Forward. Thinking. - Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Forward. Thinking. - Mount Vernon Nazarene University
M O U N T V E R N O N Spring 2009 Forward. Thinking. Transforming the Future A N N UA L R E PORT INSIDE! 1 M O U N T Spring 2009 V E Vol. 44 R N O President N Issue 2 Framework for the Future Dr. Daniel J. Martin 6 Campus Master Plan Along with the strategic framework comes a new physical campus plan to assist MVNU in accomplishing its mission. 9 To Serve and Protect Junior Stacey Pratt holds her own in a Secret Service internship. 17 Annual Report institution a part of their philanthropic giving. President Martin unveils a strategic framework for shaping the future of MVNU. Dr. J. Keith Newman Associate Vice President for University Marketing and Adult and Graduate Studies Enrollment Management Rev. Tim Eades Director of Communications Carrie A. Crouch Designer Tricia Bowles, Director of Creative Services Editorial Board MVNU recognizes those who have made the 3 Vice President for University Relations Tammy Adams Sandy Helman Dorothy Jean Konrad Joe Noonen Dave Parsons Joe Rinehart Marcy Rinehart Tom West Lee Yowell Mount Vernon NOW (USPS 761-980) is published four times a year by Mount Vernon Nazarene University, located at 800 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050. Periodical Postage Paid at Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050. Campus Switchboard: (740) 392-6868 Subscription Updates: Postmaster, send address changes to: Mount Vernon NOW 800 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050-9500 Mission + Vision + Plan + Action = Transformation My answer has been informed by the book of Genesis. I see Mount Vernon’s story embedded in the words that begin Chapter 12: 1. The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.” In 1964, God called the leaders of the Church of the Nazarene to begin a new college in this region. In essence, saying to the site selection committee, “Go to the land I will show you.” God faithfully provided, and we were blessed. The story continues: 2.“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 3.I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” So, the Lord told Abram to go—to follow His call—the call and vision to be a blessing to the world. We see in verse 4 that Abram did as the Lord told him. It is interesting that Abram didn’t know where he was going, but he knew his purpose. They were to be people of promise. It was God’s desire to bless the world through Abram, and his people. "Just as Abram was called, Mount Vernon Nazarene University is called. To fulfill our call, we must go. We must pursue our mission and move toward our vision." Just as Abram was called, Mount Vernon Nazarene University is called. To fulfill our call, we must go. We must pursue our mission and move toward our vision. When God called this university into existence, what was His vision, His call to us? As I have studied our history, as I have talked to the faculty and staff who have gone before us, as I have engaged in conversation with you, there is no doubt—the vision for MVNU is to change our world with the love of Christ. As God told Abram, God tells us. He wants to bless the world through Mount Vernon. The environment in which this vision is carried out continues to evolve. If MVNU wishes to remain effective and vibrant, it must continue to seek ways to: • Distinguish itself and enhance its relevancy • Strengthen programs and operations • Transform itself in order to face such a challenging and demanding future In this issue, you’ll find a synopsis of the plan that will serve as the framework for transforming MVNU’s educational experience. The framework identifies three areas for institutional transformation (environment, emphasis and essence) that not only will enable us to be better prepared for our future, but will lead us to more clearly express the very nature of the University’s own transformational educational experience. There is much work to do. We are committed and invite you to remember the faculty and staff in prayer as we work to accomplish our mission. If you would like to read the University Plan Framework in its entirety, visit: www.mvnu. edu, click on “Information About,” then “President’s Office.” God’s best to you in 2009! Go Cougars! Daniel J. Martin 2 Mount Vernon NOW I’ve been thinking a lot about what it is that MVNU’s faculty and staff give our lives to each day. Is it just for the students and their lives? Is it for us, how we want to be compared to other universities? Does the world need MVNU when Ohio State is right down the road? If so, why? Future Envisioning the University’s By Dr. Dan Martin, President There can be no doubt that we are moving into a very challenging environment for colleges and universities. The inflation rate is at its highest in years—everything is costing us more. Credit is tighter; home values are decreasing; the unemployment rate is up; the stock market is down and fluctuating; gas prices, although down from the high, are still up from last year; and Warren Buffet, Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway said this week that the U.S. economy was still “in recession” and would continue for at least several more months. Yet, I am far from discouraged. I always say you can choose to see obstacles or opportunities, and I see a world of opportunity. As I said in my inaugural address, I believe the words of Henry David Thoreau apply to our future together: “There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star.” There is no doubt the potential and promise of this university shines bright—we do have the capacity to become a university of choice for those seeking excellence in education within the context of a Christ-centered community. However, given all the facts about the external environment in which we find ourselves, to achieve this, we must be smarter, more flexible, more relevant, creative, strategic and more determined. Given this, the MVNU leadership team has worked diligently to develop a long-term plan for the future—a future where the University will be: Known for inspiring personal life transformation in Christ through its vibrant mission, relevant programs and innovative spirit in fulfilling its aims of educating the whole person and cultivating Christ-likeness. Identified by its pursuit of excellence in all things, being informed and guided by its theological roots and centrality of mission; its student-focused living and learning environment that fully prepares students for life in a culturally diverse and global environment; the quality of its undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs; and being a community where its expression of faith results in offering hearts and lives in service to God and humanity. Moving the world of tomorrow requires visionary and willing steps today. And we must move together, guided by our mission and inspired by our vision. We will move. Remember, to whom much is given, much is required. We have wells to dig and vineyards to plant. The University Plan Framework has been informed by and focuses on the following elements identified by numerous, intentional conversations over the past two years with representatives from all constituencies: University Vision: To change the world with the love of Christ Strategic Vision: We will become recognized as one of nation’s leading Christian higher education institutions Core Values: Christ-likeness Learning Serving Excellence Critical Concerns: Access Affordability Engagement Learning and growth Assessment Continuous improvement and innovation Partnership and collaborationy 4 Mount Vernon NOW I’ll be the first to recognize we are a Deuteronomy 6 community—we drink from wells we did not dig, and we eat from vineyards we did not plant. Those who have come before us faced great challenges in establishing and building this university—challenges overcome by the grace of God and personal sacrifice of willing hearts and hands. Knowing this, I see a lot of work ahead—hard but rewarding work. University Plan Framework The following University Plan Framework identifies this institution’s next steps in the strategic planning process that will lead the community toward plan fulfillment. Three areas for institutional transformation were identified that will not only enable us to be better prepared for our future, but will lead us to more clearly express the very nature of MVNU’s own transformational educational experience. These include: environment, emphasis and essence. ENVIRONMENT ESSENCE Objective: Recognizing the dynamic landscape in which the University exists, we will create structures and strategies that improve internal operations and more effectively respond to changes in the external environment. Objective: Incorporate throughout all of university life practical expressions of Wesleyan-Arminian theology that set us apart as an educational institution. Actions: 1. With the goals of achieving greater effectiveness, we will: a.Perform a comprehensive structural audit. b.Develop and implement a corresponding action plan. 2. Identify and implement “best practices” for delivering adult education, including professional development and online programs. 3. Expand development capacity and efforts to achieve greater fund-raising results. 5 There are many institutions doing the “right” things, but as Mount Vernon does the right things, we want to make sure we are doing things right. Therefore, we seek to increase our efforts in improving the organizational structures, systems and technology that enable our faculty and staff to perform at the highest level for student learning and personal growth. As the future is considered, there is no question various sources for funding will continue to experience change and limitations. The fall of 2008 experienced an economic “credit crunch” that impacted multiple sectors of the economy, with the full impact on higher education yet to be determined. It is imperative that we maximize our capacity and efforts in fund-raising to develop a viable and consistent financial resource stream that allows the University to be less susceptible to future economic impact. Actions: 1. Articulate and apply a theological and philosophical framework that informs and identifies the distinctive MVNU experience. 2. Develop a spiritual formation model and a faith community that exhibits a maturing, dynamic and engaged walk with Christ. 3. Identify local, regional and international areas of need to develop integrated institutional responses for the purpose of transforming lives and communities (Matthew 25:40). As we seek to become one of the nation’s leading Christian higher education institutions, others should immediately recognize that MVNU is an institution whose education and community is informed and shaped by its Wesleyan-Holiness heritage. We will endeavor to define Wesleyan-Holiness intellectual space, while answering the question—What does a WesleyanHoliness university offer that is distinctive and valuable in the Church and for the world? The writer of Ecclesiastes asks, “What does man gain from all his labor?” But that is the wrong question! Life isn’t about living life, it is about giving life. As a Wesleyan institution, MVNU should connect the value of the Truth with the value of Service. Integrating faith and academics creates the framework for purpose and reason— challenging students to change the world with the love of Christ—regardless of vocation or destination. “From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.” — Luke 12:48 2025 Vision Marks In an effort to ensure that the influence of the Mark of Mount Vernon remains one of global significance, the University community has developed “marks,” or goals, for the future that will form the quantitative foundation for our vision. The following dreams and aspirations will be pursued to give evidence of such efforts: Objective: Pursue and exhibit excellence by embracing and instilling the discipline of continuous improvement throughout the University. Actions: 1. Create and implement a comprehensive academic plan that enhances the quality, creativity and innovation of the teaching and learning endeavor. 2. Design and deliver a premier student experience through the formulation of a comprehensive plan. 3. Systematically review policies and practices campuswide for revision or elimination. Inherent in the development of an academic plan is the establishment of the pursuit of academic excellence as a foremost objective. Plan components will be integrated with a corollary comprehensive enrollment plan to identify potential and planned enrollment targets. It will additionally assist the University in developing an entrepreneurial culture—an environment where programs are continually renewed or developed will aid in maintaining the University’s relevance while promoting new and unique pedagogical practices. As the University mission states, we seek to educate the “whole person.” Our Wesleyan-Holiness tradition speaks to the hope of wholeness arising from the Gospel. Thus, MVNU’s educational experience must seek to engage the whole person if we are truly to fulfill our mission. Students’ level of engagement, in and out of the classroom, is critical to their long-term growth, development and achievement. OUR FUTURE Successful achievement of mission is not determined solely by the existence of a grand mission and vision, but by the ability to execute action steps systematically to ensure that the desired outputs and outcomes are realized. The pursuit and implementation of the plans outlined here are not undertaken for the sake of success as noted by others. It is the University’s desire to pursue the mission and establish a robust and dynamic learning and living environment so that the ultimate vision to change the world with the love of Christ can become the lasting Mark of Mount Vernon. As we pursue the vision, we serve with the reminder of John 15:5—“Apart from God, we can do nothing.” Emphasis: • Increase retention and graduation rates • Institute premier faculty and staff professional development program • Strategically expand graduate programs—traditional and nontraditional • Establish a Center for Leadership • Expand “Vocation and Calling” support services for students and alumni • Enhance and further develop the Center for Teaching and Learning • Expand and enhance environmental stewardship • Expand athletic programs—both intercollegiate and intramural • Engage every student in a cross-cultural experience • Target tuition and fees at 60% of revenue • Pursue $50 million endowment and $1 million annual University Fund • Establish 10 endowed chairs 6 Mount Vernon NOW EMPHASIS Environment: • Expand student population: - 2,500 traditional students studying on the main campus - 1,750 residential students on the main campus - 2,000 adult and graduate students - 4,500 students universitywide • Construct: - Additional classroom space and faculty offices - Prayer chapel - New Campus Center - University Inn & Conference Center - Expand athletic complex with enhanced general health and fitness areas - New residential facilities and communities - Expanded Free Enterprise Business Center - Enhanced campus entrance - Welcome Center - Administrative offices - Enhanced campus road system, parking, and walking paths • Renovate Hyson, Pioneer and Founders (first floor), repurposing each based on maximizing utilization • Integrate sustainability principles for all physical plant projects and continuing operations, including landscaping, parking and transportation within our campus • Establish rigorous accountability measures for all programs and operations • Identify and establish a prominent location to house the School of Theology and Philosophy to express commitment to institutional theological heritage and ongoing identity Essence: • Enhance relationship with Church of the Nazarene • Expand Wesleyan institutional voice and influence • Increase global emphasis and engagement • Engage students in vibrant student development and spiritual life programs • Seek an increasingly diverse faculty, staff and student body • Develop urban learning, living and serving programs • Establish avenues and support for research • Pursue collaborative ventures and partnerships • Increase emphasis on interdisciplinary programs • Promote innovative learning environments • Exhibit a model educational Wesleyan–Arminian framework • Integrate service-learning into all phases of the academic program • Create vibrant living, learning and serving communities • Develop multistate Centers of Learning Campus Master Plan This Master Plan was undertaken to study the facility needs of MVNU and to address these needs through a long-range plan. It should be noted that a master plan is not a detailed photograph of the future. Rather, it is a watercolor painting of what might be. A master plan cannot identify all of the unseen challenges that lie ahead, but it does identify a destination and helps us stay the course along our journey. The process used to develop this master plan followed two coexistent but very different “discovery paths.” Discovery Path 1 focused on understanding how the campus is currently functioning, as well as how it will need to adapt to serve anticipated needs. Discover Path 2 involved conversations with a broad group of stakeholders in which strengths and opportunities for improvement were identified. When joined, the overlapping ideas and values became the framework for the master plan’s eight primary goals, or Keys to Success. Facilities Services Redwood 7 7 Proposed Existing or Repurposed Oakwood Free Enterprise Busienss Center Chapel Residential Academic 6 Relational Founders Administrative Residence Halls Prayer Chapel Pioneer Galloway 5 3 1 2 Adult and Graduate Studies/Conference Facilities University Village Flexible Housing University Inn Prince Student Union 4 Student Center Thorne/Regents Addition Lakeholm 8 Practice Fields Keys to Success Campus Entry 5 • Make boulevard on Martinsburg Road • Convert Hyson Campus Center to all-academic use • Create symmetrical mall linking east and west campuses • Build interior connectors at Thorne, Hyson and Regents • Design architectural signage features • Add to Free Enterprise Business Center and Thorne Library • Establish visual connection to academic quad 2 Welcome Center • Develop academic space on west campus 6 • Located at the terminus of the entry mall • Improve access to chapel - - - - • House President’s Welcome Center, recruiting and administration Campus Living Room 7 • Becomes the heart of campus • Renovate/refurbish apartments • Add intercollegiate arena; renovate intramural gymnasium • Improve recreation and amenities • Enhance campus green; build amphitheater • Move vehicular traffic and parking to perimeter • Create pedestrian zone inside “loop” • Encourage walking/biking to reduce vehicular impact • Provide cycling shuttle around campus and regular offcampus routes Residences • Complete Redwood Hall - Dining, student conveniences - 600-seat performance venue Pedestrian/Vehicular Circulation Pedestrian connection Vehicular connection Shuttle drop-off/pick-up Event parking • Add two new three-story dormitories • Create new Student Center 4 Chapel Connection • Strengthen the entry sequence • Add visual “story points” into the campus 3 Academic Space 8 Athletic Facilities • Indoor athletics - Add intercollegiate arena - Renovate intramural gymnasium • Outdoor athletics - Develop center for outdoor events across Delano Run - Establish visual and pedestrian connection 8 Mount Vernon NOW 1 Prince Student Union Expansion During MVNU’s 40th year, we have reflected on, and celebrated, the successes of the past, but Dr. Martin has encouraged us to look to the future with a vision for what God might have in store in the coming decade. God has blessed body, minds and spirits through the ministry of MVNU. In November 2007 the president appointed a committee the responsibility to evaluate an expanded footprint of the Prince Student Union/Donoho Recreation Center/Athletic Facilities with an emphasis on meeting the program elements of the proposed Event Center. For several years campus leadership has considered how to meet the needs of the University’s student body. With the completion of the R.R. Hodges Chapel/Fine Arts complex in 1989, which serves the spirit, and the Thorne Library/Resource Center in 1996, which serves the mind, the next step for the continued university growth is the construction of an expanded athletic venue to serve the body. 9 The proposed expansion depicted in these renderings will extend far beyond supporting MVNU’s fine athletic program. The existing athletic facilities will be remodeled to serve a growing intramural program as well as to provide some flexible space for a variety of campus activities. New classrooms, expanded healthand-wellness facilities, new and renovated locker rooms for indoor and outdoor sports, as well as an outstanding space for viewing athletic events are some of the features in this new design. The committee believes the plans for this expansion are an attempt to be good stewards and practical visionaries of what is at hand. The conceptual drawings were presented to the MVNU Board of Trustees in the November 2008 meeting. Plans are being made for raising the necessary funds to move forward on this important campus development. We will keep you updated as the project moves forward. Thanks for your continued prayers! Register at General Assembly to win one of two Family 4-Packs of passes to Aquatica! Look for MVNU’s General Assembly page on Facebook! Change your World! Join MVNU in Orlando to worship with the global church, reconnect with your faith and experience one of the top vacation destinations in the world during General Assembly! We’ve designed a variety of activities for you and your family. MVNU Alumni & Friends Luncheon Sunday, June 28, 12:30 p.m. Rosen Centre ( $30 per person $20 children age 4-12 Visit MVNU’s Booth Orange County Convention Center Exhibit Hall - International Board of Education area June 24-29 Other Activities ( One Heart Many Hands Children's World Quiz And more! For details and registration/ticket forms: (740) 397-9000, ext. 4351 10 Mount Vernon NOW SeaWorld’s Aquatica ( Monday, June 29, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Meet up with MVNU personnel and friends at MVNU’s cabana. Free giveaways! Buy advance discount tickets through MVNU for $35 (a savings of $10 per adult) or purchase tickets from MVNU at General Assembly for $40. Featured School: Natural and Social Sciences To Serve and Protect By Carrie A. Crouch, Director of Communications While she stands a mere 5-feet-4, junior Stacey Pratt has a large desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Currently serving in a two-year, paid internship with the U.S. Secret Service in Columbus, Ohio, Pratt must maintain full-time student status, a required GPA and a minimum number of weekly work hours. Her daily activities vary, forcing her to learn on the fly. 11 “On a typical day, I handle all of the counterfeit bills that pass through the central Ohio area. I have to verify that each bill is counterfeit and, after determining that it is, I process each one individually,” said Pratt. “I edit and send out official reports when needed and stand ready to assist agents with investigations. I’ve also gone to the shooting range while agents attempt to qualify. Afterward, they give me the privilege of cleaning their weapons,” she joked. When asked if she was ever afraid, especially as a female, in her current or future position, she answered, “It isn’t about how muscular you are or how well you can fight; it’s about how well you can communicate. It doesn’t take much to get into a fight, but it takes a lot to be able to talk a person out of a fight. I know female police officers much smaller than me who are effective because they listen and empathize—defusing potentially harmful situations. When people say I’m too small to do this, it just motivates me even more to accomplish my goals.” Pratt’s timing for the internship couldn’t have been better. The 2008 presidential election year afforded her some unique opportunities. She helped agents with the protective paperwork that goes along with dignitary visits and rode in the motorcade to see exactly what it takes to protect these individuals. “When people say I’m too small to do this, it just motivates me even more to accomplish my goals.” “It’s amazing how detailed and precise the Secret Service has to be in order to protect a life. Countless days are spent preparing for a visit that may last only one hour,” Pratt explained. “It has made me respect the behind-the-scenes aspects of security. It is definitely an eye-opener and one of my favorite parts of the job. I am very fortunate to have experienced these things.” Pratt credits MVNU’s criminal justice professor Merel Pickenpaugh for encouraging her to apply for the internship and the Career Services department for preparing her for the interview. “If I had gone to another school, I believe I would not have an internship with the Secret Service. My professors have taken a huge interest in my life and career that I would not have received anywhere else,” she said. “Mount Vernon has taught me to take pride in what I do and to do it to the fullest of my ability. I once heard a pastor say that ‘in the opportunity of a lifetime, you must act within the lifetime of that opportunity’—I feel that MVNU has helped instill that in my life.” But Pratt’s interest in criminal justice didn’t start at MVNU. “Law enforcement runs in my family. My uncle and great uncles were police officers,” she said. “I’d always been interested in criminal justice, but MVNU helped me realize I could accomplish my goal of making a difference in someone’s life through law enforcement.” Through this internship, her original focus on missing persons is now shifting to a federal career, perhaps with the Secret Service. Her twin sister, Stephanie, is a constant encouragement. “I wouldn’t be the person I am without Stephanie’s influence. She has been extremely supportive throughout this experience, and her presence in my life has helped form me into who I am,” she explained. “While we both have different career goals and interests, we support each other’s goals.” Stephanie majors in business management and assists the campus Special Events office. Pratt has learned to weave her faith into her work in subtle yet meaningful ways. “I believe actions speak louder than words. Everyone at my office knows that I am a Christian and they respect that,” she commented. “I feel as though I can influence others by just being myself and doing the best job that I can. They notice that I put forth more effort than most people.” For more information about MVNU’s criminal justice program, visit Campus Highlights Travel with MVNU.K. Summer 2010 MVNU.K. will head back to England, Ireland and Scotland in summer 2010 for a 12-day trip through the lush green countryside and bustling cities of the British Isles. More than 50 people traveled on the two previous MVNU.K. trips in 2006 and 2008. First stop, London with the magnificent St. Paul’s Cathedral. Ride the Thames past the Tower of London, the Globe Theatre, the Tate Modern Art Museum, the London Eye, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. See Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey and catch the changing of the Guard in front of Buckingham Palace. The Tube will take us to Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Covent Garden, or the West End to see the latest plays. Next, it’s a tour of Windsor Castle, then on to Stonehenge. A ferry ride across St. George’s Channel brings us to Ireland, the home of Waterford crystal (we tour the factory), the famous Blarney Stone, the woolen mills and the literary world of James Joyce. Dublin will show us rich cultural history at St. Mary’s Cathedral; Trinity College, which houses the Book of Kells; and Merrion Square Park, home to Oscar Wilde’s statue. We’ll then move to Scotland where we’ll explore Edinburgh Castle, the Royal Mile and the Holyrood Palace. Princes Street, St. Giles Cathedral, Charlotte Square and the Sir Walter Scott Monument are all part of the experience. Our final stop is the picturesque Lake District back in England, home of Grasmere and the British Romantic poets. Collegians Chorale and Chamber Winds plan 2010 concert/missions trip. Travel for fun; travel for credit. For more information, please contact Dr. David Wilkes at or (740) 397-9000, ext. 3510. Nazarene (Daniel Fink, pastor). Alumni and other interested parties may inquire about participating in this trip, as well as to consider assisting financially. For more information contact Bob Tocheff at or (740) 397-9000, ext. 3001. A Semester Abroad Faculty Activities Daniel Semelsberger, a senior history major, spent the fall semester in England as he participated in the CCCU’s Scholar’s Semester in Oxford. Semelsberger was privileged to experience the tutorial system of education stressed by the program. Dr. JoAnn Koh-Baker, professor of music, presented a paper titled, “Integrating Analysis into Performance: Formal Principles and the Hidden Program in Frederic Chopin’s Piano Concerto in F Minor, Op. 21” in the 7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Jan 9-12, 2009. The conference hosted more than 1,000 participants representing more than 40 countries. Dr. Koh-Baker recently returned from a sabbatical resulting in numerous recital appearances and master classes in Singapore and Malaysia. European Music Tour Collegians Chorale (Robert Tocheff, director) and Chamber Winds (John Packard, director) are preparing a concert/missions tour after commencement 2010. The itinerary includes Salzburg, Austria; European Nazarene College in Büsingen, Switzerland; Gottmadingen, Germany, Church of the Nazarene (Ludwig Duncker, pastor); Venice and Florence, Italy. The beauty of these trips is the integration of the academic pursuits of the ensembles with the privilege of ministering to and supporting our Nazarene work in these areas. In beautiful cathedrals and halls, the groups will have opportunity to perform and share their faith as well as to assist the outreach ministry of our churches. In Florence, the groups will share at both the Italian congregation and the new Spanish congregation of the Church of the On Jan. 20, Dr. Dan Behr served as a special on-air commentator for the Ohio News Network regarding President Obama's inaugural address. He earned a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University where he studied rhetorical theory and criticism, with a focus on the history of American public address. He has written on cross-cultural communication and parsing presidential propaganda. 12 Mount Vernon NOW SCHOOL OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES Campus Highlights Dr. John Packard and the Music Department again hosted the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) District 10 middle school and high school honors bands on Saturday, Dec. 6. The event featured over 200 young musicians from Ashland, Coshocton, Delaware, Holmes, Knox, Licking, Morrow and Richland Counties and over 60 participating schools. After a day of instruction and rehearsals, the culminating concert brought over 500 audience members to the R.R. Hodges Chapel/ Auditorium. provide graduate level business education, but also an interweaving of moral and ethical guidelines based on Christian principles. I believe that educating and building ethical business leaders can act as a bridge between the great divide of corporate corruption and societal benevolence, and I am exceedingly pleased to find that the MVNU Master of Science in Management program is providing an opportunity for me to develop with that endeavor in mind.” Karen D. Messer-Bourgoin, Global Treasury Management, National City Bank African Adventure SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 13 Student Perspective Business faculty members are often asked how MVNU is different and why someone would want to get their Master of Business Administration or Master of Science in Management degree from MVNU. One of our students provides her perspective: “Today, in a business environment that repeatedly demonstrates the consequences of unethical decision making, I have found that responsible leaders are seeking solutions that go beyond business theory and mathematical equations and that point to a higher purpose. “I am particularly impressed with MVNU’s Master of Science in Management program, because it is designed not only to The School of Business is headed to Nairobi, Kenya, June 5-14, 2009. Hosted by Africa Nazarene University, the group will benefit from their many contacts in the business and cultural communities. We will visit world-class multinational companies as well as local businesses while experiencing Africa’s rich cultural heritage. Africa is considered by some to be the next hotbed of economic growth and development. Kenya, with its British heritage and use of English, has the potential to lead the way. It is home to some of the largest multinationals based in Africa and has an informal sector that represents a major force in their economy. Kenya is a study in contrasts between the modern business world and an emerging market. Guests, alumni and friends of MVNU are welcome. Total travel cost is $2,900. This is an excellent opportunity for personal growth and enrichment. There are a limited spots available. If you have questions, or to make a reservation, please contact: Dr. Tomas H. Parks, (740) 397-9000, ext. 3310, Faculty Activities Dr. Mark Shoaf and Dr. Margaret Britt coauthored a paper titled, “Leadership and Mentoring: How Different Are They?” that has been accepted for the 16th Annual American Society of Business and Behavioral Science Conference, the largest interdisciplinary conference for global business topics. The authors also received the Best Paper award in its category. Dr David Skinner’s paper “A Response to Poverty: Thinking Outside the (Collection) Box,” which was accepted for presentation at the ASBBS 16th Annual Conference, has been selected as the Best Paper of the Interdisciplinary Multicultural Issues track. In reviewing the paper competitively along with other papers, the content and objective of the paper, research design and contribution to the body of knowledge were considered. According to the reviewers, the paper excelled in all areas. Dr. Jeff Williamson’s paper “External Relations and Marketing Communication: Customer Relationship Management in Higher Education," has been accepted for the 2009 Association of Marketing Theory & Practice Conference. Nineteen students and staff members chopped their locks for "Locks of Love." SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY Upcoming M.Min. Courses All Master of Ministry courses are available to anyone interested in taking one course for CEU credit. Cost is $126 per course. Courses offered in the one-week, modular format: • Biblical Exegesis, June 1-5, Dr. C. Jeanne Serrão • Contemporary Preaching, June 8-11, Dr. Darius Salter • Doctrine of Holiness, August 3-7, Dr. Mark Quanstrom • Building Teams for Ministry, October 12-16, Dr. W.E. Dishon Courses offered on Mondays from Mount Vernon campus as well as MVNU sites at Lima and Cincinnati: • Spiritual Formation, April 20-June 8, Dr. Larry Houck • Building Ministry Teams, June 15-July 27, Dr. W.E. Dishon For more information on enrollment, fees and schedules, contact Dr. Bruce Petersen at or (740) 397-9000, ext. 3608. ACROSS CAMPUS Students lead the way in making a difference Locks of Love Resident assistant Alison Walker, along with resident director Tracy Boyer, organized a Locks of Love ( event in January, where 19 individuals (students and staff) courageously cut off 10 or more inches of their hair in order to provide wigs for children facing cancer treatment. Almost 17 feet of hair were donated! As a side note, it takes 6-10 ponytails to make one prosthetic. 30-Hour Famine More than 100 students, staff and faculty participated in the worldwide 30-Hour Famine, raising more than $2,000. Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and World Vision partner for this event. Funds raised go to help families in the Mutendere Area Development Project (ADP) in Mzimba, Malawi, and, through this partnership, 3,000 farmers will receive training in sustainable agricultural methods that will help provide food stability for families and children. Plus, event organizer Stephanie Pratt and Students in Free Enterprise obtained a grant that matched whatever was raised. Extended Melody Project Stemming from a challenge in Dr. John Hall’s missions class, Cody Snouffer and Ryan Walker organized the Extended Melody Project ( on March 14. Students were asked to brainstorm ways to raise significant funds for a missionary cause. Their benefit concert raised funds for an orphanage in Brazil, operated by Pastor Josemar and his wife. They live with 21 children they’ve taken in from the street, in addition to their own children. Featuring a variety of Ohio bands with an admission cost of just $5 at a local venue, this event is expected to become an annual benefit with a new cause each year. As of press time, nearly $1,900 had been raised. Running with Purpose On April 26, casual runner Josh Osborn will run his first marathon on Mount Vernon’s Kokosing Gap Trail. Inspired by James 1:27 to “… look after orphans and widows in the distress,” his efforts will benefit the Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund ( “I thought there would be no better way to show my appreciation to those families than to try to raise funds for children of these soldiers,” he explained. “Had it not been for Joe Noonen from the Campus Ministries office, I might not have acted on it. His mission-oriented chapel service sparked me into action.” To sponsor Osborn, contact him at or (330) 332-1233 for details. 14 Mount Vernon NOW Join MVNU in the British Isles summer 2010. The Grapevine ATTENTION All Teachers/Principals/ Guidance Counselors/ Superintendents: Tom West, Director of Alumni Relations, is dedicating spring 2009 to TEACHER APPRECIATION. The Alumni Office needs your immediate assistance in locating the largest clusters of teachers, principals, guidance counselors and superintendents who work together in the same location and/or facility. This will be a collaborative effort to honor our Education Professionals. Please contact the Alumni Office at 1-800-367-9294 or and alert us where these “clusters” of teachers are serving. Tom would like to visit you and deliver a chocolate chip cookie bouquet to share with your peers. This will help bring awareness to the MVNU teachers, as well as promote the education programs at MVNU. Keep your eyes and ears open for a cookie bouquet coming your way! 1980 s 1990 s Dr. Kent Youngman (’82) was recently named president/CEO of the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Clark, Greene and Madison counties. The MHR Board funds and coordinates behavioral health services through 20 contract agencies for children, youth and adults experiencing a variety of mental health or addiction problems. Kent is married to Doreen (Flemming ’82), a volunteer coordinator at Life Essentials, a Dayton-based agency serving elders. They have two children: Jonathan (24), a mental health case manager, and Annie (20), a sophomore at Olivet Nazarene University. Dan (’91) and Misty (Gatchell ’91) Simco, after 15 years of full-time ministry, are now taking care of Dan’s ill mother. They have two daughters, Sharaya (13) and Malisa (11), and reside in Pennsylvania Furnace, Pa. They ask for prayers as they both start new careers. Dean (’90) and Susan (Lantz ’88) Jenkins live in Grove City, Ohio, where both are involved at Grove City Church of the Nazarene. Dean is the chief audio/visual production engineer for the church, and has been employed as a district manager for AT&T for almost ten years. Susan is in her ninth year of teaching Spanish at Logan High School. They have two children: Kristan (17) and Matt (16). Brian (’90) and Carolyn (Sani ’88) Redman welcomed Charlotte Elizabeth on April 29, 2008. She joins big sister Madeline (3). Carolyn received her DMA in voice performance from The Ohio State University in 2004 and is employed at Kenyon College as an adjunct voice instructor. She is also active as a classical performer. Brian is the worship leader and director of Creative Arts at Newark, Ohio, First Church of the Nazarene. Bill Swarner (’91) recently accepted a position as senior underwriter with Lincoln Financial Group. He is working from his home in Buford, Ga. He also serves as vice president of the Georgia Association of Home Office Underwriters, as a member of the Web site committee for the Association of Home Office Underwriters, and as a member of an exam review board for the Life Office management Association. His wife, Carla (Brewer ’91), home-schools their daughter, Laura, through the Georgia Virtual Academy, and works part-time from home as a customer service representative. Greg (’93) and Elaine (’93) Beach recently adopted Chloe (1) from China. She joins big sisters Lydia (11), Hannah (9) and Abigail (7). The family resides in Sugarcreek, Ohio. Rebecca Kirkpatrick (’93) married John Pittenger on Oct. 4, 2008, in Pataskala, Ohio, at the United Methodist Church. John works for the Columbus Metropolitan Library in their interlibrary loan and Becky works for Pataskala Oaks Care Center as their social worker. The couple resides in Whitehall, Ohio. Chris (’97) and Vanessa (Gray ’98) Bartal celebrated the birth of Miracle Joy on May 29, 2008. Chris teaches second grade at Utica Elementary and Vanessa recently left her job as a 9-1-1 dispatcher to stay at home full time. Stephanie Doenges (’97) left on Jan. 14, 2009, for a three-year term as a missionary intern for the Church of the Nazarene. Stephanie will serve as a doctor with Dr. Jim Radcliffe (’76) and Dr. Susan Myers (’89) at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital in Papua New Guinea. For pictures and updates, visit Stephanie’s blog at Cory (’98) and Tisha (Johnson ’97) Gardner announce the birth of Olivia Faith on Aug. 26, 2008. Cory is in his fifth year of operating Gardner Chiropractic, where Tisha serves as office manager. She is also youth director at Elkins, W.Va., Church of the Nazarene. The family resides in Elkins. Melissa (Flesch ’97) and Pete Vein welcomed Brady Steven on Nov. 11, 2008. He joins siblings Bryce and Isabella. Melissa is a licensed social worker at Summit County Children Services in Akron, Ohio, and Pete is a physical/health education teacher with the Avon Lake City Schools in Avon Lake, Ohio. The family resides in Medina, Ohio. 2000 s Marty Flach (’98) married Stacy Rhodes on Sept. 13, 2008, in Mesquite, Texas. Marty is a territory manager for Seepex Inc. Stacy is an RN in the Brain and Spine Center at MD Anderson Cancer Center. The couple resides in Tomball, Texas. Cindy (Scullin ’98) and Ryan Holst welcomed Joshua Ryan on Nov. 18, 2008. He joins siblings Bethany (7) and Adam (4). The family resides in Raymore, Mo. Andrea (Helberg ’98) and Eric Wardinski celebrated the birth of Leia Hope on Oct. 21, 2008. Andrea is a special needs teacher at Napoleon, Ohio. Eric is a supervisor for Service Master in Defiance, Ohio. The family resides in Defiance. Ami Doenges (’99) married Darren Workman in Phoenix, Ariz., on March 15, 2008, where they currently reside. Darren works at Paradise Valley Country Club due to his passion for golf and Ami loves working with first graders at Keystone Montessori School. Laura (Rucker ’99) and Tom Genser welcomed Hayden Thomas on May 30, 2008. He joins big sister Lily (2). The family resides in Zanesville, Ohio. Debbie (Shreves ’99) and Eric Wagner celebrated the birth of Isabella Rose on Aug. 28, 2008. She was welcomed by big brothers Grant (7) and Noah (5). The family resides in Celina, Ohio, where Debbie is a special education teacher. Jeff (’00) and Amber (Webb ’01) Lavin announce the birth of Vincent (“Vince”) Patrick-Dean on Nov. 16, 2008. Jeff is an administrator at the Knox County Career Center and Amber is KCCC’s pre-professional mentorship instructor. The family resides in Fredericktown, Ohio. Steve (’00) and Lydia (Sweet ’00) Minford celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in December 2008. Steve works in sales for Pottstown Honda and is enrolled at Nazarene Bible College. Lydia is a branch manager for Citizen’s Bank. They are the proud parents of Logan (4) and Landon (3). The Minfords reside in Spring City, Pa. Indalia McCament (’00) recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Ill. During the eight-week term, she completed a variety of training, including classroom study, practical instruction on naval customs, first aid, firefighting, water safety and survival, and shipboard and aircraft safety. She also underwent “Battle Stations,” a boot camp capstone exercise. Cruisin' With Alumni Jan. 19-23 was a maiden voyage for the MVNU Alumni Office. Fifty-three alumni and friends (8 AGS, 22 traditional and 23 friends) set sail from Miami to Key West then on to Cozumel, Mexico, for a four-day excursion of the Western Caribbean hosted by Tom West ('90), Director of Alumni Relations. Beautiful beaches, ancient Mayan ruins, starlit skies and great fellowship were just a few of the sights and sounds of this alumni sponsored event. For more information on MVNU Alumni Travel Programs or to view pictures from this event, visit . Plans are beginning for next trip and we welcome your input. 16 Mount Vernon NOW Jason (’97) and Karen (Board ’97) White announce the birth of Caela Isabelle Scheherazade on Dec. 11, 2008. She joins big sisters Charis, Ariel, Miranda and Bria. The family resides in Japan. Alumni Council Nominations The Alumni Council serves as a liaison between the Alumni Association and the University. It is also the chief legislative body for alumni as described by the Alumni Constitution. We are seeking nominations to help us fill the positions of: • Alumni Council President • Alumni Clergy Representative to the Board of Trustees. Please submit nominations to alumni@mvnu. edu no later than Friday, May 1. Once the nominations are collected, information on accessing an online voting ballot will appear in the summer issue of Mount Vernon NOW. The term begins September 1 and concludes after three years. For a detailed description of duties and assignments for the positions listed above, please visit Your partnership with us is highly valued! Medallion Nominations Nominations for the Medallion Awards may be submitted by any member of the Association and will be made to the Alumni Council or the Office of Alumni Relations, who will keep nominations on file and submit names for consideration. The recipient must demonstrate outstanding professional achievements and selfless church and community service, exemplifying MVNU’s motto, “To seek to learn is to seek to serve.” Documentation of the nominee’s contributions and achievements should be given to the Alumni Council or the Office of Alumni Relations in written form (sent to no later than Friday, May 1. 2000 s Hillary (Ellis ’00) and David Nikkel welcomed Valerie Faw on May 20, 2008. She joins big brother Isaac. David is a computer engineer for Diebold and Hillary is a stay-at-home wife and mom. Erin Trim (’01) married Matthew Guisiner on Nov. 29, 2008. She recently graduated from Davis College with an associate degree in business management and is currently working at a daycare facility in Tiffin, Ohio. Jonathan (’02) and Jaimi (Tennant ’01) Vore celebrated the birth of Emma in June 2008. The family resides in Ashland, Ohio. Micah (’01) and Whitney (Severns ’01) Werling announce the birth of Brady Thomas on May 14, 2008. Micah is a firefighter/paramedic for Marion, Ohio, and Whitney is a stay-at-home mom. Christina Miller (’02) married Austin Barker on Oct. 21, 2006. Their son, Orion, was born on Sept. 28, 2007. The family resides in Centerville, Ohio. Ricky (’04) and Liz (Oswald ’05) Warren announce the birth of Recardo Nicholas on June 26, 2008. The family resides in Suffield, Ct., where Ricky serves as a math teacher and varsity boys’ head coach and Liz works as a multicultural association advisor at Suffield Academy. Please feel free to submit photos of weddings, babies, etc. to Mount Vernon NOW, 800 Martinsburg Rd., Mount Vernon, OH 43050, or by e-mail to, or online at Dan (’06) and Sarah (Fordyce ’05) Smitley welcomed daughter Waverly Nicea on July 29, 2008. She joins big sister London (2). Amy Van Gilder (’05) and Oliver Garrett were married on Oct. 11, 2008, at Gaithersburg Church of the Nazarene. Amy received her BS in nursing from Mid-America Nazarene University and is a pediatric nurse in Gaithersburg, Md. The couple resides in Frederick, Md. in memory Everett L. Holmes (77) passed away on Dec. 19, 2008, in Nashville, Tenn. Holmes, hired at MVNU in 1968, served as assistant to the director of finance. His responsibilities included management of office staff, student accounts, purchasing, student employment and payroll, and financial aid. He later served as bursar from 1970-73. Dr. Luther Watson (88) passed away on Jan. 11, 2009 in Nashville, Tenn. Watson was the first pastor of Lakeholm Church of the Nazarene when it met in MVNU’s Multipurpose Building (now the Donoho Recreation Center). He also served on founding Board of Trustees for the University from 1966 into 1971. His other pastorates included Springdale (Ohio) Nazarene and College Hill Church (now Trevecca Community) in Nashville. He also served as senior adult pastor at College Church in Bourbonnais, Ill., and lived for several years in Florida. NOTICE: Due to space limitations, we will no longer publish baby weights and measurements. Thank you for understanding. 2 0 0 8 A nnual Rep o rt Changing the World with the Love of Christ 2 0 0 8 A nnual Rep o rt 19 This Annual Report is published by University Relations for alumni and friends of Mount Vernon Nazarene University. The Development staff has endeavored to ensure the accuracy of reporting all gifts to Mount Vernon Nazarene University during the 2008 calendar year. We apologize if we have in any way misrepresented your giving or incorrectly listed your name. Please contact us at 1-800-367-9294 to correct the error or omission. Thank you. 2 0 0 8 A nnual Rep o rt Changing the World... After a campus chapel service the other day, I overheard one student asking another, “Do they really think we’re going to change the world?” The short answer to that question is—absolutely. It’s a fact; every one of our students will change the world. Whether leaving a legacy of love and hope or one of negativity and cynicism, they each have the same opportunity. With the love of Christ, we truly can change the world for the better. In fact, His love and grace are the only things that enable us to do so. But training, education, critical thinking skills and spiritual maturation go a long way in equipping His people to love the world in life-changing ways—ways that leave a special mark. The Mark of Mount Vernon is defined by its foundation and mission—that is, shaping lives through Christ-centered education. This transformational process must occur in a place that challenges students intellectually, fosters Christ-likeness and encourages a commitment of service to God and humanity. MVNU is such a place because its people live, breathe and believe the mission and vision. These statements aren’t just inert phrases etched in a metal plaque hanging somewhere on campus. They are why we’re here, and they continue to shape and impact all aspects of university life. Our commitment to our mission is as vibrant and vital as it was when the MVNU began now 40 years ago. But we cannot do it alone. The individuals, organizations, companies, and churches included in this annual report have aided MVNU in accomplishing our mission and in pursuing the vision. More importantly, they’ve given students opportunities to change the world in unfathomable ways. Thank you for believing with us, Dr. Daniel J. Martin President 20 Mount Vernon NOW That’s quite an ambitious task! Especially when we are, by nature, flawed individuals. Year in Review January • A grant from The Community Foundation of Mount Vernon and Knox County helps bring SimMan to MVNU nursing clinical skills laboratory. • In conjunction with Kenyon College, MVNU hosts the fifth annual Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration Breakfast. February 21 • Cougar Corner Bookstore and manager Gina Blanchard are recognized by National Association of College stores for innovative book selling program that funds scholarships. • MVNU is included on the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, sponsored by The Corporation for National and Community Service. • Led by Coach Steve Gregory, the Lady Cougar basketball team defeats Walsh before 1,000 fans, raising over $1,200 for cancer research at the first annual “Think Pink” event on campus. • MVNU’s production of biodiesel reduces financial and environmental impact. March • Dr. E. LeBron Fairbanks, MVNU president emeritus, is elected as Education Commissioner by the Church of the Nazarene’s International Board of Education. • Spring break takes 158 students, faculty, and staff to Belize, Hungary, Germany, Venezuela, and multiple U.S. locations for missions and service projects. • Senior left-hander Levi Curry tosses the second perfect game and 16th no-hitter in school history in a Cougar baseball victory over Cedarville. April • Broadcasting students Patrick Neville and Nolan Donegan, along with graphic design student Adam Jackman, are honored in national collegiate radio competition. • Karen Boyd, associate professor of social work, is recognized as Social Worker of the Year for Ohio’s Region 8 chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. • More than 150 community guests visit the Mount Vernon campus for a Community Open House. July • A new church-based Master of Ministry program is launched, allowing participants to work in teaching churches and take classes at remote locations. • MVNU mourns the loss of trustees Rusty Bellomy (Eastern Kentucky) and Larry Fairbanks (Northwestern Ohio) as they go home to be with the Lord. • Renovations kick off as historic downtown “Stage” building is transformed into adult classroom space, visual arts studios and gallery. • Dr. Alex Varughese, professor of biblical literature, introduces a new commentary, "Jeremiah 1-25." • The women’s softball team, coached by Jeana Howald, advances to the championship game of the NAIA Region IX Tournament for the first time in school history. • Coach Keith Veale and the men’s baseball team capture the program’s unprecedented 6th NCCAA national title. • MVNU awards 545 undergraduate and graduate degrees. June • After a national search process, Rev. Scott Peterson, senior pastor of Mission Valley Church of the Nazarene in San Diego, joins MVNU as Chaplain; and Lanette Sessink, formerly of MidAmerica Nazarene University, is named Vice President for Student Development. • Alumnus Mark Carter (’95) is named Chaplain at Point Loma Nazarene University. • MVNU’s Dave Parsons(’94) receives the Clarence “Ike” Pearson Award in Tampa, Fla., as the 2008 NAIA Outstanding Sports Information Director of the Year. • Alumnus Jared Miller (’07) works with a student team to develop new speech assistive technology for individuals unable to use their natural voices. Growing service populations include autistic children and injured military veterans. August • Dr. Bruce Oldham is named Vice President for Enrollment Management, from most recent MVNU post as Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and as professor of Christian education. • Collegians Chorale, led by Dr. Bob Tocheff, performs at the Choral Music Celebration Clinic in Canton, Ohio. September • MVNU is ranked again in the top 50 by U.S. News & World Report’s Best Comprehensive Colleges in the Midwest (Baccalaureate). • More than 200 students, faculty and staff improve Knox County through Community Service Day. • Relient K headlines SonFest 2008, drawing more than 6,100 fans—the largest crowd ever. • Women’s volleyball coach Paul Swanson is inducted into the NAIA Hall of Fame. October • MVNU forms articulation agreements with several community colleges, enhancing the transition for graduates of two year programs to a four-year degree. • National media outlets, including the "Cleveland Plain Dealer" and MSNBC, speak with MVNU students about their views on the presidential election. • The University celebrates 40 years with a special service held on October 10 honoring Pioneer alumni, faculty and staff. • The annual Champions Banquet honors Chet Foraker, first athletic director, men’s basketball coach and baseball coach; along with the first men’s basketball and baseball teams; and Wall of Fame inductees Andrea (Marin ’91) Blanton, Monique (Maher ’96) Hurrle, and Josh Robson (’00). November • A renovated “Barn,” (previously the Cougar Den) is unveiled at Homecoming open house; special space is dedicated to alumni activities. • Dr. Henry Spaulding is named Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer. Dr. Spaulding comes to us from the Nazarene Seminary where he is serving as Professor of Philosophical Theology and Christian Ethics. • The Children's Literature Collection is established at MVNU in honor of longtime education professor Marilyn Greer. December • Coach Paul Furey and Cougar men’s soccer team advance to the NAIA National Championship Final Four in the team’s firstever appearance. • MVNU students, faculty and staff collect 5 truckloads of food and more than $5,000 for annual Food For The Hungry drive. • Faculty members Jan Hendrickx (graphic design) and Jim Harriman (accounting) were featured in the December issue of "Ohio" magazine as recipients of the Excellence in Education award. • Nearly 200 students graduate in MVNU’s fourth winter commencement. 2 0 0 8 A nnual Rep o rt May Nease Society The Nease Society honors those individuals who have named MVNU with a specific bequest in their wills or who have funded an endowment for MVNU students. 23 Anonymous 22 David and Shirley Abraham Dan and Norma Armstrong Martha Ashcraft Timothy ('93) and Vickie ('97) Askew Derick and Cynthia ('95) Bailey Edith Bailey Russell (H) and Margaret (H) Bailey Dana and Nancy Baldwin David and Deborah Bannister Erin ('96) and Suzanne ('96) Barnhart Gregory and Lisa Barnhart James and Delores Batson Gregory ('98) and Sarah ('98) Bean Richard and Nancy Beckmann Russell and Nancy Bellomy Garry and Rebecca Best Barry ('98) and Ethel Beverage Joseph and Regina Blanchard Leonard and Betty Boesger Robert and Joanne Bowman James and Marcia Brown Raymond Bryant Bradley and Joyce Buetner Brenda ('89) Burris Daniel ('89) Burris Kathleen Bushnell Martin ('70) and Ruth ('70) Butler Ronald and Virginia Cameron David and Cheryl Childs Jack and Daryl Christner James and Aimee ('82) Clark Theadore and Lori Cobb David ('77) Coulter Harold and Lucille Coulter William and Betty Crump John Cubbon William ('96) and Christine Culler Thomas and Carolyn Curtiss James ('77) and Deborah ('77) Dalton Daniel and Joyce Deeter Jan Di Carlo Nancy Dickey Kern and Marsha Dickinson Philip ('78) and Peggy Dodds Darrell and Gloria Dohm Earl ('88) and Melinda ('87) Driggs Howard and Ruth Dunn Dolorees Dutoit Dorothy Emrick Donald and Cynthia ('96) Fannin Eunice Fannin Twyla ('78) Fannin Stephen and Brenda Fetter Chet (H) and Marie Foraker Dale (H) and Edith Foster Larry and Susan Fouty Robert and Dixie Galbraith Ronald and Doris Gault Joseph and Helen Germani Pleas ('72) and Marcia ('73) Godbey David and Esther Granger Wade ('96) and Monica ('97) Gray George ('71) and Linda Gribben Cary and Diana Grocott Kevin and Sonia Haines Ronald and Lisa Haley Dareld and Miriam Hall James and Gale Hanna Larry ('79) and Cathy ('79) Hanson Thomas and Carol Harding Jeffery ('77) and Jane Hatfield James and Georgia Hatter Wesley ('79) and Judy ('77) Hawes Chauncey and Betty Hayes Derek ('90) and Sandy ('86) Helman Paul and Patricia Hetsler Ralph (H) and Ruth Hodges Dwight and Christina Hord Larry and Sharon Houck Clarence and Judy Houk Mark and Mary Houser William and Margaret Huffman John and Sherri Hummel Frank (H)and Dolores Hyson Rex and Rita Jameson Georgia Jellison Rick ('76) and Victoria Johnson Charles and Glenda Kaluga K Allin (H) and Evelyn Kahrl Michael ('91) and Linda Keffer John and Mary Kelley Richard and Bambi Kelley Robert and Beth Kendall John ('93) and Amy ('95) Keyser Randall and Deborah Kirkendall Robert and Sarah Klotz Robert ('73) and Laura Knapp Charles Lail Paul ('83) and Patricia Lail Alvin Lawhead Donald and Cathy Leonard Thomas and Tanya Levering Barry and Vera Long Timothy and Cathy Long Paul and Judy Madtes Scott and Letha Mann William and Bonita Martin Daniel and Caroline Maurer Celia May Connie ('83) Mayle Gorman and Ruth Mayle Mark ('82) Mayle Eugene and Carol Mc Bride Thomas and Kitty Mc Cann Bradley and Rebecca Mc Cartney Michael ('88) and Vickie ('88) Mc Clurg Michael and Stephanie Mc Daniel Richard and Brenda Mc Farland Michael and Dixie Mc Gonagle Pamela ('80) Mc Laughlin Phyllis Mendenhall David ('80) and Annette ('80) Merki Terry and Sandra Morris Betty (H) Morrison Robert ('71) and Annie ('71) Morrison Norman and Madeline Moser Constance Mosher Daniel Mosher Ruby Murphy Robert and Mari-Katherine Myers Keith and Carolyn Newman Kenneth and Lois Noonan Joseph and Raeschell ('80) Noonen Sharon ('77) Oberlander Cynthia Ochs Gerald and Karen Ogden Bruce and Peggy Oldham Jeffrey and Tonya Parsons Michael and Martha Parsons Joseph and Lois Pearce Raymond and Lora Peckens Ronald ('70) and Diana Perry Bruce and Jacquelyn Petersen Leroy and Ponce Peterson Norman ('00) and Carmen Phillips Robert and Marlene Picard Nila Pitcock William (H) and Evelyn Prince Benny and Amy Ramirez Shawn and Michelle Reesman Louis and Barbara Reindel Patricia (H) Reno Ronald and Jeanne Reynolds Mark and Sandra Riepenhoff David and Janice Ringhiser Fred and Carol Rodgers Ronald and Vivian Rohe Kim and Pamela ('87) Rose Marvin and Marilyn Salsbury Dennis and Zoe Sanders John ('79) and Karol ('80) Scholz Roger and Doris Severns Joseph and Mary Seymour Lewis Seymour David ('84) and Carol Sharpes Larry and Helen Shoemaker Gregory and Cynthia ('74) Sizemore Lee ('81) and Brenda ('83) Skidmore James and Beverly Smith Robert and Judith Snyder Larry ('78) and Nancy ('08) Speece Jonathon and Barbara Spyker Richard ('82) and Anita ('85) St John Dale and Diane Starbuck Eric ('99) and Kerri ('99) Stetler David and Phyllis Stoer Robert and Dorothy Styers Lyle and Ella Swartz Tim Thieken Bobby and Sheryllann Thompson John Truesdale MVNU's mission is to provide an education that is taught from the perspective of a Christian worldview and encourages students to make a difference in the world after they leave. In the words of Norm Shumaker, who spoke at an opening convention at the University, "It only takes one to make a difference and you can be that one." Supporting MVNU is a way to make a difference. John (’93) and Amy (Anderson ’95) Keyser Names in italics represent alumni of MVNU. Those names followed by (H) represent honorary alumni. To view all giving lists, please visit 2 0 0 8 A nnual Rep o rt MVNU is truly a community of believers that cares about the eternal impact of its students. The education I received was second to none. During my years at MVNU, I was taking ownership of my faith and through the love, concern and sacrifice of my coach, teammates, roommates and professors, I was able to learn and grow and embrace a life of following Christ as an adult. Through giving, I hope to bless others as I have been blessed. Courtny (Testa ’97) Aljancic We believe the need for an availability of higher education in a Christian environment with strong doctrinal standards is imperative if we want our future generations to be men and women of character and faith. We are proud of MVNU for developing men and women with holiness of heart, who are transforming all areas of society with the gospel of Christ for God’s glory. Dan and Sandy Sertell Father of Matthew Sertell (’00) Eternal Flame Society The Eternal Flame Society honors individuals who have contributed $100,000 or more to MVNU during their lifetime. Anonymous 8 Dan and Norma Armstrong Russell (H) and Margaret (H) Bailey Leonard and Betty Boesger Chet (H) and Marie Foraker Dale (H) and Edith Foster Ralph (H) and Ruth Hodges Frank (H) and Dolores Hyson Wayne and Peggy Penrod Mary Ramser Marvin and Marilyn Salsbury Glenn (H) and Shirlee Thorne Frances H Doenges Roberta Cole Johnson Sarah Annabelle Yoakam Helen Zelkowitz Larry and Sue Fox Marilyn Greer Kriss and Felicia Mc Donald David ('80) and Annette ('80) Merki Terrence ('72) Slabaugh David and Glenna Wagner Chairman’s Club Trustee’s Club estate giving Estate gifts and bequests received during the year 2008. The Chairman’s Club honors those individuals who have given an amount of $5,000 or more in the last year. Anonymous 7 Thomas and Patti ('79) Albaugh Jon and Courtny ('97) Aljancic John (H) and Lora (H) Donoho Scott ('77) and Cynthia ('78) Gray Larry and Diane ('80) Hammond Kevin ('81) and Teresa ('81) Hansher Daniel and Pamela Martin Lois Mc Ardle Ruby Murphy Marilyn Salsbury Lee ('81) and Brenda ('83) Skidmore Jeffrey and Janine Spear President’s Club The President’s Club honors those individuals who have given an amount of $2,500 to $4,999 in the last year. Anonymous 3 Eugene and Jacqueline Ball Tim ('84) and Teresa Belcher William and Betty Crump William ('96) and Christine Culler James ('77) and Deborah ('77) Dalton The Trustee’s Club honors those individuals who have given an amount of $1,000 to $2,499 in the last year. Anonymous 16 Charlene ('77) Aldridge Robert Allen Kristin Baier Russell (H) and Margaret (H) Bailey Ronald ('77) and Melanie Bolender Ronald and Esther Borton Lyle and Barbara Campbell Thomas ('86) and Tressa Daley Timothy ('07) and Kimberly ('93) Eades Juanita (H) Ferguson Willam Foster Curtis ('88) and Deanna ('89) Gingrich William and Margaret Griffin David and Donna Grosse Dorothy Harp Jason and Melissa Hendrick Ralph Henricks William and Arlene Hess Ralph (H) and Ruth Hodges Dolores Hyson Frank and Terri Johnson David and Karenlee Keen John ('93) and Amy ('95) Keyser Phillip (H) and Vivian Kizzee Dale and Susan Kuglin Thomas and Patsy Mackie Albert and Vivian Martin Harold and Carlene Matthews Marty ('97) and Leslie Mc Leary Jodi ('90) Mills Bradley ('97) and Julie ('99) Nelson Keith and Carolyn Newman Mikel (H) and Mary Norris Bruce and Peggy Oldham Arturo ('86) and Kathy Ondina Robert Priddy Shawn and Michelle Reesman Joe ('91) and Marcy Rinehart William and Judy Rogers Kim and Pamela ('87) Rose John ('79) and Karol ('80) Scholz John and Janis Seavolt Daniel and Sandy Sertell Harry Singh Gary (H) and Carol Sivewright Gregory and Cynthia ('74) Sizemore Dean Spearman Wayne and Sandra Swift John and Elizabeth Taylor Randie and Shirley Timpe Alexander and Marcia Varughese David and Roberta Wilson David and Donna Wine Bessie Wise Kelvin and Teresa Wood 24 Mount Vernon NOW Jerome and Brenda Vinson Gary and Lori Wagner William ('83) and Katherine ('81) Wantland Herbert and Carol Ware Randall ('87) and Debra ('80) Wells Howard and Pauline Whiston Bradley and Lori White Paul and Dolly Wickline Brittany and Ralyn Williams Max and Erma Wood Carl and Rebecca Worley Thomas and Janice Wright David ('83) and Rhonda ('85) Yommer Annamay Zagray I’m so proud that MVNU upholds and teaches in a Christian atmosphere. For our investment, we envision Christian doctors, lawyers, ministers, mothers, fathers, missionaries and ordinary citizens passing the Gospel down from generation to generation. We want to remind students and alumni to always put God first and everything else will fall in place. Russell and Olive Gilmore Parents of Kathy (Gilmore ’82) Wantland Medallion Club The Medallion Club honors those individuals who have given an amount of $500 to $999 in the last year. 25 Anonymous 8 Barbara Baltz Alana ('84) Bender Richard and Cathi Bock Donald and Karen ('78) Boyd Mark Braun James and Christi Brown Edward and Maxine Connor James ('80) and Lynette ('80) Couchenour Willie and Lois Dishon Robert Dornauer David and Susan Downs Marshall and Rebecca Duke Glenn and Elizabeth Forthofer William and Valerie Gaillard Scott and Pamela Gatton Kurt and Nanette Goodenberger Larry and Beulah Grindle Richard and Judy Gulley Jack and Marilyn Hansher Ricky ('80) and Anita ('82) Harmon Winston and Debby Hatcliff Elizabeth (H) Hornberger Richard and Linda Jordan David and Ruth Kale Robert and Renee King Marvin and Eunice Krassow William and Sheryl Kurelic Betty Leppert James and Janet Linker Keith and Esther Martin Daniel and Caroline Maurer James and Joyce ('71) Maynard Thomas and Kitty Mc Cann David ('82) Melton Diane ('84) Monnin Wayne and Peggy Penrod Philip and June Petrie Ron and Mary Phillips Weldon and Betty Pierson Gregory and Renee Rein Bradley ('82) and Adria ('79) Schumann Richard ('77) and Ramona Schwartz Helen Shupe Jerry and Sonja Smith Eldon Steiner David Stiverson Kenneth ('81) and Alisa Stoll Robert ('76) and Ardyth ('91) Stull Andrew ('98) and Christina Taylor Stephen and Janet Thompson Paul and Sherrill Tomasino Sarah Watson William and Doris Webb Larry and Melinda Weber John Yoder Lakeholm Club The Lakeholm Club honors those individuals who have given an amount of $250 to $499 in the last year. Anonymous 10 Sean and Alice Allen Timothy and Barbara Anderson Patrick and Ifeyinwa Anyalewechi Mark Armstrong Hannah Auck Don ('83) and Susan Baun Steven and Cathelene Beatty Harold and Karen Berrian John Borntrager Tyler ('08) and Robyn ('08) Boss William and Carolyn Bott Lee and Carolyn Brown Scott and Amy ('98) Brown Eric ('93) and Crystal ('90) Browning Andy and Jodi Bryant James and Maureen Buchwald Steven and Cindy Burgett William ('01) and Kelly Burke William and Arlene ('85) Byler James and Barbara Cahoon Dean Caldwell Ronald and Virginia Cameron Devin and Kimberly Cheek Thomas and Diane Collier Alan Corbitt Sindy Craig Chad and Stacy Davis James and Karen De Witt Derek and Jennifer ('98) Dean Kern and Marsha Dickinson Alex and Susan Durbin Betty Emerick Rebecca ('90) Eppley Edward ('82) and Diane Estep Kent ('87) and Kelly ('87) Estep LeBron (H) and Anne (H) Fairbanks Wayne and Phyllis Feasby Names in italics represent alumni of MVNU. Those names followed by (H) represent honorary alumni. To view all giving lists, please visit William ('92) and Jennifer Forney Paul ('82) and Rebecca ('82) Freel George and Marilyn Frost Rochel ('05) Furniss Timothy ('88) and Joan ('90) Garber Keith ('80) and Sama ('80) Gilliland Rick and Jolene ('85) Goetzman Frank and Cheryl Green Steven and Kathrine ('89) Greenich Fredric and Lynn Grimm Eric and Kimberly Haaff Timothy and Linda ('07) Halt Dan and Judy Hannon Tom Harrmann Jerry ('89) and Cheryl ('88) Hartman Wesley and Judith Hawes Gene and Donna Heasley Roger and Michelle Hedrick Fred and Shirley Hendren Edward and Maria Herman Murli and Gloria Hinduja Thomas and Patricia Hubbell Mark and Carla Hughes Ryan and Yvett Hunsicker Terry (’74) and Ruthie Johnson Michael and Ruth Johnston David Karavish Robert and Peggy Keen Aaron and Laura Kester Daniel ('86) Landon Jeffrey ('00) and Amber ('01) Lavin Jackie Law Heekap Lee Doris Leonard Nelson and Judy Litzenberg Sean and Mehgan ('02) Lucas Robert ('74) and Elaine ('74) Mahaffey Todd and Robin Mc Clay Roger Mc Coy Ryan ('07) Mc Ferren Kent ('86) Mc Millan Steven ('93) and Melissa ('93) Midcap Ronald and Ramona Miller Gerald and Patricia Mohrfield John and Mary Moore Gail Moorman Gary ('79) and Ronda Morgan Michael and Nanette Neighbarger Lynn ('80) and Penny ('82) Nichols Joseph and Chrissy Nussbaum Nelson and Barbara Perdue Merel and Linda Pickenpaugh Larry and Lori Poland Phillip and Mollie Pool John and Kandice Popham Patrick and Martha Quinn William ('87) and Julie ('91) Radaker Mark and Denise Ramser Aaron Ramsey David and Anna Rashley Charles and Barbara Reitsma Michael ('01) and Rachail Risko Donald and Cathy Robbins John and Cynthia Robison Reuben and Janice Rodeheaver Ted and Lynette Rupert Terrell and Suzanne Sanders Stephen ('78) and Michelle ('78) Sargent Kari Sowers Charles ('93) and Sophia Speelman Mickie Strausbaugh Richard and Marcine Sutherland Roger ('77) and Lorrie ('78) Taylor William ('05) and Monica Tenney Mark and Marsha ('07) Tharp John and Carolyn Thomas Rosann Thomas Ted Thorne Michael and Diane Traugh Douglas and Lisa Van Nest Michael and Julie Van Zant Duane Veale Kim and Teresa Waggoner Paul and Marcia Wagner Stephen and Thais Ward Michael and Jeannette Warwick Terry Weber Robert ('83) and Mary ('82) West Theodore and Rebecca Whitney Duane and Monet Wiford Matthew and Julie Wilbur David and Lori Wilkes Barbara Williams John and Sandra Williams Michael ('77) and Kenna ('77) Williams Keith ('05) and Deborah Winn Stanley and Eloise Wood Dennis ('84) and Tamara Woods Mike and Christina Wythe Temporarily Permanently UnrestrictedRestrictedRestrictedTotal Operating Revenues, Gains, and other support Student tuition and fees Less unfunded student financial aid $34,737,251 (8,303,992) -- -- $34,737,251 (8,303,992) 26,433,259 26,433,259 Church Support Private gifts and grants Government grants and contracts Investment return designated for current operations Other Auxiliary enterprises -- -- 2,184,992 646,311 313,148 287,480 189,311 7,824,656 43,147 36,832 -- 331,491 -- -- 1,645 327,708 -- -- -- -- 2,229,784 1,010,851 313,148 618,971 189,311 7,824,656 37,879,157 411,470 329,353 38,619,980 1,565,039 (1,565,039) Total revenues, gains and other support 39,444,196 (1,153,569) 329,353 38,619,980 Expenses and losses Instructional Academic support Student services Institutional support Public relations and development Auxiliary enterprises 14,364,112 1,657,029 7,441,962 4,262,857 1,101,216 7,567,821 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 14,364,112 1,657,029 7,441,962 4,262,857 1,101,216 7,567,821 Total expenses and losses 36,394,997 -- -- 36,394,997 3,049,199 (1,153,569) 329,353 2,224,983 (1,309,690) 354,814 -- (954,876) Pension related changes other than periodic pension cost (370,007) -- -- (370,007) Change in net assets 1,369,502 (798,755) 329,353 900,100 41,826,182 4,900,389 5,925,011 52,651,582 $43,195,684 $4,101,634 $6,254,364 $53,551,682 Net assets released from restrictions Change in net assets from operating activity Nonoperating Investment return in excess of amounts designed for current operations Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year Auxiliary Enterprises $7,824,656 Other $189,311 Government Grants and Contracts $313,148 Private Gifts and Grants $1,010,851 Church Support $2,229,784 Total Revenues $38,619,980 Tuition and Fees $26,433,259 Auxiliary Expenses $7,567,821 Instructional $14,364,112 Institutional Support $4,262,857 Total Expenditures $36,394,997 Investment Return Designated for Current Operations $618,971 Academic Support $1,657,029 Student Services $7,441,962 Public Relations and Development $1,101,216 2 0 0 8 A nnual Rep o rt July 1, 2007 - May 31, 2008 26 Mount Vernon NOW Budget Summary - Current Funds Church Giving Central Ohio District Rev. Trevor Johnston District Superintendent (total giving: $363,297) Belpre Chester Chesterhill Chillicothe Westside Circleville First Coal Grove Columbus Cooke Road Columbus Crossroads Community Columbus First Columbus Northwest Columbus Shepherd Columbus West Broad Columbus Whitehall Cornerstone Countryside Family Life Fellowship Fountain of Hope Community Gallipolis Gloryland Grove City Hamden Hebron Hilliard Ironton Faith United Ironton First Jackson Logan Lower Lights Community Marietta First Marietta Harmar Hill Mc Arthur Mc Connelsville Middleport Nelsonville New Albany First 27 New Boston First Newark First Oak Hill Obetz Pickerington Plymouth Heights Point Rock Pomeroy Portsmouth First Portsmouth Rosemount Portsmouth Sciotoville Rarden Reynoldsburg Rutland South Point First Southwest Community Toboso Waterford Wellston Westerville Zanesville Northside During the past fiscal year, the following congregations have generously contributed to Mount Vernon Nazarene University’s mission. Eastern Kentucky District Rev. Harold Berrian District Superintendent (total giving: $113,442) East Ohio District Dr. David Downs District Superintendent (total giving: $202,253) North Central Ohio District Rev. Steve Ward District Superintendent (total giving: $405,412) Northwest Ohio District Dr. Larry Fairbanks District Superintendent (total giving: $371,079) Argillite Ashland First Ashland Grace Augusta Cannonsburg Carthage Catlettsburg Southside Clintonville Corbin Covington Central Covington Eastside Covington First Crittenden Cumberland Cynthiana Dayton Durbin Erlanger Flatwoods First Flemingsburg Florence Community Grahn Grayson Harlan S Fisher Memorial Hazard Immanuel Inez Irvine First Lloyd Maysville Middlesboro First Morehead Mount Sterling First Mount Vernon Newport First Olive Hill Paintsville Paris Pineville Ravenna Richmond First Richmond Rosemont South Shore Straight Creek Turkey Creek Twin Fork Waco Worthington Akron Arlington Akron Cottage Grove Akron East Liberty Akron Kenmore Akron Southeast Akron Trinity Alliance Atwater Community Barberton Mount Summit Barnesville Beth Echad Messianic Fellowship Bethesda Calcutta Caldwell First Cambridge First Canal Fulton Canton Calvary Canton First Canton South Columbiana Cortland Cuyahoga Falls Dellroy East Liverpool First East Liverpool La Croft East Palestine Fishcreek Nazarene Worship Center Goshen Community Grace Greene Greentown Hubbard Irondale Lakeland Area Ministries Leavittsburg Macedonia Martins Ferry Massillon Mineral City Minerva New Philadelphia Newcomerstown Newton Falls Niles First North Jackson Powhatan Point Ravenna First Rush Community Salem Scio Sebring Shadyside Steubenville First Stratton Tallmadge The New Beginning Toronto Trinity Warren First Wellsville West Point Windham Wintersville Woodsfield Amherst Ashland Ashtabula First Bedford Brunswick Bucyrus First Calvary Ridge Cardington Cherry Valley Cleveland Bethel Cleveland Garfield Heights Cleveland Richmond Heights Cleveland Victory Clyde Coshocton First Crestline Doylestown Elyria Community Fostoria First Fredericktown Fremont Fulton Crossroads Galion Grand Valley Harvest Fellowship Highpoint Jefferson Kelloggsville Lakeholm Lexington Lighthouse Community Living Faith Loudonville Mansfield First Marion First Marion Kensington Place Marion New Vision Community Medina Mount Vernon First Mount Vernon New Life Mount Vernon West Side New Life Community Painesville Port Clinton Powell New Start Community Sandusky Community Shelby First State Road Community Upper Sandusky Wadsworth Warsaw Westlake Parkside Willo-Lake Wooster Antwerp Community Bellefontaine Bethel Community Bowling Green Bradford Bridgeway Bryan Celina Countryside Cridersville Defiance Fayette Findlay First Fort Recovery Greenville Hope Community Indian Lake Northside Jackson Center Kennard Kenton Leipsic Lima Community Lima First London Marysville Montpelier Mount Blanchard Mount Sterling First Napoleon New Carlisle New Horizon Community New Life Paulding Payne Pioneer Piqua Quest Community Saint Paris Community Sidney First Spencerville Springfield First Springfield Grace Springfield High St Springfield Maplewood St Marys First Swanton Tipp City Toledo Trinity Troy First Upper Valley Community Urbana Wapakoneta Aberdeen Alpha Amelia Batavia Community Bethel Blanchester Brookville Cedarville Cincinnati Carthage Cincinnati Clifton Ave Cincinnati Covenant Cincinnati Fairfax Cincinnati Lockland Cincinnati Montana Ave Cincinnati Price Hill Cincinnati Sayler Park Cincinnati Springdale Cincinnati Sycamore Community Cincinnati Victory Countryside Community Crossroads Dayton Beavercreek Dayton Central Dayton Daytonview Dayton Drexel Dayton First Dayton Maryland Ave Dayton Northridge Dayton Parkview Dayton Riverside Eaton First Fairborn First Fairfield Felicity Franklin First Georgetown Germantown Goshen Hamilton Tuley Rd Hamilton Walden Pond Harrison Hillsboro Living Faith Living Hope Manchester Miamisburg First Middletown First Monroe Morrow Mount Carmel New Lebanon New Richmond Newtonsville Oxford Peebles Ripley Sardinia Shelter Springboro Bridgeway Trenton Tri-County Vandalia Waynesville West Carrollton West Chester West Union Williamsburg Wilmington Xenia First West Virginia North District Rev. J. Kevin Dennis District Superintendent (total giving: $170,799) Belington Blennerhassett Buckhannon Chester Colliers Congo Elizabeth Elkins Fairmont Central Fairmont First Ferry Glen Follansbee First Grafton Blueville Grafton Parkview Hooverson Heights Little Sandy Lizemores Mannington Masontown Morgantown First Morgantown Pierpont Moundsville Mountain View New Cumberland Newell First Newell Glendale Parkersburg Broadway Parkersburg First Parsons First Philippi Point Pleasant First Ravenswood Ripley Ritchie River Valley Community Shinnston Spencer St Marys First Terra Alta Weaver Weirton First Wellsburg Wheeling Mar-Win West Virginia South District Dr. Mervin Smith District Superintendent (total giving: $191,817) Alderson Barrett Beckley Belle Bluefield First Buffalo Campbells Creek Charleston Calvary Charleston Davis Creek Charleston Elk River Charleston First Charleston Loudendale Charleston North Side Charleston Southeast Charleston Valley Grove Charleston West Side Clendenin Craigsville Dunbar East Bank Frank Gallagher Glasgow Greenbrier Valley Hamlin Huntington Central Huntington First Huntington Walnut Hills Hurricane First Lens Creek Logan Man Marlinton Marmet Miami New Beginnings Community New Hope New Horizons Nitro Oak Hill Princeton First Rand First Seth South Charleston First South Charleston Grace Summersville Teays Valley Mount Vernon Nazarene University 2008 Senior Leadership Team Dr. Daniel J. Martin President Dr. J. Keith Newman Vice President for University Relations Dr. Bruce Oldham Vice President for Enrollment Management Rev. Scott Peterson University Chaplain Ms. Lanette Sessink Vice President for Student Development Mr. Jeff Spear Vice President for Finance Dr. Randie L. Timpe Vice President for Academic Affairs 28 If you would like to be included in the Mount Vernon Nazarene University 2009 Annual Report, please visit the University Advancement web site at and click on “Ways to Give” or call the Development Office at 1-800-367-9294. We welcome your questions regarding contributions toward our ongoing vision to change the world with the love of Christ. Dr. J. Keith Newman Vice President for University Relations Mount Vernon NOW Southwestern Ohio District Dr. Doug Van Nest District Superintendent (total giving: $497,233) 2 0 0 8 A nnual Rep o rt Churches in bold met or exceeded their educational fund commitment. Financial Highlights a l umn i g i f t s DecadeNo. of DonorsNo. of Alums 1970s 176 1,862 1980s 293 3,086 1990s 288 3,935 2000s 175 5,572 g i f t s f ro m a l l s o u rc e s YearGifts 1998 3,363 1999 3,757 2000 3,993 2001 4,226 2002 4,317 2003 6,268 2004 5,029 2005 5,184 2006 5,621 2007 4,536 2008 4,273 Amount Given $3,211,454 $3,637,582 $3,135,248 $3,592,569 $3,262,587 $5,920,002 $3,692,124 $4,226,923 $3,956,473 $3,483,942 $4,365,344 Top 10 Classes by Participation ClassPercent 1978 16.60% 1983 14.73% 1982 14.49% 1993 12.08% 1977 11.69% 1972 11.63% 1976 10.71% 1995 10.53% 1988 10.37% 1986 9.93% Rate of Participation 9.45% 9.49% 7.32% 3.14% Total of Gifts $45,741 $51,088 $26,170 $12,112 Top 10 Classes by Amount Given ClassNo. of Donors Amount Given 1977 27 $28,187 1981 22 $24,221 1997 26 $7,404 1980 29 $6,427 1979 24 $6,199 1984 28 $5,606 2007 32 $5,023 1996 16 $4,857 1982 41 $4,796 1972 25 $4,655 combined gift income 2008 January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008 Community $629,358 Other $45,860 Parents and Trustees $120,117 Alumni and Friends $546,273 Foundations and Consortia $98,960 Church Support $2,520,255 Total $4,365,344 Employees $48,295 Business and Corporations $356,226 29 t o t a l e n d o wm e n t fun d s Includes General and Restricted $16 $14 $12 $10 $8 un i v e r s i t y- fun d e d scholarships and grants $7,570,478 $7,637,405 $8,317,860 $9,425,582 $9,926,738 $10,823,526 $12,429,104 $15,271,601 As of 6/30/02 As of 6/30/03 As of 6/30/04 As of 6/30/05 As of 6/30/06 As of 6/30/07 As of 5/31/08 Other $902,633 $0 As of 6/30/01 Academic $2,366,733 $6,752,340 Athletic $615,659 $2 As of 6/30/00 Total $6,857,665 $4 $6,151,156 in millions Denominational-based $1,228,142 As of 6/30/99 $6 Need-based $1,744,498 CHOOSE IT. FEEL IT. LIVE IT. The MVNU Experience “MVNU’s Christ-centered environment formed and shaped who we are. We thank God for the passionate teachers and leaders who prayed with us and demonstrated lives of service and learning. The relationships built at MVNU - Jonathan (’02) and Sharla (Miller ’02) Rider continue to strengthen and refresh our lives as alumni.” Refer a student today! 1. Go to 2. Click on "Refer a Friend" at the top of the page. 3. Fill out the form and submit! 1-866-462-MVNU ADMISSIONS.MVNU.EDU 800 Martinsburg Road Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050 Mount Vernon NOW 30 PAID Mount Vernon OH 43050 Periodical Postage MVNU students are blogging about their college experiences. Check it out and share it with a future student you know! Upcoming Events Address Service Requested Mount Vernon Nazarene University 800 Martinsburg Road Mount Vernon, OH 43050 USPS 761-980 Mount Vernon NOW You can also keep up with MVNU students and professors on spring break trips throughout the U.S. and around the world. Hear their firsthand experiences, see photos and video, communicate with them directly, or send encouraging messages! Join the MVNU community for a variety of exciting and enlightening events this spring. Find more information on these and other events at April 8 Resurrection Celebration, Chapel, 10:20 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. 5 Treble Singers Concert, Thorne, 8 p.m. 7 Blue/Green Day, campus beautification, alumni and community welcome! 15-17 Hicks Holiness Lecture Series, Dr. John Bowling, 7-9 Spring musical: "Pirates of Penzance," 18 Festival of Joy Senior Adult Day, Chapel, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., register by calling (740) 397-9000, ext. 4351 7-9 Regional Teen Bible Quiz Chapel, M-W 10:15 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. 21 Youth Ministries Leadership Workshop, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., register by calling 1-888-470-0050 23-24 Breakaway, prospective student event, register at or by calling 1-866-462-MVNU 28 Women in Ministry Network Day, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., register by calling 1-888-470-0050 30 Spring musical: "Pirates of Penzance," Thorne, 8 p.m. May 1-2 Spring musical: "Pirates of Penzance," Thorne, 8 p.m. 4 Jazz Band Concert, Chapel, 7:30 p.m. Thorne, 8 p.m. 9 Mom’s Night Out with WNZR, Free Enterprise Business Center, 4 p.m. 11 Instrumental Ensembles Concert, Gazebo, 7 p.m. 12 Collegians Chorale Concert, Chapel, 8 p.m. 13 Academic Awards Convocation, Chapel, 10 a.m. 14 Goliards Concert, Thorne, 8 p.m. 22 Baccalaureate, Chapel, 7 p.m. 23 Commencement, Chapel, 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. June 11-13 BLAST! 19 New Student Orientation 23-7/3 Church of the Nazarene General Assembly, Orlando (see page 10).