Good Morning, God! - First United Methodist Church


Good Morning, God! - First United Methodist Church
I awake this morning
knowing you are the one
and only authority over me.
Please rid me of self and
forgive me of my wrongdoings. Fill me with the fuel
of the Holy Spirit. Show me
your glory and power
today, oh God, as I
diligently seek you and
watch for you through the
eyes of the Holy Spirit.
Please use my mouth to
glorify you today and grant
me the patience and selfcontrol in both my words
and actions. Praise God! I
rejoice in all the good
things you have given me
and blessed upon me and I
will continue to be grateful
for the seen and unseen
blessings I receive today.
Help me to pass these
blessings on to others.
I bow down to you and
surrender my ways to you,
oh God, as I accept your
forgiveness and begin this
brand new day with a clean
slate. I love you and do not
want to disappoint you, for
I walk in the fruit of the
spirit: love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness
Thanks be to God as I’m
on my way to a brand new
In Jesus’ precious name,
Our Mission is to be a beacon of faith, love and service through Jesus Christ
First United Methodist Church
* Volume15: Issue 5
June 2013
Some Information About Our Interim Pastors.....
John Winn and Carole Cotton Winn
After individually serving churches of all sizes for
a number of years and then as co-pastors, Bishop
William Oden named Carole the first woman District
Superintendent in the history of the Louisiana
Conference and asked John to create The Center for
Pastoral Excellence for our Conference. Carole served
as DS in both the Lake Charles and the New Orleans
Districts. John was the Mentor/Coach of The Center for
eighteen years and still serves as Mentor Emeritus.
After eight years as District Superintendent, Carole created The
Academy for Spiritual Leadership for the Louisiana Conference. Both The
Center and The Academy have gained national recognition and in 1998 were
awarded a substantial grant from the Lilly Foundation for excellence in
ministry. Carole and John are both graduates of Perkins School of Theology at
SMU and were named Doctors of Divinity by Centenary College.
Upon John’s retirement they chose to return to Slidell as their home,
having once served here as Co-Pastors of the Aldersgate UMC. Their youngest
daughter, Lane Cotton Winn, is the Associate at Aldersgate now and also lives
in Slidell with her husband, Ben Hartman, a teacher at Mandeville Middle
School, and their 4 month old daughter, Julian Grace.
Other children are Callie Crawford, who is the Senior Pastor at Rayne
Memorial, Johnny, a social worker in St. Louis, Dan, who has a business
background and lives in New Orleans, and Mark, who teaches English as a
Second Language in Washington, DC. John and Carole have five
grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Slidell Christian Singles
This singles group meets here on
Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
For more
information please call Margaret at 2858174 or Peggy at 649-4219. All Singles
are invited!
Home bound / Recovery
Do you know anyone from 1st Church
who is home bound? Do you know
someone recovering at home from an
injury/surgery? Call Erin in the church
office. Remember if you or a family
member has surgery or an accident–please
inform the church.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Please know that Prayer Shawls are
available. If you know someone who
needs comfort and needs to feel God’s
love and care in a tangible way, please
contact Shirley Temples at 649-7815 or
The XYZ Craft Group
This group is on break till July
8th. XYZ has changed its focus to
making pillow case dresses, and
towel bibs to give as mission gifts
followed by a pot-luck. They meet
every Monday at 10:00 a.m. in the
Fellowship Hall. Knowing how to
sew is not required to join the fun. If
you haven’t checked us out before
now is the time to do so!!! Call Erin
Chautin for more information at 6436437.
XYZ Monthly Meal
The XYZ monthly meal and
program is off for the summer
months but will resume in
September. This event is open to all
members of the community 55 years
or better! Please contact Erin
Chautin if you would like more
information at 643-6437.
Keenagers, is a non-denominational
group of ladies over 55, that meets
monthly on the fourth Thursday of
the month. You may call Erin at the
church office for more information
at 643-6437.
The Power of Prayer
Please call the church office (643-6437) if you or someone you know needs to be added to the prayer list.
If you or someone you know would like to be added to the email prayer list please email Jill at
Long Term: Johnny Passaro, Kenneth Allen, Catherine Brewbaker, Debbie Parquette, Harriet
Breland, Dianne Wager, Theresa Calamari, Pamela Panks, Jayden & Johnne Young, Owen &
Sydney Holley, Charlotte Parker, Mike Garrity, Bunny Marcussen, Tara Russo Sabin, Marlee
Floyd, McKayla Browning, Sydney Sabin, Raven Burkhart, Shana Gitz, Mary Louise Levy, Sandy
Creevy, Raymond Adams, Tonja Browning, Jerry Lee, Avis Hinson, Brenda Ternberg, Steve
Penton, Derek Miller, E.B. & Nellie Packer, Kendal Rousselle, Peggy Levy, Marvin Johnson,
Susan Needham, Maisie & Francis Madison, Barbara Garrett, Laine Raley, Carley Elliers, Joy
Nelson, Mildred Fowble, Michael & Cheryl Salvador, Yvette Levy, Russ Jones, Janelle
Broussard, Charlotte Fife, Glen Gitz, Jr., Tommy Bass, Ralph Ursin Smith, and Edward Gilmore.
Short Term: Loraine Craig, Joe L. Kinsey, Elliott, Curtiss Dossett, Butch Levy, Butch Penton,
Mary Rasch, Lonnie Livaudais, Margaret Brauner, Leslie Chiles, Janet Daquin, Ina Ratzel, Bob
Baker, Martha Seeber, Earleen Wilson, Jean & Bill Bailey, Lavern Carson, Jesse Curole, Jan
Bell, Floyd Fogg, Betti Zullo, Milton Means, Mack McLendon, Lorraine Trippe, Dan Crow, Bill
Kennedy, Sharon Layton, Betty Hunt, Ann Nelson, Rebecca Roberts, Madison Miller, Frieda
Miller, Austin Bleck, Austin Wombles, Wayne Smith, Darryl Parnell, Sally Brothers, Jeff Floberg,
Arthur Minor, Barbara Galatas, Emily Magee, Matthew Rowley, Noel Rowley, Nolan Lefort,
Estelle Coogler, and all others who have prayer needs.
Please Pray For Those Who are Serving in the Military: Meghan Pound, Terry Canzoneri,
Matthew Joseph Frances, Nick Galatas, Nathanial Johnson, Troy Pridemore Eiserloh, Matthew
Morgan, Chris Phelps, Danny Ludwig, Dave Cougle, Roy Wonsch, Mitch Champagne, Aaron
Bochenek, Heather Floberg, Daniel Fiorella, Brian Lagarde, Christopher Ashworth, Jonathan
Odom, Robert Boggs, Bobby Gambrell, Colin Kerr, Nik Solana, Evan Innerarity, Joseph Galatas,
Daniel C. Stone, Dean Albertstadt & Andrew Young.
United Methodist Men
The Methodist Men meet the first Sunday of every
month for their prayer breakfast. The next breakfast is
scheduled for June 2 at 7:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
and is open to all men of the church.
Women of First Church
The Rummage & Bake Sale is underway as you read this
newsletter. Thank you so much to all those who have
donated, volunteered, baked and helped in any way.
UMW Circle News
Susanna Circle – Meets every second Thursday of the
month in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m.
Lamplighters Circle – Meets every second Thursday
of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall June 6 we are going to Precious Pearls for lunch
and no regular meeting.
WINGS Circle – Meets every third Sunday of the
month in Room 108 at 11:00 a.m.
Mark your calendar now for the WFC "Women of First
Church" Summer Social. All women of the church
are invited to come on Wednesday, July 17 from 11
a.m. - 1 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your
favorite salad to share. We have two fun activities
planned. Bring a friend and join us!
The WFC have finished the FUMC library. It is
located in room 107. It is open and ready for readers
to enjoy!
Camellia Quilters
The Camellia Quilters meet once a month on the third
Thursday of the month. The next meeting is June 20
at 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. at the Old City Hall. The
meetings are open to anyone interested in quilting.
Slidell Photography
This group meets once a month on the third
Wednesday of the month. The next meeting is on June
19 at 7:00 p.m. in room 108.
Get Your Car Decal
Decals may be purchased for the cost of $2.00 and are
available in the church office.
New Coffee Mugs
The next generation of the First UMC
coffee mug is now available! The mugs
are $5.00 each which pays for your
mug and a mug for a first-time
guest. They are available on the
table in the hall leading to the
Sanctuary Narthex and the Church
Choctaw Mission 2013
Choctaw Mission Team forming for Mission July 13-19,
2013. The time is approaching. If you were considering
being part of this team, now is the time! We are looking
for (families, youth, older adults, and individuals to
participate). For more information you may call Charlotte
at 640-3625 or Maritza at 643-6437. We have been doing
this mission for a few years now and it is always such a
blessing to those who participate as well as those we reach
out to in mission. Being part of a mission team will impact
your life in so many wonderful ways!
Making Groceries
Making Groceries Every Communion Sunday - Mount Olive
A.M.E. Feeding Program needs large cans of green beans and
large bags of dry beans and rice and especially in need of
spaghetti sauce, and dry seasonings. Community Christian
Concern needs pancake syrup, pancake mix, peanut butter
and jelly. Bring on June 2.
The Next Papa John's Pizza
Night is Wednesday,
June 12 - Every 2nd & 4th
Wednesday is Pizza Night.
20% of your total goes to the
Building Fund. Please remove the
price sticker from the box edge and
turn it into the church office.
Barnabas Ministry Requests
Please send "encouraging note" requests to Kathey Groves, or call her at 649-5959. Email or call
with the person's name, address, and zip along with a sentence
or two as to how we can pray and encourage your friend or
family member.
Weekly Sermons
We offer weekly messages from our pastors on the church’s
website – and/or on audio CD discs.
You may request a CD by emailing our Multi-media
Coordinator Butch Levy at or by
calling the church office at 643-6437.
Welcome New Staff Member
to First United Methodist Church
SPR is excited and pleased to announce that FUMC has
hired Nathan Sumrall as our organist/Accompanist.
Nathan will start his duties on Wednesday 7/3/13 and his
first Sunday sharing his talents and gift of music will be
7/7/13. Nathan brings a wealth of knowledge and
enthusiasm to this position. We are blessed to have him.
Meanwhile, our talented staff of Marlene Rawle and Lori
Dewitt, will continue to support us as Organists/
Accompanists during the month of May and June.
Non Profit
US Postage
First United Methodist Church
433 Erlanger Street
Slidell, LA 70458
Office: 985-643-6437 Fax: 985-643-6439
Permit # 126
Slidell, LA
Sunday Worship Services
8:30, 9:45 & 11:00 a.m.
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs from 8am-4pm & Fri 8am -Noon
Address Service Requested
Church Work Day - Saturday, June 8 at 8:30 a.m.
Church Work Day, Saturday, June 8th at 8:30 am - All hands on deck meet us outside of fellowship hall and share
your talents as we paint, trim, repair and pray our church back the condition that we can all be proud of. Bring
paint brushes, rags, trimmers, garbage bags, and hand tools. See you there, your board of trustees
11:00 a.m. - Adult Sunday School Hour - Has New Format
Inspired by our Methodist Founder, John Wesley, this informal Christ-centered time of fellowship is just what you need to
complement your corporate worship time. No book, no video, no homework, only Christian conversation and The Biblejust like John Wesley encouraged.
Each week we will focus on a scripture and apply it to our everyday living. This will be informal, interactive, nonthreatening and fun. Come once, come every week, come periodically-- just drop in! But COME and grow in faith with us.
Although the hour will be led by Erin Chautin, we will rotate facilitators, as needed. If you are a Christian, want to grow in
your faith and you like to chat... YOU ARE WELCOME--Especially if you are a 9:45 Alive! worshiper-- COME to
Methodist Chat-- in room 107 at 11:00 a.m. this Sunday and any/all Sundays you can. See you there!
Do You Facebook?
Check us out and see
what’s Happening
Welcome New Members
Wednesday Night Dinner is taking a hietus for the
Summer but the "The Table' Worship Service at 6:30
p.m. continues! Come Worship with us!
Thank You! Thank You!
Church work day. A belated thank you to all the guys and
gals who came out to work on drainage for the Sanctuary
and Fellowship Hall; weeded and arranged the Prayer
Garden; painted doors and ceilings; and cleaned all the
tables in FLC and FH. We accomplished a lot in 4 hrs. We
still have many more maintenance items to work on so
watch for our next work day.
Mary and Clayton Buzbee
Texas & Oklahoma Storm UMCOR Relief Donations
Requested. If you'd like to assist please turn your check
into the church office or Sunday offering with memo line
marked "UMCOR UMCOR Advance #901670. ". Thank
you for caring!
Ringers needed!
No, not horseshoes—Handbell ringers! We have room for
you in the Adult Handbells group. Even with minimal
skills in reading music, you can be a successful ringer and
part of this vibrant ministry. Please consider joining us as
we make our plans for the summer, fall and, advent
seasons. Call or email Barbara Williams for more
information. 985-641-1267 or
Zechman Family
Father's Day Card Order Form
“Love of a Father” - “Our mission is to be a beacon of faith, love, and service through Jesus Christ.”
To help raise funds for the Choctaw Mission we are offering you the opportunity to place an order for a Father’s Day Card. These
cards will be mailed out just in time for Father’s Day to the person(s) of your choice. This is an awesome way of giving that
reaches out in missions.
Please Print Clearly
Card # 1
Please accept my gift of $5____$10___or other $____ to "Have a Heart for Missions". Please send this card
Address __________________________City/State/Zip:___________________________________
From: Name:___________________________________________________________________________
(All forms must be turned in by May 5. Please be sure to write “Mother’s Day Card” in the memo line of your check.)
Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible School 2013
Where Kids Stand Strong for God!
Pre-Register for VBS Early! Save Your Spot!
First United Methodist Church 433 Erlanger, Slidell, LA 70458 - 985-643-6437
FUMC 433 Erlanger Street, Slidell, LA 70458
Morning Session - June 17-21, 2013
9:00 a.m.- Noon Monday - Friday
Evening Session - June 23-27, 2013 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sunday - Thursday
For Ages: Completed 3 or 4 Yr. Preschool - Completed 5th Grade
Dear Parents - Kingdom Rock will begin and end in the Sanctuary and function in
nearby classrooms. Activities include high energy children’s worship and music,
team-building noncompetitive games, Bible story experiences in meaningful ways,
small group discussions kids will enjoy and remember, fun snacks, crafts and more.
Preschool classes will meet their crews in the Sanctuary and walk to their respective
classrooms with activities fit for a king! We look forward to enjoying ministry with
your child, especially as we continue rebuilding our church campus! Check out our
Youth Group Facebook page for hints, daily photos and more!
______Morning VBS
Check One
Evening VBS______
PLEASE CHOOSE ONE SESSION! Please check Morning /Evening Session VBS.
Kingdom Rock 2013 Registration Form - One Per Child Please
Or Register Online at
Suggested Donation: $15 per child
Registration includes one CD of VBS music per family!
Name of Child:_________________________________________________________________________
Parent Name(s):_______________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone:_____________________________Cell:_________________________________________
Email Address for news updates:_____________________________________ _________________
Emergency Contact:_____________________________Phone Number:_______________________
Birth date of Child:___________________________Home Church:___________________________
Child’s Age as of June 1, 2013:____________Last School Grade Completed:______________
Allergies, Dietary, Medical, or Special Concerns:______________________________________
***Check with Director for Snack Menu if you have special dietary concerns
Call me! I would like to volunteer to help a child grow closer to Jesus at VBS!_____
Call me! I will send in supplies________________________________________
Name of friend your child might like to travel in a large group with if
_____Initial)OK! My child may be photographed for church use, the Youth Facebook
page and/or local media publications.
Any questions please call 643-3454!
Children’s Summer Music and Drama Camp Registration Form
June 3 – June 7, 2013 9:00-2:30
Registration Fee: (includes Music, Script, CD, T-Shirt, Snacks)
$60 for individual child - $50 per child for 2 or more in a family
Name of Child: _______________________________________________
Parent Name(s): ______________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________
Subdivision: ____________Home Phone: __________Cell: ________________
Emergency Contact: ________________
E-Mail Address: ________________ I would like to volunteer! (check one) __Yes __ No
Home Church: __________________________T-Shirt Size: _______________
Child Date of Birth: ______________Last School Grade Completed: ________________
Allergies, Medical or Special Concerns: ___________________________________
Name of friend with whom your child might like to be grouped: _______________________
_______ (initial) “It’s OK! My child may be photographed for church use and/or local news media
Performance will be Friday, June 7 at 7:00 p.m. If your child cannot attend please contact
Marlene Rawle at (985) 641-0281 before submitting registration.
This camp is for children who have completed Kindergarten - 5th grade. Must provide a sack
lunch. You may place this completed form in the offertory plate or return to the church office.
Adult Discipleship Education Offerings
First United Methodist Church
When God’s People Pray:
The Transforming Power of Prayer
By Jim Cymbala
Thursday Evenings 7:00p-8:30p
Starting May 30th for 6 weeks
Led by Mike & Suki Polk
5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20, 7/11, 7/18
Wednesday Afternoons 1:00p-2:30p
Starting May 22nd for 6 weeks
Led by Ann Stuart
5/22, 5/29, 6/5, 6/12, 6/26, 7/3
Understand, personalize, and apply the powerful,
life-changing concepts found in the power of
prayer. Prayer can change lives and circumstances
like nothing else can. This small group study will
demonstrate what the keys that unlock its power,
that turn prayer from a mere activity into a vital link
with God and all his resources? In When God's
People Pray, Pastor Jim Cymbala, shows us the
truths about prayer and how we can pray with
passion, focus, and faith. This study will help you
pray with new confidence; Video/Participant
book/small group discussion. Cost: $12 per
book— All teenagers through adult welcome
Christianity’s Family Tree
By Adam Hamilton
Sunday Evenings 7:00p-8:30p
Starting June 9 for 6 weeks
Led by Rev. Tiffanie Lyon
6/9, 6/16, 6/30, 7/7, 7/21, 7/28
--What other Christians believe
and why—
This is an inspiring and
intriguing look at eight
Christian denominations
and faith traditions. Comparing the
Christian family to our own extended
families, Adam Hamilton contends that each
denomination has a unique, valuable
perspective to offer on the Christian Faith.
Together we will journey through the beliefs and
history of Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Lutheranism,
Presbyterianism, Anglicanism, Baptists,
Pentecostalism and our very own Methodism;
Video/Participant book and small group
discussion. Cost: $12 per book— All
teenagers through adult welcome
For more information please contact Rev. Tiffanie Lyon at
985-707-6833 (cell) or
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 YES! Register me! For
 When God’s People Pray- Wed. 1p Starting May 22nd
 When God’s People Pray- Thurs. 7p Starting May 30th
 Christianity’s Family Tree- Sun. 7p Staring June 9th
 Maybe, I’d like more information first.
Please contact me by:  Telephone
 E-mail
Name: Mr./Mrs./Ms._____________________________________
Preferred Telephone: ____________________ Is this your?
 Home or  Cell
Mailing Address: ______________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________
We may be able to offer childcare. Do you need it?  Y  N
Please complete this form and return to the church:
 Place in Sunday morning offering plate
 E-mail Rev. Tiffanie Lyon at
 Mail to church office: 433 Erlanger St. Slidell, LA 70458
We Need Your Help!!
Pumpkin Patch was started to support local and worldwide missions in
2002. Our first year we raised $7,000. That has steadily grown to over
$20,000 in 2012. Our first season was only 25 days long and now pumpkin
harvesting last up to 40 days. We need hundreds of volunteer hours to
organize, set-up, sell, take down and clean up every year. We need
everyone’s help to continue the mission work of the church. We’re looking
for volunteers to lead a small portion God’s mission work at the Patch.
Some areas that need to be filled are:
Head Pumpkineers in training – 2 to 3 people
Teams to put up & take down the following: String lights, Pallets for
Pumpkins, Sales & Display tents
People to serve on: Recruitment of Pumpkin & Bake Sale associates
Quality Control team
Day Captains (one day each week)
Pumpkin & Bake Sale associates
Patch Decorating team
Clean up team
Please prayerfully consider volunteering for this worthwhile mission.
Lights 9-14
Tent and Pallets 9-21
1st load of Pumpkins
2 load of Pumpkins
Clean up
11-1 & 2
Please contact Kathy Huse (c) 707-3108 or Rich Jeppesen (c) 788 4566 for
your job opportunity.
Save the Date - 2nd
Annual Olde Town Pumpkin
Festival Saturday, October
19, 2013 from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Hay dig, games, spacewalk,
concessions, arts & crafts, face painting, music, costume parades,
ponies, and lots of pumpkin fun! For more information on Sponsorship,
Vendor Applications and volunteer opportunities, please call Diane at
504-638-1890. Festival is located in the back parking lot of the church.
The SPR Committee is accepting applications for the position of
Contemporary Worship Leader. This position is responsible for the
direction and leadership of the Refiner’s Fire group that provides
music for our 9:45 worship experience. Anyone interested in
applying for the position, please contact Maritza in the church office
for an application and a copy of the job description. If you have any
questions, please contact Rev. Dan Lund III, Melinda Folse, or Pam Pound.