
Winter 2013 issue – English version
“Tatler Spa Awards 2014”
Editorial by Henri Chenot
Just like every year, I’d like to wish you a 2014
filled with serenity and creativity, and I’d like to add
some compassion for those who are suffering.
All this is thanks to our team and our loyal customers who have been following and supporting us for many years.
For us, 2014 dawns with some major innovation in the field of preventive health and antiageing. In 2013 we were awarded the prize for
Best Anti-Ageing Centre in the Tatler Spa
Awards, following the Condé Nast Traveller award for Best Medical Centre for Natural
Medicine in 2012.
Our task and objective is to teach our guests,
informing them how to maintain and improve
their health. I have always felt that people need
to know. Those who know can then decide
whether to act or not.
Henri Chenot
12 pm
04 am
When we speak about a correct diet, the stress is generally placed
on the quantity and quality of nutrients taken in and how many
calories are consumed. However, one of the essential factors that
influence the balance of the body is often forgotten.This is chronobiology, or the alternation of physiological phases in harmony with
the natural cycles. Like every other living creature, man is part of
an organised system of laws that regulate the cosmos. These are
grounded first and foremost in the cyclical nature of natural events,
such as the alternation between day and night, the seasons and the
phases of the moon.
weight loss
The body experiences three essential phases in
harmony with the basic daily cycle of the alternation between day and night:
•Assimilation phase, starts at
12 pm and finishes at 8 pm;
•Regeneration phase, starts at
8 pm and finishes at 4 am;
•Elimination phase, starts at
4 am and finishes at 12 pm.
During the day, food provides the body with all
the necessary nutrients for its functions (carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, minerals, fatty
acids). The liver contributes to the digestive process by detoxifying, selecting nutrients and storing (glycogen).
Many acids are produced as waste substances
during this metabolic phase: some of them –
volatile acids – are easily eliminated through
breathing and the kidneys.
2 Sources de Santé - Chronobiology
substances generated by food gradually runs
out and the body enters a phase of physiological fasting.
Excess mineral acids, which the body cannot neutralise, must instead be “deviated” and
somehow “stored” in tissue so that they do not
reach the bloodstream and cause dangerous
variations in pH. Indeed, mesenchyme is a sort
of metabolic sponge that is able to hold back
waste that the main emunctory systems such as
the liver, lungs and kidneys have not managed to
eliminate. As a result of this phenomenon, there
is a progressive tendency towards tissue acidosis
during the course of the day.
The deposit of acid waste in the mesenchymal
tissue gradually modifies its colloidal structure:
under the effect of the accumulation of acids,
it tends to solidify into gel form. Due to its viscosity, the gel state is incompatible with many
mesenchymal functions.
The metabolic processes in the body change
completely during the night: the flow of nutritional
In this new phase, the body interrupts the assimilation and storage work which was prevalent during the previous period and activates a
system of detoxification and regeneration.
As in the daytime phase, the liver and kidneys
also participate in the dynamics of the elimination of metabolic toxins accumulated during the
day in the mesenchymal tissue. During the night
there is a process of hydrolysis in this interstitial
space in order to dissolve the mesenchymal tissue that has become viscous and liberate toxins. The structure of the mesenchyme therefore
goes back to being predominantly liquid. The inflammatory process is induced by the anterior
pituitary and accelerated by adrenal activity; it is
an essential therapeutic process for cleaning the
mesenchyme and is the most important antitoxin buffer system in the body.
All this intense work is carried out in a state
of total fasting, in conjunction with a physiological drop in body temperature, which starts after
sunset (at around 8 pm, coinciding with the start
of the regeneration cycle) and continues during
the night, decreasing in temperature by about
one degree before rising again in the morning.
At the same time, there is another cycle with a
similar but opposite pattern that is just as vital
for the body: the secretion of the hormone melatonin. This substance, the precursor to another
two highly important hormones – serotonin and
dopamine – is secreted by the pituitary gland at
the same time as the drop in body temperature.
The quality and duration of sleep are related to
the drop in body temperature and melatonin
20 pm
The habit of eating a heavy dinner, perhaps
late in the day, and drinking alcohol interferes
with the physiological processes of detoxification in the body: most work done by the liver is
dedicated to digestion and the neutralisation of
toxins taken in during the evening meal. Sleep
will be disturbed and unrestful, and it is most
common to wake up between 1 and 3 in the
Nocturnal detoxification will thus be compromised and insufficient: in a word inefficient. Furthermore, the cycle of melatonin production will
be disturbed.
If, for these reasons, regeneration is made impossible during nocturnal hours, the body will
not be effectively detoxified and the most immediate consequence will be acceleration of
the ageing process. Furthermore, the regeneration of the brain’s connective tissue will also be
compromised, resulting in mental tiredness, concentration difficulties and memory loss.
To provide the chronobiological phases of the
body with proper support, dinner should be the
lightest meal of the day and should be eaten
before 8 pm in order to interfere as little as possible with the nocturnal processes of detoxification and regeneration. The liver will then be able
to dedicate itself fully to nocturnal detoxification
after finishing its digestive function.
Chronobiology - Sources de Santé
Atherosclerosis has become the main cardiovascular disease (with its secondary diseases: heart
failure, heart attack and stroke).
Experimental results show that free radicals –
products that are highly reactive and oxidative
in metabolic processes – participate in atherosclerosis; these substances are able to oxidise
polyunsaturated fatty acids, a process that leads
to the formation of toxins and dangerous chain
reactions. They need to be rapidly neutralised
for the body to function normally. In order to
protect itself against free radicals, the body has
a variety of antioxidant substances available that
are introduced in food. The most important of
these are vitamins C, E, Beta-Carotene and glutathione.
Fatty acids oxidised from free radicals can be
absorbed together with food or are formed in
the body. They damage cells in the vascular endothelium, influence the behaviour of cells in the
vascular muscle and modify the metabolism of
Only an adequate quantity of vitamin E, carotene
and vitamin A guarantees that these molecules
are recognised by the cells and then absorbed.
If, however, these antioxidants are missing, the
lipoproteins modified by free radicals can no
longer be absorbed through the normal mechanism that depends on the receptor, but must be
eliminated by microphages. These lipid loads remain stored in the vascular tunic as a vacuolated
cell. The appearance of a vacuolated cell in the
vascular tunic is the first step in the formation of
The ideal blood pressure is 135 mm HG for the upper value (systolic) and 85 mm HG for the lower value (diastolic). Blood pressure
is said to be high with values of 140 mm Hg or more and 90 mm
Hg or more. Hypertension exists when one or both values exceed
these limits.
Liposoluble vitamin E plays a very important
role in countering the oxidation of fatty acids
and the formation of free radicals. This vitamin
is essential for maintaining the integrity of biological membranes and the metabolism of lipoproteins. Vitamin E is oxidised by free radicals
and is destroyed if it is not regenerated. Vitamin
C plays a fundamental role in this process, as it
manages to activate vitamin E.
4 Sources de Santé - Hypertension
High blood pressure is a health risk because it
often exists without any perceptible symptoms.
Some of the alarm bells are headaches, eyesight
problems, dizziness, tiredness and tinnitus.
Dietary measures in the event
of hypertension:
Hypertension is a main risk factor for a variety of
diseases including apoplexy, cardiovascular diseases, closure of peripheral arteries in the lower
limbs, weakness in the cardiac muscle, eyesight
problems and renal failure.
In many cases of hypertension it is possible to
normalise values by adopting measures to lead a
healthy lifestyle and changing dietary habits.
1. Strongly limit your intake of cooking salt.
Blood pressure rises if the intake of cooking
salt is too high. The first important measure
to reduce hypertension is therefore to cut
down on your salt consumption to a maximum daily intake of 6 g. It is advisable to start
eating food obtained from soy fermentation
(tamari, miso), which both contains a lower
amount of salt for the power of its flavour
and generates the typical benefits of fermented products.
2. Eat large amounts of fruit and vegetables
They contain not only dietary fibre that favours good digestion, but also many mineral
salts and vitamins. In the event of hypertension, you need to make sure that you have
a sufficient intake of potassium, calcium and
magnesium. In particular, an increased potassium intake can significantly lower blood
pressure. It seems that potassium and calcium play an antagonistic role to sodium in the
formation of hypertension.
Hypertension - Sources de Santé
Straight to the
heart of cells
The effectiveness of every Chenot Cosmétique
product is rounded off by special active substances that are part of this large family. Actifs
Activateurs are obtained from plants and the
sea using advanced extraction and purification processes that increase the concentration
of bioactive molecules, radically improving the
performance of the product and therefore its
effect as well. The highest performing Actifs Activateurs are the result of the most innovative
scientific research and can be classed as plant
stem cells, growth factors and latest generation
Beauty will save the world. Oscar Wilde’s phrase praises the sense of
peace and satisfaction that beautiful things generate in the human soul. In
the same way, we can state that we see beauty as the finest expression
of an internal and external balance that makes us look more and more
beautiful. We are also aided by the Chenot Cosmétique line, based on
the revolutionary cellular cosmetics that intercept and effectively counter the causes of ageing. Our dedication knows no limits and all of our
products are based on specially designed innovative active principles
that directly target the heart of cells.
Actifs Essentiels
Chenot Actifs Essentiels are essential oils extracted from plants by steam distillation without using any chemical solvents. The essence
produced is of the highest quality and has special scientifically proven benefits that make it
especially suitable for its intended purpose. In
most cases, the plants used come from organic
farms and the parts used (leaves, blossom, roots,
trunk, bark,…) are picked at the most appropriate time for obtaining the best quality. Essential
oils are used in exclusive 100% pure and natural blends that enhance the effectiveness of individual essences and carry out different functions depending on the ingredients: antiseptic,
antibacterial, balm, relaxing or even stimulating.
For us, nature is – and always will be – the main
supplier of effective active raw materials that we
place our trust in every day to carry out Chenot Method treatments. Essential oil blends are
present in all products, with the exception of
those reserved for the area around the eyes and
sensitive skin.
6 Sources de Santé - Straight to the heart of cells
Actifs Activateurs
Plant stem cells
Plant stem cells are a highly evolved aspect of
plant biology applied to cosmetic research, as
they interact effectively with human cells by
“waking them up” and making them more active.
In Chenot Cosmétique products in the Detox
system, stem cells are present in the form of
the active principle Solanum Detox System, which protects skin against pollution, free
radicals and premature ageing by increasing
its vitality and cellular longevity. Raspberry
Multi-Protector is a stem-cell-based active
principle that is only present in the Nutrigen
system. It boasts excellent properties in terms
of anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation and DNA
Growth factors
The term growth factor or growth hormone refers to proteins that are capable of stimulating
cell multiplication and differentiation. The main
function of growth factors is external control
of the cell cycle, regulating the start of cell division and cell survival. They always stimulate differentiation and maturation at the same time as
proliferation. For these reasons we can say that
growth factors are substances which can control
all of the processes that regulate the life of cells
in our body. The Regenage line is the product
of scientific research and innovation. It is formulated with the growth factor Glyco-Regen
Protein, a glycoprotein that stimulates the
synthesis of collagen and the essential nutrients
for cell renewal by improving skin compactness
and reversing the damage caused by ageing and
environmental pollution.
The Regenage Repair Line also boasts the Bio
Mimetic Growth Factor, another growth
factor extracted from hibiscus seeds that intensely reactivates dermal synthesis all over.
Peptides are fragments of protein composed
of short sequences of amino acids and interact
with most natural processes in the human body.
They are highly effective in anti-ageing strategies
and are able to bond with certain enzymes with
absolute precision, triggering specific cellular
activity. Unique and exclusive, they are a main
ingredient throughout the Chenot Cosmétique
The product of cosmetological innovation and
biotechnology, the latest generation peptide is
Meno Target, derived from artichoke plant
leaves. It fights skin ageing caused by hormonal
imbalances induced by the menopause. The Regenage Repair Line has recently been reformulated using this new active ingredient, which acts
on several levels to stimulate collagen synthesis,
favour an increase in the thickness of skin tissue
and maintain the level of hydration by countering the appearance of wrinkles and signs of time.
Regen and Repair in the Regenage line also contain two revolutionary exclusives: Lacto-Regen Peptide, a cellular nutrient that activates
the metabolism of fibroblasts and improves collagen synthesis, and Veg-Energy Peptide,
which activates the synthesis of protein in the
extracellular matrix, favouring the production of
A precious alchemy
With a rich variety of unique and exclusive active
ingredients, the Chenot Cosmétique line is the
product of a complex chemical process in which
the ingredients work together to improve their individual performance and maximise the result.
Attentive to progress in research, Chenot Cosmétique always chooses the finest innovations, following a faultless ethical policy that safeguards people
and the environment.
Straight to the heart of cells - Sources de Santé
Seaweed: a precious source of minerals
Seaweed (algae) are plant organisms that live in
seawater. There are different types of them, all
rich in mineral salts (calcium, iron, zinc and iodine), vegetable proteins, vitamins (especially vitamin B and beta-carotene) and fibre. Seaweed
is used to produce thickeners, emulsifiers and
gelling agents used in the kitchen (such as agaragar).
It is thought that seaweed has a therapeutic action, such as in the treatment of arteriosclerosis,
hypertension and bacterial infections. A piece of
dried seaweed should therefore be added to
every soup or vegetable puree: those who don’t
like it can put it in the blender, so that its flavour
and consistency are lost among the other vegetables. The average nutritional content of seaweed is:
• 12% protein
• 4% minerals
• high quality fibre
Dried seaweed should always be left to soak
before being eaten. It can be served cold or
hot, boiled, steamed or grilled, tossed or marinated in vinegar and tamari.
Seaweed contains (per 100 grams):
•calcium: 800-1400 mg
(arame, wakame, kombu)
•iron: from 14 to 29 mg
(arame, wakame, kombu)
•iodine: 190 mg (kombu); iodine is almost
totally removed in cooking salt.
Cut the seaweed into strips, wash and place in
cold water for about an hour.
Cook the vegetables separately in salted water or steam them: each vegetable has its own
cooking time. Roughly chop the coriander and
tarragon. For the tofu sauce: parboil the tomatoes and skin them, cut them into four and remove the seeds; then put all the ingredients into
a blender and blitz.
Use four banana-leaf baskets to serve the dish,
filling them with tofu sauce which is not too cold.
For 4 people:
• 50 g fresh Dulse seaweed
• 100 g carrots
• 100 g green and yellow courgettes
• 100 g Romanesco broccoli
• 100 g cauliflower
• 100 g cleaned artichoke
• 100 g shiitake mushrooms
• 100 g green beans
• 100 g asparagus
• 100 g broccoli
• Sea salt
• 20 coriander and tarragon leaves
•2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil with basil
(or sesame oil or walnut oil)
•4 banana-leaf baskets (found in specialist
Oriental shops)
• whole chive leaves
For the tofu sauce:
• 2 ripe tomatoes
• 100 g tofu
• 100 g velvety tofu
• 1 vegetable stock cube
• ½ tbsp. mustard
• 1 tbsp. white miso
8 Sources de Santé - Flavours
Via Cavour 2, 39012 Merano (BZ), Italy
Tel. +39 0473 271 000,,
Serve the uncooked seaweed with the cooked
vegetables when still hot, placing them in the
banana-leaf baskets with the tofu sauce. Add the
chives and dress with olive oil with basil, sesame
oil or walnut oil.