SOME_ORIENT_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_PROF 20/05/16 09:18 Página I SOME_ORIENT_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_PROF 20/05/16 09:18 Página II Autores: Cristina Valesin Luciana Benassi Márcia Cristina dos Santos Maria Cecília Baptista Pereira SOME_ORIENT_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_PROF 20/05/16 09:18 Página III Caderno do Professor Notebook 3 Este caderno aborda assuntos ligados aos jogos da infância, as vestimentas usadas no dia a dia e os uniformes de diversos alunos em alguns países. Os assuntos apresentados sempre tem a intenção de trazer ao educando fatos reais e pertinentes à sua faixa etária. O lúdico e o interativo estão sempre presentes com o objetivo de propiciar o clima de aprendizagem. Chapter 5 – A fashion runway! Neste capítulo o assunto referente ao vestuário está ligado às estações do ano propiciando ao educando além da aquisição de vocabulário, uma percepção real dos diferentes tipos de roupa para cada situação e clima. Os educandos são estimulados a perguntar sobre suas próprias roupas e uniformes, e conferir com seus colegas suas respostas.Estas habilidades , “listening” e “speaking” são incentivadas sempre com a intenção de desenvolver e aprimorar a comunicação LEM. – Present Continuous (affirmative) – Question words Chapter 6 – A geo trip! A expectativa de aprendizagem neste capítulo está voltada para assuntos relativos a emoções e sentimentos. Como expressar-se e falar de si próprio em situações envolventes e empolgantes como, por exemplo, falando sobre o Universo (galáxias e estrelas) e o Sistema Solar. Neste item específico há uma relação com a Geografia e Ciências, onde o assunto (Universo) já foi abordado. Assim sendo, os educandos se sentirão mais confiantes em se expressar, falando nomes dos planetas (cognatos), estimulando a habilidade “reading” e “speaking”. – Present Continuous (negative and interrogative) – Adjectives (feelings) Appendix Atividades propostas utilizando música, filmes e puzzles, sempre tendo como objetivo manter o clima prazeroso do processo de aprendizagem. III SOME_ORIENT_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_PROF 20/05/16 09:18 Página IV Número de aulas sugeridas Inglês – 6.o ano – 3.o Bimestre Caderno Capítulo Semana Programa Review 9 5 A fashion runway! Clothes Listen to learn Now, it’s your turn! New words Present Continuous affirmative Build your knowledge Improve your knowledge Question Words Build your knowledge Improve your knowledge The Greek Gods' clothes Holidays in August Roundup Holidays & Celebrations A Geo trip! Feelings Listen to learn Now, it’s your turn! New words Present Continuous negative and interrogative Build your knowledge Improve your knowledge Time Build your knowledge Improve your knowledge Planets Holidays in September Roundup Holidays & Celebrations Atividade extra: Film “Monsters Inc.” Learn more ! Atividade extra: “Singing in the rain” song Learn more ! Atividade extra: What are they doing? Matching game Atividade extra: Solar System Word search 10 3 11 6 12 Apêndice IV SOME_ORIENT_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_PROF 20/05/16 09:18 Página V Orientações didáticas 1. A partir do caderno 2, antes de “homework”, encontramos a “review”. Ela é uma revisão do caderno anterior e pode ser dada em classe, logo no início do bimestre, ou como lição de casa. Salientamos a importância do “self-assessment” nesta review, para que o aluno perceba como está iniciando o novo bimestre. 2. Leitura suplementar: Ainda que o processo de contrução do conhecimento requeira outras funções mentais além da memorização, a memória é fundamental e permite que as aprendizagens se mantenham e possam ser utilizadas quando necessárias, envolvendo um complexo caminho, que abrange o armazenamento e a recuperação de experiências. Este texto mostra a importância da memória para a aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, e algumas dicas de como podemos auxiliar nossos alunos, e nós mesmos, a exercitar a memória. Wake up your inner elephant! Os elefantes são conhecidos por terem uma memória incrível. Um elefante tem uma memória excepcional e é isto que o permite vencer as dificuldades. Eles são capazes de lembrar onde há comida e água, mesmo que não tenha estado lá há muito tempo. Então, eles são uma boa metáfora para este artigo. (traduzido e adaptado) 1) Memory is a crucial component in learning anything at all. That includes languages. All learning involves an element of remembering, whether it’s remembering ideas, facts or procedures or remembering words, meanings, grammar structures or how to pronounce something. 2) The ability to visualise is key component in being able to remember things. We store things using all our internal senses: images, sounds, feelings, smells and tastes. But when it comes to retrieving memories, visual memory is said to be quicker than the others. We are able to access a picture in an instant but it can take a moment longer to connect to a spoken word, sound or feeling etc. 3) Visualisation is extremely important for many things besides learning. The ability to visualise is a great asset in taking exams, for example, because it enables you to find information in your head very fast. Having a ‘photographic memory’ is the extreme example of this. (This is always assuming the information went in there in the first place of course. You can’t retrieve what’s not there!) Research has show that visualisation is also extremely useful in many different fields, including: setting and achieving objectives, competing and winning at sports, helping you cope with serious illness (and sometimes even recover from it) V SOME_ORIENT_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_PROF 20/05/16 09:18 Página VI 4) Use it or lose it. This is the one about waking up your inner elephant! Our memory is like a muscle. Like any muscle, the more we exercise it, the better it works. We stop exercising it and what happens? It gets flabby! The language classroom is a great place to exercise our memory. There are a lot of simple things we can to do keep our students (and ourselves) in good shape mentally and help them to learn. Simple exercises and games that can be played in the classroom (and outside it), that are beneficial and fun that don’t take up too much time. 5) Ask them sometimes to remember information rather than find it. We often ask students to find answers in the text an that’s great because it’s an important skill to develop. But just sometimes, you might ask them instead to remember the information and then check back to see if they were right. It’s only a slight change of emphasis, but it’s an important one for developing confidence in remembering. I’m not suggesting you to do this every time. Just sometimes. 6) Ask them to remember at frequenct intervals. Surprise your students with sudden memory games, asking them to recall something they learned a few days or weeks or months before. How many musical instruments can you remember? At least eight? How many countries beginning with M? At least five? How many past tenses with three letters? At least ten? You can do this as a competition between individuals, pairs, groups or teams, and it’s a nice idea for students to score points for words that nobody else has thought of. (Do the second one of those tasks right now... then check online.) 7) Recycle sooner rather than later! We know recycling is important but perhaps we don’t always stress that importance enough to students? It is said that for information to move from our short-term to our long-term memory, we need recycle it within 24 hours or we’re in danger of losing it. So students need to be advised to recap what they’ve learned the very same evening of the day they’ve learned it (as well as periodically in the future). 8) Keep them physically active... and relaxed. We don’t learn well - we don’t remember well - when we sit on our backsides for long periods of time. (We don’t do our back any good either, but that’s another story!) Mind and body are connected: when our body slows down and gets sluggish, our mind does too. So we need to allow our students to stand up and move from time to time to help their learning process. Classroom activities such as mingles or running dictations are great. So are occasional ‘de-stress’ activities like this one. REVEL, Jane. Wake up your inner elephant! Revista New Routes, São Paulo, edição 57, páginas 14 -17, setembro/2015. VI SOME_ORIENT_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_PROF 20/05/16 09:18 Página VII Notes VII SOME_ORIENT_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_PROF 20/05/16 09:18 Página VIII Notes VIII SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página A SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página B Contents Notebook 3 Chapter 5 – A fashion runway! ................................................................... 1 Chapter 6 – A geo trip! ............................................................................... 12 Appendix.................................................................................................... 23 Review ..................................................................................................... 29 Homework ................................................................................................. 33 Autores: Cristina Valesin Luciana Benassi Márcia Cristina dos Santos Maria Cecília Baptista Pereira SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 1 Chapter 5 A fashion runway! DATE: _____/_____/_____ Listen to learn Image 1 1. It’s Friday evening and all the students are at the auditorium. Today is “A Voyage through the Centuries” fashion show! It is an event to raise money for a NGO called “Oxfam International”. Look! There comes Susan! What’s she wearing? Courtney: She’s wearing a 17th century look. Lucca: And Helen… what’s she wearing? Courtney: It’s an 18th century look. Peter: And Patty… what’s she wearing? Courtney: Peter: Clothes from the 19th century. An informal “at home”dress. This dress? To stay at home? Lucca: Ugh… Image 3 Lucca: Image 2 Image 4 A long dress with paned sleeves. Cultural Corner Image 6 and 7 Image 5 An aristocratic dress. Oxfam International Vocabulary: to raise – levantar/arrecadar NGO (nongovernmental organization) – ONG paned sleeves – mangas bufantes 2. The power of people against poverty Oxfam is an international confederation working together with local communities in more than 90 countries. website – Now, itʼs your turn! A: What are you wearing? B: a T-shirt I’m wearing __________________________________________. And you? What are you wearing? blue sneakers A: I’m wearing _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________. Teacher, este exercício é oral e em duplas. Peça aos alunos que descrevam o que eles estão usando. Oriente-os a utilizar o vocabulário básico que já conhecem. Há inúmeras respostas possíveis. one first 1 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 2 3. New words Images 8 to 15 Teacher, primeiro incentive os alunos a explorarem TODAS as imagens e, em seguida, completarem as palavras com as letras que estão faltando. 1. Look at the images, complete the words and do the exercise. Follow the example: a t p o c k Images 16 to 21 a Images 22 to 27 o a t h i r t k i r t o o t s Images 28 to 33 w e a t e r s h o r t s Be Careful! Image 41 rain boots = wellington boots (USA) (UK) 2 two second sneakers = tennis shoes Image 42 Images 34 to 40 e a n s SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 3 red orange Teacher, peça aos alunos para completarem a flor com as cores que faltam. yellow pink green Image 43 Example: blue brown Image 44 The baby girl is wearing a brown and pink swimsuit. The girl is wearing a red, blue and white dress./ a striped dress. b) The boy is wearing a blue and white T-shirt and a black cap. c) The man is wearing a gray/grey sweater and a gray/grey scarf. d) The woman is wearing jeans, a white blouse, a hat and brown/beige flats. Image 46 hood gloves wooly hat mittens hoodie Cultural Corner Image 54 hat Image 47 Image 51 Image 53 Image 50 Image 49 Image 52 Image 48 Image 45 a) Underpants in the overalls = dungarees UK is called pants. And trousers are used to cover pants Homework 17 – What are you wearing? in public!!! three third 3 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 4 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 4. Build your knowledge Image 55 She is reading. He is writing. Teacher, primeiro verifique os verbos do quadro com os alunos, depois leia as frases que estão no balão e então complete a tabela junto com eles. They are studying. PRESENT CONTINUOUS Image 56 Present Image 63 Image 62 Image 61 Image 60 Image 59 Image 58 Image 57 play I brush You wash He drink She swim It have breakfast We dance You cut They Teacher, explique aos alunos que verbos terminados em “e”, omitimos a vogal “e” para acrescentar “ing”, e verbos terminados em consoante/vogal/consoante, dobra-se a última letra antes de acrescentar “ing”. am –––––––––– are –––––––––– is –––––––––– is –––––––––– is –––––––––– are –––––––––– are –––––––––– are –––––––––– Continuous playing ––––––––––––––––––––– brushing ––––––––––––––––––– your hair. washing –––––––––––––––––––– drinking –––––––––––––––––– soccer. his hands. some water. swimming. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– having breakfast. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– dancing. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– cutting –––––––––––––––––––– the cake. Be Careful! write – writing put – putting 4 four fourth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 5 Now, itʼs your turn! In pairs, look at the pictures and write sentences to describe them: Image 64 1. (to eat) The boy / He is eating. Image 65 a) (to cook) They are cooking. Image 66 b) c) The child / The girl / She is watching TV. Image 67 (to watch) d) (to have lunch) They are having lunch. He is playing the piano. Image 70 They are playing volleyball. Image 71 Image 69 Image 68 Be Careful! They are playing hopscotch. They are playing at the park. Teacher, explique aos alunos que o verbo “to play” significa jogar, tocar um instrumento musical e brincar. five fifth 5 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 6 5. Improve your knowledge 1. Observe the pictures and complete the sentences using: are playing is drinking are reading is eating Image 72 is playing are reading a) Steve and Sally ___________ _________________ their books. is playing _________________ __ the guitar. b) Bernard ____________ is eating ____ _____________ _______ a delicious sandwich. c) Bob _______ are playing _________________ basketball. d) Michael, Peter and Jonathan ___________ is drinking _________________ some water. e) Melaine ___________ No Portal Objetivo Homework 18 – What are you doing? Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO ( e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F301. 6 six sixth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 7 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 6. Build your knowledge Image 73 QUESTION WORDS 1. Follow the example and complete the dialogues: Teacher, este exercício é para ser feito em duplas. Image 74 Example: What are they doing? They are running. Where are they running? They are running in the park. (run/in the park) Image 75 a) What is he doing? He is playing the violin. Where is he playing the violin? He is playing the violin at school. (play the violin / at school) Image 76 b) They are having dinner. What are they doing? ___________________________________________ Where are they having dinner? They are having dinner in the kitchen. (have dinner/in the kitchen) c) Teacher, oriente seus alunos para escreverem sobre o que estão fazendo neste momento: “studying”, “writing”, “reading”, “completing the exercise” e assim por diante. Image 77 What are you doing now? free answer are you ... free answer Where ______________________________? ______________________________________ Be Careful! die – dying Teacher, explique aos alunos que “RIP” significa “rest in peace”. seven seventh 7 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 8 7. Improve your knowledge 1. Who is who? John a) ___________ is wearing a green T-shirt, blue shorts and black sneakers. Diana b) ___________ is wearing a yellow dress and white shoes. Kate c) ___________ is wearing an orange hat, a white blouse, blue skirt and red shoes. Sue d) ___________ is wearing an orange hat, a red scarf, a green coat, jeans and brown shoes. Image 78 2. Complete the sentences using who, where, what or how according to the pictures. Follow the example: Example: What is she wearing? She is wearing a pink coat. How is the weather? It is snowy. a) Image 79 Where _______________________ are the boys? _______________ They are on the beach. What ___________________________________ are they doing? They are playing. 8 eight eighth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 9 Image 80 b) Who ___________________________ is wearing a pink tank top? The girl is. What _____________ are they doing? ________________________ They are collecting shells. c) Image 81 How _______________ ___________________________ is the girl? She is very happy. What ________________________ is she doing? _______________ She is running. d) Image 82 What _______________ _______________________ is she wearing? She is wearing a white blouse and dark blue jeans. Where ______________________________ is she? _______________ She is at the park. e) What ________________ are they doing? _______________ Image 83 They are swimming. What _____________ is the girl wearing? _______________ She is wearing a swimsuit. No Portal Objetivo Homework 19 – Who is who? Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO ( e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F302. nine ninth 9 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 10 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 8. Roundup Image 84 The Greek gods’ clothes. Some of the 6th grade students from “Objetivo School” are studying the Greek Mithology. The history teacher is proud of them. Their school project about the most important Greek gods is very interesting. The principal item of the Greek clothing is a tunic called Chiton. Image 85 Image 86 In winter, they’re made of wool; in summer, they’re made of linen. , earrings and Image 87 The God and Goddess were always with bracelets necklaces 9. . Improve your knowledge 1. Pay attention to the picture. There are the symbols of the most important Greek gods and goddesses in it. Now, complete the sentences properly. Do this exercise in pairs. You can use the dictionary, if necessary. Z __ e __ u __. s a) The symbol of the king of gods is a thunderbolt. He is __ A __ p __ h __ r __ o __ d __ i __ t __ e . b) The symbol of the goddess of beauty is a rose. She is __ H __ e __ r __ m __ e __. s c) The symbol of the messenger of the gods is a pair of winged sandals. He is __ P __ o __ s __ e __ i __ d __ o __ n . d) The symbol of the god of the sea is a trident. He is __ A __ p __ o __ l __ l __ o . e) The symbol of the god of the music is a harp. He is __ A __ r __ e __. s f) The symbol of the god of the war is a spear. He is __ Now, it’s your turn! Now write a paragraph describing your favorite god or goddess: Teacher, este exercício é uma oportunidade para os alunos desenvolverem a parte escrita “writing”. Caso queira, pode ser usado como avaliação. 10 ten tenth Homework 20 – Greek Mythology SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 11 10. Holidays & Celebrations International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples – August, 9th On this day people discuss about human rights, environment, education and health of the minorities. Vocabulary: human rights – direitos humanos minorities – minorias Teacher, explique aos alunos que a palavra “peoples” refere-se a “povos”, e a palavra “people” a “pessoas”. Image 88 In Australia there is over half a million Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Teacher, explique aos alunos que os aborígenes vivem na Austrália há mais de 40.000 anos. O “didgeridoo” /ˌdɪdʒ.ər.iˈduː/é um instrumento de sopro criado por eles há mais de 1.500 anos. Image 89 The aboriginal is playing a wind instrument, a didgeridoo. Torres Strait Islanders are the indigenous people of the Torres Strait Islands, part of Queensland, Australia. Teacher, explique que esses indígenas vivem nas Ilhas Torres Strait em Queensland. Eles são cultural e geneticamente um povo da Melanésia – do grego “ilhas dos negros” – uma região a oeste do Oceano Pacífico, a nordeste da Austrália. In Brazil, we celebrate the Indigenous Peoples Day on April, 19th. eleven eleventh 11 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 12 DATE: _____/_____/_____ Chapter 5 6 A geo trip! 1. Listen to learn Sue: I am so excited Courtney: Derek: Lucca: Helen: I love to look at the stars! Do you know all the planets, Lucca? Some of them… Mercury, Venus… Our planet Earth! How many planets are there in the sky? Courtney: Image 90 It is 8 o’clock in the morning. The students are incredibly happy! They are on the bus going to visit the planetarium of the city. They are going to study the sky, its planets, stars and constellations. ! The planetarium is very interesting! planetarium Hmm… I don’t know. Image 91 Derek: Lucca: Sue: I think there are 8. But I’m not sure. And all the constellations and galaxies! The Earth is in the Milky Way. That’s super! Helen: It’s incredible! stars constellations Vocabulary: incredible – incrível / inacreditável Cultural Corner Image 92 2. Now, itʼs your turn! The Milky Way is one of many A: Today we are going to visit the ________ galaxies that Metropolitan Museum ____________________________________ . universe. This B: happy I’m ________________________ . And you? excited A: I’m very ____________________________. Teacher, este exercício é oral e em duplas. Peça aos alunos que imaginem que visitarão um lugar e como estão se sentindo: felizes, animados, tristes. Oriente-os a usar o vocabulário básico que já conhecem. 12 twelve twelfth lies in the galaxy is a spiral shape and home to our planet and Sun. SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 13 3. New words Complete the sentences according to the pictures: Image 93 1. a) Image 94 happy We are feeling ___________ _____________today. b) Image 95 furious / angry He is feeling __________________ _________today. c) in love They are feeling _________________ __________. thirteen thirteenth 13 Image 96 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 14 d) Image 97 shy She is feeling ___________ ___________________ today. e) exhausted He is feeling very _______________ ____________ today. 2. What about you? How are you feeling today? Write a sentence and color the picture that is showing how you are: I am (free answer). 3. Now, ask your classmates how they are feeling today. Teacher, peça aos alunos que perguntem aos seus colegas como eles estão se sentindo hoje. 14 fourteen fourteenth Homework 21 – I am happy! SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 15 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 4. Build your knowledge She isn’t writing. She is reading. He isn’t reading. He is writing. Are they studying? Yes, they are. PRESENT CONTINUOUS Example: Image 98 Teacher, primeiro leia as frases que estão no balão e depois peça aos alunos para completarem as frases abaixo de acordo com o exemplo. Image 99 The girl isn’t playing volleyball. She is playing soccer. isn’t washing is washing She ________________ her hair. She ________________ her hands. Image 100 a) aren’t cutting are cutting They ______________ the bread. They ______________ the cake. b) Example: Image 101 Image 102 Is the dog eating? No, it isn’t. It is sleeping. a) Are dancing ___________ they ________________ ? Image 103 are Yes, they ___________ . b) Is drinking __________ she ______________ coke? isn’t is drinking No, she ____________ . She ______________ some water. fifteen fifteenth 15 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 16 5. Improve your knowledge The children are not reading. They are running. Image 105 Image 104 1. Write sentences according to the pictures: Example: The man is not (free answer). He is brushing the dolphin’s teeth. Image 106 a) The man is not (free answer). He is swimming. Image 107 b) The girls/They are not (free answer). The girls/They are dancing. Image 108 c) The boy/He is not (free answer). The boy/He is eating a cupcake. Image 109 d) The dog isn’t (free answer). The dog/It is looking at the sea. / It is sitting on the beach. e) 16 sixteen sixteenth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:07 Página 17 Image 110 2. Write a question according to the pictures and to the answers: Example: Is she drinking an orange juice? Image 111 No, she isn’t. She is drinking water. Is the woman/she singing? a) Image 112 Yes, she is. Is the baby (free answer)? b) Image 113 No, it isn’t. The baby is laughing. c) Is the boy playing the piano? Image 114 Yes, he is. d) Is he (free answer)? Image 115 No, he isn’t. He is writing a note. e) Is the cat sleeping? Yes, it is. No Portal Objetivo Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o Homework 22 – Waiting for the teacher! PORTAL OBJETIVO ( e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F303. seventeen seventeenth 17 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 18 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 6. Build your knowledge TIME Teacher, complete as horas com os alunos. What time is it? Teacher, explique para os alunos quando usar “past” e “ to”. a) It’s one o’clock. g) It’s half past one. b) It’s five past one. h) It’s twenty-five to two. c) It’s ten past one. i) It’s twenty to two. d) It’s (a) quarter past one. j) e) It’s twenty past one. k) It’s ten to two. f) It’s twenty-five past one. l) It’s five to two. It’s (a) quarter to two. Cultural Corner o’clock Be Careful! a contraction of of the clock AM (ante meridiem) – before midday PM (post meridiem) – after midday Teacher, sugerimos levar um relógio de ponteiro para facilitar a explicação das horas. What time is it? It’s nine o’clock. 18 eighteen eighteenth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 19 7. This is the 6th grade schedule for today. Look at it and answer the questions: Image 116 1. Improve your knowledge Patrick, Loren, William and Philip are classmates. a) Patrick and his classmates are reading. What time is it? It’s a quarter past eight or it’s eight fifteen. b) Loren and her classmates are writing. What time is it? It’s a quarter to ten or it’s nine forty-five. c) William and his classmates are having lunch. What time is it? It’s a quarter past eleven or it’s eleven fifteen. d) Philip and his classmates are studying science. What time is it? It’s half past one or it’s one thirty. e) Loren and her classmates are playing basketball. What time is it? It’s half past two or it’s two thirty. Teacher, mostre a diferença de horário entre algumas cidades. Cultural Corner Time Zone Clocks No Portal Objetivo Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO ( e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F304. Homework 23 – What time is it?! nineteen nineteenth 19 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 20 DATE: _____/_____/_____ 8. Roundup Image 117 Planets Image 118 All the 6th grade students from “Objetivo School” are learning about the Solar System. They are curious and anxious to know amazing facts about our Universe. Their science teacher is showing them a lot of incredible pictures of the Milky Way and they are interested in discovering more and more every class. Two students are asking their teacher about the planets: How many planets are there in the Solar System? Well, there are eight. What are their names? They are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. And what about Pluto? Watch out, students! According to recent discoveries, Pluto is a dwarf planet. So, Pluto is not a planet anymore! And the Sun? Is it a star? Yes, it is. And the Sun is in the center of the Solar System. That’s it, students! You’re brilliant. Vocabulary: amazing – surpreendente dwarf – anão anymore – de agora em diante 20 twenty twentieth Image 119 Lucca: Teacher: Louise: Teacher: Lucca: Teacher: Louise: Lucca: Louise: Teacher: SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 21 For the next class, the teacher asked the students to study about the Sun and showed them the picture below. Facts About the SUN Vocabulary: safe – seguro the closest – a mais próxima could – poderia need – precisamos warmth – calor It’s not safe to look directly at the sun. The sun is the closest star to Earth. The sun is a giant ball of gas. It is approximately 10,000 degrees F on the sun. The sun could hold 1 million Earths. We need the sun for light, warmth and energy. (10,000 degrees F = 5,500 degrees C) 9. 1. Teacher, aproveite a figura para explicar algumas curiosidades sobre o Sol. Improve your knowledge In pairs, complete the sentences writing the names of the planets: Earth a) _________________ is the blue planet. Mars b) _________________ is the red planet. Saturn c) _________________ has rings. Venus d) _________________ is the second planet from the Sun in the Solar System. Mercury e) _________________ is a gray planet with craters. Uranus f) _________________ is the only planet named by a figure from the Greek mythology, Ouranus, a greek god of the sky. Neptune g) _________________ is the eighth and the farthest planet from the sun in the Solar System. Jupiter h) _________________ is the largest planet in the Solar System. Vocabulary: the farthest – o mais distante the largest – o maior Cultural Corner Do you know the Stellarium? Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for Now, it’s your turn! Create your Solar System. It can be a drawing, a mobile, you name it… your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D. Have a look at the site! It’ll be a great trip! Teacher, este exercício é uma oportunidade para os alunos desenvolverem a parte escrita “writing”. Caso queira, pode ser usado como avaliação. Homework 24 – The planets! twenty-one twenty-first 21 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 22 10. Holidays & Celebrations Image 120 The Brazilian Day – September Image 121 The Brazilian Day is an annual festival in New York City, USA. It happens in the beginning of September to celebrate the Independence Day of Brazil. This festival is part of the official calendar of New York City. Vocabulary: happens – acontece beginning – início Image 124 Labor Day is on the first Monday of September in the USA and Canada. This holiday honors the nation's working people, typically with parades. Image 125 Brazil and South Africa celebrate the Labor Day on May, 1st. Image 126 In New Zealand, this holiday is celebrated on the fourth Monday in October. Image 123 Image 122 Labor Day – September 22 twenty-two twenty-second SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 23 5 APPENDIX Chapter 5 1. “Monsters, Inc” The Movie – Watch it and… Teacher, cheque se seus alunos assistiram ao filme “Monstros S.A.” e responda os exercícios 1, 2 e 3 com eles. 1. Do you know these characters from Monsters, Inc.? What are their names? Image 127 a) the top scarer James P. “Sulley” Sullivan Image 128 b) his one-eyed partner and best friend Mike Wazowski Image 129 What do the scarers do to children? 2. They scare children. Image 130 3. Where do the scarers work? They work at Monsters, Inc. in Monstropolis. Teacher, leia as frases abaixo e veja se há alguma dúvida de vocabulário. 4. Read the sentences below. These are some activities that Sulley or Mike usually does in the morning. Watch the film and check () the activities that Sulley or Mike are doing today. ( ) a) sleep in the morning ( ) f) swim ( ) k) eat in a restaurant ( ) b) wake Sulley up ( ) g) play soccer ( ) l) read the newspaper ( ) c) work out ( ) h) drive his car ( ) m) carry their bags ( ) d) brush his teeth ( ) i) walk to work ( ) n) listen to rock music ( ) e) watch TV ( ) j) jump the rope Teacher, exiba o trecho do filme “Monsters, Inc.” de 00:04:50 até 00:09:10. E peça aos alunos que façam um tick () nas atividades que Sulley, Mike ou os dois juntos estão realizando. twenty-three twenty-third 23 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 24 5. Now, rewrite the sentences from exercise 4 using the Present Continuous, affirmative or negative statements, according to the information presented in the segment. Example: a) Sulley is sleeping in the morning. Mike is waking Sulley up. c) Sulley is working out. d) Sulley is washing his teeth. e) Sulley and Mike / They are watching TV. f) Sulley and Mike / They aren’t swimming. g) Sulley and Mike / They aren’t playing soccer. h) Mike isn’t driving his car. i) Sulley and Mike / They are walking to work. j) Sulley and Mike / They aren’t jumping the rope. k) Sulley and Mike / They aren’t eating in a restaurant. l) Sulley and Mike / They aren’t reading the newspaper. m) Sulley and Mike / They are carrying their bags. n) Sulley and Mike / They aren’t listening to rock music. Image 131 b) 24 twenty-four twenty-fourth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 25 2. Listen to the song. Glue the stickers on the right spot! Image 132 Chapter 6 Singing in the rain Arthur Freed and Nairo Herb Brown (1929) I'm singing in the rain Just singing in the What a glorious I'm happy I'm laughing rain feeling again. at clouds. So dark up above The sun's in my heart And I’m ready for love. twenty-five twenty-fifth 25 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 26 Let the stormy clouds chase. Everyone from the place Come on with the rain I’ve a smile on my face. I walk down the lane With a happy refrain Just singing singing in the rain Dancing in the rain a ri la la ri la, I’m happy again! I’m singing and dancing in the rain! Dancing and singing in the rain... Teacher, esta música está disponível no Portal Objetivo. No Portal Objetivo Para saber mais sobre o assunto, acesse o PORTAL OBJETIVO ( e, em “localizar”, digite ING6F305. 26 twenty-six twenty-sixth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 27 Images 133 to 152 EXTRA EXERCISES 3. Look at the picture, there are a lot of people doing different things at this moment. Put the correspondent number of the actions in the parentheses. Check your answers with your teacher. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 08 13 16 07 11 05 14 01 12 09 15 10 06 17 02 18 19 03 04 20 ) Samuel is sleeping. ) Martina is singing. ) Nathan and Samantha are talking. ) Julie is painting a big green vase with yellow flowers in it. ) Lucy is walking with her little black and white dog. ) Patrick is crying a lot. ) Robert is eating a healthy sandwich and drinking orange juice. ) Mary is washing the dishes. ) Melanie is reading an interesting book. ) Igor is cooking. ) Esther and Willie are playing chess. ) Diego is laughing too much. ) Pablo is cleaning the floor. ) Steve is writing a note to his friend. ) Katherine is dancing now. ) Gregory is having a good idea. ) Suzana is sitting in an armchair with her fat brown and white cat. ) Rudolf is swimming in the sea. ) Albert is running in the park. ) Betty is cutting a small yellow paper. twenty-seven twenty-seventh 27 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 28 4. Word search: Find and circle all of the words that are hidden in the grid. The words may be hidden in any direction. Solar System E S U K D G T N O L O M O O N A G S E P N F Y P M T E U L O E V T A N J D N O E D R G I U S T X N U C P S Q S M V T I B R U E G H R N R U A K G E N G A S U M V O S A O I U U C K V F U M E T E O O N N T T X G K E P H M T A S V O E R Q O C H Z T E R O I D L N T X E C P U Y I R M G H R T E R P A J E S R U U E L F Q D X Y L P N ASTEROID COMET EARTH JUPITER MARS MERCURY METEOR MOON NEPTUNE ORBIT PLANET PLUTO I R O L L T SATURN STAR SUN URANUS VENUS Copyright © 2004, Livewire Puzzles ( 28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 29 REVIEW Teacher, a partir do segundo caderno as atividades devem ser iniciadas pela tarefa REVIEW. 1. Correct the sentences. Follow the example: Example: Brazil is in Europe. Brazil isn’t in Europe. Image 153 It is in South America. Champagne is a Mexican drink. a) Champagne isn’t a Mexican drink. It is a French drink. Image 154 Lisa is Margie’s sister. Image 155 b) c) Lisa isn’t Margie’s sister. She/Lisa is Margie’s daughter. These are Homer and his brother Bart. Image 156 These aren’t Homer and his brother Bart. These are Homer and his son Bart. d) She is a Spanish girl. She isn’t a Spanish girl. She is a Japanese girl. twenty-nine twenty-ninth 29 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 30 Image 157 2. Look at the picture and complete the sentences using there is, there are, there isn’t or there aren’t: There are six children in the picture. a) ___________________ There isn’t b) ___________________ a baby. There aren’t c) ___________________ black balls. There is d) ___________________ a house behind the trees. Write the words beside the pictures: kitchen dining room bathroom Image 160 living room Image 159 Image 158 laundry a) b) Image 162 d) e) 30 f) living room laundry thirty thirtieth bedroom kitchen bathroom Image 161 c) Image 163 3. dining room bedroom SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 31 Image 164 4. Answer the questions according to the pictures. Follow the example: Example: Whose ball is this? Image 165 It is the boy’s ball. a) Whose doll is this? b) Image 166 It is the girl’s doll. Whose car is this? c) Image 167 It is the woman’s car. Whose toys are these? Image 168 These are the kids’ toys. These are the children’s toys. d) Whose bone is this? e) Image 169 It is the dog’s bone. Whose tail is this? It is the cat’s tail. Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. – from 16 to 19 Excellent ( ) – from 13 to 15 Good ( ) – from 9 to 12 Average ( ) – below 9 Poor ( ) thierty-one thirty-first 31 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 32 Notes 32 thirty-two thirty-second SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 33 17 HOMEWORK What are you wearing? Name: #: d ) b) KSRTI skirt ________________ ( c ) c) LETB belt ________________ ( a ) d) PCA cap ________________ ( b ) Choose the right answer and write down the word according to the picture: Images 175 to 182 Image 174 2. Image 171 ( Image 172 boot a) TOOB ________________ Image 170 Unscramble the words and then match the pictures: Image 173 1. Date: ____/____/____ ( x a) WINTER gloves ) _____________ b) SUMMER ( ) _____________ ( ) _____________ c) SPRING ( ) _____________ ( x swimsuit ) _____________ d) AUTUMN ( x dress ) _____________ ( x sweatshirt ) _____________ ( ) _____________ thirty-three thirty-third 33 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 34 3. Find the person according to the description and write the right name: Courtney Giorgio Derek Myrna a) I’m wearing a cap, a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers. Giorgio I’m a boy. I’m 10 years old. I am _____________. b) I’m wearing a scarf, boots and a dress with long sleeves I’m a girl. I’m 10 years old too. I’m from Myrna Canada. I am _______________. c) I’m wearing gloves, a scarf, boots, a coat and a wooly hat. I’m a girl. I’m 11 years old. I’m Courtney ________________. d) I’m wearing sneakers, a T-shirt and sweatpants. I’m a boy and I’m also 11 years old. I’m an athlete. Derek I’m _______________. 4. Pick up the right shoes: a) Hi, I’m Sue. I live in the USA. rain boots / wellington boots . Today it’s raining. So what am I wearing? I’m wearing ______________________________________ b) Hi, I’m Khloe’s mother. I live in Canada. heels . Today I have a wedding party. Which one am I wearing? I’m wearing __________________________ c) Hi, I’m Marie. I live in France . It’s late night now. I’m at home wearing my pajamas and slippers . my ____________________________________________ d) Hi, I’m Nick. I live in Australia . It’s summer time! I’m going to the beach. So I’m flip flops / flip-flops . wearing my __________________________________________ 34 thirty-four thirty-fourth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 35 HOMEWORK 18 What are you doing? Name: Date: ____/____/____ #: 1. Using the words, create a sentence in the present continuous tense: Example: she / eat / watermelon She is eating a slice of watermelon. a) it / rain / today It is raining today. b) we / walk / to school We are walking to school. c) the train / come The train is coming. d) I / have / a good time I am having a good time. 2. a) Choose the correct answers according to the images: Image 183 What are the children doing? ( ) They are reading a book. ( ) They are reading a newspaper. thirty-five thirty-fifth 35 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 36 b) Image 184 What is the boy doing? ( c) ) He is playing football. ( ) He is shooting marbles. Image 185 What is the girl doing? ( d) ) She is brushing her hair. ( ) She is brushing her teeth. Image 186 What is the man doing? ( ) He is cutting the grass. e) ( ) He is cutting the tree. Image 187 What are the girl and the dog doing? Tick () the correct sentences according to the image below: a) A girl is riding a bike. ( ) b) A boy is playing with toy blocks. ( ) c) A boy is playing the drums. ( ) d) A girl is holding a teddy bear. ( ) e) A girl is playing with a toy truck. ( ) f) A boy is playing rocking horse. ( ) Image 188 3. ( ) They are eating an ice cream cone. ( ) They are eating a popsicle. Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. – from 11 to 12 Excellent ( ) – from 8 to 10 Good ( ) – from 6 to 7 Average ( ) – below 6 Poor ( ) 36 thirty-six thirty-sixth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 37 HOMEWORK 19 Who is who? Name: 1. #: Complete the chart : George 2. Date: ____/____/____ Sue Minnie Peter Who is who? What is she/he wearing? Peter I’m wearing shorts with a T-shirt. George I’m wearing a wooly hat and gloves. Minnie I’m wearing a party dress. Sue I’m wearing a T-shirt and pants. Take a look at these pictures and write what they are doing: Image 189 a) is swimming He _________________________ now. Image 190 is eating He _________________________ a delicious sandwich. b) Image 191 c) are singing We _________________________ in the theater. Image 192 d) are sleeping together. They _________________________ thirty-seven thirty-seventh 37 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 38 3. Write what you are doing when you see these images: a) ( c ) I’m looking for the other sneaker. b) ( d ) I’m drinking some coffee. c) ( a ) I’m standing next to a piano. d) ( b ) I’m listening to music. 4. Make questions according to the answers. Pay attention to the underlined words: Example: Image 193 What is he eating? He’s eating a hamburger. Image 194 a) What is she reading? ________________________________ She’s reading a book. Image 195 b) What is she writing? ________________________________ She’s writing a letter. Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. – from 12 to 14 Excellent ( ) – from 10 to 11 Good ( ) – from 7 to 9 Average ( ) – below 7 Poor ( ) 38 thirty-eight thirty-eighth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 39 HOMEWORK 20 Greek Mythology Name: Match the images according to the descriptions. Image 196 1. Date: ____/____/____ ( e Image 197 a) Cyclops Hydra Pegasus ) HYDRA: a giant snake with nine heads Centaur Chimera Medusa ( f ) CYCLOPS: a giant with one eye in his forehead. ( b ) CHIMERA: a monster which is part lion, part goat and part snake. ( a ) MEDUSA: a beautiful woman with serpents on her head. ( c ) PEGASUS: a flying white horse ( d ) CENTAUR: the top is half of a human and the bottom half of a horse. Image 198 b) #: Image 199 c) Image 200 d) Image 201 e) f) thirty-nine thirty-ninth 39 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 40 Complete the sentences with the correct words to form true sentences: Image 202 2. two thunderbolts Zeus is holding _____________________________ . Image 203 a) listening Medusa is _____________________________ to music. Image 204 b) sleeping Baby Hercules is _____________________________ . Image 205 c) flying Pegasus is _____________________________ . Image 206 d) e) holding Poseidon is _____________________________ a trident. f) harp Apollo is holding a _____________________________ . 40 forty fortieth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 41 HOMEWORK 21 I am happy! Name: 1. Date: ____/____/____ #: What is happening to you? Complete the sentences according to the description: happy a) I’m at the beach. I’m on holiday. It’s summer. I’m so ______________ . sick b) I’m not feeling well. I’m going to the hospital. I’m ______________ today. What a pity! exhausted c) I’m at school. I’m having a test tomorrow. I’m studying a lot. I’ m ________________ . angry d) I’m at the cinema. I’m trying to listen to the film but people are talking. I’m ____________ . 2. Give the opposite: a) b) relaxed happy nervous –––––––––––––––– c) d) lonely 3. sad –––––––––––––––– Substitute the symbols , a a) J b) c) CR d) SL L PS sick in love –––––––––––––––– , e , i or o healty –––––––––––––––– by vowels and write the feelings: u jealous S = __________________ upset T = __________________ ________ crazy ZY = __________________ ___________ sleepy PY = __________________ _______ forty-one forty-first 41 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 42 4. Choose four feelings and separate them in the chart below. You decide which ones are positive or negative for you: 5. a) free answer c) free answer b) free answer d) free answer Complete the sentences according to the feelings: relaxed nervous proud surprised nervous . a) You are doing a hard test at school so you feel ____________________ relaxed . b) Your teacher is correcting your test and your grade is good, you feel __________________ proud of you. c) You are telling your parents about your grades and they feel so _________________ surprised . d) Because of your good grades your parents are giving you a present, you feel _________________ 42 Teacher, há diversas respostas possíveis. forty-two forty-second SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 43 HOMEWORK 22 Waiting for the teacher! Name: #: Take a good look at the image below, read the paragraph and answer the questions properly: Image 207 1. Date: ____/____/____ These are The Peanuts. They are in the classroom. They’re sitting in line and they are, from the first to the fifth desks: Linus, Charlie Brown, Sally, Patty and Lucy. a) Are all the students reading? No, they aren’t. b) Are all the students sitting in line? c) Is it raining at this moment? Yes, they are. No, it isn’t. d) Is Lucy writing? Yes, she is. e) Is Charlie Brown looking at the blackboard? Yes, he is. f) Is Sally reading? No, she isn’t. g) Is Linus looking at the blackboard? No, he isn’t. h) Is Patty wearing a green blouse? Image 208 2. a) Yes, she is. Complete the questions according to the pictures. Use a dictionary, if necessary: celebrating Are the Peanuts ____________________ Halloween? Yes, they are. forty-three forty-third 43 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 44 Image 209 b) singing Are they ____________________ Christmas songs? Yes, they are. Image 210 c) having Are they __________________ cranberry ice cream on Thanksgiving Day? Yes, they are. Image 211 d) Compare the two characters in the images and write sentences about them, follow the Example: Image 212 3. carrying Are they __________________ Charlie Brown and Snoopy? Yes, they are. Image 213 a) Charlie Brown is reading a love letter but Patty is not reading a love letter. She is listening to Charlie Brown. Image 214 Snoopy is sleeping on the roof but Charlie Brown is not sleeping on the roof. He is sleeping on the floor. b) Schroeder is playing the piano but Lucy is not playing the piano. She is listening to Schroeder. Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. – from 12 to 14 Excellent ( ) – from 10 to 11 Good ( ) – from 7 to 9 Average ( ) – below 7 Poor ( ) 44 forty-four forty-fourth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 45 HOMEWORK 23 What time is it? Name: 1. Date: ____/____/____ #: Take a look at the image below and answer or complete the sentences: a) What time is it by the biggest clock? It’s half past two or it’s two thirty. What’s the time? b) “What time is it?” is the same as ________________________________________________________ short c) The hours are indicated by the _______________________ hand of the clock. long d) The minutes are indicated by the _______________________ hand of the clock. fifteen e) A quarter of an hour is _______________________ minutes. thirty f) Half an hour is _______________________ minutes. 2. Describe who is who according to the clocks: Ben . a) It’s 1 pm and my class is starting in 2 hours. I’m _______________ Carol b) Well, I’m waking up. It’s early in the morning. It’s 5 am. I’m ______________ . I have to hurry up! I have only 2 hours to get at school. Josh c) I’m _______________ . I have a class at night. Bye! 45 forty-five forty-fifth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 46 3. 4. Write the time: a) It’s six o’clock am. b) It’s ten o’clock pm. c) It’s two o’clock am. d) It’s four o’clock pm. According to the sentences, draw the hands for each clock: a) b) It’s a quarter past five am. 5. c) It’s half past nine am. Take a look at the picture and answer: 10 am a) Cinema is open on Monday, 29th at ______________ ____ . 4 pm b) Cinema is closed on Wednesday, 31st at ______________ _. closed c) What about on Sunday, 4th? It’s ______________ _______ . Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. – from 17 to 19 Excellent ( ) – from 13 to 16 Good ( ) – from 9 to 12 Average ( ) – below 8 Poor ( ) 46 forty-six forty-sixth It’s a quarter to midnight. SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 47 HOMEWORK 24 The planets Name: 1. Date: ____/____/____ #: Look at the image below and answer the questions: a) Is Neptune near the Sun? No, it isn’t. b) Is the Earth the third planet from the Sun? Yes, it is. c) Is Mercury the last planet from the Sun? No, it isn’t. d) Is Venus the second planet from the Sun? Yes, it is. e) Is Saturn without rings? No, it isn’t. f) Is Jupiter the fifth planet from the Sun? Yes, it is. g) Is Mars the red planet? Yes, it is. h) Is Uranus the seventh planet from the Sun? Yes, it is. picture a Image 216 Image 217 Read the sentences below and match them to the images: • The study of the Solar System is fascinating, the planets and the Sun are always part of our daily lives in a lot of different ways. Observe the images that show our Solar System and complete the exercises properly. If necessary, use your dictionary. Image 215 2. picture b picture c forty-seven forty-seventh 47 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 48 3. ) The Sun is on the bedroom ceiling. ) The Sun is in the middle of the bedspread. ) The Sun is on the left side of the navy blue T-shirt. ) The girl is turning on the light that represents the Solar System. ) One of the pillows is representing Saturn and its rings. ) Pluto, the dwarf planet, is also in this image. c b a c b c Use your creativity to draw “your own” Solar System. Name everything in your drawing and write a sentence about it. Do your best! Image 218 ( ( ( ( ( ( Example: Here is my new pendant, it symbolizes the Solar System. The Sun is in the middle of it. In order from the Sun are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. free answer Attention: count your answers that are correct and calculate your mark. – from 13 to 15 Excellent ( ) – from 10 to 12 Good ( ) – from 7 to 9 Average ( ) – below 7 Poor ( ) 48 forty-eight forty-eighth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 49 Image Credits Image 1 Image 46 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: < HTtLiEmfwWWoS3_MxttxfUFmz9IZXriQTSgHcI7Kdkg9ikuI3>. Image 2 Disponível em: <>. Image 3 Disponível em: < European_fashion#mediaviewer/File:Portrait_of_Suzanna_DoubletHuygens_by_Caspar_Netscher.jpg>. Image 4 Disponível em: <>. Image 5 Disponível em: <>. Image 6 and 7 Disponível em: <>. Images 8 to 15 Image 47 Disponível em: < AAATUc/fhWOl5hKvfE/s1600/Boho-Street-Style-UK.jpg1>. Image 48 Disponível em: <>. Image 49 Disponível em: <>. Image 50 Disponível em: <>. Image 51 Disponível em: <>. Image 52 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <,,,, h t t p : / / b l o g . s u i t u p p . c o m / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / 2 0 1 0 / 0 5 / b o w. j p g , c3841e49b6eb3e6e7f09195aed3.jpg,,>. Image 53 Images 16 to 21 Disponível em: <,,>. Disponível em: <, wiki.jpg, worn_by_President_Gerald_R._Ford.jpg/819px-Trenchcoat_worn_by_President_ Gerald_R._Ford.jpg, coat.jpg,,>. Images 22 to 27 Disponível em: < dp/B005GK2TMQ>. Image 54 Disponível em: 7013c.jpg>. < Image 55 Image 56 Disponível em: <>. Image 57 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: < %A7%C3%A3o-428616/, Ladies_ sportswear_tank_top_fashion_sportswear.jpg, commons/6/65/Aran_cardigan.jpg, /Ladies_sportswear_tank_top_fashion_sportswear.jpg, 6021/5900097549_35477fca62_b.jpg, Image 58 Images 28 to 33 Image 60 Disponível em: <, https://farm5.static, boys/images/zpants-dresspantsdress.jpg, merinosweatpants/204-OUTLIER-DoublefineMerinoSweatpants-GrayFront.jpg,>. Disponível em: <>. Images 34 to 40 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: < d8/Chaco _Z1_Sandals.JPG/800px-Chaco_Z1_Sandals.JPG, redirect, 13642013005188_1288_.jpg, 45/Red_High_Heel_Pumps.jpg, /thumb/f/f2/Slippers.jpg/1024px-Slippers.jpg, commons/1/1a/Brown-Mens-Boots.jpg, commons/9/9e/Shiny_Black_Rain_Boots.jpg>. Image 63 Disponível em: <>. Image 59 Disponível em: <>. Image 61 Disponível em: <>. Image 62 Disponível em: <>. Image 64 Disponível em: <>. Image 65 Image 41 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 66 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: < Children-who-watch-two-hours-television-a-day-twice-as-likely-to-developasthma.html>. Image 43 Image 67 Foto arquivo pessoal. Professora Cristina Valesin. Disponível em: <>. Image 44 Image 68 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 42 Image 45 Disponível em: < sxcw5zSb_ZHt0COxA0PwnP0gsaFFUXGHl4NxfMcFZpH1EmQM>. Image 69 Disponível em: <>. Image 70 Disponível em: <>. forty-nine forty-ninth 49 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 50 Image 71 Image 95 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 72 Image 96 Disponível em: <,, /6/5548/14352277371_2349215ac7_h.jpg, commons/c/ca/Ashs-student-playing-guitar.jpg,>. Disponível em: <>. Image 73 Disponível em: < /08/02/olympic-swim-meet-at-northwest-club/13512017/>. Image 74 Disponível em: <>. Image 75 Disponível em: <>. Image 97 Disponível em: <>. Image 98 Disponível em: <>. Image 99 Disponível em: <>. Image 100 Disponível em: <>. Image 76 Image 101 Disponível em: <>. Arquivo pessoal – Prof.ª Marcia Santos. Image 102 Image 77 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: < Fans-dig-GRAVE-on-pitch-in-Serbia.html>. Image 103 Image 78 Image 104 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 79 Image 105 Disponível em: < w=300&h=200>. Disponível em: <>. Image 80 Image 106 Disponível em: < /1244910301353/Boy-and-Girl-Playing-at-T-001.jpg>. Disponível em: < swimmers-79592_640.jpg>. Image 81 Image 107 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 82 Image 108 Disponível em: < -Skinny-Jeans.jpg>. Disponível em: <>. Image 83 Image 109 Disponível em: < media-image/for_kids/penha-longa-golf-resort-kids-swimming-pool.jpg>. Arquivo pessoal – Prof.ª Márcia Santos. Image 84 Disponível em: <>. Image 110 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 85 Image 111 Disponível em: < AA7g/nyCs80RJNk8/s1600/DSCN0611.JPG>. Disponível em: <>. Image 86 Image 112 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 87 Image 113 Disponível em: <>. Image 88 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 114 Image 89 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 90 Disponível em: <>. Image 91 Disponível em: <,>. Image 92 Disponível em: <>. Image 93 Image 115 Disponível em: <>. Image 116 Disponível em: <,, .jpg,>. Image 117 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: < C3%A3o-602967/>. Image 118 Image 94 Disponível em: < QXs7wTqKiww3qTzVDme5KTgiMdzheCszOinCpBPXzPF8VYt>. Disponível em: <>. Image 119 50 fifty foftieth SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 51 Disponível em: <>. Image 158 Image 120 Disponível em: < Bath-Room-Design-Ideas-11.jpg>. Disponível em: < 2010/imagem.jpp>. Image 159 Image 121 Disponível em: < /02/84398206_c91e0288eb_o-copy.jpg>. Image 122 Disponível em: < parade.JPG>. Image 123 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 160 Disponível em: < childrens-room-4.jpg>. Image 161 Disponível em: < 2014/04/Laundry-Room.jpg>. Image 162 Image 123 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 163 Image 125 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 164 Image 126 Disponível em: < boy_with_ball.jpg>. Disponível em: < /8pbCvIKbOyg/s1600/labor_day_2014.jpg>. Image 165 Image 127 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: < /images/b/bd/James_P._Sullivan.png>. Image 166 Image 128 Disponível em: < 2011/10/women-injured-in-car-accidents.jpg>. Disponível em: < Wazowski3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101107003026>. Image 167 Image 129 Disponível em: <>. Image 130 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 168 Disponível em: < /2011/09/dog-bone.jpg>. Image 131 Image 169 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: < 07/alpha_tail.jpg>. Image 132 Disponível em: <>. Images 133 to 152 Disponível em: < t a r t - u p - 5 9 3 3 5 8 / , h t t p : / / p i x a b a y. c o m / p t / l e i t u r a - l i v ro - m e n i n a - e s t u d o 515531/,,,, enter_San_Diego.jpg, Emma_Auriemma_painting_at_Echo_Lake_Park_in_Mountainside_New_Jersey.jpg, h t t p : / / p i x a b a y. c o m / p t / c r i a n % C 3 % A 7 a - d o r m i n d o - e d e d r o m 166062/,,,, h t t p s : / / c 1 . s t a t i c f l i c k r. c o m / 9 / 8 3 6 7 / 8 5 4 5 5 0 3 5 2 4 _ e a e 4 5 8 3 2 e f _ b . j p g ,,,, h t t p : / / p i x a b a y. c o m / p t / c r i a n % C 3 % A 7 a - c h o r a n d o - m e n i n o - t r i s t e 594519/,,,,,>. Image 153 Disponível em: < french-champagne.jpg>. Image 154 Disponível em: < images/b/bf/Simpsons_Lisa_Simpson,_This_Isn't_Your_Life_Promo.jpg>. Image 170 Disponível em: < LogoCap_BLK_L_01.png>. Image 171 Disponível em: < billykirk-j-crew-belt.jpg>. Image 172 Disponível em: <$T2eC16N,!)c FIef!s9HsBSQFsp523Q~~_32.jpg>. Image 173 Disponível em: <>. Image 174 Disponível em: <>. Images 175 to 182 BJoOpbH064eNQ_GHqlEkMBKr75NVJ40H20FTxEI20, images/2010/gallery/030810-rosa-cha-400.jpg, /2013/04/09/jcrew-blue-ludlow-cottonoxford-suit-jacket-product-1-7722616866787420_large_flex.jpeg,, size=l&tid=65295345,, http://cdn.,>. Image 183 Disponível em: <>. Image 184 Image 155 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 185 Image 156 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 186 Image 157 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: < /06/Guidstone-Kids-sized.jpg>. fifty-one fifty-first 51 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 52 Image 187 Image 211 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 188 Disponível em: <>. Image 189 Image 212 Disponível em: < 39994.jpg>. Disponível em: <>. Image 213 Image 190 Disponível em: < 39994.jpg>. Disponível em: < 0000578-766_634x363.jpg>. Image 191 Disponível em: < 255170080172_266148036757553_1021039_298177561_n.jpg>. Image 192 Disponível em: < 70743/tumblr_inline_n4efwarZU51rhaf6v.jpg>. Image 214 Disponível em: < 39994.jpg>. Image 215 Disponível em: 570.jpg?6>. < Image 216 Image 193 Disponível em: < FlDKIprCijC9XJmRD_CxaJ1Kir1QPOSfgnPfRF5JYvSefQPuA>. Disponível em: <>. Image 217 Image 194 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 195 Image 218 Disponível em: <>. Disponível em: <>. Image 196 Disponível em: < feeling.jpg,,https://beyondtheborderlinepersonality. jpg,>. Disponível em: <>. Image 197 Disponível em: < images/9/93/Chimera.jpg acesso em 20/12/14>. Image 198 Disponível em: < a21d56bc/bimb2oi/QRtmtihg4/tumblr_static_pegasus_milkyway_wallpaper_2ndfe.jpg>. Image 199 Disponível em: < rion_by_xenobunny-d5dmmdh.jpg>. Image 200 Disponível em: < markopolio_stock.jpg>. Image 201 Disponível em: polyphemus.jpg>. < Image 202 Disponível em: <>. Image 203 Disponível em: < Modest-Medusa-headset.jpg>. Image 204 Disponível em: < herclaying.gif>. Image 205 Disponível em: clipherc21.gif>. < Image 206 Disponível em: < images/thumb/5/5d/Triton.png/500px-Triton.png>. Image 207 Disponível em: <>. Image 208 Disponível em: < 24%5C1C4431636-tdy-121023-great-pumpkin.blocks_desktop_medium.jpg>. Image 209 Disponível em: < 2014/12/charlie_brown_lead.jpg>. Image 210 Disponível em: < sites/15/2014/11/PEANUTS-thanksgiving-table.jpg&w=1484>. 52 fifty-two fifty-second Images 219 to 225 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 53 Images 219 to 225 Cut and glue – pages 25 and 26 fifty-three fifty-third 53 SOME_C3_6o_Ano_Ingles_Tiago_2016_Professor 20/05/16 09:08 Página 54 54 fifty-four fifty-fourth
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