Newsletter Term 1 Week 5 - Arcadia Valley State School
Newsletter Term 1 Week 5 - Arcadia Valley State School
Five weeks down, five to go! It’s hard to believe that half of the term has gone already. So far this term, students have learnt a lot about reading, spelling, writing stories, counting, adding, subtracting, multiplication, shapes, life cycles, environments, adaptations and plenty more. These new skills will be further developed in the coming weeks as well as a whole range of other concepts. It has been great to see the continual enthusiasm by all students and staff. This week, the AGM for our P&C was held in our school library. I am pleased to announce the executive committee for 2014 P&C is as follows. President– Jamie Peters Vice-President– Claude Sylvester Treasurer– Brigid Price Secretary– Anna Sylvester It was great to see other staff, parents and community members present at the meeting. Thank you Sigrid Peters, Owen Price and Amber-Lee Donahoo. It would be great to see their attendance continue throughout the year. Having additional personnel contributing towards the P&C meetings is always beneficial. Other community members are encouraged to attend P&C meetings across the year. During the P&C meeting, I presented the idea of going on a school camp to ‘The Retreat’ in Peregian Beach on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. Sigrid Peters was able to elaborate on the details and the P&C were very supportive. Due to large cost associated with this camp, the school and P&C will hold a range of fundraising events across the year to reduce the costs to families. Please keep your eye out for these events and support our school. Thank you to Miss Amanda for taking the class for the occasional day which has enabled Miss Sigrid and myself to develop our school plans for the year. Our improvement plan and school budget for 2014 has now been complete. Miss Sigrid has also been in Roma for most of this week attending a range of professional development. AVSS is looking forward to participating in the Small Town Culture with Josh Arnold. Please read page 6 for more information. We would love for the community to get involved with project when it begins. Bon voyage Chris and Elisa. We wish you all the best back in Brisbane. We hope that you make it back out here one day. Regards, Mr Jeremy Donahoo PAGE 2 Arcadia Spirit Happy Birthday Miss Sigrid! The Arcadia Spirit award winners for this fortnight are listed below. Weeks 4 & 5 Term 1 2014 March 7th– Swimming 14th– Parade & Newsletter 18th– P&C Meeting 21st– Swimming 28th– Parade & Newsletter Be an active learner Brody Sylvester Be respectful Maddy Price Be responsible Brody Sylvester Be safe Rob Price Arcadia Spirit of the week Brody Sylvester Next P&C Meeting April 4th– Last day of School 18th– Good Friday 22nd– Term 2 begins 25th– Anzac Day 18th March at 3:15pm in the school library. Parents and community members are welcome. Please come and support our fantastic school. May 13th– NAPLAN 14th– NAPLAN 15th– NAPLAN 19th– Teaching & Learning Audit Arcadia Valley SS and its community hope you had a fantastic day! Last fortnights award winners I just want to wish you well Congratulations to the soon-to-be-newly weds, Rowan and Maddie! Live long and prosper! Homework Homework is due every day. Students are to read and practise sightwords with parents and learn their weekly spelling words. Have you seen your child’s homework today? Mummies and kiddies catch up Mums and bubs playgroup 9am Monday the 3rd of March (held fortnightly). Meet in the community hall for a bear hunt obstacle course. Bring some morning tea to share. All are welcome. See you there! Award winners Our class award winners are: Weeks 4 & 5 Busy Bee Awards Brody Sylvester Riley Sylvester Does you Arcadia Kitchen Rule??? Calling all keen cooks… seeking expressions of interest to be a part of our own friendly cooking competition in Arcadia Valley. The groups would be 4 teams of 2 plus 2 guest judges. It would be required to host a dinner party with an entrée, main and dessert for your 8 guests. Each meal would be judged out of 10 by the surprise judges and then each attending team would give an overall score out of 10. Sound like fun?? That is about as much detail as I have come up with so far, but I am sure we can work out some great prizes to be taken home by the winners. Contact Sigrid if you are interested. PH: 46267177 or PAGE 3 Term 1 2014 March 7th– Swimming 14th– Parade & Newsletter 18th– P&C Meeting 21st– Swimming 28th– Parade & Newsletter April 4th– Last day of School 18th– Good Friday 22nd– Term 2 begins 25th– Anzac Day Community Garden Update Operation 'Community Garden' has commenced with the Sylvester and Peters families generously donating soil and manure for the garden beds. Thank you! We also owe a very big thank you to Jamie Peters and Brigid Price for providing the bobcat and labour to dig some holes and remove the old garden bed. During Technology lessons, students have investigated and discussed how to create a sustainable vegetable garden. Based on their findings, they have designed the community garden that is being constructed. Students have been learning about the abiotic (non-living) factors that contribute to the quality of plant growth, with a particular focus on soil quality. To aid with improving the quality of the soil in the garden beds, students have been composting their food scraps all term in our new compost bin. Our aim is to have a sustainable organic fertilising system for our community garden, as well as guiding our students towards environmentally friendly practices regarding waste. We are excited to see how our community garden develops over the coming weeks. There is still time to get involved - the AVSS staff and students would love to share this experience with you! If you have knowledge in either irrigation or gardening we would love to hear from you! PAGE 4 Craft Corner with Miss Amanda As many of you might know I love to scrapbook and am a little bit crafty. So I decided that I would share some of my crafty ideas and fun with the community every fortnight in the newsletter. My first idea I found a little while ago on Pintrest and it is not really crafty but it is definitely fun for the kids and all the materials can be found lying around your house. Term 1 2014 How to make a Rainbow Bubble Snake: What you need: March An empty water bottle 7th– Swimming 14th– Parade & Duct tape or a rubber band Newsletter 18th– P&C Meeting 21st– Swimming 28th– Parade & Newsletter A sock that is missing its match Dish soap A shallow container (breakfast bowl or similar) April 4th– Last day of School 18th– Good Friday 22nd– Term 2 begins 25th– Anzac Day Food colouring. 1.Cut the bottom off of the water bottle. 2.Slide the sock over the end of the bottle and secure it with either the duct tape or rubber band. 3. Pour some dish soap in the shallow container with a little water and mix. 4.Dip the sock covered bubble blower into the solution and gently blow. 5. Now to make the bubbles look like a rainbow snake add a few drops of each colour food colouring you want onto the sock and let the fun begin. It will be messy but a lot of fun! Just make sure your kids blow into the bubble blower and not suck air in…they will get a mouthful of bubbles if they do. Visit for more fun ideas to keep your kids entertained! I have this page bookmarked on my computer at home. I just love it. Health and Physical Education Update In Health last week with Mr Cant at Injune the children continued to learn about water safety in and about their local area. They looked at rules for different places that they can swim and who made and enforced these rules. During the swimming lesson the students worked towards strengthening their strokes, everyone is improving we can see the difference already. In the afternoon swimming session the students looked at the best ways to conserve their strength when they are in trouble in the water. They started to learn the basics of floating, what objects make the best floatation devices and the best way to use them. They tried out a number of objects including balls, kick boards and water noodles. When they were not in the pool the children were working on their ball handling skills under the big covered area. PAGE 5 Term 1 2014 March 7th– Swimming 14th– Parade & Newsletter 18th– P&C Meeting 21st– Swimming 28th– Parade & Newsletter April 4th– Last day of School 18th– Good Friday 22nd– Term 2 begins 25th– Anzac Day Sig’s Fit Bitz Water…Are you drinking enough water each day? It was so hard for me to decide what to write about this week… where do I start, there is so much information I want to share. But I figured water is probably the most important nutrient we can give to our bodies so this topic is up first. Water helps cleanse and hydrate your entire system; as well as help maintain normal temperature. It also helps to cushion and lubricate joints and protects spinal cord and sensitive tissues. We cannot live without water and so many people just forget to drink it… Your first challenge…. Aim for 2L of water a day – 3L if you perform large amounts of physical activity during the day in the sun. If you are not accustomed to drinking lots of water, initially you will feel bloated and be needing toilet breaks regularly however this will pass once your body reaches the right amount of hydration – enjoy! Footy Tipping Is anyone interested in running or being involved in an NRL footy tipping comp this season? Please contact Mr D if you are keen! PAGE 6 Term 1 2014 March 7th– Swimming 14th– Parade & Newsletter 18th– P&C Meeting 21st– Swimming 28th– Parade & Newsletter April 4th– Last day of School 18th– Good Friday 22nd– Term 2 begins 25th– Anzac Day Roma Cluster Small Town Culture (Josh Arnold Music Workshops) 2014 - 2015 Josh Arnold is a singer/songwriter and ex-teacher aide, who has worked with a number of schools and communities in western Queensland under his label, Small Town Culture. Working with students from Prep to Year 12, songs are written & produced for CD’s, YouTube clips, and for school and community concerts. Josh works with students from culturally diverse and Indigenous backgrounds, encourages school engagement and attendance and connects with students. Josh delivers workshops, acts as a mentor, and helps to foster pride in school and pride in community. Josh’s work has seen students grow in confidence in all areas of their school and personal lives. Josh has received funding from the USQ Schools Engagement Team as part of their University Participation and Partnerships Program (UPPP), Schools Partner Program in 2013. The USQ Schools Team has engaged Josh Arnold to work with schools in western Queensland in 2014/15, to continue to strengthen his work in local schools and communities. Schools have also sourced RREAP (Rural & Remote Education Access Program) funding and contributed school funds. From August to November 2014, Josh will work with students within the school communities of Roma (Roma State College & St John’s), Wallumbilla, Yuleba, Surat, Bymount East, Arcadia Valley, Injune, Mitchell (Mitchell State School & St Patrick’s), Mungallala and Dunkeld. Over 2000 students will be involved in the joint production of a “Roma Cluster Small Town Culture” album featuring 12-15 songs with some video clips. Filming & rehearsals will be held from Feb-March 2015. This album will be launched at 2015 Easter in the Country with Josh and our students being a part of the main entertainment, a concert not to be missed! Evidence of the work of Josh and Small Town Culture can be seen in: Small Town Culture website: Small Town Culture Facebook site: Small Town Culture You Tube site: The following link showcases the work of Small Town Culture across a number of schools in a show reel.