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PDF - Palace Merano
Summer 2014 issue – English version
Reception and waiting room – new Revital department
Over the course of my long professional career,
my relationship with ‘clients’ has evolved significantly. My compassion towards them has allowed
me to fully understand their state of mind and
empathise with discord in their families and relationships. This alternative means of communication has transformed simple work acquaintanceships into deep and sincere friendships.
I have carefully analysed their emotional state
and have often been surprised by the number of
antidepressants prescribed by doctors to suppress
their strong emotions, which often lead to real
fury directed at the people they are closest to, i.e
friends and family members.
It is forgiveness that peacefully resolves a disagreement with a person that we think has
wronged or harmed us. Forgiveness is one of
the most noble gestures that sometimes does
not even require verbal expression. The act of
forgiveness is an intimate process; it can be whis-
The role of hydrotherapy
Editorial by Henri Chenot
pered or even simply stated mentally in the silence of meditation without the interested party
ever knowing about it.
I strongly urge you to say this sentence out loud:
“I, Henri, want X to find personal development
and harmony in the Universe”. Man and nature
are part of a grandiose Universe that embraces
the whole cosmos, all of infinity. Every life form is
permeated by a single breath. If you repeat this
formula 3-4 times before falling asleep, you will feel
wonderful and find a new state of serenity and a
more positive evaluation of yourself as a person.
Henri Chenot
The role of
Hydrotherapy makes it possible to take direct action
on the basic circulation systems in the body:
• Blood capillaries
• Lymphatic system
• Nervous system
The human body contains approximately 2
billion capillaries, which have a total length of
around 100,000 km and a contact surface area
of around 6000 m2.
Blood capillaries are used in metabolic exchange
between blood and interstitial fluid (which surrounds cells).These small vessels have extremely
thin walls that allow the constant movement of
gases, nutrients and products of the metabolic
process in both directions. Pertaining to infinitely small quantities, the human body can achieve
perfect hydration with 35 litres of fluids (in an
adult weighing between 52 and 54 kg), including
5 litres of blood, 2 litres of lymphatic fluids and
2 Sources de Santé - The role of hydrotherapy
28 litres of intracellular and extracellular fluids.
Capillaries irrigate colloidal masses in tissue and
carry out two tasks. Firstly, they carry all the nutritive substances to regenerate the billions of
cells that we need every day, so that they are
clean and able to function as they should. Secondly, they eliminate undesirable waste products
which, if not expelled, would cause such a level
of toxic disruption that it would have serious
repercussions on the life of the body.
Life cycles are characterised by two
opposing processes:
1- Continuous assimilation or integration, which is the transformation of inert
material into living or dynamic substances.
2- Continuous elimination or disintegration, which is the transformation of living material into inert material.
If the assimilation process slows down, it causes
a drop in the amount of vital potential. If the
elimination process slows down, it causes qualitative changes (retention of urea, sodium chloride, water and bile).
Thousands and thousands of toxic substances
are formed in the human body at any given moment.They coat loops in arteries and blood capillaries, and float in the extracellular fluid of the
lymphatic capillaries, in the portal vein network
and in blood capillaries in the liver and brain.
Despite numerous opportunities to settle in different regions of the body, these harmful substances are dissolved and eliminated by the or-
ganism without any danger, as long as it is not
too fatigued. Bodily fatigue is caused by a reduction in the capacity to eliminate toxins.
The components of living matter are equipped
with a surprising property: free will. Cells are actually capable of choosing whether to accept or
reject the nutritive substances that they need to
stay alive and proliferate.
has been calculated that approximately all cells
in the human body are completely renewed
every 5-7 years, at a rhythm of between 5 and
7 billion a day.
As the energy balance in a normal body is far
stronger than the different possible forms of
aggression, our health is sufficiently protected.
However, if the energy balance falls below average, the body will not be able to resist aggression any longer and will fall ill.
To support this concept, we need to mention
the function of capillaries, which bring nutritive
substances (oxygen, amino acids, glucose, electrolytes, vitamins, hormones and enzymes) to
every cell with their artery loops and eliminate
the waste products of cell catabolism with their
vein loops.
If the capillaries around a cell are blocked, the
nutritive substances can no longer make a contribution, the accumulation of metabolites endangers the economy of the cell and exchange
between cells decreases or stops altogether. It
In addition to cell ageing, there is a further ageing
process caused by renal insufficiency and due to
the accumulation of metabolites – waste that
remains in extracellular fluid, blood and lymph.
Decreased hydration of the cerebral capillaries is
mainly responsible for circulation disorders and the
atrophy of nervous system centres (such as the hypothalamus, which regulates the circadian rhythm).
The role of hydrotherapy - Sources de Santé
Sugars are essential to nutritional, but are often demonised in
weight loss diets.They are generally defined as glucides (or carbohydrates) and are found in cereals (wheat, rice, barley, oats, spelt,
rye, millet, corn, buckwheat), fruit and vegetables, pulses, food that
contains starch (such as potatoes and chestnuts) and oily fruit
(almonds, walnuts, pine nuts and olives).
Those contained in these foodstuffs in different
quantities are complex sugars which are transformed into simple sugars by the digestion process;
transported in the blood through assimilation in
the small intestine, they become the necessary fuel
for cells and the metabolism.
Carbohydrates are therefore an irreplaceable
source of energy for our bodies and it would be
extremely ill-advised to eliminate them from our
diet in order to reduce the energy supply (calories),
as some recent fashionable diets tend to suggest.
4 Sources de Santé - Sugars
It is definitely useful to examine the different
types of sugars that exist and how our bodies
make use of them, in order to understand which
ones are really necessary and in what quantities.
They are stored as reserves by the body, which
does not need to use them immediately; storage
takes place in the liver and muscle mass and they
are then used when the body needs them, for
example during physical or mental exertion.
Every time we eat, there is an increase in glycaemia – the concentration of sugars in the blood.
This triggers the secretion of a hormone by the
pancreas – insulin – whose function is to allow
sugars to move from the blood to the cells. Every
time that the glycaemia level drops too rapidly,
the body is affected by discomfort (tiredness, a
drop in blood pressure and other ailments).
It is therefore important to avoid regular sudden
changes in glycaemia. This can be done by mostly
using sugars that are assimilated slowly by the
small intestine, so as not to trigger the dangerous
vicious circle of hyperglycaemia (too much blood
sugar) and hypoglycaemia (sudden drop in blood
sugar), which stress the liver and pancreas and
can lead to the onset of diabetes over time.
Sugars - Sources de Santé
Beauty in the
A relaxing walk in the park
after breakfast is an excellent way to enjoy a splendid
day in the sunshine, but it’s
better to do it without taking any risks.
When the good weather starts, the urge to
spend time outside savouring the first sunny
days makes us forget the dreariness of winter.
The beneficial effects on our bodies are clear:
the sun makes us better toned and livelier, and
increases the production of serotonin, testosterone and vitamin D, effectively acting as a natural
To make the most of these benefits, we also
need to respect the needs of our skin by exposing ourselves to the sun with moderation and
reason, and above all with the right protection,
in order to prevent annoying reactions and skin
damage as a result of solar radiation.
Photoageing is another constantly lurking danger that can damage skin irreversibly, causing
deep wrinkles, skin blemishes and numerous
other beauty flaws.
6 Sources de Santé - Beauty in the sunlight
Chenot Cosmétique is launching its new Suncare collection so that you can expose your skin to the
sun and make the most of the good weather. These four essential latest-generation products were
inspired by a love of the sun and the innate sense of prevention that is at the heart of treatments
that keep skin young and fresh, practically ageless.
“We were inspired by the latest studies into the damage caused by the sun’s harmful rays – explains
Nicolas Chenot – and we have created new formulas in which different types of sun filters act in
synergy by screening UV-A, UV-B and even infrared rays, all of which are responsible for the dangerous forms of skin damage due to over-exposure.”This collection will enable everybody to knowingly
take advantage of the outdoor life at any latitude and obtain only the maximum benefits.
Without neglecting the outcome of a uniform lasting tan, Suncare hydrates, nourishes and acts like
a powerful anti-age skincare treatment, whose light rapidly-absorbed texture does not leave any
traces or any type of residue on the skin. The Suncare collection acts in synergy with all the other
products in the Chenot Cosmétique line and to enhance the result we recommend continuing your
personal beauty routine, even on the beach.
Active ingredients in Photoactive Sun Veil for Face SPF 30 and 50, and Body SPF 30
Sun filters of different types, with complementary synergetic action, screening against
harmful UVA and UVB rays, guaranteeing a
broad spectrum of protection that enables
you to enjoy the benefits of the sun and the
outdoor life. They are the first defensive barrier that can effectively prevent the appearance of photo-induced signs of ageing.
Infrared barrier: is a breakthrough in the
active prevention of photo-induced ageing. A
combination of ingredients of vegetable origin also effectively screen against infrared rays
that contribute to the loss of compactness
and elasticity in the skin by generating heat.
Portulaca extract: an exclusive active ingredient with strong soothing, calming, anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties. It develops
beneficial anti-oxidizing protection and favours
the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, helping to raise
the hydration level of the skin. .
Saccharide isomerate: a soothing agent.
It binds to keratin to form a combination that
prevents water loss. By maintaining a high hydration level, it reduces wrinkles and makes the
skin soft in the long term.
Protects the face during exposure
to the sun, hydrates and counters
It offers effective wide-ranging photo-active
protection that screens the sun’s harmful UVA,
UVB and IR rays. It produces deep hydration
and helps to prevent the formation of the signs
of ageing caused by exposure to the sun. It favours a uniform long-lasting tan.
Dermatologically tested
Greater protection for the face during exposure to the sun, it hydrates
and counters photoageing.
The strongest sun filters protect against sunburn, reddening and sunspots, guaranteeing a
safe and uniform tan. Enriched with raspberry
stem cells, its effective anti-age action comprehensively counters the signs of photoageing. For
a gradual uniform tan.
Dermatologically tested
Protects the body during exposure
to the sun, hydrates and counters
Dolichos Biflorus stem cells: help to protect the skin against the negative effects of cellular ageing and oxidative stress caused by ultraviolet rays.They contribute to an increase in the
level of ATP, protect the mytochondrial DNA
and prevent photo-induced ageing, thereby improving cellular vitality and energy.
It offers effective wide-ranging photo-active protection that screens the sun’s harmful UVA, UVB
and IR rays. It produces deep hydration and preserves the tonicity and elasticity of the skin, countering the formation of the signs of ageing caused
by exposure to the sun. Its light and rapidly absorbed texture blends into the skin to favour a
uniform long-lasting tan.
Active ingredients in After-sun Repair Lotion for Face&Body
Dermatologically tested
Boerhavia diffusa extract: reestablishes
the tolerance threshold of the skin, helping to
suppress inflammatory reactions caused by
environmental factors, including exposure to
harmful UVA and UVB rays. It acts in the long
term by reducing skin sensitivity in favour of
revitalizing and hydrating action.
Shear butter: favours the slowing down of
skin ageing processes and has revitalising, hydrating and restructuring properties.
Dolichos Biflorus stem cells: help to protect the skin against the negative effects of cellular ageing and oxidative stress caused by ultraviolet rays.They contribute to an increase in the
level of ATP, protect the mytochondrial DNA
and prevent photo-induced ageing, thereby improving cellular vitality and energy.
Portulaca extract: an exclusive active ingredient with strong soothing, calming, anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties. It develops
beneficial anti-oxidizing protection and favours
the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, helping to raise
the hydration level in the skin.
Ceratonia extract: intensifies and prolongs
the tan, countering the appearance of the signs
of photo-induced ageing. It plays a fundamental
role in the melanin production process.
Intense skin repair after exposure to the sun, deep hydration and
This after-sun lotion for the face and body is formulated to soothe reddened skin and counter
hydration loss. It helps to restore the optimal
physiological balance upset by the sun, sea, wind
and chlorine in swimming pools. An exclusive
combination of active ingredients helps to repair
damage, thereby reducing the signs of photo-induced ageing. Exceptionally comforting and rapidly absorbed, it leaves the skin soft and velvety.
Dermatologically tested
Beauty in the sunlight - Sources de Santé
Oriental crudités:
Ingredients for 4 people
Ingredients for green sauce
4 sheets of rice paper
12 new baby carrots
8 Treviso radicchio leaves
4 Belgian endive leaves
4 green onions, cut lengthways
8 new wild asparagus spears
4 fennel hearts
2 white celery stalks
Chinese enoki mushrooms
Fresh pea shoots
2 green peppers
1 onion, cooked in the wine
½ glass white wine
300 ml vegetable stock
1 tablespoon fresh ginger juice
Soak the rice paper in cold water for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, wash and cut the vegetables.
Divide into four portions and arrange on the
sheets of rice paper shaped into cones. Serve as
desired with green sauce.
8 Sources de Santé - Flavours
Cut the peppers into small pieces and add them
to the onion, previously braised in the white wine.
Add the vegetable stock and boil for approximately 15 minutes. Blend everything and pass the
sauce through a sieve. Add the ginger juice.
Via Cavour 2, 39012 Merano (BZ), Italy
Tel. +39 0473 271 000, info@palace.it
www.palace.it, www.chenot.com