Order of Celebration and Praise - Community Church of Lambertville
Order of Celebration and Praise - Community Church of Lambertville
Today October 26th- is Reformation Sunday and Prayers with Pastor: Pastor Gregory will be meeting in his office at 10:15 am for anyone who is wishing prayers for the service and its message. Thank you to Debbie Crow for sharing her musical talent with us today. Adult Education Class: Dan Serlenga will be leading the Adult Sunday School in October. The class will examine and explore the History of the Presbyterian Church. This will be happening today at 9:00 am. Mission Statement We seek to be a witness for Jesus Christ our Lord and proclaim His healing and peace to all people through the power of the Holy Spirit Reformation Sunday Ministers - All Members of the Congregation October 29th-Women’s Bible Study7:00pm @ Westminster House. Pastor - Rev. Dr. Peter Gregory, 609-397-0650 October 31st-Halloween-Church Gates to be closed by 5:00 pm. Accompanist – Becky Hopkins, 609-397-9324 Cell: 267-337-2560 Administrative Assistant – Sue McCloughan, 609-397-0650 November 1st-Clocks go back 1 Hour at 2:00 am. Eastern Standard Time begins! Bookkeeper – Heather McIntyre, 610-438-1392 Plan Ahead: Church Budget Team for 2015: November 8th- Vendor and Craft Fair here at FPCL from 9-4pm. There will be a sign-up sheet posted soon for breakfast/lunch to be sold! Proceeds will benefit Operation Christmas Child. Your assistance is appreciated! The first meeting of the Church Budget Team for 2015 will be in the Pastor’s Office, TODAY after church. Sunday Nov. 9th - The 2015 Nominating Committee: The 1st meeting of the Nominating Committee for 2015 will happen after church in the Pastor’s office. Those elected from the congregation for the 2015 slate of officers are: Tucker Griffiths, Karen Armano and Arlyce Mullen. They will be joined by Elder and Deacon Representatives. Hymn Time: "The Church's One Foundation" Samuel Stone (1839-1900) This hymn was written by Pastor Samuel Stone during an especially heated period of theological controversy in England. Liberalism threatened to destroy the great doctrines of the Anglican Church. Samuel was a strong supporter of the conservative faith and refused to compromise in any way when faced with critical attacks on doctrinal orthodoxy. It was Samuel's desire to write a hymn that would reaffirm the Lordship of Christ as the foundation of the church. To combat the skeptical liberal scholarship, Samuel wrote twelve hymns based upon the Apostle's Creed. This particular hymn refers to the ninth article: "The Holy Catholic (universal) Church, the communion of saints, He is the head of this body." Described as the poor man's pastor, Samuel demonstrated his firm belief in the local church as the instrument of Christ for meeting the needs of people. He spent much time ministering to the poor and underprivileged people in London's East End. It was said that Samuel "created a beautiful place of worship for the humble folk and made it a center of light in dark places." Take a moment to give thanks to God for our local church family. October 26, 2014 10:30 AM Finance Team Chairman - Tom Crews, 215-862-2971 Sexton – Pat Durborow, 609-397-8091 Our Elders Karen Thatcher Pat Buchanan Russ Topping 609-397-8430 609-397-3065 609-397-4856 Pat Durborow Joanne DiBlasi 609-397-8091 215-862-9832 Our Deacons JoAnn Serlenga Mark Dudick Carol Griffiths 908-788-5997 215-862-9288 215-862-5554 Gail Armitage Heather Pursell Grace Reading 215-862-9385 609-397-0874 609-397-0221 Craig Reading 609-397-0221 If you are in need of pastoral care please call the church office 609-397-0650 Tuesday through Friday. Pastor Gregory is usually in the office from 8:30-2pm; If it is after office hours please phone the Elder on call for the month of October is: Russ Topping- 609-397-4856 Order of Celebration and Praise Upcoming Events: The Community Church of Lambertville 1816-2016 Celebrate 200 Years of Faith, Hope and Grace Let’s Just Praise the Lord #18 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise #33 (vs. 1,4) Announcements Call to Worship: # 471 A Glorious Church Passing of the Peace Glory Be to the Father #813 In the Presence of the Lord Prayer of Welcome Praise Band/Congregation Songs: All Heaven Declares You Alone (See Insert) Prayer of Confession/Assurance of Pardon Prayers of the People/The Lord’s Prayer Special Music: Andante-Mendelssohn Symphony #5 (Reformation) Debbie Crow Time for Young People Offertory/Doxology # 815 Prayer of Dedication Under the Authority of Christ the Savior Hymn #401 The Church’s One Foundation (vs. 1,2,4) Scripture: Romans 8: 1-7 Message: Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone Depart to Serve the Lord Hymn #151 A Mighty Fortress (vs. 1,4) Blessings & Benediction Welcome to the Community Church! A warm and sincere welcome to one and all! It is a privilege to gather as God’s people to open ourselves to the presence of God and to praise God with loving hearts. d MINISTRIES THIS WEEK: MONDAY 7:30 pm Boy Scouts TUESDAY 6:30 am Men’s Bible Study @ Sneddon’s-Lambertville 6:00-7:30 pm-Gym-Lambertville Ramblers 7:30 pm Praise Band About the Sermon: The 1st Sunday after Martin Luther nailed his objections to Rome upon the door of the cathedral in Wittenberg, he wrestled with the implications of is actions. In the 1500's heresy or the charge of it carried a possible death sentence. He knew that once he crossed that line, there was no going back, and on that day the Church would undergo the most profound change in its 1500 year history to that date. Like the good Augustinian Monk we was, he arose at 4AM for his daily devotion. The passage of Scripture that day was Romans 8. "There is no condemnation, for those who are in Christ Jesus". And the world and faith was never the same again. A Message From the Deacons 9:00 pm AA Participating in today’s service Elder: Joanne DiBlasi Deacon: Carol Griffiths Greeter: Konni Sanford Food Pantry Items Needed for the Month of October: WEDNESDAY 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study-Westminster House THURSDAY FRIDAY Halloween-Church Gates to be Closed by 5:00 pm Worship Assisting for November: Elder Schedule Nov. 2 Communion- Pat Buchanan/Pat Durborow Nov. 9 Pat Buchanan Nov. 16 Russ Topping Nov. 23 Karen Thatcher Nov. 30 Pat Durborow Deacon Schedule Nov. 2 Communion *Heather Pursell, JoAnn Serlenga *Indicates Stair Glide Duty Nov. 9 Grace Reading Nov. 16 Craig Reading Nov. 23 Mark Dudick Nov. 30 Gail Armitage Greeting Schedule Nov. 2 Sue McCloughan Nov. 9 Debbie Crow Nov. 16 Joanne DiBlasi Nov. 23 Joan Yannarella Nov. 30 Joe Feraco 5:30 pm AA Black and Baked Beans Cake Mixes Canned Cream Corn Canned Potatoes Canned Ravioli, Macaroni and Spaghetti Cereal-Hot and Cold Cooking Oil Jelly Pasta Pancake Mix Rice-a-Roni Shampoo Soup Sugar Syrup Toilet Paper Toothpaste 10-11:30 am LBL-in Gym Here are some of the Deacon’s and their responsibilities: Gail ArmitageCaring Correspondent (sends cards/flowers)., Grace Reading-Treasurer., Carol Griffiths-Communion Coordinator and JoAnn Serlenga-Secretary. As always, if anyone is in need of Deacon care-please let us know. We’ll be glad to help out! __________________________________________________________________ Daylight Savings Time Ends-Set Clocks Back 1 Hour @2:00am Stewardship and Finance: SATURDAY NEXT SUNDAY 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 10:30 am Worship Baptism of Sean Alan Durborow The 2015 budget process will soon get underway. The assumptions historically is that the church will need to meet a goal of approximately $100,000.00 in plate offerings to balance its obligations. Stewardship Sunday will be November 16th with pledge cards provided. We would like to have all pledge cards back by Sunday December 7th. May God bless you and may you take the needs of your church in prayer this year. __________________________________________________________________ The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen
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