August Newsletter from 2006
August Newsletter from 2006
Woodstock Camera Club Club Newsletter — L It I I 1 A look at the history of the Woodstock Camera Club together of several people who sat in a circle on the main floor at Craman’s on Springbank Ave. There were actually 12 people in that group - six of whom are still members of the camera club. It was agreed at that little get to¬ gether that there was a desire to form a camera club and away we went. The first meeting was scheduled for the evening of October 9, 2002. We created an agenda for that first meeting ;; that had a total of nine items on it, one of which was a questionnaire that was given to those at¬ tending the meeting. We even had a group of three folks come to visit from the Tillsonburg Camera Chib who offered some suggestions. They preferred 35mm slide photography at that time. To attract interested people we printed off a handout that was on the counter at Carman’s and there was also the word of mouth from the eady on members and the ebb grew | from there. We have been most fortunate to have had the basement room at Carman’s as a meeting place - not to mention the sup¬ port that all the folks at Carman’s provided, when they were talking to a customer, they were also plugging the camera club as a place to learn and at the same time to become a better photographer. As of the summer of 2006 there were over 40 members of the camera club and yes the members are better photographers, there is no doubt about it. | Now we are about to embark on the fifth year with the 2006-2007 season and we will learn what is before us for the 1st part of the new year later on in this newsletter.. Welcome back to the Woodstock Camera Club to all our current and potential new members. 1 m President Back on September 25th, 2002 there was a get I A. note from the sue-: Where has the time gone? 1’ I JX 1 As I sit writing this . i #»ÿ [lst ’!•' excerpt for the Newsletter, 1 I realized the Woodstock * Camera Club is celebrating its 5* Birthday this year. It seems like only yesterday we were holding our first meeting with 12 potentially interested people present, and ready to share ’ur rm tnbets went their photographic awareness. ’ Now, a mere five years later, we have over 45 "J 4 [’ iyp T members with the same thirst for knowledge 'Pjÿinur >- t'horo and willingness to share. We have grown from those who took “pictures” to those who are IVinhei ih',_ , now “Photographers”. The lessons we have learned, through the experience of others, have made us aware of our surroundings and have paWSSsEjaaBlBB1 ‘lull CTMl ni'lpT rni >in I I helped us hone and fine tune our craft, turning 1 ■J k I toSh im. ini each and every one of us into photographers I creating the Award winning Club we are today. I Whether we have taken photos as a hobby, 1 entered them in photo contests, taken part in I Sf our Volunteers’ Program or taken shots just to 1 if learn and improve the techniques we have been 1 nui taught, our Club and its members have been £” * ' there to support us and make us better at what . we endeavor to do. This Executive has strived to make The ' Woodstock Camera Club the best it can be for >ÿ'- ' you, our members. With an innovative program - ,. for the coming year, I’m sure you won’t be h . ill T,;- . jflm. isurtjÿÿpfrfCÿÿe L 'ÿ ■ ■ ■ a < - _ - *»***«*. So Welcome, sit down, listen and learn as our exciting 5* year begins. Linda Feick V " ' lIBip m WCC Newsletter: This is “Your” newsletter folks tell us what you think it should contain.! If you have something you think should be included please forward it to Jerry Cornell.. Enjoy this issue. - I——MIB . „ V, . Did you know... Woodstock Camera Club on line August 23, 2006 ~ Woodstock Camera Club Newsletter Treasurers Report Ralph Boniface reports HI jj ■ Here is a guy who has an eye for photography, his name is little Johnny.. Little Johmiy’s kindergarten class was on a field trip to their local Police station where they saw pictures tacked to a bulletin board of the 10 most wanted criminals. One of the youngsters pointed to a picture and asked if it really was the photo of a wanted g,; person. | “Yes,” said the policeman. ‘The detectives want very badly to capture him. Little Johnny asked, “Why didn’t you keep him when you took his picture?” Winners of the 2005-2006 Photo Contest A f K ( : ‘ ... 'ÿ V'- •• WMochCtinutClub alilKIffiSfilisHlM Ollueis w Please contact any ohe.of with questions or ideas Cls President; Shown above are the winners in the Juried part of the contest where the judging was done by none camera club members.. In this case the judges used a photography judging type of criteria where they scored the photo¬ graphs based on a specific criteria.. Above from left to tight are Dave Feick - who won 3rd. place. Philip Schmidt - who won 1st. place. Colin Hignett - who won 2nd. place.. All of the camera club members who sub¬ mitted photographs (there were nearly 40) must be commended on the quality of their photography, it was simply outstanding. I and I’m not alone with this have to say that there has been vast leaps made in the caliber of the Vied ■ Program < hair: ■■ very evident with the members who have been there since the club started.. new contests and I know there will be more improvements made.. We would be very- much in order and I know I would be speaking for others, to thank Carman’s for their allowing us to display our contest photography in one of the main areas of the store.. Thanks we appreciate it..! Where our members went... Shown above are the Peoples Choice winners of the 2005/06 photo contest. This year there were two tied for Second place and also two ties for Third place and each won an award. Shown above are the winners and they are from left to right - Keith Thomson - tied for 3rd. Philip Schmidt - tied for 2nd.. Yvonne Boniface - tied for 2nd. led McLauchltn placed 1st. Ralph Boniface - tied for 3rd. This event a very popular one in terms of what the gen eral public think and say about the photography, there were many votes cast and there were also some great comments made. Woodstock Camera Club on line ■ We now are heading into another year and »» is ■ -• photography that members are producing, We have winners: I • mSSmSi jg that we do have a very small bank balance in the amount of $24.94 at the end of IN S'; August.. The biggest reason t for the smaller balance is due to the fact there were some unusual expenses last year. We did some decorating in the club rooms and as well built a new case for our ever expanding library. Once our new season starts the dues are paid up we will be back to a more respectable bank balance jj£- ’ There were also "More” winners.. Communications Chair:1 IlKKicUKNm One of the features that we want to introduce this first newsletter and would like to in¬ clude in our future newsletters, is information from members who went on a short trip to an interesting location and shot some photos. If the members(s) think this might be a destina¬ in tion that could interest other members we would suggest that they put together a little bit of information regarding this trip along with a few photos, we would include some of the information in our newsletter. Further to this we can make a page or two available at the club. Our hope would be to also include this information on the web site. stiwsa* ; ' ■ TP'" ““"i TZ Woodstock Camera Club Newsletter What is in our upcoming program .? Jf Bob Bembridge and his very talented committee of Ruth Ann Rule and Yvonne Boniface have a great first | segment program planned for us. The first segment will go from the meeting dates September 13 which is the first meeting through to the November 8th meeting. From the looks of it we have an exciting time ahead of us this year. , What do they have planned. September 13 Meeting... Don’t forget to bring your “Summer F.xcitement” photographs to this meeting! The pho¬ tos should be standard 4x6 and do not need to be identified. The topic for this meeting will be “How Pictures are Judged” ' p Ey E || There will be a discussion on the criteria used by photo contest judges. . What do judges look at when judging photo graphs ? Can we use this information when we take photos, when we submit photos and when we look at photos taken by others.? The members present will then use this formation to judge the “Summer Fxcitement” photographs. From this judging there will be three photographs chosen and placed up on the gallery wall in the club room in This is a great way to share and learn from others.. Something new.. Bob and his committee have arranged their program this year to have a number of assign¬ ments throughout the year and the idea is to choose three photographs from each of those assignment and show them on the gallery wall. The next Photo Assignment for the Oct. 11th meeting “Tree” in 4x6 size - |j September 27 Meeting. . Guest Speaker Night. . J ason J enmngs will share his knowledge on i£ “Composition”. The presentation will focus on areas such as Centre of Visual Impact, Lines of Power, Rule of Thirds, Linear Perspective and Framing the Image in the View Finder. Jason is a talented photographer and a verygood presenter so don’t miss this meeting Woodstock Camera Club on line The next Photo Assignment for the Oct. 25th meeting - ‘Tall Scenery” in 4x6 size. October 7th. Field Trip to Chesney Bog some Time 8:30 am to Noon. We will all meet at the Chesney Bog location.. 5 < >fticers The intent with this tnp will be to get Fall Scenery photographs, gam experience and have (mo Jr 5*8 ■ Chesney Bog: All seasons provide a different panorama. Wear insect repellent when appropriate. President: IIM>\ % £ ;-Ss.X:iiK''qmtionsricidgas ' .y® j Directions: Exit the 401 at Interchange 250 (Drumbo Rd., Oxford County Rd. 29). Go west about 3 km. to the intersection with County Rd. 22. Look for the gate just past the corner. It is open each day from dawn until dusk. Description: The central feature of this Conservation Area is a true sphagnum bog unusual in this region. The paths around the property travel through many successional stages from old-field to mature forest. Points of Interest: The bog contains a typical sphagnum mat and associated plants, including arathusa and showy lady’s slipper The surrounding mixed forest is rich in spring wildflowers and ferns. Hawthorn scrub on the northern edge of the property has been home to blue-winged warblers. October 11 meeting.. “Lets make a date.. \ KC Prcsuknt BRI N HON WHITE jBjgjS lh Ml I'd MI'iKII Secretary: il _ iH . IVY IV .HI I) Treasurer:.'' y RALPH BONIFACE » Communications Chair: •; j |l RIO ( OKMI lApvl ... At this meeting we will explore how we can >( use our photographs to create a calendar that can be used as a Christmas gift. We will also explore other gift ideas and other methods of using or displaying your photographs. Let your SB family and friends see your creative side fjjjjj At this meeting we will also critique the “Tree” Iplll MBI photographs from the last assignment and three photographs will again be displayed on the gallery wall. ■ii jis# m mp The next Photo Assignments for the Nov. 8th. meeting is - “ Fall Activity People” ■ October 25 Meeting “Do you SEE it all” cont’d. page 4 mm 188518 Jjjjj mms Woodstock Camera Club Newsletter Because our members are quite varied in their October 25 Meeting “Do you SEE it all” A session on “Subject, Lighting and Contrast” We will look at all types of light, natural and 'i artificial and its impact on your photographs. Be sure to bring your Fall Scenery photos to this meeting. As with other assignments we will critique the Fall Scenery Photographs at this meeting and three chosen photos will be placed on the gal¬ lery wall for display. Halloween is Coming Come and celebrate Halloween at our October 25th meeting. Costumes are always welcome and don’t »§ÿ forget your cameras. EH* What an opfor some great portunity IjMy fun photogracandid and skill level with PhotoShop Elements some tips may be “old hat” to them, to others they will be something that will help them grow with their digital editing of photographs.. - Pixel Omensom: Width 1 7A4fl Height: 14256 (S* 3 1 39 *6 H9W* [»in Inches fretS” I-* Hefe Fi.wmi<lnir (? Constrain Proportions Tn each newsletter we are going to try to include some tips that our members can use when they are using this editing program There are other editing programs and more coming out every day but Adobe PhotoShop Elements is likely one of the most powerful with the best editing tools there are available. Woodstock Camera Club on line ■ u ;or In the Image Size Dialog, uncheck Resample Image. You will now see a link (looks like a chain) joining the three Document Size values. This can be seen in the screenshot shown below. g\l m HUM! - Pixel Oimenflcns: 34.7M Width 2948 ptxefc Height: 4256 P<xe*s MMth |B. j Height | i Resduttn: p2 \(.l Hee • I fTSeT" 3 |tfxeb/mdi h]. J ", IlillllHn P State Styles' p Cdnstrart Proportions r Resample Image:| "I ■ - Document Ste: , y HOUBIMHMIK.I [pmelsfrich j] & pasampto image: [acuta: three chosen photos will be placed on the gallery wall for display. Photoshop Elements Tips.. A ■ j? Scale Styles ing and I . jisfftPKig As with other assignments we will critique the This sums up the program agenda for this segment of the year and the next segment will be presented in the next newsletter coming out the week of November 13th.. IlCI IZZZ1 34.7M Resolution: |72 This is a guest speaker night.. I he topic for this meeting will revolve around The next Photo Assignment for the Nov. 22nd. meeting is - A photo of a subject that starts with the letter “W” A- can tell me what they would like to see, perhaps down the toad we could even have a question and answer section in the newsletter.. : 7A-' Now for the Tip... . President: As tempting as in might be when you first i.]\n\ me K open a digital photo, do not jump into fix¬ ing the photo until you check the resolution size. You do this from the menu bar, choose Image>Resize>Image Size. There will be a window show that looks something like this. \ icÿgrelt&nÿi s-'AT BK IN DON AT I I T L November 8 Meeting “So you think you SNOW it all” Fall Activity - People Photographs at this meet¬ 1 ock( .imerr We would like to heat from members so they Wjm phy. winter photography with the difficulty in taking winter photographs. Club members will learn about winter camera use and camera care in winter. Be sure to bring your Fall Activity • People photographs to this meeting.... j£jj 73 This means that whemyoucnangÿmevalue it will also change the value of the other two yet leaves the structure of the photo unchanged. If your planning to print your image, try typing 300 in the Resolution pixels/inch box. Now look at the Width and Height of your image. If it’s big enough for your project then click Ok and proceed with your photo en¬ hancements. If the image isn’t big enough try typing you approximate final size in the Width or Height boxes. Cont’d page 5 I 4 1/ Woodstock Camera Club Newsletter t | p % lower than 150 pixels/inch (ppi). A resolution of 200-300 ppi is the accepted standard for the best inkjet prints; however in most cases you can get good small prints with an image resolution of 150 ppi. In this case a small print might be in the 4 x 6 inch size.. H' As you can see from the screenshot below p H_ jg g j|; W Make sure that the Resolution doesn’t read when we typed 300 in the Resolution pixels/ inch box we could nicely get an 8x12 or an 8x10 printed image from the digital file at 300 HIS ■ ■'-/ ■MHai t*£. •• •' ' Shots from Morningstar Mill • Decew Falls. . ""ÿSUMBWE j !0 IS* ppi. g* - Pixel emersions: 34 7M ■ ■I 2918 pixels Reset Height: 4256 pixels :H*P - Odofriert See: * WUth: HeK**: Resolutiori Cl |times 19.493 1 14 187 r| __. _... ..... f Inches THl |aoo| 4 |r*o*/nm I? Scale Styles £ F Constran Proportions r Resample Image. |3tcU>ic Trip to the Scarborough Bluffs.. H IT B itlg| m> jj| |:v One other side benefit of going through an exercise like this, one can see that we should most always use higher size and quality settings when we set our digital cameras. This sums up our PhotoShop Elements tip for this time around - if there are questions tegarding this tip please feel free to e-mail Jerry Cornell.. g| Hp and Bob Bembndge took a trip to this location. They left about 10:00 in the morning and arived about noon. jg The scenery at the falls and mill is excellent. p jg Wf B, g| m jg. |! Back in June Ralph and Yvonne Boniface There are no refreshments available at the site other than what you take. It would be a pleasant spot for a picnic. There are portable washrooms just by the entrance. They would suggest extreme caution if you follow the trail along the gorge bank. The sides of the gorge are very steep and undercut. The gorge itself has numerous areas of wet slippery clay to complicate walking and climbing. All around good photo opportunities in this area and well worth the drive. Woodstock Camera Club on line % . Vj with Iim 1 lorton’s coffee in band at 4:00 am heading to the Bluffs of Scarborough. Some had been there before but we wanted to be there when the sun came up. We were and be- f . ' tween this location and several stopovers such as Fergus on the way home we had some great photo opportunities. That snapping turtle was ■ ■ *• h a some huge guy.! Field Trips do not have to be of great distance excellent photographs. Just a few weeks ago ( lathy Bingham, I a\ e F.ltom and others attended a Ghost Walk on a 1 hursday Morningstar Mill - Deeew Falls.. Located near St. Channes ON. E Program ( hair: ■ to capture Where did our members go... It ||: T R: . Back m mid July these guys left Woodstock ■/ E I H fpl | o' Ip ' h - g g OK WMT aoSwh evening right in downtown Woodstock. This turned out to be a great photo opportune ty because Faye got some great ghostly photos. Shown below are two of Faye’s photographs and they sure portrayed the event well I think. g t \r- j .St ( Wimqni|idqtts f hair: B ' ■ I : •s£ «i:w A mm “ _ ; ■ ell us about your trip if you think it might be of interest to other members.. See you with the next Newsletter.. Terry Cornell . B £ ,v\ .