Celebrating 40 years - Big Brothers Big Sisters
Celebrating 40 years - Big Brothers Big Sisters
(May be used White Logo below 2012 Annual Report Celebrating 40 years White Logo below Dear Friends, 2012 was an exciting year for us. A couple of the highlights for 2012 were: •We celebrated 40 years of serving children in 1-to-1 mentoring relationships. •We, once again, received the High Performance in Quality Award from Big Brothers BIg Sisters of America. We were only 1 of 15 nationwide affiliates (340 total affiliates) to receive this award. •Thank you to our Board of Directors, whose leadership and support lead the way to our success. •Thank you to our donors for none of this could happen without you. We will be able to continue to serve the children of Northwestern Wisconsin for another 40 years because of everyone’s help and support. •Once again had huge positive impacts on the children we serve: Craig Monson CEO Erin Andresen Business & Customer Relations Coordinator Nicole Benson Match Support Specialist Michele Dostal Enrollment & Matching and Match Support - Chippewa Valley •Re-opened a physical office in Menomonie. •Had the largest Bwol for Kids’ Sake event in our agency’s history. 2012 Staff Craig Monson CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin Kathy Gjesfjeld Match Support Specialist Micaela Goebel Customer Relations Specialist -50% demonstrated an increase in their educational expectations Stephanie LaBarge -83% improved or maintained their level of school attendance -Over 66% showed improvement in their ability to avoid risky behaviors -Over 65% improved or maintained their grades That is just to name a few of the impacts. Received 2012 Quality Award Enrollment & Match Support Specialist Chippewa Valley Community-Based Big Brothers Big Sisters of America recognized our agency as one of the top achieving affiliates from the 340 affiliates nationwide. Match Support Specialist We received the High Performance in Quality Award for exceeding the national average in match length and match retention. Match length is a significant factor for success in the mentoring relationship. This kind of impact on children doesn’t happen without the dedication of our staff, volunteers, Bigs, Board Members, Committee Members and donors. So a huge thank you to all of you. Vanessa Moessner Quality Assurance Specialist Janet Proctor Program Director Jill Seichter Laura Sonday-Zeimis Program Coordinator - Chippewa Valley Site-Based Christina Thrun Development & Marketing Director •Thank you to all of our various committee members: Advisory Committees in the St. Croix Valley and Dunn County, our Bowl for Kids’ Sake Committes in each city where we hold an event, Fundraising Committee Members, Marketing Committee Members, and the Big/ Little Activities Committee. •Thank you to our amazing staff who work tirelessly to maintain our high quality standards. Kysa Marten Match Support Specialist Customer Relations Specialist •Thank you to all of our Bigs. You make the difference in the life of a child and we wouldn’t be here without you. -You help raise the resources, plan the events, and recruit the volunteers necessary for us to bring our life changing mission to children across our service area. Tonja Lesmeister Lisa Thompson Program Coordinator - St. Croix Valley Michel Tigan St. Croix Valley Branch Director Interns Alyse Brunella Marketing & PR Intern Brooke Borgrud Pictured: Craig Monson, CEO of Northwestern Wisconsin with Charles Pierson, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America President and CEO. Special Events & Marketing Intern Allison Cegla Marketing & PR Intern Jill DesCamps Special Events & Marketing Intern 2012 Officers John VanDeVoort President Mike Falk Development & Marketing Intern Tammy Amoth Scott Milne Katie Hamel Bob Binczak Tim Olson Event Planning Intern Vicki Seltun 2nd Vice President Brad Blechinger Brian Roeker Tanya Malaney Secretary Kris Crowe Mandy Runge Tim Cruciani Pamela Speckien Development & Marketing Intern April Dodge Brandon Casto Dunn County Advisory Committee Chair St. Croix Valley Summer Intern Dawn Yarrington Treasurer Vicki Hoehn Past President 1 2012 Board of Directors Cody Filipczak Ron Hager Mark Miller Amy Bast St. Croix Valley Advisory Committee Chair Amanda Richert Event Planning Intern Brandon Robinsin Chris Scott Samantha Way High School Service Learning Intern Sheng Xiong Development & Marketing Intern Celebrating 40 years Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin celebrated it’s 40th anniversary in 2012! It started as a simple conversation between Judge Tom Barland and Attorney Jerry Aubry. They saw a great need for something like the ‘Big Brothers’ program to help boys stay on the right track. After finding other support in the Eau Claire community, Kinship of Eau Claire County was founded in 1972. The agency started the process to become a Big Brothers Big Sisters affiliate in 1992 - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eau Claire County. The agency continued to grow expanding to cover Chippewa and Dunn counties in 1997, St. Croix and Pierce counties in 2000, and most recently in 2013 five new counties were added in the Northwoods (Ashland, Oneida, Price, Taylor, and Vilas). About Us Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin matches children who face adversity with caring adult mentors. The focus of the program is on developing a strong friendship between the child and the volunteer. This friendship then becomes the basis of impact on the child, providing the child with a caring adult who they can talk to and trust. The volunteers (Bigs) are there to help guide the children and help keep them on the path to success in life. In 2012, 482 children were served in 1-to-1 mentoring relationships. 20 children in Chippewa County 32 children in Dunn County 232 children in Eau Claire County 138 children in Pierce County 60 children in St. Croix County Our Mission To provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. Our Vision That all children achieve success in life. Accountability Statement We partner with parents/guardians, volunteers, and others in the community and hold ourselves accountable for each child in our program achieving: • Higher aspirations, greater confidence, and better relationships • Avoidance of risky behaviors • Educational success Office Locations Chippewa Valley & Administrative Office St. Croix Valley Office Menomonie Office Northwoods Office 424 Galloway Street Eau Claire, WI 54703 82 Coulee Road, Suite 106 Hudson, WI 54016 2602 Hils Court Menomonie, WI 54751 715-835-0161 Toll Free: 800-648-1696 Fax: 715-835-2636 715-381-7289 Fax: 715-531-0862 715-505-5220 170 N 4th Ave PO Box 142 Park Falls, WI 54552 www.bbbsnw.org • info@bbbsnw.org 715-744-3927 Toll Free: 866-839-2843 2 Our Programs Community-Based Mentoring ch ild re nw his ere a part of t p Big Couples Husband and wives can volunteer together in our community-based program. They are matched together with a child (boy) in the area. This allows couples to get involved together and make a difference in a child’s life. “My Big Sister is my diary, I can tell her anything. I believe all middle school girls could use a positive adult they can tell anything to.” - Little Sister Amber 7 ch ild l up o Big C e. 287 ro gr am. The community-based mentoring program is how the agency started and continues to be the largest program. Community-Based mentoring is offered in all of the communities served by our agency. Bigs and Littles spend time together each week at a time that works for everyone’s schedules (usually evenings and weekends). They enjoy their time together doing activities they both enjoy, some activities include: going to ball games, fishing, hunting, crafts, baking, volunteering, watching movies, and more! re n h ad a Site-Based Mentoring 195 ro gr am. Site-Based mentoring is a relatively newer program where the child and the volunteer meet at a specitic location on a set day and time. There are currently four site-based mentoring programs: Lunch Buddies, Club Buddies (in Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls), and the UWRiver Falls Friends Program. Lunch Buddies p ’. The volunteers and the children meet over lunch and recess is h at a participating school in Eau Claire, Pierce, or St. Croix t ere a part of counties. The child and the volunteer participate in activities at the school, such as: shooting hoops, playing a board game, working on a puzzle, crafts, and more. 13 0 Club Buddies ch ildr e ud dy ch ild re nw c n had a ‘Lun h B ild dy 25 ch ’. The volunteers and the children in this program meet at the Boys and Girls Club in Eau Claire or Chippewa Falls. Typically the volunteer and the child meet between 3:30 and 6pm. The matches in this program enjoy activities available at the club such as: basketball, carpet ball, computer games, cooking, crafts, games, and more. re n h ad a B ‘Club ud ram ro g il ch 40 3 . Friends Program (UW-River Falls) In this unique program the children are bused to the UW-River Falls campus every other week by the River Falls School District. Children in third through eighth grade spend time with their college Big and dr P en participate in different on-campus activities such as: rock climbing, visiting the s d we re in the Frien planetarium, crafts, and more! On November 13th, 2012 about 275 people joined in celebrating 40 years of changing childrens lives through the power of mentoring at the Florian Gardens. aulson and Kristin Gilpatr y of a life long match by Kristy P starting as Kinship... d heard the inspiring stor We revisted our 40 year history... The event was presented by: ick. and featured music by the North gh School Orchestra. Hi ulig from WEAU... The evening wa 40th Anniversary Gala s emceed by Meghan K an Bigs and Littles of the past... and the present attended... e & Neil Bauer were the 2012 Kell aw Cora Overbo d recipients. Vicki Seltun receiv ed the 2011 Kell award (pictur ar gave the invocation. ed with Little Sister). Little Sister Taylor The 2011 & 2012 John Kell “Making a Difference” Awards were presented by Betsy Kell and Board President John VanDeVoort. The “Making a Difference” Award was created in honor of the late John Kell and his commitment to changing the lives of children through mentoring. as did many of our supporters. Photography by Morning Light Photography 4 2012 In Review Polar Bear Plunge - New Year’s Eve 49 Brave souls rang in the New Year with an icy dip in Lake Wissota at The View. Normally this event is held on New Year’s Day, but for one year only (because New Year’s Eve was on a Saturday) the event was held on New Year’s Eve day. Over $6,000 was raised at the annual event. Start Something BIG Day - January 27 In January 2012 we held our first Start Something BIG day in conjunction with National Mentoring Month. Supporters of Big Brothers Big Sisters throughout our service area were encouraged to wear their Big Brothers Big Sisters apparel to show their support for mentoring. Pictured is some of our Bowl for Kids’ Sake bowlers at Peoples State Bank in Boyceville. Night at the Eau Claire Express - May 31st Our annual night at the Eau Claire Express, sponsored by EO Johnson, was held in May this year. Matches came out to this annual event to enjoy a night of baseball, and maybe a hot dog or two. Erbert & Gerberts Golf & Tennis Outing - July 16 We were excited to join forces with Erbert & Gerberts for the first time in 2012 with a Golf & Tennis outing. Golfers and tennis players came out on one of the hottest days of the year to support Big Brothers Big Sisters. $10,882 was raised at this first annual event and we are excited for this new partnership. Chippewa Valley Summer Picnic - July 26 Around 170 Bigs, Littles, family members, staff, Board, and volunteers participated in the annual summer picnic held at Carson Park. The largest event of the year, the 2012 event featured carnival style games complete with prizes, 3-legged and sack races, and grilled hot dogs. Great Xpedition Triathlon - September 8 2012 was the 2nd year of the Bloomer Great Xpedition Triathlon hosted by the Bloomer Lions Club. The funds raised support Big Brothers Big Sisters and other local community organizations. 2012 was a huge year, than doubling in size from 2011 and raised $7,500 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin. New Menomonie Office Re-Opened - September 13 In September we celebrated the re-opening of a physical office in Menomonie. We partnered with The Arc of Dunn County to rent an affordable office space with conference room and copying use. This space will allow us to better serve the Menomonie community. Fall Adventure Day - October 20th Camp St. Croix hosted a Fall Adventure Day for matches in Hudson. Matches got to participate in various team building activities including a ropes course. Start Something Breakfast - November 27th 5 About 85 people joined us at Camp St. Croix for a delicous breakfast and to learn more about the impact of Big Brothers Big Sisters. Those in attendance heard about the work of Big Brothers Big Sisters in the St. Croix Valley by Branch Director Michel Tigan, learned about the educator’s perspective on mentoring from Tom Westerhaus (River Falls School District Superintendant) , and got to hear the story of Amber and Maggie. More Big/Little Events Each year Big Brothers Big Sisters plans activities to provide matches with some unique and different things to do. In 2012, Bigs, Littles, and sometimes families participated in 13 different activities throughout the year. In addition to the events already featured, other Big/Little events included: •Action City (Jan 26) - Almost 100 Bigs and Littles participated in the annual favorite event held in conjunction with National Mentoring Month. •Hawk’s Ridge Ranch Horse Therapy & Rain Barrel (Aug 22) - This event, sponsored by Sustain Hudson, allowed matches to work 1-on-1 with horses, paint rain barrels, and enjoy dinner. •Hoffy’s Skate America (March 8) - Over 60 Bigs and Littles laced up their skates for a birthday party themed skating party. •Halloween Hustle (Oct 13) - Almost 30 Bigs and Littles participated in the 1 mile walk/run. Matches dressed up on Halloween costumes to participate in the annual costume contest. •Bowl for Kids’ Sake Big/Little Bowl (May 1) - Over 40 Bigs and Littles raised money as a part of the annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake event and participated in their own Big/Little Birthday Party bowling event. •Night at the Cavaliers (June 18) - Each year matches come out and cheer on Eau Claire’s local team, the Cavaliers. •Summer Craft Night (Aug 14) - Around 40 Bigs and Littles made vase centerpieces for the 40th Anniversary Gala along with some other fun take home crafts. •Holiday Craft Night (Nov 9) - Over 40 Bigs and Littles created ornaments to thank some of our important donors and got to make their own ornament to take home. •Bridge to Wonderland Parade (Dec 1) - For the first time in years we were able to invite matches to pariticipate in a parade so we chose the Chippewa Falls holiday parade! •Winter Blast (Dec 7) - Over 90 Bigs, Littles, and family members joined us at UW-Eau Claire for a holiday party featuring singing, crafts, cookies, and more! 2012 Bowl for Kids’ Sake The 40th Anniversary celebration continued with the year’s largest 40th Birthday Party at Bowl for Kids’ Sake! This year Bowl for Kids’ Sake grew to make up 41% of the annual budget, raising over $186,000! Presented By Top Fundraiser - John Knutson ($5,055) Pictured on the right Top Business - Precision Pipeline ($24,500) Thanks to our Sponsors Event Sponsors ($2,500+) American Family Insurance Clear Channel Radio Mega The Metropolis Resort Powertex Group RCU Shawtown Productions WEAU TV 13 Alley Sponsors ($1,000-2,499) Cody Limousines DigiCopy Eau Claire Macaroni Kid Edina Realty Edward Jones Erbert & Gerberts Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Larson Companies Manpower Mogie’s Pub Nor-Lake Inc. Scheel’s Showtime Entertainment LLC Wells Fargo WESTconsin Credit Union Xcel Energy Lane Sponsors ($500-999) Aquistition Realty & Development Broadway Pizza Citizens Community Federal Commonweal Development Corporation Eau Claire Auto Parts EOG Resources Globe University Group Health Cooperative of Eau Claire Hardee’s & Taco John’s Heartland Homes Kwik Trip Lake Hallie Golf Loopy’s Luxury Limo Service Sammie Bostrom - State Farm Volume One Weld Riley Prenn & Ricci YMCA Camp DuNord Strike Sponsors ($250-499) Advanced Laser Machining Banbury Place Bauer Built Inc. BioLife Plasma Services Bravo! Salon & Spa Central Bank - Hudson Citizens State Bank Dairy State Bank Discount Realty Works Dunham Associates First American Bank Great Wolf Lodge Hovland’s L&M Mail Service Lasker Jewelers Log Jam Mark Phillips Marketplace Foods Mason Companies Mayo Clinic Health Systems Peoples Bank of Wisconsin Phipps Center for the Arts & Phipps Inn Rhom Construction Royal Construction Sacred Heart Hospital Sylvan Learning Center Two-Way Communications Inc. Wal-Mart Distribution Center Wipfli Wisconsin Metal Fab Inc. Pin Sponsors ($100-249) AKB Marketing LLC Bauman Construction Cascades Christensen Vision Care Cray Cares Document Solutions Dunn Energy Cooperative Eau Claire Realty Eau Claire Therapy & Fitness Fabco Equipment Inc. Gavic Construction Corp Great Northern Corporation Indianhead Plating Jimmy John’s Menomonie Mayo Clinic - Red Cedar River Falls Optimist Club Quality Computer Services Short Elliott Hendrickson Silver Springs Foods Inc Sweeney’s Pizza TTM Technologies Welcome Home Assisted Living 6 Financial Report Statement of Activities - Modified Cash Basis Unrestricted Support United Way $144,953 Income United Way Greater Chippewa Valley 121,000 Foundations & United Way of Dunn County 8,460 Grants United Way of St. Croix 13,924 13% United Way Other 1,569 Donated Facilities 12,000 Donated Services 12,060 Annual Giving 11% Contributions142,630 Annual Giving - Individual & Corporate 65,580 Foundations 72,199 Civic/Community 4,851 Special Events 276,302 Bowl for Kids’ Sake 232,662 Other Fundraising Events 43,640 Direct benefits to special event attendees (44,813) Investment (loss) gain 2,161 Total unrestricted revenues, net of direct benefits 545,293 United Way 26% Civic/ Community 1% Bowl for Kids' Sake 41% Fundraising Events 8% Expenses Mentoring Program Expenses 355,270 Salaries & Payroll Taxes 222,714 Benefits 9,445 Overhead 111,934 Group Activities 1,375 Program Supplies 9,802 Management and General 77,977 Salaries & Payroll 57,802 Benefits 2,451 Overhead 15,784 Supplies 1,940 Fundraising Expenses* 129,541 Salaries & Payroll 99,201 Benefits 4,207 Overhead 14,161 Supplies 2,375 Publicity / Marketing 3,327 Fundraising 6,270 Expenses Fundraising & Marketing Expenses 23% Admin Expenses 14% Total expenses 562,788 Change in net assets (17,495) Net assets at beginning of year 230,745 Net assets at end of year 213,250 *Note: Fundraising Expenses also include all expenses related to marketing and volunteer recruitment. “Kristin supported me in everything I’ve ever done. She always loved me and was always there for me. I don’t know where I’d be today without her. She’s one of the only people in my life that accepted me for me.” - Little Sister Kristy (pictured right 7 at her graduation from college with Big Sister Kristin) Program Expenses 63% 2012 Donors Thank you to all of our donors. Your gifts allow us to match and support children facing adversity with caring adult mentors, helping the children in our community reach their potential. As a part of National Mentoring Month, awards were given to many of our generous supporters. Denotes Start Something Society Member - Pledged at least $100 per year for 5 years. Pictured left to right: Cynthia Jahnke (United Way St. Croix Valley Board Member), John Coughlin (Director United Way St. Croix Valley), Michel Tigan (Big Brothers Big Sisters St. Croix Valley Branch Director), & John Knutson. (Big Brothers Big Sisters St. Croix Valley Advisory Committee.) Miracle Maker $100,000+ United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley Friendship Maker $25,000-99,999 Fred C. & Katherine B. Andersen Foundation Dream Maker $10,000-24,999 Erbert & Gerberts Golf & Tennis Outing United Way St. Croix Valley Magic Maker $5,000-9,999 C&M Properties & Construction Great Xpeditions Triathlon United Way of Dunn County Impact Maker $2,500-4,999 Andersen Corporate Foundation Arnold & Lois Domer Foundation Hudson Daybreak Rotary Club Scheel’s In December 2012 some of our matches made ornaments to thank some of our generous donors. Match Maker $1,000-2,499 12 Bars of Christmas Tammy Amoth April Dodge Dunn Energy Cooperative Eau Claire Community Foundation Gagnon Inc. Tom Hanson Herbert H. Kohl Charities William Heth & Jeanie Lubinsky Vicki Hoehn John & Rose Knutson Kohl Cares Paul & Jill Kulig Heidi Liedl Macy’s Foundation Milne Family Foundation Craig & Patti Monson Stan & Sharon Monson Nathan & Julie Novak Brent Sirianni Thomas Thelen John VanDeVoort Eau Claire Baseball LLC & Marshfield Clinic Greendoor Graphics - Joe Walter Jamie Grupe Allen & Karen Homeier George & Cindy Hopkins Marnie Marie Photography Scott Milne Tim & Myrna Murphy Mark Nealy RealityWorks, Inc. Brian Roeker Shred Away USA Pamela Speckien T&J Concrete Foundation, Inc. Christina Thrun Jason Vance Pamela Veith Cori Wahl Wal-Mart Foundation WESTconsin Credit Union Employees Vicki Hendrickson Allan & Ruth Hofland Gayle Holte Daniel & Carolyn Johnson Tara Johnson Karma Yoga James & Patricia Klabough Amy & Chris Lokken Pat LuCore Theresa Mackey Main Street Haircare Tanya Malaney Deborah Marshall Mark Miller Tom Morgan Optimist Club 09-044 Trudy Popenhagen Ben & Janet Proctor Bryan Renton Royal Construction Inc. Mandy Runge Laura Schick Paul Shirilla Roy & Lana Sjoberg Amy Tlusty Truist Employee Giving United Bank The View on Lake Wissota Chow Down for Charity Steven & Patricia Vogelsang Dawn Yarrington Friend $500-999 Christopher & Kelle Anderson Janice Ayres Ban Tara Holdings Adam & Amy Bast Bob Binczak Bo’s ‘n Mine Grilled Cheese Fundraiser Thomas & Kristine Crowe Helping Hand $250-499 3M Foundation 911 Dispatchers of Eau Claire Susan Anderson & Tim Morris Anonymous Judy Dekan Eau Claire Anesthesiologists Eau Claire Crush Eau Claire Optimist Club Cedric Ellingson Linda Feirn Nicolette Hanna 8 2012 Donors Supporter $100-249 AKF Martial Arts Academy of Eau Claire Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching Program Steve & Ellen Anderson Anonymous Arby’s Restaurant Menomonie AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Rick & Sandy Ayres Jeff Barthman Celia &Thomas Bethke Russ Blasius Gregg & Barbara Bohlig Mary Bowen-Eggebraaten Michael & Cindy Bowman Tim Burns Samuel & Teresa Cari Darlene Crandall Catherine Davis Rolando Del Valle D’Lass Dent Company Tom & Barb Duffey Eau Claire Cavalier’s Baseball Association Arthur & Sandra Ebbinger Don & Jan Etnier Charles Falch & Diane Buchholz Festival in the Pines Chad Fett Sally & Bill Friedlander Jean & Lawrence Gagnon Clausen Craig Gibson Susan Gilbert Joanne Graaskamp GSI Commerce Call Center, Inc. James & Ardyce Hagen Carla & Lyle Hansen Thomas & Stephanie Harvey Rachel Henke Henry G. Meigs, LLC Erik & Kim Hill-Phelps David Hopkins Ralph & Peggy Hudson Lynn Inhoff Dorothy Jensen Alfred & Peggy Jones John & Kristine Kempf Jim Kivlin Kiwanis Club of Chippewa Falls, Inc. Todd Kostman Wendy Kramer Jay & Jill Mayer Cynthia McCarthy Helaine Minkus Linda & Mike Monson Max & Catherine Neuhaus Deborah Nissen & Steven Bircher Nutri-West Midwest LLC Michael & Julie O’Brien Optimum Therapies LLC Francie Peardon Judy Proett Kari Rambo Jamie Rebman Red Dragon Academy Resultants for Business, Inc. Graydon Richartz Steven Rosauer Steven & Vicki Schroeder Dr. Richard Schwartz Victoria Seltun Terry & Flo Sheridan Carol Skinner Smiling Moose Deli Andrew Smith Nancy Sorenson Phillip Stickler David & Jeanette Suchla Swanson’s Commercial Flooring Taco John’s - Menomonie Kyle Tennis Mike & Lisa Thompson Rebecca Turnbull Sarah Tyler Gary & Kathie Vander Vorst Donald & Kathleen Weber Tom Westerhaus Dan & Mary Wieser Randall & Linda Wollmer Keith & Deb Zehms Larry Zorn Norbert Gaier Nikki & Brian Geisler GoodSearch & GoodShop Marty & Mary Green Diane Gruhlke Ron Hager Virginia Hansis Holcombe Methodist United Church Patricia Hopkins Denise Horsman Mitch Irwin Kurt & Karen Jacobson Joseph Jenkins Karen Johnson Scott Jones Just Local Food Cooperative Luke Keene Craig Kowalczyk Mary & James Kubiak Virginia & Gary Kuehn Richard & Barbara Kuss Peter Lefeber Dale Langer Kevin Malnory Kelly Markrof Dan Martineau Christine Mattson Herbert McMillan Memorial High School Menomonie Food Co-Op Andrew Neborak John & Evalyn Nerbonne Brian Nodolf Howard Novotny Peter & Julie Oberholtzer Toot Penovich Mary Plank RiverBucks Fundaiser (Central Bank) Lindsay Rongstad Erika Schewe Jane Schwalbe State Cinema - Menomonie State Farm - Gregg Bohlig Thomas & Victoria Stumm Nicole Suchy Kimberly Unser UWEC - NSLS Veterans of Foreign Wars Chippewa Post No 1038 Mark & Jean Wespetal Michael Zammit Donor $1-99 Marlene Arntson Samatha Bakken Katie Bloome Buffalo Wild Wings Paul & Sharon Bussard Lamont & Judith Bygd Kristen Cooan Joe Coughlin Cub Scout Pack 211 Larea Diehl DJ’s Vending Brian Dunn Richard & Katherine Duplessie David Eslinger Falcon Appraisal Rita Fitzsimons Heather Foote In Memory Leonard Gibbs - by Mary (Betsy) McDougall Gibbs John Kell - by Betty Ann Kell In Honor Jared Lemminger - by Janice Lemminger Maura Schwaegel - by Comforts of Home Patrick Roberts - by Mayo Foundation for Medical Educaton & Research Lowayne Rust - by Tim & Lori Cruciani 9 Lisa Thompson - by Stacey & Patrick McCusker Simon & Shelah Wallace - by Kathleen Mitchell Zah Huse - by Christina Strand Mark Degner - by US Bank Erin Abbott Shayla Abel Ken Adler Christine Allen Emily Aller Danielle Anderson Kailin Anderson Kim Anderson Nathan Anderson Whitney Anderson Erin Andresen Marilyn & Shamim Anwar Carey Applegate Jodi Aubart Erin Bachaus Lynn Bartholomew Ann Bauer Neil Bauer Melanie Becker Jessie Behrman Debra Bejin Amber Belohlavek Aaron Bembnister Kristen Bendt Mary Bennett Richard Bennett Joan Benson Kirk Benson Chase Benzine Marshall Benzine Teri Berlin Jamie Beskau Kacie Besser Charles Billman Kimberly Blaney Nathaniel Bloechl Samatha Blohm Amanda Bohatta Barbara Bohlig Gregg Bohlig Joshua Bonnell Dana Book Brooke Borgrud Michael & Cindy Lee Bowman Heidi Boysen Jeffrey Boysen Barbara Brandt Amanda Brash Robin Brauner Brittany Brody Alexis Brown Melissa Brown Elise Browne Rebecca Brunnquell Celia Burgraff Corey Burton Katherine Campbell Steven Carlson Joseph Case Brian Casey Karen Cauble Taylor Chandler Lisa Cheever Jacob Chihak Dena Clark Shawna Clough Lisa Colburn Kristen Cooan Susanne Cook Alyssa Cornelius Justine Cornelius Claire Couillard Racheal Cowan Dalene Crandall Carl Cronquest Gloria Crossman Kristine Crowe Thomas Crowe Sam Cunningham William Cunningham Adam Czub Miranda Czubakowski Aubree Dahl Jamie Dalluge Bryce Dankers Diane Daughterty Catherine Davis Leah Davis Heather Day Mark Degner Adam DeLaForest Beth DeLaForest Carolyn Derksen Jeanine Dickinsen Sue Diel April Dodge Stephanie Doose Michele Dostal Taylor Dressen Colleen Duffy Melissa Dunlap Arthur & Sandra Ebbinger Natalie Einerson Tim Emahiser Lauryn Engleman Emily Eriksen Derek Evenson Nene Eze Rosalie Fischer Geraldine (Betsy) Fish Lindsay Fisher Nathaniel Fix Jim Flory Kelsey Forbes Chad Forde Holly Forst Erin Foucault Angie Franco Bradley Frederickson Erin Freigang Brad Freiherr Nancy Friederich Gina Froemming Natalie Gahan John Gainey Fatima Gales Anna Ganter Lauren Ganter Kate Gardner Brett Geboy Jessica Geis Derek Gilbert Jennifer Glaser Melissa Gleason Klaudia Glowacka Amy Goertzen Jenny Goodwin Kay Granger Nick Griepentrog Briana Griffin Sara Jean Griffin Nicole Grimm Jodi Gullickson Diane Gustafson Denise Hackel Shelly Hammer Courtney Hampton AJ Hansen Lyle & Carla Hansen Emily Hanson Jamie Hanson Henry Hanten Joseph Harbouk Garrett Harden Holly Hassemer Kristen Hatzinger Catrina Hawkins Hannah Heckman Elspeth Helblad Linda Henderson Arlan Henke Brittany Hentsch Jacob Hertaus Andy Herting Mike Heth Meghan Hibbard Ryan Hicks Rebecca Hiekel Vicki Hoehn Margaret Hoffman James & Gayle Holte Karen Homeier David Hopkins Ellen (Beth) Hougen Laura Houliston Chelsey Huppert Eric Hutchins Susan Hutchinson Sherri Iverson Karen Jacobson De’Anna Jenkins Scott Jensen Abbi Johnson Amber Johnson Amy Johnson Bethany Johnson Brittney Johnson Hailey Johnson Melissa Johnson Al Jones Paige Jones Maggie Jorgenson Johanna Kadlec Deborah Kaiser Tim Kaiser Kristin KarnesFrederickson Jimmie Kaska Jessop Keene Morgan Kelley Tyler Kennedy Shelby King Alex Kizewski Andrew Klanderman Emily Klanderman Brook Klemp Danielle Klingbeil Tamra Knight Rachel Knopps Vergene Knudson Tim Knutson Sarah Koch Nicole Koehler Adam Kohls Amanda Kozik Jessica Kraker Kathryn Krause Ryan Krebsbach Christian Kressin Shanna Kropp Courtney Krug Emily Kuhn MIchael Laatsch Stephanie LaBarge Jamie LaBerge Elizabeth Lamb John Langdon Anna Langer Michael Lao Jeffrey Larson Jinette Lau Benjamin Leadholm Christopher Leffner Traci Leffner Meghan Lehman Dan Leibham Mary Beth Leibham Suzanne Leroux Ronald Lewczyk Mary Lewis Jared Ley Trisha Libansky Jackie Liebl Lee Ann Lien Beth Lilly Kyle Lintner Kayla Loew Megan Lofquist Calli Longsdorf Amy Lonsky Emily Lucas David Ludgatis Sarah Lundeen Leah Lundquist Zac Luther Marc Lybeck Dan Lytle Charles Mabie Julie Maciosek Jill MacRae Denise Madland Nick Madrinich Gwen Magnuson Scott Magnuson Sarah Mago Nancy Major-Olson Mark Malisheski Brenda Mallek Megan Mallory Jordy Maloney Ashley Maluegge Stephanie Marek Heather Market-Sullivan Allison Marquardt Kristy Martinson Loren Mastin Anna Matchey Kristina Mayer Vicki Mayer Cindy McCarthy Michael McDonough Mallory McFee Patrick McGuire Allyson & Radar McManus Lynn McNish Kathy Mehls Paige Meier Maggie Meitzen Kathleen Mentink Mark Miller Randal Miller Tiffany Miller Tiffany Miller Chrystal Mills Robert Milne Helaine Minkus Bethany Mitch Nick Moelter Lacey Moen Vanessa Moessner Jean Moore Jill Morrow Andrew Nelson Camryn Nelson Connor Nelson Gregory Nelson Katie Nelson Lisa Nelson Katherine Neuman Makayla Newberry Kristine Newman Sarah Newman 2012 ‘Bigs’ Michael Nielsen Al Noll Brittany Nordland Roman Nordland Sandra Northway Rob Okonek Gloria Olguin Ashley Olson Cora Overboe Jamie Paige Brianna Passofaro Jill Passofaro Kristy Paulson Jennifer Paxton Carole Pechacek Matt Pechacek Denise Pedersen Elizabeth Perkins Linda Petersen Donna Peterson Dan Piehler Sarah Plank Eric Plude Laura Pochardt Jeremy Pohlen Liz Polster Casey Pottebaum Patty Procknow Ann Raid Jeffrey Ralph Katy Rand Barbara Rasmussen Chelsey Rasmussen Josh & Stepanie Rasmussen Mark Rasmusson Matthew Reddy Shannon Regan Alice Reid Rhiannon Remy Grady Richartz Ben Ricketts Caleb Riedeman Marie Ristow Teresa Ritzinger Sarah Robertson Joel Roesch Tanner Rognholt Anna Romportl Adam Ross Paul Ruble Mindy Rudiger Wade Rudolph Corita Rueden Mandy Runge Ann Rupnow Patrick Rusinak Jessica Saari Jake Salm Erin Salter Barbara Santolin Alyssa Sauter Amber Sawyer Andrea Schaefer Kia Schilling Gretchen Schultz Mary Schutz Johneen Schwab Kelly Schwaegel Maura Schwaegel Vicki Seltun Andy Sersch Nathan Servey Rachel Severson Jane Seymour Kunick Cora Marie Shafer Timothy Shaw Jennifer Shull Melissa Simon Lesley Simons Joseph Simonson Dan Sivertson Annette Smetana Lindsay Smutney Nicole Snider Richard Solum Shana Soul Pamela Speckien Carolyn Spoerl Elizabeth Sporrer Emily Stankevitz Kelly Stanley Tara Stefanson Taylor Steger Tanya Steinhoff Phillip Stickler Donna Mae Stohlmann Christina Strand Jennifer Strasburg Karen Strasburg Andrew Straszkowski Eric Strojny Arlen Stuber Alison Stueber Paula Sullivan Andrew Sutter Kelsey Swanson Jim Swift Maloree Switlick Blake Sykora Jocelyn Syrstad Tracy Taylor Kristin Tessendorf Brittany Thayer Lisa Thom Kristi Thompson Christina Thrun Jacob Thunander April Timm Elisabeth Tirado Amanda Tomczak Olivia Tomfohrde Courtney Tomlinson Patricia Travis Joel Trepczyk Cailin Turner Dana Turner Ranndi Tutor Dana Underdahl Kevin Urbik Kaitlin Valenziano Viet Van Dong Amanda Veith Fong Vue Anna Wagner Kathryn Wahl Jason Wahlberg Brianna Waldvogel Justin Walkoviak Matthew Warren Nicholas Wasmund Patti Weber Curt Weese Jeremy Wendtland Brian Wert JoAnn Wert Cheryl Westad Jean Westberg Jeanne Westerlund Kara Wettstein Scott Wilhelm Katie Wilson Megan Wohlleber Cassandra Woitas Jenny Xiong Jennifer Young Hannah Zapchenk Brooke Zimmerman Barry Zwisler 10 Administrative Office 424 Galloway Street Eau Claire, WI 54703 2012 Annual Report Celebrating 40 years
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