Ex ports chief to be new guv?
Ex ports chief to be new guv?
MELVILLE CITY HERALD Volume 25 No 20 Saturday May 17, 2014 www.fremantleherald.com/melvilles Melville City’s own INDEPENDENT newspaper Leeming to Kardinya Edition - etterbo ed to eeming , Bateman, Bull reek , ardinya, urdoch, urdoch niversity, Willagee and Winthrop. *Fortnightly liff treet, remantle h a Email: news@fremantleherald.com Ex ports chief to be new guv? Mutima exits Arthur Head after 8 months by STEVE GRANT by STEVE GRANT Herald’s been given a hot tip that former remantle Ports CEO • erry erry Sanderson will Sanderson File photo be WA’s ne t governor making her the state’s first woman appointed to the viceregal role. M A ’ arts precinct at Arthur ead has had its first casualty, with utima Art ouse pulling out just eight months after opening its doors. reddy oncin and partner Wajipha hongwe mostly blame remantle council, saying promised support has been slow or non-e istent. he pair believes the council wasn’t upfront about their tenure during negotiations before they move in mideptember. heir suspicions were raised as • continued page 3 • Freddy Poncin and a ip a C ongwe decide to dance to a new beat t ey re leaving Fremantle s arts precinct on rt ur Head less t an a year after setting up t eir business Photo by Matthew Dwyer ayor s r ev olt on mer g e c os t by CARMELO AMALFI B mayors Brad ettitt and ogan owlett warn council mergers are doomed unless the Barnett government stumps up the cash to pay for them. Both remantle and ockburn will walk and simply refuse to participate further unless the government retreats from its statement this week that councils will be e pected to pay the lion’s share of the costs. hey say if councils are made to pay, rates could jump to per cent. he Barnett government has allocated just million of its own money towards the process of reducing the number of metro councils from to a process initiated by premier olin Barnett. ayors are ropeable at the prospect of being made to pay for a process many never wanted in the first place. Without more WA government cash, councils could be up for anything between m and m. remantle and ockburn are up for m apiece on current projections and Melville would be in the same ballpark, or higher. Low-interest loans have been suggested as one way to raise money but the local mayors want WA local government minister ony impson to put the screws on reasury. “ t’s for him to go back to reasury and get more money,” Brad ettitt told the Herald. “ e needs our cooperation as councils, he can’t simply handball the cost on us. “We will walk away if the money is not in the budget. he whole process will fall over.” r owlett says ratepayers will not foot the bill “ he entire process has been flawed from the beginning. t has been botched.” e says ockburn is holding up the passage of its Budget until the minister replies. Dr Pettitt says it is crunch time for the WA government “ ’m surprised they have allowed this to happen,” he says. elville mayor ussell Aubrey says “at this stage anything can happen” but it’s too early to make premature estimates of costs. “Until we are able to understand the e tent of changes that reform will bring for the city, there is no point in making estimates based on ideas of what may or may not be. “ he minister has stated it would be di cult to provide funding until decisions are passed down in uly or August. We will wait to see what his response will be to WA local government association’s re uest for additional funding.” WA A has compared the Barnett government’s funding to that of Queensland when it initiated its own unpopular council reform, to which it contributed m a quarter of the actual cost of local government mergers. WA A president roy ickard says the “meagre” m to be spent by the WA government this year would not fund even one merger. remier olin Barnett’s o ce didn’t even bother responding to Herald questions but our insider says r anderson’s a shoe-in when alcolm c usker retires this year. r anderson ran and grew the port from . or the ne t three years she was WA’s agentgeneral in urope, promoting investment from the continent and ussia. With a longer than Aaron andilands’ right leg she’s currently chair of the old orporation which owns the Perth Mint) and sits on a number of boards including Atlas ron, t ohn of od ealth are and the araplegic Benefit und. We couldn’t find any references to whether she’s related at all to former WA governor ohn anderson give us a bell if you know. Find the Fake Ad & WIN a Chance for a Feast for 2 8 / 4 7 M ews R d, F remantl e For details please see Competitions DO YOU FEEL THE SQUEEZE? Deliver the Herald to local letterboxes and you’ll get paid to stay healthy (you can’t afford to get sick any more). We have a vacancy near you. Call Marie on 9430 7727. Goodchild Meats WINTER COLLECTION Goodchild Meats Great prices. Perfect meat. Lamb Pork Blade Roast $8.99 kg Lamb Leg Roast $9.99 kg Free Range Pork Leg Roast $8.99 kg Premium Mince $8.99 kg Lamb Forequarter Chops $9.99 kg Pork Spare Ribs $15.99 kg Whole Porterhouse MSA $11.99 kg Lamb Loin Chops Bulk $12.99 kg Free Range Pork Loin Chops $13.99 kg Whole Fillet MSA $22.99 kg Lamb Easy Carve Leg $16.99 kg Pork Fillet $15.99 kg Whole Rump MSA $8.99 kg Lamb Leg Boneless $15.99 kg Free Range Pork Forequarter Chops Whole Scotch Fillet MSA $22.99 kg Lamb Shanks $8.99 kg Pork Collar Butt $10.99 kg Whole Scotch Fillet Budget $19.99 kg Lamb Spare Ribs $6.99 kg Pork Medallion Steaks $16.99 kg Whole Gerello Sliced $11.99 kg Lamb French Rack $31.99 kg Gravy Beef $8.99 kg Lamb French Cutlets $31.99 kg T-bone Steak $15.99 kg Lamb Chump Chops $15.99 kg Porterhouse Steak $17.99 kg Free Range Whole Chicken Lamb Mince $9.99 kg Rump Steak $11.99 kg Free Range Chicken Breast Fillets $14.99 kg Lamb Rack $18.99 kg Topside Roast $8.99 kg Free Range Chicken Drumsticks $4.99 kg Side of Lamb $7.99 kg Hamburger Mince $6.99 kg Free Range Chicken Wings $4.99 kg $8.99 kg Beef Chicken $7.99 kg $7.99 kg WA Grown & Produced Lamb, Pork, Beef & Chicken Goodchild Meats WHOLESALE BUTCHERS Everyday low ! prices for you 3 Boyd Cr, Hamilton Hill Ph: 9336 2511 Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm Sat 8am - 1pm EFTPOS & C/Card facilities available We are here Page 2 - Melville City Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 s Mutima exits Arthur Head • from page 1 far back as November when they say a drunk council employee dropped in after a function and complimented them on how they’d livened up the old cottage on Captain’s Lane. They say the sting in the tail was when he told them they wouldn’t be there long enough to benefit from it. “We went back and checked our licence and found it had been changed,” Ms Chongwe told the Herald. She said the council had given them a draft licence for three years with an option for two more. They’d run the paperwork past their lawyer who picked up a minor unrelated issue so they sent it back to the council to be changed. But Mr Poncin says without their knowledge the council also changed the tenure to two years, and they didn’t notice the change—nor were they made aware of it—before signing. Council community development director Marisa pa iani has a different take, saying the pair signed an agreement prior to the licence being drafted which clearly offered just two years. “They also signed the licence documents that state two years with no further options, before stating they thought they were receiving a further term of three years appro imately five months after signing the licence document,” Ms Spaziani says. The council agreed to the extra three years. Ms Spaziani also says it’s not true there has been no council support. The council renovated the cottages, provided furniture and seating to encourage people to stay in the area, completed an art project in the toilets, installed wifi, programmed festival events at the adjacent ound ouse and convened a meeting of tenants to discuss security and marketing. Mutima says it didn’t generate enough people through the doors so it asked the council for rent relief, which was rejected. On Thursday morning Mr Poncin rang the Herald saying he’d just seen Artsource advertise its space for $400 a week—$50 less than what he and Ms Chongwe are paying. “That’s a slap in the face, isn’t it,” he says. Neighbouring photographer Glen Cowans is sitting tight on a long lease locked in before the council turned its focus to the precinct. e says he feels for the Mutima crew. “ t’s a di cult area get people because of the ound ouse he’s ne t door but it’s just a fraction and as you go further down the lane it’s even less. People come with their blinkers on—they say I’m coming to see heritage—and it’s very hard to distract them.” e’s hopeful the precinct will work but says the council should stop trying to micro-manage it and let the market decide what art is going to work there. Ms Spaziani says patience will be needed before the council’s vision is fully realised. “It’s a fact of life that arts business, just like other businesses, do come and go and while the city will support these businesses as much as we can, we can’t be held ultimately responsible for their success or failure.” A d v er s e mur ali t y by CLARE KENYON A mural at the back of Fremantle’s Dome cafe is just a big ad says an unhappy neighbouring business owner. Photo by Clare Kenyon Loans - Lease - Loans - Lease BY OPENING THE DOOR TO US, YOU’RE HELPING US OPEN THE DOOR TO OTHERS. PHONE US! FROM $500 TO $5000 CONSUMER LEASES NOW AVAILABLE + Affordable up to 2 years to repay + Shorter term loans and leases available to suit your needs + Centrelink clients welcome (according to benefits) + Poor credit history? Try us! + Fast decisions To donate by credit card, call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit salvationarmy.org.au RED SHIELD APPEAL CALL NOW! We like to say yes!* *Terms & conditions apply stralian redit icense m er Shop 15, Stargate Shopping Centre on Rockingham Rd, Spearwood 9494 2169 cashloanmone centre com au I want to express my interest in a good education for my child... Families in the wider Fremantle area have been registering their interest for a new, independent high school. Expressions of interest received before 19th May will play an important part in the application process, confirming that local parents want more high school options for their children. Plan for the future today and register your expression of interest. Fremantle Christian College is preparing to commence with an intake of year 7 students in 2015, subject to approval from the Minister of Education. There are two ways to register your interest: 1. Online form at http://www.newlife.wa.edu.au/ 2. Email fremantlecc@gmail.com Fremantle Christian College 110 Rockingham Rd HAMILTON HILL For more information contact Mr Mike Smith: 0419 147 722 P i az z a p lan f or M ar k et S t LIFE will be breathed into Little Market Street later this year if a joint Fremantle BID/ council project goes ahead. Called the Market Street Piazza, bollards will be installed to make a pedestrianonly area from 6pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Funky lights, interactive ground projections, designer seating and olive trees dressed with fairy lights are all part of the project, which began with the mural behind the Dome cafe. Tom Griffith says the council will be flexible with local businesses’ needs. Portorosa’s and Sandrino’s will play the biggest part in the project but neither’s owner could be reached for comment. Gino’s owner Laura Saccone says it’s a great idea to liven up the area. Victorian clothing and the Converse branding. ouncil spruiker ason Cunningham says there will be no links to the company when the branding goes so he doesn’t see it as an ad “ f it’s good enough for New York, Barcelona and Amsterdam then we think it’s good enough for Freo.” Mayor Brad Pettitt says he wasn’t involved and its approval was a recommendation of the public art advisory committee. The Herald caught up with project manager ara oby on onday as they were finishing up. She says there’s been great feedback from passers-by “What Converse aims to do is bring colour to dull walls and transform them into works of art,” she says. LY NT ED CE AT RE NOV RE ecently sneaker-maker Converse (a subsidiary of the Nike conglomerate) commissioned the mural as part of a global branding strategy that seeks to tie its image to urban sub-culture. The company’s name and campaign slogan were included in the mural but were painted over on Thursday. Gino’s Cafe owner Laura Saccone doesn’t think that’s good enough “What’s onverse got to do with Fremantle?” she asks. “The mural is not Fremantle and it should have been about local culture.” er comments are backed by Fremantle Society president enty arrar, who says the line between art and advertising has clearly been crossed. r arrar says it’s just plain wrong to cover the inner city in advertising of this scale. The Fremantle BID accepted local ideas for the design, which was sprayed on by a team including former Perth artist The Yok, who now lives in New York. The result is a range of random pictures wrapped around the heritage-listed former library, including a caterpillar wearing shoes, a toucan, a pizza, a cat with three eyes, a dog wearing • ot ust a pretty picture NEED CASH LOANS & LEASES We are now specializing in Homemade Pastries Pies and Cakes RAW DESSERTS INSTORE NOW! CATERING AND PRIVATE FUNCTIONS NOW AVAILABLE. OPEN 7 DAYS 7AM TO 3.30PM Shop 8, 17-23 Collie Street, Fremantle Phone 9336 7776 BREAKFAST • LUNCH • COFFEE Cheers. To a quick lunch. Our midweek lunch specials are back! Enjoy two sumptuous courses, inclusive of a glass of Margaret River wine and coffee. $39pp www.bluewatergrill.com.au * Valid Mon-Thurs 56 Duncraig Road, Applecross T: 08 9315 7700 E: reservations@bluewatergrill.com.au The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 - Page 3 DUNG HO WEED FREE SHEEP MANURE herald letters The Paper That Lives Here est. 1989 Newspaper House 37-45 Cliff Street Fremantle WA 6160 PO Box 85 North Fremantle, WA 6159 Ph: 9430 7727 Fax: 9430 7726 ne s ublisher The Herald Publishing Co. Pty Ltd ditor in chie Andrew Smith irectors Andrew Smith & Pip Thomson 80lt bags $11ea or or ACN: 009 416 620 EDITORIAL Also mulches, cow, chicken, compost bags or truckloads FREE DELIVERY Phone Ron %XXPERTT3 3ERVIICESSTOOCHHOOSE FRROM MINOOUR#LAASSIIlEDDS “HELLO” Did you know that thieves turn your power off to check for an active alarm! So... You have the best security system money can buy... AND YOUR METER BOX IS UNLOCKED!!! Contact eter Lynch meterbo securitycom au meterbo security bi 2544928 LOCK YOUR METERBOX FOR COMPLETE SECURITY ond com City of Cockburn NotICe of INteNtIoN to LevY DIffereNtIAL rAtes In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is hereby given of the intention of the City of Cockburn to adopt the following rates in the dollar and minimum rates for each rating category in the 2014/15 financial year. This represents a 4.0% increase over 2013/14. A similar increase is forecast for the Waste Management Levy. The CoSafe charge is proposed to increase by $5. Category GRV GRV GRV GRV GRV UV UV GRV GRV Rate Category Residential Improved Residential Vacant Land Commercial & Industrial Improved Commercial & Industrial Vacant Land Large Commercial & Industrial Improved Rural General Improved Rural Vacant Land Commercial Caravan Park Specified Area Rate - Port Coogee Rate in $ Min rate 2014/15 4.303c $683 7.100c $683 7.000c $683 7.515c $683 8.606c $683 0.235c $1,030 0.362c $1,030 8.606c $683 1.389c N/A A Statement of Objectives and Reasons for adopting these rates is available for inspection at: • the City’s Administration Centre, Cnr Rockingham Road and Coleville Crescent, Spearwood between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday; • Libraries located at Spearwood, Coolbellup and Success during normal library hours; or • via Council’s website under www.cockburn.wa.gov.au/Your_Council/Acts_and_ Information/Public_Documents Submissions by Electors or Ratepayers in respect of the proposed rates may be made to Council by 12 noon, Tuesday, 3 June 2014. S. G. CAIN CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER cockburn.wa.gov.au | 9411 3444 Page 4 - The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 remantleherald com remantleherald com Mail marauder RECENTLY I found eight unopened letters that had been thrown in to my rubbish bin. The bin had just been emptied, otherwise I might not have noticed them. Some were from the Bicton street that I live in and others were from North Fremantle. This has happened before: I’d found letters behind a hedge in the front garden, and a few months ago a young man was seen looking in all the letterboxes in the street during the early hours of the morning. These incidents have been reported to the police, and the letters have been posted on to the correct recipients. Locking letterboxes or at least emptying them each evening would safeguard mail. J Bicton Profligate waste THANK you Julie Podstolski and liff ollinson (Herald, May 3 and 10, 2014) for your voices in the wilderness, decrying the wanton destruction of these gracious and beautiful homes of character from a time when people cherished their homes and possessions and treated them with the veneration they deserved. I add my voice to your heartfelt plea. These homes were built to last, to shelter the generations of families who have grown up within these walls, grown up to contribute to the rich history of Fremantle near the river. These homes and others nearby have survived two world wars, have seen Fremantle’s secret submarine fleet go to war, the reat epression and all the ups and downs through the decades as did all of Fremantle. Many of these home owners plied their craft of boat-building right there at their front door, while the mothers raised large families of sometimes 10 or a dozen children. Sadly, many did not survive infancy or early childhood. Sadly too, many mothers died in childbirth. Hard though life undoubtedly was for many, the families of the boat builders and the fishermen worked and socialised together. The Left Bank cafe was a boat builders’ yard, the Carrolls’. Step inside the front door to see wonderful old photographs of the house and the families on the verandahs. The ladies in their lovely dresses with their parasols. There were boat builders’ yards all up and down the river, North Fremantle as well as east. It was a place of great activity. “Waneka”, the beautiful old house that was next door has already been demolished. My mother’s cousins were born there in the early part of the 20th century. My mum’s father was an engine driver for the timber mills and they lived in Kirup. A lovely part of the cousins’ schooldays was visiting each other’s homes in the holidays. Her “Waneka” cousin came down to Kirup and hugged the trees and mum came up to East Fremantle and attended South Fremantle Tech for shorthand and typing and Culley’s on Saturday mornings for apple sponge with cream, a special treat. This gracious home at 3 Riverside Drive must be saved. It’s on a marvellous site and would be a perfectly placed as museum of local history that everyone could enjoy, instead of a precious wealthy few. What profligate waste it would be to demolish this proud and tangible symbol of our heritage. How do we defeat the greedy developers with their great gaping maws? How about a small levy from our council rates, Fremantle, East Fremantle, even a grant from the state government? Or perhaps wonderful, generous otterywest, with its fine sense of history. It is so worth saving. Who is telling this story of Fremantle? There are some wonderful photographic books in Fremantle Library, John Dowson’s have superb pictures of riverside life. Even today the water near the harbour and East Street jetty is clean, as Barry, a man of the river who swims there every day, says the tide washes in and washes out daily. I don’t think Barry would mind if I quoted him here. He says the river has a sense of timelessness and peace and that many come to experience that lovely feeling. He held out his hand to show me his lunch, a thick slice of ham between two slices of bread. To him, a morning swim in the fresh cool water, his sandwich lunch and “I feel like a king”. What a profligate waste it would be to destroy even more of these heritage homes that have stood nobly throughout our history. Wendy Shaw Markmann East Fremantle Corporate clanger THERE are many sad things about contemporary Fremantle which my friend George Williams points to in his letter (Herald, May 10, 2014). However, it is not hard to see why there were no flags out on what he calls Derby Day: this is now a clash between two corporations with little to do with Fremantle. The Fremantle Dockers are neither Fremantle nor dockers, as journalist Zoltan Kovacs once remarked. Soon they will be moving on to a flash new home and perhaps be the Cockburn ockers. t was so different when derbies were between South and East Fremantle. Ron Davidson Fothergill St, Fremantle Stump up! IF Melville council and its mayor Russell Aubrey are so eager for Roe 8 to be built (Herald, May 10, 2014) let them put their own money into it—if they have any, after losing $20 million of ratepayers’ money in dodgy investments. Maybe stick to what you know Mr Aubrey and Co. • continued page 6 Editor: Andrew Smith Chie o Staff roduction Editor: Steve Grant Hobart Desk / Editorial roduction Brian Mitchell Journalists Jenny D’Anger, Carmelo Amalfi, David Bell hoto ra her Matthew Dwyer Cartoonist Ange, Chatfield Story eadline Wed. noon ADMINISTRATION Business e elo ment irector Bryan Zemunik Rece tion Alana Christian, Emily Templeton-Knight ADVERTISING irector Natalie Hug Assistant to irector Melanie Buljan Real Estate: Natalie Hug is lay Ad ertisin Elin McCarthy, Myra Oudendijk Ad Co y Control Rosie Smith, Julie Rainbow Trades Ser ices: Daisy Smith, Bryan Zemunik Classi eds Daisy Smith Ads eadline Tues. noon R CT N roduction ana er Matthew Eeles Gra hic esi n Nibha Mehra, Fernanda Herrmann, Helena Tay ACC NTS irector Christine Smith Assistants Janelle Tester, Molly Brown STR B T N ana er Marie King Assistants: Stephanie Campbell, Dave D’Anger & an army of locals! Trans ort Ron Fowler WEBSITE remantleherald com Administrator Matthew Eeles ro rammer Stephen Pollock We publish four separate editions every weekend which carry local and regional news and advertising. Beaconsfield, East Fremantle, Fremantle, Hilton, North Fremantle, O’Connor, Samson, South Fremantle, White Gum Valley a ers Se t Atwell, Aubin Grove, Beeliar, Bibra Lake, Cockburn, Coogee, Coolbellup, Hamilton Hill, Hammond Park, Jandakot, Munster, North Lake, South Lake, Spearwood, Success, Yangebup a ers Se t A lecross to Bicton Alfred Cove, Applecross, Ardross, Attadale, Bicton, Booragoon, Brentwood, Melville, Mount Pleasant Myaree, Palmyra Leemin to ardinya Bateman, Bull Creek, Kardinya, Leeming, Murdoch, Willagee, Winthrop a ers Se t *Some areas delivered fortnightly. Total Herald circulation 81,373 S T We also publish the Perth Voice, which is letterbox-delivered every week to more than 37,700 homes and businesses through Perth’s inner-northern suburbs (Leederville, Perth, Mt Lawley, etc) Total oice circulation 37,702 S T *CAB Audited herald reflections Book Review Southerners Forever More by RON DAVIDSON We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother... T HUS coach, Ross Hutchinson, a scholarly primary school teacher and decorated bomber pilot, addressed the collection of lumpers, tally clerks, and truck drivers who largely comprised the South Fremantle side of May 17, 1947. They faced tremendous odds as did the English in France on St Crispin’s Day, 1415, as immortalised by Shakespeare in Henry V. Historic rival East Fremantle had won the previous 35 games on the trot But South had always had a single purpose in mind—to beat East Fremantle. East had reciprocated in their attitude to South. On this occasion South won a thriller by four points, and six WA Football League premierships in the next eight years followed. South was the undisputed champion of Australian football. Published recently, Steve E r r i n g t o n ’ s c o m p re h e n s i v e Southerners Forever More covers the first si decades of the club’s varied but colourful history. Errington started this ambitious project on grand final day and finished this the first segment in 2010. For much of this time he was working full-time as head of chemistry at Curtin University. “Comprehensive” is an understatement, providing, for example, descriptions of each of the Southerners’ (as they were originally first seasons of what Ross Hutchinson might have called “triumphs and disaster”, often drawn from old newspapers at Battye Library. From sheets of paper listing every South Fremantle game, 1900-1959, the scores and the grounds came an interesting by-product: the list of every South Fremantle player in the study period, even the likes of Bill Back who played a total of one game, in 1905. Scattered through the book are cameo pieces on the first secretary Hughie Edwards who played seven games before winning the ictoria ross the first paid coach and the first coach sacked and Bernie Naylor’s 23 goals in a game against Subiaco. None of these stories is sadder than the day captain-coach Ron Doig received severe head injuries in a violent finals match with ast Perth in 1932. Crowds gathered outside his home in Howard Street when word went out that Doig was convulsing and he died in a private hospital at midnight. Doig had been a Fremantle hero and his death stunned the city. With the funeral on Monday afternoon, flags were flown at halfmast at the Town Hall and Victoria Pavilion. Shops were closed, crowds lined South Terrace and Market Streets as the cortege— nearly a mile long —snaked its way to Fremantle Cemetery. An estimated 2500 mourners attended the funeral and a lone piper led the procession to the graveside. The casket was covered in a red and white flag. The book also features many photographs including a rare 1934 team photograph which is in colour and has been rescued from a newspaper insert. The message from Errington’s book is that football has long been important to Fremantle. When the social history of Fremantle is written this book can provide important insights concerning this working class town. And there is more to come. Already he has written 35,000 words on the club’s remaining seasons and a third book will cover early days of the 1880s and 1890s. The sad thing about the current book is its sales have not been properly promoted by the publisher—the South Fremantle Football Club. Eight months passed between publication and launch. The author deserved better. An unshady business old bean A S you sit in the shade at your favourite cafe, think for a moment of the bean that went into your cup—what kind of life it had in getting to you. Did it enjoy the right upbringing, was it also able to relax in the shade while it grew? Is it a correctly raised and content coffee sitting before you? It seems the newest stir over how coffee is how it is grown. We know about FairTrade coffee and the importance of what that represents, although that may not specifically account for shade cover or biodiversity. This latest concern is not about the growers but about the hapless product, increasingly planted in open fields. In its original ecosystem coffee was grown under a canopy of trees which, apart from shade, provided a habitat for various species of animals, insects and plant life. Modern farming practices, where the COLIN NICHOL reflects growing concerns about the negative environmental effects of coffee bean farming. canopy is removed to make way for intensive plantationstyle coffee farms, undermine the sustainability of traditional growing methods and threaten biodiversity. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, 2.5 million acres of forest in Central America have been cleared to make way for coffee farming and this continues at an alarming rate. It seems no coincidence the 37 major coffee producers in the world are countries with the highest rates of deforestation. There is greater public interest than ever in environmentally friendly coffee but despite two decades of growth in public awareness of where coffee comes from and the different ways it can be managed for biodiversity— monocropping and sun-grown coffee are now the norm. iven that most coffee growing regions S R A T I U G FROM $129 'PSKVTUDFOUTBEBZ ZPVSQBSUOFSTIJQDBO IFMQDIJMESFOCVJME UIFJSPXOCSJHIUFS GBJSFSGVUVSF $BMMOPX Penny Lane’s Music 42 Duke St, East Freo ( end of George St) Mon to Fri 11am - 7 .30pm • Sat 9am - 5pm #ATHOLIC-ISSION CATHOLICMISSIONORGAU Exhibition and Art Sale Artworks by Western Australian artists 17 to 25 May Open daily 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Saturday 10.00am to 2.00pm Sunday City of Melville Civic Centre Level Two, 10 Almondbury Road, Booragoon www.melvillecity.com.au/arts 1300 635 845 | 9364 0666 are also home to some of the most delicate eco-systems on earth, the potential for serious damage is alarming. offee grown for hundreds of years by traditional means under wildlife-rich tree canopies provided habitat for birds and bats that would naturally kill crop-jeopardising insects. Nutrient-rich soil prevented erosion and replenished crops, year after year, avoiding the need for chemical fertilisers. That favourite café of yours owes its tradition to early ninth century Ethiopia and wild coffee trees of the province of Kaffa (“coffee”), Mocha for being the major marketplace for coffee between the 15th and 17th centuries, the Dutch for smuggling seeds to Java (hence the slang name) and Kiva an, reputedly the world’s first coffee house, which opened in Constantinople in 1555. As you sit back in your cafe, think about the bean before the drink and, when you order, be sure to ask for a happy, shade-grown coffee. C F1 0 5 7 4 KITCHEN & BATHROOM SPECIALISTS Denture Clinic WIN! A COMPLETE K ITCHEN RENOV ATION! V ALU ED AT U P TO $ 40,000 First 50 clients to sign up for a complete kitchen renovation go into the draw. Call today for free Bathroom or Kitchen design consultation (Valued at $250.00) 1/13 Strang Crt, BEACONSFIELD by appointment only 488 Scarborough Beach Rd, OSBORNE PARK Tel: 9446 6729 www.ikandu.com.au Repairs While You Wait Veterans Affairs Rod Herbert Denture Clinic 199 High Street, Fremantle OFFER EXPIRES 30TH JUNE 2014 9335 3317 The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 - Page 5 herald • from page 4 rucks will divert away from the road, into suburban streets bringing noise and congestion, to avoid the toll. What trucks carry in several trips a rail service could do in one, thus easing the congestion of the heavy volume of trucks in the areas concerned. he backward thinking of “ build more roads to ease congestion” will never work. he winana freeway e tra lanes haven’t worked, oe wy and anning wy are all gridlocks at peak time. ussell Aubrey and his council are in for a rude awakening if and when the anning Bridge precinct is redeveloped. Watch for the tra c banked up even further than it is today during peak time. e pect r Aubrey will be missing in action by then. M Nardi Joshua Close, Bibra Lake No place for hysterical fearmongering I AM passionate about the health of my children. I am similar to most other parents in this regard and pursue the best course of health care provision for my children. You’re reading your free, independent Herald. I am a health professional and meticulously researched the history, e cacy and risks associated with vaccinations before deciding not to vaccinate my children who are treated with medicine outside the prevailing medical paradigm of big pharma. arents who make the choice to not vaccinate their children or who simply uestion the e cacy of vaccinations are ferociously attacked with accusations of “baby killers” and “unfit parents” amongst a raft of spiteful rhetoric. Freedom of speech on this issue of vaccination favours those who vehemently accept vaccination as being letters the only option in preventative health. There should be freedom to discuss the literature which appears worldwide on vaccinations, including topics such as vaccine failure, informed consent, vaccine shedding, the theory of herd immunity, and the cases of unreported vaccine injuries and cases of vaccine injury compensation. There is a huge array of information available on both sides of the vaccination issue but mainstream media in Australia chooses not to publish any stories which place vaccination in an adverse light. n erth, , there were injuries from the luva which was reported in the mainstream media. My grandmother is 99 years old and lives independently. he was treated with homoeopathy in the 1920s, and beyond, as it was both ine pensive and effective. harmaceutical medicines were prohibitively e pensive. he also lived in sanitary conditions and was fortunate to be well nourished. grew up with measles, mumps and chicken po being a rite of passage for children when a couple of weeks away from school was the norm lifethreatening allergies, asthma, learning di culties and disabilities, and childhood cancers were not the norm. I am passionate about health and freedom of choice in health care. I would appreciate a benefactor, such as the case with the I Immunise campaign, partly funded by the pharmaceutical company anofi- asteur, to erect posters stating public health should not be driven by the agenda of the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry and that the unvaccinated do not put the health of others at risk. We all care for our children the animosity which this issue engenders beggars belief and the vitriolic attacks on parents who do not vaccinate is reprehensible and callow. Atwell (Herald letters, May 10, 2014) asserts the “situation in remantle is dangerous” implying the unvaccinated are spreading disease this is hysterical fear-mongering and vilifies unvaccinated children which is both unjustified and without sound scientific evidence. Margaret Shaw Curtis Rd, Melville Truth got steamrolled front page story “Bell tolls for wetlands” erald, ay , is incredibly disappointing. Your journalist has quoted a member of the ave Beeliar Wetlands group who has made a series of statements that are not only defamatory and insulting to myself and the staff of the ce of the Environmental Protection Authority but, uite frankly, simply untrue. I am disappointed that your journalist did not offer me the courtesy to respond to such outrageous accusations. For your information, the EPA is an independent body that is not subject to direction by the Minister for Environment. The EPA conducts environmental impact assessments, prepares policies and guidelines and provides advice to the Minister. The EPA is bound by the Environmental Protection Act. Our advice is always made public and our reports and recommendations are open to appeal. he Appeals onvenor administers the appeals and once determined, the inister for nvironment makes the final decisions. The EPA refutes any suggestion or inference, which might be drawn from your story that its recommendation to the inister was subject to political interference. As this specific proposal is with the Appeals onvenor, it would be inappropriate to make any comments about the proposal. owever, will say the A’s recommendation was made after careful and deliberate consideration of the best available information. Dr Paul Vogel Chairman, EPA St Georges Terrace Perth Look fabulous this Winter! New season stock now instore. • • • • • • • • Banana Blue Black Pepper Dizingof Frank Lyman Joseph Ribkoff Welwyn Ave Marco Polo Meredith Mesop • Sacha Drake • Seven Sisters • Verge • Vivid • Wooden Ships Shopping Centre, • Yarra Trail • Vigorella • • • • • Mossimo Ben Sherman Gloweave City Club Levis MANNING - 9450 4533 Many more… including shoes The wild outdoors, rugged exteriors, cosy interiors, angle, drape & texture. These are the muses that Winter is made of… E ortless lifestyle dressing O’ Briens Clothing Co | 33 Welwyn Avenue, Manning | 9450 4533 Page 6 - The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 No Gum Valley by STEVE GRANT “LISTEN. In the background you can hear the birds screaming.” Are you over 45? rank ander sadly flicks through video he’s recorded on his phone documenting the clear-felling of the property next to his Newbold Street home o ce, including a -metre red flowering gum that attracted do ens of birds every morning. The local real estate agent feels his place is a bit like an oasis in the desert: three properties in his immediate neighbourhood have been completely cleared for subdivision in the past fortnight. We are here to help you stay fit! Sadly “This is White Gum Valley, but you have to question its name, don’t you?” he sadly asked the Herald. “Soon there won’t be any trees at all.” Mr Sander wants Fremantle council to adopt a significant tree register and implement rules compelling developers take all steps necessary to protect mature trees. In an online debate Mr Sander sparked with his acebook friends, infill-loving mayor Brad Pettitt—a member of the reens at first tried to wriggle out, saying “council can only regulate trees on public land not private”. But when pinged by Rudy Vogelsang who noted laws can change, Dr Pettitt changed tack. “We have considered a significant tree register and may be worth relooking at this again,” he said. he destroyed flowering gum was on a property owned by the parents of Heath Ledger: they are building two homes on the site for the deceased actor’s sisters. Kim Ledger says he spent $10,000 trying to save the trees by rejigging plans, but it just wasn’t possible. He says the only option was to move a cross-over and re Featu • Frank Sander and C adia Sc eel lament t e disappearance of mature trees t roug out ite Gum alley Photo by Matthew Dwyer take out a council verge tree which he didn’t think would fly. “All the other neighbours have been cool about it but Frank has refused to speak to us, right from the start.” Mr Ledger suspects some jealousy, as he’d been given first option to buy the property and has been told Mr Sander had his eye on it. The Applecross resident and his wife Ines say they are “tree people” and when the homes are built they plan beautiful, lush gardens for the girls. “We’re even going to reticulate the verge, which is the council land,” Ms Ledger told the Herald. Pollution charges to be heard by STEVE GRANT COCKBURN CEMENT will be in court Monday to answer pollution charges laid by WA’s environment watchdog. The trial has been a long time coming, as the alleged offence occurred four years ago—April 28, 2010 to be precise—and the company has since upgraded its plant with bag filter systems. Environmental regulators allege the company breached its licence by not mixing highly alkaline dust with water before disposal, which led to a toxic dust shower for nearby residents. f convicted, the company faces fines of up to $625,000. The trial is scheduled to last till June 6 at Perth Magistrates. As we mature, it is more important than ever to exercise regularly in order to feel our best every day. Angelic Fitness is a fitness studio that is perfect for you! We are a Ladies Only Gym with supportive and nurturing staff who will show you how to use all equipment in our special low impact 30 min circuit. We welcome all ages and have special, discounted Pensioner and Student memberships available to help keep fitness affordable and accessible to everyone. Call us today because you deserve the best! At Angelic Fitness, it’s ALL ABOUT YOU! MAY SPECIAL No Joining Fee SAVE $69 95B Hampton Road, Fremantle Phone 6219 5266 info@angelicfitness.com.au www.angelicfitness.com.au ree T s s Gra SALE N O W O N Fancy an Aussie icon in your backyard (or front yard)? Come down and choose yours at our Wray Avenue centre. With a focus on innovation and style, Luxaflex Window Fashions have been enhancing the lifestyle of Australian families since 1954. To celebrate in style, we could be sending you and a friend to Paris for the ultimate fashion experience, including: 2x return economy flights with Qantas 4x nights at InterContinental Le Grand Hotel Exclusive shopping and VIP city tours Wednesday - Sunday 10am - 4pm $2,000 spending money HOW TO ENTER: Spend over $2,000 at Sunmaster Fremantle this May (also for orders placed in June), collect your entry code in-store, enter online by 31 May 2014, and you could find yourself on your way to a once in a lifetime Paris fashion experience. Conditions apply see in-store for details. Grass Tree Specialists since 2000 WARRANTY AVAILABLE • DIY • DELIVERED • INSTALLED 96 Wray Avenue, Fremantle • Wednesday - Sunday 10am - 4pm Mob: 040 888 5435 Sunmaster Fremantle Shop 4, 595-597 Canning Hwy, Alfred Cove Call 9330 9853 www.luxaflex.com.au The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 - Page 7 Mulches Water Saver Mulch, Karri & Peat Mulch, Pine Bark Mulch, Mushroom Compost Manure & Mulch Soil Mixes Soil Conditioner, Potting Mix 36Lt, Wood Products, Specialty Mixes available on request 40 Litre Bags Any 10 Bag Combination for $75 herald Snip out and place on your fridge Sheep Manure,Cow Manure, Chicken Manure, Multi-Mix Manure c ompetitions ✁ Manures RE SHEEP MANU GS A B LARGE 70ltr 5 10 Bags $9 FREE HOME DELIVERY Put the magic in your garden Ph: Manure Magic 0427 999 961 8,000 Full Colour DL Flyers $999 Incl. Print & Delivery Give Your Message a Helping Hand To discover the great benefits of delivering your flyers with the Herald phone Natalie Hug 9430 7727 Win an overnight stay at Rottnest Lodge The Rottnest Lodge is the premier accommodation on Rottnest Island, offering you a choice of uality hotel style apartments, suites with private facilities and lower priced rooms. With a range of activities that you are sure to enjoy, the island atmosphere is clearly one perfect for rela ation. he uni ue history of ottnest sland will captivate you, whilst the natural beauty is a constant reminder that ottnest sland is a true gift from mother nature for all to enjoy. The Lodge’s Lakeside rooms contain a ueen si e and single bed, lounge area, with two wicker arm chairs, coffee table, writing desk, ceiling fan, private balcony, en suite with shower, closet area, small refrigerator, television with video on demand system pay to view movies , o tel channels and commercial television stations, telephone, complimentary tea and coffee making facilities, hairdryer and ironing facilities which is helpful. Thanks to Rottnest Lodge, the Herald is giving readers the chance to win the perfect overnight escape valued at . his includes accommodation for people including return ferry tickets from remanlte. HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at www.facebook.com/fremantleherald including the codeword HERALDROTTNEST, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit www.fremantleherald.com & follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone & email and post your entries to Herald Rottnest Comp, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Available Sunday - Friday only. Valid from 27 April, 2014 to 31st August 2014. Accommodation for 2 people only with room type dependent upon availability. Additional nights can be purchased for $150 per night including breakfast. Competition closes 27.5.14 with winners announced in the 31.5.14 edition of your Fremantle Herald Indie dance trio, RÜFÜS have announced their Worlds Within Worlds national Australian tour presented by Triple j and Channel [V]. The extensive tour is set to kick off at the Coolangatta Hotel on May 9 and will move through Brisbane, Melbourne, Geelong, Mandurah, Fremantle, Central Coast, Newcastle, Coffs Harbour, Byron Bay, Adelaide, Hobart, Canberra, Wollongong and will finish up with a homecoming show at The Enmore Theatre in Sydney on June 21. They return to Australia in May for their biggest tour to date, and it will also be the last time RÜFÜS will tour their #1, gold selling debut record, ATLAS before returning with new material. Excited about their lap of the Aussie map, keyboard player Jon George says, “We’re really excited to tour the US and UK for two months knowing we are coming home to some big crowds and a new live show.” Scan the code to watch the ‘Take Me’ video by RÜFÜS FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at www.facebook.com/fremantleherald including the codeword HERALDRUFUS, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit www.fremantleherald.com & follow the prompts. une at . pm, with matinees on une at pm. Bookings on or www. A i .com.au rans ees apply . embers riends of osArts bookings please email tickets harbourtheatre.org.au or phone . spresso amelot is also open prior to the shows so why not come along a bit earlier and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. he erald is giving five lucky readers the chance to win a double pass. HOW TO ENTER FACEBOOK: Leave a private message at www.facebook.com/fremantleherald including the codeword HERALDLOVE, address & phone. ONLINE: Visit www.fremantleherald.com & follow the prompts. POST: Include your name, suburb, phone & email and post your entries to Herald Harbour Comp, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Competition closes 27.5.14 with winners announced in the 31.5.14 edition of your Fremantle Herald. Win one of 2 double passes! HOW TO ENTER All You Need is Love Brimming with witty one liners, A ove Affair is a funny and often poignant look at the year marriage of immy and Alice iamond. his award winning romantic comedy written by erry ayer a former television writer for such classics as A , ary yler oore, and Bob ewhart , combines humour with insight about life, love and growing older. e also takes jabs at the fickle, youth-oriented television industry . irected by inley Award nominee revor hu, A ove Affair is arbour heatre’s inaugural production at amelot - the beautifully restored art deco osman ark emorial all. With osArts by their side, arbour heatre is delighted to have finally found a home at amelot. eaturing well known local actor and radio personality ed Bull as immy and the enormously talented ickie Billingham as Alice, A ove Affair is an illuminating look at a long term relationship. A ove Affair plays on , , , , , , Catch RÜFÜS live! TERMS AND CONDITIONS:Competition closes 27.5.14 with winners notified by phone. Wagons Winners Congratulations Ron Shaw of Beeliar and Raywyn Fenwick of Hamilton. You have both won Wagons brand new CD and a double pass their Friday, May 23 show at the Fly By Night, Fremantle. Your names will be on the door and your CDs are in the mail. Adbuster Winner Congratulations Therese Sanders of Winthrop. You have won a feast for 2 at The Mussel Bar after spotting last week’s fake ad . If you spot this week’s fake ad send your entries to Voice Adbuster, PO Box 85, North Fremantle WA 6159 by Tuesday. Are you nurturing a New Business? Let the Herald advertise your business to thousands of potential clients in 94,800 local homes & businesses. We have three fabulous startup packages: 1. Got a Story to Tell? Our “What’s New” offer gives you a free* half or quarter page to tell it. 2. On a tight budget? Ask about our 6 plus 2 free offer for new businesses. 3. Love competition(s)? Book three ads, then offer Herald readers a prize. We’ll write the story and get your name out there. * Conditions apply WE ALSO PRINT & DELIVER LEAFLETS! PERSONAL SERVICE! RELIABLE DELIVERY YOU CAN TRUST! Page 8 - The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 Phone 9430 7727 advertising@fremantleherald.com S PIN A L C A R E W E E K IT ’ S T IM E T O A HERALD PROMOTIONAL FEATU RE S T R A IG H T E N U P CONTACT YOUR LOCAL CHIROPRACTOR TODAY Aubin Grove Chiropractic Care Dr Sandra Hohloch 4, 14 Mapleton Avenue, Aubin Grove Phone 9414 3113 facebook.com/ aubingrovechiropracticcare Bateman Chiropractic Dr Debbie Tan Suite 2, 24 Parry Avenue, Bateman Phone 9310 5229 batemanchiropractic.com.au Coogee Chiropractic Live Better, We’ve Got Your Back Back pain is one of the top three causes of disability in Australia. Over a quarter of a million Australians are being forced into early retirement because of back pain or arthritic pain. Forced early retirement can be devastating not only on your finances but the quality of your life. Chiropractic care is an effective management of different types of back pain. The Live Better, We’ve Got Your Back campaign launches Spinal Health Week 19-25 May, 2014, a national campaign by the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia (CAA), to draw attention to back pain and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Improving postural fitness can help to avoid damage to your spine. Proper posture keeps everything in its natural position which reduces wear and tear of joints and relieves stress, improves health and enhances your appearance. Ways to improve your posture include: • Standing when you’re on the phone for extended periods • Regular exercise - taking the stairs wherever possible • During meetings take regular stretch breaks • While you’re working at your computer take short breaks to stretch and stand • Check and adjust your position regularly • Take the stairs instead of the elevator where possible • An active spine is a healthy spine and a healthy spine leads to a healthier life. Why not use Spinal Health Week to make an appointment with your local Chiropractor to assess your postural fitness and discuss how being more active will improve your wellbeing. For more information visit www.spinalhealthweek.com.au Dr Jessica Seebauer Unit 1, 237 Hamilton Road, Coogee Phone 9434 5555 www.coogeechiropractic.com.au Small Steps • Lasting Changes • Healthy Families Live! Chiropractic Special interest in: Pregnancy Care, Babies, Paediatrics, Performance and Stress Management Dr Andrew Leece Dr Christine Lang 811 Canning Hwy, Applecross Ph. 9316 4444 www.livechiropractic.com.au Winthrop Chiropractic Dr. Lawrie Tassell Dr Clairemarie Wilson Dr Brooke talbot Suite 16, Level 1 Winthrop Court, 143 Sommerville Blvd Winthrop Phone 9332 0122 www.winthropchiropractic.com.au Empowering your family to live an extraordinary life... CHIROPRACTIC CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Health Coaching Master Classes Workshops Remedial Massage Functional Assessments Aromatherapy Deep Tissue and Relaxation Massage Holistic Nutrition Plus more coming… 9414 3113 Suite 4/14 Mapleton Ave, Aubin Grove facebook.com/Aubin Grove Chiropractic Care • Low back pain? • Neck pain? • Headaches? • Sports injuries? • Back stiffness? Let’s get you checked 9310 5229 | Suite 2 | 24 Parry Ave | Bateman | batemanchiropractic.com.au To celebrate Spinal Healt eek Live C iropractic is excited to o er FREE SPINAL HEALTH AND POSTURAL CHECK UPS Saturday 24 May 9am to 12pm Book by calling: live well stay healthy 9316 4444 Bookings are essential! 811 Canning Highway, Applecross www.livechiropractic.com.au “Live Better We’ve Got Your Back” Two million Australians affected by back pain. The solution isn’t always drugs or surgery. See a chiropractor. Back pain neck pain and headaches are all signs that your spine may not be functioning properly. TO LOCATE A CHIROPRACTOR, CALL 9386 2525 WWW.CAAWA.COM.AU If you su er any of t ese symptoms please contact the Winthrop Chiropractic Clinic on 93320122 for a complimentary spinal consultation with one of our Chiropractors to discover if C iropractic may o er a solution to your problems. Suite 16, level1 Winthrop Court 143 Summerville Blvd Winthrop www.winthropchiropractic.com.au The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 - Page 9 herald M AT HOME JENNY D’ANGER USIC down the ages is peppered with songs about the moon, from Beethoven to Bing Crosby, to Sting and the Smashing Pumpkins. Can you ride a scooter? Why not get paid for it by becoming a part of the Herald’s distribution service? The Herald is looking for an enthusiastic scooter driver to deliver the Herald on Fridays & Saturdays. If you are over 25 and have a current drivers license call to express your interest today. *Only large rounds available. Min 2200 papers. Phone Marie King on 9430 7727 or you can email marie.king@fremantleherald.com The name Moonlight Cover conjures up many more, including my favourite, Cat Stevens’ Moonshadow. Approaching this Moonlight Cover home via a peaceful cul de sac winding around the paperbark-lined river foreshore made the name seem simply perfect. In a street of similar sized homes, this two-year-old abode with its stylish skillion roof lines stands out. And with oodles of space, five bedrooms, three bathrooms and theatre room it delivers a supercharged family home. The vendor and her teenage daughter list location, space, and stylishness as their favourite things. “The layout is perfect, exactly what I wanted. It functions beautifully,” mum said. “It’s the modernness of it,” her daughter adds. A series of long, lean windows flood the huge entry hall with light, showcasing the lovely jarrah floors, of the home, which was architecturally designed and built by the vendor. On the other side of a richbrown natural rock feature wall is a commodious living/dining/ kitchen area, overlooking a lap pool. at home Tranquility by Moonlight Cupboard envy raised its ugly head as I took in a bank of fulllength, pull-out pantries, fronted by beautiful frosted Italian glass. “Would you like a coffee?” the vendor asks, opening a set of doors to reveal an appliances cupboard, a percolator sending a delicious coffee aroma into the air. Acres of white stone benches ensure this is a great kitchen to work in. But a fiver-burner stove and oven in the covered patio show a fair bit of alfresco cooking goes on. A huge upper-level sitting room, with a mini-kitchen greets you as you climb the stairs to the second level, where you’ll find the theatre room, along with the “kids” bedrooms, which are all double. In the parents’ “wing”, a massive bedroom opens onto a street-facing balcony, and there’s a spacious dressing room and stunning bathroom with double vanities, a make-up area, and twin showers—in a glass cubicle big enough to house a family of pygmies. With the freeway and Leach Highway just around the corner, despite its tranquility, Moonlight Cove is mere minutes from transporting you anywhere you want to go. 21 Moonlight Cover, Brentwood $1.85 million Wendy Maben | 0413 998 941 RE/MAX | 6394 5010 COOGEE WIN A TRIP TO THE GOLD COAST!!! Flights, accommodation & entry to theme parks *Conditions apply Simply LIST your property for Rent or Sale with ACTON Coogee during March, April & May to go in the draw to win a trip for 4 people to the GOLD COAST with private transfers, 5 nights luxury accommodation PLUS entry to Wet & Wild, Movie World & Sea World. Call ACTON Coogee today on 08 9434 8200 for more details & your chance to WIN! ACTON COOGEE 4/432 ROCKINGHAM RD, SPEARWOOD WA 6163 P: 9434 8200 W W W.ACTON.COM.AU Page 10 - The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 ASBESTOS REMOVAL AIRCONDITIONING herald BUILDING DEVON Air S p ec ialising in Air Conditioning: • service & repair • design/ installation • reverse cycle • evaporative Call Rob Free Quotes Onsite Appraisals Sample Testing SAFE COMPLETE REMOVAL Contact us now on… 0423 074 700 rob@ We eliminate the risk! 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Domestic Cleaning Regular House Cleaning Commerical Cleaning Office Cleaning 1 Mike Bailey Decking Business Card v3.indd 1 Husband & Wife Operated 0430 806 868 Tile Tile rout rout Cleanin & Grout Cleaning Tile Cleanin Usin atest Truc Truc ount –Usin Using Latest Truck Mounted atest ount a ric Protection Equipment a ric Protection reen Protection tamp Certified Certified – Fabric reen tamp Upholster Cleaned –Upholster Health Clean Cleaned – Upholstery lood or or Cleaned pecialist lood pecialist – Flood Specialist ond Work efunds ond Refunds efunds – Bond Contact GRAEME Contact GRAEME GRAEME Contact 0418 957 957 690 0418 690 C areway Cleaning Services COMMERCIAL fices • c ools • rc es RESIDENTIAL Regular House Cleaning V acating Cleaning POLICE CLEARED • INSURED www.careway.com.au 0433 789 865 CARPENTRY COMPUTERS GLOVER CARPENTRY bentech computers P hone 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 7 F ax 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 6 Call Jason on 0417 954 745 Part of a Worldwide Network Email: bayviewdh@westnet.com.au www.computertroubleshooters.com A BOBCAToSPECIALIST cats GET 2 ADS FREE! ½ onne E ca ators a n u ish e o ed ri e ays e o ed a in re ared u y and etc etre ruc s ost o e u er To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on A BOBCAT SPECIALIST Over 20 Years Experience SUMMER SPECIAL rom $ per room sa e per room e clean arpets pholster ommercial omestic s. 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Outstanding custom er service 100 Wray Ave, Frem antle 9430 9243 NO CALL OUT FEE BEST RATES TRUE LOCAL ALL HOURS 0416 740 668 Richard Rendell owner/operator Keeping you in power info@crownelectricalservice.com.au sullearth@iinet.net.au Linc: 0402 223 636 Call Sam on 6219 5374 or 0448 880 973 www.cs-concreting.com.au cs_concreting@hotmail.com GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR 1 0418 957 690 Qualified Carpenters with Police Clearance All Internal/ xternal Carpentry ndertaken Renovations/ xtentions No Job oo Small PROFESSIONAL & Q UALITY WORK GUARANTEED Call for a FREE Q UOTE 0451 126 025 0424 287 949 nd strial ommercial omestic All types of electrical work, installations & repairs. Installation of split system air conditioning & hot water & swimmimg pool heat pumps. allceil@bigpond.com Mike Bailey Decking Business Card v3.indd All types of cabinet work Specialising in: • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Laundries Mob 0412 040 461 Mike Bailey Decking Business Card v3.indd Expert Carpet Expert Carpet Expert Steam SteamCleaning Cleaning Steam Cleaning No job too small. All types of electrical work including: • power & lighting • smoke alarms • safety switches • shed & patio wiring etc Lic: EC008038 EC ELECTRICAL Site Clearing, Earthworks, Soakwells, Retaining Walls, Slabs, Decks & Stairs including Suspended, Exposed Concrete, Liquid Limestone Justin 0428 024 011 mfp@outlook.com.au EC006559 SOUTH OF RIVER SPECIALIST All types of Electrical work Phone, Data & Computer points Competitive Rates BRUCE 0419 943 046 31/01/10 31/01/10 Qualified Carpenters Call Mike on B.J. ELECTRICAL 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE QUAL IF IED CARPENTER - 20 YEARS IN THE TRADE QUAL IF IED CARPENTER - 20 YEARS IN THE TRADE CARPET CLEANING electrical services. Nick Bozikovic Call 287 Marmion Street, Melville WA 6156 M: 0439 561 314 F: (08) 9329WA 9583 287 Marmion Street, Melville 6156 DECKING E: 287 Marmion Street, Melville WA 6156 M:baileydecks@optusnet.com.au 0439 561 314 F: (08) 9329 9583 CLEANING SERVICES M: 0439 561 314 F: (08) 9329 9583 E: baileydecks@optusnet.com.au Q U A L I F I E D C A R P E NE: T Ebaileydecks@optusnet.com.au R - 20 YEARS IN THE TRADE OR Give your tired old cabinets a makeover with new doors and bench tops. Element Electrical For fast & reliable 0412 860 566 info@briteshine.com.au www.briteshine.com.au WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM AFFORDABLE CUSTOM MADE Kitchens, Laundries and Bathrooms • Home Business PC s • Hardware Software • Internet • etworking • Repairs & pgrades • irus Removal NEW TRADIES! DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL M ini B obcat S ervice including S oil, L awn and R ubbish R emoval, T rench ing, Post H ole B oring, S and and S oil D eliveries and B rick Pack S h ifting cleaningsolutions@westnet.com.au Phone Brian Call Rob on: ASBESTOS REMOVAL Carpets Cleaned, Deodorised & Dry in 1-2 Hours Leather & Upholstery Specialists Stain Removal & Protection Domestic - Real Estate Commercial EST 1995 For Reliable Quotes & Service On All Brickpaving 9434 1774 or 0417 180 581 Organic & Non-Toxic Builders/Owner builders welcome Registration no. S1411 BBQs, Piers, Fences, Letter Boxes, Garden Walls, Retaining Walls, Extensions Houses. Insurance work. Cleaning Solutions Reno ations, fit outs, pergolas, decking, cladding, extensions, cedar lining, skirting, doors and more. Phone Heath for a quote Bayview Dingo LOCAL PROFESSIONAL HELP FOR: Call Barry DARREN JAMES BUILDERS EARTHMOVING COMPUTERS 31/01/10 0439 561 314 thedeckingcompany. com.au fencing - screens gates - planters EARTHMOVING BOBCAT & TRUCK SERVICE BACKHOES MINI EXCAVATOR BLOCKS CLEARED, LAWNS & RUBBISH REMOVED, DRIVEWAYS REMOVED, SMALL TREES LOPPED AND STUMPS REMOVED. SAND SUPPLIED P & A Hughes & Son Phone Peter 0418 942 821 a/h 9332 4026 Ritchie Bobcat services • Bobcat & Truck Hire • Block Clearing • Lawn & Rubbish removal • Site Works & Compaction • Driveways Removed Sand, Soil, Limestone Supplied ritchiebobcatservices@ gm ail.com www.ritchiebobcat.com .au Doug: 0418 921 347 0 L10 12 Michael 0410 484 347 mprelectrics@bigpond.com Electrics Lic: EC 005661 Arc Lic: LO64655 Security Lic: 13291 Specialising in: • S witch board T esting • Installation of H igh W all S plit A ir C onditioners • R epairs to H igh W all S plit A ir C onditioners • H ot W ater S ystems • O ven R epairs 24 HOUR EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE Joe De Robertis 0419 955 156 3:01 PM 3:01 PM 3:01 PM LIMELIGHT ELECTRIX PTY LTD our Local Friendly Electrician • Free Safety Inspections • All Electrical & Data • Split Air Conditioners • Hot Water Systems • Upfront Pricing Promise CALL TODAY EC8480 1300 880 761 9314 6006 limelightelectrix.com.au EC: 009193 WARNING: Don’t call any electrican until you read this Not all Electricians are the same... most contractors don’t turn up when they say, if at all & when they do they are often rude, unpleasant & leave you with an unfair bill, a messy house & feeling really annoyed. Hi, I’m Dave from “My Sparky”. I know good, reliable tradies are hard to find, that’s why I guarantee you’ll have me arrive on time. I’ll be courteous, respectful & in uniform. I will only do the best quality work - no short cuts, then clean up after the job & leave you with a smile. If you’re not happy at the end you’ll receive $50 cash, on me. Dave 0406 45 88 45 TESTIMONIALS “Very happy with Dave - on time, great.” Chris - South Fremantle “I am happy to recommend “My Sparkie.” He is honest & reliable. Thelma - Attadale “Prompt & helpful - Especially for a small job.” Gwen - Hammy Hill Licensed Contractor EC8007 NICK PATULNY ELECTRICAL All Electrical Services Renovations - Rewires RCDS - Smoke Alarms Lights - Power Points TV’s - Oven/Stove 0468 316 479 nick.patulny@gmail.com HANK’S Electrical Service i All Areasj Domestic • Commercial Industrial Installation & Maintenance • competitive rates • reliable, efficient service 0407 317 135 EC 5440 trades. serv ic es@ f remantleherald. c om The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 - Page 11 FENCING F.J.P FENCING & INSTALLATIONS pool fencing, sliding gates, automated & manual gates, security fencing, colorbond, powder coating. DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL INSURANCE WORK Phone: 9495 2965 Fax: 9495 2964 email: fjp@ iinet. net. au FREE MEASURE & QUOTE COLORBOND Fencing and Gates No Job Too Small Free Measure & Quote Call Mike 0409 835 723 0451 053 230 mj.bygrave@hotmail.com B&L Fencing ALL TYPES OF FENCING & GATES • Specialist • Domestic, Commercial, Insurance •InfillSlats,Tubular,PoolFencing • Professional & Reliable Call Brendon 0430 489 111 brendo271@yahoo.com.au Free Measure & Quote GARAGE DOORS ACT R DIRECT L ST RC N A Asbestos Remo al Colorbond Hardi ence Concrete Retainin alls linths etal Retainin ool encin Colorbond Gates GAT S R NSTALL Aluminium Slat ood look or Colorbond Gates n ill anels We do all insurance & private quotes R AS R T ce a obile krom encin li e com au krom encin a com au Residential Garage Doors New Doors New Motors Free measure and quote All brands repaired All areas serviced No Call Out Fee CALL 1800 202 808 GARDENING Added Care Gardening Prompt, reliable & caring service in: ~ garden clean ups ~ maintenance ~ mulching ~ rubbish removal ~ weeding ~ pruning ~ lawn mowing Satisfaction Guaranteed Quality Gardening • regular maintenance & cleanups • specialised & heavy pruning • small tree lopping • mulching • native plantings • all landscaping & retic • garden design Call our friendly team now for prompt professional service 0421 954 590 Alistair’s 9430 7727 FLOOR SANDING Floor Sanding Specialists Quality Fine Level Sanding Restoration to old floors Choice of finish Supply & lay new timber flooring 9331 4531 0422 631 075 www. gtglass. net. au GUTTERS Stan Man the GUTTERING Gutters, Down Pipes, Facia All Rubbish Removed 20 Colourbond Colours Professional Service Senior Discount FREE MEASURE & QUOTE 0415 574 228 GUTTER CLEANING HANDYMAN native gardens • hedging planting • mulching weeding • lawns rubbish removal garden consulting reticulation • rose pruning Call Alistair 0414 800 695 Specialised Outdoor Services Gutters cleaned & down pipes checked FREE Roof Inspection All roof repairs 9433 1077 www.sos-services.com.au (Pensioner Discount/Insured) HANDYMAN A1 Total Maintenance • All Building Repairs • Paving Repairs • Fencing • Floor Tiling • Roof Repairs • Mobile Welding • Painting 0407 443 925 BARTLETT HANDYMAN SERVICES • FENCING - ALL TYPES • GUTTERS CLEANED & REPAIRED • SOAKWELLS • MINOR CARPENTRY • PATIOS, PERGOLAS & DECKS • ALL DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MAINTENANCE AND MUCH MORE TONY BARTLETT 0416 386 164 F&W Solutions Quality, Reliable & Prompt Ser vice All Building Repairs All Commercial & Domestic Glass Repairs • Security • Showerscreens • Mirrors • Windows & Doors For Professional Service Phone for a Free Quote 9434 4311 ALL AREAS S&G GLASS • 24 Hour 7 Days Glass Repair • Insurance Work • Glass Table Top • Shower Screens • Mirrors • Robes • Aluminium Windows & Doors • Security Windows & Doors (Lic 12324) • General Glazing & Maintenance For a free quote and friendly service call Sam on: Member of TFA 0411 142 955 CALL STEVE FOR A FREE QUOTE 6/153 Rockingham Road, H/Hill All Hours • Kitchen & Bathroom • Retaining Walls/Paving • Carpentry Work • Limestone/Fencing Patios/Pergolas • Demolition Works • Flooring/Decking • Wall & Floor Tiling • Painting • Ceiling & Stud Walls Eric 0418 383 619 ericfazio@bigpond.com Handyman all maintenance • leaks • fencing • painting • doors & locks • skirting • decking •wall removal • flooring • blind installation • gutter cleaning & much more FREE QUOTES 0400 113 107 P hone 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 7 F ax 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 6 Page 12 - The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 NOTHING TOO SMALL 0413 545 595 A/H 9339 8069 FIX IT Handyman Services • Home repairs & maintence • Fence painting • Small tiling jobs • Ceiling & wall patching • Skirting, painting, floor board repairs, regrouting, minor carpentry & more Call Michael 0409 427 724 m_wooldridge@optusnet.com.au KITCHENS FLAT PACK KITCHENS Kitchen, Laundry, Wardrobes & Benchtop Installation. NO JOB TOO SMALL! POLICE CLEARED - INSURED GLASS SERVICING TOTAL HOME MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Ikea & Other ‘Flatpack‛ Specialist. Contact Doug 0433 522 653 To advertise phone today on 9331 1499 Qualified, efficient, friendly service Call Dean on Showroom available by appointment only 21 Roper St, O’ Connor Garden Maintenance e ll y an match ritten uote www.selectflooring.com.au • 24 Hour Emergency Repairs • Insurance Work Made to Measure & Repairs to: • Aluminium Doors/ Windows • Patio Enclosures • Flyscreens/ Security Screens • Shower Screens/ Mirrors • Limestone Work • Retic • Gutter Cleaning • Landscaping FLOORING Supply and/or Install - Timber - Bamboo - Laminates Affordable prices! GLASS SERVICING trades& serv ic es ROD’S 0428 222 202 KROM FENCING herald Ron Liebrand 0418 695 235 Meg Liebrand 0438 068 257 P/F: 9437 3344 livopro@bigpond.com LANDSCAPING LAWN MOWING Bri ht s o in TH O 0 P C C P o in Prunin Trimmin d in u ish emo al eed Control ur Roses! Don’t forget yo CALL or TEXT Ste hen 0417 937 365 T’S MOWING STUAR Lawn Mowing V ertimowing Garden Cleanups Gutter Cleaning Tree/ Shrub Pruning Palms Defronded FREE QUOTATION Phone Stuart 0414 570 795 9430 7727 LIMESTONE Paradise LIMESTONE No Job Too Small • Feature limestone walls & letterboxes • Retaining Walls • Excavation & Bobcat Services • Soakwell Installations • Limestone Garden Edging • Colorbond Fencing • Slate Clattering • Stump Grinding Neat & Professional Workmanship LANDSCAPES by DESIGN aaron_emery@ymail.com All aspects of landscaping • retic • turf • paving • decks • retaining walls • patios Design & Construct Service No job too big or small Fully Insured Free Onsite Consult Call Tony 0457 591 143 A/H 9499 4097 9331 2283 0412 995 919 LAUNDRY SERVICES 24 CALLOUT 24 HOUR HOUR CALLOUT all locks repaired, replaced or unlocked • commercial • domestic • auto • safes Aged pensioner discount Call Michael Superior Linen Superior Service Commercial Laundry and Linen Hire Service We are now servicing the South West and Metropolitan areas! Enquire today and see the difference! Phone 08 9534 7677 Email: superiorlinen@tributegroup.com DULUX ACCREDITED PAINTING CONTRACTORS • internal/external • tradesmen only • local resident • registered painter 2542 • senior discounts John Cole 9310 3660 0412 198 966 john.cole2@bigpond.com Reg No. 7 197 fie reg ere n er A ll work guaranteed Free competitive quotes N o j ob too big or small Dom estic & Com m ercial in July & August All domestic & commercial pest & weed control 9433 3777 www.freopest.com.au PLASTERING PLASTERER For a clean reliable job at SENSIBLE PRICES. Quality Workmanship OVER 20 YEARS LOCAL EXPERIENCE Call Robin 9339 5671 Mobile 0413 480 425 T. DICARLO PLASTERERS Established 1970 • New Homes • Renovations • Rendering • Patching 0403 656 657 sergios_ painting@ iinet. net. au Painting & Renovations Registered trades person. David Lowe 0401 747 368 9382 1463 All types of plastering, small or large jobs. A reliable service for all your plumbing & gas work. Call Alex Barry for prompt reliable service 0411 452 742 PL7158 GF9661 SOUTHSIDE PLUMBING • H ot W ater S ystems • B locked D rains • B urst Pipes • T oilet & C isterns • L eaking T aps • G as Installations 0437 904 948 PL7 680 No call out fee! GF 13358 All Plumbing Services • WůƵŵďŝŶŐΘ'ĂƐ • All Gas Fitting ůŽĐŬĞĚƌĂŝŶƐ 0 ,ŽƚtĂƚĞƌ & Servicing • Customer Satisfaction ƵƌƐƚWŝƉĞƐ Guarantee ůĞĂŶΘZĞůŝĂďůĞ • No charge ŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝǀĞZĂƚĞƐ ifwecan’tfixit WĞŶŝƐĐŽƵŶƚƐ Phone ĂůůdLJƌŽŶĞ 0404 835 503 ϬϰϬϰϴϯϱϱϬϯ PL 7980 GF 11268 W>ϳϵϴϬ'&ϬϭϭϮϲϴ www.greenstoneplumbing.com.au Call Tom 9339 2562 0418 902 246 plaster master • all aspects • interior & exterior • reliable & friendly service • 20 years experience • all work guaranteed • no job too small Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes Flick Mixers • Toilets Gas Installations & Repairs Taps • Kitchens Bathrooms & Renovations All work guaranteed Fully insured - No call out fee Same day emergency service 0405 088 190 or 9437 4688 PL: 7916 GF: 014502 PAINTING SERVICE tony 0415 748 774 PLUMBING CALL GARRET REG: 6 304 PAINTING SERVICE • Professional Service • Quality Products • Competitive Prices MOB: 0413 516 660 REG NO 6740 PAINTING plumbing & gas NO CALL OUT FEE • Hot Water Systems • Leaking Taps • Blocked Drains, Toilets & Pipes • Annoying & Noisy Water Hammer • Anodes • Taps, Pans & Cistern • Water Filters • Gas Bayonets • Water Saving Devices GUARANTEED Same Day Service for Emergencies 9335 1552 GAS 10208 PL 6703 Matthew’s Riverside Plumbing & Gas Painting Services Reasonable prices. Good discounts for pensioners. Work guaranteed. FREE QUOTES COMMERCIAL LAUNDRY 20% OFF Ph/Fax 9434 6405 glenn@glennturnerpainter.com.au glennturnerpainter.com.au WAYNE WEBB’S 0402 326 326 468 0402 Anton Birch cert. hort. • Termite Treatments • Inspections • Ants • Fleas • Cockroaches • Spiders • Bees • Rats & Mice 0415 940 607 0408 934 039 Specialist in landscape design and construction • brickpaving • lawns • retaining walls • reticulation • diamond core drilling REG. PRACTITIONER 6519 CONTRACTOR 7859 LOCKSMITH Quality Security Guaranteed DINGO MINI-EARTHMOVER OPERATOR Friendly service, quality job with old fashioned values. Over 25 Years of Experience 0424 175 568 Call David A.B. Landscapes QUALIFIED HORTICULTURIST Residential & Commercial interior/ ex terior neat & tidy free q uotes ALL PAVING All aspects of Landscaping • limestone work • paving • lawn & synthetic lawn • planting schemes PLUMBING ASHTON’S On time & on budget Touchstone Landscaping PEST CONTROL GIVE PESTS THE OLD HEAVE HO! To advertise phone today on FOR FREE QUOTES CALL AARON Steve 0404 001 323 9434 1547 PAINTING Reg. No. 2390 For all your painting requirements. hone Bob or a R T RN: 7318 0434 493 537 colourific painting contractors Established 1984 Reg # 3284 Accredited Dulux Painter Proud employer of an apprentice. Phone Bruce 0418 928 456 bruce@colourificpainting.com.au www.colourificpainting.com.au PERGOLAS QUALITY OUTDOOR IMPROVEMENTS Custom Design and Construction in Pergolas, Patios, A Frames, Gables, Carports, Alfresco & Gazebos, Resheeting & Timber Decking Cedar Lining FREE QUOTES Contact Wayne 0407 864 984 John Fox PLUMBING GASFITTING Hot Water Installs + Service All Gas Appliances + Bayonets Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes Renovations • Retic Cut Ins Back Flow Prevention Local, Honest and Reliable • No Call Out Fee • Police Cleared • All Work Guaranteed PL 6067 GF 4483 Phone Christian 0412 137 747 ALL AREAS - ONE HOUR SERVICE Lic.No.PL7618 Call your Local Friendly Jim’s Plumber Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes ot Water nits • asfitting Toilets - Taps 1300 133 509 24 Hours - 7 Days 10% Discount Off Labour* * Offer ex cludes Call-out Fee & Parts All plumbing fixed & no call out fee IF WE CAN’ T FIX IT WE DON’ T CHARGE YOU ! PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE Mobile: 0421 981 528 PL: 6901 GF: 8742 All Class Plum bing and Gas PL 7 5 1 5 G F 0 1 3 3 4 4 Sewer Conversion. Sewer Junction Cut-in. H.W.S. Repair & Install 24 Hour Emergency H.W. All at com petitive prices 24 hours em ergency work 10% discount for pensions 0422 67 3 7 66 • h ot water systems • blocked drains • leaking toilets • gas appliances • leaking taps • burst pipes Clean, Tidy, Courteous with Quality Work Guaranteed 10% PENSIONER DISCOUNT 0401 939 332 P Property Plumbing & Gas Pty Ltd PL 7 9 7 1 G F0 1 5 7 2 8 trades. serv ic es@ f remantleherald. c om herald PLUMBING ROOF PLUMBING PLUMBING & GAS ISSUES? ROOF PLUMBING & RIDGE CAPPING Let us solve your problems... DHM Plumbing & Gas Services • Hot water units installed, serviced & maintained • All types of taps serviced & installed • Water & gas leaks rectified • Drains unblocked • Toilet pans, cisterns serviced & installed • Alterations & renovations • Solar hot water units serviced & maintained • Back flow prevention devices serviced & installed • No call out fees SAME T DAY HO ! • All work guaranteed WATER • Police clearance • Friendly, courteous & we keep all appointments • Payment on completion Tony 0415 175 009 dhmplumbingandgas@hotmail.com www.dhmplumbing.com.au PL 7883 - GL 012815 EW 150987 ABN 54218337759 Payments by EFTPOS, CASH, EFT & Major Credit Cards Gutters, Extra Downpipes, Valleys, Roofs, HP Cleaned • Ridgecaps repointed • Broken Tiles replaced • Overflow spouts Fast service, Free quotes, all work guaranteed ROOFING Specialised Outdoor Services All Roof Replacements & Maintenance GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR Building Licence # 13954 9433 1077 The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM AAA Acton Roofing • ALL ROOF REPAIRS & LEAKS Tile/Tin/Asbestos • GUTTERS & DOWNPIPES Clean/Repair/Replace • ROOF COATING & CLEANING • SKYLIGHTS/ROOF VENTS Free Quotes Pensioner Discounts ROOFING ROOF & WALL DOCTOR 15 Year R A Guarantee TH S 2 Men - Large Truck 20 yrs experience 0458 872 333 To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 TILE–IRON–ASBESTOS RE-ROOFING COLORBOND/ZINCALUME ROOF RESTORATIONS TH R S TH R S LL GAL PROTECTIVE COATINGS R S S CLEANING – POINTING your re roo is more than inc GST your re roo n Com any must be a Re istered Buildin Com any This means Licenced ith The Builders Re istration Board Old Tiles Iron Asbestos 9430 6553 Govt. Sreg. 4146L 23 Years Experience MemberNSTALL Master Builders Colorbond, Zincalume Skylights, Whirly Birds Insulation, Gutters Tile Roof Restoration 16 Essex St, Fremantle roo and alldoc com au WorkSafe Asbestos Demolition Lic Builders Registration Number 13172 Cockburn Roofing Service A Q UALITY RETICULATION SERVICES WINTER SPECIALS New Installations, Add-Ons, Services & Repairs Including Replacing Control Boxes, Solanoids etc. Call now for prompt & professional services 0414 097 538 ALLWEST BORES & RETICULATION repairs to submersible & centrifugal bores installation of new bores and wells reticulation installations & repairs Call now for a free quote Mob: 0406 763 676 FLEXI CEMENT Q FR RIDGECAPPING UOT EE ES • Roofcoating • Reroofing tiles & tin • Gutters & Downpipes • Pensioner discounts + Fix leaks 9337 1601 24 Hours Mob 0409 105 559 Quality Work GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 RUBBISH REMOVALS ALL WORK GUARANTEED • Ridgecapping Specialists • Gutters & Downpipes • Leaks/Reroofing • Install Gutter Guard & Whirly Birds • All types of roof maintenance Leon 0403 184 723 RETICULATION M: 0421 439 229 T: 9414 1112 www.abtrees.com.au amily o ned o erated ully uali ed ully insured All as ects o tree ork ree uotes ulch sales Andre Ben D L I U B UR BUSINESS! YO cockburnroofing@bigpond.com.au Ring a Bin 2,3 & 4m bins. All bins with ramps. Friendly local owner/operator. Phone Leo. Pay by Cards, Cash or EFT 9314 1222 0418 940 121 TRENCHBUSTERS PTY LTD S • gutters • downpipes • roof leaks • asbestos removal • reroofing All work guaranteed Fully Qualified Tradesmen Only Ron: 0403 842 218 TH RN B NS • 2+10 Cubic Meter Skip Bins • Environmentally Friendly • Rapid Response • Competitive Rates • Fully Insured • Bobcats & Excavators • Hiab & Tail Lift Trucks e Place ins here Others Can t AH southernbins com au Fax: 9434 6221 Email: swanriverroofing@live.com.au SOAKWELLS ROOF SOAKWELLS All aspects of Drainage & CARPENTER Stormwater Management All aspects of Carpentry • pergolas • second story additions •extentions • re-roofing Dean 0413 057 979 SERVICE WITH A SMILE Shower Shower Regrouting Regrouting STOP WATER LEAKING THROUGH WALLS USING RESISTANT ADDITIVES. PHONE TREVOR OR EUNICE ROSS 9364 6352 6352 0419 915 459 Established since 1986 Estabished since Downpipes, Driveways, Spoon Drains, etc. We also repair existing soakwells and brickpaving. For advice and recommendations call Deane 0418 906 735 www.pavedrain.com.au P hone 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 7 F ax 9 4 3 0 7 7 2 6 ALL PALMS & TREES PRUNED, SHAPED OR REMOVED • Discount Stump Grinding • Cheap Mulch Sales • Pensioner Discounts • Western Power Licensed FULLY EQUIPPED, INSURED & EXPERIENCED FREE QUOTES & ADVICE Nigel Williams 830 775 FRANK’S ROOFING reception@f llpress re.com.a TERRY’S REMOVALS $105 per hour+ GST (Main Floor & Bathroom) TREE SERVICES (Pensioner Discount) 9498 7970 0427 316 602 0458 883 333 Client 1/435 Yangebup Rd, Cockburn Central icensed o nstall er ice epair OC OUT ll ns red a a ment ption www.cockburnremovals.com.au Tiler Direct www.sos-services.com.au as nstallations Two Men and Truck 7 DAYS A WEEK & SHORT NOTICE DIRECT IMPORT & LAY 0427 502 214 CALL PHIL HOT WATER SYSTEMS TOILET SUITES • LEAKING TAPS GAS FITTING INSTALLATIONS BACK FLOW PREVENTION Experienced Removalists • Wall & Floor Tiling • New & Renovations • Good price, High Quality • Package offers available Liam 0412 REMOVALS TILING We service Govt. schools in Roof Works. PL 8699 GF 011902 perts n Plum in trades& serv ic es 0416 356 359 Wall & Floor Tiling Specialist Ceramic - Porcelain All Natural Stone Re-Grouting • Quality Assured 30 Years Experience Free Quotes Tim Holland 0416 974 195 To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 TREE SERVICES OWEN’S TREE SERVICE • Est. East Frem. 1982 • Fully Insured • Pensioner discounts • Free quote GET 2 ADS FREE! NEW TRADIES! To find out how you can get 8 weeks for the cost of 6 phone the Herald today on 9430 7727 WALLS ROOF & WALL DOCTOR BRICK & BRICK & LIMESTONE LIMESTONE RISING DAMP DAMP FRETTING MORTAR FRETTING MORTAR TUCKPOINTING TUCKPOINTING BRICKS REPOINTED OLD RENDER REMOVED LIMESTONE REPOINTED LIMESTONE REPOINTED HERITAGE RESTORATION HERITAGE RESTORATION 9430 6553 9430 6553 Govt. reg. 4146 23 Years Experience 23 Years Experience Member Master Builders Call your local contractor Builders Registration Number 13172 9339 6645 0421 118 704 WASHER & DRYER Owen Ritson A1 WASHER REPAIRS • Trees & palms trimmed or removed • Stump grinding • Western Power approved • Free Quotes • Pensioner Rates • Fully Insured Jon 9331 1728 0438 942 346 • Repairs to most makes of washer & dryers • In home repairs • 12 months guarantee • Senior citizen’s discounts SEC Lic. 0409 088 832 WINDOW CLEANING KENT’S TREE SERVICE Stump Grinding • over 25 yrs exp • fully insured • free quotes & advice • removal or verge pick-up “Service is our Motto” THE “TREE GP” NOW AVAILABLE FOR TREE SURGERY Kent 0411 284 833 When You Need Your Trees Trimmed, Pruned, Shaped or Removed - Call: We Do It All - Then We Clean Up No Mess Guaranteed! 0415 900 932 www.thetreefirm.com.au Introducing an exciting new Herald feature exclusively for Trades & Service advertisers. In a busy market it’s becoming more and more important for your business to stand out. Be seen in thousands of newspapers letterbox delivered each week to your target market by taking part in our new monthly “Business Builder” feature designed just for you. Reserve your space today - only one spot available for each category. Here’s what you get: • An 8cm high by 13cm wide panel appearing in your choice of areas • A 100 word advertorial • A photograph of you & your team Check out the example below Choose your areas Fremantle Herald & Cockburn City Herald Melville City Herald North & South Perth Voice East & West Book 4 weeks AVANTI BONUS! and get 1 week FREE WINDOW CLEANING RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Fully Insured Police Clearance Reliable & Efficient Attention to Detail PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Alex Doran 0414 797 712 GET MORE VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR The Herald is now ONLINE! Now your potential customers have more ways to see your ad and contact you. WWW.FREMANTLE HERALD.COM For more information contact Natalie Hug on 9430 7727 CARPENTRY Men at work NOW is a great time to insulate your home – and you might not have to pay a cent towards it. The Australian Government is providing a rebate of up to The $1600 for the installation of ceiling insulation in homes built before 2003 (and which aren’t already insulated). The rebate will generally cover the cost of insulating the The average suburban home, meaning most people won’t be out of pocket at all. The Australian Government will only provide rebates if The Registered Installers are used: Locally, Roofing Roofing 2000 is one of these installers Hardy’s Handyman Services phone: 0400 000 000 email: hardys@email.com trades. serv ic es@ f remantleherald. c om The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 - Page 13 NOTICEBOARD WHAT’S ON • CLASSES • ACTIVITIES • SPIRITUAL SERVICES • SUPPORT GROUPS AIKIDO Wed’s 7.30 - 9.00pm Sat’s 9 -10.30am @ Fremantle PCYC, 32a Paget St Hilton. Info: Web: www.aikidowa.org David 0428 536 835 AUSTRALIAN ICON FRANKE DAVIDSON in Cabaret at the Fremantle Workers Club, 9 Henry St, this Sunday May 18th at 3pm. Dancing from 1.30pm to RePlay the band. Tickets only $10 members $15 guests in advance from the Club or Bodkins Bootery. $20 on the door. Tel: 93351840 freoworkers@ bigpond.com Website: www.freoworkers.net BRAHMA KUMARIS MEDITATION 7-8pm Tuesdays. 42 Gylde St, East Fremantle. 0499 310 302 by donation CRAFTERNOON TEA - every Tuesday 12.302.30pm at Yangebup Family Centre, BYO craft projects or do a set class and join others for 2 hours of child free fun and afternoon tea cost is $5 and creche is available for $2.50 per child. Enquiries call Ann 0421 482 578 FUN & HEALTH. Join us for Hydrotherapy. Melville Aquatic Centre. Fridays 12 noon. ualified physio. Private health cover, full rebate. Auriel Downs 9523 1052 JAZZ FREMANTLE Lazy River Jazz Band. Sunday 25 May, 4 – 7pm. Navy Club, 64 High Street, Fremantle. Visitors: $20 Enquiries: 9330 3491. Sponsor: HEALTHWAY – Act-Belong-Commit www.jazzfremantle.com.au MEDITATION AND SACRED SONG, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of month, 7pm, beginners and experienced welcome, Hamilton Hill, gold coin donation, Susan and David, 9494 2079 ROCKINGHAM SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCERS. We dance Thursday evening @ 7-30 till 9- 30 pm at Wanliss St, Scout Hall Rockingham. You don’t have to be Scottish or need a partner. For info phone Margaret on 9528 2597 or Cathy on 9592 4987 SING SING SING Groups and individual lessons choir. Melville and Fremantle. Beginners welcome. Call Joanna 9339 5631 SINGERS WANTED PEPPERMINT is a new, small SATB choir under the direction of Coralie Kan. We sing a mix of songs including pop, ballads, folk and jazz. We rehearse in a relaxed casual atmosphere as we sing for fun and enjoyment first and foremost, as well as to become better singers and make great music. We are currently looking for sopranos, tenors and basses who have some singing experience to join us twice a month on Sunday afternoons at our venue 10 minutes by freeway-south from Perth. If you would like to give it a try please call Clive on 0414 263 493 STOCK ROAD SENIORS - Bingo every Wednesday afternoon at 1.00p.m. The club has other activities for people interested please ring Judy 9339 7878 TARTAN SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING group meets Monday 1:30pm-3pm at Waylen Bay Scout Hall, The Strand, Applecross, Monday 8-9:30pm at the Uniting Church, corner Banksia & Green St, Joondanna and Thursday 7:30pm-9:30pm at St Stephen’s, corner Mackenzie & Kishorn Rd, Applecross. All welcome- no partners required. For More info, ph Dawn 0414 859 393 or Christine 0407 672 528 TENNIS…Come and join us at Cockburn Tennis Club. Recreation Rd, Hamilton Hill. Lessons with AJ 0450 965 399. Email: tennisclubcockburn@gmail. com or 0478 113 253 WORKSHOPS “How to Fundraise and Get Grants” 24th May at Notre Dame University, Fremantle with Keith Whelan: “The Grants Guy” Book www.trybooking.com/eosp or 0428 538 761. Great for all those trying to raise funds. Presented by CINI Australia WOULD YOU LIKE TO… Speak with poise and confidence, Develop leadership skills, and communicate more effectively in your business and personal life? Come to a meeting at Victoria Quay Toastmaster club at Fremantle Bowling Club, Ellen Street, Fremantle, in Fremantle Park, from 6 pm to 7.30 pm every Wednesday. For more info: Phone 0401 011 212 or 0406 782 795 or visit: www.toastmastersvq.ne HERALD NOTICEBOARD spread the word. Write (to PO Box 85 North Fremantle, 6159), drop (at 41 Cliff St, Freo), fax (9430 7726) or email (news fremantleherald.com) but please do not phone. Please keep your notices short and to the point (we reserve the right to cut free notices). Deadline is noon Tuesday. To see more Noticeboards go to www.fremantleherald.com ☛ UP TO 93,600 copies from just $13 per ad in the Herald Classifieds email your classies to news@fremantleherald.com 1-12 words for just $13 For every extra 4 words add $2 Booking deadline 12 noon Tuesday Page 14 - The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 herald CHILDCARE EXPERT SERVICES EXPERT SERVICES QUALIFIED Child Carer/ teacher. Caring, own child. $70 p/d. Susan 0401 210 669 PLEASE call Mana on 0474 137 408 for professional cleaning services. For all types of properties - houses, units. Please call to book in a time and date IRONING service pick up and return. Maximum 20 items $40. Additional items $2 each. PH: 0439 942 994 COMPUTERS COMPUTER repair, good rates, reliable, experienced, call 9313 8112, 0401 330 230 WHY Trust your computer to any old back yard computer person? Are you looking for service you can trust? Bentech Computers have been in Fremantle for 10 years providing friendly helpful knowledge and experience to all our valued clients. We can help with all of your home and office computer needs ranging from PC’s & Laptops to network and broadband setup. Can’t make it down to us? Bentech Computers can come to you and provide the same level of quality & customer service that we offer in our shop but in the comfort of your home or office. Whether you’re after a new computer or just advice on choosing an internet provider we are always here & happy to help. Bentech Computers 100 Wray Ave, Fremantle. Ph 9430 9243 EXPERT SERVICES ARCHITECT. Approachable, practical, prompt. Award winner. Affordable design service. Yes, different. Patrick Healey (R1008) 9499 1888 BOOKKEEPING NKJJ Services. Data Entry, Rec’n MYOB, Quickbooks nkjjservices@optusnet.com.au Jenny 0407 927 183 BOOKKEEPING. Registered BAS agent. Efficient, effective and accurate, with a hands on approach. Over 22 years exp in bookkeeping/ admin, 11+ MYOB, Xero and Reckon exp. All accounting services provided. Please call Antonella at AV Bookkeeping 0404 842 483 or email info@ avbookkeeping.com.au BRICKLAYER 1st class. Small, medium jobs. 9335 4715 or 0400 505 302 BUILDER - Professional builder specialising in all renovation work, all insurances and quality assured work. Ablewestconstruction.com.au Brent 0407 928 538 BUILDING additions, granny flats, new homes. Practical, stylish, affordable design service. Save with our owner builder help or builder tenders. Patrick Healey, Architect (1008) 9499 1888 or 0412 956 967 BUILDING Renovations & home maintenance, walls removed, windows, kitchens, patios, pergolas. Ph Ray 0417 947 943 rayhatton1150@ gmail.com BUSINESS CARETAKERS Need a break? Got an emergency? Need instant help? 0402 815 005 www. businessmindersperth.com.au BW ROOF Plumbing: re-gutter, downpipes, roof leaks, new and old houses. Phone Benn 0433 694 266 CARPENTER 15 years experience Award Winning specialised carpenter/ all rounder. Call Chris for a quote 0428 721 284 CARPENTER, Handyman, Multi-skilled, Renovator. 25 years local experience. Repairs specialist Matt 0423 426 202 CARPET & Vinyl layer, repairs & re-stretching. Call Dave 0409 666 062 CARPET A Cleaning, specialising in steam injection deep cleaning. Choice magazine preferred method. Quick drying. 0438 411 208 CLEANER - Vicky’s Green Clean 0401 009 518. Enthusiastic, energetic and reliable home and office cleaning using environmentally friendly products and practices. Perfect for the eco motivated and ideal for those with chemical sensitivities, asthma & allergies CLEANER Exp. Ref. Iron. All jobs house. 0449 977 180 CLEANER - Friendly, reliable and efficient home and window cleaning. Regular and vacate cleans. Police cleared. Call Prema 0421 128 220 CLEANERS Domestic Cleaning. Regular house cleaning. Commercial office cleaning. Husband & Wife operated. 0430 806 868 CLEANING Home Cleaning Fast and Efficient two women team. Reasonable rates. Call Ariel & Kali 0449 639 646 or 0412 784 240 ABSOLUTELEE Clean. Commercial, residential, 20 years experience. 0487 049 520 EXECUTIVE Cleaning offers Home and Office cleaning. Weekly, f/nightly, one-offs, vacates, casual. Enjo Homes Welcome. Now also offering organise and declutter services. Call 0414 663 499 CLEANING with a Sparkle. Reliable & experienced home cleaning. Police clearance available. Please call Jasmin 0457 332 871 CONCRETE For all your concrete requirements 0419 912 936 CURTAIN Making, Tracks, Pelmets, Swags. Call 9498 7260 DRESSMAKING Alterations. Babs Fashion Design. All occasions bridal/ evening wear, school balls, casual day wear. 9437 3718 DRESSMAKING /Alterations, Experienced. Hilton, Sylvie 9337 5690 FENCING Replace repair all types fencing, gates and welding. Amir 0401 962 511 FREO PICKET Fences. Made to order on-site by qualified tradesman. No prefab. Choose your own style. All joins securely fastened with screws. Jim 0417 096 732 GARDEN & Reticulation Maintenance. Free quotes. Planting, mulching, pruning, weeding, hedging, mowing. Gutters & outdoor area clean-ups. Rubbish removal. Damian 0437 318 304 GARDEN designs and makeovers of ageing gardens. Native plant specialist. Small jobs okay. Maintenance – weeding, pruning, planting, mulching. Certificate IV Horticulture. Mary-Ann 9316 9716 GARDEN Rescue Service Back Working. Weeding Pruning Removal of Trees Bushes. Green area cleanups sorted. Help to rationalise maintenance procedures. Ring Phil anytime 0417 966 277 GARDENER/ HANDYMAN. Weeding, Pruning, Retic. etc. Cheap rates, reliable. 9418 5271 GARDENING All Aspects of Landscape/Gardening, new gardens, planting and mulching, new lawns, retic, garden maintenance, free quotes, Adam 0417 916 198 GARDENING Occasional / regular, yards cleaned. Garden Design/Makeover. Applex to Freo. Pauls Gardens 0407 988 967 GATES Repair or replace. All type gates. Pool gate, Metal and wood. Amir 0401 962 511 GUTTERS and downpipes cleaned thoroughly by Sam 0431 993 152 GUTTERS Free roof inspection with every gutter clean. Pensioner Discount 9433 1077 HANDYMAN All South Handyman. Welding, gates, fences, all metal work, built/ repaired. Soakwells, paving, painting and decking. No job too small. Call Amir 0401 962 511 HOME maintenance. Light construction and repair. Handyman. Decks, pergolas, carports, sheds, fences, gates etc. Interior and Ikea. ualified tradesman. Freo resident. Pensioner discount. Jim 0417 096 732. INDEPENDENT inspections and reports, document reviews, design, energy efficiency, ownerbuilder assistance. Tel: 9316 0186 or email admin@ archistruct.com.au for free quote IRONING Same day service pickup and drop off provided. $25 per 12 items. Mon - Fri Jen 0410 945 500 LANDSCAPE Gardener. Need help to re-style your garden or choose the right plants. Would you like to DIY but need some Garden Design ideas. Call Sharon Attadale Garden Stylist 0432 461 432 LAWNCARE, we save them, we resurrect them, we mow them, we maintain them, reliably, ethically, with integrity and all at a reasonable cost, using 10 years of experience and the best equipment and products available. If you deserve the best, you should call us on 0406 394 329. ChrisCB Lawncare LEAFLET Distribution made easy. Call the Herald and we’ll do the rest. Target particular suburbs; we can handle any size distribution. Just pick up the phone & dial 9430 7727 and ask for Marie King PAINTING Services. Painter with 10 years experience. $25 per hour, you supply everything. Save your dollar. Call Andrew. 0439 371 165 PLUMBING & Gas, gutters and down pipes PL7409 GF 7917. Phone 0406 352 020 or 9330 4312 PROFESSIONAL Organiser. Declutter, Organise, Simplify your home, office or life. Need some help? Susan Deeley at your service. $50 hr, 0433 364 654 RESUME Do you need help with a resume call Sue 9414 6128 ROOF Leaks, gutters all repairs. Ins/reg roof plumber/ carpenter. 30y exp. Ph Mike 0408 913 338 ROOF Plumbing, Extra Downpipes and or Overflows. Good prices and pensioner Discounts. Ron 0408 958 323 ROOFING All roof replacements and roof maintenance. Pensioner Discount 9433 1077 RUBBISH Removed. Large or small loads 7 days. Ph 9457 3323 or 0419 918 928 JUNK Removal. All shed, house and yard junk removed. Geoff 0414 694 656 SECRETARIAL Services, Highly qualified and experienced Jan 9332 6456 SEWING Cushion covers for home, boat, van, mattresses etc. Fabrics avail. Foam Sales 9330 1199 TILE/GROUT Cleaning using latest technology. Bring tiles back like new! 0438 411 208 WALL and Floor Tiler. ualified Tradesman All Aspect of Wall and Floor Tiling. Specialising in Bathroom Renovations. John 0424 263 060 TILING Specialist. Renovations, waterproofing, leaks, bathroom, kitchen. Friendly service. All types of jobs welcome. Free quote. Jeff 0403 258 621 WILLS And Probate. Experienced Solicitor. Friendly advice. Reasonable fee. FITZLAW 9337 3852 mob 0401 199 372 jf fitzlaw.com.au WINDOW Cleaning. Also Available weekends. 2 storey specialist. Call Jamie 0438 382 345 WINDOW Cleaning. Professional, Police Cleared, Insured, Local. Adam or Melanie 9310 7340/ 0419 968 811 WINDOW CLEANING: Professional, friendly & reliable window cleaning. Residential & commercial properties. Interior & exterior. Call 0411 554 432 for free quote FOR SALE BED Overlays. Thick premium quality. More comfort, less aches and pains. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd, Booragoon 9330 1199 herald classifieds oo in deadline noon esda s news@fremantleherald.com c lassif ieds FOR SALE DRESSING table, cabriole legs, 3 mirrors, 6 drawers, excellent quality: $150 & Leather armchair, matching ottoman, as new, bone colour, very comfy: $180 & Organ technics, 2 keyboards, stool, very good condition: $90 - Please call 9337 5523 FIREWOOD Split $300 per ton. 0432 848 604 FIREWOOD Split. $80 Trailer Load. $120 delivered. Greater Freo and Cockburn Area. 0420 537 765 FOAM Cushions, mattresses etc cut to size and covered. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd Booragoon 9330 1199 HONEY, Unprocessed honey delivered free in 10x1 kg tubs $70. Austen 9437 1774 HOUSE Lot Quality Furniture Ring 9337 5523 HOUSEHOLD market optionetics dvd/books. Paint weathershield (6) 10lt orcher/ leaf green $200ono the lot. 9339 8586 or 0459 439 678 NEW and pre-loved Designer and quality clothing for women and men. Silver Linings Fashion, Shop 4, Westgate Mall, Cantonment St, Fremantle (opposite Woolstores) 0430 475 682 PACKING Boxes from $1.85, paper, bubble wrap, robes. Can deliver. 9417 2000 PELMET Boxes. $25/meter made to order, DIY cover. Foam Sales 82 Norma Rd Booragoon 9330 1199 WAREHOUSE Close Down Sales on exceptionally high quality European Cookware (Mauviel 1830 and Gastrolux) and accessories. All items must go. From 19th to 22nd May only 9.00 am to 2.00 pm at Unit 5 No. 49 Biscayne Way, Jandakot. Email: sales@ eliteimports.com.au GARAGE SALE GARAGE Sale Saturday 17th May. Furniture, kitchen gear, linen and bric a brack. 103 Rome Road, Melville. Not before 9am HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION HOLIDAY House for rent Pemberton/Northcliff area. Ideal for couples/families. Peaceful bushland with walks. 0417 940 261 LOST & FOUND FOUND Budge on 4th May at the Herald. Young Male, green and yellow. If it is yours, call 0410 273 834 LOST White Gold Solid Bracelet in Fremantle Sat May 10th. Has side opening clasp and three purple stones. 0423 113 976 MARRIAGE CELEBRANTS ANNE Roberts Registered Celebrant. Beautiful ceremonies designed the way you want. Ph 9335 6063 / 0431 945 645 PETS CLIPPER Dog Clipping and Hydrobath and Blow Drying. 0411 705 246 DOG Walking and pet feeding, quality 1on1 service, 0412 664 032 www.megansdogwalking. com PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS, Events, Business. Contact James 0414 451 957. Check website jameskerrphotography.com and Facebook PUBLIC NOTICES ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, want to drink? That’s your business. Want to stop? That’s ours. Ring all hours 9325 3566 office, Michael 0418 904 102, Lisa 0404 926 367 SHARED ACCOMMODATION PALMYRA Double room with ensuite $250pw incl bills. Convenient location suit mature non smoker. Share with 1 other. 0432 111 314 SHORT TERM RENTALS BEACH Cottage, 2 Bed, Furnished. South Fremantle $500 PW. 26 May - 25 June 2014. 0437 726 459 SITUATIONS VACANT DRIVER with a van wanted to deliver Thursdays (North of the River) and Fridays (South of the River). Need police clearance. Call Marie at the Herald on 9430 7727 FEMALE & Male Model 1860yrs Wanted. We are seeking models between the age of 18-60 for Glamour modelling. Successful models will be offered print/calendar/video assignments. Please note that you should be at least 18 years to apply. Please Email us for more information on esqnelsoon@gmail.com PART Time - Food Van Delivery Driver. We are seeking a mature minded and experienced driver to deliver cakes in the metro area. You will need to be able to demonstrate: 1. Excellent time management skills, 2. Professional and mature attitude to confidentiality, 3. Experience in driving manual food delivery van, 4. Ability to lift 10 to 15 kilo containers, 5. Good written & Verbal communications. Please send resume to: info@ thecakeandcookieco.com.au WANTED live in baby sitter, reliable, honest, experienced, first aid certificate. Pol. clearance. Good rates. Call 9313 8112, 0401 330 230 WANTED live in carer, honest, caring attitudes, carer certificates, call 9313 8112, 0401 330 230 TO LET EAST Fremantle. 2 Bedrooms, Full renovated, partly furnished, open garden, ground floor, private parking. Available Mon 05/05/2014. $380 p/w, negotiable. 0421 519 960 PLEASANT Professional office/ consulting room in existing practice. East parking and 24/7 ground floor access. Located in a small shopping complex in Beaconsfield. 0418 928 028 TWO treatment rooms available in established professional and friendly Fremantle health clinic. Work alongside chiropractic, podiatry, psychology and nutrition. Suit remedial massage, Bowen, OT, acupuncture, speech therapist etc. Furnished or unfurnished. Contact Morgan for more details 9433 6538 TUITION AAA To Infinity Tutor. Mathematics (inc. 3AB, 3CD and Specialist Math), Physics, and Engineering tuition in your home. Specialising in Years 10 to year 12, WACE, University and TAFE. Focusing on clear explanations, problem solving and exam preparation. Experienced, professional and dedicated tutor. Phone Denton 0425 898 598 or 9418 7703 MATHEMATICS, Physics, Engineering, y8-10, TEE. ualified Female Teacher 15yrs experience. Suravi 0402 447 584 MATHS, Physics, chemistry tutor, 35 years experienced, approachable. comes to you 0409 036 498 WANTED TO BUY BOXES Removal type. Cash paid. Will pick up depending on quantity/location. 9417 5234 TOOLS, China, bric/brac, antiques, records, books, jewellery, clocks, H/hold goods. Cash paid. Sheds, garages, cleared out, deceased estates. Call SHEDBUSTERS 9337 3953 or 0414 451 203 WOMEN’S & men’s new / pre-loved designer clothing & accessories. Silver Linings Fashion, Shop 4, Westgate Mall, Cantonment St, Fremantle (opposite Woolstores) 0430 475 682 BY OPENING THE DOOR TO US, YOU’RE HELPING US OPEN THE DOOR TO OTHERS. To donate by credit card, call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit salvationarmy.org.au RED SHIELD APPEAL CAROLINA Allen CMC simple ceremonies to suit you. Ph 0409 291 616 NORMAN W. DeTracy registered marriage celebrant. 9494 2497 or 0458 941 444 MUSICAL EXPERIENCED Male and Female DJs. Weddings, corporate, birthdays, any occasions. Call Chris for a quote on 0428 721 284. Find us at Liquid Culture DJs on Facebook GUITAR Lessons, easy going teacher 20 yrs exp. Simple method. I Come 2u. 0439 597 507 PIANO Tuner. Professional tuning services offered. Regular tuning $165. Call Ronald 0416 065 983 SERENATA Strings. Classical quartet or trio for weddings, functions or parties. Email hug1@iinet.net.au Call Hans 9335 6980 evenings THE Guitar Teacher. Personalised tuition from experienced tutor/ performer. Individual or group lessons. Some mobile lessons. Phone Larry 0410 717 093 WE’RE NOW ON FACEBOOK Join the Herald on Facebook & be the first to read exclusive editorial content, enter weekly competitions and discover promotional offers for your business. You can also have your say on local issues and articles published in your printed or online edition of the Herald. Do you live in or around any of these areas? Spearwood 61 herald Spearwood 68 AYURVEDA AND YOGA WELLNESS CENTRE. Panchakarma is a series of detoxifying, balancing and nourishing therapies done at the change of Seasons. Release toxins and old molecules of emotions at the cellular level. For bookings contact Leah 9331 5999 / 0438 693 855 www.yogavedawellness.com Spearwood 68A Coogee 200 ABUNDANCE Life Coaching. “Regain your Personal Power and Create desired Success & Happiness”. Life Coaching, Energy Healing, NLP, Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis, Intuitive Development Groups, Meditation Groups, Inspirational Speaking. Ph Catherine 0408 563 746 or visit www. soulabundance.com ACUPUNCTURE incorporating ENAR microcurrent, light / colour therapy. Effective for pain, stress relief, mood and hormonal regulation. Practitioner with 25 years clinical experience. Ph Maniisha Bluntschli on 0437 968 277 Willagee 76D Kardinya 77A Willagee 76E Kardinya 78 ART Therapy. Connecting to your Inner Awareness. Finding new understandings, solutions, healing. Elspeth 0410 853 441. Cottesloe BODYWORK NEW. Body mind - spirit healing, innovative & integrative new healing approach combining latest knowledge of Bodywork with ancient healing. Alleviates pain & tension, processes depression, anxiety & trauma. Re-aligns body for greater flexibility. Restores health, Harmony and assists with personal direction/vision. De-Stress Health. Call Sharon: 0448 267 303 BOWEN THERAPY Winthrop 81 Winthrop 81A BOWEN Therapy is a gentle yet dynamic form of bodywork that has great success in treating muscle & soft tissue injuries. In particular, neck, shoulder, back, sciatic, leg, knee & ankle pain. Also great for pregnancy, fatigue & general wellness. ‘Treat Yourself to Better Health through Bowen Therapy.’ Health Rebates Apply. Ph: Laura 9433 6538 BOWEN Therapy is an effective technique to treat conditions relating to the back, neck and all types of injury. Lyn Sellwood has over 20 years experience in the industry and has relocated her practice to Lifecare Melville Physiotherapy, 15 Maddox Crescent, Melville. Ph: 0409 118 173 for an appointment. Health Fund Rebates apply To advertise email the Herald news@fremantleherald.com Murdoch 83A Leeming 102B mind BOWEN, MASSAGE, REIKI, ORTHO-BIONOMY. Get relief from pain and relax at The Healing Touch. 25 yrs exp. Non sexual PH. Kerrelee 0401 171 957 ATTENTION: Introducing Maureen Ives, Accredited Mental Health Clinician, of Integrated Family Counselling at Fremantle Health, 5 Shuffrey Street, Fremantle. Maureen has expertise working with families and individuals from the ante natal and post natal period through to adulthood. For an appointment Phone 9.30 - 4 p.m. Monday to Friday 9433 6538 or 0450 343 808 CONSCIOUS COUNSELLING Way of the Heart. Are you ready for ‘the shift forward’? This professional and compassionate assistance evokes insight, self empowerment and transformation. Christine Farrell Grad Dip Counselling 0424 433 815 COUNSELLING and Psychotherapy. Creating new ways of thinking and behaving, to make sense of emotional pain and distress. Resolving and managing difficulties in Relationships & all issues of Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Self-confidence, Trauma/Grief. Effective, gentle, confidential. Karin Sephton, nationally accredited Psychotherapist,15 yrs experience, registered clinical member PACAWA/PACFA 21219. Some rebates apply. www.karin-sephton.com 0409 298 727 COUNSELLING and Psychotherapy. Expertise in relationships, depression, anxiety, sexual difficulties, sexual abuse, grief and loss. Confidential and professional, in a safe and comfortable setting. Tel: Emily 0406 076 887 COUNSELLING And support services. Ever Forward Counselling specializing in relationship advice, child/ adolescent and general support. Concession rates and home visits available. 7b Silas St. E Fremantle, www. everforwardcounselling.com or ph: 0452 238 374 EMOTIONAL eating and weight loss help. An easier way to lasting results without strict dieting and exercising www. weightlosstransformed.com Debbie 0417 272 382 HEALING: JOHN OF GOD Crystal bed. Sessions now available. Clears and balances the chakras, aids sleep, relaxation, stress And so much more. Info: john of god crystal bed Ph: 9330 7689 HOMOEOPATHY specializing in women’s hormonal health, children and constitutional treatment for chronic conditions. Ph Maxime on 0403 908 414 HYPNOSIS to give YOU control of your life. Weight Loss, Smoking, Anxiety and many other issues. Phone 9316 9888 for Clinical Hypnotherapist at Medec Health Care. Mbr PHA, ANHR KINESIOLOGY Are you struggling to learn? Stressed? Aches and Pains? Hormones going wild? Allergies and Digestive issues? Call Karole 0411 798 454. Health Rebates may be available body LOW Energy, Stressed, Not Sleeping? There is a simple safe solution that works. www. healthylivingnaturally.com.au/ energise 0417 272 382 MANUAL therapy for innards and gizzards, liver and kidneys, bladder and prostate. This can ease musculoskeletal and post surgical etc issues. Jan 0431 740 339 BSc Dip APM Dip Ref AccMbr AMT MASSAGE Amazing self healing alleviates stress/ neck/ shoulder/ back, tension/ pain/ migraines. Zen shiatsu therapeutic massage. Trained in Japan. Non sexual. Elspeth 0410 853 441 MASSAGE AYURVEDIC Yoga. Available in Fremantle. Phone Sucha 0411 127 778 body riches massage & spa centre FREMANTLE’S leading specialists in remedial massage. Open 7 days. Specialising in: Deep tissue, Trigger point, Injury, Sports. Swedish, Relaxation, Aromatherapy. Pregnancy, Reflexology, Hot stone. Add a signature spa treatment to your massage choice; in our exquisite tropical outdoor spa massage room. We offer: All health fund rebates, Gift vouchers, Double treatment rooms. www. bodyriches.com.au Phone: 6262 2667 or 0409 339 313 REIKI Are you in need of relaxation? Helps overcome emotional difficulties, & physical symptoms. Provide psychic insight (20+ yrs exp.). Hamilton Hill www.callingspirit.com.au Ph: 0402 235 633 MOBILE MASSEUSE Swedish, deep tissue, relaxation, pregnancy massage. Reiki healing. Ph Miranda on 0419 189 496 THAI Healing Massage. Trained therapies with over 12 years experience, specialising in Thai Traditional Healing Massage, Thai herbal Steam and Hot Stone Therapy, Aromatherapy, Sport injury and Relaxing oil massage. Strictly professional service by appointment only. Contact Patcha on 0439 611 410 MASSAGE Professional. Feel the difference. 9316 2587 / 0409 430 245 Christina MASSAGE Relaxing Swedish or deeper remedial in peaceful Spearwod location. $50 1hr/ $70 1.5hrs. Non sexual, Richard 0413 121 429 MASSAGE, Beautiful, relaxing, swedish or strong remedial. In tranquil Palmyra location. $60/ 1 hour or $75/ 1.5 hours. Non sexual. Sara 0423 135 875 MASSAGE: Trade in that old tired wreck or get a tune up. Great results. Jan 0431 740 339 BSc Dip APM Dip Ref AccMbr AMT MASSAGE. Fully recreational and remedial care. 6 days 9:00am - 8:00pm. Fremantle. Lis 0431 291 118 or 6460 6547 spirit With Sudhir NATURAL Health for all ages. Electrical kinesiology, allergy testing, nutritional deficiency testing, chemical, toxin and VLA testing, urine analysis, tongue and nail diagnosis. 100 point health check. Special offer - only $80, 1.5 hours for the price of 1 hour on your first consult. Just present this ad. www.anaturalself.com.au 6191 0318/ 0409 920 689. 156 Rockingham Rd, Hamilton Hill NATUROPATH- Lost your mojo? Helping tired, exhausted people find wellbeing, vitality and enthusiasm, using natural medicine. NHAA and ATMS registered, healingsage.com.au Susan Deeley 0433 364 654 RADIANT Woman Coaching: Shift how you feel about yourself and the gift of being born female. Womanhood, motherhood, midlife, fertility issues, pregnancy, childbirth trauma, sacred feminine spirituality. Call Ishara 0415 593 408. http://radiantly.me REFLEXOLOGY for pain management, hormonal balance, stress relief and more. Reflexology also aids relaxation and restores well-being. Ph Maxime on 0403 908 414 SAND Play Therapy for kids, teens, adults. Words can be too hard sometimes. Jan 0431 740 339 SATSANG. Daily satsang with Vishrant. Visit www.vishrant.org or call Dakini 0438 831 883 for more info TRAUMA (simple or complex) from injury, accident, illness, surgery etc. Be cared for in body and mind therapy for your heart, body, and soul. Jan 0431 740 339 BSc Dip APM Dip Ref AccMbr AMT. IYENGAR yoga, experienced teachers, individual adjustments, beginners to experienced, Air Conditioned Free parking, change rooms Full Class schedule online www. jyoga.com.au 0418 923 791 146 Carrington St O’Connor YOGA And AYURVEDA Wellness Centre. Classes Daily. New early morning class with Gerard Crouze 6:00am-7:30am Mon to Fri. Beginners welcome. Vinyasa, Pregnancy and Restorative Classes also available. Ph Nikki 9433 1018/ 0411 796 354. 75 Wray Ave Fremantle. www. yogavedawellness.com YOGA – Hatha Style – Gentle Exercise with experienced instructor at Samson Recreation Centre - 44 McCombe Avenue Samson - Thursday 12.00pm – 1.30pm - $90/$72 conc. per term – all levels welcome further information call 9331 8040 INDEMNITY & WARRANTY THE HERALD & PERTH VOICE NEWSPAPERS CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE The advertiser (or agent) indemnifies the Company (and its employees and agents) against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising out of or in connection with the publication of the advertisement (including any relating to defamation, malicious falsehood, infringement of copyright, trademark or design, or breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974, the Consumer Credit Code, or the Fair Trading Act 1987) and warrants that publication of the advertisement will not give rise to any legal, equitable or statutory rights against the Company ad will no breach any laws or regulations including the prohibitions relating to advertising in the Trade Practices Act 1974, the Consumer Credit Code, and the Fair Trading Act 1987. All advertisements are accepted on the following terms and conditions: RIGHT TO REFUSE - The Company has the right to refuse to publish or republish any advertisement without giving any reason. If so and you’d like to join the Herald distribution team call Marie King on 9430 7727 Astrology strology A Herald DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY - No liability will be incurred by the Company by reason of any amendment to or error or inaccuracy in, or the partial or total omission of, an advertisement (single or multiple insertion) or by reason of any delay or default or from any other cause whatsoever. If an error occurs which in the opinion of the Company clearly lessens the value of the advertisement and which is in no way the fault of the advertiser and the advertiser notifies the Company of the error prior to the advertisement deadline on the first day the error was published, then a refund will be provided on the cost of the advertisement proportionate to the company’s opinion of its reduced value. ADJUSTMENT AND CLAIMS - The advertiser must notify the Company of any error in the invoice for an advertisement within 30 days from the end of the month in which the advertisement was published. The company will not consider claims for an invoice error lodged outside this period. THE HERALD DOES NOT PUBLISH SEXUAL SERVICE ADVERTISEMENTS. PLEASE RESPECT OUR ADVERTISERS IN YOUR RESPONSES May 17 - May 24, 2014 ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20) The conjunction of Venus and Uranus (love and revolution), is having a seismic effect. Solid structures are rattling in their boots. All sorts of feelings are breaking through. There lies the key. The emotions that life is releasing are essentially expansive. Feel and understand them. TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20) Trust those who are following their feeling, following their intuition. There’s a good chance they are on to something. Don’t give up your own critical reason - and don’t stifle the creative forces that are clearly at play. It’s a balancing act. Your foundations are solid enough. Trust them. GEMINI (May 21 – June 21) Mercury is in Gemini, filling you with beans. This is one of those times when you really can trust your endlessly delighted and curious intelligence. In fact, because of some fortuitous connections to Venus and Uranus, in Aries, you are jumping out of your skin to move things along. CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22) A collection of very strong threads are being woven between all the water signs. This gives you confidence to pursue your passions with gusto. As you move in your power, it’s bound to put the noses of others who think they are in their power, out of joint. Don’t be fazed. Stay clear. LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22) Though you would prefer to be in a more expressive phase in your life, it’s well worth adapting to what is being offered. Expectations always ruin the party. With the Sun in Taurus, life is slowing you down. It is inviting you to drop your quest for a moment. Come to your senses. VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22) Mercury is as flighty as he can be in Gemini. Mercury is your muse. For now he is entering territory that makes you more excitedly nervous rather than inspired. Though your mind is strong, it is your groundedness and pragmatism that makes you shine. Still, let your mind wander. LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23) Venus is being as feisty as one can imagine in Aries. Mars is planted firmly with you in Libra. There are bound to be some interesting goings-on, going on in the realm of relationship. The feminine is adventurously hell-bent on freedom. The masculine is all for peace. Have both. SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21) Life is good. The Taurus Sun is giving you the sense that there really is trustworthy ground beneath your feet. This helps you to stop second-guessing yourself. There is a strong alliance occurring amongst all the water (feeling) signs. Get on with it. Flow where you need to flow. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21) The Moon begins it’s week in Sagittarius. This charges you up with feeling. This could break through into a wave of emotionality, early in the week. There is no escaping emotion and feeling. If it’s not Jupiter in Cancer, it’s something else. Truth is your love. Feeling is where it lies. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19) Life is inexorably breaking the old mould. There is no way to stop the shifts, expansions and changes, that are happening. If the shell doesn’t at some point break, the chicken can never grow into to a full-blooded adult chook. Desist from resistance. Bow to the powers of creation. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Though this is supposed to be a time of contemplation, it’s not easy to be contemplative when one has ants in their pants. The conjunction of Venus and Uranus in Aries, has you jumping. Life is insisting that love and freedom dance together. To figure out how is a journey into maturity. PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) All that is restricting you, is healing you. All that is encouraging you to expand, is also healing you. By accepting that life functions with both an accelerator and a brake, it all starts to make a whole lot more sense. By accepting both as friendly, you are more able to cruise smoothly. © M.J.Dean 2014 Sudhir www.astrospice.com The Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 - Page 15 TUART HILL 2/186 Tyler Street From $395,000 KARDINYA 4/6 Shann Grove From $449,000 EWING N T S LI EWING N T S LI JUST LISTED CUTE N’ COSY An ideal first home, investment or retirement property, this attractive 2 Brm villa nestled in a quiet street close to Robinson Park and bowling club is sure to sell quickly. Come ready to buy today. Well presented 3 brm Villa Home nestled in tranquil park side location! Ideal First Home or Investment. Currently tenanted. Call to View! Home Open Saturday 1.00 - 2.00pm Home Open by Appointment 2 1 1 Christine Hutcheon 0411 709 050 VICTORIA PARK 7/171 Hubert Street 4 From $299,000 2 Sue Rayner 0416 160 094 1 BATEMAN 55 Hogarth Way From $790,000 EWING N T S LI VIEWINGS BY APPOINTMENT HIDDEN GEM Currently tenanted. Secure complex close to transport, cafes & shops. Ideal starter or investment. Be Quick!! Nestled at the end of a tranquil cul-d-sac location. Apart from the nearby park, and walking distance to private colleges, transport links and the new medical hub of Fiona Stanley & St. John of God hospitals, it is also within the Rossmoyne High School Zone. A/C, renovated kitchen and fenced B/G pool. Home Open Saturday 3.00pm Call to View Saturday 2 1 1 Sue Rayner 0416 160 094 4 2 2 + study SALES 9310 1600 Sue Rayner Director/ Licensee 0416 160 094 Graham Rayner Director/Property Manager 9310 7953 Christine Hutcheon Sales Consultant 0411 709 050 Sue Rayner 0416 160 094 RENTALS 9310 7953 Lisa Cassidy Senior Property Manager 9310 7953 Janette Administration 9310 1600 Rebecca Administration 9310 1600 Alecia Administration 9310 1600 Brian Taaffe Sales Consultant 0431 015 910 Jordan Linton Sales Consultant 0438 902 790 Nick Cole Property Manager 9310 7953 email admin@pulserealty.com.au web www.pulserealty.com.au f 9332 9091 a u 1/6 Robson Way Murdoch WA 6150 Page 16 - Melville City Herald, Saturday May 17, 2014 s
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