CLOTHES AND FASHION FASHION People have different attitudes to fashion. Some are indifferent - they do not care what they wear. Others, especially women, are very choosy and particular about what to wear and like to spend a lot of money on clothes. Some people buy ready-made clothes, others prefer to have them made to measure or buy them at second-hand shops. Some people have excellent taste in dress and are always dressed perfectly, others are slovenly in dress. There are some people who want to be dressed according to the latest fashion at all costs even if it does not suit them. It seems that it is a hobby for them to follow the fashion magazines and see what a few leading designers in Paris, Rome, London or New York present. For some people fashion is a matter of differentiation, the eagerness to distinguish oneself from one's fellows. For others it is a need to match their ideal model by imitating his/her appearance. Different factors which have influenced the styles of clothing, such as geography, climate, poverty and wealth have played their role. We can also note how rich people altered their clothes with every fancy of their tailor while the poor people's garments changed slowly. Then the cheap manufacture of cloth and the invention of the sewing machine brought about a revolution. Readymade clothes have become relatively cheap and now fashionable trends are imitated all over the world. On the other hand all of these facts resulted in a kind of uniformity. It is hard to tell the class, profession or even sex by the form of dress. Fashion concerns not only clothes, but also hair style, make-up and accessories, such as shoes, handbags, gloves, belts, hats, scarfs or jewellery and glasses. Clothing, footwear and cosmetics manufacturers as well as jewellery makers and hairdressers need to make money. Styles, cuts, designs and particularly the length of clothes change very quickly because dressmaking has become a big business nowadays. Tight-fitting miniskirts may be in at one time, soon to be replaced by midcalf length and loose dress or maxi-style. Fashions often come back to older styles. What is out of fashion, funny or ridiculous now, may look romantic a few decades later. But the fashions never repeat themselves quite in the same way. There can be a whole range of distinctive features. We could note various types of neckline (high or low, oval, V-neck, boat neck, tie or polo neck, with collar or collarless), and various cuts of sleeves (inset, raglan, dropped shoulder or batwing). The dress may have a classic line, A-line or be straight. The waistline may be natural, high or low. At one time straight or slit skirts are in, at another full, bell-shaped or divided skirts become trendy. There is also a variety of materials the dress can be made of - traditional natural materials such as cotton, wool, linen, silk and the vast collection of new fabrics based on man-made fibres. But everybody usually looks for first class, washable, non-iron, crease- and shrink-resistant fabric. Their design can be plain or patterned (flowered, geometric, striped, checked, dotted or spotted) and taken from the whole spectrum of colours running from the brightest and most garish to the coolest and most subdued. The way we dress also depends on our taste, on the season and the proper occasion. We should know what kind of accessories complement to dress and what colours match each other. ln summer we wear light summer dresses, loose blouses with a low neckline and with short sleeves or without sleeves, skirts gathered at the waist or bell-shaped, cropped trousers, shorts or Bermuda shorts and various T-shirts. On our feet we pull on sandals, mules, slippers or plimsolls. When we go swimming we put on a swim suit (bikini, one-piece or two-piece) or trunks, sometimes a beach gown and a straw hat. In winter we need to wear something warm - suits, trousers, jeans, woollies, cardigans, polo neck sweaters, jumpers, anoraks and parkas, winter coats and jackets, sometimes even a fur coat, gloves and mittens, caps, hoods, hats, scarfs and mufflers. And boots of course. On special occasions we like to be dressed properly too. When we go to a concert or to the theatre we prefer to be dressed up. We wear an evening dress, which consists of a dark suit, a light shirt and a tie or a bowtie, sometimes a dinner jacket, an evening gown, court shoes and pumps. For sports we put on sports wear, such as jeans, shorts, T-shirts, blazers, parkas, track suits and to the mountains a waterproof jacket or anorak and sports shoes (trainers, plimsolls, heavy boots or skishoes). At home we like to feel comfortable, and so we prefer leisure wear - slacks, jeans and Tshirts and on our feet slippers or mules. To school we wear something practical and plain. The most favourite wear of teenagers include jeans or trousers, shirts and T-shirts of different colours, sweatshirts or pullovers and trainers. For workshop or cleaning jobs we must put on an apron, overall or overalls. Special kinds of clothes are uniforms and costumes. Uniforms are worn particularly by professionals such as the police, the armed forces, health workers, sometimes workers of a certain firm. It is still a tradition in some schools in Britain (mostly private ones) to wear a school uniform. It usually consists of a white shirt and grey or dark trousers and a dark sweater or blazer with a school badge on the breast pocket and perhaps a cap (for younger boys). Unlike the boys who do not mind wearing uniforms because they do not differ very much from ordinary clothes, the girls complain about them and hate wearing them. A girl’s uniform looks quite different from an ordinary girl’s dress because it consists of a plain coat, a blouse and a skirt in some dark colour, such as grey, navy blue or brown. Girls would prefer ordinary clothes to express their personality or perhaps they just feel more comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt. The argument for uniforms is that they prevent competition among the girls and hide differences in family incomes. Costumes on the other hand reflect the style of a past time. Apart from the theatre they are not seen very often, only on special occasions. Scotsmen are well-known for their national costume which consists of a kilt (a short skirt with many pressed pleats), knee-length woollen socks, a cap and a sporran (a fur-covered bag worn as a purse). The kilt is made of tartan, a kind of woollen cloth woven in stripes of various colours which cross at right angles so as to form a pattern. The difference is in the colours and the width of the stripes. Most tartans have either green or red as the dominant colour. The fashion changes so fast that often we face the question of what to do with clothes which we do not need any longer. It is easy to discard worn-out clothes but what to do with unworn clothes which you do not like any more? People in the west often arrange jumble or garage sale but it is not a custom in our country yet. Some people store them up in their wardrobe if they have enough room, pass them down to somebody younger or give them to a charity organisation. Women who can do needlework (sew, knit, crochet or embroider) often remake an old dress and change it into a new stylish model which is admired by their colleagues as if it was bought in a boutique. Some people do not choose their dress with regard to the latest fashion, they apply a waitand-see attitude and wear what suits them, what is healthy and what they can afford The most important thing is that such dresses are neat and clean, they look smart and elegant and they feel comfortable. QUESTIONS ON THE TEXT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What attitudes do people have to fashion? What factors have influenced the way of dressing? What does fashion include? What changes in fashion very quickly? What kinds of materials, patterns and colours can be used? How does the season influence clothes? What kind of clothes do we wear on various occasions? What can we do with an old dress? VOCABULARY FASHION (‘fFšn) MÓDA fashion ('fFšn) - in fashion (in 'fFšn) - out of fashion (aut cv 'fFšn) fashion designer (‘fFšn di:'zainc) follow the fashion (folou *c 'fFšn) be dressed (bi: drest) be dressed up (bi: drest ap) be choosy (bi: ču:zi ) be particular about (bi: pctikjulc c'baut) go with, fit with (gou wi2 , fit wi2 ) have on (hFv on) get dressed (get drest) put on (put on) take off (teik of) look (luk) match with, suit with (mFč wi2 , sju:t wi2 ) model ('modl) model ('modl) style (stail) - cut (kat) - design (di'zain) taste (teist) - excellent taste ('ekslcnt teist) - poor taste (puc teist) clothes (klou*z) ready-made clothes (redi meid klou*z) clothes made to measure (meid tu 'meža ) garment ('ga:mcnt) outfit ('autfit) wear (wec) - casual wear ('kFžjucl wec) - knitwear ('nitwec) - leisurewear (‘ležcwec) - nightwear ('naitwec) - sportswear ('spo:tswec) - underwear ('andcwec) casual ('kFžjucl) elegant ('eligcnt) everyday ('evridei) extravagant (iks'trFvigcnt) fashionable ('fFšncbl) in the latest fashion perfect ('pc:fikt) plain (plein) proper ('propc) showy ('šoui) slovenly ('slavnli) smart (sma:t) stylish ('stailiš) trendy (trendi) un-worn (an'worn) worn-out ( wo:n 'aut) móda, vkus, fazóna, střih módní, moderní nemoderní, staromódní módní návrhář řídit se podle módy být oblečený být slavnostně, dobře oblečený být vybíravý být vybíravý hodlt se k ... mít na sobě oblékat se oblékat se svlékat se vypadat hodit se k ... modelka, manekýna model-šaty střih střih střih, návrh vkus vynikající vkus slabý vkus oděv, oblečení konfekční oděv oblečení šité na míru oděv, oblečení oblečení - výstroj nosit na sobě příležitostní oblečení pletené oblečení oblečení pro volný čas noční prádlo sportovní oblečení spodní prádlo příležitostný elegantní pro denní nošení extravagantní, nápadný moderní, módní, elegantní podle poslední módy perfektní, dokonalý jednoduchý náležitý, vhodný, přiměřený efektní, nápadný nedbalý, neupravený, špinavý elegantní,módní vkusný, módní módní nenošený obnošený MATERIALS (mc'ticricIz) LÁTKY natural materials (‘nFčrl mc'ticricIz) cotton (kotn) corduroy ('ko:dcroi) cashmere (kFš'mic) denim (denim) embroidery (im'broidcri) flax (flFks) fabric (fFbrik) fur (fc:) jersey ('džc:zi) lace (leis) leather ('le*c) linen (Iincn) muslin ('mazlin) ribbon ('ribcn) rubber ('rabc) satin ('sFtin) silk (silk) - pure silk (pjuc silk) suede (sweid) terry cloth (teri klo2) tweed (tvi:d ) wool (wul) woollen (wu:lcn) man-made fabrics (mFn meid ‘fFbriks) man-made fibres (mFn meid 'faibcz) acrylic (ckrilik) fur fabric (fc:'fFbrik) nylon ('nailcn) polyester poly cotton (pc'likotn) přírodní materiály bavlna manšestr kašmír džínsovina, denim výšivka len, lněné plátno tkanina kožešina úplet krajka kůže plátno mušelín stuha, stužka guma atlas, satén hedvábí čisté hedvábí semiš froté tvíd vlna vlněný syntetické materiály umělá vlákna acryl umělá kožešina nylon polyester směs bavlny a polyesteru QUALITY OF FABRIC KVALITA coarse (ko:s) colour-fast ('kalc fast) crease-resistant (kri:s ri'zistcnt) durable (djucrcbl) flimsy ('flimzi) non-iron (non aicn) shrink-resistant (šri†k ri'zistncnt) soft (soft) transparent (trFns'pecrnt) washable (wošcbl) waterproof ('wo:tcpru:f) drsný, hrubý stálobarevný nekrčivý trvanlivý tenký, jemný, slabý nepotřebuje žehlení odolný vůči srážení jemný průsvitný, průhledný prací nepromokavý PATTERN (‘pFtcn) VZOREK checked (čekt) dotted (dotid) flowered (flaucd) geometric (džic'metrik) plain (plein) printed (printid) self-coloured (self kalc:d) spotted ('spotid) striped (straipt) kostkovaný puntíkový květovaný geometrický jednobarevný potištěný, vzorovaný jednobarevný tečkovaný, skvrnitý proužkovaný textured ('teksčcd) woven ( wouvn) tkaný tkaný COLOURS (‘kalcz) BARVY auburn (o:bcn) beige (beidž) black (blFk) blue (blu:) bright (brait) brown (braun) canary yellow ( kF'necri jelou) creamy ('kri:mi) dark (da:k) fresh (freš) garish ('gFriš) ginger ('džindžc) green (gri:n) grey (grei) khaki (ka:ki) lemon ('lemcn) light (lait) maroon (mc'ru:n) navy blue (neivi blu:) olive ('oliv) orange (orindž) pastel (pcs'tel) pink (pink) purple (pc:pl) red (red) sad (scd) scarlet (ska:lct) subdued (scb'dju:d) violet ('vaiclit) white (wait) yellow (jelou) červenohnědá béžová černá modrá světlá, jasná, pestrá hnědá kanárkově žlutá smetanová, krémová tmavá jasná, veselá sytá, nápadná, křiklavá rezavá zelená šedá, šedivá zelenohnědá citrónově žlutá světlá vínově červená tmavě modrá olivově zelená oranžová pastelová růžová tmavě fialová, nachová červená smutná, tmavá jasně červená tlumená fialová bílá žlutá MEN’S WEAR PÁNSKÉ OBLEČENÍ anorak dress-coat (dres'kout) tuxedo (tak'si:dou) jacket ('džFkit) dinner jacket ('dinc ,džFkit) overalls (cuvero:lz) pants (pFnts) pants (pFnts) parka shirt (šc:t) - sweatshirt - T-shirt (ti: šc:t) shorts (šo:ts) - Bermuda shorts (bc'mju:dc šo:ts) slacks (slFks) suit (sju:t) track suit (trFk sju:t) trousers ('trauzcz) cropped trousers (kropt 'trauzcz) trunks (traõks) větrovka, zimní bunda frak smoking (AM) sako, kabátek smoking kombinéza, pracovní oblek, montérky kalhoty (AM) pánské spodky parka, bunda s vázačkami košile, tričko, blůza mikina tričko šortky, krátké kalhoty bermudy samostatné kalhoty, volné kalhoty oblek tepláky kalhoty ustřižené kalhoty pánské plavky vest (vest) vest (vest) waistcoat (weistkout) nátělník, tílko vesta (AM) vesta WOMEN’S WEAR DÁMSKÉ OBLEČENÍ apron (eiprcn) bikini (bi'ki:ni) blazer ('bleizc) bra, brasiere blouse (blauz) cape (keip) cardigan ('ka:digcn) coat (kout) - full lenght coat (ful le†2kout) - fur coat (fc: kout) - lined coat (laind kout) - unlined coat (anlaind kout) - short coat (šo:t kout) - three quarter coat 2ri: 'kwo:tc kout) - winter coat (wintc kout) dress (dres) - all-purpose dress (o:l 'pc:pcs dres) - button front dress (batn 'frant dres) - button through dress (batn '2ru:) - cocktail dress (kokteil dres) - evening dress (i:vni† dres) - night dress (nait dres) - two piece dress (tu: pi:s dres) - wedding dress ('wediõ dres) gown (gaun) - beach gown (bi:č gaun) - dressing gown ('dresiõ gaun) - night gown ('nait gaun) jumper (džampc) knickers ('nikcz) leisure suit ('ležc sju:t) overall (cuvero:l) pullover (pul'ouvc) pyjamas (pc'dža:mcz) raincoat (reinkout) skirt (skc:t) - bell-shaped ('bel šeipt) - divided (di'vaidid) - gathered ('gF*cd) - pleated ('pli:tid) - slit (slit) - straight (streit) - wrap over (rFp 'ouvc) slip (slip) suspender belt (scs'pendc belt) sweater (swetc) swimsuit (swimsju:t) top (top) twin-set (twinset) zástěra dvoudílné plavky sako, blejzr podprsenka halenka, blůza plášť, pelerína vesta, svetr na zapínání kabát dlouhý kabát kožich kabát s podšívkou kabát bez podšívky krátký kabát tříčtvrteční kabát zimní kabát dámské šaty víceúčelové šaty se zapínáním na předním díle propínací šaty koktailové šaty večerní, společenské šaty noční košile dvoudílné šaty svatební šaty šaty koupací plášť župan noční košile svetr, lehký svetr, pulovr kalhotky domácí oblečení domácí pracovní plášť pulovr, svetr pyžamo plášť, pršiplášť sukně zvonová sukně kalhotová sukně nabíraná sukně plisovaná, skládaná sukně sukně s rozparkem rovná sukně zavinovací sukně kombiné podvazkový pás pulovr, svetr jednodílné plavky sako, horní část kostýmu, vršek dámské dvoudílné oblečení ORNAMENTS (‘o:ncmcnts) OZDOBY button ('batn) fold (fould) hole (houl) patch (pFč) pleats (pli:ts) pocket ('pokit) straps (strFps) zip-fastener ('zip fa:snc) knoflík záhyb, náběr otvor, dírka, výřez záplata, aplikace, nášivka sklady, plisé, záhyby kapsa vázačka zip, zdrhovadlo CUT OF SLEEVES (kat cv sli:vz) STŘIH RUKÁVŮ batwing sleeves ('bFtwi†) dropped shoulders (dropt 'šouldcz) in-set sleeve (inset) long sleeve (lo†) short sleeve (šo:t) raglan sleeve (rFglcn) with sleeves (wi2 sli:vz) without sleeves (wi'*aut sli:vz) netopýří rukávy spadnutá ramena vsazený rukáv dlouhý rukáv krátký rukáv raglánový rukáv s rukávy bez rukávů WAISTLINE (weistline) PAS high waistline (hai weistlain) low waistline (lou weistlain) natural waistline ('nFčrl weistlain) loose (lu:s) tight (tait) close (klouz) zvýšený pas snížený pas přirozený pas volný střih přiléhavý střih obepínající, těsný NECKLINE (‘neklain) VÝSTŘIH boat neck (bout nek) high neck (hai nek) low neck (lou nek) oval neck (ouvcl nek) polo-neck stand-up neck (stFndap nek) tie neck ('tai nek) V-neck (vi: nek) pointed collar ('pointid colc) round collar ('raund colc) with a collar (wi2 c colc) without a collar (wi'*aut c colc) lodičkový ke krku, malý hluboký, dekolt oválný rolák stojáček s vázačkou véčko špičatý límec kulatý límec s límcem bez límce FOOT WEAR (‘futwec) OBUV boots (bu:ts) - ankle boots (Fõkl bu:ts) - knee-length boots (ni: le†2 bu:ts) - high boots (hai bu:ts) - boots with fur lining (wi2 fc: lainiõ) - winter boots (wintc bu:ts) clogs (klogz) heel (hi:l) - low-heeled shoes (lou hi:ld 'šu:z) - medium-heeled shoes ('mi:djcm hi:ld) - high-heeled shoes (hai hi:ld 'šu:z) kozačky, zimní boty kotníkové zimní boty vysoké kozačky holínky boty s kožešinovou vložkou zimní boty dřeváky podpatek boty na nízkém podpatku boty na středním podpatku boty na vysokém podpatku - stiletto-heeled shoes (stiletou hi:ld'šu:z) laces (leisiz) mules (mju:lz) plimsolls (plimslz) pumps (pamps) rubbers ('rabcs) - rubber boots, wellingtons, wellies sandals ('sFndlz) shoes (šu:z) - a pair of shoes (pec cv'šu:z) - court shoes (’ko:t 'šu:z) - flat shoes (flFt 'šu:z) - hand-made shoes (hFnd meid 'šu:z) - heavy shoes (hevi 'šu:z) - lace-up shoes (leisap 'šu:z) - leather shoes (le*c 'šu:z) - outdoor shoes ('autdo: 'šu:z) - running shoes ('raniõ 'šu:z) - ski shoes (ski 'šu:z) - sports shoes (spo:ts 'šu:z) - suede shoes (sweid 'šu:z) - walking shoes ('wo:ki 'šu:z) slippers (slipc:z) sole (soul) sneakers (sni:kcz) tennis shoes (tenis ‘šu:z) trainers (‘treincz) uppers ('apcz) jehličky tkaničky pantofle, střevíce bez podpatku plátěnky, tenisky lakýrky, dámské střevíce holínky, gumáky holínky, gumáky sandály boty pár bot, boty dámské lodičky boty bez podpatků ručně šité boty pevné boty šněrovací boty kožené boty vycházkové boty sportovní boty lyžařské boty sportovní boty semišové boty vycházkové boty bačkory, pantofle podešva plátěnky tenisky botasky, sportovní boty galoše ACCESSORIES (Fk’sescriz) DOPLŇKY bag (bFg) shopping bag (šopi† bFg) belt (belt) beret (berei) bowtie (boutai) braces ('breisiz) brief-case (bri:fkeis) buckle (bakl) cap (kFp) cleanex ear muffs (ic mafs) glasses (gla:siz) gloves (glavs) - leather gloves (le*c glavs) - suede gloves (sweid glavs) - cotton gloves (kotn glavs) - knitted gloves (nitid glavs) handbag ('hFndbFg) handkerchief ('hFõkcčif) hat (hFt) - bowler hat ('boulc hFt) - straw hat (stro: hFt) - tophat (tophFt) hood (hu:d) jewellery ('džu:clri) precious stone ('prešcs stoun) semiprecious stone (semi'prešcs stoun) taška nákupní taška pásek baret motýlek šle aktovka přezka čepice kapesník (AM) chrániče na uši brýle rukavice kožené rukavice semišové rukavice bavlněné rukavice pletené rukavice kabelka kapesník klobouk buřinka slaměný klobouk cylindr kapuce šperky, klenoty drahý kámen, drahokam polodrahokam bracelet ('breislit) brooch (brouč) costume jewellery ('kostju:m 'džu:clri) ear-ring (ic ri†) necklace ('neklis) pendant ('pendcnt) pin (pin) ring (ri†) leghorn ('legho:n) mittens ('mitns) muff (maf) muffler (maflc) purse (pc:s) sash (sFš) scarf (ska:f) socks (soks) - ankle socks (Fõkl soks) - knee-length socks (ni: len2 soks) stick (stik) stockings ('stokiõs) suit-case (sju:tkeis) sunglasses ('san gla:siz) suspenders (scs’pendcz) tie (tai) tie pin (tai pin) tights (taits) - fine tights (fain taits) - heavy tights (hevi taits) - patterned tights ('pFtncd taits) umbrella (am'brelc) - telescopic umbrella (‘teliskoupik) wallet (wolit) náramek brož bižuterie náušnice náhrdelník přívěšek špendlík, jehlice prsten slaměný klobouk palčáky rukávník pletená šála, šátek dámská peněženka šerpa lehký šátek, šála ponožky krátké ponožky podkolenky hůlka punčochy kufr sluneční brýle šle (AM) vázanka jehlice do vázanky punčochy jemné punčochy teplé, tlusté punčochy vzorované punčochy deštník skládací deštník pánská peněženka NEEDLEWORK (’ni:dlwc:k) RUČNÍ PRÁCE crochet ('krcušei) embroider (im'broidc) knit (nit) make a dress (meik c dress) needle ('ni:dl) scissors ('siscz) sew (sou) thread (2red) háčkovat, háčkování vyšívat plést šít jehla nůžky šít nit PICTURE DICTIONARY CLOTHES – MEN * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 pullover jumper sweater jeans, a pair of jeans trousers, a pair of trousers jacket suit socks, a pair of socks pocket tie shirt coat spectacles belt raincoat watch shoe glove ** 19 20 21 collar cardigan waistcoat 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 sleeve gymshoes shoelaces sole heel buckle hat cap bowler vest pants, a pair of pants pyjamas scarf anorak *** 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 mitten lapel braces, a pair of braces bow tie, butterfly tie tracksuit cuff cuff links breast pocket CLOTHES – WOMEN * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 dress handbag sweater skirt blouse belt shorts, a pair of shorts shoe T-shirt, tee shirt handkerchief coat umbrella raincoat nightdress, nighty ** 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 sol e shoulder bag necklace scarf tights, panty hose stockings, a pair of stockings bracelet earring brooch buckle pants, a pair of pants brassiere, bra panty, panties dressing gown boots, a pair of boots slippers, a pair of slippers sandals, a pair of sandals heel *** 33 34 headband slip, petticoat TOILETRIES AND JEWELRY TOILETRIES 1 lipstick 2 brush 3 comb 4 mirror 5 soap, a bar of soap 6 nail varnish, nail polish 7 nailbrush 8 nail file 9 nail scissors 10 nail cleaner 11 toilet bag 12 eyeliner 13 eyeshadow 14 blush 15 mascara 16 perfume, a bottle of 17 eau de cologne 18 toilet water 19 cream, a jar of cream 20 skin cream 21 compact 22 face powder 23 cotton wool 24 deodorant 25 shampoo, a bottle of 26 shaving brush 27 shaving cream 28 aftershave lotion 29 razor 30 razor blade 31 applicator 32 manicure set 33 men’s fitted dressing case 34 tissues, a box of tissues JEWELRY 35 36 37 38 39 40 ring brooch earring bracelet necklace pendant PHRASES WHAT’S THE FASHION Co je letos v módě? Jaké kalhoty jsou v módě? Líbí se ti letošní móda? To je/není v módě. What’s the fashion this year? What’s the fashion in trousers? Do you like this year’s fashion? That’s in fashion/out of fashion. TRY IT ON! Vyzkoušej si to. Jak mi to sluší? Nesluší mi to. Jsem v tom tlustá/bledá. Vypadám v tom mnohem štíhleji. Bude se mi to hodit k té šedé sukni. Není to můj styl. Není to pro mě. Nesedí mi to. Nemůžu to zapnout. Skvěle to padne. Je to akorát. (velikost) Není to moje velikost. To je ta správná velikost. Budu si to muset zúžit. Budu si to muset popustit. Budu si je muset zkrátit. Budu si je muset prodloužit. Try it on. How do I look? It doesn’t suit me. I look fat/pale in it. It makes me look much slimmer. It will go with my grey skirt. It’s not my style. It’s not me. It doesn’t fit me. I can’t do it up. It’s a perfect fit. It’s not my size. This is the right size. I’ll have to take it in. I’ll have to let it out. I’ll have to take them up. I’ll have to let them down. PUT IT ON AND WEAR IT! Vezmi si/Oblékni si kabát. Vezmi si/Oblékni si to. Sundej si kabát. Zuj si boty. Sundej si je. Zuj si je. Co si mám vzít na sebe? Co si vezmeš večer na sebe? Nemám co na sebe. Put on your coat. Put it on. Take off your coat. Take your coat off. Take off your shoes. Take your shoes off. Take them off. What shall I wear? What are you going to wear tonight? I haven’t got anything to wear. I have got nothing to wear. CLOTHING Mohu Vás obsloužit? - Chci si koupit nějakou košili. - Chci koupit košili pro manžela. Jaké číslo? - Potřebuji velikost M. - Potřebuje číslo 16. Zde jsou nějaké košile, ze kterých si můžete vybrat. Jak se vám líbí tato? - Nelíbí se mi barva. - Nelíbí se mi ten vzor. - Nelíbí se mi ten střih. - Máte nějakou jinou barvu? Jakou barvu byste chtěla? Can I help you? - I want to buy a shirt. - I want to buy a shirt for my husband. What size, please? - I need size M. - He needs size 16. Here are some shirts to choose from. How do you like this one? - I don’t like the colour. - I don’t like the pattern. - I don’t like the style. - Haven’t you got any other colour? What colour would you like? - Chtěla bych tmavší barvu. - Chtěla bych něco v modrém. - Měli byste něco ve světlejší barvě? Ukážu vám poslední novinku. - Mohu si to zkusit? - Ano, líbí se mi. - Myslím, že si tuhle koupím. - Koupím si ji. - Vezmu si ji. Přejete si ještě něco? - Máte …. ? - Prodáváte taky …? - Ukázala byste mi …? - Můžete mi ukázat …? - Mohu si prohlédnout tuto …? - Chtěla bych … - Chtěla bych si koupit tento … - Ne, to je všechno. Kolik to stojí? Kolik je to dohromady? - I’d prefer a darker colour. - I’d prefer something in blue. - Do you have anything in more light? I’ll show you our latest one. - May I try it? - Yes, I like it. - I think, I will have this one. - I will buy it. - I will take it. Anything else? - Do you have …? - Do you also sell ...? - Would you show me ... ? - Can you show me ... ? - May I see this …. ? - I would like … - I would like to buy this … - No, thank you, that’s all. How much is it? How much does it cost? How much is it altogether? FOOTWEAR Mohla byste mi ukázat nějaké sandály? Chtěla bych ty, které jsou ve výkladní skříni. Jaké číslo? Potřebuji číslo …. Jsou pro mě malé/velké. Dejte mi o číslo menší. Dejte mi o číslo větší. Tyhle boty mě tlačí. Jsou mi moc úzké. Jsou mi velmi volné. Zkuste si tento pár, je o číslo větší. Přinesu vám o číslo menší. Chcete si je zkusit? Could you show me some sandals? I would like the pair you have in the window. What size? I need size ….. They are too small / big for me. Give me one size smaller ones. Give me one size bigger ones. These shoes pinch me. They are too tight. They are too loose. Try this pair. It is a size larger. I will get you a smaller size. Would you like to try them on?