Scout Troop 300 Recognized for Excellence


Scout Troop 300 Recognized for Excellence
Dear Mount Vernon Family,
This has truly been a meaningful Lent and
Easter season so far. We have all been inspired
by the Psalter project proposed by Tobias Lutz
and embraced by so many in our congregation.
I hope you have had the opportunity to read
through the Mount Vernon Psalter as it is
displayed in the Winn Chapel. The Psalter will
remain there through the middle of June, and
then we hope to have a “bound” copy that
will be permanently displayed in the Chapel.
The inspiration continued with our Children
and Youth, who led us in worship the first
Sunday of April. Through their beautiful songs
of the faith, we revisited the Life of Our Lord,
and joined together at the Lord’s Table.
We owe deep appreciation to Beth Bauman
and Tim Navis for their tireless work with
our children and youth this year. We are so
fortunate to have these devoted Christians and faithful
leaders in our midst.
With Tim’s leadership, our choirs, both vocal and
handbell, enriched us on Palm Sunday, Maundy
Thursday, Easter, and Thomas Sunday.
We welcome our newest members. They are the
Mitchell family: Derek, Alana, Harper, and Anne
Hatton, and the Larking family: Ken, Michelle, Alex,
and Emma.
And we rejoice in the Confirmation Class: Ben
Parrish, Charlotte Parrish, Sarah Hawkins, Slade Potts,
and Alex Larking.
Our family is growing!!
This month we celebrate our high school
graduates: Kathryn Waters, Matthew Parrish, Patrick
Woodard, and Alliya Kautzman.
We met our goal of $2,500 for the Lent /Easter
Offering to be a “Covenant Partner” with Dr. Manyeza
of the Old Mutare Mission Hospital in Zimbabwe by
receiving $2,746.00!
Although we have had to say good-bye to dear
members Frank Grogan, Alyce Roach, Paul Stanfield,
and Randy Handy… it is clear that the Spirit of Christ
is moving among us and encouraging us to continue
the work of these saints.
What a joy it is to be here at Mount Vernon, living
out the bond of love and ministry we share together.
We are indeed the Body of Christ for the world.
Easter blessings to all,
Palm Sunday,
Children’s Choir
Scout Troop 300 Recognized for Excellence
In April, at the Dan River District Awards banquet, Mount
Vernon’s Boy Scout Troop 300 received the Journey to
Excellence Gold Award for 2013. This program encourages
excellence, rewards success, and measures performance in
Sout units, and Gold is the top-level award.
And Scoutmaster Randy McDaniel was named the 2013
Scoutmaster of the Year from the Dan River District – a
recognition of outstanding service to the youth.
There was more good news when the
troop recently gained eight new Scouts,
who transferred from the Webelos Den in
the Sacred Heart Cub Scout Pack 353.
Congratulations to our Scouts and to their
parents and leaders!
Robin Woodson Named Teacher of the Year
Mount Vernon member Robin Woodson
has been named named Forest Hills Elementary Teacher of the Year. She is a graduate
of George Washington High School
and Averett University. She began her
teaching career at Kentuck Elementary
in Pittsylvania County, and she currently
teaches fifth grade at Forest Hills.
Robin is the daughter of Catherine Meador. She and her
husband, Brian Woodson, are the parents of Brady, Isaiah,
and Noah. Brady attended Children’s House and now is a
student at Forest Hills. Twins Isaiah and Noah are in the fouryear-olds program at Children’s House.
Congratulations, High School Seniors!
Matthew Parrish (at left), Chatham High School, plans
to attend the University of Virginia to study environmental science and psychology, and hopes to go to
law school and practice law.
Kathryn Waters, Chatham Hall, will attend North Carolina State University to study architecture, and wants
to design residential buildings.
Alliya Kautzman, George Washington High School,
plans to attend Averett University and wants to do
something to help people or animals, such as physical
therapy, athletic trainer, or veterinarian.
Patrick Woodard, Dan River High School, hasn’t
decided on a college but plans a career in engineering
or computer engineering.
Lenten Offering of $2,746.00 Exceeds Goal
We have entered a Covenant Partnership with Dr. Paul Tendai
Manyeza, medical director of the Old Mutare Mission Hospital
in Zimbabwe, and we are committed to
providing at least $2,500 per year toward his
work. We were blessed to have Dr. Manyeza visit and speak
at Mount Vernon Church last November. It is our privilege to
provide support for the life-saving work of Dr. Manyeza and
the Old Mutare Mission Hospital, a 70-bed facility that serves
an area of some 12,000 people.
“One Great Hour of Sharing” Offering: $527.00 ... So Far
It’s not too late to make a “One Great Hour” gift to support United Methodist
Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Donations that UMCOR receives through this
special offering cover the costs of doing business, and make it possible for
UMCOR to use 100% of all other contributions on the projects (such as disaster
relief) our donors specify, instead of on administrative or fundraising costs.
Due by June 18: Relief Supply Kits for Annual Conference
It’s time to collect items and assemble “Kits for Conference.” The Virginia Annual
Conference is June 20 – 22. Kits are due in the church office by June 18.
The kits are taken to Conference and shipped from there to United Methodist
Committee on Relief (UMCOR), the United Methodist organization dedicated to
alleviating human suffering around the globe.
Instruction sheets for making kits are outside the office. Be sure to read the
detailed instructions for each type of kit: Bedding, Birthing, Cleaning Bucket,
Health, Layette, School, Sewing. According to UMCOR, the kits most needed at
this time are Sewing, Layette, and Bedding, but all are welcome.
Some general instructions are:
• All items must be new.
• Do not wash any item.
• Items may be removed
from packaging.
• Do not include personal notes, money,
or anything other than requested items.
• If any item includes an American flag, the
flag must be cut out (not marked out).
Include $1 for each kit, in an envelope outside the kit. Mount Vernon will
send one check to cover the shipping cost for all the kits.
Lord, Teach Me to Pray
Practical Applications for Prayer
May 17, Timberlake UMC
Lynchburg, 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m.
Wendy Miller, Professor of Spiritual
Formation at Eastern Mennonite
Seminary, Barry Foster, and others
will lead workshops at this event.
Learn many ways to use words,
hymns, and color, movement, and
laughter as
Includes lunch.
$20 registration:
Make Contributions
Using Your Credit Card
It’s easy: visit the church Web
site: mt vernon Click
“Online Giving,” and follow the
simple instructions. You will receive
an e-mail message
confirming your
For now, use
online giving only
for regular contributions (not special gifts such as memorials).
Your contribution goes directly
into the Mount Vernon bank account
and will be shown on your quarterly statement. Your private information is secured using SSL (Secure
Sockets Layer), the leading security
protocol on the Internet.
Trip to Reynolda Village Planned
We had a really great time at VIR’s Oak Tree Tavern
on April 21. Fourteen people went on the church bus and
four people traveled by car. It was fun getting together
for a meal with our fellow church members, and everyone
seemed eager for our next get-together.
Our next trip will be to Winston-Salem to Reynolda Village. We will
have lunch at the Village Tavern and then have time to visit the shops
in the village. There are shops for art, fashion, home furnishings and
accessories, health and wellness, candies, stationery, etc. The shops are
housed in buildings that once supported the estate of the R. J. Reynolds
family. These buildings were modeled
after an English village and included
dairy barns, school, post office, and
More information on this trip will
follow when I have everything set.
–– Bonnie Griffith
Saturday, May 10:
Letter Carriers Food Drive
Put nonperishable food in a bag by
your mailbox. Your letter carrier will
pick it up for God’s Storehouse.
Children’s House Summer Session
Applications are now being accepted for Children’s House Summer Session for ages
2– 5 years. The program is offered on Wednesdays and Thursdays in June and July,
from 9:25 a.m. till 12:25 p.m. Cost is $160.00 for the full session. If space is available,
older siblings may come, too!
Fall Preschool and Full-Time Care Program
Applications are being accepted for our fall Preschool and our
Full-Time Care Program. Preschool is offered for ages 2– 4
years, and Full-Time Care is for ages 6 weeks through 4 years.
“Tea party day” at
Children’s House
Please call Leslie Navis, Director, 713-2169, for more
information about these programs.
V BS 2014: Into the Wilderness!
During the week of June 23 – 27, our church will be filled with
the sights and sounds of children participating in Vacation Bible
School. We’ll join Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness.
Children will worship God with songs and prayer, create craft
projects, learn about life as an Israelite, and discover God’s
powerful love through Moses. Please encourage any children
you know, ages 4 – 10, to join us!
It takes a lot of volunteers for this children’s ministry. We
would be thrilled to have you join the VBS Team. There are
many opportunities to help. Please consider where your gifts
and time would best serve:
Tribe (Group) Leader: Prepare a 10- to 15-minute lesson and lead children around to the different areas (materials
Shopkeeper: Guide groups with making mosaics and planting plants; serve snack, and more.
Decorating Team: Transform our church back in time
Actors for Bible Stories
Please contact Beth deAristizabal at 792-7766 or for more information or to volunteer.
Welcome, Newest Members of Mount Vernon United Methodist Church!
Ken and Michelle Larking and their
305 Updike Place, Danville, VA 2451
The Larkings are transferring from
Yadkinville UMC.
Derek and Alana Mitchell and their children.
248 Oak Creek Drive, Danville, VA 24541
The Mitchells come to Mount Vernon from
First Baptist Church, Danville.
Slade Potts
Alex Larking
Ben Parrish
On April 6, our youth and children’s choir led us in a worship service based
on Charles Dickens’ book,The Life of our Lord. All were inspired by their
beautiful singing and readings. Thank you, children and youth, for your hard
work and commitment!
Hand-Painted Ceramic Trivets for Sale
We have already raised $300 for the Haitian Student Fund with the sale of trivets painted by
our youth Sunday School Class! Thank you for your support of this project! Additional trivets are
displayed for sale in the Fellowship Hall. Proceeds benefit the education of Lude Labieville, of Haiti,
who is a student at Averett University.
– Beth Bauman
SundayWorship Services
May 11, 2014
fourth sunday of easter
mother’s day
Scripture: Matthew 15: 21 – 31
Sermon: “A Mother’s Love”
Rev. Barry Foster
May 18, 2014
fifth sunday of easter
Scripture: Galatians 2: 19 – 20
Sermon: “The Christian Ego”
Rev. Barry Foster
May 25, 2014
sixth sunday of easter
Scripture: 1 John 4: 7 – 21
“Right or Wrong –Big or Small”
Rev. Barry Foster
June 1, 2014
ascension sunday
Scripture: Acts 1: 1 – 12
Sermon: “Receiving Power”
Rev. Barry Foster
Third Annual Downtown Jubilee
Mount Vernon is one of several churches that will team
up with Grace & Main Fellowship to help put on the
Downtown Jubilee at Green Street Park on Saturday, May
17. We need everyone’s help with our contributions.Please
bake cookies!!! That’s right, bake whatever type you love
to bake, put them in a disposable container (plate, tray, etc.), and bring
them to church on Thursday or Friday, May 15 or 16.
We will give cookies to all who come to the Jubilee, and we don’t want
to run out! We’re also interested in collecting some cornhole games to
set up for kids and adults to play – if you have one we can borrow, please
let me know. Finally, we need volunteers to come and participate. Set-up
will begin at 10 a.m., and the event runs from 11 a.m. till 2 p.m.
The folks at Grace & Main consider this a great opportunity for people
to get to know some new friends in the community. You don’t have to
do anything special; just show up, eat some food, play some games,
and visit with everybody else who came for the same purpose. This is
about JOYOUS fellowship – it is called a “jubilee” after all. If you have any
questions or can loan games, please contact Tobias Lutz at 434-203-3510.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dates to Remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Church Council Meeting, Monday, May 19, at 7:00 p.m.
Children’s House Graduation, Wednesday, May 21.
Project Crossroads, July 20 –25. For youth, rising 7th graders and up.
Interested adults, please call Frank Cuthrell, 793-8095, for more information.
Kaleidoscope Music Camp, August 4 – 8, for rising 3rd – 6th graders, at
Blacksone Retreat Center. Call Tim Navis, 793-5824, for information.
A gift in memory of Jasper Oldham
has been received from Pat Maurakis.
A gift in memory of Sybil Martin
has been received from Thomas and Martha Jo Hodges.
Gifts in memory of Connie Mauser
have been received from Jerry and Ely Foster, and
Thomas and Martha Jo Hodges.
Gifts in memory of Paul Stanfield
have been received from Joanne and Jim Bucklew,
John Hilzheimer, John and Judy Shumate,
Pat Maurakis, Walter and Darlene Lumpkin,
Catherine Bendall, Michael and Patricia Compton,
Alma Cross, Darrell and Ann Williamson,
June Chilton, Don and Pat Stanfield,
Marjory Wiggs, John and Gayle Morris,
David and Vicki Johnston, James and Helen Cheney,
Ed Stanfield, Della Hicks, Jim and Jan Sutherland,
and Max and Dana Glass.
Gifts in memory of Randy Handy
have been received from Howard and Jan Lester,
Anne Wayne and Dick Patterson, Frances McMillan,
John Hilzheimer, Mark and Melanie Foster,
Jessie and Jerrye Mayhew, Harry and Betty Lea,
Catherine Bendall, Ann and Darrell Williamson,
John and Gayle Morris, Carolyn and Budge Kent,
Tom and Betty Leggett, Esther and Edward Mise,
Claude and Lamar Owen, Sonny and Fran Ramsay,
Richard and Betty Turner, Jerry and Mary Franks,
Tom and Betty Leggett, Jerry and Ely Foster,
Jim and Jan Sutherland, Lisa Dixon, Landis Sunday
School Class, and Linda, Lynwood, and Kelly Handy.
Gifts in memory of Frank Grogan
have been received from Pat Maurakis,
Anne Wayne and Dick Patterson, Arthur Silvers,
Betty and Elizabeth Fuller, Carol Kernodle,
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Abercrombie, John Hilzheimer,
and Jerry and Mary Franks.
In Our Thoughts and Prayers ...
Our deepest sympathy ...
At home: Bill Hardy, Zane Kinn, Margaret Powell
At Roman Eagle: Zula Callahan
At Riverside Healthcare: Greg Read
At Stratford House: Newton Ray, Sr., Marjorie Hood
To the family of Alyce Roach, who died on April 3, 2014.
To Larry and Dena Oldham.
Larry’s father, Jasper Oldham, died on April 7.
To Helen Stanfield and the family of Paul Stanfield,
who died on April 11.
To Peggy Handy and the family of Randy Handy,
who died on April 15.
May Birthdays
19 Larry Mann
Anne Wood
20 Carolyn Waterbury
Meredith Ashby Ramsden 21 Bob McFarland
David Sule
Phillip Wright
22 Clara Fountain
Tom Darkis
23 Daniel Vicks
Bill Booker
25 Charlie Williamson
Marj Hood
27 Mary Franks
Frances McMillan
Kerry O’Neill
Anne Thomas
28 Eleanor Cuthrell
Rita Doggett
Ely Foster
Bill Fuller
Cara Mills
Beth Ranson
Ruth Waggoner
Bob Beasley
29 Thomas Barker
Shirley Bray
Mary Evelyn Jefferson
30 Peggy Fowler
James Bucklew
Fran Ramsay
June Birthdays
Andy Waggoner
1 Carol Majors
Tommy Grogan
Emily Whittle
Emily Runyon
4 Max Brande
Ann Jeffries
“B” Hylton
Tommy Stephens
5 Adam Lester
Jennifer Parker
8 Berkley Furgurson
Liz Pyszka
Max Glass, Sr.
Sharon Hughes
Patrick Womack
Margaret Milam
9 Ellen Mitchell
Lynn Slayton
Newton Ray, III
Steven Libby
10 Alan Adkins
David Bray
Catherine Bauman
Keith Bray
11 Ann Kinn
Newton Ray, Jr.
Coraline Lutz
Joyce Underwood
12 Rusty Moore
Coleman Hylton
Karen Blachura
Week of
April 6
April 13
April 17
April 18
April 20
April 27
Monthly Total: $44,470.63
2014 Year-to-Date Report
Income through March 24: $141,712.22
Expenses through March 24: 164,013.27
Balance: ($22,301.05)
Our Worship Assistants
May 11 8:30: Darrell Williamson, Tom Savastano
11:00: J.G. Hurt, Budge Kent, Gene Saunders,
John Ranson, Coleman Hylton, Frank Davis (alt.)
May 18 8:30: Bill Booker, Tom Booker
11:00: Tom Leggett, Andrew Farley, David Fuquay, Tommy Hodges, Bill Smith, Frank Davis (alt.)
may 25 8:30: Tom Savistano, Darrell Williamson
11:00: Tom Leggett, J.G. Hurt, Charles Sampson,
Bill Smith, Tom Underwood, John Ranson (alt.)
June 1 8:30: John Morris, Jim Bucklew
11:00: Bill Griffith, David Fuquay, Tommy Hodges,
Tom Leggett, Tom Underwood, Frank Davis (alt.)
May: Ann Williamson, Emma Rich, Betty Fuller,
Beth Payne, Abby deAristizabal
June: Jan Sutherland, Pattie Cairns, Joyce Obstler
Gluten-free communion bread is available at
Mount Vernon. Please contact the pastor,
at 793-6824, before Communion Sunday
if you would like gluten-free wafers.