Last Month - Mount Vernon At Home
Last Month - Mount Vernon At Home
STAYING POWER ™ JULY 2016 NEWSLETTER From the Executive Director W elcome summer! By now, many of our members have met our summer intern, Christine Delude, a George Mason University student pursuing a B.S. in social work with a concentration on gerontology. Christine sent out our recent health and wellness survey to all members. She is very busy studying the effects of isolation and being less active. And as studies have shown, isolation and inactivity can lead to increased feelings of loneliness, depression and a higher risk of illness for older adults. One of the great benefits of Mount Vernon At Home is our community! Here are a few ways to stay active: Sign up for and attend one of our many activities or events Volunteer to accompany someone to a program Have a volunteer come for a friendly visit or help with small household errands Host one of our socials Join one of our committees to plan our calendar Mount Vernon At Home offers the opportunity to make new connections and friendships. Our job is to make socializing easy and comfortable. Our programs are designed to encourage members to get to know one and another and remain socially active. Take a good look at this month’s newsletter, especially our calendar for trips, restaurants, outings, bridge groups and lectures. Call our office and we will help you get there. Mount Vernon At Home’s sense of community and connection grow every year. With each new member, we’re introduced to a whole life story that includes an individual’s talents, curiosity and ideas that expands our notions of what is possible. We have a full program agenda planned in July to connect members. Please help us get the word out by sharing this invitation with friends and neighbors. Barbara Sullivan Cheers! At the Edelmans’ On April 28 Margaret and Arnold Edelman were our hosts for Cheers! in their lovely Hollin Hills home. It was a delight to be there. Their spacious living room brought back lots of memories of the early beginnings of Mount Vernon At Home in 2007-08. Arnold and Margaret were there from the very start of our organization, they were pioneers in founding and developing Mount Vernon At Home. That living room was the site of many meetings and discussions about our budget, our by-laws, our future website – and many other features of Mount Vernon At Home that we almost take for granted today. Later, after we got going, that same living room was the venue for our Conversations lecture series for several years, with the Edelmans moving lots of furniture to make room for us all, and serving cookies and cider for us to enjoy. This time we were back for a purely social event, and that same room, and the Edelmans, served us well once more. Cheers to Margaret and Arnold, and our sincere, heartfelt thanks for your service and your friendship over the years! Mount Vernon At Home Welcomes Our Newest Members! Mary Barker - Stratford on the Potomac David Dougherty - Stratford on the Potomac Skip & Mariby Johns - Tauxemont 703-303-4060 Mount Vernon At Home 2016 Board of Directors Officers President: Richard Hart Vice President: Teresa Dyer Treasurer: Alan Gray Secretary: Cher Terry Directors Priscilla Bornmann Theresa Dixon Julie Ellis Ross Hunt Barbara Knight Paul Krizek Thomas Lawler Mary Peters David Prescott Franki Roberts Elaine Serlin Eileen Spinella Lee Wampler Professional Staff Barbara Sullivan Executive Director Betsy Clagett Office Manager _____________________________ To reach us: 703-303-4060 (M-F, 10 am - 4 pm) Office location Sherwood Regional Library 2501 Sherwood Hall Lane Alexandria, VA 22306 Mailing address P.O. Box 7493 Alexandria, VA 22307 _____________________________ To become a member, call our office at 703-303-4060. To support Mount Vernon At Home, go to and click on “Donate.” Mount Vernon At Home is a 501(c)3 charitable institution. Your gift is tax deductible. All donations welcome! Connect with Mount Vernon At Home at: July 2016 Staying Power - 4 Arena Stage - Interested in a Matinee? Some of our members have expressed interest in attending a matinee production at Arena Stage this fall. There are two upcoming productions you might want to consider: as part of the Lilian Hellman Festival, The Little Foxes is playing September 23-October 30. This is Lilian Hellman’s tale of greed, betrayal and all the sordid ties taking sibling rivalry to unimaginable heights. From October 28-December 24, Arena Stage will feature Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Carousel, the epic production with classic songs June is Bustin’ Out All Over and You Never Walk Alone. Weekday matinee ticket prices range from $55-$75 and weekend matinee tickets are $75-$90 depending on seating. If you are interested in participating, carpools and transportation options will be decided based on the number of participants. Depending on member response, Mount Vernon At Home will buy Arena tickets by September 1, 2016. Please call our office if you are interested with production choice and availability. Let’s Have Coffee! - Morning Coffees At Panera Coming in the Fall Starting in September, Barbara Sullivan will join Mount Vernon At Home members for informal coffee gatherings at Panera located in the Beacon Hill Shopping Center. This will be a great opportunity to stop by, catch up with old friends and make new friends in an informal morning coffee chit chat. And the Panera croissants are delicious as a splurge! More details will follow in the next newsletter. Member Requests Please be sure to call our office with your “help” requests with as much advance notice as possible, especially in the summer months. So many of our fabulous volunteers are busy this time of year enjoying time with their families, taking vacations and entertaining house guests that advance planning is most appreciated. Thanks! Mount Vernon At Home by the Numbers… Services and Support in May 2016 Volunteer drivers completed 127 one way transportation requests for medical appointments, grocery shopping, and other errands; an additional 26 requests were assigned volunteer drivers and members subsequently cancelled these requests. Volunteers/staff completed 31 requests for home technology, home maintenance, errands, preferred provider referrals, etc. JULY 2016 MEMBER EVENTS Sun Mon To RSVP, call our office at 703-303-4060 during regular office hours on weekdays 10:00-4:00. Please remember to wear your name tags to our events. Makes for great mingling. 3 Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Our office is closed for the July 4th holiday. 5 4 ™ 6 7 Grocery Shopping 1:00 pm Happy Fourth of July! 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 29 30 Lunch Bunch Chadwicks 12:00 pm Our office is closed. 10 11 12 13 Dinner Ventures Taverna Cretekou 6:00 pm 17 18 19 Lunch at Severn Inn Annapolis, MD 10:30 am 24 31 25 26 Bridge Group 10:00 am at the home of Virginia Hodgkinson Grocery Shopping 1:00 pm ___________________________ Afternoon Tea for Paul Spring Residents 2:30 pm 20 Grocery Shopping 1:00 pm __________________________ Stroke Lecture 1:30 pm Paul Spring RC 27 Cheers! at the home of Vronna Endahl 5:00 pm 28 Grocery Shopping 1:00 pm July 2016 Staying Power - 5 July Member Events Shopping/Errand Days: The grocery shopping days in July are Wednesday, July 6, 13, 20, and 27. Reservations are required by the Friday prior to the scheduled shopping day. Thursday, July 7: Lunch Bunch. 12:00. Chadwicks, 203 Strand Street (Old Town). RSVP to our office by Tuesday, July 5. Parking lot directly across the street from Chadwicks. Transportation options available. Tuesday, July 12: Dinner Ventures. 6:00 pm. Taverna Cretekou, 818 King St (Old Town). Enjoy your favorite Greek dishes at Taverna Cretekou. RSVP to our office by Wednesday, July 6. Transportation options available. Wednesday, July 13. Paul Spring Retirement Community Residents - Afternoon Tea. 2:30 pm. Please join us for an afternoon tea with other Paul Spring residents who are Mount Vernon At Home members. Bring along a friend or two! RSVP to our office by Friday, July 8. Tuesday, July 19: Lunch at Severn Inn, Annapolis, MD. 10:30 am. With panoramic views of Annapolis, the Naval Academy, and Severn River, Severn Inn offers classic American fare and seafood. Plan to meet on the uppermost level of the Mt. Vernon Recreation Center parking lot (recycling bin level) at 10:30 am. Depending on participation response, van transportation ($) may be available. RSVP to our office by Tuesday July 12. Thursday, July 21: Cheers. 5:00-6:30 pm. At the home of Vronna Endahl, 8633 Fort Hunt Road (22308). Bring your own beverage and a large appetizer for 4-6 people to share. RSVP to the office by Friday, July 15. Call our office for transportation options. Tuesday, July 26: Bridge. 10:00 am. At the home of Virginia Hodgkinson, 5904 Mt. Eagle Dr, #308 (Montebello). Reservations are required. Call Kae Wells (703-360-6159) or email her at to make your reservation. Call our office for transportation options. Community Events Wednesday, July 20. Medical Discussion. 1:30 pm. Paul Spring Retirement Community, 7116 Fort Hunt Rd. Roger Koment, PhD, will discuss the mechanisms of stroke. The lecture will last about an hour. RSVP to Paul Spring Retirement Community at 703-768-0234. And Now For the Latest Scam… The Social Security Inspector General warns that scammers are phoning older adults, pretending to offer help applying for disability benefits. Many of these older adults have not actually applied for benefits. This is a scam. The callers are phishing for Social Security and bank account numbers. Be aware! Health, Wellness and Quality of Life Questionniare Thank you to the many Mount Vernon At Home members who completed and mailed in their questionnaire that were sent out in early June. Please take the time to complete this questionnaire and return it to our office by July 5. Our intern, Christine DeLude, will be compiling and analyzing survey results, which will be shared in our next newsletter. Bridge Game Winners April 2016 First Place - Virginia Hodgkinson Second Place - Ross Hunt 703-303-4060 May 2016 First Place - Richard Hart Second Place - Kae Wells
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staying power - Mount Vernon At Home
Thursday, September 15: Cheers! 5:00-6:30 pm. At the home of David and Marjorie Spires, 7302 Admiral Dr. (Villamay).
Bring a friend, a potential member, your own beverage and a large appetizer for ...