Cantor Tracy Fishbein


Cantor Tracy Fishbein
The Temple
Congregation Ohabai Sholom
The Songs of the Scrolls:
Music from the Books of Lamentations, Ruth,
Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes & Esther
A concert presented by
Cantor Tracy Fishbein
Russell Davis, piano ~ Rick Kleiner, guitar
Paul Nelson,cello ~ Ellie Flier, composer
Pat Halper, narrator
Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Join us for a 6:15 pm
Wine & Cheese Reception and a
Coffee & Sweet Encore following the concert
December 2013 ~
Getting to Know You . . .
The Temple
5015 Harding Road
Nashville, TN 37205
Phone: 615-352-7620
Fax: 615-352-9365
Executive Staff
Mark Schiftan
Senior Rabbi................................. ext. 224
Rabbi Schiftan
I thought that it would
be fun and interesting to
do something different this
month with the Temple
View. For a change of pace,
I’ve decided to combine the
Rabbi’s column with mine,
in what is an up-close and
personal interview with
Shana Goldstein Mackler
Rabbi.............................................. ext. 221
Rabbi Schiftan. Enjoy!
Randall M. Falk
Rabbi Emeritus
Ray: I think that most people know that you left
a congregation in California to become our Rabbi,
but where were you born and where did you grow
David Davis
Rabbi Laureate
Tracy Fishbein
Cantor............................................ ext. 226
Lynda Gutcheon
Director of Education................ ext. 233
Religious School Office.............. ext. 225
Rabbi: I was born in Mount Zion hospital in San
Francisco, California, on September 8, 1959. San
Francisco in the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s was the
epicenter of societal change for the entire country:
The hippie movement, the antiwar movement, the
sexual revolution, the gay liberation movement,
the women’s movement and the birth of the
computer information age all were headquartered
in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was -- and still is
-- a wonderfully exciting incubator of openness and
Corye Nelson
Preschool Director...................... ext. 231
Ray: I know that you are a big sports fan. Growing
up did you participate in any organized sports?
Bernard Gutcheon
Cantor Emeritus.......................... ext. 234
Lisa Crockett
Director of Finance & Operations.
.......................................................ext. 230
Erin Zagnoev
Director of Membership &
Development................................ ext. 299
Rabbi: I played soccer through high school.
Ray: I would have guessed baseball. Why soccer?
Mitzie Russell
Executive Assistant to the Clergy &
Office Manager........................... ext. 292
Rabbi: It wasn’t nearly as popular as it is today,
but among immigrant communities -- like mine -it was immensely popular. Also, my father played
soccer “back in the day” and so that was always an
inspiration to me as well as a bond I could share
with him.
Mark Shepard
Facility Manager.......................... ext. 235
Ray: What were your favorite sports teams when
you were growing up?
Helene Dunbar
Marketing Specialist................ext. 227
Marjorie Zager
Senior Services Coordinator..... ext. 237
Rabbi: The San Francisco Giants, the 49ers and the
Golden State Warriors. The 49ers were -- along
with the Dallas Cowboys -- the most creatively
coached teams on the planet -- by far. They were
fun to watch, and it’s always enjoyable to be a fan of
a consistently competitive team...year in and year
Ray: How about today?
Office Staff
Bookkeeper............................. ext . 228
Ray Berk...................................President
Ralph Levy ...................... Vice President
Martin Sir.................................Treasurer
Joyce Friedman.......................Secretary
Rabbi: I’d add the Tennessee Titans to
the list. I admit I haven’t always agreed with their
choice of coaches, nor draft selections, but they are
the home team. they say...”There’s always
next year”.
the University of Michigan.
Ray: When you were young, did your family belong
to a reform congregation?
Rabbi: No, we were part of a series of conservative
congregations. Again, as part of an immigrant
household, and community, Reform Judaism was
too...foreign, shall we say, to the norms and customs
of my parents and their friends.
Ray: When did you make the change to Reform
Rabbi: I “converted” to Reform Judaism after doing
a fair bit of reading on comparative Judaism in my
high school years, and then, during my summer
working as a counselor at the Reform Movement’s
summer camp on the west coast, called Camp
Swig. There, I came in contact with a Judaism that
emphasized social action and social justice over
ritual and religious practice. It made more sense to
me and seemed more relevant to a Jew living in the
rapidly opening society of American life. And, I met
a beautiful young woman that summer, who would
eventually become my wife. That sealed the deal.
Ray: When did you know that you wanted to be a
Rabbi: I began thinking about it in High School, but
it really took hold of my long-term goals in my
college years. The combination of honoring the
legacy of parents who were holocaust survivors,
combined with the passion of the prophetic voice
of Reform Judaism, along with my experiences of
that summer at Camp Swig, and in addition to my
love of teaching, speaking, counseling and learning...
all led me towards the rabbinate.
Ray: If you had not gone to rabbinical school, what
other profession would you have pursued?
Rabbi: My other consideration was to attend law
school. I actually applied to both law school and
rabbinic school and was accepted to both. The legal
scholarship and the strong desire to argue and
debate the various sides and positions of the law
on the issues of the day, appealed to me as well.
But ultimately, the study of Tort law gave way to the
study of Talmudic law.
Ray: That’s interesting, because the professions
share a few commonalities, like listening to people’s
problems and offering advice. Of course, as a lawyer,
it’s a lot easier to tell a disgruntled client what they
can do with their business.Aren’t you glad that your
congregants are all happy campers?
Rabbi: There’s an approach I love here in the
south: We always end every interaction with the
words “Bless their hearts”. We are neither a shy
I’m also supportive of the football teams at the
University of Miami, the University of Georgia and
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an interview with Rabbi Schiftan by Ray Berk
nor a withholding people when it comes
to expressing our opinions. As a rabbi, I can
verify the veracity of that statement. But I
do sincerely love this congregation and my
congregants: They have been patient and
loving with me...and so am I, with them.
Ray Berkt
Ray: Where did Harriet grow up, and tell us a
little more about when you first met?
Rabbi: Harriet is a native New Yorker, but her
family moved to California when she was just about three years old.
Her father had the vision to move the family to an idyllic town right
next to Palo Alto, the home of Stanford University. We met in June of
1978, thirty-five years ago, in what today is known as Silicon Valley, at
Camp Swig, the Reform Movement’s summer camp on the west coast.
That day in June of 1978 turned out to be the very best day of my life.
Ray: What do you enjoy doing with your free time?
Rabbi: Walking, reading, watching movies and sports, dining out.
Spending time with my wife, with friends and family.
Ray: What type of movies do you like to watch?
& Yoko. Actually, I have quite a few pictures, but only one where it’s just
the three of us. For the record, I had longer hair than John.
Rabbi:YOU had hair? When?
Ray: That’s harsh. What type of books do you enjoy?
Rabbi: Spy thrillers, mysteries and biographies.
Ray: Favorite authors?
Rabbi: My favorite current writer is Daniel Silva, the spy thriller novelist.
I’m also partial to the humorous musings of David Sedaris. And Billy
Crystal’s new book is also on my nightstand.
Ray: I know that you enjoy traveling. What are your favorite places, not
counting Nashville?
Rabbi: Carmel, Lake Tahoe, San Francisco and Santa Barbara -- all in
Any beach town in Florida on 30-A. New York City.
Paris -- as a favorite foreign city.
Italy -- as my favorite foreign country.
And, of course, Jerusalem: The Holy City of the Jewish people.
Rabbi: As my friends will tell you, my days are full of giving comfort
and support to the real life troubles faced by others. So...rarely will I
choose to see anything heavy, or serious. I like romantic comedies and
light hearted stuff.
Ray: Favorite foods?
Ray: Do you have a favorite film?
Ray: What is the best Chinese restaurant in America?
Rabbi: My very favorite film of all time is Casablanca. I have seen
it dozens of times and I just love it. While in Morocco a couple of
summers ago, I was humbled to learn that none of it -- not a single
scene of the movie -- was filmed there.
Rabbi: Should I say Chinatown in Green Hills???
No, my very favorite, with the very best Chinese food in all of America,
is Chef Chu’s in Los Altos, California. We had our rehearsal dinner
there, 27 years ago.
Ray:Yes, the magic of Hollywood. What’s your favorite genre of music?
Ray: Tell us your favorite restaurants in Nashville.
Rabbi: My favorite music is the classic soft rock music of the 60’s, 70’s
and 80’s. I’m embarrassed to say that I also enjoyed the disco music of
the 80’s as well, in a “What was I thinking?” kind of way. I have come to
really enjoy much of the contemporary country music of recent years.
And -- true confession -- as my colleagues will tell you -- I have a bit
of a love for some Christmas carols as well. But only the ones written
by Jews.
Rabbi: Sperry’s, Flemings, and Sonobana, on the local scene.
A few storefront ethnic spots out on Murfreesboro road as well.
And Tex’s barbecue, Jack’s barbeque, and Breaux’s on Charlotte.
Ray: John Travolta would be pleased to hear that. Favorite bands?
Rabbi: The Beatles (still), Chicago, Crosby, Stills and Nash (and Young).
Ray: You will be pleased to know that I have a picture of me with John
Rabbi:Virtually any ethnic cuisine, especially Italian and Asian.
Virtually any dessert of quality -- especially anything involving and
including ice cream or gelato, its Italian cousin.
Ray: What would you rather eat, sushi or gefilte fish?
Rabbi: Isn’t gefilte fish just Jewish sushi?
Truthfully: Sushi, any day, with sincere apologies to my ancestors.
And to my mother.
Ray: Good choice. Thank you for sharing a little personal information
about yourself with our Temple family.
IRA Charitable Rollover Opportunity to Help Support The Temple
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extended the IRA Charitable Rollover through December 31, 2013. The
IRA Charitable Rollover allows individuals age 70 ½ or older to donate distributions up to $100,000 from their IRA
to qualified charitable organizations, such as The Temple, without the amount of the withdrawal being included in gross
income. Based on current laws, this opportunity will not be available after December 31, 2013 so please consider
taking advantage of this provision now to support The Temple.
Please contact Lisa Crockett or Erin Zagnoev at 615-352-7620 if you have any questions
about how to take advantage of this opportunity.
December 2013 - - 615-352-7620 ~ page 3
Temple Life
B’nai Mitzvah
Jacob Bressman
December 14, 2013
11:00 am
Jacob Reed Bressman was born
on December 14, 2000. His parents
are Lisa and Michael Bressman. His
grandparents are Bobbie and Lewis
Schultz, and Sherrill and Herbert
His mitzvah project is collecting donations for the World
Wildlife Foundation and raising awareness for the protection
of endangered species.
New Members
Welcome to the following new members,
we are so glad you joined our Temple family!
J. Richard Barnett
Ellie Mae Pierce
Leslie Miller Sax
Rise and Larry Tucker
Miriam and Ethan Weiss
Evan & Noa Tushinsky
Jacob is in the 7th grade at Harding Academy. He enjoys playing
soccer and spending time with his friends, siblings, dogs, and
bearded dragon lizard.
Congregational News
Mazel Tov to . . .
Stacy Beyer, who was selected as one of TIME Magazine’s
picks of the Top 10 Stars of New Jewish Music in 2013.
Dan Einsenstein who is being honored by the National
Alliance on Mental Illness with their inaugural Vision of Hope
award for his “exemplary work as Judge of
Davidson County Metal Health Court.”
Marlene Eskind Moses who has been selected to the 2013
Tennessee Top 100 Super Lawyers and the 2013 Mid-South
Top 50 Women Super Lawyers lists.
Ben Russ who has been selected to the 2013 Tennessee
Top 100 Super Lawyers list.
Felice Apolinsky has been selected by the Board of
Trustees to fill the remainder of the term left vacant by the
passing of Karen Silien.
She will serve as a member of the Board until 2015.
Don’t miss the new
& exciting
items in the gift shop by
artist such as:
Badash Crystal, Gary Rosenthal,
Patrick Meyer & Sandy Katz
and custom jewelry by:
Becca Beltz & Rinjuel
We would love to assist you!
If the Gift Shop is not open,come
by the front desk & we will be
happy to help you with your
Open Friday Before & After Services.
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Social Action
Nashville Adult Literacy Council (NALC)
Each month we highlight an organization which receives funds through the Temple’s Social Action Allocations
NALC uses volunteers to teach US-born adults to read and teaches English to adult immigrants. Last year, NALC spent
approximately $37,000 on books. Services and materials are always free to the learner. In the past year, NALC served 1,800
adult learners and worked with 600 volunteer tutors. Even though they continue to increase the numbers of volunteers,
demand for services continues to exceed the supply of tutors. Funding from Social Action Allocations was awarded to offset
book and material expenses, which are critical to the program. being used to provide professional
bilingual tutoring in Somalian and Spanish.
Missed coming to The Temple for your Medicare Prescription Review?
Call Dr. Bob Neaderthal at 584-8422 between 6-9 pm most evenings, and he will do your review over the phone.
Expect this to take 5-10 minutes.
CPR & First Aid Training - Sunday, January 12
The Temple’s next CPR training session will be conducted by Nashville
Fire Department Captain Will Swann, whose last session at the Temple
was conducted in March of 2012. The training covers CPR, use of our AED
(defribillator in lobby) and first aid for four major emergencies (with examples
of real world experiences).
The fee will be $45/person.Your check sent to The Temple constitutes your
reservation. Deadline for reservations is Tuesday, January 7th.
For further information, call Lottie Strupp at 783-0190 or
That was without a doubt the BEST CPR class I have ever
taken. Captain Swann held my 15-years-old’s attention and
mine for three hours. (That is not an easy thing to do)...Thank
you and the Social Action Committee.” - Midge Cone
“I thought the training was excellent and particularly thought
Captain Swann was outstanding.Thank you.” - Alyse Sprintz
“I would be more than happy to endorse Captain Swann. He
adds a real world perspective to the class instead of it being
- Alecia Fair
Please note the dates for our January Suitcase Drive! - January 20th - January 27th. We will be collecting suitcases, duffle
bags, backpacks and anything else foster children can use to transport their belongings when they need to change residences.
Kosher Food Boxes
Periodically, the Social Action Committee organizes a small group (about 4 people) to go to Jewish Family Services to pack
Kosher Food Boxes for the financially challenged. It takes less than two hours, and is a great service project.
For upcoming dates and times, please contact Victoria Cohen-Crumpton at
We really could use your help!!
Room in the Inn Season is here!
From November – March we will again host up to 12 women each Monday evening.
Please bring in small size toiletries for our guests.
If you would like to host a dinner, contact Betty Werthan (665-0124)
Remember to bring in your Pull Tabs to help Ronald McDonald House!
Buzz to The Temple on the Buz-a-Bus
The Temple in partnership with NCJW will provide a pick-up service beginning
Friday, November 15th for those wishing to attend Shabbat services, but aren’t able to drive.
Our schedule is limited to regular Friday stops at Richland (5:10 pm) and Blakeford (5:30 pm).
Please call 352-7057 no later than noon each Friday to take advantage of this opportunity.
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Temple Events
Golden Lunch
11:30 am
First and third
Tuesdays of the month
December 3rd & 17th
Join us for
and fun!
Call Anna Sir
December 3rd
is the
Lunch Bunch
Don’t miss
the fun!
of the Month
@ 7:15 pm
December 4th
For more
Martin Sir,
419-8325 or
David Barton,
page 6 ~ December 2013 - www.temp
ber 2013
Temple Events
Book Club
December 22nd
The Secret History
by Donna Tartt
For more
Joan Breyer
led by
Patty Marks
@ 12:00 pm.
Special Service Note:
On Friday, December 6th services
will be held at 7:30 pm.
There will not be a 6:00 pm service that evening! - 615-352-7620 ~ page 7
Lunch with
the Rabbi
11:30 am at
The Temple
Religious School
by Lynda Gutcheon
Religious School Students Plan for Blessing Projects
With Chanukah officially coming to an end, we are busy in the Religious School planning for the many blessings projects
in which our students will participate in the upcoming weeks. Our Kindergarten will be hosting a brunch for our seniors,
our 1st graders will visit Jewish Family Service and bring school supplies which are sorely needed for Jewish families in our
community. Our 3rd graders will be working at Second Harvest and our 9th graders will take a bus with Dr. Bob Miller to
visit the communities that use Shade Tree, a free clinic in East Nashville. Our 6th graders are in the process of creating their
own blessing bracelets with the help and guidance of Terry Kornman. Our second graders have been writing a Blessings Book
which will debut in the Spring. It is a busy and exciting time and as 2014 approaches we are all grateful for the continued
blessings in our lives.
Right: 4th Graders, as
part of their study of how
traditions are created in
a family, gather in the
memorial alcove to talk
about remembrance.
Above: Jason Westly, one of our new 1st grade teachers,
talks with the 3rd grade about his Conversion as part
of their study of The Book of Ruth. Jason brought his
Conversion Certificate to share with the class.
Above: Judge Dan Eisenstein, who is a regular guest in our Religious School,
creates an actual Courtroom situation to show students what actually happens
in our courts today. They then learn about the court system of ancient day
during the reign of Deborah the Judge.
Right: Ellie Ruben and Dillon
Aronoff, along with their
classmates participate in a “Let’s
Learn – Let’s Pretend” event to
showcase how we celebrate a
Jewish Wedding. Each student had
an important role and the event
was capped off with a reception
and dancing.
Above: Spencer Klinsky and Adam
Bednowitz are among the group of 9th
Graders who cooked dinner for the opening
night of Room-in-the-Inn. As part of the
Jewish Lens project, students made a
complete meal and came in the following
evening to serve dinner to our guests.
Robb McClusky spent time talking with the
students about this important
“Blessings” project.
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by Jan Huettner & Corye Nelson
A Holiday Wish
As we come to the close of our first semester of
Temple Preschool, it is astounding to realize how we have
continued to change and grow from year to year. We
have recently teamed up with local community partners
in order to expand our horizons by learning more about
the area in which we live. We have provided diapers to
those who were not able to afford their own. We have
continued to learn from our Reggio Emilia study groups
which have passed on valuable ideas and information
to our classrooms. The first stage of our playground
renovations has taken place, thanks to some supportive
teachers, staff, significant others, and parents. We have
added a new stage area, as well as mud sinks, art shelves
and a musical wall- all of which has served to stimulate
creative thinking in our children. In their classrooms,
the students have been hard at work creating pieces of
individualized art to be displayed in the Temple’s Gallery
(meeting rooms A & B) for the third year in a row. We
invite you all to view this showcase during the months of
December and January.
As we prepare for the winter holiday, it is easy to see
the progress that has taken place this year. With visions of
bullying and violence in the daily headlines, it has been an
important goal that we establish a warm, safe and caring
classroom environment. This leads to high expectations for
respectful interactions. We have talked about the importance
of staying healthy by exercising, eating nourishing foods and
practicing good habits such as washing hands. We have made
a point of emphasizing social and emotional good health…
learning to make positive choices, interacting with others in
a supportive, friendly manner. Showing our children how to
resolve conflict by learning to work out disagreements and
how to work with each other to negotiate solutions has been
another important emphasis. Finally, we have watched our
children make strides by problem solving and learning about
feelings such as empathy and support, leading to their ability
to refocus and redirect their attention to a peaceful result.
During this holiday season, we wish you all the joy of
knowledge, family, love and peace.
December 2013- - 615-352-7620 ~ page 9
Kaddish will be recited in memory of these loved ones . . . .
December 6 & 7
December 13 & 14
December 20 & 21
Eve Balfus
Molly Baron
Michael Ray Bateman
Ida Bernheim
Evelyn Brin
Irvin J Brin
Marian Custer
Alexine B. Epstein
Sidney Faye
Daisy A. Feldman
Phyllis Katzoff
Munya Fisher
Ernest Frank
Leopold Freudenthal
Abe Geller
Leonard Ghertner
Dorothy & Jack Miller
Harry Gitlitz
Effie Greener
Rachel Harris
Simon Hecklin
Ralph Hill
Joe Hirsch
Herbert Hoffman
Nell Newman Keenan
Walter Kleiner
Harry Kravitz
Robert Krivcher
Florence Kroser
Theresa Lederer Kuhn
Gus David Kuhn Sr.
Irwin and Diane Kuhn
Bill & Emily Kuhn
Gus & Elaine Kuhn
Annie Weil Lebeck
Janet S. Lefkovitz
Morris Lewis
Isabelle Cohen
Alter Lindy
Sam Lindy
Lee J. Loventhal
Mary S. Loventhal
Rabbi I. S. Moses
Marien Belle Noa
Eva Olian
Bella Orfus
John Putzel
Dianne & Craig Sussman
Henry Redelsheimer
Max Redelsheimer
Dorothy R. Schaffer
Charles Schwarcz
Norma Goldin Selkin
Louis Shyer
Bessie Cohen Simon
Civia Stelzer
Bernhart Wasserman
Isadore Wasserman
Samuel L. Weil
Nathan Weiser
Sophia A. Wise
Morris Zager
Caroline Abrams
Harold “Jobe” Bernard
Harold Ralph Berson
Debra Cavalier
Tille B. Cline
Minnie Jacobs Doochin
Abe Epstein
Albert Feldman
Phyllis Katzoff
Phillip Fleischer
Deborah & Charles Robin
Natelle Hirsch Fox
Ida F. Freeman
David Friedman
Bernice Frank Gross
Bess Valinsky Hodes
Janet Glean Hyman
Morris Jacobus
Richard Katzoff
Terry Rae Kent
Joe Kraft
Lee & Glenda Kraft
Marie Cohen Krivcher
Evelyn Levine
Julia Bloomstein Lewis
Herman Loewenstein
Florence Sachs Nedzynski
Lester Pailet
Jerome Rich
Regina Rittenberg
Pauline Rosenfeld
Harry M. Rothkop
Lilian Rozen
Hyman H. Sachs
Lenore Loventhal Sapinsley
Roslyn Ginsburg Sir
Martin & Anna Sir
Arthur Stone
Lilly Vise
Jennie G. Weinberger
Henrietta M. Wolff
Mary Zwald
Rubin Alexander
Jessie Bateman
Leo J. Epstein
Chris Feinstein
Carrie Lindauer Fishel
Sylvia Fleischer
Deborah & Charles Robin
Walter Goldstein
Etta H. Hiller
Arthur Hirsch
Eugene Jacobus
Milton H. Josias
Eric Kahn
Leatrice (Bubbles) Karl
Lois Held
Rudy Katz
Ruth Helen Kay
Frances Eisenberg Kramer
Emily & Bill Kuhn
Joyce Levin
Ethel W. Lutin
Daniel May
Doreen Odes
Erna Preis
Paula Rose Rapp
Ike Rosenblum
Jerome & Brenda Rosenblum
Philip L. Rosenfield
Celia O. Ross
Herman Ruben
Julius Sherman
Mollie Shmerling
Rachel Trotz Sir
Manuel & Gloria Sir
Gertrude Snyder
Ida Hoffman Solow
Pet (Sadye) Speller
Max Stein
Anabel Cassell
Ester Weinberger
Sallye Levy Weinstein
Richard Irwin Zeitlin
December 27 & 28
Sophie Amelkin
Leonard Mark Balloff
Lillie Beck
Aaron Bernstein
Gloria & Manuel Sir
Philip Bernstein, Sr.
Robert Lee Bissinger
Harper Buzek
Janet & Richard Krebs
Virginia Casteel
Molly R. Cohen
Sylvia Weinberger
Isabelle Cohen
Sydney Cohen
Bernard Cooper
Lena Sobin Davis
Rob & Betsy Davis
Leon Davis
Rob & Betsy Davis
Alvin Perry Dembsky
Henry Desenberg
Harris A. Gilbert
Judith Dobrin
Byron Ensel
Shavie Henning Epstein
Frank Samuel Fleisman
Frank & Barbara Ghertner
Dorothy & Jack Miller
Rachael Fleisman
Frank & Barbara Ghertner
Dorothy & Jack Miller
Abe Freeman
Murray Friedman
Sarah M. Friedman
Alan Garfinkle
Bernard Gerson
Jean Ghertner
Frank & Barbara Ghertner
Dorothy & Jack Miller
Ruth Gould
Samuel L. Greenebaum
Julie Rosenwald Greenfield
Hyman J. Guttman
(father, grandfather)
The Jerome Guttman Family
Arthur Baruch Hahn
Clara Scholder Hanover
Gladys Hecklin
Margaret Hirsh
Dora Hirshberg
Isadore Hirshberg
Jettie Heilbron Jonas
Edwin David Kamen
Tibey Kleiner
Alex Kornman
Charlotte Kraus
Louis Lebeck
Ida Davis Levy
page 10 ~ December 2013 - - 615-352-7620
Girard Litt
Leslie Klein
Sigmund Marks
Rebecca May
Nimrod Mendaloveth
Henry Lyon Morris
Suzanne Jonas Morris
John Rothberg
Jennie Rudderman
Bernice Seligstein Salomon
Mickey & Sylvia Salomon
Seymour Samuels, Sr.
Edythe Elterman Schwartz
Irene Seedman
Myrtle Selove
Rebecca Selove
Julian B. Simpson
Laverne Snyder
Henry Sprintz
Charles & Alyse Sprintz
Arthur H. Unobskey
Carrie Wasserman
Adolph Weinberger
David B. Weinstein
Emanuel Wolf
Mary Wolf
Brenda & Bobby Rosenblum
Bernard D. Wyman
Exodus 35:22 . . . and they came, men & women willing-hearted to give.
Beautification Fund Memory of Lewis Kay
James & Elise Straus
Memory of Murray Cohen
Ted & Louise Pailet
Recovery of Ann Bernard
Geraldine Sadow
Recovery of Bud Zander
Howard & Jacqueline Tepper
Recovery of Ellen Jacobs
Howard & Jacqueline Tepper
Hank Brooks Campership Fund
Honor of Goldie Shepard
Charles & Ilsa Krivcher
Memory of Rachel Brooks
Louise Brooks Katzman
Memory of Murray Cohen
Shirley Gold
Memory of Herschel Katzman
Louise Brooks Katzman
Jerry Rosenblum
Bernard Rosenblum
Calvin A. Buchman Social Action Fund
Memory of Bruce Buchman
Anabel Cassell
Kenneth Kraft
Sheldon & Patricia Krizelman
Memory of Murray Cohen
Kenneth Kraft
Endowment: Cornerstone or Enrichment
Memory of Maurice Raphael
Roy & Carol Smith
Cantor Fishbein’s
Discretionary Fund
Appreciation of Cantor Fishbein
Gary & Carol Fradkin
Engagement of Tracy Fishbein & Glen Turtel
Janice Krohn
Marriage of April & Jake Nemer
Bob & Martha Nemer
Marriage of Sarah & Ben Raybin
David & Kay Raybin
Memory of Robert Abrams
Alyssa Trachtmen
Memory of Murray Cohen
Isabelle Cohen
Memory of Herb Mathias
Sarah Mathias
Naming of Sari Blair Zagnoev
Greg & Erin Zagnoev
Betty Francis Ginsberg
Memorial Library Fund
Bar Mitzvah of Simon Weinberger
Carl & Beth Dreifuss
Birth of Hannah Bubis
Carl & Beth Dreifuss
Birth of Marlie Gutcheon
Carl & Beth Dreifuss
Birth of Zoe & Emma Zagnoev
Carl & Beth Dreifuss
Consecration of Asher Hirt
Carl & Beth Dreifuss
Consecration of Gavin Berman
Carl & Beth Dreifuss
Memory of Joy Goldstein
Carl & Beth Dreifuss
Memory of Norman W. Ginsberg
Carl & Beth Dreifuss
Memory of Harry Mackler
Carl & Beth Dreifuss
Recovery of Ellen Jacobs
Carl & Beth Dreifuss
Arthur Lee Goldner, M.D. Fund for
Judaica Artists & Healing Arts
Memory of Murray Cohen
Charles & Dorothy Hirshberg
Greatest Need Fund
Memory of Harry Mackler
Randall & Gretchen Goldstein
Memory of Joy Goldstein
Randall & Gretchen Goldstein
Memory of Margie Cavalier
Alyssa Trachtman
Memory of Mary Elizabeth Smith
Bobby & Brenda Rosenblum
Milton Grossman Early Education Fund
Honor of Ellen Jacobs
Sara Rachel Robin
Memory of Lewis Kay
Sara Rachel Robin
Memory of Harry Mackler
Sara Rachel Robin
Cantor Gutcheon’s Discretionary Fund
Appreciation of Cantor Gutcheon
Michael & Mindy Weinberger
Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Sebelist Latter
Linda Latter & Yvette Sebelist
Birth of Marlie Gutcheon
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Birth of Roni Sussman
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Birth of Emma & Zoe Zagnoev
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Birthday of Cantor Gutcheon
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Honor of the
2013 Confirmation Class
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Marriage of April & Jake Nemer
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Memory of Morris Kraft
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Memory of Nancy Schwartz
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Memory of Eleanor Small
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Recovery of Jan Huettner
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Recovery of Jack Miller
Irwin & Nancy Hodes
Rae & Bruce Hirsch Greatest Need Fund
Anniversary of
Joan & Robert Diamond
Bruce & Rae Hirsch
Appreciation of Mark Schiftan
Bruce & Rae Hirsch
Appreciation of Shana Mackler
Bruce & Rae Hirsch
Appreciation of Tracy Fishbein
Bruce & Rae Hirsch
Recovery of Ellen Jacobs
Bruce & Rae Hirsch
Donald E. Jacobs Student Loan Fund
Honor of Ellen & Kenneth Jacobs
Betty & Bernard Werthan
Memory of Margie Cavalier
Eric & Barbara Chazen
Memory of Murray Cohen
Eric & Barbara Chazen
Morton & Hannah Cooper
Recovery of Dianne Trachtman
Morton & Hannah Cooper
Lee & Theresa Kuhn Social Action Fund
Memory of Harry Mackler
Gus & Elaine Kuhn
Memory of Joy Goldstein
Gus & Elaine Kuhn
Memory of Mary Smith
Gus & Elaine Kuhn
Memory of Morris Kraft
Gus & Elaine Kuhn
Memory of Murray Cohen
Lottie Strupp
Memory of Robert Abrams
Gary & Carol Fradkin
Memory of Sandee Schreiber
Gus & Elaine Kuhn
Gerda Loewenstein
Caring & Concern Fund
Birthday of Sis & Paul Cohn
Nancy Flexer
Birthday of Jackie Karr
Nancy Flexer
Birthday of Marilyn Rubin
Nancy Flexer
Birthday of Steve Lapidus
Nancy Flexer
Birthday of Suzanne Schulman
Nancy Flexer
Marriage of Bambi & Marshall Karr
Nancy Flexer
Memory of Buddy Jacobs
Nancy Flexer
Memory of Eleanor Small
Nancy Flexer
Memory of Jay Cohen
Nancy Flexer
Memory of Lewis Kay
Nancy Flexer
Memory of Mary Smith
Nancy Flexer
Memory of Morris Kraft
Nancy Flexer
Barrett & Carolyn Rosen
Memory of Murray Cohen
Harvey & Ann Eisen
Sam Hirshberg
Memory of Nancy Schwartz
Nancy Flexer
Memory of Natalie Levy
Nancy Flexer
Memory of Richard Small
Nancy Flexer
Memory of Sam Simon
Nancy Flexer
Recovery of Bud Zander
Kenneth & Felicia Anchor
Recovery of Ellen Jacobs
Nancy Flexer
Recovery of Richard Rothberg
Nancy Flexer
Recovery of Stuart Speyer
Nancy Flexer
Recovery of Tina Spielberg
Nancy Flexer
Memorial & Honor Fund
Memory of Joy Goldstein
Joel & Bernice Gordon
Memory of Murray Cohen
Louise Cole
Joel & Bernice Gordon
Sandi Gordon
Recovery of Nancy Flexer
Sandi Gordon
Preschool Fund
Honor of Sari Zagnoev
Ralph & Randi Levy
Religious School Enrichment Fund
Appreciation of Lynda Gutcheon
Michael & Lee Gryll
Consecration of Madeline Spigel
Sheila Schwartz
Scott Shapiro Preschool Scholarship Fund
Birth of Anna Lavely Bleeker
Kenneth & Felicia Anchor
Memory of Morris Kraft
Kenneth & Felicia Anchor
Memory of Sandee Schreiber
Kenneth & Felicia Anchor
Beverly & Jimmy Small Golden Agers Fund
Birth of David Perry
Irvin & Beverly Small
Birthday of Suzanne Schulman
James & Patty Marks
Memory of Joy Goldstein
Norman & Hedy Lustig
Memory of Lewis Kay
Irvin & Beverly Small
Memory of Murray Cohen
Norman & Hedy Lustig
Memory of Sig Litoff
Irvin & Beverly Small
Temple Cemetary Beautification Fund
Marriage of Bambi & Marshall Karr
Alyssa Trachtman
Yahrzeit Fund
Memory of Donald F. Gordon
Sandi Gordon
Memory of Jack Kuhn, Sr.
Jeffery Kuhn
Memory of Gertrude Loskove
Raye Ann & Ralph Greenbaum
Memory of Max Loskove
Raye Ann & Ralph Greenbaum
This report reflects donations that have been
acknowledged as of October 31st
December 2013- - 615-352-7620 ~ page 11
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Women.Engaged. in Living. & Learning.
Calling All Women!
Join Us for the Sixth Biennial
Women’s Retreat
Led by Rabbi Shana Mackler & Cantor Tracy Fishbein
Study & Learning ~ Laughter & Fun
~ Hands-on Art Project ~
Relax & Refresh ~ a Great Getaway!
January 17th - 19th
Drouillard House, Cumberland Furnace, TN
Price: $180.00*
Includes room, meals & materials
RSVP deadline - January 1st
*Scholarships available.