File - Maiden Gully Primary School


File - Maiden Gully Primary School
Number 23
School Council
Interschool Sports Gr 4—6
Grade 3 Camp
Movie Night Fundraiser 6.45pm
Principal’s Report
Another busy week at Maiden Gully Primary School with
lots of things happening through the school at the moment.
Music Is Fun
Thank-you to Lisa Fi! and Myrle Byers who organised this
fantas#c incursion. The kids and teachers are s#ll talking
about it. It’s great to have quality performances come
into the school and run interac#ve shows for students.
Grade 4 Camp
Thank-you to Paris Craig, Sam Vroom, Jake Condon, Emma Lewis, Holly Stuchbree and Kelli Bailey for running a
very successful Grade 4 Camp to Cave Hill. Although it did
rain on day one, from all reports the students and teachers have had an absolute ball. The Cave Hill facili#es are
outstanding and the views are spectacular as the camp
sits on the banks of the lake.
Parent Opinion Survey
Thank-you to those families that filled out 2016 Parent
Opinion Surveys - we hope to have the results by the end
of term. It’s very much appreciated.
Social Media
We are currently reviewing our Social Media Policy and
looking at developing our Code of Conduct for teachers,
students and parents. This will provide us with a clear
view of our community expecta#ons and will involve a
review of how we use and interact with social media professionally, linking to the great work we’ve already completed with our eSmart accredita#on. I’d like to take this
opportunity to thank parents for your approach towards
social media, with the mind-set of discussing issues with
the school first, before pos#ng anything online. It’s really
important that as a community we con#nue to work together. We’ll be asking for feedback over the next few
months throughout the review process. Thank-you.
Aug 3 , 2016
School Magazine Compeon
Students will be involved in the design of this year’s
school year book. We’ll be running a compe##on over
the next few weeks where students will be able to design
the front and back covers of the magazine. There’ll be a
gold coin dona#on as an entry fee and our winners and
any outstanding efforts will be acknowledged at assembly and published in the newsle!er at the end of term.
Once again we’re offering spaces in the magazine for
sponsorship, if you have a business and would like to adver#se, could you please let me know. Further details
around ordering will be provided over the coming weeks.
Shrek Producon
We’re right in the middle of producing Shrek the Musical! Staff and students are doing an outstanding job with
prac#sing their items for the night. You would have received some informa#on last week around costumes and
performance #mes and nights- the school has been split
into Houses so that families will only have to a!end one
concert, making it easier financially for everyone. We
would also ask that parents of Grade 5 & 6 students only
a!end on one of the nights, the night your House is performing. This will ensure enough seats for all families.
Fraser and Laver will rehearse and perform on August
29th. Norman and Bradman will rehearse on the 6th of
September and perform on the 7th September.
Shrek Ticket Arrangements
Tickets will be on sale closer to concert #me and more
informa#on will come out in the next few weeks around
this. As this is the first #me we’ve put on a produc#on of
this size, we are being conserva#ve regarding #ckets
sales. Tickets will be available at $15 pp and School
Council has agreed to allocate 5 #ckets per family. We
hope to open #cket sales up in the final week leading up
to the produc#on for families requiring more #ckets.
Some families will not need the full 5 #ckets and we
would encourage you to only purchase what you need.
Crazy Swamp Hair Day
In support of our Shrek Produc#on we’re having a Crazy
Swamp Hair Day on Friday the 12th of August. Students
can come to school with a crazy hair style or students
can get some crazy hair colours sprayed on at lunch#me.
We’re asking for a gold coin dona#on to help pay for the
addi#onal microphones we’ll need for the produc#on.
Should be a great day!
Jordan Ancrum
This Friday 5th August
If your child is unwell or absent on the day, please call the
office by 9am, and your child will receive a credit to use
at a later date.
Fried Rice
Our own special recipe made with rice, bacon, onion,
peas, carrots and corn – NO EGG
Paradise Punch Juice
Penny Topp-Lowe will be filling in for me un#l the beginning of September, so please contact her for any changes
to the roster.
Canteen Manager:
Teresa Mc Namara/ Penny Topp Lowe Ph: 5449 6429
Term 2
9.00am – 12:00 noon
Thursday, 4 August
Friday, 5 August
Eden Calleja
& Anita Merchant
Anita Merchant, Kelli Beynon,
Dean Lakey, Heather Leech,
Rachel Davey & Michelle
Alston (Please note change of
start mes.)
Monday, 8 August
Kim Wakefield
Tuesday, 9 August
Ros Anne Freemantle
Wednesday, 10 August
Judy Miles & Eden Calleja
Thursday, 11 August
Cindy Sto! & Vicki Cruise
Friday, 12 August
Kris#na Manson, Belinda
Beale & Lauren Barne!
School Banking
This term we are running a compe##on where one of
our students using the School Banking Program will win
a prize.
The compe##on starts on Wednesday 3rd August and
finishes on Wednesday 7th September. All you have to
do to be eligible is make a minimum of 3 deposits during this six week period. All eligible student’s will then
go into the draw to win a prize. The winner will be announced at assembly on Friday 9th September.
Excursion Levy
Just a reminder that the excursion levy is now overdue.
If you have agreed to make term instalments, please
make the final payment now. Invoices for overdue balances will be sent out this week.
Excursion levy covers the cost of local excursions, incursions and swimming.
If your excursion levy is not paid, your child may not be
able to a!end some of these ac#vi#es.
If you are experiencing difficulty with payment, please see
Jade in the office to arrange payment op#ons.
Foundation Flutterings
PMP will not be running for the remainder of the term as
we will be busy prac#cing our school produc#on items
during this #me.
A reminder that school values awards for preps are given
out at assembly on Fridays. Your teacher will no#fy you if
your child is to receive an award and it will also be printed
in the school newsle!er.
A reminder to please do your best to refrain from puJng
any nut products in your child’s lunch boxes as we have
students in the prep area that are Anaphylac#c.
Spare change of clothes need to be in each child’s bag
every day in case of an accident. The school does not always have spares available.
Prep Team
Middle School Mutterings
Grade 4 Camp: Teachers and students had a wet but wonderful #me on camp. As always, we received excellent
reports on the aJtude and behaviour of our students!
Grade 3 Camp: Medical and Behaviour notes as well as
final payments are now due, Wednesday 10th August. Final notes will also be coming home tomorrow.
Topic Studies: Students are really enjoying their study of
Australian history. You might like to talk to child about
what they have been learning.
Illness: Please consider whether your child is well enough
to be at school, as we have had quite unwell students
coming to school and then having to be sent home again.
Your contact details should also be up to date.
Middle School Team
Oshcare News
A reminder to parents that statements have been sent out
and it is important that they are paid on #me.
Helen McCoomb – OSHCare Supervisor
Ph: 5449 6429 Mob: Helen or Tara 0401 882 250
Grade Name
Students Name
Reason for award
Prep H
Summer B
For always giving 100% effort when comple#ng her school work.
Prep O
Zaivi H
Prep B
Lexi M
Prep E
Imogine O
For always trea#ng other people in our room with respect and making
great progress in her a!empts to spell unknown words in her wri#ng.
Well done!
For consistently displaying all the school values both inside and outside
the classroom. Well done, Lexi.
Immi has worked really hard this term to listen to instruc#ons and to
finish all of her work to the best of her ability. Keep up the great work!
Grade 1G
Kowen J
Grade 1EL
Alexus W
Grade 1DL
Mia C
Prep M
For working hard to produce more detailed sentences during wri#ng
For her excellent persistence in learning how to tell the #me. Keep up
the great work Alexus!
For displaying responsibility when carrying out classroom jobs and helping other students without being asked! Well done for showing a great
sense of community!
Grade 1R
Grade 1 N/T
London B
For working hard in wri#ng #me to complete her narra#ve.
Grade 2B
Bodhi Y
Grade 2G/A
Will E
Grade 2S
Ollie C
Grade 3/4 VS
Tanisha D
Grade 3/4S
Charlo!e Wi
For always demonstra#ng all our school values. Your love of learning is
a wonderful example to others!
Grade 3/4 C
Sophie W
Grade 3/4M
Marley D
Grade 3/4P
Kai T
For her eagerness and hard work towards crea#ng a James Cook
Endeavour Poster. Well done Sophie!
For consistently showing Respect to all of her classmates and her teacher. Well done Marley.
For always being a wonderful team member, both inside the classroom
and in spor#ng ac#vi#es. You are a very considerate and thoughNul
young man.
For being a caring and considerate member of our class. Well done Bodhi, keep it up!
For working hard using Chunky Monkey and Scoops the Pelican reading
strategies to improve his oral reading. Fantas#c effort Will!
For being responsible for his learning by always staying on task when
comple#ng ac#vi#es. Well done Ollie!
For demonstra#ng all our values through the bright and enthusias#c
way she works with others and approaches her schooling.
Grade 3/4 JC
Grade 3/4V
Grade 5M
Steven B
Grade 5F
Manni V
Grade 5Mc
Jesse C
Grade 6M
Brodie B
Grade 6P
Brylee H
Grade 6 T
Wya! R
For his amazing back story and his constant hard work in all areas. Well
done Steven.
For demonstra#ng all our values through the bright and enthusias#c
way she works with others and approaches her schooling.
For always being a posi#ve member of our class and taking great pride
in the presenta#on of her work
For his fantas#c enthusiasm and pa#ence when teaching his buddy how
to use the MicrosoO PowerPoint program. Keep up the great work Brodie!
For always being respecNul towards your school work, peers and teachers. You are a great role model for Maiden Gully Primary School.
For reading with great expression to make the story come to life. Well
Junior Jargon
Producon rehearsal is in full swing and looking fantas#c! Keep prac#sing those songs and dance moves!
A reminder of the importance of ‘reading mileage’.
Children need the opportunity to read oOen, allowing
#me for prac#sing and in turn developing their early
reading skills. Please aim to hear your children read
nightly and sign their reading log so that the class
teachers are aware that home reading is being completed.
Working together at home and school makes a strong
impact on your child’s learning.
Values awards will be presented in the Gym at Friday
morning’s assembly.
Have a great week,
Junior School Team
Fresh Fruit Friday
Fresh Fruit Friday has now
been extended across the
whole school. This means
Madelaine Campbell
that every child at Maiden
Gully Primary School will be
Jess James
provided with free fresh fruit
Jess McCallum
on a Friday. Thank you to all
Bernie Pompei
the wonderful volunteers
Brandi Stewart
that have put their name
Jobe Thomson
down to assist with the program. Any problems or queries please don’t hesitate to come and see me.
Lisa Lee
Kylie Carlile
Emma Lewis Rm 8
Senior School Synopsis
Café Reading
A reminder about this structure is that borrowing of take
home readers or ‘Just Right Books’ is now done in the
classrooms rather than the library. The library is no longer
open in the mornings or aOernoons for borrowing, but
students can borrow from the library during their classrooms weekly session.
The Café Reading program allows us to be more individualised with seJng specific reading comprehension goals
for each child and it is great to see all the students working towards their goals in the classroom. When home
reading, remind you child to focus on prac#cing their café
reading strategy.
Athlecs Sports
Our Interschool Athle#cs sports are coming upon us again.
They are being held on Wednesday the 17th of August at
the Sports Track In Flora Hill. The students have already
been training for the different events during P.E. sessions.
Let’s hope the weather allows for a great day. It is also
great to see parents coming along and cheering on Maiden Gully.
Shrek Producon
Well we are definitely in full produc#on swing. There have
been a few notes that have been sent home, so please
make sure you are up to date with all of these. Please encourage your children to prac#ce their songs at home,
they should have a copy of their songs on their netbooks.
Well done to all the lead role students. Keep up the great
work with prac#cing you lines regularly.
Music Is Fun
Once again, this incursion was a fantas#c event for the
students. It was great to see a range of students helping
out in the songs and geJng really involved. Well done to
all the other students who came along and just sang away
and got involved as audience members. We can’t wait un#l the Music Is Fun crew come along again next year.
Have a great week.
Senior School Team
The V.P.R.C. ends on the week beginning 5 September 2016,
which means there are only five (5) weeks leA to complete entering reading.
We currently have 194 students entered in the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge. These students have read a total
of 7,440 books to date. For the 55 (FiAy-five) students with usernames and passwords, who have not yet entered any
reading on-line, please start entering your reading – as it is a good idea to check usernames and passwords in case of
any errors. If any of you have misplaced your passwords, or they are not working, please email me at the address below so that I may send these to you again. The V.P.R.C. ends on the week beginning 5 September 2016, which means
there are only five (5) weeks leA to complete entering reading. Please do not leave this unl the last moment. A number of students have read a significant amount of books, but sll need to enter more Challenge books to be able to
complete the Challenge. Please check how many more books you need, and borrow these from the library, to complete your task.
Congratulaons to the 110 students who have completed the PRC ahead of #me, and are on the way to reading 100
books. The latest students to achieve this target are Piper F (PM), Evan L (PB), Bailey C (2GA), Mitchell L (2B), Tyran F
We now have thirty-one (31} members of the M.G.P.S. 100s Club for 2016 (Students who have read 100 books during
the P.R.C.) The latest students to reach this milestone are Piper F (PM), Evan L (PB) and Ayvah L (2GA). They are to be
congratulated for this achievement. Great work! Let’s hope they are the first of many more. .
N.B.CONSENT FORMS: You may email me your child’s name, class name and room number (e.g. Mary Smith, Grade 4
in 3/4M from room 17) to
We hope students will con#nue to enjoy their reading. Thank you for suppor#ng us and your child’s reading by par#cipa#ng in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge.
Remember to email me ( if you are experiencing problems or need passwords
sent again.
Carol Maunder Maiden Gully VPRC Coordinator
Assistant Principals Report
Wrapper Free Week
We have been discussing how to reduce our rubbish footprint within the school. We try to give as much organic waste to
the chickens, we recycle our paper and complete regular emu-bobs. BUT, for the next step we need your help!
Next week we will be introducing a “Wrapper-free Week” and awarding House Points for those with the least rubbish,
and even a bonus house point at assembly for the School House Team that has achieved the least amount of wrappers
brought to school. Mr. O’Brien has been researching into the ‘Wrapper Free Week’ and he will be sending home a note
this week with more details on how you can reduce the amount of wrappers in your child’s lunchbox.
We would love it if you could keep the ‘Wrapper Free Week’ idea in mind so that you can support us through your weekly
grocery shop or baking.
Bikes in the Yard
Just a quick message regarding safety around bikes at school. Recently we have no#ced at the end of the day, some students have got into a habit of riding their bikes through the yard when making their way out of the different school gates.
As you can imagine, during this #me of day, there are many students around the grounds, running and playing in different loca#ons before heading home. If your child does ride their bike to and from school, it would be great if you could
remind them that bikes are to be walked within all boundaries of the school. This includes all surrounding footpaths.
Bikes also need to be walked when using our school crossings. Once clear of crossings and school boundaries, students
are free to safely ride home. This will just help out with the safety of our grounds during our busiest pedestrian traffic
Travis Pool and Kylie Freer
Music Is Fun