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Layout 2 - Anglia Ruskin University
Summer 2009
The alumni magazine from Anglia Ruskin University
Attorney General
Baroness Scotland
BBC news presenter
Manish Bhasin
millpond restored
Faculty news
“I am delighted
to support Anglia
Ruskin University
in its plans to
create a new
business school
facility in
Lord Ashcroft
Anglia Ruskin University
Aspects Summer 2009
We welcome alumni from all our prior institutions in Cambridge and Chelmsford
Mid-Essex Technical College & School of Art
Brentwood College of Education
Chelmer Institute
Essex Institute of Higher Education
Anglia Higher Education College
Anglia Polytechnic University
Cambridge & County School of Arts,
Crafts & Technology
Cambridgeshire Technical College
& School of Art
Homerton School of Health Studies
and from all our partner institutions across the UK eastern region and worldwide.
Aspects Summer 2009
8 19
Editor Sue Jacobs Contributors Sharon Wuyts and Ollie Salman
10 Alumni news bites Snippets of information on our alumni
6 A media life in focus Manish Bhasin’s career as a BBC sports
18 Ashcroft International Business School News from the
Business School
Rt Hon Baroness Patricia Scotland of Asthal, QC,
Attorney General Patricia Scotland’s high-flying career
Cycle ride inspires reunion David Wallace talks of how
23 Elizabethan pond restored New clean millpond reopened on
friends from the 1970s met up again
19 Faculty of Arts, Law & Social Sciences Latest news from
development news
the Rivermead campus
11 David’s Away Day David Fairley describes his path from
student to author
13 From NHS to award winning author Jean Fullerton’s path
20 Faculty of Education Post-graduate opportunities and news
21 Faculty of Health & Social Care Update from the Dean and
into writing fiction
6 Ghosts in the House Kazuno Kohara, award winning illustrator
11 Ian releases new album The music of video artist and
Development Update Lord Ashcroft’s donation and other
22 Faculty of Science & Technology Post-graduate
opportunities and news
composer Ian Harris.
25 Maxine’s road to Education Staff profile of Maxine Levy -
Laptop pop Victoria Harrison talks of her musical partnership
with Jacob Mayfield
23 Music Therapy Appeal An update on our Music Therapy
studying and working at Anglia Ruskin
12 Old Dog learns new tricks Robert Hutchinson tells how he
DMS helped him up-skill
25 New book by Chelmsford Chaplaincy Chaplaincy team
publish new book
12 Tom illustrates War on Terror Tom Morgan-Jones illustrates
TerrorBull games
14 Young entrepreneur’s sound solution Christ Mitchell’s
24 Staff snippets News of Anglia Ruskin staff
15 Things you may not know about your University
ground-breaking sound technology
A snapshot of interesting facts about Anglia Ruskin
32 Alumni pin Lapel or tie pin of our University crest
27 Benefits Discounts and benefits for alumni
16 Promote your business on our website! Free publicity
for our alumni who run their own business
23 Success in Business Award Your last chance to enter the
2009 award
16 Win an i-pod Results of the draw to win an i-pod
Events Details of past and future events
Last words Sue Jacobs’ message to alumni
Links Your news and messages to your friends
Marriages Pictures of alumni weddings
News in brief Snippets of news from Anglia Ruskin
Obituaries News of those who have left us since the last issue
Sports Report Sports update from Chelmsford and Cambridge
The Vice Chancellor A welcome from our Vice Chancellor
Aspects Summer 2009
Mike Thorne Vice Chancellor
£5 million donation
We are absolutely delighted to announce
that Lord Ashcroft, our Chancellor, has
decided to support our future development
plans with a very generous new donation
of £5million over the next two years.
As I write this sitting in my Chelmsford
office the sun is shining brightly through
my window from which I can see the full
sweep of our magnificent Chelmsford
campus. Just about complete, it now
compares favourably with the best in
the UK both for its green lawns and
magnificent new buildings and for the
equipment and facilities inside the
buildings. Anyone who comes visiting
cannot fail to be impressed, be they from
home or abroad. But we have not quite
finished. We hope to start work on a new
building for our Postgraduate Medical
Institute before Christmas. It will contain
offices and research rooms, wet and dry
labs, and a 200-seater and 400-seater
lecture theatres.
Work to upgrade the Cambridge campus
starts in earnest in August since we
recently obtained planning permission
for a £40million first phase of a
redevelopment. This will include a
new Business School building and the
fantastic news of Lord Ashcroft’s very
generous donation and overall support
for the development of our Business
School is a tremendous boost to our
plans. These also include massive new
computing labs, new classrooms and
large lecture theatres and refurbished
accommodation for science and art.
Things which are under our direct control
continue to go well. For the third year in
a row applications are up, our student
numbers have grown, and we have
received the wonderful feedback from
the government’s research assessment
exercise that eight of our academic
disciplines are ‘world-leading’ in research
terms. Things are more troublesome
in those areas of activity where we are
dependent on the government. As with
the whole of the UK public sector we
are facing massive cuts in funding. We
believe that with our ambitious agenda,
now set out very explicitly in our
Corporate Plan, we can weather the
storm well. But the next few years are
going to be a nervy time for all UK
universities and we shall need our friends
to lean on as we strive to maintain the
current rate of progress of Anglia Ruskin
University – of which we are all so proud.
So do keep in touch, enjoy Aspects
and every good wish. Many people are
touched by this recession across the
whole world. I very much hope that
things go well with you and, if not, that
everything gets straightened out quickly.
Professor Michael Thorne
Vice Chancellor
Lord Ashcroft is one of our most successful
alumni, having studied at one of our
predecessor institutions, Mid-Essex
Technical College in Chelmsford, before
embarking on his highly successful
business career. He is passionate about
education. As well as the previous donation
he gave us for the building of the new
Ashcroft International Business School
at our Chelmsford campus in 1999, he
supports other education initiatives in
primary, secondary and tertiary sectors –
in both developed and developing countries
– so that young people can have a similar
chance to succeed in life.
Fantastic encouragement
for our art students
Honorary award holder Dr Supanee
Gazeley has set up an annual prize which
will be a fantastic encouragement to young
art students at Anglia Ruskin to excel
in their chosen field. Supanee is also an
alumna, having studied at Cambridge
College of Arts & Technology (CCAT). She
enjoyed a forty year career as a leading
international business figure and is
acknowledged for bringing innovative
technology from Europe into Hong Kong,
and in doing so, making Hong Kong a
serious competitor in the global market
within the watch and optical industries.
The Supanee Gazeley Fine Art prize is an
award to support and encourage Fine Art
students in developing their work. It gives
the opportunity for public recognition and
celebration of the work of the student
judged to have produced the best body
of work displayed at the Degree Show.
Aspects Summer 2009
nt news
to support the Ashcroft International Business School
This new gift will not only provide funding
for the construction of a new building for
our Ashcroft International Business School
in Cambridge but will also support the
launch of our new Institute for International
Management Practice which will have
a presence not only in the UK, but also
in at least two international locations.
“I am delighted to support Anglia
Ruskin University in its plans to
create a new business school
facility in Cambridge, which will
encourage and develop the next
generation of young entrepreneurs
and business leaders.” Lord Ashcroft
The focus of the new Institute’s underlying
philosophy will be on real world management
challenges and will be the next step in our
continuing drive to establish our business
school as a world leader in practice-based
teaching and research. The new facilities
and the appointment of a cadre of chairs
in International Management Practice will
provide a fantastic environment for students,
researchers and practising managers
to study. Lord Ashcroft was particularly
impressed by the real-world relevance of
the new Institute which is aiming to provide
opportunities for students to develop their
business and entrepreneurial skills to
become the next generation of international
entrepreneurs and business leaders.
The timing of the gift also means that we
expect to benefit to the tune of £1.67
million under the Government’s matched
funding scheme, making Lord Ashcroft’s
donation worth more than £6.5 million to
Anglia Ruskin.
Cambridge School of Art and I am
delighted to have won this new and
prestigious prize. My artistic practice has
developed to a point where I am excited
by the endless possibilities of new work.’
Patsy Rathbone winner of the Supanee Gazeley
Fine Art prize 2009, with Albert Gazeley
This year the award was presented
to Patsy Rathbone for her installation
project called, ‘Tell me where she lives’,
comprising acrylic paint, wallpaper and
a wooden door. The Award was presented,
by Supanee’s husband Albert Gazeley at
a private view.
Patsy Rathbone commented: ‘I’ve really
enjoyed my time as a student at the
Each of the judges agreed that Patsy
Rathbone’s outstanding installation merited
the award. As the remit of the Supanee
Gazeley Prize is to help a developing artist
in his or her early career, we hope this
award encourages Patsy to develop her
work as an artist and helps her further her
studies on our Master of Fine Art course.
Update on the Government
matched funding scheme
In the last issue I talked about the new
scheme launched by the UK Government
to promote a culture of individual
philanthropic giving to our universities.
Over the next three years £200 million
will be allocated to universities who have
managed to raise funds themselves.
We are aiming to secure up to £2.75
million from this allocation, and we have
already made an excellent start with
the donations from Lord Ashcroft and
Dr Supanee Gazeley and the generosity
of other alumni and supporters.
Under the scheme, for every £100 we
raise, we will get another £33 from the
government, and if our supporters are UK
tax payers and donate this with GiftAid
which means that we can claim the tax
back, then the value we receive rises to
a massive £70. Every bit of support, large
or small, will make a big difference, and
the scheme applies to donations from
supporters anywhere in the world.
We have put the full details of the scheme
on our website,
so if you are interested in making a
donation or finding out more, please
do take a look and contact us.
Sandra Hollis
Vice-President, International and Development
Aspects Summer 2009
Kazuno Kohara
MA Children’s Book Illustration,
Manish Bhasin
BA Hons Communication Studies
and English, 1997
Ghosts in the House! A media life
in focus
journalism diploma in Cardiff,
he went on to spend five years
at BBC Radio Leicester as their
sports presenter. It was from
there that he reported the
Leicester Tigers’ last minute
victory against Stade Francais
in the 2001 Rugby European
Cup Final in Paris.
Alumna Kazuno Kohara, who
graduated with the MA in
Children’s Book Illustration
in 2007, has been lauded
in national and international
press, with her first book, voted
by the New York Times as one
of 10 Best Illustrated Children’s
Books 2008 by a panel of
judges appointed to select
books from aong the severeal
thousand children’s books
published that year.
Renowned illustrator John
Lawrence, who himself
appeared in the New York
Times 10 Best Illustrated
Children’s Books List in 2002
for his book This Little Chick
(Walker Books) said, “I’m
thrilled for Kazuno; it took 30
years for one of my books to be
chosen for such a distinction
and she has done it with her
first book. It will help sales
enormously and Kazuno will get
wider publicity and distribution
as a consequence.”
Kazuno’s book, which she
wrote and illustrated, describes
a girl and her cat moving into
an old house at the edge of
town. “It was a splendid
place,” she writes, “but there
was one problem. The house
was... haunted!” The book,
described as ‘sweet and
beautiful’ by New York Times
Book Review Editor Gregory
Cowles, is available in the UK
from Macmillan Children’s
Books and is called The
Haunted House. In the US the
title is Ghosts in the House!
From Roaring Brook Press.
John Lawrence, who has
illustrated books for the likes
of Phillip Pullman, teaches
on our MA in Children’s Book
Illustration – many of the
course’s graduates go on
to sign publishing deals.
For more information please
contact the Pathway Leader,
Martin Salisbury,
As a young lad from
Leicestershire, sports fanatic
Manish Bhasin (BA Hons
Communication Studies and
English, 1997) grew-up
dreaming about becoming a
professional footballer and
always made time for his
favourite programmes, Match
of the Day and Sports Report
on BBC Radio 2. Although
his childhood dream didn’t
materialise, it’s very apt
that his career in the sports
spotlight as a top television
presenter means that he gets
to concentrate on what he
loves every day of the week.
Manish has become a familiar
face since he was asked to
take over the anchorman slot
of BBC One’s Saturday
afternoon show Football Focus
back in 2005. Having decided
on a career in the media after
being shown the newsroom
and studios of BBC Radio
Leicester, Manish came to
Anglia Ruskin to study. He
graduated in 1997 and after
completing a broadcast
Having joined ITV’s Central
News East from 2001, Manish
was covering the region’s sport
when he earned himself a
nomination for ‘Regional Sports
Presenter of the Year’ at the
Royal Television Society Sport
Awards. Then, in February
2004, he joined Football Focus
as a reporter, previewing all
the footballing action over the
weekend. After only a short time
there, the following season
Manish replaced Ray Stubbs on
the programme, becoming the
show’s youngest regular anchor
at just 27.
Since becoming the presenter
for Football Focus, a highlight
in his life that Manish has
referred to as “the best moment
so far”, he has hosted the
highlights of the 2006/07
Ashes and the 2007 World
Cup. He also presented
highlights of the African Cup of
Nations in 2006 and reported
live from the FIFA World Cup in
Manish can be seen often on
the BBC News Channel and
continues to present Football
Focus with regular pundits
Mark Lawrenson and Lee
Aspects Summer 2009
Patricia Scotland BA Law, 1976
Rt Hon Baroness Patricia Scotland
of Asthal, QC, Attorney General
Patricia Scotland’s stepping-stone into the
legal world began back in the 1970s when
she studied for a law degree at the Mid
Essex Technical College in Chelmsford,
one of Anglia Ruskin’s fore-runner colleges.
After graduating in 1976, she decided to
study for the bar rather than becoming
a solicitor.
Patricia was called to the bar in 1977 and
also entered the political arena in 1997.
Under Labour, she held posts in the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Lord
Chancellor’s Office, Trade & Industry and
the Home Office. Now she is Baroness
Scotland of Asthal, Attorney General for
England, Wales and Northern Ireland –
the highest legal post in the UK.
Appointed by Prime Minister Gordon
Brown in June 2007, Baroness Scotland
is the Government’s chief legal adviser,
undertaking legal proceedings on behalf
of the Government, and with overall
responsibility for departments such as the
Crown Prosecution Service and Revenue
and Customs. She also acts in an
independent public interest role for deciding
individual criminal cases. Remarkably, she
is the first woman to assume this role since
its inception in 1315. But Patricia is no
stranger to firsts – she is the first Caribbean
woman to become a Bencher of Middle
Temple and jointly the first black woman
peer when elevated to the Lords in 1997.
Born in Dominica in 1955 and brought
to England as a two-year-old, Baroness
Scotland’s rise to the very pinnacle of the
legal profession is even more notable for
her rise from humble beginnings in
Walthamstow, East London. In an interview
in Lawyer 2B magazine, Baroness Scotland
is frank about the prejudices and social
barriers she has encountered. “England in
those days had quite limited aspirations
for black kids… you couldn’t have any job
which involved intellectual rigour.” Her
determination to face those social
constraints head-on, encouraged by parents
she describes as ‘inspirational’, led her to
undertake a career in which she could use
her talents for the benefit of others. In
1991 her determination to succeed was
rewarded when, at the age of 35, she
became the youngest person to take silk
since William Pitt the Younger, and the
youngest-ever female QC (Queen’s
Counsel). She became a judge in 1999 and
was raised to the Privy Council in 2001.
Since becoming Attorney General, Baroness
Scotland has continued to reform the post
and the other organisations she oversees.
She has introduced a successful
programme of legal measures to deal with
domestic violence, and together with teams
of specialist magistrates, prosecutors and
support, there has been a huge reduction
in the percentage of incidences of domestic
violence – and an increase in successful
prosecutions. She has also introduced
the crime of familial homicide, preventing
those jointly accused of killing a child
from escaping justice by each blaming the
other or by remaining silent. At the time
of writing, Baroness Scotland was in the
news headlines as she was reviewing the
sentences handed down in the Baby Peter
case to see if they were unduly lenient. In
her power as Attorney General she is able
to examine and refer certain cases to the
Court of Appeal for review.
Baroness Scotland has also been
encouraging pro bono work, launching an
international database to encourage best
practice. She believes that universities
should set up law clinics to enable students
to carry out pro bono work in order to inject
real life into their studies.
We are delighted and proud to count
Baroness Scotland among our alumni.
Aspects Summer 2009
Victoria Harrison and Jacob Mayfield
BA Hons Creative Music Technology, 2008
Laptop Pop
How has your
degree helped you?
“I met with a visual artist
recently and he drew my
attention to colouring within
the lighting and in skin tones,
which I wouldn’t have noticed
otherwise, and it’s like that
with sound. Our degree
encouraged us to listen to the
details and I believe one of
Jake’s strengths is his attention
to detail and texture.”
Having just moved to London to
give their music fresh impetus
before their tour, graduates
Victoria Harrison and Jacob
Mayfield (both BA Hons Creative
Music Technology, 2008) could
be the next big thing. Since
meeting at Anglia Ruskin in
2006, their collaboration as
Victoria and Jacob has brought
them to the pages of the NME
and an interview on BBC
6music. Their edgy sound
combines conventional
instruments with sweet vocals,
electro bleeps and laptop beats
(plus samples and other
gizmos), so it’s little surprise
that the press have been
favourably comparing them
with Björk and Joanna Newsom.
I recently spoke with Victoria.
How did it all start?
“We both lived in the same halls
of residence but had our first
discussion about music after
a concert at Kettles Yard art
gallery. We soon realised that
we wanted to work together; we
were into the same scenes and
had a very similar outlook on
making music. At the time
Jacob was looking to work
with a female vocalist, so we
swapped some ideas. Over the
following summer I spent some
time in Israel and took a track
of Jacob’s to work on. We both
like to be alone when writing,
so it makes sense to email ideas
back and forth and we have
worked this way ever since.”
Are you musicians
full time?
“No, we both have full-time
jobs in London, and spend our
precious days off rehearsing
and playing shows. We spend a
lot of time emailing promoters
and updating websites, so it
would be nice one day to be
able to just concentrate on
making music and have other
people do the slightly more
mundane things.”
What are your
musical influences?
“At university we studied the
works of experimental
composers John Cage and
Francis Dhomont, and we take
inspiration from their approach
What advice can
you give about a
career in music?
”Don’t let the idea of it being a
career influence the music you
are writing, listen to as much
music as possible and if you
believe in it then that’s all that
Do you have fond
memories of Anglia
“A typical day would be to
wake up and go to a lecture,
then coffee on Mill Road with
friends, discuss music, perhaps
do a couple of hours of
programming and get
bines conventi
Their edg
et vocals, elec
ptop beats
bleeps and la
to sound. We both listen to a lot
of folk and electronica, and
there are a handful of bands
doing a similar thing to us who
have recently started to get
recognition, such as James Yuill,
Broadcast 2000 and Spokes.
Those musicians closer to home
inspire us the most. I’m loving
the latest album by Swedish
multi-instrumentalist Loney
Dear, and current favourites of
ours are Animal Collective, Four
Tet, Burial, and CocoRosie.”
completely boggled and realise
how little you know. Jacob and
I would often spend afternoons
and evenings round his drinking
tea and working on recordings.
Cambridge has a wonderful
relaxed atmosphere, with
beautiful architecture and it’s a
small town so you can be sure
to bump into someone you
know, we miss that at times.”
Victoria and Jacob release
their EP in September with the
record label Voga Parochia. For
more info, gigs and music see
Ollie Salman
Alumni & Development Officer
Aspects Summer 2009
David Wallace BA Hons Geography, 1978
Cycle ride inspires reunion
met John in reception (formerly the very
basic East Road car park in the 70’s) and
were given a very comprehensive campus
tour. The old refectory is now a state-ofthe-art library with all IT gizmos you would
expect. The huts by the cemetery are gone
and a phased redevelopment of the site
was apparent – flashy new buildings
seemed to have sprung up everywhere we
looked. We were pleased to see that the
Batman had survived, that one of the
buildings had been named after Peter
Taylor, Head of Geography, and also that
the small sports facility in the centre of
campus, had not only survived but was
now named after Doug Cosnett who
introduced us to squash back in the mid70s. Our tour ended in the Ruskin gallery
where we were photographed.
During a marathon cycle ride in Devon last
year, Joe, Nigel and I reminisced about our
old CCAT pals and how the college had
probably changed, so we decided on a
reunion in Cambridge before the end of the
year – I was tasked with the organisation.
After all, it was thirty years since we all
spent our formative years studying, most
of us Geographers.
Finding contact details, agreeing a date
and planning a fun programme was always
going to be tricky, and we knew some
would be unable to make it. And we were
saddened to hear that the Geography
Department had closed – Bronwen Walter
was the only member of the Geography
Department staff still at Anglia.
A few of us made the trip back to
Cambridge on the weekend of 29th/30th
November. We arranged to meet on
Saturday afternoon at the Globe on Hills
Road – this used to be our local as it was
only a few doors up from the house we all
shared in our final year. This house used
to be basic student accommodation, but
has now been redeveloped into luxury
retirement flats. Anyway, we all arrived
and within minutes were reintroduced to
typically biting cold, damp, forever-foggy
Cambridge weather. Might have been
something to do with the time of year!
The group included: Peter Murphy
(secondary school teacher living in
Tamworth); Steve Edley (retired early from
HM Customs & Excise living in Ramsgate);
Joe Bulman (Training Consultant living in
north London); and Nigel Philips (took
early retirement from a City Bank, now
works for a Charity). I’ve worked in Third
Sector for 30 years and am now CEO for
a popular charity that works with young
people and also the homeless.
First was a tour of the college and John
Walsh, a cartographer at Anglia, was to be
our guide. We had been warned about the
many changes, and changes we got. We
We then adjourned to our old haunts –
The Hopbine, The Free Press and The Mill
where we shared memories and stories
from over thirty years ago. Legendary
Nick Goddard field trips was one of the
highlights, including hedge dating in The
Fens during the wonderful hot summer of
1976, coach trips to Kent and Nottingham
looking at aspects of Historical Geography
and, of course, visits to notable CAMRA
hostelries. We recalled a visit to study
housing solutions in Harringey, north
London with Mary Lloyd – presenting
examples of Le Corbusier’s high rise flats
and even regentrification – and a field trip
during Easter 1976 when, at the end of our
first year, we descended on Sheffield looking
at a wide range of geographical issues.
Just a few snapshots. Oh happy days!
It was a great weekend with no-one
wanting it to end. Would we do it again?
Course we would!
David Wallace
BA Hons Geography, 1978
Aspects Summer 2009
Alumni news bites
We are delighted that alumnus Nick Crane
(BA Hons Geography, 1975) has accepted
a Visiting Professorship with Anglia Ruskin
University. Nick is best known for his books
and also for his television programmes
Coast, Map Man and Great British
Journeys. He presented the annual Ruskin
Lecture at our Cambridge campus last
autumn and will be coming in to give a talk
to current students later in the year, when
filming permits.
Norfolk potter Pat Southwold (1st in BA
Hons Studio Crafts, 1999, Lowestoft
College) has good reason to look forward to
the summer holidays as she is off to Japan
to spend six weeks as Artist in Residence
in Tokoname. Pat was selected as one of
10 ceramic artists worldwide to participate
in the IWCAT 2009 workshop. This
prestigious event, now in its 25th year, is
held in a town famous for ceramics from
Japanese medieval times to the present
day. Pat will stay with a host family and a
bicycle will be her trusty steed about town.
Last summer we ran an article on Patrick
Chaplin – ‘Dr Darts’ – when he became
an Anglia Ruskin History Research Fellow.
His book based on his PhD research,
Darts in England: A social history has
now been published and can be ordered
Maria Gough, national winner of the UNISON Eastern Region Adult Learners Award
Patrick (PhD 2006) hopes that a
paperback version will be published next
year. He has also recently published The
Art of Darts – a joint writing venture with
three-time World Professional Darts
Champion, John Lowe. Patrick has also
been working with John Lowe to update
John’s autobiography Old Stoneface,
alongside working as a consultant for the
darts chapter of Simon Inglis’ forthcoming
book Played in Pubs. And if that was not
enough, Patrick’s own book The Complete
Guide to Darts is scheduled for publication
in New York in early 2010. Needless to say
Patrick is already working on at least two
more darts-related tomes!
Anglia Ruskin alumna Sarah Malone
(Postgraduate Diploma in Arts
Administration, 2003) has become the
high-profile figurehead for Donald Trump’s
new £1 billion golf resort at Menie in
Aberdeenshire, having been appointed
as Executive Vice-President of Trump
International Golf Links Scotland. Sarah
came to study at Anglia Ruskin in
Cambridge after graduating with an
Honours degree in Fine Art at Glasgow
School of Art. Speaking of her new
position, Sarah is quoted in The Scotsman
saying “my education stood me in good
stead for my latest challenge … it was
fantastic training. I am a creative person
and this is a visionary project.” We wish
Sarah every success.
Senior Nurse Practitioner and UNISON
Learning Representative Maria Gough
(DHE Professional Studies, ENB courses,
BSc Hons and LLM Medical Law &
Practice, 2008) is the national winner of
the UNISON Eastern Region Adult Learners
Award. Maria received the regional award
at Duxford Imperial War Museum, and then
the national award from Princess Anne
at Westminster. Maria said of the award,
“I really didn’t think that I would actually
win it! This is one of life’s most humbling
experiences – it is an absolute honour
to receive such a prestigious award and
to be seen as a role model, as well as
an inspiration to others.” Maria said she
always felt very comfortable at Anglia as
there were “so many mature learners like
me so I didn’t stick out like a sore thumb
on campus! And I am really grateful to the
late Rodney Wood for his mentorship: he
was very gifted in the art of teaching and
having been a student for so long, I know
a gifted teacher when I see one!”
Aspects Summer 2009
David’s Away Day Ian releases
Looking back at his student days, David
Fairley remembers some of his happiest
and most creative years. He feels as if his
time at university laid a foundation of
creativity that he has thrived on ever since.
David started studying music, but soon
decided to change his degree to jointly
incorporate Graphic Art. Although he had
no formal art qualifications, David believes
it was his enthusiasm that persuaded the
head of department to give him a chance,
and he would like to think that he made
the most of it. In his second year he was
elected Assistant Communications Officer
for the Students’ Union, giving him the
opportunity to help in the production of
the SU magazine.
David found the Art and Music departments
to be very creative and well-appointed
environments. He was delighted to be
given the chance to perform some of his
compositions at a local venue and the
Music department was happy to support
him by loaning equipment.
One of the main reasons David initially
chose to study at Anglia was its location –
Cambridge is world-renowned for being a
young and vibrant university city, and it
didn’t disappoint! Although Cambridge has
a relaxed and academic atmosphere,
there is plenty of night life too. Possibly
the hardest aspect of David’s studies at
Anglia was trying to balance study and
coursework with a hectic and enjoyable
social life!
After graduating in 1996 with a BA
(Hons) Music, Graphic Art & Illustration,
David remained in Cambridge, continuing
to be involved in the city’s electronic
music scene. It wasn’t until many years
after leaving the city that he started
writing and came up with the idea for
his current novel, Away Day – a bawdy
comedy that follows the exploits of a
group of professional footballers who
become stranded in an unknown jungle.
Although their names are changed, there
are obvious parallels between the book’s
characters and some of the heroes
(Gazza), villains (C Ronaldo) and jokers
(Beckham) of the modern game. Although
the situations that the characters find
themselves in are sometimes farcical,
the book stands up as an enjoyable and
absorbing action/adventure story as well.
It is available for order through bookshops
or online stores and has so far been very
well-received by its readers.
new album
After completing a BA in Fine Art in
1990, video artist and composer Ian
Harris graduated from Anglia Ruskin
in 2003 with an MA in Music. His
compositions include orchestral and
vocal music and soundtracks for short
films – Ian’s music for an imaginary
film version of Thomas Mann’s novel
Tonio Kröger was broadcast on BBC
Radio 3 in 2001. Commissions and
performances include Meta-Flight, a
work for clarinet, violin, cello and piano
for the Greenbelt Festival. In 2003
Cloud Garden for vibraphone and
strings, was selected for inclusion
on the 2003–2006 Society for the
Promotion of New Music shortlist, and
this score is now included in the British
Music Information Centre collection in
London. Since 2003 Ian has produced
a series of short films that explore the
interplay between music, language,
text and image. Two of these films –
The Journey Home and The Land Of
Childhood were broadcast on Sky
Television in 2006 and 2007. Ian’s
films have also been screened at various
festivals, galleries and events in the UK.
His latest album is The Wisdom of
Winter, a beautiful and haunting
collection of nine songs and three
instrumental pieces that explore inner
and outer landscapes. For further
information on Ian please visit his
website at
David Fairley
Ian Harris
BA (Hons) Music, Graphic Art & Illustration, 1996 MA Music, 2003
Aspects Summer 2009
Tom Morgan-Jones
BAH Illustration, 1999
Robert Hutchinson
DMS, 1995
Tom illustrates
War on Terror
By the summer of 2003, they had a
working model illustrated by Tom, 16
pages of rules and a willing guinea pig
(Tom!) to test it on, followed by a
prototype in 2004. Two year later, after
much testing and refining, they finally
had it: a funny, creative, compelling game
that worked just as well with 2 players as
with 6. Raising the funds to produce the
game was no easy matter, but they were
very lucky to find a few understanding
and trusting investors who helped them
with many things, but most importantly
provided the cash. They finally released
the game in November 2006.
Graduating in 1999 with BAH in Illustration,
Tom Morgan-Jones is now an award-winning
illustrator based in Cambridge. His work –
from children’s books and magazines to
satirical board games – is widely known
and internationally published.
Early in 2003 Tom and his friends Andrew
Sheerin and Andy Tomkins – both directors
and founders of TerrorBull Games – put
their heads together and thought how
interesting it would be to develop a game
based on the War on Terror. They didn’t
actually think it would be that funny until
they had a vision of the Axis of Evil being
a spinner in the middle of the board.
War on Terror, the boardgame was born...
Since its launch in November 2006,
War on Terror, the boardgame had sold
out in North America, thanks to extensive
coverage. The game has also found an
unusually willing audience in the US
military with serving GIs requesting the
game in Afghanistan and Iraq!
TerrorBull Games create games that help
people grapple with the more unpleasant
things in life. Their second game
illustrated by Tom is Crunch, a card game
that places the players in the role of a
global banking CEO having to juggle the
conflicting demands of your ailing bank
and your flourishing bank account.
To find out more about War on Terror or
Crunch games or to order yourself any of
the games please contact Tom MorganJones,
Old Dog
Learns New
In 1995 when Robert Hutchinson
decided to study at Anglia for a DMS he
was working as Managing Director of one
of the largest Underwriting Agencies at
Lloyd’s of London. At that time Lloyd’s
was wrestling with major change
following extreme losses that placed huge
pressure on Robert, and all Underwriting
Agents, in the build up to completion of
their Reconstruction & Renewal initiative.
Predicting considerable shrinkage at
Lloyd’s, Robert decided to up-skill and
refresh his qualifications. Following
research, it was clear that our University’s
DMS offered an attractive mix of business
related subjects. Robert commented,
“my career at Lloyd’s had spanned almost
20 years, man and boy. However, I had
become professionally institutionalised
and really needed to ‘break out’ into the
wider world.” The DMS course helped
both refine and confirm his established
business management methods,
introduced new thinking and abilities and
provided the foundations for moving on
to new challenges. It also helped Robert
to develop his thinking and attitude to
a broad sweep of business issues and
interaction with fellow students from a
wide variety of private and public sector
backgrounds gave him a wider
perspective of the business world.
Since graduating Robert has moved on
from Lloyd’s, successfully buying and
selling several companies in the HR
Services sector. Most recently he has
returned to his first love, the Financial
Services sector, establishing his own
Aspects Summer 2009
Jean Fullerton
Nursing, 1999
Wealth Management practice as a Partner
representing St James’s Place, advising
both private and corporate clients. .
The regulatory environment for Financial
services imposes very high standards
which are more than fully embraced by
Robert and St James’s Place, who have
won the coveted FT & Investors Chronicle
‘Best Wealth Manager’ for 2008 and
2009 following winning the Daily
Telegraph ‘Wealth Manager of the year
2007 and 2008’.
Going forward Robert intends to build
his practice through organic growth
and acquisition, “the current wealth
management market has huge potential
and I look forward to building on the
success achieved so far and to returning to
Anglia in the near future for further study.”
From NHS to award
winning Author
Jean Fullerton grew up in a large Irish
immigrant family in the overcrowded
streets clustered around the Tower of
London. It was when Jean went to school
that she discovered her love for English
History, especially of the 18th and 19th
century. Growing up in the streets of
London has given her stories a true
historical East London distinctive
Without giving too much away, No Cure for
Love, it is a love story set in East London
featuring a respectable but poor Irish
widow called Ellen. To support her mother
and daughter, Ellen earns money washing
laundry by day and singing in pubs by
night, but Danny Donovan, a local gangster
and landlord of the pubs that Ellen sings in,
intends to make her his mistress. The novel
is set in the dark underworld of early 1832
In 1999 Jean graduated from our
University with a BSc Specialist
Practitioners (District Nursing) and was
working firstly as a District Nurse in
Newham and later as a Locality Manager
in Havering PCT. Due to the nature of the
job, Jean was sent on a training course for
stress management. Recommending how
to reduce stress at work, the course
advised participants to undertake some
form of recreational activity. As Jean had
always enjoyed reading historical romances
and often thought of writing one herself,
she opened her laptop and started to write
– after a few months she had written a
whole story, she could not believe it!
Since the successful release of No Cure for
Love in December 2008 Jean has had a
rollercoaster journey, bouncing from one
award evening to another and giving talks
to library groups throughout East London
and Essex! She is currently working on the
third story in the series which will again be
set in East London, down by the river. Jean
hopes this will be released during 2010, so
please watch out for it!
Jean had always had the passion to
become an author, but never thought she
could do it until she joined the Romantic
Novelist Association in 2003. Being part
of this association enabled Jean to write,
have her work reviewed by experienced
authors and receive constructive criticism.
After a few years and half a dozen novels,
Jean wrote, No Cure for Love. In 2006
that same novel won the Harry Bowling
Prize and in June 2007 Jean signed up
with a literary agent after which, in
September 2007, she was offered a
contract for two books by Orion Publishing.
No Cure for Love was released in
December last year and the second in the
four part series, A Glimpse at Happiness,
in due for release in November 2009.
You can keep up-to-date with Jean’s diary
by visiting
Sharon Wuyts
Alumi and Development Officer
Aspects Summer 2009
Christopher Mitchell PhD, 2007
Young entrepreneur’s
sound solution
When it comes to internet
browsing most of us can
‘google-it’ to find the info we
need. But what if you wanted
to find a specific sound? And
if the sounds haven’t been
labelled, where do you start?
Entrepreneur Christopher
Mitchell, a 29-year-old PhD
graduate from Anglia Ruskin,
has been working on an
innovative solution.
Chris is at the helm of his
Cambridge-based company
Audio Analytic, which is
gearing-up to shape the future
of internet searches. As part
of his PhD Chris developed a
platform level technology that
‘aligns music genre taxonomies’
and his company is now further
developing the product to take
it to market. Put simply, it’s a
black box computer that ‘listens’
to sounds, and by analysing and
identifying their audio signals it
automatically attaches labels for
them to be classified, and
hence ‘searched’. It can identify
sounds from dogs barking to
various genres of music and its
adaptability means that it will
suit several different markets,
including internet searches,
TV programme archiving and
– most brilliantly – it could be
used as an aid to security and
public safety by differentiating
sounds like screams and
breaking glass on CCTV.
After his self-funded PhD,
Chris is now working around
the clock to see his idea to
fruition. He has secured a
£20,000 grant and the product
is in commercial trials with
Addenbrooke’s Hospital
in Cambridge, which was
supported with an EEDA proof
of concept grant. “We are
currently awaiting the outcome
of the trial so we can begin
selling the product,” says Chris.
Chris came to Anglia Ruskin for
a Science Foundation course,
since he didn’t have A-level
Maths to enter directly onto
the Audio Music Technology
programme. “We studied Maths
almost exclusively”, remembers
Chris, under the “steady,
but stern” watch of Susan
Matthews. As an example
of lifelong learning, Chris
progressed to study the BSc
Audio & Music Technology,
which he both enjoyed and
found greatly beneficial.
“Subsequently this led to me
starting a PhD,” he comments,
“spurred on by tutors Tim
Reynolds, Douglas Nunn and
supervised by Marcian Cirstea.”
transfer efforts.” Chris then
spent 3 months working for
Cisco systems in San José,
California, as part of a new
Internal Media Solutions
Division working on a white
label social network platform.
This was the highlight of his
experience, “seeing how a
$100 billion a year company
in the heart of Silicon Valley
Audio Analytic was officially
formed as a company in
September 2008. The initial
goal was to productise the
sound recognition technology
that Chris had studied,
and he’s come a long way.
“My degree helped a lot as it
…it could be used
as an aid to secu
and public safety
by differentiating
like screams and
breaking glass on
Near the end of his PhD,
Chris was shortlisted by the
National Council of Graduate
Entrepreneurship in a hunt for
the UK’s future entrepreneurial
talent. He was one of just 15
selected to spend 6 months
in the USA on a scholarship
in partnership with the Ewing
Marion Kauffman Foundation.
“We started off by working with
the Kauffman Institute to help
give us a good background
in the fundamentals of
entrepreneurship,” says Chris.
“After this we listened to
lectures and visited Stanford
and Harvard University where
we saw their technology
afforded me the time to find a
course and direction I massively
enjoyed and the PhD was
an extension of that interest,
which led onto my NCGE/
Kauffman Fellowship. The
fellowship helped me look
at the PhD subject area in a
commercial sense and allowed
me to spend time in the
US understanding how to
commercialise technology and
to set-up a company around it.”
For more information visit
Ollie Salman
Alumni & Development Assistant
Aspects Summer 2009
With 25,000 students, we are
one of the largest universities
in the East of England and one
of the leading university
providers of face-to-face,
part-time HE in the UK.
We were the first UK university
to provide training in Music
Therapy and now have a
Music Therapy Clinic on our
Cambridge campus.
Cambridge’s state-of-the-art
facilities include a human
energetic sports science lab,
multimedia sound and
recording studios and industrystandard equipment in
Forensic Science - recognised
as having some the best
laboratory facilities in the UK.
We collaborate with many
industry partners, including
Barclays Bank, Specsavers,
Boots and Vision Express.
Within the East of England
we are the largest provider
of undergraduate courses in
Subjects Allied to Medicine
and in Architecture, Building
and Planning.
Within the East of England
we are the largest provider
of undergraduate courses in
Subjects Allied to Medicine
and in Architecture, Building
and Planning.
We are the largest International
English Language Testing
Centre (IELTC) outside London.
We are one of the UK’s most
socially inclusive universities
- over 95% of our students
come from state schools.
Our impressive new
Rivermead campus has
excellent facilities, including
a mock courtroom, simulated
operating theatre and wards,
and the Helen Rollason Heal
Cancer Charity laboratory.
Many courses have a
vocational element, enabling
students to acquire practical
skills which are relevant to
the needs of industry
and professions.
Our Cambridge Ruskin
International College (CRIC)
helps recruit and prepare
overseas students for study
at HE level.
92% of our graduates go
into work or further study,
one of the highest
employability rates in the HE
sector (95% for Nursing and
96% for teaching, QTS).
92% of our graduates go
into work or further study,
one of the highest
employability rates in the HE
sector (95% for Nursing and
96% for teaching, QTS).
AIBS has undergraduate
and postgraduate degrees
in Enterprise &
Entrepreneurship, and all
our students can study a
module in entrepreneurship.
The Cambridge Centre for
Cricketing Excellence (UCCE)
means students can pursue
their cricket career at Anglia
Ruskin without compromising
their education.
We have many international
partnerships with institutions
in Europe and across the
Our School of Art has a
wonderful gallery space and
has produced many famous
alumni, including Ronald
Searle, Edward Bawden and
Fluck & Law (Spitting Image).
We are in touch with 50,000
alumni in over 130 countries
around the world.
We have 3 new research
institutes with another 3
We currently annually
engage with around 1,000
businesses and other
Our employer mentoring
scheme has Home Office
recognition, enabling our
students to gain detailed
experience of working
environments to prepare
them more effectively for
We have over 150 honorary
graduates, who have their
own dedicated website at
Chelmsford, home of our
Rivermead campus, was the
birthplace of radio – on 12th
December 1901, Guglielmo
Marconi transmitted the first
wireless signals across the
At Cambridge we have an
Optometry Clinic on campus
which is available to the
general public.
We were ranked 4th in the
Green League 2008 by People
& Planet, recognising our
progress towards sustainability.
In the 2008 Research
Assessment Exercise (RAE),
we rose 35 places in the league
tables, coming top of the ‘new’
universities for Psychology,
2nd for English Language &
Literature and 3rd for History.
A successful Strategic
Development Fund (SDF) bid
to HEFCE for £10m will support
and expand our work with
employers and deliver our
degrees in the workplace.
We have joined the Carbon
Trust’s HE Carbon Management
Programme to achieve ISO
14001 standard with a view
to improving our energy
efficiency and reducing
our environmental impact.
Our student radio station,
shared with the University of
Cambridge, won Best National
Student Radio Station 2007
and Best Presenter 2008.
Things you may not know about your University
Aspects Summer 2009
News in Brief
Win an i-Pod
draw results
I am delighted to be able to announce
the winners of the i-Pod draw advertised
in the last issue of Aspects.
Ashcroft International Business School
Claire Flynn (HND Business Studies
Faculty of Arts, Law & Social Sciences
Evangelia Christofides (BA Hons Graphic
Arts 2001)
Faculty of Education
Kevin Watts (MA Education 2004)
Faculty of Health & Social Care
Steven Pruner (DHE Registered Mental
Nurse 2004)
Faculty of Science & Technology
Weifeng Wan (MSc Network Security
Congratulations to our winners and
thank you to everyone who took part.
Promote your business
on our website!
Run your own business? Want to reach
50,000 alumni worldwide? If so, we are
still offering our alumni the chance to
promote their business on the alumni
website – and it’is absolutely free.
If you’re not featured at the moment, but
would like to be, just send me your web
address along with a short summary of
the services your company provides and
I’ll put you on the alumni website. It’s as
easy as that!
It’s great that so many of you run your
own business, so if you are one of them
but are not on the site, email today!
Sue Jacobs
Head of Alumni Relations
Anglia Ruskin wins
Lord Stafford Awards
Two of our shortlisted projects were
successful: Sancton Wood School
(Impact through Innovation category)
The Learning Needs Profiler (LNP),
project led by Professor Eamon Strain
and Angela Barry, Faculty of Science &
Technology; and Air Pollution Products
& Systems (Innovation for Sustainability
category) Rotary Atomiser, project led by
Professor Hassan Shirvani and Dr Ahad
Ramezanpour, Faculty of Science &
Technology. Full details at
University Foundation
NHS Trust
status awarded to the South Essex
Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT)
recognising the Trust as a centre of
learning excellence in its own right.
This breaks new ground, with the
award recognising that the educational
achievements of all SEPT’s staff –
doctors, nurses, social-care staff,
psychologists, therapists and the
managerial and other non-clinical staff –
contribute significantly to the Trust’s
academic excellence and keep it at the
forefront of practice. A formal academic
partnership with Anglia Ruskin is in the
pipeline, starting with the Trust delivering
University-accredited courses in cognitive
behavioural therapy (CBT) and modern
creative therapy courses.
Donating unwanted
On closure of our central campus
last autumn we donated most of our
unwanted equipment and furniture
to local groups and charities, thereby
ensuring we minimised the waste we
sent to landfill whilst also supporting
local groups. We also helped a rural
community in Ghana by donating all
redundant video equipment and furniture
to the recently established Evangelical
Presbyterian University College. They were
very appreciative of our donation of 40 TVs
and 60 overhead projectors.
University Centre
In January Anglia Ruskin and Peterborough
Regional College (PRC) jointly hosted a
groundbreaking event to herald the start
of building at the University Centre £8.5m
development on PRC’s Park Crescent
campus. The joint venture Centre, which
is expected to be completed by September
2009, will build on the top-quality higher
education provision that has been offered
in the city through PRC over the last
12 years and will complement the work
Anglia Ruskin is already undertaking in
Peterborough in health education and
economic development.
Students produce Hamfatter
music video
Anglia Ruskin students Marco Baratto (BSC
New Media Production) and John Clayton
(BA Film & TV Production) have produced
the official video for the new single by
Dragons Den winners, Hamfatter. The
Cambridge band walked away with a
£75,000 investment from Peter Jones to
finance their new CD. Marco directed the
video, editing it and adding visual effects,
while John was cameraman and Steadicam
New Anglia Ruskin
Facebook page
We have now set up a Facebook page
which will help you keep up-to-date with
what’s going on with your University.
Whether it’s finding a friend or checking
out our events calendar, it’s good to be
connected and in the know. If you are
already a member, please add Sharon
Wuyts as your friend. Hot off the press,
AngliaAlumni is now on Twitter, please
follow us!
Aspects Summer 2009
For full details of future events and write-ups and photos of past events please visit
There is no charge for attendance at events, but you will need to book a place by emailing
Future events
Robert Murray Memorial
Saturday 7th November,
Cambridge campus, 2.00pm
Professor Christopher Andrew
will speak on ‘Secret Intelligence
and Modern British History’ –
see website.
Faculty of Health & Social Care
Thursday 10th September
2009, Fulbourn, Cambridge,
Our first FHSC event for
alumni, the evening includes
a reception drink and a buffet
and networking after the
presentations and Q&A.
Speakers will be Professor
Gordon Wishart (Consultant
Breast & Endocrine Surgeon
and Director of Breast Services,
Cambridge Breast Unit,
Addenbrooke’s Hospital)
and Wendy Durham (staff –
A Journey of our University).
Faculty of Education event
Saturday 19th September,
Rivermead Campus
Unfortunately the June event
has had to be cancelled.
However, we have rescheduled
for September and are working
on the final details as we go to
press, so put the date in your
diary now and watch the
website for final details!
Entrepreneurs’ Question Time
Wednesday 28th October
2009, Cambridge campus,
Following last year’s successful
event the 2009 EQT will be
in Cambridge. At this informal
evening, three of our alumni
entrepreneurs share their
knowledge and experience with
Past Events
you. What drove them to start
their own business? How did
they go about it? What were
the pitfalls? What are the
benefits? You are invited to
come along and find out about
the pleasure and the pain,
the ups and the downs. The
evening begins with a glass of
wine in The Street, and will
then move into the Mumford
Theatre for the presentations.
Malaysia Alumni Dinner
Saturday 31st October, Penang
Venue is not yet confirmed,
but will be on the website once
finalised along with details of
how to book a place.
Germany Networking Event
Saturday 14th November
2009, Berlin
Details are still being finalised,
so put the date in your diaries
and check the website for final
details of venue and how to
Psychology Event
Saturday 5th December 2009,
Cambridge campus,
Staff from the Department of
Psychology will give an update
on their research and there
will also be a guest speaker,
followed by a Q&A. You can then
catch up with old friends and
colleagues over a glass of wine.
Invite letters will be sent in
October to Psychology graduates
– but any alumni interested in
attending are welcome.
Skinner Young Memorial
The speaker for the English
Department’s annual lecture
will be Sir Brian Vickers
(date tbc).
As we go to press the European
Philosophy & Literature
reunion and the Law
Networking evening are taking
place – full write-ups in the
next issue.
Built Environment Event
29 April 2009
Despite competing with
a televised Champions
League Semi-Final between
Manchester United and
Arsenal, the lure of our first
Built Environment Event proved
strong, with large numbers of
our alumni and former staff
coming back to visit the
department’s new home
on our Rivermead campus.
Dr David Reid (Head of
Department) and Ian Frame
(Reader) welcomed guests
with department news before
Andrew Claiborne (Senior
Lecturer and Partner, Plater|
Claiborne Architecture +
Design) gave an informative
presentation about the changing
nature of various aspects of the
Built Environment over the last
ten years. Jerry Shoolbred from
our Estates department then
talked about the many changes
to our Chelmsford and
Cambridge campuses over the
years, and outlined our future
development plans. The evening
finished with networking, wine
and a buffet, and a tour around
the new Faculty Building. It was
a very enjoyable evening for all
and we look forward to hosting
a similar event for the
department in the future.
Photos are available on the
alumni website. Video of
presentations will be posted
after editing.
The Built Environm
ent event
Aspects Summer 2009
Ashcroft International Business School
Enterprising and Innovative
Students – Cambridge
entrepreneur acts as a
Final year undergraduates in the Ashcroft
International Business School presented
their business start-up plans as part of the
Small Business Management module. This
module has run for fifteen years and has
inspired our graduates to start in business
in reality.
The business start-ups proposed this year
included a chocolate bar and lounge in
Paris, a friendly student accommodation
letting agency, an online student
recruitment agency and a student book
exchange enterprise.
Some of the presentations on Thursday 7th
May were observed by Philip Baddeley, a
Cambridge-based entrepreneur and investor
who has devised ‘Equity Fingerprint’, a free
online equity-mapping tool and business
plan resource. Philip is working with some
Business School students on business
applications for his innovation and after his
Dragon’s Den experience with our student
teams wrote: “Thank you very much for
letting me sit in on the three excellent
presentations. I was very impressed by
the work and the delivery of the students, a
most rewarding and interesting afternoon”.
Involving real entrepreneurs and investors
in the delivery and assessment of business
modules makes a valuable touchstone with
the realities of the business world.
Ashcroft International
Business School joins
the Global Responsible
Leadership Initiative (GRLI)
AIBS has joined a pioneering network of
60 businesses and schools from across
the world whose mission is to promote
and support the development of a next
generation of globally responsible leaders.
The network, called The Global
Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI),
was started in 2004 by the European
Foundation of Management Development.
They recognised the growing and urgent
need to equip our emerging leaders with
the skills, knowledge and passion to
champion social and environmental
responsibility in the corporate world.
The GRLI is a unique global community
of action and learning, consisting of
organisations that work individually, in
pairs, in clusters and collectively to be a
‘dynamic laboratory for hands-on action’.
Jon Smith, Senior Lecturer at Ashcroft
International Business School, has recently
returned from the GRLI 7th General
Assembly in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, hosted
by Fundação Dom Cabral and Petrobras.
“This was a truly inspiring conference,
bringing together business schools and
business leaders from across the world.
We discussed the actions we will take to
develop a management education that
cultivates the new responsible leaders
that are so important in creating a more
sustainable future for us all.”
The current financial crisis has shown that
the ideal of a self-regulated system has led
us to failure on a global level with longterm implications to economic development
and human well-being. At the heart of this
failure is a lack of both responsibility and
leadership. A profound change in individual
behaviour patterns and corporate culture
would be required to shift the focus to
responsibility to the common good.
GRLI aims to re-formulate the purpose of
business to “create economic and societal
progress in a globally responsible and
sustainable way”. New leadership must
motivate, communicate, empower and
convince people to engage with a new
vision of sustainable development.
Business schools should educate ‘the
whole person’ as entrepreneurs, leaders
and corporate statesmen
Jon is now looking for a Business Partner
to develop and trial a project that will
progress the development of Responsible
Leadership. GRLI is also building a
community of Responsible young leaders
currently studying in or recently graduated
from the world’s business schools as GRLI
If you would like to become involved with
AIBS in the Global Responsible Leadership
Programme then please contact or
Philip Baddeley on the right with the student team who are wearing aprons from their student enterprise.
Aspects Summer 2009
Benchmark for the Justice
Anglia Law School has been awarded the
Skillsmark ‘seal of approval’ for its Legal
Practice Course, which is not only the
first in the country to receive Skillsmark
accreditation, but was awarded a Grade 1,
the top award of four possible grades.
Skillsmark was established by Skills for
Justice, the Sector Skills Council which
covers all employers, employees and
volunteers working in the UK justice
system, as part of its mission to link
learning to reputable and valued
qualifications. The course was described
as “meeting the needs of local and national
employers… through a number of effective
mechanisms for canvassing and utilising
employer views” which are used to inform
curriculum design and development. In
addition, teaching staff, learning outcome
and assessment design, method of
assessment and quality assurance
processes were all highly praised along
with the Law School’s “excellent modern
resources.” For further information about
our LPC course please contact course
Director Louise McKeon
Celebrated former student
gives creative awards to
budding art students
The second competition for the Searle
Award for Creativity, initiated by the great
artist and alumnus of the University,
Ronald Searle, was this year on the theme
of ‘War and Conflict’, an area which Searle
had studied at first hand during Word War
II when he was held by the Japanese in
The winner of the Searle Award for
Creativity 2009, which recognises
excellence in a range of artistic disciplines,
was third-year BA (Hons) Illustration &
Animation student Monika Umba (32),
who was praised for her series of high
impact digital prints which represent her
belief that the “faces of war never change”.
Monika Umba, Searle Award winner
The prints represent two sides of the coin;
war providing opportunity to some, and
diminishing the rights of others. She uses
original quotes and captions to underline
the strengths of her work and includes the
words of Bertrand Russell – “War does not
determine who is right, only who is left.”
Martin Salisbury, Reader in Illustration and
one of the judging panel commented that,
“Monica’s extensive body of work combined
intelligent use of visual metaphor with wellcrafted execution.”
Speaking about the prize win, Monika
said, “I am delighted and honoured to have
won this prestigious award. It is tangible
proof that with a bit of hard work and
persistence, dreams can come true.
I would like to express my gratitude to
Ronald Searle and the organisers of the
competition for presenting such a great
opportunity to students of Anglia Ruskin.
I would like to thank my tutors, who played
a major role in my success.”
This competition is now firmly established
within the Cambridge School of Art’s events
calendar. Cambridge School of Art is
launching its new Master of Fine Art in
September 2009. For further information
please contact Nick Devison
Publishing Proofs:
Cambridge speaks Volumes!
In May, Anglia Ruskin hosted a series of
publishing events over two days, including
a Symposium at the Pitt Building in the
afternoon organised jointly with Cambridge
University Press, to bring together key
industry specialists with academics
from Anglia Ruskin, followed by a digital
publishing networking event in the
evening, co-sponsored by CaMedia.
At our Publishing Industry Day on 15th
May, Alexandra Pringle, Editor-in-Chief
at Bloomsbury and an alumna of our
University, was our guest keynote speaker.
Alexandra spoke about her experiences in
the industry and there were opportunities
for attendees to talk to literary agents and
listen to specialists from Salt Publishing,
Cambridge University Press, Essential
Works. For further information about
our MA in Publishing please contact
Dr Samantha Rayner
( or
Laura Dietz (
for our MA in Creative Writing.
Faculty of Arts, Law & Social Sciences
Aspects Summer 2009
Faculty of Education
Opportunities for
Postgraduate Study
in September 2009
Thinking about pursuing a career
in teaching? Look no further!
PGCE Secondary Education –
Start in September 2009!
Do you have an Honours degree or
extensive relevant commercial experience
in Modern Foreign Languages, Science,
Mathematics or Information
Communication Technology (ICT)?
Our PGCE Secondary Education (Initial
Teacher Training) course will prepare you
to be a subject specialist secondary school
teacher working with pupils between the
ages of 11–16. We still have spaces
available in specialist subjects including:
Modern Foreign Languages, Science,
Mathematics and ICT. This is a one
year full-time course offered from our
Chelmsford Campus.
Should you wish to apply for any of these
vacancies please apply via the GTTR
website at
Postgraduate Courses for
Early Years Professionals
professional practice. The course is based
on the concept of practitioner-based
enquiry in order to link theory with practice
and impact on pupils’/students’ learning.
The programme aims to support your
continuing development as a practicing
teacher. The acquisition of credit at Masters
Level can be used as evidence for meeting
teachers’ performance management
objectives and for those applying for
threshold assessment.
MA Learning and Teaching
Higher education is a rapidly evolving
sector and there is an increasing emphasis
on the quality of learning and teaching,
as well as on the need to research. This
programme will help you to keep up with
new ideas in learning and teaching and key
issues which affect the whole sector such
as widening participation, e-Learning and
the development of policy in HE.
Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong
Learning Sector (DTLLS)
This programme offers you an opportunity
to gain the initial knowledge and skills
required to become a qualified teacher of
people aged 16 and over. You should have
access to teaching or training people aged
16 or over. Successful completion of the
Diploma means that you will gain the
qualification necessary for you to gain
Qualified Teacher and Learning and Skills
(QTLS) status.
If you need further information please
contact our Contact Centre on 0845 271
3333 or email
Focus on New Publications
Knight, S (2009) Forest Schools and
Outdoor Play in the Early Years, Sage
Publications. ISBN: 978-1-84787-277-7
Sara Knight, Senior Lecturer in Early Years,
is delighted to announce the launch of her
new publication. Since its recent launch,
Sara has now sold in excess of 1,500
Learning outside the classroom is an
essential part of early years education and
this book looks at the opportunities the
Forest School experience can offer young
children for learning outdoors, and how
this fits into the early years curriculum.
By offering clear guidance on what the
Forest School approach can achieve, the
book shows you how to incorporate good
practice into all outdoor play activities. This
is an inspirational read for anyone working
in early years education, and for all those
who care about the future of our young
children and the world in which they are
growing up.
MA Early Years Professional Practice
*subject to validation
Our new MA Early Years Professional
Practice, subject to validation, aims to
develop individual practitioners practice
and to establish a sustainable community
of practice. Already experienced
practitioners on entry, students will aspire
towards ‘Leading Practitioner’ status. Given
this aspiration, the course will present
students with a range of opportunities
to rehearse and hone the full range of
professional skills.
Postgraduate Courses
for Teaching Professionals
MA Education
The MA Education is designed to develop
and enhance your professional knowledge,
skills and understanding of contemporary
Sara Knight with
her book
Aspects Summer 2009
Dear All
It only seems five minutes since I last wrote to you but looking back it is fantastic to
review and celebrate the achievements of FHSC over the last academic year.
The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) results show research at the University
is increasing in strength and scope. At Faculty level the reputation was further enhanced
with over 10% of submissions being classed as world-leading and a further 35%
internationally excellent in the areas of Allied health, Social work and Social policy.
The Faculty has achieved excellent reviews for our undergraduate nursing and social
work courses from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the General Social
Care Council (GSCC).
Doctor is shortlisted for
implementing ‘obesity’ risk
Valerie Shephard (Research Fellow) was
shortlisted for the Akinsanya Award 2009
for Doctoral Scholarship in nursing for her
4 year PhD research which explored the
stability of methods of measuring body
composition to identify dangerous obesity
within General Practice.
We appointed the title of ‘University Foundation NHS Trust’ to South Essex Partnership
NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT). SEPT is a leading-edge mental health and social care
trust and the first in the country to be awarded University Trust status.
Gwyneth Wilson was appointed in November 2008 as a joint appointment between
FHSC and Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust. Gwyneth will spend four days a
week as Director of Nursing at Mid Essex and one day at our university as a Clinical
Academic Fellow. This appointment is again a first within higher education.
After the success of the PMI conference in March we are pleased to announce details
of the 6th Annual Mental health conference which will take place on the 8th July at
our Chelmsford campus. Please visit our website for further details;
Away from the academic side our marketing and recruitment team were nominated
for a 2009 HEIST marketing award in the category ‘Student Recruitment programme’.
They have also recently been awarded the Vice Chancellor’s award which rewards
excellent results and achievement within the University.
On a final note I am pleased to say that we will be holding the first of what we hope
will be many alumni events in Fulbourn on September 10th from 6.00–9.00pm.
Details have been sent out to our past Homerton and HSHS students but all alumni
are welcome so if you wish to attend please do get in touch.
Best wishes
David Humber – Pro Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean
Nursing and Midwifery
Council Review
Cancer research laboratory
The NMC review took place in February
2009 and focused on specialist community
public health nursing/health visiting and
pre-registration mental health nursing.
FHSC obtained a good level of achievement
in the 5 areas monitored (academic
programme’s resources, admission and
progression, practice learning, fitness for
practice and quality assurance).
The Helen Rollason Research Laboratory
is a pioneering cancer research base which
uses freshly collected tumour samples to
conduct ground-breaking research into
breast cancer. The lab was officially
launched on February 12 by Simon Burns
MP. For more information about the charity
Dr Valerie Shephard
Baby friendly award
Anglia Ruskin University has been awarded
a certificate of commitment from the
UNICEF baby friendly initiative for the high
levels of training in breastfeeding provided
to student midwives. The University is the
sixth higher education institution nationally
to be awarded this certificate.
Social work courses
rated excellent
The Social work degree offered by FHSC
was again rated highly in the University
guide league tables published by the
Guardian in May 2009. The course was
rated as 7th best social work course in the
country with an average teaching score of
Faculty of Health & Social Care
Aspects Summer 2009
Faculty of Science & Technology
Top-rated Psychology
Every 6–7 years UK universities have their
research assessed (the RAE) and last year,
our Psychology Department was included
in the exercise for the first time. Based
on the results of the RAE, published in
December 2008, we are the UK’s top-rated
psychology department in a ‘new’
university for the quality of our research.
80% of our research was rated as being
of ‘International Quality’, with 45% of our
research activity judged to be either ‘World
Leading’ or ‘Internationally Excellent’ in
terms of originality, significance and rigour.
Indeed, in terms of world leading or
internationally excellent research, we are
now rated as one of the top 30 psychology
departments overall in the UK. New
postgraduate psychology degrees will
be launched for 2010 intake.
New Equestrian Partnership
The College of West Anglia and Anglia
Ruskin, are working in partnership to offer
an exciting new undergraduate Equine
Studies degree. This offers a unique
opportunity to benefit from the expertise
of both establishments. For further details,
please visit
Cambridge Science Festival
Our Faculty were delighted to be Associate
Sponsors of the Cambridge Science Festival
this year, which took place from 9–22
March. Around 30,000 visitors enjoyed
science related activities at venues across
A number of events were held on the
Cambridge campus throughout the festival
and we took over The Guildhall in central
Cambridge as part of ‘Science on Saturday’,
hosting a wide range of interactive fun for
all the family. The Science Festival was
an immense amount of fun and, as ever,
extremely popular amongst visitors of all
ages. We hope that you will join us at next
year’s Festival.
Children having fun at the Science Festival
Award Winning Lecturers
Professor Hassan Shirvani, from the
Department of Computing and Technology,
won a Lord Stafford award in March 2009,
for his collaboration with Air Pollution
Products & Services. They pioneered an
environmentally-friendly odour, dust and
bacteria control device.
Following a rigorous selection process Liam
Kite, senior lecturer in the Department of
Optometry and Ophthalmic Dispensing
has been appointed to the General Optical
Council (GOC). The GOC are the regulator
for the optical professions in the UK and
protect the public by promoting high
standards of education, conduct and
performance amongst opticians.
New Postgraduate
Three new MSc programmes have been
developed by the Department of the
Built Environment which complement the
existing MSc programmes to provide a
comprehensive choice of courses across
the built environment. The new MSc
programmes are aimed at graduates and
professionals who wish to further develop
an existing career or to develop a new
career in one of the areas offered.
MSc Project Management and MSc
Construction Management are designed
to develop the key management skills
required to effectively manage construction
projects; both are accredited by the
Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and
the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
MSc Sustainable Construction has been
designed to develop knowledge and skills
in the increasingly important fields of
environment, sustainability and management
in the built environment. The programme
is accredited by the Chartered Institute
of Building (CIOB).
All the programmes can be studied fulltime over one year or part-time one day per
week for two years, can be commenced in
September or February and are delivered
at the Chelmsford Campus. Further
information can be obtained by
contacting Dr. Michael Coffey,
We have wide a range of postgraduate
courses throughout the Faculty including:
MSc Computing and the Internet
MSc DNA Analysis
MSc Engineering Management
MSc Forensic Science
MSc Network management
MSc Mobile Telecommunications
For a full list of all our postgraduate and
research opportunities please visit:
Aspects Summer 2009
Elizabethan Pond Restored
environmental remediation of
the pond in December 2007.
Both Anglia Ruskin and Entec
worked closely with the
Environment Agency to develop
a proposal to re-silt the pond,
remediate the contaminated
pond deposit, improve the
pond’s ecological value and
create a new landscape
resource for the community.
Dams were placed along the
millrace and the exit to the
pond and the site was electro
fished to make sure all
creatures were safely removed.
Anglia Ruskin has been
involved in an 18-month
project to restore the historic
mill pond situated behind our
Ashcroft Building, Rivermead
campus, which dates back to
Elizabethan times.
Entec was commissioned
to design and manage the
To maximise the pond’s
natural habitat, a survey was
conducted prior to works taking
place, which will be monitored
as the pond management
Music Therapy Appeal
Student Concert –
‘Journeys in Music’
26th May 2009
Emmanuel Reformed Church
Many thanks to our MA Music
Therapy students for a splendid
charity concert held at the
Emmanuel Church recently.
The students, along with staff
members Amelia Oldfield,
Helen Odell-Miller, Helen Loth
and Eleanor Richards, gave a
magnificent performance of a
wide selection of classical pieces
interspersed with readings.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable
evening for both guests and
performers and we were
delighted with the money
raised on the evening for our
Music Therapy Appeal. We
hope to make this an annual
late spring concert, giving our
Music Therapy students an
opportunity for public
performance whilst raising
funds for a very worthwhile
cause, so if you missed this
concert, please watch out for
next year’s!
Orchestra Concert
for Music Therapy
13th June 2009
Once again the Cambridge
Orchestra kindly staged a
concert at the West Road
Concert Hall in aid of our Music
Therapy Appeal. We held a
pre-concert reception for guests
and friends of Anglia Ruskin
University and one of our
Patrons, Dr Mary Archer, said
a few words during the interval
about the Appeal, along with
Derrik Ferney, Dean of ALSS.
Everybody thoroughly enjoyed
the evening of music, skilfully
conducted by Darrell Davison.
The piano piece by Madalina
Rusu was particularly special.
We raised almost £450 in
donations on the evening and
we’re grateful to all in the
Cambridge Orchestra and
those who came along to
Cambridge Folk
30 July – 2 August 2009,
Cherry Hinton Hall
Our Music Therapy students
will be manning the stall and
running workshops this year,
so if you’re going to the
festival please stop by the
stall and say hello. They’ll be
in the usual spot just outside
the main gate.
project continues. Reports
have demonstrated that the
remediation of this site would
increase the ecological niches
and provide the habitat
opportunities for other species
to colonise.
Lord Hanningfield, the leader
of Essex County Council who
dedicates his time to rural and
conservation issues, officially
opened the mill pond and said,
“I am delighted that the work
Anglia Ruskin has carried
out has retained the site for
Chelmsford and the public
at large”.
For further information please
estatedevelopment or visit The
Chelmer Valley Nature Reserve.
Success in
It’s not too late to enter this
year’s Success in Business
award – nominations close
on 20th August 2009 with
the award presented at
graduations in November.
To download a nomination
form and guidelines go to
and click on Alumni
Achievements, then Success
in Business for your chance
to be this year’s winner!
Aspects Summer 2009
Staff snippets
Jeremy Mulvey, Research Convenor for
Cambridge School of Art, is standing for
membership of the prestigious New English
Art Club at the Mall Galleries, London
following selection of his work for an
exhibition last November. His paintings
caught the eye of the media, with his
pieces, which take a wry look at the
business world, were heralded as reflecting
the curious and unsettling financial times
in which we live.
In February, Guy Norton, from the
Department of Life Sciences, was invited to
Arusha, by the Tanzania Wildlife Research
Institute (TAWRI) to participate in a
3-day workshop aimed at developing a
Conservation Action Plan for primates
there. Tanzanian authorities and scientists
from around the globe gathered to advise
on a sustainable utilisation and protection
of this crucial national resource. Guy has
been working in Tanzania for over 30 years
and in 2003 received a special award from
the Tanzanian government for his dedication
to wildlife conservation through research.
Last year Guy talked about his work and
experiences in Tanzania in a special
audience with President Jakaya Kikwete.
Alan Griffiths and Stuart Wall are
celebrating the 25th birthday of Applied
Economics, now in its 11th edition – the
1st edition was strongly recommended in a
lengthy forward by Professor James Meade,
the UK’s first Nobel Laureate in Economics.
Widely regarded as a tour de force, it is
the UK’s best-selling text in the genre and
features today as recommended reading
on a wide range of economics and business
courses throughout the UK and overseas.
In March, two of our historians were in
the media. Séan Lang spoke on Radio 4’s
Today programme on historical precedents
Our University’s first Vice Chancellor,
Mike Salmon, has been appointed as
Acting Director and consultant for the
Postgraduate Medical Institute (PMI) on
the Rivermead campus. Mike commented,
“The creating of the PMI is a truly exciting
venture which perfectly encapsulates
the distinctive role Anglia Ruskin plays in
higher education. It was a great honour to
be asked by the Vice Chancellor to assist
in establishing the Institute, in an interim
capacity until a permanent Chief Executive
is identified.”
Stuart Wall and Alan Griffiths
for unpopular ministers being pelted with
custard, to give some context to Lord
Mandelson’s encounter with green custard.
Then Channel 4 re-ran a documentary,
Queen Victoria’s Men, to which Clarissa
Campbell Orr contributed. She has also
been advising a Guardian feature journalist
on the topic of whether Queen Charlotte
(wife of George III) had black ancestry.
Dr John Gardiner, of the Department of
English, Communication, Film & Media,
has won a Fellowship at Delhi University.
He said, “It’s a terrific department with
a considerable international reputation.
I’m delighted to get this.” John will give
lectures on Blake, Byron and Pierce Egan
as well as teaching MPhil students poetry.
Chris Beckett shortlisted for short story
prize. A Senior Lecturer in Social Work,
Chris is one of five authors shortlisted for
the 2009 Edge Hill Short Story Prize, the
only competition in the UK for the best
short story collection by a single author.
Chris, who also teaches on Anglia Ruskin
creative writing courses, was nominated for
his collection of science fiction stories The
Turing Test, published in 2008 by Elastic
Press. The winner of the award will be
announced at a ceremony at Bluecoat Arts
Centre, Liverpool on 4th July.
Aspects Summer 2009
Maxine’s road
New book by
Chelmsford Chaplaincy to Education
Over four years ago now, three
members of the Chelmsford
Chaplaincy team completed
major pieces of work for higher
degrees. Each of them was
a theological reflection from
their particular professional
standpoint, on the place and
impact of faith and Chaplaincy
as it reacts with a Higher
Education institution; a PhD
thesis from The Rev’d Dr
Michael Powell (part time
lecturer in the Built
Environment, Faculty of
Science & Technology) and
two dissertations for the MA
in Pastoral Theology from
Diana Garfield (Faculty Liaison
Librarian, AIBS Academic
Services Division) and The
Rev’d Ivor Moody (full time
Chaplain on the Chelmsford
Following this extraordinary
and closely timed output of
thought, we wanted to examine
connections and shared themes
between the three pieces of
work and to try in some way
to produce a synthesis of
thinking which would further
Chaplaincy’s understanding
and ministry at Anglia Ruskin
The result was the launch of
a little book last November
which is an exercise in
‘narrative theology’ –
looking at the history and
interaction of Chaplaincy
with our University from
three different perspectives,
and which reflects the
process of storytelling upon
which Michael, Diana and
I were engaged when we
were doing our separate
pieces of work.
You can view the document
on the Chaplaincy website
.phtml. If you would like a
hard copy, please contact
Ivor on 0845 196 7722
or email
The copies are free, but a
donation to Mission Croatia
funds in lieu of payment
would be appreciated!
Ivor Moody was installed as
a non-residentiary Canon of
Chelmsford Cathedral on
22nd February. The Bishop
of Chelmsford bestowed the
honour partly in recognition
of the work done to build up
the Chaplaincy and its work
on our Chelmsford campus.
As such, it is also in
recognition of the many
people who have worked
with and in support of the
Chaplaincy and its work
with so many communities
in Chelmsford and beyond.
Following a brief stint at
Anglia Polytechnic University
(as it was then) in 1994–95
as an administrator for a
nursing course based at
a hospital site, I rejoined
the Faculty of Education
in January 2000, having
completed my family – a new
job for the new millennium.
The Faculty moved from
the Brentwood site to new
facilities at Rivermead in
the April and I gradually
increased my working hours
and became the Research
Administrator. But, it was
during 2001–02 when, as a
Training Administrator in HR,
my line manager suggested
I start a degree. Having
scraped through my A-levels
many years before, this
seemed very daunting, but
the opportunity to complete
an HNC after the first year
and an HND after the second
if it all proved too much
persuaded me to give it a go.
Five years later, and after a
switch back to the Faculty of
Education, I gained the BA
(Hons) Business Management
with a 2:1. I couldn’t have
achieved this without the
support of my family, friends
and colleagues, and, of course,
the institution’s assistance
in terms of funding, study
leave and being a source of
experience on which to base
my assignments! I have also
moved up again, becoming the
Faculty’s Resources Manager
in 2005.
Having had a year off from
studying, I decided this year to
do the postgraduate Certificate
in Management, and may even
sign up for the Diploma next
year. My daughters are now
13 and 11, and I hope I set
an example to them as to what
can be achieved even when
working full time and bringing
up a family. At least they have
no excuse not to sit down and
do their homework when I do
Maxine Levy
Faculty Resources Manager
Staff Profile
Aspects Summer 2009
Better and better
Let’s start with congratulations
to our Football and Rugby
teams in their respective Cup
successes. Appearing in a final
at any level is exciting and
something to be very proud of.
Rugby took the trophy for the
SESSA Plate and Football
contested the SESSA Challenge
Plate Final, great achievements.
Both these sports seem to be
having a golden period, and
with continued input from Sid
Hoult in the Rugby and Chris
Finch in the Football, we hope
2009/10 will be just as
Hopefully you will have read
about the success of our
players in the SESSA
Badminton Tournament, which
again was hosted here at Anglia
Ruskin. Thanks to Jo Harbrow
and Pamela Clarke for their
endeavours in this respect and
well played to our students.
American Football
American Football achieved a
landmark award for their
development of players and the
cheerleading girls continued to
take their sport seriously – they
train more than any other group!
Netball was possibly the
biggest plus of the year; we
trailed a joint approach with
Writtle College which proved
to be ever so successful, and
perhaps shows the way forward
for students at our University.
We managed to compete in
the SESSA league where we
finished 3rd and had a cracking
run to the Cup semi final.
Many of you will know that
managing to find the time
to play representative sport
is difficult, and so these
achievements should be
seen against that backdrop.
We have more Athletes coming
out of the woodwork, and again
had entries in the SESSA
Indoor event at Pickets Lock
and the BUCS indoors at
Sheffield. James Shane took
Gold for us in the 800m and
has promised Gold by the time
he leaves us in 2011. Watch
the name!! He is one of our
ELITE Athletes.
Cricket is growing in popularity
again, and we have been lucky
enough to secure some help
with coaching from the Essex
Cricket Board. We entered a
team in the SESSA six-a-side,
and were very, very unlucky
not to contest the final. I am
sure this will not be the case
in 2010. We still provide more
players for the UCCE squad
than Cambridge University,
although most do hail from our
sister campus in Cambridge.
Volleyball will develop; as a
University we have donated
our old set of playing posts
and stands to support a new
development centre at Sandon
School. Hopefully this will see
more youngsters come and join
the Town and Gown sessions,
which then enhances the
opportunity for our students to
take up the sport or continue
the sport to the highest level
they can. We might even put
a team in a SESSA or BUCS
Fencing shows a healthy return
on the investment it has shown
as a club. The ten week
beginners courses have proved
to be a remarkable success and
these are now established as
part of the University calendar
Judo has a regular number of
town followers and indeed has
had some success in regional
We are also delighted to host
a number of other Martial Art
clubs; Muay Thai, Jujitsu,
Karate and Krav Maga, – they
all add to the variety of life here
at Anglia Ruskin and are very
successful in all the things that
they do.
Table Tennis
In terms of connections with
other clubs and events, we
continue to host Chelmsford
& District Table Tennis
Championship, and even
had one or two of our regular
members of the Wednesday
afternoon club try and gain
entry. For those that remember
Cyril Drimmer, he is still as
enthusiastic as ever about his
We now act as an elite
training venue for both Essex
Badminton and Netball, and
are building relationships with
Chelmsford City Football Club
and its community team. Our
landscape is changing and I
hope to report on even greater
success in the next edition.
It would be great to report that
we had been chosen as a venue
to host an Olympic team in the
build up to 2012! Wouldn’t
it just!
Steve Dupree
Head, Department of Sport,
Active Lifestyles & Wellbeing
Aspects Summer 2009
The Anglia Ruskin Cricket
Club have now also received
additional funding and
coaching support from the
Students’ Union, and are
working more closely with
UCCE as a support arm.
They entered the BUCS Indoor
Championships, where the
squad were very successful
in the Championship heats,
quarter finals and semi finals,
only to lose in the finals at
Lords cricket ground.
Anglia Cup
Every year we hold the annual
football tournament where
current students and former
students compete in their
teams for the prestigious
Anglia Cup. Not only is it a fun
day of sport, but it is also an
opportunity to catch up with
students from previous years
(one team has been playing in
the Anglia Cup for 15 years!).
This year we had 15 men’s
teams and 6 women’s teams
compete. The men’s
competition was won by one
of our ‘old boys teams’ – APU
Volleyball – and the women’s
competition was won by our
current women’s football team.
After a long day of fixtures
everyone went back to the SU
bar to drown their sorrows –
or celebrate and be presented
with their awards.
SU Gym
The Students’ Union offers a
wide range of sports facilities
and activities. The Cambridge
Gym is also run by the Students’
Union and provides a number
of additional services including
personal fitness programmes,
personal training and fitness
evaluations at additional costs.
It is also a fully accredited
body by the Fitness Industry
Association, meaning the
gym adheres to an industry
standard Code of Practice.
On Saturday 6th December
the official boat launch took
place at Emmanuel Boat
House, where the Vice
Chancellor unveiled the new
boats, which are named John
Ruskin and Jeremy Rossiter.
With the increase in coaching
support, and new equipment;
Anglia Ruskin Boat Club have
gone from strength to strength
and are intending to compete
in the prestigious Henley
Regatta this summer. You
can follow their progress at
Anglia Ruskin
Students’ Union
Student Activities
Sports clubs and societies
on both campuses are run
by the Students’ Union.
These groups provide a great
opportunity to make friends,
meet like minded people and
stay fit. With over 70 clubs
and societies, we hope there
should be something for
everyone, but if you can’t find
something for you then the
Students’ Union will be able
to help you set up a new
one. Clubs and Societies can
also be found at our annual
Freshers’ Fairs on each
campus where they will give
you the chance to sign up and
also meet current members
of the club or society. The
Students’ Union also runs
a number of ‘Give it a Go’
sessions on each campus
which give students a taster
of new activities. These ‘Give
it a Go’ sessions encompass
a number of day trips and
events such as Thorpe Park
or Ice-Skating.
Reduced prices
for alumni
To see all the exciting benefits
we have negotiated for you
New deals are being
published all the time,
so you need to check the
alumni website for the latest
discounts on days out, travel,
hotels, golf and lots more!
Aspects Summer 2009
Hazel Dawn Wilkin
(née Symonds, Business Training)
“In 1949 I joined the Civil
Service in Cambridge. I married
in 1954 and lived in Norwich
for 10 years where my two
children were born. Moved
to Ipswich for 3 years and
became a School Secretary,
then we moved to Jersey
as my husband’s job had been
transferred. Following my
divorce I ran a guest house
in St Helier for 3 years, then
retrained in Trust Accounting
and finished working life as an
Assistant with Ernest Young.
I play bowls and bridge.”
Simon New (BA Hons Geography)
“Since graduating I have
worked in the travel industry,
firstly for a couple of airlines
and then for the last 20 years
in Business Travel. I now coown my own business travel
agency. I have 3 children and
still keep in touch with some
of my fellow students.”
Ian Runeckles (BSc Quantity Surveying)
“I have been working as a
Circuit Rider – which is an ICT
development worker in the
voluntary sector – for the past
ten years. I have now moved out
of London to near Norwich and
am looking for pastures new!”
Nicholas Deacon
(BA Hons Humanities/Sociology)
“After graduating from Hum/Soc
(Economics and Spanish),
I returned to Murcia in Spain,
where I had spent the year
away. I worked there for two
years at a school before
returning to home to Australia.
I then studied a Postgrad
diploma in Journalism and
started my journalism career in
1999 in Port Douglas. In 2000
I joined the daily newspaper
in my home town – the Gold
Coast – where I now work as
News Editor. I come back to the
UK regularly, as well as visiting
Murcia where I still have the
close friends I met in 1990–91
during our year abroad.”
Abbie Mason (BA English
& European Thought & Literature)
“I am newly moved from west
Cambridge to the golden valley
in Hertfordshire. I’m working at
Hertfordshire Council promoting
cultural services (arts, heritage,
libraries, sport and leisure)
across the county. I’ve just
completed a diploma in teaching
Arabic dance and run belly
dancing classes, workshops etc.
I also perform at parties
demonstrations, charity gigs.”
Stephen Denney (BA Hons History)
“I have lived in Japan for the
last 14 years with my Japanese
wife, whom I met at Anglia
(she was a language student).
I completed an MA in
Advanced Japanese Studies
by Distance Learning from the
University of Sheffield in 2006
and now work as a corporate
trainer/translator for Mitsubishi
Securities in Tokyo.”
Gary Keys (HNC Mechanical
& Production Engineering)
“I have retired to France and
would be pleased to hear from
anyone who was on my course.
Contact through Alumni.”
Laurie (Florence) Kirk
(HND Business Studies)
“I’m still consulting in
computer systems, validating
and quality systems in the BioPharm industry. I’m currently
coming to the end of a 2 year
engagement at Bristol-Meyers
Squibb in Princeton, NJ, after
2 years at Wyeth Research in
Collegeville PA. I should have
retired to my house in Myrtle
Beach South Carolina last year,
P.S: Where is Joyce Deeley???”
Neil Mutch (BA Hons Geography)
“I’m mainly working in the
conservation sector carrying
out environmental management
projects around Merseyside.
I have been working as a
Ranger for the past 6 years
in St Helens.”
Stephanie Powell (BA Hons English)
“Gosh, it’s now 14 years since
I graduated from Anglia! I had
three very happy years there and
made some fabulous friends,
three of whom are still my
closest friends. In brief, I returned
to London after university, where
I became a Sales Manager in the
West End. I moved to Brighton
four years ago, where I now live
with my partner of five years.
I did recruitment for three years,
but have now moved into careers
advice for 16–19 year olds
within the public sector. Please
get in touch anyone who knows
Glenn Rudman (BSc Hons RRD Science
& Political Environmental Issues)
“I emigrated to Canada in
2006 and am working for
an engineering/environmental
consultancy in the Yukon.
I get to see bears, caribou,
elk, wolverine, lynx and arctic
flowers and the cross-country
skiing is awesome!”
Julie Brown (née Fullforth,
BA Hons Business & English)
“I went on to complete
my CIPD through APU in
Chelmsford by flexible learning,
and then an MA in Industrial
Relations from Keele University,
also while working full-time.
I married Tao Brown, who I
met via the Rock & Alternative
Music Society at Anglia when
we were both students there,
and we have two children –
Taegan and Estrella aged 4
and 18 months. Tao is a
house-husband while I work
full time in HR.”
Chirsty Cairns (BA Hons History)
“At present I am working
on a magazine site called which
contains articles written by
myself and an old fellow
student, Julie Hawkes. The site
is experimenting with spoof
and serious articles and will be
launching its own video links
pretty soon. Anglia was a great
place to develop a comedy
style of writing. So, if anyone
remembers me or Julie, do
come and have a look at the
Bugleonline. We are always
looking for contributors.”
Aspects Summer 09
Claire Lavagne-Paris (BA Hons
European Business Economics,
MA International Business 1997)
“Hi to all the French students
who were at Anglia during
1995–1997. I had a good time
in Cambridge during my studies
and met a lot of great people. I
still live in the South of France
with my three children and am
thinking of re-starting my career.”
Mary Windus (BA Hons History)
“I spent Christmas in Rimini,
Italy and met my daughter-inlaw’s family. My grandson has
started primary school in UK.
I am in Cambridge City
Orchestra. In the summer
I visited the USA, going by
train from New York to
Pele (Peter) Tinggom (LLB Hons Law)
“I miss the campus at
Chelmsford and my football
team at Anglia. I was in the 3rd
team for the second half of
1995 and managed to be in the
1st team in 1996 – the only
Asian in the 1st team! I enjoyed
my time with the football team
at the university bar after the
matches. Last but not least,
salute to Anglia as one of the
best universities in the UK.
Without Anglia who am I.”
Lynne Williams (née Whitehead,
BEd Primary Teaching)
“I am currently teaching
Foundation Phase in South
Wales but am about to set
up my own business – Single
Steps Learning. I recently had
my first book published by
Scholastic – Creative Activities
for Thinking and Learning Skills
5–7 yr olds. Thanks to all in
the Education Faculty at
Brentwood 1992–1996 for
setting me off in the right
direction, particularly Denis
Stanley Hedges (BA Hons English)
“A special welcome to readers,
writers, poets, artists and
philosophers! Enjoy my website.”
Donna Eley
(BSc Hons Education – SITT)
“I completed my degree in June
2002 and started as NQT at
Prittlewell Technology College on
1st July 2002! I left a year later,
after being contacted by the
Head of Science at William de
Ferrers School, which is one of
the schools where I completed
my course placements. I spent a
happy few years there, teaching
science and as SENCo in the
Support Department. Sadly, in
April 2007 I had to resign to
care for my sons who had
become unwell with an unusual
medical condition – Postural
Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).
Happily they are both much
better now with medication
controlling their symptoms.
Currently I am looking to return
to working in education.”
Nicky Knights (BSc Hons Psychology)
“After graduating I worked
as an Assistant Clinical
Psychologist before completing
an MSc Research Methods
in Psychology at Goldsmiths.
I was employed as a Research
Associate at University of
East Anglia and University
of Birmingham and am now
conducting a PhD evaluating
the effectiveness of a recovery
programme for bullied children
in Cambridge (Red Balloon
Learner Centre).”
Corinne Jenden-Selway
(HND Graphic Design)
“Since graduating from Anglia
Ruskin University I have
emigrated to Canada. We have
set up our own retail store and
offer full interior design services
and colour consultancy advice.
We also have our own Healthy
Chocolate business and are
currently recruiting for UK
distributors. We are enjoying
life in Canada (including all the
snow ha ha).”
Faye Bonner (DHE Nursing (Adult)
Registered Nurse)
“I worked on an oncology/
ward from 2006–2008.
I am currently working
at the Fitzwilliam Hospital in
Peterborough and am about to
re-join Anglia Ruskin University
to complete my degree course.”
Zoe Stoten (DHE Nursing (Adult)
Registered Nurse)
“I left the acute trust hospital
after three months of qualifying
to join Epping District Nurse
team as a Community Staff
Nurse. I recently went back in
October and accepted the offer of
a band 6 post as Tissue Viability
Nurse within the same trust.”
Anne Hardy (MSc Nursing Practice,
BSC Hons Health & Social Studies
“2008 was my 61st year –
it was amazing. Having resubmitted my MSc dissertation
I graduated in the November as
I missed the 2007 graduation.
I took the Trans-Siberia railway
from Moscow to Beijing in
March 2008 for my birthday.
We did dog-sledging in Siberia
and stopped off in Mongolia.
Ulaan Bataar is a magical
country that I returned to in
September to do three weeks of
voluntary teaching. I was made
redundant In August, travelled
to New Zealand to visit my son
(who got a LLB Hons from
Anglia in 1993) and I was
there for five weeks for
Christmas. Gaining my MSc
filled me with confidence and
I now have another job near
Eastbourne, East Sussex.”
John Richardson
(MSc Stress Management)
“Whilst taking my degree I was
in my current job role as Head
of Security for FedEx UK.
I also work as a therapist at my
workplace and practice at home.
I am a leading member of and
I am promoting membership
of this company, who provide
training to individuals seeking
an eclectic style therapy career.
The help and support I was
given to obtain my MSC not only
widened my knowledgebase,
but assisted in my credibility
Catherine Drake
(BA Learning, Technology & Research)
“Originally I obtained a Diploma
in European Languages (DEL)
in 1984 at the Chelmer Institute
in Chelmsford. I have now
graduated with an Ultraversity
BA in Learning, Technology and
Aspects Summer 2009
Harry Browne, who died on 15th January
aged 90, will be remembered fondly by all
who knew him during his many years at
Best remembered as Head of Humanities
throughout the 1970s, before that he
served for many years as a Lecturer, then
Principal Lecturer in History – a role which
he combined with College Librarian for
several years. Under Harry’s leadership,
the Department moved from teaching
London external degrees to achieving
CNAA validation for its programmes and
by his retirement in 1982, had around 80
academic staff, was responsible for running
4 of CCAT’s 7 honours degree programmes,
and offered a wide range of courses at subdegree level.
It was my privilege to succeed Harry as
Head of Humanities, inheriting a very wellrun department in which he had gathered
a hugely talented staff group (with its
fair share of eccentrics) which combined
the highest academic standards with
academically adventurous creativity and
a friendly atmosphere based on mutual
respect and the most civilised kind of
Harry was a true gentleman, cultivated,
widely read, hugely civilised, kind and
thoughtful. His four children and his many
friends will miss him.
Steve Marshall
Formerly Pro Vice Chancellor at APU
For full obituaries please go to Aspects online at
Mid-Essex Tech alumnus Peter Carter has
sadly died at the age of 82. After leaving
the Tech in 1942 and working at Christy &
Norris, he joined up for National Service in
the RAF in 1944, later transferring into the
Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers
in the Army, seeing service in India and
Japan. After World War 2 he returned to
work as a design engineer, then built a
successful career with the Crown Agents for
the Colonies, planning and overseeing civil
engineering projects in Africa, India and the
Peter initiated the idea of publishing a book
on the history of technical education in
Mid-Essex – from early evening classes
in Crane Court, Chelmsford right through
to the Anglia Ruskin of today. The book,
I Went To The Tech, sold out, allowing a
sizeable donation to be made to Anglia
Ruskin for an annual award to be made
in the Faculty of Science & Technology.
Following a series of falls and a tragic
accident he passed away peacefully on
12th February. He was a good friend and
neighbour and will be greatly missed by
Reg Richardson, (Chairman, Book Committee)
and friends Alan Taylor and Tony Fewell
We were sad to hear of the death of
Michael Leadbetter earlier this year.
Former president of the Association of
Directors of Social Services and an Anglia
Ruskin Honorary Award holder, Michael
died of cancer aged 62.
A keen rugby fan, Michael won 35 caps
for Lancashire and was also capped for
the England team. After a career change,
Michael worked with Manchester then
Tameside Social Services, joining Essex
County Council as Director of Social
Services in 1993, where he remained
until his retirement tin 2003.
Michael will be remembered for being one
of the most charismatic social services
directors, who remained focused on the
needs and interests of the users of social
services throughout his life. He played a
leading role in developing the partnership
that now exists between Essex Social
Services and Anglia Ruskin, and was
deservedly awarded the honorary degree
of Doctor of the University in 2001. The
new learning centre at the charity Voice,
for those working with children and young
people, will be named the Leadbetter
Learning Centre, in recognition of his
special interest in learning and his lifetime
Aspects Summer 2009
Emma Bearfoot (BA Hons History 1998,
MA Victorian Studies 2008) passed
away suddenly at home in January.
Emma studied mainly British and
European history, achieving a 2:1 degree.
She was a very lively and popular
member of the History faculty and was
well known for her dry sense of humour
and infectious laugh.
After finishing her first degree, Emma
worked at the University Examination
Syndicate in Hills Road, before moving
back to Wiltshire in 2006. She then
took the Victorian Studies MA and wrote
a thesis on female education in the
nineteenth century, a great interest of
hers, heroically managing to complete
the dissertation despite increasingly
poor health. Her research involved using
archives at the Godolphin School in
Wiltshire which she had herself attended.
This led to the offer of a job as the
school’s archivist, a position she was
due to take up in February.
Jane Cooper (BA Hons Business
Management, 2005) married Andy
Wallington on 16th August 2007 after
meeting 8 years ago in Royston. The
wedding took place at St John the Baptist
Church, Royston, followed by a reception
at Parklands, Quendon, Essex. They
honeymooned in South Africa and now
have a beautiful daughter called Ruby
who was born on 26th October 2008.
Foteini Gkioura (BSc Hons Ophthalmic
Dispensing with Computer Science, 2000)
feels really lucky that she met her husband
Georgios Konstantopoulos (BSC Hons
Computer Science, 1998) whilst they were
both studying at APU in Cambridge. They
married in Foteini’s home town of Kozani in
northern Greece on 3rd September 2005.
Emma was an active researcher and
volunteer for Asthma UK for a number
of years and helped many other Asthma
sufferers cope with their illness. She
returned to Anglia Ruskin last year for
the History reunion and attended her
graduation ceremony for her master’s
degree in September.
Emma was dauntless in spite of her
troubles and a great example of persistence
to us all. She lived her life with good
humour, determination and courage and
was much loved by her family and friends.
Sarah Billam
Rachel Jones (BA Hons Primary
Education, QTS, 2006) married Carl
Smith on 11th August 2007 at The
Old Rectory Hotel, Crostwick, Norwich.
Rachel has been working as a full time
teacher since then.
Elina Ahonen (BA Hons Illustration 2002)
and Peter Holley were married at Mikael
Agricola’s church in Helsinki, Finland on
the 26th July 2008. The reception was
held at Laurinlahti Boat Club and they
spent their honeymoon in NYC, USA. Elina
met Peter in Cambridge where they both
studied. After graduating, Elina continued
her studies in Finland, where she
graduated from EVTEK Institute of Art and
Design with BA Hons in Graphic Design
2005. Currently Elina works as an Art
Director and Peter is a doctoral candidate
at the University of Helsinki.
Aspects Summer 2009
Last Words
A Symbol
Of Your
Hello to you all. As always, the time
between magazines just flies by and
I cannot believe I’m sitting here again
writing my message to you.
There’s some great news from your
University in this issue, especially Lord
Ashcroft’s generous donation, for which we
are extremely grateful. But also take some
time to read Things you may not know
about your University on page 15 –
you may well be surprised at some of the
facts and figures and should certainly be
impressed at some of the advances we
are making. And, as always, we have news
of alumni and what they are doing. Our
graduates from across the faculties, courses
and ages are doing great things, including
working as a BBC sports presenter and the
Attorney General!
Despite the current economic climate,
which impacts on all of us, we still have
many alumni starting their own business,
which is very heartening. We can help
those of you who are running your own
companies by publicising your company
on the alumni website. Also, we shall
be running our Entrepreneurs’ Question
Time again in the autumn, this time in
Cambridge. Come along and hear how
some of our alumni went about launching
their own companies, what were the highs
and lows. There are details of this and all
our events on page 17.
Thank you to everyone who entered our
i-Pod draw. In each issue I remind you all
to let us have your email addresses so we
can contact you more speedily. Following
the draw we can now contact over 11,000
of you in this way, making it easier to
invite you along to events or pass on
opportunities that may be of benefit.
The money saved on postage will be
used by the Alumni Office to improve
and increase other services to you.
Lastly, we say a sad goodbye and big
thank you to Ollie who has worked with
the alumni team for 2 years and has now
moved on to a new job in PR. I’ll announce
the new team member in the Winter issue.
That’s all from me for the moment, so
enjoy the read, remember to check out the
website for news and events, and see you
all again at Christmas!
A high quality pin badge of our
University crest which can be used
either on the lapel or as a tie pin.
Available in person from the Alumni
Office on the Rivermead campus in
Chelmsford for £3.00.
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Chelmsford CM1 1SQ, UK
UK tel: 0845 196 4714
International tel: +44 (0)1245 493131
ext 4714
Fax: +44 (0)1245 683690
Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Anglia Ruskin
University or the Editor.
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Cost (inc. postage) – £4.00 for UK
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