June 12, 2016 June 12, 2016
June 12, 2016 Elders Scott Cowan Pete Harry Duane Moore Wesley Parker Ed Staley John Wheeler Minister Associate Minister Walter B. Edwards Associate Minister Phil Dunn Youth Minister Scott Wilson Counselor Ann Vander Linden 886-3089 Missionaries Ricardo Alvarado Costa Rica Allan Lopez Panama Dorian Flynn Africa Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Services Ladies’ Bible Class 10:00 AM Bible Class 6:30 PM Internet Home Page www.southsidehopkinsville. com I want to take a moment to thank everyone who made Camp Can Do 2016 a success. This year our theme was Water in the Bible. We had wonderful lessons from Alden Gray, Tressy Wells, Marsha Garne&, and Carrie Stallons. Paige Wilson led our singing throughout the week and helped with the Thursday night program. Each day, we fed campers, staff, and teens a breakfast and lunch, and could not have done it without the awesome kitchen crew and those that brought in food throughout the week! Special thanks to Tracia Gray and Teri Brooks for organizing and preparing the delicious food! Emily Vierra and Betsy Dunn kept cra0s running smoothly and we appreciate all of their help this week. We took a field trip each a0ernoon, and we hope you will show your support to the businesses that were so wonderful to us. Chris2an Way Farm, Kids-N-Play, and Griffin’s Studio made our week exci2ng and unforge&able. Our van drivers made sure we arrived at each loca2on safely. Special thanks to Sco& Wilson and Lester Buckner for driving us this year. We can’t thank Gary and Tammy Winter enough for allowing us to fish in their pond. We appreciate all of the helpers who came to bait hooks! Sco& and Paige Wilson were kind enough to allow us to have our Slip-N-Slide water day at their home on Friday. The kids had a blast! Our teen helpers made sure campers were on task and assisted in many aspects of camp. I cannot forget Teresa and Bobbie for coordina2ng the trips and organizing our photos from the week. Without the help of so many, this week would not have been possible. Thank you for your con2nued support of this program. It is making a difference and I hope it will con2nue to have a posi2ve impact on our community. It was a joy to work with the kids and volunteers. I look forward to next year! Lindsey Howell More pictures inside! Southside Churc h of Christ Page 2 Favorite Sermons Blake Jenkins of New Concord Church of Christ will be speaking on “A Las/ng Hope” this Wednesday evening. Youth Week at Camp Reedy—June 26-30 Deacons Leading Sunday evening service—July 3rd. We will also have our annual Independence Day picnic at Southside following our service. Southside Night at the Hoptown Hoppers game will be Tuesday, July 5th. Free /ckets are available in the church office. VBS 2016—the week of July 17th Devon’s next Cooking Class will be July 29th. The Elders will be leading our evening service on July 31st. June 12—Let the Son Shine Through The children will learn how they can let Jesus’ love shine through them by saying helpful, kind words and not saying mean or hur?ul words. Homeless Work Camp June 12– 15 Need help serving meals to the community for breakfast and lunch through the School Feeding Program. Also need adults willing to drive and supervise various jobs at members’ homes. Southside Chris/an Camp at Big Reedy—June 26-30 Needing adult commitments for kitchen and other staff posi"ons. We need the following items donated for camp: Full Jell-O or pudding cups Toilet paper and paper towel rolls Water bo'le lids Canteen items: Individual bags of chips Individual bags of goldfish Individual bags of cookies Ice pops Capri Sun drinks Li'le Debbie snacks (Please place dona"ons in the Welcome Center) Mission Hoptown Need help to organize and drive for door knocking for VBS. Contribu2ons have been made to the Building Fund in memory of Eric Myers, Amy Dunn Brake and Natalie Young by David & Barbara Lassiter and in memory of Sheila Lancaster Howell by Jesse & Elsie Lancaster Special Needs Superhero Party at Southside Friday, July 8th—6—8 PM We will be serving hero sandwiches, chips and desserts. We are asking for dona"ons to help purchase these food items. If you can help please give your money to Sara Nell Payne or the office staff. We also need helpers for this party! Southside Churc h of Christ Page 3 Jan Morrow had to have another procedure last week. Nina Tuggle fell last week and fractured her hip. Dan Medeiros had a heart cath last week and further tes2ng. Perry Boren will be staying in Nashville for radia2on treatments. Robin Pollard had hip surgery last Tuesday. Ben Laster is recovering from spine surgery. Greg Perry recently broke his foot. Charlene Arvin, sister-in-law of Sara Nell Payne and Tim Arvin, recently broke her arm. Remember these also: Paul Arvin, Denny Audas, Violet Berkley, Perry Boren, John Burman, Frances Chenoweth, G.A. Church, Rosie East, Nancy Farmer, John David Foster, Joel Gardner, Raleigh Garre?, David Graham, Todd Hayes, Liz Herndon, Ricky Hunt, Marsha Kelly Kingrey, Tara King, Mary Lou Laster, Jean Likens, Russell Mar/n, Veachel Mar/n, Be?y McLerran, Doris Medeiros, Ed & Barbara Moore, David & Jan Morrow, Dorothy Newcomb, Charles & DoCe O’Nan, Junie Peterson, Be?y Brame Richardson, Ken & Geraldine Simmons, Nina Tuggle, June Ubelhor, Earl Webb and Kim Wheeler. This week’s schedule: Trip to Adsmore June 13—Job 16-21 June 14—Job 22-28 June 15—Job 29-33 June 16—Job 34-37 June 17—Job 38-42 June 18—Psalms 1-9 June 19—Psalms 10-17 Southside will play Concord Bap2st tomorrow at 7:30 PM on Field 2. Southside Church of Christ 529 Country Club Lane Hopkinsville KY 42240 Phone: 270-885-8392 Fax: 270-885-7615 Email: southsidecoc@hesenergy.net Greeters for Today Welcome! Qualified/ If you are visi2ng with us today please feel free to par2cipate. We will sing and pray to the Lord and express our adora2on and thanksgiving for all the blessings He freely gives. We will have an offering this morning and we do not want our visitors to feel obligated in any way. There is an infant nursery located through the double doors located to the le0 of the pulpit. The toddler nursery is located up the stairs in the foyer. A children’s worship is provided for children ages 18 months through 4 on the second floor which will be announced during our service. Please turn your cell phone ringers off during our service. I have never qualified for anything that would compare to the Olympic Games. Through the Disqualified Sunday Morning Worship June 12, 2016 Sunday Morning Worship June 19, 2016 Door 1 Mark & Judy Thomas and Jonathan Door 2 Susan Swain and Jean Trapp Door 3 Shirley White and Tammy Winters Door 4 James & Ann Young Song Director ............ .......... Sco& Cowan Prayer ....................... .......... David Howell Prayer ........................ .......... John Lancaster Scripture Reader ....... .......... Logan Sco& Philippians 3:12-14 Speaker ..................... .......... Sco& Wilson Sermon … .................. Forest for the Trees Announcements ........ .......... John Lancaster Dismissal Prayer ........ .......... Peyton Crump Birthdays June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 19 June 19 June 19 Anniversaries Mark & Lauren Burman—June 16 Mark & Judy Thomas—June 17 Gerame & Tressy Wells—June 20 Speaker ...................... .......... Phil Dunn Sermon ………………… .. Announcements ........ .......... John Lancaster Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Taylor Gray Teaching Children’s Worship – Jennifer Cannon and Brandon Sco& Helpers—Logan Sco& and Reagan Burgess Teaching Children’s Worship – Jennifer Cannon and Brandon Sco& Helpers – Houston Ray and Hannah Honeycu& Communion to Shut-Ins Gary Logan and Terry Dodson Communion to Shut-Ins David Lassiter and Duane Moore Sunday Evening Service Sunday Evening Service Song Director ............ .......... Paul Hos2lo Opening Prayer ......... .......... Lester Buckner Speaker ..................... .......... Phil Dunn Sermon Topic ........... .......... The Comforter Dismissal Prayer ........ .......... Brad Dougherty Paul Turner Vicki Champion Shirley White Pete Harry Rudy Adams Gordon Green Everly Wheeler Song Director ............. .......... Sco& Cowan Prayer ....................... .......... Tim Noel Prayer ........................ .......... Gary Logan Scripture Reader ........ .......... Logan Sco& Song Director ............. .......... Paul Hos2lo Opening Prayer .......... .......... Duane Moore Speaker ...................... .......... Sco& Wilson Sermon Topic ............ .......... Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Freddy Farmer Canaan’s Kids — Ginger Sco& Nursery—Tressy Wells Canaan’s Kids — Ginger Sco& Nursery—Tressy Wells Wednesday Evening Prayer— 6/15 Marvin Maxwell Wednesday Evening Prayer—6/22 Carey Laster Ushers for June Foyer—Wayne Gray, Jessie Howell and Brian Oa&s Subs/tutes: Tyler Perry and Tim Noel Serve Communion in June Preside Freddy Farmer Van Drivers Sunday, June 19—Skip Aldridge— 270-886-7298 Sunday, June 26— Tommy Brooks—270-885-2261 If you need a ride, please call the church office. Rudy Adams Paul Hos2lo Bob Pickerill Albert Passenau Tim Bridges Tom Doss Robert Jones Caleb Gary Subs/tutes: Wayne Simpson and Ethan Noel Nursery A?endants: Heather Lu&rull and Charity Miller Baby Nursery A?endants: Donna Pickerill and Carrie Stallons
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