2015-16 Company Directory PDF


2015-16 Company Directory PDF
Water Tech
Company Profile Directory
Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics
ALTECH Technology Systems____________
Aslan Technologies Inc. _________________
BluMetric Environmental Inc._____________
CUT Membrane Technologies____________
Water Treatment
Aclarus Ozone Water Systems___________ 18
Global Hydration Water Treatment Systems__ 19
SanEcoTec Ltd.________________________ 20
UV Pure Technologies Inc. ______________ 21
Xogen Technologies Inc. ________________ 22
ECONSE Water Purification Systems______ 48
Eramosa Engineering Inc.________________ 49
HydraTek & Associates__________________ 50
KSB Pumps Inc.________________________ 51
Nova Filtrations Technologies Inc. ________ 52
Wastewater Treatment
Echologics____________________________ 24
Envirologics Engineering Inc. ____________ 25
FER-PAL Infrastructure__________________ 26
Liquiforce_____________________________ 27
PICA: Pipeline Inspection and Condition
Analysis Corp. _________________________ 28
Bishop Water Technologies______________ 54
Clearford Water Systems Inc.____________ 55
Clear Pod Inc.__________________________ 56
G.E.T. Industries Inc. ____________________ 57
H2Flow Equipment Inc.__________________ 58
Anaergia Inc.___________________________ 30
ESIL Water Treatment Ltd._______________ 31
Greyter Water Systems__________________ 32
Lystek International Inc._________________ 33
Waterloo Biofilter Systems Co.___________ 34
Civica Infrastructure Inc._________________ 42
Hydromantis___________________________ 43
Riva Modeling Systems__________________ 44
Water Lix______________________________ 45
WatrHub Inc. __________________________ 46
Ecoinsight Instruments Inc.______________ 36
Iconac________________________________ 37
MANTECH Inc._________________________ 38
Real Tech Inc.__________________________ 39
Syrinix________________________________ 40
Good Harbour Laboratories______________ 60
Imbrium Systems_______________________ 61
Minotaur Stormwater Services Ltd.________ 62
RainGrid Inc.___________________________ 63
RH2O North America Inc. _______________ 64
Welcome to Ontario, Canada
This directory spotlights
some of the Ontario
companies that are
providing world-class
solutions for challenges in
domestic and international
For the complete directory of
400+ Ontario water tech companies,
visit WaterTAPontario.com
As a leader in the global water
market, Ontario has a highly
competitive water industry and a
strong record of establishing worldclass water technologies. Private
and public investment in Ontario’s
water infrastructure, technologies
and services is supporting the
growth of existing water industry
businesses, and it is also fostering
a new generation of entrepreneurs
developing innovative new solutions.
This directory spotlights some of the
companies that are providing worldclass solutions for challenges in
domestic and international markets.
However, this booklet is just a
glimpse—you can find a growing
and comprehensive resource on
WaterTAP’s website, which currently
hosts listings for 400+ companies.
This directory also shares
Ontario’s water story. As you
turn these pages, you’ll learn
how our province’s progressive
water policies have supported the
production of water solutions for
domestic need and accelerated
the development and growth of
Ontario’s exports to global markets.
You’ll also read about Ontario’s
strong water infrastructure and
innovation ecosystem, which
includes world-renowned research
and academic institutions,
business accelerators, and
accessible funding opportunities.
Recognizing Ontario’s growing
prominence in developing and
exporting solutions, the Government
of Ontario seeded the Water
Technology Acceleration Project
(WaterTAP) to help Ontario
companies overcome sector-specific
challenges and connect them with
resources they need to successfully
enter water technology markets.
WaterTAP strengthens cooperation
between Ontario’s public and
private water industry institutions
and businesses, and champions
Ontario as a North American centre
of water excellence and steward
of our precious water resources.
WaterTAP is here to serve the water
sector—and promote the business
of water—to ensure a better world
for the next generation.
We look forward to
working with you.
Dr. Peter Gallant
Stretching from the temperate region of
the Great Lakes bordering the United
States all the way to the barren subarctic
north, Ontario is home to the nation’s
capital, Ottawa, and Canada’s largest
city, Toronto. Ontario is among the largest
provinces of Canada, where one in three
Canadians lives in a thriving crossroads
of culture and prosperity, blessed
with natural beauty and resources.
Ontario’s water resources include a
quarter-million inland lakes, rivers,
groundwater resources, and four of the
Great Lakes of North America. The Great
Lakes provide fresh drinking water for
nearly half of Ontario’s 13 million people,
and supply the water-intensive needs
of industries that produce more than
half of the nation’s total manufacturing
output. They have helped transform the
province into a world-class economic
The responsibility of safeguarding and
conserving one of the world’s largest
fresh water repositories is a major reason
that Ontario has some of the world’s best
standards for water and wastewater.
Thousands of people and hundreds
of businesses, organizations, research
institutions, and government agencies
in Ontario create, deliver, and export
environmentally responsible and
leading-edge water and wastewater
technologies, products, and services
around the world. This critical mass
makes Ontario a global leader in
advanced water technologies and
solutions, and the global gateway to
the vast market of public and private
water utilities, municipalities, industries,
and organizations in the Americas.
Brenda Lucas
Executive Director
Southern Ontario
Water Consortium
Ontario is home to worldleading companies and
research – it’s all right
here. And we’re building
the development and
demonstration capacity to
draw water innovators from
around the world.”
Gateway to North and South America
Thousands of people and hundreds of businesses,
organizations, research institutions, and
government agencies in Ontario create, deliver,
and export environmentally responsible and
leading-edge water and wastewater technologies,
products, and services around the world.
Technology Designed to Impact the World
Successful, Competitive Businesses
Ontario’s homegrown solutions and expertise have
made a significant impact around the world. Our
companies continue to lead the way, following
in the footsteps of two major success stories:
ZENON, developer of membrane technologies
for water purification, wastewater treatment and
water recycling, and Trojan Technologies, which
specializes in the design, manufacture and sales
of pressurized and open-channel, ultraviolet (UV)
disinfection systems. Both companies, now owned
by larger firms CE and Danaher, are recongized as
global leaders in water treatment technologies.
Ontario’s long history of entrepreneurial success has
made it the destination for water industry businesses
seeking the right place to locate, innovate, and grow.
Toronto ranks as one of North America’s “smartest
cities” and is among the world’s top-ten locations for
start-up businesses, closely followed by the high-tech
region surrounding the City of Waterloo.
When Signapore started its conversion to membrane-based water filtration in 2002, ZENON
Environmental Inc. (now owned by General Electric)
was chosen to supply its ZeeWeed® membranes
to a 273,000 cubic metres per day water reclamation facility. The treament plant remains one of the
world’s largest of its kind.
Trojan Technologies (now owned by Danaher) was
selected by the Eastern Tertiary Alliance to provide
the ultraviolet disinfection system for the Eastern
Treatment Plant Tertiary Upgrade Project in Melbourne, Australia. The UV system
will disinfect average and peak
tertiary treated effluent flows of
380 and 700 million litres (101
and 187 million gallons) per day
respectively, making it the largest
UV installation in Australia. With
over 7,800 municipal facilities in
more than 80 countries using its
technology, Trojan has the largest
installed base of UV systems in
the world and is one of Ontario’s
biggest success stories.
With new opportunities for integrating water,
energy, data, and resource recovery emerging in
today’s water industry, Ontario’s combination of
technology expertise, sustainability, and unmatched
livability make it the business destination of choice.
Ontario’s interconnected
infrastructure offers tremendous
value in helping companies
be successful. If a company
needs strategic access to North
American markets, some of the
best water industry talent, and
capital, Ontario is a great place
to locate a water or wastewater
David Henderson
Managing Director,
XPV Capital
Emerging companies, especially
in the cleantech sector, have
many resources in Ontario to
help us grow.
Jodi Glover
CEO, Real Tech Inc.
2012 RBC Canadian
Woman Entrepreneur
of the Year.
ranks as
one of North
cities”and is
among the
world’s top-ten
for start-up
Institutes with a Water Focus
A Steady Stream of
Water R&D
Ontario is a global leader in producing
highly qualified talent. Anywhere in the
world one would be hard pressed to find a
jurisdiction that produces better talent and
expertise in the water sector. An educated,
highly skilled, trained workforce is one of
our best exports.
Brent Wootton
Director and Senior Scientist,
The Centre for Alternative
Wastewater Treatment
Environment Canada
Fleming College, Centre for
Alternative Wastewater Treatment
Lakehead University
McMaster University
Nipissing University
Queen’s University
Royal Military College
Ryerson University
Trent University
Sault Ste Marie
The Great Lakes
19 13 10
Walkerton 17
4 16
Sault Ste Marie
University of Ontario Institute
of Technology
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo and the
Canadian Water Network
University of Western Ontario
Southern Ontario Water Consortium (SOWC)
University of Windsor
United Nations University–Institute
for Water, Environment & Health
4 16
Walkerton Clean Water Centre
Wilfred Laurier University
Southern Ontario Water
Consortium (SOWC)
The SOWC project integrates all elements of water management into a single
platform with six complementary research and demonstration areas: watersheds, data integration, wastewater, ecotoxicology, drinking water and sensors. While organized largely within the framework of Ontario’s Grand River
Watershed, SOWC facilities are distributed over a wide area and managed
through partner universities. The SOWC provides a single point of contact
for users, recognizing that some will require access to single facilities, while
others will require access to multiple facilities over varying periods of time.
Waterloo Guelph 12 Toronto
This uniquely Canadian model of sharing information and
research has become the key to transforming applied
research and technological advances into working solutions,
successful water policies, and flourishing entrepreneurial
businesses in Ontario.
These organizations collaborate closely with university
researchers, government
agencies, municipalities,
and the water industry
in a “knowledge mobilization” process. Shared
knowledge and research
enables government decsion-makers and business leaders
to access the most relevant work available to address their
water challenges.
University of Guelph
Walkerton 17
More than 100
groups and
are based in
19 13 10
Ontario is home to a vast
quantity of water-related
scientific knowledge
produced by thousands of
water researchers across
the province and Canada.
More than 100 water-related research groups
and institutes are based in
SOWC partner university
Progressive Policy in Action
At the heart of Ontario’s water expertise is a history
of progressive policy put into action, ensuring that
free-market forces and technology innovation
The Government of Ontario regularly updates its
policy to ensure it is protecting and conserving the
province’s water resources.
Four key pieces of legislation guide and support
the protection of water in the province and bolster
associated technologies and solutions.
The Clean Water Act helps protect drinking
water from source to tap with a multi-barrier
approach that stops contaminants from
entering sources of drinking water, including
lakes, rivers and aquifers.
Building on existing policy and practice in
Ontario’s treatment and distribution of drinking
water, the Safe Drinking Water Act protects
human health through the control and regulation of drinking-water systems and testing.
The Water Resources Act is designed to conserve, protect, and manage Ontario’s water
resources for efficient and sustainable use.
The Water Opportunities Act supports
Ontario as the North American leader in the
development and commercialization of water
conservation and treatment technologies.
Partnering with water industry stakeholders,
the Government of Ontario will encourage the
development, demonstration, commercialization,
and adoption of innovative water solutions.
The Government of Ontario is committed to
working with stakeholders to expand the reach
of Ontario companies in global markets, and
attracting global companies to invest in Ontario.
The Bottom Line
Ontario’s competitive
location advantages
and the combination
of its environmental
policies, its support
for the development
of technologies for
alternative energy
and water, and its
people base were
key factors in our
decision to establish
our company’s global
headquarters in the
Executive Chairman
and Chief Technology
Officer, Anaergia Inc.,
Founder, ZENON
Environmental Inc.
Inaugural winner of the
Lee Kuan Yew Water
As the home to thriving water-technology
businesses and research expertise, Ontario is one of
the world’s leading water hubs and market gateway
to the Americas. In addition to being a leading
governmental jurisdiction hosting a significantly large
number of water-related patents in the last 30 years,
Ontario also provides a wide range of water-related
solutions. In fact, more than 70% of Ontario’s water
companies export their products and services to
countries all over the world.
More than 70%
of Ontario’s water
companies export
their products
and services to
countries all over
the world.
The 5 Keys to Ontario’s Success
Comprehensive regional water
Stringent water-quality regulations, exceptional
Healthy, growing, and diversified
Strong R&D infrastructure supported
Progressive water utilities open to
strategy and water-industry growth plan
training and compliance
private-sector water industry
by robust university programs
technology innovation and adoption
Company Profile Directory
In 2015, the Region
of Peel’s Lakeview
Water Treatment
Plant – which has two
advanced membrane
facilities – won the
Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation
Resource Recovery & Reuse
Smart Water: Sensors & Monitoring
Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics
Drinking Water
For the complete directory of
400+ Ontario water tech companies,
visit WaterTAPontario.com
Global Water
for Water Project
of the Year.
Ontario has a strong core for nextgeneration membrane technology.
Of the former Zenon Environmental
staff, there are at least 35 highly skilled
people now in senior-level positions in
different companies in the water sector.
Today, Ontario is home to more than 25
companies specializing in membranes.
More than 40 utilities in the province
use membrane technology, and more
than 10 universities and research
institutes in Ontario are studying ways
to further advance the technology.
Many utilities are investigating and
beginning to use advanced membrane
technology in wastewater to optimize
resource recovery.
ALTECH recently supplied its
proprietary System HydroKleen
MBR sized for 40,000 gallons
per day to a new fresh fruit and
vegetable processing plant for
treatment of process wastewater for
BOD and TSS for secondary reuse.
ALTECH Technology Systems Inc.
Aslan Technologies
ALTECH continues to design technologies that
solve the environmental problem and, through
innovation, its custom solutions are high efficiency
and cost effective, specifically designed to meet
client needs. The company calls its technologies
‘highly engineered solutions’ incorporating the
mechanical design with innovative thinking on
the application of the design. In essence, the
solution is about 50% equipment design and 50%
engineering application.
Aslan has designed and constructed water
treatment facilities employing a variety of
technologies and sizes specifically catered for the
needs of the client and site specific criteria.
Also operating in Resource Recovery & Reuse,
Contact: George Bennett
P: (416) 467-5555
E: gbennett@altech-group.com
12 Banigan Drive
Toronto | Ontario | M4H 1E9
Aslan Technologies’ track record in private
development and industrial applications has been
long standing. Extensive installation base of Aslan’s
equipment in North America and 23 other countries
worldwide has provided Aslan with a dynamic and
experience portfolio. Aslan has in-house design
and production capabilities including piping layouts,
equipment frames, mechanical and machined
components and systems, electrical switching
panels, electronics, controls (PLCs), instumentation,
software, SCADA systems. Field capabilities
include all aspects of installation, commissioning
and training client field personnel worldwide.
Also operating in Disinfection, Resource Recovery &
Reuse, Drinking Water, Wastewater
Contact: Irene Hassas
P: (416) 459-3908
E: ihassas@aslantech.ca
5044 South Service Road
Burlington | Ontario | L7L 5Y7
BluMetric has been awarded two
sizeable contracts recently. Aboriginal
Affairs and Northern Development
Canada awarded the company a
C$1.7 million contract to assess
various sites in the High Arctic and
develop remedial plans to protect
and improve the environment. The
Canadian Department of National
Defense (DND) also awarded the
company a C$1.75 million, one-year
extension to the current contract to
provide repair and service support for
the Royal Canadian Navy’s Shipboard
Reverse Osmosis Desalination
(SROD) systems.
BluMetric Environmental Inc.
CUT Membrane Technologies
BluMetric is a multi-diciplinary team of highlyqualified and experienced engineers, scientists and
environmental specialists with expertise ranging
from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment
to hazardous waste management and from
hydrogeology to geomatics. BlueMetric employs
its portfolio of advanced process technologies
and products to help clients reduce their water
and energy footprints, maximize resource
recovery and minimize the environmental impact
of their activities. For over 35 years and in over
60 countries, BlueMetric has brought a standard
of care to clients to help them to address water,
wastewater, waste and energy challenges in their
businesses and communities. Through a process
of continuous product, process, technology and
skill development, BlueMetric seeks to provide
clients and communities with the most effective,
affordable and sustainable solutions available.
CUT Membrane Technologies is a dynamic
membrane manufacturer, solution provider and
membrane innovator led by a team of individuals
with extensive experience in the water filtration
industry. CUT’s PermaFlow™ product line is a
well proven tubular polymeric membrane solution
designed for Ultrafiltration applications. The original
PermaFlow™ offering was engineered by Zenon
Environmental and continues to be successfully
sold in the global marketplace. The PermaFlow™
membranes are an optimal choice for the toughest
applications and can produce a very high quality
effluent from feed streams with high levels of
contaminants such as suspended solids and oil.
Also operating in Disinfection, Resource Recovery
& Reuse, Drinking Water, Wastewater, Stormwater
Contact: James Hotchkies
P: (613) 839-3053
E: jhotchkies@blumetric.ca
3108 Carp Road
Ottawa | Ontario | L0A 1L0
Unit B, 72 Ditton Drive
Hamilton | Ontario | L8W 2E5
CUT Membranes continues
to focus on being a leader
in membrane innovations
through extensive research
and development work. The
company’s strong patent
portfolio continues to grow as
new, energy efficient membrane
products are validated and
introduced to the marketplace.
Also operating in Wastewater
Contact: John Tomescu
P: (877) 292-1645
E: sales@cutmembranes.com
newterra Ltd.
newterra is recognized as a leader in providing
sustainable water, wastewater and groundwater
treatment solutions for industrial, military, municipal
and land development clients. In operation
since 1863, newterra has designed, engineered
and manufactured thousands of systems used
throughout the world.
newterra has achieved Platinum
status as a distinguished
recipient of Deloitte’s 50 Best
Managed Companies Award
for the past seven consecutive
years. The company was also
selected from over 9,000 firms
as a 2013 Global Cleantech
Top 100 Company.
Also operating in Drinking Water, Wastewater,
Contact: Kristy Feeley
P: (800) 420-4056
E: kfeeley@newterra.com
1325 California Avenue
Brockville | Ontario | K6V 5Y6
to chlorine
are proving to be
faster, more effective,
and more affordable
around the world. They
have advantages of
lower operating costs
and get rid of harsher
Disinfection can take many forms.
Approaching each source water with
the right solution can produce better
water outcomes in a more effective
With more than 28 companies in
this space, Ontario is leading the
charge. UV disinfection has paved
the way as a substitute for chlorine,
ozone generation allows for a different
approach to removing contaminants
from water, and Ontario is leading in
chlorine substitutes for treating water.
Aclarus Ozone Water Systems
Aclarus worked with McGill
University demonstrating its
ozone systems unique ability with
wastewater to remove emerging
contaminants of concern (drugs,
R/X, pesticides etc.). These
toxins are compounding in the
environment from waste and
run-off impacting water bodies.
The report showed superior
disinfection ability, and decreased
water toxicity. Combined with
lower operating costs, the lack
of consumables or persistent
chemicals has greatly increased
ozone’s value in water and
wastewater treatment.
Aclarus manufactures NSF-61 certified ozone systems
for water and wastewater from 4gpm-4000+gpm,
sold through dealer and direct across the country
and the US, Australia and others. Hundreds of
Aclarus systems are now installed across Canada
and abroad with cottage/residential POE systems,
government projects (Municipal and Ontario Parks),
engineering designs, industrial/food/medical and
commercial operations, municipal waste tertiary
treatment (City of Cobourg) and Academia (McGill
Univ., Trent Univ., Fleming & Lambton College etc.).
Aclarus ozone systems work on-demand to treat
any source water to bottled quality. The 3-in-1
treatment in one system puts disinfection (bacteria,
virus, cysts, Log-2 Crypto), oxidation (iron/metals,
chemicals, sulphur), and aesthetic (tannin/color,
taste, smell) in a compact, practical and affordable
design. An on-going government project with McGill
University showed the system’s unique ability to
remove Emerging Contaminants of Concern from
drinking and wastewater including medicines, THMs,
pesticides, hormones, drugs and many chemicals.
Also operating in Resource Recovery
& Reuse, Drinking Water, Wastewater
Contact: Adam Doran
P: 1 (888) 705-8801
E: adoran@aclarus.ca
900 Major Bennett Drive
Peterborough | Ontario | K9J 6X6
Global Hydration Water Treatment
Systems Inc.
Global Hydration is a multi-faceted company with
an overall focus on drinking water, working in both
B2B and B2C markets. As a manufacturer, Global
Hydration is well known for developing the Can
Pure Water Purification System, now used by many
of Canada’s leading emergency response teams.
Global Hydration is also a distributor of unique
products and solutions from leading international
brands such as Aquatabs. Through its B2C division
called Elua, Global Hydration brings refreshing and
innovative products directly to consumers through
a number of e-commerce channels. For more
information on Elua, please visit www.elua.com.
Also operating in Membranes, Drinking Water
Contact: Andrew Moorey
P: (807) 577-0030
E: andrew.moorey@globalhydration.com
404-96 North High Street
Thunder Bay | Ontario | P7A 5R3
Global Hydration is very proud
to supply safe drinking water
solutions to emergency response
teams across North America
including Ontario based teams
such as the Ontario Provincial
Police USAR (Urban Search
and Rescue) CBRNE (Chemical,
Biological, Radiological and
Nuclear) Response Team
(U.C.R.T.) and Toronto Fire
Department Heavy Urban and
Search Rescue Team
(H.U.S.A.R) / CAN-TF3.
The AVIVE™ Water Treatment
System has been operating in
the Town of Killaloe, Ontario
since November 2012–and
SanEcoTec was recognized as
the People’s Choice Winner of
Canada’s 2015 Clean50 Award for
clean technology and innovation.
AVIVE™ has also been used in
private residences, Ministry of
Health regulated sites, trailer
parks – and in farming, livestock,
greenhouses and aquaculture – all
with improved water quality and
operating efficiency.
SanEcoTec Ltd.
UV Pure Technologies
SanEcoTec creates healthy water programs and
products for communities, homes, multi-occupancy
dwellings, Aboriginal and remote locations, and
agriculture. The company provides the following
services: water profiling, risk assessment, consulting,
design-build healthy water treatment solutions, and
integrated water management for sustainability. The
company owns and operates the patents-pending
and award-winning AVIVE™ Water Treatment
Solution, and is a shared-agreement owner of the
patents-pending SPI™ Technologies.
UV Pure® Technologies develops and manufactures
technically advanced UV water purification systems.
The company has won an Artemis Top 50 Clean
Tech Company award, two Frost and Sullivan Best
Practices awards, is a Going Green Global Top 200
company, and won a Canadian Drinking Water Assn.
award for innovation.
Also operating in Smart Water: Decision Support
& Analytics, Drinking Water
Contact: Jay Whiteside
P: 1 (877) 610-0787
E: jay.whiteside@sanecotec.com
303 Moodie Drive | 4th Floor
Ottawa | Ontario | K2H 9R4
Over 15,000 systems are installed in residential,
commercial, and municipal applications for treatment of
wastewater, reuse, rainwater, and potable water up
UV Pure’s technology has been
to 1 Million Gallons Per Day flow rates. An aerospace
by the state of California
version of a UV Pure’s systems has been chosen by
exclusively to treat reuse water to
Boeing to purify water on the new 787 Dreamliner.
All systems incorporate patented Crossfire
Technology that is dramatically advantaged
compared to conventional UV products.
Also operating in Smart Water: Decision Support
& Analytics, Drinking Water, Wastewater, Stormwater
Contact: Rick VanSant
P: (416) 208-9884
E: rvansant@uvpure.com
Unit 7 | 60 Venture Drive
Toronto | Ontario | M1B 3S4
help achieve reduction of water
use to meets its new strict water
reduction targets; the systems
will be featured in the LA Kretz
innovation demonstration center.
Xogen Technologies Inc.
XOGEN® is the developer, OEM and distributor
of a patented electrolysis technology which
effectively reduces the levels of many types of
contaminants found in municipal wastewater,
landfill leachate and gold mine produced water.
Contaminants such as BOD/COD, cyanide,
ammonia, and ecoli. The technology achieves
treatment efficacy rapidly, is immune to toxic
upsets, requires less than 75% of the footprint and
produces less than 50% of the solids of traditional
biological treatment, and can be remotely
controlled and monitored by PLC.
Xogen runs a demonstration plant in
place at Oswego County NY, Bristol
Hill Landfill. The purpose of this
plant is to demonstrate ammonia
destruction to EPA requirements.
Demonstration expected to continue
for remainder of 2015 and result in
a commercial sale for XOGEN®.
Also operating in Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation,
Contact: Angella Hughes
P: (519) 941-9500
E: ahughes@xogen.ca
40 Centennial Road
Orangeville | Ontario | L9W 3T4
Pipe Inspection &
This sector has
spearheaded rapid
innovation in the past
20 years and Ontario
has been its breeding
ground, incubating
the development and
of a range of
from remote controlled
robotic leak detection,
to trenchless pipe
rehabilitation that
extend the life of
buried assets by
20-70 years.
Aging municipal infrastructure,
coupled with significant infrastructure
funding deficits, has created a global
boom for the pipe inspection and
rehabilitation business.
More than 30 Ontario companies
focus on providing innovative solutions
to prolong the life of buried assets,
empowering municipalities to prioritize
critical infrastructure repairs, optimize
their systems, and avoid or defer
large capital costs. The growth and
steady adoption of these technologies
highlights the tremendous value they
bring to clients and their stakeholders.
Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation
Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation
Echologics, an affiliate of
Mueller Water Products, Inc.
(NYSE:MWA) is monitoring a
three-mile section of a critical
water main beneath the Las
Vegas Strip for the Las Vegas
Valley Water District (LVVWD).
Installed in 1963, the 30-inch
watermain supplies up to 7.5
million gallons of water per day to
resorts, casinos and attractions.
Envirologics Engineering Inc.
Echologics provides the highest quality
information to water utilities enabling intelligent
planning, investment and efficient operation
of pipe infrastructure. Better understanding of
the underground infrastructure can help water
companies reduce capital spending, catastrophic
failures and non-revenue water.
Envirologics is dedicated to the ongoing
development and distribution of the innovative
and patented Tomahawk(TM) pipe cleaning,
preparation and inspection system.
Also operating in Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation,
Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics,
Drinking Water
Contact: Mike Stadnyckyj
P: (905) 672-3246
E: mstadnyckyj@echologics.com
6295 Northam Drive, Unit 1
Mississaugua | Ontario | L4V 1W8
LVVWD is deploying Echologics’
EchoShore® TX leak detection
platform. The new smart
technology platform is at the
forefront of transmission main
monitoring technologies and
enables customers to better
manage aging water pipeline
infrastructure and reduce water
loss due to leakage.
The dry Tomahawk cleaning process doses
abrasives into a high-volume, low-pressure
airstream to quickly remove tuberculation and
old lining materials such as bitumen or tar from
deteriorated watermains. The process provides
a dry, grit blasted surface in preparation for liner
bond. Dry waste generation is reduced by up to
98% over wet cleaning methods.
Envirologics is currently developing a fast,
NSF 61 certified, barrier coat (AWWA Class I)
application that can be applied immediately
following Tomahawk cleaning with little equipment
changeover. This coating will restore capacity,
improve water quality and extend the pipe’s life by
decades. This low-cost application may appeal to
those who administer capital and/or operational
Also operating in Drinking Water
Contact: Brian Thorogood
P: (705) 646-8261
E: bthorogood@envirologics.com
193 Manitoba St. Unit 5
Bracebridge | Ontario | P1L 1S3
Envirologics’ barrier coat (AWWA
class I) application system
currently under development
was successfully demonstrated
in the City of Waterloo in July
of 2015. This very fast, simple,
low-cost application will reduce
industry barriers that exist today.
It requires very little capital cost
and will utilize vac trucks which
exist in every municipality to do
much of the work.
The process of cleaning and
application of a coating to a
100m watermain interior takes
approximately 4 hours for a 3 to
4 man crew.
Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation
Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation
FER-PAL has recently started
work in St. John’s, NFLD. This
is the fourth province in which
FER-PAL has worked. At the
end of 2015, FER-PAL will have
rehabilitated over 2.5 million
meters of watermain in over 80
municipalities across Canada
and the United States.
FER-PAL Infrastructure
FER-PAL Construction Ltd. was established
in 1986 in Toronto to provide municipalities
throughout Canada and the United States with
watermain rehabilitation services using trenchless
technology. By utilizing a Cure-In-Place-Pipe
(CIPP) which is inserted into existing watermains,
FER-PAL fixes deteriorating pipes by essentially
creating a new pipe within a pipe. Limited digging
is involved in this trenchless process and the result
is a watermain repair that is cost-effective, traffic
conducive, environmentally sound, and has limited
infrastructure impacts to surrounding communities
and businesses.
LiquiForce provides the “Gravity Program”
throughout North America. Through the use of
special patented processes, we rehabilitate sewer
systems from the house to the treatment plant with
no digging. The only point of access necessary
for rehabilitation is the manhole, and when
completed the laterals, mainlines and manholes
will all be renewed. This method negates potential
problems with homeowners, and ultimately saves
municipalities and taxpayers at least 40%.
Also operating in Disinfection, Drinking Water
Contact: Geoff Britnell
P: (416) 742-3713
E: geoff.britnell@ferpalinfrastructure.com
169 Fenmar Drive
Toronto | Ontario | M9L 1M6
The “Gravity Program” is currently being used
extensively in Canada to significantly reduce
inflow and infiltration in sewer systems. Once the
program has been completed in a drainage area, no
groundwater will enter the system, and that drainage
area will need no further rehabilitation for years to
come. The program also provides a proprietary sewer
management program so the has a current and
transparent picture of the system at all times.
LiquiForce also rehabilitates stormwater lines.
2011 Ernst & Young
Entrepreneur Of The Year
Finalist (Kim Lewis)
2012 NASTT No-Dig
Innovative Product Award
Winner (LiquiForce)
2013 Windsor-Essex
Entrepreneur Of The Year
Winner (Kim Lewis)
2014 Windsor-Essex
Regional Innovation Award
(Jeff Lewis)
2015 Cafe Family Enterprise
Of The Year Award for
Southwestern Ont.
(Lewis Family)
Also operating in Membranes, Drinking Water,
Contact: Kim Lewis
P: (519) 322-4600
E: kklewis@liquiforce.com
2015 Spinks Drive
Kingsville | Ontario | N9Y 2E5
Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation
PICA Corporation
PICA provides information to asset managers to
help them make informed decisions about their
critical pipeline infrastructure. PICA does this
through direct condition assessment of selected
pipelines using in-line inspection tools which take
discreet thickness readings of the pipeline for
every millimeter of its length and circumference.
Verification digs from two recent
PICA SeeSnake inspections have
confirmed the tool’s accuracy in
identifying the degree and location
of corrosion in two lengths of
12-inch, cement-mortar lined,
ductile iron pipes. The digs are
part of a multi-phase process that
will help a large, Midwest U.S. city
prepare for a series of SeeSnake
inspections of critical force-main
pipelines that run through high
consequence areas.
Most pipelines that PICA inspects have less than 4%
of their length needing immediate attention to avoid
leaks and catastrophic failures. We let the asset
managers know the exact location(s) of that 4%.
Also operating in Drinking Water, Wastewater
Contact: Dave Russell
P: (780) 469-4463
E: drussell@picacorp.com
211-1150 Parkwest Pl
Mississauga | Ontario | L5E 3K4
Resource Recovery
& Reuse
The City of Hamilton,
Ontario operates
three biogas-fueled
cogeneration units,
producing a total of
4.8 MW of power
between $1.7
million and
$2 million in
annual revenue
and dividends.
Recovering energy and natural
resources from wastewater streams
is an increasingly vital activity for
municipalities, saving maintenance
and operational costs and, in many
cases, generating revenue.
In Ontario, more than 10 technology
companies are offering leading-edge
technologies and solutions to help
utilities meet the triple bottom line,
including using biogas to generate
power to offset the high energy
demands of wastewater treatment,
and provide a new source of income
through the sale of excess electricity.
Resource Recovery & Reuse
Resource Recovery & Reuse
Anaergia was awarded the 2015
Exemplary Residuals and Biosolids
Management Award by the Water
Environment Association of
Ontario. Winners in the category
of Technology Innovation or
Anaergia Inc.
ESIL Water Treatment Ltd.
Anaergia sees waste not as a problem but as an
opportunity. By recovering value from waste - in
the form of renewable energy (electricity and gas),
clean water, high quality fertilizer and recyclables
- we provide complete, integrated solutions for
municipal solid waste management, wastewater
treatment operations and large-scale farming and
food production operations. Our core technology
offerings include organics extrusion from MSW
and anaerobic digestion. We offer a wide range
of delivery options to best suit a project’s needs,
from the sale of capital equipment and services
to DBOOF approaches that remove technology
risk. Over the past 20 years our technologies
are in use at more than 1,600 resource recovery
facilities in more than 20 countries, generating
over 355 MW of renewable power. Anaergia’s
hybrid membrane technology is revolutionizing the
industry by significantly reducing facility footprints
and lowering life-cycle costs, enabling more
communities to implement water reuse programs.
ESIL uses a patented electrolytic cell for water
treatment that simultaneously removes organics,
heavy metals, and pharmaceuticals while
retaining the natural minerals our bodies require.
The ESIL treatment employs the process of
electrocoagulation (commonly referred to as
electrolysis). It does not produce any wasted
water, uses very little power, and does not
experience breakdown of the cell.
Also operating in Membranes, Wastewater
Contact: Phil Sidhwa
P: (905) 766-3333
E: phil.sidhwa@anaergia.com
4210 South Service Road
Burlington | Ontario | L9H 5E2
Also operating in Disinfection, Wastewater
Contact: Bryan Box
P: (519) 623-9100
E: bbox@esilwater.com
6 Secord Drive
St. Catharines | Ontario | L2N 1K8
The patented ESIL cell was
invented in Canada and the
product line currently offered
is manufactured in Canada.
A pharmaceutical study completed
July 2015 found ESIL removed
all pharmaceuticals present in
the sample to non-detectable
levels or greater than 99.4%.
ESIL has recently submitted
its patent portfolio for a
worldwide patent for the
use of its electrolytic cell.
Resource Recovery & Reuse
Resource Recovery & Reuse
Greyter Water Systems was
recently selected by the Patricia
and Phillip Frost Museum of
Science in to reduce potable
water consumption. This 250,000
square-foot facility in Miami,
Florida will be considered one
of the most innovative and
sustainable museums in the world.
The Greyter Water System will
collect and treat greywater from
lavatory sinks and showers so that
it can be reused to supply the
77 water closets and 22 urinals.
Greyter Water Systems
Lystek International Inc.
Greyter Water Systems, Inc. offers affordable outof-the-box water management solutions that save
water and money by reducing the water and waste
water demands of residential and commercial
buildings by 35%. Our packaged solutions recover
and treat shower and bath water (ie. greywater)
and rainwater, so that is can be reused for toilet
flushing, irrigation and other purposes. With
pressures on fresh water resources and with
costs of water rising, Greyter’s mission is to work
with builders, developers, engineers, architects,
and municipal officials to create water efficient
communities. We have a wide range of customers
that includes the US Army, Navy and Air Force,
the Canadian National Defense, Radisson Hotels
and the Ontario Ministry of Education. Greyter will
be launching its innovative new residential product
called the Greyter HOME in 2016.
Lystek International Inc. is an organic materials
recovery firm that is helping municipalities and
other generators reduce waste, costs, odors and
greenhouse gas emissions through its innovative
approach to biosolids and organics management.
The multi-use Lystek system can be leveraged to
optimize digesters and biological nutrient removal
systems while also contributing to landfill diversion
and agricultural sustainability. This is achieved by
transforming non-hazardous, organic materials
into nutrient-rich, federally-registered fertilizers and
other, multi-purpose products.
Also operating in Membranes, Disinfection, Smart
Water: Decision Support & Analytics, Stormwater
Contact: Mark Sales
P: (844) 473-9837
E: msales@greyter.com
2345 Stanfield Drive | Ste. 300
Mississauga | Ontario | L4Y 3Y3
Also operating in Wastewater
Contact: Kevin Litwiller
P: (226) 444-0186
E: kevinl@lystek.com
1425 Bishop Street | North Unit 16
Cambridge | Ontario | N1R 6J9
On June 3, 2015, the City of
North Battleford was presented
with a 2015 CAMA Environment
Award. The award recognizes the
successful implementation of a
Lystek biosolids management
system at the City to replace its
historical practice of landfilling.
Resource Recovery & Reuse
Waterloo Biofilter Systems Co.
Waterloo Biofilter is working with
University of Waterloo scientists
to develop green-tech solutions
to rid Ontario’s waterways of
toxic algae. Waterloo Biofilter’s
EC-P(TM) dissolves iron into
sewage using low-energy
electrochemistry, which then
forms an iron-phosphorous
mineral in a subsequent filtration
system. It can be retrofitted to
existing septic systems, which
makes a natural fit for cottages
and other remote locations,
and can be scaled-up for larger
commercial sites.
Waterloo Biofilter Systems Inc. is a Canadianowned and operated company that develops,
designs, manufactures and maintains advanced
onsite wastewater treatment systems. The
company’s technology emphasis is on high quality
treatment, low electricity usage, and system
robustness. We provide a variety of innovative
decentralized sewage treatment solutions for
residential (individual homes & clustered or
communal systems), commercial (golf course,
restaurant, resort, etc.), light industrial and small
municipal applications. All Waterloo Biofilter
treatment units utilize our patented high-efficiency
filter medium to support and sustain biological
populations that degrade contaminants found
in wastewater.
Also operating in Wastewater
Contact: Chris Jowett
P: (519) 856-0757
E: chris@waterloo-biofilter.com
143 Dennis Street PO Box 400
Rockwood | Ontario | N0B 2K0
Smart Water:
Sensors & Monitoring
sensing and
monitoring solutions
have a user base
across six
Understanding what is happening in
a water system can save time and
money. Quality and quantity pose
different issues to municipalities, but
faster and more accurate data can
help cities make better decisions.
The first part of managing a “smart”
utility is gathering better information.
With more than 30 companies
developing technologies that assist
with generating real-time data, Ontario
is on the forefront of smart water.
Smart Water: Sensors & Monitoring
Smart Water: Sensors & Monitoring
Ecoinsight Instruments Inc.
Ecoinsight’s FOGWISE™ smart meter is an
ultrasonic based, multi-phase level sensor that
detects the volume of fats, oils and grease (FOG)
and solids in a grease interceptor and wirelessly
transmits that data. Food service establishments
(FSEs) are warned when their grease interceptor
is approaching a pre-determined servicing level
without the need to open the interceptor. Level
data is also delivered to service companies in
order to manage customer’s service schedules,
and to municipal regulators for ordinance
compliance. In the case of chain FSEs, level data
is also available to central facility managers.
Iconac helps decision makers proactively manage
their distribution and transmission assets to
reduce non-revenue mater, manage risks and cut
maintenance costs using non-invasive inspection
and advanced multi-element modeling.
Sewer blockages due to FOG cost municipalities
over $1 billion annually. A municipal FOG program
based on the FOGWISE smart meter will eliminate
FOG blockages and make FSEs and pumpers
more efficient and profitable and a well managed
FOG program would make the collected FOG
available to digesters that create biogas energy
and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Ecoinsight’s FOGWISE technology
was developed through NSERC
and OCE funded collaboration
with Western University in London
Ontario. The technology was field
tested in several residences and
restaurants on the Western campus.
Also operating in Resource Recovery & Reuse,
Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics,
Contact: Rob Abernethy
P: (905) 569-7357
E: rabernethy@insightinstrumentsinc.com
2596 Dunwin Drive
Mississauga | Ontario | L5L 1J5
Also operating in Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation,
Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics
Contact: Tuukka Valimaa
P: (647) 990-4711
E: info@iconac.co
76 Roxborough Lane
Thornhill | Ontario | L4J 4T4
Iconac is part of the BREW
Accelerator in Milwaukee for water
technology start-ups and recently
completed the YEDI Incubator
programme at Schulich.
Smart Water: Sensors & Monitoring
Smart Water: Sensors & Monitoring
In June 2015, the MANTECH
PeCOD® was awarded the
Water’s Next Technology Award
for wastewater. The selection
committee used the phrase
“game changer” to explain its
significance. The US Air Force
and the Kappala Wastewater
Association in Sweden both
identified the PeCOD as the
only credible replacement to the
dichromate COD method citing
the advantages of safe, green
and fast.
Real Tech Inc.
MANTECH INC. manufactures laboratory and
process water analysis systems. Offering flexible
solutions and easy to use software, MANTECH
can provide the optimum system for your
laboratory or plant, whether it is a simple pH
and Alkalinity system for a handful of samples,
or a larger BOD system, or the new 15 minute
PeCOD® COD analyzer. MANTECH’s systems
are robust, accurate and easy to use. With >1,800
analyzers installed, 100,000’s of water samples
are analyzed by MANTECH systems every day.
An investment in a MANTECH system will deliver
an ROI between 5 days to months. The results
generated are trusted by Government, laboratories
and industry to make informed, impactful
decisions that deliver sustainable solutions while
protecting the environment and public health.
Real Tech Inc. designs and manufactures innovative
solutions for municipal and industrial water quality
monitoring. For over a decade, our vision has
remained the same: To improve access to water
quality monitoring through the development of
practical, accurate and affordable solutions.
Also operating in Disinfection, Resource Recovery
& Reuse, Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics,
Drinking Water, Wastewater, Stormwater
Contact: Robert Menegotto
P: (519) 763-4245
E: rmenegotto@mantech-inc.com
5473 Highway 6 North
Guelph | Ontario | N1H 6J2
Real Tech’s optical sensors use ultraviolet and/or
visible light to detect various absorbing substances,
allowing for primary water quality parameters such
as TOC, BOD, COD, TSS, NO3, UV254 and UVT
to be measured in a simple and effective manner.
Our patented and innovative technologies solve
the inherent challenges faced when using light for
analysis, providing a measurement that is accurate,
precise and stable. Real Tech’s comprehensive
product portfolio includes sensors, controllers,
analyzers, meters and a suite of optional
accessories to truly meet any clients’ needs
from wastewater to high purity. Custom software
algorithms bring meaning to the data, giving our
clients the ability to take control of their water.
Also operating in Disinfection, Resource Recovery
& Reuse, Drinking Water, Wastewater
Contact: Drew Evans
P: (905) 665-6888
E: drew@realtechwater.com
1150 Champlain Court
Whitby | Ontario | L1N 6K9
Real Tech has gained several
industry recognitions, including
the Deloitte Technology Green
15™ award for four consecutive
years. With clients in over 45
countries across the globe,
Real Tech has also demonstrated
worldwide success and leadership in the advancement of
optical sensors for real-time
detection of contaminants in
water and wastewater.
Smart Water: Sensors & Monitoring
Award-winning Syrinix is a global leader in the
development of pipeline monitoring solutions.
Providing high resolution data and automated
analysis, Syrinix’s solutions allow utilities to manage
their networks with extended asset lifetimes,
reduced leakage and lower operating costs.
Syrinix is now supplying water
pipeline monitoring solutions
to Mexico.
OCAVM, the body that provides
water to the 24 million people in
the Valley of Mexico, has contracted
with CISI, a Mexican provider of
solutions to the water industry,
to help maintain the critical
transmission pipeline infrastructure
feeding Mexico City.
Following an intensive training
program for the Mexican engineers,
both TrunkMinder and BurstMinder
have been deployed to monitor
key sections of the transmission
network for leaks and transient
activity. Syrinix products will help
pre-empt any catastrophic bursts
and provide vital information
to allow for the scheduling of
maintenance repair programs.
TrunkMinder provides risk management for
high consequence trunk mains, identifying and
precisely locating emerging leaks. TrunkMinder
uses a 4-dimensional sensor array which makes it
the most effective monitoring system available.
Launched in 2014, TransientMinder detects and
tracks damaging pressure spikes within pipeline
networks while BurstMinder incorporates flow
monitoring giving immediate notifications.
Avoid Leaks, Bursts and Catastrophic Failures
with Syrinix’s Intelligent Pipeline Monitoring.
Also operating in Smart Water: Decision Support
& Analytics
Contact: Fiona McFarlane
P: (289) 208-4271
E: Fiona.mcfarlane@syrinix.com
4145 North Service Road Suite 200
Burlington | Ontario | L7L 6A3
Smart Water:
Decision Support
& Analytics
Through better
data analysis,
can use
to implement solutions
to fix problems before
they happen.
Connecting sensors and monitoring
technology to the cloud and using
innovative software for analysis is
revolutionizing the way utilities do
business. These tools empower
end users to make more informed
decisions for management and
More than 40 Ontario companies are
developing solutions that allow users
to detect and rectify problems with
dynamic data generation, and up-tothe-minute analysis.
Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics
Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics
Civica Infrastructure Inc.
Civica has received the
Environmental Green Award for
Excellence as well as the National
Research Council’s Industrial
Research Assistance Program
The web-based, GIS monitoring
data management system
technology showcased for the first
time in September 2015 at the
Water Environment Federation’s
Annual Technical Exhibition and
Conference in Chicago.
Civica specializes in municipal wastewater and
stormwater drainage data collection and analysis,
and reporting services. We have developed and
continuously enhance a Web - GIS software
product to manage monitoring and monitoring
data analysis programs such as sanitary sewer
Inflow and Infiltration (I-I) studies and field
investigations. Our approach and our system
integrates flow and other environmental data
monitoring, inspection data, and processing
tools to develop Key-Performance-Indicators,
alarms and reports. We help clients identify
and quantify targets and track progress. We
provide professional project management, storm
and sanitary drainage asset planning, analysis,
modelling and optimization with a strong emphasis
on innovation and technology integration.
We provide professional project management,
storm and sanitary drainage asset planning,
analysis, modelling and optimization with a
strong emphasis on innovation and technology
integration. We conduct extensive R&D to
enhance our systems and services.
Also operating in Pipe Inspection & Rehabilitation,
Smart Water: Sensors & Monitoring, Wastewater,
Contact: Edward Graham
P: (905) 417-4792
E: egraham@civi.ca
330 Rodinea Road, Unit 3
Vaughan | Ontario | L6A 4P5
Hydromantis Environmental
Software Solutions Inc.
World leader in modeling and simulation software for
wastewater and water treatment plants for 30 years.
Expert modelling services for wastewater treatment
plant design, commissioning, operational performance
and planning improvements.
Hydromantis melds our advanced modelling expertise
with hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge of
wastewater treatment design and operational processes
to deliver viable solutions firmly grounded in the modern
reality of treatment plant operation and design practices.
Hydromantis is practical in its approach, specific in its
recommendations, and thorough in its execution.
Owners, operators and wastewater engineering
Consultants can take the uncertainty out of critical
wastewater design and operational decisions with
Hydromantis’ advanced process modeling.
Also operating in Resource Recovery, Wastewater
Contact: Robert Beres
P: (905) 524-0599
E: beres@hydromantis.com
1 James Street South, suite 1601
Hamilton | Ontario | L8P 4R5
SimuWorks™ is an industry
first - a flight-simulator for
water and wastewater treatment
plants. Leveraging the proven
technology of Hydromantis’
GPS-X™, the industry’s
most advanced mathematical
modelling and simulation
software, SimuWorks™ takes
training and plant analysis
opportunities to new heights.
Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics
Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics
Riva Modeling Systems
Riva Modeling Systems helps organizations
effectively align their asset management
processes with their organizational objectives.
Riva’s comprehensive and integrated software
solutions use a risk-based approach to support
long-range infrastructure asset management
and investment planning. By bringing together
data from various source systems including GIS,
work management and financial systems, Riva
technology provides organizations with complete
and real-time information to assure plans are
always current and up to date for up to 100 years.
Analytical solution for saving 5%-10% of the
metered water or saving cities $20-$40 /person/
year, which is lost in form of leakage in urban
areas and a geo-spatial solution for leakage risk
assessment in the urban water and waste water
distribution network to prioritize the maintenance/
renovation projects and minimize water loss,
which is mostly unmetered water.
Contact: Rob Corazzola
E: info@rivamodeling.com
410 Adelaide St. West Suite 220
Toronto | Ontario | M5V 1S8
Forecasting demand accurately and employing
revenue management techniques, and pricing
to better control consumer behaviour to meet
conservation targets and financial goals for
municipalities and utility companies.
Also operating in Smart Water: Sensors
& Monitoring, Drinking Water, Wastewater,
Contact: Mehrdad Veredi
P: (519) 722-7057
E: support@waterlix.com
250 Ainslie St. South, Unit 59
Cambridge | Ontario | N1R 8P8
The City of Guelph is our
first customer, and recently
started negotiations with
the region of Waterloo water
conservation, and the City of
Toronto to provide consultation
and implement water leakage
reduction program.
Smart Water: Decision Support & Analytics
WatrHub Inc.
Drinking Water
WatrHub Inc. transforms millions of regulatory
filings into sales leads and insights for companies
selling into the water markets.
“WatrHub Inc. has created
software tools that collect all
the information, read through
all of it lightning fast with the
same context as a water expert
would, structure it so it’s easily
searchable, and finally present
it online in a form that is easily
accessible and usable for us all.”
— CleanTech Group
WatrHub’s data-mining software analyzes millions
of regulatory documents and public records to
look for early signs and leading indicators of water
systems’ needs, issues, and plans. WatrHub then
provides water technology companies with an
information advantage by uncovering their top
sales targets and enabling them to make datadriven decisions about how and where to sell
and market their products.
CNN, Washington Post and other recognized
media have called us the “Bloomberg for Water”.
Contact: Ahmed Badruddin
P: (647) 721-8505
E: ahmed.badruddin@watrhub.com
720 Bathurst St. Suite 501
Toronto | Ontario | M5S 2R4
Ontario has
been a leading
for water treatment
and disinfection for
decades. Toronto was
one of the first cities in
North America to use
chlorine and the first
in Canada to pioneer
the process of superchlorination. That
cutting-edge tradition
is maintained in the
water treatment sector
in Ontario.
Safe drinking water is the world’s
most important resource. Supported
by progressive provincial standards
for drinking water, more than 115
established, growing, and emerging
companies call Ontario home.
Global expertise and success in
ultraviolet disinfection with world
leaders such as Trojan Technologies
has also paved the way for innovation
in drinking water management.
Companies offer solutions for a
variety of scenarios, from large urban
systems to services for small, rural
and remote communities, and many
are tackling new challenges, such as
emerging contaminants, scarcity, and
security threats.
Drinking Water
Drinking Water
Econse’s solutions combine
chemical-free processes
and next-generation lifetime
membrane technology.
Econse is actively involved in
developing solutions to help
clients save money and reduce
their environmental impact.
ECONSE Water Purifications
Eramosa Engineering Inc.
ECONSE manufactures of advanced water and
wastewater purification systems.
Eramosa is a consulting engineering firm
specializing in Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) systems, along with
automation, process control, system integration,
instrumentation and control, and electrical services.
The company is a leading SCADA systems
provider within several key markets including
water, wastewater, solar and wind. We also offer
networking, programming, information technology,
and cyber security strategies for our customers.
DRINKING WATER: Pre-engineered modular
containerized solutions, able to cope with intake
variations to treat millions of gallons per day on the
large side and small villages of 10 or 20 people on
the small side.
Eliminates bacteria & viruses, giardia & more
Removes THMs & HAAs
Simple & low-cost operation & maintenance
WASTEWATER: The most cost effective and
eco-friendly way of helping communities achieve
compliance with regulatory requirements for BOD,
COD, TSS, TDS, heavy metals, pH, pathogens
and coliform bacteria, phosphorus, nutrients and
total nitrogen, PPCPs and EDCs. Ask us about
INDUSTRIAL: Chemical-free solutions are helping
industrial customers comply with regulatory
requirements, eliminate penalties, reduce costs
and save money. This is achieved through water
reuse, reduced waste and reclaiming lost product
from waste streams. Ask us about ZERO LIQUID
Also operating in Disinfection, Resource Recovery
& Reuse, Smart Water: Sensors & Monitoring,
Contact: Derek Davy
P: (416) 606-5014
E: Derek@econse.com
350 Wellington St., W, Room 207
Toronto | Ontario | M5V 3W9
Eramosa is an industry leader in managing big data
for your SCADA systems with our community driven
e.RIS reporting and information software. While our
SMART Utilities initiative helps our partners improve
facility performance in the most cost-efficient manner.
Based from our five offices in Guelph, Calgary,
Detroit, Toronto and London, we employ over 90
professionals to serve our public and private sector
clients across North America.
Also operating in Smart Water: Sensors
& Monitoring, Smart Water: Decision Support
& Analytics, Wastewater, Stormwater
Contact: Tim Sutherns
P: (519) 763-7774
E: tim.sutherns@eramoa.com
90 Woodlawn Road West
Guelph | Ontario | N1H 1B2
Eramosa is involved in a number
of industry organizations that
promote the optimization of
operations through the concept of
‘smart utilities’ or ‘smart water’
focusing on how technology
can assist in the operation of
complex systems - SWAN &
H.2O. The utility of the future is
being implemented today around
the world and we are pleased
to be a part of the ongoing
discussion and implementation of
solutions that leverage technology
effectively to optimize operations.
Drinking Water
Drinking Water
HydraTek recently conducted
perhaps the largest water pump
performance and efficiency
testing and benchmarking study
globally and is being recognized
internationally for this work. It
turns out that, on average, pumps
in Ontario are performing at
energy efficiencies that are
about 10% lower than originally
manufactured, and some are
much worse than that. Improving
energy efficiency results in lower
electricity consumption and costs,
and testing pumps is key to
understanding whether changes
need to be made or not.
HydraTek & Associates
KSB Pumps Inc.
HydraTek is a globally recognized consulting firm
focusing on specialized hydraulics and energy
issues in urban water and other fluid systems.
Originally founded in 1988 by Dr. Bryan Karney
(University of Toronto), the firm and its service
offerings have grown from hydraulic transient
analyses to include comprehensive field testing
and modelling, pump performance and energy
efficiency testing, peer review services, among
others. For particularly challenging situations
for which there are no or few precedents, or
no commercially available software packages,
we develop customized numerical models to
understand and solve the problems that are faced
by our clients. Although based in Toronto, the
firm’s clients and services span Canada as well as
KSB quality means:
Also operating in Smart Water: Sensors
& Monitoring, Smart Water: Decision Support
& Analytics, Wastewater, Stormwater
Contact: Fabian Papa
P: (416) 238-7681
E: f.papa@hydratek.com
216 Chrislea Road, Suite 204
Vaughan | Ontario | L4L 8S5
Long-lasting products that use innovative
technology to meet the very highest
requirements in a wide range of application
Professional and exemplary performance
across the board as part of KSB’s
commitment to business excellence
Highly qualified employees
KSB expertise means:
Over 140 years of experience with pumps,
valves and related systems
Continual commitment to the innovation and
improvement of products through Research &
Providing technical support to customers and
supplying application-specific products and
services through our highly trained employees
KSB reliability means:
Long tradition and high degree of stability for
long-lasting partnerships
Products and services that meet the very
highest safety standards
Reliable relationships with customers,
suppliers, employees and investors
KSB’s global perspective means:
In-house production facilities, sales offices
and service workshops on every continent
Regional expertise in order to meet the
requirements of each market
Also operating in Smart Water: Decision Support
& Analytics, Wastewater
As of December 2014 KSB
Canada is ISO 9001 certified.
Contact: Emily Kishtamma
P: (905) 568-9200
E: ekishtamma@ksbcanada.com
5205 Tomken Road
Mississauga | Ontario | L4W 3N8
Drinking Water
Nova Filtration Technologies Inc.
The principals of Nova Filtration
have proven capabilities in the
industry as a result of their
successful past businesses
and are well known as experts
in the liquid filtration products
field. We have excellent
working relationships with
our well respected and valued
manufacturers. Together, Nova
Filtration and its suppliers strive to
provide the best solution for
the application.
Nova Filtration Technologies Inc. is a leading
supplier of liquid filtration products with over 35
years of experience in the liquid filtration industry.
Our mission is to provide our customers with
high quality filter products at competitive prices
while providing superior customer service. Nova
Filtration believes in carrying sufficient inventory of
popular items in order to provide same or next day
Also operating in Disinfection & Wastewater
Contact: Matt Scruton
P: (905) 304-8157
E: matts@novafiltrationtech.com
1367 Osprey Drive | Unit 1
Ancaster | Ontario | L9G 4V5
Canada has
placed priority
on clean
water and
with progressive
nation-wide standards
that will require
and small—to meet
minimum effluent
quality standards
through secondary
From ion exchange to potable
reuse and decentralized systems,
wastewater treatment is a sector
in transition. As the world begins
to reimagine waste as a resource,
more than 135 Ontario companies
are developing innovative ways
to comply with higher standards,
improve treatment plant footprints,
and service communities of all sizes.
Bishop has won the WEAO award
twice for its septage treatment
solution in Eganville and our fly
ash solution in the City of London.
This site also won the OPWA and
American Public works association
award for technical innovation.
It runs 24 hours a day and
processes almost 1 million
cubic meters of slurry yearly.
Bishop Water Technologies Inc.
Clearford Water Systems Inc.
Our Geotube Technology: For wastewater
facilities treating solids from municipal, industrial,
processing and resource-based sources.Who
need to capture, dewater and contain wastewater
sludge or difficult-to-treat solids,Bishop Water
provides full turn-key dewatering solutions for
slurries of all kinds.That use specially engineered
textiles to capture and dewater solids.Our
Geotube solution is simple to install and operate,
dewaters faster and more effectively, and offers
lifecycle costs that are only 25% of conventional
mechanical approaches.
Clearford Water Systems Inc. (TSE-V:CLI) is an
Ontario based publicly listed company and the
provider of the Clearford One™ sanitation system.
Our BioCord Technology: For lagoon or upgrades to
existing WWTP for municipal, industrial and process
users.Who need to treat wastewater BioCord
provides a treatment solution to treat normal to
high strength wastes.We use specially engineered
reactors to create the ideal environment for beneficial
bacteria to flourish.The ability to modify the existing
treatment train rather than build a new facility allows
the plant to achieve higher levels of treatment within
the existing footprint.
Also operating in Drinking Water, Stormwater
Contact: Kevin Bossy
P: (343) 361-0463
E: kevin@bishopwater.ca
220 Carswell Street
Renfrew | Ontario | K7V 2G4
Clearford One™ is a better, more sustainable way, to
deliver decentralized communal sanitation—it lasts
longer than competing technologies, reduces total
mass of contaminants released into receiving water
bodies, and costs less to build, operate and maintain.
The foundation of Clearford One™ is the technology’s
proven ability to decentralize the treatment of solids in
its ClearDigest™ component, a smart digester which
connects to ClearConvey™, a specialized network of
sealed, small bore, pipes and system access points.
Effluent is liquid only with predictable low levels of
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Suspended
Solids (TSS), and nutrients, facilitating efficient and
effective final treatment using a Clearford specified
ClearConvey™ treatment option, which is typically a
MBR treatment plant.
Also operating in Disinfection, Drinking Water
Contact: Kevin Loiselle
P: (613) 599-6474
E: kloiselle@clearford.com
100-515 Legget Drive
Ottawa | Ontario | K2K 3G4
40% Less Capital cost , 20% Less Operating cost
Clearford’s Pay-for-Performance
- with Clearford One™
communities pay only for results.
The efficiencies and reliability of
Clearford One™ make it possible
to build and operate sanitation
infrastructure in Ontario with total
assumption of risk by the private
sector. This means municipalities
in Ontario can establish modern
sewage collection and treatment
infrastructure without incurring
capital costs, or taking on
construction and operating
risk. Municipalities only pay for
the results with monthly, per
connection, fees that reflect
substantially lower total costs
compared to traditional sanitation
infrastructure. The Clearford
One™ P4P is a Design-BuildFinance-Maintain-Transfer
funding model uniquely available
to Ontario municipalities.
Clear Pod Inc.
G.E.T. Industries Inc.
The ClearPod™ system is an environmentally
sustainable solution for septic system wastewater
treatment that significantly improves the
performance of your septic system.
G.E.T. Industries manufacture Grind Hog
comminutors-durable, dependable & economical
to maintain shredding & screening devices widely
used in Treatment Plants & Pumping Stations
to disintegrate wastewater solids. Slide Rails
& Reversing Controllers enhance accessibility
& performance. Various retrofits are available
replacing Worthington, Jones & Attwood,
Chicago Pump, Smith & Loveless, Ecodyne
& various other grinder untis. Custom retrofit
options not listed are also available.
Economic benefit: Increased leach-field life time
ClearPod technology has recently
been approved for use in the
provinces of Nova Scotia and
Prince Edward Island.
By improving the performance of the septic
system we reduce the contaminants passing to
the leach field, reducing clogging and increasing
the effectivness and lifespan. With comparative
septic solutions ranging from $7,000 – 15,000
and replacement leach-fields costing upwards
of $25,000, the ClearPod™ system is the clear
answer for enhanced septic system technology.
Contact: Patrick Kiely
P: (819) 598-7153
E: info@clearpodwater.com
33 Cedar Drive
Caledon | Ontario | L7K 1H5
Suite 100 80 Aberdeen Street
Ottawa | Ontario | K1S 5R5
Enhanced Septic System Treatment
How does the ClearPodTM work?
Air pump enclosure
Septic tank
water out
waste water in
Drop the
into the
septic tank
nutrient cycling,
removing it
from the
Contact: David Martin
P: (905) 451-9900
E: get@grindhog.com
provides a
home for a
higher density
of microbes
that remove
from the
means cleaner
water leaves
the system so
your leach
eld will last
G.E.T. Industries is the sole
Canadian company exporting
sewage grinders internationally.
H2Flow Equipment Inc.
H2Flow is a provider of water and wastewater
treatment equipment for industrial & municipal
applications and has been in business for over
23 years.
H2Flow has won numerous
awards including: Scotiabank
ICCO Business Excellence Award
in 2011, Vaughan Chamber
of Commerce Environmental
Leadership Award in 2013, and
being ranked as one of Canada’s
fastest growing companies in
Profit 500 by Canadian Business
magazine in 2014.
We specialize in biological treatment with our TILT
containerized bioreactors, ready for transport
across the world by truck, sea or rail. The TILT is
available in different configurations to meet different
treatment needs: SBR (sequencing batch reactors),
MBBR (moving bed bio reactors) and MBR
(membrane bio reactors).
Our typical customers include municipalities, food,
mining, automotive, chemical, recycling, and wasteto-energy companies.
H2Flow can provide custom engineered and
integrated solutions. We provide start-up assistance,
after sales service and stock spare parts.
From our headquarters in Toronto and our office
in Montreal, we do work in Ontario and the rest
of Canada, plus we export and participate in
international projects.
We are proud of the work we do in protecting
the environment, improving infrastructure and
contributing to public health.
Also operating in Disinfection, Drinking Water
Contact: Michael Albanese
P: (905) 660-9775
E: michael@h2flow.com
470 North Rivermede Road | Unit 7
Concord | Ontario | L4K 3R8
its recent
Water Innovation
Ontario’s Ministry
of the Environment
funded 16 collaborative
projects in lowimpact development,
rainwater harvesting,
stormwater modeling,
and stormwater pond
Stormwater management is becoming
a critical concern around the world.
Cities are struggling with the realities
of overburdened infrastructure due
to increasingly erratic climate and
urbanization, which exacerbate flows
into wastewater plants and subsequent
overflows into water bodies.
In Ontario, more than 20 companies
are delivering solutions for on-site
capture and treatment, buffer zones,
and solutions that slow the release of
flows to municipal networks.
compliant apparatus for testing
the performance of grease
interceptors. It is the only such
apparatus in Canada and one of
only three in North America. All
grease interceptors need to pass
this test in order to be approved
for sale in North America.
Good Harbour Laboratories
Imbrium Systems
GHL is a water technology demonstration lab
capable of testing commercial scale equipment.
GHL operates a hydraulics lab capable of flows
up 60 L/s and a small analytical lab in Mississauga
Ontario. We help clients gain a competitive
advantage by providing independent, third party
performance data.
Imbrium Systems is an engineered stormwater
treatment company that designs and manufactures stormwater treatment solutions that
protect water resources from harmful pollutants.
By developing technologies to address the longterm impact of urban runoff, Imbrium ensures our
clients’ projects are compliant with government
water quality regulations.
This data can be used for marketing purposes or
for gaining specific approvals. As a member of the
Canadian Environmental Technology Verification
(ETV) consortium we have helped several clients
through the ETV process.
We also have a CSA compliant grease interceptor
performance testing lab. Our hydraulic facilities
are available for product development and the
on-site analytical lab allows for quick turnaround
of samples.
Also operating in Drinking Water, Stormwater
Contact: Greg Williams
P: (905) 696-7276
E: gwilliams@goodharbourlabs.com
2595 Dunwin Dr.
Mississauga | Ontario | L5L 1J5
Contact: Reagan Davidson
P: (416) 960-9900
E: rdavidson@imbriumsystems.com
407 Fairview Dr.
Whitby | Ontario | L1N 3A9
Stormceptor, invented in Ontario
over 20-years ago, remains the
recognized leader in stormwater
treatment globally. Through
continuous development, this
technology platform started
the stormwater treatment
products industry. Today the
Stormceptor offers a range of
versatile treatment systems that
effectively remove pollutants from
stormwater and snowmelt runoff.
In May 2015, received the
Milestone Award from the Centre
for Family Business, recognizing
our pioneering achievements in
the Stormwater Quality Field since
incorporation in 2000.
Minotaur Stormwater Services Ltd.
RainGrid Inc.
Minotaur, a family-owned business with over 40
years experience in stormwater management,
provides leadership to the environmental
community by promoting awareness, education,
supplying data, and delivering a state-of-the-art
inspection, monitoring and service program for oil/
grit separators throughout Ontario and Quebec.
Program provides for compliance with local
regulatory requirements and the Ministry of the
RainGrid designs and builds residential-property
stormwater smartgrids that deliver valueadded municipal stormwater infrastructure,
rate payers social engagement, and climate
resilient adaptation. Rainfrastructure systems
are applicable in both retrofit and greenfield
applications to reduce combined sewer system
overflows, property-based and community
minor overland flooding, and conveyance system
capacity enhancement.
Stormceptor and Jellyfish manufacturers, Hanson
Pipe & Precast Ltd. and Lecuyer et Fils include
Minotaur’s inspections and service as part of their
Quality Assurance package when contractors
purchase the product.
Rainfrastructure smartgrid systems real-time
management provides reliable green infrastructure
performance with the benefit of reduced
stormwater system installation and operation costs.
Our ability to provide answers and workable
solutions to complex and unusual stormwater
quality problems is why people trust Minotaur.
Also operating in Drinking Water, Wastewater
Contact: Marilyn Shaver
P: (519) 647-3729
E: ms@minotaurltd.com
566 Lynden Road
Brantford | Ontario | N3T 5M1
Also operating in Smart Water: Sensors
& Monitoring, Smart Water: Decision Support
& Analytics
RainGrid is the winner of the
November 2014 Challenge Cup
(Toronto) Smart Cities cleantech
category and was a finalist in
the 2015
A Stormwater
of Automated
Rain Barrels
Washington, D.C.
Contact: Kevin Mercer
P: (416) 868-1983
E: kevin.mercer@raingrid.com
511 Richmond St. W.
Toronto | Ontario | M5V1Y3
Rainwater harvesting. Real-time decision making. Cost-effective stormwater contr
RH20 North Amercia Inc.
RH2O is passionate about the
performance of its systems and
now has a large base of residential
and commercial treatment
systems, and have systems
approved and installed in four
other provinces and one state.
RH2O is a leading manufacturer and supplier
of decentralized wastewater treatment and
water conservation systems such as rainwater
harvesting and greywater recycling. We specialize
in commercial, residential, industrial and small
municipal wastewater package systems using
the proprietary WSB moving bed biofilm reactor
process to treat flows from single family homes
to subdivisions or large facilities relying on
onsite wastewater treatment. Our process is a
market leader in terms of price, performance
and operational efficiency. We follow a mantra
that both quality and management are key to
the successful implementation of decentralized
wastewater solutions. We therefore service all of
our systems and provide an innovative control
and remote management system that allows us to
monitor and adjust all of our systems via cellular
GPRS or Ethernet. Our team of experts are always
eager to provide clients with support and advice to
find the right solution for your project.
Also operating in Resource Recovery & Reuse,
Smart Water: Sensors & Monitoring, Wastewater,
Contact: Scott Robinson
P: (519) 648-3475
E: srobinson@rh2o.com
268 Woolwich St. S.
Breslau | Ontario | N0B 1M0
If your business is water, we’re good to know.
WaterTAP exists to champion and support Ontario’s
status as a world water technology hub. We bring
private sector experience to the challenge of helping
water technology entrepreneurs, utilities and investors
make the connections and find the resources they
need to keep the water sector prospering.
We live and breathe Ontario water technology. It’s all we do.
20 Adelaide Street East | 13th Floor
Toronto | Ontario M5C 2T6 | Canada
Funding provided in part by the
Government of Ontario