Watch and Pray Velad y Orad - St. Joachim Catholic Church


Watch and Pray Velad y Orad - St. Joachim Catholic Church
21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94541 | 510.783-2766 |
November 29, 2015
First Sunday of Advent
Watch and Pray
Velad y Orad
From the Pastor’s Desk:
On the night of April 15, 1912, the
Titanic hit an iceberg in the North
Atlan!c and sank. Over 1,500
people lost their lives in one of the
worst sea disasters in history. A few
years ago a magazine recalled the
great disaster and asked its readers this shocking –
almost blasphemous ques!on: “If we’d been on the
Titanic when it sank, would we have arranged the
deckchairs?” At first we say to ourselves, “What a
ridiculous ques!on! No one in his right mind would
ignore wailing sirens on a sinking ship and rearrange its
deck chairs! No one with an ounce of sanity would
ignore the shouts of drowning people and keep
arranging deck chairs!” But as we con!nue to read the
magazine, we see the reason for the strange
ques!on. And suddenly we ask ourselves, “Are we
perhaps, rearranging the deckchairs on a sinking
ship? For example, are we so caught up with material
things in life that we are giving a back seat to spiritual
things? Are we so busy making a living that we are
forge&ng the purpose of life? Are we so taken up with
life that we are forge&ng why God gave us life?” (Mark
Link in Sunday Liturgies).
There is an old Hasidic tale about Rabbi Na$ali. It was
the custom of the rich men of his city, whose homes
were on the outskirts and sort of isolated, to hire men to
watch over their property at night. Late one evening, as
was his custom, Rabbi Na$ali went out for a walk and
met one such watchman walking back and forth. The
Rabbi asked, “For whom do you work?” The guard told
the rabbi who had hired him, and then the guard
inquired, “And for whom do you work Rabbi?” The
watchman’s words struck at the heart of the rabbi, who
replied, “I am not sure whether I work for anyone or
not." The rabbi walked along with the watchman for
some !me in silence. Then he asked, “Will you come and
work for me?” “Oh Rabbi, I should be honored to be your
servant,” said the watchman, “but what would be my
du!es?” Rabbi Na$ali answered quietly, “To keep reminding me with that ques!on.” Like that rabbi, we need
help if we are to remember for whom we work and for
what we live our lives. Advent helps us to ask that ques!on of ourselves. “Watch and pray” are the
watchwords, they remind us that God is in charge.
(Anonymous; quoted by Fr. Botelho).
Nota de nuestro pastor:
En la noche del 15 de Abril de 1912, el Titánico se estrelló
con un iceberg en el Atlán!co Norte y se hundió. Más de
1,500 personas perdieron la vida en uno de los peores
desastres de mar en la historia. Hace unos años una
revista recordó el gran desastre y pidió a sus lectores
esta impactante pregunta – casi blasfemia: "Si hubieras
estado en el Titánico cuando se hundió, habrías
arreglado las sillas?" Al principio nos decimos, "¡Qué
pregunta ridícula! Nadie en su sano juicio ignoraría los
lamentos de las sirenas en un barco que se hunde y
reorganizaría sus sillas! Nadie con una pizca de cordura
ignoraría los gritos de las personas ahogándose y seguiría
arreglando sillas!" Pero mientras seguimos leyendo la
revista, vemos la razón para la extraña pregunta. Y de
pronto nos preguntamos, "¿Estamos quizás,
reordenando las sillas en un barco que se hunde? ¿Por
ejemplo, estamos tan ocupados con cosas materiales en
la vida que estamos descuidando las cosas espirituales?
¿Estamos tan ocupados haciendo una vida que
olvidamos el propósito de vida? Estamos tan envueltos
con la vida que olvidamos por qué Dios nos dio la
vida?" (Mark Link en Liturgias de Domingo).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hay un viejo cuento Jasídico sobre el Rabino Na$ali. Era
costumbre de los hombres ricos de su ciudad, cuyas
casas estaban en las afueras y aislados, contratar
hombres para vigilar su propiedad por la noche. Una
noche, como era su costumbre, el Rabino Na$ali salió a
pasear y se encontró con un vigilante caminando hacia
adelante y hacia atrás. El rabino le preguntó, "Para quién
trabajas?" El guardia le dijo al rabino quien lo había
contratado, y entonces el guardia le preguntó, y para
quien trabajas rabino?" Las palabras del vigilante golpeo
el corazón del rabino, quien respondió: "No estoy seguro
si trabajo para alguien o no." El rabino caminó junto con
el vigilante por algún !empo en silencio. Luego preguntó,
"¿quieres venir y trabajar para mí?" "Oh rabino, sería un
honor ser su siervo," dijo el vigilante, "pero ¿cuáles
serían mis funciones?" El Rabino Na$ali respondió
tranquilamente, "para seguir recordándome con esa
pregunta." Como ese rabino, necesitamos ayuda si
vamos a recordar para quien trabajamos y para qué
vivimos nuestras vidas. El Adviento nos ayuda a hacer esa
pregunta de nosotros mismos. "Velad y orad" son las
consignas, ellas nos recuerdan que Dios está a cargo.
(Anónimo, citado por el P. Botelho).
Readings for the week of
November 29, 2015
Jer 33:14-16/Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14/1 Thes 3:12--4:2/
Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
Rom 10:9-18/Ps 19:8-11/Mt 4:18-22
Is 11:1-10/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17/Lk 10:21-24
Is 25:6-10a/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 15:29-37
Is 26:1-6/Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27/
Mt 7:21, 24-27
Is 29:17-24/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/Mt 9:27-31
Is 30:19-21, 23-26/Ps 147:1-6/
Mt 9:35--10:1, 5a, 6-8
Next Sun/Dom:
Bar 5:1-9/Ps 126:1-6/Phil 1:4-6, 8-11/Lk 3:1-6
Parish Office
Parish Fax
Parish Email
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PM
Bilingual available T,W,F 4-7:30
Saturday 10 AM-4 PM
Bilingual available 10 AM-4 PM
Sunday 9 AM-4 PM
Bilingual available 12 PM-4 PM
Rev. Joseph Antony Sebas"an,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Friday
10 AM to 12 PM
5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment)
lunes, martes, miércoles, y viernes
10 AM a 12 PM
5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)
Faith Forma"on Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe
Glenda Aragón
Director of Faith Forma!on
Abraham Gonzalez
Faith Forma!on Coordinator /
Youth Minister
550-6878 /
Bertha Cruz
Administra!ve Assistant
St. Vincent de Paul
Office hours
1:30-3PM ONLY
San Vicente de Paul
Gary Enos President
St. Joachim School
Tuesday —Dec 1st
Guadalupe Event 7 PM in the Gym—
Speaker in Spanish.
Thursday—Dec 3rd
Guadalupe Novena 7 PM in the
Church — 9 day Novena Starts
Saturday —Dec 5th
Altar Server Christmas Party 5:30 PM
in the Hall —All Altar Servers invited.
Saturday —Dec 5th
Immaculate Concep"on—La Purisima
Celebra"on 7:00 PM in the Gym
Rev. Stephen Ayisu, SVD
Parochial Vicar
Monday, Wednesday Thursday,
and Friday
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment)
lunes, miércoles , jueves y viernes
10:30 AM a 12:00 PM
5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)
Ariel Mayormita
Music Director/
Director de Música
Phone Ext. #223
Flor Herce
Pat Ludwig
Administra!ve Assistant
Escuela de San Joaquín
Armond Seishas
Sandra Garzon
School Secretary
St. Joachim Pre-School
Marisa Melgarejo
No te pierdas esta
“El Hecho
Conferencista: Luis Fernando Castañ eda
Conferencista Internacional preparado
en el Centro de Estudios Guadalupanos
en la ciudad de Mé xico con Monseñ or Enrique Salazar
Martes 01 de Diciembre, @ 7pm
En el gimnasio de la Iglesia de San Joaquı́n
21250 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA
Angelica Campos
Rita Marie Betance
Arsenio S. Reyes, Jr.
Mehrunissa K. Serang
Michele Lozano
Joselino M. Alejandrino
Edward Boris
Georgie Dwonch
Duyen Corbridge
Ann F. Kishimori
Angel Delval
Felix Chavez
Vivienne Malig
Shelia Bacallo
Anita Z. Ruedas
St. Vincent de Paul
Food offering for next
Canned Meats or Tuna
Carne enlatada o Atun
November 15, 2015
The Plate Collec"on
$ 9,128.20
EFT Collec"on
On Line Giving
TOTAL for the WEEK
$ 10,284.20
Dona"on amounts not available
for 11/22/2015 at press "me
On November 2,
2015, a$er several
months of inves!ga!on, Va!can City police
arrested two people on suspicion of removing
and sharing confiden!al Va!can documents.
Monsignor Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, and Dr.
Francesca Chaouqui were arrested for
ques!oning. Ms. Chaouqui, a 33-year old
public rela!ons expert, was later released
when no reason to hold her was found, and in
view of her coopera!on with the inves!ga!on.
Spanish Monsignor Balda, 54, was the number
2 man on the Pope’s 2013 commission to study reforms of the Economic / Administra!ve Structure of the
Va!can. Dr. Chaouqui, a laywoman, was also on that same commission. Monsignor Balda is believed to be the
highest-ranking member of the Va!can's central bureaucracy ever to have been arrested. Divulging confiden!al
documents is a crime under the Va!can criminal code. This is one of the biggest internal scandals to hit Francis’
papacy and it was reminiscent of the leaks and furor preceding the resigna!on of former Pope Benedict in 2013.
In 2012 Benedict’s butler was arrested for stealing documents from the pope’s desk and leaking them. The
documents included le+er to the pope complaining about alleged corrup!on. The butler was convicted and
served several months in Va!can jail before Benedict pardoned him. He is now working in a Va!can-run hospital.
The Va!can said the current leaks represented a "serious betrayal of the trust bestowed by the Pope", without
providing any details. The arrests came just days before two Italian authors were due to release books that their
publishers say will reveal new evidence of scandals in the Va!can and alleged conspiracies by the old guard to
undermine Francis' reform efforts. The Va!can said that as far as the authors are concerned, they are
considering legal ac!on against them for receiving stolen documents and they may ask for coopera!on from
Italian authori!es. The Va!can said publica!ons of this kind do not contribute in any way to the establishment of
clarity and truth, but rather to the crea!on of confusion. We must absolutely avoid the mistake of thinking that
this is a way to help the mission of the Pope. At the end of his Sunday Prayer, Pope Francis said that the recent
stealing and leaking of the Holy See’s confiden!al documents was “a crime” and “deplorable act that does not
help.” But at the same !me he said this “sad event” definitely does not in any way deter him from pressing
ahead with his planned reforms of the Roman Curia with the help of his advisers.
Sources: News.VA,,, :,
Christmas in a Nursing Home
Brighten a Nursing Home Residents Christmas by
giving them a NEW Christmas Gi% . Please wrap
your gi% and tag if it is for a male or female and
include size if applicable.
Bring your gi%s to Church by December 17th
If you would like to give something but you don’t
know what to give—pick up a sugges"on list in
the Rectory Office.
Navidad en un hogar de ancianos
Ilumina residentes de un hogar de ancianos esta
Navidad, dándoles un regalo nuevo de Navidad. Por
favor, envuelve el regalo y e"quétalo si es para
hombre o mujer e incluye tamaño si es necesario.
Tráelos a la iglesia antes del 17 de diciembre
Si quieres dar algo pero no sabes qué regalar, pasa a
recoger una lista de sugerencias en la oficina de la
November 28December 5, 2015
Saturday 4:30 PM
The Community of St. Joachim
Saturday 6:00 PM
Pedro Renteria Caro (cumpleanos)
David Perez (cumpleanos)
Tony Gonsalvez †
Paula & David Cruz †
Sunday 7:30 AM
Ferlinda Consunto (birthday)
Elizabet V. Leblanc (thanksgiving)
Sunday 9:00 AM
Teodosia B. Terry (special inten"on)
Ignacio Cura † (anniversary)
Josefa A. Biason †
Marieta B. Abad †
Teofilo Macasaet †
Sunday 10:30 AM
Wynnelena Canio (thanksgiving)
Stella Ulibarri ( † birthday)
Sunday 12:15 PM
Teodosia B. Terry (special inten"on)
Valerie Balubar †
Grace Danida †
Sunday 2:00 PM
Manuel & Alejandro Segura
† (aniversario)
Isaias-Garcia † (8th aniversario)
Sunday 6:00 PM
Esther Guevara † ( 18 mes aniversario)
Godofredo Guevara †
Monday 7:00 AM
The Community of St Joachim
Monday 8:30 AM
The Community of St Joachim
Tuesday 7:00 AM
Walter Fernandez †
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Nuevo & Cecilia Talaue (thanksgiving)
Le% your wallet at home?
Wednesday 7:00 AM
The Community of St Joachim
Wednesday 8 :30 AM
Aurelio Cajilog †
Wednesday 7:00 PM
Jesus Maciel Mendoza †
(9 mes aniversario)
Thursday 7:00 AM
The Community of St Joachim
Thursday 8:30 AM
The Community of St Joachim
Friday 7:00 AM
The Community of St Joachim
Friday 8:30 AM
Porfirio & Maria Luisa Loza
(49th wedding anniversary)
Josiah Loza (5th birthday)
Osmond Arcelo (70th birthday)
Saturday 8:30 AM
Aurea Poblete † (anniversary)
No Problem!
1— go to and click on
2—select ‘weekly offertory’
3—Select ‘recurring’ or ‘one "me dona"on’
4—enter amount, frequency and account
It’s safe. It’s simple. It’s convenient.
Remember in your prayers all those
affected by the a(acks in Paris—
November 13, 2015
Santa María,
reina de la paz,
ruega por nosotros.
Recuerde en sus oraciones a todos los
afectados por los atentados de París—
13 de noviembre de 2015