Slides - European Sensory Network
Slides - European Sensory Network
THE PURPOSE OF SENSORY ANALYSIS in R & D - DERMO-COSMETIC - PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Irène BACLE E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE R & D in a “Non Food” Industry 1. Formulation of new cosmetic products : Research of active ingredients, raw materials, … following regulatory affairs … 2. Safety assessment at several levels : toxicology, pharmacology, chemical analysis, microbiology, … 3. Clinical Evaluation of formulation : - Sensory Analysis - Use-Tests - Safety and Efficacy Tests - Clinical Tests 4. Manufacturing E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Summary 1. What is Sensory Analysis in Cosmetology 2. Main Sensory Assessments and Profile 3. Applications 4 Conclusion E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Sensory Analysis, Why ? F to understand the expectations of consumers and offer targeted products according to their needs and their likings Who is interested in ? F the Development teams : defining the adapted organoleptic criteria and forecasting the consumer’s satisfaction F the Marketing teams : supporting the purpose of the products F the Quality Control teams : comparing to a reference E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE What is Sensory Analysis ? The tool of comparative methods which enables to evaluate the products organoleptic criteria by using the five senses : SMELLING (perfumes, odors, …) HEARING (closing packaging, …) TASTE (flavor, aroma of a lip stick, …) SIGHT (skin color, product color on the skin of make up, …) SOMESTHESIA : touch : roughness, kinetic : elasticity, thermal : hot / cold, chemical : itching, tightness, … E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Sensory Analysis, HOW ? As in Food Industry, according to the questions, the protocols and the human panels are different : Do differences exist between the products ? - pair-tests, triangletests, 2 by 5-tests - ranking-tests « semi-trained » panel > 36 How are these products different ? Describe and quantify the differences SENSORY PROFILES « experts » Panel > 15 Which one do you prefer ? How much do you like them ? - Preference tests - Use tests - Clinical acceptability « naïve » targeted panel > 60 DISCRIMINATIVE TESTS DESCRIPTIVE TESTS HEDONIC TESTS E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE USE-TESTS « Pleasure » assessment during using period by “naïve” panels, targeted on their using consumptions = hedonic profile = Satisfaction % according to standards established in the Pierre Fabre database 10 0 90 80 80 70 60 80 89 96 90 83 80 50 70 40 30 20 10 0 globa l a c c e pta bility s pr e a ding out s a tis f . pe ne tr a tion s a tis f . c olor s a tis f . s me ll s a tis f . c ons is ta nc y s a tis f . pa c ka ging s a tis f . inte ntion of pur c ha s ing E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE PERFUMES SELECTION - Preference tests (ranking) - Evocation - Quality Control E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Descriptors and Sensory Profile The listing of terms necessary to describe cosmetic products is established in consensus for each product type : hygiene, body, face, hair care… At application Just after application Long time after application Quantified and measured using un-structured scales very weak /________________________________________/ very strong E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Sensory PROFILE Image of 2 body care products Application . Comparison = similarities and differences on each descriptor • statistical tests, ANOVA descriptor by descriptor at 5 % threshold SUPPLE3 SUPPLE2 SPREADING1 PENETRATION1 400 350 WHITNESS1 300 SMOOTH3 WHITNESS2 250 200 150 SMOOTH2 WHTNESS3 100 50 0 STICKY3 SHINY2 Visual Aspect STICKY2 SHINY3 GRIPPING3 Touch GRIPPING2 OILY3 TRANSPARENCY2 TRANSPARENCY3 OILY2 E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE STATISTICAL METHODES ¨ Statistical Mean Comparisons ¨ Principal Component Analysis on direct values or on differences ¨ Use-Preferences assessment (ranking) ¨ Preference Mapping ¨ Time intensity ¨ Textual Analysis E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE APPLICATIONS Overall dermo-cosmetology can be set up on : Skin care textured products for face and body Hygiene UV-screen care Make-up foundation Hair care Men-shaving care Topical drugs E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE HAIR CARE SENSORY LABORATORY E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Application of a treating lotion E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Application POURING OUT E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Massage of scalp E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Cotation by trained hairdresser WETNESS OILYNESS STICKYNESS E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Drying E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE SLIPPERY ELECTRICITY E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE SUPPLENESS E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE SOFTNESS HEAVYNESS E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE VOLUME E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Conclusions Taking into account sensory dimension early in the cosmetic development ¨ anticipate consumers’ desires in textures A Development Methodology helping to formulate more pleasant products, responding to consumers comfort expectations, increasing observance and thus more efficiency. Nowadays, until 2001, these studies have been included in COLIPA guidelines to prove efficiency of dermo-cosmetic products E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Thank you very much for your attention E.S.N Madrid, 05/25/05, PIERRE FABRE RESEARCH INSTITUTE