to discover - Bourgogne-Franche
to discover - Bourgogne-Franche
conception graphique : - crédits photographiques : Maison du tourisme du Parc naturel régional du Morvan, VIncent Arbelet er wayer h t o n // A to discov Comté e h c n a gne-Fr o g r u o B uttles e the summer sh k ta , er m m su This tions or tourist attrac aj m e th t si vi to of the region. , d without stress Without a car an discover another way to che-Comté ! Bourgogne-Fran tes t e v a n s s ake Morvanns and Great L Montai an e orv l estivsahuttles of M r summe For schedules and prices information about the TER and the summer shuttles accessible by public transport, ask to MOBIGO. uide G r e s U 2016 ttractions a t s i r u o t t rea té t Discover 6 g ranche-Com pictos.pdf 10/04/12 To Avallon and Auxerre 12:17:16 ne-F in Bourgog TER pictos.pdf 10/04/12 Avallon 12:17:16 pictos.pdf C 10/04/12 12:17:16 M tes navetales Y pictos.pdf CM 10/04/12 12:17:16 MY To Montbard CY CMY K TGV esmtmievr shuttles TGV pictos.pdf 10/04/12 12:17:16 TER su TER TER pictos.pdf 10/04/12 12:17:16 Saint-Brisson C M C Y pictos.pdf 10/04/12 12:17:16 Caption : saulieu M CM Y C MY CY pictos.pdf Y 10/04/12 TER Jump of gouloux CM M MY 12:17:16 CMY CY CM K CMY MY Station K Regional Train line C M K CY TGV The Lake of Settons CMY TGV TER Maison des Grands Lacs C M TGV Y Y CM CM Regional Line ( buses) MY CY CMY K TGV TGV Shuttle Morvan TGV TGV MY CY C CMY M K TGV Y pictos.pdf 10/04/12 12:17:16 TER The Lake of Settons TGV la CM Local Transco buses MY cabane verte CY Mountain bike route “Grande Traversée du Morvan” CMY K C Regional Natural Park of the Morvan M Y CM MY CY CMY K pictos.pdf 10/04/12 12:17:16 TGV Anost TGV LaTGV petite Verrière TER TGV To Chagny la Celle-en-Morvan TGV C TER M Y pictos.pdf 10/04/12 autun 12:17:16 CM MY C CY M Y CMY CM K MY CY CMY Z K To Nevers TGV TER Etang-sur-Arroux C TGV TGV TGV Z TER To Dijon M Y CM MY CY CMY K TGV TGV ttractions a t s i r u o t t rea té t Discover 6 g ranche-Com ne-F in Bourgog Welcome to the park house In 1802/03, a new castle was built by an English architect at the place of the “Petites Fourches”: a rectangular block with small windows and thick walls being adapted to the rather harsh climate. Close-by pond “Taureau”, now used for fishing, had been used as a reserve for wood-rafting during the 19th century. It was transferred to State ownership in 1975 to finally settle there the administration of the regional nature park of Morvan. Visitors of the Park Centre will find a natural, harmonious and preserved place that can be accessed freely. The tourist office which is open throughout the year supplies you with information and it issues its own publications. To do: House of the People and Landscapes - Ecomuseum Morvan Resistance Museum, arboretum, hiking, equestrian and mountain biking. j Suggestion for a day : Visit gardens and herbularium, follow the path of the pond Taurus and return by the arboretum. Picnic at the water’s edge, then visit the House of the Men (People) and the Landscapes and the Museum of the Resistance. If there’s some time left for you to rent mountain bike at Seb Oppin, direction Lake of St Agnan for a bathing (12km round trip) is approximately 3 hours. The Jump of Gouloux The Jump of Gouloux is a waterfall due to a granite fault and a site steeped in history offering a special atmosphere. Discover one of the two walking tours: a family way (800 m) or a steeper way (1km) from where you get a view on the village and its surprising spire. From the bridge over the Cure, you will see the Jump of the Trouts. You may see some kayakers. The rustling of the water fall amplifies as you progress through the forest. Close the water fall, the old walls are the remains of two mills that produced oil and flour. From there, you can get back to the car park or to take the GR (wright and red markers) on your right, for a hike to Lake of Settons. To do: nature walk, nature trail, GR® 13, fishing, clog factory, restaurants. j Suggestion for a day : Get the shuttle to the parking Gouloux skip to about 10:10am. Discover the site, its bridges and the water falls. As hiking on the GR® 13, you can visit the village of Gouloux where you will find the clog factory, one of the last wooden shoe factory in the region. Then, the way will lead you straight to the Lake of Settons. Along the way, you can picnic and stop at the bog of Champgazon to observe this exceptional environment. Arriving at Lake of Settons, take the opportunity to go swimming, and to discover the dam and the Great Lakes’House. The shuttle will pick you up at 4:33pm. Anost Do not pronounce the «s» and the «t» of this small town in the heart of the Natural Regional Park of the Morvan. Ranked as “Station Verte», Anost is a village that has preserved its authenticity. It is a mecca for sporty people in Burgundy (horseback riding, hiking and biking) with over 100 km of marked trails. You can visit the “Maison des Galvachers”, a museum dedicated to Galvachers migrants, waggoners who were working six months per year in the transportation and hauling of wood. Take the time to listen to the stories and music of the Morvan in the “Maison du Patrimoine Oral”: as a resource and information centre, and centre for exhibitions, its purpose is to experience all forms of oral culture : music, songs, dances and stories of the past. To do : Gisants from 18th century, the trail of Tacot, the festival of the hurdy-gurdy (19/08 - 21/08 2016), restaurants, leisure. j Suggestion for a day: In the morning, make a hike to explore the landscapes of the Morvan (there are several marked loops from 2 to 18km - documentation available at the Town Hall). Lunch atone of the restaurants in the village, and then go to meet the Morvan traditions through the visit of the “Maison du Patrimoine Oral” and the “Maison des Galvachers”. j Discover “La Grande Traversée du Morvan”, marked trail montain bike. From Avallon to Autun and Saulieu, over 330 km of marked trail to discover beauty and heritage of this mountain, classified Regional Park. From the North to the South of Morvan : Valley Cousin, Great Lakes of the Morvan, the Haut Folin top, Uchon site, etc.. >> Information: Autun, the little Rome, knows how to welcome you Born from the desire of the Roman emperor Augustus, Autun is a city with 2000 years of history. Discover the ancient ruins of the city, classified as “Ville d’Art et d’Histoire”: temple, theater, city gates, citywalls ... Extend your visit by the Saint-Lazare Cathedral (1120). Visit the Rolin Hotel (14th century) which houses Romanesque and Gothic masterpieces, as the temptation of Eve Gislebertus (17th century), or the “Nativity of the Master of Moulins” (15th century). Immerse yourself in the heart of the tympanum of the cathedral with a 3D movie. In the city center, the Place du Champ de Mars is bordered by city hall, the municipal theatre and the Lyceum Bonaparte. A few minutes away, you will find 100 ha to practice outdoor activities: swimming pool, golf, mini-golf, tennis, sailing, a FFC-approved mountain biking center, roller skate park, bowling, horseback riding. To do : guided tours or the tourist train, paddle boats on the lake, bike rental, golf. j Suggestion for a day: In the morning, enjoy one of our guided tours (information at the Tourist Office), stroll on the market (Wednesday and Friday morning) or discover the treasures of our city by tourist train. Lunch on the terrace of a restaurant; continue with a stroll around the lake, where you can rent a paddle boat or a mountain bike. For the less sporty, you’ll find your luck in our medieval streets or in one of our museums. Saulieu, « site remarquable du goût » The Great Lakes of Morvan Take a stroll around the lake of Settons. This lake of 360 ha and its dam were opened in 1858. Originally built to regulate the flow of the Seine and the floating of timber to Paris, its purpose is now mainly tourism. Many restaurants at the edge the lake. The Great Lakes of Morvan’s House is a listed building, formerly the home of the dam construction engineer. Today, it houses the Tourist Office. Enter and come to discover the Great Lakes area and its shop. Want to get high? Discover the panoramic terrace overlooking the lake, on the top roof of the house! To do : tour of the lake (15km) on foot or by bike, discover Lake boat ride, boating, sailing, swimming, fishing mountain bike rental, fishing, mini-golf, restaurants. j Suggestion for a day : Take the shuttle bus station at 9:00am from Autun and get off at the Great Lakes’ House, the Settons at 9:57am. Enter in the Great Lakes’House and discover the tourist office. Also, you can get on the panoramic terrace, on the roof. Start your tour of the lake (15km) from the dam. On your way you will have the opportunity to take a tour boat ride to discover the history of the lake. Have Lunch at one of the many restaurants edging the lake. If the weather is warm and sunny, give yourself a treat on the sandy beaches and enjoy a refreshing swim. Your visit to the wooden bridge above the water will offer a magnificent view of the lake. For the more energetic you can rent mountain bikes or practice water activities. Take the shuttle bus back to Autun. Saulieu conceals unsuspected treasures: a Romanesque Basilica which dates from the 12th century with historiated capitals, an intimate museum dedicated mostly to the animal sculptor François Pompon, and many gastronomic establishments such as “Le Relais Bernard Loiseau” which reputation is second to none. In this little town, it is also possible to stroll through the shopping streets, to venture biking in the surrounding forests and along the ponds. Are you looking for Heritage sites? Discover the hospital Chapel and the copy of Fra Bartolomeo painting “Holy conversation with the mystic Marriage of St. Catherine of Siena”, dates from 16th century. In the Vauban street, stop in front of the wood-framed house, of the 15th century. Nowadays, this house is an Art Gallery. Or you can go to the “St Saturnin Church”, of the 19th century, whose steeple is shingled wood. Pleasures for the palate ? Saulieu offers a variety of restaurants, a wine cellar with over 400 wine references, shops to taste and buy local products. To do : guided tour, François Pompon Museum, carriage ride, several hiking trails, bike rentals, sports ground, swimming pool, tasting, local product. j Suggestion for a day : Arrival of shuttle at 10:31am. Before lunch, stroll along the Pompon bear’s route (brochure available at the tourist office), taste local products in shops. For the lunch, choose your menu: from fast-food to gourmet menu, not to mention pizzerias and traditional restaurants; you have many opportunities! After meals, visit the two main sites of the city: “François Pompon Museum” (animal sculptures, art and Morvan traditions, exhibitions), and “St Andoche Romanesque Basilica” from 12th century. Take the shuttle at 4:20pm. er way // Anottho discover mté nche-Co a r F e n g Bourgo t Many treking circuits are available from Tourist Offices, or town hall of Anost, and House Tourism of St-Brisson. from july 15th to august 28th 2016 The 26-seater shuttle goes between Autun Station and Saulieu on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. It stops to Anost, the lake of Settons, the jump of Gouloux and the Park Center of the Morvan. It has a trailer for bikes. SHUTTLE BUS TIMETABLE Autun-gare Anost-place Lac des Settons - La Cabane Verte Lac des Settons - maison des grands lacs Saut de Gouloux Saint-Brisson - MAISON DU PARC Saulieu - PLACE 9h00 9h25 9h47 9h57 10h10 10h18 10h31 Saulieu - PLACE Saint-Brisson - MAISON DU PARC Saut de Gouloux Lac des Settons - maison des grands lacs Lac des Settons - La Cabane Verte Anost - PLACE Autun-gare 16h20 16h33 16h42 16h54 17h05 17h30 17h55 • 1,50 € single. >> Buy your ticket on the bus CYCLING : • Saint-Brisson : mountain bike rental with Seb Oppin, Les petites Fourches +33 (0)3 86 78 73 91. • Autun : mountain bike rental at base de loisirs Marcel Lucotte, Chalon Street +33 (0)3 85 52 47 09 • Settons : mountain bike rental, Settons Loisirs +33 (0)3 86 76 02 25 ; Activital +33 (0)3 86 84 51 98 WATER ACTIVITIES : Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays j FARES : e Morvan Discover th HIKING: ttle Morvan Shu To explore the montains area and the lakes of the Morvan, take advantage of the tourist shuttles ! j t • Autun : - Espace Sport et Nature, base de loisirs Marcel Lucotte, Chalon Street : swim, canoe rental, sailboats, catamarans, paddle boats. +33 (0)3 85 52 47 09 - Nautical Center of Autunois, Chalon Street +33 (0)3 85 52 24 45 • Anost : swimming but no lifeguard • Settons : - canoe rental, sailboats, catamaran. Base nautique Activital. +33 (0)3 86 84 51 98 - boat ride. Le Morvan +33 (0)6 75 39 38 89 / Les Settons +33 (0)3 86 84 51 97 - paddle boats : Le Morvan +33 (0)6 75 39 38 89 / Les Settons +33 (0)3 86 84 51 97 -Blump Jump, jet renting «Gliss’Land» : +33 (0) 6 51 28 32 65 • Saulieu : heated outdoor pool : +33 (0)3 80 64 09 83 HORSE DRAWN CARRIAGES : • Saulieu : carriage ride on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings in July and August. +33 (0)3 80 64 00 21, • Autun : carriage ride on tuesday and friday. +33 (0)3 85 86 80 38 j t Contacts Contacts (suite) : • Rolin Museum of Autun, rue des Bancs Open every day except Tuesdays and on July 14th 10:00am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 6:00pm Tel. +33 (0)3 85 52 09 76 • Grand Autunois Morvan tourist office, 13 rue Général Demetz, From monday to saturday, 9:30am to 7:00pm Tel. +33 (0)3 85 86 80 38 - • Espace Sport et Nature, base de loisirs Marcel Lucotte, Autun Tel. +33 (0)3 85 52 47 09 • Saulieu Tourist Office, 24 rue d’Argentine, Tel. +33 (0)3 80 64 00 21 - - • Maison des Galvachers in Anost, open every day except Tuesdays, from 2:30pm till 6:30pm Tel. +33 (0)3 85 82 73 26 • Tourist Office of The Great Lakes of Morvan Barrage, Maison des Grands Lacs, Montsauche les Settons Tel. +33 (0)3 45 23 00 00 - • House tourism of Park of the Morvan, open from monday to friday, from 9:30am to 6:30pm and saturday, sunday and national holidays, from 10:00am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 6:00pm Tel. +33 (0)3 86 78 79 57 - Parc naturel régional Morvan du • Maison du Patrimoine Oral in Anost, Open from wenesday to sunday, from 2:30pm to 6:30pm Tel. +33(0)3 85 82 77 00 • Resistance Museum and “Maison des Hommes et des Paysages”, in Saint Brisson Tel. +33 (0)3 86 78 72 99 Open every day, 10:00am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 to 6:00pm Reduced price with Pass to visit the “Maison des Hommes et des Paysages” and Resistance Museum - • François Pompon Museum in Saulieu Tel.+33 (0)3 80 64 19 51 - • Saint Andoche Basilica in Saulieu Tel. +33 (0)3 80 64 07 03 - psaulieu@orange .fr t vers ijon and Ne mD By train fro j YOU DON’T NEED YOUR CAR ANY MORE TO GO TO AUTUN : At Autun train station, the shuttle is in correspondence with the regional train (TER) from Dijon and Nevers. Shuttle departure in front of the train station t ogne In TER Bourg j ATTRATIVES PRICES : • € 22,20* for a Dijon – Autun return journey with Bourgogne Liberté pass and the Bourgogne Tribu group rate. > For 1 to 5 people : 25% to 50% discount with a Bourgogne liberté pass, for the pass holder and up to 4 people of their choice. At a cost of 34€ the pass offers discounts on the TER train fares to Burgungy, towards the Ile de France and Rhône-Alpes regions. Half price for children from 4 to 12 years. Ticket and pass are available for sale at all SNCF ticket offices in Burgundy or at Paris-Bercy train station. > For 10 persons and more : The Bourgogne Tribu pass offers 50% discount on all TER fares for group travellers. Advance bookings guarantee a reserved seat on board the train (fares on sale 2 months and up to 6 working days prior to the departure date) * tarifs in force on january 2nd 2016. Compulsory booking with Mobigo! : 03 80 11 29 29 or on-line on
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