130825.resource directory
130825.resource directory
Indiana County Resource Directory Your guide to life in Indiana County Special supplement to August 2013 2 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 Inside A brief history of Indiana County/Page 4 Profiles of each of the county’s boroughs and townships/Pages 6-11 A look at the school districts and private schools/Pages 12-16 Higher education/Pages 16, 17 Fire departments/Pages 18, 19 Police agencies/Page 20 Service clubs/Page 20 Economic development leaders/Page 21 Annual events: Mark your calendar for these recurring festivals./Pages 22, 23 Recreation: • Parks and trails/Pages 24-27 • Sportsmen’s clubs and where to get hunting and fishing licenses/Pages 28, 29 Elected officials and where to vote/Page 30 Services: Information on utilities, recycling, ICCAP, public transit/Page 31-34 Social services, from A to Z/Pages 34, 36 Child care/Pages 37-40 Senior centers/Page 40 Health care/Page 41 Financial instituions/Page 42 Library listings/Page 43 TOM PEEL/Gazette A FLOCK of Canada geese circled before making a splashdown near the main dock area of Yellow Creek State Park in Cherryhill Township. About this publication The Indiana County Resource Directory is designed to be an all-in-one publication for residents of Indiana County, whether you are new to the area or have lived here all your life. We have assembled valuable information from numerous aspects of life here that we hope you will keep and use as a reference guide throughout the year. This guide is broken into numerous categories, including information about the county itself and each of its municipalities, public and private schools, recreational opportunities and annual festivals, social service agencies, the political scene and more. The resource directory is also available on our website at www.indianagazette.com so readers from anywhere can learn more about the place we call home. Did we miss you? In putting together the Indiana County Resource Directory, we may have inadvertently omitted some entries in the categories we listed. If you would like to be considered for inclusion in next year’s edition, please contact Jason Levan by email at jlevan@indiana gazette.net or by telephone at (724) 465-5555, ext. 270. WE’RE HERE TO HELP TRIPS TO MEDICAL & DENTAL APPOINTMENTS ■ Hospital Discharges ■ Medical Testing & Therapy ■ Wheelchair & Walk-On Services Available CITIZENS' MEDICAL TRANSPORT SERVICE Phone: 724-349-5527 Pager: 724-464-5454 P.O. www.citizensambulance.org Proudly Delivering Professional, Reliable & Compassionate Care Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 3 ,QGLDQD&RXQW\&HQWHUIRU(FRQRPLF2SHUDWLRQV 801 Water Street i i i i — Indiana, PA 15701 — www.indianacountyceo.com 724.465.2662 4 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 Historical highlights WEST MAHONING A brief history of the development of Indiana County: 1803: Indiana County is established. Feb. 5, 1805: The county’s first financial statement shows a budget of $1,693.67. 1807: The county is composed of just seven townships — Armstrong, Blacklick, Center, Conemaugh, Mahoning, Washington and Wheatfield. Feb. 18, 1813: A commission is created to lay out a state road from Indiana to Pittsburgh. March 11, 1816: Indiana Borough is established. 1846: Mahoning Township is split into East, West, North and South Mahoning townships. June 29, 1854: The Rev. Peter Sahm is named the first superintendent of schools and is paid $500 a year. 1855: Mail is delivered daily to Blairsville for the first time. Previously, it had been delivered three times a week. June 9, 1856: The Indiana Branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad begins operating with passenger trains to Blairsville. The trip takes 1 hour and 35 minutes one way. 1857: The county now has 24 townships. 1869: Indiana Borough passes an ordinance establishing a fine of between $1 and $20 for riding horses faster than a slow trot through town. June 15, 1870: The borough of West Indiana is established. Indiana and West Indiana merged Aug. 3, 1895. December 1892: Long-distance telephone service is extended to Indiana. A single phone is located in a real estate office, and all calls had to be made from there. Feb. 5, 1923: The Indiana County Chamber of Commerce forms. May 11, 1929: The first airport is established; it is later known as Hamilton Field before it is taken over by the county in 1957 and dedicated as the Jimmy Stewart Airport on Sept. 18, 1959. April 1946: Construction starts on the Conemaugh Dam and is finished in September 1953 at a cost of $46.2 million. July 4, 1951: The J.S. Mack Community Center is dedicated. 1963: The land for Yellow Creek State Park is purchased; recreation facilities open there in 1970. 1998: The last of the Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Corp. mines closes, marking an end to the county’s lengthy tradition as a coal-mining giant. 2003: Indiana County celebrates its bicentennial. NORTH MAHONING CANOE BANKS SMICKSBURG GLEN CAMPBELL SOUTH MAHONING EAST MAHONING GRANT PLUMVILLE MONTGOMERY MARION CENTER WASHINGTON RAYNE INDIANA CHERRY TREE C O. GREEN CREEKSIDE ERNEST CLYMER WHITE SHELOCTA CHERRYHILL ARMSTRONG INDIANA PINE YOUNG CENTER HOMER CITY CONEMAUGH BRUSH VALLEY BUFFINGTON BLACK LICK SALTSBURG ARMAGH BURRELL BLAIRSVILLE WEST EAST WHEATFIELD WHEATFIELD Population patterns Year, population, change, percent change. 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 8,882 14,252 5,370 20,782 6,530 27,170 6,388 33,687 6,517 36,138 2,451 40,527 4,389 42,175 1,648 42,556 381 66,210 23,654 37.6 31.4 23.5 19.3 6.7 10.8 3.9 0.9 35.7 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 80,910 14,700 18.1 75,395 -5,515 -7.3 79,854 4,459 5.5 77,106 -2,748 -3.5 75,366 -1,740 -2.3 79,451 4,085 5.1 92,281 12,830 13.9 89,994 -2,287 -2.5 89,605 -389 -0.4 88,880 -725 -0.8 The recorded history of Indiana County begins in 1727, when James LeTort, a French Huguenot trader, set up a trading post for the Indians near what is now the town of Shelocta, in the western part of the county. NOBODY KNOWS HOMES BETTER! INDIANA BLAIRSVILLE 1019 Water Street Indiana, PA 15701 53 West Market Street Blairsville, PA 15717 724-349-8040 724-349-8070 - fax 724-459-6770 724-459-6772 - fax indiana@northwood.com blairsville@northwood.com Passion. Experience. Integrity. Member of West Penn Multi List Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 5 Supporting Our Community NAVIGATING YOUR SUCCESS Employee Benefits and Property/Casualty Insurance Services Laurel Place 922 Philadelphia Street Indiana,PA 15701-3940 724.349.1300 • 800.442.8047 www.reschini.com A Tradition of Insurance Excellence Since 1938 6 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 MUNICIPAL PROFILES ARMAGH BOROUGH Settled: 1792 Land area: 0.1 square miles Population (2010 census): 133 Elevation: 1,531 feet Namesake: Armagh, Northern Ireland, meaning “field on a hill” Mayor: Michael Ault, (814) 446-6080 Council members: James Brendlinger, president; Marilyn Mack; Vernice Rosenberger, vice president; Richard Fatula; John Dunn Secretary: Margaret Larkin Solicitor: Michael Sahlaney, Johnstown Meetings: First Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at S&T Bank in Armagh Office: 1426 Stutzman Road, (814) 446-5102 Budget: $14,800 State representation: Rep. Frank Burns, D; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R ARMSTRONG TOWNSHIP Settled: 1773 Land area: 37.7 square miles Population (2010 census): 2,998 Elevation: 1,348 feet Namesake: Col. John Armstrong, who led an offensive against the Indians in 1756 Supervisors: Glenn Carnahan, chairman; R. Rodger George, vice chairman; William G. Reeger Secretary: Patricia George Road Master: Gary Blystone Solicitor: Matthew Ross, Indiana Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. and the fourth Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the municipal building Office: 977 Parkwood Road, (724) 465-4755 Budget: $665,250 State representation: Rep. Jeff Pyle, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R BANKS TOWNSHIP Settled: 1842 Land area: 31.8 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,018 Elevation: 1,850 feet Namesake: William N. Banks, a prominent Indiana attorney Supervisors: Miles Duncan, chairman; Robert G. Eritano Sr., vice chairman; Michael Dill Secretary: Tracy E. Pearce Solicitor: David Young, Punxsutawney Meetings: First Monday at 7 p.m. at the township office Office: 1870 Hemlock Lake Road, Rossiter RD 1, (814) 427-2112 Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R BLACKLICK TOWNSHIP Settled: 1790 Land area: 27.3 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,237 Elevation: 1,083 feet Namesake: Blacklick Creek Supervisors: Timothy N. Stewart, chairman; Terence R. Stiles, vice chairman; Robert C. McCrea, road master Secretary: Ruth I. Smith Solicitor: Ronald J. Saffron, Blairsville Meetings: First Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the community building, 132 Hill Road Office: 300 Muddy Run Road, Blairsville (724) 459-9138 Budget: $329,490 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R BLAIRSVILLE BOROUGH Settled: 1790 Land area: 1.4 square miles Population (2010 census): 3,412 Elevation: 1,017 feet Namesake: John Blair, an early transportation pioneer Mayor: Joseph L. Caugherty Council members: John Bertolino, president; Ronald Evanko, vice president; Mary Ugoletti; Jeffrey Marshall; Carolyn R. Smith; James R. Mollo Solictor: Bob Bell, Indiana Secretary-treasurer/ business manager: Tim Evans Meetings: 6 p.m. on the third Tuesday in the municipal building Office: 203 E. Market St., Blairsville, (724) 459-9100 Budget: $1.77 million State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R BRUSHVALLEY TOWNSHIP Settled: 1780 Land area: 41.5 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,858 Elevation: 1,562 feet Namesake: Brush Creek Supervisors: Michele Papakie; Sam Kerr, vice chairman, David Overdorff, chairman Road Master: Scott Overdorff Secretary: Robin Brilhart Treasurer: Michele Papakie Meetings: First Monday at 7 p.m. in the Brush Valley fire hall, except in September Office: 5869 Route 56 Hwy., P.O. Box 21, Brush Valley, (724) 479-3358 Budget: $340,715 State representation: Rep. Jeff Pyle, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R Did you know there were 10 schools in the township in 1913? BUFFINGTON TOWNSHIP Settled: 1867 Land area: 30.5 square miles /LVWLQJVIRU,QGLDQD&RXQW\DW\RXUÀQJHUWLSV SXWWUHFRP ,W·V4XLFN,W·V(DV\ 3URSHUW\6HDUFK 2SHQ+RXVHV 3ULFH&KDQJHV Putt Real Estate Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 7 MUNICIPAL PROFILES Population (2010 census): 1,328 Elevation: 1,778 feet Namesake: Judge Joseph Buffington, an early homesteader Supervisors: Miles Duncan, chairman; Robert G. Eritano Sr., vice chairman; Michael Dill Secretary: Kimberly A. Luther Solicitor: Robert I. Manzi Jr., Indiana Meetings: First Monday at 7 p.m. in the township municipal building Office: 1010 Route 403 South, Homer City, (814) 749-0422 Budget: $337,250 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R BURRELL TOWNSHIP Settled: 1853 Land area: 23.7 square miles Population (2010 census): 4,393 Elevation: 1,040 feet Namesake: Judge Jeremiah M. Burrell Supervisors: Anthony Distefano, chairman; John Shields, vice president; and Larry Henry; all serve as road masters Secretary: Helen Olechovski Hill Solicitor: William T. Shulick, Blairsville Meetings: Third Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the township building Office: 321 Park Drive, Black Lick, (724) 248-3308 Budget: $624,000 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R CANOE TOWNSHIP Settled: 1847 Land area: 27.1 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,505 Elevation: 1,417 feet Namesake: Canoe Creek Supervisors: Dwight Winebark, chairman; Frederick Pennington,vice chairman; Elmer M. Williard Secretary: Georgia Lou Riddle Solicitor: Timothy Morris, Punxsutawney Meetings: Second and fourth Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at the municipal building, 1670 Canoe Ridge Road Office: P.O. Box 355, Rossiter, (814) 938-8203. Fax: (814) 938-7626 Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R CENTER TOWNSHIP Settled: 1807 Land area: 40.5 square miles Population (2010 census): 4,764 Elevation: 1,598 feet Namesake: The land for the township originally was situated roughly in the center of the county. Supervisors: David “Butch” Smyers, chairman and road master; Robert Pozik, vice chairman and road master; and John Bertolino, road master Secretary: Esther Yankuskie Solicitor: Bonya Gazza & DeGory, Indiana Meetings: First Monday at 3:15 p.m. in the township building, except holidays, for general business, and every other Thursday at 3 p.m. for payroll and bills. Office: 1212 Neal Road, Homer City, (724) 479-2688, Fax: (724) 479-3692 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R CHERRYHILL TOWNSHIP Settled: 1854 Land area: 48.8 square miles Population (2010 census): 2,765 Elevation: 1,385 feet Namesake: William Penn’s Manor in Cherryhill Supervisors: James Golden, chairman; Terry Stiffler, vice chairman; Roger McDaniel; all are road masters. Secretary-treasurer: Shirley Howells Solicitor: Wayne Kablack, Indiana Meetings: First Monday at 7 p.m. in the township building, except Sept. 2 Office: 184 Spaulding Road, Penn Run, (724) 465-7453 Budget: $450,815 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Rep. Jeff Pyle, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Mark Critz, D CHERRY TREE BOROUGH Settled: 1822 Land area: 0.5 square miles Population (2010 census): 364 Elevation: 1,380 feet Namesake: A large, black cherry tree that was washed away in a flood in 1837. Mayor: Larry Leamer Council members: Bernard Lemmer; Martin Harbaugh; Terry McCune; Lisa Harbaugh; Sandra Leamer; Carl Romagna; and Ronald Fox. Secretary: Kathy Weaver Treasurer: Lisa Movinsky Solicitor: Jeffrey Miller of Leventry, Haschak and Rodkey, of Johnstown Meetings: First Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the borough building Office: 200 S. Main St., Cherry Tree, (814) 948-7504 Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R CLYMER BOROUGH Settled: 1905 Land area: 0.6 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,357 Elevation: 1,250 feet LOCAL SERVICE that MAKES A DIFFERENCE Agency (724) 465-5514 Call Connie For All Of Your Insurance Needs! www.HelwigInsurance.com An Agent Selling Insurance For 8 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 MUNICIPAL PROFILES Secretary: Robin L. Harman Solicitor: James Carmella, Indiana Meetings: First Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the township building Office: 16980 Route 286 West, Saltsburg, (724) 639-9330 Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R CONEMAUGH TOWNSHIP Settled: 1779 Land area: 35.8 square miles Population (2010 census): 2,294 Elevation: 1,188 feet Namesake: Conemaugh River Supervisors: Bill Petro, chairman; Donald Fink Sr., vice chairman; Lester Pierce; all are road masters Secretary: Robin L. Harman Solicitor: James Carmella, Indiana Meetings: First Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the township building Office: 16980 Route 286 West, Saltsburg, (724) 6399330 Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R CREEKSIDE BOROUGH Settled: 1854 Land area: 0.2 square miles Population (2010 census): 309 Elevation: 1,053 feet Namesake: Its position along Crooked Creek Mayor: Jon Hitchings Council members: Robert C. Fairman; Thomas Smith; Pat Fairman; Richard Kerner; Josh Anderson Secretary: Gail Smith Solicitor: Wayne Kablack, Indiana Meetings: First Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Creekside fire hall Office: P.O. Box 127, Creekside, (724) 463-7059 Budget: $120,905 State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R EAST MAHONING TWP. Settled: 1803 Land area: 31.4 square miles Population (2010 census): See what the Chamber can do for Your Business! 1,077 Elevation: 1,790 feet Supervisors: Chris Stewart, Willard Weaver, Patricia Ackerson Secretary: Bertha Ackerson Solicitor: Robert F. Manzi, Indiana Meetings: First Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the township building Office: 12052 Route 119 Highway P.O. Box 164, Marion Center, (724) 3972260 Budget: $600,000 State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R EAST WHEATFIELD TWP. Settled: 1764 Land area: 26.9 square miles Population (2010 census): 2,366 Elevation: 1,535 feet Namesake: Its abundance of fields suitable to grow wheat Supervisors: Kenneth Umholtz, chairman; James Donelson, vice chairman; Clarence E. Stiles Secretary-treasurer: Colleen Rudnik Road Master: Gary Stiles Solicitor: Timothy S. Burns, Ebensburg Meetings: First and third Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. in the township office Office: 11444 Route 56 Highway East, Armagh, (814) 446-6311, Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Budget: $481,257 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R ERNEST BOROUGH Settled: 1903 Land area: 0.2 square miles Population (2010 census): 462 Elevation: 1,180 feet Mayor: Lucinda Wise Council members: Mark Barris, Thomas Lostrick, Daniel Fleming, Kristine Mellinger and Angelina Scaramuzzo Secretary: Patricia Yamrick Solicitor: Wayne Kablack, Indiana Meetings: Second Monday at 6 p.m. in the borough building. Office: 165 Main St., Ernest, (724) 349-7489 Budget: $92,661.00 State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R Providing the public with personal service and affordable costs for property and casualty insurance. r'JSFr)PNFPXOFST r-JBCJMJUZr5IFGU7BOEBMJTN 724-465-2511 FAX: 724-465-3706 www.indianacountychamber.com email:info@indianacountychamber.com Patrons’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co. PIJMB4U*OEJBOBr724-465-4922 Sign up for free news updates sent directly to your mobile device at www.indianagazette.com. Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 9 MUNICIPAL PROFILES GLEN CAMPBELL BOROUGH Settled: 1889 Land area: 0.9 square miles Population (2010 census): 245 Elevation: 1,473 feet Namesake: Glenwood Coal Co. and its superintendent, Col. Cornelius Campbell. Mayor: Christiana White Council members: David Lucas, president; James White, vice president; Kacey Anderson; Jason Arnold; Roy Mumau Secretary: Debbie Cessna Solicitor: James Carmella, Indiana Meetings: First Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the borough building Office: 440 Glenwood Ave., Glen Campbell Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R GRANT TOWNSHIP Settled: 1820 Land area: 27 square miles Population (2010 census): 741 Elevation: 1,690 feet Supervisors: Robert Stonebraker, chairman; Michael McCoy, vice chairman; Charles Reed Secretary: Stephanie Jobe Solicitor: Robert Manzi Jr., Holsinger, Clark and Armstrong Meetings: First Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., township building Office: 100 East Run Road, Marion Center, (724) 254-1530 Budget: $274,031.90 State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R GREEN TOWNSHIP Settled: 1801 Land area: 52.8 square miles Population (2010 census): 3,839 Elevation: 869 feet Supervisors: Allen Shirley, vice chairman; ; James F. Crawford Sr., chairman; Kenneth Ferringer, supervisor Secretary: Jennifer Jennings Solicitor: Wayne A. Kablack, Indiana Meetings: Second Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the township building Office: 1492 Route 240, Commodore, (724) 254-9355 Budget: $1.2 million State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R HOMER CITY BOROUGH Settled: 1854 Land area: 0.6 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,707 Elevation: 1,030 feet Namesake: The Greek poet, Homer Mayor: Kenneth “Cal” Cecconi Council members: Richard Morris, president; Joseph Iezzi, Joy Realty University Square III, Ste. 104 1163 Grant Street Indiana, PA 15701 724-349-6900 email - joy@joyrealty.com Check out our website: www.joyrealty.com vice president; Matt Black; Jennifer Jaworski; Bernice Harris; Christina Worcester; Elizabeth Brown Secretary: Karen Valyo Solicitor: Michael Supinka, Indiana Manager: Rob Nymick Meetings: First Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the borough building Office: 30 E. Wiley St., Homer City, (724) 479-8005 Budget: $430,665 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R INDIANA BOROUGH Settled: 1804 Land area: 1.8 square miles Population (2010 census): 13,975 Elevation: 1,396 feet Namesake: Named for Indians who inhabited the land. Mayor: George E. Hood Council members: Nancy Jones, president; Ross Bricklemyer, vice president; Julie Adcock; Peter Broad; John Hartman; Robert Jobe; Kevin Kravetsky; John Petrosky; Tom Thompson; Richard Thorell; Gerald Smith; Larry DeChurch Secretary: William Sutton Solicitor: Wayne Kablack Manager: William Sutton Meetings: 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in the borough building Office: 80 N. Eighth St., Indiana, (724) 465-6691 Budget: $5,952,966 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Reps. Bill Shuster, R (Wards 1 and 4); and U.S. Rep. Mark Critz, D (Wards 2 and 3) MARION CENTER BOROUGH Settled: 1795 Land area: 0.7 square miles Population (2010 census): 451 Elevation: 1,290 feet Namesake: Revolutionary War hero Gen. Francis Marion Mayor: Frank Pennington Council members: David Osgood, president; Dave Nycum, vice president; Richard Smith; Jan Elkin; Philip Kriley; Zach Kriley, student representative to borough council Secretary: Rob Barto Solicitor: Wayne Kablack, Indiana Meetings: First Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the municipal building Office: 1000 Manor St., Marion Center, (724) 397-0200 Budget: $71,600 State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP Settled: 1834 Land area: 28.7 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,568 Elevation: 1,667 feet Namesake: John Montgomery, a Revolutionary War veteran Best Wishes INDIANA COUNTY ELECTED OFFICIALS From these JUDGES 7ILLIAM*-ARTIN0RESIDENT*UDGEs#AROL(ANNA*UDGEs4HOMAS"IANCO*UDGE AUDITORS DISTRICT ATTORNEY COMMISSIONERS Rodney D. Ruddock, Chairman Helen D. Clark 0ATRICK$OUGHERTY $AVID3&RICKs0ATRICIA!%VANKO Donna K. Cupp SHERIFF TREASURER 2EBECCA--EDVETZ 2OBERT%&YOCK Sandra K. Kirkland MAGISTERIAL CORONER REGISTER & RECORDER DISTRICT JUDGES Mike Baker 0ATRICIA23TREAMS7ARMAN Guy Haberl JURY COMMISSIONERS PROTHONOTARY & *ENNIFER*OHNSTON2EGA Mary Jane Dellafiora CLERK OF COURTS George M. Thachik ,OUISE(ILDEBRAND Randy Degenkolb 10 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 MUNICIPAL PROFILES Supervisors: Harold Lockard, chairman; Ronald L. Lowe, vice chairman; John O. Pittman Secretary: Paula Burba Solicitor: Wayne Kablack, Indiana Meetings: First Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the township building at 1220 Cush Creek Road Office: 683 Arcadia Road, Cherry Tree (814) 845-2240 Budget: $499,575 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R NORTH MAHONING TWP. Settled: 1803 Land area: 28.3 square miles Population: (2010 census): 1,428 Elevation: 1,355 feet Namesake: Its position after Mahoning Township was divided into four separate municipalities. Supervisors: Robert Rising, chairman; Brian Wilson, road foreman; Robert Martin, vice chairman Secretary and Treasurer: Joan E. Diem Solicitor: Treasurer Wayne Kablack Meetings: Second Thursday at 6 p.m. at the township building Office: 673 Mottorn Road, Rochester Mills, 15771 (724) 286-9700 Budget: $285,000 State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R PINE TOWNSHIP Settled: 1769 Land area: 31 square miles Population (2010 census): 2,033 Elevation: 1,975 feet Namesake: Settlers here found a large expanse of pine trees. ȱĜȱ ȱȱȱ ȱȱǯ ȱ¢ǰȱ ȂȱĴȱȱęȱ¢ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱ ęȱȱȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱǯȱ ȱ¢ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ¢ȱȱȱ ȱ Ȃȱȱ¢ȱęǯ FCB Member FDIC. Supervisors: Ryan Schultz; Chris Cameron; Keith Muir Road master: Joe Shultz Secretary: Jennifer Lindahl Solicitor: Matt Ross, Indiana Meetings: First Monday at 7 p.m. in the township building Office: 6410 Route 403 Highway North, Heilwood, (814) 948-4480 Budget: $390,870 State representation: Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Mark Critz, D PLUMVILLE BOROUGH Settled: 1847 Land area: 0.5 square miles Population (2010 census): 307 Elevation: 1,170 feet Namesake: Wild plum trees that once grew there Mayor: David Kimmel Council members: Daniel Hill, president; Becky Blystone, vice president; Louanne Brown Secretary: John R. Anthony Solicitor: Christopher Welch, Indiana Meetings: First Monday or second Tuesday if a holiday conflicts Office: Plumville Fire Hall, 107 Indiana St., Plumville, Mailing address: P.O. Box 690, Plumville, PA 16246 (724) 397-4424 Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rap. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R RAYNE TOWNSHIP Settled: 1816 Land area: 47.2 square miles Population (2010 census): 2,992 Elevation: 1,348 feet Namesake: Robert Rayne, first settler in the area Supervisors: Anthony Mano, chairman; R. Michael Kieth, vice chairman; Craig Andrie, supervisor Secretary/Treasurer: Wendi Strittmatter; Barb LaVan, assistant secretary Solicitor: Michael J. Supinka, Indiana Meetings: First Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in the township building Office: 140 Tanoma Road, Home, (724) 463-6261 Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R SALTSBURG BOROUGH Settled: 1817 Land area: 0.3 square miles Population (2010 census): 955 Elevation: 863 feet Namesake: The early salt industry; Salzburg, Germany Mayor: Ron Wagner Sr. Council members: P.J. Hruska, president; Kathy Muir, vice president; Dave Zimmerman; Roy “Ed” Ramsden Jr.; Jim Simpson; Larry Jesko; Terry Cumberledge Secretary: Chris Pemberton Solicitor: Wayne Kablack, Indiana Meetings: First Monday at 7 p.m. in the borough building Office: 320 Point St., Saltsburg, (724) 639-9413 Budget: $664,050 State representation: Sen. Don White, R; Rep. Dave Reed, R, or Rep. Joseph Petrarca, D, pending a Supreme Court hearing Sept. 13 Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R SHELOCTA BOROUGH Settled: 1784 Land area: 0.1 square miles Population (2010 census): 137 Elevation: 988 feet Namesake: An Indian chief named “Shalocta” Mayor: Rita Schreckengost Council members: Larry Konieczny, president; Gary Redinger, vice president; Nellie Lewandowski; Matt Schreckengost; Karen Redinger; Allan McConnell; Jeff Smith Meetings: Second Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the borough building Office: 446 Main St., Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 11 MUNICIPAL PROFILES Shelocta Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R SMICKSBURG BOROUGH Settled: 1827 Land area: 0.1 square miles Population (2010 census): 46 Elevation: 1,178 feet Namesake: The Rev. J. George Schmick, a Lutheran minister Mayor: David Stiteler Council members: Thelma Hyskell, president; John Jacobson, vice president; Scott Nicole; Sonjia Brink; Betty Hedman Secretary: Marilyn L. Barnette Solicitor: Mack & Tomb Meetings: First Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Salem Lutheran Church Office: P.O. Box 90, Smicksburg Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R SOUTH MAHONING TWP. Settled: 1768 Land area: 28.6 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,841 Elevation: 1,280 feet Namesake: Its position after Mahoning Township was divided into four municipalities Supervisors: Larry Marshall, chairman; John C. Griffith, vice chairman and road master Secretary: Priscilla Lambing Solicitor: Michael J. Supinka, Indiana Meetings: First Monday at 8 p.m. in the township building Office: 244 Rossmoyne Road, Home, (724) 397-9090 Budget: $523,289.99 State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP WEST WHEATFIELD TWP. Settled: 1785 Land area: 38.3 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,808 Elevation: 1,322 feet Namesake: Former U.S. president George Washington Supervisors: Richard Potts, chairman; Thomas Brewer, vice chairman; Richard Brewer Secretary: Jill Kunkle Solicitor: Robert Manzi Jr., Indiana Meetings: First Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the township building, 360 Red Lion Road Office: 360 Red Lion Road, Creekside, (724) 397-2059 Budget: $613,000 State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R Settled: 1775 Land area: 31.6 square miles Population (2010 census): 2,314 Elevation: 1,742 feet Namesake: Wheatfield Township Supervisors: Donald Shetler, chairman; Joseph W. Shetler, vice chairman; Howard Lichtenfels Secretary: Jean Yarnal Solicitor: Christopher Welch, of Indiana Meetings: Second Monday at 7 p.m. in the township building Office: 16129 Route 259, P.O. Box C, Robinson, (724) 6764835 Budget: $670, 316 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R WEST MAHONING TWP. WHITE TOWNSHIP Settled: 1769 Land area: 29.4 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,357 Elevation: 1,470 feet Namesake: Its position after Mahoning Township was divided into four municipalities Supervisors: Kenneth Lightner, chairman; Richard Wells, vice chairman and road master; Jeffrey Fike Secretary: Nancy Holmes (814) 375-1095 Solicitor: Edwin C. Clark Jr., Indiana Meetings: First Wednesday at 7 p.m., January through April and October through December, 8 p.m. May through September, at Lightner’s residence, 1080 Dayton-Smicksburg Road, Smicksburg Office: 112 Chestnut St., Smicksburg, (814) 275-8654 Budget: Did not provide State representation: Rep. Sam Smith, R; Sen. Don Settled: 1772 Land area: 42.6 square miles Population (2010 census): 15,821 Elevation: 1,289 feet Namesake: Judge Thomas White Supervisors: Robert Overdorff, chairman; George Lenz, vice chairman; Gail McCauley; Eugene Gemmell; Jerry Boucher; Milton Lady, manager Secretary: Cindy Garritano Road master: Tim Willis Solicitor: Michael S. Delaney, Indiana Meetings: Second and fourth Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the township building. Will meet on Nov. 13 and will meet on Dec. 4 and 18 Office: 950 Indian Springs Road, Indiana, (724) 463-8585 Budget: $8.5 million State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R YOUNG TOWNSHIP Settled: 1831 Land area: 35 square miles Population (2010 census): 1,775 Elevation: 1,119 feet Namesake: John Young, the county’s first judge Supervisors: Michael J. Bertolino, chairman; Bradley S. McClure, vice chairman; Raymond Penrose, road master Secretary: Cassandra Velesig Solicitor: Wayne Kablack, Indiana Meetings: Second Monday at 6 p.m. in the township building Office: 1412 Park Drive, Clarksburg, (724) 726-8229 Budget: $3350,000 State representation: Rep. Dave Reed, R; Sen. Don White, R Congressman: U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R Sources: city-data.com, municipalities, Gazette records SKIN PROBLEMS? t"DOFt3BTIFTt8BSUTt4LJO$BODFS t#PUPYt.JDSPEFSNBCSBTJPO t$PTNFUJD4LJO$BSFt+VWFEFSN t-BTFS3FNPWBM6OXBOUFE)BJS Spider Veins, Tattoos, Warts t-BTFS5SFBUNFOU 3PTBDFB"DOF4DBST t-JQP-JHIU'BU3FNPWBM KIM HATCHER, MD FELLOW, AMERICAN SOC. FOR LASER MED & SURGERY 724-349-7980 1265 WAYNE AVE. SUITE 107 119 Professional Center Indiana, PA 12 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 SCHOOL DISTRICTS APOLLO-RIDGE Board members: Gregory Primm, president; Forrest Schultz, vice president/ treasurer; Dominick Duso, Paul King, Sharon Jaworskyj, Dan Obriot, Jim E. Ferguson, Rick Fetterman, Susan Wenckowski Meetings: Work session, third Monday; regular meeting, fourth Monday; both at 7 p.m. in board MATT conference room at the CURCI high school. No meetings in July. Budget: $21.6 million Superintendent: Matt Curci Administrative office: Box 219, Spring Church, PA 15686, (724) 478-6000 Schools: Apollo-Ridge High School, Apollo-Ridge Middle School, Apollo-Ridge Elementary School Covers: Young Township, Blacklick Township Students: 1,308 Employees: 170 Website: apolloridge.pa.schoolweb pages.com ARMSTRONG Board members: Joseph D. Close, president; Christopher E. Choncek, vice president; Linda J. Ambrose, secretary (nonvoting); John Zenone, director of business affairs (nonvoting); D. Royce Smeltzer, Dr. Paul J. Lobby; Larry P. Robb Jr.; Amy K. Lhote; Linda K. Walker; Stanley J. Berdell Meetings: 7:30 p.m., second Monday; workshop 7:30 p.m. the preceding Thursday; both in the administrative building boardroom. No meetings in July. Budget: $98.3 million Superintendent: Dr. Stanley J. Chapp Administrative office: 410 Main St., Ford City, PA 16226, (724) 763-5269 Schools: Dayton Elementary School, Ford City Junior/Senior High School, Lenape Elementary School, Shannock Valley Elementary School, West Hills Intermdiate School, West Hills Primary School, West Shamokin Junior/Senior High School Covers: Smicksburg Borough, West Mahoning Township Students: 5,338 Employees: 437 Website: www.asd.k12.pa.us BLAIRSVILLE-SALTSBURG Board members: B. Edward Smith, president; George Rowley, vice president; Leigh Free, secretary (nonvoting); Eric Kocsis, business manager (nonvoting); Beverly Caranese, Linda Brown, Mary Whitfield, Rick Harper, Anthony Canzano, Holly Gibson, Holly Hall Meetings: Combined DR. TAMMY WHITFIELD workshop/ regular meetings, third Wednesday. Meetings alternate between the high school buildings at Saltsburg and Blairsville. All meetings start at 7 p.m. Budget: $30,468,561 Superintendent: Dr. Tammy J. Whitfield Administrative office: 102 School Lane, Blairsville, PA 15717, (724) 459-5500 Schools: Blairsville Elementary School, Blairsville High School, Blairsville Middle School, Saltsburg Elementary School, Saltsburg Middle/High School Covers: Black Lick Township, Blairsville Borough, Burrell Township, Conemaugh Township, Saltsburg Borough Students: 1,661 Employees: 221 Website: www.b-ssd.org HARMONY AREA Board members: Norman Fry, president; Jason Sunderland, vice president; William Boring; Roberta Bradford; Susan Gallaher; Chris Kurtz; Betty Kunsman; Shawn McGarvey; Brent Weaver; Dara Campbell (secretary, nonvoting); Gene Hagens (treasurer, nonvoting) Meetings: Regular meeting first Monday, work session last Monday, both 7 p.m. in the high school library Budget: $5,575,559 Superintendent: Dr. Jill M. Dillon Administrative office: 5239 Ridge Road, Westover, PA 16692, (814) 845-7918 Schools: Harmony Area High School, Harmony Area Elementary School Covers: Cherry Tree Borough Students: 359 Employees: Did not provide Website: www.harmony owls.com HOMER-CENTER Board members: Vicki Smith, president; Gerald Bertig, vice president; Joy Sasala, treasurer; James McLoughlin, assistant treasurer; Daniel Fabin, Fred Hayes; Julie Rado; Kimberly Thomas; Sherri Williams; Rhonda Clifford, secretary (nonvoting); Beverly Gardner, business manager Meetings: Planning meeting, 7 p.m., Monday 10 days before the regular meeting; regular meeting, 7:30 p.m., third DR. CHARLES Thursday; central office KOREN boardroom Budget: $15.2 million Superintendent: Dr. Charles Koren ® ® INDIANA COUNTY Employer Services INDIANA COUNTY Jobseeker Services t"VUPNBUFEKPCNBUDIJOH t3FTVNFDPWFSMFUUFSBTTJTUBODF t3FGFSSBMPGRVBMJGJFEDBOEJEBUFT t"DDFTTUPQPTUFESFTVNFTCZKPCTFFLFST t3PPNSFOUBMTGPSNFFUJOHTJOUFSWJFXTBOESFDSVJUNFOUT t*OGPSFGFSSBMTUPPUIFSTFSWJDFTJOPVSDPNNVOJUZ t'JOEDPNQVUFSJ[FEKPCMJTUJOHT t*OGPPOVOFNQMPZNFOUDPNQFOTBUJPO For further information please contact us at: For further information please contact us at: XXXQBDBSFFSMJOLTUBUFQBVT XXXQBDBSFFSMJOLTUBUFQBVT 300 Indian Springs Road, Indiana 724-471-7220 t TTY: 724-471-7221 724-471-7220 t TTY: 724-471-7221 300 Indian Springs Road, Indiana Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013— 13 SCHOOL DISTRICTS Administrative office: 65 Wildcat Lane, Homer City, PA 15748, (724) 479-8080 Schools: Homer-Center Elementary School, Homer-Center Junior/Senior High School Covers: Center Township, Homer City Borough Employees: 132 Website: www.homercenter.org Punxsutawney West Mahoning North Mahoning Armstrong Canoe Banks Smicksburg Canoe South East Mahoning Mahoning Glen Campbell Grant Plumville Washington Creekside Burnside Marion Center Marion Center Cherry Tree (Harmony) Rayne Green Ernest INDIANA AREA Purchase Line Shelocta Board members: Thomas Harley, president; Walter Schroth, vice president; Alison Billon; Hilliary Creely; David Ferguson; Robert Gongaware; Diana Paccapaniccia; Brian Petersen; and Robert Werner; Dale Kirsch, business manager; Anise Markle, board secretary, recording secretary and open records officer Meetings: Regular meeting, second Monday; special meeting, fourth Monday; both at 7:30 p.m. in the adminDALE istration wing KIRSCH of East Pike Elementary Budget: $48.8 million Superintendent: Dale Kirsch Administrative office: 501 East Pike, Indiana, PA 15701, (724) 463-8713 Schools: Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, East Pike Montgomery Clymer White Indiana Area Armstrong Cherryhill Penns Manor Area Indiana Pine Apollo-Ridge Young Conemaugh Saltsburg Homer-Center Center Homer City Black Lick Burrell Blairsville Brush Valley Buffington United Armagh West Wheatfield East Wheatfield Blairsville-Saltsburg Elementary School, Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School, Horace Mann Elementary School, Indiana Area Junior High School, Indiana Area Senior High School Covers: Armstrong Township, Indiana Borough, Shelocta Borough, White Township Students: 2,700 Employees: 383 Website: www.iasd.cc McCreery Elementary School Budget: $22.4 million Superintendent: Dr. Frank Garritano Administrative office: P.O. Box 156, Marion Center, PA 15759, (724) 397-5551 Schools: Rayne Elementary School, Marion Center Area High School, W.A. McCreery Elementary School. Covers: Canoe Township, Creekside Borough, East Mahoning Township, Ernest Borough, Grant Township, Marion Center Borough, DR. FRANK Plumville GARRITANO Borough, Rayne Township, South Mahoning Township, Washington Township Students: 1,415 Employees: 210 Website: www.mcasd.net MARION CENTER AREA PENNS MANOR AREA Board members: Gregg Sacco, president; Ronald Oswald, vice president; Justin Elkin; Charles Glasser, treasurer; Keith Isenberg; Charles LaVan; Lori Marshall; Robert Neese; Karen Risinger; Marcia Conner, secretary (nonvoting). Meetings: Open work session, third Monday, 7 p.m.; regular meeting, fourth Monday; 7:30 p.m., both in the Board members: Robert Packer, president; Ronald Beilchick, vice president; Joette Dudeck; Dave Kudlawiec, business manager and secretary (nonvoting); Jerry Dick; Randy Thornton; Jill Eckenrode; John Hardesty; Robert Oakes; John Sutila Meetings: Work session, first Thursday; regular meeting, second Thursday; both at 7 p.m. in the district office 14 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 SCHOOL DISTRICTS boardroom Budget: $15.6 million Superintendent: Thomas J. Kakabar Administrative office: 6003 Rt. 553 Hwy., Clymer, PA 15728, (724) 254-2666 Schools: Penns Manor Area Elementary School, Penns Manor Area Junior/Senior High School Covers: Cherryhill Township, THOMAS Clymer KAKABAR Borough, Pine Township Students: 914 Employees: 164 Website: www.pennsmanor. org PUNXSUTAWNEY AREA Board members: Gary Conrad, president; Francis J. Molinaro, vice president; James Baun; Jack White; Susan Robertson, secretary (nonvoting); Lesa Conner; Melissa Snyder; Robert Pascuzzo; DR. KEITH Penny Pifer; WOLFE Roberta Dinsmore Meetings: Regular meeting, first Tuesday; committee meeting, fourth Wednesday; both at 7 p.m. in the administrative boardroom of the central office Budget: $38,583,599 Superintendent: Dr. Keith Wolfe Administrative office: 475 Beyer Ave., Punxsutawney, PA 15767, (814) 938-5151 Schools: Bell Township Elementary, Jenks Hill Elementary, Longview Elementary, Mapleview Elementary, Parkview Elementary, West End EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS & SERVICES t3PVUJOF&ZF&YBNT t5SFBUNFOUPG 0DVMBS%JTFBTFT t%FTJHOFS&ZFXFBS t$POUBDU-FOTFT t-BTFS7JTJPO $PSSFDUJPO t4QPSUT7JTJPO $PSSFDUJPO t1FEJBUSJD 0QUPNFUSZ Elementary, Punxsutawney Middle School, Punxsutawney High School Covers: Banks Township, Canoe Township, North Mahoning Township Students: 2,187 Website: www.punxsy.k12. pa.us PURCHASE LINE Board members: Mary Ann Pittman, president; James Stiffler, vice president; Janice M. Pearce, treasurer (nonvoting); Breanna Voris, secretary (nonvoting); Kevin Smith; Thomas McCracken; David Syster; PAUL James McMullen; GALLAGHER John Nichols; Scott Gearhart; and Joshua Hopkins. Meetings: Work session, first Monday; regular meeting, second Monday; both start at 7 p.m. in the boardroom of the district’s office, Route 286. Some months vary due to holidays. Budget: $18 million Acting superintendent: Paul Gallagher Administrative office: 16559 Route 286 East P.O. Box 374 Commodore, PA 15729 (724) 254-4312 Schools: Purchase Line Elementary School, Purchase Line High School Covers: Glen Campbell Borough, Green Township, Montgomery Township Students: 959 Employees: 151 Website: www.plsd.k12. pa.us UNITED Board members: Donald Davis, president; Trudy DeRubis, vice president; Gerard T. Kalinyak, director of finance and secretary (nonvoting); John Poorbaugh; Ronald Moyer; Norma Carpenter; Robert Dill; Robert Lichtenfels; Sandra Mack; Beth Ann Marcus Meetings: Work session, first Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m.; regular meeting, second Tuesday, at 7 p.m. in the high school library BARBARA Budget: PARKINS $19.9 million Superintendent: Barbara Parkins Administrative office: P.O. Box 168, Armagh, PA 15920, (814) 446-5713 Schools: United Junior/ Senior High School, United Elementary School Students: 1,096 Employees: 136 Website: www.unitedsd.net Covers: Armagh Borough, Brush Valley Township, Buffington Township, East Wheatfield Township, West Wheatfield Township MARKO FAMILY DENTISTRY &OHDQLQJV)LOOLQJV([WUDFWLRQV 'HQWXUHV5HOLQHV3DUWLDOV&URZQV0RUH 332SURYLGHUIRUPRVWLQVXUDQFHVLQFOXGLQJ8QLWHG&RQFRUGLD 'HOWD0HWOLIH$HWQD830&DQGPDQ\PRUH ~ Accepting New Patients ~ 4PVUI4FWFOUI4USFFUt*OEJBOB1" 724-465-6232 XXXUBSOPĊBOEIJMMJBSEDPN NEW PATIENTS ALWAYS WELCOME 115 N. 6th St., Indiana Call for an appointment TODAY! (724) 463-9115 Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 15 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES ICTC The Indiana County Technology Center (ICTC) offers high school and adults students career programs that offer CAROL industry FRY certifications. The ICTC also provides customized industry training. Budget: $5.5 million Administrative director: Carol Fry Joint operating committe members: B. Edward Smith, Blairsville-Saltsburg; Vicki Smith, chairwoman, HomerCenter; Alison Billon, vice chairwoman, Indiana Area; Greg Sacco, assistant treasurer, Marion Center Area; Jerry Dick, Penns Manor Area; Don Davis, treasurer, United Administrative office: 441 Hamill Road, Indiana, PA 15701, (724) 349-6700 Students: 400 high school students; 250 adult students in career programs; 1,200 students in customized training programs Employees: 55 full-time, 20 part-time Website: www.ictc.edu Email: cfry@ictc.edu Covers: Entire county ARIN Intermediate Unit 28, Center for Education ARIN IU 28 offers more than 50 programs and services to students, parents, teachers, school administrators, school directors, and others in Armstrong and Indiana counties. It serves 11 school districts and two vo-tech schools, including more than 25,000 students and 1,800 teachers. Board members: John E. Sutila, president, Penns Manor Area; Dr. Frank C. Prazenica, vice president, Freeport Area; Susan E. Wenckowski, Apollo-Ridge; Linda K. Walker, Armstrong; George Rowley, BlairsvilleSaltsburg; Julie Rado, HomerCenter; Brian M. Petersen, Indiana Area; Jean Stull, Leechburg Area; Charles R. Glasser, Marion Center Area; James R. McMullen, Purchase Line; Trudy L. DeRubis, United. Meetings: DR. ROBERT Third Tuesday of COAD each month, 8 p.m. in the central office. Budget: $28 million Executive director: Dr. Robert H. Coad Jr. Secretary: Jeannette E. Lemmon Solicitor: Gary J. Gushard Administrative office: 2895 West Pike, Indiana, PA 15701, (724) 463-5300 ARIN Center for Education: 300 Indian Springs Road, Indiana, PA 15701, (724) 4635300 Covers: Armstrong and Indiana counties Website: www.iu28.org Email: info@iu28.org Sources: ARIN, Gazette records, Pennsylvania Department of Education, school districts PRIVATE SCHOOLS CALVARY BAPTIST ACADEMY A Baptistaffiliated, regional independent school, the academy offers grades prekindergarten through 12th grade. MICHAEL Founded: BOOLE 1976 Enrollment: 50 Tuition: From $4,266 to $4,565 Administrator: Michael Boole Address: 11394 Route 286 East, Clymer, PA 15728 Phone: (724) 254-9411 Website: www.cbapatriots. org INDIANA WESLEYAN SCHOOL The school has grades TRADITION Meets TECHNOLOGY www.crbc.edu 1-800-NEW-CAREER Let me help you! "DDPVOUJOHr"ENJOJTUSBUJWF"TTJTUBOU #VTJOFTT"ENJOJTUSBUJPOr-FHBM"TTJTUBOU .BOBHFNFOUr.FEJDBM0ēDF"ENJOJTUSBUJPO *For more information please visit: http://www.onetonline.org/crosswalk/ &NQMPZFSTDBMMNFGPSZPVSIJSJOHOFFET .JTTZ)JMM Director of Career Services 16 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 PRIVATE SCHOOLS kindergarten through 12th. Enrollment: 20 Tuition: $2,700 per year Principal: Larry Muir Address: Route 403, Dixonville, PA 15734 Phone: (724) 254-2000 CAMBRIA-ROWE BUSINESS COLLEGE KEYS MONTESSORI SCHOOL Ages 3 to 6 (licensed by private academic schools of Pennsylvania; LARRY also has a day care license) MUIR Tuition: Undisclosed Address: 695 School St., Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 349-5680 Website: www.keysmontessoripa.com SEEDS OF FAITH CHRISTIAN ACADEMY The school is an independent, nondenominational Christian school for students in preschool through 11th grade. The academy has a lease with Graystone Presbyterian Church in Indiana for the elementary school, and the junior/senior high school students attend in the S.W. Jack building. Financial aid is available. DR. STAN Enrollment: 150 KESLER Tuition: From $1,051 to $4,682 Principal: Dr. Stan Kesler Address: 640 Church St., Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 463-7719 Website: www.seedsoffaithacademy.org ST. BERNARD REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL This Catholic school offers education for students in grades prekindergarten to seventh. Financial aid is available. Enrollment: 115 Tuition: From $1,070 to $4,600 per year Principal: Denise Swope Address: 300 Clairvaux Drive, Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 465-7139 Website: www.stbernardlc.org HIGHER EDUCATION DENISE SWOPE for careers or transfer to baccalaureate degree programs at four-year institutions. Tuition: $93 per credit for Westmoreland County residents, $186 for out-of county residents and $279 for out-of-state residents, excluding fees. Address: 145 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, PA 15697 Phone: (724) 925-4000 Source: WCCC Campus locations: Indiana and Johnstown Enrollment: 83 at Indiana campus; 170 at Johnstown Fields of study: Accounting, management, business administration, computer support specialist, administrative assistant, legal assistant and medical office administration. Tuition: $24,700 for all A.S.B. degrees completed in six quarters Address: 422 S. 13th St., Indiana, PA 15701; 221 Central Ave. Johnstown, PA 15902 Phone: (724) 463-0222; (814) 536-5168 Source: Cambria-Rowe WYOTECH WESTMORELAND COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Founded in 1970 in Youngwood, WCCC has eight satellite locations: the Indiana County Community College Center of WCCC, Indiana; Bushy Run Education Center, Export, Laurel Education Center, Latrobe, New Kensington Education Center, New Kensington, Mon Valley Education Center, Belle Vernon, and the Public Safety Training Center, Smithton, all in Westmoreland County; Greene County Education Center, Waynesburg; and Fayette County Education Center, Uniontown. Enrollment: 6,612 full- and part-time students Fields of study: Roughly 64 associate’s degrees, 13 diplomas and 49 certificate programs with options that prepare students LAUREL B. DIZNOFF Attorney At Law Auto Accidents • Medical Malpractice • Death Claims Divorce • Support • Custody • General Practice 34 Years Of Experience 724-465-1088 647 Philadelphia St., Suite 312 Indiana, PA 15701 WyoTech, an automotive trade school, is a for-profit college owned by Corinthian Colleges Inc., a publicly held company and one of the largest post-secondary education companies in North America. WyoTech and the company’s two other institutions, Heald College and the Everest Career Education Network, enrolled 93,000 students last year. WyoTech offers programs in automotive, motorcycle, diesel and marine repair; plumbing; electrical maintenance; and collision repair and refinishing. The Blairsville campus has more than 250,000 square feet of shops and classrooms on 27 acres. Campus locations: Burrell Township; Laramie, Wyo.; Sacramento, Calif.; Long Beach, Calif.; Daytona Beach, Fla.; Fremont, Calif. Enrollment: 975 (at Blairsville) Tuition: $29,250 Fields of study: Automotive technology; collision/refinishing technology; heavy duty diesel technology Address: 500 Innovation Drive, Blairsville, PA 15717 Phone: (724) 459-9500 Source: Corinthian Colleges When the person you rely on most is no longer here... Serving warmth and understanding in your time of need. YOU CAN Funeral Service • Cremation RELY ON US. Robinson-Lytle, Inc. Pre-Planning Consultants Monuments • Aftercare Richard T. Wolfe, Jr., Supervisor 36 N. Seventh Street Indiana, PA 724.349.9700 www.robinsonlytleinc.com Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 17 S. 7th St. S.8th St. S. 9th St. School St. Av e nd la ak O Washington St. The Oak Grove e Av . rive nd tt D kla 28 Grant St. 6 Willow Ave. Gra nt S t. eA ve. Rt. S.12th St. S. 13th St. Pra Oa riv e Wa yn Maple St. n tt D Pra S. 13th St. IUP was founded as Indiana Normal School in 1875, with 225 students and one building, John Sutton Hall. In 1927, the school was awarded the right to grant degrees. Its name changed to the State Teachers College at Indiana, and its ownership changed to DR. MICHAEL the ComDRISCOLL monwealth of Pennsylvania. Name changes followed in 1959, when it became Indiana State College, and 1965, when it became Indiana University of Pennsylvania and initiated its first doctoral program. In 1983, the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education was created. IUP is now the largest of the state system’s 14 institutions and School St. . S. 11th St. INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA S. 10th St. HIGHER EDUCATION the only one authorized to grant traditional, doctor of philosophy degrees, or Ph.D.s. The Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex, along Wayne Avenue in White Ma ple St. Township, opened in the spring of 2011. The KCAC includes a 4,000-seat arena, an amphitheater, banquet halls and office space for the university’s athletic New & Used Textbooks Imprinted Gifts IUP Apparel School & Art Supplies Stationery Electronics Computer Supplies Backpacks Dorm Supplies www.iupstore.com &RUQHURIWKDQG:DVKLQJWRQ department. From 12 acres and one building in 1875, the Indiana campus has grown to 374 acres and 59 major buildings. The IUP Student Cooperative Association owns and operates the Hadley Union Building adjacent to the main campus and maintains a 280-acre outdoor recreational park a short distance away. President: Dr. Michael Driscoll Campus locations: Indiana; Punxsutawney, Jefferson County; Monroeville, Allegheny County; Northpointe, Armstrong County Enrollment: 14,800 total in fall 2013 Monroeville campus: 238 Northpointe campus (Armstrong County): 127 Punxsutawney campus: 285 Tuition: $6,622 per year for full-time, in-state undergraduates. Excludes room, board and fees. Phone: (724) 357-2100 18 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 FIRE DEPARTMENTS INDIANA COUNTY Armagh & East Wheatfield Township Volunteer Fire Company Station 210 12095 Route 56 East, Armagh, PA 15920 (814) 446-6647 Aultman Volunteer Fire Department Station 270 58 Seventh St., Aultman, PA 15713 (724) 726-4040 Black Lick Volunteer Fire Company Station 140 151 Main St., Black Lick, PA 15716 (724) 248-7340 Blairsville Young Men’s Volunteer Fire Company Station 120 51 W. Campbell St., Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 459-8111 Brush Valley Volunteer Fire Department Station 230 5540 Route 259 South, Brush Valley, PA 15720 (724) 479-2096 Cherry Tree Volunteer Fire Department Station 520 250 Cherry St., Cherry Tree, PA 15724 (814) 743-5535 Cherryhill Township Volunteer Fire Company Station 240 1442 N. Harmony Road, Penn Run, PA 15765 (724) 349-3530 Clyde Volunteer Fire Company Station 250 1056 Clyde Road, New Florence, PA 15944 (724) 676-4300 Clymer Volunteer Fire Department Station 150 550 Sherman St., Clymer, PA 15728 (724) 724-9565 Coal Run/McIntyre Fire Department Station 290 2049 Coal Run Road, Clune, PA 15727 (724) 726-0602 SUPERIOR INSURANCE SERVICE CEL E B R AT I Do You Love Your Water? ƐŬ ĂďŽƵƚŽƵƌ ŐƵĂƌĂŶƚĞĞ͊ tĞĂŶ&ŝdžzŽƵƌ tdZWZK>D^ NG 47 YE Indiana Fire Association Station 100 • Main Station 80 N. Eighth St., Indiana, PA (724) 465-2400 • West Station 1555 Indian Springs Road, Indiana, PA (724) 465-2024 Iselin Volunteer Fire Department Station 310 375 Red St., Saltsburg, PA 15681 No telephone listed Marion Center Volunteer Fire Department Station 190 710 Manor St., Marion Center, PA 15759 (724) 397-4910 Pine Township Volunteer Fire Company Station 570 6485 Route 403 North, Heilwood, PA 15745 (814) 948-4438 Plumville District Volunteer Fire Department Station 350 109 Indiana St., Plumville, PA 16246 (724) 397-2133 ͻdƌĂĚĞͲŝŶ ^ƉĞĐŝĂůƐ ͻ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐ ͻĞƐƚtĂƌƌĂŶƚLJ WILLIAM G. “Serving Indiana MECHLING Area’s Insurance Agency, Inc. Insurance )\ZPULZZ09(»Z Needs )VUKZ3PML Since (\[V/VTL 1966” 6)28%0(;)00-2+7 %4%681)28&9-0(-2+7 '32(31-2-917 Commodore Volunteer Fire Department Station 540 410 Musser St., Commodore, PA 15729 (724) 254-2060 Coral-Graceton Volunteer Fire Company Station 160 437 First St., Coral, PA 15731 (724) 479-2949 Creekside Volunteer Fire Company Station 260 440 Indiana Road, Creekside, PA 15732 (724) 465-4120 Glen Campbell Volunteer Fire Company Station 170 441 Glenwood Ave., Glen Campbell, PA 15742 (814) 845-9048 Homer City Volunteer Fire Department Station 180 25 W. Church St., Homer City, PA 15748 (724) 479-2331 ARS &MPP1EVO0I%RRI(IFFM(IWMVII(EVPE 724-465-4261 EŽůĞĐƚƌŝĐŝƚLJEĞĞĚĞĚƵŝůƚ/ŶdŚĞh^͊ www.mechlinginsurance.com Hours: 8:30-5:00 Mon.-Fri.; 7:00-9:00 PM Tues. & Thurs. Evenings; or by appt. 1359 Philadelphia Street, Indiana, PA PA 053918 H2O Restoration, Inc. Authorized Independent Kinetico Dealer ssWWWHORESTORATIONCOM Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 19 FIRE DEPARTMENTS Rossiter Volunteer Fire Company Station 340 517 Central St., Rossiter, PA 15772 (814) 938-4066 Saltsburg Volunteer Fire Department Station 131 311 Salt St., Saltsburg, PA 15681 (724) 639-9771 Tunnelton-Conemaugh Township Volunteer Fire Department Station 330 76 E. Third Ave., Saltsburg, PA 15681 (724) 459-5643 OUT OF COUNTY Bolivar Volunteer Fire Department Westmoreland County Station 89 516 Market St., Bolivar, PA 15923 (724) 676-4720 Sentry Volunteer Fire Company Clearfield County Station 64 Main and Second streets, Burnside, PA 15721 (814) 845-7935 Dayton District Volunteer Fire Department Armstrong County Station 30 204 S. Poplar Ave., Dayton, PA 16222 (814) 257-8874 TERI ENCISO/Gazette NICK STAMBAUGH, Clymer Volunteer Fire Department, knocked down a pin with a fire hose at the firefighters convention. Derry Volunteer Fire Department Westmoreland County Station 41 116 E. Second Ave., Derry, PA 15627 (724) 694-2653 Elderton District Volunteer Fire Department Armstrong County Station 50 Williams Street, Elderton, PA 15736 (724) 354-2661 Nanty Glo Volunteer Fire Company Cambria County Station 43 870 Chestnut St., Nanty Glo, PA 15943 (814) 749-0811 New Florence Volunteer Fire Company Westmoreland County Station 46 177 13th St., New Florence, PA 15944 (724) 235-2920 Perry Township Fire Department Jefferson County Station 12 998 Valier Drive, Valier, PA 15780 (814) 938-9426 Punxsutawney Fire Department • Central Fire Department Jefferson County Station 20 Civic Center East Complex, 301 E. Mahoning St., Punxsutawney, PA 15767 (814) 938-7901 • Elk Run Volunteer Fire Company Jefferson County Station 30 219 Elk Run Ave., Punxsutawney, PA 15767 (814) 938-8131 • Lindsey Fire Company Jefferson County Station 40 1010 W. Mahoning St., Punxsutawney, PA 15767 (814) 938-6370 Rural Valley Fire Department Armstrong County Station 210 Main Street, Rural Valley, PA 16249 (724) 783-7333 Seward Volunteer Fire Company Westmoreland County Station 47 1230 10th St., Seward, PA 15954 (814) 446-5428 DON’T IGNORE THE BURNING IN YOU Don’t ignore the FIRE. R&R The wail of the siren ... running in when time is running out ... knowing no two days will ever be the same ... making a difference in the lives of others ... being on a team that feels more like a family. If this gets your adrenaline going, we want you on our team. You’ll not only get the technical training you need to become a certified firefighter, you’ll gain skills that you can apply wherever you go. Plus you may qualify for health benefits and tuition assistance to trade schools, business colleges, or universities. Call your local station today, or visit IndianaCountyVFD.com for more info. 20 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 POLICE AGENCIES SERVICE CLUBS Blairsville Borough police Chief Michael Allman 201 E. Market St., Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 459-7555 Clymer Borough police Chief Joe Douglas 115 Sixth St., Clymer, PA 15728 (724) 254-0714 Cherry Tree Borough police Chief Michael Rummel P.O. Box 161, 200 S. Main St., Cherry Tree, PA 15724 (814) 753-4838 SAM CLUTTER Homer City Borough police Chief Louis Sacco 30 E. Wiley St., Homer City, PA 15748 (724) 479-9190 Indiana Borough police Chief William Sutton 80 N. Eighth St., Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 349-2121 BOB FYOCK Indiana County sheriff Sheriff Bob Fyock Indiana County Court House, 825 Philadelphia St., Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 465-3930 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Sam Clutter, director of public safety 850 Maple St., University Towers, Indiana, PA 15705 (724) 357-2141 WILLIAM SUTTON Saltsburg Borough police Chief Gary Walker 320 Point St., Saltsburg, PA 15681 (724) 639-9413 Pennsylvania State Police, Indiana station Lt. Robert Clark, station commander 4221 Route 286 West, Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 357-1960 LOUIS SACCO Elks Lodge No. 406, Blairsville, 60 E. Campbell St., Blairsville, PA 15717-1329 Elks Lodge No. 931, Indiana, 475 S. 13th St., Indiana, PA 15701-2805 Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 1488, Blairsville, 272 Old William Penn Highway, Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 459-9979 Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 1468, Indiana, 420 Philadelphia St., Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 465-2630 Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania • Acacia Lodge No. 355, 21 S. Walnut St., Blairsville, PA 15717, Email SECY0355@ pagrandlodge.org • Williamson Lodge No. 431, 526 High St., Saltsburg, PA 15681, Email SECY0431@ pagrandlodge.org • Indiana-Franklin Lodge No. 313, 42 S. 11th St., Indiana, PA 15701, Email SECY0313@pagrandlodge.org Kiwanis Club of Indiana, 763 S. Sixth St., Indiana, PA 15701, Phone: (724) 465-7509 Kiwanis Club of Blairsville, 68 Wallace Road, Blairsville, PA 15717-8052 Kiwanis Club of Homer City, 4534 Route 119 S., Homer City, PA 15748 Knights of Columbus • Blairsville Council No. 3624, SS. Simon & Jude Church, 155 N. Brady St., Blairsville, PA 15717 • Father McNelis Council 1481, St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church, 200 Clairvaux Drive, Indiana, PA 15701, Phone: (724) 465-2210 • Punxsutawney Council No. 8QLWHG:D\RI,QGLDQD&RXQW\ 982 Philadelphia Street Indiana, PA 15701 724-463-0277 ZZZXZLQGLDQDFRXQW\RUJ Veterans organizations • VFW Post 1989, Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 465-2121 • VFW Post 5821, Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 459-9894 • VFW Post 6820, Clymer, PA 15728 • VFW Post 7412, Homer City, PA 15748 (724) 915-8017 452, SS. Cosmas & Damian Church, 616 W. Mahoning St., Punxsutawney, PA 15767 • Sacred Heart of Jesus Council No. 10960, St. Louis Church, 403 Lucerne Road, Lucernemines, PA 15754 Lions Club of Indiana, 1278 Lions Health Camp Road, Indiana, PA 15701, Phone: (724) 465-7327 Loyal Order of Moose, Indiana Lodge No. 174, 425 N. Fourth St., Indiana, PA 15701-2027 Quota Club International, P.O. Box 932, Indiana, PA 15701-0932 Rotary Club of IndianaMidday, meets at St. Andrew’s Village at noon Thursdays, (724) 349-6477, Email: membership@indianamidday. com Rotary Club of Indiana, Meets at Rustic Lodge, (724) 357-2535 GIVE. One Gift ADVOCATE. One Cause VOLUNTEER. One Hour LIVE UNITED Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 21 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Blairsville Community Development Authority Leann Chaney, executive director 53 W. Market St., Blairsville (724) 459-8588 blairsvillepa.net Downtown Indiana Josh Rosenberger, president 39 N. Seventh St., Suite 101, Indiana (724) 463-6110 downtownindiana.org ExcEL Center Eric Palmer, co-director Joette Wisnieski, co-director Eberly College of Business & Information Technology, IUP 664 Pratt Drive (724) 357-3871 or (724) 357-5912 Indiana County Center for Economic Operations Ellen Quick, contact 801 Water St. (724) 465-2662 www.indianacountyceo.com Indiana County Chamber of Commerce Jim Struzzi, president 1019 Philadelphia St. (724) 465-2511 www.indianapa.com/chamber Indiana County Development Corp. Jim Wiley, president 801 Water St., Indiana Indiana County Manufacturing Consortium Frank Holuta, Elkin Hi-Tech 2879 Oakland Ave., Indiana (724) 349-6300 www.tricountymfg.org Indiana County Small Business Incubator Robert Boldin, director 5 Robertshaw Center, IUP FRANK HOLUTA JOSH ROSENBERGER BYRON STAUFFER JR. (724) 357-4818 www.eberly.iup.edu/incubator Indiana County Tourist Bureau Penny Perman, executive director 2334 Oakland Ave., Indiana (724) 463-7505 www.visitindianacountypa.org IUP Center for Family Business Ellen Ruddock, director c/o Cathy Smith Eberly College of Business & Information Technology, IUP 664 Pratt Drive, Room 324 (724) 357-4841 www.eberly.iup.edu/cfb IUP Government Contracting Assistance Program Ron Moreau, director 630 S. 13th St., Indiana (724) 357-7824 www.eberly.iup.edu/gcap IUP Research Institute Mark Berezansky, executive director 1179 Grant St., Suite 1 (724) 357-2223 IUP Small Business Development Center Tony Palamone, director Eberly College of Business & Information Technology, IUP 664 Pratt Drive, Room 108 Est. 1907 rving our area for over 1 Proudly se 00 yea rs! Credit Free Interest For One Year! JIM STRUZZI (724) 357-7915 www.iup.edu/business/sbdc IUP Small Business Institute Steve Osbourne, director Eberly College of Business & Information Technology, IUP 664 Pratt Drive, Room 314 (724) 357-5760 www.iup.edu/business/sbi IUP University Contact for Business, Government and Community Relations Robin A. Gorman, executive assistant to the president for Community and Government Relations 235 Sutton Hall 1011 South Drive (724) 357-2232 Office of Planning and Development Byron Stauffer Jr., executive director 801 Water St., Indiana (724) 465-3870 www.countyofindiana.org WEDNET PA GFT Program Wendy Kopczyk, WEDNET partner Eberly College of Business & Information Technology, IUP 664 Pratt Drive, Room 108 (724) 357-4841 www.iup.edu/business/wednetpa Eberly College of Business, IUP (724) 357-5760 www.iup.edu/business/wednetpa I offer products and services that help make your money work for you. Planning For... (VWDWH(GXFDWLRQ %XVLQHVV5HWLUHPHQW 0DQDJLQJ5LVN Visit www.larrycatlos.com 4115 Crawford Ave., Rt. 219, Northern Cambria 814-948-6251 Mon.-Sat. 9-5; Fri. Evenings Until 7 Credit Free Interest for One Year! JIM WILEY Eagle Strategies LLC A REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISER Larry A. Catlos CLU®, ChFC®, CFP®, MSFS Financial Adviser 674 Philadelphia Street, Suite 200 Indiana, PA 724.463.7788 22 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 ANNUAL EVENTS MAY May Mart A two-day prelude to spring gardening, sponsored by Indiana Garden Club. Educational exhibits, crafters, plant sales. JUNE Saltsburg Canal Days Saltsburg The three-day festival features a parade and duck race. Pick-A-Dilly Herb Faire Dillweed Bed and Breakfast, Dilltown Herb extravaganza co-sponsored by the Indiana County Herb Study Group. All Pet FURstival A pet-friendly fundraising event Jimmy Stewart Airport Festival Indiana County Airport Also known as Airport Awareness Days, the weekend event gives visitors an up-close look at local aviation. Bluegrass Festival Ox Hill fairgrounds, Home Timberstone Music Festival Rochester Mills Several bands play all day, and camping is readily available. TERI ENCISO/Gazette DICK MAXWELL, left, the pilot of a Navy SNJ-5, discussed the aircraft at the Jimmy Stewart Aiport Festival in June. AUGUST JULY Indiana Lions’ Club 4th of July Celebration J.S. Mack Community Center, Indiana A day of activities ends with a fireworks display. Hoodlebug Summerfest Homer City Firemen’s Field Parade, 5K race, ethnic food booths. Annual Taste & Tour Fundraiser Downtown Indiana “Walk and eat” as local restaurateurs present a taste tour through downtown. Black Lick Fire Company Summerfest Black Lick Fire Department Grounds Highlights include a parade Friday night and the annual Battle of the Bands on Saturday Country music show J.S. Mack Community Center, Indiana Benefits Indiana County Fraternal Order of Police. JAMES J. NESTOR/Gazette KAYLA PARK, left, and Natalie Roser tossed candy from a float in the Hoodlebug Summerfest parade in July. Holiday Inn offersr)BSSJHBOT3FTUBVSBOUBOE-PVOHF r5SPQJDBM*OEPPS$PVSUZBSE"SFB BOE)FBUFE4XJNNJOH1PPM r'JUOFTT$FOUFSr#VTJOFTT$FOUFS r#BORVFUT.FFUJOHTVQUP r$PNQMJNFOUBSZ8JSFMFTT *OUFSOFU"DDFTT :D\QH$YHQXH,QGLDQD www.holidayinn.com/indianapa Expect the best... Brush Valley Day Brush Valley Fire Hall Activities, contests and demonstrations by Search and Rescue teams. Dayton Fair Dayton Fairgrounds Thunder Mountain Native American Festival Lenape Nation, Nowrytown Indiana County Fair J.S. Mack Community Center, White Township Games, food, rides, performances, animal exhibits, displays, various competitions. Saltsburg Fall Festival Canal Park Street vendors, All That Glitters CHRISTMAS SHOP For all your decorating needs! Thousands of Ornaments, Decorations, Gift Giving Items and Much More! Open All Year! 953 N. BEN FRANKLIN RD., INDIANA (Exactly 2 miles from the YMCA) 724-349-5768 Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 23 ANNUAL EVENTS entertainment, car cruise, townwide yard sales, bicycle/walk poker run SEPTEMBER Ox Hill Fair Ox Hill Fairgrounds Rides, food, animals, music, and tractor pull. Green Township/Cookport Fair Cookport Games, food, animal exhibits, displays. Marion Center Community Harvest Festival Marion Center Arts and crafts, parade, hayrides, children’s games, community group booths, vendors, fireworks Saltsburg Heritage Days Canal Park Smicksburg Apple Fest Smicksburg Demonstrations of apple cider and apple butter making. Clymer Days Festival Clymer Several live bands throughout the weekend Rural Valley Pumpkin Fest Shannock Valley Recreational Park Activities include entertainment, show- case of talent, food and more St. Thomas More University Parish Used Book Sale 1200 Oakland Ave., Indiana A three-day fundraiser with more than 100,000 books, CDs, DVDs, games and more, including a children’s room and an antiques room. OCTOBER Smicksburg Fall Festival Smicksburg Features Amish baked goods and locally grown apples for sale, festival and food and a tractor show. IUP Homecoming IUP Potters Tour Tour of potter studios and works Reeger’s Farm Pumpkin Festival Armstrong Township Yarnick’s Farm Haunted Fun and Pumpkins Armstrong Township NOVEMBER Smicksburg Christmas Open House Smicksburg Refreshments, wine tasting, baked goods, pies and samples of gourmet food. Festival of Lights Blue Spruce Park See more than 80 light displays, visit with Santa and stop in the festival gift shop. Continues until January. It’s a Wonderful Life Festival/Light-Up Night Indiana Various activities capped by a parade through downtown Indiana. Santa Claus arrives at the Indiana County Court House. Gamble Tree Farm Christmas Festival Gamble Tree Farm Hayrides, homemade refreshments, handmade crafts and more. Celtic Festival Thistle & Pine Marion Center Light Up Night Fleming’s Christmas Tree Farms Family Fun Indiana DECEMBER Blairsville Light-Up Night Blairsville Homer City Light-Up Night Homer City Saltsburg Light-Up Night Saltsburg Varicose Vein Screening Event Appointments Fill Fast 1265 Wayne Ave., Suite 106 Indiana, PA REGISTER BY CALLING 724-349-6677 Varicose veins and heavy, painful legs can now be treated LQWKHGRFWRU·VRIÀFHZLWKWKH VNUS Closure® Procedure t.JOJNBMMZJOWBTJWFt#BDLUPOPSNBM BDUJWJUZVTVBMMZCZUIFOFYUEBZ t-FTTQBJOGVMBOECSVJTJOHUIBOMBTFS t$PWFSFECZNPTUJOTVSBODFQMBOT Before 8&41&$*"-*;&*/7&*/)&"-5).*/*."--: */7"4*7&0''*$&130$&%63&4 t7FJO$MPTVSFt4DMFSPUIFSBQUZ WFJOJOKFDUJPO t7BSJDPTF7FJO3FNPWBM "-404VSHJDBM 7FJO1SPDFEVSFT After Premier Vein Services 24 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 RECREATION BLACKLICK VALLEY NATURAL AREA East Wheatfield Township, east of Armagh Although no detailed written history of the Native American presence in the Blacklick Valley is available, it is likely that members of the Shawnee and Delaware tribes used the creek for fishing and transportation. The first recorded owner of what is now the Parker Tract of the Blacklick Valley Natural Area was William Bracken, who purchased 309 acres from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1786. At that time, the land was located in Westmoreland County; Indiana County was not created until 1803. Since Bracken’s purchase, the property has changed hands many times. Most recently David and Penny Russell, formerly of Dilltown, owned the property. They donated it to Indiana County Parks in 1995. Spruce Lodge accommodates 100 people and the Lakeside Center has an indoor capacity of 50 people, with extra seating available on a large deck. BUENA VISTA FURNACE TOM PEEL/Gazette MEGAN KING, of Indiana, took her dog Zeus for a walk around the lake at Blue Spruce Park. Facilities: Natural areas are set aside to protect both typical and unique plant and animal communities and to protect outstanding examples of natural interest and beauty. Facility development at the site has been minimized to I U P. E D U / LIVELYARTS 724-357-2787 Get Wild :: Go Live! :: MUSIC :: THEATER :: DANCE :: ART protect the site’s natural character. Hunting, camping and motorized vehicles are not permitted in the natural area. BLUE SPRUCE PARK Rayne Township, near Ernest Indiana County established Blue Spruce Park in 1966, but recreational use of the site first occurred in the early part of the century. Cummins Dam (also known locally as Cummings Dam with a “g”) was constructed in 1908 and enlarged in 1912. The dam was built by the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway and was named after an early landowner, J.D. Cummins. The Blue Spruce Park Festival of Lights has become a holiday tradition for many county residents and visitors to the area. Purchase of the original 377 acres by the county was completed by 1966 and work on clearing the site and dredging the dam began. By 1968 the park was open to the public. An additional 41 acres was acquired in 1981. Another 232 acres was added to the park in 2001, making the total park acreage 650 acres, or slightly larger than one square mile. Facilities: The park has four pavilions and two lodges available for public rentals. The pavilions seat groups from 35 to 250 people. Blue Along Blacklick Creek in Brush Valley Township Built in 1847 by Henry McClelland, Elias McClelland and Stephen A. Johnston, Buena Vista was named for the Mexican War battle fought in February 1847. The 30-foothigh furnace used local iron ore, limestone and charcoal to produce approximately 400 tons of pig iron per year. The furnace property was sold at sheriff’s sale in 1850 to Dr. Alexander Johnston; production continued until 1856. In 1900, Stephen Johnston sold a 67-acre parcel that included the Buena Vista Furnace to Judge A.V. Barker for $20,000. Barker sold it and other properties to the Lackawanna Coal and Coke Co. in 1902. In 1917, the property passed to the Vinton Colliery Co. In 1957, the Delano Coal Co. sold the furnace and property to the Historical and Genealogical Society of Indiana County. Since then, repairs have been curtailed due to a lack of access and additional damage caused by the flood of 1977. The opening of the Ghost Town Trail extension in 2006 renewed efforts to save the site and make it accessible to the public. The Historical and Genealogical Society of Indiana County leases the site to Indiana County Parks. Facilities: There are no facilities at the site, but visitors are permitted to view the furnace remains. Over the next few years efforts will be made to secure funding to provide improvements at the site. BUTTERMILK FALLS West Wheatfield Township, near Clyde This site features a 45-foot waterfall and scenic woodland. The 48-acre natural area was donated to Indiana County Parks & Trails in 1995 by the Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013— 25 RECREATION Keystone-Conemaugh Group, owners of the nearby Conemaugh Generating Station. As a natural area the site has been set aside to protect both typical and unique plant and animal communities and to protect outstanding examples of natural beauty. Between 1931 and 1956, the property was owned by Fred McFeely, grandfather of Fred Rogers of children’s television fame. McFeely, a wealthy industrialist from Latrobe, used the property as a retreat. His estate featured a cottage, horse stables, a three-car garage, outbuildings and a swimming area in the creek above the falls. Rogers often visited the site as a child. Stone foundations and retaining walls from the estate are visible at the site. Facilities: In keeping with the mission of a natural area, development at Buttermilk Falls is limited. A restroom, small picnic pavilion, parking area, falls overlook viewing area and a hiking trail are located at the falls. ELIZA FURNACE HISTORIC SITE Along the Ghost Town Trail near Vintondale, Cambria County The Eliza Furnace is a National Register site regarded as one of Pennsylvania’s best-preserved iron furnaces. Dating from 1846, the Eliza Furnace is one of only a few iron furnaces remaining in the United States which still retains its original heat exchanger piping. The two-acre site is leased to Indiana County by the Cambria County Historical Society. The Eliza Furnace was constructed in 1845 and 1846. At its peak, the furnace employed more than 90 people and utilized 45 mules to produce about 1,080 tons of iron a year. Facilities: Located near the site is Eliza Station, which features a restroom, picnic area and water fountain. The furnace is also located at the midpoint of the Ghost veyed in 1774, the site was once a church cemetery, and many graves are still located in the park. During the Civil War the site served as a hiding place for travelers of the Underground Railroad. The park’s doughboy statue was erected in 1923 by a group of citizens led by Alex Stewart, father of the actor James Stewart. Nearby is the Clark House, home of the Indiana County Historical Society. Facilities: The 2-acre park is a shady retreat in Indiana Borough and features a bandstand, used for summer concerts. TOM PEEL/Gazette Town Trail, a 36-mile rail-trail in the Blacklick Creek Valley. HEMLOCK LAKE PARK Banks Township Hemlock Lake Park was originally called Straight Run Dam when it was completed by the Pennsylvania Fish Commission in 1970. The dam is 650 feet long and 40 feet high at its highest point. Indiana County Parks & Trails leases the site from the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission as a public recreation area. The 205-acre park features a 60-acre lake with two boat launches and areas for picnicking, hunting, hiking and fishing (including ice fishing). Facilities: Two pavilions are available on a first-come first-served basis. The lake has been stocked with bluegill, bass, catfish, muskellunge, walleye and northern pike. Fishermen may moor their boats at the park. Only electric motors and hand-propelled boats are permitted. MEMORIAL PARK Indiana Borough The smallest of the county parks, Memorial Park is one of the most historic sites in Indiana County. Originally sur- Unique Cards and Gifts William & Mary Gift Shoppe, Inc. $BOEMFTt1JDUVSFT $MPDLTt3VHT 4UPOFXBMM,JUDIFO 4UI4USFFU*OEJBOB Open Mon-Sat 10-5 724-349-1768 THE OLD SMICKSBURG PARK Old Smicksburg Park is a 33-acre area in Smicksburg Borough. Since 2000, the park had been managed by the Smicksburg Area Heritage Society. In 2010, the management agreement was transferred to Indiana County Parks & Trails. The park is located on property leased to Smicksburg Borough from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of the Mahoning Dam flood control area. Until the early 1940s the park property was part of Smicksburg. With the construction of Mahoning Dam, 22 properties were condemned for flood-control. About 65 percent of the population of Smicksburg was displaced by the federal government’s acquisition. The park provides a chance to preserve the history of Smicksburg and interpret life of an early American village. The park will also serve as an added attraction for tourists visiting the Smicksburg Amish country and the specialty shops of Smicksburg. Facilities: The park offers a number of hiking trails that are suited to hiking, birding and wildflower study. The Little Mahoning Creek runs through the town and provides a location from which to launch a canoe or kayak. A portable restroom, gazebo and picnic tables are now available for visitor use. COSTUME SHOP 569;/[O:;9,,;05+0(5( 724-465-2260 Accessories, Wigs, Masks, Theatrical Makeup, Moustaches/Beards 7,9-,*;*6:;<4,-69(5@:7,*0(36**(:065 OPEN YEAR-ROUND www.tcsindiana.com 26 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 RECREATION PINE RIDGE PARK Burrell Township, three miles east of Blairsville The property for the park was purchased in 1966 and 1967 primarily with federal Land and Water Conservation Fund grants. Students from Penn State’s Landscape Architecture and Recreation Management departments created the design for Ridge Park. Students submitted park designs in a contest held by the Indiana County Planning Office in 1966. At 635 acres, much of the park remains in a natural state with large stands of mature hardwoods. Facilities: The Tom’s Run area features picnic tables, grills, playgrounds, restrooms and two pavilions available for rental. Pine Lodge is in the southern portion of the park and is available for group rental and is used for reunions, meetings, weddings, receptions and other social gatherings. It features a kitchen, restrooms, activity rooms, a deck and two stone fireplaces. A 2-acre pond is available for catch-and-release fishing. A playground is located near the lodge. TUNNELVIEW HISTORIC SITE Adjacent to the Conemaugh Dam near Blairsville This 16-acre site, adjacent to the Conemaugh Dam in southwestern Indiana County, contains significant remnants of transportation history. The Tunnelview tale begins with the Pennsylvania Mainline Canal. A 900-foot portion of canal visible at the site was part of the canal’s Western division. The route extended from Pittsburgh to Johnstown, where the Allegheny Portage Railroad began. Once over the Alleghenies, passengers continued their trip to Harrisburg and Philadelphia. The site is also a popular launch area for canoes and kayaks for the seven-mile trip to Saltsburg. Facilities: A pavilion, restroom, interpretive exhibits and a canoe launch are available at Tunnelview. The Army Corps of Engineers also offers extensive public recreation facilities at the nearby Conemaugh River Lake. YELLOW CREEK STATE PARK Off Route 422 near Penn Run Yellow Creek State Park is along one of the first “highways” in the state, the Kittanning Path. This trail was used by the Delaware and Shawnee nations and by early settlers. Today, U.S. 422 roughly follows the old Kittanning Path, and provides the main access to the park from Indiana and Ebensburg. The park is named for Yellow and Little Yellow creeks, which create the lake. The creeks have a lot of yellow clay in the banks and bottoms. Facilities: Hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, ice skating, yurts, camping cottages Source: Indiana County Parks Department Want Your Landscape To Stand Out? We have a wide variety of rare and hard to find specialty plants. Come Out & See Us! Over 150 varieties of shade and ornamental trees. Landscape supplies, mulch, top soil, plants & flowers Gift Shop & Garden Center for that perfect gift from Kitchenware to Garden Tools. 2.5 Miles On Airport Road Phone 724-463-7634 Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. By chance WATERWORKS CONSERVATION AREA Along Two Lick Creek, three miles south of Indiana along Waterworks Road The Waterworks Conservation Area is a 10-acre site that from 1907 to 1967 was part of Lucerne 3A Mine. Now the site combines efforts to remediate some of the harmful aftermath of the mining with recreational opportunities that are possible because of the cleanup efforts. The area is open from sunrise to sunset. Facilities: A short walk from the wetlands is a handicapaccessible fishing site on the back of Two Lick Creek, and a launch site for canoes and kayaks. Take-out spots on the creek include at the Old Route 56 Bridge, Homer City, about six miles downstream, and Saylor Park, near Black Lick, 13 miles downstream. There are also restrooms, a picnic pavilion and a grill for outdoor cooking. Information on all the Indiana County Parks & Trails sites is at www.indianacounty parks.org. J.S. Mack Community Center South of Indiana Borough between Carter Avenue and the Indiana Regional Medical Center, White Township. Also commonly referred to as “the fairgrounds” because it is the site each August of the Indiana County Fair, the J.S. Mack Community Center features wide, open green spaces, shaded walking paths, picnic tables and an enclosed picnic pavilion and a large playground. Open dawn to dusk. Mack Park Pool J.S. Mack Community Center, White Township. Operated by the Indiana County YMCA, Mack Pool is a heated, 50-meter pool with a slide and a zero-depth entry area. It also features changing and concessions areas. The pool is open from late May until early September with season rates for individuals and households and day use fees. Swimming lessons are available. Details on hours and rates are available at (724) 463-7622 and (724) 463-9622. White’s Woods Nature Center North of the northwest corner of Indiana Borough and south of Fulton Run Road, White Township. White’s Woods has approximately nine miles of trails popular with hikers, mountain bikers and cross-country skiers. Attractions along the trails are opportunities for nature study, an overlook of Indiana and the remains of an old stone quarry. The primary entrances are at Indiana’s Fourth Ward Park along Twelfth Street, and off Fulton Run Road. Open dawn to dusk. White Township Recreation Complex 497 East Pike Road, White Township. The “rec complex” has four ball fields, a soccer field, tennis, basketball and bocce courts, horseshoe pits, picnic pavilions, paved walking paths and restrooms. It is a “dog friendly” park and is open dawn to dusk. The S&T Arena at the complex is open seven days a week much of the year and hosts many major events. Indoor fall, winter and spring activities include ice hockey games, public ice skating, batting cages and more. Getty Heights Park Rustic Lodge Road and Saltsburg Avenue, White Township. Getty Heights Park has picnic tables, a playground, sand volleyball court, a 9-hole disc golf course, a baseball/ softball field and restrooms. Kennedy-King Park Along Josephine Avenue behind Indiana Area Senior High School, White Township. The Kennedy-King Park has a multi-purpose ball field, playground and basketball courts. Information on all the White Township recreational facilities is available by calling (724) 465-2665. Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 27 RECREATION GHOST TOWN TRAIL The Ghost Town Trail totals 36 miles in Indiana and Cambria counties. The trail was established in 1991 when the Kovalchick Salvage Co. donated 16 miles of the former Ebensburg & Blacklick Railroad to Indiana County. In 1993, the Cambria & Indiana Railroad donated an extra four miles from Rexis to White Mill Station known as the Rexis Branch. In 2005, an additional 20 miles were added to the trail; 12 miles in Indiana County and eight miles in Cambria County. The trail is designated as a National Recreation Trail by the U.S. Department of the Interior. The Ghost Town Trail derives its name from numerous mining towns that once existed along the railroad corridor. Wehrum, the largest of the former towns, once had 230 houses, a hotel, company store, jail and bank. Warren Delano, uncle of President Franklin Roosevelt, developed the town. Other ghost towns include Bracken, Armerford, Lackawanna, Scott Glenn, Webster, Beulah and Claghorn. There are few remnants of these former towns and most of the ghost towns are on private property not open to the general public. Historical markers along the trail provide interpretive information about the Blacklick Valley’s history. Access points • Saylor Park Black Lick; 1 mile from Route 119 Facilities: Parking, restroom in season, picnic facilities, nearby walking path and ball fields The park is operated by Burrell Township. • Heshbon Route 259 Facilities: Parking, permanent restroom now in place • Dilltown Route 403 Facilities: Parking, restrooms, picnic facilities, nearby trail shop and bed and breakfast, water Indiana 56 119 422 403 Brush Valley 286 Homer City Jacksonville Dilltown Blacklick Saltsburg 422 56 119 217 259 Strongstown Vintondale Heshbon 22 Ghost Town Trail Hoodlebug Trail West Penn Trail Blairsville 22 119 Armagh 403 22 259 217 • Wehrum Vintondale Road Facilities: Parking • Vintondale, Rexis Vintondale Road Facilities: Parking, restroom at Eliza Station, picnic area, water • Red Mill Red Mill Road Facilities: Parking, nearby private cottage rental • Twin Rocks Route 271 Facilities: Parking • Nanty Glo Route 271 Facilities: Parking, restroom in season at football field, local restaurants • Ebensburg Route 422 Facilities: Parking, local restaurants HOODLEBUG TRAIL The Hoodlebug Trail is a 10mile recreation and commuter trail that stretches from Rose Street, White Township, to Saylor Park in Black Lick. The trail passes through residential, commercial and natural settings, providing direct trail access to many local residents and employees of several schools, industries and businesses. The trail follows the abandoned Indiana Branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad between the Homer City area and Indiana. Built in the 1850s, the Indiana Branch was the first railroad to be constructed in Indiana County. “Hoodlebug” was the local nickname for the self-propelled passenger coach that ran on the line until 1940. The trail is open year-round Seward 56 for bicycling, hiking and cross-country skiing. Access points • IUP South Campus, White Township • Old Route 119, White Township • Floodway Park, Homer City • Red Barn, Homer City • Saylor Park, Black Lick WEST PENN TRAIL The trail is a 17-mile rail- trail between Saltsburg and the Westinghouse trailhead off Newport Road near Blairsville. It is a link on the Pittsburghto-Harrisburg Main Line Canal Greenway, a 320-mile corridor of heritage and outdoor recreation sites. Trail sections • Conemaugh River Lake Section, 3.3 miles from the Westinghouse Specialty Metals Plant to Bow Ridge. • Bow Ridge Switchback to Conemaugh River Lake, 2 miles at the western end of the trail’s Conemaugh River Lake section. • West Penn Trail Dick Mayer Section, 2 miles between the Conemaugh River Lake and Saltsburg sections. • West Penn Trail-Saltsburg Section, 4.5 miles from the Mayer Section into Saltsburg. • Kiski Extension: Saltsburg to Blacklegs Creek, 2 miles from Saltsburg’s Canal Park to Blacklegs Creek. Source: www.indianacounty parks.org; www.conemaugh valleyconservancy.org WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES... TO GET THE JOB DONE RIGHT! Hardscape materials for every yard/garden: t-BSHF%FDPSBUJWF3PDL t1BWFSTt'MBH4UPOF t'JFME4UPOF t8BMM4UPOF t$VU4UPOFt#BSO4UPOF t#PVMEFS3PDL t1BUJP3FUBJOJOH8BMMT We Also Specialize In: t%&.0-*5*0/4 t(306/%$-&"3*/( t'06/%"5*0/4t%3*7&8":4 t65*-*5*&4t536$,*/(t4/083&.07"8F%FMJWFS"OZXIFSF PA005198 LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES & EXCAVATING tXXXSJTJOHFSPOMJOFDPN *OEJBO4QSJOHT3E*OEJBOB1" 28 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 RECREATION Apollo-Spring Church Sportsmen’s Club Route 56 Apollo, PA 15613 (724) 478-1248 Barr Township Rod-Gun Club 678 Dutch Run Road Nicktown, PA 15762 (814) 948-7066 Blackleggs Trout Nursery Contact: Art Grguric Box 59 Clarksburg, PA 15725 Blacklick Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Terry Gunder 719 Mahan School Road Blairsville, PA 15717 Blairsville Sportmen’s Club Contact: Denver Shetler 675 Pleasant Valley Road Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 459-6354 Burrell Township Rod-Gun Club Contact: Al Magnone 404 East Devinney Hollow Road Blacklick, PA 15716 (724) 248-9021 Cambria Beagle Club Contact: Gary Waters 515 Beagle Road South Fork, PA 15956 (814) 487-4610 Conemaugh Valley Beagle Club Contact: Butch Shannon 440 Crawford Road New Florence, PA 15944 (724) 459-7736 Coral-Graceton Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Ed Frederick 1904 Neal Road Graceton, PA 15748 (724) 479-3985 Cowboy Action Shooting Contact: Frank Winsheimer 285 Goral Road Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 479-8838 Licenses RECREATION Fishing licenses must be signed in ink and must be displayed on an outer garment. In addition, anglers must be prepared to furnish positive proof of identification. Fees for a one-year license are $22.70 for residents and $11.70 for those 65 and older. • Fishing licenses: Blairsville Walmart, 300 Resort Plaza Brush Valley Mock’s Sporting Goods, Route 56 Clymer Clymer Hardware, 590 Franklin St. Creekside Benamati’s Creekside Convenience, 414 Indian Road Indiana Indiana County Treasurer, 825 Philadelphia St.; Kmart, 2090 Route 286; Walmart, 3100 Oakland Ave. New Florence Mirror Lake RV Camp & Fish, 112 Trout Run Dr. Rochester Mills The Streamside Supply, 12665 Route 119 North Saltsburg Stapleton’s Market and Sporting Goods, 2921 Route 286 West Shelocta Keystone Bait and Tackle, 1096 State Route 210 The H. A. G’s Bait And Hobbies, 272 Racetrack Road Come to ÷'DLO\ 2SHQ 3OD\ ÷%XPSHUV ÷3DUWLHV ÷/HDJXH %RZOLQJ ÷&RVPLF %RZOLQJ - For a “Striking” Good Time! Enjoy Strike Zone Lounge & Our Delicious Snack Bar 6HRSHUK(]L0UKPHUH www.mohawklanes.com • Pennsylvania boating registration: Blairsville Dascribe Services, 135 E. Market St.; Ray Bowser Auto Sales and Notary Public, 304 E. Market St. Indiana Autosport Co., 1115 Philadelphia St.; Indiana County Treasurer, Courthouse, 825 Philadelphia St.; Tom’s Cycle, 1187 Wayne Ave.; Valeri Lazor’s Clerical Center, 1495 Indian Springs Road Saltsburg Margaret A. Testa, Notary Public, 2774 Route 286 • Use permits: Brush Valley Mock’s Sporting Goods Indiana Tom’s Cycle, 1187 Wayne Ave. Rochester Mills The Streamside Supply, 12665 Route 119 North Rural Valley Shannock Ace Hardware, 634 Main St. Saltsburg Margaret A. Testa, Notary Public, 2774 Route 286 Shelocta Keystone Bait N Tackle, 1096 State Route 210 The H.A. G’s Bait & Hobbies, 272 Racetrack Road Source: Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission C-Y Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Brian Gallagher 416 Gaza Road Shelocta, PA 15774 (724) 726-5720 Dayton Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Randy Stear 1072 Drake Road Dayton, PA 16222 (814) 257-9902 (724) 289-1961 Dilltown Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Lanny D. Stinson 151 Chestnut Street Seward, PA 15854 (814) 446-5384 Ducks Unlimited Contact: Anthony Enciso (724) 340-5508 East Run Sportsmen’s Club 1676 Sebring Road Marion Center, PA 15759 East Wheatfield Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Dwayne Fisher Box 252 Armagh, PA 15920 (814) 446-6520 Friends of the NRA Contact: Terri Plyer (724) 397-2918 Heilwood Sportsmen’s Club 417 Hamill Road Heilwood, PA 15745 (814) 948-9524 Hilltop Beagle Club Contact: Jim Crawford 124 Hollow Road Cowansville, PA 16218 (724) 526-5541 Indiana County Beagle Club Contact: Dave Sharer 1652 Anthony Run Road Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 397-9693 Indiana County Bow and Gun Club Contact: Rodney Allshouse 9374 Old Rt. 56 West Shelocta, PA 15744 (724) 463-3911 Indiana County Fox-Coon Club Contact: Jeffery Mumau 255 Ramsey Run Road Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 354-2219 Indiana County SportsmenConservation League Contact: Ted Pluchinsky 251 Sarah St. Homer City, PA 15748 (724) 479-9584 Indiana County Sportsmen for Youth Contact: Larry Konieczny 290 Main St. Shelocta.PA 15744 (724) 354-3910 Indiana Tree Hound Association Contact: William Kirkland 133 Hill Road Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 459-8093 Jackson Twp. Community Rod-Gun Club Contact: Thomas Morrison (814) 749-7519 Keystone Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Randy McCoy 198 Hollow Road Creekside, PA 15732 (724) 354-3237 Keystone Water Fowlers — Hunting Retrievers Contact: Jim Houppert (814) 259-3381 Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 29 RECREATION Kiski Township Sportsmen’s Club Route 56 Avonmore, PA 15618 (724) 697-5335 Montgomery Township Rod-Gun Club 670 Rod-Gun Club Road Arcadia, PA 15712 (814) 845-7700 Moss Creek Rod-Gun Club 968 Moss Creek Road Northern Cambria, PA 15714 (814) 948-8590 National Wild Turkey Federation — Yellow Creek Chapter Contact: Rick Roser 132 Division St. Homer City, PA 15748 (724) 479-7161 Nowrytown Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Domenic Ghiardi 4695 Elders Ridge Road Saltsburg, PA 15681 (724) 639-9511 Pennsylvania Trappers Association John J. Somonick (724) 463-0651 Pheasants Forever Contact: Kevin Adams Adamsk@WPA.net Red Barn Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Jim Vresolovic 1250 Six Flats Road Homer City, PA 15748 (724) 479-3327 Rochester Mills Coonhunter Club 2377 Leasure Road Rochester Mills, PA 15711 (724) 286-9850 Rochester Mills Rod-Gun Club 2377 Leasure Road Rochester Mills, PA 15711 (724) 286-9850 Rossiter Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Doug Aaron 4720 Juneau Road Rossiter, PA 15772 (814) 938-2835 Saltsburg Sportsmen’s Club 1493 Sportsman Road Saltsburg, PA 15681 (724) 639-0360 Sandy Bottom Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Mike Sombronski 111 Route 56 Seward, PA 15954 (814) 446-4208 Shannock Valley Sportsmen’s Club Route 56 Rural Valley, PA 16249 (724) 783-6450 Shelocta Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Paul Swales 603 Sportsman Club Road Shelocta, PA 15744 (724) 726-8239 Spring Church Beagle Club Contact: Sandra Sturtiale 131 Beagle Club Road Avonmore, PA 15618 Tide Sportsmen’s Club Contact: Rich Adamson 384 Henry Road Homer City, PA 15748 (724) 479-2959 Todd Bird Club Contact: Margaret Higbee 3119 Creekside Road Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 354-3493 Trout Unlimited Contact: Tom Clark Tclark66@hotmail.com True Blue Training Club 25 Brookdale Lane Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 479-9260 Twin Rocks Sportsmen’s Club 0DLQ2I¿FH %XUUHOO7RZQVKLS 7RZQIDLU 3XQ[VXWDZQH\ 531 Expedite Road Nanty Glo, PA 15943 (814) 749-5134 Twolick Creek Trout Anglers Contact: Dan Cardellino 195 Maple Ave. Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 459-3301 Twolick Valley Rod and Gun Club 487 Dogwood Road Cherrytree, PA 15724 (724) 254-2072 Tubmill Trout Club Contact: Lindon Gamble Bolivar, PA 15923 www.tubmilltroutclub.org (724) 235-9798 West Penn Orienteering Club Contact: Jim Wolfe (724) 255-6606 Whitetails Unlimited Contact: Sticks Lawson Box 144 Coral, PA 15731 (724) 479-2754 (724) 549-3721 Yellow Creek Trout Stocking Club Contact: Larry Tanner (724) 479-3252 0HPEHU)',& 3KLODGHOSKLD6WUHHW,QGLDQD3$ZZZLQ¿UVWEDQNFRP 30 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 ELECTED OFFICIALS U.S. CONGRESS Rep. Bill Shuster Indiana office: (724) 4630516 Washington, D.C., office: (202) 225-2431 www.house.gov/shuster Sen. Robert Casey Jr. Harrisburg office: (717) 2317540 Washington, D.C., office: (202) 224-6324 www.casey.senate.gov Sen. Pat Toomey Johnstown office: (814) 2665970 Washington, D.C., office: (202) 224-4254 www.toomey.senate.gov STATE REPRESENTATIVES Sen. Don White Indiana office: 618 Philadelphia St. (724) 357-0151 Harrisburg office: (717) 7878724 Rep. Jeff Pyle Rayne Township office: 289 Route 85 Highway, Home (724) 397-2961 www.repjeffpyle.net Rep. Dave Reed Indiana office: 550 Philadelphia St. (724) 465-0220 Homer City office: 30 E. Wiley St. (724) 479-5585 www.dreed@pahousegop. com Rep. Sam Smith Punxsutawney office: 527 E. Mahoning St. (814) 938-4225 Brookville office: 125A Main St. (814) 849-8008 www.samsmithpahouse.org COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County courthouse 825 Philadelphia St. Indiana PA 15701 724-465-3805 Patricia Evanko pevanko@countyof indiana.org David Frick dsfrick@countyofindiana. org Rodney Ruddock rruddock@countyofindiana. org We deliver ALL quantities! YOUR HARDSCAPE & WATER FEATURE Specialist! Visit www.krevelsupply.com ;67:6034<3*/*6476:; .9(=,3:(5++,*69(;0=,:;65, >LOH]LKoiMVY`V\YWVUK POLLING PLACES If you want to vote but are not registered to vote, or you wish to change political parties, call the county courthouse: (724) 465-3852. Precinct Location Armagh Fire hall Armstrong 1 The Event Hall, 4677 Parkwood Road Armstrong 2 Shelocta United Presbyterian Church Banks Township Supervisors’ Building, Route 336 Blacklick Blacklick Township Community Center Blairsville 1 United Presbyterian Church, 137 N. Walnut St. Blairsville 2 Old American Legion Building, 101 North Ave. Blairsville 3 Morewood Towers Brush Valley Fire hall Buffington 1 Township supervisors’ building, Route 403 Buffington 2 Sportsmen’s Club, Dilltown Burrell 1 Fire Hall, Black Lick Burrell 2 Chestnut Hills Senior Center, 26 Heybert Drive Canoe Township supervisors building Center 1 Bethel Presbyterian Church, Bethel Church Road Center 2 Fire hall, Coral Center 3 Catholic church/rec hall, Lucernemines Cherryhill 1 Fire hall, Penn Run Cherryhill 2 Hull’s Farm/Lawn Equipment, Airport Road Cherry Tree Presbyterian Church, Cherry Tree Clymer Borough building, 20 Sixth St. Conemaugh 1 Township supervisors’ building, Route 286 Conemaugh 2 Fire hall, Tunnelton Conemaugh 3 Senior high school, Trojan Drive Creekside Fire hall, Creekside Ernest Assumption Roman Catholic Church Glen Campbell Borough building /fire hall, Glen Campbell Grant East Run Sportsmen Club, Route 1022 Green 1 Pine Grove Church of God, Cherry Tree Green 2 Morning Star Ministries Church, Starford Green 3 Wesleyan Ministry Center, Dixonville Homer City 1 St. Mary’s Byzantine Church, Homer City Homer City 2 Fire hall, Homer City Indiana 1 Christian Church, Fifth and Water streets Indiana 2/1 Calvary Presbyterian Church, Seventh Street Indiana 2/2 Trinity Methodist Church, School Street Indiana 3/1 Pratt Hall, Room 313 Indiana 3/2 Zink Hall, IUP campus Indiana 3/4 Lifesteps Inc., 1455 Church St., Indiana Indiana 4 Courthouse Annex, 827 Water St. East Mahoning Township supervisors’ building, Route 119 North Mahoning Mahoning Hills Senior Center, Route 119 South Mahoning Municipal building, 10 Rossmoyne Road West Mahoning County building, Smicksburg Road Marion Center Marion Center Community Park Hall Montgomery Citizens’ Ambulance Station 40, Hillsdale Pine 1 Historical Society, Strongstown Pine 2 Fire hall, Heilwood Pine 3 County building, Alverda Plumville Fire hall, Plumville Rayne Martin Hall, Tanoma Saltsburg Borough building, 320 Point St. Shelocta Borough building, Main Street Smicksburg Salem Lutheran Church, Smicksburg Washington Township building, Red Lion Road East Wheatfield 1 Armagh/East Wheatfield Fire Hall East Wheatfield 2 Township ’ building, 11444 Route 56 East West Wheatfield 1 Community Building, Robinson West Wheatfield 2 Fire hall, Clyde White 1 Indiana Ice & Expo Center, East Pike White 2 Mack Park Picnic Pavilion, South Sixth Street White 3/1 Calvary Evangelical Free Church White 3/2 Rustic Lodge, Route 286 South White 3/3 Christian and Missionary Alliance Church White 4-5 Chevy Chase Community Center White 6 YMCA building Route 422 West Young 1 Coal Run Fire Hall, Coal Run Young 2 Church of God, West Lebanon Young 3 Fire hall, Iselin Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 31 SERVICES You gotta have the basics. ELECTRIC • FirstEnergy Corp. (800) 646-0400 • REA Energy Cooperative 75 Airport Road Indiana (724) 349-4800 NATURAL GAS • Equitable Gas Co. (800) 253-3928 • Peoples Gas (800) 764-0111 • T.W. Phillips 205 N. Main St. Butler (800) 222-5101 WATER • Highridge Water Authority 17 Maple Ave. Blairsville (724) 459-8033 • Pennsylvania American Water Co. (800) 565-7292 RECYCLING Curbside pickup The curbside recycling program is for Indiana Borough and White Township residents, the only municipalities with a population greater than 10,000. Each household is issued a recycling bin for approved recyclable materials. If there is no bin at your residence, contact Indiana Borough at (724) 465-6691 or White Township at (724) 4638585. Residents are required to place their recycling bin at the curbside or at the end of the driveway by 7:30 a.m. on their pickup day. Do not place bin on sidewalks, porches, steps, etc. Items that are accepted: $HURSRVWDOH $PHULFDQ(DJOH 2XWILWWHUV $XQWLH$QQH¶V 3UHW]HOV %DWK%RG\:RUNV %RQ:RUWK %R5LFV+DLU&DUH %RQ:RUWK &DSUL3L]]D &LQHPDV,9 &ODLUH¶V%RXWLTXH 'LQJEDWV5HVWDXUDQW 6SRUWV%DU clear, green and brown glass; aluminum and steel cans; newsprint, inserts and advertisements. Recycling bins are emptied weekly on scheduled pickup days. If an orange sticker is placed on a bin it means the bin has been rejected for pickup services. The sticker will indicate the reason the bin was rejected. Bins will be rejected if they contain unapproved items, or if there is broken glass, garbage, food waste, or other non-recyclable materials. If this happens, clean it out and remove the sticker. If your regular collection day falls on a holiday, your bin will be picked up the following week on your regular pickup day. Dropoff Bins for residential dropoff are accessible at the recycling center any time of day. All bins in the dropoff area are clearly marked for acceptable materials. Remove all bags or other containers before placing materials into the bins. If you do not see a bin for the material you want to recycle, it is probably not an acceptable item for the dropoff recycling program. Anyone depositing unapproved items at the recycling center will be subject to illegal dumping penalties pursuant to Center Township’s solid waste ordinance. Satellite sites The authority offers satellite dropoff recycling services to communities interested in )LQLVK/LQH .LWFKHQ&ROOHFWLRQ )UHHGRP:LUHOHVV /RUHOOL¶V-HZHOU\ 9HUL]RQ /X[HQEHUJ¶V )<(0XVLF -HZHOHUV *DPH6WRS 0DWWKHZ¶V+DOOPDUN *DUGQHUV&DQGLHV 0DXULFHV *1& 0RELOH3KRQH3URV +5%ORFN 3D'ULYHUV ,QGLDQD&R /LFHQVH&HQWHU 7RXULVW%XUHDX 3D/RWWHU\%RRWK -HZHOU\-XQFWLRQ 3HDUOH9LVLRQ -XVWLFH ([SUHVV .D\-HZHOHUV 3LWWVEXUJK .LQJ¶V-HZHOU\ 6SRUWV&RQQHFWLRQ 2334 Oakland Ave., Indiana 724-349-6110 www.indianamallpa.com 5DGLR6KDFN 5HJLV6DORQ 5XH 6KRH'HSW 6LQREL-DSDQHVH 5HVWDXUDQW 6SHQFHU*LIWV 6W\OH1DLOV 7KLQJV 5HPHPEHUHG 8QLWHG9HQGLQJ $UFDGH :LQGJDWH:LQHV www.indianamallpa.com Shop Monday-Saturday 10am-9pm, Sundays 11am -5pm Indiana County Recycling Center 1715 Route 119 South P.O. Box 270 Homer City, PA 15748 Phone: 724-479-0444 Fax: 724-479-0474 Email: icswa@comcast.net Residential drop-off available 24 hours a day. All materials are to be placed in appropriately marked bins. A LUMINUM, SSTEEL TEEL & I-METAL C A NS ALUMINUM, &B BI-METAL CANS Food and beverage containers only Please rinse, labels need not be removed C LEAR, B R OW N & R EEN G LASS CLEAR, BROWN &G GREEN GLASS Food and beverage containers only Please rinse and remove all lids Labels need not be removed ##1 1& 2P LASTIC B OTTLES & ##2 PLASTIC BOTTLES Please rinse and remove all lids Labels need not be removed C ORRUGATED C ARDBOARD CORRUGATED CARDBOARD All cardboard must be dry Please break down and flatten boxes Ŏ Ŏ ŎNo boxboard, such as cereal, gift, or tissue boxes O FFICE P A PE R OFFICE PAPER All paper must be dry All colors of paper and envelopes are acceptable N EWSPAPERS NEWSPAPERS All paper must be dry All inserts such as coupons or ads can be recycled along with the newspapers M AGAZINES MAGAZINES All paper must be dry Y AR D W ASTE YARD WASTE All leaves, grass clippings, and garden residue Please remove from bags and take bags with you Branches acceptable up to 5” in diameter : VRDDFFFFHS HSWWDS DSSSOOLLDQ DQFHV FHVWWLLUUHHVVDDQQGGHHOOHF HFWWUR URQQLLFFVV :HHDDOOVR &&DDOOOWWRRGGDD\\IIRRUUKKRRXXUV D Q G S U L F H V UV DQGSULFHV 32 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 SERVICES participating. The program is designed to make recycling more convenient to those residents that live in the more rural communities. The authority requires each site to be manned during collection times. Participants hold collections on Saturdays only. For a schedule of collections, call (724) 479-0444. Source: Indiana County Solid Waste Authority; more information can be found at www.indianapa.com/icswa. ANIMAL SHELTERS Four Footed Friends 220 Beck Road, Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 349-1144 www.fourfootedfriends.org Hours: Monday, 12-7 p.m.; Tuesday, closed; WednesdaySunday, 12-4 p.m. Indiana County Humane Society 65 Haven Drive, Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 465-3977 www.incohumanesociety. com Hours: Tuesday through Sunday 1-5 p.m.; closed on Mondays and holidays. The humane society has plans to move into a new 8,500-square-foot facility being built along Airport Road in White Township. INDIGO 1657 Saltsburg Ave. Indiana, PA 15701 Telephone: (724) 465-2140 Board chairman: Jack Cun- TOM PEEL/Gazette MOST INDIGO buses stop at the transit center in Indiana. ningham Executive director: John Kanyan Indiana County’s transit system, IndiGO, incorporated in July 1979, has routes consisting of numbers and colors. IndiGO operates 15 routes Monday to Saturday, four routes Monday to Friday, a Wednesday route, a Saturday route, a Sunday route, a late-night route and five routes only available when IUP is in session. Governed by a seven-person board of directors appointed by the Indiana County commissioners, IndiGO employs 55 people and operates 35 vehicles. Most buses stop at the Downtown Transit Center, 637 Philadelphia St., Indiana, for pickup and drop-off. Routes, as of July 1, 2013: Route 1 (Green) — Walmart, Aldi’s grocery store, Eat’n Park, Town Fair Plaza, Indiana Mall, Dunkin’ Donuts, Fourth Street Sheetz, Second and Philadelphia streets and Transit Center. Operates Monday through Saturday. Route 2 (Blue) — Orchard Hills, Walmart, Barclay-Warren, the Indiana County Public Assistance Office, Sterling Hills, Poet’s Village, Big Lots, Asbury Apartments, Train Station, Senior Center, Indiana Free Library and Transit Center. Operates Monday through Saturday. Route 4 (Brown) — Summer Session 1 & 2 at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. IUP, Copper Beech, Robertshaw, Chestnut Street and Transit Center. Operates Monday through Friday. Route 4 — Fall and Spring Session. The Grove, IUP, Copper Beech, Robertshaw and Transit Center. Operates Monday through Friday. Route 5 (Orange) — IRMC, Hickory Meadow, Clairvaux Commons, Bi-Lo, Guidance Center, Hamilton Apartments, Indiana Mall and Transit Center. Operates Monday through Saturday. Route 6 (Tan) — Spring Meadow, Transit Center, Homer City, Coral-Graceton, Black Lick, Blairsville and Josephine. Operates Monday through Friday. Route 7 (Lavender) — Plumville, Smicksburg and Home. Operates Wednesday only. Route 8 (Violet) — Plumville, Smicksburg and Punxsutawney. Operates Mondays only. Route 9 (Gray) — Summer Session 1 & 2 - Spring and Fall Sessions. Carriage House, The Grove, Copper Beech, Westgate, and Transit Center. Operates Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Route 10 (Purple) — Spring and Fall Sessions. IUP HUB, IUP Campus, Fifth and School, B&L Properties on Grandview Avenue, Giant Eagle Express, Hamilton Apartments, Fifth and Chestnut, Ninth and Chestnut and Transit Center. Operates Monday through Friday. Route 12 (Teal) — Regency Mall, Indiana Mall, Walmart, IUP Campus, Transit Center. Operates Monday through Saturday, abbreviated Sunday. Route 13 (Checkered) — Spring Meadow Apartments, Oakland/Rooney Apartments, WyoTech, Blairsville and INDY Park. Operates Monday Member FDIC Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 33 SERVICES through Friday. Route 14 (Gold) — Indiana, Indiana Mall, Regency Mall, Townfair Plaza, Blairsville, Coral/Graceton, Homer City and Josephine. Operates Saturday only. Route 16 (Yellow) — The Grove, Copper Beech, Indiana Mall, Poets Village, Barclay-Warren, Hickory Meadow, Walmart, Chevy Chase and Transit Center. Operates Monday through Saturday. IUP Park-n-Ride — Spring and Fall Sessions. South Campus ball field, Robertshaw, R&P Lot, Reschini House, Clark Hall, Sutton Hall, Grant Street at Pratt Street and HUB. Operates Monday through Friday. IUP Campus Express, Spring and Fall Sessions. IUP Field House, Putt, Foster, Clark, IUP Parking Garage, Oak Grove, Elkin Hall, HUB, McDonald’s, KCAC and Eberly College. Operates Monday through Friday. Route 23 — IUP Punxsutawney, Spring and Fall Session. IUP HUB to IUP Punxsutawney. Operates Friday and Sunday only. Route 24, IUP Late Night Shuttle, Spring and Fall Sessions. Robertshaw, tennis courts, Reschini House, parking garage, Oak Grove, Pratt Plaza, Ruddock and Stouffer halls. Operates Saturday through Sunday. Route 25 (Silver) — Bergman’s Hardware, Market Street at railroad tracks, Blairview Apartments, Excela Health, Walmart, Black Lick, Josephine and Wyo-Tech’s Indy Park Apartments. Operates Monday and Thursday only. INDIANA COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM Main office 827 Water St., Indiana (724) 465-2657 Pathway Homeless Shelter 127 Grant St., Black Lick (724) 248-1030 Bridge House (724) 479-0449 Supported Work Program 827 Water St., Indiana (724) 465-2657 Food Bank Warehouse 1849 S. Sixth St., Indiana (724) 463-7440 422 Warehouse 5821 Route 422 Highway (724) 465-6201 Weatherization Department 5823 Route 422 Highway (724) 465-1030 ❏❏❏ Food distribution locations Armstrong Township, Shelocta Borough Third Tuesday Shelocta Community Presbyterian Church 12:30-2 p.m. First-time sign-up: 1:30 p.m. Banks Township, Glen Campbell Borough, Canoe Township Third Thursday Rossiter Drop-in Center 1-3 p.m. First-time sign-up: 2:30 p.m. Black Lick, Burrell Township First Tuesday Blacklick Presbyterian Church 11 a.m.-2 p.m. First-time sign-up: 1:30 p.m. Blairsville Borough First Tuesday Blairsville Presbyterian Church, Walnut Street Noon-1 p.m. First-time sign-up: 12:30 p.m. Calvary Bible Church, 2712 Pine Vale Road 9-11 a.m. First-time sign-up: 10:30 a.m. Clymer Borough, Cherryhill Township Third Thursday Church of the Resurrection administration center Morris Street, Clymer 11 a.m.-1 p.m. First-time sign-up: 12:30 p.m. Grant Township Fourth Thursday Lifesteps The Senior Employment Program of Aging Services, Inc. will refer to our community, dependable, mature, and reliable companions and caregivers who will also prepare meals, or do light housekeeping. If your family would like to hire someone to care for a loved one, please contact the Senior Employment Coordinator at (724) 349-4500 or 1-800-442-8016. Promoting and preserving independence and healthy living for older adults today - tomorrow - always. Providing care along life’s journey …for over 90 years Serving… Individuals with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities t"EVMU5SBJOJOH'BDJMJUJFToDay Program t$PNNVOJUZ)PNFTo Residential Living t-JGFTIBSJOH'BNJMZ-JWJOH t #FIBWJPSBM4VQQPSU4FSWJDFTofor ages 3 years and older. Functional Behavioral Assessments developed by a professional certified in behavior analysis. Indiana County Program Center 1455 Church Street, Indiana, PA 15701 XXXMJGFTUFQTOFUt 34 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 SERVICES Green Township Last Wednesday Commodore Community Building 10 a.m.-noon First-time sign-up: 11:30 a.m. Homer City Borough, Center Township Second Thursday United Methodist church, corner of Main and Church streets, Homer City 10 a.m.-noon First-time sign-up: 11:30 a.m. Indiana Borough Second Tuesday Trinity United Methodist Church 9-10:30 a.m. First-time sign-up: 10 a.m. Montgomery Township, Cherry Tree Borough Second Tuesday Arcadia Presbyterian Church 12:30-2 p.m. First-time sign-up: 1:30 p.m. North Mahoning Township Second Tuesday North Mahoning Township Building 9-9:30 a.m. Pine Township First Tuesday Pine Township Fire Hall 9:30 a.m.-noon First-time sign-up: 11:30 a.m. Rayne Township, Marion Center Borough, East Mahoning Township Second Thursday Marion Center Volunteer Fire Department 9-11 a.m. First-time sign-up: 10:30 a.m. Saltsburg Borough, Conemaugh Township Third Thursday Basement of the Saltsburg Community Center, 419 Salt St. 8-10 a.m. First-time sign-up: 9:30 a.m. South Mahoning Township, West Mahoning Township, Smicksburg Borough Last Thursday Plumville Presbyterian Church, Main Street, Plumville 10 a.m.-noon First-time sign-up: 11:30 a.m. United area (Armagh Borough, Brush Valley Township, Buffington Township, East Wheatfield Township, West Wheatfield Township) Fourth Thursday Brush Valley Fire Hall, Route 259 9-11 a.m. First-time sign-up: 10:30 a.m. Washington Township, Creekside Borough, Ernest Borough Second Thursday Creekside United Methodist Church Education Building 10 a.m.-noon First-time sign-up: 11:30 a.m. White Township Second Tuesday Church of the Brethren, Route 286 across from Rustic Lodge 9:30-11:30 a.m. First-time sign-up: 11 a.m. Young Township Third Tuesday Young Township Municipal Building 1-2:30 p.m. First-time sign-up: 2 p.m. To register, proof of residency (something with a current physical address) is required. This listing may change and that the most updated schedule is published monthly on the ICCAP website. Source: ICCAP SOCIAL SERVICES All street addresses are in Indiana unless otherwise noted. AccessAbilities Inc. Empowers children, adults and seniors with developmental delays or disabilities by providing home- and community-based services that meet the individual’s needs. 2273 Philadelphia St. (724) 465-6042 Adagio Health, Family Planning, Indiana Office Provides STD testing and treatment, routine OB-GYN care, family planning. 1097 Oak St., Lower Level (724) 349-2022 Adagio Health, Women, Infants and Children Program, Indiana Office Provides food vouchers, nutrition education and health care referrals to pregnant and post-partum women, children under 5. 1099 Oak St. (800) 942-9467 Adelphoi Village Academy in Indiana Nonprofit agency provides community-based treatment to children and adolescents. 220 N. Fifth St. (724) 463-1456 Aging Services Inc. Provides social, physical and HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, SEXUAL ASSAULT OR ANOTHER CRIME? ÷&RXQVHOLQJ÷(PHUJHQF\6KHOWHU ÷+RXU&ULVLV+RWOLQH ÷9LFWLP$GYRFDF\PHGLFDOOHJDO ÷&ULPH9LFWLP&RPSHQVDWLRQ ÷(GXFDWLRQDO3UHVHQWDWLRQV ÷9ROXQWHHU2SSRUWXQLWLHV Let The Alice Paul House Help You! All Services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL 724-349-4444 or 1-800-435-7249 DMER\OHV#DOLFHSDXOKRXVHRUJ÷DXGLDER\OHV#DOLFHSDXOKRXVHRUJ mental skill opportunities to older adults. 1055 Oak St. P.O. Box 519 (724) 349-4500 Alice Paul House Offers services to victims of domestic and sexual violence and other crimes P.O. Box 417 (724) 349-4444 (hotline) American Red Cross Provides emergency and disaster training; assistance to affected families. 610 Kolter Drive (724) 465-5678 Arc of Indiana County Offers support to those with disabilities, their families, agencies, providers and community members 120 N. Fifth St. (724) 349-8230 Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission 10829 U.S. Route 422 Shelocta (724) 354-2746 Armstrong-Indiana Behavioral and Developmental Health Program Provides mental health services to children and adults. 1430 Route 286 Highway East (724) 349-3350 Indiana County’s first choice for home health care for over 43 years! 724-463-6340 www.vnaindianacounty.com Affiliated with VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION OF INDIANA COUNTY Compassionate Care Right at Home Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 35 SOCIAL SERVICES Assistance Office of Indiana County Offers temporary cash, medical, and bill assistance as well as employment training. 2750 West Pike (724) 357-2900 (800) 742-0679 Big Hearts, Little Hands Mentoring program of YMCA 60 N. Ben Franklin Road (724) 463-9622 Birthright of Indiana County Inc. Pregnancy Support Center 271 Philadelphia St. (724) 463-9118 Boy Scouts of America – Laurel Highlands Council Camp Seph Mack 1966 S. Harmony Road Penn Run, PA 15765 (814) 471-1090 Camp Orenda Residential summer camp for people with disabilities 1278 Lions’ Health Camp Run Road (724) 840-7863 (executive director) Career T.R.A.C.K. Inc. Provides employment training, temporary summer youth employment 300 Indian Springs Road (724) 471-7220 Catholic Charities Offers counseling and referral services, pregnancy support, adoption and foster care assistance, and help for emergency needs. 1200 Oakland Ave. (724) 463-8806 Center for Family Life Parenting support, education 125 N. Fifth St. (724) 463-8595 Chevy Chase Help Center Offers emergency help, employment assistance, and drug and alcohol prevention programs. 640 N. Fifth St. (724) 349-2333 Child Care Information Services of Indiana County 1055 Oak St. and 155 N. Clymer Ave. (724) 349-8830 Children and Youth Services of Indiana County Looking For Great 350 N. Fourth St. (724) 465-3895 Children’s Advocacy Center of Indiana County 617 Church St. (724) 349-1773 Christian Counseling Service 637 Philadelphia St., Suite 301 (724) 465-5440 Christos Clothes Closet Homer City Presbyterian Church 40 E. Elm St. Homer City (724) 479-2695 Citizens’ Ambulance Service 805 Hospital Road (724) 349-5511 Stations: • Blairsville • Elderton • Hillsdale • Plumville • West Wheatfield Township • White Township Community Guidance Center Provides assistance to individuals with mental health concerns or developmental disabilities and their families. 793 Old Route 119 North (724) 465-5576 Community Kitchen Dixonville Wesleyan Church (724) 397-9498 Community Living and Learning Inc. Day and residential programs for adults with mental retardation 1430 Route 286 East (724) 349-1420 (724) 349-4590 Adult Training Facility Community Psychiatric Centers 9 W. Market St. Blairsville (724) 850-7200 Conewago Indiana Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Inpatient Treatment Program 2275 Warren Road (888) 347-3873 Crooked Fence Farm Therapeutic horse riding center for the physically, emotionally challenged. 1722 Nashville Road Rochester Mills (724) 286-3107 AGING SERVICES, INC. “Offering Exercise for the MIND & BODY” Behavioral Healthcare? No problem’s too big or too small. If you need a little support or a lot, the Community Guidance Center can help! 793 Old Route 119 Highway North Indiana, PA 15701 Ph. (724) 465-5576 Toll Free (888) 686-1991 Fax (724) 463-3262 www.thecgc.com ([HUFLVH&ODVV:DWHU$HURELFV:DONLQJ 1XWULWLRQ(GXFDWLRQ&RPSXWHU&ODVV*DPHV &UDIWV+HDOWK:HOOQHVV6SHDNHUV Free Monthly Blood Pressure Screenings ~ Social Center Locations ~ HOMER CENTER ARMAGH Holy Protection of Mary Armagh Fire Hall Byzantine Church (Open Tues. Only) (Open Thursdays Only) 1-800-442-8016 1-800-442-8016 MAHONING HILLS 19298 Rt. 119 Hwy. North Punxsutawney, PA 724-286-3099 TWO LICK 450 Franklin Street Clymer, PA 724-254-9820 AULTMAN Aultman Fire Hall (Open Wed. Only) 1-800-442-8016 INDIANA 1001 Oak Street Indiana, PA 724-465-2697 SALTSBURG* 212 Point Street Saltsburg, PA 724-639-9055 CHESTNUT HILLS* 26 Heybert Drive Blairsville, PA 724-459-5251 Promoting and Preserving Independence and Healthy Living for Older Adults Today – Tomorrow – Always *Chestnut Hills and Saltsburg open one evening per week 36 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 SOCIAL SERVICES Department of Health 75 N. Second St. (724) 357-2995 Dr. PET (Dogs Routinely Providing Emotional Therapy) P.O. Box 54 Home (724) 397-5529 Evergreen Boys and Girls Club After school and summer programs at Purchase Line and Homer-Center schools 650 S. 13th St., #5 (724) 910-6042 Family and Behavioral Resources Airport Road Professional Center 1380 Route 286 East Suites 524 and 526 (724) 465-0369 and 463-3600 Family Promise of Indiana County 1292-B Old Route 119 North (724) 464-5220 Farm Service Agency Provides financial assistance, programs. 1432 Route 286 East (724) 463-8547 Girl Scouts, Western Pennsylvania The Atrium 665 Philadelphia St., Suite 303 (724) 463-3421 Habitat for Humanity Works to provide home ownership for low-income families through volunteers P.O. Box 663 (724) 349-1189 Head Start Inc. 528 Gompers Ave. (724) 349-6200 Home Nursing Agency 320 Franklin St. Clymer (724) 254-3500 Hopeful Hearts, Inc. Support for grieving children and their families 728 Church St., second floor P.O. Box 225 (724) 349-3888 Housing Authority of Indiana County 104 Philadelphia St. (724) 463-4730 I&A Residential Services Inc. Minimum care community residential rehabilitation for mental health consumers 1019 Philadelphia St., Suite 2 (724) 463-7830 ICW Vocational Services 155 N. 10th St. (724) 349-4143 Indiana County Child Day Care Program Inc. IUP Davis Hall – ground floor 570 S. 11th St. (724) 349-1821 Indiana County Community Action Program Provides programs to help low-income families and individuals attain self sufficiency 827 Water St. (725) 465-2657 Indiana County Department of Human Services and Volunteer Services 300 Indian Springs Road, Suite 203 (724) 463-8200 Indiana County Department of Veterans Affairs 825 Philadelphia St. (724) 465-3815 Katie’s Closet Zion Lutheran Church South Sixth, Church streets (724) 465-5597 (church) League of Women Voters of Indiana County (724) 465-5056 Lifesteps of Indiana County Trust, Compassion & Care... Who do you allow into your home? 0DLQWDLQ\RXULQGHSHQGHQFHZLWKWKH KHOSRIRXUKRPHKHDOWKVHUYLFHV 7KH7UXVWHG&KRLFH +RPH+HDOWK$JHQF\ 6HUYLQJWKHQHHGVRI SDWLHQWVLQ ,QGLDQD&RXQW\ Surrounding Areas IRURYHU\HDUV 1380 Route 286 East, %XLOGLQJ2IÀFH Indiana, PA Make your choice today! Call 724-465-9224 anewnursing.com Supports families, individuals with special needs. 1455 Church St. (724) 349-1122 Lifeway Pregnancy Center Pregnancy testing, support 1176 Grant St. Suite 1160 (866) 549-6636 Meals on Wheels Provides hot, nutritious meals to elderly and shut-ins. Rear 534 Philadelphia St. (724) 463-7676 Center Township/Homer City area: (724) 479-8897 Multiple Sclerosis Society, Indiana Office 1251 Church St. (724) 349-3731 New Beginnings Drop-in Center Goodwill Industries 639 Old Route 119 N. (724) 465-6510 New Choices Career Development Center Center for Career & Technology/Reschini House 1110 Maple St. (724) 357-4738 New Horizons Foundation Inc. Rents retreat center and picnic pavilions to nonprofits, charitable organization and church groups. 145 New Horizons Drive Clymer, PA 15728 (724) 254-1522 New Story Provides support and resources to autistic children and their families 9 N. Seventh St., Second floor, Suite 202 (724) 463-9841 NHS Human Services Support for children with developmental disabilities. Blue Spruce Center P.O. Box 91 Shelocta (724) 354-3223 Office of Vocational Rehabilitation 300 Indian Springs Road (814) 255-6771 PA Careerlink, Career Track of Indiana 300 Indian Springs Road (724) 471-7220 Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) P.O. Box 272 20 Shady Drive PathStone Employment training for senior adults. 650 N. Fifth Ave. (724) 465-2204 Penn State Cooperative Extension Offers information on agriculture and home economics to the public. 827 Water St. Second Floor (724) 465-3880 Pennsylvania Association for the Blind PO Box 209 Home (724) 397-4054 Personal Ponies Nonprofit organization provides special-needs children with Shetland ponies to care for free of charge. 248 S. Lytle Road Shelocta, PA 157774 (724) 726-8159 Social Security Administration 1265 Wayne Ave., Suite 310 (877)405-7679 St. Andrew’s Village Provides a continuing-care community for adults 55 and older 1155 Indian Springs Road (724) 464-1600 The Open Door Counseling services for those with drug, alcohol and related problems. 334 Philadelphia St. (877) 585-3667 (24-hour hotline); (724) 465-2605 The Salvation Army 635 Water St. (724) 465-2530 Unemployment Compensation Call Center Call center to file unemployment claims via telephone (888) 313-7284 United Way of Indiana County 982 Philadelphia St. (724) 463-0277 Visiting Nurse Association of Indiana County Medical Arts Building 850 Hospital Road Suite 3000, (724) 463-6340 VNA Extended Home Health Care: (724) 463-1102 VNA Family Hospice and Palliative Care: (724) 463-8711 YMCA of Indiana County 60 N. Ben Franklin Road (724) 463-9622 Source: Indiana County Department of Human Services Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 37 CHILD CARE DAY CARE CENTERS (INDIANA AREA) Almost Home #3 Address: 15 Hamill Road, Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 349-3970 Contact: Marilyn Wells Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 12 Type: Group Almost Home #4 Address: 578 Highway 110, Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 349-2717 Contact: Marilyn Wells Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 12 Type: Group Beacon Day Care Address: 1525 Wayne Ave., Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 349-0234 Contact: Bill Citeroni Hours: 6 a.m. to midnight seven days a week Ages: Up to 12 years Type: Center Ben Franklin School-Age Day Care Address: Ben Franklin Elementary, Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 349-1821 Contact: Stephanie McAdoo Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday Ages: Kindergarten-12 years Type: Center Bonny Carr Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Bonny Carr Hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 1-6 Type: Family Donna Cass Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Donna Cass Hours: 7 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Infant-kindergarten Type: Family Cottage House Daycare Address: 1660 Getty Ave., Indiana Phone: (724) 349-1377 Contact: Sheryl Barefoot Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Ages: 6 weeks-5 years Type: Center Susan Evans Can you stay at home? Hot-Cold Control Grab Bar Towel Grab Bar Bath Bench Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Susan Evans Hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 6 weeks-12 years Type: Family Linda Fulton Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Linda Fulton Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 12 Type: Family Grand Beginnings East Address: 339 Grandview Ave., Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 463-1819 Contact: Peg Gulas Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Ages: Up to 12 years Type: Center Grand Beginnings West Address: 98 Ben Franklin Road, Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 463-1984 Contact: Peg Gulas Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 12 years Type: Center Horace Mann Elementary School Age Day Care Address: South Fifth and Church streets, Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 349-1821 Contact: Stephanie McAdoo Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Kindergarten-12 years Type: Center Indiana County Day Care Program (Indi Kids) 570 S. 11th St., Indiana, PA 15705 IUP Davis Hall, G Floor (724) 349-1821 Hours: 6:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Ages: Infant to grade six PA Pre-K Counts, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Type: Center Indiana County Head Start Address: 428 Gompers Ave. Phone: (724) 349-6200 Contact: Megan Jablonski Hours: Varies by location Ages: 3-5 Margaret Kunkle Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Margaret Kunkle Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 6 weeks-11 years As owner of Lentz Kitchen & Bath, I personally battle mobility on a daily basis, and have needed to make changes in my own life. It may come as the result of illness or an accident. But often we are reluctant to admit the need for adjusting our living quarters to create a safer environment for our everyday life. In some cases, our health condition can be made even worse by not adapting our homes to fit our needs. My personal limitations have actually been of great value to my entire staff – by using our own experiences, we help ease the frustration of our customers. One of our designers, Connie Merriman, has taken a special interest in aging in place. She is one of the area’s few CAPS (Certified Aging in Place) certified designers. Her education allows her to design and consult on special limited mobility projects. Call us to learn how we can help you or your loved one remain comfortable at home... for many years to come. ~ Curtis Lentz, owner Shelf Grab Bar Meet Lentz’s Connie Merriman, Certified Aging in Place Specialist PA1930 LentzKitchenAndBath.com Visit our Indiana showroom 556 Water Street 724-465-9611 Visit our Ford City showroom 2080 Hobson Drive 724-763-1814 38 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 CHILD CARE Type: Family Sonja McCune Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Sonja McCune Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 5 Type: Family Keys Montessori School Address: 695 School St., Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 349-5680 Contact: Chris Gigliotti Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 2½-6 years Type: Center Jenifer Orr Address: 1850 Saltsburg Ave., Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 388-6234 Contact: Jenifer Orr Hours: 24 hours a day Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 12 Type: Group Deborah Rend Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Deborah Rend Hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 9 months-6 years Type: Family Pam Ruffner Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Pam Ruffner Hours: 5:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 12 Type: Family Stay N’ Play Day Care #2 Address: 25 N. 16th St., Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) 465-5683 Contact: Michelle Waller Hours: 5:45 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, evening and weekends by appointment Ages: Infant-12 Type: Center Joann Thompson Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Joann Thompson Hours: 24 hours/seven days a week Ages: Infant-12 Type: Family Trinity School Age Day Care Address: Church and Fourth streets, Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724)-349-1821 Contact: Stephanie McAdoo Hours: 3:20-5:30 p.m., Mon- Providing care along life’s journey Phone: (724) 459-7025 Contact: Denise Barberich Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday Age: 6 weeks-13 years Type: Group Great Expectations Phone: (724) 459-6800 Contact: Lisa Spitzer Hours: 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Age: Up to 12 Type: Center Vickie Kaylor Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Vickie Kaylor Hours: 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 13 Type: Family Kozy Kids Phone: (724) 459-5607 Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 10 Type: Group Robin LaMantia Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Robin LaMantia Hours: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ages: Up to 13 Type: Family AVAILABLE! Professional 24 Hour Maintenance. Lawn Service & Snow Removal. Clymer: Blairsville: Chestnut Ridge Anthony P. Tate, Sr., Terrace Terrace FREE Services of Lifesteps FREE Developmental & Autism Screening For All Children Birth to Age 5 – developmentally on track? – showing signs of a potential developmental delay? Your child may benefit from early intervention services. Bumble Bee Academy Phone: (724) 459-6004 Contact: Amanda Neiderhiser Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Age: 6 weeks-12 years Type: Center Denise Barberich On Your Income …for over 90 years Is your child … BLAIRSVILLE-BLACK LICK APARTMENTS All Rents Based Lifesteps Child Check day through Friday Ages: Kindergarten-12 years Type: Center University Child Care Center Address: IUP Davis Hall 570 S. 11th St. Indiana, PA 15705 Phone: (724) 349-1821 Contact: Stephanie McAdoo Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 6 weeks-6 years Type: Center Anita Zarpentine Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Anita Zarpentine Hours: 7 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 1-5 years Type: Family Source: www.childcarein foservice.org Books, DVDs, and support for families facing life’s changing needs. Check our website for the Library location schedule. Call for a FREE Appointment! ILKYVVT [V^UOVTLZ 3HYNLWSH`NYV\UK 6MMZ[YLL[WHYRPUN 6UZP[LSH\UKY`MHJPSP[` :WHJPV\ZSH^UHYLHZ ILKYVVT[V^UOVTLZ *LU[YHSHPYJVUKP[PVUPUN 0U[V^USVJH[PVU VMMZ[YLL[WHYRPUN *LU[YHSWSH`HYLH 3H\UKY`OVVR\WZ Commodore: Green Valley Apartments Saltsburg: Saltsburg Heights ILKYVVT[V^UOVTLZ ILKYVVT[V^UOVTLZ -\SSZPaLHWWSPHUJLZ >HSS[V^HSSJHYWL[PUN ^P[O^HZOLYKY`LY ,_[YH:[VYHNL PULHJOHWHY[TLU[ *VU]LUPLU[PU[V^U )HZRL[IHSSJV\Y[ SVJH[PVU WSH`NYV\UKHYLH 6MMZ[YLL[WHYRPUN :WHJPV\ZSH^U 3H\UKY`OVVR\WZ 724-463-4730 XXXMJGFTUFQTOFUt of Indiana County HAIC, 104 Philadelphia St., Indiana, PA 15701 www.housingauthority-indianacounty.com Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 39 CHILD CARE Marcella Pollock Phone: (724) 248-3295 Contact: Marcella Pollock Hours: 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 9 Type: Family Donna Rowley Phone: (724) 459-6598 Contact: Donna Rowley Hours: 6 a.m to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 9 Type: Family Bonnie Young Phone: (724) 459-7387 Contact: Bonnie Young Hours: 6:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 1-6 years Type: Group CLYMER/PENN RUN Almost Home Address: 520 Hancock St., Clymer, PA 15728 Phone: (724) 254-4350 Contact: Marilyn Wells Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ages: Up to 12 Type: Group The Ark Kids Address: Penn Run Grange Hall, 2364 Route 553, Penn Run, PA 15765 Phone: (724) 463-5343 Contact: Susan Good Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 6 weeks-12 years Type: Center Learn & Play Getaway Address: 525 Franklin St., Clymer, PA 15728 Phone: (724) 254-2460 Contact: Lori Jarvie Hours: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 2 months-kindergarten Type: Group Darlene Palmer Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Darlene Palmer Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 13 Type: Family Betty Polenik Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Betty Polenik Hours: 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Ages: 1-5 years Type: Family Joanne Shedlock Phone: (724) 840-9098 Contact: Joanne Shedlock Hours: 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 6 weeks to 12 years Type: Group Traci’s Little Treasures Address: 525 Franklin St., Clymer, PA 15728 Phone: (724) 254-4414 Contact: Traci Goss Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: 1-12 Type: Group ELDERTON Butterfly Hill Preschool Elderton Presbyterian Church Phone: (724) 354-3117 Contact: Jeanne Speer Hours: 9 to 11:30 a.m. or 12:30 to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday; toddler times run 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. Ages: 2 to 5 Type: Preschool HOMER CITY Homer-Center Learning Center Address: Homer Center School Phone: (724) 349-1821 Contact: Stephanie McAdoo Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 3 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday during school year Ages: Kindergarten-sixth grade. PA Pre K Counts students ages 3 and 4 may attend from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Type: Group Brenda McCroskey Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Brenda McCroskey Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Ages: Up to 6 Type: Family Stay N’ Play Daycare Address:77 Ann Lane, Homer City, PA 15748 Phone: (724) 479-9360 Contact: Michelle Waller Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, evenings and weekends by appointment Ages: Up to 12 Type: Group g n i c u d 3 Intro R E W O P M E ary lution a revo lthcare a new he for n solutio ing rk the wo d. re uninsu s? h 2 mont least 1 ty t a r o f r e pove insured un % of th 0 0 " 3 % &# ! $!" " % ! & % ? limit ,590) an $58 h t s s le of ther of i e o t S YE swered en we have a n a u o y If tions, th s e u q e thes " % If you live in Indiana County, you may be eligible to enroll in a new program that provides: complete primary care and specialty services, hospitalization, diagnostic testing and imaging, a prescription program and access to a nutritional counselor. Two programs are available at a monthly premium of either $99.34 or $169.00. These programs are currently open for a limited number of enrollees. Call now to learn more! 1.800.925.0611 40 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 CHILD CARE MILDRED SHEFFLER, of Blairsville, left, and Margaret Verna, of Saltsburg, got ready to dig in during the Saltsburg Senior Center’s 35th anniversary celebration. NORTHERN INDIANA COUNTY Almost Home Address: 102 Main St., Marion Center, PA 15759 Phone: (724) 397-2220 Contact: Marilyn Wells Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday Ages: Up to 12 Type: Group Roberta Harvey Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Roberta Harvey Hours: 24 hours Monday-Saturday; Sundays if needed Ages: Up to 13 Type: Family Marcy Lapinski Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Marcy Lapinski Hours: 24 hours Sunday-Saturday Ages: Up to 5 Type: Family Jeanne Lockard Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Jeanne Lockard Hours: 24 hours Ages: Up to 12 Type: Family Rayne Township School-Age Day Care Address: Rayne Township School, 2535 Route 119 North, Home, PA 15747 Phone: (724) 397-2862 Contact: Marilyn Wells Hours: 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. during school year Ages: 6-12 Type: Center Shannon Shields Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Shannon Shields Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday Ages: Up to 12 Type: Group Meredith Zigmond Phone: (724) 349-8830 Contact: Meredith Zigmond Hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday Ages: Up to 13 Type: Family Trinity UNITED METHODIST Church open hearts open minds open doors JAMES J. NESTOR/Gazette SENIOR CENTERS AGING SERVICES INC. Armagh Satellite Center Armagh Fire Hall, 12095 Route 56, Armagh (800) 442-8016 Hours: Tuesday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Email: aahsocialcenter@yahoo.com Aultman Satellite Center Aultman Fire Hall, Aultman (800) 442-8016 Hours: Wednesday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Email: aahsocialcenter@yahoo.com Chestnut Hills Social Center 26 Heybert Drive, Blairsville (724) 459-5251 Hours: Monday, 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m.; Tuesday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Email: chestnuthillssocialcenter@ yahoo.com Homer City Satellite Center Holy Protect of Mary Byzantine Catholic Church 279 Yellow Creek St., Homer City (800) 422-8016 Hours: Thursday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Email: aahsocialcenter@yahoo.com Indiana Social Center 1001 Oak St., Indiana, PA 15701 P.O. Box 519 (724) 465-2697 Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Email: indianasocialcenter@yahoo. com Mahoning Hills Social Center 19298 Route 119 Highway North, Punxsutawney (724) 286-3099 Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Email: mahoninghillssocialcenter@ yahoo.com Two Lick Valley Social Center 450 Franklin St., Clymer (724) 254-9820 Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Email: twolickvalleysocialcenter@ yahoo.com Saltsburg Social Center 212 Point St., Saltsburg (724) 639-9055 Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Wednesday 1-7 p.m. Email: saltsburgsocialcenter@yahoo. com WEEKEND WORSHIP TIMES Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am & 11:00am (Memorial Day thru Labor Day 9:30am) Sunday School 9:45am (Memorial Day thru Labor Day 9:30am) Korean Sunday 1:00pm WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Kids Night Out 6:30pm KNO Remix 6:30pm Wednesday in the Word 7pm Rev. Greg Golden 398 Church Street, Indiana rXXXUSJOJUZJOEJBOBOFU SUPPORTS family business owners through educational seminars and peer networking events that contribute to the strength, growth and longevity of your business. RECOGNIZES family-owned businesses at the annual Family Business Award Program for industry excellence and contribution to your community. Go to www.iup.edu/centerforfamilybusiness to see area family business owners honored by the CFB! Center for Family Business 324 Eberly College of Business and Information Technology 664 Pratt Drive, Indiana, PA 15705-1036 Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 41 HEALTH CARE INDIANA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER When Indiana Regional Medical Center first welcomed patients in November 1914, it was a 40-bed facility with 13 private rooms. Over the years, this nonprofit institution has grown to become the county’s sole, full-service health care provider. Throughout its many renovations, expansions in services and continued advancements in knowledge andtechnology, IRMC has remained unchanged in its commitment to serve the community. IRMC at Chestnut Ridge is a 30,000square-foot facility that offers X-rays, mammography, CT scans and Urgi Care. Steve Wolfe has been the CEO and president since 1999. Locations • 835 Hospital Road Indiana, PA 15701 Main: (724) 357-7000 Scheduling center: (724) 357-8069 Emergency department: (724) 357-7127 Website: www.indianarmc.org • Urgi Care at IRMC Adjacent to IRMC’s Bork Emergency Center (724) 357-7493 Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday TOM PEEL/Gazette INDIANA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER • IRMC at Chestnut Ridge 25 Colony Boulevard Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 459-4762 Visiting Nurse Association Offers home health, hospice and palliative care and extended home care. 850 Hospital Road Suite 3000 %HIRUH$IWHUVFKRRORSHQLQJVDW 2XU,QGLDQD$UHD6FKRRO'LVWULFW FHQWHUV*UDGHV. $FFHSWLQJ\HDUROGVDWWKH 1$(<&$FFUHGLWHG8QLYHUVLW\ (DUO\&DUHDQG(GXFDWLRQ&HQWHU $OVRRSHQLQJVIRU3$3UH. &RXQWVDW+RPHU&HQWHU (OHPHQWDU\6FKRRO &DOO Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 254-0696 Mahoning Medical Center 100 Neal Ave. Marion Center, PA 15759 (724) 254-0696 Saltsburg Medical Center 417 Walnut St., Saltsburg, PA (724) 639-9191 ȱȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱȱȱȱ 0DLQ&DPSXV 8QGHUWKH6WHHSOH RQ6RXWKWK6WUHHW $0DQG$0 <&KXUFK $WWKH,QGLDQD&RXQW\ <0&$$0 ,QGLDQD3$ ZZZLQGLDQDJUDFHRUJ 42 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Indiana County is home to a wealth of banks. Based in the county are First Commonwealth Bank, Indiana First Bank, Marion Center Bank and S&T Bank. Some of these have charters that date to more than a century ago. Here is a brief look at each of them. INDIANA FIRST BANK (two locations); Wayne Avenue, White Township; Route 119, Homer City; Main Street, Plumville; Market Street, Blairsville; Main Street, Cherry Tree Assets: $6.1 billion, as of June 30 Trading symbol: FCF, on NASDAQ Founded: 1857 Website: www.fcbanking. com Headquarters: 935 Philadelphia St., Indiana. Branches: Philadelphia Street, Indiana; Ben Franklin Road, White Township; Route 22, Burrell Township; Beyer Road, Punxsutawney; and lending offices in Johnstown and Somerset Assets: $284.4 million, as of June 30 Founded: 1922 Website: www.infirstbank. com. MARION CENTER BANK Headquarters: 1271 Indian Springs Road, White Township Branches: Eight in Indiana, Armstrong, Jefferson and Cambria counties Indiana County locations: Indian Springs Road, White Township; Route 119, Rayne Township; Main Street, Marion Center; and Franklin Street, Clymer Assets: $288.2 million, as of FIRST COMMONWEALTH BANK Headquarters: 601 Philadelphia St., Indiana Branches: 110 in 15 counties Indiana County locations: Philadelphia Street, Indiana (two locations); Oakland Avenue, White Township June 30 Founded: 1905 Website: www.marion centerbank.com S&T BANK Headquarters: 800 Philadelphia St., Indiana Branches: 57 in 11 counties Indiana County locations: Philadelphia Street, Fourth Street, Indiana; Philadelphia Street, Armagh; Market Street, Blairsville; Main Street, Homer City; Resort Plaza Drive, Burrell Township; Salt Street, Saltsburg; and Wayne Avenue, Oakland Avenue and Route 286, White Township Assets: $4.5 billion Trading symbol: STBA, on NASDAQ Founded: 1902 Website: www.stbank.com ❏❏❏ Other financial institutions with a presence here: 1st Summit Bank Headquarters: 125 Donald Lane, Johnstown Indiana County branches: Oakland Avenue, White Township Assets: $827.2 million, as of March 31 Website: www.1stsummit. com PNC Bank Branches: 442 offices throughout Pennsylvania Indiana County branches: Hadley Union Building at IUP and Philadelphia Street, Indiana; Ben Franklin Road, White Township; Market Street, Blairsville Headquarters: Pittsburgh Assets: $301 billion Trading symbol: PNC, on NYSE Website: www.pnc.com Sources: Bank websites, FDIC Support the volunteers who are willing to risk their lives to save your business. Support our Indiana County Volunteer Firefighters by extending an exclusive discount to them when they present their Volunteer Firefighter Discount Card. A discount of at least 10% is requested, but certainly any amount above that will be graciously accepted. As an Indiana County VFD Business Partner, you will receive: - a window cling classifying you as a supporter of the VFD Program, - a listing on IndianaCountyVFD.com that includes your business, phone, your offer and a link to your website (or menu if for restaurants that do not currently have a website), - inclusion in all upcoming appreciation ads published in The Indiana Gazette. 9ROXQWHHU)LUH¿JKWHUDiscount )LQGSDUWLFLSDWLQJSDWURQVDQGWKHGLVFRXQWVWKH\RIIHU E\ORJJLQJRQWRLQGLDQDFRXQW\YIGFRP&OLFNWKH ³&RPPXQLW\´WDEDQGVFUROOWR³3DUWQHUVKLSV´ community I partnerships IndianaCountyVFD.com To support our volunteer firefighters, please contact Debbie Palmer at the Gazette by emailing dpalmer@indianagazette.net or calling 724.465.5555. You can also complete and drop this form off at the Gazette office located at 899 Water Street in Indiana, or mail it to: SAFER R&R c/o The Indiana Gazette, PO Box 10, Indiana, PA 15701 BUSINESS NAME EMAIL YOUR NAME WEBSITE ADDRESS YOUR OFFER CITY PHONE ZIP Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 — 43 LIBRARIES BLAIRSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 113 N. Walnut St. Blairsville, PA 15717 (724) 459-6077 Email: blpub@comcast.net Director: Carol Kuhns Hours: Monday and Thursday from 1:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday from 1:30 to 5 p.m.; Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the school year and noon to 4 p.m. in the summer Story hours: Monday at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m., except 1:30 p.m. except during the school year Membership is free to Blairsville Borough residents; all others without a home library must pay a $10 fee. BURRELL TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 190 Park Drive Black Lick, PA 15716 (724) 248-7122 Email: burrelltownship library@gmail.com Director: Kate Abner Hours: Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday from 1 to 7 p.m.; Friday from 1 to 5 p.m.; Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; closed Sunday and Monday Membership is free to Burrell Township residents; all others without a home library must pay a $5 fee. Community room The library offers a community room that can be rented for $30 for two hours plus $5 for each additional half hour. This room is designed for any type of meeting or party. The community room can be reserved by calling the library. It is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. SALTSBURG FREE LIBRARY JAMES J. NESTOR/Gazette MATT SPENCER, a musical theater major at IUP, played the role of the Cat in the Hat at the Indiana Free Library. HOMER-CENTER LIBRARY 6 N. Main St. Homer City, PA 15748 (724) 541-3381 Email: homercenterpublic library@gmail.com President: Judy Palaski Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 6 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to noon Membership is free. INDIANA FREE LIBRARY 845 Philadelphia St. Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 465-8841 Email: publib.ref@gmail. com Website: www.indianafree library.org Director: Kate Geiger Hours: Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. Make us your home page. It’s as easy as one... two... click. Indiana, Pennsylvania .com to 5 p.m. Membership is free to those in the Indiana Area School District; all others without a home library must pay a $25 yearly fee per family. Books There is no limit on the quantity of books you can check out. Overdue material charges are 20 cents per day for adult material and 10 cents a day for children’s material. Internet access Free Internet access is available to the public. There are 11 computers designated for Internet access (eight for adults, two for children ages 12 to 18 and one for younger children.) If children are under 18, they must have their parent/guardian sign a permission form. Salt Center (Old Saltsburg High School) Use Walnut Street entrance Saltsburg, PA 15681 President: Melissa Hall (724) 639-3417 Email: saltsburglibrary@ comcast.net Website: saltsburglibrary. weebly.com Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 4-7 p.m. Serving almost 5,000 residents, the library has more than 12,000 volumes. Membership is free. STAPLETON LIBRARY Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 357-2340 Dean of libraries: Luis J. Gonzalez Email: ljgonzal@iup.edu Website: www.iup.edu/ library Hours: Monday through Thursday from 7:45 a.m. to 12:45 a.m.; Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m. to 12:45 a.m. Access is available to anyone. Your 1-Stop Vac Shop )(.:-03;,9:),3;: SERVICING ALL BRANDS! - Full Warranty Center For All Vacuums We Sell IN PRINT DAILY. ONLINE ALWAYS. breaking news s sports s weather school delays & closings s photo galleries google search engines s online services Vacuums from Royal, Miele, Riccar, MD Central Vacs 1875 WEST PHILA. STREET, INDIANA 724-349-8565 44 — Indiana Gazette Resource Directory, August 2013 5HWLUHPHQW3ODQQLQJ ,QVXUDQFH6HUYLFHV (GXFDWLRQ3ODQQLQJ %URNHUDJH6HUYLFHV $VVHW0DQDJHPHQW 3KLODGHOSKLD6WUHHW ,QGLDQD3$ 7ROOIUHHZZZLQ¿UVW¿QDQFLDOFRP %UDGOH\/3HWHUVRQ 6XVDQ/3DLQWHU -RG\/&OD\SRRO 6HFXULWLHVDQG,QYHVWPHQW$GYLVRU\VHUYLFHVDUHRIIHUHGWKURXJK+%HFN,QF0HPEHU),15$6,3&%UDGOH\/3HWHUVRQ DQG6XVDQ/3DLQWHUDUHUHJLVWHUHGUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVDQGLQYHVWPHQWDGYLVRU\UHSUHVHQWDWLYHVRI+%HFN,QF-RG\/ &OD\SRROLVDUHJLVWHUHGUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRI+%HFN,QF+%HFN,QFLVQRWDI¿OLDWHGZLWK,Q)LUVW)LQDQFLDO$GYLVRUV//& (724) 357-7196 9 North Seventh St, Suite 2013, Indiana, PA 15701 CARDIOLOGY INTERNAL MEDICINE 15 S. Eighth St, Indiana 724-463-9700 25 Colony Blvd, Blairsville 724-459-9111 McDowell, Edward MD ENDOCRINOLOGY Syed, Mushtag, MD Heasley, Eric MD Klain, Matthew MD 25 Colony Blvd, Blairsvile 724-459-9111 1265 Wayne Ave, Indiana 724-463-1048 Nettleton, Matthew MD FAMILY MEDICINE Sharbaugh, Jason MD Barnes, Richard MD 25 Colony Blvd, Blairsville 724-459-9111 PODIATRY Knickelbein, Bruce DPM 1265 Wayne Ave, Indiana 724-349-3290 PSYCHIATRY Oppenheimer, Stuart MD 850 Hospital Rd, Indiana 724-464-0270 SPORTS MEDICINE Bohn, Eric DO 121 S. Main St, Homer City 724-479-2583 625 Rustic Lodge Rd, Indiana 724-463-3720 120 IRMC Dr, Indiana 724-427-2260 Dorsch, Veronica MD 15 S. Eighth St, Indiana 724-349-8311 188 Main St, Plumville 724-397-9008 Kaplon, Charlotte A. MD 100 Neal Ave, Marion Center 724-397-4077 Kontir, Natalee DO 121 S. Main St, Homer City 724-479-2583 Parks, J. Lindsay DO 100 Neal Ave, Marion Center 724-397-5571 Robertson, Stacey DO Woolcock, Ruth MD OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Bae, Soyoung MD 25 Colony Blvd, Blairsville 724-459-4985 OB/GYN Care Center UROLOGY Conti, Joseph MD 1265 Wayne Ave, Indiana 724-463-1046 PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION 841 Hospital Rd, Indiana 724-349-6340 Jamison, Amy MD INFECTIOUS DISEASE 120 IRMC Dr, Indiana 724-357-8367 1265 Wayne Ave, Indiana 724-427-2760 881 Hospital Rd, Indiana 724-349-2576 879 Hospital Rd, Indiana 724-357-8198 802 McKinley St, Bolivar 724-676-4709 Bergquist, Erick MD SURGERY Guddeti, Muralidhar MD Pathan, Karam VASCULAR ENDOVASCULAR CARE Islam, Mohammed MD 881 Hospital Rd, Indiana 724-349-2576