24th April 2016 - Copplestone Methodist Church
24th April 2016 - Copplestone Methodist Church
Copplestone Methodist Church—Mission Statement As a Church … Our purpose is to enable all people to respond to the invitation to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. We aim to reach out and share God’s love and grace in our local community, serving people of all ages. Through prayer, worship and Bible-based learning together, we seek to be Christ-centred people, led by God’s Spirit, committed to growth and equipped for mission and service. Sunday 24th April 2016 Welcome to Copplestone Methodist Church Our offertories will be taken during the welcome time (prior to first song). If you are a visitor please do not feel obliged to give, simply pass the gift bag to the next person. Contact Details: Rev John Wiltshire The Manse, Chulmleigh Rd, Morchard Bishop, Crediton, EX17 6NZ. T: (01363) 877281 M: 07899629022 E: revjohnw@btinternet.com Leadership Team: Heather Castle (01363) 82289 Brian Glover (01363) 84413 Ian Pinhey (01837) 83592 Roy Sambles (01363) 773556 Sean Schofield (01363) 84927 Shaun Stanbury (01363) 83544 Children & Families Worker: Sean Schofield (01363) 85451. M: 07527 101219 E: seansyw@yahoo.co.uk Booking of Church Premises: Maureen Burlton T: (01363) 881154 Noticesheet: Bekki Friend by Thursday 6pm please. T: (01363) 83415 E: bekki_friend@hotmail.co.uk We welcome you as you join us today for our services of praise and worship. If you would like any help or advice please speak to a Service Coordinator or Leader, or to our Minister Rev John Wiltshire. Prayer Requests: Nick Townsend M: 07842 610330 E: nptownsend@btinternet.com To view our circuit website: www.ringsashcircuit.org.uk www.copplestonechurch.org.uk REPORTING INCIDENTS OR ACCIDENTS ON CHURCH PREMISES Thought for the day Please note that any incident/accident/injury/near miss occurring on church premises must be recorded using the church’s Incident/Accident form. Blank copies of the Incident/Accident form are kept in a clearly labelled folder by the First Aid cupboard in the kitchen. A form should be completed for each incident/accident. It is the responsibility of the Activity Leader/Service Coordinator/Church Leader present to complete and action the recording and reporting. “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation Safeguarding Training - Thursday 19th May - Copplestone Methodist Church Community Room - 7.15pm. If you work with children or vulnerable adults within our church then the Foundation Training is compulsory for all volunteers who have not completed it within the last 5 years. Please let Sean or Hannah know if you are able to attend. Our services today: 10.00am 10.00am 10.45am 10.45am 6.15pm Pre-service prayer Worship Practice Morning Worship with Mervyn Bedford Daniel chapter 4 - Living life and learning the hard way Youth Church: Crèche (0-4yrs), Kidzone (4-11yrs)— no grid this week— Evening Worship & Communion with Rev John Wiltshire THIS WEEK’S CHURCH EVENTS: Monday: 7.30pm Monday House Group at Nigel & Mandi’s home Tuesday: 7.30pm Tuesday House Group Wednesday: 7.00pm Wednesday House Group at Brian & Tris’s home Thursday: 9.00am 7.00pm Café Copplestone Community Choir Our services next Sunday 10.00am 10.00am 10.45am 10.45am 6.15pm Pre-service prayer Worship Practice Morning Worship with Rev John Wiltshire Daniel chapter 5 - Living a life of courage Youth Church: Crèche (0-4yrs), Kidzone (4-11yrs), Grid (11yrs +) Evening Worship with Rev John Wiltshire Holiday Club Meeting - Wednesday 25th May - 7.30pm - Sean's Office. If you are interested in helping with holiday club as a leader or on the Core Team then please come along to the meeting. If you are able to help with holiday club (Tuesday 26th July - Friday 29th July) but are unable to be part of core team then please let Hannah know so that we can see if we can run a holiday club this year with enough volunteers. Memo from the Leaders: At our meeting last Tuesday, IAN PINHEY shared with us that, due to family and work commitments and after much thought and prayer, he feels that he should step down from the leadership Team. We are sad, but we understand and we thank God for Ian's wise leadership and Ian for his amazing willingness to serve. Thankfully, Ian will continue to preach and to serve in other ways. God bless you, Ian. The Leaders are looking into improving the SOUND RECORDING SYSTEM. SEAN SCHOFIELD has given notice that he will be stepping down from his job as Children and Families Worker at the end of July and not applying for the new appointment as he feels it is now right to pursue a new career. Sean has done a fantastic job for three consecutive appointments and we are deeply grateful to him and to God who has enabled him. We rejoice that Sean will continue to be part of our Church Family at Copplestone and we know that God will go on using Sean's many skills among us in the future. Thank you for everything, Sean, and God Bless you ! Bluebell Walks and Cream Tea at Chenson Farm, Chumleigh, EX18 7LF Sunday 1st May and Monday 2nd May 2pm - 6pm Come and enjoy a stroll in Ancient woodland and across open farmland when the wild flowers and especially the bluebells are at their best. Dogs on leads are welcome. Entrance £1.50, under 5’s free. Donations towards church youth work for the cream teas. Art work for sale.