F BMM A0IBOB - Seabury Hall


F BMM A0IBOB - Seabury Hall
& Maunalei Notes
A t
Wendy Baldwin
st Seab
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…from the Archives
Easter Bonnet
Meg Greenwell ‘68,
Diane Hill ‘68,
Pixie Todd ‘69 Navas,
Maile Mitchell ‘68 Melrose,
Lindy Shimizu ’70 Belcher
This photo
Class of 1968
friends Meg
Greenwell and
Maile Mitchell
Melrose back to
boarding days at
Seabury. Maile
wrote Meg, “This
is NOT Halloween
or a fashion show
or Charm Class…“
Charlotte Melrose
‘’It was an Easter
bonnet parade
for boarders.
We provided the
paper plates, the
girls did the rest
for the hats.”
Dr. Virginia “Ginny” Morris
Pressler recently received
the 2010 Business Leadership
Hawai‘i Lifetime Achievement
Award for her commitment
to improving the business of
health care. Ginny is executive vice president
and chief strategic officer for Hawai‘i Pacific
Health, a non-profit healthcare network that
includes Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women
& Children, Straub Clinic & Hospital, Pali Momi
Medical Center and Wilcox Health. Ginny was
also honored in May as a UH Distinguished
Alumna by John A. Burns Medical School
(JABSOM) and was the recipient of the 2009 UH
Shidler College of Business Hall of Honor Award.
A t
CLASS AGENT: Karen Hewitt Guest
Joan Goodale Evans
Alumni from the Class of 1970 including LaVelle
Byers Allen, Katie Hull Rutledge, Lynne
Lusby Plaugher, Susan Capp Tokoro, Rosey
Lau Smythe, Lindy Shimizu Belcher, Monica
Reynolds Gardner, and Pat Nakao joined
Class of 1971 Candy Rutherford Hibner and
Michelle Steuermann Daniels at Reunion this
summer. Together they enjoyed an incredible week of non-stop laughter, reminiscing,
sightseeing, and partying. They were joined by
1969-70 French teacher Mary Lou Grantham,
who made the trek with her husband for this
very special occasion.
Candy reported on the festivities: “Although we
may not have been as spry as we were four decades ago, we were on the go, engaged in many
of the same fun activities as we did when we
were 18 years old. The Guri Guri shop still stands
Candy Rutherford Hibner
¼Celebr ate
Our 40th Reunion! June 17-19, 2011 Weekend
strong and, on most days, it was a daily stop on
our itinerary. T. Komoda’s Bakery was second on
the list, and the original bakers continue to provide the most incredible long johns, cream puffs
and stick donuts imaginable. The winding drive
to Hana is better now...the scenery and view are
phenomenal and well worth the trip. We visited
local restaurants to locate the customary delicacies of saimin, teriyaki, and other island delights
that cannot be replicated by mainland chefs.
Cone sushi, mochi, musubi, Kitch’n Cook’d potato chips, Portuguese sausage, and macadamia
nut cream pie were staples in our condos.
The reunion itself was an evening replete with
delicious lu‘au food, island martinis, dancing,
and conversing with old and new friends. The
party continued the following day at Laurie
Knox ‘75 Loney’s and included more of the
same wonderful laughter and recollections.
On the final day, as we made our sad farewells,
we took home with us breathtaking photos,
magnificent memories, new-found connections,
and the firm inspiration to meet again on the
mainland in 2013.”
LaVelle Byers Allen is residing in Santiago,
Chile for six months. “I arrived in mid-July and
will stay until January,” says LaVelle. “This is the
first time that I have ever lived in a large city.
The city’s wealth of parks and plazas softens
the big-city aspect.” LaVelle currently splits
her time between teaching English to professional Chileans and
studying Spanish. “I
may even be learning Spanish!” says
LaVelle (left) with
Chilean friend
Michelle Steuermann Daniels and Candy
Rutherford Hibner were happy to see each
other at the Seabury Reunion in June. They had
a great week laughing and reminiscing about
“school days.” Michelle lives in Ulupalakua where
she tends to her garden and coffee-bean business. Candy says it’s the best coffee she has ever
tasted. When Michelle isn’t busy with her garden
and coffee-bean business, she enjoys playing
the guitar, mandolin and jamming with friends.
Candy, who lives in Arizona, continues to teach
at a private school on a part-time basis. Candy
and her husband are “empty-nesters,” as both of
their children are employed and living on their
own. Candy says she never knew what quiet really sounded like until now.
The newest member to reconnect to the class of
1971 is Ginger Curtis Ruehling. She lives with
her husband and 16-year-old daughter in Three
Rivers, California. Ginger continues to work as a
school nurse and feels fortunate to reside near
beautiful Sequoia National Park.
Debbie Holden Tracey and Barb Howell Shephard held their own mini-reunion in Seattle this
summer. Debbie is looking forward to retiring after 30 years. Barb’s four children (three daughters
and a son) make her the ‘71 alum with the largest
family unit. They have also left the “nest,” so Barb
is able to enjoy extra time with her husband and
her father, who is 90 years old.
Pat (Patti) Hunt Passon moved from California
to Oregon six years ago and is enjoying the
great northwest. Pat owns and operates a busy
financial planning business, which has remained
challenging and rewarding. She and her partner
Charlotte live with their dogs and cats. They
enjoy a quiet life (all three daughters now live in
Oregon, so it is actually not so quiet).
lease send alumni updates directly to your Class Agent. Their contact information is
listed at the top of your class’ notes. You can also send your updated contact information,
news, questions or comments directly to Alumni Relations:
Email: alumni@seaburyhall.orgt5FMFQIPOFt'BY
Dana Butts-Nemeth is a retired dentist and
owner/CEO of her late husband’s medical weight
loss clinics in San Diego. His recent death was
both tragic and unexpected. Dana also manages
a six-acre ranch near the San Diego/Mexican
border. She has two wonderful Dobermans
and does agility training with one of her dogs.
Her other Doberman is 15-months old and just
earned her championship in an AKC competition. In addition to all this, Dana rides and competes with one of her horses on the equestrian
show jumping circuit.
Like Dana, Edie Jones Bikle loves her horse - a
beautiful Quarter Horse/Morgan filly. Most of her
time is devoted to tending to her animals, gardening and working on her business, Taro Patch Gifts.
News about other members of the class of
1971: Brian Jenkins, the sole male of the group,
continues to live on Maui with his wife. He has
a law practice and is considering growing some
coffee beans. At last sighting, we hear that
Siri Anderson lives on Molokai and works as
a school librarian, Carol Salisbury operates a
bed and breakfast on the Big Island, and Mary
Milnor lives on Oahu. We have not had any luck
in locating either Linda Kahlbaum or Leslie
Claytor True. If you know of their whereabouts,
please let us know.
Mahalo to Richard Cameron for sharing his
wonderful photograph of a West Maui pineapple field. Richard writes, “I spent three summers
driving a pineapple truck through these fields.
I especially like fields like these - just planted.
It puts me in mind of a Zen garden — one of
those Japanese rock gardens that’s raked every
day. Kind of serene.”
Looking for members of
landmark classes (’71,
’76, ’81, ’86, ’91, ‘96) to
join the 2011 Summer
Reunion Committee to
plan next year’s reunion!
Contact the Alumni Office
for more information.
Debbie von Tempsky Grundhauser
CLASS AGENT: Debbie Roberts Hendricks
Candy Cypher-Golden fondly remembers
the class of ’74. “I have corresponded with Kay
(Naquin), Nick (Pechin) and Mitch (Michelle
Thiessen Aschwald) here in Honolulu,” says
Candy. She recently flew to the “Big Apple” to
help her son Kai with his living arrangements
at Columbia University in Manhattan. Kai
enjoys living at home during the summer in
Hawai‘i but also enjoys the excitement and
energy of
New York
City. Candy’s
Spring is a
student at
the John Burns School of Medicine in Hawai`i.
Recently, she completed a rotation at USC and
is currently working in Oregon. She will do a
final rotation at the Mayo Clinic next and will
graduate as an M.D. In addition to Candy’s
regular flying career for Hawaiian Airlines (35
years), she enjoys traveling. “My husband Steve
is doing well,” says Candy. “He is our stable force
at home. Steve is the primary caretaker for
Honihoni, a 70-pound Golden Retriever. “Take
care and keep in touch! My email address is:
Ali, Jill, Michael
and Jamie
`74 classmates Ann Machiolek Wagoner,
Debbie Roberts Hendrick, Nick Pechin
and Michelle Thiessen Aschwald at
Summer Reunion.
Debbie Roberts Hendricks was recruited to
become a board member of KIAKO - Ka‘ana ‘Ike
A Ka ‘Ohana - the foundation for her halau, Hula
‘Ohana Holo‘oko‘a, in Aloha, Oregon. Along with
her foundation responsibilities, Debbie has been
busy with the halau’s performance season.
“Our first public performance was last June
at the Portland Rose Festival,” says Debbie.
“Recently, we held Hawaiian Days at Uwajimaya
in Beaverton, Oregon.” The halau also defended
last year’s first place finish at this year’s Beaverton Parade in September.
Charles Schmidling
Wee-J Paris and husband Terry returned to Maui
for the reunion at the end of June and had a
wonderful visit. “It was a real treat to see those
familiar faces from yesterday and to see how we
have matured gracefully,” says Wee-J. “We still
had that bond, which is pretty amazing when
one considers the paths we have taken. Our trip
to Maui was followed by a visit to the Big Island
to see family and friends.”
In March, Charles Schmidling attended Casey
Proud’s graduation from Western Washington
University. Casey is the son of former Seabury
Hall math instructor, John Proud. Other alumni
in attendance included Dan Mahar ’77, Keoki
Schattauer ’77, Toni Worst ’77 Schattauer
(Casey’s mom), and John Proud.
¼Celebr ate
Our 35th Reunion! June 17-19, 2011 Weekend
Marty Thomas hosted a fun-filled weekend
at his home in the Lake Tahoe area. Activities
included a casino night at one of the local hotels
in Reno, a beach day at Sand Harbor and Baldwin
Beach, a lake tour aboard the Dixieline, and a
BBQ at Marty’s house.
Lake Tahoe Reunion: Stacy Lent ’78, Dana
Austin ’77, Marty Thomas ’76, Anne Melrose
’77, Jeffery Tubbs ’76, Jenny Bruce ’77, Wendi
Fitkin ’76, Bill Dohn ’77, Bill’s significant other
Gail, Derek Knobel ’79. Not pictured is Jim
Baker ’73.
CLASS AGENT: Jennifer Bruce Winston
Marisa Mangani recently co-wrote and published her husband’s
memoir, Sharkman
of Cortez, about his
life as a commercial
shark fisherman in
southwest Florida.
Book sales are popping from Lahaina
to Martha’s Vineyard.
Marisa recently visited Hawaii (with Captain Bill, her hubby) after
a 13 year absence and vows to not stay away
that long again. She was very pleased to note
that the aloha spirit is thriving.
Monica Riecke Morakis
Dan Mahar ’77, Keoki Schattauer ’77, Toni
Schattauer ’77, Casey Proud (in mother’s
arms), Charles Schmidling ’75, and John
Proud at Casey’s graduation
Sarah Bott
Thanks to the Class of 1980,
this summer’s Seabury Reunion
in June was an extra special
visit for Julia Rivas ’85 Frey.
Julia shares, “My 7th grade
year at Seabury was my sister
Jennifer Elliot ’80 Callahan’s
senior year and, as the annoying kid sister, I had
the opportunity to know all of her friends! To see
a large group of them 30 years later was incredible, and I know Jen would have loved it.
I hosted a party (as Jen would have) at my
mother’s house in Spreckelsville the night prior
to the reunion. We ate some ono local food, took
tons of pictures, and told hilarious stories. Fred
and Maria Rawe were special guests and there
were more than a few double takes when they
arrived, but all dip slips were forgotten!
The Reunion on Saturday started with a memorial service for a few of the alumni who had died
recently, two of whom were from the Class of ‘80:
Ramon Handy and my sister Jennifer. Michael
Yamashita ‘76 was also remembered. Our tears
were mixed with laughter, as family and friends
spoke fondly about each person. We shared
positive memories about the teenage years,
Maui, and Seabury. It was a bittersweet moment,
recounting those who are no longer here, but
whose lives at Seabury we recall as being in
youth’s full bloom and promise.
As the sun set, the party got underway on the
lawn of Cooper House. Many happy faces from
the past were present, and, for me, my favorite
surprise was to see Shannon Theiss ’90 Jenkins
whom I hadn’t seen since I was a senior and she
was in the seventh grade. It warmed my heart
to give her a big hug and remember all of those
amazing Seabury days.
Emily Fielding is happy to
back on The Valley Isle. “I
moved back to Maui in 2008 to
take a position with The Nature
Conservancy’s Hawai`i marine
program,” says Emily. “It’s great to be home
from O`ahu – surfing and being close to friends
and family.” Daughter `Olelomoana is at UH Hilo
this fall to earn a teaching credential. Brother
Brennan ‘85 started Burleigh Brewing Company
in Australia with his wife and is enjoying life with
their two kids. Mom Ann is still on Maui, involved
in community activities and enjoying the ocean.
“It was awesome to see so many from the class of
‘80 (at reunion) this summer,” says Emily.
Robyn Ficke Carvalho
¼Celebr ate
Our 30th Reunion! June 17-19, 2011 Weekend
CLASS AGENT: Susan Kock Okie
CLASS AGENT: Melissa Burnett
Matthew Kresser: matmindright@aol.com
Beth Macknik: beth@macknik.net
Rachel Ball Philips lives on Maui with her husband and two young sons, Austin, 10, and Carter,
6. “I’m working at our family real estate business
and spending lots of time with my boys and (in)
volunteer work. Right now soccer season is starting up, so that is consuming our life for the next
few months.”
CLASS AGENT: Julia Rivas Frey
Felicity Lauren Fitzpatrick Baskin lives in
Pacific Palisades, California with her husband
Darian. She is happily rearing their
three children,
twins Caity and
Colleen and toddler
Carys. “We get back
to Maui as often
as possible!” says
Jill Stark
Cohen lives
in Tempe,
with her
husband Michael and daughters Jamie (12) and
Ali (10). “I continue to work for sanofi-aventis
selling insulin to physicians, pharmacists and hospitals,” says Jill. “I also serve on the Executive Board
for Arizona Family Planning Council, which delivers Title X funding for reproductive health
care medicine to patients who are uninsured. My older daughter Jamie now attends
Tempe Prep, a school very similar to Seabury,
which has brought back great memories of
the amazing education I got while attending
Kevin Crane is living in Tampa, Florida and working for International Paper. He sells “outsourced
supply chain solutions” to national retailers, flies
helicopters for fun, and recently made the leap
to Apple from PC. Kevin is also getting back into
triathlons and plans to compete in an Ironman
before he turns 50.
Julia Rivas Frey is living in Los Angeles, working
in the movie business as a visual effects producer
(she spent last fall in Belfast and Morocco for an
HBO project), as well as writing screenplays and
blogging. Julia married fellow screenwriter Kurt
Frey in 2001. They plan to adopt.
Courtney Dahms Pine lives in Tacoma, Washington. “I have taken a hiatus from working in education and
am running
the human
department for a
which my husband started with a couple of
partners,” says Courtney. “We are in our third
year of business and things are going strong.”
Her son Drew is a senior in high school and the
college hunt is on. “We took a trip home and to
Kauai this summer, and I was sorry to
miss the class reunion,” says Courtney.
“However, I had the opportunity to
meet my new step-sister-in-law and
her daughter who live on Kauai.”
Darrell Richards lives in Carmel, California. I
was a chef for 15 years, but now I am a general
contractor,” says Darrell. “I love what I do at this
point. I just got finished restoring a house and
remodeling the kitchen and bathrooms . . . I
have three great kids, Cam (17), Mclane (14), and
Veronica (5). I have been a single dad for quite a
while...it’s all good. I still surf, run, and swim.”
Krishna McIntosh
¼Celebr ate
Our 25th Reunion! June 17-19, 2011 Weekend
Juliet Green shared this exciting news about
her singing ensemble, Clockwork. “We’ve been
selected to perform at the Jazz Educators’ Network Conference in New Orleans in January, and
will be up performing a few shows in the Seattle
area in mid-March.”
Leilani Magee has a business called Hawaiian
Isles Tennis (aka HIT and HITennis.net). “HIT is
with the
Foundation for
work and
we are making some gains in the Hawaii tennis
community,” says Leilani. HIT was the recipient of
a $5,000 grant and the Pacific Club in Honolulu
selected HIT as its charity for its Fall Invitational
tournament. In addition to partnering with the
Boys & Girls Clubs, HIT has a new partnership
with the After School All Stars. To find out more,
visit www.HITennis.net.
Seabury Hall Upper School math teacher
Sean Wilson and wife Segolene are off to
new digs — they recently bought their first
home. Although we celebrate this new
chapter in their lives, we miss seeing their
adorable red-headed twin boys, Quin and
Finn, scampering around campus.
Three generations: Sean, his
parents DonnetteGene and John,
wife Segolene,
twins Quin
and Finn.
Zadoc Brown III: kahiau419@hotmail.com
Jennifer Yapp: JJ.Yapp@SpecialCounsel.com
Alumna Heidi Riecke Bigelow joins Lee
Kajiyama ‘67 Carson and Sumner Erdman ‘83
on the 2010-2011 Seabury Hall Board of Trustees.
Heidi, who works as a Project Manager for West
Maui Land Company, just completed her third
term on the Alumni Association Board. We are
very grateful for her service!
Zadoc Brown III married Stephanie Campbell in
February and is happy to announce that they are
expecting a boy
(Z4) at the end
of November.
“My daughter,
Hayden, has
just started 3rd
grade on Oahu,
is doing quite
well in her soccer
games and has just taken up surfing,” says Zadoc.
“Currently, I am excited to help out with the
big push to get the (new) Seabury creative arts
center completed.”
Jeff Poppinga left teaching at Seabury seven
years ago and moved with wife Katie to San
Jose, California, where he teaches and coaches
volleyball at
a local public
high school.
“On April 11th,
we became the
proud parents of Emmy
Poppinga,” says
Jeff. “She was 21 inches in length and weighed
8 pounds. She is growing like a weed and it has
been fun watching her grow.”
Danielle Cleveland Sears Cadman
After leaving Maui in 1988, Keira BoertzelSmith attended the University of San Francisco,
followed by law school at University of Detroit
- Mercy School of Law. Keira practiced law in
Michigan, until her husband’s job brought
them to New York City in 2000. Currently, she
is rearing her three children (ages 13, 10, and
8) outside of NYC. While at home with her
Keira has
expanding her
In turn,
she has had a successful career in selling cut
paper art (www.keiraboertzelsmith.com), as
well as enjoyed working for the last two years
at a nonprofit visual arts organization. In May
2010, Keira was admitted to the New Jersey Bar
Association. As her children move into their
middle school years, she is planning to devote
more time to her career. Keira continues to ride
horses as a hobby.
Mahalo to Danielle Cleveland Sears Cadman
for volunteering as the new Class Agent for the
class of 1988. For over five years, Danielle has
lived on Maui in Haiku
and worked at the
Public Defender’s
Office. Last October,
Danielle married John
Cadman. In addition
to her two sons Kai
and Cody, she now
has four stepsons:
Keoni, Kawika, Kainalu and Maika‘i.
Josh Graham DeSilva lives in Haiku with his
wife Robyn
and their three
children, Max
(7), Zara (4) and
Finn (8 months).
He owns DeSilva
Meeting Consultants, a company
that specializes in
corporate special event planning
in Hawaii. Josh coaches soccer, surfs,
and has been a member of a Haiku-based jam
band for the past two and a half years. Robyn
enjoys raising money for a school in Zambia and
to assist a young boy in Chile. Their son Max’s
world revolves around soccer, while daughter
Zara loves dressing up, and the baby of the
family, Finn, “is really into growing his top teeth
and drooling.”
Terry Raikes Emde and family are enjoying a
busy life on Maui. “Ollie is eight and plays on
two soccer teams, and Sydney is almost six years
old and also plays soccer and dances hula,” says
Terry. “They both attend Kula Elementary School.
I’m still flying Boeing 767s for Hawaiian (mostly
to the mainland) and Marc ‘88 is still down at
Maui Memorial ER doing his thing.”
Marc Lewis, his wife Megan and two-year-old
daughter, Mariah, are still living in Puna on the
Big Island. He is a cable splicer for Hawaiian
Telcom. Megan is a family nurse practitioner at
a clinic in Hilo. They are expecting their second
girl in January.
An update from Becky Worley, “I am alive and
well in Northern California. I work for ABC as a
tech reporter. My partner Jane and I have twoand-a-half year-old twins Finn and Emalia.
I am currently focused on when the new Apple
laptops will be released, the rise of Android
phones, and best practices for potty-training.
We return frequently to Maui to visit the grandparents, Emalia Brown ‘89 and JB Guard ‘90,
Jorma Palmer ‘89, his sweet wife Mercy, and,
if I’m lucky, Buzzy, AKA Carolyn Reny Slepin,
Heather Haynes ‘87 Drood, and Zadoc Brown
III ‘87. Thank God for Facebook; it’s fantastic to
catch up with old friends and see pictures of
their kids. I actually feel conscious of the lives of
Melissa Krueger Glynn, Laura Daily Strickland, (Seabury librarian) Linda Lindsay, and
Diana Klink James, even if it’s just via status
update and the like button.”
“My husband Jason and I live in Fort Worth, Texas
and are having lots of fun with our 16 monthold daughter, Ellery,” says Laura Wright. “We
just celebrated our 12th anniversary, and I just
celebrated my 10th anniversary working for WaterBrook
Multomah Publishing Group,
a job I am blessed to have and
really love. Life is good - we
are grateful to God for that!”
Jackie Yau moved back
home to Hong Kong after
completing college in
Boston. About two years ago, Jackie moved to
Singapore and “did a bit of business on his own.”
Congratulations to Jackie and his wife Clara on
the birth of their son Cayden on September 27!
Jackie writes, “He is our joy now!”
CLASS AGENT: Heather Wilson Gerard
Robb Cole
¼Celebr ate
Our 20th Reunion! June 17-19, 2011 Weekend
Kimmie Ouchi’s daughter
Nanea recently celebrated
her first birthday in
Hana. Kimmie has also
been swinging her tennis
racket again and joined
the Wailea Maui Women’s
tennis team at the USTA
Nationals in Tucson in
October. The coconut
wireless tells us Kimmie
hits the ball so hard that most men are afraid to
face her on the court.
Devaki Murch
Chris and Sara DePalma
Smith are the proud new
parents of Odin Kingsbury.
He joined his big sister Esta
Monroe, who is one-and-ahalf years old.
Mino McLean
Mino McLean was named 2010 Salesperson of
the Year by the Realtor Association of Maui. The
award was presented in recognition of Mino’s
professional abilities/REALTOR® spirit, civic/
community activity, local board activity, state/
national association activity, and business/real
estate accomplishments. Mino has helped many
Seabury alumni purchase and sell homes on
Maui. She works with Island Sotheby’s International Realty. Mahalo to Mino for volunteering as
the new Class Agent for the Class of 1993!
Robert Judge
Lia Hannon was married to James Wadsworth
on May 8th at Launiupoko Beach Park. In lieu
of a “first dance” the newly married couple enjoyed a “first surf.” Lia rode a brand-new handmade koa and balsa wood board that James
presented as his wedding gift to her. Mino
McLean ’93 writes, “When the surfing was pau
we all danced to a marimba band and ate ono
Roy’s food. Fun! Fun!”
Alicia Middleton Stephens
of Education with a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. In June, the Davis family moved to Palo
Alto, California, where Emily started a new job at
Stanford as a Clinical Associate and the director of the Partner School Induction Program in
the Center for Supporting Excellence in Teaching
(CSET). She oversees the Induction programs of
six partner high schools, the hiring and training of
mentor teachers, and the professional development of teachers working on earning clear teaching credentials.
Jessica Guard McLellan and husband Erik have
been busy with their
new house, work
and baby Dillon.
“She’s already almost
ten months old!”
says Jessica. “Erik
has been traveling
all over promoting
Son Trent and
the Zipline franchise,
and I am involved in
a new venture with
a group of designers. We are opening a store in
Wailuku…It’s been an exciting year; Erik and I
just have to keep reminding ourselves to take a
moment and enjoy all of these incredible blessings.” Editor’s Note: Check out Jessica’s beautiful new shop, Swan Interiors, on the corner of
Church and Vineyard in Wailuku.
Belated congratulations to newlyweds Shaun
Thayer and Denise Wong who were married
October 3, 2010. It must have been quite the
bash ’cuz alumni guests are still talking about the
party! The reception was at Capische at Hotel
Wailea and word has it that “the food and beverages were flowing!”
Kilia Gallagher
is a big sister!
Michael and Mamie Lawrence
Gallagher welcomed their new
baby girl Maraea
Kaha`awelani on
June 14.
CLASS AGENT: Eric Gerdes
Leila Monroe
¼Celebr ate
Our 20th Reunion! June 17-19, 2011 Weekend
It has been an eventful year
for Emily Payne Davis. Her
13-month-old daughter Julia is
walking, climbing, dancing and
loves having books read to her.
In May, Emily graduated from the
University of Virginia’s Curry School
Monroe and Chelsea
Fahsholtz Bryce have
a new baby boy! At 7
pounds, 4 ounces and
20 inches long, Keenan
Nahele blessed his
parents with his arrival
on May 4th.
Jason Bello
Victoria Wayne
John Daters was married
to Bethany Lacher in
Lewis Center, Ohio on
July 31. Seabury Hall
alumni in attendance
included classmates
Elizabeth Tomoso and
BJ Anderson, who was
the Best Man. At the
end of August, Johnny
started a new job as Web
Communications Specialist for MetroHealth
Hospitals. He is also working on his third book
Rocky Mountain National Park Trivia published
by Riverbend Publishing. The book should hit
shelves in early 2011.
Karen Ko shares exciting news.
“Recently, I have launched my
own jewelry brand: K2O by
Karen Ko (website: www.k2obykarenko.com),” says Karen.
“My collection was featured
in New York’s Fashion Week
shows and in the November issue of Upscale Magazine, worn
by R&B singer Brandy. I am still
based in New York City but will
hopefully be visiting Hawaii
soon in December.”
Seabury Hall Athletic Director Steve and wife
Melissa Otte ‘67 Colflesh
are proud new grandparents! Daughter Brooke
and husband Bill Levien
welcomed their son, Kai William, in August. Big guy Kai
checked in at 21 inches long
and an impressive 8 pounds, 4 ounces. Could he
be a future quarterback like Grandpa Steve?
Danoucha Starkweather Reynon received
her bachelor’s degree in science from the Art
Institute of San Diego, California in 2004. She
currently runs her own graphic design business
here on Maui, helping local businesses visually
communicate to their market. In 2009, she was
one of five finalists for the
Mayor’s Young Small Business Awards. With clients
in Maui and California,
Danoucha also helps
Women Helping Women
with her creative talent
and time. She is currently
working with one of her
clients on a nationwide
launch of an innovative
new fireplace grate that will reduce harmful
emissions by 78%! Recently married to Chris Reynon, Danoucha loves to travel, play in the ocean
and paint in her free time.
Andrew Middleton completed medical
school at University of Hawaii in May 2010. He
will be training at University of Miami/Jackson
Memorial Hospital for the next seven years, in
Neurological Surgery.
“The lady in the picture
is a real CSI Miami
investigator with the
Miami Police Department,” says Andrew of
the photo shown here.
“I took the picture with
her because I thought
it was funny that the
CSI people really do
exist. The picture was
taken in our Trauma Center.”
¼Celebr ate
Our 10th Reunion! June 17-19, 2011 Weekend
As recently reported in The Maui News, Tara
Mayer has earned her Ph.D. in history from the
University of London’s School of Oriental and
African Studies. Tara’s dissertation focused on the manner in
which British civil servants and
military personnel adapted
to India’s culture and environment during the early days
of colonialism. Tara resides in
Paris with her husband, Professor David Meyer.
Kauila Rivera
Kyle Ellison checked
in on Facebook from
a honeymoon stop in
Quito, Ecuador where
he and his new bride
Heather were stuck in
the middle of a military
coup. Kyle and Heather
were married in Maui
on September 26. The
wedding was attended
by Seabury classmates Dannee Morrill, Claire
Gagne , Amelia Nelson, Kevin Johnson, Ranier
Wood, and Shannon Ellison ‘05.
We read about the engagement of Adams Rixey
on TCPalm.com. Adams is engaged to be married
to Ashley Ulano Stuart.
Both are graduates of the
University of Miami, Coral
Gables. Ashley is a tax
accountant with KMH LLP
in Honolulu and Adams is
a structural designer with
Baldridge & Associates,
Honolulu. The couple plan to marry in 2011.
Kaimanamaile Lee Brummel
Lauren Armstrong is continuing her graduate
program in Urban and Regional Planning at UH
Manoa. She is currently working on a project
mapping agricultural land on Kaua`i. After completing the long-distance paddling season, she
returned to Ecuador for a few weeks in October
to help run a health care volunteer service trip.
Holly Barto and fiancé Shaun Hansen are
planning a large October 2011 wedding at her
grandparent’s estate, Rosario Resort, in Washington State’s San Juan Islands. Holly met her future
husband after former American Idol contestant
Camile Velasco and Soo Lee (now known as
Kris Lee), persuaded her to move to Southern
California and become a certified makeup artist.
Holly has been running her parents’ companies on Maui and living in Lahaina, while her
parents sail around the world on their new
luxury catamaran. “Their plan is to keep going
around the world until their bodies no longer
allow it,” says Holly. “Along with working for
my parents’ businesses, I also work weddings
and photo shoots as a freelance makeup artist.”
Holly represents Chanel as a beauty advisor and
aspires to become a national representative for
the company.
Bethany Brady is attending medical school at
A.T. Still University and living with her boyfriend
Ian. She is at a regional campus in Portland,
Oregon and is beginning to spend some time
at Virginia Garcia clinic, a primarily Spanishspeaking community health center. “I am loving
the city of Portland,” says Bethany. “This year is
a stressful one, with board examinations at the
end of the year, but luckily I have some time to
enjoy the Northwest and get some great experience in my clinic.”
“I was fortunate to do a few months of traveling
around South Africa, England, France and Spain,”
says Elisa Brewerton Brewdant. “Subsequently,
Gabe and I have relocated to Wellington, the
capital of New Zealand . . . We love it!” In addition
to being granted residency, the pair plans to stay
in their new home on a “long-term basis.” Elisa
has a great job with Maritime New Zealand, a
government agency that protects the country’s
marine environment. “New Zealand is fantastic
and I highly recommend it (always up for visitors). I’m planning a trip to Maui in July 2011, if
anyone else will be around.”
Kaimana Lee Brummel married Aaron Brummel
on April 3 at Olowalu Plantation House, with 300
of their closest friends and family in attendance.
The wedding party included Lauren Powley
and Kawehi Wallace Kammerer. “Holly Barto
did an amazing job with my makeup while
Angelina Hills ‘00 and her Aloha Portraits team
captured all the
best moments,” says
Kaimana. “Thanks
to Dean Frampton
‘91 of Sandwich
Island Cellars, we
had enough wine to
last us well into the
night.” As if planning
a wedding wasn’t
enough, the newlyweds also bought a new house
in Kulamalu and moved in four days before the
wedding. “The home buying experience went
smoothly thanks to our Realtor Jeremy Stice ‘01,”
says Kaimana. “Aaron and I look forward to putting down our roots in Upcountry Maui.”
Kaimana and Aaron’s wedding guests Kyle
Ellison ‘02, Sonya Niess ‘03, Holly Barto ‘03,
Shaun Hansen (Holly’s fiance), Genafer Longhi
‘03, and Heather Claubaugh (now Kyle’s wife!)
“I’m currently beginning my third year of teaching
kindergarten at Pomaika’i Elementary School and
am blessed this year with an amazingly wellbehaved class,” says Brynne Carey. “I love being
a teacher! On the weekends, I spend as much
time as possible with my family, especially my
two nieces.” Brynne plans to travel around Europe
during the summer of 2011, and is beginning the
process of charting the places she wants to visit.
Riley Coon feels fortunate to have made it home
alive with all his body parts after backcountry
snowboarding in Kashmir, India for five weeks.
“The Himalayas
kicked my butt,”
says Riley. “I was
hiking at 14,000
feet and came
straight from sea
level (Maui) so the
elevation change
was something
I had to get used to. Avalanches were really
dangerous, and 17 people died right where I was
while I was there.”
Chalan Cunningham works on Hawaii Island
for the Kohala Watershed Partnership on a
project federally funded by NOAA. “Our project
is designed to protect Pelekane Bay from the
sediment that is eroding into it and suffocating
its cultural sites, reefs, and other marine life,”
says Chalan. “We are doing this with a number
of efforts mauka of the bay, within the bay’s
watershed. These efforts include installing
sediment-stopping fabric rolls and sediment
dams, controlling feral goats and pigs, and reestablishing native dry-land forest. Fun stuff. I have
a new side project as I have been approached to
write grants for a young non-profit organization
on Maui. As I have never done anything like this,
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has
any experience or advice.”
2009  2010
Mahalo and congratulations to
President Rob Stoner ’80
and the Board for their
great work this past year.
Robert Stoner ‘80
Kimberly Skog ‘02
Mallory Haines ‘71 Armstrong
Heidi Riecke ‘87 Bigelow
Zadoc Brown III ‘87
Kaimanamalie Lee ‘03 Brummel
Robyn Ficke ‘81 Carvalho
J.B. Guard IV ‘90
Marissa Hanada ‘02
Jonathan Herman ‘90
Erin Mukai ‘01
Danoucha Starkweather ‘99 Reynon
Anthony Sayles ‘03
Gregory Sheehan ‘84
Jeremy Stice ‘01
Kim Abrahamson
Alumni who returned to their youth’s “home
away from home” for Reunion Weekend, reflected
upon their personal journeys and revisited their
formative experiences.
Seabury Hall means something – whether it is the
customary admiration of its verdant grounds, or
something more distinct – to each of its graduates. Reunion Weekend brings back graduates
Summer Reunion 2010 alumni attendees
who grew up together. Rekindling those relationships is at the core of the annual summer weekend. “It was a real treat to see those familiar faces
from yesterday and to see how we have matured
gracefully,” says Wee-J Paris ‘75. “We still had that
bond, which is pretty amazing when one considers the paths we have taken.”
Alumni Association President Rob Stoner ’80 was
thrilled with the turnout. “We welcomed back
over 150 alumni plus their guests from across
Hawaii and 17 other states. A special thanks to
our reunion committee members, who worked
tirelessly to encourage classmates to attend
Reunion Weekend, created a beautiful evening
on Saturday night, hosted classmates in their
homes, and made financial contributions, so
that we could enjoy great entertainment. Your
outreach effort was incredible, and we couldn’t
have done it without you.”
For Candy Rutherford ’71 Hibner it is her friends
that color her memories of Seabury Hall and
growing up on Maui. After a wonderful week
revisiting favorite Maui haunts with friends from
the classes of 1970 and 1971, Candy recalled, “As
we made our sad farewells, we took home with
us breathtaking photos, magnificent memories,
new-found connections, and the firm inspiration
to meet again.”
Make your plans
to attend today!
Class of 1975
Class of 1980 Beach Party
December 29, 2010
RFriday, February 25, 2011
Headmaster Joe Schmidt is
hosting an alumni get-together
in D.C.
If you live in the area and are
interested in having this event in
your home or club, please contact
the Alumni Relations Office.
RSaturday, June 17-19, 2011
RFriday, June 17
$MBTTQBSUJFT for milestone classes
ending in “6” and “1”
RSaturday, June 18
Everyone is invited to the
RSunday, June 19
'BNJMZ'VO%BZ– Celebrate Father’s
Day with fellow alumni families.
Dates TBA
We are planning neighbor
island get-togethers on Kauai,
O‘ahu and the Big Island.
If you would like to host an
event in your home or club,
please contact the Alumni
Relations Office.
Olena Horcajo recently started an MPA program
in Environmental Science and Policy at Columbia
University in New York and loves living in the
city. “Fortunately, there are a ton of lovely Seabury
grads here and so I get to see people when school
isn’t too crazy,” says Olena. Other people in the
city include Rebecca Serle (see her articles in
The Huffington Post) and Tiffany Chou ‘04. “All of
you should buy her amazing jewelry (I have a few
pieces that I wear daily),” says Olena. Azeo Fables
and Scott Murrish are also in New York. “I’m
fully enjoying school. Even though it’s incredibly
time-consuming I know I’m on the right track, and
hey, New York is definitely easier to live in than
Nicaragua! I hope everyone is well!”
Kawehi Wallace Kammerer currently works
as a full-time Certified Elementary Teacher at
Hau‘ula Elementary Grades K-1 in the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program or Ke Kula
Kaiapuni ‘o Hau‘ula. “I’m a first-year teacher so
I’m learning the ropes and striving to do my
very best,” says Kawehi. “It’s a lot of hard work
but very rewarding too.” Kawehi is also pursuing
a two-year program for an M.S. in Education Integrating Technology in the Classroom with
Walden University. Her husband James is a
Physical Education teacher at Kahuku High and
Intermediate School. In January, he will begin a
Masters Program in Adaptive Physical Education
at UH-Manoa. “Eventually, we hope to make our
way back to Maui, once we have earned tenure
and have both completed master’s programs,”
says Kawehi. “My son Mauikekamakupaianaha just celebrated his first birthday and his
older brother Ka‘uhane recently turned three.
Ka‘uhane attends preschool at the Punana Leo
‘o Ko‘olauloa.”
Ali Kean has been in San Francisco for almost
three years. “I am completing my master’s in
Early Childhood Education and Special Needs at
Mills College,” says Ali. “I am also teaching preschool and children’s art classes at the San Francisco Children’s Art Center. I spent most of the
summer traveling in Europe and look forward to
an upcoming trip to the Dominican Republic. I
miss Maui, friends and family and hope to make
it back soon.”
Genafer Longhi just returned from living in
Sicily for the summer. “I was working as an au
pair and having one of the best experiences of
my life!” says Genafer. “Next, I plan on working as
a sales rep for Geisha Fabulous hair accessories
and Tiffany Chou ‘04 jewelry, which is a fun and
great job. I also plan on doing more traveling
and am thinking of maybe doing the au pair
thing again in New Zealand. Other than that everything is great living in Maui, and I’m enjoying
life! Good luck to everyone and keep enjoying
the adventure we call life!”
Justin O’Brien moved to Mountain View, California in early March to work at Google where
he specializes in process improvement/automation within Human Resources. “Corporate life at
Google is as good as it gets with free food, heated
toilet seats, and micro kitchens with all the free
snacks you could imagine,” says Justin. “There’s
also a playground on the floor above me and
cube mates frequently bring their dogs to work.
I often play ping pong once a week with Aaron
Schwab ‘02; he often loses. I live four miles from
work and every day I drive 35 MPH down Shoreline Blvd for only 12 minutes to get to work. One
day, I hope to have a mortgage, wife and 1.5 kids.”
Phillip Tongg graduated in 2008 from Point
Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California. “I am still living over here,” says Phillip. “Currently, I am studying for the CPA exam. I hope to
move home in the near future.”
Glennel Warren is living on Oahu and working
as a financial advisor for one of the top financial
planning firms in Honolulu. “I got my MBA
in finance a couple years ago and have been
focusing on traveling and my career,” says Glennel.
“I frequently take surf trips around the world . . .
I just returned from Mexico this summer surfing
for like six weeks by myself. It was pretty amazing
and has tempted me to buy property down
there. Probably should have taken some Spanish
classes at Seabury when I had the chance. It’s
getting hard for me to sit still in Hawai‘i lately,
finally starting to get island fever and want to
take off somewhere. For now I will be here for at
least a couple of years. I live on the North Shore of
Oahu so if anyone wants a surf tour then hit me
up. Funny, I saw Kawehi (Wallace Kammerer)
dancing on a boat at the Polynesian Cultural
Center a few years ago.”
“I am in Boston starting my first semester at the
Berklee College of Music and having a great
time!” says Zak Wass. It’s very challenging and
competitive, but I am learning a lot.”
CLASS AGENT: Jenna Mezzin
Malia Bloedon is finishing her last year at Webster University Leiden, in the Netherlands. She has
been living in the Netherlands for the past three
years, and before moving there, she completed
a year-long fine arts program in Barcelona. She is
currently working on a degree in media communications with an emphasis on photography and
documentary film. Malia will soon begin working
on a documentary for the Dutch branch of Doctors Without Borders about their traveling hospital
project, most likely in South America, and maybe
Japan as well. After graduation in May, she plans
to remain in the Netherlands and find a job somewhere in the media industry.
Libby Howard is expanding her experience and
knowledge of horses and the equine industry
in Italy. She is currently the manager of the
riding program at Villa Ferraia in Tuscany. It is
located near Siena but is set in a very rural area.
They focus on scenic tours and the cultural
background of the area while catering to
their guests at the villa. For more information
visit www.villaferraiatuscany.com.
Jenna Mezin is beginning her first year as a doctorate of psychology student in the Boston area.
She is also an assistant coach for the tennis team
at her alma mater, Wellesley College.
Rebecca Nelson is happy to announce that
she recently became engaged to her college
sweetheart Clay Taylor. He asked her to marry
him after hiking to overlook the Palisades on
Catalina Island. She was very surprised! They are
planning to hold a Maui wedding in the summer
of next year.
After Annie Shoemaker’s fun-filled family summer, which included a Maui visit and a Mediterranean adventure aboard Celebrity Cruises,
she has begun her first year of teaching. She
is teaching a 5th grade class of 28 students in
Aurora, Colorado and couldn’t be happier. It is
a high-needs school and many of the students
come from less than ideal homes. Despite their
hardships, she says they are a fabulous group of
kids and she is excited about the possibility of
making a difference in their lives.
Alumni Association President and Craft Fair
Committee Chair Rob Stoner ’80 and board
members Kaimana Lee ’03 Brummel and Anthony Sayles ‘03 did a great job in recruiting and
overseeing alumni volunteers. Alumni booths
netted just over $6,000, which is earmarked for
the Alumni Association’s 2011-12 ”Rising Senior“
Scholarship program. Forty-five alumni worked
shifts at Alumni booths featuring beverages,
logo items, and for the second year, onolicious
Kalua Turkey Tacos. Mahalo to Chad Aldrich ‘00,
Lesley Alexander ‘73, Heidi Riecke ’87 Bigelow,
Zadoc Brown ‘87, Emalia Brown ‘89, Brynne
Carey ‘03, Robyn Ficke ’81 Carvalho, Lisa Chappel
‘79, Seth Cutts ‘02, Nina Dodge ‘99, Terry Raikes
’88 Emde, Mike Fisher ‘83, Marissa Hanada ‘02, Liz
Hart ‘04, Aly Parker ’92 Hodges, Liana Mancini ’88
Horovitz, John Ivey ‘80, Noah Judson ‘01, David
Kahoe ‘77, Lisa Kasprzycki ‘85, Travis Kodani ‘02,
Adrian Ledesma ‘00, Brad Liu ‘02, Laurie Knox ’75
Loney, Lindsay Manuel ‘00, Erin Mukai
‘01, Melinda Trautman ‘79 Neuwirth,
Peter Niess ‘98, Sonya Niess ‘03, Bobby
Rowland ’87, Anthony Sayles ‘03, Greg
Sheehan ‘84, Kim Skog ‘02, Buzzy Reny
’88 Slepin, Danoucha Starkweather ‘99
Reynon, Brook Starr ‘91, Brianna Stice
‘05, Jeremy Stice ’01, Dustin Tester ‘91,
Bryce Thayer ‘99, Shaun Thayer ‘96,
Richelle Thomson ‘83, Liz Tomoso ’98,
and Maggie Cook ’82 Welker.
APRIL 16, 1958 - MARCH 10, 2010
The memories and legacy of Michael
live on through his family and friends,
including his son Kai.
FEBRUARY 28, 1963 – DECEMBER 2, 2009
Ramon’s memory is kept alive by his wife,
Beverly, and his loving siblings, Cyana ‘83,
Androcles ‘85, Cameo and Beau-Jacques.
L to R: Melinda Trautman ‘79 Neuwirth, Robyn Ficke ’81
Carvalho, David Kahoe ‘77, Dustin Tester ‘91, Lisa Chappel ‘79,
Lisa Kasprzycki ‘85 and Rob Stoner ’80.
L to R: Peter Niess ‘98,
Rex Stagmueller (taco booth
supporter), Adrian Ledesma ‘00,
Anthony Sayles ‘03,
Lindsay Manuel 00,
and Kim Skog ’02.
Each year, the Association
awards scholarships to
acknowledge, encourage and
reward Seabury Hall juniors who
have demonstrated leadership,
fulfilled their academic potential,
and served their community
during their high school career.
The award is applied towards the
student’s senior year tuition at
Seabury Hall.
In May, the Seabury Hall Alumni
Association proudly awarded
$1,200 scholarships each to five
exceptional members of the
class of 2011: Maddi Dellplain,
Phelan Pagano, Taylor Rudow,
Samantha Sullivan and Ayanna
Alumni scholarships are made
possible through the sales of
Seabury logo items, Spartan
Grinds concession stand
proceeds and from the income
generated at the alumni Craft
Fair booths.
Heidi Riecke ’87 Bigelow, Zadoc Brown III ’87,
Kaimana Lee ’03 Brummel, Kit Okazaki ’91,
Danoucha Starkweather ’99 Reynon, Kim Skog ’02,
Jeremy Stice ’01, Rob Stoner ’80 and Sean Wilson
’86 helped to induct the Class of 2010 into the
Alumni Association at the New Alumni Luncheon in
May. Senior class president Michael Sugimura ’10
was recognized by the Association for his strong
leadership and dedication to ensure the success of
the Class of 2010 Legacy Fund.
Seabury PALS (Parents of
Alumni Students) prepare
Valentine’s Day care packages
for their alumni kids from the
Classes of 2009 and 2010.
Alumni Relations also hosts
a Halloween care package
party each year.
Kaimana Lee ’03 Brummel
presents award to
Michael Sugimura ’10.
Emily Turnbull recently moved to Charlottesville,
Virginia with her boyfriend, who is attending Darden
Business School. She started a new job as an
account manager at Worldstrides, a company
that plans international travel for MBA and other
grad school programs. With this position, she has
the opportunity to travel with the programs.
Halley Allison
Natalie Baker: nataliebaker@mac.com
Halley Allison is engaged to her college
sweetheart Alex Maza. They live together in
Alexandria, VA, where Halley is pursuing a
career in psychology.
Afua Annor is currently in Japan finishing out
the last few months of a research fellowship.
Next August, she will attend medical school at
Washington University in St. Louis.
Since graduating from
Seabury in 2005, Casey
Dyson has added studying abroad in Spain and
teaching in Ghana to his
life experiences (while
graduating Cum Laude
from the University of
San Diego). Currently
teaching in South Korea,
the first short story of his budding writing career
has been published. While a tendency for being
hypercritical leaves many stories unfinished, “Of
Sound and Silence” made it through his ridicule,
that of copy editors and publishing houses, and
finally into eBook format. The story “Of Sound
and Silence” is now available online on amazon.
com or through Casey’s publisher’s website at
untreedreads.com. Casey is looking forward to a
brief trip home come December.
Shannon Ellison has been living in Dublin,
Ireland for the past year and says she is “completely obsessed with it. In June, I graduated
from Montessori College where I earned my
primary Montessori teaching degree. I began
teaching in a Montessori school in July and have
my very own class of 13 adorable three and four
year olds! I just returned to Maui for a brief visit
to attend my brother Kyle Ellison’s ‘02 wedding,
which was wonderful.”
Gena Gammie just completed a master’s degree
in Environmental Policy and Regulation at the
London School of Economics. “It was a whirlwind
year in London: challenging, exciting, enriching,” says Gena. “After a great vacation at home,
I’ve moved to Washington, D.C. to try and apply
my degree and my passions in this field. I’m
currently job-hunting and getting to know my
new city!”
Katie Kilbride moved to Chicago this summer
“for an awesome job with Alliance of Action
Sports, a sports event planning firm, working in
their public relations department.” She plans to
brave the winter and continue immersing herself
in the life of her new city home.
Greg Tatum reports that, “I’m still living in L.A.
and working at Strange & Carpenter, a plaintiff’s
consumer class action law firm, as a legal assistant. I get to see some fellow classmates of ‘05
quite frequently — Raf Oania, Tristan Adlawan,
and Kiani Spangler. We all feel fortunate to have
Seabury ‘ohana here in L.A.”
Gemma Williams will complete “an environmental field study, trekking through Thailand, Tibet,
and China for two-and-a-half months in April
2011, before being a bum backpacking around
Cambodia and Vietnam...then off to OZ for a
month of snowboarding!”
Lacie Rhodes
¼Celebr ate
Our 5th Reunion! June 17-19, 2011 Weekend
Alyssa Garcia, daughter of
Seabury science teacher Sherri
Reed is engaged to be married
to Kyle Mays. “He is such an
amazing guy, and I can’t wait
to spend the rest of my life
with him,” says Alyssa. “We
won’t be getting married until
sometime in the spring of 2012,
and we’ll probably get married
in Texas, but we will definitely
have a reception on Maui. I will
graduate in December from
Texas A&M University with a business degree,
and minors in communications and horticulture.
I am hoping to work for a PR firm or as an event
coordinator. My fiancé Kyle is an electrical
engineer and telecommunications major at A&M.”
Nanette Le graduated from Stanford University
in June with a B.A. in Management Science and
Engineering, which is a combination of business administration, industrial engineering and
engineering economy. She is currently pursuing
her master’s in Supply Change Management at
MIT. Nanette sometimes hangs out with other
Seabury alumni living in Boston — classmate
Jake Young, who is attending Boston College,
and fellow MIT student Aimi Watanabe ‘07.
Rachel E. Berman, a senior
at the University of Southern California, is an honors
student in Annenberg
School of Communication,
majoring in communications with a minor in musical theatre. “This summer, I
have been in New York City
doing two internships - one with an advertising agency run by the former president of Epic
Records and the other with Alison Brod Public
Relations, assisting a beauty expert on beauty TV
segments and PR events,” says Rachel.
Makala Kaupalolo and Chrissy Calvert
Makala Kaupololo left for China in September
to start her study abroad program at Peking
University in Beijing.
CLASS AGENT: Ariel Duell
Congratulations to Michael Palmer who made
the Cal-Lutheran Men’s Basketball team! In
November, Michael traveled with the team to
Honolulu, where they competed in the Surf’s
Up Classic.