Together, we can create REAL IMPACT with REAL RESULTS


Together, we can create REAL IMPACT with REAL RESULTS
Together, we can create REAL IMPACT with REAL RESULTS
2015 Campaign Facts
Campaign Goal:
2.6 Million
Campaign Chair:
Dave Coy
President/ General
Manager WKBN/
Pacesetter Campaign
July 15-August 15
A Message from the United Way of Youngstown and the
Mahoning Valley Resource Team:
We are very excited to have your support and commitment to help make a
difference in your organization and community. The importance of a
workplace campaign cannot be understated as it is where more than 50% of
United Way funds are collected. As we begin our journey to our new
model, we count on Employee Campaign Coordinators to assist in
delivering our message and help ensure a successful campaign.
As an Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC), you will have your own
United Way Representative (UWR) and an array of support materials to
guide you each step of the way. Whether you turn to your UWR for advice,
information online, from our printed materials, or from any of the other
Employee Campaign Managers, you can count on United Way’s experience
as the leader in workplace campaigns. When the campaign is over, we’re
your year-round partner for volunteer opportunities and community
On behalf of the United Way of Youngstown and the Mahoning Valley along
with each individual that is serviced through our programs, we would like to
thank you for making a difference in the lives of so many in our community
Day of Caring:
Friday, September 4th
Stacia Erdos
Resource Development Director
Billy Keel
AFL-CIO Community Services
Tina Mistovich
Director of Workforce Campaigns
Steps to Success:
Quality Campaign Checklist
Recruit a Committee and Plan Campaign
□ Ask for help. Keep in mind that people who volunteer are involved because they want to be.
Set your campaign timeline. One to two weeks is plenty of time. Be sure to keep in mind your
company’s busy periods and holidays.
Set your campaign goal (work with your UWR to help establish a goal).
Decide your campaign events (presentations, activities, food and prizes).
Work with your manager/CEO to plan a corporate gift.
Gain and Show Support from your CEO
□ Send out a personal letter of endorsement from your president.
□ Have your CEO be visible at your kickoff (i.e. speech on why he/she and the company
supports United Way. Have he/she fill out the pledge form at the kickoff).
Publicize Campaign
□ Use provided United Way materials (posters, videos and flyers).
□ Send email communications to raise awareness about campaign activities and events.
Ask Everyone to Give
□ Ensure you ask every person to give by asking your committee
and other advocates to reach out to all coworkers.
□ Ask new hires to give as part of the HR package/orientation.
Thank You and Report Results
□ Announce your final results to all employees through a communication from your CEO or
conduct a wrap-up event.
□ Thank everyone at the time of giving. Offer a thank you note or a small gift from the
company for their participation.
□ Give a special thanks to your committee.
□ Collect all pledge forms and submit to your UWR. Be sure to fill out the Campaign
Summary Report.
Year Round Engagement
□ Schedule a follow-up presentation with your UWR three months after campaign to keep
employees engaged and updated on United Way work and how their contribution is
□ Set up periodic volunteer opportunities with United Way to keep donors engaged.
Answering Questions and Concerns
Every question or comment, even if it is negative, is an opportunity to communicate and share
the positive aspects of United Way. Here are some tips to help address concerns:
Listen to what is being said. Listening promotes openness and acceptance.
Establish rapport with that person. Objections are not personal and should be used to
begin a conversation. By asking questions, educating and talking though their concerns, it
may lessen or eliminate them altogether.
Say thank you. Regardless of their response, always leave with a smile and say “thank
Most objections are based on misconceptions, providing the correct information usually helps
to address them which may lead to a pledge or plant the seed for a gift in the future. If a
question is asked that you simply do not know the answer to, let them know that you will reach
out to United Way so that we can provide the correct information to that individual.
Stacia Erdos
Resource Development Director
Staff members at the United Way of
Youngstown and the Mahoning
Valley will be happy to assist you in
any way that we can. Please call or
email us if you have questions, want to
arrange a speaker, participate in any
volunteer opportunity or just need
general information about the
Tina Mistovich
Director of Workforce Campaigns
Billy Keel
AFL-CIO Community Services
United Way Office
255 Watt St.
Youngstown, OH 44505
Visit our Campaign Toolkit to print all of your campaign materials at