analele - “Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta
analele - “Ovidius” University Annals of Constanta
“OVIDIUS” UNIVERSITY OF CONSTANTZA UNIVERSITATEA „OVIDIUS” CONSTANŢA “OVIDIUS” UNIVERSITY ANNALS CONSTANTZA Year IX (2007) Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING Volume 1 ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII „OVIDIUS”CONSTANŢA ANUL IX (2007) Seria: CONSTRUCŢII Volumul 1 Ovidius University Press 2007 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 2007 SECTION I Structural Analysis and Reliability The influence of the water level variation in reservoirs upon the earth dams strain state Virgil BREABAN Sunai GELMAMBET The generalized eigenvalues method in the nonlinear dynamics analysis Gheorghe PICOL Mircea IEREMIA Rotation Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Elements Bogdan HEGHEŞ Cornelia MĂGUREANU Assessment of the Potential for Progressive Collapse in RC Frames Adrian IOANI Liviu CUCU Călin MIRCEA Cracking of Reinforced Concrete Elements Laura- Catinca LEŢIA A Short Introduction to Load Carrying Capacity for High Strength Concrete Cornelia MĂGUREANU Dumitru MOLDOVAN Studies on the Modalities of Use of Sludge Resulting From the Lime Milk Neutralization of Acid Waters Derived From the Pickling of Wire Obtained At S.C. Mechel Câmpia Turzii Daniela MANEA Claudiu ACIU Ofelia CORBU Energy Conservation, an Essential Factor in Sustainable Construction Daniela MANEA Claudiu ACIU Sustaining Systems for Underground Parking in Cluj - Napoca Augustin POPA Nicoleta Maria ILIEŞ The Rayleigh Quotient, the Vector Iteration With Shift and the Rayleigh Product Daniela PREDA Florin MACAVEI Calculation of deformation estimated value for protection harbor construction to seismic application shaped through stationary random process Isabella STAN Dragos VINTILA ISSN-1584 - 5990 7-14 15-22 23-28 29-36 37-44 45-52 53-58 59-64 65-70 71-76 77-80 © 2000 Ovidius University Press 180 Table of Contents / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 179 - 181 (2007) SECTION II Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Structures Reactive centrifugal rotor – the analytical study of two applications Victor BENCHE Radu ŢÂRULECU Stelian ŢÂRULECU Analogical electro hydrodynamic research on installations for launch subsonic constant density jets Victor BENCHE Virgil-Barbu UNGUREANU The Safety of Concrete Structures from the Water Supply System, Undermined by the Errors and Careless in Design and Execution Olimpia BLAGOI Bogdan PATRAS Maricel GEORGESCU Marinela BARBUTA Modeling, Simulation and Regulation of an Industrial Installation Intended for Field Irrigation Using Attenuant Wastewater Adrian BOLMA Marian DORDESCU Phased Execution of the Coastal Protection Works in the Southern Area of the Romanian seashore Romeo CIORTAN A possible recovery system of the potential energy for the rain water in the case of high buildings Ovidiu Mihai CRĂCIUN Radu ŢÂRULECU The Analysis of the Impact of Storage Lake on Environment Using the Chemical Characterization of the Water Resources. Case Study Bahlui Basin River Ion GIURMA Ioan CRĂCIUN Catrinel-Raluca GIURMA The Multicriterial Decisional Management Within Irrigation Arrangements Gheorghe IORDACHE Marian DORDESCU Protection Measures on the Algerian Coastline of the Mediterranean Sea Khoudir MEZOUAR Shoreline Variation and Protection Measures on the Romanian Coast Line of the Black Sea – A Case Study for Mamaia Beach Khoudir MEZOUAR Romeo CIORTAN 83-86 87-92 93-98 99-106 107-112 113-118 119-124 125-130 131-136 137-144 Table of Contents / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 179 - 181 (2007) Explanatory Aspects of the Research Concerning the National Land Reclamation Digital Data Fund (FNDDIF) Irina STATE Tudor Viorel BLIDARU Hydraulic Checking of a Sewerage Collector Gabriel TATU The Increase of Strong Rainfall Concentrated on Small Areas as an Effect of Climatic Changes Marius TELIŞCĂ Catrinel-Raluca GIURMA-HANDLEY Petru CERCEL Energetic improvement of joinery embrasures Virgil-Barbu UNGUREANU Analysis of heat exchangers obtained by division or multiplying of units Virgil-Barbu UNGUREANU Neculae ŞERBĂNOIU Maria MUREŞAN 181 145-150 151-154 155-160 161-168 169-176 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 The influence of the water level variation in reservoirs upon the earth dams strain state a Virgil BREABAN a Sunai GELMAMBET a ”Ovidius” University of Constantza, Constantza, 8700, România __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: În această lucrare este studiată şi prezentată influenţa variaţiei nivelului apei în lacul de acumulare asupra deformaţiilor barajelor de pământ. Pentru aceasta au fost realizate o serie de simulări numerice privind efectele unor variaţii bruşte sau lente ale nivelurilor în lacul de acumulare asupra stării de deformaţii şi eforturi în corpul barajelor de pământ. Analizele numerice s-au efectuat în ipoteza comportării neliniare a materialelor din corpul barajului, cu ajutorul programului cu elemente finite Cosmos 2.6. Compararea rezultatelor numerice cu măsurătorile din amplasamente validează modelele de calcul folosite şi permit evaluarea efectelor fenomenului studiat asupra siguranţei barajelor de pământ. În final, în urma analizei rezultatelor obţinute sunt prezentate o serie de concluzii cu privire la influenţa variaţiei nivelului apei în lac asupra deformaţiilor barajelor de pământ. Abstract: In this paper is presented and studied the influence of the water level variation in the reservoirs upon the earth dams strain state. For that there have been realized a series of numeric simulations about the effect of sudden or slow variations of the levels in the reservoir over the state of strains and stress in the body of the earth dams. The numerical analysis has been done in the hypothesis of nonlinear behaviour of materials in the dam body, using the finite element program Cosmos 2.6. Comparison between the numerical results and the local measurements made on dam validates the computational models used and allows the effects estimation upon the earth dams’ safety. Finally, are presented a series of conclusions about the influence of the variations of the water level in the reservoir over the earth dams strain state. Keywords: the variations of the water level in the reservoir, strains, earth dam. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction Earth dams represent the most common and the oldest category of all the dams. Almost 70% of the 46000 of great dams that are in the ICOLD system are embankment dams [3]. With all the spread and the age of earth dams, with all the remarkable scientific and technologic progresses realised in this domain, especially in the last five decades, the knowledge of the behaviour of the earth dams at sudden variations of the water level in the reservoir is not totally understood. Because of these reasons, in this work is represented and studied with the help of numeric methods based on MEF [2], [6], the nonlinear behaviour of earth dams and the sudden variations of levels in the reservoir, adding to a better knowledge of the studied phenomena, the rise in performance and safety in the use of earth dams [1]. ISSN 1584 - 5990 For the analysis of the state of stress and strains is important to take in consideration the hypothesis of sudden variation of water level in the reservoir. This sudden variation can appear in the situation in which is necessary of a rapid empting or the case of a flood wave [3]. The rapid empting of the dam may appear necessary for reasons of safety of the dam, urgent needs of the use of the water in the reservoir or other special situations. 2. Numerical Simulation The numerical simulations for the case of sudden rise of the water level in the reservoir were done for Dopca dam., a lest affluent of the river Olt, at a distance of 1,5 km upstream of the town Dopca, a village in the town of Hoghiz, in the county of Brasov. The Dopca dam is made of fillings, made of embankment from the materials extracted from the © 2000 Ovidius University Press 8 The influence of the water … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 7-14 (2007) lake ditch, with a reinforced concrete face, with a surface of 7800 m2, made on the upstream face with the maximum height of 18,0 m and the length at the top of 175,0 m Fig.1 The section of Dopca dam The numerical simulations over the dam have been done for two cases so that later, by comparing the results we can see the effect of the sudden variations of water in the lake. In both cases, the simulations have been done with the help of the program of finite elements COSMOS 2.6 [4], [5]. The analyses done in the two cases have been nonlinear analysed and was used the Drucker-Prager model [8]. Fig.2 The section of Dopca dam, with the difference of the water level In the case of the first simulation there has been considered a rise in water level in the lake of 1m/day and in the second case a rise of 3m/day. The difference of level considered in the case of the sudden variation was of 10m and is presented in the fig. 2. For the first case when the rise of level of water level was considered of 1m/day the filling had taken place in 10 days meaning 864000 seconds, and in the second case the filling had taken place in 3,33 days meaning 288000 seconds. To be sure that the results obtained represents a behavior close to the behavior of the real dam, the results have been compared with the real behavior of the dam in time. The results that were obtained from the simulations in the two cases, in order to be seen and compared more easily were presented in the following drawings. V. Breaban , S. Gelmambet / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 7-14 (2007) 9 Fig.3. The numbering of nodes Fig.4 The variation of the displacement in the y direction in node 1 in the case of sudden variation(cm) Fig.5 The variation of the displacement in the y direction in node 1 in the case of no sudden variation (cm) Fig.6 The variation of the displacement in the y direction in node 9 in the case of sudden variation(cm) Fig.7 The variation of the displacement in the y direction in node 9 in the case of no sudden variation(cm) 10 The influence of the water … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 7-14 (2007) Fig.8 The variation of the displacement in the y direction in node 18 in the case of sudden variation(cm) Fig.9 The variation of the displacement in the y direction in node 18 in the case of no sudden variation(cm) Fig.10 The variation of the stress σx in node 26 in the case of sudden variation (Pa) Fig.11 The variation of the stress σx in node 26 in the case of no sudden variation (Pa) Fig.12 The variation of the stress τxy in node 26 in the case of sudden variation (Pa) Fig.13 The variation of the stress τxy in node 26 in the case of no sudden variation (Pa) V. Breaban , S. Gelmambet / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 7-14 (2007) Fig.14 The diagram of stress τxy at step 100 in the case of sudden variation (Pa) Fig.15 The diagram of stress τxy at step 100 in the case of no sudden variation (Pa) Fig.16 The diagram of εx strains at step 100 in the case of sudden variation 11 12 The influence of the water … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 7-14 (2007) Fig.17 The diagram of εx strains at step 100 in the case of no sudden variation Fig.18 The situation schematics of the dam with disposal landmarks for the following in time In the following figures are presented the data obtained from the study in time of the dam are presented. In fig. 18 is presented the plan of dispersion of the landmarks for the following in time of the Dopca dam is presented. The landmark 41 coincides with node 1 of the finite elements mesh. The landmark 39 coincides with node 9 of the finite elements mesh. The landmark 46 coincides with node 18 of the finite elements mesh. V. Breaban , S. Gelmambet / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 7-14 (2007) The marked values are form 1 Oct 2001 when the flow of water was 1m/day. The settlement for node 1 from the calculations shown in fig 5 is -5,75 mm. 13 The settlement for node 9 from the calculations shown in fig 7 is -3,27 mm. The settlement for node 18 from the calculations shown in fig 9 is -6,16 mm. Fig.19 The values of settlement necessary for the comparison In fig. 20 are presented the differences between the settlement obtained by the calculation and the settlement obtained by the measurement. Fig.20 The comparison graphics between the calculation values and the measured values 14 The influence of the water … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 7-14 (2007) 3. Conclusions We can see that in the case of sudden variations, the movements and strains on the horizontal of the dam modify significantly and are not to be neglected. For dams with reinforced concrete face, a problem is the deformation of the reinforced concrete face under the action of sudden variations of the level of water in the reservoir. Because of these movements (strains) modification appears to the profile of transversal sections and even longitudinal fissures witch can influence the resistance of the dam (infiltrations). In the case of dams with reinforced concrete face, the effect of the sudden variation of water consists in the fact that the plastic strains are extremely big, especially in the center zone of the dam. The reinforced concrete face follows the strains of the filling of the dam produced by the pressure at the filling of the lake and it’s pulled to the center of the dam. Because of this the vertical ends of the central area of the reinforced concrete face have a tendency to close and the ends of perimeter areas open very much. In the case of the perimeter area there are three distinct components of the displacements: settlement on the normal face of the reinforced concrete face, openings on the normal direction of the end and displacements that form a tangent parallel. Following the comparison of the results in the two cases, we can se that the influence of sudden variation of the water level over the results is very important. We can se that de difference of the displacement on the y (vertical) direction are very small, but the differences on the x (horizontal) direction are important and cant be ignored. In the case of the stress we can see an increase of the values in the case of sudden variation in especially in the case of the stress σx and τxy. By comparing the results of the strains that are specific we can se that in the case of the strains the εy differences are very small like in the case of the displacements. The more important differences appear in the case of the strains εx and in the special cases of strains γxy. We also see that the horizontal strains can be registered at the ½ the height of the dam on the upstream prism. Therefore the biggest strains will be produced in the central area of the upstream prism. The complex nature of the phenomena of behavior of embankment dams at the first filling of the reservoir imposes a careful study of them on the full period of the filling as well as in the first years of using. The comparison of the data obtained from the measures about the calculation from the design, the making of post analysis tests make the most direct methods for the understanding of the phenomena and the preventing of incidents or accidents. 4. References [1] Dibaj,M., Penzien, J., Nonlinear seismic response of earth structures, Report No. EERC 69-2 , Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1974. [2] Popovici, A., Dynamic analisys by numerical me thods, 1978, I.C.Bucuresti.. [3] Popovici, A., Dams for water accumulation, Vol.II, 2002, Editura Tehnică Bucuresti. [4] Gelmambet, S., Dam-foundation seismic interaction analysis, Simpozionul Concepţii Moderne în ingineria Amenajărilor Hidrotehnice, 13 mai 2005, Timişoara, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii „POLITEHNICA” din Timişoara, Seria Hidrotehnică, Tomul 49 (63), Fascicola 1, pag.46-53, Editura Politehnica, România 2005; [5] Gelmambet, S., Dam-reservoir seismic interaction analysis, The XXXth National Conference of Solid Mechanics Mecsol 2006 , 15-16 septembrie 2006, Constanta, Vol.9 pag.251-258. [6] Zienkiewicz, O.C. The finite element method in engineering science, McGraw-Hill, London, 1971. [7] Zienkiewicz,O.C., Bettess,P. Fluid-structure Dynamic interaction and wave forces; an introduction to numerical treatement, Engng., Vol.13, 1978. [8] *** Cosmos/M Manual Teoretic, Structural Reasearch Corporation, Santa Monica USA, 1996. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 The generalized eigenvalues method in the nonlinear dynamics analysis a Gheorghe PICOL a Mircea IEREMIA a Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Bucharest,020396, România __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: În analiza dinamică liniară, în condiţiile în care modelul de calcul are o lege constitutivă liniarelastică, se poate folosi proprietatea de ortogonalitate a vectorilor proprii pentru rezolvarea ecuaţiilor de echilibru seismic. În acest caz, vectorii proprii sunt ortogonali în raport cu matricea maselor şi matricea rigidităţilor. Dacă se consideră amortizarea de tip Rayleigh, relaţia de ortogonalitate este valabilă şi pentru matricea de amortizare. Din punct de vedere matematic, sistemul de ecuaţii care caracterizează fenomenul se transformă în “n” ecuaţii decuplate , câte una pentru fiecare mod propriu de vibraţie. În efectuarea unei analize dinamice incrementale neliniare, matricile maselor, de rigiditate şi de amortizare nu mai sunt neapărat matrici simetrice.În consecinţă relaţia de ortogonalitate a vectorilor proprii în raport cu matricile de rigiditate şi de amortizare nu mai este verificată şi ca urmare formele proprii de vibraţie nu se mai pot decupla.Se recurge la metoda numerică de rezolvare a valorilor şi vectorilor proprii generalizaţi. Abstract: In the linear dynamics analysis when the computation model has a linear-elastic constitutive law, it can be used the orthogonality property of the eigenvectors to solve the seismic equilibrium equations. In this case, the eigenvectors are orthogonal with respect to the mass matrix and stiffness matrix. If one considers the Rayleigh type damping, the orthogonality relationship holds for the damping matrix too. From the mathematical point of view the system of equations characterizing the phenomena becomes a set of “n” uncoupled equations, one equation for each mode. The achievement of a nonlinear dynamics analysis assumes the mass, rigidity and damping matrices are not necessary symmetric. Consequently, the orthogonality relationships of eigenvectors with respect to the rigidity and damping matrices are no longer true and the inner forms of vibrations cannot be decoupled. In this case one uses the numerical method of generalized eigenvalues and generalized eigenvectors. Keywords: Dynamic,damping, eigenvalues, generalized eigenvectors. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. The problem-Generalitys In the linear dynamics analysis when the computation model has a linear-elastic constitutive law, the orthogonality property of the eigenvectors can be used to solve the seismic equilibrium equations. In this case, the eigenvectors are orthogonal with respect to the mass matrix and stiffness matrix. One neglects usually the damping matrix; if the damping is taken into account then the Rayleigh model is used where the damping matrix is a linear combination between the mass matrix and the stiffness matrix. Within these conditions the orthogonality relation is also true for the damping matrix. From the mathematical point ISSN 1584 - 5990 of view the system of equations of free or forced vibrations becomes a set of “n” independent equations, one equation for each mode. The characteristics of an incremental nonlinear dynamics analysis are the following: -the history of the used excitation should be considered; - the numerical models must consider the rheological properties of real materials: elasticity, plasticity, viscosity ; - for the linearization, “stress- strain” curve is replaced by a polygonal line ; - for a material with different loading and unloading rigidity, the variation of rigidity is given by the variation of the modulus of elasticity/plasticity with © 2000 Ovidius University Press 16 The generalized eigen. meth…/ Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 15 -22 (2007) respect to strain value(elastic-plastic) at the corresponding moment of time ; - the damping effect which modifies the eigenfrequency of the damaged structure needs to be considered; - the stiffness matrix and the damping matrix are not constant anymore, they are functions of the total specific deformation; they are continuously degrading when loading ; - the mass, stiffness and damping matrices are non necessary symmetric ; - the orthogonality relatiohships of the eigenvectors with respect to the stiffness and damping matrices are not necessary true and as consequence the inner forms of vibrations cannot be detached; one uses the numerical method of generalized eigenvalues and generalized eigenvectors with solutions arising in the real field from the complex field. In the sequel M, K are the mass matrix and the stiffness matrix of a model respectively , with N dynamical degree of freedom (DOF) and C the damping matrix; P(t) is the vector of loads. The • •• unknowns are u, u and u - the vector of displacements, velocities and accelerations. Then the dynamic response of the body to an external excitation is modeled by a system of differential eqs. (1.1) . •• • •• • M ⋅ u + C ⋅ u + K ⋅ u = P(t ) (1.1) One considers both the homogenous viscous damped associated model and the homogeenous nondamped associated model, defined by eq.(1.2) and (1.3) respectively: M ⋅ u + C ⋅ u+ K ⋅ u = 0 •• M⋅ u+ K ⋅u = 0 • [B]⋅ ⎧⎨X(t )⎫⎬ − [A]⋅ {X(t )} = { 0 } ⎩ ⎭ (2.2) Looking for particular exponential solutions of (2.2) one gets the relationships (2.3) and (2.4). det(β[A]-α[B])=0 (2.3) (β[A]-α[B]){V}={0} (2.4) (1.3) The initial conditions of the dynamic response are given by the eqs.(1.4): • u (0) = u 0 ; u (0 ) = v 0 , (1.4) where u0 şi v0 are the vectors of the initial displacements and the initial velocities. To solve the equations (1.1)÷(1.4), there are several methods, each of them proceeding in several steps and some steps are common for two or more methods; each method has its own hypotheses, advantages and drawbacks. 2. Generalized eigenvalues method 2.1. The response in free vibrations with initial data The system of homogenous differential eq.(1.2) by the transformations (2.1): ⎧⎪ • ⎫⎪ [M ] [0] ⎤ ⎡ − [C] − [K ]⎤ {X(t )} = ⎨u (t )⎬ , [B] = ⎡⎢ , [A ] = ⎢ ⎥ ⎥, [ ] [ ] ⎣ 0 − K⎦ ⎣− [K ] [0] ⎦ ⎪⎩u (t )⎪⎭ becomes equivalent with the system of differential equations of the first order (1.2) the (2.1) The eq. (2.3) is called the characteristic equation, (α( j), β( j)) ∈ C 2 − { 0} and the pairs { } vectors V j ∈ C n − {0} , which satisfy (2.3) and (2.4) are called generalized eigenvalues and generalized eigenvector. With no loss of generality one assumes β ∈ R , β ≥ 0. Usual eigenvalues is λ given by: λ = α/β (2.5) The part α(j) of the generalized eigenvalue of (2.4) has the form (2.6). P. Gheorghe and M.Ieremia / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 15 -22 (2007) α(j) = αR(j)+i αI( j), with αR(j) , (2.6) α I ( j) ∈ R. As the roots of the characteristic equation are real or not we denote: I1 = {j 1 ≤ j ≤ n , α I ( j) = 0 } (2.7) I 2 = {j 1 ≤ j ≤ n , α I ( j) > 0 } If j ∈ I1 , then the generalized eigenvector is a column of [VR ]∈ M n (R ) . 17 If j ∈ I 2 , then the real part and the imaginary part of the generalized eigenvector are two columns of [VR]. Using the eqs. (2.1), and the initial data (1.4) one gets the coeficients μj from (2.8). [VR ] ⋅ {μ j } = {v 0 , u 0 }T (2.8) The solution of the problem (1.2)÷(1.4) is given by (2.9), for any s, 1 ≤ s ≤ p: u s (t ) = ∑ e λ R ( j)⋅t ⋅ ((μ j ⋅ VR (p + s, j) + μ j+1 ⋅ VR (p + s, j + 1)) ⋅ cos(λ I ( j) ⋅ t ) + (μ j∈I 2 j+1 ⋅ VR (p + s, j) − μ j ⋅ VR (p + s, j + 1)) ⋅ sin (λ I ( j) ⋅ t )) + ∑ μ j ⋅ VR (p + s, j) ⋅ e λ j ⋅t , (2.9) j∈I1 Here the generalized eigenvalues are λ(j): λ( j) = λ R ( j) + λ I ( j) ⋅ i, λ R ( j) ∈ R , λ I ( j) ∈ R The functions e sin (λ I ( j) ⋅ t ) ⋅ e λ R ( j)⋅t eigenfunctions. λ j ⋅t (2.10) , cos(λ I ( j) ⋅ t ) ⋅ e λ R ( j)⋅t and from (2.9) are called 2.2. The response in forced vibrations with piecewise linear exciting force One assumes that{u(t)} is a solution of (1.1) and that the sequence of timestamps ti are ordered ascendingly, ti<ti+1. Let {P(ti)}= {fi},with known fi . The exciting force {P(t)} on the segment[ti<ti+1 ] is (2.11). {P(t )} = (1 − (t − t i ) (Δt )) ⋅ {fi } + (t − t i ) (Δt ) ⋅ {fi +1} (2.11) with t i ≤ t ≤ t i +1 , Δt = t i+1 − t i . The following relationships are given on the generic interval [t0, t1] and they are the same on any other interval. For simplicity we do not use the indexes of the vectors. Let (2.12) at the beginning of the interval. ⎧• ⎫ (2.12) ⎨u (t 0 ) = v 0 ⎬ ⎩ ⎭ From the linear expression of the exciting force on the interval we get first the vectors {A d } and {Bd } : {u (t 0 ) = u 0 } ; {A d } = ({f1 }− {f 0 }) (Δt ) {B d } = (t 1 ⋅ {f 0 }− t 0 ⋅ {f 1 }) / (Δt ) (2.13) Then one computes the vectors {α d } and {β d } . {α d } = [K ]−1 ⋅ {A d } ; {β d } = [K ]−1 ⋅ ({A d }⋅ t 0 + {B d }− [C]⋅ {α d }) (2.14) The displacement solution u(t) of (1.1) with restrictions (2.12), is: {u (t )} = {u c (t − t 0 )} + {αd }⋅ t − {αd }⋅ t 0 + {βd } (2.15) The displacement uc(t) is obtained using the results from §(2.1), because it verifies the homogenous eq. (1.2) associated to (1.1) with the initial data (2.16): {u c (0)} = {u 0 } − {β d } ; ⎧• ⎫ ⎨u c (0)⎬ = {v 0 } − {α d } ⎩ ⎭ (2.16) 18 The generalized eigen. meth…/ Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 15 -22 (2007) 3. The structural response in displacements, velocities and frequencies Various significant cases from practice emmphisized the influence of structural damping, of the particularities of the chosen model and of the number of dynamical degrees of freedom. In practical engineering applications we used the procedures DGGEVX and DGESV from LAPACK, DVOUT and DMOUT from ARPACK. 3.1. The undamped structural response The frame with one opening of a bulding with two floors is considered . The mass of the frame is supposed to be concentrated at the floor level and the floors move rigidly. The degree of freedom was indicated on figure. The response of the structure to the problem is required (1.1)÷(1.4) where the initial conditions are null and the matrices [M],[C],[K] and the vector of forces {P} are given by: [M] 2.D0 0.D0 0.D0 1.D0 [C] [K] 0.D0 0.D0 3.D0 -1.D0 0.D0 0.D0 -1.D0 1.D0 {P} 0.0D0 2.0D0 The exact displacements are given by (3.1). {u(t )} = ⎜⎜1 + cos( ) ( ) ( ( ) ) 2 t / 3 − 4 ⋅ cos t / 2 / 3 ⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎝ 3 − cos 2 t / 3 − 8 ⋅ cos t / 2 / 3 ⎠ ⎛ (3.1) Table 1.Comp. btw. the analytic and DGGEVX freq. Analytic Fortran90(DGGEVX) .141421356D+01 2 = 1.4142135624... .707106781D+00 1/ 2 = 0.7071067812 Table 2. Comparison between the analytic coefficients of the eigenfunctions and those obtained with DGGEVX Eigenfunctions GLD1, DOF1 GLD2,DOF2 Analytic Fotran90(DGGEVX) Analytic Fortran90(DGGEVX) 1 − 1/ 3 3.3333333333333D-01 -3.3333333333333D-01 1/ 3 2 0 0.0000000000000D+00 0 0.0000000000000D+00 − 4/3 3 -1.3333333333333D+00 -2.6666666666667D+00 −8/3 4 0 0.0000000000000D+00 0 0.0000000000000D+00 One can see from these tables that the approximation is as good as possible. 3.2. The effect of damping in modal analysis One considers the system from fig. 1 in the case of free and forced vibrations with initial data. ⎫ ⎡0.5D0 0.0D0 0.0D0⎤ ⎢ ⎥ [M] = ⎢0.0D0 1.0D0 0.0D0⎥ , ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎢⎣0.0D0 0.0D0 0.5D0⎥⎦ ⎬ 0.0D0⎤ ⎪ ⎡ 2.0D0 − 1.0D0 [K ] = ⎢⎢ − 1.0D0 4.0D0 − 1.0D0 ⎥⎥ ⎪⎪ ⎢⎣ 0.0D0 − 1.0D0 2.0D0⎥⎦ ⎪⎭ { v 0 }= {0}; { u 0 }= ⎧⎨− 16 ,− 13 ,− 76 ⎫⎬ ⎩ Fig.1. Free vibrating system with initial data For undamping vibrations one considers the matrices [M] , [K] and the vectors of the initial data {v0} and {u0}, given by (3.2) ,(3.2’). ⎭ (3.2) (3.2’) In the damping case one considers the damping matrice (3.3) also. 19 P. Gheorghe and M.Ieremia / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 15 -22 (2007) The vectors of the initial data are the same in both cases. 0 . 1 0 0 ⎡ ⎤ The analytic displacements are given by (3.4) [C] = ⎢⎢ 0 0 0 ⎥⎥ (3.3) ⎢⎣ 0 0 0.5⎥⎦ ( ) ( ) ⎧− (1 6) ⋅ cos 6 ⋅ t − (1 2) ⋅ cos 2 ⋅ t + (1 2) ⋅ cos(2 ⋅ t )⎫ ⎪ ⎪ {u (t )} = ⎨ (1 6) ⋅ cos 6 ⋅ t − (1 2) ⋅ cos 2 ⋅ t ⎬ ⎪− (1 6) ⋅ cos 6 ⋅ t − (1 2) ⋅ cos 2 ⋅ t − (1 2) ⋅ cos(2 ⋅ t )⎪ ⎭ ⎩ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (3.4) Table 3. Comparison between the analytic angular frequency and that obtained with DGGEVX Analytic DGGEVX(undamped) DGGEVX(damped) .2449490D+01 .238949058D+01 6 = 2.4494897428... .1414214D+01 .145441134D+01 2 = 1.4142135624 ... 2 .2000000D+01 .195127286D+01 Table 4. Comparison between the undamped and damped eigenfunctions ( obtained with the proc. DGGEVX) Undamped Damped kcos(.2449490D+01*t)*exp(.1857943D-14*t) cos(.2389491D+01*t)*exp(-.1093876D+00*t) sin(.2449490D+01*t)*exp(.1857943D-14*t) sin(.2389491D+01*t)*exp(-.1093876D+00*t) cos(.1414214D+01*t)*exp(.4906539D-15*t) cos(.1454411D+01*t)*exp(-.1449880D+00*t) sin(.1414214D+01*t)*exp(.4906539D-15*t) sin(.1454411D+01*t)*exp(-.1449880D+00*t) cos(.2000000D+01*t)*exp(.0000000D+00*t) cos(.1951273D+01*t)*exp(-.3456244D+00*t) sin(.2000000D+01*t)*exp(.0000000D+00*t) sin(.1951273D+01*t)*exp(-.3456244D+00*t) Table 5. Comparison between the coefficients of the undamped and damped eigenfunctions Eigen. Func. DOF Analytic Undamped Damped −1 6 1 1 -1.6666666666667D-01 -1.5324453745705D-01 16 1.6666666666667D-01 1.2964861943519D-01 2 − 16 3 -1.6666666666667D-01 -2.2799097435107D-02 2 1 0 6.9854441481544D-17 9.4031423163675D-02 2 0 -2.0789052147676D-17 -8.4284668222341D-02 3 0 8.9480597215092D-17 1.1683391713828D-01 −1 2 3 1 -5.0000000000000D-01 -5.2811581389712D-01 −1 2 -5.0000000000000D-01 -4.8113345857307D-01 2 −1 2 -5.0000000000000D-01 -2.8695203010525D-01 3 4 1 0 3.7946038233531D-16 -2.2049260920957D-01 2 0 6.0827000183804D-17 -2.4145570810675D-01 3 0 2.9464341431205D-16 -4.4256711285042D-01 12 5.0000000000000D-01 5.1469368468751D-01 5 1 2 0 2.0004455055537D-16 1.8151505804552D-02 −1 2 3 -5.0000000000000D-01 -8.5691553912631D-01 6 1 0 6.5959487396052D-18 9.2532881133750D-02 2 0 2.8818226857972D-30 2.5791898163980D-01 3 0 -6.5959487396111D-18 1.2418385824861D-02 20 The generalized eigen. meth…/ Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 15 -22 (2007) 3.3. The dynamic structural response to time variable loads The linear variation of the applied force is shown in figure 3. We have 9 DOF. In Table 6 a comparison between the first two DOF is shown. The dynamic response is considered of the frame from fig. 2, discretized with 4 beam elements. Fig.2. Frame modelled with 4 beam elements Time,(s) 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.05 --- Fig.3. The force function at node 2 Table 6. Comparison between displacements on the first two DOF Displ.DOF1(cm) Displ. DOF2(cm) Paz,Leigh DGGEVX Paz,Leigh DGGEVX 0 0 0 0 0.12346 0.11855 -0.02569 -0.03626 0.16516 0.18429 -0.05606 -0.05369 0.20431 0.22177 -0.09073 -0.09270 --------- 3.4. Extreme values of the structural response for forced vibrations. The damping and undamping case Within the framework of the dynamics analysis we propose to compute the frequencies, the structural response and the extreme values of the response for the sheared building with two floors from fig. 4. The structure is subjected to a force of 10kN applied suddenly to the second floor. We assume the elastic behaviour of the structure and we consider two kinds of damping: a)no damping; b) 10% of the critical damping for each mode Table 7.Comparison between the angular frequencies Paz,Leigh Fortran90 11.827 .1179679D+02 32.901 .3296284D+02 Fig.4. Frame with 2 levels subject to lateral forces P. Gheorghe and M.Ieremia / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 15 -22 (2007) Table 8. Comparison between the first two DOF Time(s) Time(s) Displ.DOF1(cm) Displ.DOF2(cm) Paz,Leigh DGGEVX Paz,Leigh DGGEVX 0.00 0 -.6938894D-17 0.00 0 .1387779D-16 0.01 2.05E-05 .2057270D-04 0.01 0.00753 .7533334D-02 0.02 3.24E-04 .3251518D-03 0.02 0.02963 .2963100D-01 0.03 0.00161 .1612764D-02 0.03 0.06485 .6483580D-01 0.04 0.00493 .4953161D-02 0.04 0.11093 .1108797D+00 0.05 0.0116 .1165484D-01 0.05 0.16501 .1649071D+00 ------------0.39 0.40966 .4159244D+00 0.39 0.52246 .5298873D+00 21 Table 9. Comparison between the eigenfunctions Undamped Damped 10% cos(.1179679D+02*t)*exp(.0000000D+00*t) cos(.1173733D+02*t)*exp(-.1182954D+01*t) sin(.1179679D+02*t)*exp(.0000000D+00*t) sin(.1173733D+02*t)*exp(-.1182954D+01*t) cos(.3296284D+02*t)*exp(.0000000D+00*t) cos(.3279819D+02*t)*exp(-.3290506D+01*t) sin(.3296284D+02*t)*exp(.0000000D+00*t) sin(.3279819D+02*t)*exp(-.3290506D+01*t) Next the maximum and minimum of the displacements and velocities are presented as well as the moments when they are reached depending on DOF. a) Undamped Dir, DOF umin 1 -.69D-17 2 .00D+00 at t umax .00D+00 .68D+00 .00D+00 .11D+01 at t vmin .24D+00 -.49D+01 .28D+00 -.69D+01 at t .39D+00 .35D+00 vmax .60D+01 .60D+01 at t .14D+00 .70D-01 at t umax at t vmin .00D+00 .59D+00 .25D+00 -.29D+01 .00D+00 .92D+00 .28D+00 -.38D+01 at t .39D+00 .36D+00 vmax .48D+01 .54D+01 at t .14D+00 .60D-01 b) Damped Dir, DOF umin 1 .00D+00 2 .00D+00 Conclusions: 1. It is noted that the extreme values of the displacements and , respectively , the velocities, are reached at close moments of time in the case of the undamping vibrations , on the direction of the same degree of dynamic freedom. 2. It is noted that the spectral values of the displacements decrease by aprox. 13% and those of the velocities by aprox.30% in the case of the damping vibrations compared to the undamping vibrations. 22 The generalized eigen. meth…/ Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 15 -22 (2007) 4. References [1] ANDERSON.E., Z.BAI, C.BISCHOF, S.BLACKFORD, J.DEMMEL, J. DONGARRA, J.DU CROZ, A.GREENBAUM, S.HAMMARLING, A. MCKENNEY and D.SORRENSEN, Lapack User’s Guide, Third Edition, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1999. [2] ATANASIU, G.M., Structural dynamics and stability , Iaşi, 1995 [3] BATHE, K. J. Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall., Engl.Chiffs, New Jersey, 1996. [4] GHEORGHE, P Tehnica alegerii pivotului în eliminarea gaussiană, Lucrările sesiunii ştiinţifice a catedrei de matematică, Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii Bucureşti, 26 mai 2001 [5] GHEORGHE P., IEREMIA M., Numerical computation of the response of a structure in free vibrations with inital data , Constanta Maritime University , MECSOL ,9,2006 [6] GHEORGHE , P. Contribuţii la determinarea numerică a modurilor proprii de vibraţie ale unor structuri inginereşti de mari dimensiuni în analiza dinamică liniară şi neliniară , Teză de doctorat, UTCB, 13.12.2006 [7] LEHOUCH, R., SORRENSEN, D.C., VU, P.A. ARPACK: Fortran subroutines for solving large scale eigenvalue problems, Release 2.1. [8] MOLER, C.B. & STEWART, G.W. An Algorithm for Generalized Matrix Eigenvalue Problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 10, pp.241-256 1973 [9] PAZ, M, , LEIGH,W. Structural Dynamics, Theory and Computation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston-Dordrecht-London, 2004 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May. 2007 Rotation Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Elements a Bogdan HEGHEŞ a Cornelia MĂGUREANU a Technical University Cluj Napoca, Cluj Napoca, 400027, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Ductilitatea este o proprietate importantă pentru redistribuţia eforturilor şi prevenirea colapsului. Lucrarea prezintă o comparaţie între valorile de calcul ale ductilităţii şi cele obţinute utilizând valorile experimentale ale unor caracteristici de deformare. Elementele experimentale în număr de nouă, sunt grinzi încovoiate simplu armate realizate din betoane de înaltă rezistenţă de clasă C80/90. Ductilitatea a fost exprimată prin rotirea plastică a unui element în momentul formării articulaţiei plastice. Abstract: Ductility is an important property for redistribution of forces and prevention of progressive collapse. The ductility of structural members can be improved by confinement. For high strength concrete this is especially important due increased brittleness. This paper summarizes results from nine reinforced beams of high strength concrete. Ductility was explained by plastic rotation of the element, when in critical sections of the beams plastic hinges appear. Keywords: rotation capacity, high strength concrete, ductility. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction The paper presents a comparison between the calculus values obtained through several standards codes and experimental values of the authors. 2. Experimental program tested at bending. The beams were realized with concrete class of C80/90, with constant length of L=3200mm and the section of 125×250mm. The longitudinal percentage of reinforcement was between 2.033-3.933%, and the transversal reinforcement was the same for all the beams, with stirrups Ø6/300mm. All the beams were tested with an hydraulic press and loaded with two concentrated loads. (see Fig. 1). The experimental program contained a number of nine simple reinforced concrete beams, Fig. 1. Schema de încărcare a grinzilor Both ends of the beams were free to rotate under loading. At each increment of the forces, the ISSN 1584 – 5990 strain on multiple heights of the section and the flexure of the beam were recorded. In Table 1 the compressive © 2000 Ovidius University Press 24 Rotation capacity … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 23-28 (2007) strength of the concrete is presented at the date of the testing. Table 1. Compressive strength of the concrete Beams FT5.1-1 FT5.2-1 I1-1, I1-2 I2-1, I2-2 I3-1, I3-2 I4-1 Compressive strength fc,cube (MPa) 78 91 92.4 85.1 84.9 89.9 The longitudinal reinforcement percentage is presented in Table 2. The longitudinal reinforcement was with steel type PC52 and the transversal reinforcement (stirrups) with steel type OB37. Table 2. Longitudinal reinforcement percentage Beams FT5.1-1, FT5.2-1 I1-1 I1-2 I2-1 I2-2 I3-1, I3-2 I4-1 p (%) 2.033 2.621 2.654 3.072 2.990 3.357 3.933 The differences between the beams of the same series (i.e. I1-.., I2-.. ) came through the transversal dimensions deviations. Plastic rotation capability The plastic rotation capability θpl, is defined by the difference between the total rotation θtot and elastic rotation θel: θpl =θtot – θel. (See Fig. 2) Fig. 2. Total rotation The following definitions are adopted, which apply universally to reinforced and prestressed concrete members: • The total rotation θtot is taken as the "sum of angles made by the difference in tensile steel elongation and shortening of outermost compressive concrete fiber, where a section reaches nominal strength". • The elastic rotation θel is taken as the "sum of angles made by the difference in tensile steel elongation and the shortening of the outermost compressive fibre for which neither the reinforcement nor prestress has reached its elastic limit." • The plastic rotation θpl is taken as the "sum of additional deformations along the beam after yielding of either the ordinary or prestressed reinforcement and until a section reaches nominal strength" or, as previously shown, as the difference of the total rotation and the elastic rotation. The plastic theory uses the reserves of plastic hinges of static undetermined structures which are capable of forming plastic hinges in the most stressed areas, and to redistribute the efforts at less stressed areas. This hypothesis presumes that the elements have sufficient plastic deformation capabilities. To check the deformation capacity the required rotation Θreq has to be compared with the plastic rotation Θpl as follows: Θ nec ≤ Θ pl (1) CEB-FIB Model Code 1990 The plastic rotation according to MC90: Θ pl = ∫ l pl 0 ⎛ σ ⎞ ⋅ ⎜1 − sr1 ⎟ ⋅ (ε s 2 − ε sy )da d − x ⎜⎝ f yk ⎟⎠ δ (2) where: lpl – length of plastic hinge δ – the coefficient which taking into account the form of the stress-strain curve of the reinforcement in the inelastic range (δ ≈ 0,8) x – the depth of the compression zone d – the efficient height of the cross-section σsr1 – the steel stress in the crack the steel stress in the crack when the first crack forms as the characteristic concrete tensile strength is reached B. Hegheş and C. Măgureanu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 23-28 (2007) 25 fyk – the characteristic steel yield stress εs2 – the steel strain of the cracked section εsy – the steel yield strain a – the abscissa In order to facilitate practical applications, the abscissas Θpl and x/d represent the design values of the normalized neutral axis depth (Fig. 3) Fig. 4. Plastic rotation according Eurocode2 Fig. 3. Plastic rotation according CEB-fib MC90 Eurocode 2 DIN 1045-1 Dependent on the ductility class of steel, normal (N) or high (H), the plastic rotation can be taken from Fig. 4. It can be seen that the plastic rotation Θpl for x/d ≤ 0,16 is limited for H-steel to Θpl = 20 mrad and for N-steel to Θpl = 10 mrad. Θ pl = 20 mrad for x / d < 0.16 1.8 ⎡ x⎞ ⎤ ⎛ Θ pl = ⎢5.8 + ⎜ 6.22 − 11.5 ⎟ ⎥ mrad d ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎝ ⎢⎣ 0.16 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 d Simplified relationships for the Θpl.cap are drawn up in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 for different reinforcement types and are valid for a slenderness ratio of l*/d = 6 (l* is the distance between two consecutive zero moment points on either side of the support). The rotation capacity can be multiplied by for other values of l*/d. (2) pt. (3) The curvature may be used for all variations of material and geometrical parameters. Eq. 2 and 3 describes the admissible plastic rotation (Fig. 4) using only the compressive depth (x/d) as input parameter. Material and other geometrical parameters are not taken into account. DIN 1045-part 1 (2001) gives both detailed and simplified expressions for the available rotation capacity. Simplified relationships for the plastic rotation capacity are divided into concrete grades C12/16 to C50/60 and the high strength class C100/115. The relationships are reproduced in Fig. 5. The difference between Eurocode2 and DIN 1045 procedures to calculate the plastic rotation is that eq. (4) and (5) considers the slenderness of the system λ = l / d . The plastic length is estimated by lpl = 1.2 · h. The simplified expression reads: Θ pl = 20 ⋅ λl 20 mrad, for x d < 0.16 (4) 1.8 ⎡ x ⎞ ⎤ λl ⎛ Θ pl = ⎢5.8 + ⎜ 6.22 − 11.5 ⎟ ⎥ ⋅ mr d ⎠ ⎥⎦ 20 ⎝ ⎢⎣ ad, for 0.16 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 (5) d 26 Rotation capacity … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 23-28 (2007) The plastic rotation capacity can be obtained form Fig. 5. Figure 5 is obtained for λ=3. For different values of λ, the rotation capacity Θ is multiplied by λ / d. Plastic rotation due to bending The plastic hinge can be simulated with a single beam and a single load. The length of the beam is determined by the length of the area with negative moment over the support. The plastic rotation due to bending may be calculated as follows: aq Θ pl = 2 ∫ k ( x ) dx (7) 0 where: Fig. 5. Plastic rotation according DIN 1045-1 a q = 0.2 ⋅ λ ⋅ d and The simplified expression reads: Θ pl ,cap = β n β s ε su∗ − ε sy 1− x λ /3 (6) d The integration of the plastic area (grey area in Fig. 6) is expressible in the form: where: βn = 22.5 βs = 0.074 λ – shear slenderness; the distance between M=0 şi Mmax after redistribution ε*su – steel strain at ultimate: - steel failure: (0.4 ⋅ x d + 0.13)ε uk / βc - concrete failure: 1.8( x / d ) 0.7 k - the curvature at cracking, yielding and ultimate. (1 / (x / d − 1)) ε εsy – characteristic steel yield strain (=0.0025) εuk – characteristic steel strain at ultimate load (= 0.05 – for high ductility steel) εcu – characteristic concrete strain at ultimate load (=0.035 – for <C50) ⎡ ⎛My ⎞ − 1⎟⎟ + ⎢k cr ⎜⎜ ⎠ ⎢ ⎝ Mu ⎢ ⎛M M Θ pl = 0.2 ⋅ λ ⋅ d ⋅ ⎢+ k y ⎜ cr − cr ⎜ ⎢ ⎝ M y Mu ⎢ ⎢ ⎛ My ⎞ ⎟ ⎢+ ku ⎜⎜1 − M u ⎟⎠ ⎝ ⎣ ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎞ ⎥ ⎟ +⎥ ⎟ ⎥ ⎠ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ (8) B. Hegheş and C. Măgureanu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 23-28 (2007) 27 Fig. 6. Model for calculating the plastic rotation due to bending and model for a plastic hinge 3. Results and interpretation The experimental program consisted in testing at bending of nine reinforced concrete beams. In Table 3 the experimental data on the beams is shown. Table 3. Experimental results FT 5.1-1 FT 5.2-1 I 1-1 I 1-2 I 2-1 I 2-2 I 3-1 I 3-2 I 4-1 p% kcr ky ku x/d Θpl_nec (mrad) Θpl EC2 (mrad) Θpl DIN (mrad) Θpl MC90 (mrad) 2.033 2.033 2.621 2.654 3.072 2.990 3.357 3.357 3.933 0.00394 0.00120 0.00124 0.00046 0.00078 0.00073 0.00088 0.00088 0.00076 0.00394 0.00438 0.00528 0.00455 0.00590 0.00555 0.00496 0.00496 0.00577 0.03314 0.02867 0.03137 0.03036 0.04177 0.03854 0.04379 0.03970 0.04767 0.1355 0.1162 0.1475 0.1493 0.1877 0.1827 0.2057 0.2057 0.2274 2.5167 3.3649 2.1653 1.9335 1.8745 1.2982 2.2194 2.2198 3.2794 20.0000 20.0000 20.0000 20.0000 18.2633 18.5805 17.1449 17.1449 15.8541 15.7800 15.7800 15.7800 15.7800 16.2220 16.5040 15.2290 15.2290 14.0825 15.8178 14.5266 16.4929 16.5665 16.6596 16.4065 15.2868 15.2868 14.4795 28 Rotation capacity … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 23-28 (2007) 4. Conclusions 5. Bibliography The comparison between the experimental values and theoretical values is shown in Table 3. The data obtained from this experiment and the results of from the other authors leads us to the conclusion that actual standard codes are much to permissive regarding the plastic rotation. The lack of an integrated and consistent concept for the development of non-linear calculation prevents a simplified calculation model for all kinds of concrete. The number of experimental results is rather insufficient to compare the described models with the real structure behavior. The future studies in our Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Departement will be axed on a comparison of the same beams realized with steel type S500, others reinforcement percentage and beams with multiple openings. [1] Magureanu Cornelia, Hegheş B, Experimental Study on Ductility Reinforced Concrete Beams Using High Strength Concrete, fib Congress, 2006, Napoli [2] Mark Rebentrost, Deformation Capacity and Moment Redistribution of Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams, PH.D. Thesys, 2003 [3] Carsten Ahner, Jochen Kliver, Development of a New Concept for the Rotation Capacity in DIN 1045, Part 1, Lacer 1998, pp 213-236 [4] DIN 1045-1, Tragwerke aus Beton, Stahlbeton und Spannbeton, Teil 1 [5] Eurocode 2, Design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Assessment of the Potential for Progressive Collapse in RC Frames Adrian IOANI a Liviu CUCU a Călin MIRCEA a a Technical University Cluj Napoca, Cluj Napoca, 400020, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: În lucrare sunt discutate preocupările actuale ale inginerilor structurişti pentru evitarea şi, în special, pentru reducerea riscului de cedare progresivă a structurilor supuse la sarcini catastrofice (anormale sau neobişnuite). Ca şi în proiectarea antiseismică, se urmăreşte ca structurile de beton armat să aibă un nivel adecvat de continuitate structurală, redundanţă, robusteţe şi ductilitate, astfel încât în condiţiile „pierderii” (cedării) unui element structural, să existe alte căi de transfer ale solicitării. Este prezentată metodologia de evaluare a riscului de cedare progresivă a unei structuri de beton armat dezvoltată de U.S. GSA (2003) şi rezultate care confirmă capacitatea intrinsecă a unei structuri proiectate antiseismic de a rezista la fenomenul de cedare progresivă. Abstract: In the paper, the concerns of structural engineers to avoid, and especially to mitigate the potential for progressive collapse of structures subjected to abnormal loads is discussed. As in the seismic design, reinforced concrete structures should be provided with an adequate level of structural continuity, redundancy, robustness and ductility, so that alternative load transfer paths can develop, following the loss of an individual member. The methodology developed by U.S. GSA (2003) for assessing the vulnerability of existing RC framed structures, as well as results that confirm the inherent capacity of such structures, seismically designed, to resist progressive collapse are presented. Keywords: RC frames, abnormal loads, progressive collapse, seismic design, assesememt of vulnerability. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction Many structural collapses of important buildings concived in various structural solutions, tionalities and height regimes were registered in the last fifty years. Some of them had a local character, while other spread progressive to the scale of the full structure or large parts of it. The main causes leading to a structural progressive collapse of buildings, seen as a chain reaction of failures that propagates throughout a portion of structure, disproportionate to the original local failure[1], are: fire, wind gusts, floods and human errors, impact by vehicles, but especially major earthquakes and blasts[2]. The concerns of the structural engineers to prevent or to mitigate the potential for progressive collapse have to be seen in correlation with the structural effects of the abnormal loads [1]. Considering the definition given in Section 2 of the GSA Guidelines [3], abnormal loads are: “other than conventional design loads (dead, live, wind, ISSN 1584 - 5990 seismic) for structure, such air blast pressures generated by an explosion or an impact by vehicles, etc.” The design philosophy of structures subjected abnormal loads is to prevent or mitigate damage, not necessarily to prevent the collapse initiation from a specific cause. This approach is similar to the concept adopted in any modern earthquake-resistant design codes. If the progressive collapse prevention is associated to certain structural characteristics as an adequate level of continuity, redundancy and ductility so that alternative load transfer paths can develop following the loss of an individual member or a local failure, then it is obvious that these requirements are found in seismic design as well. Structural response to blast, for instance, is related to the large variety of possible scenarios regarding the location of the detonation point, charge and design details. Due to the high intensity of the air pressure exerted in fractions of second, the localized failure of the direct exposed members (i.e., columns, walls, girders, floor systems) is most like to occur. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 30 Assessment of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 29-36 (2007) For this reason, in the assessment methodology for the potential progressive collapse, engineers should consider the loss of portions of the structure using different “missing column” or “missing beam” scenarios. Such checks are required, though the cause is not always specified (natural hazard or manmade hazard), in the currently used design codes for the reinforced concrete structures. Thus, in the beam design, Section of EC2 [4] requires that “reinforcement used should be continuous and able to resist accidental positive moments (settlement of the support, explosion etc.)”. The most recent Romanian Seismic Design Code P 100-1/2004 - Art. [5], explicitly demands that “seismic design should provide the building structure with an adequate redundancy. In this manner, it is ensured that the failure of one single element or the failure of a structural link does not expose the structure to the loss of stability”. Consequently, it seems natural at present for the engineers to use their creativity to find costeffective solutions that make structures more resilient to both natural hazard (e.g. earthquakes) and man-made hazards (e.g. bomb blast, impact by vehicles) and, in consequence, the designed structural system will satisfy, at the same time, the requirements of lateral-load resistance and those of the prevention of the progressive collapse. The study presents the methodology developed by U.S. GSA [3] for assessing the vulnerability of existing RC framed structures, as well as, results that confirm the inherent capacity of such structures seismically designed, to resist progressive collapse. Fig. 1. Possible blast behavior of frame structures: a) earthquake resistant design b) gravity-load design. As presented in Fig.1b, after the removal of an exterior column (“missing column” scenario) by the blast effect, the lack of bottom continuous reinforcement generates the flexural failure of the newly resulting two-bay frame beam. The potential of brittle failure by shear could also be induced by the lack of closely spaced stirrups at the ends of the frame beam (Fig. 1b). This was the case of the Murrah Building, a nine story building with Ordinary Moment Frames designed for gravity loads [6]. When the blast effect abruptly removed column G20 by brisance, the transfer girder, which lost its support was unable to support the structure above the third floor. The type of damage that occurred and the resulting collapse of nearly half of the building indicate that progressive collapse extended the damage beyond that caused directly by the blast effect (Fig. 2) [6]. 2. Progressive collapse of RC frames It is known that the structures provided with interior core structural walls for lateral–load resistance and ordinary moment frames (frames designed for gravity-loads) or flat-plate structures with interior core walls and, in general, ordinary moment frame structures have a limited capacity to redistribute loads and prevent progressive collapse. Such a situation represents a consequence of the fact that gravity-load designed systems are not adequately reinforced and detailed to develop alternative load paths when a vertical support is removed due to a blast or an impact [1]. Fig. 2. Failure boundaries of floor slabs in Murrah Buildings [6]. A. Ioani et. al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 29-36 (2007) The report [6] underlined that the use of Special Moment Frames (SMF) rather than Ordinary Moment Frames would not completely eliminate the loss of some portions of the building, but the losses would be greatly reduced. For this reason, an Executive Order of GSA (EO 12699/1990) has required that “new Federal buildings be designed to meet seismic requirements” and consequently, “these new buildings in areas of high seismicity may already provide suitable ductility for blast resistance at no additional cost by satisfying seismic design requirements” [6]. 3. Assesement of the potential for progressive collapse 3.1 Progressive collapse analysis The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has developed the “Progressive Collapse Analysis and Design Guidelines for New Federal Office Buildings and Major Modernization Projects” – June 2003 [3] to ensure that the potential for progressive collapse is addressed in the design and construction of new buildings and major renovation projects. These guidelines provide a detailed methodology for minimizing the potential for progressive collapse in the design of new buildings and for assessing the vulnerability of existing buildings to progressive collapse. Using a flow-chart methodology the Guidelines determine whether the building under consideration might be exempt from detailed analysis for progressive collapse. For example, a structure which: - does not contain single point failure mechanism, - does not possess atypical structural conditions, - is not over ten stories, - has public areas or parking areas controlled with proper security systems, is designed consistently with at least Seismic Zone 3 or Seismic Design Category D or E requirements (see UBC – 1997 and IBC- 2000), is a candidate for automatic exemption from the consideration of progressive collapse. If the existing construction is determined not to be exempt from further consideration for progressive collapse, the methodology presented in Section 4.2 or 5.2 [3] is applicable and shall be 31 executed, and the potential for progressive collapse determined in this process – whether low or high – must be quantified. 3.2 Missing column scenarios The typical RC structural configuration, framed structures or flat plate structures, shall be considered individually in the following analysis scenarios: 1. The instantaneous loss of column for one floor above grade (1 story) located at or near the middle of the short side of the building - case C1, at or near the middle of the long side - case C2, and located at the corner of the building - case C3 (Fig. 3). 2. For facilities that have underground parking and/or uncontrolled public ground floor areas, the instantaneous loss of an interior column would also have to be considered. Fig. 3. Missing column scenarios for exterior columns. 3.3 Loading assumptions In the static analysis of each case, the vertical load applied downward to the structure is: Load = 2(D + 0.25L) (1) where D is the dead load and L the live load. In the GSA criteria, live load is reduced to 25 % of the full design live load, admitting that the entire L value is less probable. At the same time, by multiplying the load combination by a factor of two, the Guidelines take into account – in a simplified approach – the dynamic amplification effect that occurs when a vertical support is instantaneously removed from the structure, and demands (QUD) in structural components are determine in terms of moments, axial forces, shear forces, etc. The magnification effect of a static force when dynamically applied is termed impact factor by Popov 32 Assessment of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 29-36 (2007) (1976) [7] or dynamic coefficient by authors and it is given by the expression: ⎛ 2h Pdyn = Pst ⎜⎜1 + 1 + Δ st ⎝ ⎞ ⎟ = Pst ⋅ Ψ ⎟ ⎠ (2) If a load is applied to an elastic system suddenly (instantaneously) and h = 0, Ψ is equivalent to twice the same load statically (gradually) applied, as in Eq. (2). At the same time, strength increase factors are applied to the material properties in order to determine the ultimate strength capacity (QCE) of structural members (beams, columns etc.) under dynamic loads. The concrete compressive strength and the tensile or yield strength of the reinforcing steel are increased by a factor of 1.25, Table 4.2 of the GSA Guidelines [3], to account for strain rate effects and material over-strength. 3.4 Acceptance criteria 4. Results and commentary The GSA Guidelines – Section – consider that local damage may occur and this is acceptable with the instantaneous removal of an exterior column, but the resulting structural collapse shall be limited to a reasonably sized area. In other words, the maximum allowable extents of the collapse shall be confined to whichever is smaller: the structural bays directly associated with the instantaneously removed vertical element or 1800 ft2 (167 m2) at the floor level directly above the removed vertical column. Working with the results given by the linear elastic analysis (moment, shear, axial force), engineers shall identify the magnitude and distribution of potential areas of inelastic demands and thus, they will quantify the potential collapse areas. The magnitude and distribution of these demands will be given by the concept of Demand – Capacity – Ratios defined as [3]: DCR = QUD QCE combined forces) and QCE - expected ultimate un-factored capacity of the component or connection (Φ=1.0). According to the GSA Guidelines, acceptance criteria, the allowable DCR values for structural elements are: DCR ≤ 2.0 for typical structural configurations and DCR ≤1.5 for atypical structural configurations. Using the DCR concept of linear elastic approach, structural elements that have DCR values exceeding the allowable magnitudes are considered to be severely damaged or collapsed. It is underlined that if the DCR for any member is exceeded, based upon shear force, the member is to be regarded as a failed member. In addition, if the flexural DCR values for both ends of a member as well as the span itself are exceeded (creating the classical three hinged failure mechanism), the member is also to be seen as a failed member.For continuous elements, the flexural DCR value at an element section may exceed 1.0 because in this case flexural demand can be redistributed along the length of the element to sections that have reserve flexural capacity [1]. (3) where QUD - acting force(demand) in the component or connection (moment, axial force, shear and possible 4.1 FEMA 277/1996 Report In 1995, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) deployed a Building Performance Assessment Team (BPAT) to investigate damage caused the terrorist attack against the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. From visual inspection and analysis of the damage that occurred in the Murrah Building as a result of a blast caused by a truck bomb, it is concluded that progressive collapse extended the damage beyond that caused directly by the blast. The main findings and conclusions are [6]: - the loss of three columns and portions of some floors by direct effect of the blast accounted for only a small portion of the damage; - most of the damage was caused by progressive collapse following loss of the columns; - the nine-story frame type of the building was an Ordinary Moment Frame (OMF), i.e., a frame designed for gravity loads; - if additional amounts and locations of reinforcing steel as for Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) in seismic areas had been used, the Murrah Building would have had enough strength and ductility that about half of the damage would have been prevented; A. Ioani et. al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 29-36 (2007) - investigations to determine the cost of using SMRF rather than OMF were conducted and suggest that the average increase in cost is in the range of 1 to 2 percent of the total construction cost of the building; - using reinforcement, connection and other details required by the design of frame structures or dual systems in areas of high seismic activity, will provide similar toughness and ductility in face of the blast; - the most important aspect of using SMRF or Dual Systems is the ductility detailing (e.g., closedhoop reinforcement to confine columns, continuous bars for continuity, beam-to-column connections to transfer forces through the joints, etc.); - in areas of low seismic risk, incorporating the seismic details required for regions of high seismic risk can significantly improve the blast protection of the buildings. 4.2 Other studies In a study upon redundancy and robustness of RC structures subjected to blast and earthquakes Mircea (2006)[2] makes a critical review of common structural types and shows that spatial frame structures have more redundancy potential than plane frame structures because more possibilities for load transfer are provided. In general, frame structures and flat slab structures need supplementary lateral stiffness, usually provided by shear walls or vertical bracings. Even if walls are rigid and possess large masses, Crawford at all., cited in [2], reported significantly more column damage in blast tests on structure with columns and infill walls, in comparison with tests on structures without walls. Baldrige and Humay (2003) conducted a progressive collapse analysis on a 12-story RC frame structure having five longitudinal bays of 7.3 m and three transversal bays of 7.3 m [1]. The model was designed to the older requirements of the Uniform Building Code (UBC-1991 edition). The required strength U to resist to a combination of dead load (D=2.0 kPa), live load (L= 2.4 kPa) and earthquake effect (E), considers [8]- for UBC Seismic Zone 2B (a moderate seismic zone)- a total equivalent seismic force having the magnitude of Ft* = 1.4 Ft = 1.4 ⋅ 0.0523G = 0.0732G . 33 The computer program ETABS was used to generate a 3-D model; case 1 investigated the structural effect of removal of an exterior column along the long side of the building, and case 2 examined the removal of a corner column, also at the ground floor. The removal of the column at the middle of the long side doubles the beam span at the first floor and the vertical forces of the magnitude 2(D+0.25L) generate a maximum positive moment in beam, over the removed column. Following the GSA Guidelines, demands in structural components are assessed in beams at midspan section and at column faces and the afferent DCR values are computed. All of the DCR values are below 1.0, except at the mid-span of the beam over the removed column (case 1) where a value of 1.02 for flexure was reported; the maximum DCR value in beams, for shear, was only 0.69. Practically, the damaged structure remains in the elastic stage, no other structural member is expected to fail in shear or flexure and consequently, progressive collapse is not expected to occur [1]. Obviously, the American model [1], is seismically designed under similar or comparable gravity and seismic forces as a typical RC frame structure from Bucharest (Romania), where currently the total equivalent seismic force for such structure is F ≈ 0.08G. The study [1] shows that RC frames designed for a moderate or high seismic intensity zone do not experience progressive collapse when are subjected to the removal of an external column. 4.3 Authors’ studies In order to determine the inherent reserve capacity to progressive collapse of a RC structure erected in a high seismic zone of Romania, an investigation was conducted on a 13-story RC frame building designed according to the older requirements of the Romanian Seismic Design Code P100– 92 [9]. One expects that for new buildings designed according to the provisions of the new P 100-1/2004, this analysis will be conservative. The structure consists of five 6.0 m bays in the longitudinal direction and two 6.0 m bays in the transversal direction and has a story height of 2.75 m, except for the first two floors that are 3.60 m high [10]. In the design at the Ultimate Limit State, the Special Combination of loads according to the Romanian Standard STAS 10107/0A-77 (1977) is: 34 Assessment of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 29-36 (2007) D+0.4L+E (4) meaning, for the design of the analyzed building, a combination of dead load D=2 kPa, live load L=2.4 kPa with a load factor of 0.4, and the earthquake effect (E). The seismic analysis is performed for Bucharest, a seismic area of degree VIII on the MSK Intensity Scale (zone C on the Romanian zonation map with ks=PGA/g=0.2). For Romania, the seismic coefficient ks varies from 0.08 to a maximum value of 0.32. The magnitude of total equivalent seismic force S that enters the load combination given by Eq.(4) is calculated as follows [9]: S = α ⋅ k s ⋅ β (T ) ⋅ψ ⋅ ε ⋅ G = 0.0945G (5) In the progressive collapse analysis according to the GSA Guidelines provisions, the expected ultimate, un-factored, capacity of the structural elements was determined with the help of the characteristic (unfactored) values for the strengths, multiplied by the strength increase factor of 1.25 (Table 1). Table 1. Strengths of materials for the model (MPa). Seismic design Material Concrete Bc20 Rc = 12.5 Rt = 0.95 Rtk = 1.43 1.78 PC52 Ra = 300 Rak ( f y ) = 345 431 Steel • • Fig. 4. ROBOT Millennium model of a 13-story RC building: missing column scenarios. The structural response of the model under the Special Combination of loads, and the behavior of the damaged structure (case C1, C2, C3 of the “missing column” scenarios) is determined with the 3-D linear elastic model, created and analyzed in the FEA program ROBOT Millennium, Version 19.0 (2006). The model generated by this computer program is shown in Fig. 4. The material properties are given in Table 1. In the seismic design of the model, design values for strengths have been used. Design values * Progressive collapse analysis Characteristic With un-factored 1.25 values factor Rck ( f c' ) = 16.6 20.75 Rak ( f y ) = 255 OB37 Ra = 210 318 Rc (Rt) = design value of the compressive (tensile) strength of concrete; Ra = design value of the yield strength of reinforcement. The removal of the column (Fig. 4) at the middle of the short side – case C1 – doubles the beam span at the first floor and the vertical forces of the magnitude 2(D+ 0.25L)- see Eq.(1)- generate a maximum positive moment over the removed column, of 537.1 kNm (Fig. 5). If the bottom reinforcement in the beam is not continuous through the column joint as in the gravityload designed frames, the positive moment capacity is limited to the cracking strength of the section and the failure in this case will be abrupt, leading to a brittle collapse (Fig. 1b). In contrast, seismically designed frames used in the analyzed model having a large amount of bottom longitudinal reinforcement (As=9.64 cm2) in the beam, that means a reinforcement ratio ρ=0.0084, provides a positive flexural capacity over the “missing column”, and consequently, the beam has enough ductility to develop alternate load paths (Fig 1a). The new bending moment and shear force diagrams generated in the damaged structure by the removal of the column (case C1) are shown, for the exterior transversal frame, in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, respectively. Following the GSA Guidelines (2003), demands in structural components (QUD) –see Eq. 3, assessed in A. Ioani et. al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 29-36 (2007) beams at mid-span and at column faces (Fig. 5), are compared to the expected ultimate beam capacities (QCE) from Eq. 3. Following the procedure presented above, DCR values for significant beam sections are represented in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, in brackets. All of the DCR values for flexure are below 1.0, except at the mid-span of the beam over the removed column (Fig.5). 35 The DCR values based upon shear (Fig. 6) are well below 1.0, the maximum value being 0.67. The author’s results are similar with the results of Baldrige & Humay (2003) [1] who reported a maximum DCR value for flexure of 1.02 and for shear of 0.69. Even the differences between the computed deflections are small, being of only 26% [10], if one takes into consideration the differences between the models regarding the span length (6.0 m vs. 7.30 m) and beam dimensions (35×70 cm vs. 55.6×45.7 cm for the American model [1] ). 5. Conclusions This study is in line with the trends of the specialized reference literature that aims at assessing the vulnerability of the existing structures subjected to abnormal or catastrophic loads produced by natural hazard (e.g. earthquakes) or by man-made hazards (terrorist attacks, impact by vehicles, bomb blast, etc). The following conclusions can be reached based on this study: Fig. 5. Damaged structure (case C1): bending moments and DCR values ( ) in beams. Because this value is only 1.015 and satisfies the GSA Guidelines criteria (DCR≤2), the beam will have adequate reserve ductility for an efficient redistribution of loads and consequently, the flexural demand that exceeds 1.0 is redistributed to sections that have reserve flexural capacity . Fig. 6. Damaged structure (case C1): shear forces and DCR values ( ) in beams. 1. Practically, due to economic constraints, it is impossible to design an overall structure and each structural member individually so as to resist to abnormal loads or to prevent collapse initiation from a specific cause. More important is to stop or to limit the progression of the collapse and to reduce the extent of the damage and this should be the design philosophy assumed by engineers. 2. Many design codes (ACI 318, EC-2, P100-92, P 100-1/2004) require an adequate level of continuity, redundancy and ductility for the selected structural system. Interagency Security Committee (ISC) Security Criteria clearly requires all new constructed facilities to be designed with the intent of reducing the potential for progressive collapse, and the existing facilities to be evaluated to determine the potential for progressive collapse [3]. 3. The GSA Guidelines [3] offer a realistic approach and performance criteria for these determinations. 4. The concept of DCR offers to engineers a valuable tool to identify the magnitude and distribution of potential areas of inelastic demands and thus, the extension of potential collapse zone can be evaluated and compared to the maximum allowable collapse area 36 Assessment of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 29-36 (2007) resulting from the instantaneous removal of an exterior or interior column. 5. A typical medium-rise building (13 stories) having RC frames, seismically designed for the Bucharest – a zone of high seismic risk- does not experience progressive collapse [10] when subjected to different “missing column” scenarios, according to GSA Guidelines (2003). Similar results have been found by Baldrige & Humay (2003) [1] for a 12story RC framed structure seismically designed for a moderate (Zone 2B) or a high seismic risk zone (Zone 4), according to the requirements of a Uniform 1. Building Code (UBC-1991 edition). 6. For the Romanian zones of high seismic risks as the zone C (ks=0.20), zone B (ks=0.25) and zone A (ks=0.32) [9], further analyses will be developed by authors in order to determine the vulnerability to progressive collapse of other types of structural systems, including existing reinforced concrete frame structures of 7 to 9 story high, designed to the older requirements of Romanian Design Code P100-92 [9]. 6. Acknowledgements Part of this work is based on different 2. technical materials (books, reports, design codes) provided with generosity by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency. The support of 3. this organization is gratefully acknowledged. 7. References [1] Baldrige, S. M., and Humay, F. K., Preventing Progressive Collapse in Concrete Buildings, Concrete International, vol. 25, No. 11, Nov. 2005, pp. 73-79. [2] Mircea, C., Risk factors in the redundancy and robustness of RC structures subjected to blast and earthquakes, ”Concrete Solutions”- Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Concrete Repair, St. Malo, June 2006, pp.782-792. [3]. U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Progressive Collapse Analysis and Design Guidelines for New Federal Office Buildings and Major Modernization Projects, June 2003, 119 pp. [4]. European Committee of Standardization, EUROCODE 2: Design of Concrete Structures, Brussels, 1997, 160 pp. [5]. Ministry of Public Works, P 100-1/2004, Seismic Design Code for Buildings (in Romanian), Bucharest, 2005, 410 pp. [6]. FEMA-277, The Oklahoma City Bombing: Improving Building Performance Through MultiHazard Mitigation, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Aug. 1996, 98 pp. [7]. Popov, E. E., Mechanics of Materials - second edition; Prentice/Hall International, Inc., London, 1976, 590 pp. [8]. ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318M-99) and Commentary (ACI 318RM-99), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 1999, 319 pp. [9]. Ministry of Public Works, P100-92, Seismic Design Code for Buildings (in Romanian), Bucharest, 1992, 152 pp. [10]. Ioani, A., Cucu, L.,and Mircea, C., Seismic design vs. progressive collapse :a reinforced concrete framed structure case study, Proceedings of the International Conference ISEC-4, Melbourne, Sept. 26-28, 2007 (in press). Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May. 2007 Cracking of Reinforced Concrete Elements a Laura- Catinca LEŢIA a Technical University Cluj Napoca, Cluj Napoca, 400020, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Sunt prezentate relaţiile de calcul prevăzute în diferite norme, privind calculul deschiderii şi distanţei între fisuri, cu referire la betonul armat, realizat cu beton de înaltă rezistenţă. Se fac comparaţii cu valorile experimentale obţinute pe elemente de beton armat având ca variabilă procentul de armare. Abstract: There are presented the evaluation formulae from different norms, regarding the estimation of crack opening and spacing, which is referred to the reinforced concrete with high strength concrete. It is compared with the experimental results obtained on reinforced elements having as variable the reinforcement amount. Keywords: crack opening, crack spacing, high strength concrete. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Foreword Cracking of reinforced concrete elements is a complex phenomenon; the causes of crack formation are different. Assuming that under the loads action (such as tension, compression, torsion, bending, and share force) the crack formation in practically inevitable, the present norms are seeking mostly to confine this phenomenon to some values that are not affecting the behavior of the element or of the structure in service in a significant manner. The crack opening limitation has to take in account the cost of it, related to the concrete strength and the reinforcement yield point. The studies and researches on high strength concrete (HSC) elements made until nowadays are showing that the north American and European norms, that allows us to estimate the crack opening and distance, are consistent for regular concrete, but they can not offer a correct image on the crack behavior of HSC elements. The cracking behavior for HSC is mostly influenced by the tension and compression strength, contraction and bond, etc. 2. The experimental program The experimental program is based on bending tests of eleven beams (three beams FT5 and two for each I beam). All beams had a width of ISSN 1584 - 5990 125 mm, height of 250 mm and span length L0=3000 mm. The concrete strength at the day of testing is about 90 N/mm2 (C80/90). The physical and mechanical characteristics of reinforcement are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Mechanical characteristics of reinforcement Reinforcement Longitudinal Transversal type reinforcement reinforcement Nominal 12, 14, 16 6 diameter (mm) Yield point, fym 320 210 (MPa) The longitudinal reinforcement is made from PC52 steel PC52. The transversal reinforcement (the stirrups) is made from OB37. The longitudinal and transversal reinforcement coefficients are listed in Table 2. Table 2 The reinforcement coefficients FT I The element 5 1 2 3 ρl=Asl/bw·d 2.06 2.59 3.03 3.40 (%) ρw=Asw/bw·s 0.152 (%) 4 3.83 © 2000 Ovidius University Press 38 Cracking of Reinforced / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 37-44 (2007) The loaing scheme is presented in Figure 1. Fig. 1. The loading scheme All the beams were tested using hydraulic testing system and loaded with the two equal concentrated loads, F. The distance between the two concentrated loads was kept equal to L1=1000 mm. Both ends of the beam were free to rotate and translate under load. At each load increment, the mid-span deflection and all strain reading were recorded and the developing crack patterns marked an the beam surface. The concrete maximum compressive strain is recorded at the mid-span by strain gauges glued are placed on one of the beam side in the tensile zone. Beams are submitted to a growing monotonic loading until failure. The monotonic loading is applied 1/10 of the failure calculated force. 3. Formulas to estimate the crack opening and spacing Sarkar, Adwan, Munday[2] researches show that at the reinforcement level the crack opening and spacing depend on the concrete strength and on reinforcement coefficient. Generally, the first crack appear immediately after overtaking the I stage, when the cracks became visible, and their opening depend on the loads nature and intensity[9]. The estimation is compute in the IInd stage of service, because under this (service) loads action the elements are working in the cracked II stage [10]. The design of reinforced concrete elements is assuming that the concrete between two cracks is capable to undertake strain and it is uncracked [10]. The European norms (EC2, CEB- FIP) and the north American norms (ACI 318), but the Australian (AS 3600-Part2) and the Romanian norms (STAS10107/0-90) too recommend different relations to evaluate the crack behavior. The Romanian (STAS 100107/0-90) and rhe European (EC2) norms establish constructive conditions for crack control, such as the limitation of reinforcement bars spacing and/or diameter. Fig. 2 Crack formation under load L. C. Leţia / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 37- 44 (2007) EUROCODE 2 [3] The crack control is analyzed in the 7.3 section of EC2, considering the Serviceability Limit States (SLS). Taking in account the Exposure Class and type of element (reinforced concrete and prestressed elements with bonded or unbounded tendons) are established the maximum crack opening. The crack formation of reinforced elements subject to bending or shear is considered as being normal, but it cannot affect the normal behavior of the element or structure, or to create any discomfort. The European norms establish a minimum reinforcement areas for crack control, denoted with As and witch depends on the mean value of the tension strength fct,eff= fctm [or it may be less, meaning fctm(t), if t<28days], estimated just when a first crack appears, and when the maximum reinforcement strain σ s , the concrete areas within the tensile zone Act, considering the effect of nonuniform self equilibrating stress, k, and the stress distribution immediately prior to cracking and of the lever arm, kc. The values for fctm are given in a table for concrete reaching the class C90 or it can be determined as it follows: ( 2 / 3) f ctm = 0,30f ck (1) for ≤ C50 / 60 f ctm = 2,12 ⋅ ln(1 + f cm / 10) (2) for > C50 / 60 where fcm - the mean concrete compressive strength at 28 days. fck the characteristic compressive cylinder strength of concrete at 28 days. 39 For the crack control without special calculation, EC2 establishes the maximum diameters and spacing of reinforcement. The crack spacing is calculated using the equation: w k = S r , max (ε sm − ε cm ) ; (3) where: ε sm − ε cm the difference between the mean reinforcement strain under the relevant combination of loads and the mean concrete strain between cracks, it may be computed using the formulas: σs − k t ε sm − ε cm = f ct , eff ρ p, eff (1 + α e ⋅ ρ p, eff ) Es σ ≥ 0,6 s (4) Es where: σ s - the stress in the tension reinforcement assuming a cracked section. A s + ξ12 A p ' ρ p, eff = A c, eff (5) where: ξ1 - for the pretension elements, it represents the ratio the bond strength taking in account the different diameters of prestressed and reinforcing steel. Ap’ – aria of pre or post- tensioned As - the reinforcing area within the tension zone Ac,eff - the effective area of concrete in tension surrounding the reinforcement kt - factor depending on the duration of the load, taking the value 0,6 for short term loading, and 0,4 for long term loading. α e - the ratio Es/Ecm (equivalence coefficient) Schematic the concrete area that is surrounding the reinforcement area within the tensile zone may be represented as it follows: 40 Cracking of Reinforced / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 37-44 (2007) x h εt=0 d A Level of steel centroid B Effective tension area, Ac,eff A hct,eff εt B Fig. 3. Effective tension area To determine the maximum spacing between cracks, Sr,max , if the bar spacing is less or equal to 5(c + φ / 2) , it may be used the following expression: S r , max = k 3c + k1k 2 k 4 φ ρ p, eff (6) where: φ - the bars diameter, that may be considered an equivalent diameter φ eq , when the bars have a different diameters. c – the cover to the longitudinal reinforcement k1 – the coefficient that takes account of the bond properties of the bonded reinforcement =0,8 high bond bars =1,6 for bars with an effectively plain surface k2 – the coefficient that takes in account the strain distribution =0,5 for bending =1,0 la pure tension k3,k4 – coefficients that are specified in the national annexes of each country, and it may have the recommended values between 3,4, respectively 0,425. If the bars spacing is greater than 5(c + φ / 2) , the maximum crack spacing shall be: S r ,max = 1,3(h − x ) (7) CEB 1997 [6] CEB 1997[6] imposes a series of limitations regarding the reinforcement strain, the bars diameter and spacing, and the reinforcement ratio. The values for the concrete tension strain up to C100 are considered as having the value: 0.6 f ctm = 0.315f cm (8) where fcm – the mean concrete compression strength. The mean crack opening is estimated using the formula: w m = S rm (ε sm − ε cm ) = 4 L t ⋅ (ε s 2 − β ⋅ ε sr 2 ) 3 (9) wher: Lt – the transmission length The maximum crack opening is computed as it follows: w k = l s, max (ε sm − ε cm − ε cs ) (10) where: ε sm - the mean reinforcement strain for the segment length ls,max ε sc - the mean concrete strain for the segment length ls,max ε sr - the concrete strain due to the shrinkage The length ls,max on witch it is registered the slip between concrete and reinforcement, and it may be computed as it follows: l s, max = 2 ⋅ (σ s2 − σ s1 ) φ (4τ bk ) s (11) L. C. Leţia / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 37- 44 (2007) where: σ s 2 - the reinforcement strain at the crack σ s1 - the reinforcement strain at the point where the slip is φ s - the bars diameter or the equivalent diameter, when the bars have different diameters τ bk - the smallest value of the mean bond stress, that may be equal to 1.8fctm(t); where fctm(t) – the mean value of the concrete tension strength when the cracks appear For the stabilized faze, the expression may be considered: l s, max = σ s 2 φs 2τ bk (1 + nρ s, ef ) (12) where: n – the ratio Es/Ec. ρ s, ef - the effective reinforcement ratio As/Ac,ef As – the reinforcement area Ac,ef – the effective concrete tensile area, A c,ef = b[2.5(h − d )] (13) where:b, h – the dimensions of the cross section of the concrete element, the width and the height d – the effective distance from the compress fiber to the tensile zone centroid ACI 224R-01 [7] The crack estimation at the concrete beams in ACI, suppose using formulas that allow determining the crack opening having a probability of almost 90%. Starting with ACI 318-95, the estimation of crack opening begins from certain conclusions obtained after completed research: - the steel stress is the most important variable - the concrete cover thickness is also an important variable, but not just from the geometric point of view. - the concrete aria surrounding the reinforcement bars are important from the geometric point of view 41 - the ratio between the surface crack opening and the one at the reinforcement level is proportional to the ratio between the surface deformation and the one at the reinforcement level. According to ACI 224R-01 the crack opening can be determined using the expression: w max = 0.011 ⋅ f s 3 d c A ⋅ 10 −3 (14) where dc – the distance from the bars centroid to the tensile fiber, mm A – the concrete aria symmetric to the bars number, mm2 In ACI 318 the expression appears in a simplified form: z = fs 3 dcA (15) and the maximum allowed value for inside elements is 30.6 MN/m and it correspond to a crack opening of 0.41mm.For external elements the z value is limited to 25.4 MN/m, an the crack opening cannot overpass 0.33mm. The crack opening for elements subjected to bending with 10% smaller that the one of the tensile elements, that is approximately 4 times the concrete cover, for a rage of 30 up to 75 mm. The last research (Frosh 1999) regarding the crack formation of elements subjected to bending showed that the crack opening estimation formula wmax is not underestimated. For this reason, ACI 318-99 makes no difference between inside and outside exposure conditions, but it indicates that for crack control the spacing between beams and one-way deep plates reinforcement has to be equal to: s(mm)=[(95000/540fs)-2.5 cc (15’) but it cannot overpass 300(252fs)mm where:fs – the reinforcement stress under service loads. cc – the concrete cover for the longitudinal reinforcement STAS 10107/0-90 [8] Similar to the European norms, the Romanian norms are restricting the crack opening such as this 42 Cracking of Reinforced / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 37-44 (2007) will not affect the structure performance and the element performance especially. Taking in account that in the next future our country will adopt the European norms previously described, this paper will embrace only a few mentions to the computation rules from STAS 10107/0-90. STAS 10107/0-90 refers to the cracking limit state and has some conditions regarding the mean crack opening, cracks that are inclined or normal to the element axes under service loads. The maximum crack opening depends on the exposure conditions of the element to different aggressive substances, but it refers to the impermeability conditions and the applied loads. The values are in a range of 0,1 mm and 0,3 mm. To estimate the crack spacing the following relation is used: λ f = 2 ⋅ (c + 0,1 ⋅ s ) + A ⋅ d pt (16) explicitated the relation is: λ f = 2 ⋅ (c + 0,1 ⋅ s ) + 25 ⋅ k 1 ⋅ k 2 ⋅ d pt (17) where:k1 şi k2 – coefficients that are taking in account the nature of the load and the bond 25 ⋅ Rt = A = 25 ⋅ k1 ⋅ k 2 . τ am (18) c- the concrete cover s – the distance between the reinforcement bars axes (mm), <15d d – reinforcement diameter pt – the longitudinal tension reinforcement ratio, pt = Aa ⋅ 100 A bt (19) Abt – the concrete aria that involves the reinforcement, considering for each bar a aria of involving of maximum 7,5d. When there are different diameters the ratio d/pt will be computed as it follows: A bt d = p t 25 ⋅ ∑ π ⋅ d (20) where d – the reinforcement bars diameter. As the Europeans norms due, the Romanians norms are taking in account the participation of concretre between cracks. Therefore, considering the mean concrete strain ε tm and of the reinforcement ε tm it may be written: λ f ⋅ ε am = α f + (λ f − α f )ε tm (21) and the crack opening becomes: αf = (ε am − ε tm ) ⋅ λ f (1 − ε tm ) (22) If it is neglected the concrete strain ε tm the relation for α f becomes: α f = ε am ⋅ λ f (23) STAS 10107/0-90 recommend for crack opening estimation: σ αf = λf ⋅ ψ ⋅ a Ea (24) where the coefficient of the bond between concrete and reinforcement in ε ψ = am εa considering: ε a = (25) σa Aa (26) For the coefficient ψ the STAS indicates the relation: A ⋅ R tk ψ = 1 − β(1 − 0,5 ⋅ ν ) bt Aa ⋅ R a (27) 43 L. C. Leţia / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 37- 44 (2007) Where: ν − the ratio between the total service loads (M,N) using the long term fraction of it, and the total service loads (this are given in table 30, Anexa C, STAS 10107/0-90) β − the coefficient that takes the value 0,3 for OB37 and 0,5 for PC52 and PC60. σ a − the reinforcement stress for the cracked section is the II-nd stage of service , that for usual cases is: A a , nec σ a = 0,85 ⋅ R a ⋅ (28) A a , ef portion is made at the service limit state, when the loads are less intens that in the ultimate limit state. All this relations have been determined starting from the idea of the uniform distribution of cracks, with the distance between 15 and 30 mm, but in case of reinforcement ratio less then 0,3% in case of elements subjected to bending and 0,4% for those subjected to tension have to be verified, considering that the reinforcement has to be tied to the left and right side of the crack with la. 4. The results of the experimental program and debates. Aa,nec/Aa,ef – the ratio between the necessary aria that is a result of the ultimate limit state of strength and the effective used aria. Rtk – the caracteristic concrete tension strength, that is underlining the fact that the analysis af that Table 3 synthetically presents the experimental values and the estimation of the cracking characteristics of the experimental elements. Crack opening Experimental values Beam: wymed1 Crack spacing Theoretical values Ratio αf, Theoretical values Sr,mar λf cf. EC2 cf. STAS 10107 6 7 8 1.06 1.00 85.0007 110.5857 1.280 1.079 1.15 1.26 1.07 0.98 85.0007 85.0007 109.0906 84.8155 1.382 1.053 1.15 0.88 85.0007 82.7903 1.382 1.108 1.38 1.11 85.0007 87.8908 1.200 1.382 1.131 1.15 0.94 85.0007 91.1292 1.300 1.380 1.149 1.06 0.88 85.0007 95.9569 wk for the etire beam. wymed2 constant bending moment zone EC2 STAS10107 [0,1mm] [0,1mm] [0,1mm] [0,1mm] [cm] [cm] 0 1 2 3 4 5 FT5.1-1 FT5.6-1 I4-2 I4-1 I3-1 I2-1 I1-1 1.100 1.300 1.379 1.297 0.900 0.900 1.200 1.100 1.379 1.382 0.900 1.200 0.800 1.000 0.900 0.900 w k ,EC2 w ymed2 α STAS10107 w ymed2 Table 3. Experimental and theoretical values to estimate the crack opening and The section cracking takes place when the tension in concrete reaches the value of the rupture modulus. Using the CEB+EC2 model, the moment when a beam cracks does not depend only by the reinforcement ratio. The explication consists in the fact that the great part of the reinforced concrete element cracks during their service life (this are the effects due to the tension stress from the early shrinkage of the concrete). The results obtained show that the value of the experimental bending moments is greater that the one 44 Cracking of Reinforced / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 37-44 (2007) determined according to CEB+EC2 and STAS 101017/0-90. The formulas that are estimating the crack opening presented in EC2 overestimates the crack opening. On the other hand the STAS 101017/0-90 underestimates them. 5. Conclusions Increasing the longitudinal reinforcement ration the cracking bending moment increases [13]. The crack opening experimentally determined is greater that the values obtained applying the STAS10107/0-90 relations, but they are less that the values obtained using EC2/92. Once the reinforcement ratio is increased the crack opening decreases [13]. The analysis of the theoretical and experimental values regarding the crack opening and the crack spacing constitute a permanent preoccupation of the author, and in the future (in the next articles to be published) will be completed with relations and norms, considering that HSC has a different crack behavior that normal concrete. 6. Bibliografie [1] Mãgureanu, C. – „Betoane de înaltã rezistenţã şi performanţã” – Ed. UT PRES, Cluj-Napoca, 2003 [2] Sarkar, S., Adwan, O, Munday, J. G. L. – „High strength concrete an investigation of the flexural behavior of high strength RC beams”, The Structural Engineers, Vol. 75, April 1997, pp. 115121 [3] EUROCODE 2: Design of concrete structures – Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings, EN 1992-1-1; December 2004, pp. 118-126 [4] EUROCODE 2: Proiectarea structurilor de beton – Partea 1-1: Reguli generale şi reguli pentru clãdiri, SR EN 1992-1-1; December 2004, pp. 118-126 [5] Manuel du CEB Fissuration et Deformations – Prepare Par le Comite Euro-International du Beton (CEB), 1983 [6] CEB Bulletin d’Information No 235 – Serviceability Models – Behavior and modelling in serviceability limit state including repeated and sustained loads, April 1997 [7] ACI Manual of Concrete Practice 2005- Part 2ACI 224R-01 to ACI 313R-97 [8] STAS 10107/0-90 Calculul şi alcãtuirea elementelor structurale din beton, beton armat şi beton precomprimat [9] Nicula, I., Oneţ, Tr. – „Beton armat”, Ed Didacticã şi Pedagogicã, Bucureşti 1982, pp. 66-85 [10] Cadar, I., Clipii, T., Tudor, A. – „Beton Armat”ediţia a II-a, Ed. Orizonturi Universitare, Timişoara, 2004, pp. 279-300 [11] Wittmann, F.H. –„High Performance of Cementbased Materials”- WTA report series No 15, Aedificatio Publisher [12] Shah, S. P., Ahmad, S.H.- „High Performance Concretes and Applications” – pp.1-60 [13] Magureanu, C., Leţia, C. - Cracking behavior at bending of reinforced high strength/ high performance concrete beams - Concrete: Construction’s Sustainable Option - Dundee, 4 – 6 September 2007 – în curs de publicare Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May. 2007 A Short Introduction to Load Carrying Capacity for High Strength Concrete Cornelia MĂGUREANU a Dumitru MOLDOVAN a Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-.Napoca, 400027, Romania a __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: În prezenta lucrare se vor face consideraţii cu privire la comportarea la rupere a betoanelor armate realizate cu betoane de înaltă rezistenţă, supuse la moment încovoietor. Ecuaţia de referinţă pentru calculul capacităţii portante este cea propusă de Hognestad şi alţii, în anii 1950, în urma experimentelor pe care echipa sa le-a efectuat. Codurile de proiectare actuale consideră pentru parametrii independenţi care apar în relaţia de calcul diferite valori, dependente de stadiul datelor experimentale disponibile la vremea respectivă. Deoarece actualmente aceste date sunt mult mai numeroase se impune o actualizare a acestor parametrii pentru a evita supraevaluarea capacităţii portante a elementelor realizate cu betoane de înaltă rezistenţă. Se vor face de asemenea şi unele consideraţii cu privire la procentul de armare longitudinal. Armarea transversală nu pare a avea efecte cu privire la creşterea capacităţii portante a elementelor întocmai ca şi la betoanele obişnuite. Abstract: This work presents some results obtained by the authors regarding concrete behavior near collapse, under flexure, in the case of high strength concrete. A brief history on the mathematical apparatus involved in the computing of the capable bending moment is presented, based on the initial proposal of Hognestad et al., in the early 1950’s. Various national design codes use different values for the coefficients involved in this computing. Since experimental studies provide now sufficient data, it is necessary to adjust the values of those coefficients as not to over estimate the load carrying capacity for high strength concrete. Some observations on the longitudinal reinforcement ratio will be presented. It seems that transversal reinforcement does not have influence on the capable bending moment as it is the case for classic concrete. Keywords: high strength concrete, flexure, collapse, projection codes, reinforcement. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction High strength concrete (HSC) is recently one of the most used worldwide materials in the construction industry mainly due to their high performance properties. When compared to classic strength concrete (CSC) HSC may be used for greater spans, has a higher resistance in time to various destructive agents, uses less mixture components, a cast requires less concrete volume and therefore less self-weight which in turn means smaller foundations, a cut on cost for maintenances, in one word, a better sustainability. The mathematics used to project HSC is based on the one used for CSC. Since nowadays experimental studies do not yet provide a full coverage of various factors that may arise in a particular cast, it is understandable why more than one value is used for a given coefficient to compute this result, depending on the national design code utilized. ISSN 1584 - 5990 2. Factors that influence the load carrying capacity of HSC a) Compressive strength and ultimate strain It is well known for CSC that as compressive strength increases so does the load carrying capacity. HSC is no exception to this rule σ − ε diagram, compressive strength and ultimate strain may vary with: the ratio between different components in the concrete matrix, type of cement and its structure, type and kind of aggregates, admixtures, storage conditions, age when loaded, tests conditions, etc. Some of the above have a major influence on the concrete’s behavior, e.g. type of aggregate is most important for E, elasticity modulus of the concrete. When presented in a chart, one can notice an increase in the linearity of the σ − ε diagram, an increase in strain value as the peak stress is reached a steeper slope both on the ascending and on the descending portion on the diagram. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 46 A short introduction … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 45-52 (20067) Fig.1. σ −ε diagram for different compressive strengths As expected the ultimate strain values decrease as the capacity increases. According to different national design codes the value for the ultimate strain is: - ACI : 0.003 - British codes : 0.0036, for a compressive strength of 12 MPa, with a decrease to 0.0028, for a compressive strength of 50 MPa - Other codes ( Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Canada, etc.) : 0.0035 b) Elasticity modulus The elasticity module of concrete does not increase proportionally to the increase of compressive strength. Fig.2. Elasticity modulus of concrete for different compressive strength 47 C. Măgureanu and D. Moldovan / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 45-52 (2007) MPa, Carrasquillo et. al. ( 1981) 0.97 ⋅ c) Poisson’s ratio Test results published until now suggest for Poisson’s ratio values from 0.2 to 0.28, for compressive strength from 55 MPa up to 80 MPa. The most important influence on those values seems to have the water-cement ratio. ' f c MPa for ompression strength of up to 83 MPa. Russell et. al. ( 2003) proposed a lower bound of 0.62 ⋅ upper bound of 0.97 ⋅ fc ' ' f c and an MPa for compressive strength of up to 103 MPa. d) Rupture modulus 3. Design of HSC members Cracking moment is influenced by rupture modulus and the minimum longitudinal reinforcement that is required to prevent sudden failure under bending moment. A review of the Ultimate strain distribution as a function of compressive strength is given in Fig. 3. The generalized stress distribution and the rectangular stress distribution for the compressed area of a concrete member under flexure is given in Fig. 4. literature suggests values of 0.62 ⋅ fc ' to fc ' Fig.3. Ultimate strain vs. compressive strength 48 A short introduction … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 45-52 (20067) Fig.4. Generalized stress distribution and rectangular stress distribution The parameters that define the sectional values at rupture are: k1, the ratio of the average compressive stress to the maximum compressive stress k2, the ratio of the depth of the resultant compressive force to the depth of the neutral axis k3, the ratio of the maximum compressive stress force at the mid-depth of the assumed rectangular stress block, as follows: α1 = k1 ⋅ k3 2 ⋅ k2 (2) β1 = 2 ⋅ k 2 ' to the compressive strength of the cylinder f c . In the 1950’s, Hognestad et. al. proposed this parameters based on the eccentric bracket tests they performed. The k1 ⋅ k3 value and the k 2 value can The flexural resistance can be shown as: Cu această substituţie ecuaţia (1) devine: be obtained from the equilibrium of the external and internal forces as follows: M n = α 1 ⋅ β1 ⋅ f c ⋅ b ⋅ c ⋅ ⎜ d − M n = k1 ⋅ k3 ⋅ f c ⋅ b ⋅ c ⋅ ( d − k 2 ⋅ c ) + ' ' ( + A s ⋅ f su ⋅ d − d ' ' ) ( + A s ⋅ f su ⋅ d − d ' (1) The three-parameter stress block can be reduced to a two-parameter equivalent rectangular block, by keeping the resultant of the compression ' ) ⎛ ⎝ β1 ⋅ c ⎞ 2 ⎟+ ⎠ (3) A comparative review of different national design codes and the values it use for α1 , β1 is given in Fig.5. C. Măgureanu and D. Moldovan / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 45-52 (2007) Fig.5. α1 , β1 values as given by national design codes Fig.6. α1 , β1 values as given by literature 49 50 A short introduction … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 45-52 (20067) Tabel 1. Tested beams parameters Member fc, cube (MPa) FT5.1-1 91 I1-2 92.44 I2-1 85.10 I 3-1 84.88 I 4-1 89.92 4. Experimental study and results Experimental case involved a number of 10 beams of of 125 x 250 x 3200 mm , with a designed and achieved concrete class of C80. Reinforcement consisted of PC 52 steel bars. The two point loadtest for the specimens were conducted in a static test setup described schematically in Fig. 7. Parameters of the beams are given in Tab. 1. ρ1 (%) 2.061 2.586 3.03 3.401 3.829 Fig. 7. Two-point load specimens test setup For all tested specimens the loading task was 1/10 of the calculated rupture force. Near collapse the loading task was reduced to 1/20. The values monitored were: strains for three characteristic sections – in the simetry axis, and under the applied forces, buckling (δ) of the element,cracking development, strains of stretched reinforcement. Terms between the loading task and buckling F ( − δ ) is given in Fig. 8. Fu 1.000 F/Fu 0.900 0.800 p=2.061% 0.700 p=2.586% 0.600 p=3.030% 0.500 p=3.401% 0.400 p=3.829% 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Buckling δ [0.1 mm] Fig.8. Terms for F Fu −δ 700 800 900 C. Măgureanu and D. Moldovan / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 45-52 (2007) The value of l/200 for buckling was recorded = 0.5 . for a loading task greater than F Fu Terms between rupture buckling δr and reinforcement ratio ρ , is given in Fig. 9. Rupture buckling is decreasing with the increase in reinforcement ratio as aspected. For an increase in reinforcement ratio of about 2 times, the rupture buckling seems to decrease for about 2 times as well. The increase of reinforcement ratio conducts to an increase of the rupture force Fr, as given in Fig. 10. Rupture buckling δr [mm] 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.000 Reinforcem ent ratio ρ [%] Fig. 9. Terms between rupture buckling δr and reinforcement ratio ρ 17000 16000 15000 Fr 14000 13000 12000 11000 10000 9000 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 51 3.000 3.500 Reinforcem ent ratio ρ [%] Fig. 10. Rupture force Fr 4.000 4.500 5.000 52 A short introduction … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 45-52 (20067) 6. Conclusions 7. Bibliografy As a result of the tests conducted the main conclusion arisen is that for an increase in reinforcement ratio there is a clear decrese in buckling. The tests will continue with the computing of HSC members while considering the stress distribution for the compressed area of a member section. [1] Măgureanu C., Hegheş B., High strength concrete – ductility of members under flexure. 2007, BIR, Bucharest, Romania [2] Nilson N.H., D. Dolan C.W., Design of concrete structures. 2003, 13th ed., Mc-Grawhill, USA [3] Mausar, Chin M. A., Wee M.S. , T.H., Flexural behavior of high strength concrete. 1997, ACI Structural Journal, vol. 94, p. 663-674 [4] Hognestad E., Study of combined bending and axial load in reinforced concrete members. 1951, University of Illinois, Engineering Experimental Station, Bulletin Series No. 399, Bulletin No.1 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Studies on the Modalities of Use of Sludge Resulting From the Lime Milk Neutralization of Acid Waters Derived From the Pickling of Wire Obtained At S.C. Mechel Câmpia Turzii Daniela MANEA a Claudiu ACIUa Ofelia CORBU a Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-.Napoca, 400027, Romania a __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: În prezent omenirea se confruntă cu probleme deosebite atât în ceea ce priveşte problema resurselor materiale cât şi poluarea mediului înconjurător. În acest context, o problemă deosebită o constituie deşeurile rezultate în urma unor procese tehnologice, atât din punct de vedere al asigurării spaţiului de depozitare cât şi din punct de vedere al poluării. Din acest motiv se impune găsirea unor soluţii viabile pentru reutilizarea acestora. Un astfel de caz a apărut la 1 ianuarie 2007 în cadrul societăţii S.C. MECHEL Câmpia Turzii, la care în urma procesului de fabricaţie a sârmelor se obţine ca produs secundar 400 t/lună de şlam, ca rezultat al neutralizării cu lapte de var a apelor acide provenite din decaparea sârmelor. Lucrarea de faţă prezintă rezultatele programului experimental realizat în cadrul laboratorului, având ca scop găsirea unor soluţii de reutilizare a şlamului prin obţinerea unor materiale de construcţii ecologice. Abstract: Mankind is currently confronted with special problems both in terms of raw materials and environmental pollution. In this context, a particular problem is represented by the waste material resulting from technological processes, both from the point of view of ensuring a storage space and from the point of view of pollution. This is why viable solutions for the reuse of waste material need to be found. Such a case appeared on 1 January 2007 at the S.C. MECHEL Câmpia Turzii company, where following the manufacture of wire, 400t sludge/month are obtained as a secondary product, resulting from the lime milk neutralization of acid waters derived from wire pickling. This study shows the results of the experimental program carried out in the laboratory, aiming to find solutions for the reuse of sludge for obtaining ecological construction materials. Keywords: raw materials, environmental pollution, waste material, sludge, ecological construction materials. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction Since 1 January 2007, 400 tons of sludge/month has been available at the MECHEL Câmpia Turzii Commercial Company. This result from the lime milk neutralization of acid waters derived from wire pickling. Sludge has a pH = (7 – 8.5), a density ρ = 1.3 g/cm3, and a chemical composition Fe 24.4; Ca 7.2; Cu 0.05; P 1.0; Zn 0.4; Si 3.1, according to the analysis bulletins drawn up by the specialists of the company’s laboratories. Sludge is known in the literature as a mixture of water and fine mineral matter particles in suspension, resulting from the mechanical wet processing of ore or coal. ISSN 1584 - 5990 The studied sludge respects this definition, but is derived, as it was shown above, from the lime milk neutralization of acid waters resulting from wire pickling. In Romania, there are commercial companies that produce waste material such as galvanic sludge, which is considered dangerous. Among these companies, the following can be mentioned: SC Romlux SA Târgoviste, SC Steaua Electrica SA Fieni, SC Uzina Mecanica SA Mija, SC Cromsteel SA Târgovişte, etc. SC UPET SA produces phosphating sludge as a waste material. Another category of sludge is produced by oil equipment belonging among others to SNP Petrom SA; this is oil sludge, resulting from the extraction of crude oil. It can be estimated that the studied sludge is similar to that produced by SC Oţelinox SA Târgovişte © 2000 Ovidius University Press 54 Studies on the … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 53-58 (2007) and to that of SC COS SA Târgovişte, due to the production object. One of the strategic objectives of environmental protection in Romania is the use of waste material. The management of waste material aims to use processes and methods that should not: a) involve risks for the population, water, air, fauna or vegetation; b) produce phonic pollution or unpleasant smell; c) affect the landscape or the protected areas. At national level, this becomes an essential concern, so that there are already studies and results in this sense. The team including Crăciunescu L., Şerban L., Popescu M., Matei V. can be mentioned, who proposed the use of bauxite sludge for the obtaining of natural colored concrete, artificial aggregates, and bauxite sludge bricks. variables were the addition percentage: 20%, 30%, and 50%, and also the cement dosage II A-S 32.5R: 320, 346, 360 kg/m3. 2.2. Sand granulometry, drawing of the sand granularity curve The aggregate used is river sand, with a (0 – 7) mm granularity, of two sorts: (0 – 3) mm and (3 – 7) mm, having the granularity curve presented below, in Fig. 1. Following the experimental program, the results are shown in Table 1, and the values of passages expressed in percentage represent the granularity curve drawing data shown in Fig. 1. No. 2. Experimental program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. According to the annex to the contract, we started an experimental program in order to try to use the sludge obtained following the lime milk neutralization of acid waters derived from wire pickling at MECHEL Câmpia Turzii S.A. The studies performed aimed to identify the physical-mechanical characteristics of sludge, so that this could be used in as high amounts as possible in construction. Sludge was tested in order to check if it can be used as an aggregate or as an addition for the preparation of mortars, the amount resulting after the carrying out of experiments being a percentage of the amount of cement used for obtaining a cubic meter of material (cement dosage). Fig. 1. The granularity curve of the sand used 2.1. Determination of the composition of mortar Given the chemical analysis bulletin of sludge, we considered it risky to recommend it for the obtaining of plaster or masonry mortar. Its strong color might penetrate the plaster and painting, affecting the quality of finishing. This inconveniency cannot occur when sludge is used in an auger bit. For this purpose, 9 recipes were elaborated for a material in which sludge represents an addition, a percentage of the cement dosage used. The chosen Table 1. Sand granularity curve Residue Passages Passages φ [g] [g] [%] [mm] 7 50 950 95 3 363 587 58.7 1 250 337 33.7 0.2 309 28 2.8 tray 28 1000 - - Of the nine recipes: three recipes propose a cement dosage of kg/m3 and a sludge addition of 20%, 30% 50%, with an A/C ratio = 0.6; three recipes propose a cement dosage of kg/m3 and a sludge addition of 20%, 30% 50%, with an A/C ratio = 0.6; three recipes propose a cement dosage of kg/m3 and a sludge addition of 20%, 30% 50%, with an A/C ratio = 0.75; 0.8. Table 2 shows all these recipes. 320 and 346 and 360 and D. Manea et. al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 53-58 (2007) Recipe 1 Recipe 2 Recipe 3 Recipe 4 Recipe 5 Recipe 6 Recipe 7 Recipe 8 Recipe 9 Table 2. The mortar recipes of the experimental program Sludge Cement II A-S Aggregate [Kg] A/C 32.5R [Kg/m3] % (0-3) (3-7) [Kg] 320 64 20 0.6 1030.4 809.6 320 96 30 0.6 1030.4 809.6 320 160 50 0.6 1030.4 809.6 346 69 20 0.6 994.0 781.0 346 104 30 0.6 994.0 781.0 346 173 50 0.6 994.0 781.0 360 72 20 0.75 892.1 700.9 360 108 30 0.75 892.1 700.9 360 180 50 0.80 865.2 679.8 2.3. Preparation and manufacture of (4x4x16) cm prismatic and cubic test pieces According to STAS 2634-80, for the determination of tensile bending strength and compressive strength, the test pieces should be prismatic, (4x4x16) cm in size. Their minimum number is three, of which two are tested and one is the control. The fresh material was poured into dismountable metal molds, the three prism case, according to STAS 2320-79. The molds were filled in two layers. Each layer was compacted by 10 hits with a mallet. The mortar in excess was removed by smoothing with a metal ruler. The case mold was placed on full bricks and was stored until demolding, covered with a glass plate. At 24 hours Recipe 1 Recipe 2 Recipe 3 Recipe 4 Recipe 6 Recipe 7 Recipe 9 55 from casting, the prisms were demolded and kept until the age of 7 days in water, at a temperature of 20 ± 4°C, and then in rooms with a temperature of 20 ± 4°C and humidity of 65 ± 5%. 3. Results and interpretation 3.1. Determination of bending strength The determination of bending strength and compressive strength was performed in the cast prisms and cubes both at the age of 7 days and 28 days. Of each recipe, two prisms were tested in order to determine bending strength. The results were recorded in Table 3 for the age of 7 days and in Table 4 for the age of 28 days. Table 3. Results of the experimental program at 7 days Determination of compressive strength Determination of bending strength 4 x 4 x 16 cm prisms Cubes test piece 1 test piece 2 test piece 1 test piece 2 test piece test piece 1 2 P2 [daN] P1 [daN] P2 [daN] P1 [daN] P2 [daN] P1 [daN] P2 [daN] P1 [daN] 1.400 1.450 1500 1450 1420 1460 4300 4200 2.000 1.950 1800 1700 1750 1640 7400 7450 1.275 1.125 1100 1150 950 1200 2900 2750 2.770 2.500 2800 2700 2750 2750 4700 4500 1.900 1.700 2400 2600 2500 2500 3700 3550 1.800 1.890 1800 1900 1850 1800 5300 5400 1.700 1.660 1550 1700 1600 1650 4350 4200 3.2. Determination of compressive strength The prism halves were submitted to the action of the hydraulic press and compressive resistance was determined. The breaking forces indicated by the dial of the press were recorded in Table 3 for the age of 7 days and in Table 4 for the age of 28 days. 56 Studies on the … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 53-58 (2007) Recipe 1 Recipe 2 Recipe 3 Recipe 4 Recipe 6 Recipe 7 Recipe 9 Tabel 4. Results of the experimental program at 28 days Determination of compressive strength Determination of bending strength 4 x 4 x 16 cm prisms Cubes test piece 1 test piece 2 test piece 1 test piece 2 test piece test piece 1 2 P2 [daN] P1 [daN] P2 [daN] P1 [daN] P2 [daN] P1 [daN] P2 [daN] P1 [daN] 2.670 3.200 1830 1840 1680 1640 5400 5500 3.530 3.420 1970 1840 1850 1870 14100 14000 2.065 2.350 1120 1160 1140 1150 3300 3950 3.955 4.110 2560 2970 3500 3650 9700 9600 2.880 2.970 2320 1960 2320 2160 6300 6250 3.725 3.210 1900 2180 1750 2050 7500 7450 2.765 2.750 2540 1850 1960 1920 4900 5100 The brand of the material is indicated by the Table 6 indicates the values of tensile bending compressive resistance value obtained in the prism strength and compressive strength at the age of 28 halves, at 28 days. days. Table 5 indicates the values of tensile bending strength and compressive strength at 7 days. Table 5. Strength of mortar at 7 days 2 Rc [daN/cm2] Rc [daN/cm2] Rti [daN/cm ] prism halves cubes Rc1,2 Rc1 med Rc2,1 Rc2,2 Rc2med Rcmed Rc1 Rc2 Rcmed Rti1 Rti2 Rtimed Rc1,1 93.8 90.6 92.2 88.8 913 90.0 91.1 87.8 85.71 86.73 Recipe 1 19.6 20.3 19.9 Recipe 2 28.0 27.3 27.7 112.5 106.3 109.4 109.4 102.5 105.9 107.6 151.0 152.0 151.5 68.8 71.9 70.3 59.4 75.0 67.2 68.8 59.2 56.12 57.65 Recipe 3 17.9 15.8 16.8 91.83 93.87 Recipe 4 38.8 35.0 36.9 175.0 168.8 171.9 171.9 171.9 171.9 171.9 95.9 72.45 73.97 Recipe 6 26.6 23.8 25.5 150.0 162.5 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 75.5 Recipe 7 25.2 26.5 25.8 112.5 118.8 115.6 115.6 112.5 114.1 114.9 108.2 110.2 109.2 96.9 106.3 101.6 100.0 103.2 101.6 101.6 88.8 85.71 87.24 Recipe 9 23.8 23.2 23.5 Rti1 Rti2 Rtimed Table 6. Strength of mortar at 28 days Rc [daN/cm2] prism halves Rc1,1 Rc1,2 Rc1 med Rc2,1 Rc2,2 Rc2med 37.4 49.4 28.9 55.4 40.3 52.2 38.7 44.8 47.9 32.9 57.5 41.6 44.9 38.3 41.1 48.7 30.9 56.5 41.0 48.6 38.5 114.4 123.0 70.0 160.0 145.0 118.8 158.8 2 Rti [daN/cm ] Recipe 1 Recipe 2 Recipe 3 Recipe 4 Recipe 6 Recipe 7 Recipe 9 115.0 115.0 72.5 185.0 112.5 136.3 115.6 114.7 119.0 71.3 172.5 133.0 127.5 137.2 4. Conclusions Following the experimental program, the diagrams of Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 were drawn up, which represent 102.5 115.6 71.3 218.0 145.0 109.3 122.5 103.1 116.8 71.8 228.0 135.0 128.2 120.0 102.7 116.2 71.5 223.0 140.0 118.8 121.3 Rcmed 108.7 117.6 71.3 198.0 136.5 123.1 129.2 Rc [daN/cm2] cubes Rc1 Rc2 Rcmed 110.2 140.0 67.3 1980 128.0 153.0 100.0 112.2 141.0 80.6 196.0 127.0 152.0 104.0 111.2 140.5 73.9 197.0 127.5 152.5 102.0 compressive strength at 7 days and at 28 days, depending on cement dosage and on the percentage of the added sludge in the recipe: 20%, 30%, 50% of the amount of cement II A-S 32.5R. 57 D. Manea et. al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 53-58 (2007) 36 0 36 0 34 6 32 0 32 0 350 32 0 34 6 400 300 250 501 01 .5 6 11 4. 84 20 20 50 10 7. 65 50 68 .7 5 50 30 20 9 1. 09 100 15 6. 2 150 5 17 1. 8 7 200 0 Recipe 1 Recipe 2 Recipe 3 Cement [kg/mc] Recipe 4 Sludge [%] Recipe 5 Recipe 6 Recipe 7 Rc [daN/cmp] 36 0 34 6 32 0 32 0 350 32 0 34 6 400 36 0 Fig.2. Variation in mortar strength depending on dosage and addition, at 7 days 300 12 3. 12 13 6. 5 20 50 50 50 71 .3 11 7. 6 20 50 30 100 20 150 10 8. 69 200 12 9. 2 19 8 250 0 Recipe 1 Recipe 2 Recipe 3 Cem ent [kg/m c] Recipe 4 Recipe 5 Sludge [%] Rc [daN/cm p] Recipe 6 Recipe 7 Fig.3. Variation in mortar strength depending on dosage and addition, at 28 days 58 Studies on the … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 53-58 (2007) The following conclusions can be drawn: - the highest strength values are obtained for a cement dosage of 346 kg/m3 and 20% sludge; - in the case of an increase in cement dosage: -from 320 kg/m3 to 346 kg/m3, for 20% added sludge, compressive strength increases from 108.7 daN/cm2 to 198.0 daN/cm2; - from 346 kg/m3 to 360 kg/m3 for 20% added sludge, compressive strength decreases from 198.0 daN/cm2 to 123.1 daN/cm2; - from 320 kg/m3 to 346 kg/m3 , for 50% added sludge, compressive strength increases from 71.3 daN/cm2 to 136.5 daN/cm2; - from 346 kg/m3 to 360 kg/m3 for 50% added sludge, compressive strength decreases from 136.5 daN/cm2 to 129.2 daN/cm2; So, a cement dosage of 346 kg/m3 is more effective for the obtaining of an auger bit equivalent to mortar M100. This observation is also true for tests performed in test pieces at 7 days. For weaker mortars, a cement dosage of 320 kg/m3 with a sludge addition of 20%, 30%, even 50%, can be used, because Rc > 50 daN/cm2. At the age of 28 days, the material prepared according to the recipes enclosed can be indicated for the casting of some auger bits, having a strength equivalent to mortar M100, using: - a cement dosage of 320 kg/m3, with a sludge addition of 20%, 30%; - a cement dosage of 346 kg/m3, with a sludge addition of 20%, 30%; - a cement dosage of 360 kg/m3, with a sludge addition of 20%, 30%. It is found that regardless of the cement dosage, 320, 346, 360 kg/m3, for a sludge addition of 50%, a reduction in compressive strength occurs. For a cement dosage of 346 kg/m3 and 360 3, kg/m for a sludge addition of 50%, compressive strength values higher than 100 daN/cm2 (10 N/mm2) are found, which is equivalent to mortar M100. Recommendations: In order to obtain mortar M100, a cement dosage of 346 kg/m3 and 360 kg/m3 with a sludge addition of 50% is recommended. In order to obtain mortar M50, a cement dosage of 320 kg/m3 with a sludge addition of 50% is recommended. In order to obtain mortar M100, a cement dosage of 320 kg/m3, 346 kg/m3 and 360 kg/m3 with a sludge addition of 20%, 30% is recommended. We recommend sludge to be used after drying, for the obtaining of auger bits, and less as plaster and masonry mortar, due to the chemical composition indicated in the analysis bulletin. The research could continue in order to obtain pavements, in which case sludge would also play the role of a pigment. For this purpose, wear resistance and frost resistance should be determined. Another idea is to use sludge as an aggregate, for the manufacture of auger bits, alone, without a river aggregate. The use of fluidizing and super-fluidizing additives, which would also increase workability and reduce the A/C ratio, would also have a beneficial effect on compressive strength. 5. Bibliography [1] Manea D., Netea Alex., Materiale de constructii şi chimie aplicată, 2006, Ed. Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca. [2] Craciunescu L., Serban L., Popescu M., Agregate artificiale si cărămizi pe bază de bauxită, Materiale de construcţii, 1991, pag.81. [3] Craciunescu L., Serban L., Popescu M., Matei V., Beton aparent cu parament colorat cu şlam de bauxită, Materiale de construcţii, 1990, pag.203. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Energy Conservation, an Essential Factor in Sustainable Construction a Daniela MANEA a Claudiu ACIUa Technical University Cluj Napoca, Cluj Napoca, 400027, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: În prezent omenirea se confruntă cu probleme deosebite atât în ceea ce priveşte problema resurselor materiale cât şi poluarea mediului înconjurător situaţie survenită ca o consecinţă a industrializării, a exploziei demografice, a globalizării şi dezvoltării accelerate pe toate continentele. Din acest motiv dezvoltarea durabilă este o soluţie care se impune pentru rezolvarea acestei probleme. Aceasta înseamnă ca nevoile actuale să fie satisfăcute fără a periclita pe cele ale generaţiilor viitoare şi că mediul înconjurător natural trebuie protejat prin măsuri reparatorii. Dezvoltarea durabilă este un concept apărut ca o consecinţă a crizei energetice, a epuizării materiilor prime şi nu în ultimul rând datorită necesităţii de protejare a mediului. Lucrarea prezintă una din soluţiile adoptate în construcţii în acest scop şi anume refolosirea deşeurilor; fapt care are menirea de a contribui în primul rând la valorificarea acestora şi protejarea mediului şi în al doilea rând la rezolvarea problemei privind resursele energetice şi reducerea costurilor de producţie în domeniul construcţiilor. Abstract: Mankind is currently confronted with special problems regarding both material resources and environmental pollution, as a result of industrialization, demographic explosion, globalization and accelerated development on all continents. This is why sustainable development is required for the solution to this problem. This means that current needs should be satisfied without endangering the needs of future generations and natural environment should be protected by reparatory measures. Sustainable development is a concept that has appeared as a result of the energy crisis, of the exhaustion of raw materials and, last but not least, due to the need for environmental protection. This study presents one of the solutions adopted in construction for this purpose, namely the reuse of waste material, which is intended to contribute in the first place to its valorisation and environmental protection, and in the second place, to the solution of the problem of energy resources and the reduction of production costs in the field of construction. Keywords: sustainable development, raw materials, reuse of waste material, environmental protection. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction The ”oil shock” of the '70s has drawn the attention of the whole world to the potential exhaustion of natural and energy resources of the globe. This is why a number of international events have marked the appearance and substantiation of the concept of sustainable development. Thus: - the World Conference on Environmental Protection - June 1972 – can be considered the first international manifestation in this sense. The Declaration on Environment adopted here poses, among others, the problem of the conservation of natural sources. ISSN 1584 - 5990 - the Report of the World Commission for Environment and Development (the Brundtland Report) – 1987 represents a new important event that marks the evolution of the concept of sustainable development. - the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development - Rio de Janeiro, June 1992, approached the global environmental problems with which the planet is confronted. The documents adopted on environment and development include the Rio Declaration and Agenda 21. The Declaration is focused on economic and social objectives, required for sustainable development. Agenda 21 is a global action program intended for the implementation of the Rio Declaration. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 60 Energy conservation, … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 59-64 (2007) - the Kyoto Agreement of 1997 – one of the most important sustainable development events was ratified in 2005 by 123 states, among which Romania. This agreement stipulates for each country the maintenance of greenhouse gas emissions below the level of the year 1990. - the World Conference on Sustainable Development, from Johannesburg – September 2002, showed that progress in the implementation of sustainable development was extremely disappointing, and that the state of poverty of the population and environmental degradation worsened. The most important document of the Conference is the Implementation Plan, which contains the main objectives of sustainable development. - in March 2003, in Brussels, the European Council defined a set of priorities regarding development, in order to implement the documents adopted at the Johannesburg Conference and to establish the European Union Strategy regarding Sustainable Development. In order to achieve these objectives, the European Council established a number of measures: -economic growth, with emphasis on the use of regenerable energy sources; -stopping environmental degradation; -reduction of gas emissions by the development of new fuels and technologies; -adoption of the program ”Intelligent energy for Europe”; -introduction of a system of sanctions, including penal sanctions, against pollution acts. - the International Conference on Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (UNCCC) – 28 Nov.-9 Dec. 2005, Montreal – emphasizes the fact that over the next years, emissions will be increasing on the globe and consequently, climatic changes will be increasingly important, and that the Kyoto Agreement will need to be replaced by another agreement that should include the high energy consumer countries (U.S.A., China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Australia). Romania’s concern about sustainable development results from the governmental actions taken over the past years. Thus, the “Medium term national strategy” (2001-2004) adopted by Governmental Decision establishes measures for efficient energy management. The creation in 1997 of the National Center for Sustainable Development, financed by the United Nations Program for Development, was an important step initiated by Romania in sustainable development, aiming at the elaboration of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development and the National Action Plan, regarding the implementation of Local Agenda 21 in Romania. In the field of energy conservation in buildings, the Romanian Governmental Order no. 29/2000 on the thermal rehabilitation of existing buildings and the stimulation of thermal energy saving is mentioned. This stipulates the obligation to perform the rehabilitation and thermal modernization of buildings and attendant services, to ensure the reduction of seismic risk, as well as the necessity of the delivery of an energy certificate for buildings. In this sense, a number of norms were elaborated. However, the sustainable development strategy for the energy sector in Romania does not include as a priority the development of regenerable sources, which could increase the differences between Romania and the developed EU countries. This might have a negative impact in the long term, when regenerable sources might have a major contribution to the energy sector, creating new dependencies on imports for Romania, this time of technological and cognitive nature. In the context of the elaboration of laws that will support the development of this energy sector, the market of regenerable energy sources will certainly develop, as Romania has a high cognitive level and many specialists that can successfully work under the conditions of a liberalized energy market. 2. Sustainable construction In construction, the concept of sustainable development can be seen as a modality by which this sector acts for the current and future improvement in the quality of life, having as a starting point the definition given by Ch. Kilbert at the International Conference on Sustainable Construction (Tampa, 1994): “the creation and the responsible management of a healthy environment, based on the efficient use of resources and ecological principles”. D. Manea and C. Aciu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 59-64 (2007) In this context, the “International Board for Research and Documentation in Civil Engineering” (CIB – Conseil International du Bâtiment) published the Agenda 21 for Sustainable Construction, offering a detailed picture of the concepts and problems of sustainable construction. The elements considered are: - the reduction in the use of fossil fuel energy sources and the use of regenerable sources; - the conservation of natural areas and biodiversity; - the insurance of the quality of the built environment and the management of a healthy indoor environment. In the same spirit, in December 2002, the European Parliament adopted the Directive 2002/91/EC on the energy performance of buildings. The aim of this Directive is the promotion of the increase in the energy performance of buildings on the territory of the Community, taking into consideration the climatic and local outdoor conditions, as well as indoor temperature requirements and economic efficiency. At present, this law is also adopted in Romania. The obligation to apply the European Directive 2002/91/EC, called “Energy efficiency of buildings” in all EU countries starting with January 2006 has a special impact on the thermal rehabilitation of buildings. In Romania, the stage of sustainable construction is closely connected to the economic, social and political conditions. In the first place, the existing buildings need rehabilitation works in order to align to the European energy performance level, and the development policy requires the design and building of new constructions that should integrate in the concept of sustainable development. The norm “regarding the design of dwelling buildings, based on performance requirements” elaborated in 1995 by IPCT – Bucharest, establishes the minimum quality requirements for a dwelling. These requirements are in accordance with those stipulated in the “European directives on building products and interpreting documents”, approved by the Permanent European Committee in 1995. For the thermal rehabilitation of existing buildings, as well as for the insurance of an optimum comfort level of new buildings, the 61 respect of the Quality in Construction system provided by Law no. 10/1995 is extremely important. 3. Reuse of waste material, an important factor in sustainable construction The reuse of waste material is part of the integrated approach to problems of economic growth, population health, education, protection of energy sources, environmental protection. This is one of the solutions adopted at international level which is intended to contribute in the first place to the valorization of waste material and environmental protection and in the second place to the solution of the problem of energy sources and the reduction of production costs in the field of construction. In civil engineering, concrete is a very frequently used material. This is obtained using incorporated energy which is found in the highest proportion in Portland cement. As it is shown in Table 1, although its proportion in the recipe is only 12%, the energy incorporated in it is as high as 92% of the energy required for the manufacture of concrete. Table 1. Energy required for the manufacture of concrete Component Percentages by Energy % weight Portland cement 12% 92% Sand 34% 2% Crushed stone 48% 6% Water 6% 0% For the production of each ton of cement, ~ 1 ton CO2 is produced Given this, the attention of specialists has focused on two aspects: finding substitutes for Portland cement and finding solutions for the manufacture of cement with an as low as possible energy consumption, without affecting environment. A solution in this sense is the use of waste material as an alternative fuel for the manufacture of cement. In Belgium, 40%-45% of the fuel used for burning in the ovens of cement factories is of alternative origin. In Czechia, where authorities and society have adopted a proactive position, the use of alternative fuels has reached 60%. 62 Energy conservation, … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 59-64 (2007) The percentage of the use of alternative fuels in Romania is low, maximum 5%. 3.1 Aspects regarding the reuse of waste material for the manufacture of cement The manufacture of cement results in important CO2 emissions, which are both direct, by the burning of fuel and the decarbonation of the raw material mixture, and indirect, by the electrical energy consumption of technological equipment. The main strategies for the reduction of CO2 emissions are aimed at the improvement of energy efficiency, the replacement of fossil fuels by alternative fuels (fuel waste material), the use of waste materials as raw material substitutes or as additions in cement grinding. The secondary or alternative fuels used include used tires, various solid or liquid waste materials, plastic materials, as well as waste derived biological fuels. Although there are apparently no technical constraints to prevent the replacement of coal by alternative fuels, the secondary fuel amount should be accurately established in order to maintain the balance of processes inside the oven, as well as the quality of the clinker. 3.2 Some waste materials manufacture of cement used for the The processes and fuels used for the manufacture of the cement clinker differ depending on the regional tendencies in cement production. Chloride Cadmium Mercury Lead Zinc The raw material consists of a well homogenized, finely ground mixture of 77-75% limestone and 23-25% clay, as well as siliceous (diatomite), aluminous (bauxite), and ferruginous (pyrite ash) additions. The waste materials that can be burned in cement ovens are extremely varied: - liquid energy waste materials: used oils, colorants, dyes, organic compounds from the drug industry, etc; - viscous energy waste materials: sludge, muds, tars from the oil, iron industry, water treatment, etc.; - solid energy waste materials: used tires, wood, paper, plastic materials, etc.; - non–energy waste materials: pyrite ash, thermal power station ash, sludge, etc. In the cement oven, due to an extremely high temperature (about 1400 degrees C), any kind of waste material can be eliminated. This is decomposed and burned, residual energy being used as a fuel, and minerals become clinker components and are incorporated in the resulting product – cement. The evaluation of a fuel also depends on its composition; this influences both the quality of cement and emissions that can be toxic. Thus, the high zinc content in tires can be a restrictive factor because zinc concentrations higher than 500 ppm (parts per million) in cement increase water requirements. The quality of cement is not affected when zinc concentrations in the clinker vary between 200-500 ppm. Table 2 shows the concentration of some elements of various secondary fuels compared to that of solid coal: Table 2. Concentration of some elements of various fuels (mg/kg in 1998) Solid coal Used tires Plastic Oil and solvent Paper fiber materials waste materials residues 1500 2000 10800 3000 340 1 5 6 6 1.5 0.5 0.001 0.6 0.1 0.3 80 250 92 200 12 85 16000 114 500 200 More than 25% of the fuel requirements can be satisfied by using waste tires as a secondary fuel in furnaces with coal as a main fuel. Used tires are waste materials with an extremely high energetic potential, similar to that of Powder of animal origin 6000 <0.7 <0.1 <0.5 - coal. The main fuel can be replaced in a 15-20% proportion by rubber, without the burning process, the final product or environment being affected. The compressive strength of mortars prepared from the cement obtained from two clinkers (coal and D. Manea and C. Aciu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 59-64 (2007) coal mixed with shredded tires) showed no significant difference. After 28 days, the lowest 63 values were approximately 50 N/mm2, significantly above the required limit, as Table 3 also shows. Table 3. Comparison of the characteristics of the clinker using oil coke and used tires as a secondary fuel (Giugliano et al., 1999) Compressive strength (kg/cm2) 100% oil coke 16 – 36% used tires 1 day 20 19.8 2 days 30.5 30.5 28 days 54.5 54.4 Free CaO 1.1 0.9 SO3, wt% 1.8 1.9 The only effect on the quality of the clinker at a 15-20% replacement rate of the main fuel by tirederived fuels was due to the significant increase in zinc, resulting from the metal part of the used tires. This caused the extension of the beginning of the setting time from 165 minutes to 194 minutes and of the end of the setting time from 210 minutes to 252 minutes. Consequently, it is recommended that the replacement of the conventional fuel content by tire-derived fuels in cement ovens should not exceed 25% in order to avoid the negative effects of zinc on the setting time. Plastic waste material is used all the more so as there is an increasing number of sorting centers for household waste material. As long as plastic material can be separated from the other waste materials, it can be burned directly in the oven, without any other changes. Plastic materials can cover up to 50% of the energy resulting from fossil fuels. Profuel is a fuel prepared in Great Britain from paper, plastic waste material, and residues from the textile industry. These are secondary products and are hard to recycle, the majority ending up in dumps. The caloric capacity of “Profuel” is similar to that of coal and it could be used in a proportion of 40% in the preheater and 50% in the calciner. In the majority of the European countries, chemical waste material is burned in cement ovens, instead of being burned in incinerators. Industrial chemical waste materials are increasingly used as waste oils, solvents, diluters and petrochemical residues. In Great Britain, “Cemfuel” is a fuel obtained by mixing several waste materials. Its special formula includes secondary products from the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, solvents, dyes, oils and substances resulting from the manufacture of inks. Cemfuel is perfectly compatible with the burning process and does not participate in chemical reactions that occur during the formation of the clinker. Its production is controlled and it has a low inflammability point, like petrol. In the oven, it burns completely, the resulting elements remaining in the clinker, except for mercury. Canal mud is used as an alternative fuel especially in Japan, Netherlands and Great Britain. In Netherlands, dry canal mud that has an energy value of 12 kJ/kg represents 5-35% of fuels. – 275 kg mud can replace 193 kg inferior coal or 81 kg crude oil. Animal residues and fat are increasingly used as an alternative fuel. In 2000, in France, 10% of the fuel used in the majority of the ovens was of animal origin – in total 200 kt. In 2001, an increase of up to 450 kt occurred. The amount of animal residues that can be used is limited by the phosphate amount that reaches the clinker and by the chlorides that appear during combustion. Thus, animal residues have an energy value similar to that of brown coal. This type of fuel is successfully used in the Retznei cement factory in Austria, in a 15% proportion. 3.3 Influences of the use of alternative fuels The emissions resulting from the cement industry are controlled by rigorous laws. The use of alternative fuels in Europe is the object of Directive 2000/76/EC of 28 December 2000 on the burning of waste material. CO2 emissions The production of cement releases CO2 64 Energy conservation, … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 59-64 (2007) emissions due to the calcination of limestone (54%), the burning of coal (34%) and 12% due to emissions related to the use of electricity (depending on the production technology – thermal power stations). For the production of each ton of cement, 0.83 tons CO2 are released. Some measures for the reduction of CO2 emissions include: - the improvement of the energy efficiency of the production process by the use of more efficient ovens and by their adequate maintenance and the control of CO2; - the replacement of fuels by alternative fuels; - the partial replacement of limestone. As it was shown, tires have a higher energy content than coal, so 1 kg tire-derived fuel can replace 1.25 kg coal. The replacement of coal by tires does not result in a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. SO2 emissions The main measures for the reduction of SO2 emissions involve the optimization of the burning process and the insurance of the quality of raw materials and fuel. Tires have a sulfide content similar to that of coal and do not usually affect SO2 emission in cement production. The replacement of 15-20% coal by used tires had no significant results on SO2 emission, which were 193 mg/m3 for coal and 187 mg/m3 for coal and tires. 4. Conclusions Under the impact of climatic changes, of the continuously ascending price of fuels, of alarming signals regarding the exhaustion of natural energy sources, construction plays a decisive role. An efficient cement production by the use of waste material as an alternative fuel essentially contributes to sustainable construction. The cement industry offers a partial solution to the major problem with which Romania is confronted – waste material. Its use is a solution with major beneficial results, which can transform this industry from a polluting into a depolluting industry. Some Romanian factories have already acquired technologies that allow them to use waste material as alternative fuels. In 2002, Carpatcement Holding inaugurated the first automated line in Romania that processes alternative fuels for the production of cement, at the Deva factory (June), and in August, a similar installation at the Bicaz factory. In its turn, Lafarge mounted at the Medgidia factory an installation for the cutting of plastic materials used as alternative fuel. The total value of the environmental investments made by Lafarge since 1998 amounts to more than 40 million dollars. The sum represents approximately one third of all industrial investments made by Lafarge. Holcim (Romania) invested in the modernization of the cement production lines of its factories from Câmpulung (Argeş) and Aleşd (Bihor), in order to allow the co-processing of more than 100 waste material types. The waste materials that can be burned in the ovens of the Holcim cement factories (Romania) include oil waste materials (from used oils and their emulsions to tars and contaminated soil), plastic, paper, cardboard, textile, leather, package waste (industrial waste material or waste material derived from the sorting of household waste), rubber waste (including used tires), wood waste, organic compounds resulting from the chemical industry, muds derived from water treatment, etc. 5. Bibliography [1] H. HANSEN, A. ZÖLD: Ecobuild – Environmentally friendly construction and building. Project co-ordinator Horsens Polytechnic, 2001. [2] Cristian UNGUREANU – Contributii la proiectarea constructiilor civile în cadrul conceptului de dezvoltare durabila, Iasi, 2006 [3] George ŢĂRANU, Sesiune Nationala de Comunicari Stiintifice Studentesti, Cluj-Napoca, Editura U.T. PRES, 2006. [4] SMITH I. – Co-utilisation of coal and other fuels in cement kilns 2003. [5] NETEA A., MANEA D. – Chimie si materiale de constructii. Cluj-Napoca, 2004. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May2007 Sustaining Systems for Underground Parking in Cluj - Napoca a Augustin POPA a Nicoleta Maria ILIEŞa Technical Univesity of Cluj - Napoca, Cluj - Napoca, 400027, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Problemele referitoare la parcajele din zonele centrale ale marilor oraşe reprezintă în ultimii ani o problemă stringentă a administraţiilor locale şi bineînţeles a inginerilor. La fel ca şi alte mari oraşe şi municipiul Cluj – Napoca se confruntă cu o asemenea problemă, care este cu atât mai delicată cu cât zona centrală este una cu clădiri vechi sau monumente istorice. Necesităţile de parcare din zonele centrale ale municipiului Cluj Napoca au impus realizarea unor parcaje subterane multietajate. Lucrarea va prezenta două parcaje subterane, cu două şi respectiv trei niveluri subterane, executate în vecinătatea unor construcţii vechi, care au două şi respectiv trei niveluri prezentând soluţiile tehnologice adoptate. Abstract: Problems concerning parkings in central areas of large cities are a stringent problem for local authorities and also for the building engineers. As other large cities, Cluj – Napoca has the same problem, wich is more delicate because in the central area of the city there are a lot of old buildings or historical buildings. Requirements of parking in the central area of Cluj Napoca imposed the achivement of multilevel underground parkings. This paper will present two underground parkings, with two respectively three underground levels, executed in the nearby old buildings having two respectively three levels. In this paper are presented some technological solutions used in execution. Keywords: parkings, old buildings, buried walls, secant piles. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction The increse number of vehicles in Cluj – Napoca imposed the necesiy of underground and overhead parking. The most difficult problems appear on executing underground parkings in the central built - up areas of the city. Execution of excavations in the vicinity of old buildings, with high ground water table, impose some consolidation solutions for those and the achivement of excavation without jeopardize the stability of the nearby construction. This paper presents some technical solutions used for sustainig structures for underground multilevel parkings excavations located in the central area of Cluj – Napoca. and it is bordered by two buildings, withe more than 80 years old, both having G+F / S+G+F, Fig. 1. 2. Site description Both analized works are located in the central area of Cluj – Napoca. The first one Beyfin Hotel – is located on the west side of Avram Iancu Square ISSN 1584 - 5990 Fig. 1. Sections position. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 66 Sustaining systems … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 65-70 (2007) The building has a plane surface of 14,00x30,69m, having two underground floors (parkings), ground level, attic and four floors. The superior excavation level is +0,00, and the inferior one -6,80, considered as level ±0,00 of the building. Foundation soil examination has been made by two geotechnical drillings, in the extremity of the building and by dynamic penetration tests (DPH). Geotechnical characteristics have been established using penetration tests according to EUROCODE 7 – EN 1997 - 2 (Cen, 2005a) (Table 1). Table 1. Stratification and geotechnical characteristics. γ cu ϕ’ c’ Stratification [kN/m3] [o] [kPa] [kPa] Filler of ground 0,00with clay,gravel 4,00 and bricks and 17 Gravel with sand 4,00and boulder 5,00 stone, rammed 19 Gravel with sand 5,00- and boulder 10,00 stone, medium rammed 19 10,00- Marly clay, gray, 16,00 stiff. 19.9 10 4 Table2. Stratification and geotechnical characteristics. γ cu ϕ’ c’ Stratification [kN/m3] [o] [kPa] [kPa] Filler of ground with rock and brick. Gravel with sand and 3,00(3,30)- boulder and 9,90(12,00) silty bond, yellow, gray, rammed Marly clay, blue,russet, hard, with 9,90(12,00)some 14,60 decimetric levels of rammed sand. 0,00-3,00 (3,30) 16,9 10 4 19 34 19 10 34 80 Ground level table appear at 3,50m depth. Underground water has chimical agresivity to concrete: very low carbonic agresivity and very low sulphatic agresivity. 45 3. Technical solutions [1] 34 10 34 50 Soil level 0,00 coincide to the level -0,80 of the building. Ground water table is located at 4,50m unto the ground level (street level). The second work is a building for offices located on No. 18-20 Dorobanţilor Street, having three underground levels (parking), ground floor level and 5 – 7 floors. The building is located in the vicinity of some S+G / G buildings. The plane surface is 26x45m. The superior level of excavation is 0,00, and the inferior one is -11,10m. Foundation soil examination has been made by three geotechnical drillings executed until 14,00m and two dynamic penetration tests (DPH), until 12,00m depth. Ground stratification and design geotechnical characteristics are given into Table 2. Beyfin Hotel[2]. Construction of the new hotel has been made onto an old building site (No. 3 Avram Iancu Square), between two old building (No. 2 and No. 4 Avram Iancu Square). Height regime of the demolished building was S(partial)+G+F, like the nearby constructions. Buildings were made in 1920 and they have a brick masonry with metalic beams floor and arch bricks structure. On the north side (No. 4) and on the south side (No. 2) buildings have partial subsoil (Fig. 1). Depth of foundation of nearby buildings is -2,10 - -2,70m (level ±0,00 – level of hotel ground floor). The level of the second subsoil is -5,70m. To sustain the excavation for both levels of underground parking it was necessary an buried bearing wall. Considering foundation solution for nearby buildings, there were adopted three sections for the execution of buried bearing walls, Fig. 2. The level of superior part of the bearing wall was between -0,70 - -2,50m. The inferior level of the second underground level was -5,70m. Unlike section 1, in section 1’ it has been kept the same level for the beam – raft foundation 67 A. Popa and N. M. Ilieş / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 65-70 (2007) (-2,50m) and between -2,50m and -0,10m levels excavation are sustained by a piles wall (Φ300mm). +0.45 +0.30 +0.30 ±0.00 +0.30 +0.30 -0.10 -2.30 -0.70 -2.50 -2.70(3.05) -2.10 -2.30 -3.60 -3.00 -2.30 -2.90 -3.20 3.70 -5.70 -6.70 VAR = 8.55-13.05m -5.70 -6.80 -6.70 Fig.2. Existing foundations consolidation details. VAR = 8.55-13.05m -6.80 Considering the site position, it wasn’t possible to locate any derrick outside the building area. Therefore, it was imposed to execute a buried bearing wall between levels -0,70 - -2,50m and -6,80m (excavation level). To help on excavation stability and to reduce it’s displacements, during the excavation execution there were utilized ground slopes near buried wall (Fig. 3). +0.45 +0.30 +0.30 ±0.00 -3.00 -2.50 -2.70(3.05) -2.70(3.05) -3.00 -3.00 -3.00 Fig. 3. Excavation execution details. -5.70 -6.70 VAR = 8.55-13.05m -6.80 Buried walls were executed by secant piles: primary piles, without steel, of low resistance material and secondary piles, with resistance role, of reinforced concrete. Piles had 620mm diameter and variable lenght L=8,55 – 13,05m, located at 0,90m interax (Fig. 4). 68 Sustaining systems … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 65-70 (2007) - Anchor dead wall by welding to floor elements, - Consolidate dead wall by welding with metalic profiles (U), anchorated to floor elements, - Repairing the walls by grouting, etc., - Executing an reinforced plastering (#Φ6/10), anchorated by floor elements, for dead wall and foundation, with connectors. Offices building [3]. Fig. 4. Piles disposal. On the inferior part it was executated an 1,00m height raft foundation where the walls were fixed by baring of the steel and welding with steel from secondary piles. The interior resistance structure was made by cast in place reinforced concrete frames. On the superior part piles were tied by an reinforced concrete beam, section 80x100cm, with different levels for fixing concrete diaphrgm wall (-0,70 - -2,50m). Resistance structure for superstructure was made by concrete diaphragm walls (18cm) which were directed to an inferior raft foundation. To eliminate water infiltration during execution of vertical diaphragms it was made a vertical hydro – insulation by pinting. Considering poor technical state of nearby buildings, before executing the sustaining area it was necesary to execute some consolidation works. There were made some interventions: - Underpining nearby buildings foundations, on variable heights (0,60 – 1,00m), function of fundation quality and nearby building walls, - Foundation consolidation by underpining and ground ancorages (where adjacent building foundation have fallen), - Grouting consolidation with binding material under existing foundations, - Excavation consolidation to A. Iancu Square, by an minipiles wall (Φ300mm) on 2,30m height, Also it was executated consolidation for adjacent buildings dead walls: - Φ20 ancorages located along the wall or in the areas where has been showed / have existed vertical cracks, Offices building (Fig. 5) have been made over an old building site with height regime of subsoil(partial) and ground floor. On one side there is one floor building, having rock stone foundations, without mortar and on the east side there is also an one floor building. On the south side there is Dorobantilor Street and on the north side –one floor plant and an interior court. Considering buiding area and personnel number had been imposed three levels undergroung parking. Building structure is reinforced concrete frames for 3S+G+8F. For excavation has been proposed an enclosure, covering four sides with walls, accomplished by secant piles Φ62cm, tied with 80x100cm reinforced concrete beam on superior part. Inferior level for piles is 14,50m, providing fixing condition for piles into the base layer and 1.50m fixing lenght into the gray, hard marly clay layer. Abutment wall was made by primary concrete piles (Φ62cm/90cm) and secondary reinforced concrete piles (Φ62cm/90cm). For the enclosure excavation has been made stageed (Fig. 6): A. Popa and N. M. Ilieş / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 65-70 (2007) Fig. 5. Subsoil – Offices building. 69 70 Sustaining systems … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 65-70 (2007) ±0.00 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -3.75 -7.05 -7.05 -7.05 -7.05 -11.05 -11.05 -11.05 -11.50 -12.05 Fig.6. Excavation stages. - Stage I: excavation in large spaces, until -3,75m level and ground evacuation by dump car; casting floor above subsoil S2 on ground (casting have been made on 10cm aqalization concrete and polyethylene foil), - Stage II: ground excavation under the floor until -7,05m level, casting floor above subsoil S3 on ground. Acces has been made by an acces ramp, casted in the same stage like excavation. Excavation has been made ensuring adjacent ground slopes for interior walls. - Stage III: ground excavation under the floors until -11,05m level, casting raft foundation on ground for subsoil S3. - Stage IV: coating execution for piles along subsoil perimeter and for elevations starting subsoil S3 until subsoil S1. - Stage V: stiffening beam and level -0,30m floor execution. Considering technical foundations and dead wall state it was necessary to make some structural interventions to consolidate old buildings: - Underpinning rock stone foundation, - Wall consolidation by: •Air placed reinforced concrete (Φ5/10), anchorated to adjacent building floor, •Consolidation by anchoring tie – rod located along the wall (2Φ20), •Consolidation by metalic profiles. 4. Conclusions Achivement of some new buildings in central area of Cluj – Napoca is difficult because old buldings concentration and because chaotic infrastructure. Excavtions near existing buidings is also difficult because they can affect old buildings stability. One second important element is high ground water level. To ensure stability and protection against infiltrations it is necessary to adopt protection walls to be part of the infrastructure resistance structure. In this paper there are presented two execution technologies for multilevel infrastructures, with solutions imposed by the real site conditions. 5. Bibliografy. [1] Ernst et Sahr, Grundbau Taschenbuch,. 1992, Berlin. [2] Popa A., Technical design – Beyfin Hotel, A. Iancu Square, Cluj – Napoca, 2004. [3] Popa A., Ilieş N., Technical design – Offices building, orobanţilor Street, Cluj - Napoca, 2005. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May. 2007 The Rayleigh Quotient, the Vector Iteration With Shift and the Rayleigh Product a Daniela PREDAa Florin MACAVEIa Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest,Bucharest, 020396,Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Se prezintă câteva rezultate obţinute de autori în domeniul modurilor proprii de vibraţie ale sistemelor dinamice structurale. În lucrare se îmbină catul Rayleigh, iteraţia inversă cu translaţie şi produsul Rayleigh. O atenţie deosebită se acordă valorilor proprii multiple sau numeric egale, caracteristice structurilor spatiale. Se propune o metodă practică pentru minimizarea produsului Rayleigh. Abstract: This work presents some results obtained by the authors in the field of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the dynamic structural systems. The Rayleigh quotient, the inverse vector iteration with shift and the Rayleigh product are joined. A particular attention is paid to multiple eigenvalues or numerically equal, characteristic to space structural systems of the constructions. A practical way for the minimization of the Rayleigh product is presented. Keywords: Rayleigh quotient, vector iteration, Rayleigh product. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction In the references [1], [2], [3], the Rayleigh quotient is studied. If an eigenvector {φ}i is approximated with an error ε , then the error of the corresponding eigenvalue, λ i , is of order ε 2 [1]. This approximated eigenvalue is given by the Rayleigh quotient, according to the Rayleigh principle regarding the stationary value of the eigenperiod and the eigenfrequency in the neighbourhood of the corresponding eigenvector. The direct vector iteration method [1], [3], converges to the first eigenmode in a flexibility formulation and to the last eigenmode of the dynamic model in a stiffness formulation. The inverse vector iteration converges to the first eigenmode in a stiffness formulation. The inverse iteration with shift converges to the eigenmode with the eigenvalue nearest the shift [1]. For a multiple eigenvalue, the convergence occurs to a vector in the eigensubspace corresponding to the eigenvalue. The space steel structures [4], [5], [6], several multiple eigenvalues and corresponding eigensubspaces may have. In this paper the sets of the multiple eigenvalues and of the corresponding ISSN 1584 - 5990 eigensubspaces, using the “Rayleigh product” are analysed. The Rayleigh product in the reference [2] was introduced. Several developments of this scalar function of vectorial variable, in references [3], [7] and [8] are presented. By minimization of the Rayleigh product, the nearest eigenvector to a given vector can be determined. In reference [8], for this minimization, the elimination form of the inverse is used. In the present paper the Cholesky decomposition is used. Moreover, a practical way of sliding on the gradient of the Rayleigh product is proposed. 2. The Rayleigh quotient Lord Rayleigh published in 1877 the work “The Theory of Sound” where he stated a principle which was to bear his name: “ The vibration pulsation of a conservative system is stationary in the neighbourhood of eigenshapes”. Let be a square, real, positive definite matrix [A] and the associate eigenproblem [A]{φ} = λ{φ} (1) © 2000 Ovidius University Press 72 The Rayleigh Quotient, … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 71-76 (2007) where the matrix [A] was obtained reducing the general eigenproblem represented by the stiffness matrix [K] and the mass matrix [M] of the dynamic model of the structural system. Let be λ 1 ≤ λ 2 ≤ ... ≤ λ i ≤ ... ≤ λ n (2) the eigenvalues of the matrix [A] and {φ}1 , {φ}2 ,.., {φ}i ,.., {φ}n the corresponding eigenvectors. For any vector {x}, the Rayleigh quotient is: QA = {x}T [A ]{x} {x}T {x} (3) Premultiplying both sides of Eq. (1) by transposed vector {φ} , it follows that for T {x} = {φ}i (4) it results QA = λi (i= 1, 2,…n) (5) where λ i = ω i2 (6) Here ω i is the i th eigenpulsation of the structure. The Rayleigh quotient lies between the lowest and the highest eigenvalues of the matrix[A]: λ1 ≤ Q A ≤ λ n 3. The inverse vector iteration with shift The direct vector iteration applies Eq. (1): [A]{x}(k ) = {y}(k +1) = λ(k +1) {x}(k +1) where k is the step of iteration. The iterative process converges towards the maximum eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector. In the inverse vector iteration, the iterative process converges towards the minimum eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector. A powerful procedure is the vector iteration with shift. This procedure is based on Dirac’s theorem [3]. Namely, if {φ} is an eigenvector of the matrix [A] and the corresponding eigenvalue is λ , then {φ} is an eigenvector of the matrix [A]- μ[I ] and the corresponding eigenvalue is λ − μ . Here μ is shift and [I] is the unit matrix. For the general eigenproblem the inverse iteration is made with the matrix: [K ] = [K ] − μ[M] * (9) and the iteration converges to the eigenmode whose eigenvalue is nearest to μ [1]. The procedure is used for determining the eigenvector, when the eigenvalue has been determined by another method which produces only eigenvalues. The inverse iteration with shift may also be used when the computed eigenvalue is approximate. An approximate eigenvalue can be obtained using the Rayleigh quotient and an approximate eigenvector {x} : (7) Rayleigh’s principle states that for an eigenvector the Rayleigh quotient is stationary. From Eq.(7) it follows [8] that for the first eigenvector Q A is a minimum and for the last one, a maximum. For i ≠ 1 and i ≠ n the Rayleigh quotient is only stationary. (8) μ= {x}T [K ]{x} {x}T [M ]{x} (10) For distinguishing eigenvalues, if {x} = β{φ}i −1 + (1 − β){φ}i +1 (11) where β is a scalar close to 0.5, that is {x} is a combination between the eigenvectors {φ}i −1 and {φ}i +1 D. Preda and F. Macavei/ Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 71-76 (2007) 73 , the inverse iteration with the shift (10) may converge to the eigenvector {φ}i , even if {φ}i is not included in the combination (11). The same observation is valid for any pair of different eigenvectors in Eq. (11). Also, it is valid for more different eigenvectors. 4. Multiple eigenvalues Numerically equal eigenvalues may occur for space structural systems. In Fig. 1 a steel column for electrical network is represented [4] and in Fig. 2, a storied structure. Fig.2 Storied building Also, each dynamic system has torsional eigenvibrations. If two or three eigenperiods are equal, then instead an eigenvector the dynamic structural system has an eigensubspace, and any non-zero vector of this subspace is an eigenvector of the system. That is, the translations in one plane may be coupled to the translations in the other plane and, moreover, the torsion may be included. Using the inverse iteration with shift equal to the multiple eigenvalue, it is determined one eigenvector of the subspace, but the corresponding eigenshape is not necessary in a plane of vibrations corresponding to the other eigenvalues or a torsional eigenshape.Using the Rayleigh product we can determine the nearest eigenvector to a given vector. 5. The Rayleigh product. The Rayleigh product. of a matrix [A] is the product between the Rayleigh quotient of the matrix [A] and the Rayleigh quotient of the inverse matrix, [A ] : −1 Fig.1. Steel column for electrical network Each type of structure has two vertical orthogonal planes in which the eigenvibrations are produced. P = Q A ⋅ Q A −1 (12) The Rayleigh product of a matrix equals the Rayleigh product of its inverse matrix. Therefore the Rayleigh product characterizes a structure rather than a matrix. 74 The Rayleigh Quotient, … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 71-76 (2007) The Rayleigh product has several important properties [2], [8]: • For an eigenvector, the Rayleigh product is stationary. • For all the eigenvectors, the stationary value of the Rayleigh product equals the unit. • For an eigenvector, the Rayleigh product has a minimum value (separation theorem). Hence, around each eigenvector there is a concavity of the product P. We make here the observation that for a multiple eigenvalue, the Rayleigh product has the value one on the eigensubspace, except for origin. Indeed, any non-zero vector of this subspace is an eigenvector of the dynamic structural system. It is named “eigendepression i ” the zone of the unit radius hipersphere around the eigenvector {φ}i , which has the property that, starting from any its points, by the Rayleigh product minimization one arrives to the eigenvector {φ}i . The eigendepression includes the concavity of that eigenvector. The following notations will be used: (13) a = {x} [A ]{x} T (14) b = {x} [B ]{x} (15) c = {x} {x} (16) T {g} of the vectors {x} and grad P, so that c=1 (19) Instead the vector grad P, it may be considered a half of it: {g} = b[A ]{x}+ a[B]{x}− 2P{x} The Rayleigh product P becomes ab P= 2 (17) c and its gradient is: 2 4ab grad P = 2 (b[A ]{x}+ a[B ]{x}) − 3 {x} (18) c c (20) Let be “k” a step of iteration. The expression of the vector {x} will be: {x}(k +1) = {x} (k ) {} − αk g where α k is a positive constant. Starting from the unit vector following operations are performed: • [B] = [A ]−1 {} One may work with the unit vectors x and • 6. A practical procedure T It is not necessary the explicit expression of the inverse matrix, [B].We only multiply this matrix by the vector {x}. • • (21) {x}( ) , k the the constants a and b (Eqs. 14 and 15) and the product P( Eq. 17) are determined; the vector {g} (Eq. 20) and the unit {} vector g are computed; the constant α k is modiefied until- on the support of the vector grad P- the minimum value of P is obtained (Eq. 21); (k +1) the unit vector x is determined. {} A simple way of determining the solution α k consists in increasing this constant in steps of equal sizes, sufficiently small to ensure the desired accuracy. But a fast way is to return to the previous value of the constant if the solution α k is surpassed and the step is diminished, ten times, for example (Fig.3). D. Preda and F. Macavei/ Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 71-76 (2007) 75 Fig. 3 Determining the constant α k The problem is to compute [B]{x}, where [B] is the inverse of the matrix [A]. In order to do this, it will be used Cholesky decomposition of the matrix [A].: [A] = [T]T [T] [T] (22) where [T] is an upper- triangular matrix and Since [T] T { } a 12 t 11 ………………………………. a12 = t 11 t 12 hence t 12 = Generally, the following recurrence relations are obtained: 0 ,5 (23) (24) [T]{z} = {z * } (28) is a low-triangular matrix, the 7. Conclusions • • • Let be that is and unknowns z may be computed by substitution, starting with the first equation. Since[T] is an upper- triangular matrix, the unknowns {z} may be computed by substitution, too, starting with the last equation. From the relations (23) and (24) it results that if [A] is a banded matrix, then [T] is also a banded matrix with the same bandwidth. This fact is important for storage requirement. 2 a 11 = t 11 hence t 11 = a11 {z} = [B]{x} = [A]−1 {x} (27) * T j−1 ⎛ ⎞ t ij = ⎜ a ij − ∑ t ki t kj ⎟ / t ii , (j>i) k =1 ⎝ ⎠ [T]T [T]{z} = {x} [T]T {z * }= {x} is its transpose. The elements of the triangular matrix [T] can be determined in terms of the initial matrix [A] elements, identifying the result of the product j−1 ⎡ 2 ⎤ t ii = ⎢a ii − ∑ t ki ⎥ k =1 ⎣ ⎦ (26) The system of equations (27) may be solved in two stages: T [T] [T] element by element, namely [A]{z} = {x} or (25) It may outline the following conclusions: The inverse iteration with shift, using the Rayleigh quotient, converges to the eigenmode with the eigenvalue nearest the shift. Starting from a given vector, the nearest eigenvector is determined by Rayleigh product minimization. For multiple eigenvalues of the space structural dynamic system, using Rayleigh product, the nearest eigenshape to a given shape can be determined. 76 The Rayleigh Quotient, … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 71-76 (2007) 8. References [1] Bathe K.I., Wilson E.L. Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis, 1976, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. [2]Macavei F., A Method for Eigenvectors Separation, Buletinul Inst. Politehnic Iasi, 1988, Tomul XXVI (XXX), fasc. 1-2, pag. 23-27. [3]Macavei F., Poterasu V.F. , Complemente de dinamica structurilor, 1994, Ed. Virginia, Iasi. [4] Dalban C., Juncan N., Serbescu C., Varga A., Dima S., Constructii metalice, 1983, Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti. [5]Chesaru E., Preda D., Expertizarea si consolidarea structurilor metalice,1998, Ed. CONSPRESS, Bucuresti. [6] Preda D., Elemente structurale din otel. Studiu- sinteza in domeniul stabilitatii generale a elementelor comprimate si incovoiate, 2007, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti. [7] Macavei F., Procedeu numeric pentru determinarea independenta a oricarui vector propriu de vibratie, 1998, Al VI-lea Simpozion National de Informatica in Constructii, Timisoara [8]Macavei F., Eigendepressions of Structures, 1996, Third European Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN ’96, pag. 409413, Florence, Italy. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Calculation of deformation estimated value for protection harbor construction to seismic application shaped through stationary random process Isabella STAN a Dragos VINTILA b Sport Department of Constantza, Constantza, 900669, Romania b ”Ovidius” University of Constantza, Constantza, 900524, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ a Rezumat: Scopul acestui studiu de caz este de a dezvolta procedee de analiză bazate pe o simulare stohastică a acceleraţiei seismice a terenului. Această acceleraţie se modelează ca proces aleatoriu staţionar (zgomot alb sau zgomot alb filtrat). Modelul dinamic utilizat pentru structură este determinist. Abstract: The purpose of this case study is to develop analyze processes based on a stochastic simulation of the seismic acceleration of the soil. This acceleration it’s shaped as a random stationary process (white noise or filtered white noise). For the structure the dynamic model used is necessitarian. Keywords: stochastic process, seismic movement, harbor constructions __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction The most frequently used stochastic representation of the seismic movement of the soil it’s based on the potential spectral density of the seismic acceleration and on a equivalent period of the earthquake, accordingly to the powerful part of soil movement. This kind of wording problem, based on a necessitarian dynamic system submitted to a random model of the excitation, allows the processes development to obtain the response statistic parameters, such as variance, autocorrelation function or potential spectral density. Once obtained these parameters, ought to formulate the existing relationships between them and the extreme response of the system. This analysis requires to solve the problem from the response first phase through one limit, which is defined as the searched extreme value. It’s been developed analysis processes based on a stochastic simulation for the soil seismic acceleration. This acceleration it’s shaped as random stationary process (white noise or filtered white noise). For the structure the dynamic model used is necessitarian. It’s developed the theory for single freedom degree systems, which allows the calculation of it’s estimated extreme response. [1,4] Figure 1 – Single freedom degree model submitted to a random seismic excitation [1] ISSN 1584 - 5990 © 2000 Ovidius University Press 78 Calculation of deformation…/ Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 77-80 (2007) 2. Response stochastic spectrum The way to obtain response stochastic spectrum, which will be analyzed therefore, it’s based on the response estimated extreme values, concluded for single dynamic freedom degree systems, submitted to seismic excitation shaped as stationary stochastic process. The main advantage of this process type to define an action consist in manufacture suitable design spectrums, based on realistic hypothesis, general accepted, regarding the soil seismic movement. As an additionally advantage it can be mentioned the exigent of less process entrance dates. These dates are available in most seismic zones, including the ones with less seismic recordings. In case of a seismic excitation shaped as a stationary stochastic process, te process time that is significant seismic movement time it is a great influence parameter of the results. So, spectral ordinates are xe , to distinguish their dependence the filter average frequency. To calculate the response estimated extreme value of a single freedom degree system submitted to a seismic excitation shaped as a stationary stochastic process, we elaborated a calculation program named STATRAN [1], through C++ programming language, transcript in Linux operating system. 3. Calculation of deformation estimated value for protection harbor construction to seismic application In this case study we proposed for stationary stochastic process with a potential spectral density of 1500 gal2/Hz. The structure has been reduced to a single dynamic freedom degree structure, with proper periods determinate through three analysis models and with fraction values from damping. We considered for the filter parameter ωg 1 H1 g 2 the next values which characterize it: = 4.6rad / s and ν g1 = 0.6 , meanwhile for 2 are ω g = 100.0rad / s 2 and ν g = 0.3 . For the signal we admit a period of 120 s 2 in the end of which the process become really stationary. For STATRAN entrance dates we obtained the estimated extreme values of deformation as given in Tables 1. [2] Tables 1 Model A Estimated Fraction extreme Graphic from values of T[s] critical deformations damping xe [cm] 1 2 on process time. These can be calculated with: ⎛ θ ⎞ xe = σ x 2 ln⎜ te m ⎟ , where θ m - the process ⎝ π ⎠ H2g 3 0.05 0.10 0.15 2.604 3.68 2.61 2.13 0.05 0.10 0.15 1.733 3.34 2.31 1.85 0.05 0.10 0.15 1.605 3.23 2.22 1.77 Model B Graphic 1 2 3 T[s] Estimated extreme values of deformations xe [cm] 0.05 0.10 0.15 2.646 3.69 2.62 2.14 0.05 0.10 0.15 2.320 3.61 2.54 2.07 0.05 0.10 0.15 2.079 3.53 2.47 2.00 Fraction from critical damping I. Stan and D.Vintilă / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 77-80 (2007) Graphic 1 2 3 Fraction from critical damping Model C Estimated extreme values of T[s] deformations xe [cm] 0.05 0.10 0.15 2.364 3.62 2.56 2.08 0.05 0.10 0.15 1.949 3.48 2.42 1.95 0.05 0.10 0.15 1.789 3.38 2.34 1.88 Model A Model B 79 In figure 2 we graphical represented the variation of deformation estimated extreme value in accordance with stationary stochastic process period considered as a model of seismic signal. We can observe that, as the proper period of the structure is lower, so is the estimated extreme value of deformation for the same fraction values from critical damping. 80 Calculation of deformation…/ Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 77-80 (2007) Model C 4. Conclusions: These results led to identify some advantages in response calculations to seismic applications of protection harbor constructions, such as: - Usage of response spectrum, which represent a customary way to define a soil seismic action for the structures analysis, allows the describes of the most important response characteristics, where the excitation time history it’s useless; - The response spectrum may be modified so it can include the soil local conditions, when the excitation process details are unknown; - The use of calculation program allows to find out the extreme estimated values of the response movement for different dynamic characteristics (proper periods) and for different values of fractions from critical damping; - The elaborated calculation program may be modified so it can allow the calculation of stochastic response accelerations. spectrum in velocities and 5. References [1] Barbat, A. H., Canet, J. M., „Estructuras sometidas a acciones sismicas”, 2nd Edicion, CIMNE, Barcelona, 1994. [2] Breabăn, V., Pascale, D., Popa, M., „Dynamic Modal Analysis of Harbor Protection Rock–Fill Breakwaters”, Ovidius University Annals of Constructions, Constanţa, 2002. [3] Penzien, J., Liu, S.C., „Nondeterministic analysis of nonlinear structures subjected to earthquake excitations”, Proceeding of the Fourth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering”, Santiago, Chile, 1973 July 2005. [4] Sandi, H., „Elemente de Dinamica Structurilor”, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 1983 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Reactive centrifugal rotor – the analytical study of two applications a Victor BENCHE a Radu ŢÂRULECU a Stelian ŢÂRULECU a “Transilvania” University , Eroilor Boulevardl, 29, Braşov, 500036, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: În lucrare se prezintă principiul constructiv şi funcţional şi rezultatele unor calcule privind un rotor fluidic rotativ reactiv, reprezentând o construcţie simplificată, fiabilă, cu preţ de cost redus, cu o execuţie nu prea pretenţioasă, pentru puteri mici, în condiţiile valorificării unor energii fluidice disponibile, reziduale, stocate (aer comprimat, abur, gaze arse, lichide sub presiune).Rotorul poate fi utilizat ca motor pentru antrenarea unor cilindri rotitori din compunerea unor turbine de vânt, ca generator de vârtej inelar din compunerea unor eoliene, exhaustoare – ventejectoare cu inel de vârtej depresiv etc. Abstract: In the paper it is presented the constructive and functional principle and the results of some calculus about a reactive fluidic centrifugal rotor, representing a simplified, reliable construction, with a low cost price and with a simple execution, for small powers, in the conditions of some stocked residual energies valorization (compressed air, steam, burned gases, under pressure liquids).The rotor can be used as an engine for the driving of some revolving cylinders from some wind turbines, and as a generator of ring-shaped swirl for wind turbines or for exhausters – wind ejectors with inner depressive swirl etc. Keywords: Rotor, wind turbine, flow rate. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction The authors have designed (summary) a fluidic rotary reactive rotor, with a simplified construction, for very small powers, for the valorization of some fluidic residual energies (compressed air, steam, burned gases, under pressure liquids). As an engine it can be used for some rotary pistons driving from wind turbines (based on the Magnus effect); for a depressive cylindrical drum driving inside an original exhauster [1], [3]; and like a generator of ringshaped swirl inside on some concentrators for wind turbines or for exhausters – wind ejectors with inner depressive swirl. The specified applications are original contributions of the authors [1], [2], [3], [4], who know the principle of functioning for a centrifugal filter presented in [5] and [6]. & n and overpressure fluid, with the weight rate m pm, through an inner pipe system Ci, with an adjustment and closing valve Ra and some tubes of reaction Tr solider with the rotor, which is spinning around of a tubular axle As. The rotary cylinder Cr is solider with the engine and sustained by the central axle. 2. The centrifugal fluidic reactive engine The centrifugal fluidic reactive engine, showed in fig.1, is formed of a rotor Rr, feed with motor ISSN 1584 - 5990 Fig.1. The centrifugal fluidic reactive engine © 2000 Ovidius University Press 84 Reactive centrifugal rotor… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 83-86 (2007) After the launch from the tubes of reaction, the motor fluid is took in the shell Cs and exhausted through the tap Re (the liquids are returned into a tank, and the gases can’t be recycled). The reactive centrifugal rotor (with two symmetrical tubes of reaction) represents an inertial reference system in rotation, where we attach the reference system 0xyz (fig.2). The tube of reaction is formed from two by-passes at an angle of 90o. For the flowing through the tube of reaction is applying the Bernoulli equation for rotary systems with the hydraulic local resistance coefficient ξ. Fig.2. The tube of reaction ω 2 ⋅ r22 pm + = 2g ρm ⋅ g 2 ⎡ ⎛A ⎞ ⎤ 2 ⎢1 + ξ − ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎥ ⋅ w (1) ⎜ A ⎟ ⎥ 2g ⎢ ⎝ 1⎠ ⎦ ⎣ ( )] M = ρm ⋅ Qm ⋅ r2 ⋅ w ⋅ sinα − r22 − r12 [N.m](2) the total weight rate beaing: & m = ρ m ⋅ Q m = ρ m ⋅ A 2 ⋅ w ⋅ z [kg/s] m πD 3 L Mf = η ω [N.m] 2j (4) The limit maxim rotary speed is obtaining from M=Mf+Mcil. The system from two equations, Bernoulli theorem (1) and Euler torque theorem (2), helped by the relations (3) and (4), represents a non-linear system that permits the compute of two unknown measures w and ω, that being the flow rate through engine and the maxim rotary speed. In another way is computed ωmax, and assess a wanted value ω<ωmax and it’s computed the necessary pm and & m. m A simplified, estimated model of computing neglect the total friction torque and consider that the maxim rotary speed its limited only of the flowing resistance ξ through the tubes of reaction and installation of motor fluid adding. The equation system became: 2 ⎡ ⎛ A2 ⎞ ⎤ pm 2 2 ⎟⎟ ⎥ , 2 + ω ⋅ r2 = ⎢1 + ξ − ⎜⎜ A ρm ⎢ ⎝ 1 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ ( (3) The moment M it’s consumed for the friction surmounting from the rotor bearings Mf and between the rotary cylinder and air Mcil, that one having a small value. If we note with D the diameter and with L the total length of the two axles, with the bearing clearance j and the coefficient of dynamic viscosity Where sin α = R R 2 + l 22 And r1 = R − l1 , r2 = (1’) ) (2’) , (5) r2 ⋅ w ⋅ sin α = ω r22 − r12 , The moment of reaction of z tubes is: [ η of the lubricant, the friction moment is conform to the Newton law for the viscous friction: R 2 + l 22 , where from can be computed w and ωmax. The calculi, in the design of the engine for one opportunity, are combining with the availabilities (the motor fluidic source), with different restrictions and options, following from successive iterations. There are defying: - Reactive fluidic power N r = M ⋅ ω [W] (6) V. BENCHE et al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 83-86 (2007) - Motor fluidic power N m = p m ⋅ Q m [W] (7) - Engine fluidic efficiency, degree of valorize at the engine power, degree of conversion of the motor fluidic power in reactive fluidic power. ηf = Nr M⋅ω = i din ⋅ i cin = Nm pm ⋅ Qm (8) There are noted the dimensional indicators: dynamic idin, as a ratio of the dynamic measures M and pm and cinematic as a ratio of the cinematic measures ω and Qm. The energetic optimization analysis have on the base η f → max , i din → 1 , i cin → 1 . 3. Numerical calculus results for the centrifugal fluidic reactive engine It was considered the compressed air as motor fluid. The tube of reaction formed of two by-passes having l1=l2=25mm, ended with a nozzle, A1=81,5mm2, A2=Aaj.m=40mm2. Radius: R=0,5m, r1=0,475m, r2≈0,5m, sinα≈1. Sum of the hydraulic local resistance coefficients (pipe with valve, interior pipes, pipe bend, and nozzle) is ξ=3. 85 R=17,3mm; for oil, with ρm=850kg/m3, R=18,8mm, the centrifuging effect being considerable increase. In fig.3 is showed also the consumed liquid curve Qm=(0÷307)l/min for z=2 tubes of reaction. In the rotary speed limit nmax=5000rot/min, for z=2, are obtained: maximum reactive power Nr,max=61,2W, maximum necessary motor power Nm,max=214 W and fluidic efficiency ηf=0,35. Table 2. Functioning parameters for the the centrifugal fluidic reactive engine n 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 52,5 105 210 314 420 525 ω w 6,6 14 28 41,5 55,5 64 Pcentr[Pa] 41,5 1660 6650 15000 26000 41500 Qair[m3/h] 1,9 4 8 12 16 18,5 Qliquid[l/min] 31,7 66,7 133 200 266 307 4. The reactive rotor used as a generator of ringshaped swirl The reactive rotor used as a generator of ringshaped swirl for the wind ejector – exhauster is showed in fig.4. There are supplementary noted: T – fixed tube of circular section with inner radius rT; Aasp – exhauster (aspirator); Cf – fuselage central body, fixed, with radius r0; Cip – inner chamber of pressure, fixed with the rotor; vj – ring-shaped swirl. The motor nozzle Aj.m, shaped, has a rectangular orifice of launching. The study of a wind ejector with depressive ring-shaped swirl, assisted by the Coanda effect, has be made by the authors and presented in [6]. Fig.3. The characteristic curves In fig.3 are showed the characteristic curves obtained for values of pm=(0÷4,15).104Pa. It can be obtain the rotary speed n=(0÷5000)rot/min for Qaer=(0÷18,5)m3/h. The dimensions of the reactive engine can be reduced using liquids as motor fluid, there obtaining: for water, with ρm=1000kg/m3, Fig.4. The reactive rotor used as a generator of ring-shaped swirl The circular motion have place with the speed (velocity) w at radius rT, where from results a depression in the cross 86 Reactive centrifugal rotor… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 83-86 (2007) ( 2 2 ) section A asp = π rT − r0 , square descendent with radius (after a parabolic law) [6] of media value: p d ,med = 3 p d,max [Pa] 4 with p d ,max = (9) ρm ⋅ w 2 [Pa] 2 (10) And the sucked flow rate: Q asp = μ asp ⋅ A asp ⋅ 2 p d,med ρ asp [m3/s],(11) μasp being the flow rate coefficient of the exhauster. The fluidic induction coefficient, of driving and ejection is: u= ρ asp ⋅ Q asp &m m ,(12) And the fluidic efficiency of the ejector is: ηej = N asp Nm = Q asp ⋅ ρ asp 2 2 ⋅ v asp &m m ⋅ pm ρm = 2 v asp ⋅ u (13) 2p m ρm The definition (13) can be written under the form: 2 ⎛ v asp ⎞ ⎟ ⋅ u , with vm=w ηej = ⎜⎜ ⎟ w ⎠ ⎝ (14) 4. Numerical calculus results for the reactive rotor It is considered r2=rT=150mm, r0=50mm, Aasp=6,28.10-2m2, r2=rT-l1=125mm, z=2 tubes of reaction, compressed air. It is results w=31,6m/s, pd,med=452Pa, pm=6420Pa=650mm.col.water (value which can be obtained with a centrifugal blower of high pressure, for the pneumatic transport, or an air blower). We also obtain: vasp=6,4m/s, Qasp=24m3/min, & m = 3,38kg / min , Nasp=105W, Nm=302W, m u=8,5, ηej=0,35. Table 2. Functioning parameters for the reactive rotor 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 n [rot/min] 178 159 127 39,6 118 165 Nreactive=Nr 220 185 147 50 127 214 Nm 0,81 0,86 0,86 0,79 0,93 0,77 ηf=Nreact/Nm 5. References [1] – Benche, V., Benche, L., - Ejector cu tambur depresiv, Brevet OSIM RO88769; [2] – Benche, V., Benche, L., - Eoliană turbionară lentă, Universitatea Transilvania Braşov, Buletinul Comisiei Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor, Brasov, 1988, p. 11...14; [3] – Benche, V., Benche, L., - Exhaustor cu tambur depresiv, Buletinul Comisiei Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor, Brasov, 1988, p. 39...44; [4] – Benche, V., Ungureanu, B.V., - Eoliană turbionară lentă cu cilindri rotitori cu efecte combinate, Conferinţa Naţională de Termotehnică, Galaţi, mai 2001; [5] –Hara, V., Stan, M., - Mecanica fluidelor şi maşini hidropneumatice, Editura TIPARG, Pitesti 2002; [6] –Hara, V., Stan, M., - Mecanica fluidelor şi elemente de acţionări hidropneumatice. Îndrumar de laborator, Editura Universităţii din Pitesti 2005; [7] – Benche, V., Ungureanu, B.V., - Ventejector Coandă interior cu vârtej inelar. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Analogical electro hydrodynamic research on installations for launch subsonic constant density jets a Victor BENCHE a Virgil-Barbu UNGUREANU a* “Transilvania” University , Eroilor Boulevardl, 29, Braşov, 500036, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Se abordează energetica instalaţiilor de producere (lansare) a jeturilor fluide izodense subsonice libere neînecate în baza unei analogii electrohidrodinamice, autorii propunând formule şi indicatori globali şi zonali. Se creează o bază analitică ilustrată printr-o aplicaţie numerică de proiectare care permite calculul, estimarea performanţelor, studii comparate, opţiuni, optimizări constructive şi funcţionale. Abstract: The paper presents some energetic considerations on installations for constant density, subsonic and free fluid jets launching, based on an electro-hydrodynamic analogy. The authors propose relations and global or partial indicators. It is created analytical basis illustrated by a design numeric application that permits the calculus, performances estimation, compared studies, options, constructive and functional optimisations. Keywords: Hydraulic systems, fluid jets, electrohydrodynamic analogy. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction There are presented some energetic considerations on installations for free fluid jets launching, based on an electro-hydrodynamic analogy [1]…[3] and some contributions to the economical calculus for pressurized fluid pipes [5]…[7], the dynamic definition of the closing and control valves [8] and there are proposed global and partial indicators. It is created analytical basis illustrated by a design numeric application that permits the calculus, performances estimation, compared studies, options, constructive and functional optimisations. Q = μ ⋅ Ao ⋅ 2 ⋅ ISSN 1584 - 5990 (1) in which: Δp is the static pressure difference in installation, being a promoter factor of the movement; v apr - the velocity in the conduit with the section area A ; Ao - geometric section of the nozzle orifice, where the initial speed of the jet is vo . The flow coefficient μ can be defined: 2. Basic relations An installation for launch a fluid jet includes the source (generator, reservoir), a conduit for transport having apparatuses of circuit, a fitting for closing and control and the convergent-divergent nozzle, converting the potential energy of pressure in kinetic (dynamic) energy. For constant density fluids ( ρ = const . ) the flow rate can be written: Δp 2 + vapr ρ μ= 1 α tr + ζ inst.ech. , (2) in which: ζ instl .ech. = ζ tr.ech. + ζ arm. + Csec t. ⋅ ζ aj ,(3) with: © 2000 Ovidius University Press 88 Analogical electro hydro… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 87-92 (2007) ζ tr.ech. = ∑ ζ tr + λ ⋅ l 4 ⋅ Rh and: 2 ⎛ A ⎞ ⎟⎟ . Csec t. = ⎜⎜ ⎝ ϕc ⋅ Ao ⎠ U = R ⋅ Ic , (4) (5) in which U is the electric voltage, I c - current strength and R - electric resistance. There are analogous the following pair quantities: N h ≈ N el , Δp ≈ U , Q ≈ I c There are used notations: α - coefficient of Coriolis, depending from the flow regime in the pipe used for transport; ζ i (i = equivalent transport, control fitting, convergent nozzle) - coefficient of hydraulic local resistance ; Rh - hydraulic radius of from which appear the necessity to define the equivalent hydraulic resistance of the hydraulic conductor R* ≈ R . Thus, it can express the hydraulic power, analogous to relation (8): the transport conduit (particularly case 4 ⋅ Rh = d , N h = R * ⋅Q 2 [ W ] for circular pipes A = π ⋅ d 2 4 ); λ - friction factor in the conduit having the length l ; ϕc - coefficient of contraction, ϕc = A jet Ao ≤ 1 . ( ) Δp = R * ⋅Q . (11) Using the above relations it is defined: p p = Δp = ρgz + ρQ 2 2 ⋅ A2 [Pa ] (6) and hydraulic power of the pump: N hydr. = Δp ⋅ Q [W ] , (7) R* = k a ⋅ pump. Expression (3) can have particularly aspects by suppression two terms, which permitting the particular study of the three zones of energetic interest: pipe for transport, ( ζ inslt.ech = ζ tr.ech. ), the control and closing fitting ( ζ arm. ) and the convergent nozzle ( C m ⋅ ζ aj ) For an electric conductor is known the Joule’s law for the dissipated power: N el = U ⋅ I c = R ⋅ I c2 [W ] (8) ⎡ N ⋅s⎤ m& ⎢ ⎥, 2 ⋅ Ao2 ⎣ m 5 ⎦ (12) & = ρ ⋅ Q is the mass flow rate and k a is in which m an original analogous dimensionless constant [3]: ka = z being the difference of level between nozzle and and Ohm’s law: (10) and the drop pressure analogously to relation (9): It is defined the output pressure of the pump: + (α tr + ζ instl.ech. ) ⋅ (9) 1 μ2 , (13) particular for different types of movements. The equivalent hydraulic resistance, in the expression (12) presents a non convenient structure, presenting explicitly a linear depending of mass flow rate: R* = Cm ⋅ m& , (14) in which: Cm = ka 2 Ac2 [m− 4 ]. (15) V. Benche and V. B. Ungureanu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 87-92 (2007) 2 In the relation (1) the term vapr expressing the kinetic energy of approach of the fluid (in pipe) from the nozzle for jet launch presents values less in comparison with the potential term (pressure 2 << 2 ⋅ Δp ρ that it can be specific energy): vapr 2 ≅ 0 in technical applications. neglected vapr It can point out the hydraulic resistance with help of main factors by introducing the criteria of Reynolds (flow regime): Re = ρ⋅v⋅d , η 2 η ⋅ Re 2 η ⋅ Re = ⋅ . R* = k a π π μ2 ⋅ d 3 d3 (17) (18) and the impulse force: = 2 ⋅ Ao ⋅ 2 = 2 Ao ⋅ pdyn [N ]. (19) It is expressed below the correspondent correlation with R * . It can obtain: R* = Ci ⋅ I mp Q ( , and noting the coefficient of proportionality: ) R* = Ci ⋅ ρ ⋅ v jet , (22) (ρ ⋅ v jet ) being the mass flow rate. The relation (20) can be used that an unpublished definition for the impulse forces: I mp = 1 ⋅ R * ⋅Q Ci (20’) interpretable in the case of correspondent devices that generates and utilise fluid jets in dynamic purpose (actives or reactive). There are defined two relations for conversion the specific potential energy in specific kinetic energy, for a unitary flow rate: pdyn = k e ⋅ Δp (23) edyn = k e ⋅ e pot [m] (24) and in which: I mp = m& ⋅ v jet = ρ ⋅ Q ⋅ v jet = ρv 2jet (21) 3. Conversion coefficients In case of fluid jets a practical application importance has the dynamic impact, expressed by the dynamic pressure (of stand, impact): ρ 2 ⋅ v jet [Pa ] . 2 [ ] ka m−2 , 2 ⋅ Ao relation (20) can be arranged in the form: (16) in which it is considered the circular section, average velocity in the section v = Q A , η - fluid dynamic coefficient of viscosity. It is obtained a new expression: pdyn = Ci = 89 (20) ke = 1 ka (25) is a coefficient of proportionality, dimensionless, under unity, proposed, original. The coefficient ke can be used like an indicator of energetic conversion having the signification of conversion efficiency, taking in consideration specific hydraulic energy loss by hydraulic resistance. It is remarked that the overall specific energy of a fluid flow in a section is defined by: 90 Analogical electro hydro… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 87-92 (2007) e= z+ p v2 + = e pot + ekin , ρg 2 g • increase of the flow section area of the pipe (26) the first two components: geometric height z and the pressure height p (ρ ⋅ g ) being static (potential) and the 3rd, v 2 (2 ⋅ g ) being kinetic (dynamic). The fluid flow power in section is: N h = G& ⋅ e = m& ge = ρgQe [W ] . (27) & g is the gravimetric flow in which G& = ρgQ = m rate. In the case of constant density fluids (non compressible), the case of liquids, gases and vapours in industrial installation spreads with technical velocities relatively small (under 50 m/s), variations of potential energy of position and of kinetic energy are less sometimes negligible versus the variation of potential energy of pressure, preponderant being the pressure potential energy Δp (ρg ) , that justifies relation (7). The first component of the hydraulic power is the pressure - the dynamic component (that generates the force), the second being cinematic (volume flow-rate, Q ). It is interpreted pressure that a specific hydraulic power (for a unit of flow rate). Relations (25) and (24) are specific hydraulic power balances, relation (23) for a unit volume flow rate Q and relation (24) for a unit gravity flow-rate G& . In the case of steady state flow of constant density fluids, flow rates appear in both terms of equations and they are simplified. The energetic optimisation analytic sustained by the present study, can be obtained by adequate measures just in the design phase but also by interventions in the exploitation phase. It is desired the minimisation of the hydraulic resistance R * by: &; • minimisation of the mass flow-rate m however, generally this is imposed or also, the jet velocity and the fluid, this fact permitting to consider some options for the flow section area Ao ; A , the influence being overwhelming (diameter is at numerator and has the exponent 4); It is pursued to minimise the coefficient k a and to approach of 1 the energetic coefficient k e , thus the maximisation of the flow coefficient ( μ → 1 ). This appears at the 2nd power in the denominator of relation (13), with sub unitary value, thus, its influence is important. In the case of relations (2)…(5) it is pursued minimisation of expressions (3) and (4), thus λ → min , l → min , d → great value , ∑ ζ → min . About the Coriolis coefficient, in laminar flow α = 2 and in turbulent flow, α = 1.03...1.01 . It is desired to obtain the smooth turbulent regime when value of α approach to unity and λ is minim (determined for example with Blasius correlation). The present study can facilitate solution for two categories of problems: design and exploitation. In the design case it is imposed the fluid and the launch speed; it can be realised a combined optimisation ( k a → min , k e → 1 ). The algorithm can be iterative (successive approximations). In the case of exploitation problems, the system is known and it is desired to obtain the correlation launch velocity – flow – rate – pressure hydraulic resistance. It can utilise the relation (11) too, but arranged in the form: Δp ⎡ m 3 ⎤ Q= ⎢ ⎥ (11’) R* ⎢ s ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ It can be emphasised with help of expressions or R * the main factors and adequate measures. 4. Application It is exemplified a design case. It is imposed to obtain a free water jet having: Q = 10 l s with v jet = 50 m s . For beginning, it can use an adduction conduit of 2” (50mm), a valve with ζ arm. min = 4 and a convergent nozzle for jet launch having ζ aj = 2...3 . V. Benche and V. B. Ungureanu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 87-92 (2007) From calculus results: m& = 10 kg s , A = 2 ⋅10 −3 m 2 , Ao = 2 ⋅10 −4 m 2 , v = 5.1 m s , fully roughness turbulent flow regime ( ) ( ) ( α ≅ 1 , λ ≅ 0.02 , ρ ⋅ v jet = 5 ⋅10 4 kg m 2 ⋅ s , pdin = 7.5 bar , I mp = 500 N . In the case of a known schema of installation with bends, contractions and high ( z > 0 ), emplacement of the water pump, results ζ instl.ech. = 50 . From calculus results: μ = 0.14 , k a = 0.51 , k e = 1.96 ⋅10 −2 , R* = 6.37 ⋅ 109 N ⋅ s m 5 , C m = 6.37 ⋅ 108 m −4 and Δp = 392 bar which corresponds to a hydraulic power N h = 382 kW . The pump pressure and power are very high, however realisable with cu plunger pumps. But it can not utilise a current industrial pipe of 2” diameter; it is imposed to realise a high thickness of the wall pipe. It is necessary to study an optimised variant. There are accepted measures: decreases the installation length (approach pump from the nozzle); using a smooth pipe having a less value of λ ; decrease hydraulic local resistances and reduce to minimum the apparatus of circuit; using a high performance control valve and convergent nozzle (having small local loss coefficient). The installation equivalent hydraulic resistance reduces considerable R* = 7.45 ⋅ 108 Ns m 5 for ζ instl.ech. = 5 (at the technical limits). It is calculated: C m = 7.45 ⋅ 10 7 m −4 , μ = 0.41 , k a = 5.95 . The energetic coefficient is considerable improved: k e = 0.168 . Δp = 44.6 bar and It results: N h = 44.6 kW acceptable values, which can be realised with normal pumps. 5. Conclusions This energetic analysis method can be used for installations in that flow constant density fluid, 91 being used for subsonic and free jets launching. The method is based on an electro-hydrodynamic analogy. There are proposed global and partial indicators, being created analytical basics for an energetic analysis. The method is illustrated by a design numeric application that permits: calculus, performances estimation, compared studies, options, constructive and functional optimisations. 6. References [*] [1] Benche V., Craciun O.M., Ungureanu V.B. Electrodynamic analogy regarding the hydraulic rezistence and the debit module in the effluent flows. Proceedings of International Conference TEHNONAV 2004, Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Mechanical engineering, 27th30th May 2004, ISSN 1223-7221. [2] Benche, V., Ungureanu, V.B. Consecinţe şi interpretări energetice la o analogie electrohidrodinamică. Revista Recent (Universitatea Transilvania din Braşov), vol. 3. 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[6] Benche, V., Ungureanu,V.B. Contributions to the analytical study of the improvement of carrying installations for gaseous fluids. Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi, editat de Universitatea Tehnică Gheorghe Asachi, Iaşi, Tom XLV (IL), Fasc. 5C, 1999, p. 45...48, ISSN 0258-9109. 92 Analogical electro hydro… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 87-92 (2007) [7] Benche, V., Ungureanu, V.B. Contributions to the Generalization of the Economical Calculus for Pressurized Fluid Pipes. Ovidius University Annals of Constructions, Vol. I, Number 3,4, April, 2002, p. 229…232. ISSN 1223-7221. [8] Benche, V., Ungureanu, V.B. Contributions to the Dynamic Definition of the Closing and Control Valves for Fluids in Pressurized Pipes. Proceedings of the Science Conference with International Participation Inter-Ing 2003 “Petru Maior” University, Faculty of Engineering, Târgu Mureş, 67 November 2003, vol. I, p. 39…44, ISBN 9738084-82-2. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 The Safety of Concrete Structures from the Water Supply System, Undermined by the Errors and Careless in Design and Execution Olimpia BLAGOI a Bogdan PATRAS a Maricel GEORGESCU b Marinela BARBUTA a a Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iassy, Iassy, 700050, Romania b S.C. APA GRUP Botosani, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Funcţionarea îndelungată şi continuă afectează construcţiile din sistemul de alimentare cu apă prin condiţiile tehnologice, condiţiile de mediu, calitatea exploatării şi din cauza modului de proiectare şi execuţie. Autorii prezintă evoluţia şi starea construcţiilor de beton dintr-un sistem de alimentare cu apă cu longevitate mare, cu studiu de caz la sistemul regional de alimentare cu apă Botoşani. S-a identificat că eroarea inginerească este cauza primară a degradărilor, în urma procesului de inventariere, analiza şi evaluare a condiţiilor specifice în care au funcţionat şi funcţionează fiecare tip de construcţie din beton armat. Principalele cauze prezentate sunt: nerespectarea prevederilor tehnice de turnare a betonului; erorile de proiectare şi de execuţie; nerespectarea tehnologiei de montaj, a tehnologiei de etanşare, a tehnologiei de finisare; viciile tehnologice iniţiale. Abstract: The constructions with long-time and continuous working are degraded by the specific technological conditions, environmental conditions and by the quality of exploitation. The authors present the evolution and state of concrete constructions from the water supply systems with high longevity, and a case study on the Botosani water supply system. After reviewing, analysing and evaluating the specific operating conditions for each type of reinforced concrete structure, the authors have tried to find out whether the engineering error is the first cause of the degradations. The main presented causes are: nonobservance of technical stipulations concerning the concrete pouring; design and execution errors; nonobservance of montage technology, of tightness technology, of finishing technology; initial technological vices. Keywords: engineering errors, design errors, concrete pouring, ex-filtrations. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction The increasing of water consumption and the danger of pollution of water sources are preoccupying the specialists and the authorities from the domain for ensuring a normal functioning of hydraulic systems of water supply. The majority of constructions that form these systems are realized of concrete. The concrete is subjected to degradations due to specific technological conditions, environmental conditions and quality of exploitation, that action independent or synergetic, also to natural aging processes. The water supply systems must have a big longevity, because of that the preliminary studies, projection and execution must be extremely rigorous. The engineering errors lead to financial and material losses, dissatisfaction of beneficiary, environment degradation, even the collapse of the construction or human life losses. ISSN 1584 - 5990 These errors constitute the origin of causal chain of degradations. The problem has been studied during 15 years on reinforced concrete constructions from a regional system of water supply, very complex, executed and developed gradually on a period of over 100 years. The evolution of materials, of design, prospecting and technological conditions during one century had left the mark on the functional state of constructions. 2. Non-respecting concrete pouring of technical provisions of The development of Bucecea treatment plant is beginning in 1968-1972; the plant treats the water captured from the Bucecea accumulation lake, on the Siret River. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 94 The safety of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 93-98 (2007) The pumping station is built between the 500 m3 storing basin serving the filters executed in the first stage and the 1,500 m3 basin that serves the filters executed in the second and third stage of developing. Because of the construction deficiencies, the wall of the 1,500 m3 basin has numerous zones of ex-filtrations. The water infiltrated in the pumps hall makes dangerous the electrical force installation and the stability of construction. This fact imposes the daily evacuation of infiltrated water using the dewatering pumps, therefore supplementary costs. The walls and the floor were poured without concrete vibration and presented areas with segregations, unprotected reinforcements and without protection plaster. The filters from stages II, III are placed in the same hall with the first, having in common the gallery for the hydraulic equipment of filters, the 1,500 m3 basin that collects the filtrated water etc. The pouring of concrete from the walls and floor of pipes gallery was done with special deficiencies. The concrete was not vibrated, there are segregations, and the reinforcements are discovered. Through the wall of 1,500 m3 reservoir there are strong ex-filtrations (Fig. 1). The wet acidic atmosphere has excessively corroded the reinforcements from the walls and floor of the filters hall (Fig. 2). The discovered reinforcement had swelled and had exfoliated, thus they do not ensure the strength of concrete members and there is the danger of collapse (Fig. 3). Fig. 2. Concrete segregation, corrosion and swelling of reinforcement. (Technological gallery from the filters station, stages II-III Bucecea) Fig. 1. Wall with points of ex-filtration. Detail. (Reservoir of 1,500 m3) Fig. 3. Segregation in slab, steel corrosion. (Technological gallery from the filters station, stages II-III Bucecea) O. Blăgoi et. al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 93-98 (2007) The no. 4 reservoir of 10,000 m3, placed in Catamaresti, is a cylindrical construction, overground, of pre-stressed concrete, having D=45 m and H= 9 m. The foundation raft is monolith and the floor is made of prefabricate caissons, supported at exterior on the reservoir wall and in interior on concentrically circular beams, built on the superior ends of supporting columns from inside the construction. The foundation raft was neglectful executed and so important water infiltrations are producing in the adjacent valve chamber (Fig. 4), from where it must periodically been evacuated. 95 So, the clarifier with mud recirculation for Q=500 l/s, made of prefabricated concrete units, with D=34 m and H=6.7 m present serious non-observances of concrete pouring technology. Parts of columns and walls present concrete segregation, cracks in prefabricated units, exfoliations of interior waterproof plaster. Fig. 5 Floor with corroded steel (Reservoir no. 2 of 10,000 m3) 3. Errors of designing Fig. 4. Ex-filtration zone in valve chamber. (Reservoir no. 2 of 10,000 m3) The floor is affected very much by the wet atmosphere, charged with chloride vapours used for water disinfection. The neglectful pouring of floor caissons, with concrete segregation and not ensuring the concrete cover layer for the reinforcement had resulted in high steel corrosion and swelling. The reinforcement has become crushed and exfoliates (Fig. 5). The caissons without inferior rebar can collapse, especially in winter under the snow load. The technological errors continue in the development stage (1987-1991), without considering any previous experience. The period 1968-1972 is the first stage of Bucecea treatment plant developing that began to use captured water from the Bucecea accumulation lake on Siret River. The penstock with Dn 500 mm and L=19 km realized of steel, transports water from the Bucecea station to the 5,000 m3 reservoir from Catamaresti. There were not complete geological and hydrological studies for the pipe route that passes through aggressive soils. The chemical action of long duration had perforated the pipe in a lot of sections. The operating interruptions and repeated repairs produce supplementary costs and dissatisfaction of beneficiary. The errors of designing and superficiality of preliminary studies had continued in the next stages. Thus, in the period of extension of water supply system Botosani (1987-1991), the raw water pipe of Dn 1,200 mm was made of PREMO type tubes (50%) and steel (50%). Geological and hydrological studies 96 The safety of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 93-98 (2007) were insufficient so that the hillside pressure near the Sitna River, the variable level of river waters and the slipping of the right side of the Sitna River on 500 m length were not considered in design. water will be treated with chlorine for disinfection were not considered, thus ignoring the provisions from the “Code of protection for concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete” C21/85 and C 130/78. The internal protection plaster was not designed as anti-acid type, but for normal conditions of exploitation, at neutral pH, the mortar was not prepared with cement that resists at chemical aggressively, the used aggregates had no anti-corrosion properties. In consequence, after 5 years of operating, first cracks occurred in the inner plaster of the reservoir. These cracks were the origin of the exfiltrations. In the present 80% from the prefabricated units are cracks. The vertical cracks have 0.5 ÷ 3 m lengths (Fig. 7) and are located in the middle third that corresponds to the medium level of the water from the reservoir. The cracks occurred in the convex part of prefabricated units and to the joints among units. In the road towards exterior, the water washes the metallic tendons used for post-tensioning of the reservoir. Fig. 6. River bank caving near a pipe support The consequences were the collapse of a pipe support in aerial zone, the danger of loosing the stability of underground pipes Dn 1,000 mm and Dn 500 mm parallel with the first (Fig. 6). There were registered horizontal displacements of 25 ÷ 30 cm, vertical displacements of 3 ÷ 7 cm, the displacement speed of 0.75 ÷ 1 cm/day, the stability coefficients have unlimited values, the depth of slipping plane is 5 ÷ 6 m. The clarifier with mud recirculation was designed neglecting the eutrophication phenomenon of the storage lake water during the summer. The consequences are gravely and irreparable because the eutrophication imposes water pre-chlorination and so the increase of chlorine concentration from the water intensifies the corrosion of settling tanks. The no. 4 reservoir of 10,000 m3, cylindrical construction with D=45 m and H=9 m was executed from 68 prefabricated reinforced concrete units, placed on the perimeter of a monolith reinforced concrete foundation raft. The tightness was made by rubber strip. To the reservoir designing, the fact that Fig. 7. Interior cracks. Detail. (Reservoir no. 4 of 10,000 m3 Catamarasti) The pre-existed corrosion state of the pretensioning tendons is aggravated in time. The tensioned cables are at risk to collapse, at the maximum level of water from the reservoir or at the seismic action, leading to irreparable damages of the reservoir and putting in danger the life of inhabitants from that area. O. Blăgoi et. al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 93-98 (2007) The waste pipe from the treatment station Catamaresti is seriously affected by the designing errors. The fact that the trace crosses agricultural terrains was not took into account, so the vibrations and loads given by the agricultural machines will produce a dynamic fatigue in the pipe. The dynamic and supplementary loads that were not considered in design, produced the cracking and crumbling of the pipe vault, collapse and washing of the soil on 200 m length in the vicinity of the railway. In consequence, the stability of railway bridge is jeopardizing and the big debit of wastewater intensely degraded the environment (Fig. 8). 97 degradations and defects from this reservoir are caused principally by numerous errors of execution. Until the placement in 1993, the metallic cables were deposited 2 years in the air without any protection against corrosion. In consequence, they were corroded in the moment of placement. 5. Non-respecting of mounting technology In the period 1972-1975, the raw water pipe Dn 1,000 mm and L=20 km was made of steel tubes (30%) and PREMO type tubes (70%). The non-respecting of mounting technology led to important consequences in service. The sand layer on which the pipe had to be placed was not entirely made. Though in appearance minor, this technological negligence had the following consequences accompanied by big material losses: unequal settlements, wresting from joints of PREMO tubes, breaking of welding joints of steel tubes. The isolation of steel was badly executed, thus the chemical aggression of the soil corroded the pipe. 6. Initial technological vices Fig. 8. Environment degradation by neglecting of dynamic loads on the wastewater pipe of plain concrete Dn 800 mm In the period 1987-1991 of extension of Water Supply from Botosani, the raw water pipe Dn 1,200 mm in PREMO concrete tubes (50%) and steel (50%) was executed. The concrete section with L=12 km was bad built and so 8 PREMO tubes were replaced because of irreparable deterioration. 4. Errors of execution The pumping station of drinking water in the no. 3 and no. 4 reservoirs of 10,000 m3 functions continuously of about 20 years. The construction has an underground level with the concrete walls, where are placed the pumps and a ground level of masonry where are placed the supervision platform. The underground part was not well isolated and the concrete was negligible poured. In consequence, the walls have numerous defects through which the rainwater passes, degrading the interior plaster. The no. 4 storing reservoir with the volume of 10,000 m3 is a cylindrical construction, posttensioned with D=45 m and H=9 m. The Fig. 9. Neglecting of soil chemical aggression (Tendon collapse to PREMO tube Dn 1,200 mm) 98 The safety of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 93-98 (2007) cover was insufficient. As it follows the reinforcement were in direct contact with the aggressive soil (Fig. 9). The long soil action had corroded the transversal pretensioned tendons and so finally collapsed (Fig. 10). 7. Non-respecting of tightness technology To the clarifier with mud recirculation, made of prefabricated concrete units with D=34 m and H=6.7 m, the tightness among the units was not executed. Consequently, there are grave ex-filtrations with damages in winter (Fig. 11). 8. Non-respecting of finishing technology Fig. 10. Absence of concrete cover (Tendon corrosion in PREMO Dn 1,200 mm pipe) To the clarifier with mud recirculation, after the concrete pouring, there were not executed finishing works on exterior and the defects of concrete pouring were not repaired. Consequently, the water losses from the clarifier are important. 9. Observations The study was opportune timely because on its base there are adopted feed-before measures (prevention, protection and repair). Near the monitoring data there is an important archive of photo-documents from which some are presented in this paper. References Fig. 11 Non-respecting of tightness technology. (Clarifier with ex-filtration points, winter) It has observed that all replaced tubes had pouring vices that means: in exterior the mortar [1] Blagoi O., Georgescu M., et al., The Efficiency of Aluminium Sulphate on Small and Medium Water Treatment Plants. 2001, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, Tom XLVII (LI), Fasc. 1-4 Hidrotehnica, pag.193–201 [2] Georgescu, M., Studii si cercetari privind siguranta in exploatare a constructiilor din beton din sistemul hidrotehnic de asigurare cu apa a localitatilor (Botosani). 2006, Ph.D Thesis, Universitatea Tehnica „Gh. Asachi” Iasi [3] Patras M., Patras B.M., Siguranta constructiilor hidrotehnice din beton armat exploatate timp indelungat. 2002, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, Tom XILVII (IL), Fasc. 5, pag. 75-82 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Modeling, Simulation and Regulation of an Industrial Installation Intended for Field Irrigation Using Attenuant Wastewater a Adrian BOLMA a Marian DORDESCU a National Company of Land Reclamatin RA , Dobrogea, Constanta, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: In această lucrare, este prezentată o abordare multicriteriaiă a tehnicilor de conducere automată a unor instalaţii industriale de irigare a terenurilor agricole folosind apele uzate în diluţie, cu efecte deosebit pozitive în rezultatele economice ale întregii amenajări de irigaţii. Alegerea soluţiei de conducere automată cu sistem multivarialbil cu regulatoare independente (SMRI) este rezultatul etapelor de analiză, modelare şi simulare a proceselor hidrodinamice ce au loc în instalaţia de irigare pe fiecare echipament în parte şi în întregul ei. Alegerea regulatoarelor este determinată de specificitatea fiecărei variabile supuse controlului, astfel încât să contribuie la îmbunătăţirea exploatării echipamentelor instalaţiei de irigare şi totodată să constituie un important punct de plecare pentru alegerea celor mai bune metode de modernizare a amenajărilor de irigaţii. Lucrarea prezintă o analiză şi oferă o soluţie de conducere automată a instalaţiei de irigare cu apă uzată în diluţie. Abstract: In this study, it is presented a multicriterial approach of the automatic management techniques of industrial installations for fields irrigation by using attenuant wastewater. This has an extremely positive effect on the economical results of the entire irrigation equipment. Choosing the automatic management by a multivariable system with independent regulators (MSIR) is the result of several stages of analysis, modelling and simulation of hydrodynamic processes that take place within the irrigation installation on each equipment and in its integrity. The regulators choice is established by the specificity of every variable subject to control, so that it contributes to a better exploitation of the irrigation installation’s equipments and at the same time to represent an important start point for choosing the best methods for modernization of the irrigation equipments. The study exposes an analysis and offers a solution of automatic management of the installation of irrigation using attenuant wastewater. Keywords: hydraulic system, wastewater, multivariable regulation system. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.Introduction The technological installation mentioned before is intended for the distribution of wastewater on fields through the irrigation system. The water comes from a pig breeding farm near Constanta. The research made by experts had shown that wastewater in dilution with clear water can be used directly to irrigate the fields. The irrigation system using wastewater in dilution was conceived and technically implemented so that: •It ensures the achievement of technical-economical parameters registered on the hydraulic installation •It ensures that the hydraulic installation of transport and distribution of wastewater will run for a long time; it also ensures the achievement of high efficiency. ISSN 1584 - 5990 •It enhances the fruitfulness level of the irrigated soils and as a result, the yield. The main purpose of this project was to identify the ways in which can be ensured high reliableness and long-lasting efficiency. The implementation of a command and automatic control system of the hydrodynamic processes that appear in the transport and distribution of wastewater installation has as a main goal the efficiency of exploitation by: •ensuring hydraulic conditions that are necessary for the running. •perfectioning the functioning power of the hydraulic installation achieving and maintaining the water quality parameters through controlled dilution of wastewater. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 100 Modeling, Simulation … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 99-106 (2007) Wastewater properties after decantation in the physical stage are specified in table 1. They will Nr.crt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Parameters pH Rude suspension Fix residue Total nitrate Total phosphorus Total potassium Ammonium Nitrate Carbolic 2.The experiment 1.The modellation of the irrigation installation and the selection of the regulator The modellation of the hydraulic installation, change after the dilution with conventionally clear water. Table 1. Wastewater properties UM Range of variation 6,8…8,0 mg/l 1900…2100 mg/l 1500…3250 mg/l 270…620 mg/l 25…95 mg/l 180…260 mg/l 172…185 mg/l 0,55…0,575 mg/l 0,02…0,03 shown in Fig. 1 and modellation equivalence sche-me in Fig.2, intended for the irrigation process of fields aims to establish a characteristic equation useful for setting up an automatic control management system. Fig. 1 Hydraulic installation scheme A. Bolma and M. Dordescu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 99-106 (2007) 101 TC – concentration traductor TDP – pressure and debit traductor SPAC – conventionally clear water pumping unit SPP- pumping unit and pressurising RDIS – water distribution network on the wet field Fig.2 Modellation equivalence scheme In the final stage of the installation it is required a debit Qr and pressure pr, both necessary for the irrigation of the fields. On this installation, we have the equations: hydraulic balance Qu + Qc = Qn , where Qn = Qr massic balance QuCu + QcCc = QnCn , where Cn, the concentration of the mix obtained in the mixing tank must be maintained within the limits mentioned in table 1. For the regulation a nd maintainance of the concentration, the conventionally clear water debit shall be modified. The adjustments of the installation are made through: 1.debit (flow) adjustments (Qc) to maintain the concentration (Cc)within the parameters 2.adjustments to the variable speed system that carries the variable debit pump to ensure the debit and pressure required by the distribution system. The principles of mathematical modelling: a physical system analysis it is required the formation of a conditioned system: the number of the equation and the number of X’s are equal 2.the value of the physical constants in the system must be correct and justified physically The pressure in the recipient is constantly maintained at the level of the clear water circuit. In the hydraulic installation we have: pc<pu – wastewater is injected in the mixing recipients pa<pc – the pressure from the mixing tank is smaller than the pressureof the injected clear water pa<pu – this pressure imbalance will allow the injection of the wastewater Due to the different pressure values, the following can be said: Q u = K 1 p u − p a for the wastewater debit 102 Modeling, Simulation … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 99-106 (2007) Qc = K 2 p c − p a for conventionally clear water debit Qn = K 3 p a − p n for mixed water debit K1, K2, K3 are debit constants of the induction apertures. The equation of debit variation is influenced by the variation of the pressure in time. If the division of debits in the mixing recipient is taken in consideration, the following equation can be written: Fig.3 Calculation scheme A dp a = Qu + Qc − Qn γ a dt (1) Upsetting debit is : Q r = K 4 Where γa is the specific weight of the wastewater and clear water mix expressed in the following equation: ⎛ γ n = γ u C + γ c (1 − C ) = γ c ⎜⎜1 + γ c (1 + aC ) ⎝ Δp – KQn2, where Δp is contribution of pressure pump. γu −γc ⎞ C ⎟⎟ = γc ⎠ Qu, Qc, Qa – are time functions and A is constant – the transversal section of the mixing recipient. Therefore, the following can be said: A dp a = Q u + Q c − Q n = f (t ) ,function γ a dt conti-nnue in time. There can be a slow variation for pressure pr = pr(t) and also Qn = Qn(t). The pressure is : pr = pa + p r − p at If in equation 1 the debits are replaced, the following is obtained: A dpa = K1 pu − pa + K2 pc − pa −K3 pa − pn γa dt or if Qr is replaced : A dpa =K1 pu −pa +K2 pc −pa −K4 pr −pat , γa dt in which the law of variation of the lifting pressure in time can be introduced. For example, it is considered the necessity of decreasing the lifting pressure and implicitly the debit in time (at daytime the debit is bigger and in the evening it can be continously decreased until shut-down). This will lead to a continous reduction of energy, therefore to an efficient exploitation. A. Bolma and M. Dordescu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 99-106 (2007) In equation 1 the specific weight of the mix can be inserted and the result is a differential equation that connects the three elements: the debit, the concentration and the pressure. It obtains: 103 dp a 1 = γ c (1 + aC ) . Q u + Q c − Q n dt Fig.4 Functional scheme for regulation system To obtain more command measures necessary to achieve the action of automatic adjustment of the multivariable technological installation it is obligatory that the automatic regulator is multivariable, meaning that he must receive more error measures, reshaping them after fixed laws, and to ensure the achievement of more command measures. The achievement of more error measures requires the evaluation of more reference measures and the comparison of these with the final measures transmitted to the comparison elements through several principal negative reactions. The results is a multivariable adjustment system which has multiple transmition channels. 2. The numeric simulation of the multivariable system The result of the matrix method is the numeric simulation of the analysed system diagram using the simulation method Matlab-Simulink, present in fig. 5. The simulation data can be found in the programme date.m. 104 Modeling, Simulation … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 99-106 (2007) Fig.5 Numeric simulation scheme using Simulink 3. Results and interpretations The results of the numeric simulation are represented in fig. 6 and 7. A. Bolma and M. Dordescu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 99-106 (2007) Variatia presiunii ( pr ) in conducta de irigare 2 1.8 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Parametrii regulator presiune Krp=20 Tip=0,1 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Timp (secunde) Fig.6 Variation of pressure pr in irrigation tube Variatia concentratiei ( Cn ) in rezervorul de amestecare 140 C o n c e n tra tia C n a a m e s te c u lu i (m g /l) P re s iu n e a p r (m H 2 O ) 1.6 120 100 80 60 40 Parametrii regulator concentratie Krc=35 Tic=1,6 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 Timp (secunde) Fig.7 Variation of concentration Cn in mixed tank 25 105 106 Modeling, Simulation … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 99-106 (2007) 4. Conclusions: •By adjusting the accord parameters of the automatic regulators, a stabile reserve can be ensured •The performances of the multivariable system depend on the measures of the accord parameters. By choosing correctly these measures it is possible to maintain the performances within the required limits •The simulation diagram has a general character and it can be used for every adjustment structure belonging to this category, mentioning that the automatic process has to be appropriately modelled. •The implementation of the adjustment structure with numeric process regulators allows the distribution of the management and supervising functions for other measures in the process. 5. Bibliography [1] Robescu, Dan., Lanyi, Sz., Robescu, Diana, Constantinescu, I., Verestoy, A., Wastewater treatment. Technologies, installations and equipment. Editura tehnică, Bucureşti, 2001. [2] Robescu, Dan., Lanyi, Sz., Robescu, Diana, Verestoy, A., Fiabilitatea proceselor,instalaţiilor şi echipamentelor pentru tratarea şi epurarea apelor. Editura tehnică, Bucureşti, 2003. [3] Robescu, Diana, Robescu, Dan. On the advanced wastewater treatment. Al VIII-lea Simpozion Tehnologii, instalaţii şi echipamente pentru îmbunătăţirea calităţii mediului, 9-12 noiembrie 1999. [4] Cox, Earl Fuzzy logic for business and industry. Charles River Media, Rockland, Mass., 1995. Cussler, E.L. Diffusion. Mass transfer in fluid systems. Cambridge University Press, 1984. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Phased Execution of the Coastal Protection Works in the Southern Area of the Romanian seashore Romeo CIORTANa I.P.T.A.N.A. Bucharest, Bucharest, 010867, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ a Rezumat: In prezent litoralul romanesc al Marii Negre cunoaste un intens proces de eroziune din cauza scaderii aportului de nisip transportat de curentul N-S, a prezentei unor amenajari hidrotehnice, a poluarii etc. Pentru stoparea eroziunii sunt necesare lucrari care trebuiesc concepute diferit in lungul litoralului. Se au in vedere si solutii de etapizare a acestora pentru a esalona efortul finaciar si a adapta solutiile dunctie de necesitati. Abstract: Presently, the Romanian shore of the Black Sea is subject to an intense erosion process due to the reduction of the sand input drifted by the N-S current, to the presence of some hydrotechnical facilities, to pollution, etc. For stopping the erosion process, certain works that should be conceived in different ways have to be executed along the shore. There are also considered certain solutions for phasing such works, in order to space out the financial effort and to adopt the measures as they become necessary. Keywords: coastal erosion, groins, sand fill. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction The Romanian shore of the Black Sea stretches over a length of approx. 240 km, from the Chilia Channel of the Danube, in the North, to the Bulgarian border, in the South. From the geomorphologic and genetic points of view, two areas can be distinguished: the area north of the Midia Cape, belonging to the Danube Delta and the Razelm – Sinoe lagoon complex, which is 165 km long. This area is represented by low littoral strips overtopped by the sea waves during storms, which consist of sand of Danubian origin and organogeneous material (shell fragments). The area south of the Midia Cape, up to Vama Veche, which is 75 km long and includes two subunits: Midia Cape – Singol Cape and Singol Cape – Vama Veche. This area is characterised by the presence of cliffs, alternating with littoral strips that separate the sea from the seaside lakes. The source of formation of these littoral strips and beaches is prevailingly oraganogeneous, other less significant sources being cliffs’ erosion, coastal drift and erosion of sea bottom rocks. ISSN 1584 - 5990 Presently the entire Romanian shore of the Black Sea is subject to an intense and continuous process of degradation by marine erosion, which has been noticed on about 60-70 % out of the shoreline length. (fig. 1) © 2000 Ovidius University Press 108 Phased execution of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 107-112 (2007) The marine erosion processes are also favoured by the global climatic changes, the sea level alteration and the intensification of the total wave and current energy. Many countries consider the problem of the shore erosion processes to be of national importance. Beach erosion results in territory losses, it compromises the coastal ecosystems and the social and economical value of the tourist coastal area, inflicting important losses to the national economy and a huge loss to the future generations. 2. The coastal erosion along the shoreline In the north side, the shoreline has drawn back on variable distances from one shore sector to another, with values of up to 10 m/year. On certain sections, where the littoral strip is narrower, the sea covers the shore entirely during storms, and sometimes it creates breaches, connecting the sea with the seaside lakes and affecting the specific ecosystems of such lakes. Southwards, the surface water infiltrations and the sea action have generated landslides and important damages to the cliffs, in some sections a draw back of the coast line of approx. 0.5 m/year has been noticed, this process being an intermittent one. The negative evolution of the Romanian shore, in the sense of erosion intensification, is caused by the unbalance created by natural and artificial causes regarding the available quantity of sediments in the seashore area in relation to the wave and current energy. The unbalance was created by some human activities, and particularly by: the anti-erosion works, breakwaters and outflow take-offs executed in the countries located in the Danube basin, which have resulted in a reduction of the overall drift rate in the Danube by more than 50%; the Danube is the main source for the alluviums supplied to the seashore; the changes occurred during the last century in the Danube Delta, which have altered the conditions of river drift towards the sea, and particularly the regulation of the Sulina Channel. In relation to this objective, two breakwaters were executed in order to protect the fairway at the outlet into the sea, which gradually acquired a length of 7.5 km, thus relocating offward the drift unloading point, so that the not all the alluviums return to the alongshore drift circuit; these breakwaters and the bar that is formed constitute an obstacle for the northerly drift, particularly that of the Chilia Channel; the construction of protection breakwaters in the ports of Midia, Constanta and Mangalia, which fragmented the shoreline, and the configuration of which, although intended to produce the least negative impact on the coastal area, intercepts and directs offwards the already diminished alluvium flow that should be drifted by waves and currents along the shore; the extraction of sand from the bed of the Danube and its tributaries and even from the beaches, in order to use it as construction material; - the polluting effect of certain activities. 3. The integrated management of the coastal area Nationally, the management of the Romanian coastal area is mainly governed by the Law of Waters (no. 107/1996) the Environmental Law (no. 137/1995) the Law for Institution of the “Danube Delta” Biosphere Reservation (no. 82/1993) and the Emergency Ordinance regarding the integrated management of the coastal area (no. 202/2002). The Government Decision no. 981/1998 regarding the institution of the National Company “Apele Române” (“The Romanian Waters”) S.A., provides, inter alia, that “The surface waters belonging to the public domain, including their minor beds, the lakes’ banks and basins, their natural resources and the exploitable energetic potential, the surface waters, the ground waters the sea cliffs and beaches” are leased to the National Company “Apele Române” S.A. The Black Sea shore will witness the development of the tourism, but it also includes industrial zones and, for this reason, there is necessary to elaborate a unique, integrated prospective development plan. The coastal erosion has to be considered in the global context of an integrated management and R. Ciortan / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 107-112 (2007) 109 the strategy has to be organized consequently, because the erosion process will be still as active. For this reason, the strategy has to get through several steps, namely: identifying the problems of the coastal area by evaluating the evolution trends of each geomorphological component; quantifying the erosion causes; establishing a long-term prospective programme regarding the protection and rehabilitation actions; phasing the measures to be taken in order to achieve the proposed objectives; actions’ planning by the relevant administrative bodies; implementing the actions; at the implementation level, the decision making factors have to apply the strategy established for the coastal area, elaborating the actual action and investment plans. The coastal area integrated management (CAIM) is a dynamic, continuous and interactive process, conceived to promote the sustainable management of the coastal area. It seeks to balance on the long term the benefits of the economical development and the human exploitation, the benefits from protecting, maintaining and rehabilitating the coastal area, from mitigating the losses related to human lives, properties and public facilities, while maintaining the natural soil water and air conditions. CAIM is based on the co-operation and participation of all interested parties, on the evaluation of the social objects in the relevant coastal area and on the initiation of the necessary actions to achieve the objectives. The “Dobrogea – Littoral” Water Directorate has initiated and implemented such an integrated management with the assistance of the Dutch company Haskoning. At national level, there has been provided the institution of a Committee charged with the supervision of the seashore development, as shown on the informative chart below. 4. Projects for stopping the coastal erosion In order to reduce and even remove the negative effects of the coastal erosion on the Romanian shore of the Black Sea, different studies and execution projects must be accomplished, as follows: studying the driving to the South of the inferior delta of the Chilia Channel and the measures for alluviums’ passing to the South; quantifying the effect of the Sulina Channel jetties on alluviums’ circuit on the North – South direction; including the permanently dredged sand from the bar of the Sulina Channel into the alongshore drift circuit; maintaining the width of the littoral strips that separate the lakes from the Black Sea in the Razelm – Sinoe area and protection of such strips against waves’ action and level variations; assuring the necessary depths in the sea ports, by executing dragage works in the basins and the fairway, and using the resulting appropriate sand in the South adjacent areas; execution of beaches, also by sand fill, and maintenance of such beaches for tourism purposes and for shore protection as well; re-evaluation of the existing groins in order to increase their efficiency by providing 110 Phased execution of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 107-112 (2007) completion works as well as the execution of overflow dams; assuring the stability of the cliffs; improvement of Sf. Gheorghe Channel’s outlet into the sea; organizing the waste water outlets into the sea so as to achieve the most efficient dilution of the discharge; drifting southwards, in Mamaia area, of the sand stored to the North of the Midia Port; environmental pollution mitigation by adopting appropriate operating technologies and efficient interventions on the aquatic environment (artificial reefs). During the last five decades, there have been built a number of beach protection dikes, especially at those intended for recreation purposes, related to the development of the seaside resorts. Between Mangalia and Midia Cape, more than 50 such works have been carried out, relying on many site and laboratory studies, and in accordance with the information available at that time. Many of these dykes require repair and completion works to increase their efficiency. 5. Solutions for protecting the south coast area The studies that were produced have led to some solutions that, in the main, provide transversal and longitudinal dykes and sand fill. The dykes are intended to stabilize the shore and to create areas where the waves stirring and the currents effect are smaller. Thus, their negative effect, that of carrying off the beach sand, is much diminished. The dykes can also contribute to the formation of material deposits in the sheltered areas. The sand supply is necessary to compensate for the deficit, as the currents are bare of alluvium. In this respect, in order to assure the required beach width, there is provided the transport of a sand mass, that will be further protected by the dykes.(fig.2) 6. Phasing the coastal protection measures in the south area The shore study has pointed out the areas where protection works must be urgently carried out. The high price of these improvements requires works’ phasing, resulting in a more rational staging of the investment. Therefore, there can be provided protection works that would make possible the independent execution of some improvements. The so-called protection “cells” with 200 – 300m width and 500 – 800m length will be carried out according to the final solution. They will be made of transversal dykes and other dykes parallel with the shore, above and below the water level. Sand deposits will be created between these dykes. (fig.3) R. Ciortan / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 107-112 (2007) 111 Another aim of this phasing is checking at natural scale the effect of the proposed solution. The observations will be made both on the existing constructions and on the interaction with the adjacent coastal area. These observations must be made during several seasons, in order to assess the morphological changes caused by waves and currents on shore’s new configuration. The result of these observations will allow improvement of the constructive and overall solutions, therefore increasing their efficiency. 7. Solutions for the north area Eforie After analyzing the area hydraulic aspects, one of the solutions provides the execution of longitudinal sand banks that would assure the downstream “discharge” of the current, without creating other inverse currents that cause erosions . This solution can be also taken into consideration at Sulina channel (fig 4.1) and at Sf. Gheorghe channel (fig 4.2). 8. Conclusion Venus Eforie The coastal protection of the Romanian shore of the Black Sea is imperative, considering the irreversible evolution and the extent of the erosion process. 112 Phased execution of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 107-112 (2007) level, where sand fills will be performed. For the Northern area, it is recommendable to conceive an alongshore route, assuring the currents uniform flow, without erosion. The chosen alternative allows the works’ phasing, with positive effects on investment’s staging and a better knowledge of their effect. By elaboration of a unique, well-substantiated and coordinated plan for research, design and execution of a protection and rehabilitation system, concurrently with a permanent analysis of the water quality, an attractive seaside, profitable for all its customers, will be achieved. 9. Bibliography The studies to be performed must provide solutions according to the causes of such erosions. The Southern area of the seashore is low in sand, which results in narrow beaches and therefore a reduced touristic value. To rehabilitate this area, there is provided the execution of some “cells” consisting of transversal and longitudinal dykes, above and below the water [1] Bonnefille R., Cours d'hydraulique Maritime, 1992, 3o edition - Ed. MASSON. [2] Bruun Peer, Port Enginerring, 1995, fourth edition, Gulf Publishing Company, Huston. [3] Centre of civil Engineering Research and Code, Manual of the use of rock in hydraulic engineering. [4] Chapon J., Travaux Maritime, 1978, Ed. Eyrolles, Paris. [5] Djunkovskii N.H., Porti i portavae soorujnia, 1967, Sfroizdat, Moskva. [6] Larras J., Cours d'hydraulique maritime et de travaux maritime, 1961, Ed. Dunod, Paris. [7] *** Studii de hidraulica, 1992, Institutul de Cercetari pentru Ingineria Mediului, Bucuresti. [8] JICA-Japonia, The Study on protection and reabilitation of the southern romanian Black Sea shore in Romania, 2006. [9] Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Design Manual for Coastal Facilities, 2000. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 A possible recovery system of the potential energy for the rain water in the case of high buildings a Ovidiu Mihai CRĂCIUN a Radu ŢÂRULECU a “Transilvania” University , Eroilor Boulevardl, 29, Braşov, 500036, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Lucrarea prezintă un sistem hydraulic cu trei variante constructive, utilizabil în vederea recuperării de energie potenţială a apelor pluviale, la clădirile multietajate prevăzute cu terase având suprafeţe mari. Energia hidraulică recuperată poate servi la pomparea apei potabile într-un rezervor plasat la ultimul nivel al clădirii sau poate fi transformată în energie electrică stocată în baterii (acumulatori), fiind folosită în diverse scopuri. Abstract: In the paper is presented a hydraulic system useable for the recovery of the rain water hydraulic, energy in the case of the high buildings (with eight or more levels). The potential energy of the accumulated rain water volume can be used for the conversion into electric energy, stored in battery accumulators or for other practical applications, without energy consumption. Keywords: Hydraulic system, energy, high buildings. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction For the multi-level buildings over 8÷10 levels, which have large terraces (surfaces over 500m2), is becoming advantageous the rain water accumulation resulted from rainfalls (over 20 l/m2 in 24 hours). This rain water accumulation can be made into a tank placed at the highest level of the building for an ulterior usage of the collected water volume in different purposes, without energy consume. 2. The propose installation presentation At the designing and building of the multilevel buildings with large terraces, it must have in view that the water provided from rain or snow melting, to be directed to a large tank (10÷12m3) placed at the highest level of the building, like in figure 1. The rain water or the water provided from rain or snow melting, will be directed through pipe 10 into the tank 1 where have place the impurities ISSN 1584 - 5990 sedimentation. At the reaching of some degree of fullness, the water will pass through a metallic strainer 3 placed on the dividing wall in compartment 2 of the collector tank. The tank 2 has a drain pipe 12, which for the situation when the electro-valve 5 is opening, the hydraulic engine 6 (turbine type or hydraulic engine with piston having an alternative rectilinear movement), can be fill up with under-pressure water. The electric energy supply of the electro-valve 5 is commanded of an adequate electric circuit, by a float from the tank 2. This float 4 can shut or open the electric energy supply of the electro-valve 5, in function of the water level in tank 2. When the water level attained to maximum height, the electro-valve will be opening and the water will drain, in some time interval, through the hydraulic engine 6, and into the draining pipe 12. At the reaching of a minimum level of the water in tank 2, the float 4 commands the closing of the electro-valve5. After the passing through the hydraulic engine, the water flows into the draining pipe 18. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 114 A possible recovery system… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 113-118 (2007) Fig.1. The proposed recovery system When the under-pressure water passing through the hydraulic engine will drive the pomp 7 mounted on an axle joined with the turbine. The pomp 7 will realize the fresh water pumping from the lower tank 13 into the upper tank 9 placed at the final level of the building, where will be stocked a certain volume of fresh water without energy consume. Between the pump7 and tank 9, on the pipe 16 will be mounted a one-way sense valve witch allows the water flowing only from the pomp to tank 9. The tank 9 is closed at the upper part, having a short pipe with an air tap 19. When the air tap 19 is closed, the tank 9 works like a water supply plant with air cushion, which is allows filling only with a limited volume of water. This tank 9 can supply with water the people from the building only on short intervals of time through pipe 13, if it’s opening the tap 17. For the tank 1 cleaning, at some time intervals is opening the flow control device 11 mounted on the pipe 14, the water from tank being evacuated along with the bottoms to the duct 18. Also, is made the tank 1 and metallic strainer 3 cleaning. Another possibility is the direct mounting of an energy generator on the turbine axle 6 who will supply with energy a set of batteries bounded in parallel. In this case the stoked electric energy can be used to the illumination of the building staircase or basement. In figure 2 is showed an example of the proposed system where the water flowing from the tank 2 has place automatic without any electric energy consume. When the clean water level exceeds the highest part of the hydraulic drain trap 4, this is self-induces and the water is draining through pipe 12.The water draining from tank 2 have placed until when its level decreases, reaching the altitude of the left inferior end drain trap pipe 4. O. Crăciun and R. Târulescu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 113-118 (2007) 115 Fig.2. The proposed system where the water flowing from the tank 2 has place automatic without any electric energy consume The component parts for the scheme from figure 2 are: 1 - decantation-sedimentation tank of the impurities; 2 - tank with rain water; 3 - metallic strainer mounted on the dividing wall of tanks 1 and 2; 4 - drain trap pipe; 5 - tap 6 - hydraulic engine (turbine type or hydraulic engine with piston having an alternative rectilinear movement); 7 - mechanic droved pump if at 5 component exists a turbine; 8 - one-way valve; 9 - tank with air cushion; 10 - pipe for the rain water; 11 - sluice valve for quick exit; 12 - draining pipe of water from tank 2; 13 - pipe with fresh water; 14 - draining-cleaning pipe for the tank 1; 15 - tank with water from the network; 16 - filling pipe for the tank 9; 17 - tap; 18 - tank bounded to the duct; 19 - short pipe with air tap; Hg - level difference between the tank 2 base and the horizontal plan where the hydraulic engine axle 6 is; ΔH - difference between the maximum and minimum level of water in tank 2. If in place of turbine 6 from figure 2 is using a linear hydraulic engine, the scheme will be like is showed in figure 3. For pressure increasing to the piston pump droved of the hydraulic engine is choosing a piston diameter smaller comparing with diameter D of the linear hydraulic engine. 116 A possible recovery system… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 113-118 (2007) Fig.3. The scheme for a linear hydraulic engine usage The component parts for the scheme from figure 3 are: 1 - linear hydraulic engine cylinder with alternative rectilinear movement; 2 - cylinder of the mechanic droved pump; 3 - hydraulic engine piston rod; 4 - slide valve with four ways and two positions; 5 - hydraulic engine piston of diameter D; 6 - pump piston of diameter d; 7 - pump suction pipe; 8 - pump repression pipe; 9 - suction valve; 10 - repression valve; 11 - oscillatory link box; 12 - fixed hinge; 13 - sliding hinge; 14 - oscillatory rigid bracket around the hinge 12; 15 - slide valve command arm; 16 - safety valve; 17 - by-pass pipe, between the suction and repression of the pump. In this case under pressure water entering in the slide valve 4 is bounded to the pipe 12 (figure 2) and the output is bounded to the draining duct. The pistons running are the same for the hydraulic engine and pump, but having in view the smaller diameter of the pump piston it can be accomplish a highest pumping pressure, which allows the fresh water tank to be placed at a highest altitude. The pressure limitation on the pump repression pipe is realize because of the by-pass pipe where is mounted the safety valve. 3. Theoretical considerations As following the rain water accumulation in the tank 2, (figure 2), at its filling up till the drain trap priming level, results a liquid volume V. The potential energy of this water volume can be written in this way [1]: E h = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ V ⋅ Hg (1) where: Eh – potential energy of this water volume accumulated in the tank 2; ρ - water density; g – gravity acceleration; V – water volume accumulated in the tank 2 at the complete filling; O. Crăciun and R. Târulescu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 113-118 (2007) Hg – level difference between the tank 2 base and the horizontal plan where the hydraulic engine axle is, from stop siphoning moment of the drain trap 4 (figure 2). Q = v⋅ πd 2 4 [m3/s] 117 (5) The charging losses on the pipe 12 ways can be written [2]: For relation (4) is admits that this draining pipe 12 has a constant diameter. The recovered effective capacity can be written: ∑ h p = ∑ h pi + ∑ h pl Nu = (2) where: ∑ h pi - sum of local charging losses (bent pipes, section enlargement or diminution for the pipe 12 etc); ∑ h pl - sum of linear charging losses on the pipe parts having different diameters; ∑ h p - total sum of charging losses on the pipe 12. Having these elements it can be determined the real charge of the flowing: H = Hg − ∑ h p [m] (3) Using the real charge value H is determined the flowing speed through 12: v= 2⋅g⋅H [s] j=n i=m li 1 + ∑ ζ j + ∑ λi ⋅ di j=1 i=1 (4) η⋅ρ⋅g ⋅Q⋅H 1000 [kW] (6) where: Nu – recovered effective capacity at the turbine; Q – flow rate [m3/s]; H – flowing real charge [m]; η – turbine efficiency. For determination of the time interval when is actuated the turbine for a single priming of the hydraulic drain trap 4 we use the relation: Δt a = V Q [s] (7) where: Δta – time interval when the turbine is actuated at a single emptying of the tank 2; V – accumulated water volume in the tank 2 at the complete filling; Q – flow rate through the pipe 12 calculated with relation (5). The recovered useful energy at a single emptying of the tank 2 is[3]: v – the flowing medium speed through 12; j= n ∑ζj - sum of local charging losses E hu = Nu ⋅ Δt a (8) j=1 coefficients, for all the hydraulic local resistances; i =m ∑ λi ⋅ i =1 li - sum of products between the di local charging losses coefficients and pipes parts lengths reported to their diameters. Having the flowing speed established, it determines the flow rate through pipe 12: Fig.4. The considerate distances for the system 118 A possible recovery system… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 113-118 (2007) Considering the figure 4, it can be express the pressure losses through a random section at a distance n* in ratio with the tank 2 base (figure 4). Applying the Bernoulli equation into a halfpermanent movement between section (1) and some other section situated lower at distance n*, it can be write: α ∗ ⋅ v 2∗ p ∗ α1 ⋅ v12 p1 ∗ n + n + + +n = n 2g ρg 2g ρg (9) ∗ 1 n 2 ∂v + ∫ β⋅ ⋅ dS + h ∗ pn g n1 ∂t where: α1 , α and n*; v1 , v * n∗ - speeds in the same sections; n the same sections; β - Boussinesq coefficient, β = pn ∗ p n∗ − p1 = Δp n , results the pressure loss in some section placed at distance n* at the tank base: n∗ ∂v * Δp * = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ n − ρ ⋅ ∫ β ⋅ − ρ ⋅ g ⋅ h ∗ (11) pn n ∂t 0 or ∗ 1 n ∂v Δp * = ρ ⋅ g ⋅ ( n * − ⋅ ∫ β ⋅ − h ∗ ) (12) pn n g 0 ∂t 4. Conclusions - Coriolis coefficients in sections n1 n∗ n - distance from the tank base to the random considerate section; p1 , p ∗ - static pressures at the pipe wall in h Noting α+2 ; 3 - charge loss between the tank base and the random considerate section at distance n* (figure 4). Applying the continuity equation in situation when α1 = α ∗ = 1 , namely a speeds uniform n distribution in that sections, results the speeds equality v1 = v ∗ . In this conditions, the relation n (9) can be written: ∗ p ∗ − p1 ∂v 1n * n = n − ∫ β⋅ −h ∗ pn ρg ∂t g 0 (10) The proposed installation in this paper demands a large volume of initial investments, about the different design accountable to normal buildings and supplementary spending for tanks, turbine, pump, etc. But, for entire time of building exploitation, can be recovered considerable quantities of energy used for fresh water pumping or for free electric energy obtaining. The large dimensions of the tanks (10÷15m3) can attenuate the horizontal oscillations in case of quake, because of the water inertia, stabilizing the building in a shorter time interval. With lowest costs of maintenance, the installation brings important energetic benefits on the total life duration of the building. 5. References [1] – Ionescu, D., Mecanica fluidelor şi maşini hidraulice, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti 1983; [2] – Crăciun, O.M., Mecanica fluidelor şi maşini hidraulice, Editura Universităţii Transilvania Braşov, 2000; [3] – Crăciun O., Ţârulescu R., A possible energy recovery system used at auto-trucks which moves whitout effective load, Conferinţa naţională de energetică CNEI 2005, Ediţia a V-a, Bacău, 2005. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 The Analysis of the Impact of Storage Lake on Environment Using the Chemical Characterization of the Water Resources. Case Study Bahlui Basin River Ion GIURMA a , Ioan CRĂCIUN a Catrinel-Raluca GIURMA a a Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iassy, Iassy, 700050, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Lucrarea abordează problematica influentei sistemului de monitorizare a calităţii apelor în domeniul impactului acumulărilor complexe asupra mediului. Sunt prezentate elemente privind organizarea sistemului de monitorizare pe bazine hidrografice si particularizări pentru Bazinul Râului Bahlui. Abstract: This work presents the monitoring system influence in the field of the environmental impact of storage lakes on environment. Are presented elements regarding the organization of the monitoring system on Bahlui basin river and a case study for Podu Iloaiei storage lake using the LakeWatch software. Keywords: water quality monitoring system, complex storage lake, environmental impact. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Presentation of Bahlui River Basin The catchments area of Bahlui river basin (Figure 1), belonging entirely to the county of Iaşi, is about 1,917 km2. The complex storage lakes are hydrotechnical structures used for managing the water resources. In the same time this lakes changing the environment regarding the geographical, ecological and socially aspects. The evaluation of environmental impact elements represent solutions for minimizing the negative effects and finding solutions for the future in the context of durable development. The length of the Bahlui river between its spring and the confluence with Jijia river is about 119 km. Bahlui river ends in the Jijia about 6 km before the latter flows into the Prut river, 390 km upstream from the confluence of the rivers Prut and Danube. Jijia river is channelized between the confluence with Bahlui river and the confluence with the Prut river. The old river bed called Jijia Veche unsually contains only a small amount of mostly stagnant water [2]. Bahlui river is, like Jijia and Prut, a rain fed river, with a relatively small discharge most of the ISSN 1584 - 5990 year, and a few short periods of high waters, usually in early spring, when snow melts and most rainfall occurs. Most of the time about 75% of Bahlui river discharge of at the confluence with Jijia is represented by the effluent of Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) of Iaşi town, entering Bahlui 3 km upstream from the confluence. As much as 17 reservoirs are in operation in Bahlui basin. Dams construction took place between 1965 and 1980. Initially the reservoirs were designed for flood control in downstream areas, especially for Iaşi town protection. The reservoirs are also used for urban and industrial water supply, commercial fishing, irrigation and recreation. The mass balance study concerns Bahlui river downstream the reservoir Pârcovaci, a short stretch of Jijia river between the monitoring stations upstream and downstream the confluence with Bahlui river and the only monitored tributary of Bahlui - the strongly polluted Bahlueţ brook. The most affected reservoirs by pollution are the reservoirs Tansa and Podu Iloaiei situated on Bahlui, respectively Bahlueţ water courses [2]. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 120 Study on the use … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 119-124 (2007) Figure 1 Iaşi County water quality monitoring system 2. Monitoring water quality programme and monitoring stations 3. Mass balance analysis of the pollutants in Bahlui basin river The surface water quality monitoring programme of the National Administration Romanian Waters (NARW) Iaşi Branch includes river monitoring stations of first and second level, with a measuring frequency of 12 times a year, respectively 4 times a year,. At first level stations three samples are taken with a time step of 8 hours at 8.00 h, 16.00 h and 24.00 h; the average values of three analyses are reported. From monitoring stations of the second level just one sample is taken. The reservoirs are also given a first level or second level monitoring status. The first level reservoirs are monitored four times a year, while the second level reservoirs only twice near the dam. Furthermore, waste water discharges are monitored by NARW Iaşi Branch with a frequency of 2 to 12 times a year, depending on their potential or expected degree of pollution (Table 1). A mass balance compares the amount (named load) of a substance entering and leaving a certain part of a water system. The load of a substance in a stream is computed by multiplying the water discharge by the concentration of the substance. The time interval for which the discharge (m3/s) is expressed becomes the time interval for the load (g/s) [2, 8]. The average loads of the river were computed for the years 1995, 1996 and 1997, corresponding to different hydrological regimes. The instantaneous loads get a weighting factor proportional to the discharge (Figure 2). The average load Lav is [2]: n Lav = ∑ (qi ⋅ ci ) / n (1) i =1 Table 1 D. Drăgan, C. Mârza and R. Dardai / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 119-124 (2007) Reservoirs Pârcovaci reservoir Tansa reservoir Podu Iloaiei reservoir Plopi reservoir Sârca reservoir Cucuteni reservoir ∗ two samplings per year; ∗∗ four sampling per year where qi is the measured discharge, ci the concentration of the monitored parameter and n the number of the chemical measurements. The average weighed-discharge Lav, Q is computed as [8]: ⎛ n ⎜ ci qi ⎜ ⎜ = 1 i Lav , Q = k ⎜ ⎜ n ⎜ qi ⎜⎜ ⎝ i =1 ∑ ∑ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟⋅q ⎟ ⎟ ⎟⎟ ⎠ (2) where k is a conversion factor considering the drawing frequency and the units used for concentration and discharge; q is the average discharge computed on the basis of daily registrations. The considered water systems are Jijia river downstream the confluence with Bahlui, the river Bahlui including the storage lake Tansa and its main tributary Bahlueţ including the storage lake Podu Iloaiei. Mass balance were established for those substances exceeding the limits defined in Romanian standard STAS 4706-88 considered as problematic parameters and for other substances needed for the interpretation of the mass balance of the problematic parameters: chemical demand (COD, determined with permanganate), biological oxygen demand (BOD5, oxygen consumption during 5 days), oxygen (O2), ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-) and phosphorus (P) [2]. 121 ∗∗ Loads leaving Tansa reservoir are computed using concentrations of samples taken near the spillway, close to the water surface. This point is located 58 km downstream the springs of the Bahlui ∗∗ Loads leaving Podu Iloaiei reservoir are computed using concentrations of samples taken near the spillway, close to the water surface, 37 km downstream the springs of Bahlueţ river ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ The load decrease of the effluents from WWTP Iaşi in order to fulfill the quality requierements at the confluence of Bahlui river with Jijia (Chipereşti section) can be analyzed according two scenarious, considering that the pollution from the existent sources remains at the same level: a) framing in the Ist category at Chipereşti; this category cannot be achieved only by improving the operation at WWTP Iaşi, being necessary to diminish the pollution at all the other sources. b) framing in the IInd category in the same section; the necessary concentration at Victoria (Jijia) and Bahlui upstream WWTP Iaşi is: 15 mg O2/l COD, 7 mg O2/l BOD5, 3 mg/l ammonium. According to the mass balance at Jijia-Bahlui confluence, the WWTP charges must be diminished as per Table 3 in order to fit into the Ist, IInd and IIIrd category [5, 6]. 4. Chemical characterisation of the storage lakes The global characterization of the water quality in the reservoirs may be performed in two ways: a) in agreement with the standards, considering the reservoirs as static eco-systems and operating with constant values of the parameters to frame the quality into the four categories; b) considering the reservoirs as dyamic eco-systems and operating with average values of the quality parameters for a given period. From the reservoirs of first level monitoring status studied between 1998-2006, considering the phosphourous concentration two of them, Chiriţa and 122 Study on the use … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 119-124 (2007) Pârcovaci belong to the Ist quality category, while the rest to the IInd and IIIrd category. The trend of the global quality shows that five reservoirs of the second level monitoring status have a negative evolution, four of them have a positive evolution, and three tend to preserve the present quality. From the analyzed parameters, 29 % had an improving trend, 37% a decreasing trend, and 34% preserve the present quality. Generally, the reservoirs of second level monitoring status fit into the IIIrd and D category, which shows a bad water quality both from chemical and biological point of view. The siltation of these lakes as well as the increased pollution during the past years led to the quality deterioration. 4.1. Podu Iloaiei Reservoir Podu Iloaiei reservoir, built on Bahlueţ river, has at the normal water level a surface of 2.1 km2, and a volume of 2.5 million m3. Some of the water users (fishery, irrigation) need a water of the II category; the lake has in the same time a touristic potential imposing thus for the swimming water the Ist category. However, the levels of COD and BOD5 fall in the categories III and degraded; the lake has too high bacteriological pollution and phytoplankton blooms, those of bluegreen algae being the most problematic. The oxygen levels registered in 1995 to 1997 were mostly in the Ist category (six value in the Ist category; one value in the IInd category). Phosphorus concentrations measured in 1995 and 1996, 2002-2005 exceeded the STAS standard value corresponding to category III, which was not the case with the values measured in 1997. Due to the limited number of measurements (2 in 1995, 3 in 1996 and 2 in 1997), the conclusion that the phosphorus load entering the lake decreased would be premature. Moreover, the lower values of 1997 year could be the effect of algae blooms, which can convert almost all dissolved phosphate (orthophosphate) into algae-bound phosphate, which is not included in phosphorus determination by NARW Iasi. Water samples are filtered, removing thus algae and particulate matter to which phosphorus can bind. Also the nitrogen compounds appear to reflect uptake by algae. Two values of ammonium measured in 1995, in samples taken in January and early March, indicated a degraded water, while the five values measured in the spring and summer of 1996 and 1997 were much lower, corresponding to the category I and II. Algae blooms lower also the concentration of nitrate, especially because the uptake of ammonium by algae cuts off the nitrate production by nitrification. All nitrate levels measured between 1995 to 1997 were outside the limits of the Ist category. Measuring of Kjeldahl-nitrogen in unfiltered samples could confirm whether the nitrogen is indeed taken up by algae. A case study basing the chemical data from NARW Iasi for the storage lake Podu Iloaie are make using the LakerWatch v. software regarding the prognosis trend of storage. Are used the data collected between 0 and 0.5 m depth of water and chlorophyll concentration (Chla), NO3 (nitrate) and NH4 (ammonia) on mg/l. The period of analysis are MayJuly 2005. This analysis indicate that the Podu Iloaiei lake trend is eutrophically (figure 2) [7]. Understanding the pollution mechanisms of Podu Iloaiei reservoir and possible measures to improve the water quality require: a monitoring station immediately upstream from reservoir; a higher monitoring frequency of the reservoir and accurate discharge registration; measurement of total phosphorus and Kjeldald-nitrogen in unfiltered samples [1, 2]. The Framework Directive 2000/60/EC and the Decision No 2455/2001/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council in the field of water resources foresaw a new monitoring strategy under an integrated monitoring concept of the waters (a triple integration) which must be applied in the Bahlui basin river if we want a good quality of the environment: of the investigation areas at the basin level: natural surface waters, artificial surface waters and effluent protected areas; of the investigated areas: water, sediment integrated with the biological components; of the quantitative and qualitative monitored elements: biological, hydro geomorphological, physical and chemical [3, 8]. D. Drăgan, C. Mârza and R. Dardai / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 119-124 (2007) 123 100 90 80 70 Depth 60 Chla 50 NO3 40 NH4 y = 10.476Ln(x) + 0.0403 30 Log. (NH4) 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Figure 2 5. Conclusions The improvement of the water quality on Bahlui hydrographic basin and particullary for storage lakes and our environmental impact can be accomplished by: - connected to the public sewage system; - replacing the hydraulic evacuation of the zootechnical dejection by dry evacuation systems; thus, a lower volum of dejections results, their nutritive potential being capitalized; - monitoring the pollutant charges of the effluent creeks, including monitoring campaigns nearby the confluence; - representative samples of the discharged waste waters for the analyzed system; - extending the analysis programmes to the phosphour measurement in blank samples and azote Kjeldahl measurements on the same type of samples for storage lakes; - installing monitoring sections nearby upstream storage lakes and completing the database by increasing the monitoring frequency and the quality of the data as well as the measure of the total phosphour and azote Kjeldahl on unfiltered section as well as of focus azote and phosphour from the suspension matter – in order to understand the phenomenon which affects the quality of the Podu Iloaiei and Tansa reservoirs; - better monitoring of the heavy metals and organic micro-pollutants, especially pesticides; in this respect, for some of the pollutants with a high level of toxicity the sampling is restricted to some significant locations with a lower frequency (once a year, for instance); - elaborating monitoring program for the pesticides which can affect the groundwater resources; - compiling a GIS environmental database which should identify the areas with the risk of affecting the water quality; - application of the environmental protection legislation and the financial measures to protect the water quality; - ellaborating a policy of reduction the pollution, as well as immediate and long term measures and necessities; - inventorying the discharge points and diffused sources. 124 Study on the use … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 119-124 (2007) 6. Reference [1] Crăciun, I., Drobot R., Wasserqualitätsanalyse der Stauseen im Bahluibecken durch Mathematikmodellierung, The Buletin of P.I. of Iaşi, Tom XLVII(LI), Fasc. 1-4 (II), Hidrotehnics, vol. II, pg. 13-16, IIIrd Section "Env.Engineering", 22-24 nov., 2001 [2] Crăciun, I., Contributions to the water quality management of the Bahlui gegraphical basin, Doctoral Thesis, Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, 2003 [3] European Parliament - Directive 2000/60/EC and the Decision No 2455/2001/EC for surface waters quality [4] Giurma-Handley C.R., Giurma I., Crăciun I., (2006) Modeling of the Environmental Impact of Complex Storage Lakes, International Conference of Environmental Engineering ICEEM03, Iasi, pg. 44-49 [5] Giurma I., Water Management Systems, (in romanian) ,Ed. CERMI, Iasi, 2000. [6] Giurma I., Craciun I., Giurma C.-R., Hidrology, Ed. Politehn ium, Iasi, 2006. [7] Scisoftware, LakeWatch v. software, Lake Monitoring Analysis and Control [8] Varduca, A.,- Integrated monitoring of water quality, En gineering of Waters Resources, HGA Ed., Bucharest, 1999 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 The Multicriterial Decisional Management Within Irrigation Arrangements a Gheorghe IORDACHE a Marian DORDESCU a National Company of Land Reclamatin RA , Dobrogea, Constanta, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: In această lucrare, este prezentată o abordare multicriterială a tehnicilor de decizie, utilizate în managementul amenajărilor de irigaţii. Analiza economică a fost realizată utilizând metoda Electre III în cadrul căreia se cuantifică importanţa relativă a criteriilor considerate. Alegerea pragurilor este determinată de specificitatea fiecărui criteriu, astfel încât să reflecte preferinţa factorului de decizie. Prin relevarea zonelor cu eficienţă economică scăzută, analiza realizată contribuie Ia îmbunătăţirea deciziilor care trebuie luate, constituind un important punct de plecare pentru alegerea celor mai bune metode de modernizare a amenajărilor de irigaţii. Lucrarea prezintă o analiză a unor importante criterii de evaluare a eficienţei sistemelor de irigaţii în Sistemul hidrotehnic „Nicolae Bălcescu", component al amenajării pentru irigaţii Valea Carasu, judeţul Constanţa. Abstract: In this study presents a multi-criteria approach for decision techniques used in irrigation system management. Economical analysis was made using Electre III method which counts the relative importance of the considered criteria. Choosing levels is determined by every criteria individuality particularity. By showing low economic efficiency areas, the analysis upgrades the decisions, and by doing that we have an important starting point for choosing the best modernizing methods for irigations devices. This study reaveals the analysis of the most important criteria evaluation of the irrigation system eficiency for Nicolae Balcescu hydrotechnical System which is part of Valea Carasu's irigation system. Keywords: multi-criteria decisions tehniques, optimizing, irigation system. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction 1. Generality The great changes that came in Romanian agriculture after 1989 had an impact on the irrigation system activity therefore reducing the irrigated areas percentage. The recovery of this activity is bound of assuring the efficiency of water distribution through a rigurous cost analysis also considering field and environment conditions, irrigation method, pumping levels. In [7] is shown the efficiency irrigation criteria analysis such as the energetical one, the economic-financial and irrigation water distribution, from a water provider point of view, using the ELECTRE (Elimination et Choix Traduisant ia Realite). By showing the critical areas, with low economic efficiency, this kind of analysis is improving the decisions that have to be made for the irigation system administration. It’s also a very important starting point for making the ISSN 1584 - 5990 best modernizing choices.This study works with ELECTRE III version to syntetize the relative importance of the considered criteria. ELECTRE was initially developed to estimate the uncertainty of the decision process by using the preference and indifference levels. ELECTRE is a noncompensating method - a low grade for a certain criteria cannot be compensated with better grades for other criteria. ELECTRE models allow incomparability. This element appears between A and B alternatives when there is no relevant evidence for A or B. There are interesting applications of this method in multi-criteria decisions theory [3,4]. Main ELECTRE method concepts are: thresbolds and ranking. First preordonation Zt descending filtration process. The ascending filtration is made in the same way except for the fact that the low quality projects are restrained at the beginning. The result will be a prearrangement Z. In the same group the projects are equally arranged. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 126 Multicriterial Decisional… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 125-130 (2007) 2.Considerations of the Electre method implementation The following types of criteria are taken into consideration: Composed criteria: economical; hydro; energetical. Primary criteria: modernization and readaptation costs, maintenance and repair costs, irrigation efficiency, the importance of the grantsin-aid, water volumes, lost volumes of water; improved area; contracted area; active/reactice energy consumption; specific consumption. To be able to define a set of policies that includes economical, hydro and energetical aspects, a series of factors have been defined, factors that can be subject to exterior influences and can be modified according to the purpose of the analysis and the requirements of the system. These are: the method of setting up the irrigation system (A), the cost of the water (B), the irrigation stages (C)that has a strong influence on the energy consumption andthe lost volume of water, crops planning (D), the irrigation system (E), grants-in-aid (F). 2. Experiment Total area of 28 125 ha, the irrigation system „Nicolae Balcescu”, built in four energetical stages: stage 1 (Hpumping = 65 Mca, Surface = 3310 ha); stage 2 (Hp = 91mCA, s = 4560 ha); -stage 3 (Hp = 113Mca, S = 16640 ha); -stage 4 (Hp = 143 Mca, S= 358 ha). Disposing the irrigable surfaces in the four energetical stages makes one think that the irrigation system „Nicolae Balcescu” is a major energy consumer, having an impact on the economical indicators of A.N.I.F. R.A. Constanta which delivers water to the consumers. The water distribution for plants is done by means of affusion on 24.049 ha (86%) and on furrows of 4.076 ha (14%). A surface of 21.990 ha is improved with underground pipes, and the surface of 6.135 ha with external pipes. The amount of water necessary for this was calculated according to a crops planning in which the corn crop is dominant – 40% of the total surface, followed by cereal crops – 30%, sunflower and alfalfa – 8%, soya – 7%, sugar beet – 3%, vegetables, vineyards and fruit trees – 2%. For the evaluation of the chosen factors, the following qualifications habe been used: A = excellent, B= good, C= medium, D= sufficient, E = insufficient, and for the evaluation of the criteria were used numbers from 5 (=A) to 1 (=E). a.Estimating the irrigations. The first method is surface leaking. Economically speaking, this type of irrigation gets a „C” for modernization and readaptation costs, because only 14% of the surface of the system considered is fit out using this method. Still, the costs of this investment won’t be high compared to other methods. The maintenance and repair works were qualified with a „B”, because this type of arrangement doesn’t require a high qualified work for the maintenance and repair of the sewers. Profit wise, it gets a „C”. Regarding the hydro criteria the method gets a „C”, taking into consideration the equipped and precontracted surfaces , and for the energetical criteria it receives an „A”.The affusion method was qualified with a „B” profitwise, because the costs of modernization and readaptation are „excellent” (86% of the surface is already arranged for affusion) and the maintenance and repair expenses are relatively big (C). A „B” for the hydro criteria and for the energetical criteria the result is a „D”. b.The price of the water. After estimating the price of the water, the result was a „B” for the current price, which is fair both to the water distributor and the grower. In the case of cutting off the subventions, an assumption has been made which is based on increasing the price of water with 150%. In such a case, it is qualified with an „E”. c.Pumping stages. The qualifications were bestowed for the maintenance cost in direct ratio to the pumping stage, according to the length of the sewers and the construction and technological characteristics of the repumping units. Stage I received a”B” and stage IV got an „E”. As for the importance of the grants-in-aid, the grades were in indirect ratio to the pumping stage, an „E” for stage I and for the fourth stage an „A”. The lost water volume was considered „excellent” on stage I and „insufficient” in stage IV. Energy consumption was also proportional to the stages of the energy. d.Crops planning. There were considered four scenarios. The scenario according to the precontracts takes into consideration the actual distribution of the crops within the system. The grades were: „medium” for the economical criteria, „B”for the hydro criteria and „medium” for the energetical criterion. The haulm G. Iordache and M Dordescu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 125-130 (2007) 127 scenario takes in consideration the fact that this 1. PECO = 0,6 / PHIDRO= 0,2 / PENG = 0,2; kind of crops have a bigger resistance against 2. PEC0 = 0,2 / PHIDRO= 0,6 / PENG = 0,2; drought, being the second most cultivated after 3. PECO = 0,2 / PHIDRO= 0,2 / PENG = 0,6; a result, it received it was qualified as 4. PECO = 0,334 / PHIDRO= 0,333 / PENG = 0,333 . „medium” economically, „sufficient” in what concerns water consumption, and „medium” The qualitativ matrix is the start point and it energywise. The corn scenario got an „A” for the highlights 6 groups of factors and their subdivisions economical criterion and „B” for both hydro and (18). According to this, there have been selected 3 energetical criteria. The sun-flower scenario factors (actions) whose hefts double when it comes to received a „B” for all criteria. estimating the criteria. The results are: „B- the price of e.The irrigation equipment. There are two the water”, „C-the irrigation stages” and „E-irrigation scenarios: the current situation and and the case in equipment”. All these factors have been sorted and which the necessary could be insured (without the analyzed, resulting a set of alternative policies. From renewing technologically). In the first case, we the total we then obtain 18 realistic policies of interest. have: „C” for economical criterion, „E” for the The selection criteria are: the sorting method, named hydro criterion and „C” for energy. For the second the „screening method”; grading the global criteria: the scenario , we have a „B” for economical, „A” for profit, hydro criteria, energetical criteria: =B=C=0; hydro and „B” for energy. D=1; E=2; declaring 9 incompatible or irrational f.Subventions. The subvention for the power policies such as: incompatibility (A1) „Irrigation that is necessary to deliver the water to the through furrows”(D2) „Haulm crops”, incompatibility beneficiary has a great importance on the criteria B1 „current price of water” with F2 „cutting off the mentioned before. For the current situation we have subventions”. Still, in the process of choosing these 18 a „B” for economical criterion, „C” for hydro and policies there are also elements taht are influenced by „insufficient” for energy. In the second case, the subjective decisions. The result is 8 final arrangements one in which the subventions are cut off, we have (Îd3, IdlO, Eco3, EcolO, Hidro3, Hidro 10, Eng3, „E”, „C” and „B”. EnglO). There are four hypothesis influenced by each decision factor: Nr. ID ECO HIDRO ENG Alternative political Id3 Id10 Eco3 Eco10 Hidro 3 Hidro10 Eng3 Eng10 1 111111 1 4 2 2 5 5 1 3 2 111321 3 6 1 6 4 8 3 9 3 12 1222 3 4 3 2 3 5 3 4 4 122422 5 6 4 4 5 7 5 7 5 123322 7 8 5 9 9 9 8 10 6 123422 3 2 4 2 4 3 3 4 7 121312 9 2 7 5 8 4 5 2 8 211121 2 3 2 2 3 5 1 1 9 211421 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 10 211521 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 221512 11 5 7 4 10 5 7 5 12 223212 8 3 6 3 9 4 7 6 13 2224 12 5 6 4 7 3 4 5 5 14 31132 1 10 2 8 3 7 3 6 3 15 322322 7 7 5 8 5 5 4 8 16 322222 6 5 3 6 4 3 6 7 17 323512 8 7 6 9 6 6 6 10 18 323322 4 4 3 8 2 2 4 9 128 Multicriterial Decisional… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 125-130 (2007) Electre maintains the diversity of the three criteria so that even if a strategy has a great performance within a criterion and a low performance within another criterion, they’re both taken into consideration. Although policies 9 and 10 are on the first position, the method reveals interesting things about ranks 2,3 and 4. a).ECO 10 : the decision factor: peco = 0,6 / PHIDRO= 0,2 / PENG =0,2 (0.1/0.2/0.1/0.2 0.1/0,04/0.04/0.02 0.1/0.1); Tabel 2 Nr. crt. 1 2 3 4 Number politic P9 P10 P1 P8 P12 P14 P4 P11 Alternative ABCDEF 211421 211521 111111 211121 223212 313321 122422 221212 The institutional frame is not modified: the subventions are the same (F1); the irrigation stage is the most favorable (C1). The economical criterion predominating over, leads to an opposition towards progress and modernization. The method of irrigation through affusion is well positioned and her spreading can be seen on the entire surface. From a crops planning perspective, each of the proposed strategies are present here. b)-HIDRO 10-the decision factor involving the distribution of water: PEC0 = 0,2 / PHIDRO= 0,6 /PENG=0,2 (0.04/0.06/0.04/0.06/0.3/0.12/0.12/0.06/ 0.1/0.1). Tabel 3 Alternativ ABCDEF Nr. crt. Number politic 1 P10 211521 2 P9 P18 P6 P14 P16 P7 P12 P13 211421 323322 123422 3 1132 1 322222 121312 2 2 3 2 12 2 2 2 4 12 3 4 P18 is surprisingly ell positioned. It’s a policy of changes in all departments, therefore, within this action there is nothing left from the initial state. A strong intervention is necessaryin the following directions:increasin the price of the water with 150%, establishing a strict consumption of water, cutting off the subventions which leads to the minimalization of the irrigated surfaces. Even if the effect of the consequences on this is positive this policy can’t be taken into consideration. P16, the policy that achieved the best position in this scenario involves giving up grants-in-aid, doesn’t have an appliable effect and this shows how insegnificant is a singular action within the whole estimating policy. c).ENG 10: the decision factor involving the energy: PEC0=0,2/PHIDRO= 0,2 / PENG = 0,6 (0.04/0.06/0.04/0.06 0.1/0.04/0.04/0.02/ 0.3/0.3 ). Tabel 4 Nr. crt. 1 3 Number politic P8 P10 P9 P7 P1 P14 4 P3 P6 2 5 P11 P13 Alternati ABCDEF 211121 211521 211421 12 1312 111111 31 1 3 2 1 12 1 2 2 2 123422 22 12 12 222412 The criteria comprise aspects about specific consumption and the energy consumption. It is clear that the most favorable criterion is the first stage of pumping (C1 = stage 1), and giving up subventions is aut of question(F1). The irrigation by dripping method (A3), that would have saved energy can’t be considered, requiring a great financial and technological effort. d) ID 10: the decision factor involving all three criteria PECO=0,33/PHIDRO=0,33/ PENG = 0,34 ( 0.06 /0.1/0.06/0.11 0.17/0.07/0.06/0.03/0.17/0.17). The decision factor has to choose between many alternative policies: some of them are not suggesting radical changes, for example, best arrangement method is the affusion which has the majority in this case. The crop plan includes all strategies, mostly corn which is G. Iordache and M Dordescu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 125-130 (2007) till now the predominant culture, but also sunflower and vegetable + potatoes, which act very good during irigation. As for the increasing water price, 60% of the versions maintain the actual one, same for subventions. Medium politics dominance reflects the multiple problems from which the decision factor has to choose. 3 Results PI - 1 1 1 1 1 1 -: „Actual state" (clasifications: IdlO: 4 / EcolO: 2 / HidrolO: 5 / EnglO: 3) Most of the 1 criteria reflects the actual state from the studied system. PI has a good evaluation considering the economic point of view, but a low classification from the hydro-energetical point of view because it's considering only the I stage. Overall, the 4-th place obtained considering policies is not satisfying. 129 water price(B2), but working on the IIT scale (C3) leads to a high hydro-energetical cost so , eventually, the strategy gives us unsatisfactory classification. P13-222 4 1 2-: „Revolution”( IdlO: 6 / EcolO: 7 /HidrolO: 4 /EnglO: 5) This strategy implies too many changes – even changes at an institutional level: cutting off subventions, the semnificative growth of the price of the water. Although is very efficient for the hydro criterion, economically it’s eutopic. P17 - 3 2 3 5 1 2 -: „Pro vegetables + potatoes" (cotări: Id 10: 7 / Eco 10: 9 / HidrolO: 6 / EnglO: 10) This strategy also implies important changes at an institutional level, but it’s not acceptable due to high economical and energetical costs. 4.Conclusions P4 -1 2 2 4 3 2-: „No subventions, in favor for sun-flower (clasifications: IdlO: 6/EcolO: 4/HidrolO: 7/EnglO: 7) This very liberal strategy ( cutting off the subventions and rising the water price) has a high cost not only from the economic reasons but also energetic ones, with no compensations for a hidro level. Theese are the reasons for low clasifications in each sharing system. P9 - 2 1 1 4 2 1 -: „Compromises" (clasifications: IdlO: 1 / EcolO: 1 / HidrolO: 2 / EnglO: 2) Number 9 strategy provides compromises for the economic, energetical and environmental fields as to obtain best classifications in each share system. Considering the arrangement, the option is "affusion" (A2), suggest the expansion of sunflower culture(D4) and, of course, the proper irrigation equipment (E2). P12 - 2 2 3 2 1 1 -: „for the III-rd degree" (clasifications: Id 10: 3 / Eco 10: 3 / HidrolO: 4 / EnglO: 6) First 2 2 pair is a proper strategy for water saving: affusion irrigation system(A2), rising the The way of approaching the decisional matter, used in this study leads to achieving some orientative results for the decision factor. The next step is replacing the criteria with real facts, which makes it more precise and easier to be interpreted. As a conclusion, we can say that the best hydro strategy is by far keeping things the way they are and requiring major changes regarding the water volumes (measurement, the impermeability of sewers and most of the surfaces equipped with underground pipes), the crops structure (advising the farmers to cultivate high rated crops for irrigations and for the farmer itself), the price of water and the subventions (maintaining the current price by investments made for rehabilitating the system). 5. Bibliography [1] ARONDEL,C, P. GIRARDIN: Sorting Cropping Systems on the Basis of their Impact on Groundwater Quality. in: European Journal of Operational Reasearch, 1998. [2] CISMARU C, V. GABOR, T.V. BLIDARU, D. SCRIPCARIU: Studii privind eficienţa lucrărilor de reabilitare şi de modernizare a sistemelor de irigaţii cu mai multe trepte de pompare, Ovidius University Armals of Constructions Vol. 1, Nr. 2, 2000. 130 Multicriterial Decisional… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 125-130 (2007) [3] CONSTANTIN N., S. DUMITRIU: Multimodel Approach for Electrical Actuator Control. în: Proc. 4*Int. Conf. on Electromechanical and Power Systems, SIELMEN, 2003, pp. 139-143. [4] IORDACHE, GH., L. ROŞU, C. MAFTEI, C. GHERGHINA: Cercetări privind eficienţa sistemelor de irigaţii din zone colinare, în corelaţie cu suprafaţa irigată pe trepte energetice şi studiu de caz. în: Bul. Inst.Politehnic din Iaşi, Seria Hidrotehnică, XLVII (LI), Fasc. 1-4, (II), Iaşi, România, 2001, pp. 213-218. [5] NICOLAESCU, I.: Bazele modernizării sistemelor de irigaţii în România. Partea a II-a. în:Rev.Hidrotehnica, nr. 10 ,1993, pp. 17-26. [6] OEZELKAN, E.C., L. DUCKSTEIN: Analysing Water Resources Alternatives and Handling Criteria by Multi Criterion Decision Techniques. in: Journal of Environmental Management. 48, 1996, pp. 69-96. [7] ROŞU, L, C. MAFTEI, C. GHERGHINA, L. ŞERBAN, M. IOSIF: On a Method of the Major Economic indicators Analysis in the Irrigation Systems. in: Proc. of the Int. Conf. "Constructions 2003",Vol.3-Civil Engineering&Building Services, Cluj-Napoca, România, 2003, pp. 411-418. [8] ROŞU L, C. MAFTEI, M. DOBRE, A. ŞERBAN, GH. IORDACHE: ELECTRE Method Used in the Economical Analysis of Romanian Irrigation Systems. In: 6th International Congress on Advancesing Civil Engineering, 6-8 October, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004. [9] ROY, B. The Outranking Approach and the Foundations of ELECTRE Methods. în: Theory and Decision,Volume 31, France, 1991, pp. 49-73. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Protection Measures on the Algerian Coastline of the Mediterranean Sea Khoudir MEZOUARa Institution of The Sea Science and The Management of The Litoral (ISMAL), Algeria __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: În Algeria, situaţia coastei mării este atât de alarmantă încât mai mult de 60% din lungimea ei este expusă procesului de eroziune.De-a lungul celor 1200 km,aproximativ 800 km se retrag cu aproximativ un metru pe an. Anumite părţi, relativ rare, sunt expuse la un proces de acumulare.Există diferite zone care prezintă o situaţie alarmantă : de exemplu coasta Bejaia cunoaşte un indice a retragerii de aproximativ 10m/an. Având în vedere importanţa economică şi populaţia din zonă, eroziunea costală este considerată o faţă foarte periculoasă a dimensiunii economice a spaţiului litoral, şi cu vulnerabilitatea populaţiei ce locuieşte aici,eroziunea costală este privită astăzi ca un risc natural major. Pentru a minimaliza aceste efecte negative şi pentru a cauza doar mici pagube ale ţarmului şi ale împrejurimilor,au fost schiţate mai multe soluţii noi şi puse chiar în aplicare în diferite părţi ale lumii. a Abstract: In Algeria, the condition of the sea coast is rather alarming as more than 60% of its length is subject to the erosion process. Along 1200 km, about 800 km is withdrawing by about one meter per year. Certain parts that are relatively rare are exposed to an accumulation process. There are several areas showing an alarming condition: for e.g. Bejaia coast knows an withdrawing rate of about 10m/ year. Considering the economic importance and the population of the area, the coastal erosion is thus considered as a major hazard face the economic dimension of littoral space and with the vulnerability of the populations which reside at it, coastal erosion is regarded today as a major natural risk. In order to minimize these negative aspects and in particular to cause only little damage to the shore and the environment, various new solution have been outlined and even implemented in different parts of the world. Keywords: Coastal erosion, Erosion process, Major natural risk, Shore. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction The importance of beaches as holiday resorts and consequently the permanent growth of touristical developments in coastal area increases the claim of land and beach to the very limit of the sea. This phenomenon was particularly evident in the industrialized countries. Most of these coastal development were planned without enough consideration of possible negative consequences on beach evolution and eroding capacities of the sea. Several factors may cause beach erosion, most of which are natural. Beaches are constantly moving, building up here and eroding there, in response to oceanographic factors (waves, winds, storms, relative sea level change and supply fluctuation). The hydraulic structures have a very important influence on the morphological processes of the coasts. However, the dikes, the water intakes, the deepening of the river bed for navigational ISSN 1584 - 5990 purposes, the excavation of sand and gravel from the river bed (and even directly from the beaches) reduce the bed load at the river mouth, and, as a consequence, the supply of littoral sand. [8] The execution of river mouth jetties, large harbours, or even some transverse coastal structures foreseen for protection of the shore, has a negative effect as concerns the continuity of the littoral transport, in the same way as groins cause upstream accumulation and downstream erosion. In addition, the water pollution may reduce the number of shells and the organic sand supply of the beaches. Hopping to stop drastically erosion induced problems, local authorities or private developers often build sea-walls, dams or other similar hard defences which themselves provoke more erosion due to phenomena, such as reflexion, currents, overtopping, scouring, etc… © 2000 Ovidius University Press 132 Protection Measures on… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 131-136 (2007) A feasibility study for coastal protection works on the Algerian coast showed that beach nourishment could be considered as an effective to traditional building of detached breakwaters. Proper sand qualities are required to contribute te predominant longshore transport. Artificial nourishment of beaches is the evident solution but this is not possible everywhere or it is too expensive; protection works are and will be in the future more and more necessary. 2. Intervention requirements This section presents typical shore protection measures with a discussion of site characteristics, construction materials, design considerations, maintenance requirements, advantages, and disadvantages. Researchers from the above mentioned, specialized institutes declare that the minimum requirements for the shore protection are the following: [3] - " Soft solutions", (Beaches’ artificial nourishment, sand fences, dunes’ stabilization planting beach grasses. In combination with adequate beach strands, they provide an effective measure of protection to upland properties against the effect of waves.) for short and medium time scale; Beach nourishment is the replacement of sand along the shoreline of an eroding beach. This method of control takes advantage of the natural protection that a beach provides against wave attack. Beach nourishment may also be used in combination with other methods of shore erosion control such as groin fields and breakwaters. Beach nourishment is appropriate where a gently sloping shoreline is present. It is also appropriate where the erosion rate is low. The sand applied in a beach nourishment project should be identical to the original beach. A coarser sand may erode more slowly than a finer sand. The sand may be dredged and pumped from offshore or transported from upland sites by trucks and dumped. The erosion rate of the property is probably the most important element in designing a beach nourishment project. If the rate is high then beach nourishment may not be appropriate. The direction and rate of movement of sand along the shoreline should be determined. Sand may be placed directly along the eroded shoreline or at a point up drift, allowing natural currents to move sand down drift. The resulting shoreline protects the area in back of it by sacrificing the newly deposited sand. If the added materials are eroded their eventual fate should be considered, to avoid shoaling and filling of adjacent properties and waterways. Periodic replenishment of the beach using appropriate size sand will help maintain the beach. The need to replenish the beach depends upon the rate of erosion at the particular site. Although the original cost of the addition of sand may be low, the cost of periodic replenishment may rival a more permanent solution. Beach nourishment provides effective protection without altering the recreational values or natural integrity of a shoreline. In providing protection, beach nourishment benefits rather than deprives adjacent areas. This option maintains access along the beach for activities such as swimming and fishing. - " Hard solutions" ,common hard defences are groins ( perpendicular to the coast), detached breakwaters (parallel to the coast), sometimes submerged, and se-walls. Each of these protective structures has a specific function. Groins are built to reduce the longshore sediment transport in a certain beach area. [1] If not well designed (length, height) they can cause at the leeside severe erosion, extending over several kilometres along the coastline. The latter, n turn, cause an elongation of the defence system over more and more coastline. Detached breakwaters are offshore barriers intended to reduce wave action on the existing coastline. This effect will not only reduce onshore – offshore transport (especially during storm conditions) but will, in certain circumstances reduce littoral drift and create " tombolo’s " due to wave diffraction effects. Under severe storm conditions the water layer above K. Mezouar / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 131-136 (2007) the crest will no longer abate the incoming waves, which will continue to attack and erode the beach area. Furthermore, the wave attack on the structure is heaviest under these conditions. Sea-walls are built to prevent to coastline from further regression. On eroding beaches with predominant longshore transport such defences will no alter the longshore transport and beach erosion in front of the sea-wall will continue. The latter increases wave attack on the sea-wall and the offshore transport. As a consequence: the stability of the structure is undermined. These solutions are applicable in medium and long time scale. Groins and breakwaters will only affect the wave climate and sediment transport in the immediate area. They do not create solutions for the adjacent coastal areas where the sediment transport capacities are unchanged. On the contrary, the may cause a spectacular increase in sediment transport on the lee-side of the construction causing new coastal erosion. In fact the problem has been moved from one area to another. If recreational aspects are important, any coastal structure one the beach should be avoided. Furthermore, considerable sums of money have to be spent on maintenance and repair due to storm damage of the structures. - " Non-structural ", the first three protection measures mentioned above fall into this category. The consideration of any of these methods requires careful planning and design considerations to withstand the erosive forces that may be encountered on your property. A property owner should first consider taking no action. Often, a property owner's reaction to shore erosion is to act immediately. The property owner is advised to estimate the losses if no action is taken, especially if the land is undeveloped or relatively inexpensive structures are at risk. In some circumstances, the property will have only a very low erosion rate or experience erosion only during major storms. It may be desirable under these site characteristics to leave the shoreline in its natural condition. If the encroachment of the water on the property threatens valuable structures, then relocation should be the next alternative considered. 133 Site characteristics: The shoreline is usually flat. The exposure to the forces of erosion must be minimal and the erosion rate low to nonexistent. Sufficient land should also be present between the water and any structures to withstand the erosion rate during the lifetime of the structures. The advantages of this option are saving money and avoiding accelerating erosion on adjacent properties. The relocation of any structures could cost less than erosion control measures. The disadvantages are: The loss of any waterfront property maybe costly and this option provides no protection from erosion. Relocation of structures takes special equipment and technical expertise and could cost as much or more than an erosion control structure. The introduction of sediment from uncontrolled erosion into the water may also be harmful to fish and aquatic plants. Actually, "soft solutions" or "do nothing" solutions are considered optimum, in good agreement with coastal mechanism dynamics and natural processes. Usually, these methods have a reduced impact on the beach environment and, they require lower costs and reduced maintenance. 3. Protection measure Efforts were certainly authorized for the safeguarding of the beaches, but compared to the environmental and economic stakes, one notes overall that it remains still much to make. We can present in three shutters. The Algerian experiment as regards rehabilitation of the beaches: systems of coastal protection, the legal devices for protection and methodological research for the integrated management of the beaches. The protection works used on the Algerian coast are quite diverse. 3.1 Longitudinal works: These ones can be encountered all aver the central pert of Algeria (Boumerdes, Ain Taya, Alger) and their purpose is to stop the sea progress. These works constructed as vertical walls were considered as the only means to protect the sea coast because of their advantages: their area is relatively restricted and they can stand against the wave’s impact due to their massiveness. However 134 Protection Measures on… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 131-136 (2007) their efficiency is rather low due to their reflecting power, and especially to the taking-over of power of the frontal waves. Also they are not aesthetic. 3.2 Transversal works: They are concentrated in the area of the towns such as Alger, Boumerdes, Tipaza. They can also be met along a great length of the coastal area (AinTaya, Bordj El Kiffan, and Sidi Fredj) [2].The main inconvenient lies in the fact that the alluvia are deposited on the exposed side while the continuous erosions can be noticed in the protected area without sediments. In order to prevent the extension of these erosions, the number of groins has been enlarged. Sometimes they are performed too close to the shore and can absorb only a small part of the wave’s power. Thus the protection works are not adapted to the constant degradation type and generally the same type has been used. In the case of groins there can be noticed erosions in the downstream and thus the solution has to be analyzed. The protection walls are meant to stabilize the high shores and to protect the structures against the sea action, especially in case of sea storms (Boudouau Marine, Bordj El Bahri).The walls cease the alluvial change between the high beach and the sea shore creating a significant lack of balance of the waves power, and thus an increase of the erosion. 4. The new soft protection shore in the Algerian littoral For Algeria, the objective is to find a solution not only economic but also which will be matched with the durable development. The artificial supply of the beaches is possible but it is needed a material as close to the existing one (e.g. granularity).At present this idea is under study as the borrowing sources are rare. This solution is expensive but efficient if the nature and granularity of the existing sediments is satisfied. Also it is necessary to protect the dunes as they are at the origin of the Aeolian entrapping of the sediments. The use of the sand of the Saharian Atlas proposed for the concept of artificial nourishment. [5] The objective was double; to fight against the projection of the desert while facing the marine floods. It was necessary to confirm or cancel the existence of a sand which must be imperatively close to the littoral (Saharian Atlas) and also of a texture (size) coarse or identical which answers the climate of waves of the easily flooded dimensions by applying the law of Krumbrein. [6] R = ( Aφ a / Aφ n ) exp − (Mφ n − Mφ a )2 ( 2 A 2φ n − A 2φ a ) (1) Aφ e s tandard deviation of material of contribution Aφ n standard deviation of natural material of the shore φ the Krumbein scale of Phi. Mφ e median of material of contribution Mφ n median of natural material of the shore It is necessary that R borders 1,5. The report/ratio obtained for the sand of the source is equal to 1.63. The results confirm that the sand of the atlas has very good quality (diameter and morphoscopy) to feed the beach. The loading of the dimensions by the sand of the Saharian Atlas, an other objective was drawn up which is the creation of the artificial see-weeds which will have the role of attenuator of billows and to protect the shore with a reasonable cost compared to the riprap, groynes and breakwater which are very expensive. As example this technique could be recommended on the Western beach of Sidi frej and Bejaia plage or of the thousands of cubic meters of sands gone up of the small funds is evacuated backwards country because of the destruction of the dunes or the sea does not cease advancing. In many projects beach nourishment is combined with the construction of hard defence structures saw with soft defence, such as: - Combination of artificial nourishment with construction of groins battery of length (60 meters) and decreasing in the direction of longshore. - Combinations of beach fill with a set of long jetties (artificial headlands) and a series of lowcrested, submerged breakwaters (artificial reefs). Artificial headlands contain the sediment K. Mezouar / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 131-136 (2007) movement within a coastal cell, limiting the sediment transport across the headlands. - Artificial seaweed is another technique. The artificial seaweed is placed in the water in units of 1.3 m long. They reduce the speed of the current, allowing sand to be deposited around and on top of the seaweed units. The units are eventually buried by an offshore sand bar, and the deposit protects the beach from wave action - Beach nourishment and rebuilt dune with buried seawall/revetment. The soft alternative (beach and dune with buried rock seawall/revetment) was determined to be both environmental and economically advantageous when compared against an armored revetment for storm protection against the 1 percent change storm event. In the event of a major storm causing severe dune erosion, the buried seawall will prevent storm damage if a second major storm occurs in the same season. - Geotextile materials or filter fabrics have a long history for foundation mats beneath rubble-mound structures and, they have been used as silt curtains to contain dredged materials in the water column. They have also been formed into bags and long, sausage-shaped cylinders (called Longard Tubes) and filled with sand. They have been deployed as revetments for dune protection, as nearshore breakwaters, and as groins. The design life of a geotextile filled bag depends on many factors. It is generally less than properly designed rock structures serving the same function. However, if found to cause negative impacts to adjacent shorelines, the bags can be cut open and removed with the filled sand remaining on the beach. It is for this reason that a soft groin field was permitted with a beach nourishment project - Slope grading and terracing: A shoreline bank may be unstable due to the steepness of the slope. Slope grading and terracing will reduce the steepness, and therefore, decrease erosion caused by waves striking a steep slope. The shoreline must have a steep slope where erosion is present. No additional materials are required for this type of shoreline protection other than top soil, vegetation and materials for surface/subsurface water management such as ditches or drains. 135 If wave energies are high, the use of slope reduction and terracing may not be enough to stop erosion. The slope of the existing shoreline and the desired one must be determined. A recommended design is 5:1 (average for terracing), although a slope of 3:1 is often satisfactory - especially if combined with other methods of shore protection. It is recommended that regraded banks be stabilized with plants. The control of surface and sub-surface runoff is necessary to maintain slope stability and to prevent the destruction of any grading that is performed on the site. Generally, the cost for this procedure is low but varies. The cost rises dramatically if materials need to be removed from the site. Maintenance Requirements: Periodic regrading and replanting may be necessary depending upon the erosion rate. The use of additional material may also be necessary to maintain the proper slope. Slope grading and terracing can result inland that is more useful to the property owner and provides access to the waterfront. The process can also be combined with erosion control structures for increased effectiveness at low additional cost. Many non-traditional ways to armor, stabilize, or restore the beach including the use of patented, precast concrete units, geotextile-filled bags, and beach dewatering systems have been tried in the field. Their success depends on their stability during storm events and durability over the economic, design life. Their initial cost and cost for removal if environmental impacts warrant can be less than traditional methods, at some sites. These new technologies often involve non-traditional materials or shapes but are employed in a traditional manner, e.g., nearshore breakwaters. [8] 5. Conclusion The constructions of hard coastal defences (groins, detached breakwaters, sea-walls) are not always the optimal solution for the prevention from the beach erosion. They may even displace the coastal erosion problem from one area to another. The better understanding of coastal dynamics, use of coastal morphological models verified and calibrated with field measurements and the evolution in dredging techniques and equipment 136 Protection Measures on… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 131-136 (2007) tends to postpone the need to construct new groins, breakwater, etc… The time won in delaying the implantation of the hard solution gives more lee-way to investigate, understand, and so manipulate the processes of beach erosion. As a result one endsup questioning the necessity for a hard solution in the first place; a decision which may prove to have been unjustified. Many coastal erosion problems can be solved by proper sand suppletion as well as contributing much better to any recreational aspect of the beach. Examples of beach nourishements all over the world show a progressive confidence in this matter. In many projects beach nourishment is combined with the construction of hard defence structures and with soft defence. Any beach nourishment project must always be accompanied by a well defined observation programme to monitor trends. 6. Bibliography [1] Bonnefille R., Cours d’hydraulique maritime, 1992 , 3° édition - Ed. MASSON [2] Boutiba M.,. Etude en grandeur nature du mode de fonctionnement des ouvrages de protection de la plage Est de Sidi-Frèdj (Ouest algérois), 1996 Magister en géomorphologie et aménagement des côtes. ISMAL, Alger, 123 p. [3] Coman, C.and I. Postolach., Protection Measures for Romanian Schore, proceedings of the international conference on Coastal Zone Management and Coastal Engineering,, 1997.Varn Bulgaria. Pp. 104-109 [4] CERC, Shore protection projects. Civil Engineering Research Center, Department of The Army Corps of Engineers, 2001. Washington DC part V,chap. 3, 92 p. [5] Hemdane,Y., et Gater S., faisabilte des rechargements, en algerie, des plages et petits fonds incluant les produits geosynthetiques. Exemple d’une plage de bejaia, 2000. Memoire d’ingenieurat d’etat en protection des littoraux. Ismal. Alger. [6] Krumbrein,W.C., A method for specification of sand for beach fills, Beach Erosion Board, 1957. Technical Memorandum N 102,Washington [7] Paskoff, R., Cotes en danger. Coll de la geographie, 1993. Masson ed, 247p [8] US Army Corps of ingineers (1981): Low-cost shore protection: A property owener’s quid; low cost shore protection: A guide for local government officials; Lows-cost shore protection: A guide for Enginners and contractrs. Washignton, D.C. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Shoreline Variation and Protection Measures on the Romanian Coast Line of the Black Sea – A Case Study for Mamaia Beach Khoudir MEZOUAR a Romeo CIORTAN b Institution of The Sea Science and The Management of The Litoral (ISMAL), Algeria b I.P.T.A.N.A. Bucharest, Bucharest, 010867, România __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat:Ţărmul românesc al Mării Negre este foarte variat ( plaje, faleze, lagune, delta…)existând şi un curent litoral important de o comlexitate deosebită. Se pot observa zone de acumulări ca şi sectoare supuse eroziunii. In acest articol se propune modelarea fenomenului de variaţie a coastei, bazată pe modelul UNIBEST. Se calculează schimbările liniei ţărmului pe o perioadă lungă de timp şi pe o zonă întinsă. Acest model este foarte utilizat în inginerie costieră.Eroziunile generale ale ţărmului românesc şi extinderea portului Midia sunt principalele cauze ale pierderii de plaje în zona Mamaia. Modelarea evoluţiei liniei de coastă în Mamaia arată că zona de sud este în principal afectată de eroziuni. În lucrare sunt recomandate unele lucrări de protecţie. Acestea constau în principal în reabilitarea digurilor insulă şi aport de nisip. a Abstract: The Romanian Black sea coastline is very varied (beaches, cliffs, mudflats, delta,…) with important and complex sedimentary drifts. We can see piles of sand which may disturb the economic activity as well as subsiding sandy coasts subject to erosion. We propose in this paper an approach of modeling the phenomena of coastline variation, based on UNIBEST model. There are already various models of coastal erosion but these models always have difficulties because of the nature of the system considered or the method of resolution used. UNIBEST models calculate changes in the shoreline position on long time periods and wide areas. They are very used in coastal engineering. The general erosion of Romanian coast and the extension of the Midia harbour are the main causes of the severe losses in the beach area at Mamaia. The modelling of the coast line evolution in the Mamaia showed that there the southern zone is affected by erosion. Some protective solutions have been recommended in this work. They consist either on the implantation of some sand bar and rehabilitation of detached breakwaters. Keywords: beaces, drift, coastal erosion. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction Any coastal morphology is changing with the hydrodynamic factors and with the alternations of the boundary conditions throughout the year. Longshore currents, wave actions, storm surges and other hydraulic loads cause permanent changes to the shore, some being quick, others becoming evident only after years. If the shore is a flat beach, there may be a balance of erosion and accretion during the year and only storm surges may cause severe loss of soil. In other places there is a threat of permanent erosion, so defense works have to be realized. The Romanian Black sea zone has a total length of 243 km and it can be divided into two sectors from both geological and geomorphological ISSN 1584 - 5990 points of view. The boundary between the sectors is usually placed at Cape Midia. The northern sector is placed in front of the Danube Delta and its evolution is well correlated with that of the delta, and the southern sector is characterized by the presence of cliffs, interrupted in several zones (Mamaia, Eforie, Costinesti and North Mangalia) by littoral bars. Field observations and measurements on Romanian coastline have shown a strong degradation evolution due to the beach erosion. If one would not counteract this structural erosion considerable parts of the coastal region would be lost in time. In the paper, the Romanian shoreline evolution is analyzed. The reasons of seashore degradation and the means for stopping these phenomena and for © 2000 Ovidius University Press 138 Shoreline Variation … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 137-144 (2007) beach rehabilitation, which were applied lately, are described. 1. Description of the model [5] We present in this work, the evolution of the shore of mamaia using the model UNIBEST. In this study a short description is given of the UNIBEST model. UNIBEST-TC stands for uniform Beach Sediment Transport Time dependent Cross-shore. This version uses vertical extrapolation of the sediment transport across the dry part of the profile as implemented by Gootjes [6]. It is based on the discretization by finite elements of the equations controlling the propagation of the swell, the littoral current and transport transversely and the line of coast. The application of model UNIBEST is valid only under certain assumptions: - Morphological assumptions: the littoral must be uniform, i.e. that the bathymetric lines are almost parallel and that the relative transverse profile is in balance. - Sedimentological assumptions: granulometry must be uniform and of the same dimension, - Hydrodynamic assumptions: the hydrodynamic factors such as the swell characterized by its period T, its significant height Hs and its direction of propagation compared to the transverse profile of the coast, must be constant Model UNIBEST is composed of three dependent subprograms :(UNIBEST-LT) Uniform Beach Sediment Transport-Longshore Transport; (UNIBEST-TC) Uniform Beach Sediment Transport-Time Dependent Coastal profile model; (UNIBEST-CL ) Uniform Beach Sediment Transport-Coast-Line dynamics. 1.1. Formulation of UNIBEST-LT model Program UNIBEST-LT has for role essential to estimate the value of the littoral transit, for each formula of transport, while being based on the calculation of the littoral current due to the tide, with the combined swell or their actions, all along the transverse profile of the coast. It is formed with the conservation equations of the energy of the swell (1), quantity of movement according to the x axis (3) and of the law of Snell (4). d dx ⎛ ⎜⎜ C ⎝ E Df ⎞ Db cos α ⎟⎟ + + = 0 ωr ⎠ ωr ωr (1) x : longitudinal axis, E: energy of the swell, C g : g speed of group, α: angle of incidence of the swell D d :dissipation of the energy of the swell due to the surge D f :dissipation of the energy of the swell due to friction ωr (2) ω r : relative frequency of the swell = ω − KV . sin α V : current velocity, K : wave of the swell in the direction of the propagation numbers. ω Eigen frequency of the swell (2π/T), d dx (S XX ) + ρ gh . d ξ dx (3) = 0 k * sin α = C te (4) Sxx: shear stress according to the y axis, ξ: unevenness of the sea level due to the action of the swell, h : depth of water, g: the acceleration of gravity, ρ: density of sea water, T: period of the swell. 1.2. Equations of the longitudinal current It is about the conservation equation of the quantity of the movement projected on the axis of the Y. d (S XY ) + ρ gh dh 0 + ρ g V .V tot = 0 dx dy C ch (5) Sxy: component, according to y axis of the tensor of radiation, h0 : depth of water at rest, C ch : coefficient of Chezy, Vtot : total speed, U rms : orbital velocity of the water particles 2 V tot = V 2 + U rms (6) 139 K. Mezouar and R. Ciortan / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 137-144 (2007) 1.3. Equations of longitudinal transit [7] In the model of transport of sediment six empirical formulas of transport are programmed. Formula of Van Rijn (1992), formula of Vander Mer-Pilarczyk (1992), formula of CERC (1984), formula of Baillard (1981), formula of EnglandHansen (1979), formula of Bijker (1971). 1.4. Mathematical formulation UNIBEST-TC model of UNIBEST-TC is designed to compute crossshore sediment transport and resulting profile changes along a longshore uniform coast. Sediment transport is calculated under the combined action of waves, longshore currents and wind. These boundary conditions can be either constant or periodic, or can be given as time series. The UNIBEST-TC model consists of five submodules, these are: • Wave propagation module. • Mean current profile module. • Wave orbital velocity module. • Bed load and suspended load transport module. • Bed level change module. It is formed with the conservation equations of the energy of the swell (1), quantity of movement according to the x axis (3) and of the conservation of the momentum according to the y axis (5) ρghiy Dt ω K sin α = Aρ 1 + sin 2 α π f ω f c U1V (7) i y : longitudinal gradient of the water level due to the tide, , Dt :dissipation of energy due to turbulence f c , f ω : factors of frictions, U 1 : amplitude orbital velocity corresponding to Hrms, A coefficient of chock. Equations of the model of the rip current : U 2K D τ = ρν t b sin (2 Kh ) + t C C (8) vt : turbulent viscosity, U b : amplitude of the oscillatory speed near of the bottom, C propagation velocity of the swell. For the layer of medium and the layer of the bottom, the conservation equations of the momentum are given respectively by: ∂ ⎛ ∂U ⎞ ∂ <U ⎜ν t ⎟= ∂Z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ∂x ( 2 > − <V ) > + g 2 ∂ < Zs > ∂x (9) ∂ ⎛ ∂U ⎞ ∂ ∂ < zs > ∂ < uw > + ⎜ν t ⎟ = (< u2 > − < v2 >) + g ∂Z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ∂x ∂x ∂z (10) U, w: components orbital velocity of the swell, U: current secondary. Equations of the morphological change of the bottom: The morphological changes of the bottom are evaluated by using the conservation equation of the mass. According to the transverse axis, this equation is given by: ∂ z ∂ q tr =0 + ∂ t ∂ xr (11) xr transverse coordinate, qtr transport, Z depth of water. 1.5. Mathematical formulation of UNIBEST-CL model Model UNIBEST-CL has as a role to estimate the evolution of the feature of coast and to observe the impact of the works of protection established along the coast while being based on the effect of the gradient of the littoral transit evaluated by model UNIBEST-LT and of the transport transversely evaluated by unit UNI-TC. Model UNIBEST-CL is composed of two units (SHOWTS unit, STRUCT unit). It is based on the conservation equation of the mass: ∂Q s ∂y (12) h + + q = 0 c ∂t ∂x b Qs: longitudinal transport of sediment, hc: depth activates transverse profile, qb source term or well. The estimate of the feature of coast by UNIBEST-CL is based on the conservation equation of the mass in the longitudinal direction. Each section is modeled only, by imposing adequate conditions at each end. UNIBEST model proposes three boundary conditions: the feature evolution of coast parallel with itself (∂σ / ∂t = 0 ) with (∂x / ∂y = 0 ) , the coast does not evolve/move in the course of 140 Shoreline Variation … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 137-144 (2007) time (∂ y / ∂ t = 0 ) , a variable littoral transit according to the time. 1.6. Evaluation of the Mamaia shore The shoreline evolution of Mamaia beach is strongly influenced by the Midia harbour dikes. The sand supply of the longshore drift is trapped upstream of the Midia harbour dikes, causing sediment starvation of the Mamaia beach and the remainder of the Romanian southern coast, where the other touristic beaches are located. Field observations and measurements on Romanian coastline have been made during the last 35 years. It was found a strong degradation evolution due to the beach erosion. During 19621997, the sea has been advancing at an average rate of approximately 25 m per year. From the total length of the Northern Unit, of 128 km, as much as 57% is eroded, 36% is under accretion, and 7% shows a relative constancy [3]. In the Southern Unit, Mamaia beach shows accretion in its northern part and erosion in the southern one. Mamaia beach shoreline retreated up to 38 m, between 1978 and 1995, and it has been registered an accumulation of 15 m (maximum value) only in a small area. More then a half part of the beach is protected by “hard” works consisting of 6 breakwaters parallel to the shoreline and a groin in the southern part. Erosion Causes - The rectification of Sulina branch of the Danube delta and extension of jetties 8 km seaward determined a constant migration of sediment discharging points to areas of larger depths (> 15 m). However, this sediment load has a big role in replenishing coastal sand bars from the southern part of the coast, from Mamaia to Vama Veche. -The seaward extension of the jetties for navigation purposes, created a sediment trap for the sediments discharged through Chilia branch. These sediments contribute to a secondary delta of Chilia branch north of Sulina in Musura. - The Sahalin Island, a naturally formed littoral sand bar and Midia, Constanta South. - Agigea, Mangalia harbour dikes disturbed the natural direction of the longshore drift, having negative effects both on the littoral sediment budget and the shoreline. - Sea level rise and intensification of hydrodynamic factors contribute to the erosion phenomenon. 1.7. Hydrodynamic data Statistic tests of wind direction indicate also a high value of the coefficient of stability during storm situations with strong winds [2]. Mean duration (about 30 hours) and maximal duration of storms (more than 130 hours) are recorded for wind from the North. Maximum wind speed is about 40 m/s. Maximum wave height during these storms is about 9.5 m and about 8 m near the shore. The NorthSouth orientation of the Romanian shore the bathymetric contours determine the asymmetry of wave propagation. Winds from West have a confined fetch and wave crests run parallel to the shoreline because refraction in the shallow water near the shore. The highest values of the average wave parameters are recorded for waves from the East direction, perpendicular to the shore: length (Lm) is about 34 m, height (Hm) about 1.2 m and the period (Tm) about 5 sec. 1.8. Parameters of UNIBEST model Depth of closing: It is the depth from which is held indeed the phenomenon of transport. [4] h f = 2 .28 H so − 68 .5 H so2 gT 2 (13) h f : Depth of closing , H 50 : significant height of the swell. Profiles of balance: It depends on the hydrodynamic conditions and the granulometry of the medium H r (xr ) = A 1 xr 2/3 with A 1 = 0 . 067 W 0 . 44 s (14) K. Mezouar and R. Ciortan / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 137-144 (2007) ∑ [H (xr ) − H (xr )] ∑ H (xr ) 141 2 ε = r d (15) 1 2 r 1 H r : depth of water to the transverse position xr :compared to the coast, H d : depth of Dean to The calibration related to the hydrodynamic parameters, the coefficients of the formulas of transport, limit of the dynamic zone xrb corresponding to the height of closing and limit of the zone of transport. the position xr, Ws : falling speed of the particles. 2. Diagram of Bonnefille [1] giving the height and the period according to the characteristics of the wind (lasted of action, speed, fetch) Table 1: Results of the calibration of the model Equation parameters T dom = ∑ ∑P Pi T i i i i α dom , ⎡ ∑ Pi H T i ⎤ ⎥ = ⎢⎢ i ⎥ T dom ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 2 si H sdom ⎡ ∑ Pi H si2 Ti sin α i ⎢ = Arctg ⎢ i P H 2 T cos α i ⎢ ∑ i si i ⎣ 1/ 2 ⎤ ⎥ (16) ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ T i : period of the swell n° I, T dom : period of the dominant swell, pi : percentage of occurrence of the swell, H si : Significant height of the swell, : Significant height of the dominant swell, H sdom αi: direction of the swell n° I compared to the transverse profile, α dom : direction of the dominant swell compared to the transverse profile. Results obtained Hydrodynamic equations α = 0.91 γ = 0.69 fc = 1 k r = 0.58 k r = 0.030 Formulas of transport Limit of the dynamic zone and the zone of Transport n= 0.4 epsb = 0.14 epss = 0.024 xrb = 373 xrb =391 Y (m) 142 Shoreline Variation … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 137-144 (2007) Y (m) X (km) Fig 1: evolution of the shoreline in the northern part of the Mamaia beach X (km) Fig 2: evolution of the shoreline in the southern part of the Mamaia beach We observe an agreement between the shoreline observed in the morphological chart and shoreline simulated by the model. In order to respect the assumptions of UNIBEST, the shore of the Mamaia is subdivided K. Mezouar and R. Ciortan / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 137-144 (2007) in two sub-sectors the following figures show the result obtained. The result of simulation is presented in the figures. It shows the evolution of the coast of Mamaia on the horizon 2010 starting from its position in 2006. Mamaia beach shows accretion in its northen part and erosion in the southern one. The northern sub-sector: shoreline beginning from the Midia port and width of approximately 40 meters (the foreshore slop is 1/6, and backshore profile is 1/46) tends towards a stable position, and it has been registered an accumulation of approximately some 10 meters only in a small area. The coast has a general tendency to fattening (1m/an on average) The southern sub-sector: in this sub-sector, many bars restaurants are built on the backshore and a beach of only 24 m wide is opened to beach users, out of the total beach width of 54 m. the overall beach slope is 1/37. The shoreline is retreated up to 38 m, between 1978 and 1999 . the coast has a general tendency to erosion (-2m/an on average) this is primarily on the one hand, with the energy brought by the swell six detached breakwaters built at the distance of some 400 m from the shore, though they have subsided greatly, are exercising a certain accretionary function as evidenced by slight advance of the shoreline behind them `compared with the area without the breakwaters. The shoreline change is typical of low-crested detached breakwaters located at a large distance from the shore. 3. Intervention requirements Coastal protection and flood defence techniques can be described in relation to the development of what are termed “hard and soft” engineering techniques. The hard engineering techniques involve the construction of solid structures designed to fix the position of the coastline, while soft techniques focus on the dynamic nature of the coastline and seek to work with the natural processes, accepting that its position will change over time. The protection measures began with the construction of the groin and the artificial 143 nourishment, which prevented the collapse under wave action of the covered swimming pool “Parc”, in the southern extremity of the Mamaia beach. Also, artificial nourishment with sand transferred from Siutghiol Lake was realised. An aerial view of this zone, before and after the achievement of the protection works. Fig.3. The southern zone of the Mamaia beach, before and after the achievement of the protection works (gryone) In the second phase of the protection measures, the entire southern zone of Mamaia beach was considered. The construction of protection works began in 1988, the adopted solution being as shown in figure 2 .Each breakwaters are 250 m length, having the crest level at +2.5 m. The weight of armour unit (individual artificial block) in primary cover layer is 20 tons. About 500,000 m3 of sand were transferred (by dredging and hydrotransport) from Siutghiol Lake to the Mamaia beach. The effect of protection works was an increment of the beach area with approximately 64,000 m2 (7.8 m3 of sand for 1 m2 of beach area). At last, the transferred sand was redistributed by the action of waves and marine currents, but now the beach area 144 Shoreline Variation … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 137-144 (2007) in southern zone of Mamaia is equivalent to the year 1962 beach area. Breakwaters and groynes will only affect the wave climate and sediment transport in the immediate area. They do not create solutions for adjacent coastal areas where the sediment transport capacities are unchanged. On the contrary, they may cause a spectacular increase in sediment transport on the lee-side of the construction causing new coastal erosion. In fact the problem has been moved from one area to other. Applying various techniques, which can be hard or soft, or a combination of both, provide the means of dealing with the problems. The solutions vary according to the local situation, but ultimately the aim is to identify the best option or options, which secure the coastline both in the interests of the environment and of people, in the most efficient and cost effective way. The overall objective is to provide policy-makers and managers with information on the available options to aid the decision-making process in order to identify the coastal defence or other management technique most appropriate for each problem area. Other solutions are proposed: reinforcement of 6 detached breakwaters with the rehabilitation of beach by the artificial nourishment of sand is accompanied, on occasion, by auxiliary works of permanent nature, such as submerged groins (200 m). Beach nourishment at Mamaia was applied to recharge the eroded beach with a appropriate sand material Basic guidelines include the principle that as much as possible, the material used for replenishment must correspond in form and size to the local beach material. Unfortunately the sand material used was too fine in the case of Mamaia beach. The nourishment resulted in local turbidity and water retention problems. Utilization of the sand bar: the basis of this shore protection methodis to use large sand-filled bags and sheets of textile to form an artificial sand bar. A low sand dun/ bar was constructed parallel to and in front of the main sand wall. This sand bar was covered with a textill sheet, the adges of which were pinned down with sand bags. In general this protection method was found to be successful. 4. Conclusion Field observations and measurement on Romanian coastline have showen a strong degradation evolution due to the beach erosion, in the paper, the Mamaia shoreline is analysed. The study of the coast of Mamaia of the required its division in areas of the study in order to respect the basic hypothesis for the UNIBEST model. The modelling of the coast line evolution in the Mamaia showed that there are two sub-sectors, accretion in its northern part and erosion in the southern one. Some protective solutions have been recommended in this work. They consist either on the reinforcement of 6 detached breakwaters by the artificial nourishment, accompanied by auxiliary works such as submerged groins 5. References [1] Bonnefille R., Cours d’hydraulique Maritime. 1992, 3° édition - Ed. MASSON. [2] Chertic, E. et al., Studiul dinamic al caracteristicilor meteorologice pentru furtuniledin bazinul vestic al Marii Negre in scopul determinarii campului vantului. Posibilitati demodelare si prognoza, Studii de Hidraulica, XXXIII.1992, Minist. Mediului, ICIM, Bucuresti, pp.77-103. [3] Coman, C.and I. Postolach., Protection Measures for Romanian Schore, proceedings of the international conference on Coastal Zone Management and Coastal Engineering. 1997 Varna Bulgaria. Pp. 104-109 [4] Dean R., Equilibrium beach profiles. Characteristics and applications. 1991, Journal of Coastal Research, vol. 7, n° 1 – ASCE. [5] Delft Hydraulics., 1992 , Manual of UNIBEST. [6] Gootjes, G,. Dunes as a source of sediment for Delft3D-MOR. MSc. 2000, thesis, Delft University of Technology. [7] Van Rijn, Handbook of sediment transport by current and waves. 1990, Delft Hydraulics, 2ème édition. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Explanatory Aspects of the Research Concerning the National Land Reclamation Digital Data Fund (FNDDIF) Irina STATEa Tudor Viorel BLIDARUb Dr. ing., CPII, Project Director, S.C. ISPIF-SA Bucharest b Dr. ing., CPII, Project Vice-Director, ISPIF Branch Iassy a Rezumat: Îmbunătăţirile Funciare, ce au drept scop principal creşterea cantitativă şi calitativă a producţiilor agricole cu păstrarea, protecţia şi ameliorarea calităţii mediului, necesită o permanentă actualizare a informaţiilor de specialitate utilizate în procesele de evaluare, gestiune şi protecţia resurselor implicate (naturale, umane, tehnice şi economice). Beneficiarii potenţiali ai sistemului informatic dezvoltat în cadrul proiectului de crecetare-dezvoltare* sunt instituţii şi regii autonome cu competenţe în domeniul amenajării şi gestionării teritoriului şi a resurselor naturale, cercetarea universitară de profil, societăţi şi firme de profil, producătorii agricoli, unităţi de producţie agricolă, publicul larg. *) „Proiectarea şi implementarea fondului naţional de date digitale al îmbunătăţirilor funciare(FNDDIF). Studiu de fundamentare şi proiect pilot pentru zona judeţului Iaşi”, contract CEEX 76/2006 Abstract: Land Reclamation having as its main purpose an increase in the quantity and quality of the agricultural production, as well as the conservation, protection and the improvement of the quality of the environment, requires a permanent process of updating the specific information used in processes of assessment, management and (natural, human, technological and economic) resource conservation. The potential beneficiaries of the IT system developed as part of the research-development project* are institutions and autonomous companies specializing in the development and management of the land and its natural resources, university research in the field, specific companies, small and large agricultural producers, general public. *) „Project and Implementation of the National Land Reclamation Digital Data Fund (FNDDIF). Explanatory Study and Pilot Project for the Iasi County Area”, contract CEEX 76/2006 Keywords: Land reclamation, GIS 1. Introduction In Romania, Land Reclamation issues have represented a concern ever since the 17th century and have registered an ample and rapid progress in the 1970’s and 80’s. Significant areas of land were earmarked for intensive agricultural crops and irrigation as part of projects addressing soil hydro reclamation of over 3.25 million hectares; soil erosion, which threatens approximately 7 million hectares in Romania, has been stopped effectively on a surface of more than 2.2 million hectares. Of great significance are also certain undertaken drainage projects. There have been important water management projects aiming at limiting the impact of natural disasters and ISSN 1584 - 5990 encouraging the use of water from hydro-energetic systems. Considering all of the above, as well as the large percentage of rural inhabitants and farm workers – over 45% - the arguments in favor of approaching the issues related to natural resource management and sustainable agricultural development via an IT system are convincing. Land reclamation works concerning and having an impact on the environment can take advantage of the use of IT in all stages of the specific decision drafting process – study, analysis, evaluating and testing various planning and/or project options, execution, operating, maintenance and management. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 146 Explanatory Aspects of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 145-150 (2007) 2. Objectives The main objective is to achieve an IT system based on GIS technology able to assist in making decisions concerning Land and Environment Reclamation. We anticipate a series of research activities – developing scientific and practical bases for models, technologies, procedures, and support applications meant to help define and achieve the software system based on GIS together with the use of remote sensing data as a database for specific works in the area – land studies, planning and operating land reclamation projects, impact studies. The specific objectives refer to the following aspects: - Research-development and technological transfer activities with the purpose of achieving land reclamation and environmental engineering with the help of an IT system, together with specific studies aiming at works of land reclamation, their management and the state of the environmental systems involved; - To integrate in the software system and use various networks, technologies, procedures and models meant to help elaborate analyses, solutions, and decisions concerning the problems related to land reclamation and environmental engineering; - Creating the opportunity to disseminate the good practices by adequately popularizing them. Measurable objectives – performance indicators to be achieved as a consequence of implementing the suggested system throughout the mentioned territory – associated with the above mentioned objectives are: • Improving the land reclamation management performance parameters; • Improving natural resource conservation, protection and regeneration as well as diminishing the environmental risk factors; • Increasing the quality and effectiveness of technical and economic decisions specific to the field of land reclamation and environmental engineering; • • Achieving a timely and effective promotion campaign for the IT product that addresses the specialists in the area, the relevant public authority bodies and the general public; Promoting the top technologies in the field and the development of new social facilities and services for the common citizen. 3. The theoretic framework of the project Concepts like sustainable development and integrated resource management must be supported by an adequate IT basis which allows for real parameter evaluations and effective assistance in making specific decisions by analyzing options and offering the best solutions. The main relevant directions for sustainable development are: • The use of sustainable development indices; • Promoting international use of sustainable development indices; • Improving the process of gathering and using data; • Improving the data evaluation and analysis methods; • Establishing an adequate IT framework; • Strengthening traditional informing methods; • Producing adequate information to assist in the decision-making process; • Creating documentation to accompany the information; • Establishing standards and methods to use the information; • Implementing and developing electronic data networks; • Using commercial information sources. In order to set a theoretic framework for the project in accordance with the sustainable development objectives, a number of internationally implemented and used models were examined. The PSR Model The PSR model (pressure – state – response) used, for instance, to evaluate indicators of soil quality, associates the pressure on the environment as a consequence of human activities with changes in the state of the environment. I. State and T. V. Blidaru / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 145-150 (2007) 147 Driving Forces and Pressure. 10 areas of concern were selected: air pollution, climate change, loss of biodiversity, marine environments and coastal areas, ozone layer depletion, resource depletion, toxic substance disposal, urban waste problems, water pollution, and water resources. The PSIR Model It represents an intermediate approach (between PSR - DPSIR) which emphasizes and connects four of the five aspects mentioned earlier. Fig. 1. Pressure – State – Response Model The advantage of this model consists of the fact that it can be used for activities on areas as large as a hydrographic basin, for instance. The disadvantage of this model consists of the fact that its components and objectives are not easily identifiable for the scale at which the project is implemented. The PSIR model emphasizes four aspects of the problems that have an impact on the territory and/or the environment: - The pressure variable feature describes the causes that generate a problem, be it an existing problem or the result of a new project or investment. - The state variable feature usually describes a measurable physical characteristic which occurs as a result of an existing pressure. - The impact variable feature monitors the long term consequences of the pressure The response variable feature is represented by strategies, actions or investments aiming at solving the problem. LEGEND: Presiune – pressure, Stare – state, Raspuns – response, Informatii – information Activitati umane – human activities: energy, transportation, industry, agriculture, others Starea mediului si a resurselor naturale – state of the environment and natural resources: water, air, soil, natural resources Agenti economici si de mediu – environmental and economic agents: administration, domestic households, economic institutions, international environment Raspuns social – social response: decisions, actions The DPSIR Model The Driving force – Pressure – State – Impact – Response: DPSIR model, created by Anthony Friend in the 1970’s represents an improvement over the Pressure – State – response (PSR) model and was widely adopted by science circles and most member states of the European Community, as well as European Agencies like Eurostat, (European Environment Agency: EEA), etc. The main focus of this model was placed on the aspects of Response, RESPONSE PRESSURE Water protection indicators STATE Water use indicators Water requirement indicators Irrigation water use indicators Water emission indicators Resource availability indicators Water quality indicators Water requirement satisfaction indicators IMPACT Population risk indicators Water effect indicators Fig. 2 PSIR model, emphasizing the types of indicators associated with water resources 148 Explanatory Aspects of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 145-150 (2007) Specialized analyses have emphasized the fact that a sufficiently general model which would totally satisfy all requirements is the DPSIR & Composite Indicators model (Driving force + Pressure + State/Impact + Resource) & Composite indicators, suggested by several European researchers because it seems to be the most sustainable European model. This model, not used at this time in our country, will have to go through a period of adaptation to the specific circumstances of Romania, given our country’s accession to the European Community. The basic principle of this model is the inclusion of all factors able to ensure total sustainability (indicators and parameters relevant for sustainable development) – as seen in Figure 3. This is essentially a tri-dimensional matrix model, based on four columns: Environment, Institutional, Social, Economic, and four lines: State, Impact, Pressure, and Driving Force, which will generate a model Response. The Composite Indicators to be used are those of the Eurosat. Integrating remote sensing data The development of Geographical Information Systems that could operate at different levels (regional, intermediary and local) is focused at present on the issue of correlating the GIS system’s high potential with the available data volume. Remote sensing may prove to be a useful tool assuming that the data is selected according to its quality and the status of the trustworthy and up to date information. Integrating the remote sensing data into the GIS involves a number of studies and specific stages concerning the information processing as well as the use of specific IT techniques like data fusion, for instance. Together with the interdisciplinary character of the environmental research in all its static and dynamic aspects, the present challenges of the IT field justify the integration of the remote sensing into spatial databases. 4. Work method and first results In cooperation with our project partners, during the first stage, we carried out a number of activities concerning: - Resource management analyses in order to organize the data and define the categories of interest for the issues concerning the implementation of a land reclamation digital data fund; - Ways to delineate and specify the features of this land reclamation digital data fund so that it meets the basic requirements of the database that represents the theme of the project; - Preliminary studies, researches and analyses related to the implementation of a land reclamation digital data fund for Iasi County; - Criterion-based analysis to decide upon the sample areas, representative areas and environmental issues; - Early collection and processing of the existing data from specialized units and sites. In order to build a graphic database and to assess further information needs, the process of primary data centralizing and processing consisting of transposing onto a digital format the data collected on paper has begun. Once the model has been decided upon by the IF team, the task of the IT team was to identify the best software solution to support this model, for example, the solution of an integrated system made up of several specialized software applications conveniently interfaced for a multi/bi/lateral data transfer. The integration can take place only around a main database. The personal database model will include the universal composite indicators for all the integrated applications, but also all the inherent constraints. The operating method requires the use of a software application, based on the data stocked in the personal database or even of composite indicators obtained from the BDIF (database). As a consequence of these activities, the following results were achieved: - An assimilation of the model necessitating an understanding of the main software requirements, limitations and major risks that could occur during implementation; I. State and T. V. Blidaru / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 145-150 (2007) - - The set up of a general model for the software structure which could support the proposed model; An assessment of the international software product offers (commercial or for research/development purpose) compatible with the requirements of the software system model; A quick assessment of all software applications which seem to offer functions required by the model; An in-depth assessment of all applications that passed the quick assessment phase; An evaluation of the basic hardware and software requirements; A period of adjusting to the chosen models; 149 - Internationally, there are numerous software applications able to address one model project aspect or another; In our country, there are several partially completed attempts to build software applications addressing the issues identified in the model but which cannot ensure the support for further development; There is not one single software application available on the market that could completely fulfill all the requirements of the model; Out of a list of several hundred assessed software packages, only 15 were chosen as potential choices. They will undergo detailed testing by our project specialist team who will eventually decide upon those to be used for the project. Fig. 3. The DPSIR & Composite Indicators Model LEGEND: Prioritatile EU – EU priorities Strategii si politici nationale – national strategies and politics Viabilitate totala – total sustainability Institutional: decision making, social response, economic response, environmental response Environment – air, soil and abiotic, water, biotic Economic – wealth, trade, help, innovation Social – health, well-being, attitude, knowledge Stare/impact – State/Impact Presiune – Pressure Forta Motoare – Driving force Eurostat indices 5. Conclusions. Further activities There have been a series of activities involving existing data fund documenting, analysis, centralizing and basic processing, as well as data collecting from specialized organizations and sites. Studies aiming at defining the characteristics of the land reclamation digital data fund, as well as preliminary studies aiming at software implementing and use of remote sensing have taken place. According to the adopted work plan, the subsequent phases of the project stipulate research and 150 Explanatory Aspects of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 145-150 (2007) development activities in sample areas of Iasi County aiming at land and environment reclamation, as well as finalizing the IT system – pilot project. 6. Acknowledgments We wish to thank hereby our collaborators and project partners: The Hydro-technical Faculty of the ‘Gh. Asachi’ Technical University Iasi, Project Director Conf. Dr. Ing. Dan Prepeliţă; the Faculty of Geography of the ‘Al. I. Cuza’ University, Iasi, Project Director Lecturer Dr. Ciprian Mărgărint; S.C. Matrix S.R.L. Iaşi – Project Director Prof. Dr. Ing. Gheorghe Ungureanu. 7. Bibliography [1] Barko J. 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Environmental and Water Resources Software Catalog, 2005 [11] State Irina, Blidaru V., Blidaru T. V. – Hydrotechnical works for Rural Development through Land Recovery, Protection and Complex Planning. Optimized solutions including Examples of Romanian and International Techniques. Performantica Publishing House, Iasi, 2006, ISBN 973-730-171-4 [12]*** Revised European Charter for the Protection and Sustainable Management of Soil. Adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 17 Jul. 2003 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Hydraulic Checking of a Sewerage Collector Gabriel TATU Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, B-dul Lacul Tei nr.122-124, sector 2 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Articolul prezintă instrumentele teoretice şi o procedură pentru verificarea funcţionarii din punct de vedere hidraulic a colectoarelor de canalizare existente. Ca exemplu se prezintă un studiu de caz. Abstract: The paper presents the theoretical tools and a proposed procedure for checking the existing sewerage collectors from a hydraulic point of view. A case study is also presented as an example. Keywords: Hydraulic systems, free surface motion, sewerage collectors. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Basic data 2. Theoretical tools The main basic data, used within the hydraulic calculations are presented bellow (on this occasion, the main notations are also presented): - the longitudinal profile, defined as the bottom level variation along the space; the bottom levels in the manholes have been considered; - the type (the shape) of the cross section is defined by the ITIP indicator, having the following signification: ITIP=1 means circular shape; ITIP=2 means ovoid shape; ITIP=3 means a bell’s shape; ITIP=4 means rectangular shape; - the dimensions of the cross section are defined by the height D and the width B; implicitly, for the circular shape B=D, for the ovoid shape D=1.5*B and for the bell’s shape B=1.5*D; for the rectangular shape B and D are given explicitly; - the roughness of the collector is given using the roughness coefficient n and the head losses have been calculated using the Manning-Pavlovski formulas; for the case study, a value of n=0.016 has been used; - the „injecting points”, i.e. the ramification points where other smaller collectors are reaching the actual one are numbered from upstream to downstream and the used indicator is IRAM. Two types of hydraulic calculation have been performed, namely: a. using the uniform movement hypothesis; b. using the non-uniform movement hypothesis. ISSN 1584 - 5990 In both cases, the calculations have been made on „calculation sectors”, having constant cross sections and slopes. Generally, these „sectors” are the same as those between the manholes but when the length between the manholes was too big, for a better accuracy in the non-uniform movement hypothesis, they have been devised into several smaller ones, respecting a maximum admitted length (in the case study, this maximum admitted length was 60 m). a. The uniform movement hypothesis is an unreal one but generally used for practical (common) designing calculations; it considers that, on each sector, the velocity and the water depth are constant (and, consequently, suddenly changing from a sector to another, not considering the inter-connections with the adjacent sectors). This hypothesis allows making an evaluation of the maximum flowing capacity of the considered sector and this indicator was noted with QPLIN. It was calculated using the uniform movement formulas bellow, for the maximum admitted filling degree: © 2000 Ovidius University Press 152 Hydraulic checking of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 151-154 (2007) - Q = K i where Q is the flow rate, K is the flow rate modulus and i is the bottom slope; 1 - K = AC R → R = A 1 → C = R6 P n where A and P are the area and the wetted perimeter of the cross section, depending on the water depth h (or the filling degree GRU=h/D) and of the cross section shape (ITIP=1/2/3/4). b. The non-uniform movement hypothesis is the real one since it considers the inter-connections between the flow on a given sector with the flows on the adjacent ones (upstream and downstream), depending on the flow regime (slow or rapid) and generating either a gradual varied movement or, on the contrary, a rapid varied one (the hydraulic jump occurrence). For the gradual varied movement, using the finite difference method, the corresponding differential equation has been solved, namely: dh i − J = ds 1 − Fr For the hydraulic jump, the relation between the conjugated depths (the entering depth h’ and the exiting one h”) has been considered: S(h’)=S(h”). In the formulas before, the notations have the following signification and calculating formulas: - J= 2 2 2 Q Q V = 2 2 = 2 2 K AC R C R is the hydraulic slope; - Fr = αQ 2 Bs g A3 is the Froude number; Bs is the width of the channel at the free surface of the water; - S ( h) = hG A + αQ 2 1 g A is the hydraulic jump function; hG represents the depths of the mass center for the flowing section A. This differential equation has been "re-written" using the finite differentials and the principle of the "commanding depths" has been followed for calculating the depth at one end of a given sector, knowing the depth at the opposite one. Step by step, the depths in all the "calculation points" (separating the "calculating sectors"), i.e. all along the collector, have been obtained. In these conditions, the continuity law could also be fulfilled and constant flow rates have been considered between two successive injecting points (like in the real situation). The calculation of the maximum flowing capacity has been made by successive trials, raising the flow rates but not allowing the collector to be put under pressure on any section. It is interesting to notice that apparently on some sectors the flowing capacity could be raised but this is not really true because it would cause the pressurizing of the adjacent sectors (usually the upstream ones). In the figures showing the results of the calculations, the maximum flowing capacity has been noted by Q and (as shown before) it has constant values between two injecting points. The corresponding velocities have been noted by V and they have variable values even for constant flow rates because they depend also of the depth h (or the filling degree GRU=h /D) and of the cross section shape which are variable along the collector. In the same figures, the indicator PRES also appears and it represents the pressure in the collector in the points where it is put under pressure; that is why this indicator appears only in a few isolated cases (as a rule, the collector is not under pressure). The units for the different parameters appearing in the figures are the following: - D, meters (m); - GRU, non-dimensional (-); - ITIP, has no units; - PRES, meters of water column (m.w.c.); - Q , QPLIN, cubic meters per second (m3/s); - V, meters per second (m/s). The results of the calculations performed for a case study are presented, in a graphical shape, in the annexes. 153 G. Tatu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 151-154 (2007) 3. Comments and conclusions based on the results of the case study Annexes Collector 1 3.5 3 D 2.5 IRAM 2 1.5 1 0.5 463 430 397 364 331 298 265 232 199 166 133 67 100 1 0 34 a. A first conclusion, having a general character, i.e. referring to any collector, is that the model of the uniform movement is not suitable in spite of the fact that it is commonly used when dimensioning the sewerage networks. As seen from the comparison between Q (non-uniform) and QPLIN (uniform), the differences are considerable. 4 Collector 1 - Injecting points 0.6 IRAM 465 436 407 378 349 320 291 262 233 204 175 146 117 88 59 30 1 0 Collector 1 5 4 ITIP 3 IRAM 2 1 449 417 385 353 321 289 257 225 193 161 129 97 65 33 1 0 Collector 1 30 25 20 Q 15 IRAM 10 5 456 421 386 351 316 281 246 211 176 141 106 71 36 0 1 b. For a specific case, the calculations allow to draw several conclusions regarding the given collector. For the case study given here as an example, there are the next remarks: - the collector has not the normal, telescopic shape, with cross section areas which should continuously grow along the space (see the parameters D and ITIP); - the available charge of the hydraulic system (the difference of the ground levels between the upstream and the downstream ends of the collector), which is rather considerable, is not used efficiently: there are sectors with very great slopes and very great velocities, with the risk of erosion and, on the other part, there are sectors with very small slopes and very small velocities, with the risk of sedimentation (see the parameter V and the longitudinal profile or the figure showing the flow appearance); - as a result of the above remarks but also of the inter-connections between the flows in the real non-uniform movement, the "evolution" of the flow capacity along the collector does not correspond to the "telescopic", continuously growing, "evolution" of the flow rates that should be transported along the collector: as seen (parameter Q), the flow capacity does not grow continuously along the space. Collector 1 140 120 100 Q 80 QPLIN 60 IRAM 40 20 4. References 463 430 397 364 331 298 265 232 199 166 133 100 67 34 1 0 Collector 1 12 10 GRU 8 V PRES 6 IRAM 4 2 449 417 385 353 321 289 257 225 193 161 129 97 65 33 0 1 Tatu, G. – Hydraulique II, Cours et Applications, U.T.C.B., Departement de Genie Civil, 1998 (French language). Tatu, G. – Hydraulique I, Cours et Applications, Editura Orizonturi Universitare Timisoara, 2005 (French language). 154 Hydraulic checking of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 151-154 (2007) Bottom level - meters Collector 1 - Longitudinal Profile 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 52 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Space - meters 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 The Increase of Strong Rainfall Concentrated on Small Areas as an Effect of Climatic Changes Marius TELIŞCĂ a Catrinel-Raluca GIURMA-HANDLEY a Petru CERCEL a a Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iassy, Iassy, 700050, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Primele semne ale schimbărilor climatice sunt cele mai vizibile. Observaţiile meteorologice sunt cele mai indicate pentru a compara valorile parametrilor actuali cu valorile înregistrate în timpul monitorizării meteorologice a mediului înconjurător. Datele obţinute prin studierea inelelor copacilor, nucleul ghetii superficiale şi prin alte metode de analiză indirectă a climei, sugerează că la ora actuala temperatura globală a solului are nivelul cel mai ridicat din ultimii 600 de ani. Se estimează că aceste tendinţe vor continua, exceptând mici variatii sezoniere, în special în Europa de Sud. Meteorologii apreciază că gheaţa de la Polul Nord va fi topită aproape complet în timpul verii. Până la sfârşitul secolului temperatura globală va creşte cu 4° Celsius, ceea ce va determina o creştere a nivelului oceanului cu până la 30 de centimetrii[7]. În Europa verile vor fi caniculare şi secetoase, dar va avea loc o creştere a umidităţii în sezonul rece. O altă consecinţă a încălzirii globale va fi creşterea cantităţii de precipitaţii şi evident a pericolului de producere a inundaţiilor.[8]. Abstract: The first signs of the climatic changes are the most visible. The meteorological observations are the closest to compare the values of the actual parameters with the values recorded along the meteorological monitoring of the environment. The dates obtained by studying the rings of the trees, the core of the superficial ice and other methods of indirect analysis of the climate suggest that in these times the global temperatures at the soil level are higher then in any other stage from the last 600 years. These tendencies are expected to continue, excepting the small seasonal variations, especially in Southern Europe. The meteorologists estimate that the ice on the North Pole will melt almost completely during the summer season. By the end of the century the global temperature will increase by 4° Celsius and that will cause an increase on the ocean level up to 30 centimeters [7]. In Europe, the summers will be dryer and warmer, but it will be an increase of the humidity on the cold season. Another consequence of the global warming will be the increase of the precipitation quantity and obvious, of the flooding. [8] Keywords: climatic changes, global temperature, global warming, precipitation. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Climatic extremes and climatic changes events at global level and on Romania territory At planetary level exists a complex of specific phenomena named ENSO (the acronym from “El Niño Southern Oscilation”) with great influence over the global climate. Despite the fact it is happening in southern hemisphere, the scale of ENSO affects the entire planetary climatic system. El Niño is a relatively recent meteorological phenomenon, associated with the unusual warming of the waters in the central and eastern area of the Pacific Ocean. ISSN 1584 - 5990 El Niño appears without a pattern, but tends to reappear on periods between 3 and 7 years. Its “Counterparty” is named La Niña and is characterized by an accentuate cooling of the waters in those areas. This complex of phenomena has an extremely big influence over the cyclonic activity. [6]. The effects of the climatic changes were noticed also in Romania particularly in the last years. Also the passing from the cold season to the warm one it’s not gradual, but sudden with important temperature variations, and in the passed year were registered many meteorological phenomena. In the year 2000, the average temperature on our country was with 1,8 C higher than the normal © 2000 Ovidius University Press 156 The increase of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 155-160 (2007) temperature( 8,3°C). Unlike the multiyear average values, the medium temperatures of the year 2000, presented positive deviations seized between 1-2°C, in the largest part of the territory. The highest temperatures of this year passed 40°C in the south of the country and were registered in the days of 45 of July and 21-22 of August. The annual highest temperature was 43,5°C registered at Giurgiu on the 5th oh July. The lowest temperatures were registered in the days 26-27of January, the values of these ones were under -25°C in the mountain area. The minimum temperatures have recorded in the days of 25+26 of January, the values being under +25°C in the mountain area, on small territories in north-west and south-west of the country, and in the depressions of the Easter Transylvania have drop below -30°C. The yearly precipitation quantity on the level of the entire country have been lower with 33,4% than the normal average multiyear. Excepting the months of January, March and September, with exceeding precipitation regime, the rest of the months have been deficit. As an example: in October, the average precipitation quantities have been of 3,2 mm (the climatologically normal is 38,0 mm). In Oltenia, western Muntenia and Carpatii de Curbura the precipitation did not appear. 2. The effects of the climatic changes over the circulatory water regime By modifying the thermal regime of the atmosphere due to the climatic changes, results implicitly the changes on the water circulatory regime. In the areas that became warmer due to this changes is obvious that will increase the evapotranspiration at surface level. The water evaporation intensify with the increase of the warming, that because the natural vapors pressure increase proportionally with the increase of the temperature. [5] The prolonged droughts affects not as much the quality of the resources but especially there quality, the water becoming then a strategically resource for those area. Due to the meteorological dates analyzed over a period of 40 years, 19612000, has became obvious that the most vulnerable areas for the extreme agricultural drought phenomena in Romania are the southern and south-eastern areas, especially in southern Oltenia, Muntenia and Moldova, Baragan and Dobrogea. Certain that all the evaporated water from a certain area will be transported as vapors and where are favorable conditions for condensing will return to the ground as very strong rainfalls. The size of the precipitation drops (200…5000μm) depends on the length of the road through the clouds and the atmospheric turbulence. The biggest drops emerge from Cumulus and Cumulonimbus clouds, where are intense ascendant currents that appears from ascendant convection. [4]. The severe floods are the most common type of natural disaster in Europe. The climatic changes, including the intensification of abundant rains, cause rivers to flood in certain areas, especially in the center, north and north-eastern Europe. The most frequent disastrous phenomena encountered lately in the case of floods caused by precipitations in the case of precipitations concentrated on small areas, phenomena that causes strong and fast flood. 3. Case study – precipitations in Prahova County in the year 2005 We considered a representative case for the impact of strong rainfalls concentrated on small hydrographic basins. On the Territory of Prahova County, the multiyear average precipitations drop from 1200 l/m2 in the highest area of the Bucegi Mountains to less than 600 l/m2 in the plain area, as shown in Figure 1. The territorial repartition of the precipitations in the year 2005 (Figure 2) was between 1600-1200 l/m2 on mountain and hilly areas to the lineament Floresti Lipanesti - Apostolache and 1200-800 l/m2 in the plain area, on the south of this lineament and the southern border of the county. The monthly repartition of the precipitations in the year 2005 compared to the multiyear average in situated in three categories: Normal (January, March, April, November, December); Higher than normal (February, May, June, July, August, September) Below normal (October) M. Telişcă et. al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 155-160 (2007) The month of September – considered one of the months in the year with the lowest precipitation, has its multiyear average values (Figure 3) between less then 40l/m2 and more than 80 l/m2. The quantities recoded in this period (Figure 4) were in 157 over 85% of the surface of the county surface between 180-230 l/m2. In the area of the Doftana and Teleajen interfluves recorded a value of 240-250 l/m2. Punctually were recorded values even higher than 300 l/m2 (Teisani 319,7 l/m2). Figure 1 Average multiyear precipitations 4.1. The situation of precipitations in Prahova County in the period May - September 2005 By analyzing the maps results that in 50% of the months of 2005, the precipitations in Prahova County were higher than the multiyear average of which 5 months were consecutive (May September). Comparing the precipitations from May September with the yearly quantities recorded in 2005 we can see that in this period were between 60,2% and 75,6% of the total yearly precipitations. 158 The increase of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 155-160 (2007) Figure 2 Average precipitations in 2005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 Station Baltita Baba Ana Corlatesti Gura Vitioarei Moara Domneasca Poiana Campina Tesila Varbilau Cocorastii Mislii Provita de Sus Teisani Paltinu dam Total V-IX 741,5 694,2 697,9 880,9 633,0 832,2 1114,6 1059,9 895,1 902,9 1032,4 837,2 TOTAL I-XII 1014,0 917,7 970,0 1205,8 874,6 1141,3 1538,4 1441,1 1206,0 1242,9 1376,9 1151,3 % 73,1 75,6 71,9 73,0 72,3 72,9 72,4 73,5 74,2 72,0 75,0 72,7 M. Telişcă et. al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 155-160 (2007) 4.2 Effects of the very strong rainfalls These precipitations had as effects: ¾Making strong effluence on slopes, especially on hilly and mountain areas. 159 ¾Causing strong floods with unusual debits on rivers with small surface basins affecting works on these rivers and also over localities and agricultural terrains (rivers Alunis, Varbilau, Slanic, Provita, Bughea, Mislea, Drajna, Stamnic, Batraneanca) Figure 5 The flood in 19 - 28 September 2005 on the main rivers of the Prahova County ¾Through propagation, the floods on these small rivers caused on the big rivers of the County (Cricovul Dulce, Prahova, Teleajen, Cricovul Sarat) to record very high flows (flows with the assurance of 1-2%) that overflow the flooding level causing damages on important localities from the County as: Moara Domneasca, Gherghita, Draganesti, Buda-Palanca, Finari, Bratesti. ¾In plain areas: -Rehabilitation and maintenance of the irrigation drainage channels ¾On river beds: -Promoting flood defensive works. -Keeping the correct gauge by un-colmation and bed profiling -Maintaining the river beds clean. 4.3 Proposed measures to reduce the damages caused by strong rainfalls 5. Conclusions Reducing the risk on flooding can be realized Prognosis methods over the global climatic evolution by climatic scenarios ¾In mountain and hilly areas: -Foresting the cleared areas -Managing the valley’s with torrentially character by building dams for slowing the torrents -Maintaining the culverts on the side of the roads [2]. The climatic changes scenarios were generated on the National Plan for Climatic Changes using the results of the general circulation models GISS, GFDL, UK89, CCCM. The results consist in the average monthly multiyear temperature and precipitations, calculated with the actual concentration of CO2 (1xCO2) and with the presumption on instant doubling by: 160 The increase of … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, 155-160 (2007) of that value (2xCO2) – experiment of equilibrium and gradual increase of CO2 – transitory experiment. [3]. The climatic scenarios build on the mentioned dates express the fact that doubling the concentration of CO2 in atmosphere will conduct the same climatic signal meaning an increase of the air temperature, varying between 2,4 and 7,40C, depending on the model. The lowest increase are anticipated by CCCM, between 2,8-4,90 C depending on the month, and the biggest increase by UK89, between 3,2-7,40 C, especially on summer months. Referring on the precipitations, the climatic signal is different from a model to another. The UK89 effect anticipates a decrease for all the moths of the year, especially during summer (up to 50%), and that is consistent with the biggest temperature increase simulated by the model in this season. The GISS model indicates, generally, an increase of the precipitation in all the months, the maximum increase being in October (40%). The Canadian and GFD3 models anticipate an increase of precipitations in the cold months and a decrease in the warm ones. 6. 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Marine Education, 15, 12-18 [7] ***, Impacts of Europe’s changing climate, Raport of European Environmental Agency, Nr 2/2004, AEM, Copenhaga [8] Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Energetic improvement of joinery embrasures a Virgil-Barbu UNGUREANU a “Transilvania” University , Eroilor Boulevardl, 29, Braşov, 500036, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Lucrarea prezintă unele probleme care apar în cele mai multe cazuri la reabilitarea termică a faţadelor blocurilor realizate din panouri prefabricate din beton armat. Golurile pentru ferestre şi uşi sunt realizate cu un umăr exterior („cu urechi”) pentru uşurarea montajului şi fixarea mai rigidă a tocului. Se realizează o analiză a transferului de căldură în regim staţionar pentru diferite variante de soluţii de montare a stratului de izolaţie termică, rezultând unele recomandări pentru evitarea apariţiei condensului pe suprafeţele adiacente golului ferestrei. Abstract: The work presents some problems that shall be appear in energetic rehabilitation operations for front walls made by reinforced concrete slab. The embrasures for windows and doors are realised with an external shoulder for an easy montage and a rigid attachment of the window frame. It is realised a steady state heat transfer analysis for different variants of solutions for thermal insulation layer montage, resulting some recommendations for sweat appearance avoidance on internal surfaces adjacent of the windows embrasures. Keywords: Heat transfer, thermal insulation, heat transfer analysis. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction Energetic auditing of existent buildings is an activity for identify technical solutions in order to an energetic vindicate of buildings and its installations based on real characteristics of the system building installations for thermal energy utilisation as well as technical solutions optimisation by its energetic efficiency analysis. The main goal of building energetic improvement is to decrease the heat consumption for space and water heating, in order to assure the comfort and micro clime. For this goal, the technical solution is to insulate outside walls. But there are various places where the insulation is not efficiently or it cannot be realised. Thus, there are some locations where the inside wall surface temperature is lower than the wet point temperature. Only the bidirectional heat transfer analysis can offer a good solution in order to build an efficient insulation. The work presents some problems that shall be appear in the cases of front walls made by reinforced concrete slab. The embrasures for windows and doors are realised with an external shoulder for an easy montage and a rigid attachment of the window frame. It is realised a steady state heat transfer ISSN 1584 - 5990 analysis for different variants of solutions for thermal insulation layer montage. 2. Heat transfer model The temperature on the internal surface of a construction element without heat bridges (or in the current thermal field of construction elements with heat bridges) can be determined [1] with the relation: t −t t si == ti − i e [°C] αi ⋅ R (1) in which ti is the internal temperature, α i - inside convection coefficient, R - thermal resistance in the current thermal field, Te - outside temperature. In the heat bridge zones temperatures on internal surfaces of external walls t si can be determined by an automatic calculus of the temperatures field. In order to obtain correct results it is needed to consider some minimum dimensions, for establish the geometric model for the plain temperatures field. © 2000 Ovidius University Press 162 Energetic improvement … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 161-168 (2007) So, distances measured from the outside contour of the joinery to interior is minimum twice wall thickness. For outside joinery there are admitted some approximations: • the window frame and sash can be stylised in the shape of one or more rectangles; • the assembly of glass panels and air layers between its can be considered that a single layer having the thickness equal with the distance between external glass panels respectively the stylised width of the window frame and sash. The geometric model situated between horizontal and vertical planes of section is divided with auxiliary planes composing a calculus network for the temperature field calculus. Usually, distances between auxiliary planes will have a gradually increasing to sectional planes; in the plane field theses distances cannot exceed 25 mm. For external joinery the glass panels and air layers can be substituted by a materiel having equivalent heat conductivity: λg = dg 1 Ug ⎡ W ⎤ ⎢m⋅K ⎥ , ⎣ ⎦ (2) in which U g is the thermal heat transfer coefficient of the glass panels and air layer assembly. In this problem it is considered a twice glass panel having dimensions 4 - 15 - 4 mm, argon, emissivity 0.1 < e < 0.2 with U g = 1.5 W (m 2 K) ; d g distance between external faces of the external glass panels: d g = 23 mm . It results: λ g = U g ⋅ d g = 0.0345 W (mK) .(3) There are considered the following surface thermal convection coefficients: • inside surfaces: α i = 8 W (m 2 K) ; • outside surfaces: α e = 24 W (m 2 K) . For window frame and sash made from plastics (PVC) and metallic reinforces with two chambers: U f = 2.2 W (m 2 K) [1]. It is considered in this study a security value: U f = 3.0 W (m 2 K) and results an equivalent heat conductivity coefficient: λ f = U f ⋅ d f = 0.186 W (m 2 K) . (4) For concrete it is considered: λ c = 1.75 W (m ⋅ K) (5) and for gypsum: λ gy = 0.41 W (m 2 K) . (6) The sash frame is fixed with polyurethane foam having a heat conduction coefficient: λ p = 0.04 W (m 2 K) . (7) For the thermal insulation, realised by plates of polystyrene it is considered the same heat conduction coefficient. 3. Analysis results It is used the demonstrative program ELCUT that permits to compose a calculus network having a total number of 500 elements. The program is available to define a model composed by 5 or 6 blocks having various properties: concrete, window, gypsum, glass and insulation. It is proposed to study the temperature variation on the internal wall surface in various cases of thermal insulation of the external wall. The first model takes account of some shoulders build even the putting phase, in the reinforced concrete panel with a view to facilitate the montage and fixation of the joinery in embrasure. Figure 1 presents the temperature distribution for an outside temperature t e = −21 °C correspondent to the four climatic zone and an inside temperature of t i = 20 °C . However, the concrete panel includes a thermal insulation made from polystyrene, but on the contour and joinery gap the reinforced concrete is massive. V.B. Ungureanu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 161-168 (2007) Fig. 1. Temperature distribution in the wall without thermal insulation Fig. 2. Temperature distribution in the wall with 5 cm of thermal insulation Fig. 3. Temperature distribution in the wall with 10 cm of thermal insulation 163 164 Energetic improvement … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 161-168 (2007) ti = 20 °C ϕi = 60% . Figure 2 and 3 presents the temperature distribution in the same conditions but it is added 50mm, respectively 100mm of polystyrene ([2]…[5]. On shoulders is not applied the thermal insulation. The internal dew-point temperature can be obtained function of the internal temperature and normalised air First, it must to obtain the saturated vapour partial pressure function of the internal temperature: pvi, s = 2340 Pa . 20 18 16 12 s t [oC] 14 10 External concrete corner Internal, window gap corner Internal, current field 8 6 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 t [oC] e Fig. 4. Temperature variation on the wall surface without thermal insulation 20 18 16 12 0 mm 50 mm 100 mm si t [oC] 14 10 8 6 -25 -20 -15 humidity: -10 -5 0 5 10 t [oC] e Fig. 5. Temperature variation on the internal wall surface with and without thermal insulation (8) V.B. Ungureanu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 161-168 (2007) Than it results the vapour partial pressure: pvi = ϕi ⋅ pvi, s = 1404 Pa . (9) and afterwards the dew/point temperature: θ r = 15 °C . (10) Figure 4 presents the temperature variation on the wall surface: external concrete corner, internal window embrasure corner and internal current field for various external temperatures without thermal insulation. 165 Figure 5 presents the temperature variation on the internal wall surface with and without thermal insulation. From figures 1, 4 and 5 it results a surface temperature in current field lower than the dewpoint temperature. Thus, for lower external temperatures it arises condense on the inner surface of the external walls and the thermal improvement is required. From figures 2, 3 and 5 it results internal surface temperatures in current field higher than the dew-point temperature in the case of thermal insulation. Fig. 6. Temperature distribution in the wall with 5 cm of thermal insulation and insulated shoulders Fig. 7. Temperature distribution in the wall with 10 cm of thermal insulation and insulated shoulder 166 Energetic improvement … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 161-168 (2007) The minimum value of the temperature on the inner surface of the external walls is reached on the interconnecting line between the joinery and gypsum wall covering from embrasure. From figures 2 and 3 result that the minimum temperature values of internal surfaces is lower than the dew-point temperature. It must to cover the shoulder with thermal insulation. Figures 6 and 7 show the temperature field for the wall covering with 50 mm and 100 mm (like cases from figures 2 and 3), but shoulders are coated with polystyrene prepared in a triangular unconventional section shape. This shape needs a labour increasing. From these figures it results the same minimum temperature value reached in the previous models, without thermal insulation on shoulders presented in figures 2 and 3. Fig. 8. Temperature distribution in the wall with 5 cm of thermal insulation without concrete shoulder Fig. 9. Temperature distribution in the wall with 10 cm of thermal insulation without concrete shoulder V.B. Ungureanu / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 161-168 (2007) Many flats have a partial thermal improvement in order to increase the joinery tightness by PVC joinery utilisation. For this reason the above models take into account that improvement. From the above study it results that it needs to remove shoulders. Figures 8 and 9 shows the temperature field for the current field covering with 50 mm and 100 mm (like cases from figures 2, 3 and 5, 6) but the joinery embrasure is covered around with 5 cm of polystyrene. It can observe an improvement by a clear homogeneous temperature field on the entirely internal surface of the wall. Figure 10 shows the temperature variation on the wall surface in current field with or without shoulders Also, it is represented the dew-point temperature. There is a comfortable difference from the dew-point temperature but the shoulder replacement with polystyrene increase the internal wall surface temperature in the current field. Also, it can conclude that the polystyrene thickness increasing with 50 mm from 50 mm to 100 mm determine a modest wall surface temperature increasing (with about 1 K ), but in the case of shoulder removal this difference is greater. Figure 11 shows the minimum temperature variation on the wall surface with or without shoulders. Also, it is represented the dew-point temperature. For an external temperature less than − 10 °C , any cases of embrasures with shoulder (covered or uncovered with polystyrene) lead to wetting of the wall internal surface. It needs to increase the internal air temperature of the room. Both cases when the shoulder is removed and replaced with polystyrene, the minimum wall temperature is greater with minimum 1 K than the dew-point temperature. This difference is greater 2 K for an insulation thickness of 100 mm. 19 18 si t [oC] 17 16 5 cm shouldered 10 cm shouldered 5 cm without shoulder 10 cm without shoulder 15 14 θ r 13 12 -25 -20 -15 167 -10 t e -5 o [ C] 0 5 10 Fig. 10. Temperature variation on the wall surface (current field) with or without shoulders 168 Energetic improvement … / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 161-168 (2007) 50 mm shouldered 100 mm shouldered 50 mm without shoulder 100 mm without shoulder θ 18 r t si,min [oC] 16 14 12 10 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 t [oC] e Fig. 11. Minimum temperature variation on the wall surface with or without shoulders 4. Conclusions It is proposed to study the temperature variation on the concrete wall surface and joinery embrasure in various cases of thermal insulation of the external wall. The first model takes account of some shoulders build even the putting phase, in the reinforced concrete panel with a view to facilitate the montage and fixation of the joinery. It results a surface temperature in current field lower than the dew-point temperature and needs to utilise a thermal insulation realised by 50 mm or 100 mm thickness of polystyrene (the second model). The minimum value of the temperature on the inner surface of the external walls is reached on the interconnecting line between the joinery and gypsum wall covering from embrasure. However, for lower external temperatures it arises condense on the inner surface of the external walls and another thermal improvement is required. Another 3rd model is needed in that the shoulders are covered with polystyrene in a triangular unconventional section shape. It results any improvement of the heat transfer. Thus, it results from this study the recommendation to remove shoulders and to cover around the joinery embrasure with 5 cm of polystyrene. Any cases when the shoulder is removed and replaced with polystyrene, the minimum wall temperature is greater with 1...2 K than the dew-point temperature. 5. References [1] C 107/3 Normativ privind calculul termotehnic al elementelor de construcţie ale clădirilor. [2] C 107/4 Ghid pentru calculul performanţelor termotehnice ale clădirilor de locuit. [3] GP 058/2000 Ghid privind optimizarea nivelului de protecţie termică la clădirile de locuit. [4] NP 048 Normativ pentru expertizarea termică şi energetică a clădirilor existente şi instalaţiilor de încălzire şi preparare a apei calde de consum aferente acestora. [5] Normativ pentru realizarea auditului energetic al clădirilor existente şi instalaţiilor de încălzire şi preparare a apei calde de consum aferente acestora. Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 9, May 2007 Analysis of heat exchangers obtained by division or multiplying of units Virgil-Barbu UNGUREANU a* Neculae ŞERBĂNOIU a Maria MUREŞAN a a “Transilvania” University , Eroilor Boulevard, 29, Braşov, 500036, Romania __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rezumat: Obţinerea unor schimbătoare de căldură eficiente se poate face utilizând module care şi-au dovedit performanţele în exploatare şi legarea acestora în serie, paralel sau mixt. Astfel, se pot realiza atât schimbătoare de căldură mai mari prin multiplicarea numărului de module, sau mai mici, prin divizarea unui modul. În practică se întâlnesc numeroase exemple ca: baterii cu aripioare, schimbătoare de căldură cu plăci, schimbătoare de căldură cu tuburi termice, radiatoare pentru autovehicule. Alegerea variantei, de regulă, nu este susţinută printr-un studiu teoretic. Lucrarea propune o metodă pentru determinarea performanţelor energetice şi exergetice ale ansamblurilor de schimbătoare de căldură obţinute prin multiplicare şi divizare. Se determină astfel fluxurile de căldură, temperaturile agenţilor termici la ieşire şi eficienţa dând posibilitatea alegerii variantei corespunzătoare. Abstract: In order to obtain heat exchangers with high efficiency we can use units that prove its working performances and series, parallel or mix coupling of them. By using that method we can realise bigger heat exchangers by multiplying the number of units, or smaller heat exchangers by dividing an unit. In practical activities we have numerous of these heat exchanger types: fin type batteries, flat plate heat exchangers, heat pipe heat exchangers, radiators for automotive etc. As a rule, the choice of the optimal variant isn’t sustained by a theoretical study. The paper proposes a method to calculate the energetic and exergetic performances of heat exchanger assemblies obtained by multiplying and dividing. Thus there are obtained heat flow rates output temperatures of heat carriers and thermal efficiency in order to choice the optimal variant. Keywords: Heat exchanger, heat exchanger unit, heat exchanger efficiency. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction In order to obtain heat exchangers with high efficiency we can use units that prove its working performances and series, parallel or mix coupling of them. By using that method we can realise bigger heat exchangers by multiplying the number of units, or smaller heat exchangers by dividing an unit. In practical activities we have numerous of these heat exchanger types. Finned heat exchanger batteries are composed by a copper or stainless steel pipe bundle connected one with another by bends and grouped in rows. Pipes are provided with aluminium or copper fins often continuous (fig. 1). Through their interior circulates water, a cold carrier or a refrigerant and through fins a gas, usually air. Number of pipe rows can vary from a single in the case of air conditioning batteries to some tens. ISSN 1584 - 5990 Last years fin shape is improved from plane to corrugated and further perforated, obtaining a heat convection coefficient increasing with about 90%. To improve the heat transfer inner of pipes, these can be provided with internal grooves. Fig. 1. Heat exchanger batteries with plane fins: 1 - liquid; 2 - gas; 3 - air; 4 - fins; 5 - pipes © 2000 Ovidius University Press 170 Analysis of heat exchangers.… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 169-176 (2007) Fluids had cross flow in finned heat exchanger batteries. It is a heat exchanger having parallel-flow for water into pipes from a row and rows are series coupled. Air parallel circulates through pipes of a row and series through rows. In the case of heat exchanger apparatus having a little number of rows, for the mean temperature difference calculus is necessary to introduce an supplementary correction that take into account by fluid that circulates inner pipes ranged in many rows. Flat plate heat exchangers are much littler and light than those conventionally and are outstanding by easy assembling and maintenance. Are compact, has a flexible design, saving of costs and five times efficiently than those conventionally. For any industry where there are necessitate a flat plate heat exchanger are available in many shapes: with gasket semi welded, welded, electrically. Plates are made by stainless steel, titanium or graphite. There are various technologies among that some of its recently developed for flat type heat exchangers. It can distinguish two categories of such apparatus: heat exchangers with primary surface and heat exchanger with secondary surface. Heat exchangers with primary surface can be realised that heat exchanger with plates and sealing element (gasket) this being the most known type of apparatus, with welded or soldered plates. In the case of apparatus with secondary surface, between plates is inserted a metallic filling that represents an additional heat transfer surface. The construction and operating principle of a plate and gasket heat exchanger is presented in figures 2 and 3. Heat exchange surface is composed by some metallic plates provided with gaskets and clamping one to another aided by rods. There are made some channels one fluid wetting a plate surface and the other fluid, the other plate surface (fig. 3). Plates are realised by stamping generally from stainless steel or titanium but there are plates from other metals enough ductile that is Hastelloy, Incoloy, Monel or copper-nickel alloy. The plate thickness is about 0,6...0,8 mm and exceptionally exceeds 1mm. The plate profile is very important because it must to assure a turbulence improving to increase heat convection coefficient but also a uniform distribution of fluids on the entire plate surface and supporting points on metal to assure the mechanic rigidity of the apparatus. Present day there are over 60 various geometries of plates, patented by productive firms. Fig. 2. Construction of the plate and gasket heat exchanger Fig. 3. Operating principle of the plate and gasket heat exchanger Soldered or welded heat exchangers, last years developed, permits a heat transfer surface utilisation at bigger pressure and temperature levels than the above presented heat exchangers, because of the sealing elements absence. In this type of apparatus it can be reached pressure of about 40..50 bar and temperatures 450...500 oC. The principle schema of a heat pipe heat exchanger is presented in figure 4. V.B. Ungureanu et al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 169-176 (2007) 171 From various shapes of these heat exchangers Each heat pipe is considered that an assembly existent on market, figure 6 presents heat exchanger of two coupled heat exchangers (an evaporator and a type „bayonet” and with jet impact realised by condenser) in that vapour phase has approximately, silicon carbide. the same temperature. It is considered also, that heat pipes of the same row (on the same perpendicular to the flow direction) have the same temperature, considering for the calculus of a row a single heat pipe with heat transfer surface. Fig. 5. Heat recovery heat exchanger with steel smooth pipes: 1 – waste gas ; 2 – cold air ; 3 – warm air Fig. 4. The principle schema of the heat pipe heat exchanger: 1 – heat pipes ; 2 – strainer plate ; 3 – primary heat carrier ; 4 – secondary heat carrier ; 5 - heat transfer To calculate heat pipe heat exchangers can be used methods based on the decomposition of the heat exchanger in elementary units heat exchangers. Figure 5 presents a heat recovery heat exchanger provided with four pass of the air and mounted on the vertical waste gas duct of a heattreatment furnace. Air circulates inner pipes, the heat exchanger operating by the parallel – cross-flow regarding waste gas. Heat recovery heat exchangers with smooth pipes have the heat exchange surface composed by bundle of rectilinear pipes. This type of heat recovery heat exchangers are used especially for furnaces having the waste gas temperature until 600oC. Ceramics heat exchangers are generally used in high operating temperature, for example those of metallurgic, cement or glass industry. There are used for heat recovery heat exchangers or regenerators. Fig. 6. Ceramics heat exchangers: a type bayonet; b - with jet impact; 1- metallic distributor; 2 - ceramics pipes; 3 - perforated screen; 4 - ceramics heat exchange surface; A – air; G - gas Figure 7 presents an element of cooling radiator for the LDE locomotive and the modality of elements coupling in a battery. Water and air parallel circulates in the battery. On a locomotive there are emplaced two parallel coupled batteries. Heating radiator for DACIA car is a compact heat exchanger assembly composed by the mixed coupling of the units (fig. 8). 172 Analysis of heat exchangers.… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 169-176 (2007) Fig. 8. Heating radiator for DACIA car Fig. 7. Cooling radiator for the LDE locomotive As a rule, the choice of the optimal variant isn’t sustained by a theoretical study. The paper proposes a method to calculate the energetic and exergetic performances of heat exchanger assemblies obtained by multiplying and dividing. Thus, there are obtained heat flow rates, output temperatures of heat carriers and thermal efficiency in order to choice the optimal variant. T '12 = γ ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 , notations being: 1 − exp α = η⋅ m ⋅cp 2. Basic model For a cross-flow heat exchanger (fig. 9) there are known relations for the heat flow rate transferred and both fluids output temperatures: (ϕ − 1)kS ηmc p (ϕ − 1)kS 1 − ϕ exp ηmc p (1 − ϕ)exp (ϕ − 1)kS β= ηmc p (ϕ − 1)kS 1 − exp ηmc p ⎡ (ϕ − 1)kS ⎤ ϕ⎢1 − exp ⎥ ηmc p ⎦⎥ ⎢ ⎣ γ= (ϕ − 1)kS 1 − ϕ ⋅ exp ηmc p Fig. 9. Flow scheme for a single unit Q1 = α ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) ;(1) T12 = β ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ; (3) (2) where: m, m’ are mass flow rates of hot respectively cold fluid; T11, T12 input and respectively output temperatures of the hot fluid; T’11,T’12 -input and respectively output temperatures of the cold fluid; η V.B. Ungureanu et al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 169-176 (2007) 173 - retaining coefficient for the heat; k - overall heat transfer coefficient; S - surface area of heat transfer; Q - heat flow rate. It is noted with ϕ the expression: ϕ=η mc p m' c ' p , (7) c p and c' p being specific heat at constant pressure of both fluids. The thermal efficiency of the heat exchanger is defined by the ratio between the real heat flow rate Q1 and the maximum possible heat flow rate, Q1max correspondent to an apparatus with an infinite heat transfer surface: ε= m1c p1 ⋅ (T11 − T12 ) Q1 = = Q1 max m1c p1 ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) m2 c p 2 ⋅ (T12 − T11 ) T −T = 12 11 m2 c p 2 ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) T11 − T '11 . (8) Fig. 10. Series-parallel coupling variant obtained by multiplying 3. Series-parallel coupling variant obtained by multiplying In this case there are obtained relations: By generalisation: Q2 sp = β ⋅ Q1 ; (9) Qnsp = β n −1 ⋅ Q ; (15) T22 sp = β 2 ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ; (10) Tn 2 sp = βn ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ; (16) T '22 sp = β ⋅ γ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 , (11) T 'n 2 sp = β n −1 ⋅ γ ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 . (17) rd and for the 3 unit: Output temperature of fluids is: 2 Q3sp = β ⋅ Q ; (12) T32 sp = β3 ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ; (13) T '32 sp = β ⋅ γ ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 . (14) n T 'm = ∑ mi ⋅ c pi ⋅ T 'i 2 i =1 m ⋅cp , (18) 174 Analysis of heat exchangers.… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 169-176 (2007) where: T 'm is the average temperature, mi - mass flow rate, m1 = m2 , m - overall mass flow rate: m = n ⋅ m2 , c pi = c p - specific heat, T 'i 2 secondary heat carrier temperature at the output from heat exchanger „i”. It results: T 'm sp = 1 n ⋅ T 'i 2 = n i =1 ∑ n γ 1−β (T11 − T '11 ) T '11 + ⋅ n 1− β , (19) If the heat exchanger is divided in two equals units it has the following parameters: S 2 - heat transfer surface area; • • • m1 2 - mass flow rate of the primary fluid; m2 2 - mass flow rate of the secondary. Mass flow rates of both fluids are established from the condition that velocities remain unchanged thus the overall heat exchanger coefficient k remains unchanged. For the first heat exchanger (considered in the hot fluid circulation direction) it can write relations: Q1( 2) = α1 (T11 − T '11 ) ; (21) T12( 2) = β1 (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ; (22) ( 2) T '12 = γ1 ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 . (23) and the heat flow rate: 1 − βn Qsp = Q1 ⋅ . 1− β (20) 3. Series-parallel coupling variant obtained by dividing The variant obtained by division is presented in figure 11. The heat exchanger, considered a basic unit, can be divided in many smaller heat exchangers by utilisation of separation walls so the obtained units has been series coupled by primary fluid circulation and parallel coupled by secondary fluid circulation. The figure represents a cross section through a cooling radiator perpendicular on the water pipes and its dividing scheme in n heat exchangers. Proceeding analogous with the multiplying variant it can obtain the following results. Considering relations (4), (5), (6) and (7) and taking account the parameters of this heat exchanger, ϕ being unchanged, it results: α1 = α1( 2) = α ; β1 = β ; γ1 = γ ; 2 (24) 1 ( 2) = T '12 . (25) α1 ; T12( 2) = T12 ; T '12 2 Analogously for the 2nd heat exchanger and taking into account by: α 2 = α1 ; β 2 = β1 ; γ 2 = γ1 . (26) There are obtained relations: Q2( 2) = α 2 (T12 − T '11 ) = = Fig. 11. Schema of unit division ; (27) 1 1 αβ(T11 − T '11 ) = β ⋅ Q1 2 2 ( 2) T22 = β(T12 − T '11 ) + T '11 = = β 2 (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ; (28) V.B. Ungureanu et al. / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 169-176 (2007) 175 • for the 3rd heat exchanger it results: T '(222) = γ (T12 − T '11 ) + T '11 = . (29) = βγ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 1 Q3(3) = α 3 (T22 − T '11 ) = ⋅ β 2 ⋅ Q1 ; 3 The heat flow rate of both heat exchanger units is: Q ( 2) = Q1( 2) + Q2( 2) 1 = (1 + β ) ⋅ Q1 . 2 (3) T32 = β ⋅ (T22 − T '11 ) + T '11 = (30) = β3 ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 In the case of dividing in three identical heat exchangers it results: • S 3 - heat transfer surface area; • • 1 = α1 (T11 − T '11 ) = ⋅ Q1 ; 3 (31) = β ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ; (32) ( 3) T '12 = γ ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ; (33) Q1(3) T12(3) ; (38) (3) T '32 = γ ⋅ (T22 − T '11 ) + T '11 = = β 2 ⋅ γ ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 m1 3 - primary fluid mass flow rate; m2 3 - secondary fluid mass flow rate. In this conditions both fluids velocities remain the same thus, the overall heat transfer coefficient k is the same. Following the same algorithm it can write: • for the 1st heat exchanger, because: α1 = α 3 ; β1 = β ; γ1 = γ and the same ϕ , relations becomes: (37) . (39) It results the overall heat flow rate: Q (3) = Q1(3) + Q2(3) + Q3(3) = ( ) 1 1 + β + β2 ⋅ Q1 . (40) 3 By generalising, for the n th heat exchanger it results: Qn( n ) = 1 n −1 ⋅ β ⋅ Q1 ; n (41) Tn(2n ) = β n ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ; (42) T '(nn2) = β n −1 ⋅ γ ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 , (43) and the heat flow rate of the assembly is: • nd for the 2 heat exchanger, by keeping the above conditions it results: Q2(3) ( 3) T22 1 = α 2 (T12 − T '11 ) = ⋅ β ⋅ Q1 ; 3 = β ⋅ (T12 − T '11 ) + T '11 = = β ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 2 T '(223) = γ ⋅ (T12 − T '11 ) + T '11 = = β ⋅ γ ⋅ (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ; Q ( n ) = Q1( n ) + Q2( n ) + ... + Qn( n ) = = (34) ( ) , (44) 1 1 + β + β 2 + ...β n −1 ⋅ Q1 n or: ; (35) (36) Q (n) = 1 1 − βn ⋅ ⋅ Q1 . n 1− β (45) The thermal efficiency of the assembly composed by n heat exchangers according to relation (8) is: ε= T '(mn2) −T '11 , T11 − T '11 (46) 176 Analysis of heat exchangers.… / Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 9, 169-176 (2007) in which T '(mn2) represents the secondary fluid output 4. Conclusions temperature, so the temperature of the mixed fluid composed by the n fluids that exit from the n heat exchanger units: The above presented method permits to easy obtain the output temperatures of fluids and the thermal efficiency for a suited heat exchanger which can be obtained by dividing or multiplying a unit having known characteristics (for example experimentally obtained). The heat exchanger is appropriate according to thermal performances and/or dimensions. n T '(mn2) = ∑ mi ⋅ c pi ⋅ T 'i(2n) i =1 , m ⋅ c p2 (47) m2 is the mass flow rate of the n secondary fluid through the heat exchanger i , m2 in which mi = mass flow rate of the secondary fluid that pass through the assembly , T 'i(2n ) - temperature of the secondary fluid at output from the heat exchanger i and c pi = c p 2 . It results: n T '(mn2) = = ∑ mi 2 ⋅ T 'i(2n) i =1 ( m2 = ) 1 (n) ⋅ T '12 +T '(22n ) +... + T '(nn2) + n + .(48) γ 1 − βn (T11 − T '11 ) + T '11 ⋅ n 1− β The thermal efficiency is: ε= γ 1 − βn . ⋅ n 1− β (49) 5. References * [1] Badea A. , Necula H., Stan M., Ionescu L., Blaga P. şi Dane G. Echipamente şi instalaţii termice. Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2003. [2] Vidil R., Marvillet Ch ş.a. Les echangeurs a plaque: description et elements de dimensionnement. Imp. Coquand, grenoble, 1990. [3] Bontemps A., Garrique A. Ş.a. Technologie des echangeurs thermique. Techniques de l’ingineur. Paris, 1998. [4] Muersan M., Serbanoiu N., Sora G. Veraligeminerte Glichungen zur Ermittlung aus Warmeflusses und der Flussigkeitstemperatur beim Austritt aus modulaufgebauten Kuhlern, B.W.K. VDI Verlag, nr. 3, 1995, p. 97-99. [5] Şerbănoiu N., Mureşan M., Ungureanu V.B. Metodă de obţinere a unor schimbătoare de căldură mai mici prin divizarea în module a unuia mai mare. 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