July 31, 2016 July 31, 2016
July 31, 2016 July 31, 2016
July 31, 2016 Elders Scott Cowan Pete Harry Duane Moore Wesley Parker Ed Staley John Wheeler Minister Associate Minister Walter B. Edwards Associate Minister Phil Dunn Youth Minister Scott Wilson Counselor Ann Vander Linden 886-3089 Missionaries Ricardo Alvarado Costa Rica Allan Lopez Panama Dorian Flynn Africa Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Services Ladies’ Bible Class 10:00 AM Bible Class 6:30 PM Internet Home Page www.southsidehopkinsville. com Southside Churc h of Christ Page 2 SERVING THE CONGREGATION IN AUGUST 2016: This is YOUR responsibility. If for any reason you are unable to serve, please contact one of the following: Van Driver — Freddie Sweeney at 270-886-9503 Nursery A.endants — Tammy Staley at 270-885-1740 All others — Roy Staley at 270-839-0533 (roy.staley@gmail.com) or Jimmy Stamps at 270-348-0995 FOYER USHERS— Tyler Perry, Tim Bridges and Brad Dougherty Side Door Ushers—Taylor Gray and David Lassiter Subs tutes—Rudy Adams and Marvin Maxwell (Ushers are asked to be here at least 15 minutes early/Side Door Ushers are asked to be present 15 minutes before Bible Classes and Worship service). BIBLE READING ON SUNDAY MORNING—Luke Lu0rull ANNOUNCEMENTS—Tim Noel SONG DIRECTORS—Sunday Morning—David Howell Wednesday Evening—TBA SERVE COMMUNION—Preside—Mike Medeiros COMMUNION TO SHUT-INS Terry Dodson Freddy Farmer August 7—Tim Noel and Wes Parker Lester Buckner Gordon Green August 14—Brian Oa0s and Mark Burman Chris Gary Cary Lu0rull August 21—John Wheeler and Sco0 and Blake Cowan Tyler Lancaster Jarod Perry August 28—Seldon Dixon and Terry Dodson Subs tutes—Brian Oa0s and Blake Cowan NURSERY ATTENDANTS—Sunday Morning— Cassie Dougherty and Lindsey Howell Sunday Morning Baby Nursery— Barbara Harry and Skylar Ray PREPARE COMMUNION TRAYS—Ann Shelton and Susan Swain CHILDREN’S WORSHIP TEACHERS AND HELPERS: Aug. 7—Tony & Emily Vierra/Ethan Noel and Hope Jones Aug. 14—Tony & Emily Vierra/Logan Sco0 and Reagan Burgess Aug. 21—Tim & Cindy Noel/Houston Ray and Hannah Honeycu0 Aug. 28—Tim & Cindy Noel/Caleb Gary and Connor Gary Favorite Sermons Geoffrey Sikes of Trenton Crossing Church of Christ will speak on “Finding Peace In A Storm” this Wednesday evening, August 3rd. Baby Shower in honor of Marlana Crump on Sunday, August 7th, from 1 to 2:30 PM at Southside. Marlana is expec ng a girl and is registered at Babies R Us. Baby Shower in honor of Kara Dixon on Sunday, August 14th, from 1 to 2:30 PM at Southside. Kara is expec ng a boy and is registered at Wal-Mart and Babies R Us. Thank you so much for the beauful flowers and for all the sweet cards I received for my birthday. Violet Berkley We need cereals to restock our pantry. Next week our items will be canned meats like tuna, salmon, SPAM, chicken breast. Before school gets going good I want to take one more day trip. I want to do a middle school and high school trip separately. The High School trip will be on Monday, August 1st, to canoe/kayak the Red River. Plan to leave around 8 AM and return that evening depending on the river. Canoes are $22 per person and have at least two in the canoe. Kayaks are $35 individually. I’ll provide lunch and drinks and you provide the canoe/kayak money. The Middle School trip will be on Tuesday, August 2nd, to Hendersonville, TN to Circus World. The cost is $15 and includes all the games there and lunch. Plan to leave the building around 9 AM and return around 5 PM. Feel free to invite friends to either of these trips. I hope that you will be able to a0end! It should be a fun way to end our summer vaca on. Sco" Southside Churc h of Christ Page 3 Prayer Service “PRAY FOR OUR SCHOOLS” August 7, 2016 5:00 p.m. at Southside Ice Cream Supper to follow How much me does it take to perform a 20-minute puppet show? Several hours! That's right. Our VBS Puppet program could not have been possible without a lot of behind the scenes help. Thanks to Sco0 Cowan for helping me with the scripts and being our emcee. Thank you to Tom Rogers and Roy & Dana Staley for helping with our script recording. I appreciate our youth who helped with decora ons for our stage. But it all couldn't have been possible without the actual puppeteers: Blake Cowan, Lauren Rae Cowan, Brandon Sco0, Jonathan Thomas, Hayden Grace, and Logan Sco0. You were a great crew! tammy rae cowan Nina Tuggle is not doing well. Clarance and Alice Gates were injured in a car accident and Clarance is now at Sky Rehab in Bowling Green. Alice had surgery last week on her broken wrist and will be staying with her son. Paul Arvin, brother of Sara Nell Payne and Tim Arvin, is not feeling well and was scheduled to have a bone marrow test last week. Perry Boren is now at home. Judy Arvin is recovering from surgery and is now at home. Wanda Maddox will be going to MD Anderson in Houston to consult with doctors. Paul Turner is in rehab in Trigg County following a stroke. Rosie East, sister of Be0y Hayes, is not doing well. Remember these also: Paul Arvin, Denny Audas, Violet Berkley, Perry Boren, John Burman, Frances Chenoweth, G.A. Church, Rosie East, Nancy Farmer, John David Foster, Joel Gardner, Raleigh Garre., David Graham, Todd Hayes, Liz Herndon, Ricky Hunt, Marsha Kelly Kingrey, Tara King, Mary Lou Laster, Jean Likens, Russell MarHn, Veachel MarHn, Be.y McLerran, Doris Medeiros, Ed & Barbara Moore, David & Jan Morrow, Dorothy Newcomb, Charles & DoJe O’Nan, Junie Peterson, Be.y Brame Richardson, Ken & Geraldine Simmons, Nina Tuggle, June Ubelhor, Earl Webb and Kim Wheeler. This week’s schedule: August 1—Isaiah 43-47 August 2—Isaiah 48-51 August 3—Isaiah 52-56 August 4—Isaiah 57-59 August 5—Isaiah 60-63 August 6—Isaiah 64-66 August 7—Jeremiah 1-3 Hopkinsville Church of Christ Back to School Bash Southside Church of Christ 529 Country Club Lane Hopkinsville KY 42240 Phone: 270-885-8392 Fax: 270-885-7615 Email: southsidecoc@hesenergy.net Greeters for Today Door 1 David & Barbara Lassiter Door 2 Carey & Heather Laster Jake and Ben Door 3 Gary & Brenda Logan Door 4 Marvin & Sue Maxwell Welcome! Qualified/ If you are visi ng with us today please feel free to par cipate. We will sing and pray to the Lord and express our adora on and thanksgiving for all the blessings He freely gives. We will have an offering this morning and we do not want our visitors to feel obligated in any way. There is an infant nursery located through the double doors located to the leP of the pulpit. The toddler nursery is located up the stairs in the foyer. A children’s worship is provided for children ages 18 months through 4 on the second floor which will be announced during our service. Please turn your cell phone ringers off during our service. I have never qualified for anything that would compare to the Olympic Games. Through the Disqualified Sunday Morning Worship July 31, 2016 Song Director ............ .......... Paul Hos lo Prayer ....................... .......... Pete Harry Prayer ........................ .......... Roy Staley Scripture Reader ....... .......... Peyton Crump Song Director ............. .......... David Howell Prayer ....................... .......... Duane Moore Prayer ........................ .......... Tim Arvin Scripture Reader ........ .......... Luke Lu0rull Speaker ..................... .......... Sco0 Wilson Sermon ………………… .. .......... Deliverance Announcements ........ .......... Mike Medeiros Dismissal Prayer ........ .......... Tim Noel Speaker ...................... .......... Phil Dunn Sermon New Commands and A New Covenant Announcements ........ .......... Tim Noel Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Jimmy Stamps Teaching Children’s Worship – Paul & Dawn Ray Helpers – Houston Ray and Skylar Ray Teaching Children’s Worship – Tony & Emily Vierra Helpers—Ethan Noel and Hope Jones Communion to Shut-Ins Carey Laster and Tim Noel Communion to Shut-Ins Gary Logan and Wes Parker Sunday Evening Service Sunday Evening Service The Elders will conduct our worship service tonight. John Wheeler will be our speaker. His sermon topic will be “Faith, Hope and Love and God’s Providence” based on 1 Corinthians 13 Canaan’s Kids — Roy & Dana Staley Nursery—Tressy Wells Birthdays Geraldine Simmons Skylar Ray Doris Medeiros Jeremy Bridges Lauren Cowan Kim Wheeler Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Anniversaries Neil & Krista Silvy—Aug. 8 Sunday Morning Worship August 7, 2016 Wednesday Evening Prayer—8/3 Gary Logan Song Director ............. .......... David Howell Opening Prayer .......... .......... Terry Dodson Speaker ...................... .......... Phil Dunn Sermon Topic Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Gerame Wells Canaan’s Kids — Robert & Janice Jones Nursery—Tressy Wells Wednesday Evening Prayer— 8/10 Freddy Farmer Ushers for July Foyer—Chris Gary, John Bruce and Freddy Farmer SubsHtutes: Bruce Jenkins and Caleb Gary Side Door Ushers: Carey Laster and Robert Jones Serve Communion in July Preside Bill Duvall Van Drivers Sunday, August 7— Freddie Sweeney—270-886-9503 Mark Burman Drew Burman Brad Dougherty Taylor Gray Jessie Howell David Lassiter Gary Logan Brian Oa0s Sunday, August 14— Cary Lu0rull—270-889-8841 SubsHtutes: Skip Aldridge and Tommy Brooks If you need a ride, please call the church office. Nursery A.endants: Teri Brooks and Dana Gary Baby Nursery A.endants: Janice Jones and Marsha Garne0
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