preliminary planning document - Rigenerare Corviale
preliminary planning document - Rigenerare Corviale
PRELIMINARY PLANNING DOCUMENT INTERNATIONAL DESIGN COMPETITION PROMOTER REGIONE LAZIO President President Nicola Zingaretti ASSESSORATO INFRASTRUTTURE, POLITICHE ABITATIVE E AMBIENTE Councillor Fabio Refrigeri DIREZIONE GENERALE ASSESSORATO INFRASTRUTTURE, POLITICHE ABITATIVE E AMBIENTE Eng. Director Mauro Lasagna Residential Building Plans and Programs Area Arch. Manager Antonietta Piscioneri Residential and Social Building Interventions Area Manager Mr. Luciano Castaldi COMMISSIONING BODY ATER ROMA Azienda Territoriale per l’Edilizia Residenziale del Comune di Roma (Territorial Housing Company of the Municipality of Rome) Special Commissioner Arch. Daniel Modigliani General Director Arch. Claudio Rosi Manager Servizio Nuovi Interventi Arch. Pier Giacomo Tamietto Sole Project Manager Arch. Oscar Piricò Coordinator of competition and DPP editing Arch. Maria Teresa Bruca Legal Support and Tender editing Dr. Paola Pellegrino Administrative Support Ms. Francesca Caterino Technical Support and editing of contract drawings Arch. Augusto Schiavi (coordinator), Arch. Andrea Sdoga, Eng. Michele Di Lisa, Arch. Camilla Galletti, Mr. Roberto Vinci, Arch. Erika Maresca - internship “torno subito” Contracts Office Dr. Massimiliano Gozzi Ms. Patrizia Primavera Infrastructures and Networks Office Mr. Vittorio Biasetton Web Site Support and Update Mr. Giovanni Cannoni Press Office Dr. Alessandro Rosati SCIENTIFIC CONSULTANCY FOR COMPETITION PROCEDURE ORDINE DEGLI ARCHITETTI PIANIFICATORI PAESAGGISTI E CONSERVATORI DI ROMA E PROVINCIA President Arch. Livio Sacchi COMPETITION DEPARTMENT Manager and Coordinator Arch. Paola Rossi Secretary Coordinator Arch. Federica Del Bufalo Call for Applications and DPP Support Arch. Vittorio Centioni, Arch. Claudia Fabriani Analysis, Historical Documentation and Bibliography Archaeologist Samuele Casarin Legal Support Lawyer Carlo Tardella Technical Staff Arch. Serena De Marsanich, Arch. Francesca Forcella Press Office Mr. Fabio Perugia GRAPHIC DESIGN IKON ADVERTISING Technical material graphic processing T SPOON Translations Akroasis S.I.T. Srl Photography sources ATER historical photos taken from the personal archives of Arch.i. Roberto Fantastichini (cover, pages 19 and 28)” S.A.R.A. Nistri - orthophoto (page 14) Google - bird’s-eye view (page14) Andrea Jemolo (page 40) All the administrative technical documentation made available in order to participate in the competition has been prepared by the ATER ROMA and is its exclusive property. Therefore, in order to guarantee adequate protection it is anticipated that, for all the documentation made available to the applicants, the source will be acknowledged by indicating the name of the author (ATER ROMA) and every other reference necessary and required by the law. 2 PRELIMINARY PLANNING DOCUMENT RIGENERARE CORVIALE International Design Competition SUBJECT OF THE TENDER 5 6 7 9 10 11 13 15 17 31 34 36 40 Understand and respect the past, propose the future Rigenerare Corviale - A challenge for the regeneration of the public city City, history, thinking and building. A future for Corviale The competition procedure as qualitative instruments of urban regeneration Regeneration, experimentation and participation OBJECT OF THE COMPETITION: CORVIALE THE HISTORICAL-SOCIAL CONTEXT: SOCIAL HOUSING BUILDING IN THE 1970s ROME THE LOCAL CONTEXT THE ROAD SYSTEM AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT RESIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT Corpo I Corpo II Trancia H Signs SERVICES Nodi Servizi Corviale Centro CORVIALE TODAY THEMES OF THE TENDER MAIN THEMES A) Regeneration of Corpo I: Access and internal circulation, permeability of ground floor, new distribution system and new functions B) Plan for partecipation of inhabitants during the subsequent design phases C) New external routes and connections to existing and planned public services CORRELATED THEMES D) General masterplan E) Corviale Smart Building F) Orientation system G) Integration with artistic interventions 43 FINANCIAL PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE 44 COMPETITION PRIZES AND CALCULATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3 SUBJECT OF THE TENDER RIGENERARE CORVIALE is an international design competition announced by ATER ROMA - Azienda Territoriale per l’Edilizia Residenziale del Comune di Roma (Territorial Housing Company of the Municipality of Rome) - sponsored and financed by Regione Lazio. The objective is to acquire solutions and proposals which, in a comparison open to the international world of architecture, are of reference in the definition of the general guidelines on the subjects of urban regeneration which reopen a reflection on the public city by putting together the subjects of the physical and social city. The competition intends to collect and select design proposals to modify the system of communal areas of the main structure of the building complex of Corviale in order to achieve a new and better urban and spatial quality, and better liveability and safety for the inhabitants, along all the horizontal and vertical connections. Therefore, the building’s connection to the ground, which includes the ground floor and the garage level, must mainly be redesigned by rethinking all the urban connections. It will be possible to relocate all or part of the cellars and parking spaces in equal measure. The roof may also be part of the intervention to optimise its potential for producing energy and becoming a resource also of spaces and equipment for the common use of the inhabitants and to possibly locate the structures moved from the ground floor. Work may also be carried out in all or in part in the garage level to provide better access to the secondary staircases and create transversal reconnection spaces. The exterior areas owned by ATER or available to the public (roads or public green spaces) can be involved in the project within the limits of current regulations. The project must not involve the flats and subsequent work will be carried out without moving the assignees. The resources available for a first phase of work, which must however concern a first operational phase completed and extended to the entire complex, is 7.2 million euro. The professional compensation for the assignment of the final project will be evaluated on this amount. For all additional interventions anticipated by the project, a maximum estimate must be indicated for the possible completion. ATER, in agreement with Regione Lazio, may approve a programme for the total regeneration of the entire complex it owns, to be carried out over an appropriate period of time and upon completion of what is anticipated by the main themes of the competition already financed. 4 UNDERSTAND AND RESPECT THE PAST, PROPOSE THE FUTURE Arch. Daniel Modigliani Special Commissioner of ATER ROMA Corviale, designed in the early Seventies for approximately 8,500 residents, today houses 1300 families in a single building. It is a small city within the city. The strategies and methods of intervention to regenerate Corviale therefore need to have an overall urban and social view. The particular specificities of the building, that has assumed a symbolic and central role for the entire quadrant, are also an important bequest with a strong potential on the image of the city. We have the opportunity to complete a district that is the physical image of an idea of modern town planning, appreciated by the urban and architectural culture worldwide. Restoring liveability and safety to the exterior and interior areas is a civil duty so that an inheritance of urban creativity, architectural quality and lastly proof of courage and great building commitment do not deteriorate. The years that have elapsed since its creation have however changed the city and its inhabitants, and have changed the economic and social cultural situation of many of those who today use public residential building. A regeneration project, even social, that could make the inhabitants, who have developed a sense of belonging to the places, proud of their district in the eyes of the city and the world, after a generation of problems. We are looking for a development project of the complex that has a unitary vision and which tackles the interventions that are necessary without ignoring the existing values and without being afraid of the new. We want to make the complex safe, sound and functional in order to achieve renewed beauty of such an important part of the contemporary city. Remember that in the Seventies, after the disbursement of loans for the creation of “subsidized housing” and after defining the location of the first interventions, the professionals assigned by the Istituto Autonomo per le Case Popolari (I.A.C.P.) [Independent Institute for Public Housing] to the building design were in fact the sponsors of significant urban changes for the overview of the zoning plans which were prepared in great haste and approved during the period between the adoption and the approval of the P.R.G. (1962-1965). The new detailed plans were redesigned using new scales of intervention for the design of the city, with the goal of making economic and working-class living an element of morphological conditioning of future urban expansion. Corviale represents the materialization of research on the habitat that they wanted to offer as alternative to the lack of any settlement model existing in the urban sector by also providing within the residential buildings multiple social, educational and commercial functions, in obvious opposition to the existing breakdown between residences and the rarefied services present at the time in the surroundings. The area involved in the zoning map is approximately 60 hectares on which there is a single large building, one kilometre long, in which housing for 8,500 residents was planned , five green spaces, three groups of services, composed of a nursery school, a kindergarten, a group of commercial services and an entire floor, the so-called free floor, for shops, professional offices, workshops, clinics and in any case services of public interest; on the ground floor, a large garage guaranteed one parking place for every residence. Its internal organization was basically founded on a distribution into five functional, management units, each with an entrance square, concierge services for sorting and for control and a large room for meetings and social and after-school activities. In the centre, a building came out, smaller than the main one, which had the official and functional purpose of connecting to the pre-existing residential area, which included a pedestrian street with shops and at the end a shopping centre was planned which was to represent an open door to the city. The project-plan was created quickly, and all the residences were assigned. Unauthorised occupancy of the free floor for residential purposes was also tolerated. Everything took place without the provision of the services, which were then completed or filled with operations over the span of three decades. Without adequate public transportation service and far from the city, the inhabitants felt deported and abandoned. The lack of an overall design vision and the chronic lack of resources therefore always produced partial and uncoordinated interventions. There is always the risk of continuing in the same way. The reorganisation of the free floor (floors III, IV and V) originally intended for services with its reconversion to residence, was an initiative that became necessary due to the social crisis. The current residents have in fact been living there for more than thirty years and have established their roots there. We have arrived at the concrete feasibility of the project, but it is maybe the most obvious example of the lack of strategy. In fact, the problems of about one hundred families are resolved, but the problems of the other 1200 are not even faced. The great utopia of the designers was to hypothesize that the public administration would be able to radically change its realisation and management standard for the common use of thousands of individuals assigned to the subsidized housing. In the zoning plans, the building problem was interwoven with a complex legislation: The financing for public residential housing allowed non-residential space, but the public offices in charge of managing the subsidized housing did not have adequate expertise or appropriate procedures to manage public properties to be used for commercial and artisan businesses or private services also with social purposes. A small city requires small local services, but these were eliminated without alternatives. Today the use of the former services floor is irreversibly decided but the problem of providing the services remains. The competition is an autonomous action by ATER and therefore the Regione Lazio, but is coordinated with the other competent and involved Authorities for the relaunching of an entire urban sector on the Western border of Rome. From the time of its creation, the Istituto Autonomo per le Case Popolari [Independent Institute for Public Housing], today ATER, owner and manager of the complex, has faced the need for a continuous and progressive intervention in order to face the problems which appeared at once. A “utopia created” without public social assistance and without common services, which had a very serious impact on the resident society, which still today must be definitively solved. The zoning and architectural quality of Corviale, recognised by world culture, today requires a new consistent effort to recognize and protect the value of the project and to intervene, even radically, both on the building and on the urban context so that it can be regenerated. The Public Authorities involved have been right from its first years (1982/2984), in addition to ATER (former IACP today Regional Authority), the Municipality of Rome (today Roma Capitale) and City Hall. The State intervened starting in the second half of the ‘90s by cooperating and financing specific programmes Programma di Recupero Urbano (P.R.U.), Contratto di Quartiere II (CdQII). Naturally, the world of research and culture also devoted great attention on Corviale, producing significant events and publications over the past few years. The residents and their associations, not just those of Corviale but those of the entire district, have always participated and continue to actively participate in the fight for the renewal of this part of the city. The need for a new management model is added to the request for building renovation and adaptation which will make it possible to take care of what will be created in agreement and with the contribution of the inhabitants. 5 The possibility of recovering emblematic structures such as Corviale thus sets the stage for an exchange with the international professional world of architecture on the subject of urban renewal not only from the building point of view, functional and energetic, but also of reconstruction of the identity of the places and the communities. Since Corviale, because of its size, residential density and other unique characteristics - and, among these, last but not least its shape and design – constitutes, without a doubt, a remarkable piece of public city, one of the objectives of the competition, through the synthesis of the subjects of the physical and social composition of the city, is to achieve innovative proposals and solutions that can serve as reference in the processes of urban renewal also of other complexes of Public Residential Building. The objective of the competition is to use the expressive, morphological and architectural potential of the residential buildings to the utmost taking into account the various existing cultural, academic, sports, administrative and commercial activities. We can anticipate and design useful measures to promote all the possible connections and interactions both inside and outside the zoning map, in the knowledge that many non-residential functions anticipated in the Seventies are no longer current and that today it is indispensable to provide a new unity to the district and the maximum permeability possible between the already existing activities and those to be planned coherent with the expectations of the current residents. All of this to guarantee sociability and safety to the inhabitants who for years have been waiting to see measures implemented that would improve their quality of life, that would eliminate the current conditions of marginalisation and degradation and which could restore to Corviale the dignity of being one of the best districts of the city. In October 2012 and November 2013 two “forums” were held in which all the representatives of the Institutions participated. The “Tavolo di Concertazione Istituzionale per la progettazione integrata di riqualificazione e rigenerazione urbana del quadrante Corviale nel Comune di Roma Capitale [Institutional Round Table for Integrated Planning of the Corviale Sector Requalification and Regeneration in the Municipality of Roma Capitale]” launched by the Ministry for Cultural Assets, Activities and Tourism, in order to work jointly on an integrated design of urban redevelopment and restoration wanted to gather sustainable ideas and proposals related to the architectural and landscape quality and the social and cultural values of the Quadrante Corviale [Corviale District] to make it a qualified laboratory from the scientific and cultural point of view, also through international debate, as well as stimulating and productive in terms of quality and efficiency of the services offered to the local community. In this perspective, the drafting of the competition guidelines included the contributions of the Ministry for Cultural Assets, Activities and Tourism – General Office for Landscape, Fine Arts, Architecture and Modern Art, “La Sapienza” University of Rome – Department of Architecture and Design, the University Mobile – Department of Biosciences and Territory, Roma Capitale – Department of the Environment, Food and Agriculture and Waste, Roma Capitale-City Hall XI. RIGENERARE CORVIALE A CHALLENGE FOR THE REGENERATION OF THE PUBLIC CITY Arch. Claudio Rosi General Director ATER ROMA Considered by some a “monster” and by others a monument of contemporary Rome, Corviale is a complex 958 metres long, 200 metres wide, 30 metres high divided into nine floors all of which totals 750,000 cubic metres of cement over a buildable area of around 60 hectares; inside, one of the largest parallelepipeds in the world, there are 1202 flats in which approximately “8,500 neighbours” live. Designed in 1972 by Mario Fiorentino (coordinator of the design), F. Gorio, P.M. Lugli, G. Sterbini and M. Valori who were inspired by the residential megastructures imagined 50 years earlier by Le Corbusier; immense machines for living, which through their rigid geometry offer an alternative residential model to the historical city and the spontaneous suburbs. Model which only became practicable in Italy after the approval of Law 167 of 1962 (Plans for Public Residential Housing) from which come, among others, the “Vele” of Naples (1964), the “Biscione” of Genoa (1968) and the “Monte Amiata” in Gallaretese of Milan. In Rome, during the same period, the districts of Tor Bella Monaca, Tor Sapienza, Laurentino 38, Vigne Nuove and others were designed and created in addition to Corviale. These were the years when Rome was welcoming 60,000 new inhabitants per year and where 300,000 people lived in the shanty towns, under ancient aqueducts, or were pushing towards uncontrolled unauthorized development that was the scourge of the city for many years. If we use European parameters to evaluate the liveability of the district, such as quality of air, parking, green space, level of noise pollution, services we must consider than Corviale is in one of the top spots: It is well connected, has above average green space, areas for children, sports areas larger than other districts in Rome, a multifunctional centre equipped with a library, an education and work training centre, a business incubator, etc. One must consider however that the best town planning production of recent years was directed at scattered residential models; districts in which the intended uses are cleverly mixed, where public space is recognisable and includes streets, squares and gardens, where human pressure and forced coexistence are less aggressive, where the management of the constructed space can be organised on reduced and more easily controllable operating scales. Almost thirty years after the creation of Corviale we must, furthermore, record 6 the failure of a cultural model based, on one hand, on the “power of the State” which assumes the obligation of residential assistance without guaranteeing financial return and which relieves the assignees from any burden, cost and care of the public thing and, on the other, on a residential policy which, in order to resolve the problem of the home, concentrates hundreds of personal stories of social and human suffering in a single building. A settlement the size of Corviale, under these conditions, is very hard to manage by the public authority. Already starting in 1983, during the assignment procedure of the homes, 700 apartments were illegally occupied and 150 families camped on the square of the building. In 1995, more illegal occupancy followed with about 200 persons of the Peruvian community who were moved thanks to the commitment of the Institute of Latin American Studies. Still today, 127 households (more than 400 people) illegally occupy the entire free floor of the building that was earmarked for shops, offices and commercial premises often taking power from the centralised system and using tanks for household gas seriously endangering safety. Today the Contratto di Quartiere II (CdQII), close to being realised, allows ATER to regularise a situation of unauthorised use, which has been going on for twenty years, and to create 103 new apartments to be assigned to the occupants who are entitled to them. Consider that the average rent is about 75 euro/month for a total of approximately 1,081,000 euro per year. Compared to this, ATER pays for Corviale an average of 1,450,000 euro per year for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and for the payment of the taxes. In other words, even if everyone paid their rent regularly and if ATER operated efficiently and cost-effectively, there would be an actual loss of around 370,000 euro per year. This is due to a systematic set of laws and regulations which influence and determine the cash flow of this gigantic construction. This economic-operational scenario of Corviale is just a small part of the more general financial situation of the Territorial Agency for Residential Building of Rome. The ATER ROMA owns and manages 50,000 flats and approximately 3200 non-residential premises and a difficult financial situation against which, in the last two and a half years, an energetic financial reorganisation action has been launched through the sale of part of the assets, the recovery of the prior late payments, greater control on expenses and on contracts that is yielding good results. Consider that, in the last year, more than 400 flats were cleared of squatters returning them to the Municipality for legal assignment and that, during the same period fully 200 commercial premises were vacated and rented again based on public rental bids. In addition to providing considerable revenue, this allows many assignees to return to being legal again who are now regularly paying and re-establishing a civil relationship between company and user. We are taking decisive steps towards the reorganisation aware that, for good government action, it is necessary to face with determination the economic emergency but also to look to the future by scheduling an activity aimed at the requalification of the real estate and its enhancement. The wager of the next few years is in fact to fulfil the corporate mission to create new residential buildings with criteria of eco-sustainability and to restore the existing real estate with scheduled maintenance programmes and restoration processes for a more suitable living space. Today, in Corviale, two important initiatives are under way: • Contratto di Quartiere II (CdQII) about to be realised, financed by the Ministry for Infrastructures and Transport of the Regione Lazio, activated together with the Municipality of Rome, which anticipates spending 14 million euro of which 10 million to restore the free floor and 4 million for the restoration of the green space surrounding the building and the recovery of the multifunctional centre and the academic park; • Programma di Recupero Urbano (P.R.U.) promoted by the Municipality of Rome with ATER the objective of which is to restore the relationship between the building and the city, between Corviale, its urban context and the surrounding neighbourhoods. The international competition “Rigenerare Corviale” which we are launching, with the support of the Regione Lazio, forms part of this framework of interventions with the objective of achieving solutions and proposals which, from an exchange open to the international world of architecture, will be of reference in the definition of the general directions on the subjects of urban restoration which reopen a reflection on the public city. Many people have been working, for some time, with this renewed hope and attention: at ATER, in the municipal offices, in the universities, in the cultural sites and in the political offices and especially among the many citizens who live in the neighbourhood and have developed a sense of belonging and a passionate discussion and determined commitment to save Corviale has started. CITY, HISTORY, THINKING AND BUILDING. A FUTURE FOR CORVIALE Arch. Paola Rossi Delegated Manager Competition Department Order of P.P.C. Architects of Rome and Province We can’t intervene on something already built without knowing its history. The story of Corvialone, as the most affectionate call it, is long, important, varied and, especially, is not over yet. On the contrary, with this Architecture Competition, the Regione Lazio and ATER ROMA want to mark an important moment of change. They want to acquire ideas of great quality for a “programme for the total regeneration of the entire complex” to be carried out over time and to transform Corviale from suburban area to city. We know that the city effect is something profoundly human and impalpable which does not depend on the solidity and functionality of the houses or only on a correct relationship between all the components that make up the inhabited spaces but rather also on an indefinable amount of imagination and knowledge: that of the designer who manages to interact with the requirements – we intentionally use the term “requirements” instead of the word “needs” – of the inhabitants. Therefore, together with all the maps, drawings and diagrams necessary, kindly prepared by the Ater offices, in order to enable the best understanding of the places and draft the project idea, we wanted to make available to the competitors a very detailed list of articles, books, works, filmography, webliography and photographic reporting which have covered this project over the years. But certainly not wanting the designers to take all the time available to them just to read an interesting but copious and often contradictory literature, nor did we want to prepare a reasoned summary that emphasized the most important points of the cultural debate on Corviale, which is still alive in architectural culture: extracts of favourable and contrary critiques, brief descriptions of the various elements that compose the complex, various solutions proposed, analogies with other contemporaneous and similar interventions such as the Forte Quezzi complex in Genoa and that of Rozzol Melara in Trieste, which certainly have size in common with Corviale as well as the urban setting and the operational problems. Lastly, we have selected quotes and descriptions, also literary, of the Corviale subject, of the image and the sensations that it induces in visitors and scholars. And, in particular, we wanted to highlight certain writings of the designer, Mario Fiorentino, drafted 7 by him at different times: before drafting the project, during the construction work of the complex and also after its realisation, to follow the evolution of his thought. We hope that this work may be of help to the designers so they can approach with greater awareness, and an increased sensitivity to the place, its history, the idea that generated it, it components, even the material ones. Because we are convinced that only a clear, accurate, reasoned request can obtain equally valid answers. Every invitation to tender must therefore be clear, meticulous and univocally interpretable, supported obviously by thorough and in-depth documentation and must always include studies that lead the designer to “thinking” and “knowing”. The great gesture, the architectural expression will therefore be the fruit of artistic ability and also of culture: art and science together, that is Architecture. *** New Corviale: 38 professionals in action who produced in 7 years 680,900 cubic metres to house 8512 inhabitants, on a total area of 60 hectares with a density of 140 inhabitants per hectare. Numbers that could have also produced a completely different complex and image. The culture of the period and the individual minds of the design group delivered this object, well-loved or intensely hated by many, to history. Today we are all, Sponsor, Authority Issuing Tender, Organisers, Consultants and Designers, contributing to the regeneration of this MONSTRUM, as it can be defined by using the Latin etymology which evokes something astounding that creates amazement. In fact, without a doubt Corviale is, in its overall image, certainly unique and unrepeatable in terms of its town planning, architectural and social conceptualisation. Due to its exceptional characteristics, it immediately attracted the attention not only of the world of architecture but also of a lot of public opinion. Loved, hated, criticised or defended with swords drawn, still visited today by delegations from all over the world, it has become at the same time a monument to utopian architecture in search of the new city and hopeless monster. The project falls within the search for a new dimension of the habitat, which presents itself as a radical alternative to the dispersal of the current suburbs, to the subordinate role in terms of use and image that they have vis-à-vis the urban centre, the breakdown between residences and services and the social declassification that characterises them. (from the Report on Corviale by Mario Fiorentino, 1972) Objectives which in part still need to be reached. This is therefore the first request which the participants in this Competition must answer. To offer solutions by rethinking the organisational system and the relationships between the various functional parts, the whole and the surroundings is one of the themes that is entrusted to the competing designers. Above all, the redesign of the system between vertical connections and horizontal distribution and, in particular, the accessibility, permeability and liveability/safety of the ground floor to rebuild a new “urban street” where the one original planned is now been superseded by the events. Besides this is the destiny of the settlements of men: cities grow, change and become stratified, adapting to history, the evolution of habits, of societies, of technologies and, last but not least, of regulations. And if Corviale is a “linear city”, as its author defined it and as its designers and supporters have always maintained, the fates of all cities will rightly and inexorably follow. Transformation, integration and stratification or adaptation? It will be this Competition that will define its future for the most part. *** In Rome, we have the Palazzaccio, the name the Romans give to the building originally the seat of the Ministry of Justice of Rome Capital of the Kingdom of Italy, the Vittoriano, commemorative architecture dedicated to Vittorio Emanuele, King of Italy, called the Altar of the Fatherland in 1921 when the remains of the “unknown soldier” from the First World War were buried there, and then there is Corviale. Why do we list these three buildings together that are so different in terms of shape and function? They are three monuments: to the Fatherland, the Vittoriano, to the Italian Constitution the Palazzaccio, to an idea of city and community, the Corviale. All three attractive and disturbing together in their imposing and exaggerated mass. Demolition was discussed for all three at different times and for different reasons. All three are still standing: tourists photograph the Vittoriano incessantly, the Palazzaccio a little less, the architect-tourists come from all over the world to see the Corviale and it would be interesting to interview them to find out their feelings and assessments. All three have undergone transformations and adjustments: for some years now, we can go up on panoramic lifts to the last highest roof level of the Vittoriano, to enjoy yet another stupendous view of ancient and contemporary Rome; the Palace of Justice, which started to show signs of collapse already during its construction to the extent that the number of sculptures that were supposed to decorate it was consistently reduced, was reinforced and is no longer the centre of the judicial life of the capital; Corviale has undergone several, more or less peaceful, occupations and today the “rue intérieure” of Le Corbusier memory no longer exists, now irreversibly transformed into another residential level. 8 THE COMPETITION PROCEDURE AS QUALITATIVE INSTRUMENT OF URBAN REGENERATION Arch. Oscar Piricò ATER ROMA Sole Project Manager The contemporary city, mirror of the accelerated rhythms and the change in society, is marked by the increasingly faster movements of the individuals that live in it. Some city sections, in line with these dynamics have been upgraded, transformed to welcome and satisfy the requirements of the times (former industrial areas, theme parks, research centres); while on the other hand, the social periphery, very often, was not affected by these changes. While being fully inserted in the urban context, the social construction districts remain outskirts, with poor contextual quality and limited relational assets, thus establishing themselves in a position of dependence within the urban areas. Furthermore, certain particular urban configurations and the deterioration of the environment built can amplify the processes of exclusion and the emergence of deviant behaviours, behaviours which in turn end up making the condition of the public spaces and the local infrastructures worse. In these districts, multiple weak points overlap: the vulnerability of the social groups that live there, the low quality and deterioration of the types of residences and the public spaces, insufficient resources and services, poor accessibility to urban opportunities, the existence of conflict between different groups. The analysis of the social building has highlighted the evolution of the residential problem. The verification that the districts are not unchanging entities requires the use of instruments that make it possible to read the social and local morphological change (scientific research and data updating). In fact, the problem of the residential question is increasingly obvious also because of the diversified range of needs, new requirements and living expectations of the contemporary population. “Rigenerare Corviale” international design competition wants to intercept new ways of rethinking the suburbs keeping in mind the ongoing social transformations. The Tender identifies a series of subjects that the applicants must tackle innovatively, in order to propose ideas that can be progressively implemented, in order to guarantee a continuous improvement of the living conditions. The “International single grade design competition” has been selected for the competition procedure, pursuant to Chapter IV, Section III, Art. 99 and following of Legislative Decree 163/2006 through anonymous open procedure, in order to acquire a project with a preliminary in-depth level, consistent with the design themes and instructions provided in the Preliminary Planning Document and in the Tender. The future financial sustainability of the interventions was taken into consideration during the drafting of the Tender in an attempt to identify objectives that can be implemented individually and which can be included in a three-year plan. The Commissioning Body of the Tender, in order to allow the designers to devote complete attention to the design phase, is making available to the participants complete documentation and anticipates, in accordance with what is established in the timeline chart, an on-site inspection and the willingness to answer FAQs to clarify the more complicated questions. The design proposals will be evaluated by a jury of seven, experts in the subjects of the competition, professionals of national and international renown, which will ensure quality in the selection of the projects. The completion of the procedure includes the possibility, by the Authorities sponsoring and issuing the tender, of assigning the responsibility for the definitive design, aimed at the future realisation of the project. For this reason, one of the components of the evaluation, besides the design quality, is the cost-effectiveness of the proposal. To substantiate the actual feasibility of the project, additional attention has been given to the future realisation in functional and independent sections, in order to harmonize the intervention with the possible loans. The competition focuses on the restoration of the entire quadrant, through innovative proposals and solutions which will be invested in the building and its context. It is because of this that the preparation of a masterplan is requested which, once implemented, can serve as the impetus for starting a series of connections, physical and social, which will involve the entire area. The designers must, in fact, take into account the problems related to the accessibility and connections between the different parts, and therefore propose new conditions for the open spaces, paved and green, creating a change focused on the needs of real people. Thanks to the introduction of the participatory process, the Authority intends to involve the residents in all the phases of the design and realisation, in order to reinforce the sense of belonging to the place and its value. This process of transformation of the public residential building property will give new vitality to the Corviale complex by acting, among other things, on the cycle of life of the building and extending its duration through strategies for streamlining energy. “Rigenerare Corviale” therefore means rehabilitating a significant part of the contemporary city through the implementation of architectural, social, economic and environmental interventions. The design competition becomes the tool through which it will be possible to trigger these processes of improvement. 9 REGENERATION, EXPERIMENTATION AND PARTICIPATION Arch. Maria Teresa Bruca Coordinator of the ATER ROMA competition activities Corviale is one of the most important and symbolic districts of public residential building in Italy and, of the ATER properties, the best known, the most paradigmatic, the most studied and the most discussed. Corviale was and continues to be one of the most significant residential experiments: A project of “radical architecture”, a great “machine” with a claim of self-sufficiency, inhabited by oblivious experimenters of the modern style and designed to develop social relations, to satisfy collective needs and reinforce the sense of belonging of the community living there. Its peripherality and, in particular, its size have dominated every evaluation and, in fact, have prevented the necessary in-depth analyses thereby reducing the opinions to dismissive sentences of condemnation or appreciation. The serpentone [large serpent], the mostro [monster], the astronave [spaceship], the sbaglio lungo un chilometro [the one kilometre mistake], just to mention the most recurrent, are the terms coined and used by the means of information to denote the enormous building and to offer it as symbol of social unrest. It is therefore not surprising that the heated cultural and political debate around Corviale, which has been the subject of many platforms, culminated also in the extreme, but also inadequate hypothesis, of being sentenced to demolition. But, as stated, the attributes applied daily to this building stem, in most cases, from a sensory, superficial and media perception of the structure; even if, inevitably, they continue, still today, to spread and confirm the definition of “monster” distracting - and, sometimes, alienating - attention and interest from the capabilities which, instead, the megastructure expresses through its physical form and the simple fact of having been inhabited for more than thirty years. housing, remain in their homes and are asked to participate in the work site, without being traumatically moved. The competition, through a debate open to the international world of urban culture and architecture, in fact wants to deal with the subject of urban restoration starting from public space and with an approach that is not limited to the simple management of the emergency but which, through planning and organisation shared with the residents, on one hand realizes what was considered right from the beginning as a vital element of the project, in other words the integration of services and commercial activities - also self-operated - and, on the other, restore the relationship with the countryside and with the nearby city denied by certain official choices of the original project. Because of its shape, its size and the residential density, Corviale furthermore is an experimental opportunity of Smart Building to be pursued through the use of all the innovative technologies available, through the realization of interventions focused on the optimization of the technological networks, on the reduction of energy consumption down to the recovery and recycling of the waste. “Rigenerare Corviale” therefore means operating through a short, medium and long term multi-discipline programme that has concrete solutions which must measure up to the financial feasibility in the search for loans, also European, and with the social one through a process that ATER must carry out by implementing a path of sharing, training and information with the residents and all the individuals that operate in the area to facilitate the management, coexistence in the district and rewrite the new rules of the relationship between management agencies and tenants. The subjects proposed by the competition have been developed with attention to the best contemporary practices and focus on transforming the building by learning from those who have already tested it by living in it, to reinterpret the nature of the spaces, to emphasize the identity of the places, and to make the collective life easier and increase relations internally and with the surrounding fabric by restoring, in current terms, the character of innovative experimentation desired by the design group coordinated by Mario Fiorentino. From this perspective, all the families legally living as guests tenants of public 10 THE HISTORICAL-SOCIAL CONTEXT: PUBLIC RESIDENTIAL BUILDING IN THE 1970s IN ROME OBJECT OF THE COMPETITION: CORVIALE During the Seventies, the residential problem of Rome was an open challenge for the local IACP: on one hand the delay compared to the other large Italian cities, on the other the old and new shanty towns of many decades all around the built-up nucleus and along the consular and railway lines. The Sixties had already ended in a climate of strong social tension, in which the radicalization of the confrontation had led to distinctly ideological positions: the house question therefore became a breeding ground for claims and class clashes. There was a general strike on 19 November 1969 demanding an institutional solution on a national scale to the housing problem, in which students and workers mobilised by the trade unions actively participated. The lack of housing in the capital was aggravated by the partial application of Law 167 of 18 April 1962, which would have given the municipalities the possibility of carrying out large scale interventions which would organically integrate residential and services functions, thereby creating potentially autonomous and self-sufficient city districts in terms of the daily needs of the residents. On 26 February 1964, the first Economic and Popular Plan (PEEP) was launched which identified 73 areas (Zone Plans) in which to apply the instruments made available by the 167, with 711,909 rooms forecast: it was concluded in 1984 with the creation of just 273,487 rooms. The partial response therefore perpetrates those conditions which had already during the preceding decades fed both unauthorised development and the proliferation of “shanty towns” and “districts”. Emblematic of the implementation methods of the Roman PEEP was the first P.d.Z.: the pioneer district of Spinaceto, created on an area of around 187 hectares of municipal property, for an anticipated 26,000 residents. Designed in 1965, its first assignments were given already in 1969, when the new urban settlement was also endowed with schools of various levels. The other collective services were missing, although anticipated in the initial design, due to procedural and financial problems. It was not until the mid-Seventies, after the introduction of Law 865 of 22 October 1971, that projects of other districts on a large scale were financed again in Rome, assigned to prominent names of the Roman architectural panorama. These projects radically changed what was originally planned in the first draft of the individual Zoning Plans, prepared during the brief period of time between the adoption of the Local Strategic Plan in 1962 and its approval in 1965: in fact the PEEP dates from 1964. This change of pace is described well by Francesco Perego in the essay “A monument of the theoretical city”, as introduction of the book by Nicoletta Campanella, Roma: Nuovo Corviale. Miti, utopie, valutazioni. Stato dei servizi, condizioni di vita degli abitanti di un sistema residenziale della periferia, Bulzoni, Roma 1985 [Rome: New Corviale. Myths, utopia, evaluations. Condition of the services, living conditions of the residents of a suburban residential system, Bulzoni, Rome 1985]: The mandate assigned to these designers by the customer was to imagine interventions that were “different” than the traditional ones: Districts that made one forget the mediocrity of the IACP production of the previous twenty years finally bringing to Rome the great lesson of modern architecture. Houses that were not camouflaged in the ordinary city, but on the contrary stood out, proclaiming the diversity of the intentions in the forms of large scale pure geometry; which proposed with force another way to conceive working-class housing [...]. It is according to this logic that the Vigne Nuove, Laurentino and Corviale projects were born. As the architect Pietro Barucci also wrote in La Repubblica of 17 June 1988. With the thrust of what seemed at the time to be an “inevitable development”, the creation of these model districts, subject of a united programme and financing, were vigorously undertaken, with largely experimental intentions, and with immense faith in the self-governing abilities of this city, in the public structures in charge of management. “No to dormitory lagers, YES to equipped neighbourhoods”: this was the motto with which, after GesCal’s long slumber, selected groups of architects were summoned to work in a climate of renewed fervour in which we were measured against the international experiences, looked at British housing, studied French technology. Maybe for the first time in the history of Italian public building, residences and shops, offices and social centres, kindergarten and nursery schools, sports and recreational equipment were designed and created simultaneously. Each of the three projects offered different outlines of integration, inventive and complex, carefully drafted. As Vittorio Vidotto stated it, in a speech - translated here - entitled Corviale, Rome: Social Issues and Architectural Utopia (IX International Conference on Urban History, Lyons, 27 - 30 August 2008): In the Seventies, in Italy, there was a general radicalization of ideological options. “Revolution” is a term widely used in the current language of the 11 political left: If it was considered possible to revolutionize the political system, it was also possible to revolutionize the housing system. It will be the residents and the managers of these new districts to highlight, with direct experience and daily use, the critical issues and the problems that need to be faced and resolved. For the most part, the criticism today is divided between those who point a finger against the demiurgic will of the architects, who created all-encompassing spaces proportionate to the size of their ego, and those who charge the poor management of the public agencies and the delayed (sometimes missing) realization of the services for the social problems which developed right from the beginning. And Mario Fiorentino – who we quote from the interview given to Bruno Regni and Marina Thiery during the visit to Corviale by the students of the Morgagni High School – explicitly states [...] the wager is made on the way in which Corviale will be managed, in other words all this experience is created from architecture and management as is everything in the city, which is not made simply of facades but also organisation, services, transport, etc. Therefore, let’s say, the political management of this house is the same, or has equal weight, may even more weight, than the architectural management, which is the small part that the architects reserved for themselves. [...] If the tenant of tomorrow believes that he has a paternalistic structure in which everything is offered to him and nothing is given, it is clear that Corviale is destined for resounding failure, because obviously it is not made for a paternalistic type of management. If instead the suggestions that are made by the communal areas to make them an opportunity to work together are used by the residents, if the management of Corviale becomes a management of community, then the conversation becomes important. This, obviously, depends on a series of considerations, not fatalistic but concerning moments of intervention by the Municipality, IACP, social workers, cultural sponsors, etc. It was the Seventies and early Eighties when the first flats were starting to be assigned in the complexes of Vigne Nuove, Laurentino and Corviale. These were leaden years, of degeneration of an increasingly bitter and exasperated political and social clash which erupted daily among the citizens spreading unrest and mistrust. In a frightened Rome, where violence was spreading, the architect Renato Nicolini, Councillor to Culture of the Argan board, launched – to stimulate the population and overcome the fear of leaving home at night, to pursue a noble cultural purpose - the happy initiative of the Estate Romana. However, the problems connected to the lack of basic services in the suburbs of the city remained unsolved. During the following decades, spent between unauthorised settlement and evacuations, between negligence and affection of the second generations, between micro-crime and neighbourhood committees, between periodic electoral announcements and real daily struggles, the progressive improvement was started of the quality of life in the public complexes of the Roman suburb of the Seventies. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF REFERENCE: • Abitare la periferia: l’esperienza della 167 a Roma, Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Roma, Roma 2007 (S. BALDAZZI, L. BELLICINI, G. BONVINO, E. CAMPANELLI, F. CAPRARA, T. DUTTO, A. MARTINI, M. MIELI, A. MOSTACCI, R. MOSTACCI, R. PATITUCCI, F. TOSO, CRESME) • L. BARBERA, A.I. DEL MONACO, Tre Ipotesi: Falansterio, Corona della Citta, Cerniera/Nodo della città policentrica, in A.I. DEL MONACO (a cura di), Corviale Accomplished. Uno Studio per Corviale. Funzione e Disfunzione dell’edilizia sociale, Casa Editrice La Sapienza, Roma 2009, pp. 264-279 • P. BARUCCI, Corviale, Laurentino e Vigne Nuove, in “La Repubblica”, 17/06/1988, riedito in P. BARUCCI, Scritti di architettura 1987-2012, Clean Edizioni, Napoli 2012, pp. 59-62 • P. DE NARDIS, La condizione sociale abitativa, in F. COCCIA, M.C. COSTANZO (a cura di), Recupera Corviale: un convegno internazionale, Kappa, Roma 2002, pp. 55-56 • I. INSOLERA, Roma moderna. Da Napoleone I al XXI secolo, Einaudi, Torino 2011 • P. JACOBELLI, Il momento concreto dell’architettura della città, in “Capitolium”, aprile 1974, pp. 59-72 • A. MONTENERO, Corviale: “oggetto” di riflessione, 2015 (non ancora edito) • F. PEREGO, Un monumento della città teorica, saggio di presentazione del volume di N. CAMPANELLA, Roma: Nuovo Corviale. Miti, utopie, valutazioni. Stato dei servizi, condizioni di vita degli abitanti di un sistema residenziale della periferia, Bulzoni, Roma 1985, pp. 9-19 • B. REGNI, M. THIERY, Una visita guidata dieci anni fa, in “Groma” (rivista del Dipartimento di Architettura e Analisi della Città dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”), n. 2, 1993, pp. 59-62 • P.O. ROSSI, Questioni storiche su Corviale, in A.I. DEL MONACO (a cura di), Corviale Accomplished. Uno Studio per Corviale. Funzione e Disfunzione dell’edilizia sociale, Casa Editrice La Sapienza, Roma 2009, pp. 80-91 12 THE LOCAL CONTEXT DG1 ■ The area included in the competition is located in the southwest quadrant of the city of Rome, within the Grande Raccordo Anulare (2 km), along Via Portuense after Casetta Mattei near the Natural Reserves of the Tenuta Massimi (Massimi Estate) (approx., 470 hectares) and the Valle dei Casali (approx. 774 hectares) and is part of the XI Municipality. Zoning Map No. 61 of Corviale, which affects 60.5 hectares, falls under the interventions included in the first Economic and Popular Building Plan (PEEP) of the Municipality of Rome (Law 167/62) together with Vigne Nuove and Laurentino. DG1 ■ In the New General Building Plan, Corviale is included in the consolidated city fabric T3 - “Free type twentieth-century expansion”. In the local Regional Landscape Plan, it is identified as “Landscapes with urban settlements”. 1 FIGURES OF THE PLAN AS APPROVED RESIDENTIAL AREA total m3 680,900 equal to 8,500 inhabitants AREAS total m2 605,300 education m2 50,700 equipment of common interest (religious, cultural, social, welfare and mixed) m2 27,750 play and sports park m2 255,140 public parking m2 22,000 roads m2 44,000 residences m2 205,710 LOCAL DENSITY 1,12 m3/m2 Equal to 140 inhabitants/hectare 2 C 3 CUBIC CAPACITY total m3 790,218 D B residential m3 703,248 extra-residential m3 86,970 A NUMBER OF FLATS total 1,202 equal to 6,979 rooms 5 ADDITIONAL RESIDENCES 103 equal to 598 rooms 4 6 (Contratto di Quartiere II (CdQII) – Resolution of the Municipal Council No. 114 of 26.04.2006) 7 LOCALIZATION OF THE PEEP n° 61 Corviale 8 Corviale territory of the XI Municipality environmental systems polarities main road mobilty system railway mobility system railway stations metro stations 9 10 A. Tenuta Massimi Natural Reserve B. Valle dei Casali C. Villa Doria Pamphili D. San Camillo - Forlanini - Spallanzani hospital complex 1. Grande Raccordo Anulare 2. via Aurelia 3. Roma-Civitavecchia railway 4. Roma-Fiumicino highway 5. Roma-Fiumicino railway 6. via Portuense 7. via del Mare 8. Roma-Ostia Lido railway 9. via Cristoforo Colombo 10. via Pontina 13 14 THE ROAD SYSTEM AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT DG1 ■ The entire complex is served by a one-way loop (Via di Poggioverde and DF3 ■ Along Via Poggioverde, near Corpo I, there is no pavement. The DF3 ■ Along Via Ferrari, the secondary vehicle accessible loops serving the via ferrari via poggioverde via mazzacurati via m ortu via le ense via ri ar pie tin i am is de via p via i de gg iov erd e ri pie m sa po via degli alagno ei tta matt via case Via Mazzacurati), with accesses from Via Portuense and Via Casetta Mattei, which surrounds an area of around 800x60 m reserved for civil and cultural urban equipment (Social Football, Corviale Centro, and the church complex). Beyond the loop there is the Mazzacurati school complex and the Nicoletta Campanella Multipurpose Centre. The loop, mainly designed for private road-based mobility, is the only access and circulation system around the building. pedestrian walkway feature of the building was, as per design, transferred to the internal distribution route to the secondary staircases and the free floor. The vehicle access to the garage level of Corpo I is from Via Poggioverde through five independent loops, one for every lot. garages are a very strong dividing line between Corpo I and Corpo II with the result that pedestrian traffic virtually non-existent, if not impossible. The buses that come to the building complex (lines 98 – 786 – 889) stop near the access squares and reach Largo Reduzzi where the terminal is located. via poggioverde via SOCIAL FOOTBALL BUS STATION LARGO REDUZZI por via ferrari tue nse SCHOOL COMPLEX MAZZACURATI CHURCH COMPLEX CORPO I CORPO II CORVIALE CENTRO MULTIPURPOSE CENTER NICOLETTA CAMPANELLA SHOPPING CENTER CASETTA MATTEI 15 views from the access roads: via Poggioverde via dei Sampieri via Portuense via Mazzacurati via Poggioverde via Ferrari 16 RESIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT NODO SERVIZI AB NODO SERVIZI BC NODO SERVIZI CD NODO SERVIZI EF NODO SERVIZI FG DF1 DF2 ■ The area on which Corviale is built is marked by a ridge on which the ■ main residential building is located (Corpo I), a linear city for 6,300 inhabitants, the most conspicuous part of the 8,500 anticipated at the time for the entire settlement. The residential part includes a total of 1,202 flats, in addition to those created illegally on the free floor and is composed of three fundamental elements: - Corpo I, about one kilometre long, which forms the body of the main building; - Corpo II, also almost a kilometre long parallel to the main building and located about 30 metres away on the west side of Corpo I; - Trancia H, rotated at 45° relative to Corpo I and projects towards the existing neighbourhood of Casetta Mattei. CORPO II CORPO I CORVIALE CENTRO TRANCIA H T09 sports facilities (disused) urban gardens sports association social football playground ■ The load-bearing structure of the residential building units is composed of prefabricated reinforced concrete panels on a 6 metres centre distance. A classic example of industrialisation as was normally used during the Seventies and Eighties. The deterioration of the reinforced concrete, when present, is superficial, and the complex does not show static problems of any kind. The facades of all the residential buildings are characterised by concrete panel cladding, an example of the heavy prefabrication of the period, which offer a decoration composed of diagonal grooves the design of which was created, by mandate of the design group, by Nicola Carrino, painter and sculptor who was very active in the Seventies. The windows are the ribbon-type with red or blue frames depending on whether they are above or below the free level. CORVIALE CENTRO covered market healthcare services CORVIALE CENTRO municipal public services mitreo heating station CASE COOPERATIVE church complex shopping center casetta mattei 17 via ferrari via poggioverde via mazzacurati pedestrian bridge CORPO II CORPO I pedestrian underpass CORVIALE CENTRO SCHOOL COMPLEX MAZZACURATI TRANCIA H 18 photos of the construction site where the structure of principal partition walls made of prefabricated reinforced concrete and the panels designed by the sculptor Nicola Carrino are clearly visible 19 CORPO I DF3 ■ Corpo I, which is almost one kilometre long, has 8 residential floors, one floor originally intended for services, the so-called free floor, the ground floor and the garage floor for a total of 11 floors. The distribution of the flats is in line with the first plans, up to the free floor, and with walkway from the free floor to the ninth floor. The sizes of the flats, similar for both the line and the walkway ones, vary between 56 m2 and 118 m2. PC ROOF AB WALKWAY FLATS PL FREE FLOOR T04 T11 AL IN LINE FLATS PT GROUND FLOOR (ENTRANCES - CELLARS) PG GARAGE FLOOR (GARAGES – AIRSHAFTS) transversal section via poggioverde via poggioverde façade portion largo cesare reduzzi largo cesare reduzzi LOT I largo emilio quadrelli largo emilio quadrelli LOT II largo domenico trentecoste largo domenico trentecoste LOT III ■ ■ Corpo I is divided into five management units, called lots, each with its own entrance square and a monumental staircase. They form a gigantic order that measures the entire building providing strong and measured dividing lines in the façade. The entrance squares, furthermore, form the access nodes to Corpo I and direct connection to the interior pedestrian route of the ground floor that distributes to the secondary staircases. According to the intentions of the designer, Mario Fiorentino, the squares should have been emphasized by the presence of a sculpture (never created). The monumental stairs each contain a stair body and four lifts which connect the ground floor and the garage level to the free floor and the walkway levels. The connection to the ground is characterised by a “base”, which encloses the ground floor and the garage level, composed of concrete tilted panels. On the ground floor, which is reached from the entrance squares and has an open height of 2.51 metres, there is the longitudinal route of internal distribution which forms a perfectly linear interior road. Walking along the route, we find on the east side the cellar blocks and the secondary staircases, which close it completely. On the west side, there are other cellar blocks spaced out by openings, with flower boxes and cement benches, which face Corpo II, and the service staircases which lead to Via Ferrari. largo odoardo tabacchi largo odoardo tabacchi LOT IV largo pio fedi largo pio fedi LOT V 20 The 27 secondary vertical connections which are added to the main staircases are composed of two staircases and a lift. It must be noted, in terms of what is required by the competition, that it is possible to access the interior route only from the five squares and that only some staircases and some lifts of the secondary staircases reach the ninth floor, the others reach the level below the free floor, only serving the line units, therefore to reach the former free level a ramp of stairs must be used. walkway flats (not subject to intervention) services, systems, service wells walkway airshaft secondary vertical connections walkway services, systems, service wells T04 ■ walkway flats (not subject to intervention) WALKWAY FLAT MODEL PLAN – distribution scheme T05 in line flat (not subject to intervention) services, systems, service wells airshaft secondary vertical connections services, systems, service wells in line flat (not subject to intervention) IN LINE FLAT MODEL PLAN - distribution scheme ■ T08 ■ • A terraced space, which doubles in height, of around 150 m2; • Four communal areas serving the condominium meeting room, two for every level, respectively 45.50 and 55 m2; • Small services blocks and two loggias for exclusive use, one on Via Poggioverde and one on Via Ferrari, of about 126 m2. The garage floor, which has a clear height of 3.75 metres, has vehicle access from Via Poggioverde across ramps placed sideways to the entrance squares which from a ring for each lot. Internally, the garage level can be reached by the monumental staircases and by the secondary ones from some stairs and some lifts. The construction is divided longitudinally along the entire height of the building by inaccessible airshafts, around 5 metres wide, measures transversally only from the secondary staircases and the lifts. The lack of accessibility of these spaces make them the receptacle of waste and makes them hard to manage and clean. The services of the flats in line face the airshafts up to the free floor, from the free floor up the walkways, designed, in addition to being places of distribution to the flats also as social meeting places. The free floor is the element that divides longitudinally Corpo I and creates, together with the monumental staircases, another break in the façade. This floor, destined to house services, professional and commercial businesses, is completely occupied today illegally by selfconstructed flats. The Neighbourhood Contract II, approved and in the process of being implemented, anticipates the final reconversion into 103 residences. The free floor is not part of the competition. From the free floor, one was supposed to access the five condominium meeting rooms, one for every lot, the size of which, overhanging, can be seen in the body of the building. The area of the condominium meeting rooms, which are always at the points where the free floor changes height, is created on three levels and is composed of: Access to the condominium meeting rooms is from the walkway floor. T03 ■ DG2 ■ The connection to the ground of Corpo I (ground floor, garage level and The roofs of Corpo I are not accessible and have a gravel surface protection. Near the monumental staircases, at the roof level, in addition to the technical rooms of the lifts, there are: • a lavatory of around 22 m2 • the drying areas, one open and one covered paved, 46 and 23.50 m2 respectively airshafts) and the condominium meeting rooms have great potential for transformation and fall under those spaces that the competition wants transformed as its main theme. The roofs of Corpo I could be used for the reserved services (cellars) should they be moved from the ground floor, and for interventions aimed at energy efficiency. longitudinal section on the airshafts and staircases LOT I LOT II LOT III LOT IV LOT V 21 monumental staircases five entrance squares basement in tilted concrete panels (ground floor and garage floor) roof level 22 internal longitudinal distribution path internal longitudinal distribution path – concrete benches and flower boxes access to the secondary staircases cellars garage floor walkway floor airshaft 23 CORPO I: DISTRIBUTIONAL SCHEMES OF A MODEL LOT connection and distribution spaces LEGEND driveways relevant services, facilities and technical rooms vertical connections lifts parking lots PT GROUND FLOOR (ENTRANCES - CELLARS) 1. entrance square 2. monumental staircase 3. lift (PG - PT- PL - AB) 4. staircase (PG - PT - PL - AB - PC) 5. connection bridge with Corpo II and Nodo Servizi 6. Nodo Servizi 7. Corpo II 8. entance/exit ramps on via Ferrari 9. basement (tilted concrete panels) 10. slope 11. internal distribution pedestrian path 12. secondary staircases (PT - AL) 13. secondary staircases (from PT to AB) 14. secondary staircases (from PG to AB) 15. lift (PT - AL) 16. lift (from PG to AB) 17. airshafts 18. cellars 19. concrete benches and flower boxes 20. service staircases (PT - via Ferrari) 6 green areas 7 other buildings of the complex 7 distribution and accesses 6 20 20 20 20 5 9 18 13 12 17 16 20 19 19 13 12 17 15 18 11 15 17 17 15 3 12 13 17 4 18 12 13 15 17 16 14 18 2 9 9 10 PT ground floor PG garage floor PL free floor AL in line flats floor AB walkway flats floor PC roof floor 9 11 14 driveways and movement directions 10 1 8 8 via poggioverde PG GARAGE FLOOR (GARAGE - AIRSHAFTS) 11 12 1. entance/exit ramps on via Ferrari 2. service staircases (PT - via Ferrari) 3. monumental staircase 4. lift (PG - PT - PL - AB) 5. staircase (PG - PT - PL - AB - PC) 6. secondary staircases (from PG to AB) 7. lift (from PG to AB) 8. garbage rooms 9. technical rooms 10. airshafts 11. Nodo Servizi 12. Corpo II 13. connection spaces between via Ferrari and Corpo II accesses 12 13 11 13 2 8 6 via ferrari 2 2 8 2 8 via ferrari 2 8 8 3 7 10 9 10 9 9 4 10 9 10 7 6 5 1 1 24 PC ROOF 1. monumental staircase 2. lift technical rooms 3. staircase (PG - PT - PL - AB - PC) 4. lavatory 5. covered drying room 6. open air drying room 7. not walkable gravel covering 8. airshafts 8 2 8 8 2 5 8 2 LEGEND 7 8 3 8 vertical connections 7 elevators 4 6 5 8 7 4 9 5 8 8 9 4 5 8 2 9 3 5 8 8 concrete panels cladding (diagonal groove drawing by N. Carrino) ribbon window (blue frames) 6 7 4 1 4 8 9 5 10 6 7 PT ground floor PG garage floor PL free floor AL in line flats floor AB walkway flats floor PC roof floor 4 10 5 6 7 10 2 10 2 7 6 5 10 3 4 7 6 5 10 8 9 4 1 9 5 6 7 5 6 7 2 7 6 5 7 6 5 9 LONGITUDINAL SECTION VIA POGGIOVERDE FAÇADE relevant services, facilities and technical rooms 2 areas not subject to intervention 8 1. entrance square 2. monumental staircase 3. lift (PT - PG - PL - AB) 4. connection driveways between via Poggioverde and via Ferrari 5. airshafts 6. secondary staircases (PT - AL) 7. lift (PT - AL) 8. secondary staircases (from PT to AB) 9. secondary staircases (from PG to AB) 10. lift (from PG to AB) 11. technical rooms connection and distribution spaces 1 AL IN LINE FLATS 1. monumental staircase 2. lift (PG - PT - PL - AB) 3. staircase (PG - PT - PL - AB - PC) 4. in line flats not subject to intervention 5. secondary staircases (from PT to AB) 6. secondary staircases (PT - AL) 7. lift (PT - AL) 8. secondary staircases (from PG to AB) 9. lift (from PG to AB) 10. airshafts 4 7 AB WALKWAY FLATS 1. monumental staircase 2. lift (PG - PT - PL - AB) 3. staircase (PG - PT - PL - AB - PC) 4. walkway flats not subject to intervention 5. secondary staircases (from PT to AB) 6. secondary staircases (from PG to AB) 7. lift (from PG to AB) 8. airshafts 9. concrete benches and flower boxes 6 7 8 PC AB 3 PL AL 1 11 10 11 10 condominium meeting room 11 4 4 11 10 11 10 11 PT PG tecnical shaft monumental staircase PC AB PL ribbon window (red frames) basement in tilted concrete panels (PT and PG) AL PT PG 25 b’ a’ CONDOMINIUM MEETING ROOMS LEGEND PIANO LIBERO APPARTAMENTO IN LINEA loggia for exclusive use of the condominium meeting room common spaces serving the the condominium meeting room double height terraced the condominium meeting room stairs to be removed service blocks areas not subject to intervention wc CHIOSTRINA CHIOSTRINA wc VI V APPARTAMENTO IN LINEA PIANO LIBERO b a IV CONDOMINIUM MEETING ROOM MODEL – aa’ section on the condominium meeting room b’ a’ CONDOMINIUM MEETING ROOM MODEL - IV free floor (loggia for exclusive use) PIANO LIBERO APPARTAMENTO A BALLATOIO CHIOSTRINA CHIOSTRINA VI V APPARTAMENTO A BALLATOIO CONDOMINIUM MEETING ROOM MODEL – bb’ section on the common spaces serving the condominium meeting room CONDOMINIUM MEETING ROOM MODEL – façade on via Ferrari CONDOMINIUM MEETING ROOM MODEL – façade on via Poggioverde b’ CONDOMINIUM MEETING ROOM MODEL - V walkway floor (access level) a’ IV b a PIANO LIBERO APPARTAMENTO A BALLATOIO APPARTAMENTO A BALLATOIO CHIOSTRINA CHIOSTRINA b APPARTAMENTO A BALLATOIO a APPARTAMENTO A BALLATOIO CONDOMINIUM MEETING ROOM MODEL - VI walkway floor (common facilities) façade on via Poggioverde façade on via Ferrari detail of the condominium meeting room interior of the condominium meeting room 26 via poggioverde via ferrari via poggioverde via ferrari CORPO II Corpo II rises parallel to Corpo I stopping at the points near the monumental staircases in which Nodo Servizi in Lots 2, 4 and 5 are located, and in lot 3, an open-air theatre. Corpo II has a variable height, based on the topography of the land, of two or three floors. The flats are all the walkway type and the roofs are flat. DG2 ■ Corpo II is not part of the intervention with the exception of its elements of connection with Corpo I, with via Ferrari and the park. ■ T03 ■ T10 ■ T11 ■ DF3 the relation between Corpo I and Corpo II model section on the monumental staircase and connection with Nodo Servizi via poggioverde via ferrari model section on the monumental staircase and connection with the open air theatre NODO AB NODO BC NODO CD NODO EF NODO FG elevation profile on via Ferrari 27 TRANCIA H LEGEND ■ Trancia H runs from the main loop, towards the Casetta Mattei T12 ■ neighbourhood, with a slope of 45° relative to Corpo I. This building is DF3 commercial premises pedestrian path areas not subject to intervention via m az za c ur at i ATER offices communal pharmacy via Mazzacurati via dei Sampieri around 254 metres long with a height that varies between 23 and 19 metres, adapting to the topography of the land. Trancia H, which forms the sixth management unit-lot, holds 122 flats with distribution in line. On the ground floor there is a covered pedestrian walkway, 11 commercial premises with areas of between 108 m2 and 26 m2, and some ATER offices. The covered walkway, which was designed as a system of communication between the new neighbourhood and the existing fabric of the Casetta Mattei neighbourhood, leads to the area that was intended in the Zoning Map as a shopping centre, which today has been created. DG2 ■ Currently, of the 11 commercial premises along the pedestrian walkway, only the communal pharmacy is active. To reactivate the pedestrian walkway, it will be necessary to rethink its valuation also by including activities within the ATER premises. via dei Sampieri 28 SIGNS DG3 ■ The entire orientation system within the residential complex is assigned to a sign system, the design of which was given to Stefano Fiorentino. The signs form a visual and chromatic system in reference to the various levels of use of the user. The orientation and signs themes are part of the competition. 29 signage for the access squares signage for the services signage for the principal accesses to the walkways signage for the vertical connections chromatic indications for lots and levels 30 SERVICES NODI SERVIZI AB panoramic viewpoint NODI SERVIZI CD open air theatre GROUND FLOOR PLAN ROOF PLAN NODI SERVIZI (SERVICE NODES) ■ Near the five large access nodes composed of the entrance squares and the monumental staircases, five pedestrian bridges connect at T10 ■ right angle Corpo I to the services nodes of Corpo II. T11 ■ DF3 GROUND FLOOR PLAN Within these five nodes, which break the continuity of Corpo II, there are some rooms destined for basic services such as crèches, kindergartens, not part of the intervention, commercial operations of basic needs and various services. In particular, the following services are present today: • in the second lot, in the NODI SERVIZI BC with access from Largo Quadrelli, there are a family clinic and the senior centre; • in the fourth lot, in the NODI SERVIZI EF with access from Largo Tabacchi, there is the headquarters of the tenant committee, the CAF and the “Red Chamber” theatre laboratory. • In the fifth lot, in the NODI SERVIZI FG with access from Largo Pio Fedi, where the business incubator was located for a few years, there is a recording and video montage room and a graphics studio. There is also a Boxing gym here. For purchases of basic needs there is only a small supermarket where there was supposed to be, on Via Ferrari near the third lot, a restaurantcafeteria. DG2 ■ Included in the intervention are these premises owned by ATER: • NODI SERVIZI BC – EF - EG a location on two levels of 192 m2 each. • NODI SERVIZI BC – EF - EG a location on two levels of 68 m2 each. 31 NODI SERVIZI BC - EF – FG LEGEND areas subject to intervention pedestrian paths areas not subject to intervention two level room (+1 and +2) two level room (PT and PG) GROUND FLOOR PLAN ROOF FLOOR PLAN 32 CORVIALE CENTRO CORVIALE CENTRO ■ In front of Corpo I on the east side in the section between via Mazzacurati and via Poggio Verde there is the Corviale Centro which T12 ■ DF3 LEGEND commercial areas pedestrian paths areas not subject to intervention FRONT AREAS OF TRANCIA H section FRONT AREAS OF TRANCIA H higher level plans today houses municipal public services of various kinds including the Registry Office, the Council Office, the Secretariat with the Technical Organisation Unity of Municipality XI. In addition, in this complex there is the command of the XV Group of Municipal Police, the Rome mercato coperto (covered market, an open-air theatre, healthcare services, the Mitreo, artistic production lab, and some premises owned by ATER, not being used today with the exception of one occupied as studio of local artists. DG2 ■ The premises that ATER owns in the Corviale Centro are located on a square and include in particular: • 3 locations on one level for a total of approx. 826 m2; • 1 location on four floors for a total of approx. 741 m2. T01 ■ THE NICOLETTA CAMPANELLA MULTIPURPOSE CENTRE In front of the Civic Centre, beyond via Mazzacurati, there is the Nicoletta Campanella Multipurpose Centre where the municipal library is located which houses around 13,000 books and has a rich catalogue of DVDs and musical CDs, four reading rooms for adults and one for children with a recreation room and a bar cafeteria. The Multipurpose Centre also houses the COL – Workforce Development Centre which offers employment consulting and works in synergy with the Employment Centre of the municipality and the time bank. T01 ■ THE MAZZACURATI SCHOOL COMPLEX Next to the Multipurpose Centre is the Mazzacurati school complex which includes a kindergarten, two elementary schools and two middle schools. T01 ■ SPORTS FACILITIES PRESENT IN THE AREA Among the sports facilities, the social football, the rugby field, the municipal pool and the Osaka Sports Club stand out. DG2 ■ The competition requires, as related theme, the preparation of a via mazzacurati CORVIALE CENTRO municipal public services CORVIALE CENTRO sanitary services CORVIALE CENTRO covered market TRANCIA H via de is ri pie am CORVIALE CENTRO AND THE FRONT AREAS OF TRANCIA H general master plan that defines the system of public spaces and bicycle-pedestrian pathways connecting with the existing services, and which anticipates the location of new activities in the existing unused premises (pedestrian walkway and premises on the ground floor of Trancia H and premises of Corviale Centro owned by ATER). 33 CORVIALE TODAY The urban regeneration project of the Corviale Quadrant in Rome continues a constant activity by the Institutions that has led over time, from the early Nineties, to allocating resources and approving projects by the State, Regione Lazio, the Municipality of Rome and ATER. These projects involved above all the completion of the system of public services, pursued with persistence by Regione Lazio, the Municipality of Rome, ATER and the Municipality, but also actions for the improvement of the social conditions. The local communities have a strong history of active participation in support of the public interventions. This activity has made it possible to have today one of the best equipped neighbourhoods of all those of the Roman suburbs. The State co-financed, with the Region and the Municipality, the Programma di Recupero Urbano (P.R.U.), approved in 2001, which favoured private initiatives in the surrounding settlement context, permitting public works to be achieved with private resources. The Programma di Recupero Urbano (P.R.U.) however did not anticipate interventions on the ATER residential complex. The approval of the Contratto di Quartiere II (CdQII), in 2006, aimed totally at a programme of just public projects, continued the activity of the institutions, this time also in the Corviale building, financing and approving among the projects, the reorganisation of the illegally occupied free floor. PROGRAMMA DI RECUPERO URBANO - P.R.U. (ART. 11 LAW 493/93) P.R.U. ■ Programma di Recupero Urbano (P.R.U.) is a programmed aimed mainly at the regeneration of the public residential building heritage which must consider besides the already tested building recovery, also the modernisation and integration of the urban infrastructures and, for the first time, also the environmental qualification or requalification. The P.R.U. – Corviale anticipates a total of 25 private interventions and 28 public works. Of particular interest, in terms of the competition, is the imminent creation of a plaza near the North front of Building OP 14. Furthermore, it must be specified that the OP 29, which anticipated the redefinition of via Poggioverde has been excluded from the interventions. CDQ II ■ CONTRATTO DI QUARTIERE II (CDQII) Contratto di Quartiere II (CdQII) is an innovative programme of urban recovery which entails a coordinated intervention of various administrations (it is in fact financed by the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport and Regione Lazio) aimed at increasing infrastructure services in deteriorated neighbourhoods, and to promote measures needed for local development, to increase employment and social integration. The interventions anticipated by Contratto di Quartiere II (CdQII) – Corviale for which Roma Capitale is responsible are: • creation of multipurpose sports fields (basketball, volleyball…) for the boys of the district and to complete the section of sports services which already includes a communal pool and a rugby field; • requalification and decoration of the swath of public green space between via Poggioverde and via Mazzacurati, including new games for children, the construction of a recreation area and the creation of a fountain the paved area in front of the Corviale Church; • requalification and new decoration of the infant game spaces in the public park of the sixth lot of via dei Sampieri; • creation of a covered sports installation for skating; • adaptation, air conditioning and decoration of the Nicoletta Campanella Municipal Multipurpose Centre in via Mazzacurati. The interventions for which ATER ROMA is responsible consists in the construction reorganisation with change in intended use from services to residences of the rooms on the free floor (3°, 4° and 5° levels) with the resulting creation of 103 flats to provide a housing response to the families entitled to public housing, who for around thirty years have been occupying the rooms of the free floor. 34 THEMES OF THE TENDER The objective of the international design competition “Rigenerare Corviale” is the restoration of the publicly owned, residential complex of Corviale, built between 1980 and 1984 (including in the Plan for Public Residential Building No. 61) and the surrounding settlement context. The competition is launched by ATER - Azienda Territoriale per l’Edilizia Residenziale del Comune di Roma [Territorial Housing Company of Municipality of Rome] – and promoted and financed by the Regione Lazio. Attention to the aspects of the urban complex concerning the local economy, the physical and social conditions and the prospect of new structures must be the background from which the design plans of the participants stem. It is required in fact that the design proposals include all the interdisciplinary contributions that the contemporary urban and architectural culture suggest. The designers must explain their directions in the project report. DG2 ■ Following are the MAIN THEMES, which constitute the purpose of the first tranche of intervention and the autonomy and feasibility of which will be specifically evaluated, and the CORRELATED THEMES, also important, which give the competitor the maximum freedom relative to the proposed intervention strategies. These design ideas are in any case strategic because they will find future application in the subsequent realisation phases of the total project. THE MAIN THEMES OF THE COMPETITION ARE: A) REGENERATION OF CORPO I: ACCESS AND INTERNAL CIRCULATION, PERMEABILITY OF GROUND FLOOR, NEW DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND NEW FUNCTIONS B) PLAN FOR PARTICIPATION OF INHABITANTS DURING THE SUBSEQUENT DESIGN PHASES C) NEW EXTERNAL ROUTES AND CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING AND PLANNED PUBLIC SERVICES THE CORRELATED THEMES OF THE COMPETITION ARE: D) GENERAL MASTERPLAN E) CORVIALE SMART BUILDING F) ORIENTATION SYSTEM G) INTEGRATION WITH ARTISTIC INTERVENTIONS AREA OF INTERVENTION MAIN THEMES A + B + C CORRELATED THEMES E + F + G AREA OF INTERVENTION CORRELATED THEME D AREA OF INTERVENTION MAIN THEMES A + B + C CORRELATED THEMES E + F + G AREA OF INTERVENTION CORRELATED THEME D (new services and public spaces – premises on grownd level of Trancia H owned by ATER) AREA OF INTERVENTION CORRELATED THEME D (new services and public spaces – premises of Corviale Centro owned by ATER) 35 MAIN THEME A) REGENERATION OF CORPO I: ACCESS AND INTERNAL CIRCULATION, PERMEABILITY OF GROUND FLOOR, NEW DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND NEW FUNCTIONS The principal objective of the competition is a renewed use of the ground floor of Corpo I returning to quota zero the “urban street” planned on the free floor. This objective must be pursued through the requalification of the longitudinal distribution path, the realization of transversal connections for the communication between east and west and the integration with the necessary functions. Areas of intervention will be, in this case: 1. THE GROUND FLOOR, THE GARAGE LEVEL AND THE AIRSHAFTS 2. THE TRANSVERSAL, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 3. THE FIVE CONDOMINIUM MEETING ROOMS DF3 1. THE GROUND FLOOR, THE GARAGE LEVEL AND THE AIRSHAFTS ■ Corpo I is characterised by a barrier represented by the base, which includes the ground floor with the cellars and the garage level, composed of cement prefabricated panels. The only function of the ground floor is the longitudinal distribution pathway to the staircases and the cellars. The entire floor has a height of 2.51 m. The subject of the foundation must be reprocessed by mitigating its character as barrier relative to the public use of the space, redesigning the distribution and access system to the staircases, today only possible from the entrance squares, by integrating it with the necessary functions. The physical and spatial permeability of the building must allow the residents to freely access the interior of the actual building, the existing system of public services on the east side, the Nodi Servizi, Corpo II and the park of the Tenuta Massimi (Massimi Estate) on the west side. DG2 ■ The project must include a new design of the ground floor, with the possibility of including, where necessary also parts of the garage floor and the airshaft spaces with the goal of: • increasing the transversal communication, also visual, between via Poggioverde, the Nodi Servizi, located on the country side, and via Ferrari, by operating also on the relocation of the structures (garages or cellars) possibly removed from the ground floor and garage. Alternative locations must be proposed for the structures moved respecting the current quantities. • Improve the quality of the interior longitudinal path, breathing life basement - via Poggioverde side basement - via Ferrari side into the base of the building, also through new functional activities which constitute a proposed urban street. In fact, in Corviale, even if all the public services necessary are present in the surrounding area (schools, library, municipal offices, etc.) there still exists a demand for proximity services not met relative to a smaller scale compared to the neighbourhood, in addition to the socalled personal services (tax consultants, laundry, areas for gardening, bicycle rental, co-working labs, etc.). For the new activities useful for the life of the urban street, areas are allowed up to a maximum of 16,000 m3 or 5,000 m2 which can be modular and consolidated. Ground floor services M3 maximum allowed M2 maximum allowed 16.000 5.000 • Anticipate new functions in the premises owned by ATER of the Nodi Servizi BC – EF – FG. internal longitudinal path airshaft 36 2. THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ■ The current distribution system is composed of 5 monumental DG2 ■ staircases, with longitudinal pathway, which crosses the entire building, DF3 the 27 secondary staircases, with relative lifts, and the system of distribution walkways to the flats. The distribution near the 5 monumental staircases leads: • to the stairs and lifts that serve the free floor and the walkways (from the free floor to the 9th floor); • to the walkways connecting to the Nodi Servizi; • to the longitudinal distribution route. The distribution near the longitudinal route leads: • To the 27 stair and lift blocks that also service the flats in line and the garage floor; • To the cellars; • To small and limited sitting areas with flower boxes. The system of walkways serves as the distribution of the flats from the 5th to the 9th floor. Near the monumental stairs there are small meeting places with tables and cement benches. and the vertical ones, must be reorganized through: • the development and adaptation of the system of vertical connections (stair units and lifts), also for a different use of the roofs and the condominium meeting rooms (subject which will be explained in the next point); • the redesign of the meeting places near the walkways; • the diversification, development and modernisation of the transversal connections. As already stated previously, the Contratto di Quartiere II (CdQII) anticipates on the free floor, in order to regularise an occupancy situation of spaces originally intended for services, the creation of 103 flats. In compliance with this implementation programme, which will be put out to contract shortly, the project must anticipate the development of the connections with the ground floor (stairs and lifts). 3. THE FIVE CONDOMINIUM MEETING ROOMS ■ The project, anticipated by the Contratto di Quartiere II (CdQII), to DG2 ■ convert the free floor into 103 residences intentionally does not include DF3 the 5 condominium meeting rooms. The intention is to restore these places to their original function of public and collective use. For this reason, the project must plan the reorganisation of these spaces and their use for collective purposes (university rooms, condominium meeting rooms, areas for parties…). In the original project, the access to these areas was from the free floor and from the walkway levels. Therefore, it is necessary to study a new access system in order to permit independent use. Possible subdivisions, which prevent indiscriminate access to all the communal areas, must be studied in order to guarantee safety and must not contradict the unitary design system of the complex. The entire system of routes within the complex, both the horizontal monumental staircase secondary staircase walkway walkway meeting areas in correspondance of the walkways condominium meeting room condominium meeting room 37 MAIN THEME B) PLAN FOR PARTICIPATION OF INHABITANTS DURING THE SUBSEQUENT DESIGN PHASES MAIN THEME C) NEW EXTERNAL ROUTES AND CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING AND PLANNED PUBLIC SERVICES A participation phase of the inhabitants and all interested subjects working in the quadrant is anticipated, at the end of the Competition, after the assignment has been awarded and before the final design. During the preliminary phase, ATER decided not to include involvement extended to the citizens with the objective of activating a shared programme with the design group, winner of the competition, of the participatory actions. ATER, with the group of designers, will organise in order to facilitate the integration between the group of designers and the local social context, meetings to explain the winning project and review certain aspects in depth. The winning group will be required to organise with ATER the meetings and to actively participate in them. The designers participating in the competition are therefore asked to include in the design group a qualified sociologist expert in participatory processes and to propose in the project report, delivered with the papers, the organisational methods of the subsequent participation path that best adapts to the specificities of their project. The designers are also required to reflect on how the project presented could be available for subsequent clarifications during the participatory path and which could be the settings and opportunities left open in the project for later definition. In these terms, the design solutions which will be presented in the competition must be prepared at once to positively accept adjustments and ideas which may emerge during the participation phase, consistent with the design approach and with the economic framework and which in any case do not correspond to substantial variants of the winning project. The Corviale pedestrian accessibility needs to be substantially improved and integrated. The problems that the residents face daily when using the existing system stem from the rigidity and the complexity of the overall distribution system. It will therefore be necessary to work on various elements already present in the intervention area: 1. THE EXTERIOR ROUTE ON VIA POGGIOVERDE DF3 ■ The project must anticipate the pedestrian pathway along via Poggioverde. In fact, the building does not have a pavement on the side of the building along its entire length, with the result that in order DG2 ■ to skirt it – requirement which turns out to be fundamental – the residents, of all ages, are forced to walk in the street endangering their safety or using the pavement on the other side of the street. 1. THE EXTERIOR ROUTE ON VIA POGGIOVERDE 2. THE 5 ENTRANCE SQUARES 3. THE ACCESSES TO THE PARKING SPACES 4. THE ROUTE ON VIA FERRARI All the solutions must take into account usability also by individuals with disabilities or serious limitations in compliance with current regulations. via Poggioverde via Poggioverde 38 2. THE 5 ENTRANCE SQUARES 3. ACCESSES TO THE PARKING SPACES 4. THE ROUTE ON VIA FERRARI DF3 ■ The five squares facing the monumental staircases, today hardly DF3 ■ The service loops for access to the garages can be modified to optimize DF3 ■ The intervention must, furthermore, include the requalification of DG2 ■ be requalified and integrated into the new system of pathways and DG2 ■ Poggioverde which today is conditioned by the entrances and exits. DG2 ■ identifiable because they are devoid of specific connotations, need to public spaces. Decor and lighting can also contribute to their restoration. access square access square not only the use of the parking spaces but also the usability of via di entrance to the garages - via Ferrari entrance to the garages - via Ferrari via Ferrari via Ferrari from the functional point of view and the quality of the public space. Via Ferrari, in fact, today only has the function of being the access road to the garages and its pedestrian pathway is heavily conditioned, despite the fact that there are some commercial activities (supermarket) and some public and private services (boxing gym, senior centre...). This prevents the restoration of the entire longitudinal spatial dimension both from the functional point of view and perception. The condition of via Ferrari as service space lowers the quality of the residences of Corpo II and does not take into account the need to restore and facilitate the necessary transversal crossings for the connections to the park. via Ferrari 39 CORRELATED THEMES D) GENERAL MASTERPLAN Even if the main themes of the competition concern Corpo I and the areas immediately adjacent to it owned by ATER, the preparation of a general master plan is requested, referred to the entire area of PdZ no. 61, which takes into account the subjects of mobility, public transport and connections to the established parks. The offers that are able to arrange the open space of the district with the city, in particular with the other pedestrian public areas and the parks, through the definition of a network of pedestrian and bicycle-pedestrian pathways, will be recognized. These proposals however must not restrict the overall realization of the project but must be intended as possible additions which can be eventually achieved through subsequent functional sections. The general masterplan must take into account the following subjects: 1. PUBLIC TRANSPORT, PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC, BICYCLING AND REDUCTION OF THE CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE CURRENT AUTOMOBILE TRAFFIC 2. CONNECTIONS TO ESTABLISHED PARKS, RECREATIONAL AND PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES 3. CONNECTION TO PUBLIC SERVICES OF THE ZONING MAP 4. NEW SERVICES AND PUBLIC SPACES © photo by Andrea Jemolo 40 1. PUBLIC TRANSPORT, PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC, BICYCLING AND REDUCTION OF THE CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE CURRENT AUTOMOBILE TRAFFIC DG1 ■ The urban setting of Corviale suffers from a lack of connections to the main part of the city. Standing out in the first place is the limited quantity and quality of public transport (road, track) but, above all, the lack of bicycle-pedestrian connections and crossings. It is necessary to rethink the system of infrastructure connections with the urban quadrant and the entire city, with particular reference to accessibility and reduction of private vehicle traffic in favour of expanding public transport and bicycle-pedestrian movement. The diagram of local circulation, furthermore, suffers from a setting that favours the use of private cars. It is therefore necessary to rebalance the local circulation system by promoting pedestrian and cycling activity through the resizing of the routes suitable for cars. view towards Tenuta Massimi 2. CONNECTIONS TO ESTABLISHED PARKS, RECREATIONAL AND PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES OF THE QUADRANT DG1 ■ In addition, it is necessary to enhance the connections with the production activities and the spaces of the surrounding agricultural areas, as identified by the current Structure Plan of the Natural Reserve Tenuta Massimi, and with the areas of public green space within and outside the actual setting. The system of existing and workable urban gardens, in accordance with the park authorities, must be integrated with the general arrangements of the countryside plan both from the functional point of view and the technical equipment. 4. NEW SERVICES AND PUBLIC SPACES The competition asks that the project of the public spaces become the generating element of a new quality of relations between the various elements of the Zoning Map by identifying and locating those economic activities with social content which are capable of increasing and renewing the sense of community by contributing to the restoration path of the district. Entrepreneurial activities with a social interest (cooperatives, not-forprofit businesses selected depending on the social benefits that their activity produce), support services and assistance in the creation and consolidation of businesses (training, incubation and collaborative networking actions among businesses, operators of the community and individuals with expertise) could be planned, in line with the European directives. For these new functions, it is hoped that alternative management and organisation models will be proposed, which take into account also a possible collective management by the residents. The project must focus on the enhancement of the premises by DG2 ■ integrating the existing activities with the new ones planned. To locate these new activities, the following properties owned by ATER have been identified: • THE PREMISES OWNED BY ATER OF CORVIALE CENTRO • THE GROUND FLOOR PREMISES OF TRANCIA H 3. THE CONNECTIONS TO PUBLIC SERVICES OF THE ZONING MAP DG2 ■ With the exception of the only pedestrian overpass located near Corviale Centro, the only way to reach the public services (Civic Centre, Nicoletta Campanella Multipurpose Centre and Mazzacurati education complex) is by crossing the street which, in addition to private traffic, is used as route for above ground public vehicles and the cars of the residents accessing the ramps of the garages located below the main building. The project must anticipate the appropriate relocation of the bicyclepedestrian crossings on via Poggioverde to favour the use of the existing public services and the connection with the local settings involved in the Programma di Recupero Urbano (P.R.U.) and the Contratto di Quartiere II (CdQII) for the use of the green space and the anticipate recreational and production activities. 41 CORRELATED THEME E) CORVIALE SMART BUILDING Today it is even more urgent that the subject of regeneration be handled with a new perspective that allow the subjects of overall sustainability of a gigantic urban machine that consumes enormous quantities of energy to be resolved. Rethinking is required for a gradual change of its skin (all the exterior surfaces), from the roofs to the intrados of the attics, as well as a reconsideration of the entire system of installations. We can go beyond the quantities indicated by the current rules for production of clean energy and domestic water. A reconversion approach of the gigantic central heating plant opens scenes of great innovation. Therefore the impact of the complex must be evaluated compared to the quality of the air, the cycle of the water (supply and discharge, the cycle of the waste. The Zoning Map area, subject of preparation of the general master plan and the building, due to its absolutely atypical architectural shape which is exceptional in the urban panorama, already suggest extraordinary opportunities for the integrated application of experimental and cutting-edge plant engineering solutions. Careful thought to the scheduling of future maintenance could also suggest innovative systems for handling equipment, even functional to new productive uses. More careful use of the green space, involving also the areas of the parks, or their implementation by involving the roofs, can contribute to the daily operation of the building and provide spaces to be managed by the residents. The need to obtain maximum energy savings in a particularly energy consuming complex must indicate the lines for future interventions for making it more energy efficient to reduce consumption and the operating costs of the building in line with the European directives. The candidates are asked, as a correlated subject, to list innovative solutions of energy sustainability applied to the main themes of the competition and integrated with the architectural interventions proposed aimed at transforming Corviale into an intelligent (smart) complex taking into account also the instructions of the ItacaRegione Lazio Protocol as instrument of evaluation of the energy and environmental sustainability of the buildings. These solutions must be included in a more general plan of interventions and must not condition the feasibility of the project developed for the main themes of the competition, but must be understood as additional indications to be developed during subsequent phases and achieved with European financing channels. CORRELATED THEME F) ORIENTATION SYSTEM DG3 ■ In consideration of the new spaces and the relative uses, the candidates are asked to study a new system of orientation and recognition taking into account, possibly, the existing one. CORRELATED THEME G) INTEGRATION WITH ARTISTIC INTERVENTIONS The project may be integrated with artistic interventions. The selection concerning the type of installations is left to the complete discretion of the design group. 42 FINANCIAL PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE The overall design proposal, divided into MAIN THEMES AND CORRELATED THEMES, must be suitable for implementation in operational phases that can be carried out at different times. Each operational phase must involve a complete operation carried out on the entire building. THE MAIN THEMES A) REGENERATION OF CORPO I: ACCESS AND INTERNAL CIRCULATION, PERMEABILITY OF GROUND FLOOR, NEW DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND NEW FUNCTIONS B) PLAN FOR PARTICIPATION OF INHABITANTS DURING THE SUBSEQUENT DESIGN PHASES C) NEW EXTERNAL ROUTES AND CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING AND PLANNED PUBLIC SERVICES The design group must estimate the parametric cost for all the MAIN THEMES (A+B+C). The first operational phase must involve an intervention on the entire building and must respond to MAIN THEME A (“Regeneration of Corpo I: Access and internal circulation, permeability of ground floor, new system of distribution and new functions”) and MAIN THEME B (“Plan fon participation of inhabitants during the subsequent design phases”). The estimated value for the realization of the first operational phase (A + B) must have a maximum cost of Euro 7,200,000 net of VAT. If the resulting amount (A+B) exceedes Euro 7,200,000.00, the parts that could be moved to a second intervention and their relative value must be highlighted. It must be stressed that the first operational phase must foresee work on the whole of Corpo I. The economy of the proposal submitted, its management and simplicity of maintenance will also be evaluated. THE CORRELATED THEMES D) GENERAL MASTERPLAN E) CORVIALE SMART BUILDING F) ORIENTATION SYSTEM G) INTEGRATION WITH ARTISTIC INTERVENTIONS The design group must estimate the maximum cost for implementing operational phases for the realisation of the CORRELATED THEMES (D+E+F+G). The economy of proposal presented will also be assessed with the aim of satisfying all the CORRELATED THEMES. MAIN THEMES A (independent phase carried out on the whole building) B FIRST OPERATIONAL PHASE functional and independent carried out on the whole building € ...................... to be defined/ parameter-based estimate A possible completion C € 7.200.000 parameter-based estimate OPERATIONAL PHASE functional and independent carried out on the whole building € ...................... to be defined/ parameter-based estimate CORRELATED THEMES D E F G OPERATIONAL PHASE functional and independent carried out on the whole building OPERATIONAL PHASE functional and independent carried out on the whole building OPERATIONAL PHASE functional and independent carried out on the whole building € ...................... to be defined OPERATIONAL PHASE functional and independent carried out on the whole building 43 COMPETITION PRIZES AND CALCULATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES The presumed amounts of the fees relative to the final design of the main themes are currently calculated on the amount of Euro 7,200,000.00 net of VAT. The assignment is currently estimated on that value, subject to increase by the Authority due to addition of themes, amounting, net of social security charges and taxes, if due, to Euro 298,990.15 for the assignment of the final design including the first indications and requirements on safety. These amounts were deduced first of all by referring to the Decree of the Minister of Justice of 31 October 2013, no. 143 (Regulation bearing the determination of the fees to be established for competitions in the procedures to assign public contracts of services relative to architecture and engineering), and in any case for the awarding of the service a negotiated procedure will be followed as provided by Art. 99 paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree 163/06. 44 CONTACT INFORMATION tel.: +39.06.6884.2900 / 2913 / 2905 fax: +39.06.6884.2920 e-mail: