WBffi& &gMEYffiM To the attention of tenderers in the open tender procedure initiated for the procurement of the construction works of the new SC TURSIB SA bus depot The undersigned s.c. TURSIB S.A. Sibiu, with its registered office in sibiu, calea Dumbravii, no. 133-135, county of Sibiu, recorded in the Register of Commerce under no' J 32t1024t1gg8, Unique Fiscal ldentification code RO 789401, IBAN code by ROO3RNCB0227036043890001, opened at B.C.R. - Sibiu Branch, legally represented no. under engineer Adrian popa - generai manager, following notifications recorded y-a281.07.2014,3809/01 .OA.ZOtq,3966/06.08.2014 requesting the clarification of a series of aspects related to the public tender documentation for the construction works of the new Tursib bus depot, we hereby offer the following answers' 1. euestion: please state the estimated value of the works which constitute the object of the above-mentioned contract' Answer: The estimated value of the contract amounts to 4.8 million Euro' 2. euestion: Taking into consideration the legal stipulations in effect stating that the estimate indicatives on the niarket act only as rough guides, please express your approval for the use of our own indicatives within the articles of the estimates' prices Answer: The tender will be elaborated in accordance with Form F5, indicating unit which are to be highlighted separately for materials, cost of labor, machines, transportation (analytic bill of qu#titi-es;, in accordance with the stipulations of the tender documentation' if.," igg2, 1993, 1gg9 anO 2002 edition of the estimate indicatives may be used. Tender participanis will comply with the estimate categories and articles indicated by the designer. 3. euestion: please submit a summarized estimate with all the objective investments, both in Romanian and in English, given that the tender documentation included estimates in Romanian and English wtricfr were not included in the summary forms F2 and F1. For example: the estimite for electrical derivations and connections, the branching of the water and sewage networks and the methane gas installations' Answer: The estimates for the electrical connections, for the branching of the water and sewage pipes will be added to Form F1 of the main investment under item no 6.16 - Chapter "Branching". The estimZtes are included in each branching project (electrical, water and sewage). 4. euestion: ln the case of the electrical connection, the Romanian version includes a list for the acquisition of equipments (for example: transformer substation, j.t. panel, distribution board) which are not found in the English version. Should we make an offer for these equipments as well? Please clarify. Answer: Please make an offer for the list of equipments related to the electrical connections. we hereby attach the translation into English of the list which will be added to the tender documentation. 5. Question: ln the estimate entitled "Natural gas supply", the Romanian version of article YC01 has a value of 70,500 lei, whereas the English veriion has no value allocated. please specify what this value represents and if it is mandatory to make an offer for it. Answer: An offer will be made for the estimate entitled "Natural gas supply" in accordance with the estimates which are found in the gas installation design --lnstaltaiions for the use of methane gas, object 062.03, respectively 620,300. No offer shall be made for article YC01 included in the estimate entiiled "Natural gas supply,,. The value of 70,500 lei will not be taken into consideration. 6. Question: Please confirm the quantity of 1400 HUNDRED cuBIC METERS at articte 1g TSC02D1 in the estimate entifled "Water supply network,,. Answer: The correct quantity is 1.4 HUNDRED cuBrc METERS. 7. Questions: Would it be possible to receive the editable format of the forms? Answer: Each tenderer will employ its own estimate software. 8. Question: In the invitation to tender number 7251- GPN-37026 for the implementation of the inves-tment project entitled "The SC TURSIB SA b_us depot", "Fencing, Bianching, Utility networks", in Section I - lnstructions to Tenderers, Chapter 2, "Source" of funds,, it is not clearly stipulated whetherthe financing source is already ensured by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development or whether Tursib sA has only applied for obtaining the financing necessary for the unwinding of this project. Please clarifi this'aspect. Answer: Tursib already signed a loan agreement with the EBRD for the financing of this construction works contract. General eng. President of the Evaluation Committee eng Pa\l'efen€{ql \AA\ S.C. TURSIB S.A, str. Calea Dumbravii nr. 133-135; 550399 - Sibiu, Romania CS 2.541.370 lei ffiffiffi#& s&ffiffiYffi$e tel.: 0269 I 426100; fax: 0269 1210771 E-mail . Nr.Reg.Com.. J321102411998; Cod fiscal: R0 789401 Cont B.C.R.-filiala Sibiu: RO03RNG80227036043890001 operator.""_",:5r&t&ig:r"l1,|ff sfl1tcunr.18755 ln atentia ofertantilor la procedura de licitatie deschisa organizata pentru achizitia de lucrari de constructii a noii autobaze apartinand SC TURSIB SA Subscrisa S.C. TURSIB S.A. Sibiu, cu sediul in Sibiu, Calea Dumbravii, nr. 133-135, jud. Sibiu, inregistrata la O.R.C. Sibiu sub nr. J 321102411998, C.U.l. RO 789401, cod IBAN ROO3RNC80227036043890001, deschis la B.C.R. - Sucursala Sibiu, reprezentata legal de ing. Adrian Popa - director general, ca urmare a adreselor inregistrate cu nr. 3782131.07.2014,3809/01.08.2014 si 3866/06.08.2014, prin care se solicita clarificarea unor aspecte referitoare la documentatia de atribuire a contractului de achizitie publica de lucrari de constructii, prin prezenta va comunicam urmatoarele. 2. Intrebare: Va rugam sa ne transmiteti valoarea estimata obiectul contractului mai sus mentionat. a lucrarilor care fac Raspuns: Valoarea estimata a contractului este de 4.8 milioane euro. 2. lntrebare: Luand in considerare prevederile legale in vigoare, indicatoarele cu norme de deviz de pe piata sunt orientative, va rugam sa ne dati acordul cu privire la utilizarea normelor proprii in cadrul articolelor de deviz din listele de cantitati. Raspuns: Oferta se va intocmi cu respectarea Formularului F5, cu preturi unitare defalcate pe materiale, manopera, utilaje, transport (deviz analitic), conform documentatiei de atribuire. Vor fi utilizate indicatoarele cu norme de deviz editia 1982, editia 1993, editia 1999 si editia 2002. Se vor respecta incadrarile din listele de cantitati date de proiectant. 3. lntrebare: Va solicitam un centralizator cu toate obiectele investitiei, atat in limba romana cat si in limba engleza, deoarece in documentatie sau regasit devize (romana si engleza) care nu au fost cuprinse in centralizatoarele F2, respectiv in centralizatorul F1. De exemplu: devlze pentru bransamentul electric, bransament apa-canal si instalatii de utilizare gaz metan. Raspuns:. Devizele pentru bransament electric si bransament apa-canal se adauga in Formularul F1 la investitia de baza si vor avea numarul curent 6.16 - Capitolul Bransamente. Exista liste de cantitati in fiecare proiect de bransament (electric si apa-canal). 4. lntrebare: Pentru bransamentul electric, in limba romana, se afla o lista pentru procurare utilaje (de exemplu: post transformare, tablou j.t., tablou distributie) si care nu se regaseste in limba engleza. Se oferteaza aceste utilaje? Va rugam clarificati. Raspuns: Pentru bransamentul electric se va oferta lista pentru procurarea utilajelor.Atasam prezentei lista tradusa in limba engleza care se va completa in documentatia de atribuire. 5. lntrebare: Devizul ,,Alimentarea cu gaze naturale" articolul YC01 in limba romana are valoarea de 70.500 lei, iar in engleza nu este cotat cu valoare. Va rugam sa clarificati ce reprezinta aceasta valoare si daca ea este obligatori a fi ofertata. Raspuns: Devizul de ,,Alimentare cu gaze naturale" se oferteaza conform listelor de cantitati ce se regasesc in proiectul de gaz - lnstalatii de utlizare gaz metan, obiect 062.03, respectiv 620.300. Nu se va oferta articolul YCO1 din devizul ,,Alimentare cu gaze naturale". Valoarea de 70.500 lei nu se va lua in considerare. 6. lntrebare: Va rugam sa ne confirmati cantitatea de 1400 SUTE MC de la art. Nr. 19 TSCO2D1 din devizul ,,Retea alimentare cu apa". Raspuns: Cantitatea corecta este 1,4 SUTE MC. 7. lntrebare: Este posibil sa obtinem formulare in format editabil? Raspuns: Fiecare operator va folosi propriul program de devize. 8. lntrebare: Referitor la anuntul de participare numarul7251- GPN-37026, cu privire la realizarea proiectului de investitii: Autobaza SC TURSIB SA ,,lmprejmuire, Bransamente, Utilitati", in sectiunea I - lnstructions to Tenderers, cap. 2, ,,source of funds" , nu reiese clar daca sursa fondurilor este deja asigurata de catre Banca Europeana pentru Reconstructie si Dezvoltare sau daca firma Tursib Sa doar a aplicat in vederea obtinerii fondurilor necesare derularii acestui proiect. Va rugam sa lamuriti acest aspect. Raspuns: Tursib a semnat contractul de credit cu BERD pentru contractului de lucrari constructii ce urmeaza afi incheiat. Presedinte Comisie Evaluare finantarea @'d o 5 a\ uixE(Dtr E e-5 a H P- rr r n(, 5+ovra r! O 5 >=| o (D < =, q9 5i rl or i^5 ;'{ (n=' 209 -.o =-^6 a4,a -!--<V 9A|*@ +e+u- t! (!$ o'- Y ..\o 5 o(D (Dt s<(D oq ?- o^v r{ Y g c, -(Dt. * U' ='J z ot! S- = /i .l ='- 6o,t'^ OAS; itr O D3o r ^. oo:1 \O;+@L. 6'n U\r.. 6 E;g V]C =' H:< a a -PAE, o':.,3R=' ':q5p (/ ) ;.i - ' -D P 5 I 6'9. l L1J iT cn=x lD --- .) J- e-?r'5 }a0q o: -aio =. ooni;a .D OO .D :i o < i,9='xy E i. : o' (nf 5 o N) s P o o _e (D I A.^ -E ii - (D o=' =-./-9 d 5! :.f v 5 D B O (Y { PO- I-E r-b !. >x6o: aY to q2 ^,o =a -.9 + o^ 5' = o -i ='o\ :z PO -' 0.P o - .E= A!!t , L +C A) ^.= 5 < 15 !.p--J o 5 sJ3 so Eo o 5 v' ' -a +.D 5 a'@ r^O90 . =;'- >tr lT'a) otJ io!1!!oo 5 o (e 37lr = @ o-= B - d Ioo P-=-,.) P--. :-ve =-, o *g 9@o TO (o3 O=5 () t (D E O o O 6 L5. EFo-b,, o --b = 3.< (u:.< .d q B i= rfiirn tD iii-H ^-D " o-l (D0Q=' O d sH a, H,5 3ia=_.= aer ' !-o -+z :t6 s !D a9 Oo o tl q> uq E'3gaq >& o :ioQ ;'a E o@tO (D ,:. tszoE13 !J x' o 5- P P () CL EleH ;x3i "-5(! -,v J : t!og: lq:' 5(Di 'o O\s -. - 4.00 .) <"- it \]?@. Pt= O rl " =fio :rr w tD 0R t.r oqo C0'^ o *;o6 s 1c) Oo(D E! 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