2004 annual report
2004 annual report
ONE VOICE 2004 ANNUAL REPORT O U R 34TH Y E A R FENWAY COMMUNITY HEALTH THE FENWAY INSTITUTE We reach out and heal, treat and prevent, research and advocate, save lives and move minds. Each and every day, we provide access, innovation, leadership, and quality care to our community and beyond. 2003 – 04 Board of Directors Seated (l-r): Scott Squillace, Joanne Ayoub, Stewart Clifford, Allison Salke, Terence Keane Standing (l-r): Daniel diBartolomeo, Jayne Alfano, Rebecca Schiff, Arnold Sapenter, Stephen Boswell, Carl Nagy-Koechlin, Lisa Damon, David Breen, Richard Olson. Not pictured: Brian Lighty, Richard Marshall. 2004 – 05 Board of Directors Stewart B. Clifford, Jr., Chair, Board of Directors Joanne T. Ayoub, Vice Chair Allison D. Salke, Treasurer Lisa Damon, Esq., Clerk Terence M. Keane, Ph.D., At-Large Jayne M. Alfano David J. Breen, Esq. Daniel diBartolomeo 2 Brian C. Lighty Richard E. Marshall, M.D. Carl D. Nagy-Koechlin Richard D. Olson, Jr. Arnold E. Sapenter Rebecca L. Schiff, Ph.D. Scott E. Squillace, Esq. Stephen L. Boswell, M.D. President and Chief Executive Officer Scott E. Squillace, Esq., President Joanne T. Ayoub, Vice President Stewart B. Clifford, Jr., Treasurer Charles Hindmarsh, Clerk Candace L. Palangi, At-Large Elisa Alonso David J. Breen, Esq. Lisa Damon, Esq. Terence M. Keane, Ph.D. Richard Marshall, M.D. Carl Nagy-Koechlin Richard D. Olson, Jr. Allison Salke Arnold E. Sapenter Rodney L. Yoder Stephen L. Boswell, M.D. Executive Director Dear Friends, For Fenway Community Health, 2004 was a very successful year. We expanded many of our services, added new offerings, and increased our clinical research activities, both in New England and abroad. And our diverse accomplishments are even more inspiring because our financial future is strong. This strength will enable us to build on our successes, discover new ways to serve our community, and better reach underserved groups, no matter how great the obstacles, no matter how significant the challenges. With ongoing reductions in government funding and a striking rise in the need for our services, 2004 was a year laden with challenges. But at a time when some community healthcare organizations were forced to scale back, we treated more patients, initiated new programs, increased research capabilities, redoubled advocacy efforts, improved operational efficiencies, better served our community, and reached out to more people who, but for Fenway, might not have received needed care. Our success and growth in the past year has been inspiring. It comes from the unified efforts of our benefactors, volunteers, staff, and medical and research partners who have been motivated by the need to serve our patients and our community. We will continue to fulfill and strengthen our mission. With each success, we will confront greater challenges. These obstacles will present new opportunities and a stronger desire to succeed. Perhaps our motivation comes from some of the sobering realities we face: TABLE OF CONTENTS • If we’re not here, who will do our crucial work? • If we don’t prosper, how many individuals will be left in need? • If we don’t endure, how many in our community will pay the price? Board of Directors ........................2 Message from the Board Chair and President ............................3 One Voice......................................4 Look at our achievements in 2004, and you will see that Fenway responded to both pressing and practical needs. While we expanded into new frontiers, Fenway has stayed true to our mission of making high-quality healthcare accessible to all people, regardless of income, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or gender. One Commitment ........................5 One Destination ..........................6 One Fenway ..................................7 Access ..........................................8 Innovation ....................................9 We look to the future with confidence. After 34 years, we’ve learned that wellness is not just a destination, but also a journey. We thank you for the support you have provided and look forward to continuing this voyage with you. Leadership ..................................10 Quality ........................................11 Honor Roll ............................12-17 Financial Statements ............18-21 Only One Place ..........................22 Sincerely, Stewart B. Clifford, Jr. Chair, Board of Directors Stephen L. Boswell, M.D. President and Chief Executive Officer 3 ONE Voice Our community has many distinct voices. Young, elderly, families, students from area colleges, the financially successful, the economically disadvantaged, and everyone in between. And our community includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals (LGBT), who are often underserved in traditional healthcare settings. Each individual and group in our community has unique needs and goals. However, when high quality, compassionate In 2004, Fenway’s medical department saw nearly 11,000 patients. One-third of those were women and one-fifth people of color. Fenway Community Health is one of only 7 LGBT-specific community health centers in the United States. 4 care is required, our community speaks with one voice. One Commitment • During the past year, the dramatic reduction in statewide healthcare services has increased the demand for all of Fenway’s programs. • In addition, over the past three years, AIDS funding in our state has been cut from $51 million to $32 million, while cutbacks to prevention and treatment services have been significant. How have we responded? From February through • We continued to grow at a significant pace, seeing 4% more patients last year than in 2003. December 2004, Fenway’s Acupuncture Detox Program treated nearly 140 gay and bisexual men for crystal • We continued our long-standing commitment to treat people regardless of their ability to pay—our belief in “healthcare for people not profit” persevered. methamphetamine addiction. In July of 2004, Fenway began an aggressive crystal meth public education program, placing ads in MBTA stations and on trains, and in publications targeting • Despite state funding cutbacks, our work for the community has strengthened. the LGBT community. Posters and palm cards were placed in local gay venues, and an We continued our commitment to sound fiscal management, once again experiencing an operating budget surplus. informational crystal meth mini-site was posted at www.fenwayhealth.org/crystalmeth. 5 One Destination We are uniquely positioned to hear the wellness needs of our community firsthand. And we listen intently. “My family has no health insurance. Where do I go?” “It’s no longer a choice. I need crystal meth. Where can I get help?” “I need to talk to other survivors. Is there a group?” “I am a single mother; my daughter has asthma; where do I turn for ongoing care?” “The test came back positive. What do I do now?” Fenway’s VIP Crew volunteer outreach team reaches 4,000 “My partner has cancer. Where do I go for support?” people a year at risk for HIV infection and distributes 10,000 condom packets annually to individuals at risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted “I am transgender. The medical community doesn’t know how to help me. Who can?” infections. “What do we need to do now that we’re getting married?” Fenway is the largest communitybased provider of HIV medical care in New England, providing “I am an African-American lesbian. Who will listen to my healthcare needs?” primary care services to more than 1,000 HIV-infected people. “We want a child. Where do we find the best medical assistance?” “I’m finding it hard to adjust to college. Where do I get help?” “Who’s working on an AIDS vaccine?” “I can’t leave my home, and my medicine needs to be refilled. Who should I call?” “I’m a lesbian in India. Am I alone?” 6 One Fenway In 2004, we reached out to our community, including those who are outside the medical mainstream. Our reach encompassed the entire city and extended around the world to India. “At the Fenway, we are medical providers, practitioners, researchers, and advocates.” “We take a holistic approach, combining medical and mental healthcare, complementary therapies, education, and support.” “Here, we get to know your name, face, concerns, and history.” “We’re affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, one of the most respected academic medical centers, serving the individual, family, and community.” “Out of our doors flow leading research findings, innovative education and training material, and powerful advocacy efforts.” “Caring for our community means being both a national leader in AIDS research and helping neighborhood parents.” “Each day, we go far beyond the role of a traditional health center.” Fenway’s Research Department is a national and international leader. Fenway is the first National Institutes of Healthfunded site to look at the “We help overcome addictions.” acceptability of rectal microbicides among high-risk “We want to teach others how to help LGBT people and share our knowledge with the rest of the world.” men and women, in collaboration with researchers from Columbia University. Fenway is also a lead site for the National “Through our doors, our community comes for nonjudgmental, quality, and welcoming care.” Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases-funded HIV Prevention Trials Network, coordinating multiple HIV prevention studies at sites in Boston, Providence, and Chennai, India. In 2004, Fenway’s Violence Recovery Program treated 151 victims of bias crimes, domestic violence, sexual assault, and police misconduct. 7 Fenway is access. What are the key ways we provided access to our community in 2004? In the months following the legalization of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, Fenway provided same-sex, premarital We increased the number of people we serve. We offered marriage clinics and alternative insemination programs. • Our medical and mental health departments treated 10,525 patients, a 4% increase over 2003. • Responding to our state’s legalization of same-sex marriage, we provided premarital blood work and counseling to over 1,000 people. We remain the largest community-based HIV care provider in New England. • We broadened the scope of our alternative insemination program and offered extended hours that are more convenient for people, and helped more people have families. • We helped more than 1,083 HIV positive patients. • We offered services to meet the needs of HIV patients, their partners, families, and other caregivers. screening appointments for more than 1,000 patients. Fenway staff co-sponsored forums to educate community members about the implications of this historic decision, and provided testimony at statewide and national meetings about the impact of marital rights on personal and family health. Pictured above are Jacqueline and Valerie Fein-Zachary, who were the first to attend a same-sex, premarital screening appointment at Fenway in May, 2004. In 2004, the Mental Health Department at Fenway had 1,500 patient visits for individual therapy, 160 for group therapy, and 200 for psychopharmacology visits on average each month. 8 We opened an on-site pharmacy to better serve our patients. • We provided senior citizens and housebound patients with free delivery. • The pharmacy strengthened our clinical and research work while minimizing barriers to care. We reached out to more women. • As a result of our enhanced women’s health programs, the number of female patients has grown by 10% since 2002. • Our Lesbians with Cancer program provided a unique forum for lesbians to discuss the impact of cancer on their lives. Fenway is innovation. How did we deliver on our commitment to innovation in 2004? Fenway’s LGBT Helpline and Peer Listening Line for LGBT We participated in international research. cutting-edge young people together answered more than 5,000 calls in 2004 • Through the HIV Prevention Trials Network and the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, we conducted research with our sister health center in Chennai, India, helping a nation faced with rapidly increasing HIV infection. for people who had nowhere else to turn. We contributed to one of the first studies using microbicides to prevent HIV transmission. • With support from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, we collaborated with Columbia University on the promising potential of microbicides — topical gels, creams, films, or suppositories — to prevent HIV infection for women and men. We assisted the only lesbian support organization in India. • We helped increase organizational capacity, implemented long-term planning, and obtained additional funding for the Y.R. Gaitonde Centre in Chennai, India. We co-authored a sexually transmitted disease “tool kit” for physicians of gay and bisexual males. • With the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, we developed a resource for all physicians to create a more welcoming environment for gay and bisexual men. During 2004, Fenway’s Complementary Therapies Program provided 318 massage therapy visits, 380 chiropractic therapy visits, and 197 acupuncture therapy visits. Complementary therapies play an integral role in patient care at Fenway, especially for people living with HIV, undergoing chemotherapy or suffering from other chronic medical conditions. 9 Action, not position, defines our leadership role. How did we demonstrate our leadership role in 2004? We saw that crystal meth increased the number of HIV and STD cases in other cities and took action immediately. • Fenway created the state’s first public education campaign to help prevent the drug’s spread. • We adapted our medical, mental health and acupuncture resources to holistically treat addicted patients. The alternative insemination program at Fenway has assisted with the conception of 250 babies. From July 2003 to June 2004, Fenway’s HIV Testing Services Program administered HIV We worked closely with national health and activist groups to help set national healthcare policy. • The Fenway Institute is a national, interdisciplinary center of excellence dedicated to ensuring the best healthcare standards for the LGBT community. We held our sixth Audre Lorde Cancer event. • We were honored to host a national gathering of LGBT community health center leaders. • This popular community event provides women cancer survivors, partners, and friends with an inspirational day of support. We grew our signature events: the Women’s Dinner Party and the Men’s Event. We led in HIV and AIDS research and advocacy. • Individually, they are the largest gay and lesbian fundraisers of their kind in New England. Together, they’re among the largest LGBT events in the country. • We pursued vaccine trials, conducted behavioral studies, and investigated new methods of prevention. • More than 2,200 people attended these events and raised more than $740,000 to benefit Fenway’s work and our patients. • We helped lead Project ABLE, an advocacy coalition of 50+ organizations, to fight the erosion of our public health system. antibody tests to 1,600 clients. 1,000 identified themselves as men who have sex with men, and the remainder described their HIV risks as heterosexual, injection drug user, or occupational exposure. Thirty individuals were confirmed to be HIV-infected, and more than 90% of them were triaged into other services at Fenway. • Our research embraced the community, the nation, and the world. • We successfully blocked further cuts to our state’s AIDS line item. 10 Delivering compassionate, comprehensive, and culturally competent care is how we define quality. In 2004, Fenway Community Health established the Transgender Health Program to comprehensively address the How did we deliver quality in 2004? needs of the 200 transgender clients who access our services. We provided holistic healthcare through a team of specialists. • Patient-centered, not profit-centered, care remains at the core of our services. • Patients are supported by a primary care team, including a physician, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, registered nurse, and medical social worker. • We encourage patients to draw on all of our disciplines: medical care, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, complementary therapies, and health education. We conducted an in-depth focus group with African-American lesbians. • Funding from the Lesbian Health Fund and a partnership with a community group enabled us to examine the best ways to respond to unique healthcare needs. We trained future healthcare providers in collaboration with major Harvard teaching hospitals. We launched a comprehensive transgender health program. • We offered medical and mental healthcare, outreach, education, and continued professional training to support this underserved community. Fenway’s pharmacy has filled an average of 110 prescriptions per day since opening in January of 2004 and participates in several discount programs accommodating the limitations and needs of all Fenway patients. The pharmacy also • We united with national health and activist groups to better understand transgender care. operates a free delivery service for homebound patients. We initiated programs to address the specific needs of women. • Our services for women include primary care, gynecology, mental health care, complementary therapies, and substance abuse treatment. • Our programs are sensitive to the needs of all women, particularly lesbians. 11 Fenway Community Health’s history is defined by providing quality health care for all who need it — particularly for those who have been disenfranchised by their sexual orientation, gender, race, age, or income. It is also marked by dedicated individuals whose unwavering trust and support have made our mission possible. Gifts from individuals — unrestricted or designated, given to our annual fund or through special events — are vital to Fenway, helping us to meet our most pressing needs and most exciting opportunities. $100,000+ The Estate of Michael A. Tye $50,000 – $99,999 Ronald M. Ansin $25,000 – $49,999 Harriet Gordon Esmond V. Harmsworth and James Richardson/Esmond V. Harmsworth Charitable Foundation $10,000 – $24,999 Jayne M. Alfano and Ann L. Delmarsh Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Ansin John R. Ehrenfeld and Ruth R. Budd An and Susan Gorman-Hinds Charles R. Hindmarsh Mark E. Toney and Daniel J. Hartigan $5,000 – $9,999 Gregory D. Ansin Stephen L. Boswell, M.D. and John A. Neale Stewart B. Clifford, Jr. Steve L. Csipke Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Cutler Theodore H. Cutler Family Charitable Trust Daniel diBartolomeo Dr. Peggy L. Johnson and Koni Ross Betty I. Morningstar Walter M. Robinson III, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Simourian Estate of Thomas C. Wilder $2,500 – $4,999 Anonymous (3) Joanne T. Ayoub and Rose Anne Joaquin Gordon H. Bither Richard D. Clark Jeffrey A. Conrad, C.F.A. Patricia A. Faass and Lisa M. Cukier Jerry Fensterman Paul M. Frascella A.J. Goulding Paul T. Hempel Terence M. Keane, Ph.D. and Douglas H. Hughes, M.D. Barbara and Paul Levy Harvey J. Makadon, M.D. and Raymond O. Powrie, M.D. Richard E. Marshall, M.D. Carl D. Nagy-Koechlin and Beth Nagy Peter Hamilton Nee Kevin W. Powers and John P. Wolfarth Joseph T. Realmuto, Jr. Ruth and Robert Remis Arnold E. Sapenter and Dr. Joseph Reed Robert Saurer and Daniel Phillips Jerome T. Scally, M.D., Ph.D. and Martin Gomez Rebecca L. Schiff, Ph.D. Alan D. and Susan Lewis Solomont Scott E. Squillace, Esq. John M. Tarro, M.D. Stephen Traynor Elizabeth L. Villari Rodney L. Yoder and Michael J. Piore Stanley R. Zanarotti $1,200 – $2,499 Anonymous (2) Dr. Jonathan S. Appelbaum and William D. Morowski Mark Bombara Judith B. Bradford, Ph.D. and Nan Dumas Anne L. Bryan Friends of Steven Burns for the Rodman Ride James C. Buttrick Steven A. Cadwell and Joseph S. Levine Richard R. Collin, Jr. Harry R. Collings and Daniel B. Moon John V. Cunney, Jr. and Jared Wollaston Lisa Damon, Esq. and Barbara Cronmiller John P. D’Angelo Marco A. De Thomasis John M. DeCiccio Valerie and Jacqueline Fein-Zachary Philip Finch Jonathan T. Floe and James C. Craft Brian Ganson James K. Gauthier and Susan Stacy John W. Gorman Robert H. Hale Augusta K. Haydock and K. Naomi Barrett Howard Hoffman Mariko M. Kamio and Joanne Cancro, D.C. Todd A. Katzman Keith D. Kohl Mark Kohler Paul E. Korenberg Bryan E. Landgraf Southard Lippincott and David Lilly James A. Moses and Philip W. Lovejoy David G. Mugar Richard D. Olson, Jr. and Richard R.O. Smith Paul D. Pizzi Alix L.L. Ritchie and Marty Davis Jonathan Rotenberg Allison D. Salke Alex Sanchez and Stephen D. Burdick Brian S. Schnetzer Kurt A. Slye, M.D. Douglas W. Spencer Dr. Mark R. Thall and Thomas Slavin Dr. Gail Tsimprea and Dr. Francine M. Benes Carol P. Wessling, Esq. Edward L. Wierman David L. Wilson and Dr. Robert D. Compton Joseph Zibrak, M.D. Dr. Stephen H. Zinner $750 – $1,199 Anonymous (2) Elisa R. Alonso Jon and Matt Andersen-Miller Richard L. Babson Thomas J. Barbar, Esq. Raymond L. Barnes David J. Breen, Esq. Paul C. Breslin Sheriff Andrea J. Cabral Dale Chin and James P. Furlong John E. Connolly, Jr. Dana M. DeSimone Diran K. Dohanian Ann Marie R. Dunlap Laurel Camp Dunn Peter Y. Flynn, Jr. Steven F. Fossella M. Dana Gould Barbara and Steven Grossman Michelle C. Gubitosa and Rebecca Wilson James G. Herman and David H. Mason Kenneth F. Hirschkind William Hodgins Dorett M. Hope and Lynne A. Tabor Pedro Jaile Pamela K. Johnson Stephen R. Karp Richard N. Kaufman and James R. Poutre David J. Latham Dr. Mark H. Libenson and Dr. Lisa M. Muto Diane K. Lincoln Kristina and Patrick Lyons Robert B. Minturn Fredric A. Moscowitz and John Stella David A. Mullen Robert C. Muller Arturo D. Nava L. William Packard III and F. James Kauffman Gordon E. Parry, C.P.A. John R. Pitfield and Paul E. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. James L. Quarles III Brian Randall Kathleen and David Roberts Dr. Daryl J. Roy John G.F. Ruggieri and Dustin R. Axtman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Sherman Michelle and Scott Shonbeck David J. Stanvick Caleb P. Stewart and Neil M. Perry Howard L. Thompson Amanda R. Todd and Donna Kuha Nancy C. Turnbull and Megan M. Dobroth Christopher Tyrrell Donald E. Vaughan and Lee S. Ridgway An Gorman-Hinds, Dr. Stephen Boswell, Stewart Clifford, Jr., and Susan Gorman-Hinds 12 John Ehrenfeld and Ruth Budd at the 2004 Donor Appreciation Night Penny Viator, M.D. and Nanette C. Demonteverde, D.M.D. Stephen Vowles and Glenn Copley Brian D. Wagner Elizabeth Whittemore and Cynthia Esthimer Peter F. Zupcofska and Robert Wilson $500 – $749 Anonymous (5) Lynn D. Goldsmith and Richard L. Alfred Frederick W. Backus and Matthew Shakespeare Robert A. Baillargeon Mary A. Beckman James P. Bennette, Jr. and David M. Cowan Dr. James M. Bonanno and John J. Cormier Bonnie A. Brescia and Jeanette Poillon David S. Brown James Brown Jeffrey N. Carp Jonah M. Chasin Sheila and Herbert Collins Jonathan Copper Bruce A. Cronhardt and Barry J. Headings Douglas G. Danzey and Marc G. Croteau Stephen M. Earheart Karen Lee Edlund and Barbara H. Fortier William J. and Susan M. Eisen Peter J. Epstein, Esq. Paul A. Faraca Jantique Fielding Lawrence K. Fish Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Gack Jeffrey P. Gagnon Marie Gaines Jill and Mark Goldweitz Denise A. Gorayeb and Jennifer Scaife James Green Robert Guild Sean P. Harrington Betty J. Herschman Jimmy Ho Frank Hodge Michael F. Hogan and Robert M. Panessiti Kevin Horst Stephen R. Hourahan Robert M. Jaffe Joshua Janson Karen Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kaplan Lynn A. Kappelman Barry A. Kean Robert W. Kelley Robert Langille Andrew S. Lantz Eileen Lavin Barbara A. Levine Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Levine James V. LoBianco Michael Manthei Dr. Paula M. Marella Jean A. McCullough and Lois Andreasen Terence P. McDermott, Atty. Stephen V. Miller, Atty. Robert P. Mitchell Daniel A. Mullin David W. Murphy and John Simpson John Myers Marilyn Nalbach Joan and Robert Parker Deborah J. Peckham James M. Pierce and Rick Cresswell Frederick M. Ramos and Robert J. Starmer Dr. Sarah E. Richardson and Maria T. Feicht Right Reverend V. Gene Robinson and Mark Andrew Carol A. Roby Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sage Dr. and Mrs. Deeb N. Salem Melina C. Salerno and Kathy M. Sanders Sherman J. Salovitz Andrew F. Saxe Gloria M. Schiff Robert K. Schneider Carole S. Seelen Bradley Seeman Christopher K. Stanvick John Stefanon and Michael Gagstetter The Honorable Gerry E. Studds and Dean T. Hara Andrew Stuehrk and James F. Callan James Summers, Jr. and David Lampariello Charlotte and Theodore Teplow Thomas C. Terhune John R. Todd II Leigh J. Tucker and Stephen R. Mehrtens James R. Tye Henry K. Vandermark Rodney A. VanDerwarker Mr. and Mrs. Christian D. Vara Charles P. Wagner Randall L. Wehling Roger Wellington Walter J. Wiacek Darrell and Willie Wickman Karl Wood and James S. Harper Douglas F. Young, Jr. $250 – $499 Anonymous (7) Dr. John H. Acres Karyn Adams and Sheryl Battit James G. Alexander and Thomas J. Stocker Samuel M. Allen William K. Allen Barry Alterwitz Dr. Arthur R. Anderson Mikki Ansin Stuart Armstrong II Marcus A. Astafan and Michael Buchanan Karen E. Bamber and Diane Drubiz Andrew R. Barker Marita Barrett John H. Basile Peter P. Belobaba Anthony R. Bertoldi and Kevin O’Neil Elizabeth Birch and Hilary Rosen Allan S. Blume and Walter J. Prayzner Michael R. Boivin Joyce Bokuniewicz and Deborah Murphy James Bonaccorsi Mohan D. Boodram and Robert F. Morris Paul P. Boyd Peter J. Brennan Kenny Brunelli Doris B. Burford and Donna M. Casali A. Joseph Castellana David P. Chicoine Gilles Chirignan Kevin Ciotta William C. Clendaniel Calvin J. Cohen, M.D. Deanne M. Colwell and Denise Serrecchia John L. Crump, Jr. James W. Curtis Terence P. Dalton Catherine D’Amato and Dr. Paulette Di Angi Barbara and Arthur D’Angelo Tim H. Davis Philip N. Dearborn Janet M. Deegan and Constance Cervone Paul L. Devlin, Jr. Earl E. Dimaculangan Richard Dixon and Douglas W. Rendell Catherine H. Doherty and Loretta T. DeGrazia Douglas W. Dolezal and Gregory B. Welch John J. Dougherty, Jr. and Jeff Fresenius Lynn Dowling and Lora Gunsallus Margaret Dozark, M.D. Lisa J. Drapkin and Deborah J. Lewis John Eddy William M. Emmons Thomas P. Evans and James Gardner Marie E. Farrar Susan and Bruce Fein Peter S. Fletcher Christian B. Flynn and Daniel Schutt Robert Fouhy Philip G. Franckowiak and David H. Armitage James L. Freeze Brian M. French Cary D. Friedman, M.D. and Ricardo L. Wellisch, M.D. Caroline A. Gaffney Ediss Gandelman and Richard Bristol Thomas J. Genereux Thomas L. Geraty and Stuart T. Walker Karen and Aaron Gilman Carrie E. Glover Jonathan B. Goode and Cary G. Raymond Chris Grasso Alexander Gray, Jr., Esq. and John Pynchon David L. Gray and Steven H. Shuman Herbert and Marylou Gray Ellen E. Greene and Liz Keefe Dr. Alan Greenfield and Paul G. Kowal Razmic S. Gregorian David Guilmette Timothy R. Haney and Michael A. Dupelle Phillip Hanvy and Stuart Grow John H. Harvey Paul S. Henry David Hicks Wendy Hinden and Mary Paquin Richard F. Howes Amy F. Hunt and Elizabeth Corcoran James H. Hurley Michael J. Istvanko and Ronald W. Harrison Krista L. Jackson and Sheila Staples Lynn R. Jackson, D.V.M. and Laura J. Trudel 13 Lillian V. Jette and Mary Shroeder Pamela L. Jones and Felicia A. Smith John A. Keith and Terry Lighte Paul A. Kelly and Edward L. Dusek Ellen J. Keohane Nicolas B. Koechlin John F. Kunowski and Richard D. Benefield Peter D. Kwass and E. Colin van Zwyndregt Libbie Landles-Dowling and Christina D. Cobb Peter Lannan and Steven Cicatelli Thomas J. LaRosa Michael S. Lawrence Deborah and Lisa Levheim Brian C. Lighty and Andrew J. Bigelow Dr. Brian Liu Joan and Mark Lohr James C. Lombardi Edward MacLean and Steven N. Avruch Representative Elizabeth A. Malia and Rita Kantarowski John C. Marksbury and Charles E. Steinman Robert A. Marsolini Kenneth H. Mayer, M.D. Cynthia and Michael McEachern Marsha J. Meade and Pam Doherty Christopher Menard John Morgan John A. Morin, Esq. Jeffrey H. Munger and Robert T. Whitman Gregory S. Muse and Seann Campbell Trevor Nardini Richard Nicholas Tom Nicholas Ana C. Ortiz, Ph.D. and Ana Lamarche Elizabeth A. Page and Marianne L. Stravinskas Sarah K. Peake and Lynn Mogell Stephen P. Pentek Ciriaco S. Peppe and Robert S. Davis Anne and Martin Peretz John J. Philomena Monica and Michael Phipps Peter J. Portney Scott D. Prince and Dana Hilliard Mark Little and Robert S. Quayle Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell T. Rabkin Joe Reddish Frank A. Ribaudo and Joe Posa Joseph A. Richard and Rene L. Morrissette Glenn A. Rigoff and Maximiliano Thompson Ralph Ritacco II Barbara A. Robb Elizabeth Roebuck, Ph.D. Jose L. Romero, Jr. Richard C. Rondenelli and David L. Guimond 14 Carl S. Rosendorf George Rosenfield Eric P. Rubinstein and Michael Welte Dr. Steven A. Safren and Dr. William F. Pirl Wendy C. Sanford and Polly F. Attwood Sabine Schmitt Jean Seidler Randell J. Shipp Aaron V. Shuman and Colby Conner Bryan E. Simmons and Ralph Vetters David M. Slatcher and Ken Reyes James L. Sloan and Dennis B. Noonan Craig D. Smith Kenneth D. Smith and Tarin A. Patrick Mark T. Smith and Michael Zamojski Bradford A. Sprogis Paul D. Stelzner, Jr. William J. Stroud Susan R. Symonds Joseph J. Takarewski and Craig Sato Carlos M. Terra Bernard Toale and Joe Zina Donald G. Tye Guale E. Valdez William J. Vaughan Gregory Walker, M.D. George Tom Walmsley Randall M. Walther and Martin Borbone Patrick G. Watson and George Rogers III Thomas P. Webber and Keith J. MacDonald Kenneth P. Weiss, Ph.D. and Kevin Haynes Dr. Alan B. Weitberg Randy G. Weston and Christopher J. Marrion Dr. Sheila M. White B. Alex White Sandra A. Williams and Emily J. Poriss Dr. John F. Winterle John G. Wofford Dr. Michael T. Wong James William Woodruff David B. Wright and Joseph-Rocque Dion David Wypij Donald Yasi and Warren A. Seamans Brent D. Zeigler Peter A. Zimmer, Jr. Endowment Fund Contributors Walter M. Robinson III, M.D. Eileen Lavin Dr. Kenneth Mayer Research Fund Contributors Dr. Stephen H. Zinner Michael A. Tye made an extraordinary difference at Fenway and is a constant source of inspiration to us to continue stretching our reach. Michael was a dedicated board member of Fenway Community Health and one of our staunchest friends and advocates. The following have contributed funds to honor Michael’s legacy through Fenway’s Michael A. Tye Memorial Fund. Atlas Liquors, Inc. Barron & Stadfeld, P.C. Robert L. Beal Blanchard’s, Inc. The Boston Beer Company Boston Concessions Group, Inc. Amy and F. Gorham Brigham Cail Realty & Investments Jeffrey N. Carp Casty-Dunn Families Charitable Foundation Sheila and Herbert Collins Combined Jewish Philanthropies Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Cutler/ Theodore H. Cutler Family Charitable Trust Data Quest, Ltd. William J. and Susan M. Eisen Elder Realty Trust Elia & Fannie Karas Foundation The Estate of Michael A. Tye Lawrence K. Fish Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Gack Gary’s Liquors Global Petroleum Corp. Mark Goldweitz Allan Green Steven and Barbara Grossman Irwin Chafetz Family Charitable Trust J.H. Albert International Insurance Advisors Robert M. Jaffe Justin & Genevieve Wyner Trust Michael M. Kaleel Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kaplan Kappy’s Liquors, Inc. Stephen R. Karp Louis and Ethel Keimach Lank’s Wine & Liquor, Inc. Legal Sea Foods, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Levine Lily Transportation Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Long Kristina and Patrick Lyons Edward I. Masterman Terence P. McDermott, Atty. Stephen V. Miller, Atty. David G. Mugar National Lumber Company New England Development New England Patriots Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James L. Quarles III Frank A. Ribaudo and Joe Posa Kathleen and David Roberts Rodman Ford Sales, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sage Edward H. Salant Dr. and Mrs. Deeb N. Salem Sherman J. Salovitz William R. Sapers Saturday Afternoon, Inc. Harold W. Schwartz Seaboard Express Margaret and Francis Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. John A. Simourian Alan D. and Susan Lewis Solomont Starr, Finer, Starr LLP/ Sherman H. Starr Charlotte and Theodore Teplow A. Raymond Tye Donald G. Tye James R. Tye Kate and Theodore Tye Unique Design Concepts, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Christian D. Vara Yankee Spirits Special fundraising events Tribute and memorial gifts provide House Parties Third-Party Events a unique way for people to acknowledge loved ones and others who have had an impact on their lives. While honoring individuals who believe strongly in our mission, or memorializing those who have passed away, these gifts help Fenway promote access to quality care for all those who need it. Arnold E. Sapenter and Dr. Joseph Reed Rebecca Schiff, Ph.D. and Cynthia Cahill Douglas W. Spencer Steve Burns Harbor to the Bay Patty Jenkins Golf Tournament Carl Nagy-Koechlin The Phillip Saffold Memorial Golf Tournament Tennis 4 All , including House Parties and third-party events, provide additional ways for those who want to make a difference to support Fenway Community Health. Thank you to all those who have contributed further funding to Fenway’s mission. Gift planning brings philanthropic wishes together with sound financial planning. By making a bequest to Fenway through a will or trust, naming Fenway as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan, or creating a life income plan to support Fenway, these donors are creating a legacy that benefits themselves, the people they most care for, and those who depend on Fenway. Fenway Community Health’s Legacy Society Anonymous (3) Michael A. Castellana and Robert Castellana-Rothery Nan Dumas Jerry Fensterman Adam Graves Ken A. Levine Rhonda Linde, Ph.D. Louis M. Meucci Joseph J. Nicholson and Peter Spinelli Alex Oneto Gary T. Ronan Bradford W. Voigt and William G. Burton Edward L. Wierman David R. Yalen Celebrated through gifts in their honor or their memory, the exceptional people listed below have made a lasting impact on the lives they have touched. Gifts have been made in memory of: Ruth Ahlberg Mike Altieri Peter Ansin Marc Arsenault Jean-Paul Busseau Shane Cecil Cheko Patricia Cloon Esther F. Collins William Comeau Richard P. DiNardi, Jr. Mary J. Doherty Greg Dorian Gregory T. Evans Arthur Fensterman Mark Folsom James Gnecco Tom Goode Betty Grant John C. Graves Trish Guarente Charles R. Hines Rodney B. Holland Coleman Levin Francis Maciejka Sylvia MacPhee Michael Nelson Mildred Poaster Estefan Ramos C.J. Russell Philip Saffold Agatha Sczymulo Geoffrey William Seelen Evin Shaw Matthew Shepard Alan Smutny Ruth Steinberg John Tophom Michael A. Tye Salvatore Vaiani Irma Vaiani Gifts have been made in honor of: Ann Allegrini The employees and owners of BE Hair Salon James M. Bonanno, M.D. Stephen L. Boswell, M.D. Judy Bradford, Ph.D. Jerry Feuer, P.A. Philip Finch Anthony Hoginski and Mabel Pendelton Kenneth H. Mayer, M.D. Peg Nelson Debra Shapiro and Lisa Weissmann’s marriage Dana Shonbeck and Jim Orshaw Scott E. Squillace, Esq. A. Raymond Tye matching gift The companies listed below have that benefited Fenway Community Health in fiscal year 2004. These programs help employees’ gifts work harder, increasing the power of their impact on Fenway’s mission. programs Aetna Foundation, Inc. Citigroup Foundation Fannie Mae Foundation Fleet Bank Matching Gifts Program Gap Foundation The Gillette Company International Business Machines (IBM) John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. National Grid The Polaroid Foundation State Street Foundation Verizon Foundation Andy Bigelow and Fenway Board member Brian Lighty at the 2004 Men's Event 15 companies and foundations The following generously support Fenway’s mission. Whether through their event sponsorship, targeted support of specific programs or services, or general support, Fenway is grateful to have them as partners in support of the care we provide. $250,000+ Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center $100,000 – $249,999 Harbor to the Bay, Inc. $50,000 – $99,999 American Legacy Foundation Core Computer Group, Ltd. Fleet Matching Gifts Program Gold Coast Mortgage Service, Inc. McKesson Medical-Surgical New England Corporate Consortium for AIDS Education Rodman Ford Sales, Inc. Tennis 4 All, Inc. $25,000 – $49,999 $750 – $1,199 Esmond V. Harmsworth Charitable Foundation Northeastern University Partners HealthCare Seyfarth Shaw LLC State Street Bank and Trust Corporation Townsend and Townsend and Crew, LLP William Rosenwald Family Fund, Inc. The Boston Beer Company Boston Concessions Group, Inc. The Boston Globe Boston Pride Committee Carousel Industries Casty-Dunn Families Charitable Foundation City of Boston Employee Campaign Hammond Real Estate Legal Sea Foods, Inc. National Lumber Company New England Development New England Patriots Foundation Patrick Murphy Charitable Trust Prism Consulting, Inc. Unique Design Concepts, LLC $10,000 – $24,999 Ansin Foundation Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics Fidelity Investments GlaxoSmithKline Neighborhood Health Plan Verizon Communications $5,000 – $9,999 Boston Hope, Inc. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Fleet Bank Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation Irwin Chafetz Family Charitable Trust Lily Transportation Corp. Robert D. McCarter Foundation NSTAR Electric & Gas Corporation Pride Mortgage Tylenol PM/Target 10 Niche Marketing and Public Relations United Way of Massachusetts Bay $2,500 – $4,999 AIDS Project Worcester/Ride Far Alexander, Aronson, Finning and Co, PC The Boston Foundation Combined Federal Campaign Evergreen Funds Gilead Sciences, Inc. Global Petroleum Corp. International Business Machines (IBM) The Lassor & Fanny Agoos Charity Fund, Inc. Simon Properties/Copley Place Associates Summit Mortgage Verizon Foundation Wainwright Bank & Trust The Woolley-Clifford Foundation $1,200 – $2,499 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employee Campaign Region I Comverse Information Systems 16 $500 – $749 Atlas Liquors, Inc. Barron & Stadfeld, PC Blanchard’s, Inc. Casner & Edwards, LLP Citizens Financial Group, Inc. Combined Jewish Philanthropies Elder Realty Trust Elia & Fannie Karas Foundation Gary’s Liquors The Gravestar Foundation John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. Kappy’s Liquors, Inc. Lank’s Wine & Liquor, Inc. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Microsoft Giving Campaign Oasis Guest House, Inc./ Joseph F. Haley and Eric Tingdahl Polaris Production LLC Seaboard Express Starr, Finer, Starr LLP United Way of the Capital Area, Inc. United Ways of New England Fenway Community Health is grateful to the following individuals and companies who came forward with , and in their own way helped to advance Fenway’s mission. in-kind support Abbie Anderson Abbott Laboratories Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. American Airlines Jonathan S. Appelbaum, M.D. Au Bon Pain Corporation Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Avalon AVFX Inc. Bernard Toale Gallery Boston IVF Boston Visiting Nurse Association Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Buzz Caregroup’s PSN/CVO Cleveland Design Stewart B. Clifford, Jr. Club Café Frank Ribaudo Jim Morgrage John Nychay Code 10, Alexandra Pinck Coolidge House Diesel Eagle Gilead Sciences, Inc. Global Protection, Davin Wedel Mitchell Gold Gregory-James Floral Design Manray Moreville House Mr. Tux Peterborough Street Senior Center Rise Sidney Borum Health Center Simmons College Scott E. Squillace, Esq. ViroLogic, Inc. Westin Copley Place Public Agencies Federal Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Primary Health Care HIV/AIDS Bureau National Institutes of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute of Mental Health National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center Substance Abuse Prevention Massachusetts Department of Public Health HIV/AIDS Bureau Bureau of Substance Abuse Services Office for Victim Assistance City of Boston Boston Public Health Commission Office of Jobs and Community Services $250 – $499 7 NBC News – WHDH-TV Advanced Foot Care, Inc. AIDS Action Committee Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employee Campaign Region II Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employee Campaign Region III Data Quest, Ltd. The Eyeglass Shop Joseph A. Langone Funeral Home Mr. Tux Second Street Associates, LLC Yankee Spirits Amy Hunt, Kate Clinton, and Vengerflutta Smith at the 2004 Women’s Dinner Party Men’s Event and Women’s Dinner Party are the largest gay and lesbian Fenway’s fundraisers in New England; combined, they represent one of the largest LGBT events in the country. The proceeds raised from Fenway’s events constitute a critical source of funding for our unique and culturally competent programs. National Media Sponsor Out The Advocate Premiere New England Media Sponsor Bay Windows Men’s Event 2004 Committee Sean P. Harrington* Michael J. Istvanko* Barry Alterwitz Jeffrey S. Archer Peter J. Brennan Marco A. De Thomasis Dennis P. Duffy Stephen M. Earheart Brendan Egan Douglas J. Emeney Timothy J. Famulare Anthony T. Gale Michael R. Harrington Charles R. Hindmarsh Norman D. Johnson Fumihide Kanaya A. Glen Kewley Keith D. Kohl Scott C. Lavertu Patrick G. McCarron Brian McClusky Stephen R. Mehrtens Jeffrey K. Morrow Richard A. Musiol, Jr. Gordon E. Parry, C.P.A. Daniel Phillips John R. Pitfield Scott D. Prince Ralph Ritacco II Ben Samson Robert Saurer Barry Scott Ronald A. Smith Todd B. Stewart Kevin J. Terra Howard L. Thompson Mark Torre Leigh J. Tucker Roger Wellington *Men’s Event 2004 Co-Chair Women’s Dinner Party 2004 Committee Amy F. Hunt* Vengerflutta Smith* Abbie Anderson Genelle Bishop Nan L. Dumas Laurel Camp Dunn Judith A. Erdman Marie E. Farrar Jill Fortgang Pam Garramone An Gorman-Hinds Jeanne Grieve Allison M. Jones Maria A. Kramer, D.D.S. Marjorie Levin V. Rene Miranda New England Storm Ana C. Ortiz, Ph.D. Alexandra Pinck Yolanda Ramirez Dr. Gail Tsimprea Lisa F. VanZant Susan P. Wilson *Women’s Dinner Party 2004 Co-Chair The previous pages acknowledge those who have made new gifts or pledges of $250 or more in fiscal year 2004 (July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004). Fenway Community Health strives to provide a complete listing of donors. We apologize for any errors and omissions. Please contact the Development Department at (617) 927-6350 with any comments and corrections. Fenway’s volunteers As with donors and staff, work towards a common goal. Committed, reliable, and closely linked to our mission, they make a very real difference in whatever way they serve. Boundless Tony Amato Amie M. Evans Joyce Kauffman Robyn Ochs Marcia PostMelchiskey Queer Soup Theatre Troupe Diego Sanchez Community Advisory Board John Abbott Mark Cayabyab Steve Csipke Jared Danielson Chuck Giovanniello Alfredo Hernandez Nami Kawakyu Eli Kern Bon Lam Todd Masnicki Ben Perkins Jim Raymond Nalini Visvanathan Consumer Advisory Board Ernie Berardinelli Margaret DaleySandberg Beth Ireland Cathy Jacobowitz Ian LeMieux Fred Nutton Michelle Phoenix Amanda Prugh John Ruggieri Jenny Spadafora John Spagnoletti GLBT Helpline and Peer Listening Line Molly Adelstein Adam Albano Jeff Archer Richard Arsenault Barusch Marion Bell Jason Bello Philip Bernstein Michael Bianchetta Jason Bowns Michael Bradbury Molly Butterworth Tyler Case Richard Caswell Justin Chapman Ilina Chaudhuri Terry Clewley Arthur Cohen Donna Collins Christopher Cronin Guy Croteau Ralph Currie Bethany Dale Michelle Davidson Lynne DeAmelio David Doyle Brendan Egan Philip Finch J. Brendan Flaherty William Florentino Rachael Friend John Frisone Joe Geschlecht Anthony Godek Rick Gresh John Guidetti Eric Hafner Brian Halley Donald Hayes Julie Horowitz Jessica Hose John Hose Brad Howarth Jason Jacobson Mitchel Johnson Patrick Kelly Nichole Kirby Sarah Klein Rek Kwawer Joe Lachima Michael Lafarr Bon Lam Robert Langille Mary LaRosee Lew Lasher Seth Lee Erin Leichman Helen Lewis Pei Lin Li Hollis Lilly Stephen Lingwood Cyndi Locke Christopher Mahoney Jeffrey Matte Brian McClusky Sahil Mehta Toshi Minami Meghan Minehan Kevin Mitchell Fynn M’Llyr Roger Moore Jim Mulroy Shannon Murphy Scott Nevins Danforth Nicholas Jill Nuding Romito Papagno Hari (Narahari) Phatak Tracy Powers David Prince Aaron Proctor Jeremy Proulx Jessica Reed Marc Richard Paul Rivenberg Marissa Robillard Deb Robinson Guy Ronen Angel Rosario Jason Sachs Amy Sapp Robb Scholten Charisse Sebastian Annie Sexauer Michael Sherrin Cheryl Siegel Nathan Siktberg Karla Solheim Liz Sosland Elissa Spelman Michael Torocsik Guale Valdez Michael Wake Rebecca Walawender Rebecca Williams Douglas Wright Trevor Wright HotMale Bon Lam Aaron Miller Institutional Review Board Jon Argenziano, Esq. Jason Blackard, Ph.D. David Chen, M.D. Sheila Condon, R.N., C.C.M. Ajit Dash, M.D. Susan Goldin, R.N., M.S.W. J.P. Gownder, M.S. Kathleen Minichiello, R.Ph. Brian Robinson, M.D. Tracey Rogers, Ph.D. Brijen Shah, M.D. Safer Sex Education and Outreach Joan Aurich Costa Anni Baker Derick Cheeseboro Weaver Danielle Kelly Dunn Erica Friedman Erica Harris Jimmy Ho Erica Jurgensen Robin Kao Bobbi Keppel Anjali Lilani Richard Mercado Karen T. Richardson Angel Rosario Robbie Samuels Sunessa Schettler Jonathan Urbach Kate Uszak Angel Vazquez Fenway Volunteers Jeffrey S. Archer Bruce Dezube Tony Lembo Howard Mayberry Rachel Reynolds Emil St. Lot John Stewart 17 Fenway Community Health Center, Inc. Independent Auditors Report To the Board of Directors of Fenway Community Health Center, Inc.: We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of Fenway Community Health Center, Inc. (a Massachusetts corporation, not for profit) as of June 30, 2004 and 2003, and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets, cash flows and functional expenses for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Center’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Fenway Community Health Center, Inc. as of June 30, 2004 and 2003, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., P.C. Certified Public Accountants Wellesley, Massachusetts October 7, 2004 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Contract and other receivables Due from related party Patient service receivables, net of allowance for uncollectible accounts of approximately $920,000 and $2,031,000 as of June 30, 2004 and 2003, respectively Accounts receivable pharmacy, net of allowance for uncollectible accounts of approximately $14,000 as of June 30, 2004 Pharmacy inventory Due from beneficiaries Pledges receivable Prepaid expenses and deposits Total current assets Contributions and Pledges Receivable, net of current portion Restricted Cash Investments Assets Held Under Split-Interest Agreement Property and Equipment: Building and improvements Furniture, fixtures and equipment Leasehold improvements Less accumulated depreciation Net property and equipment Total assets LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities: Note payable Current portion of capital lease obligations Accounts payable, subcontractors payable and accrued expenses Settlement payable Total current liabilities Capital Lease Obligations, net of current portion Total liabilities Net Assets: Unrestricted: Operating Board designated Property and equipment Total unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets 18 STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION — JUNE 30, 2004 AND 2003 2004 2003 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted TOTAL Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted TOTAL $2,995,744 1,392,497 — $— — — $— — — $2,995,744 1,392,497 — $1,917,150 1,806,950 31,559 $— — — $— — — $1,917,150 1,806,950 31,559 840,483 — — 840,483 960,927 — — 960,927 323,171 72,525 16,970 87,535 45,174 5,774,099 — — — 25,000 — 25,000 — — — — — — 323,171 72,525 16,970 112,535 45,174 5,799,099 — — 128,659 25,000 123,780 4,994,025 — — — 25,000 — 25,000 — — — — — — — — 128,659 50,000 123,780 5,019,025 — 89,830 — 89,830 — 114,830 — 114,830 — 52,280 — 52,280 — 52,280 — 52,280 1,073,593 12,824 302,385 1,388,802 970,321 — 290,806 1,261,127 — 230,137 — 230,137 — 208,734 — 208,734 2,638,937 2,463,878 327,118 5,429,933 3,018,615 2,411,318 — — — — — — — — — — — — 2,638,937 2,463,878 327,118 5,429,933 3,018,615 2,411,318 2,587,417 2,421,754 325,368 5,334,539 2,710,421 2,624,118 — — — — — — — — — — — — 2,587,417 2,421,754 325,368 5,334,539 2,710,421 2,624,118 $9,259,010 $410,071 $302,385 $9,971,466 $8,588,464 $400,844 $290,806 $9,280,114 $— 40,942 1,307,960 — 1,348,902 $— — — — — $— — — — — $— 40,942 1,307,960 — 1,348,902 $4,725 37,309 1,092,219 6,664 1,140,917 $— — — — — $— — — — — $4,725 37,309 1,092,219 6,664 1,140,917 45,682 1,394,584 — — — — 45,682 1,394,584 86,046 1,226,963 — — — — 86,046 1,226,963 1,752,219 3,787,513 2,324,694 7,864,426 — — — — — — — — 1,752,219 3,787,513 2,324,694 7,864,426 1,077,831 3,787,632 2,496,038 7,361,501 — — — — — — — — 1,077,831 3,787,632 2,496,038 7,361,501 — — 7,864,426 410,071 — 410,071 — 302,385 302,385 410,071 302,385 8,576,882 — — 7,361,501 400,844 — 400,844 — 290,806 290,806 400,844 290,806 8,053,151 $9,259,010 $410,071 $302,385 $9,971,466 $8,588,464 $400,844 $290,806 $9,280,114 19 Fenway Community Health Center, Inc. Sources of Revenue — FY 2004 Operating Revenues and Support: Contracts and grants Net patient service revenue Contributions Special events, net of direct costs of approximately $292,000 and $384,000 in 2004 and 2003, respectively Investment and other income Net assets released from restrictions — Satisfaction of purpose restrictions Total operating revenues and support 55% Contracts & Grants 3% Special Events 36% Patient Services 1% Investment & Other Income Operating Expenses: Program services: Medical Services Pharmacy Research Mental Health and Addiction Services Patient Support Total program services Supporting services: General and Administrative Facilities Public Relations Fundraising Total supporting services 5% Contributions Expenses — FY 2004 Total operating expenses Changes in net assets from operations Other Revenues (Expenses): Fundraising events contributions Less direct costs Net fundraising events Settlements Net gains on investments Capital grants Change in value of split-interest agreement Endowment contributions Fenway Institute expenses Endowment fundraising expenses Total other revenues (expenses) 28% Research 18% Mental Health and Addiction Services 22% Medical Services 8% Pharmacy 20% Support Services* 4% Patient Support *Includes: General and Administrative, Facilities, Public Relations and Fundraising. 20 Changes in net assets Net Assets, beginning of year Net Assets, end of year STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2004 AND 2003 2004 2003 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted TOTAL Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted TOTAL $8,318,441 5,508,857 689,528 $— — — $— — — $8,318,441 5,508,857 689,528 $8,595,716 3,722,031 607,430 $— — 11,000 $— — — $8,595,716 3,722,031 618,430 468,125 157,202 — — — — 468,125 157,202 115,264 217,377 — — — — 115,264 217,377 — — — 15,142,153 25,000 13,282,818 — — — 13,268,818 25,000 15,167,153 (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (14,000) 3,186,131 1,191,431 4,039,105 2,563,854 588,245 11,568,766 — — — — — — — — — — — — 3,186,131 1,191,431 4,039,105 2,563,854 588,245 11,568,766 3,192,747 — 4,057,036 2,222,172 766,184 10,238,139 — — — — — — — — — — — — 3,192,747 — 4,057,036 2,222,172 766,184 10,238,139 1,913,288 156,476 223,399 548,103 2,841,266 — — — — — — — — — — 1,913,288 156,476 223,399 548,103 2,841,266 1,789,634 171,747 355,889 539,439 2,856,709 — — — — — — — — — — 1,789,634 171,747 355,889 539,439 2,856,709 14,410,032 — — 14,410,032 13,094,848 — — 13,094,848 — 732,121 187,970 — 173,970 757,121 (25,000) (14,000) 7,008 (6,116) 892 — — — — — — 7,008 (6,116) 892 226,072 (284,337) (58,265) — — — — — — 226,072 (284,337) (58,265) (383,524) 80,910 48,537 — — — (1,011) (254,196) — 12,824 — 21,403 — — — 34,227 — — — — 11,579 — — 11,579 (383,524) 93,734 48,537 21,403 11,579 — (1,011) (208,390) — 5,479 — — — (58,550) — (111,336) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 5,479 — — — (58,550) — (111,336) 502,925 9,227 11,579 523,731 76,634 (14,000) — 62,634 7,361,501 400,844 290,806 8,053,151 7,284,867 414,844 290,806 7,990,517 $7,864,426 $410,071 $302,385 $8,576,882 $7,361,501 $400,844 $290,806 $8,053,151 21 “Only one place...” I first learned of Fenway when I participated in the AIDS Ride 2000. From that great fundraising and athletic event came deep friendships and deep respect for Fenway. I discovered there was only one place that delivered such friendly, comprehensive services and demonstrated a daily commitment to the community. Six months later, I found out firsthand just how incredible a place it is. I took a test at Fenway and discovered I was HIV positive. To receive the holistic care and compassionate support that I needed, I knew there was only one place to go. I switched from my private doctor and immediately benefited from a devoted medical team, a “newly diagnosed” workshop, and access to topical information at the Fenway. I also received something else, something more than I ever imagined…the inspiration to not only survive, but evolve. Now, I live far away, but what I learned from Fenway, I share with others each day. I am a proud volunteer group facilitator with a support services agency that helps people with HIV and AIDS. Much of who I have become today is a direct result of my experiences with Fenway and I continue to provide financial support to Fenway so others can benefit from their work. It’s now far away, but what I gained from it continues to nourish my body and mind. I am proud of the person that I have become. I am proud that Fenway will always be a part of me. This Annual Report was produced by the Communications Department at Fenway Community Health. Editor: Philip Finch Writing: Philip Finch, David Sohboff, Chris Viveiros Photography: Marilyn Humphries, Chris Viveiros Design: Cleveland Design Printing: Mass Envelope Plus 22 — Ray Barnes Fenway patient, volunteer and benefactor The Fenway Leadership Circle Join your friends in expanding the Circle of generous donors who are in the forefront of support for Fenway’s essential programs. Your gift makes a great difference! Fenway Leadership Circle Committee: Joanne T Ayoub, chair • David J. Breen • Christina D. Cobb • Sean Patrick Harrington, MBA • Lynn A. Kappelman • Peter Hamilton Nee • Rebecca L. Schiff • Douglas Spencer • John Wolfarth The Fenway Leadership Circle is a group of dedicated individuals who make annual gifts totaling $1,200 or more each year. Fenway Leadership Circle members provide us with crucial financial resources to sustain our core programs and services. Fenway Leadership Circle members enjoy an array of benefits and special recognition. $10,000 Ronald M. Ansin Stewart B. Clifford, Jr. Esmond V. Harmsworth and James Richardson $5,000 – $9,999 $1,200 to $2,499 • Invitation for two to attend the annual Fenway Donor Appreciation Night • Invitations to roundtable discussions with senior clinicians and researchers, and educational forums and social gatherings • VIP invitation for two to the private reception preceding each of Fenway’s annual galas: the Women’s Dinner Party and the Men’s Event • Listing among the Fenway Community Health Honor Roll and in selected Fenway publications $2,500 to $4,999 All the above benefits, plus: • VIP invitation for two to attend Fenway’s Board of Visitors’ Annual Meeting and learn about our programs, and meet doctors, researchers, and senior staff $5,000 to $9,999 All the above benefits, plus: • A pair of complimentary tickets to either of our annual galas: the Men’s Event or the Women’s Dinner Party $10,000 and over All the above benefits, plus: • Opportunities to gain a closer understanding of our work, including a special invitation for two as Fenway’s guests at the Executive Director’s Dinner for Fenway’s most generous donors Gregory D. Ansin Steve L. Csipke Daniel diBartolomeo Robert K. Duby Terence M. Keane, Ph.D. and Douglas H. Hughes, M.D. Kevin P. Kish Barbara and Paul Levy Brian C. Lighty Carl S. Rosendorf Thomas C. Terhune $2,500 – $4,999 Paul D. Anagnostos and Brian Price, M.D. Stephen L. Boswell, M.D. and John A. Neale David Brinkerhoff Jerry Fensterman Peggy L. Johnson, M.D. and Ms. Koni Ross Mark A. Kohler Harvey J. Makadon, M.D. and Raymond O. Powrie, M.D. Richard Marshall, M.D. Betty I. Morningstar Kevin W. Powers and John P. Wolfarth Ruth and Robert Remis Scott E. Squillace, Esq. and Shawn M. Hartman Stephen Traynor Donald M. Wunder and James A. Oliver $1,200 – $2,499 Anonymous (2) Jon and Matt Andersen-Miller Jonathan S. Appelbaum, M.D. and William D. Morowski Joanne T. Ayoub and Rose Anne Joaquin Thomas Bombardier and John Fowler David J. Breen and Michael R. Harrington William G. Burton and Bradford W. Voigt James C. Buttrick Christina D. Cobb and Libbie Landles-Dowling Jeffrey A. Conrad, C.F.A. Jonathan Crutchley John V. Cunney, Jr. and Jared Wollaston John M. DeCiccio Diran K. Dohanian Nan L. Dumas and Judith B. Bradford, Ph.D. Patricia A. Faass and Lisa M. Cukier Philip Finch Peter Y. Flynn Paul M. Frascella Marie Gaines John W. Gorman A.J. Goulding Barbara and Steve Grossman Robert H. Hale, Esq. Sean Patrick Harrington Paul T. Hempel Kenneth F. Hirschkind Lynn A. Kappelman Keith D. Kohl Seth L. Levenson and John Cunningham Mark H. Libenson, M.D. and Dr. Lisa M. Muto Diane K. Lincoln Southard Lippincott and David Lilly James C. Lombardi Ed MacLean and Steven Avruch John C. Marksbury and Charles E. Steinman Kenneth H. Mayer, M.D. Robert C. Muller David Murphy and John Simpson Peter Hamilton Nee Richard D. Olson, Jr. and Richard R.O. Smith Paul D. Pizzi Jonathan Rotenberg Alex Sanchez and Stephen D. Burdick Arnold E. Sapenter and Joseph Reed, Ph.D. Andrew F. Saxe Rebecca L. Schiff The Selwyn Family Foundation Hakan Sjoo Douglas W. Spencer David J. Stanvick Caleb P. Stewart and Neil M. Perry Honorable Gerry E. Studds and Dean Hara Andrew J. Swan Vic Terawskyj Rodney A. VanDerwarker P.J. Wheeler Elizabeth Whittemore and Cynthia Esthimer Edward L. Wierman Richard J. Wurtman, M.D. and Judith Wurtman, M.D. For more information about the Fenway Leadership Circle and member benefits, please contact: the Fenway Development Office at 617-927-6350 or email leadershipcircle@fenwayhealth.org. ONE VOICE ONE VOICE Some of us are on the frontline of treatment and prevention. Some of us advocate for the needy, the underserved, and the forgotten. Some of us explore inner worlds through research and studies. Some of us provide the infrastructure to keep our organization working. All of us at the Fenway are united in one goal: to provide the best care to the communities we serve. And to our community, we speak in one voice when we say, “thank you.” 7 Haviland Street Boston, Massachusetts 02115 www.fenwayhealth.org COM.04.003
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