Online Newsletter 28 August 2016


Online Newsletter 28 August 2016
PRAYER -Several opportunities to be involved through the week…
‘Prayer Chain’ – Urgent matters for confidential prayer support, can be referred
to the Prayer Chain Group. Contact Joy McHardy or Val Judd.
‘Prayer 4 U’–Mondays 12:30 to 1:30pm (excluding public holidays)
Tuesday, 'Prayer For the Nation’ -11am -12pm in the Church Prayer Room.
‘Friday Revival Prayer’–Meets every Friday evening 6:30pm to 7:30pm in the
Church auditorium, or if that is being used, we meet in the Church House. More
info? Ring Stewart Patrick 021 047 0795. All welcome.
‘Sundays 9:30am in the Prayer Room/Library, also after the 10am Service
FOODBANK… Up-to-date needs are:flour, sugar, cereals, coffee/milo,
toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, detergent, washing powder, pasta
sauce mixes/canned tomatoes, noodles, spaghetti, baked beans,
canned fish/meats.
Frozen Pre-prepared Meals continue to be available for those who from
time to time may need this. Just call in to the office to pick up.
TOSS – Thursday Open Shed Sale made approximately $350 for local missions
this week. Thanks to Marilyn, Daylene & Charles for your great work.
Kidzspace families and prayers - you are invited
to a Cupcakes Tea Party on Sunday 18th
September at 3pm. More details to follow. Please
make a space on your calendar to come. Love to
see you there….lots of fun in store.
AGM Reports Reminder – many thanks to those who have sent through
reports so far. Please have reports in to the office by 4 Sept. Thanks!
28 August 2016
10am –‘Magnifying God through Jesus Christ’
The Worship Series, Part 1
Leading: Leigh McGurk
Preaching: Stewart Patrick
Duty Elder: Stewart Patrick
'Father’s Day Special'
Sunday 4 September 2016. Meet @ Mangapapa Church
for trip to Morere Hot Springs. Bring Lunch, walking shoes,
togs & towel. $6. 12noon -5pm.
6:30pm – Revelation Series – Letter to the Church at Thyatira.
Church Leader: Stewart Patrick Office 867 9604 Home 868 8735 Cell 0210470795
Church Office 867 9604 Church Complex 867 9665
website -
Mangapapa Church, P.O. Box 2146, Gisborne, 4010
Explorers crèche
Ministry Team
Cups of Tea
AV & Sound
Today 28 Aug 2016
M Paenga, K Barwick
J Hill
J McHardy
L Hindle, M Smith, S Tulia
Amanda Lewis
Cody Hall, volunteer
A McLean
Next Week 04 Sept2016
M McHardy C Robinson
V Judd
P Burrows
A & D McLean, W Lindsay
E Oates, M McHardy
R Nelson, Jackson Holland
A McLean
Elders Team
Stewart Patrick: 021 047 0795
Andrew Russell: 868 6342
Brian Wilks: 863 2676
Llew Paul : 022 052 829
‘Explorers’ crèche is operating and available for 1-4 yrs.
‘Kidzspace’ Primary age children head out when directed.
‘Matrix’ Intermediates meet during the message time, over in the house.
Stewart writes… In our preparation for
this 4 week 'Worship' series, we have had
two teachings showing that; 1) Our
'Worship Response to God' actually
involves every part of our life. And 2) 'Idol
Worship' today is well defined as,
"anything or anyone other that Christ,
that I turn to under stress and pressure".
It is important for each of us to identify those
'coping mechanism's/idols' that we are
individually susceptible to, because it is not
possible to praise & worship in freedom
while holding onto our idols! Now today, we begin to look at new covenant
worship, and here is a great definition of what we seek as Church worship leaders;
"A faithful worship leader magnifies the greatness of God in Jesus Christ,
through the power of the Holy Spirit,
by skillfully combining God's word with music,
thereby motivating the gathered Church
to proclaim the Gospel,
to cherish God's presence,
and to live for God's glory."
(From 'Worship Matters' - Bob Kauflin)
Ray Andrews Ministry week - Ray's ministry here this past week reached many
folk and across several churches. We have many
new connections to follow up through this. There
is also much interest now from other church
leaders in the Abiding Life discipleship
counselling model that Ray teaches and we use
here at MUP. We had over 80 people at the
'Understanding Self & Relationships' workshop
that we ran here on Monday & Tuesday nights.
At the Combined Service @ HOB, people did not
Ray, Norm McLeod & Stewart @ the
Combined Service, HOB.
want Ray to stop preaching and the leaders there
apologised that they did not give him more time!
An excellent week all round.
6:30pm tonight, Revelation Study Series
- 'The Letter to the Church In Thyatira'.
This study series has the purpose for us of
discerning 'The Church in our Times and
Places'. What is Revelation's abiding good news
for us in our times and places? Our studies are
shaped by the conviction that Revelation is not
fundamentally a book for the future, rather a
book for the Church; the Churches of John’s era
and Churches of all eras, until Christ returns.
There is nothing the nearness of Jesus cannot overcome.
'The Worship Series' - Home Group & New Small Groups 4 weeks,
commencing this week. We have these 4 great studies with practical
application, which existing Home Groups/Small Groups and at least one newly
formed group will be sharing in over the weeks 28 August - 23 September.
The first Home Group/Small Group session is;
Week 1. Sunday 28 August - ‘Preparing For
Worship' - Preparing your mind & heart for
corporate worship, begins at home.
Leaders/Participants studies are available to pick
up today, You need to read in preparation,
pages 10,11 & 12 of the study. You can also
read online here at our website - 'Engage Both
Heart & Mind In Worship'. If you are not part
of a Home group and would like to do this
series, Two new groups are available 1) Tuesday 30 Aug. 7:30pm @ Raewyn's home, 5 Pine St.
2) Sunday 4 September 6:30pm @ Ralph & Eunice's home 4 Heta Road,
off Harris St.
For Praise & Prayer this week…
Give thanks for Ray's ministry here last week, with many folk blessed and
helped, and many seeking help to go on now in discipleship with Christ.
We remember Alicia & Toni Hoskin heading to Hungary for 5 weeks, where
Alicia will train and compete at the 'Olympic Hopes Regatta' 23-25 Sept.
Pray for those waiting on surgery/treatment dates - Joy Hughes, Bruce Hall.
Tear Fund 'Live Below The Line' We have registered 'Mangapapa Church'
as a 'village' for this
campaign. If you are
reading this Newsletter as
a pdf received by e-mail,
you can click on the
image it will take you to
our Church 'Village'
site, where you can join
. We are encouraging
individuals, families or
Home Groups to give it a go. During the week Monday 19 to Friday 23 September,
we eat on just $2.85 per person per day, and just donate on the page, what you
would save on food for that week. We also plan some creative 'Live Below The
Line Dine Out Events' too! For those who would like share to in our incredibly
nutricious and economical meals. A fun time and a learning time too.
CAPtion….This past week was quiet on the client front. I spent time completing an
application for an AMP scholarship, promoting the service and planning future
activities. I am booked through September already which is great!