
Did you know you can now make your 2016 Pledge to Trinity online?
Frequently Asked Questions about Online Giving
1. How do I pledge or make a gift to Trinity online? Once you complete the Stewardship Pledge
form on the website, you will be given the option to pursue online giving. If you choose to do so,
you will then be redirected to our Online Donation page.
What are my giving options? Trinity offers the option to contribute by credit card as well as automatically through your bank account. Please be aware that credit card contributions carry with
them transaction fees. As noted above, the most efficient way to do automated giving is through
your bank’s bill-pay system.
Can I direct my contributions? As with our envelope system, you can give to the General Fund at
any time. On occasion there will be opportunities for special gifts such as Mission Possible or a
special outreach opportunity.
Is there a minimum amount I must give? No, any amount is acceptable.
Is there a charge for giving online? There is a very small one-time fee that the church pays when
you set up your online giving profile (50 cents) and an even smaller fee for each transaction (25
cents). As noted in the response to #2 above, there will be an additional fee levied as a percentage of your gift for CC.
How are the confidentiality of my giving and security of my information maintained? Your
banking and giving information is stored on secure computers meeting all federal data encryption guidelines. The confidentiality of your gift is the same as a plate offering.
What if I want to change the amount of my recurring contribution? Your contribution level is
entirely under your control. You may change the amount at any time.
Will I still receive contribution statements from the church? Yes, you will continue to receive
contribution statements that will include online gifts.
We know that this option will not appeal to everyone, and that there will be those who choose to
write checks and place them in the offering during worship each Sunday. That’s great too! However
you choose to share your gifts during this coming year, we celebrate your faithful generosity and we
know that whatever way you choose to support this congregation, the giving of your gifts reflects the
location of your heart.
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. – Matthew 6:21
Monday, Nov, 11, is Veterans Day
Trinity is blessed to have many members who served with honor and
distinction in our country’s military services. Below is a list of Trinity
veterans and the military branch in which they served. When you see
them at worship on Sunday, Nov. 8, please take a moment to greet
them and thank them for their service to our country. And let’s not
forget those service men and women who are presently serving our
country all over the world, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let us
pray for their safe return.
Mark Allee
Bob Bakke
Ben Bruhn
Dwight Davies
Jim Egan
Hank Fjallberg
Ralph Hogstrom
Jim Kiefer
Sam Lewis
Virgil Marsh
Brian Parry
Shawn Rody
John Lauger
Bill Olson
Will Sigle
Fred Lickerman
Michael Sims
Doug Cannon
George Dadian
Alan Hoskin
Stephen Patrick
Phos Rivera
Bob Tupy
Dick Ward
Matt Mohrenweiser
(Currently In
Hi-League Wreath and Plant Sale
by Anton’s Nursery of Evanston
(Anton’s Nursery is located at 1126 Pitner Ave in Evanston)
Please order by Mon. Nov. 16 — Delivery to Trinity Sat. Nov. 21 —
Pick up Sun. Nov. 22
The indoor plants and the Anton Dollars may be picked up in the Gathering Space and the greenery
in the south parking lot, starting Sunday, Nov. 22.
Please include your check with the order.
Balsam Wreaths with red velvet bow:
22”-24”, $20.00
28”-30”, $24.00
34”-36”, $36.00
48” hand tied, $57.00
Nobel Fir Wreath with incense cedar, juniper and
pine cones:
18”-20”, $21.00
22”-24”, $24.00
26”-28”, $28.00
Order deadline:
Mon, Nov. 16
25’ Balsam Roping, $27.00
25’ Mixed Roping with cedar and Douglas mix, $37.00
Traditional Door Swag, $11.00
Other Plants:
6” Amaryllis...$13.00
6” Azalea Plants...$17.00
4” Christmas Cactus...$6.00
red ___
Pink ___
red ___
Pick up at Trinity:
Sun. Nov. 22
White ___
Anton Dollars, $20.00 certificates
(no expiration date, can be used any time, no change available. Great Stocking Stuffers!)
Total Cost:
Name: ______________________________
Phone: _______________
Make check payable to Trinity Lutheran Church. In memo, please write Hi-League.
Thank you for supporting Trinity’s Hi-League program.
Questions: Contact Paula Selvig, 847-673-8564 (office) or
Payment: ________ Ck #: _____
HABITAT WORK DAY—Sign up to lend a hand at our next Habitat For Humanity work day on
Saturday, Nov. 14. The sign up sheet is on the See, Sign & Serve Area. We will meet at the
church at 6:45 am to Carpool to the center. Lunch will be provided. A safety course is recommend for all volunteers, located at Go to volunteers (top right), scroll down
to construction, and select “Take safety course” highlighted in the text. If you have any questions
you can contact Charlie Swartzfager at 847-624-1465;
Trinity is now collecting
coats, hats, scarves, mittens, gloves for men, women and children. Please
bring donated items to Trinity and
place in the collection boxes in the
Gathering Space. Questions? Please
contact Dolores Westre at 847-2340762.
LUTHER: Forgotten & Neglected Aspects
of His Life and Work
An International Conference at Northwestern University, Nov. 8, 2015
More information is available at:
Wed., Nov. 25 7:00 pm
The service will be held at St.
Mark’s Episcopal Church, 1509 Ridge Ave.
in Evanston. Because St. Mark’s has only
street parking, Fr. Greg of St. Mary’s has
offered their parking lot for guests—the
entrance of the lot is through the alley on
Maple and south of Lake. St.
Sponsored by Interfaith Action of Evanston, this year the Rev. Bret Lortie of the
Unitarian Church of Evanston will preach.
Benefitting LSSI
For more information call 847-635-4600
Or email Barb
Reservations can be made online:
Once again, all members
are encouraged to buy
Christmas presents for children at the school.
 Cards with names, ages, and grades are
available on the decorated table in the
Gathering Space by Nov. 15.
 Wrapped gifts should be brought to church
by Sun., Dec. 6.
 Shopping and wrapping services available.
 Any questions, please see or call Phyllis
Treff: 847-486-1969 or call the church 847
Holy Family School is located on the west side
of Chicago, offers a challenging faith-based
Thank you again for your continued generosity
and support.
Saturday, Dec. 12,
at 7:00 pm
Trinity will once again
observe the
Sankta Lucia Fest.
All are invited to participate
in this wonderful bit of Scandinavian heritage,
and you don't have to be Swedish to attend!
Our Sankta Lucia Fest is really a cross
between a worship service and a program.
The sanctuary is ablaze with candles, adding
to the magic of the event! After the service,
Scandinavian treats will be served in
Fellowship Hall.
Please sign up on the See Sign Serve Table
to help provide refreshments, serve, or
clean-up. Contact Richard Peterson:
Children who wish to participate are asked to
arrive at 6:50 pm. Wear RED.