Seabury Hall Spring `Ohana 2013


Seabury Hall Spring `Ohana 2013
Seabury Hall Spring ‘Ohana 2013
Can’t you hold out a few
more years until my kids get
up there, Coach?
— Becky Lavilla’98 Sparling
oach Colflesh Retires!
Steve Colflesh will retire in
May. He joined Seabury
Hall in 1980. Steve and his
wife Melissa, an alumna
from the first graduating
class of 1967, will now
have the time to fully
enjoy their three young
Steve leaves with the legacy as a pioneer
in the development of Division II sports
across the board in the MIL and the Hawaii High School Athletic Association —
the MIL was the first in the state to define
small schools as DII. He was also the
driving force to sanction 8-man football
and surfing as scholastic sports.
Steve’s biggest legacy is the impact he had on so many students
during his three decade tenure. Here are a few recollections:
He believed in me and
encouraged me to try harder
every time.
— Pua Carlin ’95 DeCaires
I recall Coach’s encouragement
and good humor. Thanks for the
care and attention you put into
getting me where I am today!
— Allan Anderson ‘92
Being my volleyball coach,
faculty advisor and college
counselor at the same time.
— Heather Haynes ’87 Drood
Teaching me how to graph
equations while also
pressuring me to join the
cross country team.
— Lindsey Sommer ‘02
Circa 1985
cov er ph oto : Nicaragua Winterim 2013
See story on page 16
Coach Colflesh always had a
smile on, you could be walking
around campus feeling down
and once he smiled at you all
you could do was smile. He was
always encouraging no matter
what the situation was!
— Chaunte Ling ’01 Lehmkuhl
I don’t think many people know
that Steve is a prolific life-long
reader. I’ve been fortunate to be
privy over the years to know that
side of him.
— Linda Lindsay, Librarian
Making you do pushups for
getting math problems wrong.
— Heather Milovina ‘93 Mancini
I miss that un-aging man...
— Brooke Sturdevant ‘12
To the most dedicated person
who put his heart and soul into
Seabury Hall. Coach Colflesh,
we thank you from our hearts. We will miss you. — Holly Ficke-Perdido ’77 ‘ohana
Thank you for being such a
wonderful teacher and resident
father figure!
— Justine Ludlow ’88 Lagerwey
Calling on me during
assembly to solve a math
problem about basketball.
— Chase Matayoshi ‘12
He taught me that you have
to do what you want others
to do. I have always had
great respect for the ease
with which Coach dealt with
students and the integrity he
had in coaching.
— Corrie Judge ‘97 Krems
Coach Colflesh is a man of
deep integrity, incredible
humor, an uplifting attitude,
and an unmatched sense of
professionalism. All of this is
steeped in his deep love for
Seabury Hall and his commitment to young people.
I will miss him
greatly as a friend,
colleague and
— Joe Schmidt, Headmaster
board of trustees
Printed on FSC-certified paper with soy-based inks • Photography by: Randy Jay Braun | Aaron Brummel | Kaimana Lee ’03 Brummel | Angelina Hills ’00 | The Maui News | Eric Rolph | Ned Simonds | Sara DePalma ’92 Smith | Joyce Yamada • joan selix berman design
2012 - 2013
Cordy D. MacLaughlin
P r e sid e nt o f th e B o a r d
Dr. Bobby C. Baker
Jeremy Baldwin
Heidi Riecke ‘87 Bigelow
Zadoc Brown, Jr.
e a d m a s t e r
o u r n a l
his year we have experienced remarkable success in every
venue. Our students received numerous accolades in math,
robotics, history and science competitions. We continued to enhance
the curriculum to reflect 21st century learning and every graduate
matriculated on to college. Our athletes won two state championships, two state runner-up awards, and nine Maui Interscholastic
League championships. Our arts department debuted their schedule
in the new ‘A‘ali‘iku¯ honua Creative Arts Center with musical
performances, drama and AP art shows.
R. Lee Kajiyama ‘67 Carson
Sumner Erdman ‘83
The Rt. Rev. Robert L. Fitzpatrick
J. Stephen Goodfellow
V ic e P r e sid e nt
James Haynes
Charles Jencks
Dr. Daniel Mayeda
Paul Meyer
t r e as u r e r
Cyrus Monroe
Father Austin Murray
Andy Pells
Henry Rice
Judy Siracusa
R. Clay Sutherland
Thomas Welch
s e c r e ta r y
Chatt Wright
Leslie-Ann Yokouchi
keeping us
on the
cutting edge
Recently I was reminded of how it is essential that we never rest
on our laurels and that we continue to recognize the importance
of strategic planning and forward-thinking. In January I attended a
conference that featured Mr. Ian Symmonds, who spoke about the
Ten Trends in Education. He illustrated the future challenges that we
will experience, but also revealed many opportunities to keep us on
the educational cutting edge. These ten trends include the impact
of the continued enhancement of technology; the globalization
of education; the pressures of the “new-norm” in terms of our
economy; the change in the family structure and family values;
the impact of the new green-energy industries, and the current
generation of students’ new sense of optimism.
The implications of these trends will have a significant impact on
Seabury Hall over the years. As we think strategically in all aspects
of the school, from program development to hiring, we must
keep these trends in mind. We are grateful for our outstanding
community, from alumni to parents, who have joined in with their
generosity, wisdom and hard work to ensure that we continue to move
forward in a current, relevant and future thinking fashion.
Joe Schmidt with
Trustee Emeritus
Betsy Erdman
Joseph J. Schmidt
H e admast e r
Joseph J. Schmidt, Headmaster
T r u st e e Em e r it u s
Betsy Erdman
John Baldwin
Roderick McPhee
Seabury Hall is an independent school affiliated with the Episcopal Church designed to:
prepare students for successful college and university work;
move students to develop mind, body, and soul;
cause students to realize their responsibility to community.
of the Year
“…one looks at the
situation from the point
above as well as the point
below, from the obverse
view as well as the reverse
view, from the outer as
well as the inner, from
the present as well as
the future.”
— Master Alfred Huang
Jeremy Morton ‘13 was the only student
from Hawaii to have his photo (above)
selected to hang in the prestigious 2012
Drexel Photography Exhibit in Philadelphia.
The Seabury Hall Middle School math team
(below) won the Maui County MathCounts
Championship for the fourth consecutive
year and went on to take second place
in the state championship. Eighth grader
Jesse Doan ‘17 finished first overall in the
state. His teammates included Shelby
Ferrier ‘18, Melia Fong ‘18 and Nikita
Roque ‘18. David Shiraki ‘19 received
an honorable mention in the individual
state competition.
Seabury Hall’s Team Wolfpack (above)
composed of students Carter Umetsu ‘14,
Carly O’Donnell ‘14, Rowan Mulligan ‘14,
and Fletcher Prouty ‘14 won first place in
Maui’s Academic WorldQuest Competition.
The competition is a team quiz game
designed to enhance and assess international education.
Isabella Pickering ‘16, Kyleigh ManuelSagon ‘16, Sophia Jorgensen ‘16, Tiffany
Orite ‘16, Patrick Termulo ‘17 and Ashley
Krost ‘17 were
selected for the
Malama Wao Akua
annual art show
at Viewpoints
Yellow 'Ohia by
Ashley Krost ’17
Our performing arts department put on two
spectacular shows this year. Voice of the Prairie debuted in the new Creative Arts Center
followed by Hello, Dolly (above).
The Seabury Hall Dirt Devils team became the
Hawaii State Champion at the annual Conservation Awareness Program’s Soil and Land
Judging Contest for the third consecutive year.
The team consisted of Harrison Wright ‘15,
RJ Prouty ‘15, and Faith Berry ‘17. The team, joined by Cameron Hanisch ‘17,
will travel to the national competition in
Oklahoma City during the last week of April.
Izabela Hamilton’s ‘13 design
(above) won second place in
the statewide Alaska Airlines’
Paint the Plane contest. She
received a $2,500 scholarship
and four round-trip tickets.
Notable Visitors
Before his retirement
from the U.S. Senate, Senator Daniel
Akaka met with the
student body and
addressed the importance of education and
community service.
Dr. Dawna Markova,
an internationally
known expert in the
fields of learning,
perception, and assetfocus and a former
Senior Affiliate of the
Organizational Learning Center at MIT, was a featured speaker at
the November Parents Under Construction
Mayor Alan Arakawa participated in a
school-wide assembly in February. He
spoke about his trips to Korea, Taiwan and
Japan and how students now compete on a
global level.
Welcome New Faculty!
Master Alfred Huang spoke to the Chinese
Philosophy class this spring. Huang is a
professor of Taoist philosophy who studied
the I Ching with some of China’s greatest
minds, only to be imprisoned during the
Cultural Revolution in 1966 and sentenced
to death. During his 13 years in prison,
Master Huang meditated on the I Ching
and found the strength to survive. When he
was released in 1979, he emigrated to the
United States.
Kay McLeod, JD
Upper School English
Rachel Czar
Sixth Grade Science
Seabury Hall • Spring 2013 • ‘Ohana
new photo
Boys Cross Country
State Runner-Up
Girls Cross Country
MIL Champions, State Champions
Dakota Grossman ’14
State Cross Country Champion,
third year in a row
Girls Volleyball
MIL Champions, State Runner-Up
Eight-Man Football
MIL Champions, Undefeated
Boys Basketball
MIL Champions
Girls Paddling
MIL Champions, State Champions
JB Guard ’90
with son Kahala
Mixed Paddling
MIL Champions
Girls Soccer
MIL Champions
Boys Soccer
MIL Champions
Renny Richmond ’13 State
Champion in 100 fly finishing his
high school career with a total of
six state swimming titles
Kala‘i o Maunalei
Seabury Hall’s new canoe was purchased from funds raised
from last year’s Seabury Hall Golf Tournament. This state-ofthe-art canoe’s name means the calm of Maunalei — our campus name. This canoe also sports a special Team Emalia sticker
to honor Emalia Brown ’89 who was instrumental in starting a
paddling team while teaching at Seabury Hall, and who is now
battling cancer.
... brings Seabury Hall
alumni professionals
back to campus,
in person or via the
internet, to share
their careers.
Alika Romanchak ‘92 and
Jessica Guard ‘96 McLellan with
student emcees Natalie Rothman ‘15
and Jeremy Morton ‘13
Biomedical engineer
Kityee Au-Yeung ‘95
Presentations to the sophomore,
junior and senior classes, held in
the Creative Arts Center, featured:
architect Alika Romanchak ’92
of John Hara Associates; interior
designer and Hue Design Studio
owner Jessica Guard ’96 McLellan,
and entrepreneur Danny Boren ’96,
founder of Skyline EcoAdventures.
Career Connections programs
scheduled for April and May
will showcase: Lisa Croft ‘73,
Administrator for the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric (NOAA) National
Marine Fisheries Service, who will be
accompanied by marine biologist
Nicole Davis; biomedical engineer
Kityee Au-Yeung, PhD ’95, and a
panel of physicians.
NOAA team collects harmful marine debris
Danny Boren ‘96 on his Hawaii
Island zipline at Akaka Falls
Seabury Hall • Spring 2013 • ‘Ohana
Maunalei Notes
1967 • “Wendy Baldwin
Kathy Porteus Axel – Kathy is back living in Minnesota enjoying her family and five grandchildren.
“It’s hockey USA here, as all 5 play, so I spend most
weekends at very cold rinks. I do miss Maui and its
warm weather.”
latest S
Get the
eck out
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rtal on
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bsite at
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abur yh
Get updates, view the
latest photos, and find
your friends on Seabury
Hall’s Alumni Facebook
group page. Make
professional connections
with other alumni on Visit our
website for links directly
to these and other
Seabury social
networking groups.
Lee Kajiyama Carson
has had many blessings in her life so far. “I
married amazing Peter
in 1972, had two lovely
sons (Thom 36 and Tim
34), two beautiful twin
granddaughters (Eden
and Ella – almost 5),
31 years with Bank of
Hawaii, and nine years
of wonderful, fun retirement – traveling, volunteering, serving as a Trustee on the Seabury Board,
moving to Phoenix for four years to become the
twins full-time caregiver, and, most recently, surviving cancer with the most supportive network of
church, friends and family. Life has been interesting, rewarding and fulfilling. Now home in Hawaii
again, I am looking forward to resuming travel
adventures and bringing the twins home for Camp
Honolulu this summer. Thanks be to God!”
After 30 years in elementary education, Melissa
Otte Colflesh has recently retired to enjoy her
three young grandchildren. See inside cover story.
Ginny Morriss Pressler Fisher is still fully engaged in health care transformation. She is chief
strategic officer at Hawaii Pacific Health (Kapi‘olani
Medical Center for Women & Children, Straub Clinic & Hospital, Pali Momi Medical Center, and Wilcox
Hospital) and co-chair of the Governor’s Health
Transformation Initiative. She serves on Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius’ federal infant mortality advisory
commission. She also serves on numerous boards
and state commissions and task forces. She and her
husband Andy are enjoying an empty nest. They
stand up paddle every weekend, walk daily, and do
yoga, biking, and skiing when they have a chance.
“Life is good,” says Ginny.
f1968 • “
Karen Hewitt Guest
1969 • “Volunteer needed
1970 • “Kathleen Hull Rutledge
Mahalo to Joan Goodale ‘70 Evans for her many
years of service as Class Agent. We appreciate
your dedication and thank you for recruiting Katie!
Welcome our newest Class Agent Kathleen Hull
’70 Rutledge!
Over the President’s Day weekend, eight members
of the Class of 1970 from six states and England,
gathered in Scottsdale, Arizona for a wonderful weekend of laughter and fun. Joan Goodale
Evans shares, “We were guests of Lynne Lusby
Plaugher and her husband Don, who were gracious hosts. We spent our days visiting the Music
Instrument Museum, and the Desert Botanical
Gardens, and also spent a day touring Sedona and
Jerome. We shared lots of laughter, good food and
fun, especially catching up with Amanda who we
had not seen since graduation!”
Class of ‘70 • Arizona Reunion
Kathleen Hull Rutledge (Oklahoma), Monica
Reynolds Gardner (Oregon), Joan Goodale Evans
(California), Lindy Shimizu Belcher (Washington),
Susan Capp Tokoro (Hawaii), Lynne Lusby Plaugher
(Arizona), Amanda Mitchell Barnes (England), and
Lavelle Byers Allen (Oregon)
lease send alumni updates directly to your Class Agent
Their contact information is listed with your class year. You can also send your
updated contact information, news, questions or comments to Alumni Relations:
Email: • Telephone: 808-573-6863 • Fax: 808-572-3765
1971 • “Candy Rutherford Hibner
1972 • “Johnny McWilliams
f1973 • “
Debbie von Tempsky Grundhauser
1974 • “Debbie Roberts Hendricks
1975 • “Charles Schmidling
1976 • “Volunteer needed
1977 • “Jennifer Bruce Winston
It was wonderful catching up with Anne Melrose
Lombardo when she visited Maunalei with a friend
in December. Anne was in the islands to visit mom
(Charlotte) and family on Hawai’i Island. Anne
loves her job as the Southern Site Coordinator for
SNAMP — The Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Project. This project is a joint effort by the
University of California, state and federal agencies,
and the public to study management of forest
lands in the Sierra Nevada.
Derek Knobel and wife Sawsan were recently
honored with the Bronze Pelican award, given
to Scouters who build and support the spiritual
foundation of Boy Scout youth in their Diocese
and Council of Orange County, California. Derek
and classmate Mitchell MacCluer earned their
Eagle Scout rank as members of Pukalani Troop
6, back in the mid-70’s. Derek currently serves
as the District Commissioner in South Orange
County, after serving as a Scoutmaster for a
troop in his hometown of San Juan Capistrano.
Son Martin earned his Eagle in 2007, and in 2009
Sawsan returned to scouting, engaging youth as
a Cubmaster. Derek will soon be recognized with
the BSA’s highest Council level volunteer award,
the Silver Beaver.
1980 • “Sarah Bott
1981 • “Robyn Ficke Carvalho
1982 • “Susan Kock Okie
f1983 • “
Melissa Burnett
1984 • “Beth Macknik
f1978 • “
Volunteer needed
1979 • “Monica Riecke Morakis
“Matthew Kresser
1985 • “Julia Rivas Frey
1986 • “Krishna McIntosh renauer
f This is OUR year… classes ending in 3 or 8 F
Scott Crawford is
still living in Hana
with wife Kekula,
working with
Kipahulu ‘Ohana
growing taro in
the national park,
and hosting many
groups in the taro
patch, including Seabury Hall Winterim groups every year! His work includes ahupua’a projects in the
forest and ocean, and growing food. Scott invites
anyone ever out this side to “please come visit...”
From Leilani Magee: “My
work and life’s passion to
serve and live in our community via HIT (Hawaii
Isles Tennis) continues
to be where the lion’s
share of my energies are
directed. HIT is growing
steadily, as opportunities to provide character
development programming for keiki are everywhere, and playing tennis is
a great way to add healthy activity and joy into life.
In my free time, I teach tennis at fabulous sites in
Hawai‘i. For more info visit:”
From Krish
“I’ve been
living in Volcano with my
husband and
boys, Jazz Kai,
age 2 (right)
and Aaron,
age 4, and
working as a Realtor Broker. My family is currently
moving out of the home I built on the Volcano Golf
Course so that I can turn the house into my third
full-time vacation rental. The volcano has been
super active and it’s a very fun time to be living on
the Big Island!”
Hope to see you at Summer Reunion!
Seabury Hall • Spring 2013 • ‘Ohana & Maunalei Notes
Maunalei Notes •
1987 • “Jennifer Yapp
Zadoc Brown III
1992 • “Devaki Murch
1995 • “Alicia Middleton Stephens
f1993 • “
Hilary Carney Badoian and her husband
Charles are living the dream! They launched
their conference planning business in 2008 and
shortly thereafter moved aboard their sailboat in
the Florida Keys. They are big proponents of “tiny
house living” and work-life-balance.
Mino McLean
1994 • “Robert Judge
Zadoc Brown, Giulie Swenson, Sarah Hunter
O’Brien, Hans Bjordahl, Heidi Riecke
Bigelow, and Faith Ewbank caught up at the
Maui Country Club. Visiting from their mainland
homes in Seattle, WA and Providence, RI, Hans and
Sarah’s quest for some good ol’ Maui sunshine this
February prompted this impromptu mini reunion.
Rob Stoner ’80 and Bob Rowland ‘87 (not
pictured) stopped by on their way off the tennis
court to say hello.
f1988 • “
Ian Hogan and Alisa Tongg recently celebrated
the launch of their company’s new website Inspired by Seabury’s Winterim
program, DMC of Hawaii is a full-service boutique
destination management company specializing in
off-the-beatenpath authentic Hawaii
for corporate
groups visiting
the Hawaiian
Danielle Cleveland Cadman
1989 • “Heather Wilson Guard
1990 • “JB Guard
1991 • “Robb Cole
Juleen Jenkins-Whall, (center below) a 10th
grade chemistry teacher in Traverse City, Michigan, received the prestigious Milken Educator
Award in September. Juleen is one of 40 secondary
teachers nationwide to receive the Award, dubbed
the Oscars of Teaching by Teacher Magazine. Her
techniques are rooted in the Harvard-based Teaching for Understanding model. Juleen graduated
from the University of Michigan and resides with her
husband Jim and two adopted children: Marie from
China and Tae from Korea. In addition to her teaching leadership, she is a member of the National Ski
Patrol at Crystal Mountain in Northern Michigan.
M i k a Fa r r i ngt on
1976 - 2 013
Jessica Lopes Brook
19 81 - 2 012
Mika Farrington ‘94
passed away on March 5 after a long
battle with cancer.
She is remembered for her grace
and strength, her sense of beauty,
her humor, her integrity, and
most of all, for her love and
commitment to her family.
We will keep her in our hearts.
Jessica Lopes ‘99 Brook
passed away on November 2. She was a vibrant, loving and
kind individual who
loved children and teaching. Jessica’s infectious smile,
love of God, devotion to her husband,
and desire to help others
will long be remembered.
We will miss her.
o 19th Annual
Golf Tournament
H o n or in g S t e v e Co L fl e sh
Saturday, September 7
Wailea Emerald Golf Course
From Alicia Middleton Stephens, “The second
half of 2012 was filled with many exciting changes
for my family. First, I started a new job with PNC
Bank in early September, joining the public
finance practice in Raleigh, NC. Then, just two
months later, my husband Jon and I welcomed
our second son, Grant Elliot Andrew, who was
born on November 7, nearly two weeks past his
due date! Grant is an incredibly happy baby and
he enjoys constant attention from his big brother
Court, who turned three in late December.”
Ramu Tremblay writes, “My wife Rebecca and
I left Maui in early February and we will be
traveling through May 2013. We are currently
in Texas, with plans to visit Tennessee, Boston,
California, and Michigan. The idea is to travel
before we start a family.”
1996 • “Leila Monroe
Jessica Guard McLellan is a busy lady! In addition to her favorite job as mom to Seabury 7th
grader, Trent, and 3-year daughter, Dillon, Jessica
runs Design Savvy, a successful interior design
business. In 2011, she and husband Erik started
Island Flipbooks, a popular flipbook mobile
video studio for weddings and special events.
To round out her endeavors, she recently
opened Hue, a delightful new interior design
studio and home boutique, in Kahului.
1997 • “Eric Gerdes
Sponsored by the Alumni Association
benefiting the Athletic Department
and Alumni Scholarships
Ashley Colflesh ’97 Oakley and Chelsea
Fahsholtz ’97 Bryce and families met for a picnic
in Olinda last fall. Babies Kelton and Malani are
the same age, and they look forward to getting
together again sometime in 2013.
Back row: Chelsea Fahsholtz ’97 Bryce, John
Oakley, Ashley Colflesh ’97 Oakley. Front row:
Keenan Bryce, Kelton Bryce, Malani Oakley
f1998 • “
* To learn more about volunteering,
sponsorships, donating a golf prize
or registering as a player,
contact Kim at 808-573-6863, or
Jason Bello
The second edition of John Daters’ first book,
Backroads and Byways of Colorado, published by
Countryman Press, will hit the shelves in the
spring of 2013. The Maui boy shared that he
“actually likes living in Cleveland and loves his
wife and seven-month-old son, Evan.”
Lawrence Kao is excited to announce that he will
be wed to Leslie Gant on March 24, 2013 on Maui!
Robin Thompson began working at Pitzer College
this past August as the Director of Financial Aid.
Pitzer is a member of Claremont Colleges and
enrolls about 1,000 undergraduate students. Robin
shares, “If anyone is beginning the college search
process and has financial aid questions, don’t hesitate, get in touch. I’m happy to help.”
Seabury Hall’s 18th Annual Golf Tournament
took place on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at
Wailea Emerald Golf Course.
A sold-out field of 120 players enjoyed
a day of great golf culminating with an
Awards Luncheon at Gannon’s.
Mahalo to all of our wonderful sponsors!
Elizabeth Tomoso shared that she has the perfect
PT job as an occupational therapist doing home
health at Kaiser Maui, allowing for more time with
her two year-old daughter Surinne. Liz recently
started a new maternity clothing store business
called Momma Love Baby Maternity Boutique. It
is a mobile format and has been growing steadily
the past few months. They carry an assortment of
unique, creative, and eco-friendly baby goods. This
will eventually grow to include cloth diapers and
classes to inform and educate. Follow her on Facebook for details at Momma Love Baby Maternity.
1999 • “Stacy Roth
Tournament Committee member
Ryan MacLaughlin ’99 presents
sponsor appreciation plaque to
Hawaii Fueling Network’s Kimo Haynes’ 84.
Seabury Hall • Fall 2010 • Seabury
‘Ohana Hall
•• Spring
2013 • ‘Ohana & Maunalei Notes
Maunalei Notes •
2000 • “Melissa Schwab
2002 • “Kauila Rivera
f2003 • “
“Victoria Wayne Bowley
Angelina Hills writes, “Our precious baby girl,
Alani Rose Ribet, was born Oct 9, 2012 and has
become the light of our life. My dad and Vetea’s
parents came in from afar to spend time with our
new little one. We traveled to Oregon this February
to visit my mom and extended family members. My
sister Jennica Hills ‘02 and her one year-old son
Elijah also joined us. We plan to take Alani to meet
the rest of her Tahitian family. I am continuing my
photography businesses, Aloha Portraits, which
luckily allows me time to be a mom, too.”
Kaimanamaile Lee Brummel
Coconut Wireless Alert: Congratulations to author
Rebecca Serle who has just landed a big publishing deal with Little, Brown imprint Poppy for
her second novel creation, a three book series.
According to hollywoodreporter. com, “ Little,
Brown and Serle are keeping details of the project under wraps for now other than to suggest
it compares to YA franchises like Hunger Games,
Twilight and Gossip Girl.” Rebecca’s debut novel
When You Were Mine sold to Simon & Schuster
and was optioned by Fox2000 to be made into a
feature film entitled Rosaline .
2004 • “Jenna Mezin
Samantha Hara Perdido and hubby Tye ’06
are expecting a baby girl on April 28th!
2005 • “Halley Allison
Natalie Baker
f2008 • “
Volunteer needed
Lise Hamilton is currently working in Mozambique on a Fellowship with the Aga Khan Foundation and will be there until June before beginning
her masters of global public health in Canada.
2006 • “Lacie Rhodes
2007 • “Emma Burns
2001 • “Courtney Cole
News from Sierra Jansen: “Hi all! It has been a
wonderful few years. I spent some time in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, doing research on health care
reform and maternal mortality in the favelas of
Rio, as well as interning in the U.S. Senate with a
focus on health care reform. This only reaffirmed
my commitment to medicine and I am now in my
first year of medical school at Oregon Health and
Sciences University in Portland and loving it. It has
been quite an adjustment but I am enjoying the
new challenge and looking forward to the next
few years. This summer I am going biking in Denmark and am super excited to travel again! Thanks
Seabury for everything!”
Anya Whiticar shares this update: “Since graduating from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, I
quit my job at a corporate real estate firm in Toronto in favor of backpacking around Southeast
Asia for 4 months. I am now living in Melbourne,
Australia and working for a sports marketing
company… Loving life!”
Vanessa Marsh and Andrew Bird were married
on October 14, 2012 at Grace Episcopal Church
in St. Helena, California. Seabury guests included
classmates: Victoria Wayne Bowley, Annie
Bendon Freed, Melissa Schwab Keeport and
Anthony Pristyak. The happy couple recently
returned from 5 weeks exploring Indonesia.
Vanessa works in forensic psychiatry at San
Francisco General Hospital and Andrew is an
architect at UCSF Medical Center.
Jeremy Stice
Emma Burns writes, “Last April I was promoted
to floor manager at Mama’s Fish House, becoming the youngest manager at the restaurant. The
past year has been a constant learning experience.
Every day there is a new opportunity to learn
more about the multifaceted world of management and to see the results of good management
at work. Outside of my new busy work life, I am
getting ready to go to Europe for three weeks to
travel through the countries of Spain, Ireland and
England, two of which I have never visited!”
Rachel I. Berman writes “Hi Seabury family —
Come find me in New York City where I am currently performing in Third Rail Projects’ Then She
Fell, an immersive theater experience in Williamsburg, Brooklyn running through the summer: — I am also working with
choreographer Sarah Michelson on her series
Devotion. Dancing dancing and loving it!”
After a stint working in Allentown, PA with Dun
and Bradstreet Credibility Corp, the islands beckoned and Boddhi Karzen is back home on Maui.
Congratulations to Chris Sugidono, who was
recently hired by The Maui
News as a reporter in both the
news and sports departments.
He is also taking photos and
producing videos for the
paper. Chris graduated with a
degree in journalism from the
University of Oregon in 2012.
Nevin Vorfeld graduated from Stanford in June
2012 with a degree in Product Design Engineering.
He currently works for Kiwi, Inc., a Silicon Valley cell
phone game developer.
2009 • “Ariel Duell
2010 • “Aly Cabral
2012 • “Tara mcBarnet
2011 • “Michelle Malott
Darcy Keester (below right) attends the University
of British Columbia in Kelowna where she is studying Applied Mathematics. She spends most of her
time with Seabury Hall classmates David Kokubun
(below center right) and Nathan Betsill. This past
year, Darcy grew her hair the longest it has ever
been, in order to chop it off and donate it to Locks
of Love. She’s currently working two jobs, one at a
catering company and the other as a researcher in
the engineering department. She and David took
two road trips last year, visiting Izzy Lorenzi and
Maddi Dellplain on the first, and meeting up with
Dillon George (center left) and Katie Bettendorf
(left) on the second.
Michelle Malott is a sophomore at Cal Poly Pomona where she is pursuing a degree in Hospitality
Management and has discovered that she is right
where she belongs. She loves her job at the Four
Seasons Beverly Wilshire, where she spends most
of her free time learning all about the hotel world.
Zach Pezzillo is in his second year at RIT studying
Biomedical Photography, which has been a really
exceptional experience. He is currently working
with highly technical equipment that allows him to
photograph subjects of microscopic proportions.
Zach is looking forward to the summer when he
will intern at University Hospital in Cardiff, Wales.
Our apologies for
these oversights.
Omitted from our
Fall Seabury Hall
Giving Report were:
In the Alumni Class Challenge
feature, Melissa Schwab
’00 Keeport’s last name was
incorrectly listed as “Freeport”.
Our apologies, Melissa!
In the Class of 2012 class notes, we
listed Tyler Yamada as “Taylor”.
Sorry, Tyler!
“gregory saydah
Tara McBarnet (below second from right) is greatly
enjoying pursuing her love for Fashion Merchandising. She recently won a design competition
with a company in Northwest Arkansas, and is
looking forward to collaborating with them on
future projects. Tara was initiated into the founding chapter (Psi) of Chi Omega, and couldn’t be
happier to share this experience with hundreds of
beautiful sisters. The next thing on her agenda? A
highly anticipated trip to Belize to SCUBA dive with
her father Terry McBarnet ‘69.
Besides surviving a blizzard and building an igloo
during the recent storm “Emo” that hit the east
coast, Levi Pells joined the marching band and
played during the Inaugural Parade in D.C. Some
of his other travels have included visiting Gracie
Peck at Tufts University and skiing in Montreal.
Try Cal
Congratulations to Kaimana Lee ‘03 Brummel
who has been selected as a
Pacific Business News 2013
Women to Watch finalist.
Kaimana, a graduate of George Washington
University and current Seabury Hall Alumni
Association President, is the Executive
Director at the Hawaiian Canoe Club.
Kaimana was selected because of her ability
to demonstrate leadership in business and
community while balancing her career and
personal life. The finalists were selected
by a panel of independent judges, all past
presidents of the Honolulu Chapter of
Executive Women International. Kaimana
and husband, Aaron, are the proud parents
of a two-year old son Ka’iwihokua.
o Neighbor Island and Regional Connections
If you live outside of Maui and would like to help plan or host an alumni
event in your area, please contact Kim at 808-573-6863.
mahal o t o o u r C r a f t Fai r D o n o r s
Rogelio Ganoy
JoAnn Haskin
Anuhea Farm
Kit and Amy
Hawaiian Commercial
Ben Franklin Crafts
and Sugar Co.
Richard and
Marta Greenleaf
Lehn Huff and
Suzanne Bolduc
Les Skillings
Brigit and Bernard’s Vicky Griengo
Haiku Grocery
Allan and Inés Kemp
Garden Café
Hali’imaile General
Leil Koch
Richard and
Kula Country Farms
Fatima Cameron
Makawao Steak House
Anne S. Carter
Maui Farmers’
Noel Escobedo
Cooperative Exchange
Evonuk Farms
Debra and Jeff Merle
Pacific Produce
Rimfire Imports
Sarento’s on the Beach
Sandy Simpson
Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Stahl
Shannon Haines ‘90
Valdez Farms
Whole Foods Market
Thank you
for letting us
know if we
omitted your
Seabury Hall • Spring 2013 • ‘Ohana & Maunalei Notes
Upcoming Alumni Events
o Saturday, May 11
o Saturday, September 7
Raise money for financial aid AND have
a great time working with fellow alumni.
Benefiting the Alumni Association
Scholarship program and Athletics
Wailea Emerald Golf Course
Contact Kaimana Lee ’03 Brummel at to
sign up for a shift.
2013 Summer Reunion Weekend
o Friday, June 21
Class parties for milestone classes
ending in “3” and “8”.
Contact your class agent or the alumni
office for more information.
o Saturday, June 22
19th Annual Golf Tournament
Answe -6863
Kim 8 seaburyhall.o
Everyone is invited to attend the
Summer Street Fest, on campus!
40th Annual Craft Fair
In 1964, Reverend Roger Melrose and his wife, Charlotte,
opened Seabury Hall, Hawai’i’s first girls’ boarding school,
on the beautiful
estate known
as Maunalei.
In 1964 ...
a Our average
income was $6,000.
We paid:
30¢ – Gallon of gas
$1.25 – Movie ticket
$3,500 – New car
$13,050 – New house
a President Johnson
made history when he
signed The Civil Rights
Act of 1964 into law.
Maunalei, Circa 1964
a Seabury Hall girls wore blue and red Tartan jumpers.
a The first Ford Mustang rolled off the assembly line.
a At Christmas, we wished for Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots,
G.I. Joes, Easy Bake Ovens, and an Etch-A-Sketch.
a We experienced Beatlemania when The Beatles made their
first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. We bought The Rolling
Stones release debut album, The Rolling Stones.
a At the movie theater, we loved: A Hard Day’s Night, My Fair
Lady, Goldfinger, and Mary Poppins.
a We listened to the Telstars, Elvis, J Akuhead Pupule, Melveen
Leed, and Don Ho and the Aliis.
a It was a great year for TV! We watched: Lucky Luck, Flipper,
Peyton Place, The Fugitive, Man from U.N.C.L.E., Bewitched, Mr. Ed,
The Munsters, Gilligan’s Island, The Flintstones, and Popeye.
a AND... at Seabury Hall, the first dorm didn’t quite work
out… so the boarders slept on the Cooper House lanai,
and loved it!
Register online @
Stay tuned…
for more information regarding our
50th anniversary celebration in 2014!
A lumni Connect from Coast to Coast!
Spearheaded by Seabury Hall
Alumni Association West Coast
Board Director Nick Meyer
’04, the goal of our new Alumni
Connections program is to
cultivate and sustain
the same Seabury
community spirit
that is found in
the islands
in the communities of alumni
living and working on the
Mainland. The purpose of these
local networks is to:
Seabury Hall
a lu m n i a s s o c i at i o n
board of directors
Nick kicked off the first event for young alumni in
San Francisco last November and has plans for additional
get-togethers in Southern California and the Seattle/
Tacoma area, branching out to other west coast destinations
with the help of interested alumni. New York City resident
Katrina Niehaus ’00 hosted an NYC event in late March.
o Create social
and professional
opportunities for
alumni and their
o Promote Alumni
Association goals,
including fundraising
and participation with
the school
P r e sid e nt
Sara DePalma ‘92 Smith
S e c r e ta r y
T r e as u r e r
Rosiana “Nani” Azman ‘91
Zadoc Brown III ‘87
Robyn Ficke ‘81 Carvalho
Francesca “Chesa” Cipro ‘99
Patti Dellaport ‘04
Faith Ewbank ‘87
o Bring the Seabury Hall
‘ohana and sense of
place to alumni living
away from the islands
Kaimana Lee ‘03 Brummel
Kimberly Skog ‘02
2012 – 2013
Nick Meyer ‘04, Rachel Hodara ‘04, Dru Glass-Gracia
‘07, Claire Gagne ‘02, Ioven Fables ’05, Ryan Furtado
‘07, Tia Ferguson ‘04, Meryn MacDougall ‘05, Joey
Hodara ‘06 and Natalie Baker ‘05
If you are interested in starting a Seabury Hall Alumni
Connections program in your area, please contact Nick Meyer at, Katrina Niehaus at
or Kim Abrahamson at
Nick Meyer ’04
Katrina Niehaus ‘00
is a Process Engineer in
the Technology Marketing group for Chevron. He
joined Chevron in 2009,
and is currently providing
engineering field support
for operations and projects
in Chevron Bangladesh’s
three gas fields. Nick received a B.S. in Chemical
Engineering from Stanford
University in 2008. Outside
of work, Nick spends time
practicing with San Francisco’s Taiko Dojo and pursuing his interest in Japanese
language and culture. He
also enjoys running, traveling and debating energy
supply issues. is a Vice President in the
Structured Finance Group
within the Investment
Banking Division of
Goldman Sachs. She
joined Goldman Sachs
in 2005 as an Analyst,
was named Associate in
2007 and Vice President
in 2010. She received a
B.S. in Economics from
the Wharton School of
Business at the University
of Pennsylvania. In her
free time Katrina enjoys
volunteering with Student
Sponsor Partners (SSP),
spinning and yoga. Holly Ficke-Perdido ‘77
Liana Mancini ‘88 Horovitz
Brad Liu ‘02
Mino McLean ’93
Nick Meyer ‘04
W e st C o ast D i r e ct o r
Katrina Niehaus ‘00
East C o ast D i r e ct o r
Alika Romanchak ‘92
Kim Abrahamson
Director of Alumni Relations
* If you are
interested in
on the Board,
Kim Abrahamson
in the Alumni office
Seabury Hall • Spring 2013 • ‘Ohana & Maunalei Notes
lumni News • Connections & Events
A dash of Maunalei
Magic at the Alumni
Keiki Holiday Party
The holidays were merrier and brighter
with a dash of Maunalei Magic! Over 40
keiki were joined by parents, aunties,
grandparents and friends at this fun annual
tradition filled with crafts, cookies, caroling
and story time with Linda Lindsay.
W inter Games
PALS Care Package Parties!
Parents of alumni from the Classes of 2011 and 2012
enjoyed catching up with one another in October and February, while building care packages for their
kids, and for Women Helping Women. Mahalo to our fabulous hosts, Jodie & Andy Pells (October 2012
— photo below) and Tamar Chotzen and Steve Goodfellow (February 2013).
Alumni of all
ages enjoyed
soccer, volleyball,
keiki kickball,
drinks, ono BBQ,
and music, all
on a gorgeous
Upcountry Maui
To see the complete collection of photos taken at alumni events, please visit
our photo galleries at, click on Alumni, select Alumni Events.
WOW what a fun
afternoon we all
had! It was great
to see so many
familiar faces and
meet new ones. And, of course,
what a treasure
she is!
B ig Island Reunion
Meg Greenwell ‘68
Alumni from across
Hawaii Island reconnected
with old friends and
visited with special guests
Charlotte Melrose and
Linda Lindsay at beautiful
Waiki’i Ranch.
Standing: Shawn Cannon ’79 Medeiros, Sisi Moore ’80, Joan Dawe ’76 Ramos, Peter Dungate ’76,
Stephanie Ackerman ’69, Keoki Schattauer ’77, Tom Greenwell ‘77, Ken Melrose ’68 and Maile Mitchell ’68 Melrose.
Seated: Jillynn Parker ’67, Megan Mitchell ’69, Robyn Ficke ’81 Carvalho, Toni Worst ’77 Schattauer,
the incomparable Charlotte Melrose, Debbie Ching ’68 Maiava, Meg Greenwell ’68
and Leilani Bronson-Crelly ‘73 • Not pictured: Jeff Melrose ‘69
Home from College
Over 25 members of the Class of 2012
returned to campus in January to take
part in our Home from College assembly
and evening programs.
Attendees included: Justine Malek
(St. Martin’s), John Bailey (U.S. Navy),
Tristan Loesberg (Colorado State
University), Devin Vinoray (Willamette),
Sage Trudeau (Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute), and Christy Haines
(University of Virginia).
tudent Reflections
Nicaragua Winterim
A n E x c e r pt f r o m C a r ly O ’ D o nn e ll ’ 1 4
ass e mbly r e f l e cti o n
For Winterim this year, I was
lucky enough to be selected
to go to Nicaragua. I had never
been out of the U.S. before,
so I really didn’t know what to
expect. All I knew is that we
were going to teach little kids
English and volunteer in the
community of Jinotega.
They did what they were
told to do with smiles that
lit up the entire room and
made you want to smile too
because they were just that
contagious. They knew that
they were so very lucky to
have the opportunity just to
be there.
I was astonished when I saw
the barrios where the kids we
would be teaching lived. The
houses were more or less little
shacks. They had dirt floors,
generally no running water.
Everywhere you looked you
were just hit by the poverty.
But the kids, our students,
were so happy when they
came to school. They didn’t
complain, ever, even though
many of them wore the same
clothes almost every day, even
though most of them had
barely enough
to eat.
I think what surprised me
most was how genuinely
happy each of them was…
So, because of this,
I’ve been trying
to put things into
perspective in my
own life and I hope you
guys will too. I hope that next
time you’re resenting going
to school in the morning, or,
wish you had the newest
iPhone, or whatever it is,
that you remember just
how lucky we all are. I
hope we can all remember
how much these kids
would pay to not have
to worry about whether
or not they would have
enough to eat for the
day, let alone to have an
education as good as the
one we take for granted
here in the U.S.
Lord, make us
instruments of
your peace.
Former Middle School art teacher
Connie Ada ms
passed away earlier this year. Her
passion for art touched many students’
lives during her tenure
(2005-11) at Seabury Hall.
E x c e r pts o f
Con n ie A da ms Eu logy
B y L e na F o x ‘ 1 3
t’s cliché to say that an artist is
colorful but Connie had every
color imaginable. She was tangerine
orange when she bought me a weird
little stick. She shined gold when she
spoke about other’s artwork with an
unmatched passion, and that gold
turned blinding yellow when she
herself picked up a paintbrush. She
was kelly green cutting and planting
plants or going on walks, and
changed from a pleasant turquoise
sampling cheese in my kitchen, to
black, when she teamed up with my
mom to not allow me to go out on
a Friday.
Connie was jubilant, she was lively,
she was amiable and, overall, a joyful
person. I can’t find a better word
in the dictionary to describe her
than colorful. I think if she was here
to speak to us all today she would
advise us to find the color in our
lives, in the people, activities, foods,
feelings and love we all share. Find
that color and splash it onto the
people and environment around
you. Let your colors shine, as Connie
did so flawlessly.
‘A‘ali‘kūhonua Creative Arts Center Campaign
Making a
hile the Creative Arts Center Campaign has reached 80%
of its $7 million goal, there is still a need for support. Gifts of all
sizes have a meaningful impact. Those who make leadership gifts to
the campaign have naming opportunities to recognize their generosity
or to honor loved ones.
First Hawaiian Bank president and
CEO Bob Harrison presented Seabury
Hall headmaster Joe Schmidt and
Seabury Hall trustee Zadoc Brown Jr. with
a check for $60,000 for the school’s new
‘A‘ali‘ikūhonua Creative Arts Center.
I hope you’ll
join me
in sending a
this year. A gift
to the annual
fund is a token
of appreciation for what we
received as students, and
a vote of confidence in the
future of Seabury Hall. With
our donations, we can help to
ensure that future generations
will look back on their time at
Seabury with the same fondness and pride that we do.
Please give as generously as
you can.
Anne Young ’75 Taylor
For more information or to make a donation, call
Kathleen Buenger, Director of Advancement, at 808-442-6112.
A lumni Challenge
I WANT TO Support
Deserving Students
Students are the greatest beneficiaries of
gifts to Seabury Hall’s Annual Fund. Over
35% of our current students receive
financial aid. A gift to the Annual Fund
helps secure the future of Seabury Hall.
Alumni Challenge
The Alumni Association’s goal this year
is to increase alumni participation giving
from 11% to 18%. Anne Young ’75 Taylor
and Katrina Niehaus ’00 have issued an
alumni giving challenge! For each alumni
donation received by May 10, 2013, they will
contribute $20 to Seabury Hall, up to a total
of $1,000 each.
Anne Young ’75 Taylor,
Alumni Chairperson
Give online at or
contact us at 808-442-6112 or
Katrina Niehaus ‘00
x $20
My Gift Today
Caleb Palmer ‘90
Take the
I WANT TO Take the
to our 2012-2013 Alumni
Annual Fund Committee!
Anders Lyons ‘86
Let’s do the math.
Another 100
donors will put us at 10% participation
— more than half way to our goal — and
the kids will benefit from an additional
$2,000 in donations!
You’ll feel great when you do!
Follow the Alumni Challenge
progress on the Alumni
pages of Facebook and the
Seabury Hall website.
If this is addressed to
Saturday • May 11
9 am to 5 pm
your alumni child
who no longer lives at home,
call 808-573-6863
or email
to update their address.
Please let us know if you
4 0 th
A nn u al
B enefits
F inancial
A id
would like an additional copy.
• Seabury Hall • Summer Options •
June 4
June 8
• Grades 1-8
• Grades 9-10 Writing Intensive
Math Intensive
8:30 to 4:00
Boys & Girls
6 – 15
Beginner and
June 10
July 12
8:00 to 4:00
Full and
Download registration form at • Space is limited.
Bus Service from Kihei & Kahului • Call for further information. 572-7235
s e a b u r y
h a ll
4 8 0
O l i n d a
Ro a d
M a k a w a o ,
9 6 7 6 8
Spartan Shop
Shop online at or
visit our shop M-F on the
2nd floor of Cooper House.
Great styles for infants, youth,
men and women. T-shirts,
sweats, golf shirts, hats, umbrellas, blankets, mugs, water
bottles, pom poms, stadium
cushions and more!
We ship, too!

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