Morvan, la montagne bourguignonne
Morvan, la montagne bourguignonne
Itinéraire Est Itinéraire Ouest Itinéraire commun Routes principales Routes secondaires Limite du parc naturel régional Morvan, la montagne bourguignonne à pied, à VTT ou à cheval Morvan, hills and low mountains in the heart of Burgundy, on foot, on bike or by horse-back riding Au départ de Vézelay, 2 itinéraires : 1) Par Saulieu (178 km, 10 jours à pied) 2) Par Château-Chinon (160 km, 9 jours à pied) From Vézelay, 2 itineraries for walkers : via Saulieu (178 km/110 miles, 10 stages) via Château-Chinon (160 km/100 miles, 9 stages) Les itinéraires suivent les principaux sentiers balisés : GR13, GR de Pays, GR 131, chemin de Bibracte à Alésia s are Famous religious site dral, the ca tun Au d : hte highlig as, silic ba u Vézelay and Saulie hes urc ch e ag vill s rou nume and chapels close to legendary springs. Believer or not, each one is invited to be enlightened by silence, peace and beauty, in the respect for Nature and other trail users. Walking gives also great occasions to meet inhabitants. These itineraries follow signposted paths : GR13, GR131, local GR, trail from Bibracte to Alesia. Pilgrim’s trail passes through countryside landsca pes with open fields and forests, fol lows rivers and banks of several Morvan lakes and ponds. ge, Morvan and its herita Come and discover ! rk Pa l Morvan Regiona walking through the