5-12-2008 - version foto.FH11 - Spanish Taxes. Tax and Legal
5-12-2008 - version foto.FH11 - Spanish Taxes. Tax and Legal
L e g a l a n d CONNECT T a x S o l u t i o n s ÁbacoConnect Team. ÁbacoConnect provides legal and tax solutions by firstly explaining where you personally fit into the Spanish system, which laws affect you and how you can keep on the right side of them. The ÁbacoConnect Team consists of personnel selected for their knowledge and experience in these areas and for their dedication to customer care. They want your time in Spain to be uncomplicated and pleasurable and will work with you to ensure this happens. CUSTOMER CARE DEPARTMENT Following your initial introduction to ÁbacoConnect by a member of staff or one of our ÁbacoConnect associates, continued communication will be the responsibility of our Customer Care Department. They are all warm, friendly individuals, experienced in collecting your data, explaining procedures and answering queries. Speaking seven languages between them we guarantee that as an ÁbacoConnect client you will never have to struggle to be understood or feel the language barrier prevents you from receiving clear answers to your questions. These personnel will also be operating the Ábaco Help-Line to provide an immediate response to your queries. Paloma Paris Customer Care Department Languages: French, English and Spanish Caroline Clinton Customer Care Department Languages: English and Spanish Carola Widin Customer Care Department Languages: Swedish, German, English and Spanish Martin Pickering Customer Care Department Languages: English and Spanish Eugenia Karchenko Customer Care Department Languages: Russian, English and Spanish Petra Bettens Customer Care Department Languages: Dutch, English, French and Spanish FISCAL DEPARTMENT Tax Advisers Our Tax Advisers have more than 30 years combined experience in dealing with foreigner's tax declarations. Changes in the Spanish Tax Laws are anticipated, investigated and the consequences for our clients quickly interpreted by the personnel in this department. Information is then communicated in an easy to follow format via mailings, Ábaco On-line or during personal consultations. 01/05 L e g a l a n d CONNECT T a x S o l u t i o n s Appointments are also arranged by our Tax Advisers to cover the step by step preparation of the annual tax declaration, especially in the case of clients with Spanish residency status. In these circumstances it is essential that the Tax Advisers are knowledgeable, not only of the Spanish tax system but also of the country where he client's income or pensions etc. are derived. Susan Partridge Helme Tax Adviser Languages: English and Spanish Linda Robertsson Posada Tax Adviser Languages: Swedish, English, German and Spanish Begoña Gallego Tax Adviser Languages: English, German and Spanish Internal Procedures These personnel form an integral part of the ÁbacoConnect Team as they will be responsible for processing and presenting your tax declaration, taking care to respect legislation and dead-lines issued by the Tax Authorities. Our recognised collaboration with SUMA (the organisation collecting local taxes for many Town Halls in the area) will enable them to receive direct information regarding your Council Tax, facilitating speed and accuracy when arranging your payment. The direct debiting of your Spanish bank account to cover tax payments will be monitored by this department. Patricia Pérez Widin Telematic Procedures Languages: English and Spanish Juani Ojados Council Tax Languages: Spanish LEGAL DEPARTMENT Ábaco Asesores incorporates and extensive team of legal executives, headed by four fully qualified Lawyers. All are dedicated professionals within their specific field and possess the capacity to adapt their expertise and knowledge of Spanish law and procedures to suit the needs of the non-Spanish property owner. 02/05 L e g a l a n d CONNECT T a x S o l u t i o n s Lawyers Pablo Arteaga Degree in Law, University of Madrid María Wiedemann Degree in Law, University of Passau, Germany Registered with the College of Lawyers in Orihuela. (nº 1,049). Studies in Spanish and European Law, with wide experience gained in multinational companies. Specialising in Civil Law and Contracts. Wide experience in Litigation in different courts and in Mercantile Law. Specialising in Purchases in the name of Companies, Inheritance and Transmissions based on divorce agreements. Languages: English and Spanish Languages: German, English, French and Spanish Marina Lorente Degree in Law, University of Alicante Olga Kartakova Degree in Law, University of Ulyanovsk, Russia Registered with the College of Lawyers in Orihuela. (nº 1,375). Degree in Law, recognised and evaluated at the University of Alicante. Master degree en Urban Studies and Real Estate, ENAE (Murcia). Specialising in Property Law. Specialising in Urban legalities, with wide experience in the Inheritance process. Languages: Russian, English and Spanish Languages: English, Italian and Spanish Legal Executives Pilar Ruso Property Conveyancing Languages: German, English and Spanish Catarina Corneliusson Property Conveyancing Languages: Swedish, English and Spanish 03/05 L e g a l a n d CONNECT T a x S o l u t i o n s Karin Larson Property Conveyancing Languages: Swedish, English and Spanish M. Carmen Navarro Property Conveyancing Languages: German, English, French and Spanish Mariló Estañ Property Conveyancing Languages: English and Spanish Ana Mielgo Property Conveyancing Languages: English and Spanish Official Translator Gema Sánchez Official Sworn Translator and Interpreter (English) Registered with the Ministery of Foreign Affairs Languages: German, French and Spanish Financial Advice Mery P. Fernández Mortgage advice and arrangament Languages: English, French and Spanish ÁBACO ON-LINE The creation, management and continuous development of this unique feature of ÁbacoConnect is the responsibility of our I.T. technicians. The on-line facility enabling you to check your tax situation on Internet in just the same way as you check your bank account is a result of the innovation and skills emanating from this department. Legal and tax news alerts will be transmitted by this medium to ensure that you are quickly informed of important events and changes happening here in Spain. Luis A. Gimeno Berenguer Ábaco On-line Administration Languages: English and Spanish 04/05 L e g a l a n d CONNECT T a x S o l u t i o n s Location maps of the Ábaco Asesores offices Here you can find the maps and contact information of our three offices, which will help you find them in Torrevieja, Alicante and Vera. Head Office - Torrevieja Ábaco Asesoría Legal y Fiscal S.L. C/ María Parodi, 8-3º P.O. Box 693 ES-03181 Torrevieja Alicante - España Monday to Friday 09.00 - 18.00 Tel: (+34) 96 670 3750 Web: www.abaco-asesores.com Fax general: (+34) 96 670 3656 Fax fiscal: (+34) 96 670 8112 E-mail general: info@abaco-asesores.com E-mail fiscal: fiscal@abaco-asesores.com Alicante Office Ábaco Asesoría Legal y Fiscal S.L. Plaza Calvo Sotelo, 12 ES-03001 Alicante España Tel: (+34) 96 514 6794 Web: www.abaco-asesores.com Fax general: (+34) 96 514 6795 E-mail general: infoalc@abaco-asesores.com Almería Office Ábaco Asesoría Legal y Fiscal S.L. C/ del Mar, Pasaje Neptuno Portal 1, 1ºB ES-04620 Vera Almería - España Tel: (+34) 95 039 3560 Web: www.abaco-asesores.com Fax general: (+34) 95 039 3563 E-mail general: infovera@abaco-asesores.com 05/05