staying power - Mount Vernon At Home
staying power - Mount Vernon At Home
STAYING POWER ™ SEPTEMBER 2016 NEWSLETTER Message from Richard Hart, President and Teresa Dyer, Membership Committee Chair Conversation with Author Michael Lee Pope, Author of Wicked Northern Virginia M aintaining a strong membership level is always a challenge for any "village.” It’s especially a challenge when dealing with an older population. Each year through attrition we must recruit new members to replace those members who have moved or need higher levels of care. We are launching our Fall Membership Campaign from September 1 through October 31, 2016. Now is the time to get your friends and neighbors to join Mount Vernon At Home. Financial incentives to bring in new members are back by popular demand! Through the end of October, current members will receive a credit of $100.00 on their next annual dues renewal for bringing in a new member. Your referral also receives a membership fee bonus of a reduction of $100.00 for joining. What an advantageous offer for everyone! We need your help. Two members will be hosting evening gatherings in their homes for prospective members. We will also host two Coffee Social Information Sessions for prospective members and volunteers: Tuesday, September 13 at 10:30 am and Tuesday, October 11 at 10:30 am. Both coffees will be held at the Sherwood Library. Please contact Barbara Sullivan or Betsy Clagett (703-303-4060) for more information about all planned events so that we can include you and your friends in the events that best suit everyone. Any and all of these opportunities are perfect to get your friends and neighbors better acquainted with Mount Vernon At Home. Please help us share our special and wonderful organization with other older adults for a stronger aging-in-place experience. Your words and actions will make our membership campaign a success!! Richard Hart and Teresa Dyer W e are pleased that author Michael Lee Pope has agreed to talk about nefarious characters and infamous incidents that have occurred right here in Mount Vernon. He will begin with George Washington’s death in 1799. Did his doctors kill him? Today’s tour guides firmly say no, but is the truth more complicated? Have you heard about the thousands of gambling barges and floating brothels that shuttled up and down the Potomac River until 1947? Were you living in Mount Vernon in the late 1960s when one of the biggest scandals in Virginia occurred? John Parrish, our member on the Board of Supervisors and later its chairman, thought he had found a slick way to obtain some extra cash until the can of worms was suddenly opened. Mr. Pope is the author of four books on the history of Northern Virginia. One, Wicked Northern Virginia, upon which his talk will be based, has been deemed an “entertaining romp through the region’s darker side.” An award-winning journalist, Mr. Pope lives in Alexandria. He has reported for the Mount Vernon Gazette and WAMU 88.5 News, and is now a reporter for Virginia Public Radio. He is a frequent guest on NBC Channel 4 and News Channel 8. Although a native of Georgia, Mr. Pope grew up in Durham, North Carolina, and Tampa, Florida. He has a master’s degree in American Studies from Florida State University, and he was an adjunct professor at Tallahassee Community College. Join us on Sunday, September 18, 3:00 - 5:00 pm, in the Hollin Hall mansion to the left side of the Mount Vernon Unitarian Church Meeting House. Please make your reservation by calling our office at 703–303-4060 by September 12. Guests are welcome, space permitting. 703-303-4060 Upcoming Events: Get Your Calendars Ready Thursday, September 8: Coffee with Barbara Sullivan Friday, September 23: National Inventors Hall of Fame & Lunch Trip Start your day with Mount Vernon At Home’s Executive Director, Barbara Sullivan, and other Mount Vernon At Home members for coffee and a pastry at Hollin Hall Pastry Shop at 10:00 am. Space is limited. RSVP by September 1. The National Inventors Hall of Fame is dedicated to inventors and their inventions. In a self-guided tour, experience the gallery of icons illustrating each of the 500+ inductees and their great technological achievements that helped stimulate growth for our nation and beyond. The group will have lunch at nearby Delia’s Mediterranean Grill following their National Inventors Hall of Fame visit. Carpools will leave Mt. Vernon Recreation Center at 10:30 am. Please make your reservation with the office by Thursday, September 15. Saturday, September 10: Timely Topics - “Population Growth” Our discussion on the increase worldwide of nations’ populations will take place at 11:00 am on Saturday, September 10. All interested are invited to join us at the Montebello home of Virginia Hodgkinson. Member Don Peterson will be our facilitator. Call the office to reserve your place. Saturday, September 17: Music Appreciation Join us for “The Story of Jazz” - a 1.5 hour film that traces the history of jazz from its West African beginnings through modern times. Local jazz musician, Tony Jordan, will be on hand to lead an after- film discussion. The group will meet at 3:00 pm at Paul Spring Retirement Community. Participants may choose to stay for dinner ($11.00 each) at Paul Spring after the event. Wednesday, September 21: Mind Fit Series Starts Mount Vernon At Home is delighted to present this 6 part series featuring activities designed to boost brain health. Please see the enclosed flyer for all the details. Space is limited so please RSVP early. Monday, September 26: It’s Ladies’ Tea Time Once Again Our third annual tea for the women of Mount Vernon At Home will be held on Monday, September 26, 3:00 – 4:30 pm, at the Mason Hill home of Jean Glazier. Individual invitations will be sent out shortly after Labor Day. This informal gathering of new and long-time members has been a popular event which gives everyone a chance to get together with old friends after the long, hot summer, and to get to know our newer members. We’ll sit and chat and drink tea and enjoy home-made goodies in the warmth and comfort of Jean’s home – all on one level! Be sure to RSVP when your invitation arrives – space is limited. Thursday, September 22: Chatters: How Flex Time Started in the Federal Government In 1972, a personal need for work schedule flexibility launched Virginia Martin on a quest that culminated in passage of “The Federal Employment Flexible and Compressed Work Schedule Act.” Along the way she met many men and women who shared her vision and took up the banner. These crusaders included personnel managers who wanted to reduce tardiness and absenteeism; transportation managers who wanted to spread out peak period demand for highways and transit; energy conservationists who wanted to reduce stop and go driving; parents of young children; disabled workers who could find a seat on off-peak trains and busses; and enlightened congressmen and senators. Virginia Martin grew up in Lake Providence, Louisiana, graduated from Randolph Macon’s Women’s College, and completed an MBA at George Washington University. She and Clarence Martin were married in 1960 and have two children. Virginia retired from CACI International as program manager in 2011 having worked there and other local firms as an information systems security specialist. She also worked at Georgetown University’s School of Business Administration conducting research and writing books on part-time, flexible, and compressed work schedules. In 1977 and 1978 she was recruited by the Civil Service Commission to help secure enactment of the legislation that permitted use of flexible work hours in the federal government. Chatters will begin at 10:00 am on Thursday, September 22 at the home of Virginia Martin, Porto Vecchio, 1250 South Washington Street # 717, Alexandria 22314. Please RSVP to our office early at 703-303-4060, as seating will be limited. September 2016 Staying Power - 2 SEPTEMBER 2016 MEMBER EVENTS Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 To RSVP, call our office at 703-303-4060 during regular office hours on weekdays 10:00-4:00. 4 7 6 11 12 _______________________________ Grocery Shopping 1:00 pm 13 Coffee Social for Prospective Members 10:30 am Sherwood Library 18 19 Conversation with Michael Lee Pope 3:00 pm Mt. Vernon Unitarian Church 20 25 27 26 Ladies’ Tea 3:00 - 4:30 pm at the home of Jean Glazier 8 Lunch Bunch 12:00 pm Primo Our office is closed for the Labor Day holiday. 14 Lunch/Brain Boost Presentation 12:00 pm PSRC _______________________________ Grocery Shopping 1:00 pm 21 Dinner Ventures 6:00 pm Laporta’s MindFit Workshop #1 10:30 am Sherwood Library _______________________________ Grocery Shopping 1:00 Bridge Group 10:00 am at the home of Virginia Hodgkinson 28 MindFit Workshop #2 10:30 am Sherwood Library _______________________________ Grocery Shopping 1:00 Fri 2 Our office closes at 1:00 pm for the Labor Day holiday. 5 ™ Coffee with Barbara Sullivan 10:00 am Hollin Hall Pastry Shop 3 Our office is closed for the Labor Day holiday. 9 10 Timely Topics 11:00 am at the home of Virginia Hodgkinson _______________________________ Program Committee Mtg 2:00 pm 15 16 Chatters 10:00 am at the home of Virginia Martin 29 17 Music Appreciation 3:00 pm PSRC Cheers! 5:00 pm at the home of Marjorie Spires 22 Sat 23 24 National Inventors Hall of Fame/ Lunch Trip 10:30 am 30 Please remember to wear your name tags to our events. Makes for better mingling. September 2016 Staying Power - 3 September Member Events Shopping/Errand Days: The grocery shopping days in September are Wednesday, September 7, 14, 21, and 28. Reservations are required by the Friday prior to the scheduled shopping day. Wednesday, September 7: Lunch Bunch. 12:00. Primo Family Restaurant, 1636 Belle View Blvd. RSVP to our office by Thursday, September 1. Transportation options available. Thursday, September 8: Coffee with Barbara Sullivan. 10:00 am. Hollin Hall Pastry Shop, 7920 Fort Hunt Rd. See page 2 for details. RSVP to our office by Thursday, September 1. Saturday, September 10: Timely Topics. 11:00 am. At the home of Virginia Hodgkinson, 5902 Mt. Eagle Rd., #308 (Montebello). See page 2 for details. Wednesday, September 14: Lunch and Lecture. 12:00 pm. Paul Spring Retirement Community, 7116 Fort Hunt Rd. Lunch will be followed at 1:00 by a presentation on everyday methods that can be used to promote brain health. HomeCare Assistance’s Michelle Misleh, RN, MSN, will share her senior care expertise in an informative presentation designed to enhance mental acuity and wellbeing. RSVP to our office by Friday, September 9. Thursday, September 15: Cheers! 5:00-6:30 pm. At the home of David and Marjorie Spires, 7302 Admiral Dr. (Villamay). Bring a friend, a potential member, your own beverage and a large appetizer for 4-6 people to share. RSVP to the office by Thursday, September 8. Call our office for transportation options. Saturday, September 17: Music Appreciation. 3:00 pm. Paul Spring Retirement Community, 7116 Fort Hunt Rd. See page 2 for details. Sunday, September 18: Conversation with Michael Lee Pope. 3:00 - 5:00 pm. At Mt. Vernon Unitarian Church, 1909 Windmill Lane (Mason Hill). See details on page 1. RSVP to our office by Monday, September 12. Transportation options available. Tuesday, September 20: Dinner Ventures. 6:00 pm. Laporta’s Restaurant, 1600 Duke St (Old Town). RSVP to our office by Tuesday, September 13. Transportation options available. Wednesday, September 21: Mind Fit Series Kick Off. 10:30 - 11:30 am. Sherwood Regional Library. See flyer for details. Space is limited so RSVP to our office as soon as possible. Thursday, September 22: Chatters. 10:00 am. At the home of Virginia Martin, Porto Vecchio, 1250 South Washington Street # 717 (22314). See page 2 for details. Friday, September 23: Inventors Hall of Fame and Lunch at Delia’s Mediterranean Grill. See page 2 for details. Monday, September 26: Ladies’ Tea. 3:00 - 4:30 pm. At the home of Jean Glazier, 7619 Leith Pl (Mason Hill). RSVP to our office by Monday, September 19. Transportation options available. Tuesday, September 27: Bridge. 10:00 am. At the home of Virginia Hodgkinson, 5904 Mt. Eagle Dr, #308 (Montebello). Reservations are required. Call Kae Wells (703-360-6159) or email her at to make your reservation. Community Event: Tuesday, September 20, 1:00 - 2:00 pm at Sherwood Regional Library. Fairfax County’s Division of Adult & Aging Services sponsors a presentation on depression and mental wellness for seniors. Depression is not a normal part of aging. More information and help is available through this seminar. Mount Vernon At Home Welcomes Our Newest Members! Bridge Game Winners July 2016 Janet Baralli - Woodlawn Manor Joyce Davenport - Jefferson Manor Mary Flaherty - Mt. Vernon Manor First Place - Golden Slawson Second Place - Virginia Hodgkinson 703-303-4060
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