February 7 - St. Paul`s
February 7 - St. Paul`s
“ Pethrutha - Beginning of Great Lent ” Lent : Time of Redemption Medical Mission Sunday Kalpana / Circular Circular No. 240: From Mar Thoma Metropolitan Regarding Medical Aid of clergy Circular No. 244: From Mar Thoma Metropolitan Regarding Rassissa $2 for each communicant member Circular No. 245: From Mar Thoma Metropolitan Regarding “ Bhoo - Bhavana Dana ” Movement Sunday, May 1st, 2016 -- Bhoo - Bhavana Dana Sunday. Circular No. 246: From Mar Thoma Metropolitan Regarding Maramon convention – Feb 14 – 21, 2016 Worship Service Thanks to all who assisted in today’s worship service. Next Sunday, February 14th, 2016, there will be Holy Qurbana in Malayalam starting at 10:15 AM. The chief celebrant will be our Vicar, Rev. Shaiju P. John. Thanks to Mr. Shaiju Baby & family for today’s refreshments. Prayer Fellowships Monday prayer – Monday, February 8th 7 PM at church Fasting Prayer - Friday, February 12th 10:00 AM at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Jacob C.C & Leelamma Ebenezer Prayer – Today, February 7th 6:30 PM at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas & Susheela Manna Prayer – Saturday, February 13th 6:30 PM at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Roby Chelagiri & Dimple Parish mission - Every Friday, 7 PM at the church SS Announcements Sunday School students will be visiting the Christian Care Center nursing home for Valentine activities on Saturday, Feb 13 from 1:45 - 3:30 pm. We will leave church at 1:30 pm. Parents are asked to stay with your children at the nursing home until the event ends. Praise & Worship team practice today after church service in the nursery room. All students who are interested in joining should attend. Teacher’s Meeting Feb 14th after services in the SS room to pass the Annual Report, Accounts and the 2016 Budget. All teachers must attend. Bindu Joseph, Sunday School Superintendent Youth Fellowship Friday February 12th 7PM bible study at church. YF Membership dues are being collected by Sen Mathai and Ashish Mathai. It is currently $10 per person. After March 1st, the price will be raised to $15. So please turn them in before March 1st. Youth Fellowship Secretary, Anisha Mathew Yuvajana Sakhyam Yuvajana Sakhyam Cottage Prayer fellowship at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Binu Tharian & Happy on Saturday, Feb 13th at 7pm. Address is 4802 Jon Boat Dr, Garland, 75043. All Sakhyam members & family are requested to attend. Aju Mathew, Yuvajana Sakhyam Secretary Young Families Fellowship Young Families Fellowship will meet: Friday, February 12th from 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM at church. All Young Families are encouraged to participate. Young Families Fellowship Secretary, Jeff Thomas Birthdays Date 8-Feb 9-Feb 11-Feb 11-Feb 11-Feb Name Stan Mepurath Jonncy Marymol Ritz Thomas Bindu Philip Chrissy Mathew Wedding Anniversary Date Name 9-Feb Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mathew (Kochumon) 13-Feb Mr. & Mrs. Ajith Cherian Guests Have a blessed week! ww.stpaulsmtc.org stpaulmtc@gmail.com Any and all St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church, Dallas presentations, speeches, communication, written, spoken or visually represented contents including materials deemed or assumed to be so are protected by U.S. Copyright laws. The contents of this presentation are strictly confidential and private, intended for the internal use of St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church, Dallas members. It is not meant for publication and/ or communication outside the Church premises unless and otherwise expressed in writing by the Church Secretary and President. © 2015 St. Paul’s MarThoma Church, Dallas
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