March 6, 2016 March 6, 2016


March 6, 2016 March 6, 2016
March 6, 2016
Scott Cowan
Pete Harry
Duane Moore
Wesley Parker
Ed Staley
John Wheeler
Terry Alan Jones
Associate Minister
Walter B. Edwards
Associate Minister
Phil Dunn
Youth Minister
Scott Wilson
Ann Vander Linden
Ricardo Alvarado
Costa Rica
Allan Lopez
Dorian Flynn
Sunday Services
Bible School 9:00 AM
Worship 10:00 AM
Evening Worship
5:00 PM
Wednesday Services
Ladies’ Bible Class
10:00 AM
Bible Class 6:30 PM
Internet Home Page
Southside Churc h of Christ
Page 2
Mar. 6—Jesus Heals An Official’s Son
March memory verse: "Our Lord is great and powerful. There is
no limit to what he knows.” Psalm 147:5
The VBS planning mee ng has been rescheduled for today at 3:30 PM at Southside. Please plan to a!end and
help with our planning for 2016!
Please begin working on the Quarterly Goal of memorizing the 12
apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bartholomew,
Thomas, Ma3hew, James, Thaddeus, Simon & Judas.
The Preschool Department is preparing for the Spring Quarter and
needs some items for Learning Centers. For the Doctor Center: baby dolls, toy doctor kits, band aids, doctor dress-up clothes,
and stethoscope. For the Kitchen Play: kitchen, toy food and dishes, toy cell phones and old cell phones. If you would like to help or
have ques<ons, please see David Howell.
Senior Ou<ng
A Senior ou<ng has been planned
for Thursday, March 31st. Tickets
are reserved for a lunch theater
produc<on of “The Taffetas” at
Chaffins Barn Theater in Nashville. The show is about four
sisters in 1956 who are trying to sing their way onto the
Sullivan Show. There is a signup sheet in the back foyer for
the first 20 who want to go. The cost is $27 each which includes <cket, box lunch and $1 <p. This must be turned
into the church office by Sunday, March 13. Transporta<on
from the church will be provided. We will leave church at
9:30 AM.
Thank you for the goody basket and thank you for
your cards, calls and prayers. We appreciate it all and we
love you all!
Earl and Dot Webb
Thank you Barbara, Betsy, Bobbie, Carole, Teresa,
and Terri for hos<ng such a beau<ful baby shower. We are
very thankful for all of the wonderful giJs we received for
Connor. We are truly blessed to be a part of such a loving
church family.
Tyler, Liz, and Ella Perry
We are in need of snack items for
our JSMC wai<ng room basket.
Please place dona<ons in the box by
the Welcome Center.
Camp Reedy Family Retreat Weekend—April 15-17
Youth Week at Camp Reedy—June 26-30
A contribu<on has been made to the
Building Fund in memory of Shelby
Draper, Walter Boyd and Evelyne
Campbell by Be3y Hayes
A contribu<on has been made to the Building Fund in
memory of Dennis Swain and Evelyne Campbell by James
and Ann Young
Anyone interested in playing Church
League so(ball is asked to a*end a
brief mee+ng in the East Wing a(er
morning worship service.
Southside’s Easter Egg Hunt will be
Saturday, March 26th, at
Hopkinsville Community College
Round Table Park. In case of rain,
the hunt will be at the church gym.
We need candies for our hunt! We have plenty of the
plas(c eggs but need candies to fill them. Please leave
your dona(ons in the Welcome Center.
Lisa Bridges is raising money for her trip to Hai< in June
and a Family Movie Night will be April 2 in the gym at 7
PM. Checks should be made payable to Estes Church of
Christ. See Lisa for more informa<on.
Southside Churc h of Christ
CYC 2016 was a great
weekend for our
youth group. Thirtythree in all were able
to a3end and grew
closer together and
most importantly to
God. We are grateful for
the opportuni<es provided
to us
the eldership and parents of this congrega<on.
Speaking for myself and Paige, along with the other
chaperones that went, we say thank you for the
chance to be involved in the lives of our youth.
CYC stands for Challenge Youth Conference, and a
challenge it was. They notoriously pick themes that
challenge kids to become be3er. The theme this
year was no different, the theme was Storms.
Storms of life occur for everyone. Some are harder
than others but all of us face storms as individuals
and even as churches. The challenge was to not let
the “Storms” define who we are but to move
through the storm and allow the storm to shape us
into Chris<ans whose faith is not destroyed but
strengthened by the storm. Even when the storm
rages, in the morning the sun rises.
Page 3
Todd Hayes, son of Be*y, had surgery on his arm last
week and also had surgery on his ankle where it has
not been healing from a break which will mean a longer healing process. Kenneth Morris had outpa<ent
surgery in Nashville last Monday. Mark Howell was recently hospitalized for a bowel obstruc<on. Will
Staggs, son-in-law of Susan Swain, is being treated for
a blood clot in his leg following ACL surgery. Ken Hatzakorzian remains in cri<cal condi<on following a car
accident. Carolyn Williams con<nues to have serious
health problems. Con<nue to remember Kenda Jones,
Kim Wheeler and Jan Morrow in their recoveries. Remember these also: Granville Adams, Paul Arvin, Denny Audas, Violet Berkley, Perry Boren, John Burman,
Frances Chenoweth, G.A. Church, Elvadean Dunn,
Rosie East, Nancy Farmer, Mike Finley, John David
Foster, Joel Gardner, Raleigh Garre*, David Graham,
Todd Hayes, Liz Herndon, Ricky Hunt, Marsha Kelly
Kingrey, Tara King, Mary Lou Laster, Jean Likens, Russell Mar+n, Veachel Mar+n, Be*y McLerran, Doris
Medeiros, Ed & Barbara Moore, David & Jan Morrow, Dorothy Newcomb, Charles & Do<e O’Nan,
Junie Peterson, Be*y Brame Richardson, Ken & Geraldine Simmons, Sco* Su*on, Nina Tuggle, June Ubelhor, and Earl Webb.
This week’s schedule:
Mar. 7—Deuter. 24-26
Mar. 8—Deuter. 27-28
Mar. 9—Deuter. 29-31
Mar. 10—Deuter. 32-34
Mar. 11—Joshua 1-4
Mar. 12—Joshua 5-7
Mar. 13—Joshua 8-9
Kim Petsch responded to the invita<on Wednesday
evening and asks for prayers as she is restored back to
the church. Kim lives at 2617 S. Virginia Street.
Welcome Kim back to our family.
Southside Church of Christ
529 Country Club Lane
Hopkinsville KY 42240
Phone: 270-885-8392
Fax: 270-885-7615
Greeters for Today
Door 1
Mark & Judy Thomas
and Jonathan
Door 2
Jean Trapp and Shirley White
Door 3
Jean Williams and Charity Miller
and Hannah
Door 4
James & Ann Young
If you are visi<ng with us today please feel free to par<cipate. We will sing and pray to the Lord and express our
adora<on and thanksgiving for all the blessings He freely gives. We will have an offering this morning and we do not
want our visitors to feel obligated in any way. There is an infant nursery located through the double doors located to
the leJ of the pulpit. The toddler nursery is located up the stairs in the foyer. A children’s worship is provided for
children ages 18 months through 4 on the second floor which will be announced during our service. Please turn your
cell phone ringers off during our service.
I have never qualified for anything that would compare to the Olympic Games. Through the
Sunday Morning Worship
March 6, 2016
Song Director ............ .......... Sco3 Cowan
Prayer ....................... .......... David Howell
Prayer ........................ .......... Terry Dodson
Scripture Reader ....... .......... Lester Buckner
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Speaker ..................... .......... Phil Dunn
Sermon ..................... .......... Coping With Loss
Announcements ........ .......... Ed Staley
Dismissal Prayer ........ .......... Gerame Wells
March 8
March 9
March 13
March 14
Song Director ............. .......... David Howell
Prayer ....................... .......... Freddy Farmer
Prayer ........................ .......... Duane Moore
Scripture Reader ........ .......... Lester Buckner
Speaker ...................... ..........
Sermon Topic …… ......
Announcements ........ .......... Ed Staley
Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Raymond Perry
Teaching Children’s Worship – Duane & Mary Teaching Children’s Worship – Duane & Mary
Ann Moore
Ann Moore
Helpers – Caleb Gary and Connor Gary
Helpers – Ben Laster and Lexy Oa3s
Communion to Shut-Ins
Paul Hos<lo and Carey Laster
Communion to Shut-Ins
Gary Logan and Wes Parker
Sunday Evening Service
Sunday Evening Service
Song Director ............ .......... Paul Hos<lo
Opening Prayer ......... .......... Freddy Farmer
Speaker ..................... .......... Sco3 Wilson
Sermon ...................... What’s On the Inside?
Dismissal Prayer ........ .......... Tim Noel
Devon Jenkins
Tate Wells
Mary Anne Garne3
Tycen Wells
Sunday Morning Worship
March 13, 2016
Song Director ............. .......... Paul Hos<lo
Opening Prayer .......... .......... Wes Parker
Speaker ...................... ..........
Sermon Topic……… ....
Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Pete Harry
Canaan’s Kids — Robert & Janice Jones
Nursery—Mary Ann Moore
Canaan’s Kids — Robert & Janice Jones
Nursery—Mary Ann Moore
Wednesday Evening Prayer—3/9
David Lassiter
Wednesday Evening Prayer—3/16
Tom Rogers
Perry & Joyce Boren—March 8
Peyton & Marlana Crump—
March 13
Loran & Alice Yunevich—March 13
Rudy & Marie Adams—March 14
Ushers for March
Foyer—Greg Perry, Wes Parker and Gary Logan
Side Door Greeters—John Lancaster and Pete Harry
Subs+tutes: Seldon Dixon and Gordon Green
Serve Communion in March
Van Drivers
Sunday, March 13—Cary Lu3rull—
Sunday, March 20—Albert Passenau—
Preside Mike Medeiros
Bob Pickerill
Taylor Gray
Tyler Perry
Luke Lu3rull
Albert Passenau
Wayne Simpson
Mark Thomas
Tate Wells
Subs+tutes: Brian Oa3s and Roy Staley
If you need a ride, please call the
church office.
Nursery A*endants: Judy Thomas and Dawn Ray
Baby Nursery A*endants: Marsha Parker and Lauren Burman

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