Company in negotiations to buy Shenandoah Life
Company in negotiations to buy Shenandoah Life
Cuccinelli’s challenge 6 Commonwealth Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli gets his day in court to battle health care reform. of Virginia Required reading for successful insurance and financial service professionals Volume 12, Issue 6 | Accusations Warm weather seems to have drawn out controversy. Risk mismanagement? Washington, D.C., risk manager accused of failing to pay claims to insurance contractors. Page 3 1 County, schools battle Insurance policy fine print leads Sullivan County leaders, school officials to argue. Page 5 2 Claims settled Health insurer pays $30,000 to resolve regulators concerns over use of unfiled, unapproved forms. Page 7 3 Company in negotiations to buy Shenandoah Life Small-business owners getting lost without brokers’ translations Prosperity Life has window to broker deal for insurer in receivership since February 2009 Employers fighting ‘general confusion’ about effects of health reform, executive says By Bob Graham State regulators are working with a life insurance company interested in buying Shenandoah Life Insurance Co, which has been in receivership in Virginia since February 2009. Prosperity Life Insurance Group has a 90-day exclusive Al Gross negotiating period, which can be extended, to negotiate a deal to buy the troubled life insurance company, according to the Virginia State Corporation Commission Bureau of Insurance. At press time, no deal had been reached. Any deal for Roanoke, Va.-based Shenandoah would require the approval of Virginia insurance regulators. The deputy receiver, Virginia Insurance Commissioner Alfred W. Gross, has been leading efforts to rehabilitate the company and making decisions regarding its day-to-day operations since being placed into receivership. Gross said the purchase of Shenandoah would not just “best serve the interests of all its insureds and creditors,” but also “affords an opportunity for the company to remain an important presence in the regions it serves and to preserve jobs in Roanoke.” See “Insurer” on p 16 In Congress :: Page 5 Five-year extension for NFIP demanded Everywhere. More at: Under $1,500 a year paid for LTC insurance by half of seniors, a third of all purchasers Analysis bucks ‘misconception’ that most buyers pay ‘thousands a year,’ expert says By Bob Graham Subscription information available online at: subscribe August 2010 About one-in-three long-term care insurance buyers pays less than $1,499 per year for coverage, and among people under age 61 nearly half pay less than $1,500, according to a new analysis. Exactly 35.4% of all recent long-term care in- surance buyers paid less than $1,499, according to a report analyzing 93,500 sales, prepared by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, a national trade organization. Among buyers under age 61, Jesse Slome 43.5% pay less than $1,499 annually, whereas 73.6% of buyers See “LTC” on p 14 By Bob Graham A silver lining exists for insurance brokers as small businesses are struggling with the nuances of health care reform, according to a health insurance brokerage executive. “We are finding that current business really doesn’t underRobert P. Poli stand health reform and that leaves a great opportunity for brokers,” said Robert P. Poli, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Insurance See “Reform” on p 12 Summer isn’t season for change My agency makes the following changes* for summer: 2% Close for a week or two straight 23% Close early one or more days a week 14% Hire students or interns for summer 61% No changes for summer *More than one choice can be selected. poll, June 21-30, 2010 IMC INSURANCE MARKETING CENTER Look for our new web site! Your One-Stop Broker Resource for Group and Individual Medical Plans. 301-468-8888 Change Service Requested Please deliver between August 2-4, 2010 10600 York Rd. Suite 203 Hunt Valley, MD 21030 DATED MATERIAL Insurance & Financial Advisor PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHILA PA PERMIT NO. 6438 *8$5',$1',6$%,/,7<,1685$1&(% 52.(5$*( 1355 Piccard Drive Suite 380, Rockville, MD 20850 toll-free: 888.513.2300 fax: 240.683.8334 WIN A FREE TRIP TO THE %CJCOCU I for total D R VJG VQ P K d have a n J a U r K e P m K m ) su tion this c u d usiness o B r . p s a C m T a L h a and ip to the B h r t e e r f a aid throug p d n a 0 chance at 1 0 May 15, 2 r e t f business a d ly e n t t i O m . b s t su 010 coun 2 , 0 ckville, 3 o r R e b n i m e y t c Sep our agen h g u o r h t submitted e contest. h t s d r a w ount to MD will c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| Virginia Insurance & Financial Advisor | August 2010 D.C. risk manager, on leave, accused of delaying payments Claims management, workers’ comp. firms fighting District for money owed Several insurance contractors are struggling for payment from the District of Columbia’s Office of Risk Management. Meanwhile, the director of that office, Kelly Valentine, was placed on administrative leave after questions were raised about the handling of insurance and other government contracts, according to the Washington Examiner. Sedgwick CMS and Risk Management, a claims management firm, is struggling to obtain $1.3 million in payments, which Valentine has delayed over allegations of overbilling, according to the newspaper. Modern Medical, a workers’ compensation company, is owed “hundreds of thousands of dollars,” its lawyer, Michael Ruggio, told the newspaper in June. City could face $6 million bill Also in June, whistleblowers informed the FBI that Valentine gave contracts for health insurance coverage and private investigations to companies with whom she had ties. Neither Mayor Adrian Fenty nor his staff explained the reason for the sudden removal of Valentine, who is paid $147,848 a year. Recently, Fenty and his attorney general, Peter Nickles, announced that the District could be forced to Adrian Fenty pay $6 million to cover life insurance premiums that were never advanced to insurance companies. The premiums had been collected from hundreds of disabled city employees, according to the Washington Examiner. Now, several investigations, including ones led by the FBI, the city inspector general, city auditor and finance office’s integrity team, are underway, according to the report. IFA Online CE. At your pace, at your desk. I can! I Can Write More Business I Can Earn More Commissions I Can Save My Clients Money I Can Offer the Largest Portfolio of Products I Can Work With the Most Knowledgeable Staff Over Thirty Carriers, Including: How? Insurance Marketing Center IMC has everything you need to sell to your clients! We provide you with ALL of the same rates, plans, products, and compensation you would receive by working directly with the carriers with…NONE of the headaches and delays associated with shopping multiple carriers on your own. IMC works exclusively with and Agents and Brokers. IMC does not sell direct! Brokers earn 100% of commissions, bonuses and special incentives. OurValue-Added Services are the Best in the Industry Our Value-Added Services Rate #1 IMC enhanced online group and individual medical proposal system is available 24/7. IMC staff has in-depth knowledge of products and offers various marketing strategies. IMC marketing professionals are available for presentations and employee meetings. IMC provides in-depth underwriting knowledge and case installation assistance. IMC #1 Wholesaler in the area marketing Consumer Driven Health Plans IMC travel and expatriate international insurance – is available for Individuals/Groups. IMC has competitive products, innovative sales concepts, sales training, workshops, free CE seminars and competitive tools IMC INSURANCE MARKETING CENTER Your One-Stop Broker Resource for Group and Individual Medical Plans Call or email IMC for your next group quote using our online quoting service (301) 468-8888 • (800) IMC-9098 • Virginia Insurance & Financial Advisor | August 2010 | 3 IFAInsights // Publisher’sNote EXCLUSIVE INSIGHTS ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE Carriers have best chance for rebound //AgentSuccess CLAIMS-MADE POLICIES Agents, clients must have understanding of retro dates There are a number of risks that, because of the nature of their business, are placed into a claims-made policy instead of a traditional occurrence policy, and retro dates are an important consideration for when the policy is written. AGENCY MANAGEMENT Being selfish is sometimes the best thing for everyone OWNERSHIP Negotiating a personal guarantee in a tight credit market ACQUISITIONS Acquiring an agency with no out-of-pocket expense // Top online stories | 1 AMA says Medicare cuts put health of seniors ‘at grave risk’ | 2 The Hartford to settle case over annuity payments for $72.5M | 3 Report: Insurance will stem financial impact of oil spill for BP “While the controversy over Chinese drywall has actually been around for a few years, it just now seems to be in the sights of the trial bar, and as with any litigation feeding frenzy, this one will result in headaches for everyone in the supply chain and their insurance companies for some time to come.” Photo Galleries Career Center Our team digs deeper than the headlines for insights on what the news really means. Find friends and others in our photographs from the region’s industry events. Your one-stop shop for CE courses, as well as courses for new designations. Publisher Bob Graham Executive Editor Sharon Schafer Advertising Sales Director 4 | Virginia Insurance & Financial Advisor 10600 York Rd., Suite 203 Hunt Valley, MD 21030 phone: 877-IFA-5001 / 410-667-0864 fax: 410-667-7977 New Horizon Group Inc. owns Insurance & Financial Advisor – Maryland/DC Edition, Insurance & Financial Advisor – Virginia Edition and Insurance & Financial Advisor—Pennsylvania/NJ/DE Edition. The paper is free for retail insurance and financial service professionals in these areas. I All content is protected by U.S. copyright law and may not be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form without permission of the publisher, New Horizon Group Inc. I News, photos and articles are published for free. Submissions may be edited or altered, and become the publisher’s property. The publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions. by states and the federal government. Yes, their investment portfolios have been hurt, but the fact remains that their deTony Ondrusek mand will not de- Publisher crease. Car sales will decline; homes remain unsold; iPhones sell nicely but are made overseas. But protecting one's assets through property-casualty insurance, life insurance, or even health insurance will continue to be a fixed need for most. While no one can accurately predict the role of agents and brokers when we eventually move into recovery and new laws are implemented, the fact remains that carriers can for the most part rebound, and that's not all bad. The government’s taking over one-sixth of our economy and we expect the government’s going to do a better job than the private sector?” - John Lobert, blog post on court case involving Chinese drywall Blogs Tony Ondrusek The domestic auto industry - save Ford Motor Co. - was almost driven to the brink of collapse, and has survived only with government intervention. The home sales industry is mired in a near-criminal mortgage crisis and an unending recession that makes its revival all but impossible. Manufacturing, once our economy's backbone, has been shipped overseas. The tech industry had its run, and while many firms are profitable, some are laying off workers, contributing to an unemployment rate that in some states is nearly one in five. And yes, the insurance industry has been slammed by the recession, mismanagement by some and an overzealous Congress and president. But the insurance industry might also be the most likely to rebound. Insurance carriers have lots of cash flow, and for most that hasn't ceased. They also have lots of reserves, which are mandated Sarah Palin Former Alaska governor and VP candidate addressing health reform law at fundraiser for developmentally disabled children “We didn’t have the resources.” Clarence Lee former official at U.S. Office of Thrift Supervision defending the agency’s oversight of AIG between 2006-2008 This is yet another short term fix, as Congress has once again kicked the can down the road to September 30, 2010.… The real estate market has again suffered due to this needless lapse in coverage.” Insurance & Financial Advisor Brian Marino PIA National President-elect voicing concern about the National Flood Insurance Program’s funding | August 2010 President signs another short-term NFIP extension Trade groups criticize leaders for not approving long-term solution By Bob Graham ment. “Between now and September, Congress must pass a long-term extension. For the many homeowners and businesses that rely on this program, I’m sure news of the extension is welcomed especially during this time of year when floods are prevalent.” Measures to extend the program for five years, including one before Congress now, have failed in the past two years, and with President Barack Obama signed an extension to the National Flood Insurance Program, extending the lifeline to owners of properties in flood-prone areas to Sept. 30. The extension allows people with properties in flood areas and those seeking to close // New NFIP designation exam unveiled on properties in floodA new credential exam for the National Flood Insurance Proprone areas to transact gram, ANFI 205—National Flood Insurance: Fundamentals, sales on those properis now available at on-site and Prometric testing centers. ties. No claims could be Battle ensues after county learns of insurance reimbursement policy Jurisdiction, schools expected full coverage of $150,000 in settlement The Sullivan County (Va.) commissioners are criticizing school officials because their decision to settle a discrimination suit forced it to pony up $150,000 that it thought insurance would cover. The unnamed insurance company will reimburse the town, but officials were not aware that the decision to settle the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint filed by Brookside Elementary School Principal Deborah Morelock would result in the upfront outlay, according to the Bristol Herald Courier. filed against NFIP poliTopics covered on the exam include an introduction to the cies and no new NFIP National Flood Insurance Program; available flood maps and policies could be writzone determinations products; policy provisions; general ten since the program’s rules and eligibility rating; claims handling process and expiration May 31. requirements of the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004 The program, which The Malvern, Pa.-based American Institute For CPCU and serves about 5.5 million FEMA created the new Associate in National Flood Insurproperty owners in the ance (ANFI) designation. U.S., received a retroacTo register for the ANFI 205 credential exam, contact customer tive extension, meaning service at 800-644-2101 or Visit any claims filed after for more information. May 31 for flood damage will be honored. During the lapse, some property buyers Republicans increasingly fighting the in flood areas who had locked in interest Obama Administration over spending into rates or were taking advantage of federal the federal deficit, a long-term extension closing cost rebates found themselves un- could be unlikely. IFA able to close, meaning they may have lost the locked-in interest rate and the rebate // LOCAL LINES opportunity. Spotsylvania Co. supervisors The lapse, one of several in the last year, came as the hurricane season began in the urge residents to call Anthem U.S. That season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30. The Spotsylvania County supervisors “We are pleased that Congress reautho- asked residents to call Anthem and urged rized the flood insurance program,” said the health insurance company to settle David Sampson, presiits dispute with the new HCA hospital in dent and CEO of Propthe county. erty Casualty Insurers AsAt press time, Anthem, the largest sociation of America, in a health insurance provider in the state, prostatement. “But this viding coverage to more than 3,000 Spotthree-month extension sylvania County’s government and school threatens to leave comemployees, and the Spotsylvania Regional munities vulnerable Medical Center, had not reached an acLeigh Ann Pusey again in September, at cord on hospital fees, according to the the height of hurricane season.” Fredericksburg Free-Lance Star. Sampson’s frustration at a short-term In June, the Spotsylvania Board of Suextension was shared by others in the in- pervisors posted a message on the county surance industry. website telling residents to call Anthem “We’re pleased this program has been ex- “to express their support for a fair and eqtended, even if it’s for a short time, said Leigh uitable resolution, which will not discourAnn Pusey, president and CEO of the Amer- age Anthem-insured citizens from choosican Insurance Association, in a state- ing to visit the county’s new hospital.” IFA Virginia Insurance & Financial Advisor The complaint was filed in conjunction with a series of personnel changes former Director of Schools Jack Barnes made when he took office July 1, 2008, including the shifting of Morelock to principal. Morelock, who had been the school system’s elementary education supervisor, alleged that she lost out on several central office jobs that went to men and younger applicants, according to the report. The school system settled the claim in February, anticipating the insurance company would foot the entire bill. When it had to pay the money first, the school board and county commissioners began to battle over its handling. IFA CAREER BUILDER when a job isn’t enough. Why settle for a job when you can have a career and your own business? If you have a proven track record of success, particularly in areas like sales, marketing, or management, you might qualify to be a Southern “Career Builder” independent insurance agency business owner. By joining our program you are taking charge of your future – a future with tremendous potential. Qualified candidates receive: s4RAINING s-ARKETING s3ALES3UPPORT s4ECHNOLOGY s#OMPETITIVE Insurance Products s%DUCATION s!DVERTISING3UPPORT s3ALES-ANAGEMENT To learn more about this exciting opportunity, call Don Meincke, CIC, LUTCF Assistant Vice President 1-800-468-1127 Ext. 158 | August 2010 | 5 Health Care Reform Cuccinelli says reform law ‘radical,’ ‘unprecedented’ Obama: Insurers should not raise rates in response to changes Obama Administration refutes AG’s claim, saying national crisis requires action President warns health executives not to use law ‘as excuse to simply drive up costs’ The first court hearing over federal health reform began in Richmond, Va., July 1, where the Virginia Attorney General’s Office argued the law exceeds the limits on federal government described in the U.S. Constitution. Virginia Solicitor General E. Duncan Getchell Ken Cuccinelli Jr. told U.S.. District Court Judge Henry E. Hudson that the government’s requirement that individuals buy private health insurance would be “unprecedented,” according to the Washington Post. Getchell also called the law “ahistorical” and “radical.” The Obama Administration’s lawyers argued that the law is appropriate and legal, given the national health care crisis, the newspaper reported. Hudson must now decide if the federal government’s request to dismiss the suit should be granted. At press time, Hudson was expected to give his ruling by early August. The suit, filed by Virginia Attorney Gen- President Barack Obama recently met with chief executives from more than a dozen insurance companies, warning them against raising rates in response to new requirements placed on them. “There are genuine cost drivers that are not caused by insurance companies,” the president said after the meeting, according to the Washington Post. “But what is also true is that we’ve got to make sure this new law is not being used as an excuse to simply drive up costs.” “The CEOs here today need to know that they’re going to be required to justify unreasonable premium increases,” he added. Obama called new requirements imposed on insurance companies “what amounts to a true Patient’s Bill of Rights,” ending what he called “some of the worst practices in the insurance industry.” “It’s not punitive,” he continued. “As I said when I met with the insurance executives, it’s not meant to punish insurance companies. They provide a critical serv- eral Ken Cuccinelli, a Republican, despite opposition from the state’s Democrats, is one of a handful arguing the illegality of the law. A second one, filed in Florida, pits attorneys general in 20 states against the government, arguing that states will lose their constitutional freedom if forced to expand Medicaid programs required under the law. The hearing in Virginia came the same day a new law took effect in the state, prohibiting an individual insurance mandate. Cuccinelli said the Virginia law, one of 38 state attempts to avoid the mandate, required his legal action in federal court. The health reform, approved by Congress and President Barack Obama in March, requires every American to buy health insurance in 2014 or pay a penalty of up to 2.5% of annual income. Critics of the mandate argue that the federal government has never before told Americans to purchase any product or service, while proponents of the mandate argue that without it, some people might only enroll in health plans when sick. IFA Insurance regulators miss HHS deadline for MLR plan NAIC’s delay in sending methodology based on ‘complexity’ of situation Jim Van Eperen, General Agent, and The Washington Group Staff are Proud to Announce Significant Additions to Our Management Team: Howard Liebowitz, Phil Cho, Brokerage Director Sales Manager Jim Hegel, Michelle Hughes, Brokerage Director Sales Manager Kenneth Van Valkenburgh, Michael Hincewicz, Sales Manager Sales Manager (301) 581-7200 Contact The Washington Group to learn how our team can help take your practice to the next level. The Washington Group is a general agency of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) with offices located throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. The Washington Group is headquartered at 6500 Rock Spring Drive, Suite 400, Bethesda, MD 20817. 6 | Virginia The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) submitted a letter June 1 to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) saying it was delaying Jane L. Cline its report on how health insurers should calculate their medical loss ratios. HHS asked the NAIC to guide it on how to ensure insurers meeting new health care reform requirements for medical loss ratios. The NAIC originally had until Dec. 31 to complete its work, but then was told to complete it by June 1. “The NAIC has received tremendous input from dozens of consumer groups, regulators, health care organizations and industry trade groups,” said Jane L. Cline, NAIC president and West Virginia insurance commissioner, in a statement. “This complex issue will have a profound impact on the future of health care,” she said. IFA Insurance & Financial Advisor | President Barack Obama leads a meeting with health insurers and state insurance commissioners in the White House’s Roosevelt Room. (White House photo) ice. They employ a large number of Americans. And in fact, once this reform is fully implemented a few years from now, America’s private insurance companies have the opportunity to prosper for the opportunity to compete for tens of millions of new customers. We want them to take advantage of that competition.” Among the carriers represented were Blue Cross Blue Shield affiliates, Aetna, Wellpoint, Tufts Health Plan, Kaiser Permanente, CIGNA Corp. and Humana. IFA Report: Short-term buyers leading to most of Mass. health plan cost increases State analysis says active plan members subsidizing those who terminate in a year People are paying more for health insurance in Massachusetts because they are subsidizing residents who bought coverage only when they were sick, according to a new state report. The number of people who dropped their health coverage within six months quadrupled in the first three years of the state insurance program. Short-term buyers increased from 3,508 in 2006, the year the state’s health reform law took effect, to 17,177 in 2008, the latest year for which data is available, the Boston Globe reported, citing a Massachusetts Division of Insurance report. “The active members subsidize some of the costs tied to those individuals who terminate within one year,’’ the report states. The conclusion raises new questions about the Massachusetts Health Connector, a health insurance delivery system touted as the model for federal health reform passed in March. IFA August 2010 NewProducts Md. regulators impose $30,000 fine for Optimum Choice form infractions For more go to Firm offers new illustration to boost employee contributions Securian recently rolled out its Personal Savings Illustration, customized specifically for employees who are eligible but not participating in their retirement plans. Life Insurance The Minnesota-based company said the product uses data unique to each individual to show the results he or she might experience under different savings scenarios. The personalized tool complements Securian’s personalized Annual Checkup, a gap analysis that shows the difference between the employee’s savings goals and the actual amount saved, according to the company. Now in its fourth year, Annual Checkup is provided through employees’ quarterly statements. New app allows business insurance access anywhere Travelers introduced the mobile version of its eCARMA risk management information system (RMIS) application to help business insurance customers access vital information anywhere and at any time. PropertyCasualty The Connecticut-based insurer has developed the platform to be accessible on any mobile device with a web-browser, including the iPhone and BlackBerry smartphones. The e-CARMA system is the visual front-end to the Travelers’ suite of RMIS products, allowing customers to report claims instantly, access documentation anywhere in the claim process and review key information such as adjuster’s case notes. The system offers a robust set of tools to enhance the users’ analytic capabilities, according to the company. Insurer opens up access to its specialty programs website Zurich, is offering commercial property and casualty agents free access to its website – — with access to more than 50 specialty insurance programs. PropertyCasualty include roofing contractors, staffing services workers’ compensation, gas stations and convenience stores, golf courses and country clubs. Agents must register for accessible on the home page of the site. Universal life product with term-life premiums debuts Protective Life Insurance Co. and West Coast Life Insurance Co. released two new universal life insurance products, Protective Secure-T and WCL Secure-T, that offer term-like, guaranteed premiums for periods of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years. Life Insurance Secure-T is designed to provide low-cost coverage for a specified duration, according to the companies. The product offers a built-in lapse protection, with the ability to extend coverage beyond the initial level premium period. At the 25- and 30-year guarantee periods, premiums are 13% to 16% lower, depending on payment mode, than their previous traditional term product counterparts, officials said. Unlike traditional term products with a 30-day grace period, Secure-T features a 61-day grace period. By Bob Graham Optimum Choice Inc. paid a $30,000 fine to the Maryland Insurance Administration after applying benefits to members’ covered claims using unfiled and unapproved forms. The health insurer identified the group to whom improper benefits were applied as Lockheed Martin, the defense contractor, MIA records show. Although the insurer corrected claims for group members who filed complaints with state regulators, the MIA feared others might require corrective actions so Optimum Choice conducted a self-audit. It found 3,369 group members had erroneously applied co-payments, records show. The insurer also reprocessed 23,486 claims using correctly applied benefits, adding a total of $684,926, plus $198,541 in interest, to their benefits paid, records show. Optimum Choice also provided members with new ID cards that were rolled back to the last approved plan, dating to 2006/2007, for the remainder of 2009. The insurer first submitted one of the endorsement forms for amendments to the group benefit plan contract Feb. 1, 2008. Optimum Choice responded to two MIA letters about the changes, but failed to respond, as required within 90 days, to a third letter, so the MIA withdrew the changes in November 2008. The company submitted a subsequent endorsement form with benefit plan changes Feb. 19, 2009. Company officials did not respond to an MIA letter regarding the changes, and that form was deemed withdrawn July 2, 2009, records indicate. After submitting the 2009 filing, Optimum Choice discovered that its 2008 filing was not approved. It resubmitted the form July 6, 2009, and failed to respond to the MIA’s letter regarding the changes, so it was withdrawn Nov. 12, 2009. Because the 2009 form expired Dec. 31, 2009, and because the company took remediation measures, the MIA did not require it to refile the 2008 or 2009 form filings, according to MIA records. IFA License status updates available on Blackberry Insurance agents and brokers can access licensing and compliance information remotely with a new, one-of-a-kind Blackberry app that shows real-time license status information. This Blackberry app is a follow up to the March launch of the License Status App for the iPhone. Agent Licensing THE MIGHT OF MANY INSURANCE AGENCIES BECOMES Developed by Groesbeck, Texas-based Insurance Licensing Services of America, the new app can be downloaded for a one-time fee of $5.99. The application checks licenses against the National Producer Database. THE POWER OF ONE. Current assumption universal life product launched The website, first launched in January 2009, previously was only offered to Zurichappointed agents. The U.S. division of Sun Life Financial launched a current assumption universal life product designed to provide lifetime protection and competitive cash value growth through a guaranteed minimum interest crediting rate. Zurich’s programs are industry-specific books of commercial lines business administered through program administrators and general agents, and through more than 50 participating programs. Risks covered Sun AccumULator offers tax-advantaged cash accumulation potential, income tax-free withdrawals and loans to help meet supplemental retirement income needs, college expenses, or other needs, officials said. Virginia Health insurer improperly applied benefits to members of Lockheed Martin plan Life Insurance Insurance & Financial Advisor Complete Independence • Top Tier Profit Sharing • Stable Markets Call Dan Kerns in Western VA 888-371-6879 • Call Jon Pappas in Northern VA/ DC area 443-692-4000 • Call Lee Mills Call Beth Roe in Central & Southeast VA in North Central VA 910-455-7576 • | Potomac Insurance Network 423-612-0683 • August 2010 | 7 LEGALBRIEFS News from the federal and state courts. Va. jury sides with truck owner, not State Farm, on theft PropertyCasualty Pictured (from left) are CNA leaders: Peter Wilson, president and chief operating officer, CNA Specialty; Tom Motamed, chairman and chief executive officer; George Agyen, mid-Atlantic zone leader; Bob Lindemman, president and chief operating officer, CNA Commercial; and Tim Szerlong, president, Worldwide Field Operations. CNA Financial opens branch in nation’s capitol CNA Financial Corp. opened a branch in Washington, D.C., an expansion the company says extends its geographic footprint and puts it closer to its agents, brokers and customers. The new office for the Chicago-based multi-line business and personal insurance agency is part of a strategy announced last year, company officials said in a statement. “We are fortunate to be among the few businesses that are meeting the challenge of this economic environment by opening new doors and expanding employment opportunities within our industry,” Tom Motamed, chairman and chief executive officer of CNA, said in a statement. “Our new D.C. branch will enable CNA to penetrate the capital’s robust market and diverse industries,” he said. Motamed said key areas of concentration for the office include technology, education, real estate, manufacturing and distribution, and business/professional services. George Agyen, mid-Atlantic zone officer, will lead the D.C. branch office, located at 2020 K Street, NW. IFA The jury awarded the man, Peter L. Norlund, 26, and his father, Lewis L. Norlund, whose name was also on the truck’s title and insurance policy, the money in connection with the June 7, 2008, theft, according to The Virginian-Pilot. The jury, after a one-day trial, awarded the sum equal to the value of the truck, interest he paid on the loan and personal property he lost with the theft. State Farm had accused the younger Norlund, who filed a police report and insurance claim shortly after the incident, of fraud, saying the vehicle’s sophisticated anti-theft system would prohibit anyone except the keyholder to take the vehicle, according to the report. The vehicle was found a few days after he filed the police report in South Carolina, where it appeared to have been intentionally burned. Marsh’s Mercer unit settles $2.8 billion suit in Alaska A unit of insurance conglomerate Marsh & McLennan Cos. settled a $2.8 billion lawsuit with the state of Alaska for a $500 million payment, alleviating a concern for investors and further clearing up the picture for Marsh. Pension Case Mercer Inc., an investment-services and consulting group of Marsh’s, said it will pay $500 million to Alaska over claims brought by the state’s pension funds for the handling of the funds’ investments from 1992 to 2004. Mercer, which expressly denies liability in the settlement, said $100 million of the cost will be covered by insurance. Calif. sheriff’s deputy charged with disability benefit fraud Disability Insurance Annuities Oster suffered an injury in 2007 and was not able to return to work, according to the TV report. While receiving benefits, investigators say, he lied about his employment status, the TV station reported. Oster, whose bond was set at $10,000, was put on administrative leave. Life Term, UL, WL, Second to Die, Final Expens, LTD, WDI Term, UL, WL, Second to Die, Final Expense Health Disability Group, Dental, Medical, PPO, LTD, WDI, Major Blue Collar Cancer, Indemnity Senior Medicare, LTC, HHC A Solano County, Calif., sheriff’s deputy was arrested for allegedly collecting nearly $90,000 in disability benefits for which he was allegedly not entitled. Deputy Michael Oster, 49, an eight-year veteran who lives in Elk Grove, Calif., faces two counts of insurance fraud, according to KOVR-TV. SPIA (Ratable), FPDA, SPDA Life/D.I. A Virginia jury recently awarded $23,864 to a man whose insurance claim for a stolen 2007 Chevrolet Silverado was denied by State Farm. Senior Medicare, LTC, HHC N.Y. brokerage owner pleads guilty in $7M scheme The owner of a pair of Suffolk County, N.Y., insurance brokerages pleaded guilty to mail fraud in what prosecutors say was a $7 million scheme to use client premiums for personal use rather than forwarding the funds to carriers. PropertyCasualty Arthur Bielli, 42, of West Islip, N.Y., made the plea in U.S. District Court in Central Islip, N.Y., according to Newsday. Bielli is the former owner of Global Insurance Brokerage and Cross Country Insurance Brokerage, both in Ronkonkoma, N.Y. Officials say Bielli’s victims included more than 20 companies between 2001 and 2004 that required costly vehicle insurance premiums, including tow truck operators and trucking companies. He faces up to 20 years in prison. In May 2006, the New York State Insurance Department revoked Bielli’s license, as well as the licenses of his two agencies, after a 2001 conviction of third-degree grand larceny for misappropriating premium money received from a client, according to records. First National Brokerage is a full service agency, catering to YOU, the agent. The Hartford settles accident victim claims for $72.5M We assist each agent from beginning to end, whether it's product training/development, quoting, underwriting, enrollment and continued service once the policy is placed. Connecticut-based The Hartford has received preliminary approval on a settlement to pay $72.5 million to resolve a class-action suit accusing the firm of keeping millions in fees that should have been distributed to 21,000 accident victims. First National Brokerage Corporation 5311 Patterson Avenue, Richmond, VA 23226 800-234-5667 | 8 | Virginia PropertyCasualty A federal judge in Bridgeport, Conn., granted the initial approval to settle the national suit, filed in 2005, involving plaintiffs injured and eligible for personal injury or workers’ compensation claims from The Hartford Financial Services Group, according to the Hartford Courant. Insurance & Financial Advisor For the latest Legal news go to | August 2010 UniCare bows to Anthem, CareFirst with exit from Va. Health insurer cedes market to its competitors in northern part of state By Bob Graham UniCare is exiting the Virginia market, eliminating individual health insurance coverage for about 3,000 people, mostly in Northern Virginia, company officials said. The exodus from the commercial health insurance market in Virginia Dec. 31 is part of a company strategy agreed to late last year, Tony Felts, a company spokesman, told Insurance & Financial Advisor. The company pulled out of its two biggest markets, Illinois and Texas, dropping coverage to about 400,000 people, in the fall, he said. No additional market eliminations have been announced, Felts said. The company provides coverage in Maryland and Washington, D.C., to about the same numbers as in Virginia, he said. The departure is not tied to federal health reform, but rather acceptance of the competitive market within Virginia, Felts said. The market share for UniCare is far dwarfed in the state by two Blue Cross Blue Shield licensees: Anthem Blue Cross, which like UniCare is a subsidiary of WellPoint, and CareFirst, an Owings Mills, Md.based carrier covering Northern Virginia. About one third of the people covered by UniCare will receive a guaranteed issue for comparable coverage from Anthem, he said. The others, because they are in Northern Virginia where Anthem is not licensed, will not receive an offer of a guaranteed issue, Felts said. IFA Success SSuc uccceesss // LOCAL LINES State Farm agents help Charlottesville group Two State Farm insurance agents helped put the Building a Bridge, a long-term residential community for adult survivors of traumatic brain injuries, back on the road, the Charlottesville Daily Progress reported. State Farm agents Hunter Wyant and Chris Grimm found a Toyota minivan, which had been in a rear-end accident and needed work. Jeff Cotton’s staff at Master’s Auto Body in Charlottesville, Va., made it operable. IFA Virginia Insurance & Financial Advisor | August 2010 | 9 // HEALTH INSURANCE // FOLLOWUP Coventry to pay $262 million to end class-action suit Money headed to PCA peanut butter salmonella victims Coventry Health Care is taking a $262 million charge to end a class-action suit filed in Louisiana over workers’ compensation claims. The Bethesda, Md.-based health insurer said the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Louisiana affirmed a trial court’s decision granting summary judgment against First Health Group Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of the insurer. The suit involves claims of alleged violations of notice provisions of Louisiana’s Any Willing Provider Act in connection with providers providing services to injured workers with workers’ compensation claims. IFA The 123 people who filed personal injury claims in connection with a salmonella outbreak that was traced to Lynchburg, Va.-based Peanut Corp. of America in 2009 could start seeing some money this month. In Roanoke, a U.S. District Court judge recently agreed to accelerate the resolution of the personal injury claims received through PCA’s bankruptcy action, according to the Lynchburg News Advance newspaper. A $12 million fund, drawn from Peanut Corp.’s insurance policies, were set aside to pay claims of people sickened by the salmonella. The outbreak of salmonella was linked to PCA’s peanut butter. IFA Have you met our weekly edition? eNews Updates bring you desktop access to local and national industry news to give you an edge. Each update includes more than 20 headlines linking to stories on, including important local news stories, along with coverage of national property-casualty, health insurance, life insurance/financial service and new product announcements. Required reading for successful insurance and financial service professionals. 10 | Virginia PeopleNews Insurance & Financial Advisor Matthew Brotherton, president of 1752 Financial Solutions in Richmond, Va., was named a recipient of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance’s 2010 Achieve- Matthew Brotherton ment Award, honoring leading long-term care insurance professionals in each state. Brian Propst was selected as Capitol Financial Solutions’ vice president of business development. Jason G. Pruden, a resident of Richmond and financial representative for Capitol Financial Solutions, Brian Propst recently earned his Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) designation from The American College. The firm, based in Raleigh, N.C., and Richmond, Va., is a member of John Hancock Financial Network, a national network of independent career firms. John Hancock Jason G. Pruden Financial Network also said Hayley Wood consecutively ranked within the top 10 across the nation in her first-year with the company. Eric D. Hirsch and Benjamin T. Jolly, both residents of Washington, D.C., recently earned their Certified Financial Planner (CFP) certifications from the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. Both are financial representatives with Signature Financial Partners, a Vienna, Va.-based financial guidance firm serving the Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Tiffany Jennings was promoted to a commercial underwriter assistant at Atlantic Specialty Lines of VA. Rebecca Holland of Nansemond Insurance Agency in Suffolk, Va., earned the Certified Insurance Service Representative designation through Professional Insurance Agents Association of VA and the District of Columbia. Timothy Herr was named Richmond, Va.based Genworth Financial’s senior vice president of brokerage general agency distribution. He was president and founder of Preferred Strategic Partners. Insurance & Financial Advisor | Dan O’Leary, formerly vice president of sales at USI, was named commercial lines account executive at Preferred Insurance in Fairfax, Va., focusing on real estate, technology and construc- Dan O’Leary tion insurance. New officers for the Insurance Women of Richmond, Va., include Maria A. Swanson of Selective Insurance, president; Teresa Yocom of Realcorp & Associates, second vice president; Melanie A. Morris of Colony Insurance Co., treasurer; and Laura E. Vaughan of Colony Insurance Co., secretary. Maryl Cosman of Armfield Harrison Thomas in Leesburg, Va.; Teresa Evans with Grayson Carroll Wythe Insurance Co. in Galax, Va.; Deborah Isbell of BB&T/DeJarnette & Paul in Richmond, Va.; Tuyet Le with Wells Fargo Insurance Services in Richmond, Va.; and Sara Vandegriff of BB&T/Chaney Thomas in Roanoke, Va., all recently earned the Accredited Customer Service Representative (ACSR) designation through the Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia. Aaron Milligan, formerly with Maxim Healthcare Services, joined Washington, D.C.-area firm Wellness Corporate Solutions as national director of flu shot programs. Send Your News! The easiest way to submit news is online: // ASSOCIATION NEWS Virginia/DC PIA group selects online CE course partner The Professional Insurance Agents of Virginia and the District of Columbia selected CEAuthority as its preferred online insurance continuing education provider. Members of the insurance trade group have unlimited access to CEAuthority’s insurance CE course catalog at preferred subscription pricing. The unlimited access subscription is available at PIA of VA and DC’s website. CEAuthority, powered by RegEd, Inc., offers online insurance continuing education courses in life, health, property and casualty, and other areas. IFA August 2010 Virginia Insurance & Financial Advisor | August 2010 | 11 Va. firm eyes state health exchange role MAXIMUS hopes to help states to meet federal regulatory requirements of reform A Virginia-based company that provides government services worldwide said it has launched its Health Insurance Exchange offerings, designed to help states meet federal regulatory requirements included in federal health reform legislation. MAXIMUS, a Reston, Va., health and human relations consulting company, said its exchange will help states assess, design, implement and operate a cost-effective and efficient exchange that meets all federal and state requirements, according to a statement. “State leaders must make critical decisions regarding how they extend health insurance coverage through an exchange,” said Bruce Caswell, president and general manager of MAXIMUS Health Services, in a statement. “Our exchange solutions utilize our extensive government health insurance program experience to apply best practices that address each state’s unique challenges of expanding cov- Bruce Caswell erage and meeting the federal requirements,” he added. MAXIMUS intends to use its experience with Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and other state-designed insurance programs to help state leaders, the statement said. IFA Focused. …on helping our agents grow. >L»YLHYLNPVUHSJVTWHU`[OH[KLSP]LYZV\YWYVK\J[ZVUS`[OYV\NO PUKLWLUKLU[HNLU[Z:V^L»YLHS^H`ZMVJ\ZLKVUOLSWPUNV\YHNLU[Z NYV^-YVTJVTWL[P[P]LWYVK\J[ZHUKWYPJPUN[VYLHS[PTLMHZ[VUSPUL X\V[PUN-YVTH[[YHJ[P]LJVTTTPZPVUHUKWYVÄ[ZOHYPUNWYVNYHTZ[V SVJHSWYLZLUJLHUKV\[Z[HUKPUNJSHPTZZLY]PJL (UK^L»YLSVVRPUNMVYHML^ZLSLJ[HNLU[Z[VNYV^^P[O\Z -PUKV\[MVY`V\YZLSM^O`V\YHNLU[ZJOVVZL7LUU5H[PVUHS0UZ\YHUJL HZ[OLPYNV[VJHYYPLY>H[JOHZOVY[]PKLVH[ ^^^7LUU5H[PVUHS0UZ\YHUJLJVT*SPJRVU)LJVTPUN(U(NLU[ ;OLUNP]L\ZHJHSS_ Business • Auto • Home • Surety 12 | Virginia Reform: Employers struggling with effects From page 1 midst of a host of health care reform challenges, employers remain confident that they will continue to offer health care benefits to their active employees,” she said. Further complicating matters is the fact that the individual mandate, a cornerstone Marketing Center, a regional brokerage based in Rockville, Md. The health reform law, passed by Congress and President Barack Obama in March, sets new minimum standards for // Early employer actions coverage for small A new survey on patterns of Health Savings Account research businesses and, in and purchasing by Information Strategies Inc., based on 1,700 2014, establishes purchasers and more than 34,000 searches, indicates: health exchanges • 87% of employers agree that their organizations will conwhere individuals and tinue to offer health care benefits because they are critical to small business ownemployee recruitment, retention and remaining competitive. ers can compare cov• One in five employers (21%) is planning to add or erage options and buy increase emphasis on high-deductible health plans in the policies. next 12 months. The rhetoric sur• Close to 70% of these employers are likely to focus on rounding the passage account-based plans linked to health savings accounts. of the legislation indi• 66% of employers will take advantage of the new legal procated that insurance vision that will offer increased levels of financial incentives would cost less. But available to employees who participate in employer-provided health insurance wellness programs; 9% disagree and 25% are not sure. rates are rising by as Source: International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans survey much as 30%, in part because of the new mandates included in the coverage. of the health reform legislation, is being “Some owners believe that rates should challenged in several federal courts, creatbe going down and they don’t understand ing some uncertainty in what form, if any, that none of the real changes go into effect health reform ultimately will take. until 2014,” Poli said. Poli, quoting Charles Dickens, said the Employers are attempting to assess the situation is the best of times because busiimpact and determine how they will re- nesses “need the agent now more than spond to health reform, according to a new ever.” At the same time, he said, now is the survey, published by the International worst of times “because everyone includFoundation of Employee Benefit Plans, of ing the agents are scared and don’t know more than 1,000 employers. what is going to happen. Many think they “Both large and small employers are will be out of business in four years. carefully scrutinizing their options,” said “That is not true,” Poli added. IFA Sally Natchek, senior director of research at the International Foundation, in a state- // ASSOCIATION NEWS ment. “Employers at this point are reacting VAHU to explore health reform to the first wave of requirements, knowing they need to make some initial immediate at Sept. 14-15 conference decisions.” The Virginia Association of Health UnFrank X. Kelly III, president and CEO of derwriters will hold its annual conference Kelly & Associates Insurance Group, a reat the Kingsmill Resort & Spa in Williamsgional brokerage based in Hunt Valley, Md., burg, Va., Sept. 14-15. said his staff is combating “general confuThe event will provide agents from all sion” among employers by using emails, over the state with the tools and informabulletins, monthly and quarterly publication necessary to understand and respond tions to explain upcoming changes. to the federal health reform legislation, “We’re trying to let people see the inforpassed in March. Continuing education, mation and calming them down,” he said. networking and a trade show are planned. Kelly added that because the rules imFor more information or to register, plementing the reform law are now being contact VAHU at IFA written, “We are still waiting for some clarification on a lot of regulation.” Online CE. Natchek said that despite the complexity, At your pace, at your desk. the study shows employers remain mitted to providing health benefits. “In the Insurance & Financial Advisor | August 2010 DoneDeals Calendar of Events has gone digital. mergers • acquisitions • partnerships Pacific Life, PIMCO deal marks move to ‘cutting edge’ Pacific Life Insurance Co. awarded PIMCO a contract to manage a portion of its general account assets, a move it says puts the company on the “cutting edge” of insurer investing. Life Insurance The Newport Beach, Calif.-based insurer said the contract began July 1. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. PIMCO was selected from six firms to invest for Pacific Life among a wide range of fixed income securities, according to a statement from the companies. “Pacific Life is among the first of large life insurance companies to employ this new investment structure,” said Mark Holmlund, Pacific Life’s chief investment officer. He added that the company manages more than $10 billion of Pacific Life policyholder funds within its separate account offerings. “We are excited to be on the cutting edge of this new investment trend,” he added. New Jersey’s MSO affiliates with executive search firm Glen Rock, N.J.-based MSO, a property-casualty ratings service bureau, is affiliating with Abbott Smith Associates Worldwide, an executive search and talent management firm. PropertyCasualty Services in the areas of employee recruiting and talent management will be provided to MSO member firms on a discounted basis. Symetra Life partnering with CANNEX Exchange Symetra Life Insurance Co. Wealth Mgmt. said two of its income annuity products are now available on the CANNEX Exchange. CANNEX. which distributes annuity surveys, quotations and illustrations for U.S. insurers, will offer the Advantage Income and Freedom Income annuities on its platform. Wells Fargo Advisors teaming up with Saybrus Partners Saybrus Partners, the distribution company of The Phoenix Cos., is going to provide life insurance consulting services to the financial advisors of Wells Fargo Advisors. Financial Services Under the agreement, Saybrus Partners’ wealth management consultants will work with Wells Fargo Advisors’ financial advisors in branches across the U.S., helping them match insurance products to meet their clients’ needs, according to a statement. Saybrus Partners will separately secure selling agreements with several carriers it will represent in the Wells Fargo Advisors system. To provide the latest, most accurate Calendar of Events information, the calendar is now online at A print calendar will no longer appear each month. Associations and other groups are encouraged to post events, seminars and other activities on the calendar at no charge. It’s quick, easy and always up-to-date. Phoenix formed Saybrus Partners late last year to provide consultation services to partner companies, as well as support for Phoenix’s product line within its own distribution channels. Saybrus Partners offers both wholesaling and “assisted sale” services. American College, MetLife team up on college facilities Agent Education The American College signed an agreement with MetLife to sponsor the new ‘MetLife Learning Center,’ located on the college’s campus in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The center is a state-of-the-art meeting and classroom facility that will serve as the primary location for the institution’s academic programs, according to the college. The MetLife Learning Center will be the home of the college’s master’s degree residency courses each year, as well as other learning opportunities. LPL parent company prepares for its $600 million IPO The parent company of one of the largest brokerage companies in the U.S. filed for an initial public stock offering worth up to $600 million. Financial Services LPL Investment Holdings is the parent of LPL Financial, the fifth largest broker dealer based on the number of registered financial advisors, More than 12,000 independent financial advisors work with LPL, which also offers clearing and technology for 4,000 other advisors. Last year, company officials indicated that an IPO was likely. www The filing does not indicate the number of shares to be sold; however, it did indicate that the money raised would be used to repay debt. LPL, previously known as Linsco/Private Ledger, had on March 31 advisory and brokerage assets totaling $285 billion. The company earned $25.6 million in the first quarter, according to company filings, which showed $743 million of net revenue. w www w..ktbspay For the latest deals go to Virginia Insurance & Financial Advisor | August 2010 | 13 // LOCAL LINES Culpeper dentist in prison in Oxycodone prescription case A Culpeper, Va., dentist is serving his 28month federal prison term, six months after being sentenced for his role in a conspiracy to illegally distribute Oxycodone, which in one case involved a false insurance claim. Dr. William J. King, 62, who operated a general dentistry practice in the 1000 block of Oaklawn Drive in Culpeper, is serving the sentence at the Federal Correctional Institution in Fort Dix, N.J., a low-security facility, according to the Culpeper Star-Exponent. At his sentencing in December 2009, King, who pleaded guilty Sept. 29, 2009, to one felony count of conspiracy to distribute the painkiller, also was ordered to three years of supervised release, fined $20,000 and ordered to forfeit $150,000, the newspaper reported. King wrote prescriptions for OxyContin and other narcotics in 2006 and 2007 for a woman with whom he had a romantic relationship, according to court records, cited by the newspaper. IFA LTC: Real policy costs less than perceived From page 1 between ages 61 and 75 pay $1,500 or more. “Individuals mistakenly have been led to believe that long-term care insurance costs thousands of dollars,” said Jesse Slome, AALTCI’s executive director, in a statement. He added that a “significant number” of buyers spend between $10 and $20 a week for up to $250,000 of future care. Among buyers under age 61, exactly 28.1% paid less than $999-per-year. Fewer than one in 10 (9.3%) pay $3,500 or more annually. The report confirmed that age is an important factor. While 41.5% of buyers under age 61 pay between $500 and $1,499per-year, only 20.8% of buyers who are ages 61-to-75 pay within this range. Nearly one in 10 (9.5%) of all buyers paid $4,000 or more yearly for their insurance protection, the AALTCI report found. Just 6% of buyers under age 61 pay the amount, while 28.2% of buyers age 76 or older did, Slome said. IFA NewProducts For more go to Partnership enables vision plan offering from insurer Assurant Employee Benefits is offering a fully-insured vision plan through a partnership with VSP Vision Care, a eye-care provider. Vision Benefits “Introducing a vision plan means that Assurant Employee Benefits now offers all ancillary benefits, making it easier than ever for brokers and customers to do business with us,” said Paul Walker, product development marketing specialist, in a statement. The fully-insured eye-care plan includes benefits such as contacts and glasses as well as yearly eye exams, the company said. With the introduction of the fully-insured vision plan, Assurant Employee Benefits now offers vision, dental, long and short-term disability and worksite benefits including cancer, critical illness, accident and gap, making them a one-stop shop for ancillary benefits. ‘Ann’ answering the virtual call for national health insurer Aetna has unveiled an online assistant to help members who have questions about how to navigate Aetna’s member website. Health Insurance “Ann,” Aetna’s personalized, virtual assistant, offers 24-hour support for members who are new to the website or need help logging in. More than half of health plan members who register on the website for the first time interact with Ann, company officials said, adding that calls to the company’s customer service technical help desk declined 29% in one month because of Ann’s interactions. Our conference is poised and ready to offer attendees the tools and information to sort through the regulations of the new Health Reform Law. Customize your Conference experience. There will be multiple breakout sessions offering approved continuing education courses along with personal development classes and many networking opportunities. We have plans to present a panel discussion with stakeholders who will provide the most up to date information to share with your clients. Please mark your calendars and register to attend. History is being made in Williamsburg and across the nation. …. you need to get on board with VAHU and learn what opportunities lie ahead in these challenging times. Register to attend at: 14 | Virginia Members receive the same responsive service from Ann that they receive when calling customer service, but without leaving the website, the Hartford, Conn.-based company said in a statement. Ann is interactive and easily interprets members’ questions, helping them with the registration process or with recovering forgotten user names or passwords. Developed by Next IT, the technology behind Ann emulates the look and voice of a human, according to the company. themselves and their employees, the company said. MetLife collaborated with Benz Communications, a benefits communication firm, to create several new resources on the Open Enrollment Toolbox. These include guides for employers and brokers on how to simplify benefits, easy ways to make enrollment more effective, trends to watch and how to get started with social media, the insurer said. Middle-market coverages for industry segments doubled The Hanover Insurance Group, a property-casualty insurance provider, launched more than a dozen new and enhanced middle-market capabilities for various industry segments. PropertyCasualty The company said the move is a response to the growing number of its agent partners who are becoming more specialized in their marketing and sales efforts and the result of its recently acquisition of OneBeacon Insurance Group, which operates in specialized and niche markets. The enhanced industry solutions include a core commercial package policy, property, general liability, commercial auto and commercial umbrella coverage, combined with customized products and services for each unique industry segment. These areas include brewers, cultural institutions, food industries, hospitality, Media, metalworkers, plastic manufacturers, printers, professional services, real estate, retail and wholesalers. Financial advisors have new coach in their 401(k) corner Financial Planning John Hancock Retirement Plan Services introduced Coach's Corner, an online tool designed to help financial representatives identify the needs of prospective clients in a more effective manner. Carrier adds punch to its online open enrollment tools Coach's Corner is the latest addition to John Hancock RPS's PRIME Elements program -a suite of tools to help financial representatives quickly identify and address the critical elements plan sponsors require in a 401(k) retirement plan. MetLife has enhanced its online Open Enrollment Toolbox to help employers engage their workforce during open enrollment, implement new strategies and optimize the value of their group benefits programs for both The Coach’s Corner tool provides financial representatives with support throughout the entire sales cycle -- from preliminary discussions with a prospect all the way to presenting them with a retirement plan solution, company officials said. Life Insurance Insurance & Financial Advisor | August 2010 // TECHNOLOGY RCM&D inks contract for redesign of its website MGH, an Owings Mills, Md.-based integrated marketing communications agency, has been contracted to redesign the website of RCM&D, a regional insurance brokerage. Terms of the deal between MGH and RCM&D, a 125-year-old privately held insurance brokerage and consulting firm based in Baltimore, Md., were not disclosed. The updated site, whose completion is expected by the end of the year, will provide additional information for brokers and the public and provide online access to policy information, according to the Baltimore Business Journal. RCM&D has offices in Baltimore and Bethesda, Md.; Richmond and Virginia Beach, Va.; and Harrisburg, Pa. IFA // PROPERTY-CASUALTY Unitrin buys ‘Kemper’ name from Lumbermens Mutual Unitrin bought the “Kemper” name from Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co., finally putting the name with the company that operates under the name. “We are pleased to have acquired such a venerable name in financial services as Kemper and plan to increase the profile of the name in our insurance operations over time," said Unitrin's chief executive officer, Donald Southwell, in a statement. Lumbermens has owned the intellectual property rights to the Kemper name and operated various insurance businesses as “Kemper Insurance Cos.” In 2002, Unitrin bought the personal lines and casualty business from Lumbermens, and it acquired a license to use the Kemper name only with its personal lines business. IFA In Memoriam ■ Michael J. Long, originally from WilkesBarre and recently Ashburn, Va.; former Nationwide Insurance employee. ■ Walter Carroll Plunkett Jr., 87, of Ruckersville, Va.; worked in insurance industry, then tax advisor at Amvest. ■ Samuel Lewiston Brown, 88, of Reva, Va.; worked as an insurance agent for Home Beneficial Insurance. companynews Dominion Dental helps Alexandria children’s fund Dominion Dental Services supported The Fund for Alexandria’s Child’s annual “Fostering the Future Cruise” for the fifth-consecutive year, which benefits the children’s recreation, therapeutic casework enhancement, emergency food, clothing and transportation, holiday giving and community outreach efforts. Pictured are Suzanne Kratzok, community resources coordinator for the City of Alexandria Department of Human Services, and Mitch McGlynn, president of Dominion Dental Services. Send photos of your company events and happenings: Brokers Have Always Worn More Than One Hat. BenefitMall Employer Services Exchange makes it easier. These days, your clients count on you to be a complete benefits and services consultant. Versatile, resourceful and nimble, you’re a hero because you give your clients more time to focus on their business. And BenefitMall is here to help you achieve success as the go-to, single-source benefits and services expert, with valuable products like Employer Services ExchangeSM. Employer Services Exchange provides real-time access to view and administer benefits, for both administrators and Brokers. BenefitMall Payroll ExchangeSM is seamlessly integrated, allowing clients access to manage employee payroll information. Contact us today to see how Employer Services Exchange can help streamline your business and add to your bottom line. Be more versatile—and more valuable— with BenefitMall. Ready to offer more products and services to your clients? Hats off to you! Give us a call or log on today. Rockville (800) 472-4961 Towson (800) 825-6650 ©2010 BenefitMall®. All rights reserved. BenefitMall, the circle “b” logo and the corporate logo are registered trademarks of Centerstone Insurance and Financial Services, Inc. California license #063979. Virginia Insurance & Financial Advisor | August 2010 | 15 Insurer: Company looking at Shenandoah From page 1 “We are pleased to have the opportunity to further develop and refine our plan to recapitalize Shenandoah,” said Prosperity Life’s president, Jose Montemayor, in a statement. “The recapitalization aims to restore Shenandoah’s financial strength to allow it to continue to serve policyholders as it has been doing since its founding in 1916.” Shenandoah is a Virginia-domiciled life and health insurer that, at the time it was placed in receivership, wrote primarily life, annuities and dental insurance in 31 states, and Washington, D.C. A moratorium placed on the payment of claims and benefits, except for accident and health claims, death claims, and peri- odic annuity payments, at the time of receivership will remain in place during the parties’ negotiations. And, Shenandoah will not resume the issuance of new insurance policies until a plan of rehabilitation is approved by the SCC. IFA For the Record Virginia Agent & Carrier Actions The following summaries are based on information obtained from the Virginia State Corporation Commission Bureau of Insurance. ■ // PROPERTY-CASUALTY OneBeacon completes shedding of personal lines OneBeacon Insurance Group completed the sale of its traditional personal lines business to Tower Group as the company focuses its attention on specialty lines, the company announced. The deal was announced Feb. 2. IFA Michael E. Cahill ministrative action taken against him by North Carolina. Mechanicsville, Va. Action: Paid a $7,500 fine, agreed to completed four hours of continuing education work in ethics within 12 months and agreed to five years of probation Synopsis: Cahill was found to have made false or fraudulent statements or representations regarding an application or document; knowingly helped to secure a life insurance policy on a person who is not in an insurable condition by means of misrepresentations, or false or fraudulent statements; used fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practices; and forged another’s name ot an application or document related to an insurance transaction. Case No. INS-201-00096 ■ Case No. INS-2010-00060 ■ Case No. INS-2010-00034 ■ Case No. INS-2010-00061 ■ Case No. INS-2010-00085 ■ New eyes. New reach. New exposure. Case No. INS-2010-00045 ■ Zachuriah D. Collar Virginia Beach, Va. Action: License revoked Synopsis: Collar failed to report within 30 days an ad- Freedom Settlement Group LLC Winchester, Va. Action: Paid a $5,000 fine Synopsis: The company was found to have acted as a settlement agent without being properly registered with the Virginia State Bar. NTSWV Inc. Chester, W.Va. Action: Paid a $500 fine Synopsis: The company failed to provide a copy of its analysis or audit report of its escrow account in a timely manner. Queen E. Robinson Chicago, Ill. Action: Paid a $500 fine Synopsis: Robinson failed to report to the commission within 30 days an administrative action taken against her by Alabama, and provided materially incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information on its license application. James A. Connors Assoc. Inc. Morristown, N.J. Action: Paid a $500 fine Synopsis: The company failed to report to the commission within 30 days an administrative action taken against it by Florida, and provided materially incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information on its license application. Leikicha L. Phillips Philadelphia, Pa. Action: Paid a $500 fine Synopsis: Phillips failed to report to the commission within 30 days an administrative action taken against her by Wisconsin, and provided materially incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information on its license application. Case No. INS-2010-00082 ■ Orlando A. Ramirez Falls Church, Va. Action: Paid a $500 fine Synopsis: Ramirez was found to have acted as an agent of an insurer without first obtaining a license. Case No. INS-2010-00051 // REGULATION FINRA fines, bars Va. man for his outside business activities Reach even more insurance agencies and retail financial service offices throughout the mid-Atlantic region. • Expansion throughout all of Pennsylvania • Increasing circulation in Maryland and Virginia • Relaunched website with more news and features See what’s new. In print, email and online. Call 877-IFA-5001 16 | Virginia A Chesterfield, Va., man was fined $22,500 for failing to inform his member firm of his outside business activities, according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Walter Allen Ellis, a registered principal, also was barred from any association with FINRA members for one year, ending April 4, 2011, FINRA records show. The fine must be paid when Ellis returns to the industry. FINRA investigators found that Ellis managed customers’ accounts and effected trades in commodity futures contracts and commodity futures options through commodity trading firms and earned commissions from those firms, records show. Ellis, who neither admitted nor denied the allegations, completed quarterly compliance questionnaires for his firm, where he false reported that he was not participating in the activities, records show. IFA // ASSOCIATION NEWS Cooper, others chosen to lead Roanoke Claims Association Derek Cooper of EarthNet in Roanoke, Va., will lead the Roanoke Claims Association for its 2010-2011 year. Other leaders include Rick Wheeler of CRDN of the Shenandoah in Waynesboro, Va., vice president; Randy Layman of Chas. Lunsford Sons & Associates in Roanoke, treasurer and state director; and Caroline Gearhart of ServPro of Roanoke, Mont- Insurance & Financial Advisor | gomery & Pulaski Counties in Salem, Va., secretary. Members of the board of directors area Ken Frederick of Blue Ridge Investigative Services in Lynchburg, Va.; Mike Goodman of Kidd’s Restoration Services in Roanoke; Pete Lassen of Crittenden Adjustment Co. in Fincastle, Va.; and Bob Ostrom of Air-Lee Cleaners/Peacock-Salem in Roanoke. IFA August 2010 // PROPERTY-CASUALTY // RETIREMENT PLANNING Keystone Insurers Group adds 17th partner in Kentucky Employers: Workers lacking retirement investment know-how Insurance group opposes Va. speed limit increase Virginia transportation authorities considering 70 mph on some interstates An insurance industry organization voiced opposition to Virginia’s consideration of a plan to increase the speed limit on more than 700 miles of interstate roads from 65 mph to 70 mph. At press time, the Virginia Department of Transportation had not made a final decision on all roads. But it did raise the speed limit on a segment of I-295, between I-64 east of Richmond, from 65 mph to 70 mph, according to the Progress Index newspaper in Richmond. The last time VDOT raised speed limits was in 2006, when it upped the speed limit on sections of Interstate 85 near North Carolina. “There is a direct correlation between higher speed limits and more deaths on the highway,‘’ said Russ Rader, a spokesman for the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety, a research organization funded by the auto insurance industry, according to a report in the Culpeper Star-Exponent. “There is a tradeoff. If we want to get people to destinations faster, it means accepting more deaths on the highway.” Advocates for the increase, including the Virginia General Assembly, which voted for the increases, say most drivers already go 70 mph, and that it could improve traffic safety, according to the StarExponent. Opponents say reducing the speed limit would save lives, reduce fuel use and trim pollution. The state has seen a reduction in highway fatalities over the last four years. In 2007, a total of 1,026 highway deaths were reported, while in 2008 it dropped to 821 and in 2009, to 756. Rader told the newspaper that if the speed limit is increased, most drivers will go at between 5 mph and 10 mph above that speed limit. IFA Virginia Most employers say their employees don’t know as much as they should about retirement investing, according to a new survey. Nearly four-in-five employers say their workers lack knowledge about their retirement investments, while fewer than half of those participating in a recent survey said their employees are very involved in monitoring and managing their retirement savings, according to the 11th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey. Employers said they fear their workers financial preparedness for retirement. Threequarters of employers said believe their employees could work until age 65 and still not have enough saved to meet their needs in retirement, while only 53% are confident in their employees’ ability to achieve a comfortable lifestyle in retirement. “Most employers understand that these plans are important to their employees and are key retention tools,” said Catherine Collinson, president of the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies. “By adding a retirement plan – or enhancing existing retirement benefits with automatic features, investment advice, and retirement income options – employers can increase their impact in helping their employees prepare for a secure retirement.” IFA A Henderson, Ky., insurance agency has become the 17th franchise partner in that state for Keystone Insurers Group. Latta Insurance Services, led by President Williams S. Latta, serves western Kentucky with commercial coverages. Latta said the deal enables his company to offer additional products and services. Keystone President David Boedker called William Latta “legendary” in a statement, saying the owner “commands the respect of carriers and his fellow agents.” Keystone Insurers Group is owned by its employees and franchise partners in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. IFA Online CE. At your pace, at your desk. “Optima Health values our business and employees.” Count on Optima Health Thousands of small businesses in Virginia count on Optima Health –Johns Brothers Security for excellent health coverage.1 We offer a variety of affordable plans — including innovative High Deductible Health Plans that cost 20–50% less than most other traditional health plans.2 We can even modify coverage levels so you buy only what you need. Plus, most preventive care is included with our plans. For more information, contact your broker or visit Optima Health is the trade name of Optima Health Insurance Company and Optima Health Plan. For costs and complete details of coverage call your broker or go to 1 2 Insurance & Financial Advisor | Optima Health Membership Change Report, March 2010. Optima Vantage 20/40 compared to Optima Plus 20/80. August 2010 | 17 LEGALBRIEFS EAIG ratings upgraded, outlook ‘stable’ Strong operating results, capitalization lead A.M. Best to raise firm’s evaluation Eastern Alliance Insurance Group (EAIG) and its members had their ratings upgraded in recognition of its strong operating results and capitalization, as well as its conservative practices and financial flexibility, according to A.M. Best Co. “The upgrade in our A.M. Best Company financial strength rating is evident of our top performing workers’ compensation insurance operational and financial results and validates the successful execution of our strategic business plans, the foundations of which are based on strong relationships with our partner agents and their customers,” said Bruce Eckert, chief executive of Eastern In- Bruce Eckert surance Holdings, the holding company of EAIG and its members, in a statement. “I was particularly pleased with this achievement considering the challenging market conditions and economic uncertainties that face the insurance industry today.” The ratings service upgraded the financial strength rating (FSR) to A (Excellent) from A- (Excellent) and issuer credit ratings (ICR) to “a” from “a-” for EAIG, which consists of Eastern Alliance Insurance Co. (EAIC), Allied Eastern Indemnity Co., Eastern Advantage Assurance Co. and Employers Security Insurance Co. With the exception of Employers Security, which is based in Indianapolis, all of the companies are based in Lancaster, Pa. A.M. Best also upgraded the ICR to “bbb” from “bbb-” of the holding company, Eastern Insurance Holdings. The outlook for all ratings has been revised to “stable” from “positive.” The ratings service said the cultivation of a loyal agency base within preferred territories has produced profitable growth, as evidenced by the group’s five-year average combined ratio, which outperforms the workers’ compensation composite by a wide margin. The strong underwriting performance reflects management’s commitment to maintain sound pricing, a proactive return to work program and utilization of “compromise and release” agreements, the service said. IFA News from the federal and state courts. Buffalo Bills’ McGee settles financial advisor case A National Football League player settled a civil suit in which he alleged that a financial advisor he was introduced to by his agent put his money into unauthorized investments. Financial Planning Buffalo Bills’ cornerback Terrence McGee and his former agent Terry Bolar reached a settlement in the case, where McGee says he lost more than $1 million, according to an Associated Press report. Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. The news service reported that Bolar says he did nothing wrong and that he is prohibited from commenting on the settlement because of a confidentiality agreement. McGee, in court papers, alleged that Bolar and Jerry Gray, now a secondary coach with the Seattle Seahawks, knowingly introduced McGee to the financial advisor, who allegedly put McGee’s money into investments McGee says were unauthorized and possibly nonexistent, according to the AP. The report said it was unclear if Gray also participated in the settlement. Federal jury issues $19.3M verdict for Cascade National A federal jury in Washington state has issued a $19.3 million verdict against three individuals and their company for pocketing millions of dollars owed to a financially troubled insurance company. PropertyCasualty The jury rendered a verdict against Danny Pixler, Anthony and Sheri Huff and Midwest Merger Management, a limited-liability company domiciled in Kentucky, according to the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner. Money recovered as a result of the suit will be used to reimburse the insurance guaranty fund that has paid the company’s workers’ compensation claims. Cascade National focused principally on auto and commercial trucking coverage in Washington, Oregon, Alaska, California, Mississippi and Louisiana, serving nearly 5,000 policyholders. Mich. tax preparer faces IRS, insurance fraud charges A Saginaw, Mich., tax preparer facing charges of filing tax returns with fictitious Schedule A deductions is now charged with trying to defraud Progressive Michigan Insurance Co. for in-home health services. Health Insurance Carolyn R. Moore is accused of conspiring with three other women to obtain insurance payments for the services in 2007 and 2008, which authorities say never occurred, according to the Bay City Times newspaper. We Work For Your Benefit. Moore was the alleged claimant to Progressive Michigan for in-home services allegedly filed for fraudulently by Leana B. McGee, Tawhona L. Hunt and Tiara M. Baskin, the newspaper reported, citing federal court records. Top-5 Reasons to Offer Voluntary Dental and Vision1 Plans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Moore also faces 65 counts of willfully aiding and assisting in preparing false tax returns, 60 counts of wire fraud and one count of attempted wire fraud for allegedly preparing tax returns between 2004 and 2006 that claims fictitious Schedule A itemized deductions, leading to an estimated tax loss of more than $250,000, according to the report. No employer contribution required Two valuable and popular benefits Minimal effort to quote and install A single-billing solution for two benefits Attractive commissions Man allegedly reported silk tie collection stolen thrice Dominion offers growing networks, competitive rates and innovative products for groups of any size. Implementation and plan administration could not be easier. Contact your Dominion Sales Executive or our Group Service Center at 877-559-9624 or for a quote or to enroll a group today! 1 Vision plans are underwritten by Security Life Insurance Company of America, and are marketed and administered by Dominion Dental Services USA, Inc. This communication is not intended for presentation, distribution, or dissemination to the public, and is for internal use by sales agents/brokers ONLY. 18 | Virginia A Lynnwood, Wash., man faces charges of insurance fraud for allegedly claiming car thieves stole the same $33,000 collection of silk ties — not once, not twice, but three times in nine years, according to state insurance regulators. PropertyCasualty Carlton H. Wopperer, 49, faces two counts of insurance fraud, according to the Washington State authorities. Within a nine-year period, he reported that thieves had stolen his collection of 212 silk ties, carried in four plastic containers, from his vehicle three times, even though authorities allege that he typically returned the ties within minutes of buying them. After an alleged January 2009 theft, Wopperer purchased replacement ties from Nordstrom, Butch Blum, Barneys New York and Mario’s of Seattle, submitting the receipts to his insurer, PEMCO Insurance. The insurer paid him $33,370 under the terms of a provision allowing for replacement cost of stolen items, authorities said. Investigators found two other instances, including one in 2000 and the other in June 2009, where he allegedly reported the ties stolen. Insurance & Financial Advisor | August 2010 INSURANCE MARKETPLACE “We are dedicated to the creation, retention, and growth of Independent Insurance Agencies.” -Jon Pappas President, Potomac Insurance Network Our Appointed Members Receive: • Increased Independence • More Profit Sharing & Excess Compensation Opportunities • Access to over 20 Personal & Commercial line markets • Agency Loan Program • Exclusive E&O Program • Agency Marketing Call Jon Pappas, President Potomac Insurance Network 2360 Boston Street Baltimore, MD 21224 (443) 692-4000 BEST OF A NATIONAL. BEST 9 9 24/7 claims almost all products 9 Write online in minutes 9 Local relationships 9 Local claims staff dedicated 9 100% local underwriter All the products you want OF A REGIONAL. Flood (Fluhd) - Noun: An overflowing of water; over land not usually submerged. 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Our wholesale division specializes in helping you write those high value and hard-to-place homes in Virginia and throughout the U.S. No volume commitment and most quotes are turned around within 24 hrs. All our agents receive excellent service and support from our knowledgeable staff. Learn more today: Bill Desko - Safeco Region Manager 804-320-0405 - © 2010 Safeco Insurance Company of America, Member of Liberty Mutual Group, 1001 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98154. All rights reserved. Safeco is a registered trademark of Safeco Corporation. The Safeco logo is a trademark of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. With predictions of an active hurricane season around the corner, advise your clients to carry the proper coverage. Just as you would prepare yourself with bottled water or batteries, be sure to arm yourself as well as your clients with the coverage you need! Laurie Bruinooge Gray Wholesale Personal Lines (804) 767-0218 (800) 698-0511 ext. 346 FLOOD INSURANCE We are agent focused and offer the following: • Expert underwriting delivered with friendly service • Easy on line processing • Competitive commissions • Marketing plans to help drive revenue into your agency • Bonus for Rollovers Call or email today and ask about our Application Bonus!!! Call Tom Shaughnessy at 800-423-4403 dial 1 and then 656 or email American Bankers Insurance Company Sales Representative needed! Growing General Agency is seeking an outside marketing representative. Opportunity involves recruiting and developing a network of brokers throughout Virginia to distribute our products. Duties include training, educating and product support for new and existing agents. Potential to be home based along with a competitive compensation/benefits package. Please e-mail resume in confidence to Mark Glandon at Virginia Insurance & Financial Advisor | August 2010 | 19 Rope in more profits! Business owners continue to seek solutions that provide attractive benefits for their valuable employees, while keeping costs at manageable levels. And that means that they look to you for guidance. When you become an EBCA broker partner, you focus on being a guide and resource to your clients, while EBCA takes care of all the rest! EBCA’s Four-Point Broker Advantage: • Our trained staff prepares your proposals and financial spreadsheets to meet your clients’ specific requirements • Proposals are delivered to you within 24 hours of submission • EBCA pays 100% carrier commission and bonuses twice each month after the sale is closed • Plus, you become eligible for EBCA’s new-business bonuses! In addition, we never sell direct, so unlike other brokerages, we won’t compete with you for group clients. Our large size and high volume are matched with service and security to make us the ideal partner to help you grow your group health business Learn how EBCA can help you increase sales, while saving you time, expenses and administrative paperwork. Call our Broker Service Hotline to discover the details of our Broker Partner benefits. 888-367-3222 Employee Benefit Corporation of America The Broker’s Professional Broker EBCA maintains close ties with 17 major carriers, with excellent group choices and rates. Locations in Metropolitan D.C., Virginia, and now in the Baltimore region! 10451 Mill Run Circle, Suite 400, Owings Mills, MD 21117