Necessary Documents custody home study
Necessary Documents custody home study
Forever Families Home Study Agency, Inc. P.O. Box 1195 Goldenrod, Florida 32733-1195 (407) 977-8639 Necessary Documents for a Home Study In addition to the forms that you have downloaded or had mailed to you, the following forms are needed at or prior to the first home visit: Birth Certificates for all family members Marriage Certificates for present and any previous marriages Death or divorce decrees from any previous marriages Past 2 years tax returns Copies of health and life insurance policies (the page listing benefits is enough) Current medical exams for each family member Adults: A statement from your doctor indicating a recent visit and that you are free from any medical problems that would prevent you from adopting is fine Children: The standard form that the doctor has in the office for school physicals Current vaccination records for any pets Forever Families Home Study Agency, Inc. Margot Logan, LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Home Study Fee Agreement Agreement made this _______day of _______________20___, between Forever Families Home Study Agency, Margot Logan, hereinafter “Social Worker”, and _______________________________________________________, hereinafter, “CLIENT.” Whereas CLIENT wishes to retain Forever Families Home Study Agency for work involved in 1.) Preparing and producing a written home study for the purpose of adoption, the parties agree as follows: 1. SERVICES TO BE RENDERED: Social Worker will conduct and arrange for all research necessary for the production of a home study update. A home study update includes, but is not limited to, in-depth interviews, reference checks, FDLE, local law enforcement, and DCF abuse registry clearance, an evaluation of the adoptive home, financial and medical evaluations of CLIENT(s) and others in the home, counseling and education specific to adoption, and production of a written report 2. NON-REFUNDABLE ENGAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION FEES: CLIENT agrees to pay __________and will pay FOREVER FAMILIES, INC. $__250.00____ at the time of signing of this Agreement as an initial engagement fee for conducting a home study, which amount is to be non-refundable and will be credited against the total fee. Additional fees will be charged for: travel more than 1 hour from Social Worker’s office, phone consultation in excess of time normally required to complete the report, and at least two post placement interviews. CLIENT agrees that no part of the engagement fee is to be refunded, and that the engagement fee is not intended to constitute the total fee: CLIENT understands that it is currently impossible to determine the exact nature and extent of the home study services to be performed in this matter, and therefore, the total fees are not able to be determined at this time. CLIENT will make payments to FOREVER FAMILIES, Inc. by cash, check, or money order. Balance of home study fee is due at initial home visit. 3. COST OF HOME STUDY SERVICES: If additional time is necessary beyond the usual and reasonable amount of time necessary to complete a home study, CLIENT agrees to pay following hourly charges: A. Social Worker Time: B. Post-Placement Visits $100.00 per hour $300.00 per visit C. Travel for families more than an hour from the office $50.00 per hour 4. COSTS: CLIENT is responsible for and agrees to promptly pay all costs and expenses arising from the home study, to be provided by the social worker, independent of the approval or non-approval of CLIENT by Social Worker for adoption, guardianship, or foster care. 5. RIGHT OF SOCIAL WORKER TO WITHDRAW FROM THE CASE: The Social Worker shall have the right to withdraw from the case if CLIENT does not make the payments required by this Agreement, or has misrepresented or failed to disclose material facts to Social Worker. 6. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: CLIENT agrees to inform Social Worker truthfully with regards to questions asked by Social Worker during the home study interview and that CLIENT will be forthcoming with any information that may be pertinent for the home study. The CLIENT acknowledges that they will keep the social worker abreast of any changes that are or would be pertinent to the home study. CLIENT acknowledges that the Social Worker has made no guarantees or promises regarding the outcome of any aspect or phase of this matter, and that this Agreement constitutes and represents the entire agreement between Social Worker and CLIENT. Any change or waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties. In the event that any party engages the services of legal counsel to enforce its rights under this Agreement against any other party, regardless of whether such action results in litigation, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs from the other party. Exclusive Venue for any legal proceedings shall be in Seminole County Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have set their signature the day and year written above. ______________________________________________________________________ Licensed Clinical Social Worker DATE _____________________________________________________________________ CLIENT DATE _____________________________________________________________________ CLIENT DATE Forever Families Home Study Agency, Inc. P.O. Box 1195 Goldenrod, Florida 32733-1195 (407) 977-8639 HOME STUDY APPLICATION Family (print last name)___________________ Date_____________ Address _____________ _____________________________________ City ___________________________ State/Zip___________________ County _________________________ Telephone _________________ Fax and/or e-mail_______________________________________________ Parent 1 Legal Name __________________________________________ Birthdate __________ Birthplace _____________ Citizenship_________ Height ______ Weight_______ Hair color ________ Eye color ________ Employment ________________________________________________ Work Telephone _____________ Length of Current Employment ______ Education __________________________________________________ Parent 2 Legal Name ___________________________________________ Birthdate __________ Birthplace _____________ Citizenship __________ Height ______ Weight_______ Hair color ________ Eye color ________ Employment _________________________________________________ Work Telephone ____________ Length of Current Employment ________ Education ____________________________________________________ Marriage Date _____________ Wife's Maiden Name __________________ Place of Marriage _____________________________________________ For international home studies: If you have lived in another state since your 18th birthday, please name the state(s) and dates: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ For domestic home studies: If you have lived in another state during the past 5 years, please name the state(s) and dates: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Previous Marriage(s) (date married; date of divorce or death of spouse)________ ________________________________________________________________ Children by Other Marriage(s) (include whereabouts) ________________________________________________________________ Children and Others in Household Name_________Sex____Birthdate_______Relationship____ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Physical and Mental Health (Describe health status of each member of family. Include disabilities, operations, emotional disorders, serious physical illnesses. Include dates if possible.) Husband _______________________________________________ Wife_______________________________________________ Others __________________________________________________ Husband's Ethnic Background ___________Religion ________ Wife's Ethnic Background ______________Religion ________ Gross Annual Income ____________________ Do you have a completed home study? ____ When completed? ________ Name of Agency ____________________________________________ Agency's Telephone and Fax ____________________________________ Name of Social Worker ___________________________________________ Have you ever had an unfavorable home study? ________ How did you hear about our agency? ________________________________ _________________________ Signature Date ____________________________ Signature Date Monthly Budget Monthly Income Employment: Self (Gross) : Spouse (Gross): Interest Income: Monthly Expenses Rent/ Mortgage: Car Payments: Insurance: Car Home: Health: Retirement/Social Security: Utilities: Telephone: Electricity: Water: Gas: Cable: Charge Accounts: Other Loans: Medical Expenses: Child Support: Child Care: Other Expenses: Food: Gas: Clothing: Other: Recreation: Child Support: Alimony: Rental Income: Other: Source: Total Monthly Income: Assets: (Stocks, bonds, retirement funds, rental property, etc.) Value of home: Mortgage balance: Total Expenses: Forever Families Home Study Agency, Inc. P.O. Box 1195 Goldenrod, Florida 32733-1195 (407) 977-8639 Questionnaire for Couple Please complete this form together on separate paper. You may also e-mail the responses. Name___________________________________________________ Date_____________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where and how did you meet? What do you consider the main strengths of your marriage? The weaknesses? Describe your relationship with each other. What activities do you like to do as a couple? If you have children now, what activities do you like to do as a family? What do you think you have to offer a child (as a couple)? How do you agree on raising children? How do you differ? Employment Letter Every employed adult in your household must have an employment letter on their employer’s letterhead. The letter should include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Position Salary and any additional compensation Length of employment Future with the company FINGERPRINTING INSTRUCTIONS In order to expedite your Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background checks, Forever Families participates in the VECHS Program. We use Livescan (electronic fingerprints). This is a fingerprinting program that provides us with results in approximately 2 business days. Our qualified entity number (which you will need to provide to the company taking your prints) is V59040054. There are currently 2 providers that Forever Families is registered with: L 1 Identity Solutions: Fingerprinting appointments can be scheduled either over the phone by calling 800.528.1358 or online at When an appointment is scheduled you will need to either tell the operator that it is for VECHS or choose VECHS from the drop down list. USE Electronic Fingerprinting, Inc.: Fingerprinting appointments can be scheduled either over the phone by calling 407-704-2293 or online at When an appointment is scheduled you will need to either tell the operator that it is for VECHS or choose VECHS from the drop down list. We are continually updating the provider list. If there is another Livescan provider that you would like to use, please call the Forever Families office at 407-977-8639 or e-mail at and we will apply to be in their system. Home Study Instructions for DCF Abuse Registry Form Please fill the enclosed form out completely, and send it to: DCF Central Licensing Zone 400 W. Robinson Street Suite S-912 Orlando, FL 32801 Attention: Background Screening Central Abuse Hotline Record Search Mail to: Department of Children & Families, Abuse Hotline, Attn: Headquarters Background Screening Coordinator, 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700; OR, fax to 850-488-1319 I/we, ________________________________________________ and ________________________________________________ (please print – first, middle, last name) (please print – spouse first, middle, last name, if applicable) as an applicant for adoption, an applicant for licensing/registration, or a DCF employee, authorize a search for reports of abuse, neglect or abandonment investigated pursuant to Chapter 39, Florida Statutes in which my name appears and there were “verified indicators” of maltreatment of a child(ren). I understand I will be given the opportunity to discuss the findings of the report(s). I further understand that the central abuse hotline search is only one part of the preliminary report to the court for adoption, one of the requirements reviewed by an agency with the authority to license or approve homes for the care of develop-mentally disabled persons and children, including family child care homes and facilities, or for DCF employment. This consent is valid solely for the requesting agency/facility listed below on this form. Applicant Signature:____________________________________________ Date:______________ Phone:_________________ Print name legibly on line, then affix signature Spouse Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:______________ Phone:_________________ NOTE: This form must be submitted by one of the agencies identified at the bottom of this page. The applicant/spouse may NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM DIRECTLY to the Department of Children & Families. Applicant: SSN:________________ DOB:______________ Race:____ Sex:____ Spouse: SSN:________________ DOB:______________ Race:____ Sex:____ Prior Name(s):________________________ ________________________ Current Address: Address City County State Zip Dates at Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Address: Address City County State Zip Dates at Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Address: Address City County State Zip Dates at Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reason for Record Search: Adoption Applicant (Chapter 63) DCF Employee (Chapter 39) Licensing/Registration Applicant (Chapters 39, 415, 402 or 409) (NOTE: Searches of the Central Abuse Hotline may not be used for any employee except those working for DCF.) Family child care, foster/shelter/group home or adoption applicants must list all child and adult household members on page two of this form. Do not include any foster care children. TO BE COMPLETED BY REQUESTING AGENCY Child Care Center Family Child Care Home Foster/Shelter/Small Group Home Child-Caring Agency Child-Placing Agency DD Foster/Small Group Home Adoption OCA and/or Facility ID:__________________________________ Forever Families Home Study Agency, Inc. 407-977-8639 Facility/Agency Name:_____________________________________________________________ Phone:________________ P.O. Box 1195, Goldenrod, FL 32733-1195 Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address City Zip Code I understand it is a misdemeanor of the first degree for any agency to use or release abuse, neglect or abandonment information to others. The information is CONFIDENTIAL and may be used only for the purpose for which it was obtained. Margot Logan, LCSW _____________________________________________________________ Printed Name and Signature of Requesting Facility/Agency Representative CF 1651, PDF 10/2008 ________________ Date Page 1 of 2 Central Abuse Hotline Record Search APPLICANTS FOR FAMILY CHILD CARE, FOSTER/GROUP HOME OR ADOPTIONS – PLEASE ENTER INFORMATION FOR ALL CHILD AND ADULT HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS EXCEPT FOSTER CHILDREN. Last Name First Name Middle Initial DOB Race Sex SSN _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ____ ____ _______________ RESULTS (Department or Agency Conducting Search Use Only) No records found with verified findings where the applicant was the caretaker responsible in the final role or, for licensing, in any role in three reports within a five year period. Records found for review are listed below: Report Number Report Date County ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Search:________________ Employee Conducting Search:_________________________________________________ Phone:______________________ Signature Page 2 of 2 Forever Families Home Study Agency, Inc. P.O. Box 1195 Goldenrod, Florida 32733-1195 (407) 977-8639 MEDICAL CLEARANCE FORM Name: ________________________________ Date of Birth: ________ Address: ______________________________ _______________________________ Date of Examination: ____________________ I certify that the above-named person was examined by me on the above date and found free from any communicable disease and that there is no medical condition that would preclude the patient parenting children. ____________________________________________ Signature of Doctor ____________________________________________ Printed Name ____________________________________________ Street Address ____________________________________________ City State Zip Code ____________________________________________ Phone Number __________________________ Date Forever Families Home Study Agency, Inc. P.O. Box 1195 Goldenrod, Florida 32733-1195 (407) 977-8639 Personal Reference Form Forever Families Home Study Agency, Inc. is considering __________________________ as custodial parent(s). Please complete the following information and return to the office as soon as possible. 1 .How long have you known the applicant(s)?___________________________________ 2. How do you know the applicant(s)?___________________________________ 3. How often do you see the applicant(s)? _____________________________________ 4. What kinds of activities do you and the applicant(s) do together? __________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5. How do they interact with children? _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6. What do you consider the strengths and weaknesses of the wife with regards to raising children? _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7. What do you consider the strengths and weaknesses of the husband with regards to raising children? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 8. How responsible is the applicant financially? ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9. Would you recommend this person/couple as custodial parent(s)? ____________ Why or why not?__________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Signature Date _______________________________________________________________________ Printed Name