WNHS Handbook - Woodstock North High School


WNHS Handbook - Woodstock North High School
Brian McAdow
Justin Smith
Assistant Principal
Jeremy Schaaf
Assistant Principal
Nick Kearfott
Athletic Director
Jeffrey Schroeder
Dean of Attendance
3000 Raffel Road
Woodstock, Illinois 60098
Telephone: 815.334.2100
Fax Number: 815.334.2101
BECOME A WNHS CUM LAUDE GRADUATE.................................................... VII
WAYS TO EARN POSITIVE RECOGNITION AT WNHS................................... VII
PRINCIPAL’S AWARD OF EXCELLENCE............................................................ VII
HONOR ROLLS........................................................................................................ VII
WELCOME TO WOODSTOCK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL...................................... 1
DISTRICT 200 - BOARD OF EDUCATION......................................................... 1
SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS................................................................... 1
PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME........................................................................................... 1
DAILY BELL SCHEDULE...........................................................................................2
HOMEROOM/LATE START BELL SCHEDULE....................................................2
NOON DISMISSAL BELL SCHEDULE.....................................................................2
ONE-HOUR+EARLY DISMISSAL BELL SCHEDULE............................................3
ASSEMBLY BELL SCHEDULE...................................................................................3
FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE.........................................................................................3
SCHOOL CALENDAR.................................................................................................4
SPANISH SCHOOL CALENDAR................................................................................5
WHERE TO CALL FOR INFORMATION (815) 334-2100.........................................6
SCHOOL CLOSING INFORMATION.......................................................................6
ABSENCE AND ATTENDANCE................................................................................7
Excused Absences.....................................................................................................7
Call Pending............................................................................................................ 7
Illness During the School Day..............................................................................7
Excessive Absences Per Semester (Excused or Unexcused)..................................8
Truancy. ...................................................................................................................9
Chronic or Habitual Truancy. ...............................................................................9
Tardies (Per Semester)............................................................................................9
STUDENT INFORMATION..................................................................................... 10
Closed Campus Policy............................................................................................ 10
Hallways................................................................................................................. 10
Study Halls/Commons. ......................................................................................... 10
Dances. ................................................................................................................... 10
Assemblies, Programs, and Athletic Contests......................................................11
Class Removals........................................................................................................11
Student Messages/Deliveries................................................................................11
Withdrawal Procedures.........................................................................................11
Work Permits. .........................................................................................................11
Student Parking. ................................................................................................... 12
Field Trips.............................................................................................................. 12
Computer/Internet Use....................................................................................... 13
Elevator Use.......................................................................................................... 13
Driver Education.................................................................................................. 13
Lockers................................................................................................................... 13
Search and Seizure................................................................................................ 13
Student Grievance Procedures............................................................................ 14
Review of General Student Concerns:.........................................................................................14
Review of Concerns Related to State or Federal Rights:...............................................................14
Course Change Requests. ..................................................................................... 14
Grade Classification .............................................................................................15
Graduation Requirements.....................................................................................15
Early Graduation. ................................................................................................. 16
B-/Pass Grade and Pass/Fail Options.................................................................. 16
A–/Pass Grade Option For Students Taking An Overload................................ 16
Physical Education Exemption Regulations.................................................................................17
WNHS Grading Scale. .......................................................................................... 17
WNHS Library....................................................................................................... 17
Lockdown Procedures........................................................................................... 18
Textbooks............................................................................................................... 18
STUDENT SERVICES................................................................................................ 18
Guidance Counseling. ........................................................................................... 18
Peer Tutoring........................................................................................................18
Health Services..................................................................................................... 19
Head Lice Policy. .................................................................................................. 19
Police Liaison Officer. ......................................................................................... 20
Social Work Services............................................................................................. 20
Psychologist Services............................................................................................ 20
Special Education Services................................................................................... 20
Student Intervention Team................................................................................. 20
Make-Up Policy...................................................................................................... 20
Mentor Program.................................................................................................... 20
Academy of C.H.A.N.G.E.S................................................................................... 21
Special Graduation Recognition.......................................................................... 21
Perfect Attendance.............................................................................................. 21
National Honor Society....................................................................................... 21
Final Exams............................................................................................................ 21
PHILOSOPHY OF DISCIPLINE.............................................................................. 21
Discipline Code...................................................................................................... 22
Explanation of Consequences.............................................................................. 22
One-Hour Detention...................................................................................................................22
Saturday Detention.....................................................................................................................22
Home of the Thunder
In-School Suspension (ISS).........................................................................................................23
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS).................................................................................................23
Due Process Procedures. ...................................................................................... 23
Disciplinary Guidelines......................................................................................... 24
Discipline Levels. .................................................................................................. 24
Level I Offenses..........................................................................................................................24
Level II Offenses.........................................................................................................................24
Level III Offenses.......................................................................................................................25
Level IV Offenses.......................................................................................................................25
Academic Honesty. ................................................................................................ 26
Tobacco Products (Use or Possession)................................................................. 26
Firearms and Other Weapons............................................................................... 26
Gangs and Gang Activity....................................................................................... 26
Gang Policy Violations......................................................................................... 27
Drug and Alcohol Use.......................................................................................... 27
Confirmed Use of Drugs and/or Alcohol...................................................................................27
Suspicion of Using Drugs and/or Alcohol..................................................................................28
Nature of Penalties....................................................................................................................28
NON-SCHOOL COUNSELING RESOURCES........................................................ 28
Facilities That Offer Counseling. ...................................................................... 29
Facilities That Offer Residential Placement.................................................... 29
Support and Self-Help Groups. ............................................................................ 30
BUS RULES AND REGULATIONS.......................................................................... 30
DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................ 31
Aggressive Behavior. ............................................................................................. 31
Alcohol and Drugs................................................................................................ 31
Electronic Devices. .............................................................................................. 32
Discrimination. ...................................................................................................... 32
Displays of Affection............................................................................................ 32
Dress and Grooming.............................................................................................. 32
Eating in the Building.......................................................................................... 33
Fighting.................................................................................................................. 33
Forgery................................................................................................................... 33
Gambling................................................................................................................. 33
Gang Activity......................................................................................................... 33
Gross Misconduct/Disobedience. ........................................................................ 33
Harassment of Staff.............................................................................................. 34
Harassment, Sexual. .............................................................................................. 35
Hats and Headwear............................................................................................... 35
Woodstock North High School
Hazing.................................................................................................................... 35
ID Cards................................................................................................................. 35
Insubordination..................................................................................................... 36
Language (Inappropriate, Abusive, or Foul)......................................................... 36
Off-Campus Activity.............................................................................................. 36
Physical Threats and/or Intimidation................................................................ 36
Racial, Ethnic or Sexual Slurs............................................................................. 36
Signs and Posters................................................................................................... 36
Skateboards and Roller blades. ........................................................................... 36
Smoking and Tobacco Products............................................................................ 36
Theft or Vandalism............................................................................................... 37
STUDENT ACTIVITIES............................................................................................ 38
INDEX......................................................................................................................... 51
Home of the Thunder
Staff Listing
Woodstock North High School Staff Listing by
Brian McAdow, Principal bmcadow@wcusd200.org
Justin Smith, Assistant Principal jusmith@wcusd200.org
Jeremy Schaaf, Assistant Principal jschaaf@wcusd200.org
Nick Kearfott, Athletic Director nkearfott@wcusd200.org
Jeff Schroeder, Dean of Attendance jschroeder@wcusd200.org
English Department
Tonya Chambers - tchambers@wcusd200.org
Brad Fennessy - bfennessy@wcusd200.org
Robert Hoadley - rhoadley@wcusd200.org
Michael Kim - mkim@wcusd200.org
Sabrina Nevler - snevler@wcusd200.org
*Jennifer Spear - jspear@wcusd200.org
Casey Tebo - ctebo@wcusd200.org
Shana VanGrimbergen svangrimbergen@wcusd200.org
Fine Arts Department
Megan Kim, Chorus - mekim@wcusd200.org
Bill Simpson, Band - wsimpson@wcusd200.org
*Elizabeth Magar, librarian emagar@wcusd200.org
Mike Wargaski, Art - mwargaski@wcusd200.org
Malinala Homer - mholmer@wcusd200.org
Industrial Education Department
Dale Daugherity - ddaugherity@wcusd200.org
*Ken Martin - kmartin@wcusd200.org
Megan McCarthy - mmccarthy@wcusd200.org
Jen Rooney - jrooney@wcusd200.org
Steve Thompson - sthompson@wcusd200.org
Bill Weber - wweber@wcusd200.org
Math Department
Carol Koltz - ckoltz@wcusd200.org
John Regner - jregner@wcusd200.org
*Christine Rose - crose@wcusd200.org
Bernard Schmit - bschmit@wcusd200.org
Kathryn Pederson - kpederson@wcusd200.org
Michelle Gerlinger - mgerlinger@wcusd200.org
Social Studies Department
Andrea Runyan - arunyan@wcusd200.org
Kenneth Martin - kmartin@wcusd200.org
Michael Olhava - molhava@wcusd200.org
Jason Stock - jstock@wcusd200.org
Carol Wienke - cwienke@wcusd200.org
*Charles Wooderson cwooderson@wcusd200.org
Special Education Department
Mariah Olhava - maolhava@wcusd200.org
Kari Aldridge - kaldridge@wcusd200.org
Carol Bochat - cbochat@wcusd200.org
Kim Buchanan - kbuchanan@wcusd200.org
*Corinnea Dalman - cdalman@wcusd200.org
Michael DeGrassi - mdegrassi@wcusd200.org
Mariah Koleno - mkoleno@wcusd200.org
*Elizabeth Metropulos emetropulos@wcusd200.org
Marla Peters - mpeters@wcusd200.org
Linda Warriner - lwarriner@wcusd200.org
Sarah Sarbaugh - ssarbaugh@wcusd200.org
World Language Department
Deborah Guild, Spanish - dguild@wcusd200.org
*Gail Head, Spanish - ghead@wcusd200.org
Andrea Isabelli, French aisabelli@wcusd200.org
Anthony Keisling, German akeisling@wcusd200.org
Miguel Pastor- mpastor@wcusd200.org
Gudiance Department
Mary Blietz (Students: Hf - R) mblietz@wcusd200.org
*John Kohl (Students: S -Z) jkohl@wcusd200.org
Jessica Telander (Students: A - He) jtelander@wcusd200.org
Maria Sandall, Registrar msandall@wcusd200.org
Lisa Terry, Social Worker- lterry@wcusd200.org
Jennifer Cellucci- jcellucci@wcusd200.org
Vicki Deutsch, Secretary - (815) 334-2124
Academy of Changes, Helen (Betsy) Campbell - hcampbell@wcusd200.org
* Denotes Department Chairperson
Physical Education Department
John Fredericks - jfredericks@wcusd200.org
Margo Jacob - mjacob@wcusd200.org
Cindy Robson - crobson@wcusd200.org
Ian Shanahan - ishanahan@wcusd200.org
*J.C. Wise - jcwise@wcusd200.org
Science Department
Patti Baltes - pbaltes@wcusd200.org
*Jillian Barry - jbarry@wcusd200.org
Kris Carter - kcarter@wcusd200.org
Keni Reinks - kreinks@wcusd200.org
Tracey Yoder- tyoder@wcusd200.org
Nathen Zentner - nzentner@wcusd200.org
Woodstock North High School
You Have What It Takes . . .
Meet or exceed standards on the PSAE test
Participate in one sport, club, or activity during high school career
Demonstrate community involvement
Earn at least 260 credits during high school career
Earn a 2.50 GPA or higher
Be a good citizen: no suspensions or good conduct violations
Maintain a 95% attendance rate during both junior and senior years
Complete at least one capstone course, as identified within each department, or one
Advanced Placement course
Principal’s Award of Excellence—This award is given to students who on the Prairie State
Achievement Examination earn “Exceeds Standards” on Math, Science and Reading. This
consistent demonstration of excellence is a tremendous award and winners are displayed in a
display case on the first floor.
Honor Rolls—Students may earn recognition on one of two Honor Rolls. To be placed on the
Honor Roll, a student must earn from 3.33 to 3.99 in any given semester. If a student earns a 4.0
grade point average or above the student would be recognized as earning High Honor Roll status.
National Honor Society— A faculty council examines students to be selected based on their
academic, service, character and leadership performances. This is awarded to juniors or seniors.
300 Credit Club—A student who earns 300 credits during their 4 years at WNHS would earn a
300 Credit medallion to be worn at graduation. 300 Credit Club winners have maximized their
high school experience.
PSAE Distinction— Students are recognized on the Prairie State Achievement Exam for their
ability to meet or exceed state standards in reading, math and science. Achieving these categories
of proficiency is the schools highest priority.
Valedictorian—The student who achieves the highest grade point average in the class
is considered the Valedictorian. Typically, the valedictorian speaks at the Graduation
Salutatorian—The second ranked student in each class is recognized as the Salutatorian. The
Salutatorian is presented a medallion that is worn at graduation.
AP Scholar—To become an AP (Advanced Placement) Scholar, a student must earn the score of
3 or higher on at least 3 AP examinations. This level of scholarship is tremendously prestigious.
Home of the Thunder
AP Diploma Recipient—Students will be recognized at graduation as AP Diploma Recipients
if they take AP course, test, and earn a B- or higher in five or more AP classes during their
high school careers. AP Diploma recipients have pursued a tremendously rigorous high school
academic path.
Spanish, French and German National Honor Societies—Each of our foreign languages
that is taught until the fourth year has their own honor society that is designed to honor
accomplishment in each language.
Graduation with Honors—This award is similar to the previous award but the grade point award
is higher.
Perfect Attendance—Students with perfect attendance during a four-year career at WNHS would
earn this award.
Illinois State Scholars—The State of Illinois awards students the recognition of Illinois State
Scholar when examining a student’s scores on school based and state based standards.
National Merit Scholar—Students who excel at the PSAT test given to juniors could be eligible
to earn the National Merit Scholars. This competition is also one of the nation’s most celebrated
competitions and has tremendous scholarship potential.
Fox Valley Conference All-Conference and All-Academic—Woodstock North High School
is affiliated in one of the state’s most competitive athletic conferences. Each sport selects AllConference athletes for their work athletically and academically.
District 200 Pride Awards—The Woodstock District #200 School Board recognizes students
for their outstanding accomplishments and contributions during their high school career. The five
categories recognized are athletics, community contribution, fine arts, personal achievement and
Departmental Awards—Each department awards special recognition to students who have
displayed the highest levels of accomplishments within each individual discipline. The awards are
presented at the Senior Honors Assembly in May.
Gotcha Cards – Reward based program that provides immediate positive reinforcement for a
number of behaviors and actions. Gotcha cards promote the THUNDER WAY!
Thunder Hero- The National Honor Society (NHS) would like to provide the Thunder Hero
award to a graduating senior who has exhibited an unselfish act of community or volunteer
service outside of any service organization. NHS wants to recognize one graduating senior for an
outstanding, selfless deed that probably would not be otherwise recognized.
Dual Credit Award- Awarded to students that take and pass a dual credit class.
Student of the Month- An award sponsored through the Woodstock Independent Newspaper.
WNHS Student of the Month- An award based upon attendance, grades, citizenship, and
vi i
Woodstock North High School
This planner has been designed to help guide you successfully through the school year. The planner
will provide you with useful school information and will help keep your time and schoolwork organized.
Students are required to carry the planner to be used as their hall pass. If you lose this planner, another
one may be purchased for $5.00 from the Assistant Principals office. Please share the information in this
planner with your parents/legal guardians.
Mr. Paul Meyer
Mr. David Shinherr
Mr. Robert Birchfield
Ms. Camille Goodwin
Mr. Russ Goerlitz
Mr. Carl Gilmore
Mr. Bill Nattress
Mr. Michael Moan
Brian McAdow
Assistant Principal
Justin Smith
(Students A-K)
Assistant Principal
Jeremy Schaaf -
(Students L-Z)
Athletic Director
Nick Kearfott
Dean of Attendance
Jeffrey Schroeder
Jennifer Spear
World Languages
Gail Head
Social Studies
Chuck Wooderson
Fine Arts-Music-Learning Resource Center
Elizabeth Magar
Special Education
Corinnea Dalman
Christine Rose
Jillian Barry
John Kohl
Vocational Ed.-Family & Consumer Sciences-Business -
Ken Martin
Physical Education-Health-Driver Education
J.C. Wise
Special Education
Elizabeth Metropolus
School Website
- WNHS.woodstockschools.org
Athletic Website
- www.athletics2000.com/woodstocknorth
District Website
- www.woodstockschools.org
Home of the Thunder
Zero hour
Warning Bell
1st hour
2nd hour
3rd hour
4th hour
5th hour
6th hour
7th hour
8th hour
9th hour
7:20 a.m.
8:15 a.m.
8:20 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
10:10 a.m.
11:05 a.m.
11:35 a.m.
12:05 p.m.
12:35 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:25 p.m.
8:10 a.m.
9:10 a.m.
10:05 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m.
1:25 p.m.
2:20 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
Zero hour
1st hour
2nd hour
3rd hour
4th hour
5th hour
6th hour
7th hour
8th hour
9th hour
7:20 a.m.
8:20 a.m.
9:20 a.m
9:50 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:10 a.m.
11:50 a.m. -
12:20 p.m. -
12:50 p.m.
1:20 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:40 p.m.
8:10 a.m.
9:10 a.m.
9:45 a.m
10:25 a.m.
11:05 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
12:45 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
1:55 p.m.
2:35 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
Zero hour
7:20 a.m.
Warning Bell 8:15 a.m.
1st hour
8:20 a.m.
2nd hour
8:52 a.m.
3rd hour
9:24 a.m.
9:56 a.m.
7th hour
10:29 a.m.
8th hour
11:01 a.m.
9th hour
11:33 a.m.
8:10 a.m.
8:47 a.m.
9:19 a.m.
9:51 a.m.
10:24 a.m.
10:56 a.m.
11:28 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Lunch will not meet – Students should go to class according to the schedule above.
Woodstock North High School
Zero hour Warning Bell
1st hour
2nd hour
3rd hour
4th hour
5th hour
6th hour
7th hour
8th hour
9th hour
7:20 a.m.
8:15 a.m.
8:20 a.m.
9:07 a.m.
9:54 a.m.
10:41 a.m.
11:10 a.m.
11:39 a.m.
12:08 p.m.
12:55 p.m.
1:42 p.m.
8:10 a.m.
9:02 a.m.
9:49 a.m.
10:36 a.m.
11:05 a.m.
11:34 a.m.
12:03 p.m.
12:50 p.m.
1:37 p.m.
2:25 p.m.
Zero hour Warning Bell
1st hour
2nd hour
3rd hour
4th hour
5th hour
6th hour
7th hour
8th hour
9th hour
7:20 a.m.-8:10 a.m.
8:20 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
9:10 am – 10:50 a.m. 10:50 a.m.-11:35 a.m.
11:45 a.m.-1:25 p.m.
1:35 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Day 1
Study Hall
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
8:20 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
10:10 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Day 3
Period 9
Buses Depart
7:20 a.m.
8:15 a.m.
8:20 a.m.
9:09 a.m.
9:58 a.m.
10:47 a.m.
11:16 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
12:14 p.m.
1:03 p.m.
1:52 p.m.
2:40 p.m.
8:10 a.m.
9:04 a.m.
9:53 a.m.
10:42 a.m.
11:11 a.m.
11:40 a.m.
12:09 p.m.
12:58 p.m.
1:47 p.m.
2:36 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
Day 2
Study Hall
Period 4/5/6
Period 7
Period 8
Final exams are not taken early under any circumstance other than a school sponsored event
(see student information section).
WNHS will be operating as a closed campus during exams. Students will not be allowed outside of
the building during the school day unless they are excused by parent/guardian. This can be done by
contacting the attendance office. All study halls will meet during first hour except for 9th period on
Day 3. These classes will be held in room 246 or in the cafeteria and will be silent study halls. During
lunch basic food service will be provided as will areas for silent and group study. All other areas of the
building will be closed during lunch. Students waiting for the bus during Day 3’s make-up period can
do so in the library or the cafeteria. Students tardy to exams will be sent to study hall for the period and
must arrange for a make-up exam on Day 3. Students are responsible for following the bell schedule
on days when the schedule is altered from its normal routine. This includes late start, noon dismissal,
one-hour early dismissal, mid-term and final exams, and assemblies. Attendance policies are in effect for
each day of the school calendar regardless of the bell schedule.
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Main Office
Driver Education
Payment for Lost Books
Visitors – Adult/Student
Theatre Information
Athletic Office
Athletic Schedules
Attendance Office/Assistant Principals Attendance – Excused
Attendance – Problems/Questions
Co-Curricular Activities Activity
Guest Pass for Dances
ID Cards – Replacement
Posters & Signs – Permission
Students’ Rights
Disciplinary Problems
Lost & Found
Nurse’s Office
Medical Problems
Physicals/PE Excuses Gang
Guidance Office/Registrar
Locker Problems
Summer School
Special Education College
Life Skills Program
District Transportation
Bus Information
Athletic Office
Attendance Office
Building & Grounds District Office
Guidance Office
Nurse’s Office
Building & Grounds
Asbestos Disturbance
District Office
Free Lunch Program
Phone Numbers
To find out whether school is closed, you may check with any of the following sources:
Local Radio Stations: WZSR Star 105.5 FM, WAIT 850 AM, WMCW 1600 AM
Chicago Radio Stations: WGN 720 AM, WBBM 780 AM
Rockford Radio Stations: WXRX 104.9 FM, WKMQ 96.7 FM, WNTA 1330 AM
Television Stations: CBS (Channel 2), WGN (Channel 9), FOX (Channel 32),
CLTV (Cable)
Telephone: 815.338.5200 (District 200 Message Line)
1.900.407.7669 (Toll Call – Parental Permission Required)
Internet: www.d200.mchenry.k12.il.us or www.woodstockschools.org
www.cancellations.com www.cltv.com www.wgnradio.com/
Community Unit School District 200 reserves the right to modify the behavior expectations and
consequence guidelines contained in this handbook at any time and as individual situations warrant such
Woodstock North High School
Regular attendance at school is mandatory to maintain a good scholastic record and to develop the
personal traits that are expected of adults. Students are required to attend class regularly and on time.
Since attendance and participation directly affect learning, a student’s grade is directly affected by his or
her attendance. Parents/legal guardians are urged to have their students in school all day. The State of
Illinois requires compulsory school attendance until the age of 17 and mandates that parents/guardians
must call the school each and every day that their child is absent from school. All unexcused absences
shall be referred to as truancies.
Reporting Absences
All student absences must be reported by parent or legal guardian on the day of the student’s absence to
the attendance office using one of the following methods:
1. A phone call from the parent/legal guardian by 8:30 a.m. on the 24-hour automated telephone
number, 815-334-2400, on the day of the student’s absence,
2. A note from the parent/legal guardian excusing the absence.
If no communication has been made by the parent, the student must report to the attendance office
on the day following an absence with a written note from their parent/guardian. If the parent/
guardian fails to notify the school within 24 hours of the absence the student will be considered truant
regardless of circumstances, with the exception of a death in the immediate family or an extreme family
Excessive excused absences will be referred to the Dean of Attendance or Assistant Principals for
review and parental contact.
Excused Absences
Students shall be allowed to make-up work for the following absences:
1. Personal illness
2. Death in the immediate family
3. Emergencies as approved by the school administration
4. Field Trips, co-curricular and athletic activities
The following require at least two days advance notice to be considered excused and students shall be
allowed make-up privileges for missed work and assignments:
5. Religious observances
6. Required court appearances verified by parent and court documentation
7. Doctor/Dentist appointments verified by a doctor’s note/receipt specifying time and date
8. College visitations must be verified by official documentation such as a signed letter obtained as
a result of the visit and limited to no more than two for juniors, and three for seniors. Brochures,
pamphlets, parking permits, letter of invitation, etc. are NOT considered official documentation.
9. Other reasons approved by the school administration
The following requires at least five days advance notice to be considered excused, make-up privileges for
work and assignments at the discretion of the teacher:
10. Family vacations
Call Pending
If a parent/legal guardian has not communicated an excuse for a student’s absence, the student will receive
a “Call Pending Admit” that will allow him or her to attend class. The student’s parent/legal guardian must
communicate within 24 hours of the absence, or the student will be dealt with as truant.
Illness During the School Day
A student who becomes ill at any time during the school day needs to obtain a pass from his or her
classroom teacher prior to going to the nurse’s office. If the illness is of a nature that requires a student
to be sent home, the nurse or designee will contact the student’s parent/legal guardian (or other adult
Home of the Thunder
listed as the emergency contact on the student information form). Text messages from parents to
students regarding the students’ illness is not an accepted form of parent contact for an excused
dismissal. Parents will need to contact the school directly. Students may be picked up in the nurse’s
office, attendance office, or guidance office. Students have to have the parent/guardian sign them out of
school. A student may not leave the school without notification to one of the office’s listed above and
also the parent/guardian signature on the sign-out sheet.
Excessive Absences Per Semester (Excused or Unexcused)
Students may not exceed fifteen absences each semester per class. All excused absences and truancies,
with the exception of items 4 and 5 under “Excused Absences” will count toward the “Excessive
Absence Limit.” After 15 days of absence credit may be lost for all work and for the class itself. If a
student is passing a course at the time of the 16th absence then he/she may receive a grade of no credit
“N,” for the semester. If a student is failing the course at the time of the 16th absence then he/she may
receive a failing grade “F,” for the semester.
Extended absence of two or more consecutive days due to medical issues may be “grouped” and
counted as one absence if the following criteria is met:
1. A doctor’s note is brought to the Facilitator or Assistant Principal on the day the student returns to
school, or
2. Arrangements have been made with the school administration.
Contact the Dean of Attendance or Assistant Principal regarding any extended absences to review the
student’s absence status.
Upon the ninth absence the school will notify the student’s parent/guardian with the consequences of
further absences.
Upon the twelfth absence the school will again notify the student’s parent/guardian with the
consequences of further absences.
For classes that meet M-W-F, the excessive number of absences allowed to reach the excessive absence
rule is nine. For classes that meet T-Th, the excessive number of absences is six. For quarter classes the
excessive number of absences is eight.
At any time a student reaches absences excused or unexcused exceeding 5% or more and 3 or more days
in a row may require a doctor’s note.
Leaving the Campus
Prior parental notification is needed before a student signs out or is granted permission to leave school
for any reason. Students with permission to leave campus must sign out in the Attendance Office.
Upon returning to school the student must report to the Attendance Office and sign in. Anyone leaving
campus without prior approval from the school administration will be truant and may be subject to
disciplinary action.
A truancy is an absence from school, with or without parent permission which does not meet the criteria
for excused absences outlined in the above guidelines. A truancy ticket can be written at the discretion
of the administration at any incident.
Examples of truancies include but are not limited to:
1. Tardy of more than five minutes to class
2. Willfully and deliberately walking out of a class before dismissal
3. Skipping Class
4. Oversleeping
5. Missing the bus or no ride to school
6. Car Trouble – unless confirmed by a parent phone call within 24 hours
7. Work or babysitting
Woodstock North High School
8. 9. 10.
12. Shopping trips
Haircut appointments
Errands that could be scheduled when a student is not required to be in school
Family related absences that are not emergencies
Dental, medical or legal appointments that are not verified by a doctor or legal
13. Leaving school without receiving parent/legal guardian approval, checking with
the nurse, or signing out in the attendance office
14. Illness exceeding five days within a 20 school day period unless verified by a
Students will be considered truant if they are absent from school for one or more periods during a school
day without prior parent/legal guardian approval. Any tardy over five (5) minutes to any attendance area is
considered a class cut or truancy. Consequences will be issued per truancy. Truant tickets may be issued.
Consequences can range from detention to suspension for truancy.
The State of Illinois has specific laws governing truancy. If students fall into one of the two categories
listed below, they and their parent/guardian may be subject to civil or Criminal penalties. Students with
unexcused absences may receive a truancy ticket per Woodstock City Ordinance no. 06-O-79, which
defines, prohibits, and penalizes truancy. A child to whom supportive services, e.g. prevention, diagnostic,
intervention, and remedial services, and/or other school and community services have been provided, or
have been offered and refused, and have failed to result in cessation of chronic truancy, is considered a
truant minor.
Classroom Consequences for Truancies
Class assignments and activities that are missed due to truancy are creditable at the discretion of the
teacher. This includes: in-class assignments, homework due that day or assigned that day, participation
grades, laboratory activities, quizzes, tests, or any other means by which students earn a grade in
class. Students are required to do the missed work as it is an integral part of their learning experience,
however, no credit may be assigned for this work. After the third truancy the student will be dropped
from the class with a grade of F in addition to school consequences for truancies.
Chronic or Habitual Truancy
A child who is subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without valid cause from such
attendance for five percent or more of the previous 180 regular attendance days is considered a chronic or
habitual truant. For students subject to the compulsory attendance laws, all or part of a day is considered a
full day of unexcused absence. Chronic habitual truancy and truant minors will be referred to the Regional
Superintendent’s Office for investigation and/or discipline.
For further information please contact the McHenry County
Education at 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, IL.
Regional Office of
60098, 815-334-4475,
Tardies (Per Semester)
Students entering class late interrupt the classroom and reduce learning time available to all students.
In order to maximize the time available for learning and to promote the behaviors expected by future
employers, students must be on time to class. School administrators will issue detentions to students in
hallways without a pass after the bell.
Students are “tardy” if they are less than five (5) minutes late to a class, study hall, or commons. Students
who are five (5) or more minutes late to a class receive a gross tardy. Students who are excused by a staff
member will not be marked tardy or absent. Tardies are monitored on a quarterly basis. When a student
remains with the same teacher for both parts of the Driver Ed/Personal Fitness sequence, tardies will be
calculated as they are for a one-semester course.
The following consequences will be given for tardiness during a quarter:
Home of the Thunder
First and second tardy
Third tardy Fourth tardy Fifth tardy Sixth tardy
Seventh tardy Notification from the attendance office-
unexcused pass issued.
Written warning issued by the Dean of Attendance
Half-hour after-school detention assigned by an
administrator and will also contact the
student’s parent/legal guardian to advise them of the tardy policy.
One-hour after-school detention assigned by an
A 1 ½ hour Saturday detention will be assigned
by an administrator along with parent
A Saturday detention/ISS will be assigned by an administrator along with parent notification.
1. Students who are enrolled in a nine week class, may be dropped from class after the fifth tardy.
2.Students who are enrolled in a semester class, may be dropped from that class after the tenth tardy.
Closed Campus Policy
Woodstock North High School has a closed campus policy. Students are expected to be in their assigned
attendance areas at all times. After boarding the bus and/or arriving on campus, students are responsible
for following school rules and are not allowed to leave without checking out in the attendance office or
the nurse’s office. No students are allowed to leave campus between or during class periods. There is
no driving during school hours unless permission is granted by parents/guardian and notification to an
Assistant Principal.
Students are not to be in hallways without their Agenda pass during class periods. Loitering in hallways or
at lockers is not permitted. Hallways are closed during lunch periods.
Study Halls/Commons
Study halls are a study time for assigned students. They may work on assignments or read appropriate
books, magazines, or other publications. They may not play cards, listen to radios or headphones, or in any
way disturb other students. The administration reserves the right to assign students of any level to a quiet
study hall if their grades or behavior warrant such a move.
Study hall and commons are both classes and all school rules for behavior, attendance, and discipline
applies. A student with an unexcused absence from study hall or commons will be considered truant and
will be dealt with under the discipline system. Electronic passes will be used for students needing added
academic support from the teacher or through the library.
School-sponsored after-game dances are for Woodstock North High School students. A student must
have a valid WNHS picture ID card to be admitted. A Woodstock North High School student may
invite one visitor per dance (must be under 21 years old). The visitor must bring a valid high school
picture ID and surrender it at the beginning of the dance to an administrator. The ID card will be
returned when the visitor leaves the dance. In order to sign up as a visitor, a student must complete a
Visitor Request Form in the attendance office and return it to that office. The deadline for turning in
the visitor form is at the end of the school day on the day before the dance. Students are reminded that
dances are a privilege and that all school rules and regulations of student conduct are applicable. No
admission will be granted into a school-sponsored dance one hour after the dance begins. Appropriate
dress codes will be established before hand and is the responsibility of the student to dress accordingly.
If a student is not dressed appropriately for an after school event that student will not be admitted into
the event. Any student suspended out-of-school will not be allowed to attend school dances during the
Woodstock North High School
Attending Prom is a privilege that is afforded to students that have been responsible citizens throughout
the year. Students who plan to attend Prom need to be aware of the following guidelines:
Any student suspended from school or assigned to saturday detention on two or more separate occasions may lose the privilege of attending Prom.
Students may not invite a guest to Prom who is 21 or older.
All Woodstock North High School rules and policies apply.
Students will not be permitted to attend Prom if one or more of the following conditions apply at the
time of Prom:
The student has dropped out during the school year.
The student does not have at least sophomore standing in high school.
Assemblies, Programs, and Athletic Contests
All students are expected to behave appropriately when participating in a large group experience. Students
must demonstrate hospitality and respect for visiting team members, officials, actors, and/or guest
presenters at all times. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Any student involved in adverse
behavior will be ejected from the activity immediately. Additional disciplinary action will follow. All
students must dress appropriately for school related events. Examples of inappropriate dress include, but
not limited to, shirtless, painted bodies, innuendos, sports bras, and vulgar words and/or images. There
are no open containers allowed in school related events.
Class Removals
Teachers are responsible for maintaining discipline within the classroom, but, in accordance with school
board policy, students may be removed from the classroom for disruptive behavior. Good manners,
courtesy, and mutual respect are key ingredients in any classroom setting. Any time that a student is
removed from a class, he or she will receive an “F” for the day’s work and may not be able to complete
any tests or assignments given that day.
Student Messages/Deliveries
School resources prevent the unnecessary interruption of classes for student messages and delivery of
personal items. Students are not to receive telephone calls or messages during school hours unless there is
an extreme emergency. An effort will be made to deliver emergency messages only.
Visitors Policy
The school policy is to accept only those visitors who have legitimate business at the school. Visitors must
register in the main office. Parents/legal guardians are always welcome. Students are discouraged from
bringing other student visitors to school. Individuals who are not parents/ gaurdians of a student may not
be granted enterance into school without proper business and I.D.
Withdrawal Procedures
When a student withdraws from school or transfers to another school, he or she must secure a Withdrawal
Form from his or her counselor or school registrar to present to his or her teachers. Teachers will accept
the return of educational materials, determine a grade to date, and sign the release form for the student.
It is difficult for the student to process this Withdrawal Form in less than one school day. Students are
responsible for financial obligations and/or payment of any lost or damaged items.
Work Permits
Students who hold jobs outside of the school day may receive the required work permit forms from the
Regional Superintendent’s Office, on Ware Road, by presenting the following items:
1. A written statement from the student’s employer indicating the type of work to be performed and
the hours to be worked,
2. A written statement signed by the parents/legal guardians showing his or her consent for the
student’s employment,
3. A birth certificate,
Home of the Thunder
A social security card,
A written statement signed by the student’s physician stating that the student is able to work.
Student Parking
Parking in lots owned by District 200 is a privilege. Before parking in a lot, a student must complete a
registration application for his or her vehicle and pay a $105.00 yearly parking fee. A student graduating
at semester will be reimbursed for ½ of the fee at the end of the first semester, if the assigned parking
sticker is returned to the attendance office at semester’s end. Vehicle registration and fee payment will take
place at registration and in the attendance office prior to the first day of school. Parking can be limited
and preferences for parking permits will be determined by the following criteria:
1. Students enrolled in classes during the school day at McHenry County College
2. Students enrolled in a school-related work program
The remaining permits will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis to Seniors first, then to Junior
and Sophomores.
Students applying for parking permits must possess a valid driver’s license. All vehicles are subject
to a search if they are parked on school grounds. By parking a vehicle on school grounds, the
owner, the driver, and/or the person in charge of the vehicle consent to a complete search of the
vehicle, all of its compartments, and contents by school officials or law enforcement personnel
for any reason, without notice, cause, consent, or warrant while the vehicle is on school property.
This notice applies to vehicles of all types and is enforced 24 hours a day.
Students who are given the privilege of parking in school parking lots must observe the following rules:
1. Students will not park in “Staff Parking Only” areas.
2. Students will not park in “No Parking” areas.
3. Students are not allowed to go to their vehicles during school hours, including lunch, unless
given permission from the attendance office and/or school administration.
4. Students may not sell, trade, or allow others to use their parking permits.
5. Students may not allow other students to use their vehicles while parked on school grounds.
6. Students may not have drugs or alcohol in their vehicles.
7. Students may not smoke or allow other students to smoke in their vehicles while parked on
school property.
8. Students must not drive recklessly on school property.
9. Students must register their vehicle with the school.
10. Students must display the student-parking permit as assigned by the attendance office.
11. Students must possess a valid driver’s license.
12. Students must follow all normal school rules when parking their vehicles in school parking
13. Be in good standing regarding any disciplinary consequences.
14. Student parking pass can be revoked at any time due to behavior or academic concerns.
Any violation of this parking privilege will result in the revocation of the student’s parking permit, the loss
of his/her parking privileges, parking payment, and other appropriate disciplinary actions. Cars parked
in “No Parking” areas or in “Staff Parking Only” areas without staff/visitor permits will be towed at
the owner’s expense. The school is not responsible for theft or damage to any vehicle parked on school
property. Repeat offenders may be assigned an out-of-school suspension resulting from insubordination.
Handicap parking is provided in designated areas for students who have received the appropriate
handicapped parking permit form the Adult/Child Rehab Center (338.1707).
Field Trips
Students attending school-sponsored field trips are governed by school regulations and behavior
expectations. Students on field trips must carry a picture identification card. Students attending field trips
will be charged for the cost of the trip. The staff member who is supervising the field trip will collect
money and turn it into the attendance office prior to the date of the field trip. The money collected will
be deposited in the school field trip account. Prior to attending field trips, parents/legal guardians must
complete a parent/legal guardian approval form and insurance waiver. Overnight field trip permission
Woodstock North High School
forms must be notarized.
Computer/Internet Use
Woodstock North High School students have the privilege of using computers and accessing the Internet
to facilitate educational growth in technology skills, information-gathering skills, and communication
skills. This is a conditional privilege, and prior to use, students and parents/legal guardians must sign
and agree with the WNHS Acceptable Use Policy for technology. Students who knowingly and without
authorization cause disruption and/or interference of the vital services of any district computer shall be
subject to disciplinary actions. Computer and internet use must be curriculum and course related.
The following consequences may include
1. Fines to recover cost of repair
2. Denial of use of district computers for a time to be determined
3. Withdrawal from classes
4. Assignment to a specific computer and/or a specific time for usage of said computer
5. Detention and/or suspension
6. Filing of criminal charges
Elevator Use
From time to time a student may, for medical reasons, need to use the school elevator. To use the
elevator during the school year, a student should
1. Provide a note from a parent/legal guardian to the nurse that includes the reason for elevator
usage. Students needing to use the elevator for more than one day will need a note from their
physician verifying need. The nurse will issue a pass to a student if it is part of his or her I.E.P.
2. Students will receive a 5-minute early classroom dismissal approval from the nurse.
3. Passes for elevator use must be returned at end of the approved period of time.
When the fire alarm sounds, the elevator is NOT to be used.
Note-Elevator use applies before, during and after school.
Driver Education
Students must be 15 years-of-age, have 50 hours of earned credit, and have passed eight (8) classes over
the previous two semesters in order to be enrolled in Driver Education.
Students are scheduled for behind-the-wheel training during their commons period based on their dateof-birth.
The principal or his designee may conduct a search of the school physical campus including students’
lockers. The assignment and use of a locker is made subject to the discretion of the school administration.
The administration has the right to inspect a student’s locker at any time. The school is not liable for
losses incurred from locker break-ins and/or theft. Students are responsible for the cleaning of hall and
gym lockers. Students should not share their combinations with anyone nor pre-set their lockers for easy
access. Student will be assessed a $15.00 fine for damage to their assigned locker.
Search and Seizure
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the case of New Jersey versus T. L. O. on January 15, 1985, stated
that school teachers and administrators have the right to search a student and his or her personal items
(purses, billfolds, jackets, pockets, lockers, cars, etc.) if they have “reasonable suspicion” that the student
has something prohibited by law, school board policy, or school regulations in their possession.
The search is not a violation of the student’s constitutional right to privacy in school when there are
reasonable grounds for suspecting that a search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is
violating the law or the rules of the school. The school’s right to search is granted to school officials in
order to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the students and staff. Police assistance may be
Home of the Thunder
Student Grievance Procedures
Review of General Student Concerns:
Students and/or their parent/legal guardian have the right to request to review with school staff any
incident or decision for which they have concern. The parent/legal guardian should first contact the staff
member who is directly involved in the situation or decision. Students may wish to discuss the matter with
their counselors to understand better how to approach a concern in a positive and constructive manner.
If this review does not resolve the concern, then a request for an administrative review of the decision or
incident at the next supervisory level may be requested. The general review sequence goes from teacher
to division chair, to assistant principal, to principal, to the district administrative hearing officer, to the
superintendent, and to the Board of Education.
Review of Concerns Related to State or Federal Rights:
1. Students and their parent/legal guardian, employees, or community members may file a complaint in
accordance with this grievance procedure if they believe that the Board of Education, its employees,
or agents have violated their rights guaranteed by the state or federal constitution, state or federal
statutes, or board policy including, but not limited to, the following:
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Claims of sexual harassment under the Illinois Human Rights Act
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
2. Anyone wishing to present an allegation of discrimination shall contact the district coordinator for
non-discrimination, Teresa Dailey (337.5144).
3. Upon receipt of a written grievance, the coordinator shall investigate the nature and validity of
the grievance with the involvement of district personnel responsible for the program or activity
cited by the grievant and others as necessary and appropriate. The coordinator may seek advice
from related state agencies or legal counsel. A meeting must be held between the grievant and the
district representative within ten (10) days.
Within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving the grievance, the coordinator shall render a written
decision. Included with the decision will be a reminder of the steps for further appeal. Copies
of the written decision shall go to the grievant, the staff person responsible for the program or
activity cited, specific individuals charged (if any), and the superintendent.
If either the grievant or the party charged is not satisfied with the decision rendered by the
coordinator, the decision may be appealed within fifteen (15) calendar days to the Board of
Education by submitting a written request, for a hearing before the Board, addressed to the
Office of the Superintendent. The superintendent shall forward copies of the grievance and the
coordinator’s decision to the Board of Education. The Board of Education shall review all of
the aforementioned documents at its next regularly scheduled meeting and shall render its written
decision within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date on which the grievance was heard.
If either the grievant or the party charged is dissatisfied with the Board’s decision, appeal may
be made first to the Superintendent of Educational Service Region and, finally, to the State
Superintendent of Schools. Appeal outside the district should be made in a timely fashion.
Course Change Requests
The process of selecting and registering for courses is an important and thorough process. At this time
the entire school staff is available to address curriculum issues and to aid students in the course selection
process. The master schedule is developed based on students’ registration requests. Students and parents
are encouraged to review the curriculum guide each year when determining courses and should work
closely with their counselor to assure that the course selections are appropriate and meet graduation/posthigh school requirements. Consequently after the initial selection of courses has taken place, it is very
difficult to add courses to a student’s schedule. Students will be provided with an opportunity to review
their course selections in late May. The courses that a student selects are final at that time, and no changes
should be necessary. Further details regarding schedule changes can be found in the Curriculum Guide.
Woodstock North High School
Grade Classification
To be classified a sophomore, a student must have earned a minimum of 45 semester
hours of credit
To be classified a junior, a student must have earned a minimum of 102 semester hours of credit
To be classified a senior, a student must have earned a minimum of 142 semester hours of credit or
have a graduation plan on file with the counselor
To graduate, a student must have earned
2009 - a minimum of 208 semester hours of credit
2010+ - a minimum of 222 semester hours of credit
No student will be allowed to participate in the commencement exercise unless all requirements for
graduation have been completed by the end of the final exam period. Any student who does not
complete requirements by the end of the final exam period but who completes course work and
provides official transcripts by the last day of summer before the next school year will be considered a
member of the graduating class. A contract outlining the course to be completed must be filed with a
counselor and approved by the administration. No diploma will be issued until all requirements are met
and the necessary transcripts have been received. If extended illness during the senior year or some
other unique circumstance is involved, the principal may consider exceptions to this policy.
Graduation Requirements
A minimum of 222 semester hours are required for graduation from Woodstock North High School.
Five semester hours of credit are earned upon completion of a subject which meets on a daily basis for
one semester. Classes that meet less than daily are assigned fewer credits. It is expected that students
will take a minimum of 27.5 semester hours per semester. Additionally students must earn WNHS
credit in order to earn a WNHS diploma.
The faculty and administration believe strongly in the concept of a basic education. Therefore all
students should extend their skills, understanding, and knowledge in selected areas called “required
courses.” It is our philosophy that study in these areas is necessary in developing well-rounded young
adults ready to continue on with their future plans. Of the 222 semester hours required for graduation,
the following credit hours must come from the areas listed in the graduation requirement chart below.
Please understand that it is possible, in fact desirable, to achieve well beyond the minimum number of
required credits. Many students achieve as many as 300 credit hours.
Credit Hours
40 Mathematics
9, 10, 11
(Includes one year of Geometry)
9, 10 or 11
(Includes a two year sequence) Geography
World History
United States History
11 or 12
Health (semester)
Driver Ed Classroom 9 or 102.5
(nine-week course)
Physical Education
(P.E. must be taken each semester except for those in which Health and Drivers Ed. are taken.)
Financial Literacy
10, 11 or 12
Federal & State Constitution**
See Below
Art/Foreign Language/Music/CTE
9, 10, 11, or 12
(Courses from the above departments includes one year of art, foreign language, music, or vocational
education.) Home of the Thunder
An English course is required each semester.
Most students will meet this requirement through their U.S. History class.
Early Graduation
Woodstock North High School is designed to be a four-year institution. While the overwhelming majority
of students attend high school for the full four years, it is possible for some students to graduate after
seven semesters. Seniors intending to graduate early must meet with their counselor to ensure that all
requirements are met. Please keep in mind that the school is not responsible to provide courses in a
specific sequence to allow a student to graduate early.
In order to graduate early a student must meet all requirements for graduation by the last day of first
semester exams. The eighth semester of PE will be waived under those circumstances. Application for
early graduation must be made prior to winter break of the student’s senior year. (Transfer students must
complete one full semester at Woodstock North High School to be eligible for early graduation.)
Students who graduate early are allowed to participate in all spring senior activities, which include
graduation practice, breakfast or lunch after graduation practice, graduation ceremony, senior awards
assembly, senior service project, and, if eligible, the honors banquet, senior athletic banquet, graduation
with honors, graduation with commendation, and graduation as one of the top ten students. Students
who graduate early may not participate in any co-curricular activities after final exams in December.
B-/Pass Grade and Pass/Fail Options
Due to academic considerations involving grade point average and class rank, some students may desire
the B-/Pass Grade option. Under this option, a student who earns at least a B- in the course will receive
a grade of P. This grade will not affect the student’s grade point average. For students who take this
option and earn less that a B-, the actual grade earned will be considered final, and that grade will affect
the student’s grade point average. The B-/Pass Grade option is limited to PE, Fall PE, Spring PE, PE/
Lifeguard Training, Lifetime Fitness, Dance I, Dance II, PE Leadership I and II, PE Partners, Strength
and Conditioning, Adaptive P.E., AquaFit, Walking for Fitness, and ALP PE. To apply for the B-/Pass
Grade option, students must file the appropriate card with parent permission in the attendance office
by the end of the 15th day of each semester. Behind the Wheel Driver Education is a one-hour course
that is automatically graded on a Pass/Fail basis. No card needs to be filed for Behind-the-Wheel Driver
Education is a one hour course
A–/Pass Grade Option For Students Taking An Overload
The A-/Pass Grade option is available for any student who is taking an overload and who is concerned that
even an excellent grade in the overloaded class will negatively impact their grade point average (GPA).
The A-/Pass Grade option means that if the student earns a final grade of A or A-, the student will
receive a grade of P on the report card and on the transcript. The student will receive credit for the course,
but that course and P grade will not be considered in GPA calculations. If the student earns a grade of
B+ or below, the student will receive the actual grade on the report card and that grade and course will be
considered in GPA calculations.
The following regulations govern the use of the A-/Pass Grade option for students taking an overload:
1. The student’s class load must be thirty-three hours or more. If at any time during the semester the
student’s load drops below thirty-three hours (except for a medical situation in P.E. class), the A-/
Pass Grade Option is revoked and the student will receive a regular grade.
2. This option applies only to elective courses in the Art, Business Education,
Family and Consumer Sciences, Industrial Technology, and Music departments.
3. Students may sign up for the A-/Pass Grade option for overloads for only one five-hour course
per semester. The A-/Pass Grade option for overloads may be used in conjunction with the B-/
Pass Grade option in PE and the A-/Pass Grade option in advanced music courses provided the
total number of hours taken for a grade that counts in the GPA calculation is at least twenty-four
and one-half. (For students eligible to use the A-/Pass Grade option in music, that option must be
Woodstock North High School
used prior to using the A-/Pass Grade option for overloads.)
Students must sign up for this option by the end of the 15th day of the semester. The appropriate
form must be filed in the Assistant Principal’s office with parent and student signatures by 4:00
p.m. on that day. The student/parent may make no changes in grade reporting status after that day.
WNHS grading scale
93.34 – 100% ——— A
90.00 – 93.33% ——— A86.67 – 89.99% ——— B+
83.34 – 86.66% ——— B
80.00 – 83.33% ——— B76.67 – 79.99% ——— C+
73.34 – 76.66% ——— C
70.00 – 73.33% ——— C66.67 – 69.99% ——— D+
63.34 – 66.66% ——— D
60.00 – 63.33% ——— D59.99% —————— F
Overall Work is Superior
Overall Work is Exceeding Expectations
Overall Work is Meeting Expectations
Overall Work is Below Expectations
Overall Work is At/Near Failing
Physical Education Exemption Regulations
1. The following regulations apply to the implementation of the physical education policy:
2. The student must initiate the request for exemption with their coach. The request must have
parental approval and be submitted to the physical education division chair by the above deadline.
3. The student must have a passing grade in physical education at the time of the request. The
Physical Education Department Chairperson will verify the requirement.
4. Each student exempted in physical education for participation in varsity athletics will be assigned
to study hall or commons. At the end of the sports season on the day after the last scheduled
event, the student will return to his/her physical education class. In the event the student is
dropped or quits the team, he/she will immediately return to his/her assigned physical education
5. The student will be graded on a P/F system based upon his/her performance in the physical
education class. If the student participates in consecutive sports seasons and physical education
class less than fifteen days, a P/F grade will be awarded for the physical education class he/she is
6. Students who are exempt in a winter sport must reapply at the beginning of the second semester
with their coach and they should report to their scheduled physical education class the first day of
the second semester.
7. A student can be exempted from no more than three hours of required physical education per
8. Students are exempted for academic purposes; therefore, a parent or guardian cannot excuse them
for the assigned period on a regular basis.
9. Students are responsible for completion of their final exams.
WNHS Library
The WNHS Library has over 13,000 books, audio/video equipment, MP3 recordings and other
materials for student and staff use. The 30 computers provide access to databases, student drives and
research capabilities for classes and individual students. The collection is being monitored and updated
to remain current and to support curriculum at all levels and to meet student interests. Students
receive instruction in research skills through a variety of classes. The library provides students with the
opportunity to make up tests for classes through a test file. The professional staff works closely with the
classroom teachers to provide opportunities for students to develop competency in using the resources
The library staff is available from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. for assistance. The D200 Library Media
Home of the Thunder
Program aims to provide our students with resources and skills that ensure they are informed,
independent, responsible lifelong learners.
Lockdown Procedures
In the unlikely event of a situation in which there is a need to stay in an area and take cover, “lockdown”
procedures will be initiated. An announcement will be made over the public address system or intercom.
Students are to follow the directions as instructed by the staff member at their location. Students will be
directed to move out of the door sightline and to sit on the floor close to the wall until officially notified
that the “lockdown” is no longer needed.
District 200 provides students with textbooks. Students are financially responsible for lost and/or damaged
textbooks, school equipment, or library materials issued to them by Woodstock North High School.
Payment for lost books must be made before another textbook can be issued. A student who receives
a damaged textbook should notify the teacher or library staff immediately. Should damage occur to the
textbook while in the possession, the student should notify the library staff as soon as possible to address
the possibility of repairs or replacement. Students who are assessed fines for lost or damaged school
property should make payment immediately. These fines must be paid prior to graduation or transferring
to another school. Students should not be in possession of library material, school equipment, or other
school supplies without permission of school personnel. It is recommended that textbooks not be stored
in gym lockers due to the moisture content of that location and the probability of mold developing in the
textbook resulting in a full replacement cost.
A student taking a course at McHenry County College must purchase his/her own textbook through the
MCC bookstore.
Peer Tutoring
WNHS offers students the opportunity to work with peer tutors during the school day. These peer
tutors during the school day. These peer tutors are selected and trained to work with students to
encourage understanding and success. The peer tutors meet and work with students in the Library.
Student Services
Woodstock North High School’s Student Services Division provides its students with a comprehensive
system of support. This system includes the services of guidance counselors, school nurse, school social
workers, school psychologist, and special education teachers. The names of these professionals and their
extension numbers are listed below: (School main number 815-334-2100)
John Kohl – Director of Guidance – 2110
Jessica Telander – Counselor – 2115
Mary Blietz – Counselor – 2112
Nadine Grismer – Nurse –2122
Lisa Terry – Social Worker – 2119
Corinnea Dalman – Special Education Department Chair – 2428
Katie Reily and Linda Hoy – Speech/Language - 2121
Amanda Harmer – Career Center – 2120
Guidance Counseling
Each student is assigned a counselor upon entering high school. The counselor is the student’s primary
support and contact person as the student works toward graduation. The counselor traditionally assists
students with academic course planning and selection. Counselors provide a full range of developmental
guidance including career and vocational planning, college advisement, testing and test interpretation,
and study skills review. Counselors also provide personal and interpersonal counseling, problem-solving
support, and school/community resource referrals. Students and parent/legal guardian are encouraged to
make contacts with their counselor to establish a close working relationship. Students are exposed to a
wide variety of career and college information through small group and Individualized Career Planning
(ICP) meetings. Each senior has an individual senior appointment early in the school year to discuss
graduation requirements and post-secondary plans.
Woodstock North High School
To help students become more aware of their aptitudes, interests, and special abilities, Student Services
provides a comprehensive testing program. The counselors interpret the results of these tests to students.
Parents/legal guardians are encouraged to contact their students’ counselors for additional information
and explanation. The computerized CAREER CRUISING program, an on-line information resource
on careers, employment trends, and emerging opportunities, is available for all students to use. Students
may log onto CAREER CRUISING at www.careercruising.com, user name Woodstock, password careers.
Health Services
The school nurse helps students with a variety of health-related concerns. The nurse responds to the
immediate needs of student illnesses and injuries. The nurse also provides a range of routine health
screenings, distributes medications, counsels students on health-related issues and checks to be sure that
all students have the required 9th grade physical and immunizations. The basic health-related expectations
for students are listed below:
Physicals and Immunizations: For the health and safety of all students, state law requires that each
student have on record with the nurse properly completed 9th grade physical and immunization
forms. Students who do not have these on file with the school nurse will be excluded from school
until they meet the state law. Ninth grade students must turn in their physical to the nurse and
provide a copy of this physical to the athletic director for participation in a sport. All other students
must turn in their sports physical to the athletic director before participation in a sport.
Illness during school hours: Students are encouraged to see the nurse during their lunch hour.
If they are unable to remain in class due to illness they must obtain a pass from his/her teacher
before going to the nurse unless an emergency situation exists. If the nurse is not available, the
student needs to sign in with the secretary in the main office. No student will be excused from
school unless a parent/legal guardian or person designated on the Emergency Health Card has
been notified and transportation has been arranged. Under no circumstances are students who
are ill to be allowed to leave campus without the nurse’s permission and without appropriate
Excuses from participation in PE: The nurse may excuse students from physical education class
but only with the request of a physician or medical practitioner.
Medicines at School: It is a violation of the school code for any student to possess, use or transfer
any prescription or non-prescription drug at any time while on school property. The school nurse
will administer any medications that must be consumed by the student after the proper procedures
have been followed and permission forms have been signed. This policy includes but is not limited
to aspirin, Tylenol, Midol, cough drops prescription medications, etc.
Head Lice
Head lice (pediculosis) are found worldwide. Although it is not a serious medical condition, it can cause
an interruption in students’ education. Control of head lice requires a cooperative effort between home
and school. The presence of head lice does not indicate lack of hygiene or cleanliness. Lice are small,
grayish-black insects which lay eggs (nits) on the hair, especially at the nape of the neck and in the area
behind the ears. Nits (eggs) are tiny yellowish-white oval flecks attached to the hair with waterproof,
cement-like glue. Unlike dandruff, nits cannot be removed unless pulled from the entire length of the
hair strand. Symptoms are itching and irritation of the scalp.
To prevent the spread of head lice to other children, District 200 has established the following policy.
A student’s parents or guardians will be contacted by the school if the child is suspected of having a lice infestation.
Any child who is found to have live adult lice and/or nits on the hair shaft that are ¼ inch or less from the scalp will be sent home for same day treatment.
Parents and guardians are strongly urged to notify their child’s close contacts regarding the possibility of head lice transmission.
The school nurse will provide parents and guardians with evidence-based guidelines and Home of the Thunder
information pertaining to the elimination of head lice.
Following treatment, the student should be brought back to school by the parent or guardian
and taken to the school nurse who will inspect the child’s head for lice to determine if any additional measures are needed.
How to Check for Head Lice
Under a good light, separate all of the hair especially behind the ears and at the nape of the neck using
wooden sticks such as toothpicks. If dandruff is found, it will loosen easily when rubbed vigorously
with the stick. If nits or lice are found, please inform the school of your child’s condition and follow the
directions above.
For more information about the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of head lice, visit http://health.
woodstockschools.org and select the resource tab.
Police Liaison Officer
The City of Woodstock and District 200 have authorized funds for the purpose of having a full-time
officer at the high school level. The Police Liaison Officer promotes the safety of students, staff, and
Social Work Services
The school social workers provide individual and small group counseling, consultation to parent/legal
guardian and teachers, assessment of student needs, and referral to community resources. Students
themselves may request to see the social worker or their counselor. The administration, staff, or other
adults may also refer students to these services.
Psychologist Services
The school psychologist provides a wide range of student assessments, individual and small group
counseling, and consultation for parents/legal guardians and teachers. Students may be referred to the
school psychologist by other school staff.
Special Education Services
A full range of special education services are available to meet the needs of qualifying students. A multidisciplinary team of school professionals, parent/legal guardian, and the student meet to determine
student needs, the goals that will help him/her meet those needs and the special education services that
will best meet those goals. Progress toward these goals is monitored annually. The student’s counselor
should be contacted if a parent/legal guardian believes that a student might benefit from special education
Student Intervention Team (Teachers Actively Supporting Kids – T.A.S.K.)
The Student Intervention Team (T.A.S.K.) is an attempt to intervene with students who for a variety of
reasons appear to be experiencing difficulties in achieving success in school. The student intervention team
consists of the assistant principals, counselors, school nurse, school social worker, and special and regular
education teacher representatives. The objective of the team is to provide a system of early identification
and intervention for students who are at risk of failure in school. The team works together to develop
interventions aimed at giving the identified students opportunities to succeed.
Make-Up Policy
Students are responsible for making up all assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. as a result of excused
absences. Students and/or parents should make arrangements with teachers by phone or e-mail. All
expectations and deadlines will be at the discretion of the teacher. Teachers are not required to allow
makeup work for students who cut class or are unexcused; however, this too is at their individual
Mentor Program
Since 1994, District 200 has matched mentors with students who need a positive influence to help them
become more successful at school and in their community. Community volunteers, adults, and high school
Woodstock North High School
students meet throughout the school year building a one-to-one relationship with a younger student.
The mentor and student meet at the student’s school one day a week for the entire school year. Mentors
can work with the Mentor Building Coordinators to arrange a time when they are available to meet
with mentees. High school students may mentor before school , during their study hall, or after school.
Mentors must complete an application, attend a mandatory training session, and have a complete check by
the Illinois State Police before being matched with a mentee. The Student Mentor Program is funded by
the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority and other federal and state grants.
Academy of C.H.A.N.G.E.S. (Computers Helping And Negotiating Graduation so Everyone Succeeds)
The Academy of C.H.A.N.G.E.S. program is an alternative education program located within Woodstock
North High School. It provides a small, flexible supportive educational setting for students who need an
alternative learning experience. The program is computer-based and allows students to earn credits toward
graduation. The process of admission into the program begins with your guidance counselor.
Special Graduation Recognition
Graduation With Honors
Graduation with honors requires a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or higher through the first
seven (7) semesters. There are no other qualifications.
Perfect Attendance
Please be advised that students earning a four-year (eight complete semesters) perfect attendance record
may receive a $50.00 savings bond awarded by the Woodstock Moose Lodge.
The following guidelines will be used in determining perfect attendance:
1. An absence involving more than 50% of a period is considered an absence for the entire period.
2. An absence of two (2) periods or more per day will cause the loss of the student’s perfect
attendance record. Multiple individual period absences will also cause the loss of the student’s
perfect attendance.
3. Pre-arranged absences will cause the loss of the student’s perfect attendance record except for the
an absence to attend a funeral for friend or family with parent notification.
a pre-arranged college visit will not affect the perfect attendance record. There will be no
exceptions to the above.
4. Religious holidays will be honored by the school and shall not affect the perfect attendance record.
5. Early graduates will not be eligible for perfect attendance commendations.
6. Exceptions may be made per case by an administrator.
Student appeals for the above guidelines should be made to the assistant principal.
National Honor Society
The Faculty Council will make the selection of junior and senior students for membership in the National
Honor Society on the basis of the following criteria:
1. Academic Service: Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or
2. Service Credits: Juniors must have earned four (4) service credits, 2 of which may be from
approved community service. Seniors must have earned six (6) service credits, 3 of which may be
from approved community service. (Service credit definition and opportunities are listed in the
Curriculum Guide.)
3. Character: The student will show responsible behavior and self-discipline. The student must
have no suspensions during grades 10, 11, and 12. Placement in Saturday detention will affect
membership in the National Honor Society.
4. Leadership: The student must have demonstrated leadership qualities and assumed a responsible
role both in school and community activities.
Home of the Thunder
Final Exams
Final exams are not allowed to be taken early under any circumstance. This is to provide students with
all the appropriate instruction and insure the validity of the exams. The only exception would be a
school sponsored event.
Woodstock North High School, as an educational institution created by a democratic state, has an obligation to
provide living experiences in the basic theories of democracy. Emphasis upon individual student responsibility
for both learning and behavior is necessary. It is also essential that rules and regulations imperative in
governing the relationship between the school and its members be communicated in clear and concise policies.
Discipline Code
The following code is a guideline that the WNHS administration will follow in maintaining discipline in the
school and at school-sponsored activities. Students and parents/legal guardians are reminded, however,
that the code is merely a guideline and that school personnel are responsible for discouraging gross
disobedience, misconduct, or behavior that materially and substantially disrupts the educational process.
Unusual situations during the school year will be handled promptly by school officials with consequences
that are warranted by the behavior.
Students are advised that school rules and regulations apply to all activities, including attendance at home/
away contests, field trips, and during school hours on or off school grounds. Students are also advised that
misconduct and gross disobedience will be addressed as disciplinary matters if they occur immediately
before or after the school day, at school functions, on school grounds, on school buses, or on any District
200 property or on property adjacent to these areas (e.g. sidewalks, streets or neighboring property). Rules
governing student conduct toward staff and property apply at all times, on or off school property.
Students shall demonstrate behavior consistent with the standards of good citizenship in a democratic
society. Students shall be expected to use accepted patterns of courtesy and decency, respect the rights of
others, abide by state and district attendance regulations, and comply with building guidelines. Should a
student violate these norms of behavior, staff members may take disciplinary action in attempt to modify
the student’s behavior. In taking action, staff members shall exercise their best professional judgment
and shall observe and follow applicable laws and regulations. Disciplinary action shall be applied in a
consistent and non-discriminatory manner. Corporal punishment shall not be utilized as a disciplinary
measure. If a student acts in an unacceptable manner, a behavior referral may be sent to the attendance
office. This report includes a description of the behavior and steps taken by the teacher in an attempt to
correct the problem.
NOTE: The school reserves the right to modify the behavior expectations and consequence
guidelines contained in this handbook at any time and as individual situations warrant such
Explanation of Consequences
Detentions are given for minor infractions. Detentions issued by classroom teachers should be served
with that classroom teacher. Failure to serve a classroom detention will result in a discipline referral for
insubordination. Detentions issued by the high school administration or designee will be served after
school on Tuesday or Thursday from 3:20 to 3:50.
One-Hour Detention
One-hour detentions are assigned by the high school administration for repeated minor infractions so that
the student has a chance to change his or her behavior before more severe disciplinary steps are taken.
Failure to serve a one-hour detention will result in a Saturday detention. One-hour detentions will be
served after school on Tuesday or Thursday from 3:20 to 4:20.
Saturday Detention
Saturday detention is an alternative to out-of-school suspension for Level II or Level III offenses (see
Discipline Levels) or when individual policy indicates. Saturday detentions may also be assigned for
Woodstock North High School
tardiness, truancy, and other discipline situations. Transportation will not be provided by the school
district. Saturday detentions will be held on a Saturday as designated by the administration from 8:00 a.m.
to 11:00 a.m.
1½ hours of Saturday detention (8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.)
3 hours of Saturday detention (8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.) = 1 day out-of-school suspension
Students failing to serve a detention will be given a suspension as arranged by the administration. Only
family emergencies and student illness will be excused. If a student is going to miss a Saturday detention
for these reasons listed above, the parent/legal guardian must call the attendance line, (815)-334-2400, and
prior to 8:00 a.m. on the date of the detention.
If a student is suspended out-of-school three (3) times for not attending Saturday detention, his or her
parent/legal guardian must attend a meeting at school with the student’s designated assistant principal
before the student may return to his or her classes. A student involved in a WNHS co-curricular activity
may not participate in the activity until the Saturday detention has been served. If a student skips a Saturday
detention to participate in a practice or competition, the student will serve a one game suspension.
Saturday detentions will be supervised. All school rules apply. Sleeping is not allowed. The student must
bring homework or other educational reading. Any student who commits an infraction during Saturday
detention may be sent home immediately and will forfeit all time served that day. If the Saturday detention
assignment is not completed and the student was originally assigned an out-of-school suspension, the
student will be given an out-of-school suspension (OSS).
In-School Suspension (ISS)
Students assigned to in-school suspension report to the ISS classroom by 8:20 a.m. with all materials
required for classes. Assignments are sent by teachers, and must be completed. No academic penalty
is associated with work completed during in-school suspension. Absences from classes that result from
serving in-school suspension are considered “school related” absences. Students remain in the in-school
room until 9th period ends. When the day ends, students must leave school promptly and may not appear
on school property or at school sponsored events until returning from suspension the following day.
Students serving in-school suspensions may not attend athletic practices or competitions, or participate in
activities until their suspensions are completed. Failure to meet expectations of in-school suspension may
result in further disciplinary consequences.
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
Out-of-school suspension is when a student is temporarily suspended from WNHS for a period of one
to ten days. The Make-Up Policy is in effect for all students who are placed on out-of-school suspension.
When a student is given an out-of-school suspension, that student will be suspended from the entire
school program and its environment. The student will not be permitted to attend class, be permitted in
the building, be permitted on school grounds, be in the area of the school, or be permitted to participate
in any co-curricular or interscholastic school-sponsored function.
A student who is subject to a suspension in excess of 20 school days or an expulsion may be immediatly
transferred to an alternative program in the manner provided in Article 13A or 13B of the School Code.
The law gives the community, through its school board, the right to exclude certain students from school.
These students are recommended for expulsion to the Board of Education by the administration when
it is determined that every effort and avenue to solve the student’s problem has been exhausted without
positive results or potential success. Students may also be expelled for specific acts of gross misconduct.
Due Process Procedures
Students and their parent/legal guardian have the right to request a hearing related to any disciplinary
decision, including suspensions or bus suspensions. A hearing may be requested for the following
Home of the Thunder
1. The student and his or her parent/legal guardian wish to contest the facts that led to the
disciplinary action.
2. The student and his or her parent/legal guardian wish to contest the appropriateness of the
sanction imposed by the disciplinary authority.
3. The student and his or her parent/legal guardian allege prejudice or unfairness on the part of the
school district official responsible for the discipline.
If the student and his or her parent/legal guardian desire a hearing, they should contact the assistant
principal. Parents/legal guardians always have the right to request a stricter penalty for school infractions
by their students.
Disciplinary Guidelines
The Board of Education identifies the following offenses as unacceptable student behavior and stipulates
actions for each. However, other behaviors may be considered unacceptable when, in the discretion of
the administration, such action disrupts the school climate. Actions by the administration provide for
progressive discipline for the chronic abuser of the same rule or for varying degrees of severity of the
particular offense.
Discipline Levels
The following examples are not limited to and not all-inclusive rather, they are meant to be a list of
possible student infractions with relative disciplinary action.
Level I Offenses
These offenses call for a warning, after school detention, or Saturday Detention:
1. Rudeness to a staff member
2. Excessive display of affection
3. Failure to act responsibly in class, the halls, etc.
4. Minor violations of the classroom or school discipline policies
5. Tardies/violation of attendance policies
6. Student in restricted areas without a pass, parking lot, etc.
7. Students without a hall/washroom pass (Loitering)
8. Card playing/gambling
9. Throwing snow
10. Use of profanity
11. Off campus between periods
12. Taking pictures/video of students and/or staff without permission
13. Possession of open beverage containers
14. Cafeteria misbehavior/failure to clean up area
15. Sexual harassment
16. Racial, ethnic or sexual slurs
17. Computer/Internet misuse
18. Possession of a laser pen
Note: If the laser pen is used in a dangerous manner or as a weapon, it will be considered a Level
IV offense.
19. Aggressive behavior and/or play fighting
20. Skateboarding, rollerblading, and/or roller shoes in the building
21. Possession of CD players, MP3 and all electronic entertainment devices.
22. Use of Visible cell phones.
23. Failure to sign out in the attendance office prior to leaving the building.
Level II Offenses
These offenses call for an automatic suspension of 1 to 4 days:
Repeated Level I offenses
Verbal abuse to staff members
Failure to follow directives (insubordination)
Forgery (falsifying passes, grades, parent/legal guardian telephone calls, etc.)
Woodstock North High School
Disrespect for staff on or off campus
Misconduct – any action that affects the orderly operation of the school or adversely affects the community. Misconduct includes but is not limited to
a. Vulgar actions/speech
b. Fighting
c. Minor vandalism/graffiti (plus restitution and clean-up)
d. Minor theft (plus restitution)
Failure to serve detentions
Failure to identify self
Contests for money/gambling
Riding, sitting in or driving a motor vehicle during the school day, including open lunch, without approval from the attendance office and/or the administration
Smoking/possession of tobacco products and lighters
Possession of cellular radio telecommunications devices
Physical/verbal harassment
Violation of items 1 or 2 in paragraph three of “Gangs and Gang Activity Prohibited”
Drawings, pictures, or writings of alcohol, drug, gang, or violence (See gang and drug/alcohol policies for further description of disciplinary procedures.)
Inappropriate pictures, texts and other materials sent electronically
Inappropriate drawings
Level III Offenses
These offenses call for an automatic suspension of 5 to 9 days:
1. Repeated Level II offenses
2. Reckless driving/parking lot violation
Note: Driving that may endanger the lives of others may be a Level III or Level IV offense.
Consequences may include the loss of driving privileges.
3. Fighting and resisting intervention
4. Assault/battery
5. Major vandalism/graffiti (plus restitution and clean-up)
6. Major theft (plus restitution)
7. Threatening a staff member or police liaison officer
8. Tampering with fire extinguishers or other safety and health equipment
9. Extortion
10. Initiation/hazing
11. Hazing
Level IV Offenses
These major offenses call for an automatic ten (10) day suspension with review by the high school
administration for possible expulsion recommendation:
1. Repeated Level III offenses
2. Gross disobedience or misconduct
3. False fire alarm (and payment of $300 or current fire department rate)
4. Bomb threat
5. Dangerous acts which may affect the health and safety of self or others
6. Possession, use, or being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, drug, drug paraphernalia,
and/or look-alike drug at any time in the building, on school grounds, in a school locker, on
school buses, or at school-sponsored activities. Students found in violation of this rule for the
first time will automatically be given an out-of-school suspension (OSS) for ten (10) days. The
suspension may be reduced to three (3) days if the student enrolls in and completes a communitybased substance abuse program approved by the principal. Students found in violation of this rule
for a second time will be suspended for ten (10) days and recommended for expulsion.
7. Distribution or participation in transfer of alcohol, drugs or a drug-related substance and/or looka-likes
8. Felonious acts
9. Physical attack or attempted attack of a staff member or the police liaison officer
Home of the Thunder
10. Using, possessing, controlling, or transferring of any fireworks, firearm, look-a-like weapon, knife,
non-lethal noxious gas, handcuffs, or other hazardous or disruptive items. Violation of the weapon
policy will result in an automatic ten (10) day suspension and a recommendation to the Board of
Education for expulsion from school.
11. Arson
12. Gang policy: Violation of item 3 in paragraph three of “Gangs and Gang Activity”
13. Disorderly conduct, including any verbal or written threats that may affect the health and safety of
self or others or significantly disrupts the normal operation of the school. An evaluation of the
student by a psychiatrist or other qualified mental health examiner that indicates the student does
not present a threat to himself/herself or others may be required by the school administration
before the student is allowed to return to school. Upon receipt of the evaluation results, the school
administration may reduce the total number of days of the suspension to no less than three. The
cost of such an evaluation is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian.
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to demonstrate honesty and integrity while in attendance at school. Each student
is expected to do his or her own work. This includes test taking, homework, class assignments, and the
original creation of essays, compositions, term papers, and scientific research. All work submitted by a
student should be a true reflection of a student’s own effort and ability. Academic dishonesty or cheating
will result in (1) an academic penalty to be administered at the discretion of the teacher, and recorded in
the student’s discipline folder, (2) an appropriate disciplinary penalty, if any handbook violations occur,
to be administered by the assistant principal and (3) co-curricular penalties when co-curricular guidelines
are violated.
Tobacco Products (Use or Possession)
Smoking is not permitted on school grounds. This includes, but is not limited to, snuff, chewing tobacco,
cigarettes, or cigars.
1st offense - A 3-day suspension or Saturday detention option and parent/legal guardian contact
2nd offense - A 5-day suspension or Saturday detention option and parent/legal guardian contact
3rd offense - A 10-day suspension with review by the Board of Education for possible expulsion.
Firearms and Other Weapons
It is the policy of the Board of Education to expel a student from school for at least one calendar year
(but no longer than two calendar years) who is determined to have brought one of the following objects
to school.
1. A firearm, meaning any gun rifle, shotgun, or weapon as defined by Section 921 of Title 18 of the
United States Code (18 U.S.C. 921), firearm as defined in Section 1.1 of the Firearm Owners Identification
Cared Act (430 ILCS 65/), or firearm as defined in Section 24-1 of the Criminal Code of 1961 (720 ILCS
2. A knife, brass knuckles, or other knuckle weapon regardless of its composition, a billy club, or any
other object if used or attempted to be used to cause bodily harm, including “look alikes” of any firearm
as defined above.
The expulsion requirement for bringing an object defined under either paragraph 1 or 2 above may be
modified by the Superintendent, and the Superintendent’s determination may be modified by the Board
on a case-by-case basis. The Superintendent or designee may grant an exception to this policy, upon the
prior request of an adult supervisor, for students in theatre, cooking, ROTC, martial arts, and similar
programs, whether or not school-sponsored, provided the item is not equipped, nor intended, to do bodily
harm. Any item, such as a baseball bat, pipe, bottle, lock, stick, pencil or pen is considered a weapon if it
is used, or attempted to be used, to cause bodily harm.
Gangs and Gang Activity
The visibility of gangs and gang-related activities in the school setting causes a substantial disruption
of and/or materially interferes with school and school activities of this district. Gangs and gang-related
activities are prohibited on school property or at school-affiliated activities.
Woodstock North High School
“Gang” as used in this policy shall mean two or more individuals who associate with each other primarily
for criminal, disruptive and/or other activities prohibited by law and/or by the district’s rules and
regulations. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, intimidating, harassing, threatening or
inflicting physical violence on any person, committing illegal acts, and violating school rules.
No student on or about school property or at any school activity
1. Shall wear, possess, use, distribute, display or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol,
sign, tattoo, drawings, pictures, or other item which is evidence of membership or affiliation in any
2. Shall communicate, either verbally or non-verbally (gestures, handshakes, etc.), gang affiliation
3. Shall commit any act which furthers gang activity including, but not limited to, Soliciting others
for membership in any gang or distributing gang-related literature
a. Requesting any person to pay protection or otherwise intimidating or threatening any person
b. Intimidating or harassing any person for the purpose of gang recruitment or gang retaliation
c. Drawing of gang-related graffiti on school buildings, equipment or property
d. Inciting other students to act with physical violence upon any other person
e. Committing any other illegal act or other violation of school district policies
Gang Policy Violations
Any student violating items a or b of section three of this policy will be required to
1. Surrender to school officials any material or item alleged to violate this policy.
2. Attend a parent/guardian conference with school officials. The police gang specialist may also be
included in this meeting.
3. Sign a contract clearly stating consequences for any further violation of the policy.
4. Serve an out-of-school suspension.
Any second violation of the gang policy shall subject the student to an automatic ten (10) day suspension
with recommendation for expulsion in accordance with the requirements of Section 10-22.6 of the
School Code.
Any student found violating item ‘c’ of number 3 listed in the Gangs and Gang Activity policy shall be
subject to an automatic ten (10) day, out-of-school suspension (OSS) and a possible recommendation for
expulsion in accord with the requirements of Section 10-22.6 of the School Code.
Drug and Alcohol Use and Other Substances
The Board of Education believes that, unless medically prescribed, the use of controlled substances
(drugs), alcohol and other substances are detrimental to the health and well being of students, disrupts
the proper conduct of school curricular and extracurricular activities, interferes with the education of
the user, and is absolutely prohibited. This use includes sale or distribution to other students, being
under the influence, consumption of or possessing, whether in a student’s locker, clothing, book bag or
otherwise. Policies and procedures pertaining to the use of controlled substances (drugs), alcohol, and
other substances extend to all school-sponsored and related activities in the school, the schools’ parking
lots, on school buses, on athletic fields and other school property, including field trips, educational
trips, athletic activities and all other co-curricular activities, whether held before or after school, in the
evenings or on weekends.
The District endeavors to eliminate and prevent such prohibited use and seeks the direct participation
and cooperation of parents and community agencies in order to carry out the philosophy of this policy.
Confirmed Use of Drugs and/or Alcohol
All information regarding suspected prohibited use of drugs, alcohol, and other substances are to be
directed to the principal or designee. Students may be asked to perform a breathalyzer test to help
school officials determine alcohol use in school, during school hours, or at a school sponsored event.
When a prohibited use has been substantiated to the satisfaction of the principal or designee, penalties
consistent with this policy will be imposed on the student. If the principal or designee determines that
extraordinary, mitigating or aggravating circumstances are present, the prescribed penalty may be varied.
The principal or designee may recommend expulsion for a first instance.
Home of the Thunder
If a student is found to be using, distributing, or attempting to use or distribute, 1) any illegal or
controlled substance, including alcohol, drug, or any look-alike drug or tobacco product, inhalants or any
performance enhancing drugs as banned by the IHSA or 2) drug paraphernalia, the student will be subject
to the following discipline measures:
1. The principal or designee will notify the student, parents/legal guardians, counselor, appropriate
law enforcement agency, and superintendent of the violation. Possible consequences will be
discussed with the student and parents/legal guardians.
2. When the prohibited use does not involve transfer of drug or alcohol by the violator or other
students, the following consequences will apply:
a) The first instance of prohibited use will result in a ten (10) day, out-of-school suspension
(OSS). If the student enrolls in and completes a community-based substance abuse program
approved by the principal, the suspension may be reduced to three (3) days. Parents/legal
guardians will be strongly encouraged to attend the program with their student.
b) The second instance of prohibited use will result in a ten (10) day out-of-school suspension
and a recommendation for expulsion by the principal. If the School Board decides to expel
the student, the expulsion may be waived by the Board of Education if the student attends a
community-based substance abuse program that is approved by the principal. Parents/legal
guardians will be strongly encouraged to attend the program with their student.
c) The third instance of prohibited use will result in a ten (10) day out-of-school suspension
and a recommendation for expulsion by the principal.
When the prohibited use involves distribution of drugs, look-alike drugs, alcohol, in halants, and any
performance enhancing drugs banned by the IHSA by one student to another student, the following
steps will be taken and will apply to all involved in the distribution.
1. The first instance involving distribution will result in a ten (10) day out-of-school suspension and a
recommendation for expulsion by the principal. If the School Board decides to expel the student,
the Board may waive the expulsion if the student attends a community-based substance abuse
program that is approved by the principal. Parents/legal guardians will be strongly encouraged to
attend also.
2. Any further instances involving such distribution will result in a ten (10) day out-of-school
suspension and a recommendation for expulsion.
3. If an instance of distribution occurs after a student has been penalized for using a prohibited
substance, step two of the transfer guideline (recommendation for expulsion) shall apply. If the
principal or designee determines that extraordinary, mitigating or aggravating circumstances are
present, the prescribed penalty may be varied.
Penalties for violation of the alcohol, drugs, and other substances abuse policy are cumulative during grades 9
through 12.
Suspicion of Using Drugs and/or Alcohol
When in the judgment of the principal or designee it has not been established that there was a violation,
but there is reasonable basis to believe that a prohibited use may have occurred, the following steps will
be taken:
2. All information available will be given to the student’s counselor.
Based on available information about the student, the principal or designee may request a
conference with the parents/legal guardians. Steps will be set in motion as deemed appropriate by
the principal and counselor.
Nature of Penalties
1. If there is an out-of-school suspension, that suspension shall take place according to the Board’s
Student Discipline policy.
2. Students who are found guilty of violating the alcohol, drug, and other substances abuse policy,
will be referred to the first step of appropriate consequences when they begin grade six and
again when they begin grade nine. Penalties will be cumulative during grades 9-12. However, a
student may be recommended for expulsion for possession, use or transfer of a drug or any other
substance at any time, including a first instance.
Woodstock North High School
There are many public and private organizations providing services for adolescents and teens in our area,
including some that specialize in substance abuse treatment and others who address this problem as part
of their general services. This list is intended to be a starting point, neither all-inclusive nor implying
endorsement of these places over others not listed. Persons seeking help need to be intelligent consumers,
exploring resources to find the ones that best suit their needs. Assessment and referral services are
available from many of the following sources. It should be noted that adolescent and teen substance
abuse treatments generally include group and family working along with individual counseling. Residential
programs may also provide outpatient services, even if this is not specifically noted.
Facilities That Offer Counseling/ Individuals, family, and IOP
422 Tag Way
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Outpatient treatment for substance abusing
youth and their families
101 South Jefferson
Woodstock, IL 60098
Intake: 815.759.7204
Community-based counseling,
psychiatric/psychological services, and
chemical dependency services for youth
Facilities That Offer Residential Placement
1650 Moon Lake Bvld.
Hoffman Estates, IL 60194
Residential adolescent substance abuse treatment
services, partial hospitalization and day treatment
2548 West Dedarcrestlane
Lake Villa, IL 60046
Residential Adolescent substance abuse
treatment services
4400 Veterans Parkway
McHenry, IL 60050
Inpatient mental health treatment services,
including substance abuse treatment
1601 University Dr.
Rockford, IL 61107
Inpatient mental health treatment services,
including substance abuse treatment
605 West Central Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL 6005
Residential short-term treatment, partial
hospitilization and after care
Home of the Thunder
Support and Self-Help Groups
On-going support groups for alcohol abuse
On-going support groups for family
members of alcoholics
On-going support groups for people with a
family member using drugs
On-going support groups for people who
want to stop using drugs
When a student misbehaves on the bus, the School Bus Incident Report form will be completed by the
transportation coordinator and copies will be sent to the parent/legal guardian and building principal. The
following regulations will be used
1. For fighting, the student will be removed from the bus for three (3) to five (5) days for the first
offense and for six (6) to ten (10) days for the second and third offense.
2. For non-fighting problems, the student will receive a warning, will be involved in a conference
with the building principal or designee, and will have the parents/legal guardian notified by
the transportation coordinator for the first offense. For the second offense, the student will be
removed from the bus for three (3) to five (5) days and the building principal or designee will
notify the parents/legal guardians. For the third offense, the student will be removed from the
bus for six (6) to ten (10) days and the building principal or designee will notify the parent/legal
guardian. For the fourth and subsequent offenses, the student will be removed from the bus for
a minimum of ten (10) days and the building principal or designee will notify the parent/legal
guardian that the student may be excluded from the bus for the remainder of the school year.
At any time, the student may be excluded from the bus for the remainder of the school year for gross
misconduct, health, or safety. If necessary, punishment may carry over to the next academic school year.
Exclusions from school bus ridership may be appealed. (See Due Process Procedures).
Students and their parent/legal guardian have the right to request a hearing related to any disciplinary
decision, including suspensions or bus suspensions. A hearing may be requested for the following
4. The student and his or her parent/legal guardian wish to contest the facts that led to the
disciplinary action.
5. The student and his or her parent/legal guardian wish to contest the appropriateness of the
sanction imposed by the disciplinary authority.
6. The student and his or her parent/legal guardian allege prejudice or unfairness on the part of the
school district official responsible for the discipline.
If the student and his or her parent/legal guardian desire a hearing, they should contact the assistant
principal. Parents/legal guardians always have the right to request a stricter penalty for school infractions
by their students.
Through the 1970’s asbestos was used in many building materials until its use was discontinued for many
applications. Governmental guidelines were established in the 1980’s that require public building owners
to periodically inspect, and if necessary remove asbestos that could pose a potential risk.
Properly maintained, asbestos containing building materials does not possess a health threat. District 200
maintenance and custodial staffs receive training mandated by OSHA on the procedures to be used to
Woodstock North High School
identify potential hazardous situations. They also maintain flooring in accordance with recommended
work practices by the EPA. When asbestos must be removed in any of the buildings, it will be done by
licensed professionals from the Illinois Department of Public Health and disposed of in accordance with
federal regulations.
District 200 complies with the government guidelines. For all buildings erected before 1990, an asbestos
management plan and inspection report is available for public review in the school. Additionally, a
complete set of the district records is maintained at the Buildings and Grounds Department. Should you
have any questions, or wish to review these records, please contact the Director of Buildings and Grounds
at 815.338.3397.
Aggressive Behavior
Aggressive behavior is defined as assertive words or actions intended to threaten, injure, harass, provoke, or
incite another person. Bullying is defined as student behavior that hurts, frightens, threatens, or tyrannizes
students who are either physically or psychologically intimidated by the person engaging in bullying.
Examples of bullying may include, but are not limited to:
1. Physical bullying may include punching, shoving, poking, hair pulling, or other similar behaviors.
2. Verbal/electronic bullying may include name-calling, teasing, gossip, humiliation, intimidation, or
other similar behaviors.
Alcohol, Drugs, and Other Substances
Possessing, purchasing, using, being under the influence or attempting to transfer to others any alcohol,
drug-related substances, look-a-likes, unauthorized prescription medications, inhalants, performance
enhancing drugs as banned by the IHSA and unauthorized over-the-counter medicines or apparatus
or paraphernalia designed or intended for smoking, inhaling, lighting, injecting or ingesting any illegal
substance is strictly prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in a suspension from school and possible
expulsion. The appropriate police authorities will be notified.
Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
Bullying, intimidation, and harassment diminish a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to
educate. Preventing students from engaging in these disruptive behaviors is an important District goal.
Bullying on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender,
identity, gender-related identity or expression, age, religion, physical or mental disability, order of
protection status, status of being homeless, or actual or potential marital or parental status, including
pregnancy, association with a person or group with one or more of the aforementioned actual or
perceived characteristics, or any other distinguishing characteristic is prohibited in each of the following
During any school sponsored education program or activity.
While in school, school property, on school buses or other school vehicles, at designated bus
stops waiting for the school buss, or at a school sponsored or school sanctioned events or activities.
Through transmission of information from a school computer, a school computer network,
or other similar electronic school equipment
In any other way that has a nexus to school or school activities
For purposes of this policy, the term bullying means any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or
conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a student that has
or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:
Placing the student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or property.
Causing a substantially detrimental effect of the student’s physical or mental health.
Substantially interfering with the student’s academic performance.
Substantially interfering with the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the
services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.
Home of the Thunder
Bullying, intimidation, and/or harassment make take various forms, including without limitation:
physical, verbal, psychological attacks, intimidation, sexual harassment or sexual violence directed against
another individual or writing, messages, or pictures using media communications or devices, harassment
threats, stalking, theft, public humiliation, destruction of property, or retaliation for asserting or alleging
an act of bullying.
Electronic Devices
Woodstock North High School prohibits students from using any electronic devices on school property
during the scheduled school day. This includes, but is not limited to ipods, mp3 players, cameras, and
cell phones. If a student is found with one or more of these devices in his or her possession or the
device is found in the student’s direct control (coat, backpack, etc.) and causes a distraction during the
school day, the item will be confiscated and the parent/legal guardian notified. Students must store their
electronic devices in their lockers during the school day and the device must be turned off. Students
can use their electronic devices on school grounds before or at the end of the scheduled school day.
Continued violation of this policy will result in progressive discipline.
The right of a student to participate fully in classroom instruction and extracurricular activities shall
not be abridged or impaired because of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, pregnancy, parenthood,
marital status, disability or for any other reason not related to his/her individual capabilities. Racial/sexual
name-calling or slurs are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Students, or parent/legal guardian of
students, who believe that they have been discriminated against should contact their counselor to initiate
a complaint.
Displays of Affection
Displays of affection are quite common and acceptable to a certain level. Students are expected to conduct
themselves with taste and respect for themselves and others in these relationships and not be a distraction
to the learning environment. Excessive demonstrations of kissing, embracing, and intimate contact are
embarrassing to others and show little respect for the reputation of the partner involved.
The visibility of offensive and inappropriate drawings within school grounds can be deemed a disruption
to the learning environment. Drawings specifically related to but not limited to gang symbols and
identification, association with drugs or drug use and/or paraphernalia, alcohol, tobacco, racial, ethnic,
sex and any other drawing that may be determined offensive in nature and disrupting. Administration will
determine the offensive nature and discretion of consequences.
Dress and Grooming
Students’ dress and grooming are regulated by health and safety factors. In keeping with a positive
atmosphere for learning, students are expected to be clean and neat while in school or at school functions.
A student’s appearance must not be indecent or disruptive to the orderly learning environment of the
school. (All students must be covered from the shoulder to mid-thigh.) No undergarments should be visible.
Students are prohibited from wearing pants with holes or slits above mid-thigh. Clothing or jewelry with
protruding objects that could be used as a weapon will not be allowed. Wallet chains will be confiscated for
safety reasons. In addition, items of clothing which could be construed as depicting or promoting illegal
or obscene acts including, but not limited to, items which depict or refer to sex, drugs, tobacco products,
alcohol, gangs, vulgar inferences or obscenities will not be allowed. Restrictions on dress code may differ
from male to female students.
Dress-up days will be permitted when they are initiated by authorized student action (Homecoming, spirit
days, etc.) and approved by the administration of the school. (See Hats and Headwear.)
Due to varying temperatures in some classrooms, sweaters and sweatshirts may be worn. Jackets, however,
may not be worn or carried in the building unless the student is arriving at school or leaving the school
for the day. On severe cold weather days, the administration may announce that students may wear jackets
during class periods. On those days, the teachers in the individual classrooms will determine if jackets may
Woodstock North High School
be worn in their classrooms. Students are expected to follow the direction of the classroom teacher.
Eating in the Building
Eating in the building should be confined to the cafeteria. Open beverage containers with the manufacturer’s
seal broken, other than water, are not allowed in lockers or hallways and will be confiscated. Students may
carry water in a clear plastic bottle no larger than 20 ounces. Teachers will decide whether students are
permitted to have water bottles in the classroom.
Any student involved in a fight on a school field trip, in the school building or anywhere on school district
property will be suspended from school for a period not to exceed ten (10) school days. If the assistant
principal cannot determine the aggressor and the noncombatant involved, then both students will be
suspended from school. The police will be notified of the incident and charges filed. Any action taken by
the school will not limit the right of parent/legal guardian or students to file appropriate charges against
other students if they believe an assault and battery has occurred.
Forgery of passes, other school documents or notes, and/or phone calls from parents/legal guardians
is never acceptable. The penalty for forgery can range from a Saturday detention to an out-of-school
Contests for money, gambling, and card playing are prohibited by state law and are not allowed on school
Gang Activity
Woodstock North High School is a gang-free zone; therefore, strong anti-gang policies have been
implemented. (See Gangs & Gang Activity.)
Gross Misconduct/Disobedience
The Board of Education defines gross disobedience or misconduct to include any behavior that is of
such egregious (extreme) nature as to constitute, on its face, gross disobedience, or misconduct. Gross
disobedience or misconduct is also any conduct, behavior, or activity as defined by the Board of Education
in its policies, which causes, or may reasonably cause, school authorities to forecast substantial injury or
disruption, or material interference with school activities, or with the rights of other students or school
personnel or the risk of same.
The grounds for disciplinary action, including those described more thoroughly later in this policy, apply
whenever the student’s conduct is reasonably related to school or school activities, including but not
limited to:
1. On, or within sight of, school grounds before, during, or after school hours or at any time;
2. Off school grounds at a school-sponsored activity or event; or any activity or event that bears a
reasonable relationship to school;
3. Traveling to or from school or a school activity, function, or event; or
4. Anywhere, if the conduct interferes with, disputes, or adversely affect the school environment, school
operations, or an educational function, including but not limited to, conduct that may reasonably be
considered to: (a) be a threat or an attempted intimidation of a staff member; or (b) endanger the health
or safety of students, staff, or school property.
Gross disobedience or misconduct may include, but is not limited to, the following types of conduct and
other conduct as may be designated by policy of the Board of Education or the administration:
Insubordination to school personnel or the police liaison officer
Possession, use or distribution of, or any attempt to use or distribute an illegal or controlled
substance, including alcohol, drugs, inhalants, look-a-like drugs/counterfeit drugs, drug
paraphernalia or performance enhancing drugs per the IHSA’s most current banned substance list
unless administered in accordance with a licensed physician’s or practitioners prescription.
Use of tobacco products on school grounds or at school functions
Using, posessing, distributing, purchasing or selling alcoholic beverages and tobacco products
Home of the Thunder
Intimidation of or an attempt to intimidate school personnel or students, or any use of violence,
force, coercion, threats, intimidation, fear or other such conduct, or urging other students to engage
in such conduct
Fighting with or assaulting school personnel or students
Theft of or intentional damage to, destruction of, or attempt to damage or destroy school property,
property of school personnel, or property of other students
Verbal abuse of school personnel and/or other students or the use of profane words and/or
Engaging in hazing or any kind of bullying or aggressive behavior that does physical or psychological
harm to a staff person or another student, or urging students to engage in such conduct
Endangerment of the physical or psychological well being of school personnel or other students by
conduct or actions, including
a. improper release of a school fire alarm or tampering with fire extinguishers
b. starting, or attempting to start, a fire on school property
c. possession of, setting off, or attempting to set off explosive devices on school property
d. Using, possessing, controlling, or transferring a “weapon” as that term is defined in the
Weapons section of this policy, or violating the Weapons section of this policy.
Disruptive behavior or conduct
Repeated incidents of misbehavior, including repeated refusal to comply with school rules
Wearing gang symbols or paraphernalia, soliciting gang membership, intimidating or harassing for
the purpose of gang recruitment, gang retaliation, and/or drawing gang-related graffiti on school
buildings, equipment, or property
Making an explicit threat on an Internet website against a school employee, a student, or any
school-related personnel if the Internet website through which the threat was made is a site
that was accessible within the school at the time the threat was made or was available to third
parties who worked or studied within school grounds at the time the threat was made, and the
threat could be reasonably interpreted as threatening to the safety and security of the threatened
individual because of his or her duties or employment status or status as a student inside the
Abuse of another student or employee by unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors,
or signs of other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature that creates an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment
Any other acts which directly or indirectly jeopardize the health, safety, and welfare of school
personnel or other students
Truancy; i.e., absence from school or classes without valid cause during the school day or portion
thereof. No student, however, shall be subject to punitive action for chronic and habitual truancy
as defined in the School Code unless available support services have been provided to the student
Engaging in academic dishonesty
Using or possessing a laser pointer unless under a staff member’s direct supervision and in the
context of supervision
Involvement with any public school fraternity, sorority, or secret society, by: (a) being a member;
(b) promising to join; (c) pledging to become a member; or (d) soliciting any other person to join,
promise to join, or be pledged to become a member
Engaging in any activity, on or off campus that interferes with disrupting the school environment
Using or possessing an electronic device in any manner that disrupts the educational environment
or the rights of others.
Violating any criminal law, including but not limited to assault, battery, arson, theft, gambling,
eavesdropping and hazing
Any other acts which violate the law, other Board Policy, Rules or Regulations.
Harassment of Staff
It is the position of the Board of Education that members of the district, administration, faculty,
Board of Education, and their families should be free from vandalism, harassment, and/or intimidation
perpetrated on school property and also off school property when the vandalism, harassment, and/or
intimidation is in some way school-related. Students who are involved in such vandalism, harassment,
and/or intimidation of district employees, their families, board members, or their property shall be subject
Woodstock North High School
to disciplinary action by the school, including the possibility of restitution, suspension, and/or expulsion.
Appropriate civil authorities may also be notified.
Harassment, Sexual
Students should be free from sexual harassment in order to promote appropriate social interactions in the
classroom. Sexual harassment is defined as an unwelcome sexual advance, requests for sexual favors, or
any conduct of a sexual nature such as
1. Crude or suggestive remarks directed at an individual based on that individual’s gender
2. Sexual proposition advances
3. Sexual favors by threat
Sexual harassment occurs when such unreasonable conduct interferes with an individual’s performance or
creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment. Furthermore, any student who feels
that he/she or another student has been sexually harassed by students or staff should report such conduct
immediately to an assistant principal, counselor, or social worker. These reports will be investigated with
utmost urgency. All efforts will be made to respect the confidentiality of the student making the report.
Hats and Headwear
Student hats, bandanas, caps, hoods on sweatshirts, or other headwear must be kept in student lockers
during the school day. Hats, bandanas, caps, hoods on sweatshirts, or other headwear may not be worn
in the building at any time unless special permission, in writing, is given by an assistant principal. Special
permission will be granted on school-sponsored special attire days or on the written order of a physician.
Hats, bandanas, caps, hoods on sweatshirts, or other headwear being worn or carried in the building
during the school day will be subject to confiscation.
Soliciting, encouraging, aiding, or engaging in hazing is prohibited. “Hazing” means any intentional,
knowing, or reckless act directed against a student for the purpose of being initiated into, affiliating with,
holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization, club, or athletic team whose members
are or include other students.
Students engaging in hazing will be subject to one or more of the following disciplinary actions:
1. Removal from the extra-curricular activities
2. Conference with parent(s)/legal guardian(s)
3. Referral to appropriate law enforcement agency
A student engaging in hazing that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of another may also
be subject to:
1. Suspension for up to 10 days
2. Expulsion for the remainder of the school term
ID Cards
Students are required to carry their school ID cards at all times and to show their cards and give their names
when asked by school personnel or by police. Failure to have an ID card may result in a detention. Students
who fail to identify themselves correctly to school personnel will be disciplined for insubordination.
The ID card may serve as the following:
1. Library card
2. Bus boarding permit
3. Lunch Debit Card
4. Proof of current enrollment for District 200 activities
5. Activity card
6. Required identification for attendance at dances
7. Identification for free or reduced lunch
8. Internet use
The above listing is not meant to be all-inclusive. There may be other situations that will require the use
of the school ID.
Home of the Thunder
A student who loses or defaces his/her ID card will be required to purchase a replacement ID card in the
attendance office for $4.00. The student is expected to pay this fee at the time of the purchase. If he/
she does not have the $4.00 at the time of purchase, the fee will be added to his/her student obligation
account (one time only) and a diploma will not be issued until payment is made. Continued infractions of
the ID policy will be considered acts of insubordination and dealt with through the progressive discipline
system. (See Disciplinary Guidelines.) IDs are school property and must be surrendered upon request.
Insubordination is defined as refusal to comply with reasonable, established, and well-defined school rules
and regulations or refusal to obey reasonable directions or instructions of school personnel. Students
are expected to respect authority of all adult personnel (teachers, associates, secretaries, custodians, and
cafeteria staff) and students are to cooperate with their requests. The penalty for insubordination may
range from an after-school detention to suspension.
Language (Inappropriate, Abusive, or Foul)
Inappropriate, abusive, or foul language is never allowed in school. The penalty shall range from being
reprimanded to being suspended. Foul language, swearing, etc., directed at a teacher, associates, or other
adult personnel will result in a suspension from school.
Off-Campus Activity
Off-campus activity is defined as student activity that occurs off school district property or at a schoolsponsored activity. Any act committed by a student off-campus which disrupts the general welfare and
safety of the student body or staff and the orderly operation of the school may result in one of the
following consequences:
1. Detentions
2. Out-of-school suspensions/In-School suspensions
3. Recommendation for expulsion
Physical Threats and/or Intimidation
Physical threats and/or intimidation toward another student are prohibited. The penalty may range from
detention to suspension from school depending on the severity of the infraction. Physical threats or
assaults upon a staff member or unprovoked physical assault upon another student will result in immediate
suspension from school and a recommendation to the Board of Education for expulsion.
Racial, Ethnic or Sexual Slurs
Comments that demean or are generally considered to be offensive/derogatory to a particular sex, ethnic
or cultural group may lead to disruptions in the school setting. The goal is to provide the best possible
school setting conducive to learning for all groups. Comments of this nature, either written or spoken,
will not be tolerated.
Signs and Posters
Students must receive permission from the assistant principal before hanging any sign or poster in the
halls or commons.
Skateboards and Roller blades
Due to District 200’s concern for all students and the common group interest of safety, roller blades,
skateboards, and shoe skates are not to be used on school grounds unless the use is part of a supervised
physical education activity or school sponsored clubs. Roller blades, skateboards, and shoe skates may be
stored in lockers.
Smoking and Tobacco Products
The possession or use of tobacco products (including, but not limited to, cigars, lighters, cigarettes, snuff,
chewing tobacco, etc.) by students is prohibited on school grounds, school buses, on any District 200
property and on property adjacent to these areas (e.g. sidewalks, streets, neighboring property). This
rule applies to students at any time when they are on school property, at any school functions, or at
preparations for school activities whenever or wherever they are held. Students will be penalized if they
Woodstock North High School
leave campus between classes to use tobacco products.
Theft or Vandalism
Theft or vandalism to school property, the property of school personnel, or the property of other
students is forbidden. The penalty will be suspension from school, restitution, and possible referral to the
appropriate civil authorities.
Home of the Thunder
Let’s go Thunder! Let’s go Thunder!
Raise our spirits high.
Teal and black are on our back,
With silver on our side.
Woodstock Thunder! Woodstock Thunder!
Don’t forget our name.
Stand, Thunder! Shout and cheer!
We’ll win the game.
Let’s go Thunder! Let’s go Thunder!
Lead the way on through,
Born of lightning, we are Thunder,
We raise our voice to you!
Woodstock Thunder! Woodstock Thunder!
Victors strong and True.
Always standing by your side,
We’re loyal to you.
Woodstock District 200 offers a variety of athletic and co-curricular activities.
Athletics Co-Curricular Activities
Baseball Anime Club National Honor Society
Boys’ Basketball Art Club
Boys’ Bowling
Bass Fishing
Science Olympiad
Boys’ Swimming
Board Club
Snow Club
Boys’ Cross Country
Chess Club
Spanish Club
Boys’ Soccer Chinese Club
Spanish Honor Society
Boys’ Track
Class Officer
Speech Team
Boys’ Tennis
Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble Student Council
Drama (per play)
Student Trainer
Flag/Drill Team
Symphonic Band, Varsity
French Club
The Literary Magazine
Girls’ Basketball
French Honor Society
Writing Club
Girls’ Cross Country
Gaming Club WYSE
Girls’ Bowling
Gay/Straight Alliance
Girls’ Soccer
German Honor Society
Girls’ Swimming
Green Club/Garden
Girls’ Tennis
Hula-Hoop Club
Girls’ Track
Improv Club
Golf Jazz Choir, Varsity Choir
Pom Pom
Key Club
Math Team
Music (Madrigal Singers)
Every student is encouraged to select one or more of the activities in which to actively participate.
However, since the primary purpose of high school is to promote scholastic achievement, a student is
advised to select activities wisely and to budget his/her time effectively. There are activities that provide
for (1) an extension of interest aroused in the classroom, (2) an opportunity to develop special interests
and abilities, and (3) social and service activities in the school and community. Some of the possible activities are:
Woodstock North High School
Anime and Cartoon Club -
The purpose of this club is to help students learn about anime, video game genres and cartooning.
Animation is an interesting art that is fast growing in popularity.
Art Club -
The Art Club provides fellowship and planned activities for art students. However, any interested
Woodstock North High School student is welcome to join. Activities may include, working with
materials not used in the classroom, helping with exhibits, and a field trip to a gallery, art museum, or art
Bass Fishing – The Bass fishing team is for students looking to learn about the basic fundamentals of catch and release
fishing with artificial lures. Students will compete in competitive bass fishing tournaments and IHSA
sponsored events. Students will learn new techniques and how to find fish. Students must be able to
provide their own equipment and fishing license.
Bowling Club –
Bowling Club is a group of boys and girls of high school age that get together every Monday after
school and bowl. This club operates in the spring semester from March to May. All bowling outings are
conducted at a local center. The club is recreational and is available to student’s at all different skill levels.
Choir - This is a co-ed group performing various music styles, meters and rhythms with an ultimate goal to
provide entertainment to the community and civic groups in addition to school activities and functions.
This activity is open to students by audition.
Class of 2015 - This is the Senior Class. Get involved with the Senior Class to help plan our upcoming graduation
ceremony and many other senior activities. Events include the Homecoming festivities (window
painting, hall decorating, float building) and discussions on the gift our class will leave to North as a
remembrance of the Class of 2012!
Class of 2016 - This is the Junior Class. Get involved with the Junior Class to help plan PROM, which includes
selecting a location, choosing a theme, decorating the hall, deciding what colors and party favors to
provide. Other activities include the Homecoming festivities (window painting, hall decorating, float
building) and fun-filled fundraising events.
Class of 2017 - This is the Sophomore Class. Get involved with the Sophomore Class to participate in the
Homecoming festivities (window painting, hall decorating, float building) and fun-filled fundraising
Class of 2018 – This is the Freshmen Class. Get involved with the Freshmen Class to participate in the
Homecomingfestivities (window painting, hall decorating, float building) and fun-filled fundraising
Concert Band –
This is a co-ed group performing various music styles, meters and rhythms with an ultimate goal to
provide entertainment to the community and civic groups in addition to school activities and functions.
This activity is open to students by audition. Note: A $70.00 fee is required to participate.
Drama - Its primary purpose is to produce the season of three plays: a comedy, a drama and a musical.
Additionally, getting involved in drama provides social and educational opportunities in the theatre.
French Club -
Le Cercle Français, the French Club, is open to all French students. The French Club sponsors many
exciting events throughout the year. We show movies in French periodically. We participate in National
Home of the Thunder
French Week Activities in November and several other activities dealing with French cuisine (making
crêpes!) and culture. We also go on field trips such as the Aventure Française, which is a weekend of
immersion in French, and lunch or dinner at a French restaurant. We participate in Globalfest, which
is a celebration of languages held in Bloomington-Normal. We have monthly meetings and also have
personalized t-shirts. We also give back to the community. We participate in the Friends of the Library
event in December and we carol at Hearthstone Manor. The activities are only limited by its members.
Allez, viens!
Garden Club -
The Garden Club is a group of people who are dedicated to creating a successful, sustainable garden
using organic methods, for the benefit of the students, staff, and community. You will learn to enjoy
gardening in a positive manner, learn healthy eating habits, and learn how to use gardening to survive
and prosper in the world. The Garden Club’s goal is to provide a greater understanding of the natural
world, develop a strong sense of community, and teach our youth the value of a lifelong hobby.
German Club - Die deutsche Mannschaft, the German club, provides all German students with opportunities to learn
about Germanic cultures outside of the classroom. Die deutsche Mannschaft combines with the
German Honor Society, Delta Epsilon Phi, to sponsor activities that highlight the cultures of German
speaking countries. We celebrate Oktoberfest with a cookout during lunch hours. At Christmas we
dine on KALTE PLATTE while viewing videos of Christmas celebrations in Germany and listening
to Christmas carols. We also sponsor activities outside of school. At Christmas, we travel to Chicago’s
Daley Plaza to visit Chicago’s Christkinklmarkt.
Green Club -
The Green Club is an organization of ecologically-minded citizens who have a passion for stimulating
student and community awareness of environmental responsibilities. The Green Club is involved with
activities within the school, building grounds, and the local community. The Green Club meets on a
regular basis and is involved in Earth Day activities, the Woodstock North Garden, and promoting waste
reduction, energy efficiency, and water conservation.
Hula Hoop Club -
The Hula Hoop Club is a group of both boys and girls who meet on a regular basis to learn the art of
Hoop Dance. The group focuses on all levels of ability, learning basic fundamentals to difficult tricks,
putting the moves to music, and learning how to make professional hula hoops. The group also works
with the local community to promote health and wellness through hooping.
Interact – * Make new friends * Develop leadership skills * Improve your community * Make a difference in the world
Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people ages 14 to 18. Interact clubs are
sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance in developing local and
service projects, but Interact clubs are self-governing and self-supporting. Woodstock Noon and
Morning clubs currently have 80+ members’ active members waiting to help the new Woodstock
Interact club.
Interact also offers a chance to make friends across borders and oceans. Through service projects with
Interact clubs in other countries, Interactors learn about different cultures, promote goodwill between
nations, and sometimes even travel abroad to work with their international service partners.
Key Club - Key Club is the world’s largest service organization for high school students. It is well recognized by
colleges and universities around the world. Key Club provides students with an opportunity to serve
others in their school, community and beyond. It is a student run organization that gives students the
opportunity to develop leadership skills while serving others. Students can be elected to offices at the
school, district, or international level. Students plan and carry out service activities that match their
interests and the needs of the community. There are many projects throughout the year. We provide
volunteer service and fundraising money to organizations such as the March of Dimes, UNICEF, Red
Woodstock North High School
Cross, American Cancer Society, PADS, hospitals, care centers, libraries and much more. Join Key Club
and make a real difference in your life and in the lives of others. The motto of Key Club is “Caring –
Our Way of Life” so come and be a part of this great club!
Literary Magazine - The North Digest is a published journal containing poetry, fiction, non-fiction, essays, photography, and
artwork to promote student work in the arts. Students are involved in the writing, editing, reviewing,
layout design, and distribution of the journal. This journal allows students a chance to submit original
work for publication as well as participate in the publication process.
Math Team - The Math Team is made up of students from all grade levels who take part in local and regional
math contests. Preparation for the competitions begins in early October. The contests are held from
November thru May.
Newspaper – (Extension of a class)
The students on the Newspaper staff plan, write, and design the school’s newspaper. All members of
the staff are assigned major roles of responsibility in the production of the newspaper. A student may
be a member of the School Newspaper staff during their sophomore, junior, and senior years.
National Honor Society -
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize
outstanding high school students. The Woodstock North High School NHS chapter is an invitationonly, co-curricular organization with three primary goals. The first is to provide national recognition
to those Woodstock North High School students who have met the stringent induction requirements
of the National Honor Society. The second is to promote the importance of scholarship, leadership,
service, and character as traits essential to every citizen in a democratic society. The third is to provide
additional leadership opportunities through continuing service to both school and community.
The Woodstock North students who are invited to join the National Honor Society have demonstrated
excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. While acceptance into the
National Honor Society is considered to be one of the highest honors bestowed upon a high school
student, there are significant responsibilities attached to that membership. While continuing to maintain
the highest levels of scholarship, leadership, and character, membership in NHS carries responsibilities
to the local chapter. These responsibilities include regular attendance at chapter meetings and
participation in chapter activities which include opportunities for service to both the school and the
S.A.D.D. - Students Against Destructive Decisions -
SADD, the nation’s leading peer-to-peer youth education, prevention, and activism organization, is
committed to empowering young people to lead initiatives in their schools and communities. Founded
in 1981, today SADD has thousands of chapters in middle schools, high schools, and colleges. SADD
highlights prevention of many destructive behaviors and attitudes that are harmful to young people,
including underage drinking, substance abuse, risky and impaired driving, and teen violence and suicide.
IL SADD is part of the Student Assistance Center at Prevention First, more information about SADD
can be found at www.ilsadd.org (http://www.ilsadd.org/) or www.prevention.org (http://www.
Science Olympiad – This is an academic competition designed to be a hands-on event that encompasses all areas of science.
The team is composed of 15-30 students who begin in September to train for a regional competition
in March. Events range from paper/pencil to lab practicals that involve design and building devices. A
variety of talents is needed. Everyone is welcome.
Snow Club –
Woodstock North High School and Woodstock High School, in conjunction with Alpine Valley, will
be offering the opportunity for students to participate in the Woodstock Snow Club ski/snowboard
outings. There will be six club trips taking place during evening sessions and these trips are open to
family memberswho would like to come along. The discount student program allows participants to ski/board for as little as $15!
Home of the Thunder
VIVA (Spanish Club) -
Spanish Club is open to Spanish students at all levels and provides opportunities for cultural learning,
language practice and service to WNHS and the Woodstock community. During the year we celebrate
Mexican Independence Day, Día de los muertos, Cinco de mayo and La Navidad. We perform at the
Woodstock Public Library, help at community day care, invite native Spanish speakers to visit and take part
in activities that support cultural understanding across the state.
Speech Team - Speech Team is an activity that allows students to compete in speaking AND acting against other high
schools. Events include a wide range of performances from persuasive and impromptu speaking to
humorous/dramatic acting and poetry reading. This is an excellent opportunity for students who want to
pursue a career in teaching, law, politics, or performing arts.
Student Council -
The Student Council consists of student representatives and an executive board. This student organization
promotes various activities to contribute to student welfare and to be of service to our community. In
addition, Student Council members gain an understanding of the democratic method of governing and
valuable experience in leadership. Student Council members help organize many important events at
WNHS including, but not limited to – Homecoming Week, Winter Spirit Week, fundraisers, blood drives,
and a senior scholarship award.
Student Works Project -
The club is designed to encourage collaboration between students of any and all artistic disciplines. This
club provides fun, opportunities for all members of the Fine Arts to show off their writing, composing,
acting, improvisation, singing and any other sharing of the artists “Voice”. The club consists of writers,
directors, musicians, poets, improvisers of both music and theater. Student Works activities and events are
only as limited as the artist’s thinking.
WYSE Academic Team - The Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering is an academic team consisting of juniors and seniors
who complete a series of competitive tests in science, math, English, and engineering. Students compete
as individuals and as part of a team in the hopes of advancing to the sectional and state competition in
the spring.
Yearbook -
The Yearbook is what Woodstock North High School students use to remember their high school
days. Through the pages of our Yearbook, friends, teachers, sports, the prom, can all find their place in
immortality. The Yearbook staff first compiles pictures, statistics, and sayings, and is then responsible for
putting it all together around a unifying theme. The Yearbook staff has the opportunity to decide what
will be remembered from year-to-year. The process is creative and challenging. Yearbook is offered as a
one-semester, five credit course. A student may enroll in this course more than one semester to earn
additional credit.
Virtual Book Club –
The Virtual Book Club, The Gutenberg Club, promotes reading of all types. The club will discuss the
readings in a personal and/or virtual format in order to develop diverse reading interests and challenges as
lifelong readers.
Woodstock North High School
A– Pass/Grade Option, 16
Academic Honesty, 26
Academy of C.H.A.N.G.E.S., 21
Aggressive Behavior, 31
Alcohol and Drugs, 31
Asbestos-Containing Materials, 30
Assemblies, 11
Athletic Contests, 11
Athletics, 38
Appeal Procedure, 32
Bell Schedule, 2, 3
Bus Rules and Regulations, 30
B– Pass/Grade Option, 16
Calendar 2013-2014, 5
Call Pending, 7
Chronic Truancy, 9
Chemical Abuse Policy, 44
Class Removals, 11
Closed Campus Policy, 10
Co-Curricular Activities, 36
Computer/Internet Use, 13
Confirmed Use of Drugs and/or Alcohol, 27
Dances, 10
Detention, 22
Disciplinary Guidelines, 24
Discipline, 21
Daily, 2
Discipline Code, 22
Discrimination, 32
Displays of Affection, 32
Dress and Grooming, 32
Driver Education, 13
Drug and Alcohol Use, 27
Due Process Procedures, 23
Early Graduation, 16
Eating in the Building, 33
Electronic Telecommunication Equipment, 32
Elevator Use, 13
Excessive Absences, 8
Excused Absences, 7
Expulsion, 23
Facilities That Offer Counseling, 29
Facilities That Offer Residential Placement, 29
Field Trips, 12
Fighting, 33
Final Exams, 21
Firearms, 26
Forgery, 33
Gambling, 33
Gang Activity, 33
Gang Policy Violations, 27
General Student Concerns, 14
Grade Classification, 15
Graduation, 15
With Honors, 20
Graduation Requirements, 15
Home of the Thunder
Grievance Procedures, 13
Gross Misconduct/Disobedience, 33
Guidance Counseling, 18
Hallways, 10
Harassment of Staff, 34
Harassment, Sexual, 34
Hats and Headwear, 35
Hazing, 35
Health Services, 19
ID Cards, 35
Illness, 7
In-School Suspension, 23
Insubordination, 34
Language (Inappropriate, Abusive, or Foul), 36
Level I Offenses, 24
Level II Offenses, 24
Level III Offenses, 25
Level IV Offenses, 25
Lockdown Procedures, 18
Lockers, 13
Make-Up Policy, 20
Mentor Program, 20
National Honor Society, 21
Noon Dismissal, 2
Nature of Penalties, 28
Non-School Counseling, 28
Off-Campus Activity, 36
One-Hour Detention, 22
One-Hour Early Dismissal, 3
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS), 23
Pass/Fail Option, 16
Peer Tutoring, 18
Perfect Attendance, 21
Philosophy of Discipline, 21
Physical Threats, 36
Police Liaison Officer, 20
Psychologist Services, 20
Racial, Ethnic or Sexual Slurs, 36
Saturday Detention, 22
Search and Seizure, 13
Self-Referral, 45
Signs and Posters, 36
Skateboards and Roller blades, 36
Smoking, 36
Social Work Services, 20
Special Education Services, 20
Special Graduation Recognition, 21
State or Federal Rights, 14
Student Activities, 38
Student Intervention Team, 20
Student Messages/Deliveries, 12
Student Parking, 11
Student Services, 18
Study Halls/Commons, 10
Support and Self-Help Groups, 30
Suspicion of Using Drugs and/or Alcohol, 28
Tardies, 9
Textbooks, 18
Theft or Vandalism, 37
Tobacco Products (Use or Possession), 26
Truancy, 9
Visitors, 11
Weapons, 26
Withdrawal Procedures, 11
Work Permits, 11
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Woodstock North High School
Home of the Thunder
Hallway Passport
Codes for
N=Nurse Destination
Woodstock North High School
Hallway Passport
Codes for
of the
N=Nurse Destination