LES TROIS ISLETS LIVRES RARES 45 CALIFORNIA INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUARIAN BOOK FAIR TH Pasadena Convention Center February 10-12, 2012 72. [MANUSCRIPT LOGBOOK. WATERCOLOURS]. -RECUEIL DES BÂTIMENTS DANS LESQUELS A NAVIGUÉ JEAN JAUBERT DE MARSEILLE. [1776-1817]. 1 vol. folio. Text, 46 watercolours. Jean-François Letenneur Librairie Ancienne des Trois Islets 7, rue du Vieux Clocher - BP 20 - 35800 Saint-Briac-sur-Mer (France) Tel: 33 (0) 299 88 92 44 Direct: 33 (0) 681 35 73 35 Fax: 33 (0)2 99 88 00 22 lib3i@orange.fr www.librairie-trois-islets.com List of 120 books to see on booth n°418 Travels: Americana, Asia, Egypt / Middle-East; Africa, Maritime Explorations, Marine, Atlases, Sciences and Technology, Sketch books, Literature and Varia. Americana 1. ACOSTA (JOSE DE). -HISTORIA NATURALE, E MORALE DELLE INDIE. In Venetia [Venise], Presso Bernardo Basa, All'Insegna del Sole. M D XCVI [1596]. 1 vol. 4to. Antique full vellum, ink title. First Italian edition, translated by Giovanni Paolo Galucci Salodiano. Acosta was one of the first Europeans to provide a detailed image of the physical and human geography of Latin America; his studies of the Indian civilizations of the New World were a major source of information for several centuries. He may, indeed, be called the first of the true Americanists. Fine copy. $ 3 280 2. [ALBUM / SOUTH AMERICA]. -COSTUMES. [Ca. 1850]. 1 vol. 4to. 24 compositions with feathers and plants (15 portraits on chromolithographies, 9 birds on watercolours). Contemporary green shagreen. Curious and original album realised in South America with feathers and plants. The 15 first plates are chromolithographies depicting characters with that special feature that their clothes are made with feathers, and the scenes created with plants. The 9 last depict birds, with a watercoloured setting. Fine iconographic set. $ 4 190 3. BERGERON (PIERRE). [BETHENCOURT (JEAN DE)]. [BONTHIER (PIERRE), LE VERRIER (J EAN)]. -UN TRAICTE DE LA NAVIGATION ET DES VOYAGES DE DESCOUVERTE & CONQUESTE MODERNES, & PRINCIPALEMENT DES FRANCOIS. A Paris, chez Jean de Heuqueville et Michel Soly, 1629. (Traicte de la Navigation) - A Paris, chez Michel Soly, 1630. (Decouverte des Canaries). 2 vols. 8vo. Jean de Bethencourt's portrait by Balthasar Moncornet. Full calf with the arms of Louis Urbain Le Fèvre de Caumartin (1653-1720). Fine copy of this scarce Americana, complete with the 2 parts and portrait, only edition of the very first French publication dealing with the history of maritime explorations. The texts of the first part were compiled by Pierre Bergeron: it's a wonderful history of world exploration at the age of discovery, concentrated on French' voyages. The second part, written by Pierre Bontier and Jean le Verrier, is an account of the conquest of the Canary Islands by Jean de Bethencourt. Rare, with a nice portrait. $ 31 440 4. BIET (ANTOINE). -VOYAGE DE LA FRANCE EQUINOXIALE EN L’ISLE DE CAYENNE Paris, chez François Clouzier, dans la Cour du Palais, proche l'Hostel du Premier President, M. DC. LXIV [1664]. 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary full vellum. Scarce first edition of this account: the first important work on Guyana. Antoine Biet boarded in 1652 for Cayenne, as the clergyman, on a ship commanded by Royville with 600 colonizers. The book is as much an adventure story, as a study on the Mïurs, the local population, and a remarkable work on their language (Dictionary pp. 399-432). Fine copy, uncut, as published. $ 8 540 5. BOITE (GASTON). -[RÉCIT D’UN IMIGRANT]. Ca. 1909. 1 vol. 8vo. 129 handwritten pp. [19] ll. 3 trolley's tickets, stamps, official papers, etc. Contemporary cloth binding. Spirited narrative by Gaston Boite, French emigrant to Chile in the beginning of 20th century. The journey from France to South America still was an adventure, for the crossing and the installation and this log gives a vivid picture of it. $ 2 360 ÉMIGRANT AU CHILI]. [ CHILI - FRENCH 6. [CASTELLANE-MAJASTRE (HENRI-CÉSAR, COMTE DE)]. AMERICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE: 1778-1783, MANUSCRIPTS]. 1778-1784. 11 documents. 1. « Précis de la Navigation de la Campagne de l’Armée Navales aux ordres du comte de Grasse. » : 1 vol. 4to. [68] ll. Contemporary full vellum. / 2. Two letters signed by Sartine. (1778). / 3. Instructions for the Marquis de Castellane signed by Comte d’Estaing. (1778). / 4. Two Ms. documents by Castellane about his actions during the Battle of Saints. / 5. « Copie [by Castellane] de la Lettre de M. le Comte de Grasse à bord du Formidable le 14 Avril 1782 ». / 6. « Mémoire du Marquis de Castellane, chef d’escadre à Monseigneur le maréchal de Castries ». / 7. Two letters to Marquis de Castellane from Capitaine de Fressinaux, dealing with the Battle of Saints (1783). / 8. Two letters from Comte de Grasse to Marquis de Castellane-Majastre (1784). / 9. « Copie de la lettre écrite à M. le Maréchal de Castries par M. le Marquis de Vaudreuil en luy envoyant son mémoire à Quimper le 29 mars 1784. » / 10. Eleven letters from Marquis de Castries to Marquis de Castellane. (1781 to 1789). / 11. Two documents dealing with Castellane’s service records. Naval papers of Henri-Cesar de Castellane-Majastre (1733-1789), dealing with the American War of Independence, and mostly concerning the battle of Saints. The Marquis de Castellane-Majastre, ship's lieutenant in 1762, served on the “Chimère” in 1770, and on the “Mignonne” in 1771. Captain in 1777, he was appointed to command the “Flore”, in a squadron under Admiral d’Estaing’s orders. He was appointed captain of the “Marseillois”, part of Admiral de Grasse’s squadron in 1780. On this ship of 74 guns he took part in the American War of Independence, in the West Indies campaign, the battles of Tobago, Yorktown, Chesapeake and Saintes. This last battle (April 1782) was a defeat for Admiral de Grasse against Rodney, counter-balancing the loss by Britain of her American colonies by saving her West Indian possessions. These papers of Castellane-Majastre, who was both a witness of the action and the Admiral de Grasse’s cousin, were gathered for use at de Grasse’s court martial following this defeat. Including in this papers, Castellane’s log, containing reports of the Yorktown engagement, begins on 4 November 1781 and continues through to the Battle of Saints. $ 45 850 7. CHABERT (JEAN-BAPTISTE). VOYAGE FAIT PAR ORDRE DU ROI EN 1750 ET 1751, DANS L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1753. 1 vol. 4to. 6 folding maps, 1 folding plate, 1 folding table, 1 engraved head-piece. Contemporary calf. First edition of an important work on navigation by Joseph Bernard Chabert (1724-1805). The work was highly praised by the examining commission of the French Academy of Sciences, it was recommended as a navigational model for future navigators. The first part of the work contains the author's voyage from Brest to Louisbourg, and 4 expeditions, the second part describes his astronomical observations at large. It is especially Chabert's astronomical research, which was very precise even by today's standards, that give his work great scientific value. Chabert added 6 maps to the first part, all of them with astonishingly exact data, also making the book interesting with respect to Canadian geography. Chabert joined the navy on July 14, 1741, on the ship Léopard. He navigated the American coast, where he still was in 1746 on another ship, the Émeraude. After a promotion in 1748, he was ordered by the king to visit the region which now forms the south-east part of Quebec, east Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island, the voyage which he describes in the present work. A few years after Chabert's visit in 1750-51, the French Indian War broke out in 1754, and three-quarters of the remaining population of 10.000 French settlers, who were considered to be a threat to the British position, were forcibly resettled in other parts of North America. He was received in 1753 as a member of the navy academy in Brest, and later those of Bologne, Berlin and Nancy. Fine copy in armorial binding. $ 4 590 8. CHAMPIGNY (CHEVALIER JEAN DE). -ETAT-PRESENT TOUTES LES PARTICULARITÉS DE CETTE PROVINCE D'AMERIQUE. DE LA LOUISIANE, AVEC A la Haye, chez Frederic Staatman, 1776. 1 vol. 12mo. Original wrappers. “An absorbing account of the trial and punishment of leading French citizens of Louisiana, inflicted on them by Alexander O’Reilly, the Spanish Governor of the province at its transfer from France to Spain after the Seven Years’ War”. (Streeter). Fine copy. $ 8 520 9. CHERVIN (ARTHUR). -ANTHROPOLOGIE BOLIVIENNE. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, Librairie H. le Soudier, 1907-08. 3 vols. 4to. I. 24 plates ; II. 1 photograph ; III. 1 photograph, 80 plates. Numerous illustrations. Numerous addended documents, making of this copy Chervin's one: I. 12 black and white photographs, 1 watercolour, 2 post cards to M. Chervin, 1 menu, 2 engravings, 1 manuscript document signed by Chervin ; III. 1 photograph, 1 manuscript document by Chervin, 2 post cards, etc. Quarter black morocco. First edition of this richly illustrated anthropology work. Chervin organised a great expedition in 1903, for Bolivia, gathering some anthropology, natural sciences, geology and archeology experts. Provenance: Chervin. Fine copy enhanced with original documents from the author's collection. $ 2 360 10. COLOMBIA-. MANUSCRITS, PIÈCES, NOTES. [29] 4to manuscript ll., 3 ink drawings (2 on tracing paper), 1 pencil drawing. Blue case. Set of official (between Adolphe Barrot, French Consul and the local population) and non official documents related to the “Affaire de Carthagène”, where an English family was murdered by the domestics, in September 1833. The file gathers different manuscripts from different writers, “Affaire de Carthagène” , “Colombie, Etat de la Nouvelle Grenade” (letters from the governor to the Consul, A. Barrot), “Albion”, “Au Public”, “Communication”. But also: “Hydrographie, Cap Aguja, Montagne de StMarthe”. The drawings show coastal profiles (Saint Marthe)? a “Plan de la Côte qui environne le fort hollandais d’Axim », and a « Vue de la Baye de l’entrée de la Rivière Saint-André ». $ 2 200 11. [DURRET (SIEUR DE)]. -VOYAGE DE MARSEILLE À LIMA, ET DANS LES AUTRES LIEUX DES INDES OCCIDENTALES. Paris, J-B. Coignard, 1720. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12, 5 folded plates. Contemporary sheep. First edition. A travel account to South America, with descriptions of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Panama, Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and more. The author was a patriot seeking to advance the cause of French colonialism. Fine copy, complete with its 5 folding plates. $ 2 360 12. [FRANKLIN BACHE (BENJAMIN)]. -DEBATES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES, DURING THE FIRST SESSION OF THE FOURTH CONGRESS, PART I. UPON THE CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS OF THE HOUSE, WITH RESPECTS TO TREATIES. PART II. UPON THE SUBJECT OF THE BRITISH TREATY. Philadelphia, printed for Benj. Franklin Bache, by Bioren & Madan, 1796. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary full sheep. Scarce first edition of this important work for the United States' History, printed for Benjamin Franklin's grand son. Fine copy. $ 1 770 13. FROGER (FRANÇOIS). -RELATION D'UN VOYAGE DE LA MER DU SUD. Amsterdam, L'Honoré et Chatelain, 1715. 1 vol. 12mo. 18th century paperboard. New edition of this travel account, which was frequently reissued. François Froger (1676-1715) French engineer and cartographer, boarded in 1695 on a boat from a six ships squadron commanded by de Gennes to established a colony in Strait of Magellan area. From this travel he brings back the first accurate map of Rio, and a lot of informations on different topics, richly illustrated with his own drawings. Gripping book of the first official French travel to Strait of Magellan. $ 4 320 14. GRIMKE (JOHN FAUCHERAND). [PRINGLE (JOHN JULIUS)]. -THE PUBLIC LAWS OF THE STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. Philadelphia, printed by Aitkens & son, 1790. 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary full sheep. First edition of this important work dealing with the American laws and South Carolina. Provenance : John Julius Pringle (manuscript ex-libris on title, last page and inferior board), lawyer, (17531843). His father came from Scotland to South Carolina about 1730, became a merchant in Charleston, and in 1760-'9 was a justice of the court of common pleas. The son was graduated at the College of Philadelphia in 1771, and read law with John Rutledge and in England, where his published articles in defence of colonial rights attracted attention. At the beginning, of the American Revolution he went to France, and in 1778 he became secretary to Ralph Izard, United States commissioner in Tuscany. Returning home by way of Holland and the West Indies, he was admitted to the bar in 1781, and attained high rank in his profession. In 1787-'9 he was speaker of the state assembly, and in the latter year he served for a short time as United States district attorney, by special request of Gem Washington. In 1800, Thomas Jefferson, then secretary of state, appointed him to report on any infractions of the treaty with Great Britain that might occur in his state, and from 1792 till 1808 he served as attorney-general of South Carolina. In 1805 President Jefferson tendered him the attorney-generalship of the United States, but family reasons induced him to decline. Mr. Pringle was for four years president of the trustees of the College of Charleston. Fine copy. $ 7 200 15. HUMBOLDT (FRÉDÉRIC-HENRI-ALEXANDRE, BARON DE). -VUES DES CORDILLÈRES, ET DES MONUMENS DES PEUPLES INDIGÈNES DE L'AMÉRIQUE. Paris, librairie grecque - latine allemande, 1816. 2 vols. 8vo. 19 engraved plates (7 hand coloured). Contemporary half sheep. Humboldt went to Madrid with botanist Aime Bonpland, and obtained special permission and passports from King Charles II to explore South America. Once there, they studied the flora, fauna, and topography of the continent. In addition, von Humboldt mapped over 1700 miles of the Orinoco River, and discovered the first known example of an animal that produces electricity--the electric eel. This he followed with a trip to the Andes and a partial ascent climb of Mt. Chimborazo (in Ecuador), then believed to be the tallest mountain in the world. They reached an elevation of 18,000 feet before a wall-like cliff prevented further progress. Later, von Humboldt discovered and measured the Peruvian Current off the west coast of South America. In 1803 they explored Mexico, where von Humboldt was offered a position in the Mexican cabinet, which he graciously refused. $ 2 100 16. [JUSTEL (HENRI)]. -RECUEIL DE DIVERS VOYAGES FAITS EN AFRIQUE ET EN L'AMERIQUE QUI N’ONT POINT ESTE ENCORE PUBLIEZ. Paris, Louis Billaine, 1674. 1 vol. 4to. 12 engraved plates and 7 maps. Ccontemporary calf. First edition of one of the most important French travels' collection. Its compiler, Henri Justel, was a Protestant scholar and bibliophile who served as Secretary to Louis XIV before he fled to England at the time of the Revocation of the Edit de Nantes (1685), becoming Keeper of the King's Library at St. James. The collection includes travel accounts relating to Africa, the Caribbean, and the English colonies in North America, some never before printed, others translated into French from the English or the Portuguese. In his preface Justel explains that he had the accounts printed in the order in which copy arrived from the translators - hence the peculiar order of the book, often readjusted by later binders. This copy, still in its first binding, retains the original order. The Ligon is illustrated with plates of Caribbean plants and fruits, scenes of native life, and pottery ; maps of Barbados, Jamaica, Abyssinia and a map of Maryland, Virginia, and the east coast of North America, engraved by R. Michault after the map in the 1672 edition of Blome. 12 engraved plates including 3 folding plans of a sugar mill, 7 engraved maps of which 6 folding; woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. An excellent copy of one of the rarest 17th century travels collection. $ 13 100 17. LA CONDAMINE (CHARLES-MARIE DE). - JOURNAL DU VOYAGE FAIT PAR ORDRE DU ROI, À L'EQUATEUR, SERVANT D'INTRODUCTION HISTORIQUE À LA MESURE DES TROIS PREMIERS DEGRÉS DU MÉRIDIEN. MESURE DES TROIS PREMIERS DEGRÉS DU MÉRIDIEN DANS L'HÉMISPHÈRE AUSTRAL. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1751. 1 vol. 4to. 5 + 10 folded plates and maps. Contemporary full calf. Together first editions of those two principal works (official accounts) published by La Condamine, the great French scientist, after his remarkable trip in South America, for measuring an arc of the meridian at the Equator for more accurately determining the dimensions and figure of the earth. La Condamine acted as geographer to the great French Scientific Expedition to South America, which set out to measure an arc of the meridian at the Equator. Having completed their measurements each member of the expedition made their own way back from Peru, with the aim of maximising the opportunities for making scientific observations. La Condamine chose to return by way of the Amazon, thereby being able to conduct the first scientific exploration of this great river, and his narrative is full of interesting and curious observations. Fine copy. $ 7 200 18. LACROIX (F. J. PAMPHILE BARON DE). -MÉMOIRES POUR SERVIR À L'HISTOIRE DE LA RÉVOLUTION DE SAINTDOMINGUE. A Paris, Chez Pillet Ainé, 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 folding coloured map, 1 folding plan. 19th half shagreen. Scarce first edition of one of the best books on the "perte de cette colonie" (Chadenat). Fine copy of a rare work. $ 2 100 19. LAVAL (PÈRE ANTOINE JEAN DE). -VOYAGE DE LA LOUISIANE, FAIT PAR ORDRE DU ROY, EN L’ANNÉE MIL SEPT CENT VINGT : DANS LEQUEL ONT ÉTÉ TRAITÉES DIVERSES MATIÈRES DE PHYSIQUE, ASTRONOMIE, GÉOGRAPHIE ET MARINE. A Paris, Chez Jean Mariette, 1728 – 1727 (« Recueil de Divers Voyages »). 1 vol. 4to. 16 maps (4 foldings), 11 folding tables, 4 astronomical folding plates. Contemporary full calf. First edition. « Principally occupied with mathematical and astronomical details; A valuable and scientific books of travels, which enters very fully into the Physical Geography, of the French Dominions in Louisiana and the Valley of Mississippi. There are copies on large paper.” Sabin 39276. Ownership inscription on the title-page indicating that it was given to the "Séminaire Royal de la Marine" by the author on June 2, 1728. A quite rare work, seldom met with, and one of the first major publications relating to Louisiana. $ 11 140 20. [MANUSCRIPT. MARINE.] - TRAVEL LOG TO LIMA. Février-Décembre 1856. 1 vol. 8vo. [92] manuscript ll. Contemporary half shagreen. Travel log of a round-trip from Le Havre to Lima, written in 1876 from February 26th to December 29th. The writer boarded on the "Batavia", commanded by Henri Deglaire. He makes a daily report of his activities, the relationships with the other passengers and especially with the captain and he frequently relates his dreams or nightmares reflecting his anxiety about his wife loneliness. Before crossing the Cape Horn, the ship has already gone through some squalls, and the captain decides to stop in Montevideo to repair it. They reach Montevideo April 29th and leave the town a month later (May 29th). They cross the Horn and the Strait of Magellan and eventually reach Callao July 8th. There, the writer learned that the death of the friend he wanted to rejoin. He spends some time in the country to settle business matters and recover from some injuries from the shipping (some falls during the crossing of Strait of Magellan) and then boards to France. The log ended when the ship enters the Channel after a four months navigation. $ 10 480 21. MICHAUX (FRANÇOIS-ANDRÉ). -VOYAGE À L'OUEST DES MONTS ALLÉGHANYS, DANS LES ETATS DE L'OHIO, DU KENTUCKY ET DU TENNESSÉE, ET RETOUR À CHARLESTON PAR LES HAUTES-CAROLINES. Paris, Dentu, 1808. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary half sheep. 1 folding map. Rare travel account by the botanist FrançoisAndré Michaux (1770-1855) of a journey he maid in 1801. Fine copy. $ 2 620 22. PONCEAU (PIERRE-ETIENNE DU). [MANUSCRIT]. -[RAPPORT CONCERNANT LE DÉCÈS DU SIEUR ROBILLARD]. Philadelphie, 1786. 2 manuscript ll. 4to, signed “Peter E. Du Ponceau” and sealed, 1 l. 4to, printed and sealed by the “Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”, completed and signed by John Armstrong. Death certificate written by Pierre-Etienne Du Ponceau (1760-1844), French jurist who made his career in United States, where he was one of the leading member of the Philadelphian bar. His work on the international law, which was at its beginning in America, and his researches in linguistics, especially on the tongues of the North America Tribes, were recognized all around the world. He became president of the American Philosophicae Society in 1827. He came in America in 1777 with Baron von Steuben, took part of the American Revolutionary War and became a American citizen in 1781. The present death certificate is from the beginning of his lawyer career (1785), it reports the death in 1777 of a French soldier, Henry Robillard, according to the depositions of the innkeeper and the doctor (George Glentworth, first physician and surgeon of the General Hospital of Philadelphia). Very interesting document which enlightens the relationships between the French soldiers and the American people during the Revolutionary War, by an eminent lawyer. $ 2 000 23. SCHOELCHER (VICTOR). -COLONIES ÉTRANGÈRES ET HAÏTI, RÉSULTATS DE L'ÉMANCIPATION ANGLAISE. Paris, Pagnerre, 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 folding map, tables in-text. Half shagreen (19th century). Scarce first edition of one of the major work by the famous abolitionist Victor Schoelcher (1804-1893), French humanitarian and statesman. Long involved in the abolition movement, he presided over a commission that secured the abolition of slavery in French territory (1848).The present work is interesting for the history of islands as Haïti, Jamaïca, Cuba, etc. and an important step to slavery abolition in France. Fine copy. $ 3 930 24. SOLIS Y RIVADENEYRA (ANTOINE DE). -HISTOIRE DE LA CONQUESTE DU MEXIQUE, OU DE LA NOUVELLE ESPAGNE. Paris, Compagnie des Libraires, 1714. 2 vols. 12mo. 12 engraved plates (10 folding), 2 folding maps. Contemporary calf. Solis was invited to become secretary to Philip IV, and in 1666 was charged with the important function of 'cronista mayor', the historiographer for the Indies. His famous history of Mexico is a great historical work with literary qualities that became immediately very popular. The present edition contains nice maps and illustrations. Fine copy. $ 1 050 25. TEMPSKY (GUSTAVUS-FERDINAND VON). -MITLA : A NARRATIVE OF INCIDENTS AND PERSONAL ADVENTURES ON A JOURNEY IN MEXICO, GUATEMALA, AND SALVADOR IN THE YEARS 1853 TO 1855. London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, 1858. 1 vol. 8vo. 14 lithographed plates (5 hand-coloured, 1 double page), 1 lithograph in-text, 1 folding map handcoloured in outline. Original publisher's cloth. First edition. Gustavus-Ferdinand von Tempsky (1828 1868) left his country at the age of 18 to come to the Mosquito Coast to lead a life of adventure. He mined in the California gold-fields, unsuccessfully, and returned to Nicaragua to resume his life there. It is his long trip back through Mexico and Guatemala that he wrote about in his book: Mitla (Zapotec ruins outside Oaxaca, Mexico). The beautiful illustrations are after the author's watercolours and drawings. Fine copy. $ 1 570 26. VENEGAS (MIGUEL). -HISTOIRE NATURELLE ET CIVILE DE LA CALIFORNIE. A Paris, Chez Durand, Libraire, rue Saint-Jacques; à la Sagesse, 1767. 3 vols. 12mo. 1 folding map. Contemporary half sheep. Second print of the first French edition translated from the English edition of 1759 of Noticia de la California by Venegas: the first attempt to writte a California history, and a reference. Fine copy $ 1 970 27. VERGENNES (CHARLES GRAVIER, COMTE DE). -MÉMOIRE HISTORIQUE ET POLITIQUE SUR LA LOUISIANE. Paris, Le Petit jeune, An X (1802). 1 vol. 8vo. 1 frontispiece portrait of Vergennes. Full sheep. First edition. The memoir on Louisiana, which includes extensive discussion of Canada, occupies pp. 25-181. Vergennes, a French statesman and diplomatist, was minister for foreign affairs under Louis XVI. During the American Revolutionary War he concluded a treaty of alliance with the United States against England. $ 1 570 Asia 28. AKISATO RITO. [SHUNCHÔSAI NOBUSHIGE (T AKHERA) DESSINATEUR]. -[MIYAKO MEISHO ZUE]. MIYAKO-MEI-SHO. DZU-YÉ. ECRIT PAR UN NOBLE SUGAHARA TAME-TOSHI-KIYO. DESSINÉ PAR TAKIHARA SHUNCHOSAI. Kyoto, 1780 (1786). 6 vols. 4to. Original wrappers with original title-slips present (French titles added in manuscript on upper covers). First edition. Comprehensive description of the famous sites of the Imperial capital two years before its destruction by the great fire of 1788, profusely illustrated by Takehara Shunchôsai. Fine copy. $ 4 590 29. [PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUM - ASIA]. -[S.M.S. VATERLAND]. Ca. 19041914. 1 vol. oblong 4to. 289 photographs. Lacquered wood binding. Important album with the pictures taken during the travels of the S.M.S. Vaterland (1904-1914) which sailed in Yangtze and particularly in Wuhan (1911-1914). Some pictures are captioned in German (black ink). Very fine set. $ 5 240 30. DAPPER (OLFERT). -ASIA, ODER GENAUE UND GRÜNDLICHE BESCHREIBUNG DES GANTZEN SYRIEN UND PALESTINS, (ODER) GELOBTEN LANDES. (...) Amsterdam, Meurs, 1681. 2 parts in 1 vol. in-folio. 11 maps and plans mostly on double page, 28 engraved plates. Numerous in-text illustrations. Contemporary embossed pigskin. Dapper (ca 1635 - 1690) was "a Dutch physician and scholar devoted to historical and geographical studies. His works are of especial importance because of the fine plates, which include maps, plans, beautiful views and costumes" (Blackmer). Richly illustrated with maps, views, and scenes of the peoples and culture, Dapper's description of the Great Mogul Empire of India and Persia, is one of the most reliable of the 17th-century. Although he did not travel to Asia himself, indeed is believed to have never left Holland, Dapper gathered more than 200 contemporary accounts. He also wrote extensively on Africa and China, and his books were translated into German, French and English. Fine copy in a contemporary binding. $ 7 200 31. DU HALDE (JEAN-BAPTISTE). -DESCRIPTION GEOGRAPHIQUE, HISTORIQUE, CHRONOLOGIQUE, POLITIQUE, ET PHYSIQUE DE L'EMPIRE DE LA CHINE ET DE LA TARTARIE CHINOISE. La Haye, Henri Schueurleer, 1736. 4 vols. 4to, 53 plates (I. 21 maps and plans - 2 foldings ; II. 24 plates - 11 foldings - 1 folding plan ; III. 5 plates - 4 foldings - 2 folding plans). Contemporary half calf. Second edition of this work, compiled by the Jesuit J.-B. Du Halde, from published and unpublished reports and letters of Jesuit missionaries in the Orient, which influenced all of Europe. Some of the engravings by J. C. Philips after A. Humblot, others by Humblot after J. van de Spyk, one by Philippe van Gunst, most unsigned. Woodcut and type ornament headand tailpieces and woodcut initials throughout. Fine copy. $ 17 680 32. GARNIER (FRANCIS). DOUDART DE LAGREE (ERNEST). DELAPORTE (LOUIS). -VOYAGE D'EXPLORATION EN L'INDO-CHINE EFFECTUÉ PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1866, 1867, ET 1868 PAR UNE COMMISSION FRANÇAISE PRÉSIDÉE PAR M. LE CAPTAINE DE FRÉGATE DOUDART DE LAGRÉE. Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1873. 2 vols. 4to. (Text), 1 vol. in-folio. (Atlas). Text: 1 lithographed portrait, 1 medal plate. 12 maps and plans (10 in aquatint), 39 engraved full-page in-text illustrations. 22 plates: 12 maps (2 on double-page), 2 views, 9 plans, 48 plates on 40 pp. (8 doubles). Contemporary red morocco. Fine copy of the first edition of the official account of the most important 19th century expedition into Indochina. Beautifully illustrated, this volume is from an edition limited to only 800 copies. The atlas includes views after drawings by Louis Laporte, who served as the expedition's artist: those of Angkor in Cambodia and Laos in Viet Chan are particularly striking. The maps were from the notes and surveys of Garnier himself. Garnier was forced to take over command of the expedition when its original leader, Captain Ernest Doudard de Lagrée, died. The French expedition had set out from Saigon in 1866 with instructions to explore the valley of the Mekong River with the hopes of finding a navigable route into south-western China. Garnier safely led the expedition, via the Yangtze River, to the Chinese coast, travelling nearly 5,400 miles through Phnom Penh, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The expedition mapped over 3,600 miles of previously unknown terrain, and they became the first westerners to enter Yunnan by a southern route. Fine copy of this finely illustrated account. $ 47 160 33. GUIGNES (CHRÉTIEN-LOUIS). -DICTIONNAIRE CHINOIS, FRANÇAIS ET LATIN, PUBLIÉ D'APRÈS L'ORDRE DE SA MAJESTÉ L'EMPEREUR ET ROI NAPOLÉON LE GRAND. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie impériale, 1813. 1 vol. folio. Ancient half vellum. First edition of this important work, the first dictionary of this kind published in France and an important work in the development of Western scholarship on China. Although given no credit in the book, the dictionary is actually a re-edit of work compiled by the Franciscan friar, Basilio de Glemona Brollo (1648-1704) during his thirty years of missionary work in China in the seventeenth-century. His work was considered among the finest of the Missionary lexicons. Chretien-Louis-Joseph de Guignes (1759-1845), listed on the title-page as the sole author, was in fact only responsible for the editing and the French translations of the ideograms. The dictionary is an impressive piece of typography containing over 13,000 woodcut Chinese characters. Fine copy. $ 11 790 34. KRASCHENINNIKOFF (STEPHAN PETROVITCH). -HISTOIRE ET DESCRIPTION DU KAMTCHATKA. A Amsterdam, chez Marc Michel Rey, 1770. 2 vols. 12mo. 2 folding maps and 7 plates. (Preface of the vol. I missing). Original calf. French edition translated by Eidous. P. Krasheninnikoff (1713-1755) who took part in the second scientific expedition supervised by Gmelin in Siberia and was the only member of the team to reach Kamtschatka. Fine copy. $ 2 620 35. MAFFEI (GIOVANNI PIETRO). -RERUM Cologne, G. Calenius, 1574. 1 vol. 8vo. Woodcut vignette on title, several large historiated woodcut initials, 5-pages of woodcut Japanese characters. Contemporary limp vellum. Fourth expanded edition. One of the most important compilations of letters relating to the early Jesuit mission in the Far East between 1548 and 1571, including 43 relating to Japan written by St. Francis Xavier (two, one of which dated November 1549 from Kagoshima on his arrival in Japan), Frois, Almeida, Vilela and others which provide invaluable details on Japanese culture and customs. The Specimen quoddam litterarum vocumque Japonicarum is illustrated with woodcut Japanese calligraphy. $ 7 200 A SOCIETATE JESU IN ORIENTE GESTARUM. 36. [MANUSCRIT] KIAUTSCHOU CHINA. -[VOYAGE MANUSCRIT EN CHINE]. HOCH LEBE UNSER BATAILLON. III BAUMEISTER KIAUTSCHOU-CHINA. 1904. 1vol. 8vo. [18] manuscript ll. 1 illustrated title page, 3 drawings. Contemporary cloth. Unique testimony of a German sailor master-builder at the beginning of the 20th century. Kiautschou were from 1898 to 1914 a German colony in China, and a naval base for the imperial navy in East Asia. The drawings depict the base : "Lager der I. Kompagnie, III S.B. Kiautschou China", and the "Signastation in Tsigtau". Intersting historical document. $ 1 570 37. [OKASHIMA (RYUJI)]. [JAPON]. -[FEUILLETONS ILLUSTRÉS]. Japon, Meiji, ca. 1886. 10 vols. 24mo. Coloured frontispiece for each volume. Editor paper board, illustrated cover. Illustrated comics books, forerunner of mangas. Fine copy. $ 1 570 38. -VOYAGE AU THIBET, FAIT EN 1625 ET 1626, PAR LE PÈRE D'ANDARA, ET EN 1774, 1784 ET 1785 PAR BOGLE, TURNER ET POURUNGUIR. TRADUITS PAR J.P. PARRAUD ET J.B. BILLECOQ Paris, Hautbout l'aîné, an IV (1796). 1 vol. 24mo. Marbled sheep. 1 folding plate. Scarce collection containing four accounts of travels in Tibet between the 17th and 18th Centuries. $ 1 180 Egypt - Middle East 39. CASTELLAN (ANTOINE-LAURENT). -MŒURS, USAGES, COSTUMES DES OTHOMANS ET ABRÉGÉ DE LEUR HISTOIRE AVEC DES ÉCLAIRCISSEMENTS TIRÉS D’OUVRAGES ORIENTAUX ET COMMUNIQUÉS PAR M. LANGLES. Paris, Nepveu, 1812. 6 vols. 16mo. 72 hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary full calf. First edition of this beautiful work richly illustrated with detailed hand-coloured full-page engravings depicting scenes, Ottoman’s costumes, portraits, weapons, tools, musical instruments etc. Castellan gives an elaborate account of the history, emperors, people, religion, arts and professions. The quality of the colouring is variable, and for the present copy is remarkable. With a richer and subtler pallet than most copies, the artist achieved the finest result, enhancing every details and emphasizing the beauty of the engravings. Beautiful set. $ 6 290 40. CHARDIN (JEAN). -TRAVELS OF SIR JOHN CHARDIN INTO PERSIA AND THE EAST INDIES. THROUGH THE BLACK-SEA AND THE COUNTRY OF COLCHIS. [SUIVI DE] THE CORONATION OF SOLYMAN III, THE PRESENT KING OF PERSIA London, Moyse Pitt, 1686. 1 vol. folio. 1 frontisp. portrait, 1 map, 16 fold. plates, 7 full-page plates. Contemporary calf. Rare first English edition of the first volume of Chardin's manuscript. Jean Chardin (1643-1713) set out in 1664, travelling through Turkey, the Black Sea, Georgia and Armenia. This first edition deals with the period 1671-73, it was published in 1686 and followed by several counterfeit editions. Chardin enjoys the reputation of being one of the best-informed European observers of Safavid Persia. Fine copy of this valuable work, beautifully illustrated by Grelot. $ 6 550 41. DOUBDAN (JEAN). -LE VOYAGE TERRE-SAINTE, CONTENANT UNE VÉRITABLE DESCRIPTION DES LIEUX PLUS CONSIDERABLES QUE N. S. A SANCTIFIÉ DE SA PRESENCE, PREDICATIONS, MIRACLES & SOUFFRANCES. Paris, G. Clousier, 1661. 1 vol. DE LA 4to. 10 plates (5 fold.). Original vellum titled with ink. The French ecclesiastic J. Doubdan visited the Holy Land in 1652: Bethlehem, Jericho, Haifa, Cana, Nazareth, Acre, &c. The first edition had only seven plates. This copy of the second edition has ten plates. Although a number of chapters describe the author's impressions of Italy, where he visited Livorno, Siennna, Rome, Bologna, Florence, and other cities on his way home, the work is not listed in Coffin. $ 3 280 42. DROUVILLE (GASPARD). -VOYAGE EN PERSE FAIT EN 1812 ET 1813 ; PAR GASPARD DROUVILLE, COLONEL DE CAVALERIE AU SERVICE DE S. M. L'EMPEREUR DE TOUTES LES RUSSIES, CHEVALIER DE PLUSIEURS ORDRES. Paris, Librairie Nationale et Etrangere, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. 60 lithograph. plates hand-colored (6 folded) and 1 folded map. Contemporary cardboard binding. Fine illustrated account of travels in Persia, including many costume plates and interior scenes. According to Wilson, the book was published in St. Petersburg twice in 1819, one with colored plates, the other without. Due to popularity, in 1825 the version with the colored plates was expanded and republished in Paris, with only 150 copies in the colored version. This is a copy of that color edition, including 60 plates, in which 6 are folding. A later Paris edition was published in 1828, also labelled second edition, but with only 8 plates. Fine copy. $ 3 670 43. KHURASANI (MIRZA MUHAMMED). [MANUSCRIT]. SHAHZADIH FIRUZ BAOON AL-MULK KABARI. [THE PRINCE FIRUZ HELPS THE GREAT KING / LE PRINCE FIRUZ AIDE LE GRAND ROI]. ca. 1850. 1 vol. 4to. [194] manuscript ll., 64 miniatures mostly set off with gold and silver. Giltdecorated and lacquered boards with floral emblems, portraits on the inner panel of chief characters of the story. Precious manuscript, illustrated with 64 miniatures of a Persian epic tale. The work tells the stories of the Persian adventures of Prince Firuz. He travels the regions protecting cities and people from scourges such as demons, witches and barbarians, using his skill and intellect to defeat deceit, aggression and dark magic. Each of the vivid and accomplished illustrations depicts Firuz on his journeys, from the encounters he has with supernatural creatures to marriage ceremonies, hunting expeditions, duels and battles. Each painting is accompanied by a short caption in a legend in margins. Similar to great works such as the Shahnameh, this book is prosaic with sections of poetry which elegantly lifts the language. The theme of fantasy was well explored in Persian literature and this particular work, while not widely known, is representative of the genre. Fine copy of this rare epic tale, beautifully illustrated. $ 18 340 44. LA ROQUE (JEAN DE). -VOYAGE DE SYRIE ET DU MONT-LIBAN. A Amsterdam, chez Herman Uytwert, Libraire près de la Bourse, 1723. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. 8 engraved plates (4 folding) and 1 engraved map. Contemporary vellum. Amsterdam edition of a travel account to the Middle East by Jean de la Roque (16611745), son of a merchant from Marseille. He made his first voyage to the Levant in 1689 where he visited amongst others Syria and Lebanon. In the years that followed he also travelled to Palestine, Jemen, and several other countries. He settled in Paris in 1715 where he would publish many books on his experiences. The present work deals amongst others with the ruins at Heliopolis and Baalbek. On vol. II is a description of the life of the Capuchin martyr Francis Chasteuil (d. 1644), whose tomb can still be visited in a church in the Lebanon Mountains. It was, according to the preface, written by Marchety and originally published in Paris in 1666. This is followed by a "Histoire du prince Junés, Maronite". Fine copy. $ 1 970 45. MARIN (FRANÇOIS LOUIS CLAUDE MARINI, DIT). -HISTOIRE DE SALADIN, SULTHAN D'EGYPTE ET DE SYRIE: A La Haye, chez Nicolas van Daalen, 1758. 2 vols. 8vo. 3 folding maps. Contemporary full calf. The Hague's edition, the same year than the original (1758, Paris, Tilliard) of the Marin's accomplished Middle Eastern history, a work which was widely-read and influential in the emerging orientalism in French culture. This was Marin's first truly succesful work and provided him with a literary reputation strong enough for him to be appointed Royal censor. The maps depict Jerusalem, the crusader city of Acre (taken by Saladin in 1187) and the region of Acre. Fine copy. $ 3 010 46. METOSCITA (PETRO). -INSTITUTIONES LINGAE ARABICAE EX DIVERSIS ARABUM MONUMENTIS COLLECTAE, & AD QUAMMAXIMAM FIERI POTUIT BREUITATEM, ATQUE ORDINEM REVOCATAE. Romae, Apud Stephanum Paulinum, 1624. 1 vol. 8vo. The pagination runs in the reverse (Arabic) order. Contemporary vellum. First edition. Petro Metoscita (al-Matushi), a Maronite from Cyprus, was one of the first pupils of the Maronite College in Rome and joined the Society of Jesus in 1597. He composed this elementary grammar in Latin to assist the teaching of Arabic. On p. 227 "we find one of the first examples of a classical Arabic poem quoted and translated" (Smitskamp).The book is dedicated by the publisher, Stefano Paolini, to Cardinal Francesco Barberini, who had commissioned its publication (Paolini had previously published two other Arabic grammars, Martelotti’s in 1620 and Scialac’s in 1622). It is "excellently printed with the 16pt Arabic types of Savary de Brèves. At the end a grammatical analysis of Psalm 34 is given following the example of Bellarmino’s grammar" (Smitskamp). Fine copy. $ 3 280 47. SESTINI (DOMENICO). -VOYAGE DE CONSTANTINOPLE À BASSORA, EN 1781, PAR LE TIGRE ET L'EUPHRATE, ET RETROUR À CONSTANTINOPLE, EN 1782, PAR LE DÉSERT ET ALEXANDRIE. Paris, chez Dupuis, l'an VI. (1798). 1 vol. 8vo. 1 folding map. Contemporary half sheep. First French edition of this account by Domenico Sestini (1750-1832), Italian numismatist and archaeologist who traveled in Middle East. The present work tells his travels during the 1780’s. It is illustrated with a folding map : « Itinéraire du voyage à Bassora par le Tigre et l'Euphrate et retour par Alep ». Fine copy. $ 2 880 Africa 48. [BOULET (ABBÉ)]. -HISTOIRE DE L'EMPIRE DES CHÉRIFS EN AFRIQUE. Paris, Prault père, 1733. 1 vol. 12mo with 2 folding plates. Ex-libris. Contemporary calf, red morocco label. First edition of this important work about the history of Morocco. The book is composed of a historical and a geographical study. Fine copy. $ 4 190 49. CAILLIE (RENÉ). -JOURNAL D’UN VOYAGE À TEMBOUCTOU ET À JENNE, DANS L’AFRIQUE CENTRALE. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1830. 3 vols. 8vo+ 1 atlas 4to, 1 folded map, 5 plates, 1 portrait. Later half-sheep. Original edition of this scarce account. Rene Caillie was presented with the Legion of Honor as the first European to return alive from Timbuktu. "He set out from Sierra Leone, reached the Niger, and followed it to Kabara, the port of Timbuctoo. Thence he went to the mysterious city, saw something of its real character, and crossed the Sahara to Morocco, reaching the west coast of Fez. For this journey he was rewarded by the Geographical Society of Paris" (Baker). From the Professor John Ralph Willis Collection of Rare Africana. $ 5 900 50. CHENIER (LOUIS DE). -RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES SUR LES MAURES, ET HISTOIRE DE L’EMPIRE DE MAROC, PAR M. DE CHÉNIER, CHARGÉ DES AFFAIRES DU ROI AUPRÈS DE L'EMPEREUR DU MAROC. Paris, chez l’Auteur, Bailly [et] Royer, 1787. 3 vols. 8vo. 3 folding hand-coloured maps. Contemporary full calf. (Restored tear on 1 map). First edition of this treatise devoted to Morocco history. Louis de Chénier (1722-1796), famous poet André Chénier's father, is a diplomat, who were appointed in 1767 by Louis XVI as General Adviser toward the Sultan. He stayed in Morocco until 1784, when he came back in France, where he was committed to writing this work. He also wrote in 1789: Révolutions de l'Empire Othoman et observations sur ses progrès et sur ses revers et, sur l'état présent de cet Empire. Richly documented, these Recherches historiques, are told to be a reference among first studies on Morocco history. Fine copy. $ 3 410 51. COCHELET (CHARLES). -NAUFRAGE DU BRICK FRANÇAIS LA SOPHIE. Paris, Librairie universelle de P. Mongié Ainé, boulevard poissonnière n°18, 1821. 2 vols. 8vo. 10 engraved plates (4 foldings), 1 fac-simile letter, 1 large folding map. Contemporary green wrappers. First edition of this relation of the Sophie's shipwreck. The author relates their captivity in the Sahara, and adds descriptions and informations upon Timbuktu, Bedouin tribes from Morroco and Tanger. Excellent map of North Africa and French-Arabic vocabulary at the end of the second volume. Fine copy. $ 1 440 52. HODGSON (WILLIAM BROWN). -NOTES ON NORTHERN AFRICA, THE SAHARA AND SOUDAN, IN RELATION TO THE ETHNOGRAPHY, LANGUAGES, HISTORY, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CONDITION, OF THE NATIONS OF THOSE COUNTRIES. New Yok, Wiley and Putnam, 1844. 1 vol. 8vo. Original half calf. First edition with a 3 pp. catalogue of books printed in the Berber language, and 6 brief word lists of words in six African languages. Smith, American Travellers Abroad, H-111: "The author was, for a time, U. S. Counsel near the regency of Tunis. He wrote as an orientalist interested in Africa." $ 520 53. LEMPRIERE (W.) / SCHOENING (M R LE BARON DE). -I. VOYAGE DANS L'EMPIRE DE MAROC ET LE ROYAUME DE FEZ. TRADUIT DE L'ANGLAIS PAR M. DE SAINTE-SUZANNE. II. CROISIÈRES ET NÉGOCIATIONS DE MR. DE KINSBERGEN, AVEC DES DÉTAILS HISTORIQUES, MORAUX ET POLITIQUES SUR L'EMPEREUR ET L'EMPIRE DU MAROC. Paris, Tavernier, chez Cordier et Legras, an IX - 1801./ Amsterdam, aux dépens de l'auteur, 1779. 1 vol. 16mo. 2 plates (1 frontispiece), 1 folding map. Contemporary half calf. Two important works for Morocco's history. I. First French edition of Lemprière's work. II. First French edition of Schoening's log telling Kingsberg's journey in Morocco in 1775, in order to negociate peace with Morocco's emperor and Alger's dey. Fine copy. $ 2 360 54. LOBO (RÉVÉREND PÈRE JÉRÔME). LE GRAND (PRIEUR). -VOYAGE HISTORIQUE D'ABISSINIE, DU R.P. JEROME LOBO DE LA COMPAGNIE DE JESUS. A Paris & à La Haye, chez P. Gosse & J. Neaulme, MDCCXXVIII (1728). 1 vol. 4to. 1 engraved frontispiece, title in red and black, 2 folding maps. Scarce first French edition. The work was translated from a manuscript Joachim Le Grand possessed. It's illustrated with 1 frontispiece engraved by Cochin and with 2 maps of the Oriental Ethiopia and of Abyssinia. Portuguese Jesuit (1593-1678), Geronimo Lobo reached the Ethipia in 1625, while the Emperor of this country just turned catholic. He stayed there until 1634 when Jesuits were expelled. The present book is the result of his experience in the country. Fine copy. $ 3 280 55. OTTH (ADOLPHE). -ESQUISSES AFRICAINES DESSINÉES PENDANT UN VOYAGE À ALGER ET LITHOGRAPHIÉES PAR ADOLPHE OTTH DR. Berne, chez J. F. Wagner, lithographe, 1839. 1 vol. folio. 30 lithographed plates, 1 engraved title, 1 lithographed portrait. Contemporary half-sheep. First edition of this set of 30 plates, lithographed from the original drawings by the artist himself. Adolph Otth (1803-1839), Swiss physician and naturalist, was one of the first to come back from Algeria with pictures. Fine copy. $ 4 980 Maritime Explorations - Pacific 56. ARAGO (JACQUES ETIENNE VICTOR). -PROMENADE AUTOUR DU MONDE, PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1817, 1818, 1819 ET 1820, SUR LES CORVETTES DU ROI L'URANIE ET LA PHYSICIENNE. Paris, Leblanc, 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. (Text). 1 vol. folio (Atlas): 25 plates, 1 map. Contemporary half sheep. First Edition. "These entertaining letters, written in a lively and witty literary style, provide vivid descriptions of the topography and the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands. The book achieved great success" (Hill 28-9). Fine copy with large margins. $ 6 550 57. BECK (CHRISTIAN), STORCH (ROBERT). -DES SCHMIEDEGESELLEN CHRISTIAN BECK FAHRTEN UND ABENTEUER ZU LAND UND ZUR SEE. Gotha, Christian Beck's Selbstverlag., 1857. 1 vol. 12mo. 2 engraved plates, 1 folding coloured map. Ancient boards. Scarce first edition of this account of the first German circumnavigation. It recounts the ship's passage in Hawaï. The book is important for the informations it brings on German people working and living in U.S.A. Fine illustration: 2 plates depicting wale hunting and a folding map in colours. Fine copy. $ 790 58. [BONARD (AMIRAL LOUIS-ADOLPHE), BRUAT (AMIRAL ARMAND-JOSEPH), HAMELIN (AMIRAL FERDINANDALPHONSE), POMARE IV]. -[LOG OF THE FRIGATE URANIE. TAHITI CAMPAIGN.] 1843-1847. 1 vol. folio. [129] ll. - [7] bl. - [4] ll. Contemporary half vellum. 15 appended items. 12 complementary documents from the contemporary press. An original document of capital interest for the history of Tahiti and the archipelago of the Society Islands: the precious log of the frigate Uranie. It recounts all of her Polynesian campaign (184347) under the orders of Captain Louis-Adolphe Bonard (18051867). The log is augmented with important handwritten and printed appended items. This log, very readable, is more than an account of daily navigation. Each event is related in great details, most of the official acts from French and local authorities are transcribed. The Uranie, her captain and her crew were the main actors of the events leading to the restoration of the French protectorate on the island. The wealth of the information in the log and the annexed pieces make of this amazing document a great first hand historical source, shining a new light on the history of Tahiti and the French presence in the archipelago. $ 62 880 59. [BOUGAINVILLE (LOUIS-ANTOINE DE)]. -VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE, PAR LA FRÉGATE DU ROI LA BOUDEUSE, ET LA FLÛTE L'ETOILE ; EN 1766, 1767, 1768 & 1769. Paris, chez Saillant et Nyon, 1772. 3 vol. 8vo, 20 engraved maps (15 folding) and 3 plates. Contemporary marbled calf. First edition of the narrative of the famous sailor Louis Antoine de Bougainville (1729-1811), first French explorer to have made a circumnavigation. This set includes, vol. 3, the first French translation of the first printed account of the first expedition of Captain James Cook, one of the most famous explorers of the 18th century. Fine set, original bindings. $ 4 980 60. DUMONT- D'URVILLE (JULES). -VOYAGE DE LA CORVETTE L'ASTROLABE EXÉCUTÉ PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1826 – 1827 – 1828 – 1829 SOUS LE COMMANDEMENT DE M. JULES DUMONT-D’URVILLE, CAPITAINE DE VAISSEAU. Paris, J. Tastu Editeur, MD CCC XXX III (1833...) 5 vols. in-fol° (545 x 390 mm.), 528 plates, 1 vol. in-plano (660 x 500 mm.), 42 maps, 3 plates et 5 vol in-8° (212 x 133 mm.) ; 5 text vols. 8vo. (without science). Black half sheep, « Matterer » initials in gold on back. Jules Sébastien César Dumont d'Urville (1790- 1842) was a French explorer and naval officer, who explored the south and western Pacific, Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica. In 1822 he sailed on a voyage around the world under Captain Duperrey, and brought home a very fine collection of animals and plants. In 1826 he was sent to the Pacific, surveyed the coasts of New Guinea, New Zealand, and other islands, and found out the probable place of the death of La Perouse. In 1837, on an expÉdition to the South Polar regions, he sailed along a coastal area of Antarctica that he named the Adélie Coast in honor of his wife. This is a rare complit set of the 5 fol° atlas volumes of his second circum navigation + elephant folio atlas of Hydrographie + 5 vol of history of the travel. It contains 528 beautifull engravings of ethnology, botany, zoology, habitations, ships, topography…and 45 sea charts. Some plates by Louis-Auguste de Sainson, who was working as a special clerk for the admiralty when he offered his services as artist for the expedition. Of his striking portrait of Nataï, one of the chiefs of the Bay of Wangari, New Zealand, d’Urville wrote that Sainson’s "clever brush faithfully reproduced the features, the mako (tatoo design) and the facial expression of this New Zealand warrior". Fine copy. P.O.R. 61. [FLEURIEU (CHARLES PIERRE CLARET)]. -DECOUVERTES DES FRANÇOIS EN 1768 & 1769, DANS LE SUD-EST DE LA NOUVELLE-GUINÉE. ET RECONNOISSANCES POSTÉRIEURES DES MÊMES TERRES PAR DES NAVIGATEURS ANGLOIS QUI LEUR ONT IMPOSÉ DE NOUVEAUX NOMS ; PRÉCÉDÉES DE L'ABRÉGÉ HISTORIQUE DES NAVIGATIONS & DES DÉCOUVERTES DES ESPAGNOLS DANS LES MÊMES PARAGES. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1790. 1 vol. 4to. 12 plates. Contemporary half calf. First edition of this account by Fleurieu, French explorer and politician, one of the most famous hydrographers of the 18th century. The purpose of the present book, presented to the French Academy of Science in 1790, was to insure Bougainville’s and Surville’s rights against some English sailors’ claims for the discovery of some islands. Fine copy. $ 7 200 62. LAPLACE (CAPITAINE CYRILLE PIERRE THÉODORE). LAUVERGNE (BARTHÉLÉMY), PÂRIS, SAINSON. [ATLAS HISTORIQUE] VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE PAR LES MERS DE L'INDE ET DE CHINE EXÉCUTÉ SUR LA CORVETTE DE L'ETAT LA FAVORITE PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1830, 1831 ET 1832 SOUS LE COMMANDEMENT DE M. LAPLACE, CAPITAINE DE FRÉGATE. [Paris, Arthus Bertrand, Imp. de Casimir, 1833.] 1 vol. folio, historical atlas only, 69 numbered plates on 72 (plates 54, 56 and 71 missing, 2 plates n°35). Contemporary half sheep. Historical Atlas of the captain Laplace's famous circumnavigation, with the illustrations by Lauvergne, Pâris and Sainson. In May 1829, the Lieutenant Commander Laplace (1793-1875) was appointed to command two scientific expeditions in austral seas, in order to protect French trade. La Favorite left Toulon in 1829 and came back in 1832. This expedition was successful and collect a lot of major informations. In addition to the scientific interst, this atlas presents an aesthetic dimension, according to Sabin: "perhaps the finest series plates of any picturesque voyage". Among them: Réunion, Maurice, Singapore, Manille, Sydney or Rio. Fine copy. $ 16 380 63. MENDEZ PINTO (FERDINAND). -LES VOYAGES ADVENTUREUX DE FERNAND MENDEZ PINTO. Paris, Arnould Cotinet et Jean Roger, 1645. 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary marbled calf. Second French edition of this scarce narrative of Mendez Pinto (1509-1583), veritable adventurer who took board to Indies in 1537 and travelled through Asia and the Far East. $ 3 670 64. PARRY (WILLIAM EDOUARD). –VOYAGE FAIT EN 1819 ET 1820, SUR LES VAISSEAUX DE S.M.B., L’HECLA ET LE GRIPPER. Paris, Librairie des Gide Fils, 1822. 1 vol. 8vo. 2 folding handcoloured maps. 19th half red calf. First French edition of this account of one of the most important travel in Arctic. It shows that the Strait of Lancaster opens a way to the West, and reveals the complexity of this sea way through the islands maze. Fine copy. $ 2 100 65. PARRY (WILLIAM EDWARD). -JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE FOR THE DISCOVERY OF A NORTH-WEST PASSAGE FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC. London: John Murray, 1821. 1 vol. 4to. 20 plates: 6 engraved maps 4 folding, 1 with folding tipped-on extension flap, 9 aquatint plates and 5 etched plates. Contemporary quarter morocco. First edition of this reference work, account of the first expedition of Parry. Sir William Edward Parry (1790-1855), was an English rear-admiral and Arctic explorer. In 1819, he obtained the chief command of an Arctic expedition; consisting of the two ships "Griper" and "Hecla". This expedition returned to England in November 1820 after a voyage of almost unprecedented Arctic success, having accomplished more than half the journey from Greenland to Bering Strait, the completion of which solved the ancient problem of a North-west Passage. The present work is the narrative of the expedition, appeared in 1821. Fine copy. $ 1 960 66. ROQUEFEUIL (CAMILLE DE). -JOURNAL D’UN VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1816, 1817, 1818 ET 1819. Paris, Ponthieu, Lesage, Gide, 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. 2 folding maps. Contemporary calf. First edition of the only account of the first official French voyage after Baudin, the third French circumnavigation. An important account concerning California, Alaska, the Northwest coast of America and Hawaii. Camille de Roquefeuil made a circumnavigation (1816-1819), in order to open new commercial possibilities for France with California and others. "The ships Le Bordelais and Junior departed Bordeaux, France, October 19, 1816, sailed around Cape Horn, stopped at the Galapagos Islands, continued to the Northwest coast and Alaska, visited the Marquesas and the Hawaiian Islands after a second trip to the Northwest coast of America, then continued to Macao and around the world" (Forbes). "Attempts at trading in California, Nootka and Sitka were financial failures. Despite lack of profit however France now had an up-to-date report on conditions on the west coast of America from California to the Aleutians, on Hawaii, the Marquesas, and on the prospects for trade in each of these areas" (Hill). Fine copy. $ 23 580 67. SCHOUTEN (GAUTIER). -VOYAGE DE GAUTIER SCHOUTEN AUX INDES ORIENTALES. Rouen, Pierre le Boucher, Jean-Baptiste Machuel et Pierre Cailloix, 1725. 2 vols. 12mo. 2 frontispieces, 1 portrait, 8 plates (4 folding). Contemporary calf. New expanded edition (OE: 1707, Amsterdam). Gautier Schouten boarded in 1658 as a surgeon on the India Company. When he came back in Amsterdam in 1665, he published this relation, dealing with customs of the people, botanical and zoological subjects. This edition presents nice plates: views of the islands and botanical illustrations. Fine copy. $ 2 230 Marine 68. ABRÉGÉ DE LA SPHÈRE. AVEC DES TABLES DE DÉCLINAISON ET D'ASCENSION EN USAGE JUSQU'EN 1720. Pour l'école d'hydrographie de Honfleur, 1071 [1701]. 1 vol. 16mo. Contemporary DROITE DU SOLEIL ET DES ÉTOILES LES PLUS NOTABLES. marbled boards. Scarce edition printed in Honfleur, for the sailors. Fine copy. $ 660 69. BLONDEL DE SAINT AUBIN (G UILLAUME). -LE TRÉSOR DE LA NAVIGATION. Au Havre de Grace, chez Jacques Gruchet, 1673. 1 vol. 4to. Numerous wood engravings. Contemporary full vellum. Fine copy of the extremely rare first edition of this French school book on navigation, teaching on spherical geometry details and its application to navigation and practice of seamanship. Only 1 copy appeared at auction during the last 40 years. $ 8 900 70. BOUGUER (PIERRE). -DE LA MANŒUVRE DES VAISSEAUX, OU TRAITÉ DE MÉCHANIQUE ET DE DYNAMIQUE. A Paris, chez H.L. Guerin & D.F. Delatour, 1757. 1 vol. 4to. 15 folding engraved plates. Contemporary calf. First edition of this hydrographic treatise, one of the scarcest works due to the French mathematician and hydrographer Pierre Bouguer (1698-1758). He is the author of numerous books on sailing, astronomy and optics and is known to be have been part of La Condamine’s mission in South America. Fine copy. $ 4 190. 71. CORREARD (ALEXANDRE), SAVIGNY (J. B. HENRI). -NAUFRAGE DE LA FRÉGATE LA MÉDUSE. Paris, Eymery, Delaunay & Ladvocat, Treutell et Wutz, 1818. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary half sheep. 1 hand-colored portrait in frontispiece 1 plan. Second edition of this account of the Meduse’s shipwreck. Fine copy. $ 660 72. [MANUSCRIPT LOG BOOK. WATERCOLORS] . -RECUEIL DES BÂTIMENTS DANS LESQUELS A NAVIGUÉ JEAN JAUBERT DE MARSEILLE DE 1776 JUSQU’À [1815]. [1776-817]. 1 vol. folio. Text + 46 watercolours. Original parchment binding. Exceptional personal "logbook" of a sailor from Marseille covering a period of 40 years, describing his successive shipments inboard merchant ships and French Navy from 1776 until his capture November 3 rd, 1805, its detention on the pontoons and the Dartmoor prison until May 27 th, 1814, and its latest shipments of June 1814 to November 5 th, 1817: document of considerable value for understanding the marine environment of the late 18 th century, the important traffic in the Mediterranean and beyond, with the addition of first-hand accounts of the battles of Abukir and Trafalgar and the life of the French sailors on the pontoons British prisoners. Reading this picturesque and exciting document gives the impression of a whole life devoted to action. The adventures of Jaubert are endless and his firsthand account of Trafalgar battle and his life as a prisoner on the English pontoons makes one of the only original work of a French sailor on the subject. The document is beautifully illustrated with 46 watercolors, depicting with remarkable precision: tartans, barks, brigs, corvettes, bombards, chebecks, seneaux, ships, brigantines, polaccas, boulichous, frigates, schooners, etc. on which he embarked. The quality of these watercolors is close to the works of the “Roux”, famous ship portrait makers of Marseille. The variety of ships on which stays Jaubert is a remarkable source of information on maritime traffic in the Mediterranean at the time, and actors: French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Arabic ... and even American. As well the nature of the cargo and the ports listed are precious details (Marseille, Toulon, Barcelona, Livorno Mahon, Algiers, Constantinople, Salonica, Corfu, Malta, Messina, Genoa, Wax, Cadiz, Malaga, Trieste, Minna ... Illustrations also includes an impressive ink wash entitled "Formidable taken by the ship the Namur November 4, 1805", 2 watercolors of the pontoons he was inboard and one of the terrible Dartmoor prison. The journal finished with Jaubert’s last shipments after his recover freedom in May 1814, to November 1817. It ends with an account of quarantine on a ship due to the plague. Then it is probable that Jaubert succumbed to this epidemic. $ 90 000 73. MEDINA (PIERRE DE). -L'ART DE NAVIGUER CONTENANT TOUTES LES REIGLES, SECRETS, & ENSEIGNEMENS NECESSAIRES À LA BONNE NAVIGATION. Rouen, 1607. 1 vol. 4to. 93 wood cuts. Ancient vellum. Scarce edition from Rouen of this famous navigation treatise: the first scientific work on this subject. The Art of use must be read first, as the model of contemporary knowledge, such as translation, in maritime language, a sort of Instauratio magna, in the style of Francis Bacon, whose frontispiece still remembered in 1628, the caravel sailing towards the New World. Fine copy. $ 9 830 Atlas 74. APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE (JEAN-BAPTISTE D'). -INSTRUCTIONS DE DAPRÈS SUR LA NAVIGATION DES INDES ORIENTALES. Paris, de l'Imprimerie royale, 1819. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary red cuir de Russie, with the royal arms (Louis-Philippe), with green silk endpapers. Last reissue of these “Instructions” by the famous geographer of the King, Après de Mannevillette (1707-1780), ordered by Louis XVIII. It’s very scarce on the market (no sale listed on auction, American Exchange) and World Catalogue indicates only five copies in libraries around the world. Capital work for its time, these “Instructions” completes the “Neptune Oriental”, a coastal pilot, by the same author, first published in 1745. Après de Mannevillette never stopped enhancing these two works, transferring the corrections first due to his own observations, then to the one reported by other sailors (being from 1762 in charge of the Dépôt des Cartes et Plans of the East India Company). This edition, richly bound for the Duke of Orleans, the future King LouisPhilippe, was ordered by Louis XVIII and testifies of the importance of this work for the authorities. Scarce and beautiful copy from a prestigious provenance. $ 15 070 75. APRÈS DE MANNEVILLETTE (J EANBAPTISTE D'). -NEPTUNE ORIENTAL, OU ROUTIER GÉNÉRAL DES INDES ORIENTALES ET DE LA CHINE. Paris, Dépôt général de la Marine, ca. 1810. 1 vol. folio. 69 engraved maps (charts and profiles). Famous French work on coastal pilot. Throughout his voyage to China, D'Apres de Mannevillette used advanced instrumentation to correct the latitudes of numerous locations along his route. So, he was able to publish correct charts of the route to China, the Red Sea, the Indian Coast, Malaysia, northern Indonesia, and Indochina. The atlas includes parts of coastal Europe, Africa (particularly Madagascar), the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, India and Ceylon, the Malaya Peninsula, Indonesia, Thailand, the China Sea, Borneo and the Philippines. Of particular interest are two very detailed plans of Rio de Janeiro and Manila. Fine copy. $ 28 820 76. [ATLAS]. -ETRENNES UTILES ET NÉCESSAIRES AUX COMMERÇANTS ET VOYAGEURS OU INDICATEUR FIDÈLE. Paris, Desnos, 1772. 1 vol. 24mo. 2 double maps and 156 engraved maps. Beautiful copy in original red morocco binding of this small atlas that shows the roads and routes of France and neighbouring countries. $ 1 900 77. BONNE (RIGOBERT). -PETIT TABLEAU DE LA FRANCE OU CARTES GEOGRAPHIQUES SUR TOUTES LES PARTIES DE CE ROYAUME. AVEC "DESCRIPTION ABREGÉE DE FRANCE". Paris, chez Lattre, 1764 / Paris, de l'imprimerie de Butard, 1764. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. 1 engraved coloured title, 28 hand-coloured maps on double-page (I.). Contemporary full red morocco. Only edition of this charming pocket atlas, with title + 28 maps nicely contemporary coloured and original morocco binding. Bound with Description Geographique Abregee de la France. Fine copy. $ 2 360 78. BORDONE (BENEDETTO). -LIBRO DI BENEDETTO BORDONE NEL QUA SI RAGIONA DE TUTTE L'IISOLE DEL MONDO. [Venice, Nicolo Zoppino, 1528]. (Colophon : Impresse in Vinegia per Nicolo d’Aristotile, detto Zoppino, nel mese di Guigno, del M.D.CCVIII.) 1 vol. folio. [10] ll. (Title in red and black, in wood-cut border, 1 full-page diagram, 3 double-page maps), 73 ll. 109 maps in-text (5 double, 1 full-page). Antique vellum. First edition of this scarce Isolario, one of the first important island books. The work is in the tradition of the Mediterranean island books, with coverage expanded to include the whole world as a series of islands. The Adriatic and Greek archipelagoes are covered in sixty-four maps. The most significant map, cartographically speaking, is the double-page world map, held for many years to be the first such use of an oval projection. Besides the oval world map, eleven of the maps relate to the Americas. Bordone's work was practical and popular and saw several editions. Fine copy. $ 39 300 79. CLÜVER (PHILIPPI). -INTRODUCTIONIS IN UNIVERSAM GEOGRAPHIAM TAM VETEREM QUAM NOVAM LIBRI VI. [...] ACCESSIT P. BERTII BREVIARUM ORBIS TERRARUM. Amstelodomani [Amsterdam], Elzeviriana, 1661. 1 vol. 12mo. 38 maps on double pages, 4 plates. Contemporary full vellum. Born in Danzig, the celebrated geographer Philip Clüver (15801623) began to study law at Leiden, but soon turned his attention to history and geography under the tutelage of Joseph Scaliger. Settling in Holland, Clüver received after 1616 a regular pension from the Academy at Leiden. A specialist in Near Eastern and Ancient geography, Clüver authored numerous works, the Introductionis proving to be his most popular. Fine copy. $ 2 360 80. DU CAILLE (LOUIS-ALEXANDRE), LATTRE (JEAN). -ETRENNES GEOGRAPHIQUES ANNÉE 1761. ROYAUME DE FRANCE DIVISÉ PAR GENERALITÉS SUBDIVISE PAR ELECTIONS DIOCÈSES BAILLAGES &C. PAR L. A. DU CAILLE. GRAVÉ PAR LATTRÉ. A Paris, chez Ballard Imprimeur du Roy, Rue S. Jean de Beauvais a S. Cecile, [1761]. 1 vol. 16mo. [34] ll. (Engraved frontispiece and title. 30 hand-coloured maps, Privilège). Contemporary full brown morocco. Very nice copy of this little atlas with 30 maps finely engraved and hand-coloured depicting the Kingdom of France. The frontispiece is engraved by Tardieu from Poussin, and the title is engraved by Choffard. Attractive copy in a contemporary morocco binding, fresh colouring. $ 1 440 81. GARCIA CUBAS (ANTONIO). ATLAS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS. Mexico, Debray Succ., 1885.1 vol. large PINTORESCO E HISTÓRICO DE LOS folio, 13 chromolithographies on double page. Publisher half green shagreen. (Text vol. not present). First edition. This atlas is regarded as one of the most beautiful colour-plate books on Mexico. The work contains 13 chromolithographed plates, each with a specialized map of Mexico surrounded by vignettes corresponding to the map, such as archaeology, botany, rivers, mining, volcanoes and mountains, railroads, costumed ethnographic types, etc. Antonio García y Cubas devoted himself to the study of Mexican geography, history and archaeology, publishing a succession of atlases beginning in 1858. The Atlas pintoresco e histórico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos can be said to be a culmination of his work in its beauty and comprehensiveness. With title-page in tinted lithography. $ 11 130 82. JOURDAIN (P.). -COSMOGRAPHIE ET PELERINAGE DU MONDE UNIVERSEL. Paris, sans nom, 1680. [Paris, de l’Imprimerie Estienne, 1669] (Colophon). 1 vol. 8vo. 22 double maps, 4 engraved plates (3 doubles). Contemporary full calf. Rare first edition of this Cosmographie Universelle, contemporaneous with Sanson d'Abeville's atlases. Fine copy. $ 4 590 83. LE ROUGE (GEORGE-LOUIS). -ATLAS NOUVEAU PORTATIF À L'USAGE DES MILITAIRES ET DU VOYAGEURS... Paris, Le Rouge, 1748. 1 vol. 4to. 4 engraved plates and 87 maps on double-page spread. Contemporary calf. First edition of this uncommon world atlas, including many maps in colours of the time. Fine copy. $ 13 100 84. ORTELIUS (ABRAHAM). -L'EPITOME DU THÉÂTRE DE L'UNIVERS." Anvers, Joanris Keerberoii, 1602. 1 vol. 8vo. 123 maps. Contemporary vellum. Fine copy of this rare French pocket atlas: reprint by the mathematician Michel Coignet, of A. Ortélius’ famous work, offering a priceless vision of the world at the end of the 16th Century. $ 15 720 85. SANSON D’ABBEVILLE (NICOLAS, GÉOGRAPHE DU ROY) -L'EUROPE, -L'ASIE, - L'AFRIQUE, - L'AMÉRIQUE EN PLUSIEURS CARTES ET EN DIVERS TRAITÉS DE GÉOGRAPHIE ET D'HISTOIR. Paris, chez l'autheur, 1683. 4 parts in 1 vol. 4to, engraved frontispiece and 62 coloured maps. Ancient vellum. Rare copy containing the four parts (one for each continent) by the famous French cartographer Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville (1600-1667). $ 19 650 (NICOLAS). -L'ASIE EN A Paris, Chez l'Autheur, rüe S. lacques, à l'Esperance. Avec privilege du roy pour vingt ans, [1652]. 1 vol. 4to. 17 folded, hand86. SANSON D'ABEVILLE PLUSIEURS CARTES NOUVELLES, ET EXACTES. colored maps. Contemporary brown calf binding, tooled gilt on spine, all edges sprinkled red. [3rd ed.] Editions of the Asia atlas were printed in 1652, 1653, 1658 and 1662 (Tooley). Harvard copy is of 1662 edition. Chadenat attributes his copy to 1652 although that edition had the date printed on the title page, and his title page is apparently undated. $ 3 930 Sciences and Technology 87. BERTHOUD (FERDINAND). -ESSAI SUR L'HOROLOGERIE ; DANS LEQUEL ON TRAITE DE CET ART, RELATIVEMENT À L'USAGE CIVIL, À L'ASTRONOMIE & À LA NAVIGATION, EN ÉTABLISSANT DES PRINCIPES CONFIRMÉS PAR L'EXPÉRIENCE. A Paris, chez Merigot le jeune, Didot fils, Jombert jeune. M DCC LXXXVI (1786). 2 vols. 4to. 38 engraved folding plates. (I. Misbound, gathering Nnn: pp. 465-72, bound after gathering Ooo and Ppp). 7 manuscript documents (some illustrated) bound in-fine 2nd vol., 6 addended manuscript documents. Full vellum. Second edition of the most famous work by the well know King Watchmaker, Ferdinand Berthoud (1727-1807), inventor of a marine chronometer which gives the longitude at sea. The plates engraved by Choffard from Goussier’s drawings, depict different kinds of watches, clocks, mechanisms, etc. The present copy belonged to Louis Guillermet (Signatures at the beginning of 2nd vol. and on the 6th bounded manuscript document), a Swiss Watchmaker (1766-1827), who enhanced his book with manuscript notes, sometimes illustrated with schemes. Fine and scarce copy, of interesting provenance. $ 4 980 88. BERTHOUD (FERDINAND). -L'ART DE CONDUIRE ET DE RÉGLER LES PENDULES ET LES MONTRES À L'USAGE DE CEUX QUI N'ONT AUCUNE Michel Lambert, Paris, 1759. 1 vol. 16mo. CONNAISSANCE D'HORLOGERIE. 4 engraved folding plates. Contemporary full red morocco. First edition. French Navy, Ferdinand Berthoud (1727-1807) became a member of the Academy of Sciences in 1795. His treatise was so successful that it was translated into four languages and it was republished until 1841. Exceptional copy with a red morocco binding with the arms of Empress Maria-Theresa of Austria (1717-1780), Marie Antoinette's mother. $ 3 670 89. BESSON (JACQUES). -IL THEATRO DE GL'INSTRUMENTI & MACHINE DI M. IACOPO BESSONI, MATHEMATICO DE' NOSTRI TEMPI ECCELLENTISSIMO, CON UNA BREIVE NECESSARIA DICHIARATION DIMOSTRATIVA, DI M. FRANCESCO BEROALDO SÙ TUTTE LE FIGURE, CHE VI SON COMPRESE, NUOUMENTE DI LATINO IN VOLGATE ITALIANO TRADOTTO & DI MOLTISSIME ADDITIONI PER TUTTO AUMMENTATO & ILLUSTRATO PEL SIGNOR GIULIO PASCHALI MESSINESE. In Lione, Per Barth. Vicenti. Con Privilegio del Rè. M D LXXXII. [Lyon, Barthélémy Vincent, 1582]. 1 vol. 4to. 1 engr. frontispiece, 1 + 60 copper engravings. Contemporary vellum. First Italian edition of this work (OE: 1571, Latin). The fine illustrations are by Jacques Androuet du Cerceau and René Boyvin, and depicts many very different inventions. Fine copy of this scarce Italian edition. $ 8 910 90. BOSSE PRACTIQUES (ABRAHAM). GEOMETRALES ET -TRAITÉ DES PERSPECTIVES DANS L'ACADÉMIE ROYALE DE LA PEINTURE ET SCULPTURE. A Paris, chez l'Auteur, en l'Isle du Palais, sur le Quay vis-àvis celuy de la Megisserie, 1665. 1 vol. 8vo. 2 ENSEIGNÉES engraved titles (l. 1, p. 47), 1 engraved dedicationleaf, 67 engraved plates (1 double). Contemporary calf. First edition of this work by the famous engraver Abraham Bosse (1604-1676), one of the main artists of the 17th century, and the first to teach perspective at the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture according to Desargues’ principles. The present treatise is a defense of those ideas, and is illustrated with engraved plates (including frontispiece and dedication-leaf) the whole entirely drawn and engraved by Abraham Bosse. Fine copy. $ 7 860 91. [WATERCOLOUR CATALOG]. -CAROLA FAYENCEN. [Allemagne, ca. 1880]. 1 vol. 8vo oblong. 63 watercolours and 18 typescripts. Brown paper cardboard. Fine set of watercolours depicting pieces of earthenware, with typescript captions. These captions often are handwritten corrected. Charming book. $ 980 92. COSTA (EMANUEL MENDES DA). -HISTORIA BRITANNIAE, OR THE BRITISH CONCHOLOGY; CONTAINING THE DESCRIPTION AND OTHER PARTICULARS OF NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SHELLS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. London, printed for the Author, Millan, B. White, Elmsley and Robson, 1778. 1 vol. 4to. 17 hand-colored engraved plates. NATURALIS TESTACEORUM Parallel text in English and French. Contemporary calf, vellum corners. First edition, of this treatise by Emanuel Mendes da Costa, member of the Imperial Caesarian Academy Naturae Curiosorum and of the botanic Society of Florence. Scarce book, fresh copy. $ 3 800 93. COURTANVAUX (CHARLES F. CÉSAR LE TELLIER, MARQUIS DE). -JOURNAL DU VOYAGE DE M. LE MARQUIS DE COURTANVAUX, SUR LA FRÉGATE L'AURORE, POUR ESSAYER PAR ORDRE DE L'ACADÉMIE, PLUSIEURS INTRUMENS RELATIFS À LA LONGITUDE. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1768. 1 vol. 4to. 1 frontispiece depicting the Aurore, 5 folding plates (1 map). Contemporary calf. Fine copy of this account of an important practical trial to perfect a method of measuring longitude. The present work is his report of a voyage in the frigate L’Aurore to allow an accurate daily assessment for the prize offered by the Academie for the first successful method of measuring longitude. The main contender assessed was the “Horloger du Roi”, Pierre Le Roy, who invented a completely original marine chronometer in the 1750's, which he perfected over the next decade and presented to Louis XV in 1766. The present voyage between Le Havre and Amsterdam was the first practical trial to which it was subjected. Le Roy was awarded a double prize in 1768, for his chronometer and for his memoir describing it. Fine copy. $ 6 550 94. DORTOUS DE MAIRAN (JEAN-JACQUES). -DISSERTATION SUR LA GLACE, OU EXPLICATION PHYSIQUE DE LA FORMATION DE LA GLACE, & DE SES DIVERS PHÉNOMÈNES. A Paris, De l'Imprimerie royale, 1749. 1 vol. 8vo. Frontispiece, 5 folding plates. Contemporary marbled calf. Rare early treatise on Ice. Hoover coll. 554; the first edition of this book on the formation of ice appeared at Bordeaux in 1716. The frontisp. depicts a glacier in the mountains, the other snow cristals. His other book published in 1731 was: “Traité physique et historique de l'Aurore” and was also an early book on this subject. $ 850 95. HARRISON (JOHN). -PRINCIPES DE LA MONTRE DE MR HARRISON, AVEC LES PLANCHES RELATIVES À LA MÊME MONTRE, IMPRIMÉS À LONDRES EN 1767 PAR ORDRE DE MRS. LES COMMISSAIRES DES LONGITUDES. [SUIVI DE] EXTRAIT DE LA RÉPONSE DE MR JEAN HARRISON AUX REMARQUES ET OBJECTIONS DE MONSIEUR MASKELYNE, SERVANT DE SUITE AUX PRINCIPES DE LA MONTRE DE M. HARRISON. A Avignon, chez la Veuve Girard & François Seguin, se vend à Paris, chez Jombert, Desaint, Saillant, 1767 (Principes de la Montre) ; 1768 (Extrait de la Réponse). 1 vol. 4to. 7 folding plates with 15 figures. (The Streeter copy doesn't have the second part Réponse de Harrison aux objections de Maskelyne, but presents a title page in english which isn't in our copy). Antique half calf. First French edition of the "description of the famous solution to the centuries-old world-wide problem of finding the longitude" (Grolier, Horblit). “There was no comparable advance in navigational aids until the development of radar in the twentieth century" (Norman). The present edition is anonymously translated by Pezenas, with the English text in front and followed by the critic by Pezenas of the Board and of his translation of Harrison’s Remarks on a pamphlet lately published by Maskelync. Fine copy of two extremly rare texts, complete with the seven plates. $ 28 820 96. JACQUINOT (DOMINIQUE). -L'USAGE DE L'ASTROLABE AVEC UN PETIT TRAICTÉ DE LA SPHÈRE. Paris, 1697. 1 vol. 12mo. many woodcuts in-text and 1 full-page. Ex-libris. Contemporary vellum. Later edition, expended and actualised, of the first French work on the astrolabe. Jacquinot's publication, a clear and comprehenisve introduction in the use of the astrolabe, was based on Stoeffler's Elucidatio fabricae ususque astrolabii. (Oppenheim, 1513). The author dedicated it to Catherine de Medici, then Dauphine, "who in her scientific knowledge not only surpassed her contemporaries of her own sex, but also most men. In its preparation he had the advantage of the advice of M. Paschal du Hamel, the Regius Professor" (Gunther). Two surviving examples of Moreau's re-issue of Danfrie's astrolabe are to be found : in the Adler Planetarium in Chicago and in the Smithsonian, Washington, D.C. Fine copy. $ 4 590 97. [MANUSCRIPT]. BRUYAS & FILS. [MANUSCRIPT AND WATERCOLOUR FRENCH TRADE CATALOGUE]. Lyon, circa 1850. 1 vol. in-folio. 159 watercolours. Original full sheep. Exceptional French hardware trade catalogue containing 159 fine and detailed watercolour plates, 6 plates with imprints and one sample sheet on together 91 leaves. The depicted wares are keys and locks, screws, bells, many kitchen accessoires, knives, scissors, revolvers, bells, etc. Very attractive set. $ 33 400 98. [WATERCOLOURS / MANUSCRIPT] -[HERBIER DE VÉNÉTIE]. Italie (Venise), ca. 1500-1520. 1 vol. 4to. [92] ll. [90] watercolour plates of plants, [49] ink drawings (19th century), [61] manuscript pp. (19th century). Full vellum (19th century). Remarkable illustrated manuscript herbal from the beginning of 16th century, testifying of the transition from medieval tradition to modern botanical illustration based on observation of reality and naturalism. The work, with 90 plates of plants, certainly was compiled by one or several herbalist or student of medicine, in Veneto where there was an important tradition of illustrated manuscript herbals in 15th century. Some of these herbals show a transition from the stylized and symmetrical drawings typical of the medieval tradition which consisted in copying existing images, to a more realistic style which announces the Otto Brunfel’s (1530-1536) and Leonhart Fuch’s (1542) revolutionary printed herbals. The present work includes both symmetrical representations and more naturalistic ones, where the reader immediately figures out the depicted plant. On numerous drawings, the artist sets animals: frog, birds, even dragons. Provenance: the owner of the book in the 19th, explains in a manuscript note at the beginning of the work, the book’s history, he had it bound, and added a lot of notes (including for most of the plates the name according to Linnaean system) and ink drawings. A scarce and exceptional work. P.O.R.. 99. MARSIGLI (LUIGI FERDINANDO, COMTE DE). -HISTOIRE PHYSIQUE DE LA MER. OUVRAGE ENRICHI DE FIGURES DESSINÉES D'APRÈS LE NATUREL. Amsterdam, Aux Dépens de la Compagnie, 1725. 1 vol. in-folio. Engraved frontispiece. 12 folding maps and plans, 40 plates by Pool. Contemporary calf. The Italian geographer and naturalist Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli (1658-1730) devoted himself to mathematics, astronomy and the natural history subjects for which he received the teaching of the greatest minds in Italy at the time. Founder of the prestigious Accademia delle Scienze dell 'Instituto di Bologna, the present book assured his fame as the father of modern oceanography. It deals with the morphology of the ocean and the interaction between land and sea, properties of the water surface and depth (color, temperature, salinity) and its movement (waves, currents, tides). He also studied the biology of sea animals, shellfish and corals (considered by him as non-organic). Thus, Marsigli remain as the forerunner of the systematic exploration of Oceanography, which will be implemented 50 years later with the famous campaigns of exploration of Captain Cook's Endeavor. Maps, tables and many engravings from nature illustrate the remarkable scientific demonstrations. Fine copy, preserved in all margins. $ 6 160 ABBÉ). -LEÇONS DE PHYSIQUE EXPÉRIMENTALE. Paris, Durand, 1775. 6 vols. 8vo. 1 frontispiece portrait, 116 engraved folding plates depicting Nollet's instruments. Contemporary full calf. The most famous scientific work for the general public of 18th century. Nollet (1700-1770) was a popularizer who brightly illustrated a new approach of scientific comunication based on experiment and demonstration. In the present work, the illustration shows his style as an scientific instrument maker. Fine copy. $ 2 360 100. NOLLET (JEAN-ANTOINE, 101. PARISOT (SEBASTIEN-ANTOINE). -TRAITÉ DU CALCUL CONJECTURAL OU DE L'ART DE RAISONNER SUR LES CHOSES FUTURES ET INCONNUES ; PAR SÉB.-ANT. PARISOT. Paris, chez Madd. Ve Bernard, Firmin Didot, Courcier, Béchet, M DCCC X. [1810]. 1 vol. 4to. 2 folding plates. Contemporary blue wrappers. Scarce first edition of this important treatise on the probabilities in mathematics. It appears on the "Bibliographie sur l'histoire du calcul des probabilités jusqu'à Arago" by Pierre Crépel from the Friends Society of Polytechnique School. Sébastien-Antoine Parisot also authored « Art de conjecturer à la loterie », Paris, 1801. The present works based on different authorities, deals mostly with applications of Mathematics in gambling, economy and metaphysics. Fine copy, untrimmed. $ 5 900 102. PERRAULT (CLAUDE), VARIGNON (PIERRE). [PUJOL (ABBÉ)]. -TRAITÉ DU MOUVEMENT ET DE LA MESURE DES EAUX COULANTES ET JAILLISSANTES [SUIVI DE] RECUEIL DE PLUSIEURS MACHINES DE NOUVELLE INVENTION. [SUIVI DE] ELEMENS DE MATHEMATIQUE DE MONSIEUR VARIGNON. A Paris, chez Pissot, 1725. A Leide, Pierre Vander Aa, 1720. A Amsterdam, François Changuion, 1734. 3 texts in 1 vol. 4to. 5 – 11 – 22 plates. Contemporary half calf. Scarce collection of three works of mechanics and mathematics, due to two famous French scientists in 17th century. First edition of the Traite du mouvement et de la mesure des eaux coulantes et jaillissantes edited according to Varignon’s (1654 - 1722, one of the most famous French geometrician of his time) manuscripts by Pujol. New editions of Perrault’s (1613-1688, French Architect and physician) posthumous treatise. Fine copy. $ 4 190 103. PICCOLOMINI (ALESSANDRO). -I. LA SFERA DEL MONDO ETC.I. In Vinegia, Apresso Giovanni Varisco, & Paganino Paganini, s.d. (vers 1595), II. In Venetia, Per Gio. Varisco, & Compagni. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Numerous in-text drawings, 47 plates printed on both recto and verso. Contemporary full vellum. Together 2 important texts of Alessandro Piccolomini, Italian philosopher and astronomer (1508-1578). Author in his youth in several comedies and translator of the Metamorphoses of Ovid, he was professor of philosophy at Padua. In astronomy, he was a supporter of the Ptolemaic system. Thosepresent 2 major work are the majors. His "Delle stelle fisse" was the first printed star atlas, it is an important testimony of the astronomical knowledge of the time. Very popular, he will at least make 12 editions in XVIth century. Our copy has a peculiarity: one of his owner has crossed diagonally with a pen just inked some pages and scratched the margins of large cross marks, how to identify the pages or passages that he had read (?) owner who, at the bottom of the sending head, dated 1564, noted that this year was the birth of Galileo. 2 parts in 1 vol. inquarto richly illustrated by many geometric and astronomic drawings, 47 plates. $ 6 550,00 104. RONDELET (GUILLAUME). -LIBRI DE PISCIBUS MARINIS, IN QUIBUS VERAE PISCIUM EFFIGIES EXPRESSAE SUNT. - UNIVERAE AQUATILIUM HISTORIAE PARS ALTERA, CUM VERIS IPSORUM IMAGINIBUS. Lyon, Bonhomme, 1554-55. 2 parts in 1 vol. in-folio with woodcut portrait of Rondelet in both volumes, woodcut illustration to second t-p, in all about 430 woodcut illustrations of all aquatic animals, i.e. fish, marine mammals, arthropods, mollusks, riverine amphibians, beavers etc. Contemporary sow leather. Scarce first edition of this work of seminal character, likewise the first French work ever published on fish. Fine copy. $ 15 720 Costumes 105. [BUSUTTIL (SALVATORE)]. -COSTUMI DELLA CORTE CORTEPONTIFICIA. Rome, G. Antonelli, s.d. (circa 1850) 1 vol. 16mo of 30 engraved handcoloured plates. Editor red paperboard. Charming set of handcoloured engravings given the main papal dignitaries. Fine copy. $ 1 830 106. [MANUSCRIPT] MODE. -MODÈLES LANVIN, CHANEL, LELONG, ETC. ANNÉES 1920. [Paris, ca. 1920]. 1 blue portfolio 4to. 99 original drawings on tracing paper: watercolour and Indian ink, 1 watercolour, 1 wash drawing. Very pleasant series of original works, depicting models from "Haute couture" firms like Lanvin, Chanel, or Lelong in the 1920's, of evening, wedding dress, or more casual clothes, but always very elegant. Fine set. $ 3 280 107. YU ZAN MORI (DESIGNER). -SHIKI NO YOSOII. Kyoto (Japan), Unsodo, 1903. 2 vols. 4to. 102 coloured woodcuts. Japanese fan-glued bindind. Rare Kimono Pattern Books containing woodblock prints of kimono textile designs. Called “Zu-An-Cho” in Japanese, these books were used to communicate ideas between kimono dealers, their clients, and the various craftsmen collaborating on kimono. The first book contains 50 full-page and polychrome patterns which are richly decorated; the second book presents 30 patterns following by a variety of many floral generally circular-shaped motives. Attractive book. $ 4 320 Sketch books 108. [ORIGINAL WATERCOLOURS ALBUM]. -[TRAVEL LOG IN EUROPE]. Sans lieu ni nom. [Ca. 1880]. 1 vol. 4to. 112 watercolours. Contemporary romantic buckram. Beautiful set of watercolours fly-on-the-wall from journeys in differents European countries by an anonymous traveler in the 19th century. Views depict great Italian cities (Venice, Padoua, Trieste, etc.), northern Italy (Riva) and south Switzerland and Austria, Paris, Germany and Prussia (Munchen, Berlin, Hamburg), and Turkey. Exceptional album. $ 31 440 109. [HOUGHTON (CHARLOTTE), BURGER (MARIA)]. -[ALBUM À LA LYRE]. Londres, 1825-1835. 1 vol. 4to. [43] ll. 17 manuscript pp. 16 engravings (13 hand coloured), 28 original illustrations (13 watercolours, 3 of them on silk, 13 pencil drawings, 1 pastel, 1 gouache). Contemporary embossed morocco. Charming scrap book, noteworthy for the quality of the original drawings from different people from England but also from France. The very fine graphite drawings depict mostly landscapes but also portraits or scenes. The most intersting paintings are the ones on silk related to Napoleon in St Helena : "Longwood at St Helena", "Bonaparte's grave", and a third untitled landscape. Handsome set nicely bound. $ 1 970 110. [MANUSCRIPT]. MOTTEUX (G.). -DESSIN. GÉOMÉTRIE DROLATIQUE. [Ca. 1884]. 1 vol. 4to. [1] l. (Title), [10] ll. (Indian ink drawings with manuscript captions, some with red ink). (14 scenes, 17 portraits). In leaves, contemporary black boards. Caricature booklet with little scenes or portraits with humorous captions. The author realised a series of portraits with a geometric figure for the face of the character, explaining the title : "Géométrie drolatique" (Humorous geometry). Fine set. $ 1 050 111. [SCRAP BOOK]. -ALBUM DE LA PÉRIODE VICTORIENNE. Londres, [ca. 1830]. 1 vol. 4to. [2] manuscript pp. 11 engravings (8 hand-coloured), 19 original works (7 pencil drawings, 12 watercolours and gouaches), 4 silhouettes. Contemporary full green embossed morocco (London, Delarue). Scrap book with mostly original works, very nice pencil drawings depicting landscape, fine portraits of women, some in oriental dress, and scenes (inside an old shop, a diner). Most of the watercolours depict landscape or flowers and birds, but one shows a night scene lighted by fires and moon light, where some sailors, probably pirates, unloaded some barrel from a ship in a cave. Very nice set, finely bound. $ 1 310 112. [SCRAP BOOK]. -THE CHARMS OF MEMORY. Ca. 1830. [1830-1851]. 1 vol. 4to. [60] manuscript pp., 5 engravings (3 hand coloured), 8 original works (3 watercolours, 5 pencil drawings), 1 embroidery pattern. [60] bl. Contemporary red embossed morocco. Nice scap book. The texts: poems, enigma, memories- are written by different people, in English, French and even Arabic. The engravings nicely handcoloured depict portraits of oriental women, testifying of the taste for orientalism. The pencil drawings are noteworthy, especially two: one depicting a stricking shipwreck on Mediterranean coasts, and the other a curious scene: on middle distance a ship is leaving, and on the foreground there is a grave, and near that grave a white sihouette stands out against the shade of a tree. Fine set. $ 790 Literature and Varia ILLUSTRÉ. Sans lieu, ca. 1860. 1 vol. (2,12 x 1,49 in.). Contemporary red morocco. 20 engravings and drawings. At the beginning, some friends' adresses can be read. Charming set. $ 630 113. ASVARY (EMILY). [MINUSCULE]. -RÉPERTOIRE 114. [BOOTH (PITHIE)]. [CARNET DE DESSINS HUMORISTIQUES - COMICS BOOKLET]. -SALEM ET EUPHEMIA. 1890. 1 vol. 12mo. 21 Indian ink drawings on 19 ll. + 2 crossed out sketches. Contemporary half vellum, boards covered with white silk. Fine set of cartoons inspired from a rare novel by Pithie W. Booth, ‘Euphemia and Salem: A tale.’ (Aberdeen, Brown for the Author, 1863). Very fine drawings in a nice binding. $ 1 250 115. GUARINI (BATTISTA). [MINIATURE]. -IL PASTOR FIDO. Venise, Appresso Nicolo Misserini, 1627. 1 vol. 24mo (97 x 51 mm.). 5 wood-engraved scenes. Numerous head-pieces and ornamental initials. Contemporary full red morocco. Charming and scarce miniature edition of Il Pastor Fido, (OE: 1589, Mettayer), Giovanni Battista Guarini's (1538-1612, poet and diplomat) main work. This text is a very successful tragic-comic pastoral, and was translated and edited in all Europe. Haendel wrote an opera from the play in 1712. Beautiful copy of this finely illustrated edition, in morocco binding. $ 1 570 116. [MANUSCRIPT]. CHAPLIN (A.). -OLYMPE ILLUSTRÉ PAR A. CHAPLIN, PEINTRE DE S.A.R. JUNON, REINE DE L’OLYMPE. [Paris], 1888. 1 vol. 8vo. [117] manuscript ll. 111 Indian ink and watercolour drawings (3 folding). Contemporary blue buckram. Illustrated booklet with original watercolours inspired by the Antiquity. But mythology is a pretext for a funny satire of the good society of the end of the 19th century. Fine set. $ 4 590 117. [PORTEFEUILLE – XVIIITH CENTURY]. - 1 vol. 12mo. [4] bl. Red morocco case. Charming booklet covered with blue silk. The first board is decorted with an original painting depicting some ancient ruins in a green landscape, the second board is decorated with a mirror. Lovely item. $ 850 118. [POUJADE (ELISABETH)]. [BINDING]. -FORMULAIRE DE PRIÈRES À L'USAGE DES RELIGIEUSES URSULINES. Limoges, Chez Martial Ardant, 1834. New edition, conform with the Caen's one. Prayer book illustrated with nice plates : 2 in colors, showing St John and Elizabeth of Hungary. Nice binding. $ 790 119. THE TUNNEL. -PONT SOUS LA TAMISE, OPTIQUE N° 6. [Londres, ca. 1840]. 1 folding panorama of 7 engraved and coloured pictures. Contemporary case. Scarce panorama of seven pictures, creating a perspective view from the window of the first picture. Fine item. $ 1 970 Recent Acquisition 120. LABAT (R. PÈRE JEAN-BAPTISTE). VOYAGE DU CHEVALIER DES MARCHAIS EN GUINÉE, ISLES VOISINES, ET A CAYÉNNE, FAIT EN 1725, 1726 & 1727. Paris, Pierre Prault, 1730. 4 vols. 12mo. (36) & 31 plates and maps. Contemporary full calf, gilt titles, decorated spine. First edition of this book by Father Jean-Baptiste Labat, French missionary and explorer. Also engineer and physician, he modernized sugar industry and developped production techniques while living in Martinique. He wrote many travel books, in America, Africa and Europe, always illustrated and very successful. This one, devoted to Guinea and Cayenne is noteworthy historically and ethnographically and presents fine maps and plates. One of the scarcer books by Labat. $ 4 590