April 2015 - TN Chapter Y
April 2015 - TN Chapter Y
The Y Connection Official Publication of the Heart of Tennessee Wings Chapter TN-Y Region N Murfreesboro, TN Gold Wing Road Riders Association April 2015 CHAPTER OFFICERS DIRECTORS Allen & Dottie Wessels adwessel@comcast.net AW-(615)218-4904 DW-(615)218-4908 ASSISTANT DIRECTORS Wes & Cindy Neal wneal@comcast.net WN-(615) 668-4448 CN-(615) 668-4479 EDUCATOR Murray Dunkin rdunkin@comcast.net (615) 848-5255 TREASURER Robby Roberts Flyfishpa@yahoo.com (615) 898-0271 MECs To be announced Inside this issue: Assistant Director………….......... 2 Rider Educator…….…..................3 Region/District/Chapter Team Directory…………...............4 Team Pages……………….....…...5-8 Chapter May Calendar….…...…9 Ride/Member Articles & Photos………………..…......10-14 Tennessee Chapters, District News, Region N News, & National Updates….…….…...15-23 Gathering Sponsors………...…..24 International Winner June Agee Memorial Newsletter Award Winner 2011 We Are Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge Volume 23, Issue 4 WOW! Here it is April, and I’m thinking “What happened to the first three months of this year?” Then as I look back at my calendar, I realize that we are a very active chapter with lots of great people participating. Recently I saw a Facebook post; it was a picture of a couple standing on a cliff looking out across an ocean. The caption stated, “It is better to collect memories than it is things”, and that is what we, Chapter Y, are doing... having fun, going places, sharing meals and making the most important possessions of all, our memories as a Chapter Family. Some memories from this past month follow: 15 participants went to Chapter S in Portland, TN to capture the plaques for our Fun Day...some of us even rode our bikes while there was still snow piled up on the sides of the roads; the Thursday Night Dinner Ride to O’ Charley’s where one of our newest participants, Jimmy McKlemurry, was serenaded by Max Thomas for his birthday; the “Collection and Sorting” party for Fun Day where I learned very quickly not to get in the way of the ladies when they are on a mission; the ride to Chapter Z in Columbia chasing plaques where we captured the Region and Middle/West Tennessee plaques thanks to 28 participants with 12 riding their bikes in the rain; the next day Richard Griffin led an Impromptu Ride to Woodbury then Smithville with lunch at Sonic and of course Ice Cream! Fun Day, oh my gosh, that was amazing. We had 136 full registrations with people attending from all over Tennessee and 2 chapters from outside Tennessee—Kentucky A in Louisville and Alabama B in Huntsville. Every area was very successful with folks having lots of FUN, and we were able to raise over $6000 for the children at St. Jude! Dottie and I cannot say “Thank You” enough to everyone for all your work at making this one of the best FUN DAYS. We both heard from a number of people what a great job Chapter Y had done at making this a fantastic event. April has started off with making some more great memories: on April 1 (April Fool’s Day) the Retreads had a ride to Johnsonville State Park, the site of a Confederate victory that failed. While I didn’t get confused about the route leading the ride to Johnsonville, Robby Roberts later stated “If Allen is leading, you may want to pack a drink and lunch”. Y enjoyed going to Stones River Mall to play Glow Golf where Larry Tipton became the “Putting Champion of Chapter Y”. We attended the Blessing of the Bikes event at Old Stone Fort Park, and then went for an 8 hour tour of North Eastern Middle, and North Western East Tennessee; this included a section of TN Highway 85 that makes the Dragon’s Tail seem like straight roads. This was in just the first 4 days of April! The remainder of the month is going to be just as Fun-filled. April is the when the Tennessee District has Spring Fling, our Tennessee Gold Wing Family reunion, and this year’s theme is “A Southern Family Reunion”. Along with the usual rally activities of more vendors than our bank accounts can stand, seminars, light shows, bike shows and contests, there will also be a street party dance Thursday evening, musical entertainment by Conner Lorre on Friday night, and the river boat cruise Saturday evening after closing; a dunking booth which I understand I have multiple slots for, Top Gun Competition, Pie Baking contest and 2 precision drill teams performing. There are guided rides to Blairsville, GA with lunch at a seafood restaurant, a guided tour of the Coker Tire Museum, and just for the ladies (I presume) a Ladies Manicure. Some of the things the Chapter Team is working on include the chapter ride to East Ridge on Wednesday, different rides to choose from for Thursday morning before the gates open, a chapter dinner ride and the route for the ride home on Sunday. Some of the contests that the chapter will be participating in at Spring Fling are the Talent show Friday afternoon and the Chapter Challenge following the Talent Show. We have a group that has come up with a skit based around the nicknames of Wesley and me. We’re looking for volunteers to participate in the Chapter Challenge; while we don’t know exactly what it will involve, we do know that it will be FUN! There are also all the FUN things to do in Chattanooga: Rock City, Lookout Mountain, the Aquarium and the Chattanooga Choo-Choo, just to name a few. Even with all these things to do to make memories, the best memories will be made because you are doing things with your Chapter Family and making new friends. Dottie and I look forward to all the memories we are going to be making with our chapter family this month and every day of this coming year. Ride Safe, Ride Often! Allen & Dottie Wessels Chapter Directors TN-Y 2015 Tennessee District Couple of the Year Monthly Gathering: Cannonsburgh Village, 403 Hickerson Drive, Jaycee Building, Murfreesboro, TN, third Saturday of each month, Breakfast @ 8:00 a.m., Gathering @ 9:00 a.m. Mark your calendar. April 18 & May 16 will be Y’s next gatherings. April 2015 Page 2 Wes & Cindy Neal Y’s Assistant Chapter Directors THE PIRATE CREW Hello, Chapter Y. FINALLY! We are past the really bad wintry weather...only now the unpredictable weather that we have to watch will be springtime thunderstorms. I think that we can dodge those though with our weather and radar apps on our phones. Now is the time for Spring Fling planning and getting all excited about the upcoming year’s rides, trips and FUN! It will be a good idea to bring a notepad to the next few gatherings. From all that I am hearing, Chapter Y had a lot of good things happening in the near future. There will be reminder e-mails prior to the events so keep up with your e-mails as they may pop up at any time offering “spur of the moment” rides and information about the weekly activities. It appears that our CDs and also the TN DISTRICT COUPLE OF THE YEAR, Allen & Dottie Wessels, will be out of town enjoying GWRRA visitations for our next two gatherings. Cindy and I will take over the helm and let’s just say you might not want to miss the gatherings. As the saying goes, “While the cat’s away, the mice will play.” Anyway, Cindy and I ask that you be patient with us as we attempt to keep Chapter Y on a straight course-though our most motorcycling FUN is not on a straight course. NOTE: Please, NO SNORING during the gatherings. We hope to see everybody soon. RIDE SAFE! Wesley & Cindy Neal TN-Y Assistant Chapter Directors GWRRA’s Motorist Awareness Division (MAD) and Rider Education Program (REP), through a Team effort, are committed to a goal of establishing the safest motorcycling environment possible. Colleen Edgell Y’s Motorist Awareness Coordinator Colleen Edgell, Y’s Motorist Awareness Coordinator, distributed rider information to interested participants at Y’s Fun Day for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Chapter A’s participant, Tim Moore, checked out the Yellow Dot program, a program that provides first responders with vital data about crash victims. What is Motorist Awareness? It is making people who drive cars, RVs, trucks and other vehicles aware of motorcycles. Simply put, if you drive such vehicles, you learn to look out for motorcycles. It makes you an altogether better driver. It emphasizes that drivers not text, place phone calls, put on make-up, or eat a bowl of cereal, etc. while in the driver’s seat. It teaches that drivers should not hurry through a yellow light or cut a turn too short. We know a fellow motorcyclist in a sister chapter that was in a turn lane and was hit head on by a driver who cut the turn too short. Thankfully, the cyclist is doing well now. ALWAYS REMEMBER: LOOK TWICE, SAVE A LIFE! Colleen Edgell April 2015 Page 3 Rider Education Division Chapter Educator Murray Dunkin It's springtime and we are finally ready to get on our motorcycles looking for that great ride with our GWRRA and TN-Y friends. Or are we? It takes more than just a good T-CLOCS on your motorcycle to prepare for that long ride. My Rider Ed articles in the past 2 months of the Y Connection provided lists for getting yourself prepared by using T-CARE and a Street Survival list. I seem to be into making lists lately because here is another one called the “Going the Distance List”. This one is a guide to help you plan for that long trip. 1. Take care of your co-rider and fellow riders. Include them in the trip planning stage. Be sensitive to their comfort and be willing to make adjustments in the plan if necessary for their comfort. They want to have fun too and it always helps to have that extra pair of eyes on alert and watching for dangers. 2. Be realistic. Don't plan to make 500 miles a day on a 2 week trip. I know that our abilities are different but my recommendation is to plan for 400 miles a day if you just want to make time comfortably. Plan for 250 miles a day if traveling on twisties or playing tourist. Try to keep your schedule flexible to take care of unplanned events. Don't wear yourself out trying to stay on schedule, just adjust your plan. 3. Work your way up. Take several day rides of 150 to 200 miles to prepare for the long haul. Avoid untested gear. Don't start a long trip with anything you haven't tested or broken in on a day ride. Tow your trailer on one of the break-in rides to make sure that it's road-worthy. 4. On the seventh day, rest. On a multi-week trip, try to include one non-riding day to rest , recoup, acquire more treasures and do laundry. 5. Be aware of your condition. Wind, sun and long hours on the road can have adverse effects on your condition. Avoid dehydration. Drink water or energy drinks before you are thirsty or have a headache. Avoid caffeine drinks as they are diuretics and contribute to dehydration. Use a sunblock on exposed skin and lip balm prior to getting sunburned and chapped lips. If you are on medications, be sure you keep yourself medicated. If you become aware of “fuzzy thinking”, unable to concentrate and are unable to make decisions while riding, stop immediately, identify your problem and address it. Don't feel obligated to keep riding because you may be slowing down the group. Everyone you are riding with will be more concerned for your safety. 6. On a Rest stop....don't just sit there. Walk around and stretch. Get the blood flowing and stay limber. If stopping for lunch, don't stuff yourself as you may feel sluggish and sleepy for the rest of the afternoon. Make your big meals breakfast and dinner. I usually plan rest/gas stops at approximately 2 hour intervals. This way, I keep the gas tank above ½ full to avoid running out of gas on that long stretch of lonesome highway with no gas station in sight. 7. Pack as lightly as possible, even when towing a trailer. We all know by now what we need on an extended trip. When the trip is over, make a list of the items not used to leave at home next time (except for emergency items and tools). Items such as duct tape, tie wraps, fuses, a spare key, siphoning hose, Gold Book, maps, etc. that can keep you from being stranded should be excluded from this list. If you are a shopper, try to limit yourself to smaller souvenirs. I hope that this article helps you plan a long ride. If you have a suggestion for an addition to one of these lists, send it to me and I'll add it to the list. Meanwhile, ride safe, ride smart and SEE you on the next ride, Murray Dunkin TN-Y Chapter Educator April 2015 Page 4 Chapter Team Members Motorist Awareness Colleen Edgell (615) 406-5053 Store Keeper & Sunshine Activities Robby & Lynda Roberts (615) 898-0271 Webmaster Robert Buckley (615) 293-6482 Head Retread Arnold Edgell (615) 796-1162JV(615) 653-0L-5) 653Historian Betsy Malone (615) 848-0826 Ride Coordinators Leonard Costanzo & Mikki Bourland (615) 887-1467 50/25/25 Coordinators Leonard Costanzo (615) 887-1467 Wade Bassett (931) 212-4010 Newsletter Editor Debbie Kilgore (615) 890-2166 Y’s Chapter Couple Leonard Costanzo & Mikki Bourland (615) 887-1467 GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS NATIONAL DIRECTOR Ray & Sandy Garris Director@gwrra.org 21423 North 11th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (CST) (800) 843-9460 http://www.gwrra.org REGION N WEB SITE http://www.region-n.org TENNESSEE DISTRICT WEB SITE http://www.tngwrra.org TENNESSEE DISTRICT TEAM DIRECTORS Gary & Patti Hamilton (865) 982-7905 tn.gwrra.dd.gmail.com WEBMASTER: Jim Lester jimlester21@gmail.com DISTRICT EVENT COORDINATORS Alan & Glenda Keough (901) 494-9053 g.keough@live.com ASSISTANT DISTRICT DIRECTORS Bill & Debbie Archer (931) 489-9337 plumbdone34@yahoo.com Dennis & Jan Peterson (931) 302-5283 tnchapterq@gmail.com REGION “N” TEAM Sandy Hayes sandy.hayes1122@gmail.com DIRECTORS Mike & Angie Mitchell TREASURER Robert (Bob) Mack thunderchief452@yahoo.com WEBMASTERS Tim & Betsy Malone TREASURER Hope Carneal RIDER EDUCATORS Kyle T. & Mitzela Craig ASSISTANT EDUCATORS Jim & Mary Cobb MOTORIST AWARENESS Brenda Perkinson MFA COORDINATORS Buz & Missy Mowrer LEADERSHIP TRAINERS Jim & Beverly Rambo MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATORS Tommy & Gayle Wilson REGION N COUPLE OF THE YEAR Glenn & Nanette Mizner MAD COORDINATOR Mike Burkitt (615) 848-0857 cdburkitt@att.net DISTRICT EDUCATORS Alvin & Josie Nelson (865) 977-9096 TN.GWRRA.DE@gmail.com ASSISTANT DISTRICT EDUCATORS Roger & Marie Crowe (423) 892-2976 racrowe1@comcast.net LEADERSHIP TRAINERS Max & Renee’ Thomas (615) 895-3313 mlt1958@comcast.net MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATORS Boyd & Dianne Hixson (423) 775-0601 webwingnit@gmail.com 2015 TN DISTRICT COUPLE OF THE YEAR Allen & Dottie Wessels (615) 218-4904 adwessel@comcast.net April 2015 Page 5 Chapter Y’s Ride Coordinator Leonard Costanzo Couple of the Year 2015 Hello, Chapter Y. Mikki and I hope that this year is turning out to be The Year of “MORE FUN” as we announced back at the January gathering. We know that it has been FUN so far for us, and we hope that it is rubbing off on everyone else too. Like the saying goes... if you smile throughout the day, then those around you will notice it and before long everyone is smiling and can’t figure out why. That’s half of the FUN... no one knows why and yet they are having FUN. Mikki and I have been having FUN greeting and meeting so many new people being the 2015 Couple of the Year for Chapter Y. FUN DAY was certainly FUN because Mikki found a surprise in a Cracker Jack box. “No, Dear... it isn’t the tattoo that’s in the box,” I insisted. She persisted in her search and found...SURPRISE... an engagement ring. We have not set an actual date YET…But if CD Allen has it his way we will be married at Spring Fling. Keep an eye peeled because you just never know what could happen. Well, keep up the smiles and the FUN, and by the next newsletter we will sure have some news to share. Thank you, and remember to RIDE SAFE. Leonard Costanzo and Mikki (sooooon to be Costanzo) Bourland 2015 Couple of the Year Leonard & Mikki, Chapter Y offers BIG, BIG, BIG = Hello fellow riders and co-riders. Well, isn’t this a fine mess you have gotten me into...Sound familiar??? I don’t know why I wrote that but it sounded good. Now that I have your attention!!! IT’S RIDING SEASON!!!!!!!! And it’s time to talk about Where, When and How to ride. Where first off is Spring Fling in East Ridge, TN. If you haven’t yet made your plans, you should and need to do so FAST. When is April 23rd through the 25th. There will be a group riding down on April 22nd and another group on the 23rd. How? We will send out an email detailing schedules and routes so we can partner up and ride down together for safety reasons and because it’s just plain FUN. The next big event-Where-is the trip to KY to enjoy a relaxing time on the farm of my sister and her husband. They are going to prepare an afternoon meal for us and all the food that is prepared is produced on their farm: BBQ Chicken, Ribs, Tenderloin and all the Veggies. When is May 30th and 31st and it will be a 2 day event. How? I am currently working on the details for the Hotel accommodations in Central City, KY and will have that in an email to the Chapter as soon as I receive finalization. In June a few participants have expressed an interest in riding to Branson, Missouri to the Missouri District Rally. The second weekend of June we will ride to Rattle Snake Café in Alabama. So keep in touch for all the details and information. In between the big rides there will be weekend rides and rides to visit our sister chapters. So keep an eye on your emails for all up coming in-between rides. Thank you and hope to see everyone on the road having FUN! Please Ride Safe and watch for the Hazards! Leonard Costanzo Y’s Ride Coordinator & 2015 Chapter Y Couple of the Year April 2015 Page 6 You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So...get on your way!—Dr. Seuss However, don’t forget to Ride PURPLE, Chapter Y. If you would like to update your purple chapter apparel, hats, or pins & patches for your vest, I’m the man to see. I have catalogs if you would like to see some purple possibilities. Ride Safe! Your Storekeeper, Robby Roberts flyfishpa@yahoo.com Robby & Lynda Roberts Storekeeper & Sunshine Activities 9 10 11 12 12 14 14 19 20 24 27 David Atteberry Growing older Graison Sweeney is partly an Cathy Land inescapable Cindy Burkitt process of Maryanne Maulbeck accommodation and Delores Galloway adjustment..— Matthew Thomas Kathe Kollwitz Ben Harrell Marty Wolfe Robby Roberts Ashley Neal Are you able to help? Thanks are extended to all participants who assist Chapter Y at the Murfreesboro Jaycee Building the third Saturday of each month by cooking sausages, serving drinks, kitchen clean up, & greeting fellow motorcyclists present for Y’s Gatherings. We are now seeking four helpers each month. Where are our kitchen gods and goddesses? 2015 Breakfast Helpers *Arrive at 7:00 am.* April——Tim & Betsy Malone Cathy Land & Richard Griffin May- Your Name Could Be Here!!! VOLUNTEERS, WE DO APPRECIATE YOU!!! THANKS EVERYONE SO MUCH!!! 19 24 26 28 30 Carroll & Peggy Long Dennis & Janie Mankin Glenn & Debbie Kilgore Mike & Cindy Burkitt Bob McClung & Maryanne Maulbeck Happy Anniversary! Sure, parts of me ache...but parts of me are still having FUN after all these years, too. With age comes wisdom—and a lot of other things with medical names attached to them. The older one gets, the less appealing lifetime guarantees are. While attending a special Marriage Awareness Weekend, Nicky and Victoria listened to the facilitator intone, “It is so very important that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other.” He turned to the men and asked, “Can you name your wife’s favorite flower?” Nicky leaned over, touched Victoria’s arm gently and whispered, ‘Self-rising’, isn’t it?’ Thus began, Nicky’s life of celibacy. The Fairy Tale Lives On... Please Help! April 2015 Page 7 It’s here!!! Sunshine and riding weather!!! I did not think that the riding season would ever arrive. Now we can ride, ride, ride! A few of us have been able to get out and enjoy a little riding already. Allen Wessels led the Retreads on a ride to New Johnsonville State Park the first Wednesday of April. Unfortunately, I was not able to go. Then Allen led a group to Fentress County, Highway 85. I was not able to go. This trend has got to change-real soon! CD Allen Wessels, Webmaster Bob Buckley, Treasurer Robby Roberts, and Educator Murray Dunkin’s Bike (He’s taking the picture.) Now that I have that out of my system, let’s move forward with our Retread plans. We have one more Retread Ride before Spring Fling. The riding should be really good over the next few weeks, so let’s get out and get back in practice. By the time that this article goes to print, Chapter Y will have had a Parking Lot Practice, a Retread Ride, and several (TDRs) Thursday Dinner Rides behind our belts. There will be lots of good riding to TN District’s Spring Fling, and at Spring Fling some guided tours are planned. Plan to participate in the Parade. Then it will be time to return home again. These rides are designed to get you ready to ride with the Retreads on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. If there is a fifth Wednesday, Arnold & Colleen Edgell plan to golf with the Retreads...and of course, you could ride to the golf course! Ride safe and ride often! Y’s Head Retread Arnold Edgell Thought for the month: Do the best you can and don’t take life too seriously. April 2015 Page 8 Len & Mikki invite you to ride with Y! April & May’s Thursday Dinner Rides (TDRs) April 23-No Scheduled Ride in Murfreesboro due to Spring Fling. April 30-Blue Coast Burrito-640 S Mt. Juliet Road-Mt. Juliet May 7-Prater’s BBQ-620 Woodbury Highway-Manchester Mikki Bourland Y’s Thursday Dinner Ride Coordinator & Y’s 2015 COY May 14-Legends-1918 Almaville Road-Smyrna May 21-Los 3 Amigos-425 Woodbury Highway-Manchester May 28-White Possum-1060 West Broad Street-Smithville Hi, Chapter Y! We hope to see lots of Chapter Y riders on our Thursday Dinner Rides now that the weather is nicer and the days are longer. Plan to meet in the K-Mart Parking Lot between Payless Shoes and the old Hooters building at 5:45 and KSU (Kick Stands Up) at 6:00. *RSVP to me at 615-788-078 or ChapterYdinners@gmail.com if you can join us, so I can give the restaurants a headcount. NOTE: Please check your e-mails because the times for restaurant reservations may vary. As always, RIDE SAFE! Thank you, Mikki Bourland, Y’s TDR Coordinator and 2015 Couple of the Year Tim & Betsy Malone Y’s Historians Hello, Chapter Y! Thanks everyone for making Fun Day for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital FUN and SUCCESSFUL for the Children! Thank you for all of the cakes and thanks to everyone for participating and making the day turn out GREAT! We are having fun Winging into Spring. We went on a great Chapter Ride last week after the Blessing of the Bikes. If you missed it, we will be happy to do it again! Keep taking those great photos of riding, eating, and just having FUN! I have really enjoyed all the wonderful pictures everyone has shared on the Walgreens Web site. It has been a blast looking at the pictures and adding all your wonderful mementos to Chapter Y’s Scrap Book. Here is a way to access all the pictures taken all year. 1) Go to Walgreen's.com. 2) Sign In is: ypictures1@gmail.com. 3) Password is ypictures1. You can look at, download, and order any or all pictures you care to view. Several participants have loaded groups of pictures on the site and you can too. Just follow the directions from Walgreens to upload your pictures for us to enjoy. Keep smiling as 2015 Wings In. Love to all and may God continue to Bless us Everyone! Ride Safe. Tim and Betsy AKA Kodak April 2015 Page 9 May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 GWRRA= FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY, AND KNOWLEDGE (L) Lebanon, TN 8:00 am ((N) Jackson, TN 5:00 pm 3 4 5 6 7 Retread’s Ride 8 9 Prater’s BBQ 620 Woodbury Hwy. Manchester David Atteberry (Z) Columbia, TN 5:30 pm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Y’s Gathering Legends 1918 Almaville Rd. Cathy Land Graison Sweeney Smyrna Cindy Burkitt Maryanne Maulbeck Delores Galloway Matthew Thomas (S) Portland, TN 1:00 pm (G) Tullahoma, TN 6:00 pm 17 18 19 Ride for Kids Barfield Crescent Park 20 Ben Harrell 21 22 Retread’s Ride Los 3 Amigos 425 Woodbury Hwy. Manchester Carroll & Peggy Long (H) Franklin, TN 8:00 am Marty Wolfe 24 Dennis & Janie Mankin Robbie Roberts ————–——31 Ky. Ride Ride Aware. Encourage Everyone To Look Twice… Save a Life. 25 26 Glenn & Debbie Kilgore 27 Ashley Neal (Q) Clarksville, TN 6:00 pm 23 (A) Hermitage, TN (A) Hermitage, TN 6:00 pm 6:00 pm May Rides/Events THURSDAY NIGHT DINNER RIDES (TNDR) Meet K-mart Parking Lot on NW Broad beside the former Hooters @ 5:45 pm, depart promptly @ 6:00. 28 29 White Possum 1060 W Broad Smithville 30 Bob McClung & Maryanne Maulbeck Mike & Cindy Burkitt May 17-Ride for Kids-Barfield Crescent Park May 31-June 1-Overnight KY Ride with an afternoon meal at Leonard Costanzo’s Sister & Brother-In-Law’s Farm ( ) Denotes other Middle Tennessee Chapter Gatherings, Locations & Times April 2015 Page 10 Y’s Fun Day was BEAUTIFUL and filled with lots of GREAT activities and WONDERFUL participants. THANKS to all volunteers who donated their time, energy, and resources to make this day a BIG SUCCESS for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital! We offer thanks to our visiting chapters for their support. There were games, food, auctions, hourly prizes, 50/25/25 tickets, Grand Prize, and awards. Chief Cooks: Cathy Land & Mike Burkitt Susie Adams, one of Y’s newest participants, posed with her motorcycle that she rode to Y’s Fun Day for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital on March 21st. It was a great day to ride! Photo Bomb! ACDs Wesley & Cindy Neal A warm welcome was offered at the registration table by Johnny Victory, Glenn Kilgore, and Robby Roberts. Wade Bassett, Sandy Tipton, and Glenn Kilgore are having FUN!!! Right: Richard Griffin takes aim. “Who is he gunning for?” Janice McGlothlin asks. Y’s TEAM=Together Everyone Achieves More. We hope that you checked out the sponsors below that helped make this FUN day possible and successful!! Cindy Burkitt CD Dottie Wessels is everywhere … she’s everywhere! This remark was made to Chapter Y’s Ride Coordinator, Len Costanzo, “We don’t even fold laundry.” No bluffing! April 2015 Page 11 Is Mac McGlothlin really tossing toilet paper into a purple toilet? YEP, he is and Debbie Kilgore joins the game (below left) too. Kodak has her camera ready! David Atteberry & Tim Malone give a BIG shout out to Carolyn Bassett as she “plinked” her way to a high score! F U N Kodak Betsy Malone Thank you to our SUPER FUN volunteers: Ric Green, Jeff & Geraldine Jones, Sandy & Larry Tipton & Daughter Adison Rivenbark, Susie Adams, & Connie Smith! G A M E S Left: Ronnie & CJ Combs presented the Chapter Challenges. Right: Daughter Renee Combs ran the Corn Hole Toss. Right: There is always time for a HUG from happy Granddaughter, Anna Beth! Right, Tim Malone! Below: Cakewalking Maryanne Maulbeck & Betsy Malone Shopping… Shopping… Shopping... Y’s team takes second place in Chapter Challenges. They are all tied up at the moment! Thanks, Ric Green, Debbie Kilgore, Murray Dunkin, and Carolyn Bassett! S M I L E S “It’s a family affair,” says Delores Galloway with her lovely Daughter & Granddaughter. Above; Larry & Sandy Tipton with Daughter Adison Rivenbark have “a nest that is blessed!” Left: “BINGO!” Mary Ann Grazier hopes to shout as Cindy Neal and Alex Adams make the calls. Right: “Spin the wheel!” encourages Stephanie. How can you resist that smile? April 2015 Page 12 You take the cake, Janice McGlothlin! What? TN District Trainer Max Thomas won the ham walk! You can legitimately ham it up now, Max! Above: Some bunny loves Carol Moore and Jeff Jones! Hippity Hop to your next fun stop! Left: TN Assistant District Director Debbie Archer won chocolate cupcakes and she stated that she never met a chocolate she didn’t like! SWEET!!! High game scores are tallied for Mary Ann & Ed Grazier for silent auction bids. Way to Go! GOLFING IS MY GAME! YUM! “Who will start my bid?” Various awards were shared by CD Allen and Dottie Wessels and ACD Wesley & Cindy Neal. Winners! Write your own caption here! lol Treasurer Robby Roberts and Cindy Burkitt agree that Y’s donation to St. Jude will be generous! Randy Galloway says, Thank you, Volunteers! F R I E N D S = F U N April 2015 Page 13 Where’s your tickle spot? A woman writes to the IT Technical Support Guy. Dear Tech Support, last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and I noticed a distinct slowdown in the overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as NEWS 5.0, MONEY 3.0 and CRICKET 4.1. Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and House cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do? Signed, XXXXX A Reply Was Received From Tech Support. Dear Madam, first, keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme.html and try to download Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update. If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Silence 2.5 or Beer 6.1. Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Snoring Loudly Beta. Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (It runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.) In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0. In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend: Cooking 3.0 and Hot Looks 7.7. Good Luck Madam! Paraprosdokians-Sentences or Thoughts With Surprise Endings-Enjoy! Ø I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way...so I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness. Ø Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. Ø I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather... Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car. Ø Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Ø Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. Ø We never really grow up; we only learn how to act in public. Ø Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. Ø The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Ø Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't. Ø To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism...To steal from many is research. Ø A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station. Ø How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire? Ø Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish. Ø A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don't need it. Ø Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says "If an emergency, notify:" I put "DOCTOR". Ø I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it...so I said "Implants?" Ø Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet? Ø Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America ? Ø A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. Ø You do not need a parachute to skydive...But, you do need a parachute to skydive twice. Ø The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas! Ø Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back. Ø Hospitality: making your guests feel like they're at home, even if you wish they were. Ø Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with. Ø Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go. Ø I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure. Ø I always take life with a grain of salt, plus a slice of lemon, and a shot of tequila. Ø When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water. Ø To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target. Ø Nostalgia isn't what it used to be. Ø Some people hear voices. Some see invisible people. Others have no imagination whatsoever. Ø A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it as when you are in it. Ø Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. April 2015 Page 14 1000 Miles in 24 Hours! Why, you may ask, would anyone want to do such a ride on a motorcycle. And the answer would be, because I can, and to prove to yourself that you are still among most the highly skilled motorcyclist in the world. This sets the stage for 5 participants, Richard Griffin Former TN District Director, Allen Wessels TN-Y CD, Wesley Neal TN-Y ACD, Leonard Costanzo TN-Y Ride Coordinator, and Y’s Larry Tipton, to give this Iron Butt 1000 mile ride a shot. The paperwork was completed, the route set and the starting place and time agreed upon. So at 4:00am, April 11, 2015 this group set off and headed south in the wee hours of the morning, each with their own set of butterflies and anticipation of this adventure. Starting off the ride was documented and video taken by our own Cody Griffin; thanks for the early morning rise and signatures. The temp was a chilly upper 30’s and into the dark we headed...each with his own thoughts in the early morning awaiting the sunrise. Our first obstacle was climbing Mount Eagle and down the other side; then away we headed to our far-off destination, Lake City, Fla. It was still dark when we made our first gas stop and the first 127 miles was in the bank. Going south we headed into Atlanta and as day is breaking we spotted our first motorcyclist on the road, a member of the outlaw biker gang the “Outlaws”...how appropriate as we felt somewhat this way doing what all our friends thought was crazy. Headed into Atlanta, we all commented that even at that time of day, before 7am the traffic was very busy for a Saturday morning. We had no idea how this would come to affect us later that day. The gas stops came and went and before we knew it we pulled into the Florida Welcome Center for a photo op and then into our little gas stop at the end of the line in Lake City. Wesley said we must be nuts travelling 502 miles to visit a convenience store. How true! We turned north after lunch and anticipated some thunderstorms in our path and the bottom fell out about thirty minutes into the ride. Allen was in the lead on this leg and he thought we should take an exit but just about that time we noticed what appeared to be the edge of the storm and we ran out of it. Well, a few miles later we hit a wall of rain that took us by surprise, and the real surprise was how fast we went through it. It was like breaking through a wall and was gone in 20-30 seconds. Weird! Well, we had our first test headed north into Macon when the traffic came to a stop. Reports on Leonard’s radio stated that it was stop and go all the way into Atlanta. Not able to wait this out for 100 miles we decided on an alternate route. Larry said that his GPS showed a local route to the west and north into Atlanta. He took the lead and we enjoyed a very relaxing cruise in the Georgia countryside. We stopped for gas in the middle of nowhere and what an odd place to put a roundabout. Once to Atlanta and through the busy traffic we finally are heading north at a good pace and darkness is falling. Wesley says we came into Atlanta at daybreak and we are leaving at sundown. I thought how lucky we are to be getting out of that place. All agreed that we did not like that place, and Allen says if they ever move Wing Ding there, he would just have to skip that year. Yep, we all agreed. Our last gas stop was in So. Pittsburg and a call was made to Becky and Cody to have our witness meet us at our arrival. She tells me that Max Thomas has ridden out to meet us to bring the group home. As we pass the McMinnville exit we are shouting on the radio, and yep, there he is. We have to slow down to let him catch up as we were moving along at a pretty good clip. As we are coming into Murfreesboro about 10:45pm, we all realized that we had been in the saddle for the past 19 hours. And we really need to have Larry checked out... he said that we could just pick up our gas receipt and keep riding until 4:00am and say that we rode for 24 hours straight. Needless to say he had no takers! I want to thank my friends who agreed to go with me when I had this crazy idea, but it is something that has been in my mind for a long time and now I have put this to rest. I would have done it alone but being with friends and talking and having fun sure made the hours go by a lot easier. So to you Iron Butts, “Thanks for the Memories”! Richard Griffin April 2015 Page 15 The Kentucky Derby is knowing as the Greatest Two Minutes in Sports, and also known as the Run for the Roses. The 140th running of the Kentucky Derby will take place on Saturday, May 3, 2014. Here are three recipes that you might enjoy if you choose to watch the Derby at home. Run For The Roses Pie *Shared from allrecipes.com* 1/2 cup butter, melted 1. 3/4 cup white sugar 2. 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 3. 2 eggs Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread chocolate chips and nuts in the bottom of a pie shell. In a mixing bowl, cream butter or margarine and sugar together. Mix in flour. Beat the eggs slightly, and mix into the creamed mixture. Stir in bourbon. Pour filling into pie shell over chips and nuts. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. 1 tablespoon bourbon *"Under the rich, bourbon-infused filling is a layer of chocolate and chopped nuts that melts while it bakes and adds great texture and flavor. This pie is especially lovely when served with vanilla bean ice cream. This pie is as famous in Kentucky as the Kentucky Derby!"* 3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 prepared 8 inch pie crust Kentucky Pecan Pie *Shared from allrecipes.com* 1 cup white corn syrup 1. 1 cup packed brown sugar 2. 1/3 teaspoon salt Combine syrup, sugar, salt, and melted butter or margarine. Slightly beat the eggs, and add to sugar mixture. Beat well, and pour into uncooked pie shell. Sprinkle pecans on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes. *"Corn syrup and brown sugar do magical things in this simple pecan pie that bakes up rich, gooey and delicious. The filling is stirred up, poured into an uncooked pie shell, sprinkled with pecans and baked."* 1/3 cup butter, melted 3 eggs 1 cup chopped pecans 1 uncooked 9 inch single crust pie Alcohol-Free Mint Juleps *Shared from allrecipes.com* 1/4 cup water 1/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint leaves 2 cups crushed ice 1/2 cup prepared lemonage Fresh mint sprigs, for garnish 1. In a small saucepan, combine the water, sugar and 1 tablespoon of chopped mint. Stir and bring to a boil. Cook until sugar has dissolved, then remove from heat and set aside to cool. After about an hour, strain out mint leaves. 2. Fill 2 cups or frozen goblets with crushed ice. Pour 1/2 of the lemonade into each glass and top with a splash of the sugar syrup. Garnish each with a mint sprig and a straw. Serve on a silver platter. *An alcohol-free mint julep for you non-drinkers out there.... now you don't have to just drink water and can enjoy the classic mint julep with a slight twist while watching the Kentucky Derby!"* April 2015 Page 16 *The excerpt below is from GWRRA’s website under the Rider’s Education tab.* GWRRA Rider Education MEDIC FIRST AID GWRRA Rider Education has traditionally encouraged members to obtain and maintain certifications in First Aid and CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). These basic skills are easily learned, but may make the difference between life and death in the critical minutes before professional help can arrive. There are a number of fine providers of this type of training available, including familiar names such as the American Red Cross and the American Heart Association. GWRRA is a recognized corporate provider of the MEDIC FIRST AID international® program. As such, our certified instructor members are able to provide this high quality program to other members at a very affordable cost. In addition to First Aid and CPR, many of the Regions are proud to have recently added an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) training option to the available courses. Whatever your preferred provider, we strongly encourage you to get trained and stay current in your certification. "Education and Preparedness" are important steps in fulfillment of our motto, "Safety Is For Life." Arnold & Colleen Edgell, Ronny Combs, Lynn Ray, Mikki Bourland, Len Costanzo, Cindy Neal, Cindy Bidwell, Betsy & Tim Malone, Mac McGlothlin, and Steve Haber April 2015 Page 17 Mike and Angie Mitchell Region N Directors This article is shared from the February/March 2015 issue of The Appalachian Gazette, the monthly newsletter of Region N. Welcome to Winter! A little cold helps me to appreciate summer. We’d better not have ANY bugs this summer though since that’s what people complain about if we have a mild winter. Just sayin’. Anyway, we just returned from Tennessee’s Couple of the Year Selection and Sweetheart Ball. It’s so nice to see Gold Wing friends after being at home for weeks. We had a good time, Falls Creek Falls State Park has a great facility. If you are looking for a great ride and destination this summer, I recommend that you check into it. Congratulations to Allen and Dottie Wessels of Chapter Y, Murfreesboro, for being selected Tennessee’s District Couple of the Year. I know they will make Tennessee proud. Allen & Dottie will join Bill & Carol Stapleton from Kentucky, Roy & Cindy Bryant from North Carolina and Zach & Angie Bon from Virginia at the Region N Couple of the Year selection which will be held on Friday, October 2, 2015 at the Virginia District Rally in the Valley. Just like last year, RITV will be held at the Holiday Inn, Tanglewood in Roanoke. The Region selection will immediately follow the VA District Couple of the Year selection, which is tentatively set to begin at 9 am. More details to come on that later. We would also like to congratulate Chapter VA-O, Williamsburg and their newsletter editor, Roman Paryz for having the winning Region N newsletter for 2015. Way to go Roman. The newsletter has been submitted for judging in the International Newsletter of the Year competition. I think it has a very good chance of winning that too. March brings an increase in GWRRA events. Look around and plan to get out and visit even if you have to go in the car. At least you can talk about motorcycles and visit with friends! And there are almost always raffles and door prizes to be won. Remember you won’t have nearly as much fun if you stay home. Gayle and Tommy Wilson Region N Membership Enhancement Program Coordinators A Biker’s Guide to Life by Penny Powers and Chuck Hays *Excerpt Shared by Chapter Y’s Glenn Kilgore* Saddlebags can never hold everything you want, but they can hold everything you need. Never ask a biker for directions if you’re in a hurry to get there. Routine maintenance should never be neglected. It takes more love to share the saddle than it does to share the bed. Never be afraid to slow down. The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rearview mirror. Only bikers understand why dogs love to stick their heads out of car windows. April 2015 Page 18 These articles are shared from the TN District’s Newsletter March 2015. District Membership Enhancement Boyd & Dianne Hixson TN District MECP News The Tennessee District “Winter Event” was a lot of FUN!!! The day started off with the TN District Couple of the Year Selection and with four Great couples participating this year we're sure it was no easy task for the Judges to make a Selection. After the scores were added: Allen & Dottie Wessels from TN-Y were announced as our “2015 District Couple of the Year”. Congratulations to them!!! We would like to thank all those who helped with the COY Selection, you did a Great Job!!! Next on the agenda was the Chapter Scrapbook Contest, with TN-Y taking first place and TN-O capturing second. Next came the “Table Decorating Contest”; they were decorated with hearts & flowers. Some even had candy and cup cakes (which tempted the judges)! The winners for that contest were TN-Y first place and TN-Q second place. Later that evening Gift Baskets made up by several chapters were auctioned off and then it was time for music and dancing! Several Chapter O' members took advantage of the dance floor as did a couple of Sumo Wrestlers!!! One popular dance was the “Limbo” (How low can you go)? There was even a “Cake Walk” for those who wished to add a little more sweetness to the evening. All in all a very pleasant way to spend the day! Our TN District event: “SPRING FLING” is just a few weeks away and promises to be a FUNfilled three day event; with vendors, contests, Drill Teams, chapter challenges, an ice cream social & dance, entertainment, a dunking booth, Lighted Bike Parade, Bike Show, and an after closing ceremonies Dinner Cruise. So be sure and make plans to attend and have some FUN…..GWRRA style!!! Hope to see you soon, Boyd & Dianne Hixson TN District MEPC Hello Tennessee District! We are Allen and Dottie Wessels, your new Tennessee District Couple of the Year for 2015. We would like to take a moment and say Thank You to everyone for all the congratulatory emails, Facebook posts, and calls. We are still a little overwhelmed and surprised at being selected but are very happy and proud to be representing you and the Tennessee District. While we have met a great many of you here in Tennessee, we would like to share a little bit of our history with you. We will be married for 22 years April 16th; we picked the day after Tax Day so Allen wouldn’t forget our anniversary. We have 2 sons, William and Jeremy (from Allen’s practice marriage). Allen is in his 29th year as Career Firefighter/Advanced Emergency Medical Technician with Brentwood TN Fire Rescue and has worked in Emergency Services for over 35 years. Dottie has been working for SP Plus as a Technical Analyst for the last 3 years, and has worked in Information Technology for the past 20 years. We joined the GWRRA in September 2008 shortly after purchasing our Metallic Red 2008 GL 1800, which is a story in itself, and we started participating with Chapter Y Heart of Tennessee Wings in Murfreesboro. Since joining GWRRA we have served in positions both at the chapter level, Allen as the Assistant Educator, Dottie as the Treasurer and now as the Chapter Directors, as well as at the Tennessee District level as the Membership Enhancement Coordinators. Our time on District especially gave us the opportunity to get to meet and know many wonderful GWRRA family members here in Tennessee and throughout the Association. This has brought home to us the real meaning of the GWRRA motto, “Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge”. We are deeply honored to have been selected as the Tennessee District Couple of the Year for 2015, and we are looking forward to a great year of meeting Friends new and old, having Fun, promoting Safety and sharing Knowledge in the best tradition of the GWRRA. Ride Safe, Ride Often, Allen and Dottie 2015 District Couple of the Year April 2015 Page 19 Help Us Keep The Visitation Program “Alive & Well” In Tennessee TENNESSEE CHAPTER GATHERINGS Chapter A ---- Last Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Golden Corral, 315 Old Lebanon Dirt Rd, Hermitage, TN. CDs: Troy & Vickie Hurt; 615-351-6629 Chapter A2---- 3rd Monday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 6:30 pm : O’Charley’s, 364 Fountain View Circle, Alcoa TN. 37701 CDs: Wayne Howe & Brandi Ellard; 896-924-0136 Chapter B ----1st Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Shoney's Restaurant, 2405 Andersonville Hwy, Clinton, TN. 37716 exit 122 east on Rt 61 off I-75 North of Knoxville at the Museum of Appalachia exit next to the new Tommy's Motorsport Cycle Store. Senior CDs: Tom & Kathy Peck; 423-907-9712 *April -Note change on TN District Site.* Chapter C ---- 3rd Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Mama's House Buffet, 2608 North John B Dennis Hwy, Kingsport, TN. CDs: Richard & Connie Pendleton; 423-245-8484 Chapter C2 ---- 3rd Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am/Meet 9:00 am : Shoney’s, 4148 U.S. 127, Crossville, TN. CDs: Buddy & Brenda Turner; 931-484-7337 Chapter F—-3rd Thursday ~ Eat 6:00pm/Meet at 7:00pm:Golden Corral, 2905 W Andrew Johnson Hwy, Morristown, TN. CD: Bill Potter; 865-254-9218 Chapter G ---- 3rd Thursday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Gondola Pizza & Steak House, 412 E. Carroll St. (Hwy 55), Tullahoma, TN. CDs: Dennis & Anne Greer; 931-728-1463 Chapter H---- 4th Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am/Meet 9:00 am : Shoney’s, 1306 Murfreesboro Road, Franklin, TN. (Off I-65 Exit 65-West of I-65). CDs: David & Barbara Jordan; 931-607-5836 *April -Note change on TN District Site.* Chapter L ---- 1st Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am/Meet 9:00 am : Ryan's, 405 S. Cumberland, Lebanon, TN. CDs: Andrew & Debbie Smith; 615-784-9772 (615-78GWRRA) Chapter M ---- 2nd Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : 550 Fort Loudon Medical Center Dr. Lenior City, TN. 37772 CDs: Mel & Renee McInerney; 865-809-1466 Chapter N ---- 1st Saturday ~ Meet 5:00 pm/Eat 6:00 pm : Brookie's Barn, 561 Oil Well Rd, Jackson, TN. Sr. CDs: Tony & Lori Douglas; 731-676-9917 Chapter O ---- 1st Saturday ~ Eat 9:00 am/Meet 10:00 am : Golden Corral, 350 Stuart Rd. NE (I-75 Exit 27), Cleveland, TN. 37312 CDs: Brenda Perkinson; 423-310-1551 Chapter Q ---- Last Monday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Golden Corral, 2811 Wilma Rudolph Boulevard Clarksville, TN. 37040-5002 CDs: Cindy Bidwell; 731-642-0415 Chapter S ---- 3rd Saturday ~ Eat 1:00 pm/Meet 2:00 pm : My Time Cafe, 125 Main St, Portland, TN. CDs: Grant & Carol Bottomley; 615-337-8386 Chapter T ---- 4th Tuesday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm: Shoney’s, 315 East Emory Road, Powell, TN. CDs: Jean Brock; 865-567-7877 Chapter V ---- 2nd Saturday ~ Eat 9:00 am/Meet 10:00 am: Honda Southern Power Sports, 1394 Workman Road, Chattanooga, TN. CD: Mildred Batts ; 423-544-3565 *April -Note change on TN District Site.* Chapter W2 ----3rd Saturday ~ Eat 6:00 pm/Meet 7:00 pm : Perkins, 1340 S. Germantown Pkwy, Memphis, TN. CDs: Ivan & Leesa Coburn; 870-514-8622 Chapter Y ---- 3rd Saturday ~ Eat 8:00 am/Meet 9:00 am : Cannonsburgh Village, 403 Hickerson Drive, Jaycee Building, Murfreesboro, TN. CDs: Allen & Dottie Wessels; 615-218-4904 Chapter Z ---- 2nd Saturday ~ Eat 5:30 pm/Meet 6:30 pm : Catfish Campus Restaurant, 2509 Keith Dr, Columbia, TN. CDs: Charlie & Pam Huffman; 931-215-1650 April 2015 Page 20 April 2015 Page 21 April 2015 Page 22 Are you looking for something to do? Look no further. There's always something going on in Tennessee, or nearby. April 2015 23-25 TN District Spring Fling Convention-Southern Family Reunion-Eastridge, TN *Additional information on the TN District website.* May 2015 6 TN-C-St. Jude Benefit Golf Tournament-Blountville, TN 9 TN-A-Fun Day-Gladeville Community Center-Contact Troy Hurt-615-351-6629. 15-16 TN-C-Roan Mountain Steak-Out *Additional information on the TN District website.* 17 Middle TN Ride for Kids-Barfield Crescent Park-Murfreesboro, TN June 2015 6 Y’s Tim Malone rides for Kids in 2014. This organization benefits the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. TN-Q-Fun Day *Additional information on the TN District website.* 18-20 Reno Rendezvous-Grand Sierra Resort-Reno, Nevada *Additional information on the GWRRA National website.* July 2015 9-11 North Carolina District Convention-Wings Over the SmokiesCherokee, NC 16-18 South Carolina District Convention 24-25 West Virginia District Convention September 2015 3-6 Wing Ding 37-Huntsville, Alabama *Additional information on the GWRRA National website.* April 2015 Page 23 2015 REGION N CONVENTION SCHEDULE SPRING FLING THE TENNESSEE DISTRICT CONVENTION “SOUTHERN FAMILY REUNION” CAMP JORDAN ARENA, EAST RIDGE TENNESSEE April 23—25, 2015 WINGS OVER THE SMOKIES THE NORTH CAROLINA DISTRICT CONVENTION ACQUONI EXPO CENTER—CHEROKEE, NORTH CAROLINA July 9—11, 2015 DOWN HOME RALLY THE WEST VIRGINIA DISTRICT CONVENTION CONFERENCE CENTER—SUMMERSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA July 24—25, 2015 THE BLAST THE KENTUCKY DISTRICT CONVENTION CONVENTION CENTER—FRANKFORT KENTUCKY August 13—15, 2015 THE GWRRA NATIONAL OFFICE PRESENTS WING DING 37 “Rocket City Road Trip” HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA September 3—6, 2015 RALLY IN THE VALLEY THE VIRGINIA DISTRICT CONVENTION HOLIDAY INN—TANGLEWOOD—ROANOKE, VA October 1—3, 2015 (tentative date) April 2015 Page 24 THESE YARD SIGNS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. THEY COST $5.00 EACH, WHICH INCLUDES THE PRINTING ON BOTH SIDES AND A WIRE STAND. SHIPPING COSTS ARE EXTRA. THEY ARE 24” WIDE AND 18” TALL. TO ORDER, CONTACT: ED AND MARY ANN GRAZIER edgrazier@att.net or call: 1-615-459-4499 THESE SIGNS HELP THE PUBLIC TO BE MORE AWARE OF MOTORCYCLISTS. THEY ALSO HELP YOUR COMPLIANCE WITH OUR 501 C 4 STATUS. SUPPORT OUR MOTORIST AWARENESS EFFORTS. PLACE YOUR ORDER SOON TO HAVE THEM IN TIME THROUGHOUT THE RIDING SEASON! Don’t forget to visit and support our sponsors that have advertisements in our newsletter. Their support is very Important to us and your support is very Important to them!