7 - Newport Mesa Unified School District
7 - Newport Mesa Unified School District
Volume 5, Issue 1 Harbor Council PTA September 2004 4th District PTA CCPTS, Inc. National PTA NEWPORT COAST ELEMENTARY Ms. Van PTA President Dear NCE Parents, Dear Newport Coast Families, Welcome Back! I am eager to begin our fifth year together and I am excited about getting to know all of our new students and their families. We have 120 new kindergarten students! I am also looking forward to seeing all of our returning families and students. I hope your summer was full of laughter, play, rest and relaxation. Summer always seems to go by so quickly! We not only have new students and families joining us but several new teachers as well. I have never had such an excellent group of experienced applicants for all of the openings. Please join me in welcoming them Continued on page 2 By a show of hands, how many of you have been at Newport Coast Elementary since the beginning? Wow, that’s quite a few! So, you remember those trailers we were in on Lincoln’s campus…Oh! And the way we were supposed to move to our own campus and because of “construction delays” we were pushed back, and back, and… Then, there was the whole bridgeover-Newport-Coast-Road (that was exhausting). The point is, whether a school (any school) is brand new or 20 years old, it’s going to experience growing pains or aging pains. Since day one we have worked closely with our parent population, the district, the Irvine Continued on page 3 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Cooling down at Field Day in June. 2 3 4-5 6 7 7 8 New Times for This Year! Fundraisers: Book Fair & Sally Foster NCE Teacher Teams Traffic Accelerated Winners! Newport Coast Adventure Run Calendar 1 Continued from page 1 to our school. K-Allison Butler K-Anne Partin 2-Kristen Johnson 2-Carolyn Prough (Sharing w/ Lori Kilday) 3-Leslie Montejano 3- Amy Moonly 4-April Forrester 6-Marsha Pattison Changes Miss McGann- Tech Coordinator (4 days/week); will not be returning to the classroom. Mrs. Dekofsky- Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) (2.5 days/week)- “Program Coordinator;” will not be returning to the classroom. Mrs. Maddux- will be teaching 3rd grade full time. Mrs. Mink- will be enjoying her time with her new baby girl and will return October 12th. Our students are very fortunate to work with our new and returning teachers! The entire teaching staff and I spent one day at our annual retreat the week before school began. We focused our efforts this year on getting to know each other as we have eight new staff members with us this year! We worked together on determining our working styles and team building activities. All work was based on current research in these two areas. We spent the other half of the day analyzing student test scores and developing plans to move our students forward to even greater success. We had a very productive day! Please remember to participate in our biggest fundraiser of the year during the month of September and October. We ask that each family donate $500 per child if possible, but of course, any amount will assist our school. This fundraiser is the base for all of future expenditures for the year. Our goal is $300,000 and I know we can do it!! We did very well last year. As we are a relatively new school, with many needs and high expectations, we need your financial assistance. The district does NOT pay for all of the wonderful ‘extra enrichment’ programs that your children enjoy. These programs or personnel are: Art Kindergarten music Classroom aides Primary (K-3) PE teacher Kindergarten Music Teacher Science Equipment Technology Staff training Extra library and classroom books Extra Duty Aides We are grateful for your donations and appreciate your support. The partnership between an expert staff and involved parents is critical to your child’s academic success. On behalf of all of the staff we look forward to our fifth year together working to move all of our students into academic excellence. Sincerely, M. Van NEW START AND END TIMES FOR THIS YEAR….. Kindergarten: 1st – 6th Grades: 8:35 a.m.-2:05 p.m. 8:35 a.m.-3:10 p.m. Early Out Dismissal (every Wednesday & one Friday a month) Kindergarten: 12:45 p.m. 1st – 6th Grades: 1:45 p.m. 2 Book Fair Our Book Fair gives you and your children the opportunity to buy books and products at affordable prices, plus it serves as a fundraiser for our school. Sept. 13-16, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (9-2 p.m. on Wed.) Multi-Purpose Room We invite you to attend and look forward to seeing you. Happy Reading! Rani Gokhale 719-0939 Continued from page 1 Company, first the county, then the city, first the Sheriff’s department, and then the police department to find solutions to everything from traffic concerns to more classrooms to more shade on our playground. Most of our challenges are directly related to our ever growing population. As parents, this is most evident regarding our traffic situation. The staff experiences frustration with regard to scheduling school events (we can’t all fit into the multi-purpose room together)! Some solutions are great, while others need a bit of work. The bottom line is that we will always be a work in progress as our needs change. As parents, we must set a good example for our children. We must be patient, always put safety over convenience and conduct ourselves in the spirit of cooperation. This is all with the understanding that the solution(s) at hand might have a few kinks and might not be ideal. With that said, we also urge communication. Please feel free to contact anyone on the PTA Board with any questions or concerns you might have throughout the school year. Denise Molnar PTA President By the way, you’re also free to call just to say how fabulous you think everything is! Sally Foster Gift Wrap The Sally Foster sale is one of NCE’s biggest fundraisers for the year. Our school earns 50% profit on every order. Individual teachers will receive 10% profit to be used in his or her classroom! Kick-off - Flag Deck, September 10th. View the Sally Foster product at Back-toSchool night, September 14th. Sale ends! - September 27th. Product Delivery - November 5th. VERY IMPORTANT - Order's can be placed by out-of-state family and friends with product being shipped directly to their doorsteps by visiting: www.sallyfoster.com and registering their student online. The account number foasr NCE is 617189 and this number is needed for each student registration. Thank You! Debe Deck & Stacy Mamatas 3 Newport Coast Elementary Teachers 2004-05 Kindergarten Team Jenny Carns, Allison Butler, Jodi Biggs, Pam Lookabaugh & Anne Partin (Paulette Montandon not shown) 1st Grade Team Carol Davis, Kristina Tons, Sue Stokes, Carolyn Prough, Lori Kilday & Theresa Hiramoto 2nd Grade Team Colleen Gurney, Kristen Johnson, Heidi Eadie & Chandra Prough (Anne Mink not shown) 4 3rd Grade Team Amy Moonly, Leslie Montejano, Shannon Maddux & Stacy Rickman 4th Grade Team Joni Sommer, Nathan Gibbs & April Forrester 5th Grade Team Ingrid Ohanian, Allison Fletcher & Liz Sawyer 6th Grade Team Ingrid Ohanian, Judy Andrew & Marsha Pattison 5 Fifth disease Facts A Friendly Reminder about “The Loop Road” and AM Drop-off and PM Pickup… Please enter the school in a single lane only from Newport Coast Drive. Stay in single file closely to the curb in the event that an emergency vehicle would need to pass. Drop-off starts in front of the office area. DO NOT get out of your car. Staff will assist your child if necessary. The only entry areas for students are the kindergarten gate and the gate between the office and the library. These two areas will have school employees monitoring the incoming foot traffic (adult and child) at all times. After School, you will enter the school from Newport Coast Drive in a single line and stay as close to possible to the curb to allow emergency vehicles to pass. Continue in a single line. As you near the office area, a school employee will bring your child to your car. Once again, DO NOT get out of your car. Please remind your children to watch for their ride. Fifth Disease is a common disease in young children. It is caused by a virus. Named fifth disease because it was the fifth of the childhood rash illnesses to be identified. There are generally no complications in normal children. In children symptoms are: low grade fever, tiredness, mild flu-like symptoms. Rash appears 7-10 days after initial symptoms. Appears first as "Slapped cheek" rash, then may continue as a lace like rash on arms and legs. Rash may last for up to three weeks. When rash appears- child is no longer contagious. In adults- symptoms may also include joint tenderness and swelling. Pregnant women exposed are advised to see their obstetrician promptly if exposed. 75% of adults are already immune to this disease. Incubation period 7-20 days form exposure. Treatment: Tylenol or Ibuprophen for discomfort and fever. Prevention: Best prevention- frequent hand washing! If you have further questions about Fifth Disease feel free to contact me in the Health Office on Tuesdays. Thank you, Claire Mcgirr, RN NCE School Nurse Important Update. We now have 260 supporters for NCE signed up with eScrip. Some of you are aware of the Safeway/Vons card renewal process that is now in place. The reason for the card renewal process is so that Safeway and Vons will be ensured that those participating are intentionally making their purchases, in exchange for Safeway/Vons support of our school. Therefore, please take just a few minutes to renew your Pavilion’s card so that they may continue to support our school. Our school made $7,787.16 in the last 12 months, simply from supporters using Pavilion (and other) registered cards! Remember, there are two easy ways for supporters to renew: 1. Supporters can call 1-800-801-4973 and renew via phone. 2. Supporters can visit www.escrip.com and click the “Yes! Renew” icon. Look for the big red check mark! If you any problems..... please call Mette Light (644-6611) 6 Accelerated Readers Winners! Here are photos of the $100 jar winners from the end of last school year. The Upper winner was Kaela Schreck from Fletcher’s class. The primary winner was Elizabeth Rogers from Dekofsky/Maddux’ class. My child will not be going to school today. 9 9 9 Call the 24 hour attendance line. A message will prompt you to leave information so that your child is accounted for. If possible, call before 10:00 a.m. of the day your child is absent. Although you may notify your child’s teacher of an impending absence of your child from school (e.g., vacation, medical leave, etc.), you still need to call the attendance line. Attendance Line: 515-6882 Help Wanted! Congratulations! For a complete list of NCE’s Accelerated Reader (AR) Book List, please visit our school website: nce.nmusd.k12.ca.us/ We are looking for someone to run our Tile Fund Raiser this fall. This would be one afternoon to help assist in tile painting to be put up on the walls inside the school. This would also involve sending out flyers and coordinating the program. Please contact: Michelle Prescott (721-1640) THE NEWPORT COAST ADVENTURE RUN… This exciting event is quickly taking its place among the most popular races of Orange County. The incredible location is the beautiful Crystal Cove Park. The 5k Walk & Run is an easy out-and-back course with beautiful ocean views, food and water on the course and a live band at the turn-around. The 10k Adventure Run is a challenging course taking the runners on the pristine sandy beaches, up and down the steep bluffs, through a tunnel under PCH, along the Historic Crystal Cove Cottages and more. This is the only local race that allows the runners on the beach!! The Kids “Costume” Run is very easy and is lots of fun for the entire family. All Kids, Runners and Walkers receive Finishers Medals. The Sports Expo is where the real fun begins. Vanna White, star of “Wheel of Fortune”, and Mindy Burbano-Stearns, of ktla Channel 5, are the Celebrity Guest Hosts of the event, along with several proathletes. The culinary highlight will be “The Toast of The Coast” featuring over 20 of the area’s finest restaurants offering “free catered food” to all. Other great activities include a special VIP Village sponsored by Wells Fargo Bank, a Classic Car Show, Custom V-Twin Choppers, an extensive Art Exhibit, fabulous Raffle Prizes, Sports Merchandise and much more. Plus, this all takes place on Halloween morning. So bring the kids and the entire family. There is an extraspecial “Kids Fun Zone” sponsored by Countrywide Funding with Jumper Houses, a Rock Climbing Wall, Face Painting, Balloons, Cotton Candy and Lots of Goodies for “Trick-or-Treat”. Please remember, the purpose of this important neighborhood event is to support The Kids. This is a nonprofit activity and 100% of the proceeds remain in your community and are donated to support your local schools. Mark your calendars and we hope to see you there! Easy “on-line” Registration at www.ncadventurerun.com or phone Ed Escano and Heather Bourne at (949) 566-1118. 7 Thank You! Phone Numbers/Websites Newport Coast Elementary (949)515-6975 Office Hours: 7:30 AM – 4:00PM Attendance (949)515-6882 To Carla Hummel for Back to school Coffee! To Newport Coast Fire Department for the watering on Field Day. To last year’s Sixth Grade for adding a storage unit for stage equipment. WEB Site: nce.nmusd.k12.ca.us Dennis Uniforms (714)637-8928 (800)473-8130 dennisuniform.com Office Hours: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM Please note that doors are locked before 7:30 AM and after 4:00PM. If you see us before or after these times, we are here on our own time working on projects. Thank you for letting us work without interruption before 7:30AM and after 4:00PM. School Code: AN00GL (2 zero's) Newsletter Inquiries Mette M. Light (949)644-6611 mette.light@cox.net M. Van and Office Staff Important Numbers Orange County Learning Disability Association (949)646-0133 Literacy Luncheon will be coming in October. Be there or be square! International Dyslexia Associations (714)564-0777 Team of Advocates for Special Kids (714)533-8275 SEPTEMBER 2004 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday 4 1:45 P.M. Class List Posted 2 P.M. Meet’n’Greet 5 6 7 Labor Day 12 13 1st Day of School PTA: Back-toschool-coffee (after drop off) 14 8 9 10 11 Flag Deck Early Out 15 Gift Wrapping Sale Begins! 16 17 18 23 24 25 Early Out Back to School Night (Parents only!) 19 20 21 2nd Grade T-shirt Week! 26 27 Early Out 22 Early Out 28 29 Early Out 8 8:45-9:45 a.m. PTA Meeting Gift Wrapping Sale Ends! 30
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