Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital


Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital
Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital
Altro Whiterock™ & Altro Stronghold 30/K30™
Safety Flooring
Hygienic Walling
1800 673 441
03 9764 5655
“The smooth surface, fully sealed welded
joints and thermoformed corners were all
attractive features for the walling of our
new theatres. Whiterock™ is conducive to
our Infection Control principles by offering
completely watertight protection against
germs & bacteria. It also significantly
reduces the cleaning time. The cladding
provides the level of impact resistance a
Hospital needs to protect the walls from
the barrage of beds and trolleys that
constantly make contact with the walls.”
Lorraine V. Munn, Project Manager –
Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital
Altro Whiterock™
Wall surfaces are repeatedly damaged due to the very nature
of the care environment. Impact repair is expensive and nonstop because the impacts never cease. Often scarce facilities
are closed due to the very real danger of infection caused by
the broken surfaces.
The Brisbane Queen Elizabeth II Hospital management
team has embraced an innovative approach to overcome
these issues. They commissioned experienced contractor
Pacific Flooring Services to install the internationally
acclaimed Altro Whiterock hygienic wall cladding system
in critical areas and Altro K30 in the kitchen.
the future is safer with altro
Altro Stronghold/K30™
“The single greatest measurement of this floor’s performance over the last two years is that we have not
had a single Work Cover claim, incident report or even a ‘near miss’ reported in the Kitchen area since the
installation. This has effectively eliminated the kitchen as source of slips or falls” - Kevin Davidson, OH&S Unit
In 2007, a series of slip incidents in the kitchen at QEII caused the filing of numerous Work Cover claims by
hospital staff. The floor tiles were originally non-slip but, as will happen with ceramics, they had worn smooth. In
addition, trolley transport across the tile corrugations caused muscle fatigue, was loud and triggered the items to
fall off, further compounding the cleaning and maintenance problems. Consequently, the decision was made to
replace the tiled floor. The hospital’s flooring contractor was aware that Altro’s K30 Safety Vinyl was commonly
used in hospital kitchens throughout the world due to its R12 slip rating and hygienic properties. Supported by
Altro’s specification, 700M2 of K30 Skyline was duly installed.
Scan the QR code with your
Scan the QR code with your
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smart phone to be directed to
web page where you can order
the web page where you can
samples of Altro Stronghold/K30.
order samples of Altro Whiterock
For more information on Altro’s vast product range of interior surfaces, which also includes doors and ceilings:
Tel: 03 9764 5666 Email: info@asf.com.au www.asf.com.au