August 2015 - Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce
August 2015 - Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce
&KDPEHU'LJHVW Volume 33 Issue 3 August 2015 UG$QQXDO(GXFDWRU$SSUHFLDWLRQ August 20 will celebrate the 23rd Educator Appreciation breakfast, hosted by the Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce. This year’s breakfast is presented by Independent Insurance Services. Gold sponsors are Emerson-Fisher, Lennox and Pizza Ranch. This event serves as a kick-off to the 2015/2016 school year for the educators, adUpcoming Events ministrators and support staff from Marshalltown Community School District, Marshall$XJXVWA.M. Exchange at Central Iowa town Christian School and St. Francis Catholic Healthcare; 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. School. The school employees meet in the Mar$XJXVWEducator Appreciation Breakfast shalltown High School cafeteria for a breakfast $XJXVWChamber Ambassadors Golf Outing $XJXVWBusiness After Hours hosted by Live of coffee, juice, fruit, and breakfast pizza, served On Stage - Marshalltown; 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. by employees of sponsoring businesses. “This event is one we look forward to each 6HSWHPEHUA.M. Exchange at Anderson year,” said Chamber Board Chair Dennis Drager. Funeral Homes; 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. “It’s a great way that we show the connection ,Q7KLV,VVXH between the education system and business community. 0HPEHU6SRWOLJKW Table sponsorships are still available and Page 2 allow a business or organization to provide /HDGHUVKLS5HLQYHVWLQJ0HPEHUV coupons, discounts, promotional items or other Page 3 “goodies” to the educators. Contact the Chamber )DFHV3ODFHV Page 4 %XVLQHVV1HZV Page 5 &RQYHQWLRQ9LVLWRUV%XUHDX7RXULVP1HZV Pages 6 & 7 5LEERQ&XWWLQJV Page 8 %XVLQHVV$IWHU+RXUV Page 9 0(',&(FRQRPLF'HYHORSPHQW1HZV Page 10 %XVLQHVV'LUHFWRU\ Pages 12 - 14 %XVLQHVV1HZV Page 15 - 16 CURRENT RESIDENT OR CURRENT RESIDENT OR ZZZPDUVKDOOWRZQRUJ Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 1000 Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce Marshalltown, IA 50158 P.O. Box 1000 Marshalltown, IA 50158 $I¿[ODEHOKHUH $I¿[ODEHOKHUH 7KLVGLUHFWLRQ 7KLVGLUHFWLRQ Pre Sort Standard U.S. POSTAGE PAID MARSHALLTOWN, IA PERMIT NO. 42 Copyright 2015 0(0%(56327/,*+7 0DUVKDOOWRZQ&RPPXQLW\7KHDWUH Marshalltown Community Theatre is nearing the completion of the highly successful run of “Peter Pan” the classic Broadway musical. The production was made possible by working in cooperation with other community organizations including The Martha-Ellen Tye Foundation and Mid-Iowa Community Action. It is an example of how MCT works with area groups to provide artistic opportunities for members of Central Iowa. They have a long history as an amateur theatrical group. Marshalltown enjoyed community theater productions as early as the 1930’s, but the current day MCT organization had its roots in 1961 (after the original community theatre group was disbanded during the 1940’s war years). As a theater troupe, they have performed in several venues over the years including the old Odeon Theater downtown, the former chapel at the Iowa Soldiers Home, the auditorium of what is now Miller Middle School, the old Lennox Auditorium and their home since 1970, the beautiful Martha-Ellen Tye Playhouse. tions have increased. However, the organization has worked diligently to meet the challenges of decreased ticket revenues and changing theatrical tastes. They strive to provide entertaining, thoughtful, moving and, often, educational productions to the area. They also endeavor to expand both their volunteer production team and audiences to include the diverse population of Central Iowa. 6WDQGLQJRYDWLRQIRU0DUVKDOOWRZQ&RPPXQLW\7KHDWUH¶VSURGXFWLRQ RI³3HWHU3DQ´LQWKH0DUWKD(OOHQ7\H3OD\KRXVH While one theatre season closes, they are looking forward with anticipation to their upcoming 55th season. They will have selected a delightful variety of shows that will offer something for everyone. The 55th season will feature comedy, drama and musicals and will, once again, feature a Holiday !"#$#%$ strictly on ticket sales and donations from sponsors and patrons to meet ''#* $ to production costs (royalties, costumes, set construction, props, advertising, etc.). “Technical equipment constantly needs upgrading and existing equip- ment needs replacement due to normal wear and tear. In order to ensure their continued success in bringing live theater to the area, we ask for your support,” said Shannon Mitchell, MCT Community Liason. “We are extremely excited about what the future for MCT holds but we need your help to make sure our lights shine brightly into the next season ³3HWHU3DQ´FDVWPHPEHUV and beyond,” added Mitchell. “Please consider a one-time donation and/or consider becoming a sustaining MCT member.” For information on how to help support MCT, please contact them at 641-752-4164 and leave a message. You may also call Lowe’s Flowers (641-752-4601) for information. “By supporting the Marshalltown Community Theatre, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing your part to support the arts in our community,” said Mitchell. Mitchell added “We welcome and encourage, anyone with an interest in the arts to join us onstage or behind the scenes on a future production. No experience is necessary and with the variety of skills needed to bring a theatrical event to life, there is sure to be an opportunity for you!” Designed to inspire the imagination, The Marshalltown Community Theatre exists to bring quality, live theatrical productions to Central Iowa. Follow them on Facebook and visit their website ( to keep updated on current events at the theater. 2 /($'(56+,3 &KDPEHU &KDLU'HQQLV'UDJHU 0&9% &KDLU-XOLH7KRPDV 0(',& &KDLU-RKQ+XJKHV 0DUVKDOOWRZQ5HJLRQDO 3DUWQHUVKLS &KDLU3DXO*UHJRLUH %RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV %RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV %RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV %RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV *DU\6FKDXGW Vice Chair &KULV%URGLQ Past Chair 7RP&DPSEHOO Treasurer -RKQ+XJKHV MEDIC Chair 3DXO%HDOV 'HE%RUWRQ $DURQ%X]EHH 3HWH&KDUERQHDX /DXUD)DUULQJWRQ 0LNH)LW]JHUDOG 'HLUGUH*UXHQGOHU 5RVV+DUULV +HLGL3LHUVRQ 7\OHU:ROODP Vice Chair 'HDQQD'DYLV Secretary &KDG:HLU Past Chair 0DU\:HUW]EHUJHU Vice Chair &XUW+RII Treasurer $ODQ$QVHOPDQ Past Chair 'HQQLV'UDJHU Chamber Chair $ODQ$QVHOPDQ MEDIC 3DXO%HDOV Chamber &KULV%URGLQ Chamber 'HQQLV'UDJHU Chamber 6KDURQ*UHHU At-Large -RKQ+XJKHV MEDIC )DXQD1RUG MCVB -XOLH7KRPDV MCVB &KDG:HLU MCVB 'HQDH+DDFN $O+RRS &UDLJ+XHJHO .HQ+XJH )DXQD1RUG /L]:LONH 0DWW*DUEHU 'HQQ\*UDEHQEDXHU -LP/RZUDQFH 6WHYH6LQFR[ 'DYLG9ROOPDU ([2I¿FLR 9LFH&KDQFHOORU,9&( -DFTXH*RRGPDQ 6WDWH5HSUHVHQWDWLYH 0DUN6PLWK 6WDWH6HQDWRU 6WHYH6RGGHUV &LW\$GPLQLVWUDWRU 5DQG\:HWPRUH ([2I¿FLR -HQQ\(WWHU0&%' 'HQQLV*UDEHQEDXHU 0DUVKDOO&RXQW\ 'U5RELQ6KDIIHU /LOLHQWKDO0&& 0D\RU-LP/RZUDQFH &LW\RI0DUVKDOOWRZQ 'U0DUYLQ:DGH 0&6' 7\OHU:ROODP0&9% 6WDII /\QQ2OEHUGLQJ Executive Director Chamber 6KDQQRQ(VSHQVFKHLG Executive Director MCVB 6KDXQD%DQNV MCVB Administrative Assistant 7RP'HLPHUO\ Executive Director MEDIC 'DYLG%DUDMDV-U CEO - Marshalltown Regional Partnership 7KH&KDPEHU'LJHVWLVDPRQWKO\SXEOLFDWLRQRIWKH0DUVKDOOWRZQ$UHD&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFHLQ FRRSHUDWLRQZLWKWKH0DUVKDOO(FRQRPLF'HYHORSPHQW,PSDFW&RPPLWWHHDQG0DUVKDOOWRZQ &RQYHQWLRQ9LVLWRUV%XUHDXZKRFROODERUDWHLQFUHDWLQJ RSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUEXVLQHVVHVUHVLGHQWVDQGYLVLWRUV 7KDQN<RX 5HLQYHVWLQJ0HPEHUV The reinvesting members printed in bold type marks those with < years. Abarrotes La Salud, Inc. 3 Act II Consignments 1 Action Auto Parts 29 Adland Engraving 27 Anderson Funeral Homes 2 Animal Clinic - The Vet 27 $UE\¶V5HVWDXUDQW Area Education Agency 267 28 Arnold Motor Supply 22 Augustine Company 27 B & G HVAC 9 BDH Technology 12 Bailey’s Pizza 1 Barr Asset Management 16 Bishop Consulting 19 Bowman & Miller, P.C. 51 Boy Scouts 3 Brown’s Shoe Fit Co. 8 Buena Vista University 28 Cartwright, Druker & Ryden 39 Cecil’s Cafe 28 Central Iowa Art Association 14 Central IA Res. Services 34 Chef King 3 City of Marshalltown 23 Clark, David D.D.S. 32 &OHPRQV,QF&KHYUROHW Collison, John G. D.D.S. 34 Concrete Inc. 51 Consumers Energy 39 Domino’s Pizza 32 (GZDUG-RQHV:LULQ Electric Supply 38 Emerson - Fisher 102 Evans Abstract Company 38 Eyecare Associates 56 First Tax 4 First United Methodist Church 17 *HWKPDQQ&RQVWUXFWLRQ Git-N-Go Store 3 Glenwood Place 16 Great Western Bank 52 Grecian, Colene D.D.S. 7 Grimes, et. All 51 H & F Distributing 39 +DKQ5RR¿QJ Hampton Inn & Suites 6 Hanke Refrigeration 2 Hanson Directory Service, Inc. 31 Continued on page 5 3 FACES & PLACES )DFHV3ODFHVis a monthly feature in the Chamber Digest. Each month this column will feature information about Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce members and volunteers. )DFHV3ODFHV is a great way to utilize your Chamber membership. Submissions may include grand openings, management changes, employee promotions, moves, expansions, major developments and award recognition. Submissions may include a photograph, if provided in a JPEG format. Due to space limitations, each item for )DFHV3ODFHV should be no more than six sentences in length. The editor reserves the right to determine what is newsworthy and included in the column. Items that will not be accepted include: email changes, seminars or special event promotions that would be better addressed through advertising venues. To submit your news, email and put Faces & Places in the subject line, or mail information to )DFHV3ODFHV, P.O. Box 1000, Marshalltown, IA 50158. Submissions must be received by the 10th of the month for inclusion in the following month’s Chamber Digest. Information printed in the Faces & Places section is supplied by Chamber member businesses and organizations and is not an edorsement by the Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce. 5XQQLQJIRUD5HDVRQ $PHULFDQ/XQJ$VVRFLDWLRQRIIHUV 7RRO.LWV The American Lung Association in Iowa is dedicated to providing free tobacco cessation and education resources in Marshall County. Do you want to improve employees’ health and greatly reduce costs? Do you want to implement a tobacco-free worksite policy. The American Lung Association can provide: [ \ < for implementation [ ]]^\ _< [] < Do you already have a tobacco-free policy? We want to hear about it! You will also be eligible for free resources. To learn more, please contact Alyssa Reichelt at 515-802-3201 or via email at 7KH&KDPEHURI¿FHLVORFDWHGDW6RXWK&HQWHU6WUHHW 2I¿FHKRXUVDUH0RQGD\7KXUVGD\DPSP DQG)ULGD\DPSP The Marshalltown United Way invited you to “Run for a Reason” won August 8, beginning at 8:00 a.m. “Running for a Reason” is an event featuring 5K and 10K races. Trek= < > ?%!# race) and includes a t-shirt and meal ticket. The runs begin at 8:00 a.m. The races will begin and end on 13th Street near “Echo”. Activities for all ages will be provided by United Way agencies and QX!! <<cle course, Minute to Win It challenges, kids fun run and more. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Race registrations available at <RXUDGFRXOGEHKHUH :DQWWRUHDFK&KDPEHU EXVLQHVVOHDGHUVDQGVXEVFULEHUVWRWKH 7LPHV5HSXEOLFDQ" &RQWDFW\RXU75UHSWR¿QGRXWKRZ\RXFDQSUR PRWH\RXUEXVLQHVVJDLQQHZFOLHQWVRUDGYHUWLVH DQHYHQWRUVDOHLQWKHPRQWKO\&KDPEHU'LJHVW 4 BUSINESS NEWS 7KDQN<RX5HLQYHVWLQJ0HPEHUV The reinvesting members printed in bold type marks those with < Continued from page 3. Hardee’s Home Rental Center ,RZD5LYHU+RVSLFH Iowa Wholesale Supply JBS Swift & Company Jensen Ford Kapaun & Brown, Inc. Ken Wise Buick-GMC-Honda .HQ:LVH&KU\VOHU'RGJH-HHS Kenn’s Transmission Kluck, Terry Lamar Advertising Landon-Landon & Associates Lennox Employees Credit Union Mack, Thomas Marshall County Abstract Marshall County Farm Bureau Marshalltown Aviation, Inc. 0DUVKDOOWRZQ%URDGFDVWLQJ Marshalltown Comm. Schools Marshalltown Company Marshalltown Dev. Foundation Marshalltown OBGYN Marshalltown Orthopaedics Marshalltown YMCA-YWCA McDonald’s McFarland Clinic PC Medicap Pharmacy Mid Iowa Workshop Mitchell Family Funeral Services 11 32 41 56 48 41 56 31 2 19 51 31 41 31 51 41 23 56 6 46 39 38 43 17 32 31 11 Nagle Signs, Inc. NW Mutual - Krough & Leth Peglow, O’Hare & See, P.L.C PennySaver Perfect Setting, The Pinnacle Bank Plaza Family Dental Center Primary Health Care, Inc. 566WRYHU 5$&20&RUSRUDWLRQ Raymon/DONCO Riddle’s Jewelers Roseland, Mackey, Harris Rund, Mary S & S Autobody & Frame 6DJH3RLQW)LQDQFLDO Shomo-Madsen Insurance Smiles In Motion Stalzer’s Furniture Strand’s Structural Engineers P.C. Taco John’s 7D\ORU¶V0DLG5LWH 7KRPSVRQ¶V7UXH9DOXH Times-Republican United Bank & Trust United Way Wandering Creek Golf Course Weidner Construction, Inc. Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. Wolfe Clinic P.C. 29 26 42 44 3 19 37 7 27 17 13 8 1 44 12 17 39 28 39 54 13 47 7 37 37 23 $0([FKDQJH Tuesday, August 4 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. Central Iowa Healthcare (55 Central Iowa Drive - Marshalltown) Enjoy business EHIRUH hours with networking and a great breakfast at the new Central Iowa Healthcare facility. Meet someone new or reconnect with a business contact. Get a sneak peak of the new hospital before it opens to patients! $OOemployees of Chamber member businesses/organizations are encouraged to attend. Listen Weekly to &KDPEHU&KDt Sunday Mornings 6:30 a.m. on 99.5 KDAO FM and 7:30 a.m. on 1190 KDAO AM 5XUDO8UEDQ'LQQHU6HW The Chamber’s Ag-Business committee, in conjunction with the Marshalltown Rotary Club and Marshall County Farm Bureau are excited to announce plans for the 2015 Rural-Urban Dinner. Each year, the three organizations work together to create an event that highlights the economic impact agricultural continues to have in Marshall County. This year’s event will be held on Wednesday, September 9, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Dejardin Hall on the Iowa Valley Continuing Education campus. The keynote speaker for the 2015 Rural-Urban dinner is Joshua Remington, executive director of the Iowa FFA Foundation. Remington has a passion for agriculture that has led him to devote his career to agricultural education. Combined with an energetic, hardworking and responsible personality, this passion inspires him to continually strive to think strategically and take on the next challenge. Growing up on a small farm in Marion, Iowa, Joshua developed a love of agriculture that continued to expand when he became a member of the ` {| ^]]>|< impact available to each student through opportunities for premier leadership, personal growth and career success that are offered by agricultural education and FFA. Previously, Joshua served the Iowa FFA Alumni Association and the National FFA Alumni Association, and most recently, he was program manager for the National FFA Foundation in Indianapolis. He brings to }]]] ' including S.M.A.R.T. strategic planning, budgeting, branding, marketing, fundraising software implementation and project management while ensuring a donor-focused approach. Additionally, he has worked extensively with both individual and corporate donors managing the stewardship of their gifts. Joshua sees philanthropic development as both challenging and motivating. In his role as executive director of the Iowa FFA Foundation, he \ achieving even more than they realize is possible. Joshua is proud to serve the Iowa FFA Foundation and Iowa’s agricultural education community, and he welcomes the challenge of securing needed resources to ensure that students in all of Iowa’s agricultural education classrooms have the opportunity to achieve their life goals. The event is open to any member of the Chamber, Farm Bureau, or Rotary. Chamber members should sign up by emailing ~> ?! 5 CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU For the time and a description of the events below, log on to the MCVB website’s Calendar of Events at ZZZ9LVLW0DUVKDOOWRZQFRP $XJXVW 'DWH (YHQW Tuesdays Wednesdays Wed & Sat Friday July 31-Aug 1 July 31-Aug 2 July 31-Aug 2 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 5 Aug 6-9 Aug 8 Aug 8 Aug 8 Aug 9 Aug 11 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 15 Aug 19 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 28-29 Aug 29 Aug 29 Aug 30 Bingo Duplicate Bridge Farmer’s Market Farmer’s Market “Peter Pan” Mid-Iowa Antique Power Show Mouse Hold Days Live at the Brewery Past Masters Nature Story Hour Meskwaki Powwow Run for a Reason Yoga in the Park Bamboozlers Blacksmith Hammer-in Book Discussion Whales & Watches Movies in the Park Yoga in the Park Vendor & Craft Show Route 66 Nature Story Hour Star Gazing Yoga in the Park Antique Tractor Show/Ride Dogs on Skis BBQ Bash Car Show Vet’s Ride 2015 Milk & Honey /RFDWLRQ Senior Citizens Center Senior Citizens Center Cartwright Pavilion State Center Main Street Martha Ellen Tye Playhouse Hwy 30 & 2373 Jessup Av Melbourne Iowa River Brewing Co. John Ernest Vineyard Grimes Farm & Conservation Meskwaki Settlement 13th Street Plaza 13th Street Plaza John Ernest Vineyard Blacksmith Shop-Haverhill Marshalltown Library Iowa River Brewing Co. South 6th St. Complex 13th Street Plaza Fisher Community Center John Ernest Vineyard Grimes Farm & Conservation Green Castle Recreation 13th Street Plaza Marshalltown Mall John Ernest Vineyard Riverview Park Riverview Park Iowa Veterans Home John Ernest Vineyard $XJXVW0HHWLQJV&RQYHQWLRQV7RXUQDPHQWV Date Group Location Aug 1 Ethan’s Tractor Run/Walk 5K Hwy 30 & Jessup Ave Aug 1-2 Iowa Cutters Central Iowa Fairgrounds Aug 6 Nurse Aide Instructor Update IA Valley Continuing Ed Aug 6 Iowa USTA State Meeting IA Valley Continuing Ed Aug 15 Central Iowa Daylily Society IA Valley Continuing Ed Aug 17-18 New Teacher Training IA Valley Continuing Ed Aug 17-18 MICA IA Valley Continuing Ed Aug 23 Rodeo Central Iowa Fairgrounds Aug 29 Iowa League of Women Voters IA Valley Continuing Ed {> Phone: 641-753-6645 Email: ,RZDELF\FOHPDSQRZDYDLODEOH The 2015-2016 Iowa bicycle map, produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation, is now available. The popular publication has been updated to show new four-foot or wider paved shoulders and recreational trails completed since the 2012 version was published. The map highlights bike-friendly routes when traveling on two wheels through Iowa by identifying bike Pick yours up at the Marshalltown Convention !Q^>^ or online at Find more bicycling information on the Travel Iowa website at 0RYLHLQWKH3DUN Get your family and friends, bring a chair, grab a blanket and come sit <\' \" “Frozen.” The movie begins at dusk at the South 6th Street Softball Complex. In case of inclement weather the movie will be moved to the Veterans Memorial Coliseum. %DFNWRWKH3DUN%%4DQG&UXLVH What do the best barbeque in the state, classic hot rods, live music, and fun for the whole family all have in common? They will all be part of the annual Back to the Park BBQ and Cruise weekend in Marshalltown n August 28 and 29. The BBQ contest will begin on the evening of August 28 at Riverview Park, located on the north side of Marshalltown off of Highway 14, and all are welcome to join in the excitement. The event looks to draw 40 teams of contest participants from eight states. Back to the Park BBQ and Cruise will consist of two days of activities for the entire family. Friday night begins with the Kids Q contest, barbecue concessions and live music. Saturday includes daylong festivities of barbecue contest and samples, Classic car show and more at Riverview Park. Look for food, music and hot rod action as over 50 cars showcase on Saturday morning. For other events during this weekend and throughout the summer, go to or contact the Convention & Visitors Bureau at 753-6645 for more information. 'LG\RXNQRZ" At the Impressionist Art Gallery, located inside the Fisher Community Center, pieces by Mary Cassatt, Edgar Degas, and Henri Matisse are on display. The story of the Claude Monet painting stolen from the building in 1987 is also featured. 6 CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 7 AMBASSADORS VISITS Diane Nichols, General Manager of Legends, and the restaurant staff greeted the Chamber Ambassadors during a courtesy call on June 23. The restaurant is located at 2902 South Center Street. The Chamber Ambassadors visited Kim Hanken (Manager) and the staff at Nourish (3109 South Center Street) for a ribbon cutting on June 23. The Nourish staff takes a holistic approach to health and wellness. On June 26, the Chamber Ambassadors celebrated a ribbon cutting at Dunkin’ Donuts (10 La Frentz Lane). Dunkin’ Donuts sells a wide variety of donuts, assorted beverages as well as an array of other baked goods. Todd Bolar and David Gill, co-owners of Bolar & Gill Tree Service, visited with the Chamber Ambassadors on July 14 about their business. For more information, contact Bolar & Gill Tree Service at 641-751-6653. <RXUDGFRXOGEHKHUH Have you considered advertising your business in the Chamber Digest? Do you have a special event, sale, or promotion you want to let people know about? The Chamber Digest is distributed directly to over 900 Chamber member representatives DQGinserted in the Times-Republican monthly. Contact your TR ad rep for more information. 8 BUSINESS NEWS Rod Clement of Clement Home Services talked with the Chamber AmbasDuring a courtesy call visit with the Chamber Ambassadors on July 14, sadors on July 14 about his business during a courtesy call. Contact Rod at Scott Dankbar of Dank’s Lazer Engraving (2551 Reed Avenue), show641-750-5812 for more information on the services he and his team provide. cased the many products he can personalize for personal or corporate gifts. -RKQVRQWRMRLQ&KDPEHUVWDII Lynn Olberding, Executive Director of the Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the addition of Barbara Johnson to the Chamber team. Johnson will join the Chamber on August 1 as Executive Assistant. “I am excited to be joining the Chamber with its 117 years of service to the community,” said Johnson, “and look forward to being a part of continuing its rich tradition.” Johnson graduated from Iowa State University and has worked for numerous employers including Meredith Corpora |_ J. Lipton, Preferred Triad Realty, Five Star Real Estate Group, Le Grand Friends Church, and Menards, Inc. Her Chamber responsibilities will include publication of the monthly Chamber Digest, overseeing a number of Chamber events, administrative support, as well as other duties. “I am very excited to welcome Barb to our team,” said Olberding. “She has a positive outlook, a warm personality and will be a huge asset to the things the Chamber is working on for the betterment of our members and the community at-large.” “Marshalltown has so much to offer, with great people and great places,” she said. “I am glad to join the team in promoting our town.” Johnson and her husband, Steven, live on the family farm and have three children. “Please stop in and welcome her!” added Olberding. 9 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 6XFFHVV3ODQV By Tom Deimerly, MEDIC Executive Director The economic development strategy of retaining and growing your existing business base is often tied to 80% of your community potential job growth. While sitting in a meeting this afternoon, a statistic struck home during the discussion. It was the relative age of the business roots in the community and the age of the business owners. We were celebrating the longevity of these businesses and the great work of the business owners to run highly successful small, < are the backbone of our local economy. Then a scary thought crept into the back of my mind. While we sit here celebrating their success (that is fully deserved!) what happens when these successful business owners and managers choose to < \ the doors open long into the future, or have they even considered an exit strategy? These types of conversations and considerations can be scary for many business owners who have poured their heart and souls into the business… might even go one step further to classify the discussion as outright uncomfortable. Like a business plan, a succession plan is important because it gives the owner \ < tains to the circumstances that will transpire if the current owner leaves. Without a succession plan the business’s fate is uncertain and could be left in the hands of a court. Also, if the business owner has multiple children or family members, it could cause disputes within the family about who should take over the company. One of the major reasons why a succession plan is important is that it helps maintain peace within a family or other group of people/employees in case the owner is no longer there to give their opinion in the matter and it allows that business to keep its doors open thereby continuing to contribute to the local economy. < on the party (or parties) that they want to take over the company. He or she must also decide if they want that person to take over all of the liquid assets of the business or to distribute a portion to other loved ones. Many times this process can involve the entire family. The next step is to determine the value of the business < < they have all of these details, they then must formalize the plan. Sometimes this is in the form of a will or many times it’s simply a plan for transferring ownership, over time, to an existing employee or child. It can take many forms and the process described above is not set in stone. No two businesses are ever exactly alike and each succession plan is as unique as the individual business. < #"$ #$ tial, it is often easier to discuss it with an outsider or third party business service provider removed from the “local” rumor mill. As I have promoted in the past for entrepreneurs wanting to start a business. MEDIC has partnered with the Iowa Small Business Development Center to bring their services back to the local level, so that business owners no longer need to travel to Ames. In addition to business and marketing planning assistance, they also work with existing companies to evaluate, establish and implement succession plans and exit strategies. These services are provided free of charge to the participating business. If you haven’t \ future. Everyone deserves to retire eventually, the goal is to keep the business they have worked so hard to create and build successful long into the future. We }\< ^> {}>#"$% = ^> #"$Q schedule an appointment. (FRQRPLF6WDWLVWLFV -XQH (PSOR\PHQW±0DUVKDOO&RXQW\ Labor force Unemployed Percent unemployed Total employment 0DUVKDOOWRZQ&RQVWUXFWLRQ Building permits Residential dwelling units = New commercial/industrial permits = 0DUVKDOO&RXQW\&RQVWUXFWLRQ Building permits New residential dwelling units = New commercial/industrial permits +RXVLQJ Single family home sales { 19,200 860 4.3 20,060 20,240 1,070 5.3 19,170 11 0 ?! ?%"!!! 2 ?Q!!!! ?!!!! 16 7 ?%!!!! ?%!! 5 ?""!!!! ?%!!! 5 1 ?"Q!!! ?Q!! 0 ?! 8 6 ?"!! ?""!!!! 1 ?""!!!! 36 ?""! ?""!!! 52 ?"!%! ?Q%!! )RUDGGLWLRQDO HFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQW LQIRUPDWLRQRQ0DUVKDOOWRZQRU0DUVKDOO&RXQW\ SOHDVHYLVLW ZZZPDUVKDOOWRZQZRUNVFRP 3KRQH 10 BUSINESS NEWS &HQWUDO,RZD+HDOWKFDUHRSHQLQJ Central Iowa Healthcare invites and welcomes community members to its Community Open House on Saturday, August 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the new Outpatient Center, located at 55 Central Iowa Drive in Marshalltown. The Outpatient Center is Phase I of a 2-phase hospital replacement. Services that will be offered at the new center beginning on Monday, August 17, include: [ ^ [} ^ [> |< '>< [=< ^ [> [`< The community open house will feature self-guided building tours, a ribbon cutting and a variety of health information related to nutrition, diabetes and the new equipment within the Outpatient Center. Refreshments will be served. For more information about the building project and the services available at Central Iowa Healthcare, visit .UDQWPDQ¶V,QFFHOHEUDWHV \HDUVRIVHUYLQJ0DUVKDOOWRZQ Krantman’s, Inc. recently celebrated their 100 year anniversary. In a letter to Ken Hesmer, owner, Governor Terry Branstad states, “As the leader of a business that has been operating in Iowa for 100 years, you know what it takes to survive and thrive in our every-changing, global economy. It is no small feat to face the ups and downs that businesses experience daily.” On behalf of the entire Chamber membership, board of directors and staff, Congratulations Ken, Sarah, David and the entire Action Auto/Krantman’s team! 0DUVKDOOWRZQ&RPSDQ\WR FHOHEUDWHWKDQQLYHUVDU\ Marshalltown Company is planning a celebration in conjunction with their 125th anniversary on Friday, August 28. Activities includes sandsculpting by the Sand Guys, remarks from company personnel, a showing For more information, please contact Aimee Blocker at 641-753-5999. 11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 12 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 13 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 14 BUSINESS NEWS %HVWRIWKH%HVW In the annual issue of the Times-Republican’s “Best of the Best”, a number of Chamber members were listed in their respective categories as the best business in the Marshalltown area. Please congratulate these members: Custom Framing: 9th Street Appliance Store: Pentz Applino-Hotel Gallery & Frame ance & TV Caterer: Hy-Vee Daycare: Elim Children’s Center Assisted Living: Glenwood Place Cellular Phone: US Cellular Dentist: Downey & Gantz, PC Audiologist: Wolfe Eye Clinic Consignment Shop: Act II Farm Equipment: Theisen’s Auto Dealer - New Cars: Consignments Continued on page 16. Clemons, Inc. Convenience Store: Kwik Star Auto Dealer - Used Cars: Jensen Ford Auto Repair: Alley Automotive -XQ $YJ0RQWK <7'7RWDO Bakery: Hy-Vee 8QLTXH9LVLWRUV Bank: Home Federal Savings 1XPEHURI9LVLWV Bank 3DJH9LHZV Bathroom Remodel: Iowa +LWV Wholesale ZZZPDUVKDOOWRZQRUJ6WDWLVWLFV Bowling Alley: Totem Bowl Burger: Culver’s Cable: Mediacom Car Wash: Rainbow Car Wash Casino: Meskwaki Bingo-Casi- ><< <} consider upgrading your listing and increasing your online visability? Don’t forget to check the Chamber website for business directory information, event photos, program information and calendar of events. 17 %XVLQHVV$IWHU +RXUV $XJXVW 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Live On Stage hosted at Iowa River Brewing Co. 107 N 1st Street 6HSWHPEHU 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. United Bank & Trust 2101 South Center Street 2FWREHU Great Western Bank 3 East Southridge Road 1RYHPEHU CGA 16 East Main Street 'HFHPEHU US Bank 123 West Main %XVLQHVV$IWHU+RXUV GDWHVDUHQRZDYDLODEOH All employees of Chamber member businesses/organizations are encouraged to attend Business After Hours events. 15 BUSINESS NEWS %HVWRIWKH%HVW Continued from page 15. Fast Food: Taco John’s Florist: Lowe’s Flowers Funeral Home: Mitchell Family Funeral Home Furniture Store: McGregor’s Garden Center: Isle of Green Gift Shop: Hy-Vee Drug Store Glass Company: Marshall Glass Grocery Store: Fareway Hardware Store: Thompson’s True Value Hardware Health Care Provider: Central Iowa Healthcare Heating/Air Conditioning: Kapaun & Brown Home Decorator: Strand’s Hospice: Iowa River Hospice Hotel/Motel: Baymont Inn & Suites Ice Cream: North 3rd Avenue Dairy Queen Insurance Agency: Independent Insurance Services Internet Service: Mediacom Investor: Edward Jones Janitor Service: ServiceMaster Jewelry Store: Hellberg’s Meat Dept.: Fareway Medical Supply: Hammer Medical Supply Mover: Stalzer’s Furniture Nursing Home: Villa Del Sol Optical Retail: The Optical Center Paint Store: Strand’s Pest Control: Schendel Pest Control Pet Boarder/Groomer: Happy Tails Pet Supplies: Theisen’s Pharmacy: HyVee Photography: Stalzer Photography Pizza Place: Zeno’s Pizza Place to Work Out: Anytime Fitness Plumber: Bjelland Plumbing Printing Company: Minute Man Produce: Fareway Realtor: Coldwell Banker Premier Real Estate Rehab: Central Iowa Healthcare Retirement Facility: The Ember’s Screen Printer: Tag’s Screen Printing Shoe Store: Brown’s Shoe Fit Sign Shop: Sign Creations TV Store: Pentz Appliance & TV Tavern: Old Timer Tavern Tax Preparer: Bergman Tax & Accounting Tires: Ben’s Tire & Auto Service Towing; Larry’s Towing Transmission Repair: Kenn’s Transmission Veterinarian: Animal Clinic The Vet Weight Loss: Nourish Window Store: Landon-Landon & Associates Winery: John Ernest Vineyard & Winery Congratulations to these Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce members being named “Best of the Best” for 2015 by Times-Republican readers! 16