together - KOA Owners Association
together - KOA Owners Association
K ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Creating our Future together This issue of the OA news is a recap of OA activities through last year. We have included all the board members that served in 2015. We would like to thank our outgoing Board members for their service last year: Vicki Cole, Shelby/Mansfield KOA, Shelby, OH Hope Perkins, Elkhart/Middlebury KOA, Middlebury, IN Pamela Mendala, Cloverdale KOA, Cloverdale, CA Dave Barton, 1000 Islands/Ivy Lea KOA, Lansdowne, ON K0E1LO We would like to recognize our new incoming Board members: Timothy Cole, Honesdale Pocono KOA, Honesdale, PA Lydia Fodor, Ludington East KOA , Branch, MI. Kevin Fallon, Crescent City Redwoods KOA, Crescent City, CA Richard Marcoux, 1000 Islands/Mallorytown KOA, Mallorytown, ON K0E1RO A A Message from the President In 1960, a committee that was part of an association in Billings, Montana decided their city needed a campground for travelers going to the World’s Fair in Seattle. This committee was the tourism committee and the association of Billings businessmen was the local Chamber of Commerce. From that idea, KOA was born. Committees are the main tool used by associations to develop new ideas and improve the entire association. KOA, Inc. used to have a number of franchisee advisory committees, but the travel expenses became too great so the committees were consolidated into one franchisee advisory committee that meets once a year. Half of the members on that committee are appointed by the Kampground Owners Association and the other half are appointed by KOA, Inc. This year your Board of Directors decided we really needed to have a few committees who would work with KOA corporate staff to help grow our system. KOA, Inc. agreed to recognize these committees and to work with them as long as our association was responsible for managing the committees. The result was the creation of a number of committees, each of which has a member of your Board of Directors appointed to serve as the chairperson, and the committee membership is made up of other franchisees who volunteer to serve on the committee. Some of the committees will meet in person at the annual convention, but the majority of the committee activity will take place through e-mail or conference calls. In order for this system to work, it is important that franchisees step forward and volunteer to help the system by serving on these committees. A sign-up sheet will be passed around during the regional meetings at this year’s convention, but you can also send an e-mail to any board member or to our national office indicating your willingness to participate on a committee this coming year. Information about each committee is contained in this report. I hope everyone had a great camping year if your main season is the summer, and I also wish those who focus on the winter season the best year ever. See you at the convention. Homer Staves K K Highlights of the Year This year was a year of restructuring and rebuilding our infrastructure. Our main goals were to develop new committees to focus on areas of importance to all of our owners. As a result we have added five new committees to our association. These committees and their focus are listed below: • Peer-to-Peer - Chair, Mark Manning - This committee will be responsible to assist any franchisee who needs help in the operation of his park in order to improve their NPS score, comply with branding criteria or any other help. This committee’s job is not to represent an individual franchisee who has problems with corporate, but rather to help improve and build the entire system. • Communication - Chairs, Diane King and Iris Shupe - These two will work on things like better communications to all franchisees through the newsletter as well as by e-mail. They also have responsibility for working to improve the KOA work camper program • Membership - Chair, Barb Kuder - This group will work to increase the membership in the International Kampground Owners Association as well as work with the state, provincial and regional groups to improve and strengthen their membership and activities. • Convention - Chair, Joe Long - This committee is working closely with the KOA staff to plan next year’s convention, not only for our own OA meetings, but also on content. The OA is trying to help develop several workshops that will feature other franchisees as panel members. • Quality Assurance - Chair, Hans Wagner - Rather than waiting for KOA staff to tell us what they plan to change in next year’s standards, this committee will work during the year to review the present standards and make recommendations on how to improve them and the system prior the 2015 convention. These new committees will provide for much greater input from our owners to review and discuss issues and enable us to present a more effective plan for increasing our camper nights and enhancing our competitive stance in the campground industry. OA KOA Owners Association Board of Directors 2015 Area 2 Area 1 Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia GREG BATTS, Vice President Kentuck Lakes/Prizer Point KOA 17146 1777 Prizer Point Rd Cadiz, KY 42211 Phone: (270) 522-3762 Cell: (270) 350-2027 E-mail: MARK MANNING Fancy Gap/Blue Ridge Pkwy KOA 46183 47 Fox Trail Loop Fancy Gap, VA 24328 Phone: (276) 728-7776 Fax: (276) 728-1014 Cell: (480)-390-6782 E-mail: Ohio, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island VICKI COLE Shelby/Mansfield KOA 35164 6787 Baker 47 Shelby, OH 44875-9103 Phone: (419) 347-1392 Fax: (419) 342-5353 Cell: (419) 564-3495 H (419) 347-2299 E-mail: BARBARA KUDER Salem/Lisbon OH KOA 35169 33815 Winona Road Salem, OH 44460 Phone: (234) 567-5608 Fax: (330) 222-7017 Cell: (330) 831-8628 E-mail: OA Area 3 Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa Area 5 Area 4 Louisiana, Mississippi, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas JOE LONG Lena KOA 10982 US Highway 20 West Lena, IL 61048 Phone: (815) 369-2612 Fax: (815) 369-2018 Cell: (630) 991-6690 E-mail: TINA HAITH Oklahoma City KOA 36133 6200 South Choctaw Road Choctaw, OK 73020 Phone: (405) 391-5000 Cell: (405) 249-7801 E-mail: HOPE PERKINS Elkhart/Middlebury KOA 14133 52867 State Rd Middlebury, IN 46540 Phone: (574) 825-5932 Fax: (574) 825-1080 Cell: (574) 849-7706 E-mail: DIANE KING, Secretary Springfield/Rt 66 KOA 25137 5775 West Farm Road 140 Springfield, MO 65802 Phone: (417) 831-3645 Fax: (417) 863-0295 Cell: (417) 209-4845 E-mail: Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming Area 6 Hawaii, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico IRIS SHUPE Bay Center/Willapa Bay KOA 47121 PO Box 376, 457 Bay Center Road Bay Center, WA 98527 Phone: (719) 313/0021 Fax: (360) 875-6344 Cell: (719) 313-0021 E-mail: PAMELA MENDALA Cloverdale KOA 5275 1166 Asti Ridge Rd, PO Box 600 Cloverdale, CA 95425 Phone: (707) 894-3337 Fax: (707) 894-9206 Cell: (707) 849-4697 E-mail: HOMER STAVES, President Whitefish/Kalispell KOA 26161 3191 Parkhill Billings, MT 59102 Phone: (406) 656-7086 Fax: (406) 656-7086 Cell: (406) 672-2383 E-mail: Craig Sisco, Treasurer Fort Collins/Lakeside KOA 1910 Lakeside Resort Lane Fort Collins, CO 80524 Phone: (970) 484-9880 Fax: (970) 493-8900 Cell: (970)-213-4081 E-mail: Area 7 Central & Eastern Canada HANS WAGNER 1000 Islands/Kingston KOA 2039 Cordukes Rd. Kingston, ON, K7L4V4 Phone: (613) 546-6140 Fax: (613) 546-6178 Cell: (613) 329-4569 E-mail: DAVE BARTON, Past President 1000 Island/Ivy Lea KOA 55203 514 1000 Islands Pkwy Lansdowne, ON K0E 1L0 Phone:(613) 659-2817 Fax: (613) 659-2992 Cell: (613) 539-2018 (Winter #) E-mail: Area 8 Western Canada JIM BROWN Hinton/Jasper KOA 51124 50409 B Highway 16; Box 5052 Hinton, AB T7V1X3 Phone: (780) 865-5061 Cell: (403) 815-4833; Winter (403) 288-8351 E-mail: KOA Inc. Liaison JEF SUTHERLAND VP Of Franchisee Service PO Box 3055 Billings, MT 59114 Phone: (800) 548-7104 E-mail: Executive Director WILLIAM RANIERI 3416 Primm Lane Birmingham, AL 35216 (800) 678-9976, (888) 461-2062 FAX: (205) 823-2760 Cell: (205) 587-5309 E-mail: K K Our focus on future strength with our fellow owners through Better Communications The Owners Association has made it a priority to work toward better communication with our members. The Communications committee looked at the best way we could do that and implemented some new programs this year. The Committee felt that a very quick and simple message can be very effective and get the necessary information out to everyone, so they tried several “Things You Need to Know” e-mail communications highlighting a few of the important things that we felt everyone needed to have information about. We tried to make this piece as clear and simple as possible so owners and managers could act upon the items in a timely manner. We also continued our printed newsletter for more in-depth updates. It is the goal of the National Owners Association to be sure that we keep our members informed and we always welcome any suggestions on how to do a better job attaining that goal. Communication is a two-way street and we rely upon you to help us continue to get better at getting you the information you need. Thanks for your continued support as we all work together to make our entire KOA system the best and continue to Create Our Futures Together. OA Our focus on Better Educational Events for our owners Our Convention Committee held several calls with KOA staff regarding the educational seminars to be presented at the 2015 KOA Convention. The Committee reviewed the most recent Owners Association Survey and discussed all of the recommendations for educational opportunities at the convention that we received from fellow owners. There were a great number of topics discussed and the Committee and KOA staff set priorities on the recommendations because of limited time and space at the 2015 convention. Working together between the Committee and staff will result in a more focused and more helpful number of sessions at the 2015 Convention. OA Our focus on Helping Fellow Owners This past season we were able to implement the peer- to-peer program at two campgrounds. This new process provided a learning experience for everyone involved. As the program develops and a level of familiarity is established with this method, the knowledge gained will benefit not only those designated campgrounds, but all KOAs. The cumulative effort of the individual campgrounds, the OA, and KOA Corporate will provide a wealth of knowledge and experience unrivaled in our industry. This joint endeavor will benefit all parties by cultivating a greater reputation for KOA. OA Our focus on Upgrading and Improving our Campgrounds Our ability to better represent our fellow owners is directly related to our continued growth in association membership. This year we again achieved record growth with an expectation of 325 members—another new high. We have contacted the membership several times during the year with e-mail blasts on information of interest to them. We have sent out an e-mail newsletter to supplement the regularly scheduled issues of the newsletter, and we have worked on providing more pertinent information on our OA website. Finally, we have sent announcements nearly every month to the membership via e-mail with discounted programs from many of our Associate members. This has proven to be well received with over 98% delivered and over 85% opened and reviewed. OA Our focus on Continuing Improvement of our System One of our unique strengths in the KOA system is our continuing review and upgrading of our Quality Assur- ance program. This year the Quality Assurance Commit- tee was established to have an ongoing relationship with KOA staff to enhance the value and effectiveness of our QA program. We have sought input from our members to provide specific recommendations on how we can make this program more effective and efficient. We want to assure that all reviews are as similar and objec- tive for everyone, while being realistic and helpful. The Quality Assurance committee will continue to seek input from everyone on how we can continue to improve this very important segment of our outstanding KOA system. Hans Wagner, the chair of this committee has indicated we have had great cooperation from KOA and invites anyone who has any general or specific comments to contact him at any time. K Focus on Financial Results Comparative Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 and 2014 O Focus on Membership Progress 335 325 315 305 295 285 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 MEMBERSHIP 145,000 138,750 132,500 126,250 120,000 113,750 107,500 101,250 95,000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015* TOTAL MEMBERSHIP REVENUE *estimate 180,000 172,500 165,000 157,500 150,000 142,500 135,000 127,500 120,000 2011* 2012* 2013* 2014* 2015** TOTAL RESERVES *this represents totals only for the OA ** estimate for Year End Our A Award Winners 2014 WE ARE FAMILY AWARD THE CUTLER FAMILY presented by Dave Barton 2014 WORKKAMPER OF THE YEAR AWARD LARRY AND MISCHA GOOD presented by Dave Barton K K What does the Future Hold and where do We Go from Here This has been another outstanding year for our KOA system and our KOA Owners. We believe we have structured our Owners Association to enable stronger and more frequent opportunities for our membership to provide input on issues and to receive helpful communications on all aspects of our campground business. We have a strong financial picture, growing resources and growing membership which will enable us to improve our mission of representing all of our campgrounds, to work more closely with KOA and to continue to improve our management and marketing skills. We continue to monitor our efforts in Branding and have made this a high priority for the entire Owners Association Board. The entire staff of KOA has been very helpful and cooperative with the OA, and we believe we have established much stronger working relationships. KOA OWNERS ASSOCIATION STAFF Executive Director: Bill Ranieri - Staff: Bill Ranieri - Jim Ranieri – Maureen Huseman – Address: 3416 Primm Lane Birmingham, AL 35216 Phone: (800) 678-9976 (205) 824-0022 Fax: (205) 823-2760 Facebook: KOA Owners Association OA 2015 Award Winners 2015 WINNERS for WORKKAMPER of the YEAR AWARD The Awards Committee for the WorkKamper of the Year Award for 2015 received 10 nominations this year; making it very difficult to choose one winner. Congratulations to winners Gene & Gale Fletcher pictured with Weatherford/ Fort Worth West KOA owner Gary Tatem who nominated them. Gene and Gale were recog- nized at the KOA Owners Association Annual Meeting in Daytona Beach. YOU’RE IN GOOD HANDS! Big Fish... Little Fish? You’re all important to us at YES. Electric Pedestals • Surface Boxes • Conversion Kits Electric Meters • Water & Gas Meters • Lighting • Wire Power Distribution Equipment • Replacement Parts • Accessories Catch It Now SALE! Only $220 50/30/20 AMP Pedestal Includes Electric Meter and FREE Freight! 50/30/20 AMP Unmetered Pedestal Now $190 Prices good on all orders of 12 pedestals or more, plus FREE Freight. Hurry, offer expires 1/31/16. Toll free 855.644.2400 | Call owner Maggie Linnell today. Internal Light Kits now available with LED. Reduce power usage and maintenance costs with LED lamps that last much longer than regular bulbs! | OA 2015 WE ARE FAMILY AWARD WINNERS Congratulations to Kyle and Tammy Boltz of Jonestown KOA for winning the 2015 We Are Family Award! Criteria for the We Are Family Award includes KOA Owners Association family member(s) who help other family members beyond the call of duty as well as/or to those who consistently show special qualities that contribute to the whole KOA system. Diane King, Awards Committee Chairman presenting the 2015 We Are Family Award to Tammy and Kyle Boltz of Jonestown KOA, Jonestown, Pennsylvania Simple Truths on Campground Financing • Few financial institutions understand a campground’s seasonal, cyclic, and cash flow needs • Even fewer banks create programs to cater to those needs • One bank has created specific programs to serve KOA campground owners Independence Bank has been serving KOA campground owners for 12 years, and we understand your needs. Our hugely popular KOA-exclusive loan programs include: • Go with the Flow Financing is for developing and improving your campground. The easy one-page application and no down payment means your campground improvement project can begin immediately. Payment is structured around your campground's unique cash flow. • KOA Real Estate Term Financing is specifically for campground purchase or refinance and is very competitive with rates, terms and conditions. Gwen • Debbie • Chuck • Nate • Carol Thank you for trusting us to be your campground bank. Owners Association Associate Members Call them first! THE FOLLOWING ARE ASSOCIATE MEMBERS OF THE KOA OWNERS ASSOCIATION. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THESE VENDORS PAY DUES TO SUPPORT THE OWNERS ASSOCIATION: A.T. Storrs Ltd. IAN STORRS 1363 EAST PENDER STREET VANCOUVER, BC V5L 1V7 800-561-5800 Specializing in jewelry and souvenirs for the campground and travel market AGS BRIAN SCHAEFFER 910 S CROWLEY ROAD SUITE 9-504 CROWLEY, TX 76036 877-518-1989 AGS, owned by Texas Advertising Inc (TXAD), offers high quality marketing services to the RV Park and Campground sector, specifically guest directories and website design to marketing consulting. VCA News and Notes: Texas Advertising Inc. (TXAD) has recently purchased the guest guides and hosted websites operations from AGS, a subsidiary of Good Sam Enterprises LLC. The switch occurred June 1 with no discontinuation of services, according to a news release.“We’re excited by the opportunity to provide quality guest guides and website services to our new clients,” said Brian Schaeffer, president of Texas Advertising. Texas Advertising produces high-quality guest guides for RV parks and campgrounds around the country and Canada and website services for various types of small businesses. According to Marcus Lemonis, CEO of AGS, “This is the best possible situation for our guest guide and hosted website customers. Texas Advertising is a recognized market leader in the guest guide and hosted website market and will service our customers well. We will continue to focus more completely on expanding our leadership position in the RV market.” Amphibious Outfitters SCOTT GARBUTT 4433 MAIN STREET PO BOX 484 GASPORT, NY 14067 716-772-5445 Amphibious Outfitters introduces CAMP: Catching A Moments Peace; a true Camping Experience T-shirt Brand. Established in 1993 A/O’s reputation is known for worldwide shipping to over 80 countries Anderson’s Brochure Distribution Svc. JOE TICE 3625 FOX HILL ROAD CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17202 866-645-1897 Distribution of brochures and other literature for campgrounds, RV parks, state associations and tourism agencies at over 25 camping and RV shows in the USA and Canada Backyard Theater Systems, LLC MARTHA ROUSSOPOULO 7120 SHADY OAK ROAD EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 952-513-7764 BERG USA, LLC ANNE MONROE 45 NORTH BROAD STREET SUITE 100 LILITZ, PA 17543 717-625-2374 15 years in the U.S. commercial market and more than an additional 12 years in the European market give BERG toys over 27 years of commercial kart and toy building experience! When you choose BERG you choose the best! All commercial BERG pedal go-karts are made in Holland and held to the highest quality standards, just as they’ve always been. The karts are unique enough that your customers will be intrigued with the construction and idea of a pedal powered go-kart and simple and smooth enough that they’ll have no problem riding them around! Chadwick Manufacturing, Ltd. ALLEN SMITH PO BOX 85 CHADWICK, IL 61014 815-684-5152 Chadwick Manufacturing has been a leading manufacturer of high quality picnic table frames, park benches, grills, and fire rings to parks and campgrounds for over fifty years. Commercial Recreation Specialists SHANNON BROWER 415 INVESTMENT COURT VERONA, WI 53593 877-896-8442 Commercial Recreation Specialists (CRS) is headquartered near Madison, Wisconsin, with a Sales Office in New Jersey, and serves customers around the world. CRS specializes in recreation products and services designed specifically for commercial clients. Founded in 1999 by Ron Romens and Rich Wills, CRS performs a careful analysis of each client’s location and business goals to provide recreation solutions based on the unique needs of each client. With over 50 years of combined industry experience, CRS is not only an equipment supplier for select vendors, but also offers planning, design, installation, training and operational services. CRS delivers unparalleled industry knowledge, with a track record of proven success in the commercial recreation market. Satisfied clients include hundreds of resorts, camps, campgrounds & RV parks, municipalities, schools & daycares, YMCAs & JCCs, aquatics & fitness centers, MWR facilities, cruise lines, zoos and other recreation settings around the world. Conestoga Log Cabins DOLORES PRICE 246 NORTH LINCOLN AVENUE LEBANON, PA 17046 800-914-4606 Conestoga is the largest supplier of log cabin kits to the camping and resort industries in the US and have earned the hard-won trust and respect of campground owners and resort purchasing and property managers. Conestoga Log Cabins has provided cabins, bathhouses, bunkhouses and commercial buildings for KOA for over 15 years, with over 3,000 cabins sold. We now offer Timberframe cabins along with many other floor plans that are suited for just about every need. Yogi Campground has said, “these cabins rent between 95 and 120 times per year, and there is often a waiting list. In our first year renting these cabins, our return on investment was 40%50%. We cover the cost of our cabins in less than 3 years. Conestoga Log Cabins have dramatically increased our customer base. That in turn has increased our ancillary revenues dramatically. When it comes to return on investment, you can’t go wrong with Conestoga Log Cabins.” Darrell Hess & Assocates DARRELL HESS 367 DELLWOOD ROAD BUILDING E-2 WAYNESVILLE, NC 28786 828-452-1535 Campground sales Foamula Products Inc. RITA CASTEEL 3020 GRAND PRIX FARMS ROAD WELLINGTON, FL 33414-6835 561-818-4206 VIZERS are fun, colorful, one size fits all, never stain or smell. Custom interchangeable logos and snap on charms! Best of all - they FLOAT! Gerber Tables (a division of Nexgen LLC) JEFF URSO 2917 LATHAM DRIVE MADISON, WI 53713 800-393-9923 Manufacturing since 1969: Picnic Tables, Park Benches, Bike Racks, Park Grills, Fire Rings, Trash containers and Fire Starter Products. Independence Bank DEBBIE CALLAHAN PO BOX 2900 HAVRE, MT 59501 406-265-1241 Independence Bank is a premier lender for campground purchases, refinances, cabin/ lodges financing and improvement loans Jamestown Advanced Corporation ELIZABETH CALDWELL 2855 GIRTS ROAD JAMESTOWN, NY 14701 800-452-0639 Jamestown Advanced Products is a manufacturer of commercial site amenities for campgrounds, parks and recreational areas. Product line consists of RV power outlets, campfire rings, grills, dog park equipment, picnic tables and more! King Supply Company PAUL BOUTIETTE 9 MAIN STREET SUITE 1F MANCHAUG, MA 01526 888-852-5340 Our roots began as a family campground in 1986 operated until 2008, accompanied by a strong maintenance background for 15 years prior to our entry into the campground industry. Our foundation gave us a full understanding of the maintenance needs of campgrounds, camps, parks & playgrounds. Over the years we have grown to include products for general building restroom facilities and general maintenance. We carry quality products at deep discount pricing. We buy factory direct when possible and pass those savings on to you. No order is too large or too small! We are innovative and always looking for new products to carry. Leavitt Recreation & Hospitality Insurance CHRIS HIPPLE 942 14TH STREET STURGIS, SD 57785 800-525-2060 We specialize in resort, campground and hospitality business throught the nations. Coverage designed exclusively for your industry coupled with exceptional customer service McNeil and Company, Inc. STEPHANIE ROTHERY PO BOX 5670 CORTLAND, NY 13045 800-822-3747 McNeil & Company provides quality outdoor and recreation insurance for guides, outfitters, resorts, lodges, RV parks and campgrounds. The AdvenSure Insurance Program provides coverage plans for the outdoor recreation and hospitality industry, insuring a wide variety of business sectors including: archery ranges/pro shops, bed and breakfast, dog trails, dude ranches, freshwater marinas, hunting and fishing lodges, hunting leases and hunting clubs, RV parks and campgrounds. Nextiva MARY MILLER 8800 EAST CHAPARRAL ROAD SUITE 300 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85250 480-499-4686 Nextiva is the fastest growing cloud communications provider in the U.S. We deliver voice, video, mobility, IM, and presence on any device. Outdoor Insurance Group GLENN SUDOL 1371 HECLA DRIVE SUITE E LOUISVILLE, CO 80027 303-951-5050 Outdoor Insurance Group is a specialty insurance agency for the outdoor hospitality and recreation market. Pelland Advertising PETER PELLAND 25 DEPOT ROAD HAYDENVILLE, MA 01039 800-848-0501 Longer than any other company in the industry, Pelland Advertising has been committed to serving the marketing needs of family campgrounds. Turn to us for the best in responsive Web technology, brochures, rack cards, site maps, and social media content. Essentially, our business involves generating new business for you through a consumer-friendly mix of technical expertise, extensive graphic design skills, and an intuitive approach to marketing. Phelps Honey Wagon JAYLENE SHANNON 158 WHISKEY SPRING ROAD DILLSBURG, PA 17019 800-463-3707 Since 1970 our product line offers RV parks and campgrounds the most efficient and economical method of providing full hookups to all your sites Philadelphia Insurance Companies MARY KATE CORNELL ONE BALA PLAZA SUITE 100 BALA CYNWYD, PA 19004 800-873-4552 Philadelphia Insurance Companies designs, markets and underwrites standalone Campground and RV park operators, incorporating value-added coverages and services. PHLY is rated A+ by A.M. Best Company Poochie Pets CHERYL PETERSEN 1280 HOPMEADOW STREET SUITE A SIMSBURY, CT 06070 860-408-9003 Poochie-Pets manufactures and distributes practical and innovative pet products for active families and their pets Southeast Publications BRIAN MCGUINN 7676 B PETERS ROAD PLANTATION, FL 33324 800-832-3292 Since 1986 we have been providing the BEST full color Guest Guide Directories, rack cards, specialty advertising promotional products and commercial printing. All RV resorts that use our Guest Guide services get a free large format banner and a listing on our MobileRVing search engine. Steradian Technologies KASSIE RICHARDSON 643 FERRY STREET LAFAYETTE, IN 47901 765-420-9201 Let Steradian Technologies help you set up your laser tag field. We have more than a decade of experience in the laser tag industry, and can help you navigate the technical, marketing, and logistical challenges of starting a laser tag business or adding laser tag to your existing entertainment offerings. Our goal is to provide your field with the top-notch gear and product support you need, without pushing restrictive contracts or unnecessary purchases. Your success is our success. Telamode, Inc. ALLAN & SUSAN MILLWARD PO BOX 5298 MASSENA, NY 13662 800-263-2951 Telamode manufactures, formulates and distributes Eco-Logo Certified products. They deodorize, clean and digest fat, oil and grease found in RV/ Septic tanks and grease traps. Telamode distributes water-free urinals. TengoInternet, Inc. CATHERINE DESTASIO 1717 WEST 6TH STREET SUITE 215 AUSTIN, TX 78703 TengoInternet is the largest provider of commercial-grade wireless network solutions to the outdoor hospitality industry, serving more than 850 locations and a million users throughout North America. Utility Supply Group WADE ELLIOTT 26519 BOND RD NE KINGSTON, WA 98346-8476 800-800-2811 National provider of RV pedestals and boxes. Electric meters, wire and distribution load centers are also available. USG sells the Xlerator hand dryer in KOA yellow. The Xlerator not only dries your hands, but will save you about 90% over paper towels Your Electrical Solutions KATHY GROZENSKI 2737 BROWNING DRIVE LAKE ORION, MI 48360 248-391-2400 Your Electrical Solutions focuses on the electrical needs of RV Travel Parks and Manufactured Home Communities. Through this dedication and experience, we have developed an in-depth knowledge of what our customers need to know as they make purchase decisions. Our expertise offers ideas and solutions that allow you to effectively plan for the future as you maintain and upgrade your facilities. As electrical specialists, we can help you get exactly what you need without overspending. Specific needs obviously vary throughout the country. Our staff of specialists are trained and experienced in local utility requirements and electrical inspection standards. Property managers and park owners throughout North America rely on us for sound advice and specifications. As a master distributor for many respected manufacturers, we can determine the best solutions from a wide variety of quality products. . . . y n a p E! om M c I T g n N i t O e s k e r d i a u g m t s r e o u g ri g e n p i r u e As deliv s u k s r … A t ou s! u o b a bonu lty s rk a p f o ds e r d n u h y h w k us As Loya 89 m 9 1 8 1 5 877.agspu counting! www27 years & . . . S G A Chadwick_AD_122810:Layout 1 12/28/10 12:41 PM ed h c t i sw ! e v a h 11 0 2 e c sin Page 1 Heavy Duty American Made Campground Equipment How Important Do You Rate WiFi? WiFi is no longer a luxury... it’s a necessity Five years ago, a traveler was likely to have one laptop. Now a family of travelers may have multiple computers, smart phones, tablets and a gaming console—all needing to connect with WiFi. Are you rating the importance of WiFi as high as your guests? Picnic table frames, fire rings & grills at competitive prices. At TengoInternet, we believe that reliable equipment, coupled with awardwinning service and support are critical for success. Let us help you design, deploy and support a network that will make your guests happy and take away your WiFi headaches. 90-Day Money Back Guarantee We are so confident in our WiFi Solutions that we offer a 90-day money back guarantee with every network purchase. If the network fails to perform as represented, TengoInternet will refund 100% of your purchase price 2010/2011 P.O. Box 85 • Chadwick, IL 61014 Call toll free or visit our website to receive a free catalog. 800.732.4602 • Supplier of the Year 512.469.7660 | | ! SOUTHEAST PUBLICATIONS AD KOA Owners Association Birmingham, AL 35216 Printing Courtesy of Southeast Publications USA, Inc. • 4360 Peters Road, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317 • (800) 832-3292 • • 3416 Primm Lane
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