September - Madison Baptist Church
September - Madison Baptist Church
The Messenger Madison Baptist Church To the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department and Georgia State Patrol with Love In 2012, our Church Council recommended that we have a large-scale intentional Christian hospitality event on even-numbered years and have revivals on odd-numbered years; this reflects the inward and outward journeys of the Christian life. In 2012, our church adopted the City of Madison employees; in 2014, we adopted the Morgan County Fire Stations. This month, we are adopting the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department and Georgia State Patrol Post 8. Later this month, groups from our church are providing a meal and/or other tangible expressions of appreciation. We are inviting these county servants to join us in worship on Sunday, September 25. New Christian Class Our pastor will be teaching a course for children grades 3-6 entitled, “What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?” at 4:30pm on September 11, 18, and 25 in the Youth Annex. Please let Charles Smith or Emily Harbin know by Wednesday, September 7 if your child would like to attend or if you know of a child that would benefit from the class. September 2016 MBC STAFF Pastor: Dr. Charles R. Smith Minister of Music: Elsie Monk Church Administrator: Jim NeSmith Director of Youth & Children’s Ministries: Emily Harbin Secretary/ Communications Specialist Lilly Smith WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sundays 9:15am Sunday School 10:15am Worship Church Conference On September 7, we will have a Business Meeting at 5:45pm to receive reports from the Nominating and Finance Committees. Our Nominating Committee will present the roster of our committees and other offices for the new church year which begins October 1; our Finance Committee will present the budget which begins October 1. The vote for the budget will be tabled until Sunday morning, September 18 when the congregation will vote without discussion at the beginning of the service. Volume 5, Issue 9 DEACON SELECTION Deacon Nominees: Clay Fears, Ron Fowlie, Clifton Hanes, John Maddox, Alvin Richardson, John Robbins, Hank Segars, Wayne Tankersley, and Greg Thompson. The vote will take place Sunday, September 11. If you are unable to attend, please see Jim NeSmith to vote absentee, September 4-9. Tuesdays 7:15am Youth Prayer Breakfast 9:15am Staff Meeting Wednesdays 5:15 Supper Tiny Tunes Choir 5:40 Music Makers Choir 6:00 Prayer Time Women’s Bible Study 6:15 Ephesians Bible Study The Messenger Page 2 Charles’ Corner We had 156 to attend the Haitian Orphan Choir Concert and collected almost $4,000, but those numbers pale in comparison to the movement of Holy Spirit and the worship experience on August 21. The joy in the children’s faces was infectious; continue to pray for them as they have concerts for a few more weeks. See Forest Pagett about going to Haiti; the next mission trip there is in February. Jennifer and I hosted the first Young Adult Dinner Club on August 21 with 10 young adults attending; others have asked to remain on the guest list. Those present decided that they would like to meet monthly. I am inviting those with MBC connections who are 22-30. The next one is scheduled for Sunday, September 25 at 6:30, where we will provide the entree, and others will provide the rest. Two of them asked if we had a SS Class for them; I told them, “Not yet.” Are you interested in starting another Young Adult SS Class? Please see me, current SS Director Russell Carter or future SS Director Clay Fears (pending approval of Nominating Committee report). Musically Speaking with Elsie… What great joy we experienced on August 21 with the Haitian Orphan Choir! If you were present I am sure you felt the same joy. If you did not attend, you missed out on a wonderful worship service. To know that these children have lost so much in their young lives but can still have laughter in their voices and bright smiles on their faces just shows you how God is working in their lives. There are many to thank for this wonderful event: Thanks to our church staff who handled all the details prior to the concert; thanks to Cathy Bofinger and her team for the meal; thanks to Clifton Hanes and Frank Nesbitt for their expertise in the audio/visual booth; thanks to Lisa Wagner for making sure everything was set up and back in its place; thanks to Forest Pagett for his love and support of everything Haitian and Madison Baptist Church; and, last but not least, Reed Pagett for delaying his return to college and using his Haitian Creole French as interpreter and communicator extraordinaire! We had excellent attendance and the love offering received will help support these children. If you’d like to give, please make checks payable to Madison Baptist Church. Thank you church family! Bondye se renmen menm (God is love!). Investing in Today & Tomorrow Balance $82,835.33 Women On Mission Women On Mission will be kicking off the new year with a “Picnic Out Back Under the Bus Shed” on Monday, September 12 at noon. Food will be provided but BYO bottled water. We will discuss the conference and upcoming events. New members welcome! Volume 5, Issue 9 CHILDREN ATL Zoo Trip- After worship on September 18, at 12:30, children will leave for the Atlanta Zoo. Please eat lunch before we leave and we will be back in time for dinner. Cost is $14 per child and $19 for adults. Please sign up by bringing money to the church office before September 11. YOUTH PRAYER BREAKFAST Attention all middle and high-school students (6th-12th): Our group will meet every Tuesday morning at 7:15 for a Chick-fil-A breakfast at the Youth House. Emily provides a ride for ALL middle-school students to the school. YOUTH Fall Retreat- October 14-16, Cost is $145 and the second deposit of $50 is due September 18. Faith in 3D- January 13-16, Cost is $335. Non-refundable deposit of $15 due September 4 Fellowship Event- September 11, youth will gather @ 6:30PM in the Youth House to make cards for school resource officers YOUNG ADULT DINNER CLUB Jennifer and Charles Smith are hosting a monthly gathering of people around 22-30. The first one was held after the Haitian Orphan Choir concert; the next one is scheduled for Sunday, September 25 at 6:30. The Smith's will provide the entree, and others will provide the rest. Contact the Smiths for more details. New Members Lisa Hale - August 21 SEPTEMBER WITHOUT WALLS Our September “without walls” activity will be to participate in the annual YSPD (Your State Parks Day) on September 24 from 9am – 2pm. We will be Creation Caretakers and will help beautify, clean-up and make Hard Labor Creek Park more useful. We need many hands to make this project safe, easy and fun. No experience is needed other than a willingness to do a little work. There will be things to do for all age levels and physical ability. It is an excellent way to show hands-on stewardship in our community and meet new people who may not have found their church home yet. As Paul said: "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." The Friends of HLC Park will provide a FREE T-shirt, drinks, lunch & will have some prizes to giveaway at the end. Admission to the Park is FREE that day for guests. It really is a lot of fun, and you will leave with a feeling of accomplishment that the community can see every time they visit the Park. Join us for fellowship in the Park! Please sign-up on our Information Table or in Church Office by Monday September 19 so the park employees can provide enough food, drink and T-shirts. FAMILY INFO FORMS AND SECURITY In August, Deacons were asked to enlist information from families for our membership online database. Some members will not feel comfortable in providing personal information to the church, which will always remain an individual prerogative. Madison Baptist Church will not sell personal information to any vendor. Lockable file cabinets contain personal information; the office building is locked when uninhabited, and only staff have keys to that building. We don't keep anyone's credit card number on file anywhere at church. Extensive measures of protection and security are in place for the personal information in our membership online database; ACS is the oldest leader in church membership software. The staff and Deacons request the information so greater connections can be made with the membership. COMING SOON… Production of Advent Devotional Booklets Youth Fall Retreat October 14-16 No Wednesday Night Activities October 5, during school Fall Break. Madison Baptist Church 328 S. Main St. Madison, GA 30650 706.342.2177 September 2016 Sun 4 9:15am SS 10:15am Worship Mon 5 LABOR DAY Office Closed 11 9:00am SS Assembly 9:15am SS 10:15am Worship; Deacon Election 4:30pm New Convert Class 12 18 9:15am SS 10:15am Worship; Church Budget Vote 4:30pm New Convert Class 19 25 26 9:15am SS 10:15am Worship Tiny Tunes Singing 4:30pm New Convert Class 6:30 Young Adult Dinner Club Tue Wed 6 7:15 Youth Prayer Breakfast 9:15 Staff Mtg 7:00pm Deacon Mtg 7 WNS 13 7:15 Youth Prayer Breakfast 14 WNS 9:15 Staff Mtg 20 7:15 Youth Prayer Breakfast Thu Sat 1 2 MOM 3 8 9 MOM 10 5:45 Church Conference 1:30pm Prayer Shawl Ministry 15 16 MOM 17 22 23 MOM 1:30pm Prayer Shawl Ministry 24 Family Mission Project at Hard Labor Creek State Park 9am - 2pm 30 MOM WNS –Wednesday Night Schedule 7:20pm Church Council in FH 21 WNS 9:15 Staff Mtg 27 7:15 Youth Prayer Breakfast Fri 28 WNS 29 9:15 Staff Mtg MOM - Meals on Main Supper Menu: Sept. 7 - Tacos, Rice, Beans, Salad Bar, Dessert, Tea, Lemonade Sept. 14 - Barbecue, Chips, Baked Beans, Salad Bar, Dessert, Tea, Lemonade Sept. 21 - Chicken Casserole, Green Beans, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert, Tea Lemonade Sept. 28 - Pizza, Salad Bar, Dessert, Tea, Lemonade Cost is $5.00 for Adults-12yrs., $4.00 for ages 3-11, 2 & under are free and there is a family maximum of $22.00. Reservations need to be made through the church website, or by calling the Church Office at 706-342-2177 by noon on Monday prior to the Wednesday supper. If you would like to make permanent reservations, please call the Church Office.