Pulsar Radiant Panel
Pulsar Radiant Panel
Heating / Air Conditioning Pulsar Radiant Panel Heating / Air Conditioning ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT Sabiana s.p.a. • via Piave, 53 • 20011 Corbetta • Milano • Italy • phone +39.02.97203.1 r.a. / +39.02.97270429 / +39.02.97270576 fax +39.02.9777282 / +39.02.9772820 • www.sabiana.it • info@sabiana.it Copertina PULSAR Inglese.indd 1 C/07/09 COD. A4830100 PULSAR - EX - 07/09 Pulsar Radiant Panel ISO 9001 - Cert. n° 0545/4 Unit heaters Radiant panels Fan coils Air handling units Flues ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT 25-06-2009 9:55:40 NON-ACTIVE AESTHETIC PANEL - W MODEL Pulsar The aesthetic panels are used when the active panels do not need to be installed and when, for aesthetic reasons or local specifications, a non-active panel has to be installed to complete a strip. Available in 2 models: He a t i n g Air Con d i t i o n i n g Size 1 2 Length (mm) 610 1234 Code 9083480 9083490 Can be cut to measure on site. ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT Hanging holes on the lateral sides of the panel. Hanging holes on the sides of the hanging brackets (distance 521 mm). ACCESSORIES FOR PANELS NOT INSTALLED INTO FALSE CEILINGS - W MODEL CONTENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • INTRODUCTION MAIN ADVANTAGES OF THE PULSAR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MEAN SURFACE TEMPERATURE OF THE PULSAR PANEL LOWEST WATER FLOW PRESSURE DROP WATER CONNECTION DIAGRAM OPERATING LIMITS SUGGESTED LOWEST INSTALLATION HEIGHT TABLE OF POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS ACCESSORIES HANGING SYSTEMS INTEGRATION WITHIN FALSE CEILINGS INSTALLATION WITHOUT FALSE CEILING PULSAR WITH PERFORATED PANEL NON-ACTIVE AESTHETIC PANEL ACCESSORIES FOR PANELS NOT INSTALLED INTO FALSE CEILINGS Page Page Pages Page Page Pages Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 3 4 5/8 9 9 9 / 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 / 14 15 16 17 18 18 / 19 19 The descriptions and illustrations provided in this publication are not binding: Sabiana reserves the right, whilst maintaining the essential characteristics of the types described and illustrated, to make, at any time, without the requirement to promptly update this piece of literature, any changes that it considers useful for the purpose of improvement or for any other manufacturing or commercial requirements. Copertina PULSAR Inglese.indd 2 Inspection panel 19 25-06-2009 9:55:44 INTRODUCTION Pulsar SABIANA is the leading company in Europe in the design, production and sale of radiant panels operating on hot water, high temperature hot water and steam. Since 1971, over 5 million square metres of panels installed in different environments (small, medium and large industries, hangars, gyms and theatres, small and large offices) prove the quality of the SABIANA radiant heating system and products. Heat by radiation means absolute silence, no movement of air and a uniform temperature in the entire environment. In effect, being distributed better, the heat is more pleasant and comfort is optimised, without increasing the air temperature. The result is a feeling of absolute comfort with an air temperature that is 3°C lower than the operative temperature perceived by people. The efficiency of the SABIANA radiant panels is also economic. In fact, besides the energy savings due to the fact that the operative temperature is different from the air temperature, this totally static product does not, unlike the traditional systems, have an electric motor and does not require maintenance nor the consumption of electricity. This translates into long-lasting efficiency. The SABIANA radiant panels have a practically unlimited duration. The SABIANA radiant panels can be described as the hygienic heating system par excellence. The system does not create noise nor movement of air and therefore dust. In addition, it avoids annoying streams of air and the circulation of germs, dust and fragrances and thus represents an important contribution to the prevention of allergies and illnesses. MAIN ADVANTAGES OF THE PULSAR Pulsar Thermal performance -The PULSAR radiant panel is totally static (no circulation of air and no movement of dust). -Very low thermal gradient between the floor and the ceiling. -Extremely fast response to changes in settings, without thermal inertia. -The operating principle of the PULSAR radiant panels is reversible, and thus cooling operation is possible using the radiant ceiling panels, by connection to a chiller or heat pump. Appearance -None of the peripheral walls are affected by the installation. -The PULSAR radiant panel can be perfectly integrated into all types of false ceiling. -The visible side is perfectly smooth, adapting to any type of architecture. -Other RAL colours available on request. Modularity -Given its modular dimensions and the design of the water connections, the PULSAR panels can be installed in sequence with ceiling light panels, in complete compliance with the regulations on artificial lighting. Hygiene -The design of the PULSAR panel allows it to be installed in any building, including hospitals and clinics. Indeed, its completely smooth visible surface is recommended, as it allows sanitisation by spraying for combating nosocomial illnesses in hospitals. -The radiation concept, by avoiding considerable movements of air, prevents the spreading of microbes and bacteriological pollution. Safety -The PULSAR radiant panels are inaccessible to the people in the room. Therefore there is no risk of burning or electric shock in schools and paramedical environments. -No risk of vandalism, in any environment. Comfort -By design, the PULSAR radiant panel guarantees a uniform temperature in all seasons. -The PULSAR radiant panel is a totally static heating system without the circulation of air and without lifting dust. -The operation of the PULSAR is completely silent. -In summer, the PULSAR panel can be used for cooling without creating steams of air and with a uniform temperature throughout the environment. Savings -The heating requirement of a building heated with the PULSAR radiant panels is, according to the EN 12831 standard, much lower than the requirement with traditional heating systems. -The experience acquired by SABIANA in the field of radiant panels guarantees the reliability of the PULSAR over time. -The PULSAR does not require special maintenance and consequently has no maintenance costs. Assembly -The dimensions of the PULSAR radiant panels make them easy to handle on site. -The panels are connected by flexible pipes without welding. Connections supplied not mounted Pulsar TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Technical description The SABIANA PULSAR radiant panels are supplied in four sizes, which can be perfectly integrated into any false ceiling. Indeed, the lengths of 1.20, 1.80, 2.40 and 3.00 m ensure optimum integration into 600 x 600 mm modular ceilings, the standard dimension for false ceiling panels in Europe. The visible side is perfectly flat, meaning that the PULSAR radiant panels can match all types of false ceiling panels available on the market. As standard, the panels are supplied in the colour RAL 9010, with a satin finish created by an epoxy-polyester coat dried in a furnace at 180°C. Other RAL colours are also available for the architect to choose from. The PULSAR radiant panels are made of a radiating galvanized steel plate, 1 mm thick. On the panel is fixed a copper pipe, 0.75 mm thick and with 22 mm of external diameter. The pipe is oblong-shaped in order to optimize the contact surface with the radiant panel. The galvanized hanging strips welded to the panels hold the correct spacing of the tubes and secure the best surface contact between the tube and the panel. The paint complies with the European Standard 76/769/EEC. Class of reaction to fire: A1 Emission of the radiant surface: Є = 0,96 The PULSAR is supplied with an insulating layer of mineral wool (30 mm thick) protected by an aluminium sheet (25 micron thick) to be mounted on the top of the panel. Insulation specifications: Class A1 according to EN 13501-1 standards Thermal conductivity 0,037 W/mK (according to UNI CTI 7745 and UNI FA 112 standard) Density 14 kg/m3 Thermal resistance 0,81 m2K/W P Model W Model Pulsar TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Pulsar P installed within false ceilings Weights and Dimensions Pulsar P STANDARD Pulsar PA Pulsar PB Size 1 2 3 4 P STANDARD Model Code P.1 0083090 P.2 0083150 P.3 0083210 P.4 0083270 PA Model PA.1 PA.2 PA.3 PA.4 Code 0083091 0083151 0083211 0083271 PB Model PB.1 PB.2 PB.3 PB.4 Code 0083092 0083152 0083212 0083272 Length (mm) Weight (kg) Water content (litres) 1195 1795 2395 2995 13.8 20.7 27.6 34.5 1.3 2.0 2.8 3.5 Pulsar TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Pulsar W not installed within false ceilings Weights and Dimensions Pulsar W STANDARD Pulsar WA Pulsar WB Size 1 2 3 4 W STANDARD Model Code 0083100 W.1 0083160 W.2 0083220 W.3 0083280 W.4 WA Model WA.1 WA.2 WA.3 WA.4 Code 0083101 0083161 0083221 0083281 Model WB.1 WB.2 WB.3 WB.4 WB Code 0083102 0083162 0083222 0083282 Length (mm) Weight (kg) Water content (litres) 1234 1858 2482 3106 14 21 28 35 1.3 2.0 2.8 3.5 Pulsar TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Emission Characteristic curve of the PULSAR taken from tests carried out as per the EN 14037 standard: Q = K • (∆Tm)n Q = emission W/m K = heating coefficient of the unit = 3,28086 W/m ∆Tm = difference between the mean water temperature and the room temperature n = heating exponent of the unit = 1,1536 The emission of the Sabiana PULSAR radiant panels has been certified by the laboratory at the University of Stuttgart H.L.K. applying the harmonised European Standard EN 14037, with the report number DC205 D12.2108 In accordance with part 2 of the standard, the K coefficient is equal to the above one divided by 1.1. Nominal emission for a meter of P.1 ÷ P.4 Pulsar panels with ∆Tm = 55°C : 334 W/m Total nominal emission of Pulsar panels with ∆Tm = 55°C: Pulsar P.1 L = 1186 mm Pulsar P.2 L = 1786 mm Pulsar P.3 L = 2386 mm Pulsar P.4 L = 2986 mm EN 14037 05 NOTE: the emission of the W panel are the same of the P panel. Ceiling radiant panels Thermal emissions in accordance with the European Standard EN 14037 ∆tm °C 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 Emission W/m 582 574 567 559 552 544 537 529 522 515 507 500 492 485 ∆tm °C 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 Emission W/m 478 470 463 456 448 441 434 427 419 412 405 398 391 383 ∆tm °C 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 Emission W/m 376 369 362 355 348 341 334 327 320 313 306 299 292 285 ∆tm °C 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 Emission W/m 279 272 265 258 251 245 238 231 225 218 211 205 198 192 ∆tm °C 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Emission W/m 185 179 172 166 160 153 147 141 134 128 122 116 110 104 Cooling emissions in accordance with the European Standard EN 14240 ∆tm °C 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cooling emission With insulation Without insulation W/m2 W/m W/m W/m2 52 38 22 30 63 47 28 37 74 32 55 43 86 38 64 50 98 43 73 57 110 81 47 64 122 90 53 71 134 58 99 79 146 63 108 86 158 69 117 93 171 74 127 100 Example: Water temperature 17/21°C, air temperature 28°C - 50% means ∆tm = 9°C. The cooling emission of the PULSAR is 43 W/m. ∆tm =difference between the average water temperature and the room temperature Pulsar MEAN SURFACE TEMPERATURE OF THE PULSAR PANEL LOWEST WATER FLOW Lowest water flow to be supplied in order to obtain the correct emission. Leaving water temperature Lowest water flow °C l/h 40 65 60 48 80 37 PRESSURE DROP PRESSURE DROP 10 Pulsar Pulsar WATER CONNECTION DIAGRAM OPERATING LIMITS Water circuit Maximum water pressure: 4 bar Maximum entering water temperature: +90°C SUGGESTED LOWEST INSTALLATION HEIGHT (in m above the floor) Maximum water temperature °C 50 60 70 80 90 m 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 11 TABLE OF POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS Pulsar P Model Total Composition without length (m) intermediate panel 1,20 1,80 2,40 3,00 3,60 4,20 4,80 5,40 6,00 6,60 7,20 8,40 9,00 P.1 P.2 P.3 P.4 2 x P.2 P.2 + P.3 2 x P.3 P.3 + P.4 or 3 x P.2 2 x P.4 2 x P.3 + 1 x P.2 3 x P.3 2 x P.4 + 1 x P.3 3 x P.4 Composition Composition without with intermediate panel * intermediate panel W Model Composition with intermediate panel * W.1 W.2 W.3 W.4 P.1 + Panel + P.1 W.1 + Panel + W.1 2 x W.2 P.2 + Panel + P.2 W.2 + Panel + W.2 W.2 + W.3 2 x W.3 W.3 + W.4 or 3 x W.2 P.3 + Panel + P.3 W.3 + Panel + W.3 2 x W.4 2 x W.3 + 1 x W.2 P.4 + Panel + P.4 W.4 + Panel + W.4 3 x W.3 P.3 + Panel + P.3 + Panel + P.3 2 x W.4 + 1 x W.3 W.3 + Panel + W.3 + Panel + W.3 3 x W.4 - POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS Connection of 2 or 3 panels in series Connection in parallel * 12 This may be a false ceiling panel, a light or one of the PULSAR non-active aesthetic panels ACCESSORIES Pulsar FITTINGS Screw fittings (Caleffi) Code 9083455 1. 2. 3. 4. Ring nut Metal ring Black O-ring seals Fitting Pressfittings (Geberit) Code 9083456 NOTE: two kits of fittings must be used for PA, PB, WA and WB panels (1 kit = 2 fittings). 13 Pulsar ACCESSORIES Flexible pipe compliant with CSTB standard - Diameter 1/2” - Made of: EPDM rubber - With external stainless steel layer - Operation between -20°C and +110°C Assembly of 2 Standard Pulsar Assembly of 3 Standard Pulsar Flexible pipe length mm 1450 2000 Flexible pipe length mm 2800 3300 Code 6083521 6083522 Code 9083473 9083474 Assembly of 3 PA / WA and PB / WB panels Model 1 2 3 4 Model 1 2 3 4 14 Code PA WA 0083091 0083101 0083151 0083161 0083211 0083221 0083271 0083281 Code PB WB 0083092 0083102 0083152 0083162 0083212 0083222 0083272 0083282 Pulsar HANGING SYSTEMS Hanging brackets Pulsar P.1 and P.2 / W.1 and W.2 Pulsar P.3 and P.4 / W.3 and W.4 Code 0083090 0083150 0083210 0083270 0083100 0083160 0083220 0083280 Description Pulsar P.1 Pulsar P.2 Pulsar P.3 Pulsar P.4 Pulsar W.1 Pulsar W.2 Pulsar W.3 Pulsar W.4 L 1195 1795 2395 2995 1234 1858 2482 3106 A 900 1500 1050 1350 864 1488 1056 1368 B 595 595 595 595 610 610 610 610 C 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 171 171 171 171 D 161.5 161.5 161.5 161.5 199 199 199 199 E 37 37 37 37 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 The maximum vertical bending f of the Pulsar radiant panels between two suspension points is less than 2 mm. The maximum bending from the longitudinal axis of the 3m panels is 5mm. Typical hanging options 15 INTEGRATION WITHIN FALSE CEILINGS Pulsar P Model False ceiling structure 16 Covered false ceiling structure INSTALLATION WITHOUT FALSE CEILING Pulsar W Model with side skirts Composition Ceiling installation (with suspension wire) Code 6083550 6083551 6083552 6083553 Mounting of side skirts W1 Description Side skirt (length 4000mm) Side skirt bracket (length 4000mm) Corner Suspension steel wire Quantiy for installation Quantity for each Pulsar W2 W3 W4 (Length installation mm x 2) + 600 4000 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 Example with W3 Pulsar + inspection panel: •Installation length = 2482mm + 305mm = 2787mm •Needed side skirts = [(2787mm x 2) + 600mm] / 4000mm = 6174mm / 4000mm = 1,54 unit •Side skirts are supplied only in lengths of 4000mm, so 2 units are needed The order should then be made as follow: Code 6083550 6083551 6083552 6083553 Description Side skirt (length 4000mm) Side skirt bracket (length 4000mm) Corner Suspension steel wire Quantity 2 2 2 3 17 Pulsar PULSAR WITH PERFORATED PANEL Special version with perforated panel: it is supplied with extra thermal acoustic insulation, which allows the attenuation of noise reverberation in the room. Weights and dimensions like Standard panel. NON-ACTIVE AESTHETIC PANEL - P MODEL The aesthetic panels are used when the active panels do not need to be installed and when, for aesthetic reasons or local specifications, a non-active panel has to be installed to complete a strip. Available in 2 models: Size 1 2 Length (mm) 595 1195 Code 9083350 9083410 Can be cut to measure on site. Hanging holes on the lateral sides of the panel. 18 Hanging holes on the sides of the hanging brackets (distance 521 mm). NON-ACTIVE AESTHETIC PANEL - W MODEL Pulsar The aesthetic panels are used when the active panels do not need to be installed and when, for aesthetic reasons or local specifications, a non-active panel has to be installed to complete a strip. Available in 2 models: He a t i n g Air Con d i t i o n i n g Size 1 2 Length (mm) 610 1234 Code 9083480 9083490 Can be cut to measure on site. ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT Hanging holes on the lateral sides of the panel. Hanging holes on the sides of the hanging brackets (distance 521 mm). ACCESSORIES FOR PANELS NOT INSTALLED INTO FALSE CEILINGS - W MODEL CONTENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • INTRODUCTION MAIN ADVANTAGES OF THE PULSAR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MEAN SURFACE TEMPERATURE OF THE PULSAR PANEL LOWEST WATER FLOW PRESSURE DROP WATER CONNECTION DIAGRAM OPERATING LIMITS SUGGESTED LOWEST INSTALLATION HEIGHT TABLE OF POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS ACCESSORIES HANGING SYSTEMS INTEGRATION WITHIN FALSE CEILINGS INSTALLATION WITHOUT FALSE CEILING PULSAR WITH PERFORATED PANEL NON-ACTIVE AESTHETIC PANEL ACCESSORIES FOR PANELS NOT INSTALLED INTO FALSE CEILINGS Page Page Pages Page Page Pages Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 3 4 5/8 9 9 9 / 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 / 14 15 16 17 18 18 / 19 19 The descriptions and illustrations provided in this publication are not binding: Sabiana reserves the right, whilst maintaining the essential characteristics of the types described and illustrated, to make, at any time, without the requirement to promptly update this piece of literature, any changes that it considers useful for the purpose of improvement or for any other manufacturing or commercial requirements. Copertina PULSAR Inglese.indd 2 Inspection panel 19 25-06-2009 9:55:44 Heating / Air Conditioning Pulsar Radiant Panel Heating / Air Conditioning ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT Sabiana s.p.a. • via Piave, 53 • 20011 Corbetta • Milano • Italy • phone +39.02.97203.1 r.a. / +39.02.97270429 / +39.02.97270576 fax +39.02.9777282 / +39.02.9772820 • www.sabiana.it • info@sabiana.it Copertina PULSAR Inglese.indd 1 C/09/09 COD. A4830100 PULSAR - EX - 09/09 Pulsar Radiant Panel ISO 9001 - Cert. n° 0545/4 Unit heaters Radiant panels Fan coils Air handling units Flues ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT 30-07-2009 8:59:21
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